THE MONTROSE '.ii:EVIOCRAM' E. B. HA.V7LEY & Qo., Proprietors. VOLUNIE 3d. THE DEMOCRAT Is Published Every Wednesday Morning, at Montrose, Susquehanna County, Pa., By E. D. Raw Joy fir. Co. VI a year in advance, or $2.50 if not in advance RATES OF ADVERTISING (Three fonrths loch of space, or leis, mato a square.) One sluare, 3 weeks or less, $1.150; 1 month $4,241; 3 months $2.50; 6 months $4.50 ; 1 year, $.1.011 Quarterly, lialtvenrly and yearly adver tisements inserted at a)theral reduction on the shove rates. When vent withont any- length of time specified for publication they. .will ho con tinued until ordered out and charged according ly. Anditor's Notices, $2.50; Executor's and Ad. ministrntone Notices, $3,00. All controunlen tions of litoitell or iroliolaual interest, 10 cents per line. Minton. Notices, 10 cents pet line.— Ititrlage :tad 1*41.11 Notices free. Jon PRI N'TI SO Executed Neatly and Promptly, Dealt, Mortgagea, Rotes, Justtr,da', Censta bine School and other blanks lor sale. Business Cards J. R ,E .4. II lfeCOLl,Lrlf. , A 71 . 01141 M. AT LAB Ora, neer the Bank, Montrose Pe. Stoutftete, May 10. ISII. tt D. W. SE' ARLF:, ArTORVIT.T AT LAW. office ovrt the Store of Deeeeuer.le the Brick Mock, Montroee, Pa. [nal V., W. W. SHITIT, CABINET AND CHAIR MANUI , ACTURICPS —roc, Mftilloarr.L Morn o. Pa. 'AVE. 1. 13C9. N. C. SUTTON, A r4710 , ; 5E12, and INSVIIMCC, V 4.4v1110., Ps, A.VI A' L 5", I.:FIT .1) STATE.; AUCTIJ EEIL =EEO JOILV fin° I'EN, A , IIIONA.BI.ET-si:Jft, ' , hr.-inst. Pa. Shop ova; Clonedlees Store. AP ordere filled I. fireereteetyle • • iog done on othort notice. ATM warranted to flt, A. 0. WARREN; A TTORNEY A. LAIN. !Sunray, It Pay. Permian and E[CM on U. .Itll, uturoded to. °trot dr • ••r below /3.3y.t's Stor, MOl4 tf.C.I . A. LAo. 1. •C 9 17. 4. ellip:g IfOy ltt , n..7lft law, Oflira at ta• l'oua In the wan - 4.101er". ON., W A.cuoaaras. K.utre..... e.“ au. Is7l.—lf. 4. co. - T tier- In Dry tiorels, 'lotninz, Ladlen and ant 'hoe. . — t7 - 17, .teut the great nmerir,t. Tea and I.:4ltne iStoutruee..lnt 17. :14 Dl. W. Ir. 5.;1.1777, T¢+rr•r Beam. •t hi..tyrrni a„ u•cl dnor cAAT. •t Lb. N•pnAlirto pit a 12Mt... Oflce h,•ur. from 9♦. m. to, I P. at, Mon:row . ..ll,y 3, lall—ll OFF7CE. Al iorneyr lAyr, at the old oMcir or lleutivy A r. nxr. Ono. 'a.! C. C. w•rsra. • J. S 4 UTTAT. AgrTION A DLI: TAILOR.. Shoo over J. It. DOOM', *rum licritte , e Feh.l9th ARE!, TUT:I:ELI, in nrtig, .31,11citren. Ch,ruirldr. Palett , . Oil.. tlyr Faue• a • . Jeurory. P., teaery, ISrtct 11.0cle. YdontrAse. Pe H•tabikbed lbei, • I Feb. I. nil. SCOrILL & DEirITT. Attoraryirar in.. and Snlicitars in Bankruptcy. Bale* nin 7n Mita., rrct or, City National Bank, Bin h irutrut .1: Y. - Wt. ❑ Scorn. DR W. L. RICHARDSON, P•IYHICIAN & I.tiIICIEII.N. tendere hieprate...Jena •erVlCer , to the citizens or Moutrove and viciutty.— Onlet at Martaldcucc, on the corner east of S.yr. & [trot. Foundri.fAnz. I. 1869. CILIRLES 3i STODD_4II.I) .)ealnr In Boot. and Shona, Rata and C.aps. Leather and Finding*, Main Street. Int door below !kilt* Store.. Work mad. to ur.ler. and repairing done neatly. ffi 0/4701.0..1rdi. 1. gNoLL, SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING. tihop In the on. Pmtpllro bnlldtne. "there he win to 6tnnd retily In attn.' all who tnny•.rnnt SU)lblog it titling. Illtintrove Pa. Oct. 13, Ittit. DB. B. W: DArroy, t•fIYSItIIAR & SURGEON. tender. his sereleer to ueelrizene or Great Bend end r). lefty. Ogler et hie residence. ertpoeite Barnum Heuer, O't Ilene rillege. seer. 1et.164%—0 DR. D. A. LATHROP, A I e!nheers Fay:are.° Tues.v.a. Darns. at the Foot of Cheetnat atrnet. Call and la all Chronic I , i•t. Alto:l4as% Jan. 17, `72.—no3—lf. CHARLEY MORRIS, THE RATTY fIAhRER, tae moved him shop to the orxnp;ed by J. R. lie Wirt. wbere be to pre p wed to don t kind! of work In di. line, such am ma. Mug esrltrbei, puffs. etc. All work done on abort entice and prices,low. Ple,se roil nod se, me. H. BUHR! TT.. pro k ler *spiv and Fang• Ors Ganda. Crank Pry, hard• tr.., Iran, atiivea.,'Drazl. Oils, and Palors. hoops an 1 Tana-, lints and Cap., Fars, Bafralo itobes, Oro rrries. Provldluns. Now•alillard, I a., Nov, R, m.-tr. .EXCIIANGE ifOTEL. )1 J. 111URINOTO:i wirbes to inform ibepubilethst bailor, rented the Exchenvi Hold in idontroor, he 1 , non prep l(41 taste, n nvitte the tra•ell publ:r style Mon Crone. Aug.:p.*l.Bt. Brur...vas srliatra. FIDE AND LINE INVJAANCI4 ACITNT. Al hurl OC,SOLLO plied t o promo? ly. on fair ternm. Orden Or sr door eaa.•f Ihr Unnk Cooper S Co. .11111 r Arrnio,Vorxtroro. Pa. I Anz.1.1814. July 1572,1 BMW!. STELOVD. J. 1). r.,411 ile - ttortiruic fS7IIICIAN s_wo Hobo ens. Ibts perrebtestitiY pistol himself inliouLose, Pe., where 'he will prompt. 1. si ten,. to Ingalls In his profession with wbich he may b• Gnaw& Mee ani residence west of the Court Haute, nose pitch & iraisou's Montrose. Pcbroaryfil,lB7l, VALLEY _ROUSE. G Imre Paso, .PA. Pitt:at of mum the Erie Re HMI De pot I.e taro nod coMmodlons todre.tms tmtlefrone ts,roalli rept Ir. early fdrnt shed rooms and grasp .l.l.tioneot,splonclld tables...ndnll thit...!* compris. Mrs d.rt - 11.E.NRY A6KBRI. - - Hept. • - ' -Proprietor. C7TURcLrILI., • ..twotteot the Peace: oNlte over L. S. Let:amine., otore, ts , -4:.R.m1 hamlet, Pentioehaotot exkantY. tt t. the .et lollent of the dockets of tbo tote Lane tt •eXhotr. Accented. °Mee houtetture Stott o'clock . nnl-troni Ito 4 teolook. p. W. • •• - 4' Bead. Oet, •. BUltliSd; brICHOLS., AIRS . Drag*, Clzerafejilp. Dye. .1,1 e; P 411114, 0110, Iraraiati. Liquan. Splero.NsoeT Itedlel rico. Parforoary and Toilet Ar. c/r..a.. 331"Vrescrlation• carefully CcallPollralea... brick Dixk. Montrone. Pa. A. B. ecays, • • Axon facant. tab, 2/, .nit WEALTH. —o— very strange Indeed. t sure, That any, one should Vital; me poor. While I have wealth at my eontmand, Which equals any In the land. The wealth of earth I value net; My treasurm are not sold nor bought; Bunt and abiding riches they, Which takes not wings and flee away. No crash of -banks Is feared by me ; No loss by fire, nor storm, nor sea; No moth, no rust, and no deaq. Nor midnight thief who steals away. Kingdoms and Empires would not buy One of the gems 1 hold en high; My wealth of Love shall ne'er,be sold For mines of silver or of gold. My goodly anchor Hope is worth Far more than all the states of earth, A priceless boon, in kindness given, I'd keep it till I enter Heaven. And Peace, Oh tell me one pawls:Nl Of Puce, and yet not richly blest Like a deep river, on it flows. Nor changes, nor interruption knows. Contentment, sweet contentment, too, Is mine, a treasure owned by few; Yes mine, with something 11l not name, Lest it should seem of boastful claim. Great gain the Apostle says thme he, Foote worth in tuem the world can see; Ring Mammon ?a too poor by far, To buy loess gems that priceless are. And Truth! a power that cannot fail, But "mighty is, and will prevail;" For worlds I wauld n 0.., just one day Consent to barter Truth away, Wisdom that never errs in aught, Says: "Buy the troth, and sell it not;' Truth is a portion that is sure. All who possess it not are poor. Such is my wealth ; Pm rich indeed, Blest with the best, and all I need; , The weal th of ennl, and heart and mind, The best bestowed upon mankind. TUE OUTCAST. —0 Pom! demi I dead and alone! There woo near, nobody near When the omens' died. on her pillow of stone; No mother, no bromer, no sister dear, Not a friendly voice to soothe or, eheer. Not a watching eye nor a pitying tear; Oh I the city dept when she died alone, In the roonesi street, on a pillow of stone. Many a weary day went hr, While wretched and worn she begged for bread, Tired of life and longing to lie Pence allyMist' witlcthe silent dead; Hunger and col I, and scorn and pain Had wasted her form and seared her brain, Tin at last on a is , / of fnmen With a pillow of stone, was the outcast found, Found dead and alt's', 0.1 n pillow of stone, in the rootless street ; Nobody bard her last moan, Nor knew when her sad heart ceased to bent; No mourner li rzered with tears or sighs, Rllt the stars looked down with pitying eyes, And the chid winds passed with • nailing sound. O'er the lonely spot where her form was found. nrl dead! yet not alone; T: ere was somebody near; aye, He was near Ale sati • n-ell no men to cast the firm stone, WI en an nnteast 'erst shed a relientant tear. Periia• s He beheld that grief and despair, Perir pt on His reel bill her floating Forgiven, and snatched from the edge of the With Rahad and Mary in heaven to sit. The Story Teller. SCATTERING BREAD. "I' is clue o'clock. gentlemen," said Ike obseirious nud u - eary wcua•r, tvring a b=urnous, bnlhuuhy lightrd room in a fashionabh• doh he•uac, wla•re a jovial litilr par.y of you'l l ; ge•utle•meu were as eembled. -What a More you are, Dennie," an steered Hal Burgess. •'V by didn't you stop the clocks ? Are you aware my fellow that this is my last night here 6tr a long tittle to come ? Give us a fresh pack of cards to change the luck.— We must have one more game while you are bringing us another bottle of Carte Blanche for a !amen bumper. "Just think," he continued, appealing to his companions seated around !he table, "to morrow ttig,ht at this hour I shall be }living a livel y game of 'tacit and tors with oft! Nep tune, and getting badly worsted in the encounter. Cobsole your selves with the thought of extraordinary good fortune this (getting." "Don't speak of it. Hal. We hate to hear of your going," chorused several Voices in tones of genuine regret, that proved what a favorite he was in that Co terie of gay young bachelors. The card party which had inst been interrupted was the sequel of x farwell dinner, given on the occasion of his de parture for Europe, where he intended to pass sex% ral years before entering upon the practice of his profession. It was the 184 of many simPar festivities in which he bad been a leading spirit, and reluc tant as they were that it should come to an end, "the wee sma' hours a cunt the twa" rcfnsed to 'arry ut their bidding; the last round was finally played, and the last merry toast proposed. ILI had won largely and rove cramming a roll of bills carlrsehy into his pocket, and promising Ilk opponents their revenge when he re turned. Then cordial adieus were spo ken, and leaving his friends at the door of the club boost, he walked briskly up the avenue. At that late hour of the night it was silent and deserted, but, turning center, he . saw a young girl coining' hastily front the .opposite direc tion. The bewildered, frightened expres sion of 'her wan but beautiful face, reveal ed by, the gaslight near which thee met, caused him to stop, and exclaim ; "What, is the matter? . Can I do anything for yon ? "I must find a doctor: do you know where there is oiler she answered, hur riedly;with a quick, oluestioning glance, Mid reassured by his respectful manner. "There is' pone very near here," Hal said after a moment's reflection. and add ed, from whist the young men be had left would have deemed a most Quixotic int- , pulse,'"but I em almost a physician my self ; unless the case is very serious, .per.: haps, think I can attend to it." ' "Oh please come "Oick'y,then.” :replied the girl, and she led the-way rapidly past several blocks of stately houses, to one of those poor neighborhoods which are some times found crouching at the backdoors of an aristocratic iparter. MM=M ,Poetry. T.II.ICMIX ALIN 73=11 xxsommacir C3oa .41.1%77:1 01171 , 11. COQNTRY. MONTROSE, SUSQUEHANNA. COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1, 1873 - -• 1 1'ilio is sick ?1, asked Hal, as, reaching' a mall house, she tfeld open the doer for him to pass ,and taking a flickering cal dle from the floor, lighted his way up to flights of narrow.riekety stairs. "Sly Mother," slie Unswe'red in a tremb ling voice. "And was there no one in the house you could call upon to help you ?" he con tinued. "No; the people who have. the lower rooms go away at night; I was obliged to leave her all alone." On the bed in the room they entered lay a woman apparently insensible, with , sickening marks of, blood about her, and crimson drops still oozing from her lips. The girl hastened to the bedside in a mute terror at what might have happen ed during het...absence, but flars pr..ctic ed *ye saw that she had a bad but not fa tal hemorrhage, and could soon be restor ed to consciousness. With a few consol ing words to tli daughter which enabled her to assist him, he proceeded to treat the case as well as circumstances would permit,noting as he did so that ghastly as was the pallor of the thin, carewarn face, it still showed traces of former beauty, and of unmistakable refinement. At last the sufferer opened her eyes, with the vague, indifferent look of com plete physical exhaustiumbut closed them wearily. "Do not Break to her," said fial in a whisper,"she must be kept perfectly quiet; but 1 think she will do well ;low." As he pmeeeded to give the necessary directions for further treatment, his eyes wandered around the room, which was neat, though meagerly furnished,nud bore witness to that struggling destitution so much more pitiable than thriftless, qual id poverty. Under the lamp on the table lay sever al pieces of fine needlework, in a confu sion that showed how recently the labor upon them had been interrupted. Osten sible searching for something in his letter case. UM bent over the &dente embroid cries with a wondering pity for the pa tient hand by which they were modneed. lie had been among poor people before, hilt never when Ilk sympathy was 6' det ply elicited as in this instance. 11,dli rm.ther and daughter seemed so wholly unfitted hir this hard life—so helph•ss t,trsakru Tll,- git I came toward him trying to el lurk Itt r gnititnatt. -llnve you no relatives or friends?" he asked her. "Yuur father "11, died two p•ars ago, just after we carne here to Inc.‘ ;1•e have no moo j Lt now," she continued, inisunderst,n 1 mg the motives of his questions, "but shall get m• us soon as this work is fin• sheishel,nnd if you will gite Me your ad will `I do not on all that," he interrupted hastily ; but he ;lid not tubd that he was reary thinking how soma she might be alone in the world, for her might; was evidently a victim to a (puck consump tion. "1 um going to Europe to morrow." he went ttsn I shall not be able t c II again : hut I will Irate a prvsetiri ion for nmr in. ther, which I trust will do ruins 4110 I. " its write a few Imes on a scrap of pa rr; then availing himself a moment when he was it...inserted. he slipped the money he hued recently won into all en vel•itie and left it on :lie !able. Fortu nately. it ass a condideritilk amount, td• he regretted that it %ens not in his power tit give something besides money mid left, thoughtful at the contrast be tween prodigal, careless pleasures, and want which the last few hums had forced upon him. Amid the distractions of foreign travel however. the incident wits soon forgot ten ; but before a year had passed he was reminded of it by receiving a note dated from a large western city, and enclosing a draft for the amount he had given away that night. The st}le of this missive was curt and business like: DEAR Sra:—Thnngh personally nn known to yon. I am under peat &dip tions for your kindness to my sister and niece ar a time when they were in much need. Without wearying you with my personal affairs, I will merelv explain that the lady whom you attended for hemor rhage one night last spring was my sis ter. She married against my wishes a man who gradually squandered the little fortune she possessed. All intercourse between us had ceased, and I knew nei ther of her hushand's death, nor the d-•e -titution which followed, until the dread of leaving her daughter without any pro tector overcame her pride ant] resentment and she wrote to me. I reached her only a few hours her death, and it is only within a week that I have learned through my niece that it was to your charity she was indebted for her last earthly comforts. A civil whic!t was found upon the floor after yon left, fur nishes us with your address, and I has ten to remit to you the amount of the peen:it:try indebtedness, as well to express my gratitude for the service you rendered to members of my family.. Res pectfully yours, JOHN J. RHODE/4. "Rather a romontic ending to that lit tle episode." mused Hal. "Well. I am glal that lovely girl found a home, and some one to care for her after her moth er died. I wonder if I shall ever see her' again. The uncle is evidently well oft since he discharged his "p.coniary in dehrednees," as he calls it so proinptly.— Judging from the note It wounded his pride, and I wish I had tint been en care less at to drop that card. Wit:it the deuce am I-to do with the money ?" Ile would not' have asked that ques tion two years later. when the news of a great tire in his native city came across the cable, and he Teamed that the riches he had enjoyed so thoughtlessly had van ished on swift Winds of game. - - He returned at once. self reliant and hopeful—the change in his circontstan aka developinz all the latent- eneigrof.his oharacter. • The necessity of gaining -a livelihood from the profession which lie had formerly looked upon as the outlet of a certain philanthropic aMbitic n, was just the stimulous he needed,though esea in his prosperity he had ; never been an idler with no earnest purpose or endeav• or. But, knowing as he , tlid from ex• perience the butterfly life of club and ball room. he realized that 'it would he incomputable with the practicable work that lay before him, and he felt that it would be easier to sever the old social ties at once and seek his frtnne among strangers. He went to a Western city ; but even there, to his surprise, he found some old friends in an agreeable family he had !net while traveling abroad. They were gay people who entertained handsomely, but he persistently declined all their invita tions, until lie was over persuaded to at tend the debut ball of one of the young er daughters. He did not repent his concesssion when lie found himself in the midst of the brilliant scene, but yielded frankly to its exhiliration. The fair debutante showed him much favor, but in the midst of her lively chat ter his eyes wandering to the door through which a tall, graceful girl was just entering. She was indeed very lovely; form, col oring, movement,were all excLositely per fect. Thu shining ripples of golden hair the dewy, violet eyes, the roseleaf com plexion, the arch, smiling mouth, the supple, rounded figure, revealed each oth er as being thechief charm of her fair presence. Hale genuine admiration was very evi dent, as he asked abruptly : 'Who is that lady?' "If you were not such a recluse you wonld not ask," replied his companion. 'That is Liiira Gresham, the bell of the season. Isn't she lovely ?" "Yes, v..ry," answered Hal; "she has that rare beauty that reminds one of a flower ' delicate and perfect, yet living.— I think I have ,•een her before. "Dna is hardly possible, for she has been in a convent school all her life un til this winter Let me introduce you ; I know her well." asyeitted Pazerly, but was surpris ed to Ste a sudden blush suffuse Mies Greshatn's face when his name was t o e o too w d, and he, fancied her manner nervous and distraught. She had no latter left to give hull. but they chatted .n a few tuomems ou ordinary topics, d n chaue• ailusion elicited Irmo her tl e (peel : is it long since yoti returned from Enrol.. ?" ••Only about six months. I should hove remained a year longer.lim all my world ly goods being converted into I HA and ishes in ore night, it behoved me to exchange the life of a vagairind fur the practice of nn• profession, whic't I ly.gun here in preference to my native city." The ligh , ly spoken words seamed to astootsh " What a misfurtuos," she exclaimed. "I trust it will not prove so in the end' - he .1;e1 thoutfhtfu ly : hut the dance bad a'ready begun; and the fete-atcte was its ierraptcd. Liter in the evening his hostess said to him playfully : —Yon should he much fluttered Mae Gresham has been asking you. iind it is not often that she emulezvends to take ?to much tumble. Of eintr.o. you have fallen in lure at first sight." "Perhaps I should it I had not long since uu rnwn such a possibility," 11 ti :than ered carelessly. Nevertheless. as he sat next morning in his mo lest I tits Mike. Linra's beautiful lave c mac between his and the dry reports of the medical work he was reading, with snob foolish persistency, that it was a re lief when the bell rang and he was inter rupted by a inessa,,A desiring his atten dance upon, 31. r. Rhodes as soon la possi ble. "Rhodes!" thought ITsl, has he prepar ed to ohm' the summons, surely I have heard that name. Why! it is the some as that of ray crii.ty old correspondent, and this is the city he lived in. Strange, I never th'iught of it before! "i should like to see his little niece again." But when he reached the handsome house to which he had been directed, he Grand only an irascible, dvsp'ptic old gen tleman, who made no allusion to any pre vious intercourse, and proved a most ex acting and exasperating patient. It was not until a third - visit that he found a young lady in the room, who was intro duced as ".1y niece, Miss Gresham." o this was the poor needy girl he had succored—this courted belle and heiress. Truly. circumstances had, st rongly chang ed with both of them sine their Best meeting. - I have had the pleasure of seeing Dr. Burgess before,' site said with a alight hesitati in ; but below] the significance that migh.: he attaened to these few words no reference was made to any previous incident in their acquaintance. Appar-. entiv, she desired it should be ignored, and Hal had far ,too much fact and breeding to betray by word or look his own remembrance of it Yet he often wondered at this silence as in the course of s-veral months professional attend ance lie became better acquainted with herself and her uncle. The latter was a confirmed invalid, to whorl' his niece was exceedingly devoted, and site found en efficient aid in the young doctor, who, although his practice vas rapidly enlarg ing, si mehow always managed to have consitlend le timeto devpte b this Special case. Seeing Laura thu frequently' and intimately, list beeline more and inure Interested in her, and consequently this persistent reserve, which apparently arose from false etame of the past or shallow pride in the presents vexed nod puzzled him. It was the one blemish he found In her character, and he could. not wider- Maud nor excuse it. It kept him; if notlrcim felling i 4 love at least from ever avowing his affection ; one who attached snoh undue importance to wealth and position would Jhardly tot- . erate the addresses of a poor physician, he_ reasoned,, Although - Irattra's manner certabily - Cave h=m Cause to entertain a contrary opinion. One morning h' met her in the "Can I speak with yon a moment be.. fore yon go to mytinc'e?",ebe asked., "Certainly," he replied, following her into the receptiori room. Citiaing its door she came toward him, saying, with a smile, “Have you quite forgotten me ?" "Surely, Miss Gresham need never ask such a question," he said gallantly. "Be sides, I saw you yesterday." She made a slight. movement of impa tience. "I do not mean that. I want to know whether you' have never guessed that I Was the poor girl you met on the street that dreadful night when my moth er was so ill, and you befriended us? Am I eo much changed that you did not know me ?" "No," he answered, "out I thought—" "Thought that I hail such a foolish false pride that I shrank from tick nowledg ing'my indebtedness to you. and recalling my former pride and wretchedness," she interrupted, her son eyes filling with tears and her lips guttering with suppressed emotion, em sorry, but you have had good reason. My uncle is always so an noyed by any allusion to that miserable time—it wounds his pride, and, besides that, he reproaches' himself so bitterly for ignorantly allowing my mother to strug gle and suffer as she did,. and I hare nev er dared to speak of it before him. In fact f resorted to a ruse to induce him to have you attend him, telling hint though the names were the same, the Dr. Bur gess he remembered was rich, and proba bly still abroad." "Then you recognized tue yourself at once ?" - "Certainly, and I am not so ungrateful as I have seemed. I have 80 linitzed to thank you, although words never can for all von did for us." "bo not say anything more about it, Miss Gresham," said - 1131,tnuch embarres sed, "it was trifling service I was so lona lime at to render you, and you may be sure I should never have reminded you of • u "not I feel under such a weight of un— acknowledged obligation," she protected earneetly,"and . besides I think I may ven ture to tell my uncle now. You hove be come such a favorite with him that . 1 think he will be able to forgive you even your chnritv toward us. 7 He winced at the words spoken half playfully, yet with getmone humility. "1 assure you, Miss Laura, there is no such debt of gratitude between us as you 14- snme• ' any benefit I was to you at the time has already been more than repaid by the patronage which has been secured for me through your uncle's influence since I came to your city,a pour unknown physician." the shook her bead incredulously. "That is nothing. Your own talent would have secured' it all without any aid from us. Ido much wish there were ayiy way in which I could repay you." •tThere is one," be said yielding to a sudden impulse as he looked down into her eager eves, "but no—it would suppose the original dela r inereased by such enor -11/011i usury, that I do not dare to pro pose it." "Our estimates might be different," she murmured, the long lashes drooping shy ly, and the tell tale color flushing her cheeks. "AU debts are more than= canceled by the gd't of love," was the reply. A few mornings later, Laura leaned over the back of her uncle's chair and slid eon i ugly : "Dr. Burgess has done you a great deal of good,unrte ; 1 should think you would like to make him a present." "So I would Laura. so I would. What shall it be ? You may select it." '•Yell uncle, it is a strange fancy, but he thinks he would like Inc." "You r cried Mr. Rhodes, in utter as-. tonishment. "You! Even as well ini-1 like the fellow, that is a little too much." "Oh ! don't ear tliat, uncle,"• answered Laura blushing. "Think or all his ser vices and kind attentions to you, and I am sure I owe him Pveryihing—for he proves to be the Dr. Burgess who befriend ed me when I was in such sore troub le. The old gentleman eat speechless for some moments, engrossed in conflicting emorioni. "You said might choose the present for him." urged Laura timidly, "and it will not really be giving me away, fur we shall both belong to you." Her uncle kissed her fondly, and Hal appearing at that instant in, the door- way, he called to him: "This little wo man hes pleaded your cause so well that all that is left fur Inc to say is as they do on the stage and in the story books. %Ike her and lie happy." • Handling a Snapping Turtle. ——o— A man named Gluey, who by strict economy anti severe industry, has suc ceeded iu getting his familyra little place, free of encumbrance. was fishing in Still River near the Beaver Brook - .311115. on Sunday afternoon. After sitting on the bank for a couple of hours without catch ing anything. he was gratified to see, on a flat stone in the water, a snapping . turtle sunning itcelf. The but end of the tur tle was toward him, and be thought, he would capture it; but while be was look ing fur a place to step; the turtle gravely turned around without his knowlege ; and %ken he got in- reaohiiso distance, and bent down to take hold of what nature designed should be taken hold of while handling a snapping turtle; that sociable animal just reached out, and took hold of Mr. Gilsey'a hand with &grasp thafieft no doubt of i s sincerity.- The ihneltsof the unfortunate man "aroused some of this neighbors,' but when - they rirthed it was too late to'bfirof Any ,lieuefit to him, 'or I to themselves; for theyjustenught a glitapte ola bare-headed man tearing over the I hill, swinging a.arnall .carpet-bag in one hand, and they at pnce:ounclude - d that'it sena a narrow escape froth' "highway rob' , bery. However, it was-niii '0 carpet-bag he was swinging, - ;:it:was that turtle, and it clung to him - until •he 'reached Wilke street bridge, when let go; but the frightened man 'did not slacken his gate until be got home:: Wlion 'wrenched the house,the ladieronsneSs of the aft& burst upon him, and when lila, wife asked him what was the matter. 'he said, "nothing was the matter,. only he was afraid be I would be too-late-for chnrcb," and appear ed to!be much relieved to find that he wasn't.—Antbury Teri 1 uT7I :T l 7 itht lA 60.CTY A DVH.f.n. Imitations of Antiquity , The following verification of one or the 'gent ler shocks of lite liar appeared unsignsd in the 31Inneapolli Trazttit, and is sufficiently general in Ita human interest and: quaintly contorting in its.scntiment to merit ,quotatioa. And thai white hair I It Is not mine, My locks are like the raven wing; • - No flag of truce I fling to tune, No monody to age I sing; Baste, then, be genet• thou form of fright, I will not have thee sight. One gleam-of white—bat here It lies, • A'stiffened shining silvery thread.: In sad and plaintive notes it cries, "I've , mine to tell thee youth hes fled, Then In thy presence let me stay ; Send not thy messenger away. "And wherefore shrink front sight of me, .is front a bitter thing to rue? • And why behold tionyingly,. • As though thine age it could renew T, The child was born to sorrow in veass, And leave his childish, joys and kart "Woultrst thou no infant always live! Love and caressed u childhood is ? Who for its peace would manhood give And make its futile pleasure his? The higher gifts are bought with terra And come to mho with rolling years. True; youth is beautiful and bright, When love and hope its transport bring: Its laughing vision dreads, no night, And songs alone Its Voices Sing; lint atom and darkness linger still Along the way it treads at will. And thou host felt the childish ; 1 0 3".. Abd borne alike the bitter pain, Iles kept the gold, and for the alloy, gay, would's; thou be a boy again? Where all that's fair, as false is found, Would'st give the scar and takethS Wound? lu faith in min and true In heaven, We have a buckler and.a shield; The first to youth is kindly given ; The last, in age we bear a field, If I foretell the thorny road, Know that It leads to Heaven and God. And in thistale of lengthened daot, I tell of added wisdom, too; Of heart withdrawn from selfish ways, And gain of whabis tried and true, Turn in thy present let me be, Send not thr monitor from thee. FlutfoCkted Courts4lp. One long summer afternoon' there came to 31r. Davidson's the most curious' specimen of an old bachelor. the world ever heard of. He was old, gray, wrink led, and odd. He hated eld women, es• peel:illy old maids; anti wasn't; afraid to say so. He and Ann Patti' had it hot and'lleavy whenever chance threw them together; yet still be came,';and. it was noticed that Aunt Patty took unusual pa us with her dress whenever he was ex pected. One day the contest waged unusually strong and Aunt Patty leftin disgust - and went out into the garden. "The bear!" she muttered to herself, as she steeped to gather a flower which at tracted her attention. "What did you run away fur? said a gruff voice close behind her... • • "To get rid of you." "You d'Eln't do it, did you ?" "Nii; you are worse,'.ban sa burdock bur." "You, won'tget rid of me, neither." I won't, eh ?" "Only in one way." ~. "And that ?" "Matey me." • • "What! us, two fools get married! What would people Say'?" "That's nothite to us. - Come, ayes or ao; I'm in a hurry," "Well, no, then." • - • " Very well ; good . by. I shan't come again." , , " Stop a bit—What a pugker ycu are in." "Yes or no ?" "I must consult—," . "All right : I thought you were of age. Good-bye. ".labez Andrews, don't be a tool. Come back.-come buck, I say. Why, I believe the critter has taken the for-earnest. Ja bez Andrews, I'll consider." "I don't want no considering. , I am going. Becky Hastings is waiting for me. I thought I'd give von the first chance, Patty. Ail right good bye." 'Jules! Jut= l !That suck-tip Beck Hastings shan't. have him,, if I die fur it Jahez, yes! Do you bear?. Y-E E The Sewing !thick - hie Agent. • ". . We have tin other authority for it than Jones himself,and therifore cannot vouch fur its-truthfillnes.. Jones told na that he was persecuted to nearly death teme- time ago by a sewing machine agent,who want ed him to make .a purchase. tTuable .at last to endure the presistonce of the melt Jones asps lie bought a diving-bell, went out 400 miles 'from land, and • descended two miles into the ocean to spend 'a few days in pence. He bad hardly. touched bottom when he saw the. Sewing machine man carving down n, the diver's atilor, carrying with him a shuttle feed and ski ty strong testimonials to the merit's ofhis button-hole attuchmetit,. Jones informs us that he soddenly rose to. the surface.and prepared to - suit but just se the ships anchor as being'hinled .ixeir' the meted he'd upsetthe cook's et:Men - se; scattering the•lite tetiiils .in.:the , powder magazine. "Yids caused-e-terrific -explo sion and Hr. Jones wits blewu.fonr...miles, upWardsintb - lIM ''Juit ei be: begun to come doivin he :Mei 'th'esewing nut' chine m:m totningmp 'in a beloaci;Witis bucket-full of samples of the lock-stitch end, a model.of .his Wont roversibk: heW teen" Whiqi Jones fell he was picketb,up inithe sailed straight for.heine„ - As 'the vessel dreW near the doCk; Jones - pereeii : ed agent standing On the:whet:Omit= ing for . hirn, with a "omelet's button-hole t attachment." Thereuphn Jones hid, Lim self Cabiii. and Anstructed the cap 7 title to say to the agent that lie. l .llnJonesi; ' had tiled of yellow fryer on the vovage: When the: sewing machine -man beard this he seized a Copy. of.* certiflcnte from: a clergy - mates wife, .and. then. Idea , . out his tiniiiis•Witli • dem'. Mined to'foliohr Jones into the next World land sell him a marliine at all'lniticrdit.-;= 'We give this, fuOvhat it 'lig - worth. - .. We only know. that'J.ques 'was ' educated -by his pareota to.helicirs'ihts .it is slicked to tell a lie. • NUMBER 39. Varieties. - - . November and December are rightly named; they are the embers of the dying year. • • A bey defiCes salt as "the attar that makes potatoes taste bad, when you don't pot on any." Two men had a - fight in Proiridence tho ot I er dahand on e of them was kn ocked into Massachusetts. The women fake a livelyintereat in the lemma movement. They are naturally patrons of husbandry. •It is sad to see to many walk in the dark themselves, who carry u fautern for oth. era. , Good me:W:itro guided reverence, not by fear, and they avoid nut that which is atillictive,.but that which is dishonest. oafxl bas protaise&pardon .to Atm that repentieth, bat Ile bath not promised re pentence to him that sinneth.--Anscrm. A boy in Chilieothe; Ohio, was so hun gry after gunk .drops that he _mistook a Union torpedo for one. Up went his hair. A Pennsylvania-paper employs a calico foreman, !wo dimity compositors, and lb pink muslin clerk and Aloes it bustling Wetness. A Missouri woman won a house and hit at a rum-, and them she had to buy a shot gun to kcep her adorers from wearing -int the steps. "We aro' fearfully and wonderfully made," as the man,qapting Scripture,said to his Wien& as they Were looknosat the skeleton of a donkey. • - • - - A girl out west, who' recovered ten dol lars from a young fellow for kissing her against her will ,. offered ,him the money back if he would do it tigain. Puzzled • school-buy to his , teacher ; "Bot,sir,if wonst nought , be 'nothing,theit 'twice nought mast be something; for it's double what woust nought is.' •• • A Danburrbar wants to knbw if is right for his folks to - pay ssoo'foe'dpiaiv for his sister, and make him pick berries for, circus mobey. The highwaymen in- Norwich mesmer ize any stray people they find out late, by the dextrous tide of a club. The people are goiug to &tub to,gether Ond go for them. ' ' A Ludy was thrown from a carriage•in Shrewsbury, Mum., the other day,and hail one le;• broken, and,the accident was still further nOinplieatea byher falling..on a wasp's nest.• Job Miller, of RoChester, says, h6'forls the eletne.its•of emotional insanity; work ing in him every . time he sees his tailor coming round the corner with the bill for last winter's overcoat. A Cincinnati man who went the other day with all his family, excepting. his mother-in-law and:ihe house, cat, !build upon' his return that the animal had been tallsed•to death for being out late at night. 'A French writer says: "A - klss . givea more pleasures than anything d else in ilk, world." The lady who wrote thatlenti men t evidently , never knew what it was to slide down hill Qua slab,"belly:bympers:' A ruan, SalemiXass,has been arrest ed for swearing at a wedding..if he wasn't interested In the affair' any way, _ it'just sorVed-him•righti what right had he 1 , , he swearing around it it won't stity ot his A happy couple inlOwn, having been twice mat ried and tikes divorced.are now doing their conrting,for the third'. titne ; end thepurson and the lawyer hope they'll he steady enstomers ,foi many years to come. , . , "Is yonr house warm, enough,. in cold weather?" Inquired Ftn 011X10118 father, of his newlymarried son. "l$ nsother4n • lam makes it plenty warm'enough for mi. but I guess 31ary.Jimeand.the, baby shiv er sonter‘rephed the happy toy- • . • -A Tonna man who prided himself his mental qualifications. once -Speaking of the adyantages of these, nierriarked : What is better than a good education r "Common souse, yod saickly remarked olio of his heir , rs.; • A club his been organized . in Rochester call vl th'e Thirnal Ihe ',Members are old bachelors whose sole i im is tti themselVPS'misemble. The:presiding 0 1 . Beer is called the Dolefnl Grain' s nod deinsty the Vice poieftd, A man in Mena Chunk tonnd a amill keg of powder in the'roatl,.thatlind been wet and caked together. „Ile Let a friend tf;e drinks that it wouldn't, burn. ;Prob ahl both-Of 'them wyntd like" a 'drop•of something Cooling bythiStime.- •:r . ' • The la 4 sensation ia_kerosene is this: A tnmblerfal of ,it made ,a 'man believe. that it waa;whiikey the other night, and he in. -Be made a better leaking funeral' than - kerosene 'victims .•• risuallk rnake,hut hits scored One-for kerosene nev. ertit*ss.. ,;: ; • .• An.tmeasy, hoY, whose.mother .tried quiet him on a Auston .and .31ain . train. the other day, hy,telling,him the conduc tor swallowed' naughty 'boye, astonished her a few moments after, as the 'Pertly form ,o 1 the. Conductor , appeared at' the door,by creeping behind 'her end exclaini:. jug in a•whisper,"."3la, I guess be baa swallowed• one already." • Tlie Peoliaißev its to publisbef„thifollorri true "story , A young Man, got:mar,• tied in tiiitinitylecently, and. wantedl . tie father•imlaii to . board hint for a yeir, or tvo for his diughter'S "sake.' The old'ttian said he trouldn't;'''Arellin said liid'eon.lnl lalr,,c'vott Onght to board me- -for her o I bond you . for her long ,enough;'•-The man boarded him-withallinalt,timard, A gene of burglars :•-entered a South Bend, (Ind.,) hotel the other_ night; and tett_hut one snit of clothes for thirty guests. They bad breakfast from seven it t ten, next morning, and the toilets' Were not conspoiona for it. One 'man took bis (toffee and cakes with a bed-gnat over his shoulders, and another in a ttalmorsl belongingto one of - , the chainhorniaids.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers