THE DEMOCRAT. E. B. .IE4 TITEY !Montrose, Wednesday, April 9, 1873, Tau prohibitory liquor clans Iva; adop ed by the Constitutional Convention, but eines the popular rote upon the question it is proposed to revise irso,us to prohibit spirituous liquors only; SHAME ONSI7CIUMTIO3k.—The Presi dent of the, 'United States has disgraced himself .aud insulted-the whole army by having his son, Second Lieutenant Fred Grant, 'jumped" over the heads of many a gallant soldier, and commissioned as a -Lieutenant:Colonel, and forced on Gen. Sheridan's staff' as nn s Aid-de-Cump. To do this the gallant Lieut. Vol. FOrsythei who fought thrimigli the whole war, and who bears houorable scars, had to he re rediacea to hid Rimier rank and sent , back to hist regiment. This, we presume, ie . Military Service Reform. ANNUITY TO TILE DISCOVERER OF PE- TnoLEL - m.. 7 —k bill passed the ilonse' of RepreserifUtivei at Hailisbart, last Week grantiug old Mr. Drake, the disdovererof petroleum oil is Pennsylvania, an annuity of. $1,200. during his life, and $l,OOO to his widow in case of his death. Mr. Drake, who is now living at South .13eth , lehern, poor and paralyzed, spent all his .capital, $7,000, in sinking the first well in the oil region. It is a *singular cola cidenco:that Capt. Sutter,the first•discov erer of gold in CilifOrnia, residing in Litiz, Lancaster county, has become poor, and }vas recently voted annuity by Con gress. ICM=IIMI •J.kurs BROOKS, the one Democratic member of Congress who was compro• mise4 in g ,thO Credit *biller corruption, is said to be hopelessly ill. His indispo sition dates from the time of the investi gation of that wretched affair. But not one of the ten Radieals, who were equally asgnillyas '-Brooirs has man ifestei the slightest Couch of remorse. Colfax, wjio sickened When he smoked a strong cigar, 18 hale and hearty, and goes junketing -about South Bend with admiring and sympathizing. friends, bearing Grant's certificate of good character in his pocket. .Bat who is there to mourn for James ißrotilta? one. ca. :Tgs St. Louis p publican puts the siignment against th'e policy of the rail road companies in regard to freights in a nut-shell, thus: If eighteen cents is a _reasonable charge for transporting a bun rod pounds a distance of 468 miles by railitiad, is not thirty Cents,. for carrying that much freight a distance of 98 miles, a'bota all reason ? - Yet that is what the railroads are .doing. •The• cost cn, car riage is not affected by distances, but by the .proximity of other lines of trans portation. To the uninitiated it is a profound mystery bow rf car load of freight 'can be hauled 46S miles for half the money it costs to transport it oter the same track GO miles. This is one of the hidden things which the people at this time greatly desire to lookinto. • 'Gou on Saturday is reported LiS;;i, which is but falsely• Fermenting the fact that the product-of labor, bo,h agrieul tural and' mechanical, has decreased that .amount 'alit the coffers of the national Among le; aniblca-d. hen. will our government cease its - "wrecker" course of holding out false bea mope to-' .the people -to hire them on to fi , manciai ltradoin, by asserting as,a fact I swhat.i.s.e. hose HET npun the very Lee of it —that a dollar in gold, the standard rep, resentative value of labor and produce, is now or ever' was Worth more than one /tundra ents—when in Let the Nation ml Shylecks4re but "shaving" the paper' money held by the laboring masses at the'', damnable rate of nearly twenty per cent. That is to say, the national banks. (more fitly matted "shasing" , shops) pass out in exchange fiq the - real Wealth of matiotal labor arid firtidt4e—paper bearing on the .face of it an apparent obligation to pay adA iiiirsdred cents on the dulla6,'Wliich, in reality Is Worth to-day but little more than eighty, cents. Where is the boasted speedy return to' specie payment which, was promised . ut by the President and his satelitut as an electioneering dodge to se cure a further lease, of power to a corrupt mut - profligate administration ? Don't the people begin to think there is a screw loose somewhere? ButleesApology Delayed, Bon Butler, who was chief engineer of , the bill that, enabled Grant to pocket an additional $25,000 per annum, and et j each Congressman to .thrust . his hook into the treasury tif the t t aoion, , ittid'UkcJ j therefrom $5,000 extra pay, ittitiminte that he intended to quiet all the clamor of the newspapers by addressing a letter to the people of the United .States. It is' well knotrit that Butler has suCeessfully defended many thieTes in the crimin a l j conrts, Mad the-e • Was much *anxiety to j learn what excuse he could render for the! action of the President and members of ' Congress. Ilia now announced that But- ' sallo7;' 414 . 5 4 0 , 1 . ler will delay j ibe delivery. of. the ,argu- The press of the laud teems with de j men in' defense of himself 'and his com-1 aditerati on ' o f those metaberslof Bite; panions in. iniquity until the popular Congress who. v0ted..1.6;-themselves fvelingenbsides. Bold as Ben is, he does i 000 extra pay. .And in- this they. may be not care 'to face th. storm of popular in-' all right, as the . aconila Os. dignation which has been aroused. There 4 not in an open( direct . way, , hut- V i tt was a time in this country when tbepeii- ; sneaking of the rakoltitieit' j 1 ple (4;1 not forget Co infliet prOper,pnuish-J gencral appropriation 'Where wor t mentupon o Cougress _which • had been ! thought it could not e-he , so well!noticed, guilty of steadier set. .Scarcely one '.Oll But if members _of Cpligrfait Arc in be moss t•he'rettittl for or took the:!.xtra pay i t s.° severely' censuredwas retarded .. retaitins_ . ;to j be seen 'into Thei r i 2 x fc!P9 o 4eP 3 , .9L•kt.4 6. whethek leaf?' Op wipe *Ai& journals tilludeil7fkapityar,portika.Otthi, existed - so:wag us a tew years ago. tune census to President Grant, who . ,_ .. .r1311,1, has taisti th2Otinquirf Ilia. Neat York legillitt,fee, "in If tati - 4 i tbcileiinse of insaiiityln crimitipl °toes ,which provides, nisi when a itey , odAhe ' trial of an indictment for felony, aiit on the gmtiml of insanity, they shall state - the the fact in their verdict and that the in- i sanity on which the indicted party is ac- quitted Ault he presumed to continue, an thg courtitt directed to confine him 1 in a lunatic asylum forgot less than fif teen nor Mere than twenty yars,to.hre l leased only by the Go s ileintir if l id hie opt ion justice shall so require. Here is a suggostion to the criminal lawyers or one legislature. If the new constitution would give us a Pardon Covet, .instead of cian i , tinging the pardoning power in the:lin:Ode of the Governor, such a law as this would prove , salutary. , Tits New Yorh'S'iia.calls attention Ao the fact that President Grant's inangtiral puts him abreastof Stephen..,reari . An drews in the opinions beholds relative to the world's progress. . The Ghtef.aitigis. trate floes not „halise cn . globeby imarters and smaller sections, buE be Would bWre all ViatiCawi'mpl combined and. urgier..Mie paternal meat "pantarcb." Tie would Aire . one language for all btriiian. wets not dumb, and aft ed frciin the great electric ficattry Central juriadielion, There: .I%*.etricl-tllen: hkiie bickeringsalxmtfprms Of . kOrern trittit prejAdi - ec oeucernirigilieriglit to "regUlate local matters by the parties interested-hi them. No conflict of ,!,(tliority' l could arise, no Wacs,be possibYe r nig arhiPatipne necessary; fur au army, .Ibefore , Thich dissensions wouldllie in;theirldribOrailisi be, doubtless, the first and most important features of the p;intayeliy r gr.AtidreFfi may well be congratulated rpon having his principles of 17ifiversology adopted without salt by one, who Can •prove such an important aux - flail . : When, the ma:. chinery of the VaVtarcby torpetion those who have originated anctitstrii4 the system trill be awarded the4t4litaeis in the all-governing eno eery of :emitrol. Fortunately Geo. GrMiit ha 4 43 . 1Mlier t i time. 'STARTLING, .BCT Tagg.—Eier since Grant's re-election to the Presidency:ll;e National debt bas been constantttacreas inn. • The Evening Herald- Rapt. the Treasury officizgs pave begn neatly-,with excuses, of course, sucli as they were, but the people are . begintring to look the matter squarely-in the -face, and to ask why the old tired repotted decrease is net kept up ? That much, if not slier this decrease was a frond and blind; is tio)v quite apparent.. We. all remember dur ing the lively times oflaSt year, 'trheir the Groton codfish au~ calico merchant was. lab ingt sgreoutiat ittorn .tbo '4 teas ury to the tune. or 'il - -1,,t190,900 at a pop, "to irtove' . olo and carry' r ifle October election.. We. used to havu month ly reports about the public debt which were really splendid. The way that debt was reduced; all the warthrough: the . tr,4 was a bewildering atitl.aelightful stirprOi —to the fp:Kinks.. . -Ecett the Condon editors'wete astonished. at the wonder fully elastic lion‘,ers 'and 'ern f' re sources - or the Reim ' SOO 'Of thing 14s'all'prissed away tidy,. isud..the terrible truth iscominvintba Milt grains erery month. President Grant's lasi:timid Abrand. An.Eiiiil4:,rorfel correspondent eays of .the 'magma), that, it, has. farnished:,a prolific theme for "chaff" in, the London ionrnala. The patronizing , •intinner: in which - 11)e .1 5 resideirt - expresses WS liugness to assist the Creator hi bringipg a t hout the desirable gads whichAe claims the American Government:is intended to accomplish, is liartietilarlY nib:nil-ea; arid tlit , ctinh.attet,7en the Am&thah'~rphti lie as he representl : it,nud the, American . republic as it tippews in the •light of the report at Committer., and 'of the ofh4 diroderkes' of eorrun fitrwhith, hue ,recently' hded / inde F4sl3l4Ca, ie d*elt . npon grenf gust,o by the London .writers._,;:;. Tweed. • • , •,4 • Tbe-Rerablicans have a decided ma jorittin the Sertate.'ot' New-Torli, fdared t4'expef they have no weed Or to claims,to a swat in, that, britly., After _:;permitting months to',•go by without-action ttliey.firrallyi let Mar off" with tlici 'eMpO . tot,W'tesignii: ; Una. Tbe Aft i)iiii*rizeA Lenity is said to be toutul,in thlt het that:rico or, • the present Republican Senatora .airere bribed by Tweed to Mott - for the charter .t •. ttip - 664ed the great frauds which. rMally, ;led to his e,x visa re and do wn fat •IL would. not. have; I been , eomfortablu fat those .bribed stod.f . tors . to sit* iii'idkgrnefif'4ati: thdttriati" fipm ufbOrn tll6- briheti, three ; ycars ago. Unpleasant questions might hare been put to them. So Titeed was quietly perniitted tb resign. Thedtti Le,gislatuifelit . lyas rotten as the congress : at YOuthiag, T , ton, which it imitates,and aro/alight add the Pennsylvania Legislature at liairis burg. sirediiib - bllllO, she put irkte his pocket dig alonetsPoo, $25,002 per annum. AliSr loingjaciliiaceolly is eniatled to draw I froljt Unitedtatei Treasury full beau proven, that taking the amount of_money_ap ' propnated to,. py., : fertain, p*penses r in curved annually 'of thd PrevicieTS thtl Man-'I Sion—which formerly came out of the twenty five thousand dollars salary of I I the President, but which has been shifted on the' - treaiiif `since - the" advent advent of Radicalism—the whole amount drawn to Support the President will toot up 5t85,i 000 per ann am. Verily! as Wendell Phillips once said, 'be days of -oar good old, former repub lio ate gon'eldieser." Year by year the government uppruximates• to monarchy, not alone in ,the complete centralization of our system, the expense incur red in keepin, , c, ti in semi-royal state the dietator whosi tsio thechair of Washing- Tilt; Sena hashas pa'esed a bill allowing the. jmilgee Of,tiniiai•Oral c antis of the com 'Mon wealth'wlio bate served twenty years on thabencli,half pay during the teniaintler of 'their-live:3;lf they retire before they hecoine2.sisty yeah of age. th'e'purPose of this bill is to enable superannated judges to yetire from of,flee on a cOmpe tency. . It is certaicly alardship for the agedltittge to return to the bar fora lice liliciod after having•deikited the best 'years °Ulla life to the bench. Whether the effect of this bill will be to give the State tiore vigar of.snind and , body-in the jii tliciary,'we'itill hot attempt to ‘cleoldr.— rte advocates elaim ., that it certainly Would, IT it be true that -the average judge be -soperanuated at the : age of sixty, ireeems 4o us that it wonldibe bet irC him to resign when he reac:hes tliat'period in his lite, and to do , Ware none eligible above that age. In that ease judges should be paid such sal aries at-would enable them to provide for their senile days, so - us to avoid the ne cessity for their return to*practice at the bar. No pension or bulf pay would then be necessary, except in the case of the thriftless and profligate, and they would forfcil alrclaina thereto by their own im provident lives. Beside, judges are mere 'mortals, subject to the saute temptation as other men, and it is our conviction that the commonwealth would lose noth ing by Oaring the members of its judi ciary liberal salaries. A Brother of-Mr. TOLIUMIC TUX. ' We m'ly be mistaken, but onr opution is that . the bigge.,t steal that hasbeen made since the repeel of the Tonnage Tax aroused the indignation of our peo ple, passed the House of Representatives at Ilariluditi oti Wednesday oflast wee is, under the pretense of repealitigi the tax on" personal property." Had the bill passed, as was intended when introduced info the Senate, reducing the burdens of taxation let led upon the farmer, Me di:mile, and laborer, it would have met the hearty approval,. Of every ci:izeci of the Commonwealth. 13n t when,under pre tense of relieving tho overbnrilt nett tax payers of the State 7 the treasury is robbed of ever a dollars annually for the • benefit, of Corporations, to use the mildest words possible, it can only be termed a: swindle upon the people, a fiAnd' 436 the treasury, and in list' moot the condemnation of the pceple as a mass., The bill as •introduced originally, re. lierec) the tax-payers of the S:tate on at, average, Cents each. A's passed it—rep_eAled the tax known as ttersonal tar," -amounting as we hare saidto . sixty five cents, on the average foe Tett taxable; arid also the taxes on ",(4055. iteceipts"., as well as the tastes on .!‘Grisiss. Earnings" of corpo rationsy together amounting to eight h nn dted and tire theemnd fire hundred and iere . iity-Dine dollars, " ~Strty five cents for the people! F.,i4,;ht hundred and tire thousand fire hundred itnd seventy-nine dollars for the corporatfops! fraull more palpable ? Val, ever thievery more apparent? Multiply the amount taken off of cor porations by eleven and you have agreater athonnt than the nine million steal fig prat §o.that in eleven years the cor porations save more than that monstrous rabliery proposal to take. Thut was limited` td nine tnillious"Of dopers, this is ?tilimited`; in _.twenty' Years it will an;Outit to over sixteen millionsof4ollars, out of the -treasury of the--Stake and into the safes of.sonless corporations that are nminppressiiiievery industry of .State by exorbitant freiOts ' out rageous fares. „ By the passage of thiti „bill the .Pent sylvabiallAlroad,ecitopatiy is exonerated annitally of 049;238.53'i'fite litoding Of $06,7.43.91 the Northern Ceptral of $22,200.4; the Lehigh Valley of 844,- 750.24; the Philadelphia & Erie of 827,- 823.84, nod to on &mato every Vorpora- Lion in the State.' AnC who is to make un this amount? It is you, Mr. farmer, mechanic, and la borer. You, whosotaxes am . to be thrib bled in a few years to,reidete a 'Treasury ntittaierapty for tltc benefit of, those rao n9POPER. Amd this bill taking front, the Trea sury °V thn state, €605,679, annually, passed:both . the, senate and I tlie M use with Int'a single Vote against itAiat of Ilia ' Senator from Montour, Lion. Tiros, Chalfant—Bellrforite Wittchinau. ThfireflrPcr IO Gold ! loan,. 4141, 4.—llichard Sebell add ,a numlaer- 44 :Wall street.brokers prnipm.. to inelitute legal•proceedino, it 18 mid, against theactld ague, to rekrier, $50,000,000 darniges alleged to ham been sustained-brtbe !city aid equotil l Pf New ; York"hy thel coriapiricy w,fth w hich the clique 14 charged.,, An!"iit'Vestigatina will be also Indite into — the lriblattoninf the usur,k laws'by tht offieirs of, the „national' ban kii-alintlers.— Lou of the "Attrintle.” • • The.!shoOk ha - alit - a so %uailin)y)kill the country, the particulars of the dis aster are so few, that we know little more than that the .malgiiidcent otieau strainer the ,:illantic:of . the famous Milk - Stat Line, - sailing from England to New-York, has gouo down within twenty, miles of Lbilifax, and within such. close proximity to the shore that many of her crow mid some passengers swath to land • What we know of this ealamity , is , that the Ai/antic sailed from Liverpool on the 20th of March; that on the eleventh day out her . supply of coal .was exhausted.; that, trying to beat into Itifax harbor for additional. coal, she was driven by the strong winds and currents ou to the rocky coast of Nova Scotia; that her . captain and first officer were 'soundly, sleeping in their cabins when the' skip. struck upon a rock ; that .she was almost instantly beaten to ph-es, and so, in the darkness, she nod sax hundred of, her passengers and crew went down into tits fiepths of the gg.a. 1 ", • • dll oreithis country,afl oyes. Croat Brit ain, there are anxious friends.. and kin dled whose hearts yearn for in telligen of those-who sailed away:from .Liverpoul in her. We know the, names. of dire ma jority of thoso who were saved,. but as regards those who were lost, many Jays must elapse before_ the information is brought home to those who !are .so.. pro foundly interested There is tip one liar-, ing friends expected•to . return fyom I . •;itr• rope in the Atlantic, or abo n t, the time of her sssilipg, who is not yifthe most poigiiiidt fears co/accruing their x;idoly.— They know that hundred 600.1, r r a,.:h a friend or relative of some one ashore, have been buried forever under the sea, and little more is von.7.lisafed Own to know; It is for thousands , hero and iu England a time of awful suspense. mid sorrow. If there lactic thing more clearly known to mariners-and ship owners than another it is•that the present .season, .fronk , .2',;* vembier to April„lias been .one, of tutexr ampled danger to ships upon the sex.— It has been not so much a period of storms as of one great storm, prevailing with greater or less violence all the time, Since tire first day of Janotry of the present year oyer, 110 Minh ships have beer wreekei..l, and thou ands of men and wo men foe pd in their sunken It elks their. clans. If this etbnurtual condition of affairs should hare suggetsted,anything, it certainly shook! have suggested that ev ery means of safety ought to be provided , fur every vessel crossing the ocean. Long voyages, dangerous vovages, 0 bleb were corn pie! tql only tiy .ti/ t . meroy of God, have been tdmost the rule 7, and those prolong, 0 voyages should lid re'suggest ed ' thtil, no Vssei he sent out Ovin pots .no pro% ided with enotigh • emit toi th'e long . est vorage possible. Yet tre .4thinae was coil'ej fur no 'more than f' , yen days „ that is fir a i.oysg,e or ordina ry . length in the best of weather and smoothest of sens.---, i We eanuot, dare not, behove in .the face ul this fill tragedy that the Fes ; ent high price of coal at Liverpool was the rtasol why the AI/antic' was at ib• enflicientiv sup'pliid, nor ran we vet be • nevi+ that the pruprr ' ( m intit,. of v ,-at was not 6 lappvd in urd,r that more riumi ' might be math: for MI . in eremed nuaul'et of steerage passengers. This has, how ever, been stigges'ed as the ieason of the inaderputtb coaling of Hie .4 11, :s1 ir. It may be true; lint we will my .tadiel e irfs unttl we have confirmation of the I t et.--- The undisputed evidence-, howeVer, re , ntaiiis that a noble vesael, with .her ti: but du.'d goals, went thiwil its sight of laud upon a coast where she hail no bu sluices to be, and where she ition!il noi , have been if s h e hail teen 'jasper'}' co o l e d at Lit erlina .. Acsothat other fact remains. that irliile his :easel was upon a. mast rroowneo for its dangers, aud. While the Fives of a thousand peOple' wete in Ils Vet:4ollF, the ellp'aill of shy Allmilie wril, ii4evp xi his cabin, as was also his 'kit obiCCr,..... the vhatte orsoch 'earrks:sui-se Lii„kdl.o the dreadful result of Tuesday is More likely tei he , brong,ltt home., to the matters ,in couSerinence of their having sent to spa, on the 28th :of" Lieceinber, ills 4aiiictic, the consort Of the .4ilirpr.lic s wit 7) tyro and one-third blades of her screw 'Propellt.-r broken. ' It is traethat the ...b?riatiamade the voyage, to „Eriglaml successfullY, ,bat it'is Cipially, true that it, wipe; actruntuallv careless tli tog to start her, stn damag,ed, upon an o6eaa eoeitge in such a,seasuu of sturio 4 ai•th is, tts been. AS regards the ...Ig/rifir ' andt he,more particular pauses of her 105 e.,. We must strait further intelligence. And, ire toy and, the *hole world Will be glad to tnd• that her owners or otteers were blameless' in the Mattel' of Ler_ Wreek,,—Pitilit• Itiquirer. , ' , Tutu): is ono trouble ahOnt John, Charlett' Fremont' that has followed hint through life ,. and will probably furnish material fur his cliti)li. Wiple roeseised Of a reiriarliably p ear' brain r fincl great 'nen al'rp,Sotiroes A he Is .4ip;l2lary . miture. rc,; abtarills. - 'does ruit',lmotv Itianfruni, another. To this soet, 4r. 0 181 1 4 11 iti?' / 14,gues which reach .11°4U- , up:v., . gravity. fasten upon itlin i litte littentiniep : to a vessel' Or mosses to tf.derifl'l*,..This is. a ntisftle.:. Mae. sod uut as ithcomvuon on e ; hut , stead or, being,n, 4104 it is QPiy . proof a kinil confiding .humor. Of th is Sort' ia ! General Ert:moilt, atitlAntue of,Mis friend ly roffue'S arriving tried, in rarrs' Os til6y of them were:pile°,TaThing ton. Let us. limy for The Genet - I'll,a safedeltver tome, if sate t'opildl.,: - ====l NGui AtznsT white touchingin.the old academy in Goshen, in 1782,.:wt0te his celebrated, wiling book, .pf which millions of copies hAve been sold in,this country:, The proceeds , of 4tbis at, n royalty of less.than °nog:pita copy, supported-its anthor,and hiss ire fami ly fur twenty _years wulle .hp was writing his American Dictionary... t• SOMEBODY who'seems to kifow•whereof he affirms MS if ithereio .finythurg that makes a man c e angry riassions rise, it Lis lo hunt alhoter 'the house for a'r of pantahions, or a last winter's coat or vest, god thon.find it'has been traded off 'to an ohLalothes man.for a duple of twenty. cent ornaments -for the mautlepiece, or used Up for earpotaugs. tint+ is married fife. .. Tiikeaso of, Qeorge , 0. ..}4c - aps to to bo carriek)otbe Suere,R.P).+lrEi.lll4, tbP Ap.oroo2 atepgrA, I,,,,lity.rjrszlvripor error. „.„..i.o caLf v.w r In Phltadelphlo.~ gibe etccuifpg 71elejrapkteils ite;readere dieW it is operated in the Twenty-Seventh 'Ward. In order to ant inconformity with ttie'opinion of the learned aulgee,of the IliV, - the citizens of the TVeiity-SZ:viciitli Ward.linve united against the sale of in toxicating spirits, and now stand out as alijitrizimill-Orlqctireption. The manner in which they foTio'w up this determina tion is, in the language of the Heathen ,chtnete,•pecrilia,r, ' Ye thirsty tippler en ters itialooli, arid with a sign ificap t smile asks for araandwich. - The energetic ,4-au'- keeper produces, the dish, and alter it has disappeared. heneath the belt of our hun gry customer, ruin tital water is 'furnish ed gratis,, Tippler settles fur hia sand wich aud'retires laughing in his sleeve at•lhe excellent_ ruse adopted to enable the T ix( y- uth Ward to 'advocate local option, Special. Notices. =ME@ II Ise earl thing In tom thrangt life only.holf nate,. Vet yneie ste *puma*, whose habilssicondltiOn le on* lenguot suOlvbllity., They complain of no specific disease; they suffer no po•ltlfc lain; hot they entree no relish or anything, Which affords mental or ScabuOtil pleasnre to thtir more robust nod energetto In the ante, uat,a(Ann OP state of Inveittele one tor p or . r i v , Oom a ,y o vi,pl stomach ludigeotion de.- , tr , lll. the •nev..,4,y of Toth tntlid . and body. Whom the trm'ie - of ,Isspre to noLvtipolfpl by daVlood Altuul.ii Inn of the feed; every orr t ,:in IA vost - rvd, evcry fonetlomtotOrretiteLt, iiow. ltd. does cuturnon reuse' rrtggert ander these etOehtnata ',e - at . depreriden Tin. royeretn need., roan. lag and itmngthsning ; nos raerely.for an bonen, two, lq elils afterwards into a more pbtable condition than "neer,' an It 44ntradly would AD it nu ordinary alcoholic stimulant was resorted to.) bat radially and perrint• neatly. lioa Is I his der Irahle ohidet bb.htt accomplished I Theo rom, to thin qui alien, rounded on the unvarying Cs of a quarter of a rentnry. In raptly given. In fare nety.rlgor Into tin, digestive orgnabhy a coarse of iloalettt . e , ,ntOtrinch flitter . tan not war:, time In act minknennttertittorary remedial , . hut wake the ...roller, , bJ ivatipurating font:Onto bawl - ofphialo I rtrangth and.energl, the great organ upon which a I the othdr‘orgnard./pond for their nunnre and rapport. Aplt the . me that h dozen dnies of the groat vegetable tonic „oil Ittvizntlet hate teen taldn. the Feeble frame of- tint tropeattlC wilt hedln to feel its benign inflnoncoi ppatltom ;II tw treated. and With ewes it e the capaci• ty to titgeq. whet It er Ter. Perrevere until thy yore in tottdinele—goal herittti. blood. Ot to be the inntcrialof flerh one munch:. hone nod nvran and b . in. n" . " thronzh the chrtnoto of eln-ntalhon. lortesa of the an -1.3 it with a Wilk they nano herutufurn been la, prrfacil, nourirliad. Good Word• for the Patn-ttlller. We con eon9ently reeomnulul the Pain- Kit Taronto Baptist Iris the roost • elfectusl rentetly WO know of for pain.5,11‘.4 wounds, inc.—St. Jvhnx -News, P. Q. IVe :tartse that et-ers family sttoold linen so erectus' and speedya Pain- .V. P. l;frzettt. Our o'nn experience is that a Lot the of Pain- Killer, the }Jaen Physician a traveller can have. —Araigtoo .144tfr.e. For Loth internitt and evternal applient fon tome rotund it of great vattie—Chrtlt 411 . >"17 attatie4ao no lam* sh.onYl Le withvett— .ll.4t,-coal Trig ti.eript, (. 44 1 ittitt4V lath bPase without it.--Ed Etbpkth7 he tei,Din every hence, in readiness flos tthhteit atta44.4 of nicknors.—Chrnk Pmts. IS °Mit icto cvec - ohtahlod such unbounded. pop ol'ority.-7-Sattoo Okaro,r. MMMIIIMM;iI Its mover 6 trondegica mv9 vnteartnltil in re tie viug tho kw.% 3antrop pe.ila —/thrtkltitua Sent& Ara Intrt,re.n , able article in tiu in ekiatre chest r It will roamitoend itself to alt who otwo k.— Grorgio IfnMrpriae. 13ostmorittly tont sought after rt., n rent melte, tFrtitin.",—Jimroot, Sr , B. nk ut &Tit inn U.; la gmiml 'melt ft repot:Won it bus reAl nw-rh.—Nowporr,Aisly One of the 'haat iu:•Mt ittritiefrit.” hare Meti it and fiiSp•rae4l it fur the p,•fet twenty yeaas.— />e. WA, 11;ied. Tbe-npmt dual.le• taettichte Dow in use— F 0 .311.. 3 ralualbro ffpntri,;n4 , . hmi lord Le niaiw phyairiang.—Rad o n We ulwayc keep it whore we rain put onr handl on , it in tbo flak, if e.etal tte.--Pter. (•. flur);Prli One of the few nritetes that ',repot what they pretend to lie--Bruanriet Telegraph. In maintain travels no auslieine N of to universal ottptitition as Ado Kilter.—Rer. ft Rigby. Furth e& ' Wock.r - r - y-Motrotrips dtr Eircors, 1/AMOS Attu roar's. Isl 1111.:A Pros Wpm...Ml- 111 Symmore St- Cincinnati, O.:al - 7 St. Pan,l St.. M.,ptroat„ Canada, 17 Sianthampton Lgavin4,. New dilvertbements. GREAT UNITED STATES TEA CO., B WiSS i. It'llol-5. 41975., notitrose; Pa. Tb h ite , htt an in A tie 711111:1' Tv: CAL.NISTEZe, thttprhy tg,,esvhig R. certainly gteh dreideretam. ttill nAA zee a crux and tty he merit, • I.ll:filib & NIFILDLS. ,IloutFire,, Apra% IS72.—Sck '1" A , l27Cl'`.lLiorvrs.ursT•bi. sue rm.( EIPTSAND I•VPnLIKW- 1 41.t.frr. ibc A•Ylturh..lus ut . )(11A•rd, bur the Ital. undio: the tad Altman uf am.V.ll, 15.711: I•4l.eroire is sreoliT .......1 am. Mon . . .......... t.SVJ 4 / 1 ) Proce4d. vi 4 Pivavvrtalc 1..1/.1 Fa rub Prndugt • :31.14.., .21. k.;•01,1 •MUc 2ll tr; 1. 5 25 ..... • .1"ag11 tom Let.. 022 hip . 461(1 From .1. 'l% alsrotth' 21! 10 —53.029 19 ~.. T.YANDITrixs. 06.i,05 ruleemed, J. Baldwin .. :.. ~.. 1.T6110 •;- - S. Vail 1,<=3.1.4 " IL. W. 4ur.twe,hors4 114 :.+,) Stle‘taid ...... ..... I ...... • . ...... 1... M.. 017 1.1.0 C 1.)% Trectour..i. • • 1157. Dwight .. Fgt. t1.),04;t0 M M. seed for Wm. ' • 515 E P1n5ter.,...... .. • ..• •• • - ...... - . SRI • Okic - 1:000 00 ug a n:L . (. pisaivn n ii.un , .... MIO 1'01gi5..,.. • • '?t r 0 • • • Farm.l#lv, 711 t{l, rourltale brit. 650 .. littriiruillg! • ...... ...... MI e 0 ' • Otil.door NAM 1 - . B'2 .18 PAK Ca /11,01 or :.; .. `I .... .. '....:1••:.•!.... ' 04, it! • P61,1,t0r•11 pm, }2,21,-.....,., .1214 Itqpnir 441096.. .. ........ 4....... lie° ' ' PtliFfel.all . r........., ..,.. ... i ... ... ...... ... IS TS' . • ek•r/r.......,, ....„, ..... .••.••• • • • • ,- II ttdi tyro' •: • ' ' ' 660 Uo6.4uticirr. flalw.v,colloo , 2 4 6 A taluol 000410001.....,...., .... . „.• 1011) 1ntert•A.t.....:.,: - ..... .. '! ... '.,... 15003 •, • . • ' 510.11.06tuu5... 4. ..... .... ..4c '.7. .... '1).l 1.1,414u.v lu Tra.loury .., ' . 750 •14--$3,0231 ID f , , 2,___ ..., TALVU?IOII .0/ I r w rir.u.Tl'. ' rsr4o '.l'' " t • ' ' ' :$4,41.0 GO' I. ..licosull • roOtrly.o.ll9ro 11.1 cr , Wl,' . Irlit Y ,Zt tR "C 1.171 . 6 3 A?41C0 l 01:: .•• . .bootheid good., b.i, g rain,, cud provlaluus .. , • ~ . - . •t. ' . ~ " ,•riio p • , , --.P.ET3,50. Optotiadpag Loud* ..... .-.- , . G.IIBOII 4 7 ,118 03 - DAVID 811112.1En0. QLIV4It f.ATIIROP, I•DlNcion. iTiF.Ntils• 811 NY. New 111M101, Avo - frl 0.183,-Iw., ,• v GUN 1iA11.119A11.. 1J On and after Jona 10,181trinine on Om Le !tap road will ran as • • salmd. — 2ine fro. , • o, If 0. 1 , n. 1 1 . M. r. M. r. N. • N. r. N. r. 1 45• 1 00 - 1110 Flmln . 1245, 813 045 53 1 /.50 54,i Warctly 1216 5.5 901 2 151 1031.. .Atbruw. ... 1145 525 -550 .10- *004061 11 0 5 457 sla 511 11 ... WT41041544 ~,1005 715 • 45: 03 1151 ' Loeyrilla • 344' 405 654 , 614. „ • 12 514 - 64r0500 .. 0%1 • 6 23 - ' 12. Mrhoqpany;... 913 '025 •.0 3 CA• 3 43. —Tun ktttin flock ... 1319' 333. 211' 60. 4,47 Ilustom 725-1113 4153 915' 590 - 2 15... Wllke•-13.440r, .. 700 1115' 4m .....67112 4 85...51puch Chunk... ,11 45 • 1 75 . 6,, ,8 ZI 550 ..... Ali•nto• - 0 •.14. 10 41 1133 . • 8.91 505 11c4h1r9em .... 1032 11 00 • •3 15 633 p f.44.440i 10115 2183, •10=V- , 30 7 4141 NI New 'Sark 7(0 'OOO - 4 4 :4 1 No , . 134 tetive r e tiwandi at TlO a. m. • Amami; imp P. l: 4 ;o7tat 'e aratattl Wri. 9 V.I E S I St r a i V:III I 6 I e 'Atlidns, as GNI p. Towaltdit rilinntartag Naem Cart ittichlA :trill It lir 1 ,11-taggiuhreampframi EjlitaAta' bi4dalp PACKEE. littolo Neglidvortisements.__ Btorg LEASES awl LAND CONTRACTS fur sr& at. this °glee. Also, Nolen, Deeds, and all other Blanks. C OUNTY 'BRIDGE. The County Commissioners ef Sump:wham= Cannt♦ will offer fur sale on the tironnes. Uni BUILDING OF A BRIDGF., known on tho Protteville Creek Brldgr, near the Chair Factory, fu the township of Middletown. In said County. on Friday, April 2.512 i, aI 2 o'clock,p4n. TOE PLAN OF SAID RIDIIOE will he exhibited end leoeetfeittothr nodes that dwy.ftnattaut. be wean =dux awned by ell Intereeted et the store of Wre ‘ ll. Boyd. fu hlootroetr, : All intererted ;In said bride. : In letinttictlrg for the building of the remit. will please attend. . EY ORDEN. OF TlllitiOttfdtBSlONEßS. Wpi. Ae Crommon, Clerk. entnedielinteri'Oflthe. LICENSF. PETTOMI —Notice 1. hereby riven that In porreence of en Act of Afeembly. The following named perrone hare tiled their petition* with the Clerk of the Conn of Quarter licAsione of the Team for the county of d.u.rineintittra for Iterone to ket;4 weenie, rat io: licence. enbrio rill Jy me:urine - 10 gnaw We. not le.. Ilion our:quart. for which thry apply At Aprii Son. niece, IA7-1: John S Tarhrll Idontrcoo 'Tavern Werner U A McCracken Ell.rboth Gary JO. horn Amim;ru Itturod =BEM It.4r • • Thoms...l tiara. Greet Lend Tavern Lk bee Li A Winne • • - CCEINI=2I .. I) t) Depo • -Elti t ng lionne Gen E Nessenden Br.tilyn Tut ern License John CV ii Dayid Wilunarth lathion ' e. - -- ---- • _ •luseat 1=1.43451.,:reci, A LARGE AND WELL SIELECTEOSTOCK OF WALL PAPERS, OF NEW DESIGNS AND FRESif STOCK, Willi' II WE ARE 5E1.141N4 CHEAP: Call and Ex mine beam Purchasing l'comber* C. P. A A. Ir s llPltalluTS Mon tr•:rc, April .1. Int —te. B. It. Lyons & I,' =3O RPETS,OIT,c L0T11.5, 11 1 / 4 41.171 - c S, DID:oGETS. TRUNKs, ELS, WALL AN!) WINDOW • PAFF:II WINDOW WADES!. Dry Goods, Groceries, F. 4 .AIDIW ATTE, ritIiDSRS, kA.I.STs A-XD I. — slo LT A K. lt* ARE. bit . I A I X/ 4 'S• FAAILi 31EDIVIXEs Ira C, tern,. San. U. Clothing, etc. $854. GUTTENBERG,, ROSENBAU' & otormEas, =BOHAI\ T TAILORS .1 PK.II.I.ItS g 1)111 (41()11.3,. LLI El? P. LA CRWS,. Fr WS, ROBES 11.1 TS LE S, 1. b' \'TS iF L ADIES runxistumG, twous, dc.,itrx Our ~.I:,:sortineat of unass exkum.salsvta, CLOAKINGS, MS/ ItIMEA. CLOT:18, X 141% REAVERS Ss C7CitTlar:l4olto. 13F-111/7..MK. ETS, AMEN 11 Os I Vlti. N 17141 ly. IZEKikS, ittukm nER.ONFMIK,n , i r • FOR LtOttS:t x.. 1) EN OZOVE. , 1 * ke„. Iti Gm id Vai • , Trinfifin and nvrlitsortl.l7.lvii for Forrrytlthig helnr_mierz t 0 1 11. .3111.I•5 ina , 'MAIM.. Silk sod Cotton Crkca 1n Marl: pill rotor...* Colours Fiinwiint. Ribbon,, Posiberii,frtimribi - LatelNt Sc. yen , 14rge. MZCoIIa B IO3!Z.OO,,VIOI.III.W.CSIhCK:"CiEiIi, i Tnlaca T0u . 01.m.. cr,sx.b..3lqekins,, TlOXiags, Pckap, Sr, Fup lu 'Ever/ Lime, " Ltoll "PIiRNIRITWCI i:CX)II3.f'D aLt)r.Eg.• ( 4 01:AF:Tti. - FELT AND' 11001 SUIRTS, ' ti3l'lit.llll9.. CIMINO stZ., II AI z • • • ~KMIIROIT,R.RI.6m. STA:3IIIED CriSirPITE 'WOUsTETIS. 111711 MAN TOWN",1:0(11.S. CA VA4 PATTILIINS. All .Cube, sod All tiluvriv , . • • EADY etOTHI'Ne, WE MANur:tarinza ALL 03_ , Ilows ammo; lad ILIEK UP CUSTOM ifORK ro 0110E3;1 A Frilf 31,EA5.1,11F, Wg keep ts Infzeitiaoriment bf Citino, Casnarata BZ►ftna, Vgansof, so, 00 banatvrThat. porpm:4 GENTS' FURNIgHING UM, BATS AND cArB, A Pull' 1.1116-' OLAWAS, VIES, . tiONVO, COTTON ,Veip ;WDOI.EN SIDRTS, COLLARS, ICNITJApiETS. 4nl) 'UNDFRD ARISIN'TS bh G valet and Stier tir 'Ater , fl.i r r, rofante; t tw.Wl.l. ta'reuliw. 'l7)lllllliLLAti, sc. , • , -wo evorythliq tior Ilan O. eh eirf next: +ma 0 traluaiims 'hiantiglyp to - ba Jan. WUJIT Wg itZt'llEll ENT ITTV ne. We tan On t nrko OUr Price 1j or (Air viatrasklhile of tintel..-ne thre, tau vt naferoni than„h4t Would ` geet,ell to au and -ocn re prie , s, 1034,0410 y, eed h !ale'9wiltric44'ql tpg' pint! , c - hot OTITTENBERGIROStNBAU3I4O3Oi scinek;ocilov,:is: : . - EN WAY, MEER! MiG5ll.rVOO2l ITORSEIHVEITORKS ► A. I. NBLLllDlr.)►riurie Otrnevira.. Tin onty-Two %tot* Fair Nem:tor Airarded Tlita Pone- Ju bolftcen Uoutk.-Ig6s, ..d yelp. NELL'S% GRAPPLE PULLY, Itaptemeut that Fvcry 'Paimir; Carpenter, 11 atnt PAWL.' Stunsl.l /lave. MN= ♦Ol h? m in HORS, RAKES Hand IttUest:PiThS 4 '.:ai6theio Crddka,• •••[ „fstiirODAA,Chbriltr4n,l) Axles, riti• - 111 7 r - 41 ---- 71 ) Varrinx Its. CI • ars, ( te__ Ck 2 1, .I=l r:1 That a ',Ms ayes an .!.‘,..11,31 WHISTLE! when the eaka la naw l 7 lo r tht 71 -2 1. TRY ONE and pan will, lind the el. Alar.ty. WOOL . , v, I/rind :tone, Ncl.•. Repo Slam. , , - . Ylirr, .. Itinw knives, Sr - vitt Stenr• Nan", two Stone, ?lAA% ire, Montrapo, Jay !S. UT 110 T-D JIV.OO.IIIVVI I ' , ITN BROTHERS, • SCI;;STO • 11; • WheleiAle A' [WAD Ocafeie fa If AWAY AILE, lIION, N AILS, SPIKES; 8110VELS, .I"7ll,liElt'S HAiiIIWAIZE, .11 LYE BAIL, COUNi•IMBUNIC dl , G AIL SPIN 8.4 •• • RAILROAD A ALLYING 811Y.8.L18.. ARRIA Uli SPRINO4 BA:el:N.1 AND, BOXES. DOLTS; VDTs and 11*-4-9 40W, PLATF.D BANDS. ALLA - ADZE. LOONS, HUBS. SPOKES. FRLLORS.; Eg6I`SPLYI.I/4,Sr Uu irs, ANVILS. VICES, STOCKS And DIES, ,SELLOWIs , lIAMMERS, SLED ass:yitur, tt e :„te- - • eniummt AND , MII.I.1 4 5.11, WS. RriTING. PAC7IIIO TACKLE. •BLOCKS. PLASTVat P Attlh CEMENT ,_DAIE A GRINDSTONES. • intiorcn WIN DOW OLA SS-LEATU ER A FINDIVOS . SCALES— ~ 8. nton, ilareb . 11 • IPA? JELW XrPIME'I.333 WILLIAM *MVPS rl'en.l^4c I , lµ4ltlese Wan...rmo von will Hod 111* turr.t stuck at FIRST GLASS ,S2ZDtOtIUOIT FURNITURE' • , • , • .. To Da foarol xectinn of Pr4ocialey • al 114 so • m uwlActore • aorta' prkes thale.taAtlL 141./lo glat o tatla• (.3C1,0b. !ha very beat- • kl EXTENSION TABLES 1873. In dm Country, and WAlitteNT tbcen. U - 1 3 11.01,5TE . 11 -1 1' -. *Q Ot .1111lEklii dIIDC lb lb. crpt,•..t tam;ori /31 Xri: 317 ar 33.72 MD IS oto v,Ar.tuus , :N PURR_ al ASSES, • • 0 MAW 31 AT It U N D •E ‘R 'T A K . l N G "Mk *Atwell:Mr will hurt-after make tar. -kaiermaing a spectalty In Lb , bnaln•bs. w.mplowd.• 'NEW awl iht most ELEEE.SE nertlIng his Fenlce• will be atten.l.d Iskproct,piky az.44. satlofactory hargrs. SEIM' & SOIL. woetrasst. Pa.. -1:i Ti'.A.R .111. Cili± OPPOSITE Ti - - 1 R „,;76;a• - v: !_ '•7-z -'?" ; L , ` 1 2-14. / 1 • •k $ *l4l' 7x,....trporlua - . . JOHN S. TAILDELL. Proprietor. El—ht Stezee, leave th4.l.fonet., daily, connecting with the 1).1.....% .d the I..:h:etk Valley . " • ' Lints 11.1tettir—tf. • BLI,LLNGS STROUD General Insurance Agent, NUM ÜBE AND ACCIDENT MEDD 4NCE, DiTcoatrioeso. Psi. Rantoul Fire Inf., Co.. Capital and Surplus r ito.ooot iioll3lll Ig.. CO., N. 11:„ Caploilti . usl oory.laa. 4,Moe,osii Royalism.. Co./.lverpool f 0,000,ti0 Llroypool.finslosi a rp, ? i . ',. 1 is tit paR ,r3.,k.,... ~.•‘.•. . uA. 1 , : e • i u s.c..6.,ur , rill ric4l. .... '.! '_ lf ____. , .. • 1.121,000 Pontlylvanla Fire inv. Co, SW° of Colut'a '.`, $600,000 ilnbsn XI islsM $400,0u . I ;comiog Lira '. 116.000,0t0 Wllllaummort Ina. Co.liilo.imu Aulliracho, l'llissoli . rayu,uul NalloPals ' ‘, SaUll,Mtal . . . . 'z' a l tf:' • coon. Sftptint LIN Ins. Co.. Arxtt• America. /WO. P411'4, ALcIOX7233rJir. Tramors leis,c,o„flatford,caplialtald flutings $.4,W1 .0(9 0°Ig.1 1 ( 1 c r ; Nrago°_• • The undoralgned ha Owen wail Ittiowil lu iblatountyarrr t lust liruars.rts faturatweAgont. Loa ossaustsloal by his Compalales Dave always &ma prumOtly paid. Prollles flrstdoor ca. t from Ilaukfou Oaks of W, caopr 4 , op..TurnPlirPO • "• • DRAIVIaS sT4Ollnl Auld , on . s. W[I7B 891 itgy :: .1" , /m44utteto. XtoNrcol.7t/ack.6 1111111 73/C.thizalto•z• lon •. Kaoba. Latebra, lraca4b, Lamp miscellaneous. 344?? - rilo'9e. ' • BILATOILLE`i"S• intraovr.D4cuoumßEa WOOD - pomp. Tumult", Durable, Efficient and 4.llcup. beeLonn_sp rot the lon nu:loop, igteritt,,u 16 t,er tiny Invitttl ttati IrjA , Patna (ITVI”. al ittacket,,nd Nep, i)trut t . vx- Var,a,,satasan he:w or. \h out remulfiog - r,t4i) °rpm thujointe, Al*o-th,e,,'lutrehor vailch ncrer 4 011 : 501 1•0 11., nuy ot bor. For sale Ay VeaTerli turfy . where. liebatur Cit,plogvdtil Irtik List. us csSlastasiirrisrs...vii.Lr rnitiraltio.,"° 113S.Cal,M0 43,3ut ,UO3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers