ijkluiror - --&mania. Mitt* \ 34riprje. ,, E#rtrit . . '""••••""'"' SMINILISD/1111t. DECEIEUUSI 1, I 972. Carbstblie Wt•asmoar,.niaderam few thoughts. on the subject of -evaIISTONE Br,OICER .63k I.st aitlii,, the greiii ruakiiiikt ; this. sectian very pronipt in Amending eur The question -hen j beecaue:one of each vital - import, to the are Fite of ita' people, end• the healthy growth snit Opa ,e:lity of the Indnatrial interests Of the eonwannity 'that' ',none , but the; ttarpies who are inlet estiel heiitatefor . a L mornents unite in a demand for' legislatiye pro tcelien against its unholy—and now al most 'unlimited extortions, for:all are af f,:cted hy its blighting effects, even Allele who are nut theimmediate.'itetiins. We e taken some paini L oureelf Ls to the tnagnitudi," :1:11: these infamous" r etices, and we are proparedtriSay - that t. eir extent is startling. and &libel upon kilized and christianized community ; 'Lid we arc more and moie'eOnvinred zr.7 day of the immediate necessity of t legislation in the premises. - We ar all ready to admit that individuals ur,vo re or less the victims of cirenni s'iSces, and more espeitally:lio the to uter of laws for our govertitnerit. / Ab s'rart liberty or independence tntist often be limited for the public weal, and the only true principle which.should he minds of those who fiume legislation rLc protection of the rights of the people under republican institutions is " 'he gyeatelt good to the greatest nnm- ' l'," and to prevent the few, as so possible, from combining power. as to .tetionie tyrunical by preying upon . the r:r. , lits of the "any. From the necessity f cur neighboring relations with stir- iur.tiding.States, under existing circum. t-t2iices, it may be advisable for the peo rle or this State at. the present time, to po:rion for a law similar to that o( New fixing the rate of . interest at FtVell per cent, with forfeiture of debt in , a greater rate is charged, fortifying ii in the mast ample and judicious man- 1:m• sznitist possible evasion bY malting it al CI ' , II-. punishable as other frauds are, with r1,4 , ...ite penalties, commensorable with guilt of the party so off.nding or ev.i.ling the law, and giving, the right xo I env c;Lizeu—whether the party aggrieved • r nos—to proseente ench offender. We e ready to subscribe to snob' a petition, 11:c:: all honest mill will 'be re.dy to de gives the lion's share to the co t; Yet it would effeetnally quiet the wereiless jack:alio who now precede - the ;:..ns as tire hound does the hunter, to :...;rass die community with-their villain o-,, I:wpm-dation& We merely throw out ;1-e.e corsory hints withont detail, that ce.r readers m!-3, , get something of our ..: in a tangible form, and, also, that : , tbers may make sugg-stiuns, so :that. a is :owledge of what is t..) be itetitioned for luny he universal, and_a coneert action secured. We have not' etiiiiled in, this t--irf ire with any personal spite in our hind, nor for the purpose of a mere news ,:aper 8.-nsation, but from a *To belief in toe principle of right emtudictl therein. all,' we shall wield-the pen with our best ability in its behalf without-fear or favor. ..3 shall ask no quarter, and give . none.' t 1 a do ri with to take undue zdvan . - Lige of any opponent, hence We say that t . one who wishes to combat our views s;:a.`.l have a "full and . impartial lieurit!2, ti, rough our columns- , But we shall in : a-poso this condition,: that ho shall do it nenly and manfullyl-over his full signs . r.e, and not hide behind, pr, a :1,2-de-rjume, for if hi helleve,sliis - views a 1.1 practices are right ho will. be , :prond to uefend them. We 'are sanguine that t n - position wehave takyh is PlundA up on right and its the best, inteyeSti of • the °ph at largootrid we are ready W incur •La reTansibility. . • -. Jai Against Dirgorst* ,T.LY GOULD has evidently been fright c by the determined ; aspect of :; the resent managers 9f Erie. ,Thewair.. for. tine millians of dollars brought . against was, be saw, sure •to'be decided: ad \ ersly to him, and be bus Compromised tif oill•ring to pay the hine.million in full--, provided the company give him.immnnity from.all future prosecutions of 'every sort. The property he conveys to the company seventh huild'red `shams; of - .Vita ?rvferreil stock, miscalaneous secnrities ;tad valuable real 'estate. This contract ! was accepted by the Company' and pbvi- , . - • ales all Hangar orcpnlirs:&e.tb s !in g sentGirszalm AuNtsrv , had a .votein . the ifouse'or, gepresentativeA and 'received prison hicanse Of his disYoneg dealing Stith Erie: Whatever else he may h a y" 1,1474te115't9,'4 a.:olen from the company is now day be §-I meld, lti the Ilmise who favCr, : .the property. It is said . that Gould policydisablesa hand ails nearly 200.009.ehareii of:Erie .stock.; fill of. , ex-iebels may 7 ,tlEll3 t amazinz;•and , 'Phe Express saysikis sthwyeted, i that lic' i sv!. ll d,isdo#i'aging:'l3iit;thenthehtlirm.' - rll how work Erieasteditl. - .l.tioithyrest. - tithe side a thetinciti - oici:eceiv'ed an an`- atld erentuAllyr,twiit the (Tendon : WO preeedeutly iaMe-altipport. It takes a bem4ide. • .• • I two:thi4s Vote to o re firG en i. ra l.rmi a . _' • Htv 4id s " . " • " • • .j nesq• 8( 0 1 . 1 ! So bandeatne fortnneii were made' ie with i9e r&ztiove ir4 of tae euese,of stacery in ; Laititir's dienbilities, the tone , of-the pro ,ll ig ;country. that it not- qtrange nl;/ 511001 that tho 4 1'4 is' tot so ye-. curse of gilsveey iir,cui to be ram i e ] ry aid• - jnetimcwtire t pretext for tniking wine more. Soft- 15 ‘ e !P 11w4r these / 38 1: lilies: ot'lni body wauts.ajOb to buizali:ir TeuVhi, old, rescpge r 0 Mr. iiregley,ot. Pelineylvemia. . 0 , 334 . 1 ?.; • " the come of slatetyr. in•Cubs";ie liable. 4:1,04 4" . " 1 to inv)ve us in. iFor at any titonient.• 0 1 Jars has been aegOtiated ' h °llB Libtityl what ' o r i fi one yi m s yo j i or, _ -t e-ghedire• laixae is *imams ' ' • - 2 v.T 0 4 1 .9 preparin.fir ..1 _• , spenitissi is WI '404 of an •Itho,N . adlgiter Wire this heading we find in the Lon -don Spec:gator of the 2d of November, the followint, tta to whitifto-avqd'Arc. ":, 7i):',1 3 / 4 IWitor 40 s4triatifr-+. 4: 81n:41143,10repd vritkreiret it ate' paper,\ Oplettiter\i, on the American Judiciary' the sentence-- ' The corruption of the Pennsylvania• i lteticN to partieitha.,-was- nototiouelr .e Ivestof that of the worst part of the Nact Iroik Judiciary l'iljr,knowled . ge of eiffiding Kir I twenty years, enablis roe to fray;, - with Ont fear of:contradiction front an" , one,- that not oply is this aha'rgElabsointely*ithcsut foundation. but there never liadileiOiven the' haat Suspicion , ef' such - tithing: Your -journal i&so - wid'ely trail. among &certain ease here that'l'urn finite ehre von•.will riot hesitate•to make this cari:o iion. lam, air; ed.' • ' Wzlmmir RAWL". Philadelphia, Oot 14, 1872.' , yi:o, pro very, ha n py Zo,believe apr cor- rezpondimt, and can only ray That,. the New York. 'wee, very unjust t,o. Penn- Siccbdor.] . . • That. Mt/ ry flawle, who is a lawyer, shOuld rush fortiard and Weak a lance fo't the 'custiefary' i;,rdiu : iirhom he practices, is the lEllo3(natural thing in the world, and we sincerely.hope he will '-he grutefully.:reinetribereitf but ihat seems odd aryl unjnat to ti is that to the New Press should be attributed-any design to dispatage the administration of insticie opt` sister State. We , are_ for_ once in aceorctwilh.ofr Deighlxit o(. the •.Vation;.whoe attention haa heeti'attract ed to the same eubject,i and who says: We can only say that we have 'been tolerably attetitiiti reiulera of the city press for a` narnber of, yeaFi, and that mast certainly we do not remember 'to hate seen-ece'n-once any,cbarges inch as the Spectator mentions?' , "' ' So far are we from saying one word of disparagement' of theindiCiary of Penn sylvania, especially in. the highest tribu !lab., that we have alway borne ready tes timony to-its integrifrand ability. Long before Mr. ltuwle s " taenty years" the judiciry of Pennsylvania underweu t, and without damage, a fearful revolution.— The tenure by Executive appointment— which had lasted for nearly lialf a ceiltu ry—was changed, and the elective system introduced. There was„ in: this crisis, a disgraceful attempt to prostrate the popti lar till, bat after damaging irreparably all parties to it, it passed into the forgot ten things of history. The elective judi entry was certainly a success •in. Pennsyl va-ia. This was shown in the re-election of Chief justice Blaef,',One of Oar Most eminent Jurists, in 1835, and would, We think, have been proved in the election of Judge Thompson this year, had it not been for 'the ruinous agitation of the! Presidentiaal eleetion, which made it. ne cessary to cheat as ranch for the. Radical Judge as for the Radical Gcrvernori From 1638 0r1539 to 14,8; Abe repute of the , Supreme ,liidiciary of PenasYlvania is withoutspot qr There was a i tittle effusion of "loyalty" during the war which:clouded judicial serenity. but it did not ainmitit to lunch, 18G8, even Mr. l wilfadmit, there ttas in the action of a single•judge on the subject of nate- ralization papers as grossan outrage on the rights of the citizen as was ever per petrated. and, ihen we find that this same Judge is rewarded with ttlasehold inter est of no Little Value by the -party whose 1 objeco he promoted, we feel that in, ihis instance we are as tiear-thee,dae, of un - - (lite influence as We.ever ate 'to be.. Still, this case we concedeis. exceptional, and as a general rule the Supreme Court 'of Pennsylvanialike our Court of 'Appeals —stands above reproach. • Whether Mr.'‘taisfe's defence of the' judieitiry dieing his twenty Years!'ex'peri n to the minor tribunals we at this distance have ao.meansfof..jhclgine..: Whispers: however, have .reaelied-us that the-fecal tribrinals of Philadelphia, adorns, ed as they ore by firiolit; and pare lights, hare some very,.black ;sheep. :Mats % not one judgelhaajvil court hold. his scat.hy, an open and cofeseed fraud, himself Taal. , Hied fur the poet liradamaged character ? Is thereto! :brio nets arith the ruffian Mara? Hits hot another--a pre eafiT judge, too-in a, fit .c:f ill temper iosnit.d a member .of the,• Society . n 1 Friends and subjected-him to indignity - , while permitting a negro to lrandishra pi: td the fanenftlie Court says one. We l ,eol attention says one of the leading journals-of Philadelphia,;" to the fact thatin the most important Court is this eity, a Quaker inay twit'wear his hat, beta ruffian May wens - his revoicerin the Commonwealth .whose firsplaiv-giver was' lyilhain.Penn." We am, on the whole; • -ry•mitcli itulebbil to 31r...Rawle for his defence of the ja.,tleiary of Pennsylvania. Y.; Werf, - . . - .......- . • .. - ..-"A•-1311t:tattaika - 13.1h InitireirlffdirP - ing for the traitsmigiZ; by mail, of seeds and euttini,ia - iiiages not exceeding four pounds 9414 : .It 'will doubtless re- Ce s ive;th'ti signatniei,of the President, and , keeo#te#l.ltv: - ; 1 1 ._-• - T- 2 "0- 1 1r!^.------ . 4 .izsnino..qh - sliVs. - ketion in Louisiana' - tarially revllietillitEe - tublio mind that miatrust of him and bit advisers, wh ch Atfine.titne...threatettetLta defeat-his re election. That has ber,forgotte9 in 14 intoxication 9f veeiss,::cing, it,,is „now - plilinlial - Tge trienqi of free, civil,. con -Situtiiiiial'gOverti'inent moat renew . their effortseffertS for - theilefitieo of it agiiinst; lien whose selfish; greediparpotres will be best aifairered'hy i Military ,despotism. A conwitspoNDENAr4 the New York Post answer4MT:Frundn's allegations as to,thetocapaclty,for self-government or the Prople, by stating, that the Irish cities Hare the beat-managed munleipali. ties in the ,Lrnited Kingdom .: Naito. whose Lord Mayor, Aldermen'', and Coun cillor's are freely chosen by the people,a d who serve gratuitonsly for, the honor of the thing, has s better water, supply, let. ter gas, better street.lantr. n 'better fire brigade, and tihtter provision for ihe . poor than any city in England.. And the same is alleged to be true of Cork, Ilelfast, 'Limerick, Waterford, and other places." This is bnwging the tinestion of " Tlome Tittle" to tlie true test, to which Mr. Froode!sditionssion of events 101 l pest has very little relevancy. Tire vote of the .Ele'ctoral Cidlege is nosy known, ,and the Chicago Tribune compiles an exhibit .of the disposition made of 'the Liberal strength. The elec tors in the eighi . States that voted for Gr s ,el e y and Brown at the polls, acted without any unanimity, and many voted on their own hook. The vote for Presi dent in these eight States was thus divi ded: Greelcy,.3 : B. Grata Brown, 24: T. A. Bendricks, 42 ; . C. J. Jenkins, 2: Da vid Davis, I; blank. 8. For Vice Presi dent, the vote was divided : Brown, 55: N. P Banks, 7; G. W Julian, 5 ; A. H. Colgutt, 5 ; J. M. Palmer, 3 ; T. E. Brom lefte, 3 ; W. S. Groesbeck, I : W. B. Ma hen,l. In Missouri, one elector on the Greeley and Brown 'ticket refused to vote for BroWa either for President or Vice- Preside u t—a case withoutprecedent in history of Presidential elections. HON. JASIES L. ORR, of South caroli na. a leading seeessioni,t; but for a little more than a year a loyal man who votes the Radical ticket, is rewarded by Presi dent Grant with an appointment of Unit ed States Minister to Russia. Orant ap pears anxious to reward leading rebels like Longstreet, Moseby, Orr. et. al., pro vided they work for him, and his intense ly loyal organs, if they do not ender e these appointments, dare not condemn them. They have not one word to say in oppottition to the Appointment of print nen t rebels over the heads of the patriot ic and truly loyal. " To ERE are some men so dead if, p - triotizint anti indifferent-to COnzeirtlei: to mak e politiesa o f p ecu n iary profit, and to prostiti. e the public sertice to this base end, Of course, such nar row minded and small-hearted 1 ersons elevate party above all cot idernt;on 3 of dece:Ac, and honor. The United States Senate yesterday, at the. motion of one man, was compelled to refuse to adjourn Out of - respect to'Mt. Greeley, or eteu to triati eulogy of him. And this in dividual *as not worthy, to lOosen the latchets of the dead man's, shoes. 'The comments of the Philadelphia Press on the action of Si azion-Oameron in the - Senate. The old sinner cannot last a gr at While longer. _ _ Tu N.Y. Daily bc : iVlia, an indepen dent financial and Imereial journal thus speaks of .some o the President's pet schemes: "If we mistake not, the President's wliMesale endorsement Of a series of internal improvements at the expense of the public Treasury., is only likely to meet the approval of the vnrions pereonS and spectilators who are personal- IY interested id the promotion of 'These schemes. The only, wonder is that Gen eriel Grant should have been induced to conritetionez that 11 , 0ongress shonld endOrse these reeommendstionS it rep:irk:a no prophet to foretell till), result. The dooi would be opened wide for all sorts of subsidies, and the American people may postpone to anlindefinito future all their hopea_of a, reduction of taxes." Greeley on Freetztont The death; of Horace ,Preeley brings out,rtrious letters.frotn•brni hitherto un published. The Albany Er'oi i qJournal published recently the following note, written in 1854 to the lion. A.R. Elwood of Rittlifii , ldSpringi. be remem bered that nittlh was said at that time as to whetiter,Col. Fremont, the Republican candidate for the:Presidency, was a Cath olic. ltfr. Grenley wa9nflareseil as to the expediency of Iscuing a campaign docii ment to q . vntgract the itnpresiiioi so sed. ulonsly fostered, by Col. Fromont'a eue niik "Thici was hit.reply: • otu Sept. 3. I85(1. • Mi. presume said] a tiqict ne snit• Want wilt br gnt'jtat it"mist by, someone else than yOor - Ininthle, "Pr; ain sorry that r l'Ononfts not a, Calbolte.for. I want to 'test the. liberality i'o,onntitsiteti; andtheir ffitlitY tor that relidienalitierty' of which we boast i tr.g'rp atC'anit, Jinn .anont ,'Who, rote niviini) Cot .1"." ow it 'eispicion that ; J 1 e is a' ChitKplis,,,' onl'fayl . that, 'shall be. glad tiilie_rj'd 'of their, Copipapy. . Ytetriry'll n'at.tiCiiti'isarlO.tne*:' noss,nsid fidelity "to ciyilitndt i'elifrAtig_. bort'. are.' ."' Ar0011.1&q. • 110/I*CE ( 1 ,4F...FX!', , 1 4 , E 1 W ... " r • F , ig.‘ 4 •34 0 • rs,..tX, OF/ Ittu.SivxDMlSON;Diip. master of Sp ingfeld, Ohio, has been talen to On eintintioindPr arrest, charged" with de. Trtualing Ogovyranteni ont During ttiecreceni cittnptigh Stinn4errion Bec:i'VEnrfot Republican :State for Civil SerTinit Ti:in 4n - - CONGRESSIOD.TAL SIIMIARY. I• 54z2trATE,,Dec:. ,Motintr_ of ,31i; %die* the "Seerethri of War_ w al 'St rtitil;tr the Senate any i n, to rayntiorfte - might lutvelti. regard to the damage4tine-to government works at Duluth'by th e , lake `storms, and the plans for repairing, them.. Mr. ,Windom -called' up has .resolution for the appoint ment of a •conimittee to consider the rtitatititi.of fubi dingy cheaper transpor tation from the West to the Atlantic sea board: 'After 'discussion the tit...lotion wai - ag,reeil to. The Sinate reCivied from its amendment to the Internist Revenue 'bill, proiitling for the apouintment of twenty-flee filldithinal Treasury agents. Hoest•L---Mr. Hale tlffered a concurrent reslation which was adopted—yeas. 115. nays,.s3 fiat it was the sentiment of ConereSs that no measures be taken to wants removing from the army register or the' regimental colors of the 'United States the names of the hatles of the rehellim.. Mr.Farnsworth,offerednnrn lnttnn instructing the 1 1 ,ist;miC. Commit tee to inribin• into the exnetliencv of elect ing pogtma-t Jrg. The r1:1 's were sosperol. cd, and a bit passed., an.h , riaing the transplrtatn n of and scions through the, ma.ls at. the r,t • of two cents mine, s. Alen a bill extending the time for the eiimpletion, the Winona and St. Pete *A ,Al• so a hill to remove the pgliticd die. bill-' ties of S. R. neure, of Maryland. A me tire was rejected toinspend the rules and pass a resolution proposing an amend ment to the Constito tion. mak Me foreign - er4 el4ible to the office of President and Vice PreAdent. Mr. Cot moved to sus pond the rules and pans a, revolution re questing the President to inform the House why he had interfered in the affair= j of Loui•iana voted down by the radi calg—veas, 79; nays, 99. Mr. Stevenson offered a milk and outer resolution on the same stihjeet, which was adopted. Mr. Smith of New York. offered a retedltti , 4l I whi c h w a g adopted. instructing the Jodi- j carry Cetilmitte e to inquire what legisht- tinn in necessary in as rri to" rhoi g Ts threatening the liberties of the pen ple of i.olli,:i3rin. Abiluira I and Arkansas and to avoid the dower of eilii war in rt‘e several states of the Union. The I noose then. at 2 p. tn., went in'o Com mittee of the Whole on the Deficiency , bill. Without dis•pysing of it the House ad{ limed. • SEN %TT- 17.—The Ciro-President laid before the Senate the lions, resoln tion wraingt. rent,ovine from the Army I llerrister and regimental iallors the names' of the battles of the rebellion. Mr,43iint. ner objected to its consitlerationi , Mr. Rice offered q preamble, reciting allega tions of fraud coinnutted.by the atlidnis tration party iu the late election in Ark ansas. and a r. , soliition for the appoint ment of a Committee of Inve , tiza! o 1. Tabled. The hill - to authorize the up pinnt.nieut of 104.1.,:rs of lite-saving sta tions ateC tpn OA and Black ',lands . was passed. A t one o'oloek. the P"mstd,ratioll of the Freueh Sooilatiolt btll %vas re,uni ed. 3leseta. Sherto'.o and 'Dittman op posed the bill at.ti Mr. Morrell, of Maine. favored i". At 4 p. m.. the Senate w, n t itor exventive 5e.%31011, arid soon afterward 11ot...ix—The Iii:1 creating a commis sion to adjust the claims for damages tin der the Geneva award, was rported the Committee on Foreign Affairs. and referred to the Judiciary Committee.— The bill making provision,,lni• determin ing the 'Joundary linestriOugh„the Ihiro channel was passed." The bill appropriat ing $lOO,OOO to enable the people of the Unttsid States to participate in the Vien na Exposition, was reported and diseitsked at some length-4 At the expiration of the mormag hour it went over,. Mr. Brooks then rose to a personal. explanation. and denied the pa tdiThed statements made by MoUornh. that h.- (Brooks) hail reed certain shares of stock to influence him in legislation beneficial to the Union Pa cific Railroad. The regular order was called bilifor the settlement with the states of Ohio; Indiana and Illinois of the lire per 0014. of the net proceeds of the sale of public lands within those States. After deb a te, but b 0 action, the Ilou , e adjourned. ter.,NATE. Dec. IR.—The morning hour was occupied in the discussion , of a bill for the relish of t•et tiers on the Cherokee lands. The hill to authorize the }list I'bester Nat ional Ban k, of Men t Vernon. Indiana. to change its mime and !ovation, was passed.. Mr. 'Stevenson, of 'Kentucky, announced the _death of his colleague, Senator Garrett and pronounced a eulogy. Mvsswi.•Vickers, Conteron.Tliiir. man, Sumner, Bayard . , and Trumbull, al so eulogised the tiee..lbit4l. The customa ry addrefes were adored, and the Senate adjourned. !louse.—fn the Hotter' a bill trap pass- ed authorizing the Controller of the Currency to e),:alnine into eonilition of the savincis hanks in the Diitrict of Polo inbia. , ..itt Z:3O p. m., the Ifouse went into Committee of :lie Whole on the De ficiency Appropriation hill, the main it Cm of controversy h.iog that appropriating $1,241,920 for• the iniprinenteitt 'of the covernment' properly in tint DistriCt of r;olutiabia. Afterst long diectisslon the' Committee Arose, and - eidogdes on the character of Senator Garrett Davis were delivered. Tli . e House then adjourned. SP:NATE, Dec. 19.—The bill for the re lief of IS. B. Elliott !a:is - passed. • 'A rof bills . wete reported adversely by thi. Judiciary Commitref., Among them one to allow women to (-cite in the Territories. The bill to authorize thcre \ change of rot , - istdre.l bonds' for coupon bonds wan brief ly disenvi•doind•hoil otter. Mr. Thinigey reirrted the Postal Telegraph bill' The Sew:l'o then resumed the coligideriiiimi a t the French Spoilation hill. Pending - :re thm err tl4 tall . the 'Senate - at' 3:30 p. m . went irlio ExecativilessiOlt,:und soon af: ter adjourned. - 111orse..—rn thri Rome a resolution was adopted instructing; ilia Cknitnittee en . !tank ry g, tys - lu g nip ifgold' linit" currency by unlawful combinations. 31r. lloOper, friiin the Commitleti on, Banking. and, (.;•'orretioy, submitted •if report to, the withylrining of - legalft4der.mirje . to_ creatern.4l9pPY panicky the Tenth National — l3 ink,. pf New York, last spring. They, voommeild no . action as .t. 6 thejaillinryk, hitt 'riport 41)111 ftirt4itinittie:charteriqr-.4ny'`lb4nk tfititihollfgage.- in A,l6ooiiblierectfler; tki - pinuiltrif ieptisidateil!if pietre tyears and $lO,OOO fine for officers,.gtighfr,- in; in such lock-np. A bill pared If; it , if, the expenses of the. Commimirimi on 1. lixican outrages. Ablone o'clatk tl)e . lon e ilfcl4 itito Comthittee of 114. Wlink tin the o . elicietiey appropriation biftwlii6li: ¢'a9 eorap'ep.dond rpport,o to thiilltlitue land paßsed. }file oiniftignee ropor on' thebilflo hoiin to tlii 'State . nt'lntlbill'll the reelairnel hods known as the Ile,l of heaver Lake. was agreed to. The hill .appropriatiog 8100.000 for the Vietinst ',lixttsttton srlispasse At 3;49-.p. in. the Ileutie adjourned.' - • ' + , - SENATE. Dec. 20.-4 n the , ntrenre of the Via--Pvaident, Mr. Anthony tens eleeted President pro teia. The 111.mse bill extending the time for the completion of the Winona and PeteN was passed; num the H.mae bill appropri ating $10;700 to pay the exppnnes of the Texas Frontier Commis.ion. Mr. FAI7 .ntnds Offered a resolution calling, oh the leeretary of War for information relative :to the.artJto reimburse the Territory: of Witchington for expenses imeurredin son pressing Indian hostidities in iRFt. Mr Rice moved, as to amendme , :t. his reso 'lntion providtrig for a committee to in- To sfi tni ty the Arkansns..lt-? ion. Pending diseoa.ion. Mr. Windom galled for the ruontlaf order, the Intlinn A j propriat hill. On motion, i+ hill was laid on the tohle. and the Dt-flieitnicy hill reporter, and by nnanimmis consmt taken up and amended Jr.ft pa=red. The Simnoo then we'lit into fix , •entiv, SoAsion. and after ward adjourned until .IJonary 1. 1873. Horse..—ln the Tfougp vnrinua hill were introduc,d and referred. but no nth- Pr lo“Jines4, trammeed. nod at ?::1(1 m. the MillSe adjourned until the F,th ofJan nary. O•IrrNIIFFFeI SALES.-11ti 3 1111:1.TE OF writs 'KAUAI by the Oral nt C,onnion Piers of Sunqueladitut County 31.1 , 1 to n dirert.i, will extinse to wile by puldir 'endue, nt the Court Hon. n in Noniron., on Ftidny, inn. 17, 1873, nt 2 &dna, p m., the lollowing piece* or parcels n 1 land, to wit: All that certain piece Or parcel of land situate in the towngilp of Lernot. in the county e r tSl , aquehanna and State of Pennarlyinia,bonntlt e 1 and described as f• llows. to wit : On the north by lauds of Timothy Met 'arty. on the east by lands of John Burk, on the aninh by lands of James !taught, and on the west by lands cm). tracted by John C Allen to Perry Ho-truer-mt. containing nhoot n arena, more or less together with the ILeeportnuances. one small frame house, one log ham, tine shop, one orrhard, and ahead 56 nt res improved. (Ale iced and taken in ear catkin etit the suit of Tavlnr, Walker t t Co. is John C Alen, ands Taylor vs. John C. Alm add Perry itt.at•ngp.ol.l ALSO. All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Lenox In the county of Susquehanna and St it): of Pe-newly inia. hounded anti tieS , Tilot.i as f o li o , to snit : On the north by lands of Timothy AlcCart r: on the east by lands of J. C. cla the south ht• lands of Jerome llartley, net on the weld hr lands of Simon M containing 25 arc, more nr h-as, together with the annurlen tnres, one small house, and Shout I acre improved Iseiz ed and taken ittex.stution.at the snit of S. Tay lor vs John C. Allen and Perm- Itiacengrint ) ALSO—A,II that Berl in piece fir pnreel of l'oal sit unto in the township of Silver f ,s•- e In the (witty of Saannelianna and Stair of Penn avlvania. hittinflfsl and ileserilesi to wit: tde north he the York s , ate Line, nn the east hel cads of Thom is I.:iffy : on the conch he lands nr . m trrin Be', ten win! ht. Chnednat Township line, raintaininte. arr.!: of isn I. he the same min, or lee:. with the atm' , tenenc ea, one finny' house, one ham hnu ni etter I and noodiv ;nine, ived : the undivid ed one half interest Ii till: that other certain vie , . or par -el of 1:,13 I situ , ein the township of •Tver Lake in the ennety of Sea ineh.intp, an I State. fP. nnolvan i n dennk I✓ n 1 Flo-writ, pa i t t 4 Nl.utys In wit lieeioning a' a 1100 thi. t5....t line o' lake Township 41 the north vrect enrn rof C If. knit, thence nlnne said I-ne norih w a ittinii-e I and thirty-ehatt ty-r-a n y., to non thmire he lands of Thomas !entry and Join Emt. 01%11v-row iwri•lie‘ to ti !Tot, thenre alone. T. ow and 11.1 of ct Sfe‘iiiev snit•ii a•i elift per t a poll in tnidlie Y. el. then' a hQ nail snot!) sixty-sic doceessi weal 04 pond, In lbw 10,r, of tvatinnine rownir.intr 47 arrow of land he the same more or with the aptoirtennnona. and nil ' , ripens-el (Taken in eveention at the snit of Silas Perkins vs. John LiaTv A Ls° —MIIIIIIII certnin piece or name! n 1 lanattsitfinte In the township of Rush In the canary of Stptquelcoutn sett St-0e of Pennseb eania, hounded and tlescritted as folloWs, to wit: On the north by !antis of Philineßwsekbammer on the rust hr b t ods of F.b.h, Kinney. on the I by Weis Mnediall W. Vsoteoten, and on the west by land. of I elmel rttillinell, eon. , talnlntt R 4 arrow of land. be the reline more or less with the apptirtenanees,one, Isonse.nne:Yhil, one ore-hard. and shoot 40 acres initaroved.-- . Taken in exermi al at the suit or Philirotsto-tt. hammer use of IX D. Searle ya Jos-ph ft. td:f ner,'Anstin Stoat Ind Pittip S..iatt!th im-nttr 1 ALSO—AII that certain piece or panel or land. situate in the township of Ibtslw in the county of Susquehanna and State of I Pennsylvania, hountltsl and 41-serilted ns fidt: toys. to wit On the north by lands of Robert Wood and Drinker's Estate. on the rest br burls of Worien Groi,ter and IV iilian Vogel.", on the south by lands of N D. Snyder. antimnL the west by lard , of Loren Ileiren, ettntsinin one hundred and forty-nine acres and fifty-one perches of land, Ity the same more or 1. t.itt. with the attlYirtenances, tititt'frame house, one ity t me barn. alcw Fruit 1 recs. and shoat Thy :lore. 'lull- proved: [Taken in execution at 'Ate deli of 1 L. Beebe Vn. Thonins Mire Notice is Itrelty given that ;41 b:tls must be paid In cash on the daY of axle M. R Sherin °Mee, Montiose,l)de:'2l;lSlT. Q lIERIFF'S ViRTUF.. OF writs Issued the Court of Connuon ,Pleas Snsquelianna County and to the direct 0.1, I will expetie - to sale by public voluble, at the Court cloacae to ,Muntro,e, on Saturday, Jan. 11, ISTJ. at I o'clock, p. on., the fulluNifing pieces or parcels of land, to wit that certain piece Cr parcel or land situate in the township of Auburn, in the county of Sitequelianna and State of Pennsylvania, boun ded and thscribed at fi/HOWS: 011 tlienorth by lanes of G. 1.. Swisher. un the east and shut It by highway, and on the ‘ittt,,by lands of G. L. I.4wisher,,cdrdaining 1,14 acres Inure yr It with the. appurtenances, one shingle mill, Soule Inuit trees. and 511 Unproved. (Taken iirexecution at the suit of A., T. Lacey vs. F. A. Maxtield and J. F Maxfield.) a ti.,6t)—All that certain piece or pared of land situate in tlw Mara hip of Franklin In tits Comity or Stisquelianna*:tml Stith nT Penn.t 1*- • Yallia, bounded and tic4cribeil as Ibllows, to, wit: On the north by lank of Edwin C kiln, east I br lands of F... L. Beebe. sloth by iiiatikOf chola Snow, anti on the west by higuwitY and I Edward Dow lirds lam!, containing twen tyisev • en acres of lain! attire or less, w ith the appurte. culees, one frame house. a few fruit trees, and n b ni n h a lf l ' (Taken in execution at the suit of A. Lathrop vs A. M. Snow, ALSO.—AiI than certain pieco or parcel or hail situate, iw trio township ot Auburn in the County or litriiiuchanna_and Stitt, of l'fautsyl vania,lioundeti and described as hdlows; On the north by 'hunts' of f it ' kl‘V. McCain, on thil past by hin , lit of Patrick Galvin, ott the' south' , by lands of Joseph White, an-Von tint west' by lands of Elish,t Kinney, gnat:titling eivld) -live acres of land. be the sante a d ore less, tvitb the appurtenances. two frame innises. one hi:tin s- Ind other outbitibllngs, one orelinni , anil other fruit trels. find about sixty acres improved. (Taken c^secutlon at the suit of .O. ; Ps-Picitett vs. Ha rdt Kennedy and H. 11. Kennedy, and A. . laath rop vs. Andrew It Kennel.) ALSO—AII that cermet pieerorpnrcelebf land sitnate in the township of Auburn in the County of Susquehaunaand State or. Pt.nnqvt- TAnia, ii;ninded and de;eilbed 'Ol foilir,o4), l tt, wit the mint' linda 'of Haiti tfie earthy lands Of-mraitel Ilpdo, nn tho smith by lands of Daniel Tribic;•nreton the - wrest- ty landsof Royal Carter, inntalnlng 0131; ; tmored, At tj ten aexelpf land; be Ostia:tutu ntoritor.,)cias wall alt ' anpurtennucea;:l ' :)uintie, 1. biraz.3 oreirthla and abont. ed; (Taken In execution at, , tbe:Attiit 61Alanittel' TeFilrOuty" Nee -446,,C*Aberlin: .Finney-) .!; 7.-41' 0 5.0 - =:lai that ceitain (dere Or pared Of iant3 'situate in the township of Auburn; in the COUnty.of,Susqueliantia and State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows. to wit: Op the'norils by lands of Marshall Chriatman, AiiinertMilnox. and J. Tewksbury. On ,thereag by lambi of. Tans. R. White. on toe sonth; by, lands of John llifenliury, and on the -West! by , l laiiils of John Tewksbury. containing Ilirty-two. aerenorbrdl„bo the same more or less,tv . WI; the atipuriffiaiwcw two dwelling iIOURM . , tine barna saw-mill; one fled mill. and about thirty-two ! acres Improved. (Taken in execution at the suit of James P. Benninger use of M. S. Wilson vs. ALSO—AII that certain piece •or varro : of land, situate in the township . of Fracklin. in the counly,pf, Sustriclutnna. encl. State .ofTen.n sctranda. bouniled and 'described ns follows', to wit: On the.north - fry Silver Lakci road and N. P. Villeatort's land. and on the west and south by lands of N. P: Wheaton, and on the east_ by lands. of Joint CortAkell , and-Burrtiws, containing n ineteen acres, be ilea same more or less: with the atipurtenanees.' ole small frame house, one large frame buildine or factory with fixtures for mandisettiringsslt7 one steam en gine, and mostly, .improved. (Seized and taken in'exerution fit the soft hlt •I'vechen' Tooker and Rtnelinv F. Tooker his site, to use of Euteline F. Tooker va Franklin J. Wall and John' A. Anderson.) Al4BO-; , All that certain piece or - parcel" of land situate. lying and helm' in the township of - 1-mbrop, in the' county •of Anagnekanna; and State of Pennsylvania. Ismnded and Oeseilbed as follows, to wit: Bee:inning at a rst 'and stones fawner of F. Bell and 0. L. Ifalsteml's hand; thence south 54 deer, ces east, Ur' rods to a stake and ..tone,4 corner, to line of lands for merly" of Jacob Decker; thence month 42 rola to the centm of the D. L, B. R. track; thence alone the centre of said Ttailtoad track a southwesterly manse 145 1 ' rods - to a corner in the centre of said track ; thence north It) degrees east. 22 roses; thence north 45 degrees rob; thence north S 5 degrees west. 17 1 4 rods to a cornet or lands of Jtihrt Ryan, formerly 0. L. Ilalstead's; thence north degrees, east 152 mils to the place of beirinning, containing about 83 arms anti 57 perches 'or land, he the same more or Irss, with the spp:trtenances, one frame boas,', one corn house, one orchard and other trait trees, and about 30 acres Improved. (Taken in eNeention at the snit of Littler Blakeslee VA ALSO—AII that certain ;lime or parcels of land sitipte; lying and being In the township of Litieny. in the county of Snarriehantis and State of Pennsylvania, bounyled and described as fol lows, to wit : On the north by land's of J Camp bell, on the east hy lands of P.. Northrop. on the sot.th by land;, of F. IL Travis, and the west by laud; unknown, containing SD acres. be the game mare or has, with the appurttmanetn, one frune lnr:se. nue frame barn, n f.-er ,fruit trees, and ationt :13 acre; improret TSeized and tak en in exec:item at the suit of E. H. Smith es. John Driscoll and Mary DrisrolL) A.ll that certain piece or parcel of land. situate in the township of Chocontit, in the connte of i•nstruchanua. lint] State of Penn. sylv inis, fain. led and tle,erittect ns follows, to wit : On the iv alit be the Turner road, on the esst by lamb of Dude] Conroe tind Marinli Cog gin, no the south by lands ot Lewis Chamberlin a .1 theestate of Lewis Chamberlin, deed, and on the west by the Choconut Creek road, con taining about 15 acres of land, he the same !nor , or I.+s, with the amotrtenauris, one large hotel ball.ling, one stable, barn and sheds, one blacksmith shop. one young orbited, and all improved. used taken in execution at the sort or Chamberlin S. McCollum vs. L. Me- I nerny and I.e.ntinl tAntr.e. use of Guttenberg, llosentitunt &Co., vs. L.; Stelitemy and Mich- Meehan.) ALSO—AII that certain Ow Or parcel of lae.l situate in the township of Diumel;„ in the. county - of Susquehanna and State of Pennsyl caaia, bOuncled and deseribedl to follows, to wit On - the north by lands of lame Kinney,on the east by tondo of Isaac Kinney. on the smith be lotas late of Muth I Giles, and on the ta•est hr in el, of B. Patio:. eontaining eighty fl a.' , es of land, he the came mere' cc less h the VOurtentineet, one dwelling. lioneemne h.tro„ one hhteksenith stun, and Other out Imild hlLN. one oreltarl and tituatt thirty acres hit proved. (Taken in entention at the suit of C. Risley alt. Benjatuip ftivley,) Al-SO—Ail that, certain piece 'or partel of lout situate Ip Ito' lotvtiship of Bridgewater, in the county of Susquehanna and State of l'et.n• sylvanha lammlett and described as follows, to wit On the north by land: of G. V Beatley,on the east by liejliw ay kit : dist - 1g from lontrose ) Tunktiannock, on the.solith by lands of B ('non, and on the w es.t by street, lately opened, ennhdoinu ahoot three art's of Inwl, he the •• an •on 'cc or legyt, ith the appurtenances. mte dwellinl.-hottae, one shed, and all imoroved. (Tatum exeenti.aa at the suit of M. S. ' Wilson Henry t N'ot'ice iA berets - siren that all bids must be paid in cash on day of :vale. ' N. B. ITET.M.F., Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, 18:2. tilek'n Floral Gulde For 11E173—The Gyinit iv now published goaterEnt.x, 15 cents 'Jays Or the year. lour number., which Is not halt" the con. Those who afterwards send money to the aulowit of One ThaLT4 , l - 1110Te for Seeds msyalwt order Twenty-five Cents worth C3.11:1-031! price p.zi 1 d. the Uoide. The January. Number Is beautiful, giving plans for making It Ira] Homes, Designs • fur Pining Table Decorations', Window Gardena,' etc.; and containing a apse of information in valuable tattle !over of dowent. , --One Hundred.' 411.1 Fifty pages, on tine tinted paper, borne F,ve Hundred Engravings and :cavort, Color ed Flare ,ing Chrotito Covey.. , , Elam Flnit EdirlOtl of Two 1 lun Area Thousand just printed in Eng. li is and German; and rehlz to send hut. • JAMES NICK, Nooluster, T. Peterson's llittgazine for Jantiary,'lA73 ii already tin our table. Never was there a hand= ',inter nr better number. In spite of competi tion . "Tetenton" more than litilds Iris own. It is Ii trd to tell which or its two steel enttravings is the Um; -t'herty Ripe," or "The Initials on the Tree," they are !rolls so beautiful. There is a lariie stead cidortal Berlin pattern for -tit gori eiptdon, Ar ftiot-stool, in mere than a dozen col• ors, which, at retail, a °old cost a dollar. The ntanituorti colored steel fashion plate is °minis. 1 . . e; "Peterson's" is now the ottly;tn.tgazine HIM gives these colored stool 'plates. The stor.ea, as always, in this lady's hook, are tho very best. Two powerfultovelets are becun. in this num ber. By all uteaus sub:Tribe to "Peterson 'a JI iliazlne," that Is, miler you have subscribed to yo ir IncAl paper. 'Vito price is but Two 1/61,- LA , ts a vuor, with liberal deduction to clubs.and a hive donarentrravlng to thosegetting up dart. Speeintens Fre sent gratis .1 it (31.05. J. Ptreit ,, ox, 303 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. Hip=-Eip 7 Hurrah ? NEW GOODS And 3-re, .03201 ED In a few days, i•iii IfontrosetAnsad, and to he sold at LazrnEatta.s Low .PittgEs, at the ffhwery arid Provision' Store of A. N, Rut- LA.I(O, HEAD OF NAVIGATION, 0. K. Choler Wheat t knit, nod Superfine et to; m per thl. New Rad( Wneat Floor Corn *ea .1 , 4 Graham Flo ur Moia.,ses Sy run.. Chrese no,lCrcltere Poildol, a •inpurflneltrant,t . ). %Vackerel Soap- 1 , Maury lc loan or more SCF.OI 1100 k.. and s tatlobery Slates, Ink nod rebel's, TObICCO pan CI ars, lankeg . No• fipteex of all kinds Coffee, a chalet, rintlity and • I n Ir2e .fork of %eye Tor. nod v..ri loar A good 61 00 T.l for sOr.tr, Fl:Bond lea for ll CO. $1 41 and Ft 7s Thifor it n, etc. Paper Coll.tr. n hrzu stock i• d Low Fruits and Ve;:atables,,f all kind.. In their Saloon, .Swvet Potatoes, cranberrlcri.nod Coto/muff. A new and lord, Ataurtntmt of. Canoed Fruits, Vegn• Vl.ll. ere.. etc, And 1.11110.11.4) tor trio,) inner. Sr• tides uto nom,roop to men: ton, that vrry bOdy 111111. and can taro for a song ands little of Ma otnsos thrown u, CBEs P, ClIfiAP- It, CIIEAPEST. A. N. DITLLA tb . , 3fontmse, 25, Slnrch for $l,OO. Six r.OOOl 110xts Lover I:3lAins for $1 00, :ma every thing ciao equally low at ; 4. N. 1.11.7144111iD'5, .CAtili PAID FDA EGGS AND NEW CIITST4TITS, at . A. PULf,A.TiIYS. Sreiltlimo.Pa:.;(kt. Ac;ti T s .v i n 1 1 :4 tbf'theret•i•llm, • owttligattiolJalar tn.), —wild 171 Illa•trAtlous,cin•sreA nt the I',esictents bmdlNll, bound.a44 prhdcd on llnfed poor. • T' E.'NATION Its Ruliinf, - and It4litatiorict,' IN iixdiarr AND, GERMAN, Te o thy,t Fite tt. Jrtirtkry,eferybetle sea tbe book they herd , It to an Racy, lopedin or Gov emmera fillr.gki pager in it. mita themelw worth(he- 41te thqh.e,h; itier pci9ei Mgt Oltip $9 vi. A Malt H. yo.t t re--ladies anti gentlemen , -Innurre,. tenehoteena fa - 4,134.41mm tsasetWardree ens et deye,ieUA eeThittgent.kikke the 'entraradis gig . a day ran healrared.infal r I err& nor., Write at two to elycniv and Infarto NEW WOlltD CO.Moritir lib sob UlLll4.lllltottwiThillay,Vbll, ,- -X* vinshge 1.1111.-1 t -/4'ar#sb . urg Patriot. • THE WEEKLY ',PATRICT GRATIS ! Tottery niiiiriLimeer to--TILE P4TRIOT for the year ISM income name, accompanied bg Two lydars, is received after this date and prior co Janairirn neet, we wiU send the paper - for the IRE' OF 1872, - • ThrtnvnritaXeekllv- TIFEHIARRISISURCP PAT RIGT,4-nosi 511%-M MOTH end contains moraliculim-Alatteeihan .any,alher prier published in Pennsy l vania; It rtaral:Shes nlrthetPolillealned Geneml news or the erimily 14%1: irr cohdeekedlohn. It gives an accuratereport of;the.MAIIKETS of New Yorlt..Philackelphie,.; Baltimore, Pitts burg and liarrlstnirg..„ - •', . " Its Literary Entliartnienteiontains %- says, Poetry, cte.,• by..thty best' American and Entoperon.writene. „ ' ; , It will give fall and . acisjratirepertstsf Legis• latrie lin*ftuni et the: doings of the Cons titul tonal 'Conventfnii: 7L4nitig the session of theitettodieklk will be.br peculiar interest to every Pennsylvanian. it will also givea coin plete resume of the proceedings of Cengrtss. The political aim of the PATRIOT Wilt con tinue to..be, ,the; elevation .of the Laboring Clits:tes, the' protection of the' People against the encroschments of Itin a. and: Electoral notbrm, the estohlishinent of -; Sound system of finance, the re-enfranehinement of disfrnnehivett American citizens, and hat but not !cast, the;rtsitnration ok Local Self Govern ment. The fOlowing retro, unexampled in cheap ness, have been , fixed for subscription; to the WEEKLY PATRIOT : Ona Cope,,nne. 3-elr 3 2 00 One CO6; .Cix-nehttis "• - ' - 125 Four Copiei, nne yeAr e4eb ' 175 Ten Copies; tine yearetelt • " ... 150 Twenty Copie& one year, each...--v....... 1 25 Fifty Copies, and upwurtlat - nneyenr, each I 00 . . An extra eopy,fire:'ls tbrnialmil to the Agent Realm.: in club,' of tea or more. A Copy of the DAILY—PATRIOT will 'be sent,-feu, to the Agent sending in s elnlis or more. All pipers will be separately ,addrovied. but must go to one post office. Sim directions below.) THE DAILY -PATRIOT, Pub(Men) EVERY MORNIISG,. Sundays ex cepted, it a:finif claei rielasitaper, containing full telegraphic rettorts, special Washington dis pmehet‘, the most complete anti nieurate market report.. full accounts 01 - proceedings of the e - n stitutlonal Convention, tlimgrums -and Legisla Ulm spicy ceatortifa,ete. 000 Cope, one year : by mail, .$7 ; Five Copies do., $.32 Ten ('opitst, d0.,*60. Larger Clubs at the. last named rates. Pnpen may he seuarately addrissist, but must be tat in one packattv. The money, must accompany the order to Iw:um attention. InltECTlONS—Additions to Clubs luny be mode dt any time in the year at the above f;lub aim. Charnres in Climb Lists matte only on re ores of persons nearing, laurkeges. Rtatir,g (Into of subscription, ctlitton, pmt otilee and State, to which it has been previonsly sent. TERMS—Casts in milliner. Send Post 0111 re Money Order. Hank rtnift or Hecistrn•d Letter. Bills sent by Mail will be at - the risk of the sender. tFr.: END FOR: PROSPECTUS AND SPECIII EN COPY. Add rtmc 111 E. PATRIOT WISHES PIN TREE Ttir Cordiu!, SITLT R.E'3 GREAT REMEDY •. ; - FOU lII'S Throat and ,Lungs. It is gratifying to usto inform-the public that Dr. i. 1.2. C. lins!taira Pine 'Triqf Tar cordial, for Thmat.ana Lung Diseases., has, stained an enilable reputathot frotuaateAtlantie to the Pa cific coast, and front thence' to siiine bf the brat families of Europe, not through the press alone, but by persons actually bessefitted, and cured at his office. 'Mite' lie pubrikheitestVb say our reporters; be Unable to tprisity - 4 e It gains anti Initds its reputation—. • First. Not by stopping cough, bat by hunurt b.g and assi.ting nature to throw cff t .e un healthy matter;cßilectea), shout, the throat and bronchial tub&4„ tghteh cauma Second., It renioi - es the Canst of 'train' ion (which produces cough) of the-mucus membrane and bronchial eghes , pcsiats the lungs toad and throw off the realitaithrsecrkintis, and purities I C , ,17, • - Third. • 4 isftree . frow ant L difti, lobelia, ipecac, and opium, of which most throat and lung re, inediv.a are composed or . ltii ; allay FoUgh Only, and disorganiie nt sfoael. It has ft soothing cli••ct on thektinabfb:lktion-theniver an7l kid neys:llnd lftitTlieltic. and nervous regdons;.thus reitMling to ever.c pur.tsd the system:lmnd in its invigorating and Tingying - effects it has gained a reputation which - iVinUst.lidttatult all:haters in the mciritetf - 1VC,103C33. PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Great American Dytpepsia .144 AND WORM •SUGAR; DROPS Being under ply Worn&Hato' direethin, they shall not lose their curative qualities by the use of cheap and impure articles 1-1EN,11(„13, 1 Vt/ISHARTI TRorltluon.- „;..” FitEROITURGE Dr. L. Q. C. :WiultuitcOilictitaiarloti Cce bpeT on 3lnntlaye, Tuccaluya, emit Wodnestlays ['him 4 ! a. in., to CI Rob.: for coitatiTaikin by pr. Wm. T. %Ingot; ' AVIOt I,lm,Aro.woclated two con sulting pilyllcltius a4srlß Ctl ,q!a}tlls.— Tlits oppurtunity is tot. oggrabftil4 other stitu dm; lit ibis Cisp' •' ALL lEycz;KS.'?tr,BlF,'._4l:!riTP;43X°, 1:0;: - G: , AvviAti.T..*:Lc.:, -Nom* ITVATP.-.WII XIMUZNAXPAT 4 ,V I , 4 4* 4 t! *17.18.4414.11D0 sap .7, ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers