Ma - remilarn =gloat Of WIZ 7 MILELPORD AGRICULTURAL SHIM Bald Wednesday and Thursday, October lind and Brd 1872. • FTRSTDIVISION. Cuss L—Horses: Best hen draft stallion, Wm.'Carpenter - $4 00 2nd, L W. Sinsabaugh, 8 00 Beat road stallion, N. Ommmons, 4 00 241 d, Frank Carpenter, - 800 Beat pair matched horses, 11. C. Conklin, 4 00 2nd, Judsor. Stone, 8 00 /kelp* home*, for all erork, D. Quick, 400 end Q.M. Read,. 8 00 Beat single driving horse, S. D. Guile, 8 OD .2sul„ D. & J. Banker, 200 Best brood mare and colt, A. J. Adams, 800 ad, Wm. Bonney, • 200 C. & Halistead, A. Trowbridge, Wallase 13asues..-udges. SECOND Drylszon Cussl.—Coltaand Maim Beat 'Rik year old colts, J. J. Youngs, 800 9d, ftrdon Barrett. 2 00 Best 83reetr old colt, T. R Grinnell, 2 00 2d, Oliver Lathrop. 1 00 Beg Spear old colt. J. IL Effnsabaugh, 2OC Edwin E. Tiffany, 1 00 Best yearling colt, Joseph Bruneage, 200 D, C. Oakley, 1 00 G. M. Read, Harvey - Grinnell, J. R. Rent.— Judges. • Czaito 2nd—Division let. Durham ticiit 611 over 2 years old H. C. Conklin, 4 00 2nd, J. 24L Potter, 3 00 Best bull, one year old, 200 Best bull call, H. C. Conklin, 2 00 Best cow over 3 years old, H. C. Conklin, 3 00 2d, H. C. Conklin, 3 00 Best heifer 1 year old, .1. I.l..Potter, 3 00 2nd, 11, C. Conklin, 2 00 Brat heifer calf, J. H. Potter, 200 20, H. C. Conklin; 100 Division 2nd.—Devons. Beat bull over 2 years old, E. T. Many, 400 2nd, J. W. Wright, 3 00 Best bull calf, E. T. Tiffany, 9 00 Best cow over 3 years old, E. T. Tlflanv, 300 Best heifer. 1 year old, E. T. Tiffany, 3 00 2nd, E . T. Tiffany, 2 - 00 Best heifer calf, E. V. Tiffany, 2 00 Division 3nl.—Alderneyy • Best bull over 2 yre old; Wm. U. Larrabee 400 Division 4th—Ayndares. Best cow over 8 years old, D. J. Tonle,. SCO Wm. E. Tingley, Oliver Lathrop, J. L Gillett. Division s—Grade Pntams. Best bull over 2 years old, LW. Peek, 300 2nd, Oliver Lathrop, 2 00 Best bull I year old, R. S. Dean, 2 00 Bait bull-calf, Dever Peck, 2 00 tad; Ferdinand Whipple, 1 00 Best Cow, John O. Dean, 8 00 2nd, MX. Conklin. 2 00 .... 3nl, J. 3L Potter, 100 Best heifer 3 years old, 11. C. Conklin, 200 Bost heifer 2 years old, B. D. Sherwood, 200 2nd. N. 31. Tingley, 1 00 Beet heifer 1 year old, J. 31. Potter, 2 00 2nd, D. P. Brewster. 1 00 Best heifer calf, J. 31. Potter, 2 IA lltd, S. P. Tucker, • I 1 1 Best throe yearlings, J. Id. Potter. f 00 Best three calves, IL C. Conklin, 8 00 2nd, 11. Sianey, 200 A. J. Adorns, Homer Tingley, A. J. TiSany. -Mutes. Division COS.—Grade Devon'. Best bull over 2 years old, Freeman Tingley,3 00 2nd, Fennel Carpenter, 2 00 Best buil one year old, IL Marcey, 2 00 2nd, D. P. Little, 1 00 Beat bull calf, Fowler Peck, 2 00 2nd, E. T, Tiffany, • 1 00 Best cow, E. T. Tiffany, 300 2nd, Fowler Peck, 2 00 3rd,Ferdinand Whipple, 1 00 Best heifer 3 years old, E. T. Tiffany, 2 00 Best heifer 2 years old, 31ra. Geo. Leach. 200 2nd, Fowler Peck, 1 00 Best heifer 1 year old, Jno. B. Tompkins, 2 00 Best heifer ealf, E. T. Tiffany, 200 .- -2nd, N. 31: Tingley, 1 00 Best 3 yearlimm - , E. T. Tiffany, . 300 Best 3 calves, E. T Tiffany, 3 00 Tyler Carpenter, Hiram Stevens, H. Marcel . . --Judges. Division 7.—Native,. Bast cow, 11. Marcey, 2d, Jacob CLuk, Best 3 yeattinge,'lL 31arcey, Division 8-.h.—Oxen and Steers. Best pubic:en 5 yeam or Over, .J: W. Guild,4 00 2nd, Ira Carpenter, 3 00 Best pair cyan 4 years old. R. B. Dean, 403 Burt pair steers 3 years old, Fowler Peck, 3 00 Std, E. T. 'Fißany, 2 00 Bestpair steers 2 years old, Orrin Wilson, 800 Ithd, Z. B. Goodrich, 200 Bast pair steers,l ymr old. J. M. Potter, 200 2nd, Fowler Peck, 1 00 Freeman Tingley, Evi Dewitt, Lewis Brain- CFlr4ndos. Viass Brd.—Sheep and Swine. East 3 flee wooled ewes, A. M. Leslie. 300 " middle wooled buck, G. L. Corwin, 800 tad, D: S. Gregory, 200 Best. 2 middle wooled ewes, 31. Potter,. 800 2nd, Tyler Carpenter, 2 00 rest 3 middle wooled iambs, G. L. Corwin, 2 00 214 J. M. Dotter, lOO Best come wooled buck, D. Fitenstt, 8 00 2nd, D. B. Gregory, 200 Best 8 1:05.1513 wooled ewes, Thos. Bsadall, a 00 2141. IL Leslie. 2 00 Best 3 commewooled lambs, 2 00 Best buck lamb of each, J. 8L Potter, 1 00 Beat boar, A. B. Tucker, 400 2nd.E. Harper. 300 Beat lartedingamr, A. B. Tucker, " 400 2nd, A. B. Tucker, 3 OD Beet spring. pig,Geo. Leant, 3 00 2nd, Mrs. Goa. Leach, 2 00 E. N. Carpenter, N. P. Redbird, Ferdinand Ifirbipple.--Judges. Clan3L--Pcmltrjr. Biefpal; turkeys, F. M. Bunnell, pair nt geese..T. J. Torrungs, 2nd, Freeman Tin &ley, Peet 4 ducks, D. P. Little, Myles, D. P. Little, 2nd, Mrs. Adeline Tingley. Best 5 spring chickens, D. P. Little, 1 00 Class 5.--Grain. Beat melt winter wheat, A. T, Sweet, I 00 Bast steek spring wheat, Z. A. Liam?. 1 0 0 2e.0 D. P. Little. 50 Beat pack rya, D. P. Little.: 100 2nd, A. Hammond, Bost peek oats, Eli Barnes, Snd, P2l Barnes, Beat halt bushel corn In ear, L, li, Peek, 100 - 2nd, Joseph Powers, 50 Best WO boa. buckwheat, Z. 11. Wellman, 1 00 Best peck fax seed, G. L Tingley, 1.00 ind,Eli Barnes, Casa ll Trait and Vag-tables. Mat SU apples, E. Harper, "nd, Janos Clark, Scat winter apples. E. Miller. 2nd, E. Li,. Wellman, Bed pears, InsWarlibuna, Beat vino* Joseph Linea, 24, O. Tiffany . - Beet peaches, D. licliert Alexander. , • Best grapes,Oakley, I 2nd, F. &roaster. 60 Deschalftnashel platelets, Earned L. Peek, 1 Cc 2nd, E IL Wellman. 60 Bee minter squash, S. R. Dart, ' 60 Best =pkins, Ell Bcmes. • 60 Beet 8 heads tabba= E. Sophia, 60 Iletilll =WS. E. 00 Best 0 bona, W. 8. Sophia, - SO Lem 0 tomatoes, EL T. Sweet, '6O Limn 2m, T. D. ' Reese, Eli Barnes— CL.n3 7.--Hatter, Cheese and Bread, Bost nail butter, A. T. Sereet; 3OO John Manner, • • 800 , Ilmittar butter. Nisi Bell Carpenter... 900 • 2nd; ?Its. IL C. Conklin. _ _ 00 Beet ball batter, Bra. A.B. Fanwood. 200 9nd,A:T. Sweet, Oo Beat theme, Mra. 31a• Bophta, 800 9nd, Atm O. N. Tiffany, : 300 Belt Ica wheal breed, Mrs. a N.Ltadaey, Ctaistiz.Vitiegitr, Blaney and Saga. B:adder vinegar, Dial IL "Wellman, 60 Beal sea wheat flour, Martin Crock, 100 2nd, Babcock & Newton, 50 3alo_pounds hone iller., y &nit, 11111 a, 100 3 ! Piet O5O Best 10 pounds caked sugar, C. R. Palmer, '1 00 . 2nd, A. J. Adams, 50 Best 10 lbs. drained sugar, L. E. Carpenter, 1 00 2nd, C.ll. Palmer 00 " _ Best ilipiacyrup,ililrs. C. P. Tingley, Leander Orillli, /sum Davis. M. J. Decker.— Judges. Class 9.—Leather. Boots, @c Best pair Inc boots, E. M. Osbnrn,2 00 Best pair wars! boots, E. M. Osbrn, 200 Best carriage harness, C. Leputn. 200 Beat sett team lutmess, Myrnn Barnes, 2 00 Class 10—Agricultural Implements and Car riages. Best common ploci, Sayre Bros., • 100 Beat cultivator Sayre Bros., 1 00 Best straw cutter. Davis Bros., 1 00 Best horse rake, D. W. Rice, 1 00 Best open buggy, W. Ousterhout, 3 00 2nd. J. A. Sophia, 2 00 Beat single carriage, J.A. Sophia, 5 00 Best market wagon, W. Ousterhout, 3 00 2nd. W. ()Intakes; 2 00 Class 11—Cabinet work, Ilantware, do. Best sewing machine. P. W. Bremer, 1 00 Best chum, Davis Bros., 1 00 Best sett horse shoes. 51vron Barnes, 50 P.. M. Osbuan, S. W. 'Breed, IL L. Catlin.— Janke& Class W.—Domestic Goods Best 5 yr& wool flannel, 31n0,N. Tiffsny,2 00 2nd, Mrs. Jackson Tingley \ 1 00 Best 5 yrds plaid flannel, Ilrs.O.N. Tiffany,2 00 2nd, firs. Freeman Tingley, 1 00 Best 5 yrds full cloth, 31n O. N. Tiffany, 2 00 Best pair woolen blankets, Mrs. Freeman Tingley, 1 00 Best 0 pair woolen mittens, Mrs. C Mat thews, 1 00 • 2nd, Mn. Lyman Ely, ' 50 Best sample woolen yarn, Mrs.O.N.Tiffany,l 00 2nd, Mrs. 11. C. Conklin, 5O Best 5 yrds linen cloth, Mts. James Bun . nell, 200 Best 5 yyds linen toweling, Mrs. D. B. Whitney 2 00 2nd, Mrs. A. k Sherwood, 1 00 Best rag carpet, Mn Ira Washburn, 2 00 2nd, 31rs. James Tennant, 1 00 Joseph William', Mrs. N. Chtflin, Mrs. James Tennant—J.ll4CP. Class 13.—Ornamental Noedle Work. Best Fad) work quilt, dirs. B.W.Bberwood,2 00 2nd, Mrs. D. IL Pope, 1 00 Boat quilt of any other kind, Mrs. Lymar Ely. 100 2nd, Miss M. L. Boswell, 50 Best bed spread, Miss E. L. Lindsey, 1 00 2nd, Miss Mary 'Whipple. 50 Best worked skirt, Mrs. James Manson, 100 2nd, Mrs, H. IL Ellsworth, 50 Best worked'cnllar, Mrs. James Manton, .50 Best specimen worsted embroidery, Mrs. IL Gillispie, 50 2nd, M. A. Reese, 25 Best specimen silk embroidery, Mrs. A. - r,... Sherwood, 50 Best breakfast shawl, Miss Frank Miller, 50 Best tide cover. Miss Ettie S. Rine, 50 2nd, Miss Ella Vadakin, 25 Class 14—Paintings, Flowers, Ac. Best oil painting. 11.31. Lindsey, . 2 00 2nd, U . 3L Lindsey, 1 00 Beat paistaneof any other kind, 31is Sada • Tingley,, 1 00 Best drawing. C. M. Chapman, •• 1 00 2nd, Z A. 'Lindsey. 50 Best exhibition photographs and ambro types. W. F. Sherwood. 1 00 Best variety of flowers, Mrs. 0. N. Tiffany, 2 00 2nd, Mrs. A. E. Sherwood, 1 00 Best floral design, Mrs. Joseph Lines, 2 00 2nd, Miss Ella A. Tiffany, 1 00 Brat exhibition artificial dowers and fruit, Miss 31. J. Steinbeck, 2 00 2nd, Mrs. A. Brewster, 1 00 Miss Mary Decker, Miss Louisa Brainard, 11. C. lioxley.—Judges. Class VS—Plowing. Best plowing,L. E. Carpenter, (with Bunnell plorr. 7 00 2d, Hasid Andrews. Iron beam plow. 500 Ed, Horace Sweet, L Green plow, 4 00 4th H. 111areey, L Green plow, . 300 sth, L. R. Peez, L Green plow, 2 00 6th, Paris Tiffany, L. Green plow. 1 00 Urbane Tingley, Otis Grinnell, ILL. Alworlb. —JultiFt. 1 The premiums will be paid by the Treasurer, E. T. Tiffany, if milled for before January Ist, 1873. Otherwise they will be considered dons ted to the Society. 5 E. CArsm-rr.v., Secretary. MORTROSE BUHR OF FASH ION! Liatesst r • lArzil FOIMIGN AND DD. MESTIC DRY GOODS! rawr muss owns, 511AW1.9, LACE AND FA TT GOODS 'MUTE .I.9'D WOOLEN GOODS, NOTIONS, Etc lIILLINERY GOODS! TRIMMED, AND UNTRIMMED RATS, RIBBONti, FLOWERS,, LACES, ETC., ETC., READY MADE CLOTHING FOB MEN, BOYS, AND yours's WEAR, PIECE GOODS BY THE YARD, AND CUSTOM WORN GENTLEMEN .ANDILADIES FMTISILUTO GOODS (TESTS SATS AND CAPS, or ALL qunrnEs, AND LATEST STYLES. ALL IN GREAT VARIETY AT THE Well-known Store of MITTENBERI INISMIAUMAco 'Established less. Nosizetir,Usi=;tszt,—.lL - id • SLATCHISINI .nspaovED JcuctrNaElt WOOD 4c— - Pamp. Titetekee.-Darable. rtdeferd.. ' 'and Cbtarh. ?be beN pimp. for the retitlerettal gl:ne.e_pure4l4. : ed • Nuke: l e de New Arm, Om: Valve, which CM No atihdreati vita. . out reatteriapthePompardistarblng eclat:as. AteMbeCopper Chu:o4r. -4.'which slater men, sad *III outlast abyethee.For yle b Dealers every ra ze. sa4 far Cidaldgna wad Price . ses *ce ces..o.turclarr.ircr. rmet St— Pbl:l3. ps. boucapg,;lll4VlU4ro,tis,-71 dery gavirtiocurnm DOILDENTOWN (N.J.) PRILLA LE COL LO LEGE.—Tlyorough Inetractlon. licslthful Ana beautiful locution. Ono of the moot carefully rooducted and neat ptinalned Irotituttons In the Stott. For tonna, etc., &darer/ pc:. JOHN A. 1111Alikilla. rh-D. Agents Wanted for Cobbtn'i MINS COMMENTATOR *Oll THE BIBLE for tho HOKE CIRCLE. 1,400 pages. 210 Earasl ogs. The best enterprize of the vrar for agents. F.rery family will have It. .NotAing ILLY irk= yvallrard. Fur Clrcalare athlrera II.S, Gout, ars= d vo vark How. :slow York. k CENTS WANTED—For Harriet Beecher Storms csuipaignbtmk, withlives- et The emlittatA, ned leadine teen of atkpartirs. t 0 STEEI, PORTRAITS.— to f.ZI a clay ratruly aedeaeily made. Writv upci see. rattlruhra WORTHINGTON. DL'STIN Hartford Ct. Guaranteed Bonds Payable In Nei? Perk City, for sale at prices that will pay ovor per cent. on the Investment. 'MUNICIP AL BONDS of the highest grades always on band. TFID_S. P. ELLIS, & CO.. IlriW KERS, 14 Plea St., New York. c ß um ll s o f coming asps oicomfoßT CRUMBS Of COMFORT. stove Gloss. UNPARALLELED SUCCES,' Over Twenty-Four Thousand Gross Sold hi Less Than Nine Montlet. T MAKES A STOVE SHINE LIKE BURNISHED SILVER. ASI: YOUR STOREKEEPER FOR IT. If he don't have It. go to the next afore; but don't he humbngged into buying or ttellr. auy of the uld pot lobes when you can get CRUMBS OF COMFORT At tilt Same Pike.. Every Jobber and Retail Dealer In the tolled States hat, or will have It fire •toe, U. A. BARTLETT & CO.. ITnnufecturere, Philadelphia, Pit. • ASTHNIA. Thoattaaartherr ere Itlannfartnreee Agente for R. IC. Rewalroilturt, rated ASTIDIA Et:LIEF. the heot remedy ftif MENA yet alleetw tired. lutwnot rebel o... Ced or legsaw.• Ctonin , rvitlnchnl. The Meilicitie 1, put 1.? Is three nize,, which r. tail for !Jr .11 11 e. nod $l. Per. eons remitting prier wlll hare the mech. joe ree l Ire, by mall or expense. Alen von pie! Foot free to :toy who de. tire. hTtilltDGE. TULLER, C _Rome. N. V. ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT ? hYEIIII.I CHEMICAL PAINT b 3, proved fuel! to to the HANDSDNEST AND MOST DURABLE EXTERIOR PAINT KNOWN. SAmpie card of Itmletti hal eolore and reenmmenthit ion from owners of the M.lle,t nerldrrrrs the colmtty fur nished free by all dval,rs and e, 2 Burling Slip, New York DE/..TH! BAD BREATH! Illmnt of young and 011 l h r,Pr. to, int,' tinily with dirordert.: Stouviei, 111. i il Li‘Pr. Eidneys.l,lz. Pam :Ter, ap I/epitaph, ralitlarap. drat...lnv.., no rurriry,dkp. r.ia• • to ,h. nourairia. irrprel, we“ in :et xi pilpation, pl•••-. Sc. /r.c. iteteltzit.r.•ty cl.rt•tAt 0.1 GOLbEN f 01. Plali•••I tree rot St D•orribe your CZ.r. CIIIIII4II - tr. o. .11 - ttit fel airiarditay, VoringPlown, Ohlo. BAELOWS HOMO BLUE. Is the clweipert nit Twsr now:, in the trark - rt Inuring. Chiles. 'the r... 31.1101, We 1.010 Ilarlos caul otba./g,r's collie, r, Ow 10... L. tool 1./it op ea 0% bergwr'sDrug Mom. North t`...(1.11‘i Ft I.hfattle phi. 13. 11.1111.103L1t, Frei rlutur. Fur rote by I.lruza..os and Grocer,. digonts Wanted.—Agcnt. mAkr more moLe7 zt vrerk fur Rt than nt ntlythin^ else. Bo.lucer iigkt Awl perniurrnl. Partleul-tr* En.som Art "Wisher,. Portland. ItaMe. THE EAGLE Drug tore ! 3317^EILIVE3 43:tr 157X080a... EC . PEOPAIETORS - BRION BLOM, MONTROSE, PA., Sign of the Golden Eagle and Mortar WLDettire to info= the pubtle that we bay, moved our Stockuf Drup,hhulicutett. ttih, Itzerit ce. Combo, Perfumery, Fancy Articlef. etc.. two the Brick Store, formerly occupied by Gutteubvig. Rocco W m &Co. We hare recntly fitted cplble Nom is Modern Style and shall audescur to keep well al:lulled with al I arslelos pertaruluz to the prstg Dual:kers. We exiend-to sherys.wly a cordial. larltatlaa t k can sad *co as when in stunt of anything Ia our I:us. and when Nor to wan, give us a frleudly =IL T. all nut old casisrudsra ire d.lre to express Gar thanks fur the Tory literal patronage herehhuru exicuded to us. We dual eudsnoryr Co Uteri , a collatit/allee ur the came. Very Truly Yuan, - • EL. D. BURNS. Montrose, Dec.l.4, 13;1 500,000 IN BANK. GRIND GIFT CONCERT ! Fostpoped to Duembor 7, 1872. rpm seem) Grum) GIFT CM:6EIIT In 'aid of at the PUILUCLIDIURT or HVITCCITY., artnagneett for. fttember lat. has been postp-med WS December 1872. teearaie the 41=mi:dation of orders the few clays before the drawing wader! physiodly Impossible to d 1 them without a le w days delay. and as a short post tame meat isle larritaide Ii was lit tumbled to defer it to a tuna that %scald Malil a tall drawin care by the Lilo of all the tickets. ~ . _ . The money netepeary to my In full ell the - offered gift. le now upon depult In the Ystrum'e unit Dror,-r'e lllLin4oiswEll he neat by the following art:Acute of the Cashier. • • PAE.M . ERW, ILIC1) 1 ItliVrer lIANi. - Ky., 'dept. %, ISa f This Is to ...Wry that there is now on deposit to this bank over bell s Million of dollars to the credit bt the Girt ( Queen Fund. $500.0000t whi , bAs held by this bank: as Treasurer of the Public Library of ffentacky. to payoff all Ott owardttl et the drag inn _ _ A. S. %MACH. Cashier. • • 1,0110 Prizes, Amounting to 5:404000. IN . CASH. . vlrlbe a...M0.11e htefiest . prizes bele?. 111 IV WY, 2 5 0, OM MOOD. - arid emu. to tt:gabir, gradnefon to Cite orbleh Is the 105 e., .. • The &Titling gin positivey aed necontrotalry tek; .plate pere.irber 7r Ai:Ufa-Are nbreeentorlir.rsquired to close pates and :rete retort a Zz'oreml-dr Li. - la order to Site o'o time for The final arrangements. Orden for tickets= epplioulot• for tlrrobsr• 'boob% be ad Atetitood to • Gov. Trios. It. is ft o,mr.Errg, - . Ascii Publit.Libtery of Malodor. •.. :Levirtlle. .ice' .N ` AT WILLI4I%I SMITH'S Extensive Pantltare Warm= pita viii dad the largest stock of FIRST CLASS AND COMMON FURNITURE! To be found In this section of the country, of bit own m.toufueture, and ut price,. that Clillllol full to give Bail. tie manes the very boot EXTENSION TEALES In the Country, and WARRANT., thena. UPHOLSTERY WORK Of .11 lands dote in the neatest mannet. iqt. TS .13. MEI 3;11 OF VARIOUS KINDS. PURE NO.I 3IATR ASSES, COMMON MATRASSES. UNDERTAKING. The enhoeriber will hereafter make the undertaking a opk elaity lu hi' 1,1111 ,,, on Iftylod Jo I completed NE W nnd the on,k.t vl , lrata REAP.]; in t he State, All him rem cet Will he attended to promptly and at eatiofuetory charges. WDL W. SMITH EL SON. Montrose, Pa.. Jon. ..TAZE."arrlE°3Eir'. o a deroftrat it. IST It our bait InEldet to tenet the fe't,of n ennvvrtent. revolt:al, Fer hie itEdoreed hy the Itr.thett ttothortty 14 America. t o firm and hoe many advntonEyee over ally of her Gate err- in art.t.d. I. therm and earlly coosinteted and for resityeuience cannot fail to pleaie n il don hr opener nil rimed teltioutut the opperntor changing bin I seines. (tinder pnIIIIIty poond, and if dy*beo can b., vnali; arrAndeEl to he opened and enured *lthont dienousottnp. 11 ttrettn!ett ro mere 2round hr n opened then two poet, tel legit gate. this ntaklatt It V., twel , o l .lv ..Ver tole other Gate to Camera nod three lIVIIG to Village. and Towne, la In order every day to the year. on reeve to el Is triplet. It can. tint rah ..r 0..1 opt of nwir. For farther partleol..,atitin..• the rtnticrettmeti, whet will as her net pett•fhle %lilt She never al Conon. , in Penunylvooln 0101adjninitly: Slate, GT the putrpose of extolittinz and Intro inuilrez tho a tom. forlorn. ano enterprlnlng torn denendy will yin teen to.riee tits ci ti attention. m thla altecertalnly pill go into geuer..l nee. GEO. S. KAMM', Proprietor. ifinl•-olomi, Wyoming Co., Pa. Jane 12. '72.—tf. flyer's Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, an d effectual for preserving the hair. It soon restores faded or gray hair to its original color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restoro the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be eared by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensiye.: - ?;Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cot, Practical and Analytkal Metalsts, LOWELL, .11L1,J243. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 'or Diseases or tho Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, • and Consumption. r ift Among the great .. -,;,,,.. discoveries of modern a ., ,„,., I: i . :-.f. :,... ~ ,' V., snore real value to - - '', ""k . p mankind than this ef '..a ' fectu.ll remedy for ail i ve' 4 ‘,. diseases of (hi, Throat and Lungs. A vast A t. C t ia t t t ! trial of its virtues, throughout this and ~I, other countries, has shown that It does surely and effectually control them. The testimony of our best citi= sans, of nil classes, establialles the fact, that CUF-lIIIT Pr:cream. will and does relieve and cure the afflicting disorders of the Threat and Lungs beyond any other medicine. The meet dangerous affections of the ruknonary Organs yield-to Its power; and cases of Consump. tion,; cured by this preparation are public ly known, so -remarkable *as hardly to ho be lieved, were they not proven bevend dispute. As n remedy it to adequate, on whi . ch the public may rely for full protection. fly curing Coughs, the forerunners of more serious disease, it saves unnumbered lives, and en anemia of suffering not to be-computed. It challenges trial, and con vinces the most sceptical. Every familv should keep it on hand as a protection against Ole early and unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which are easily met at first, but which become incurable, suit too often fatal,,if neglected Ten der longs need this defence; and it is unwise to be without it.. /is a safeguard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat rind Chet of. childhood, Clients' l'acronat. is invaluable; for, by Its timely use, Multi tudes, are rescued , fsnn premature graves, and saved to the loco and affection centred on them. it sets speedily and surely against ordiaarycolots, securing seamd and health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer . troublesome 11111nel:1 and pain.. ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily they can be cured. Originally the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, no cost or toil is spared'ln making every bottle in the utmost possible perfection. it may be confidently re. lied upon its possessing all virtues it has ever exhibited,. and capable of producing cures as memorable as the greatest it has ever effected. 0r..1. C. AYER & CO., Lowell,. Mass,, Pructical •niid A ialjtical Chi=4sts., • - BOLD BY ALL DBUGGISTB ZVEBYWIEBELIL Sal by Abel l urrcll, 4111(1 Burns & Nichols, Slontroic, and aßdruggLsts lind.dealers every yvbc;e. rDce. 21,1810--y , - • . wlOl - ICF;,.—We; - . Ina anden . qtred,..ent_nfrer to iet the • bultii tag af a Bridge. an Franklin- road leadiar tn-SummPrarine; near Atones Culphiou aro:44. July 'MIL' fiITatIrIiTTNIVIML, . . 7. v. nnwannt, - } &TenWre. I AMES CALM. : rtild;eviterolcca 11? : ifir.—r4 tied us 'Mil DO YOU WANT 'TX-1M 3E3.lMS'ir selling Machine ? TO..,%bl.frtn;!:adteldT,7l".;ll.°: yg0n.71,Pab,°.7.7:7;'r The Original Howe Sewing Moine, ESTABLISIIRD, 1847. IMPROVED, 16 71 . Meta cell and see It, with the Imprnveme ••*. are son's stenhab o. Remembd allion er tho head. Genuine lows Go me ROOMS AT- , 56 Court Strad, Binghampton, N. Y., AND AT Wilson's Store, Montrose, Pa. H. H. DITN.SIORE 3lontroac, Jan_ 13, 187 t AGENTSWNTED!sod mane p r -ti, 111.trutionr, like. es. of the Prerldeunt beduilfugy bound, and punted oulidled papa. THE NATION Its Rulers, and Institutions. ENGLISH AND GERMAN. Nothlr g like It. Strikes reeryitaly a Ju<t the book Mt) nerd. 11 to an lopedlo of the the...nen, Sit piaonge• In It ore of thern-el sec IA I gth theprig CI the boot, Oren 500 ;WV., and o.lp NI A Ri c h B ar . Teat for Cnova.-tnt--13111. nod plotter. n—tarm. tete., and ndt kno weer not orders fn ofra days trill! circa:at dant Were Ikr tent elPearrd $2l a day acrd In fah ter! tor. V. rite et "nee tot t'1,0%7 'l.l lon,rmarton NEM. CO Canter Ith nod Market Pkgatfetphla :so veuuber 1. 1511.—1 T Ice= rrival.—Fß ESII AND ST7- 1 . 1 , ..R10R TESS. lust rrcel‘c•l ard f..r .nir 101 l for C 4•12 at it. J. WE1113'...3. Vow Crockery—Mit SALE AT wrrors Glassware FOR SALE AT U. J. %MI'S Ashton Salt FOR S.\[,[•. I w• nn Ora ages and Lemons AT J NV r 1111.51 IA )1) 11 DIERCIIANTS APJD TRADERS ! IN THIS COUNTY AND EL E WHERE:: DO V 3311:71Er ON' M. C. TYLER 73 kBl DM'. ST., N. V (torn .11tTn. Coln; .t ('n I A 111 I (11; 11 111 :107 Flt AI. tI A IIDW \ rtalorr tttcyt be, Sbor,l. Lonl,llnt , Oltoote-. 1.1,1tt it I Pl} M lip, X en t S:r•.l.:tant Into polo frbo b 'lt, Worltl. •v. ry lontl of 8111-111., lb tor Gan-, VA I I ark.. 11 ttob, Unit l' ist, Pit , 0 , *, It. •11 . v r.. Fryt r• 1-. Carper. 1.-es Tot.l tbn Iflocktottith'lt Inoloo tt owl Toot. K tort, Its, It , and Spoon, sad stl7tlttnz o.nttnr kopt b eLtttet Ilardtrnre Importing to.d 4ob:ing I!osoa No 111•IbLe!! My Alltees< TIIIIIIOI or teolerod to tho many in my •.wr, county. fur the kind pttronnoo. a. :don La thernuor in Orberoll• I it,. oho may read 11113...1d a itt • hereby-7.0...3 huu r humors , • :t• keil n ., !b., won nn• witt,o to oh ° have n u t doer to, by urdore or rout?. Trot y, - C. TYLER. limn:on, March, 1372.—tf. 3131111 h 'A 11V. .WATER CURE . Tnri borne Is now completed and reap for anemon de•ton of vt+;tore and the treatment of Invalids The fnl!nnrinr nrremong the diction ttermn to have been crand,b7 thereof the Sescplehann Mineral Water. DISPEPSIA. anxvzt, DIABETIS, ILTDITEY DISEASES %%ENEMA-I...DISEASES. DROP. Sr. ALL IMPURITIES of the BLOOD, LIVER COMPLAINT, 'ULCERS P11.E9, CHRONIC DIARRHEA, F-11.thE DISEASES, RUNE. EUYSIP• ELLS, SALT EllEllll, cr,CP.OFELA. Cluitcramocolzes IDitamsztzsool, To thole Rho contemlato tho Spzlnv, ere would coy that the TEOCSE lo FITTED with I ♦tew to the COMFORT and EASE of oar CUES tddind we 'ball 'pare no Nina in looking to their welfare. We guarantee ry cure or decided Delp, or no pay. For further particulars enquire of, or adtreas A. a BUTS' LaWIELD, & B, 0.. Sarzuehanna mineral Springs, Bush, Puna's Aprll. 17.1873 ral3 WOOL•GROWERS TAKE NOTICE. ‘f °TIN. WOOLEN MIL Ta running renal. mak . JP ha all wool flannel.. checked nod obit. cotton warp Cannot. the beet ever made; .all wool tweeds and catehnerex. A large /or of cloth. on Intel, for vale or to exchange for wool. - new give men I,te before dlrprwlng of wool eleenbere. elll miles north of Morwroan. J. W. 110TT .Ureutruse. Juno 7. 1811. HOWARD SANITARY AID . ASSOCI AT lON, For !belie!intend cnre ofthe Erring and VittortanntOolia Principlea of Chriottan Philanthropy. lieFoye on the Enamor Youth nod the lonics olrAgi In relation to Slarriage and social Evils, with Gaither aid for the adlieted. seat pealed envelope.. Ad dree*LlOWAlill ASSOCIATION. Box P. PlAtadeialiiii TEMT IN V E SrT 31-11 - . N T S. Municipal Boidal:for . These bonds gra lc.ned by lift lire of the tltato Conatt• talons gratili; the Le4islaturea the right in cnart tow, no 6.414 nu Li fles,C,enujea and Toirns to lane se, oarlike , to aCconLauce with such law* fec "curial n bier. oat Improvement r, and when on !woad ',bop) la no how., er tont can ttledly dulcet them.. Oars toes] scpndlain ; alnulchusiblenceunor. These Oonds urea Erns lieu - up. an alt the. on,party of the nitudelpality Including- Railroads and luollgved pr einem!, far , oeullig IDTC•ints ore changing their Cluverninent,plad Paine Saa amities boo thieve desirable bonds. - .Any explanation will he cheerfully clven. and Sonde In denotutuattece of 1100,1120 1 Z8S0CI. 81.000 each, for sale by Corns & fluxes', Banker.. "aemehent. Pipet, AnIGABb: ts72^ BARMY'S READI RELIEF CURIL4 :11C NVOliel. P. 11103 In from Ono ONEnty Mlnuton, IiOT HOUO =IVA XU I'Y crr.n FOR r. was Liao arse suits 'rho Only Pain Itemotly that Instantly . Plops the twateictodatlng ye ne, tales, In Cutneiso.4., end ter. Gonyrettotteorlotber the Lunge, yonenach, there:l4er etlett Ooects ur Ina., by rent Ityytttor tlan, IN nom ; oxr. TO TITrSTT EILICOTE-9, No matter lore. nr tzonirtntirt; the tSn the ItIIEC. IATI4, Clotrlthlen, Intton, Crinoled,Ntsette,Neuraigto, or yrtntratra WWI i 1.13042.01.4 RADWAY'S READY RELIEF MILL AFFORD , INSTANT EASE. MTLAMILSTION oP THE KlONcym. 'INFLAMMATION OP VIE DLADDZIL INTLAMMATION or TIIF: nowm.s. cONHEATIoN viz LCNCS. sons DIFFICULT BREAITIINO_ PALPITATION OF TILE IJEATIT. CTIOUP„ DIPHTH ERIA. CAVIL:RH, INFLUENZA. TIZADACIIE, TOOTLIAC euR IIF wALGIS. titzumerrsu. COLD CITILLS, MICR (1111.115. The opytio,tton or %Ls Iteady" Reiter lo Pad at parts Ware Oita polo or =wily ewes vl.l Ward two sad comfan. Meaty drops In buff lonitlet of vest, LT to a fear c ll omments corn CRAW'S. aPAI33IB. BOLABOLA 6TOq ACA NT DU ICK. WAN ell F.. DIA ItItIIF.A DYWENTERY. COLIC. L 1 DOWELS. al all IIiTEICNAL PAINb. Travelers Wonld always elver baffle of itadaras'a Ready Relief web them. A few drolei to WM.' sill preven , Werve.a or pains from change 4.1' wan. It In bet—. Was French Untidy or Yaws al a Wootton. p_l MED. ANN; ADC? cured A rogsslLS o-em ly. t4la fur T "" 12 "" 60., 2nd nii ot„ liata.lLV.N " "" ''' l'"" *" s ulk.. AA revers DM. l i ff ill iMf '" VAll 64 ll ao reic es MIDWAY'S I•CADY 111FL'ISW) 1.. ~I. acbb by 1),,,,,51 4 .. ADY D.ELIE.T.: Yllty ecula i HEALTH! BEAUTY!! 711 .QtiO AND PURE nlcß ntoon—rscnneam OF I•Ltsli AND WEIGIIT—CLEAIt SKIN AND BEAU TIFUL COUPLE-VON BECUIIED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT MAS XIADTLVIE MOST A'S . TONIsItI:O fIUrtES . : SO TUIS TRULY WONDULFUL I LIELMCINE. TIIAT Evory Day an Incroaso In - Flash and Wolg!lt Is Seon and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Drell. drop of the lIIATtSAPATIII.LIAX RESOLVE:IT ennmutalcsea through the Mood. Sweat rrtne; and other guide and Jukes of the wyetent the vigor of W. far It rapalos the mates of the hotly eith end loul4 ruseruLs. Seohllle, Cos:1511,110m.. CLeadolar glamay. Views In the ref[. Th IgentS. Sure E g • .alule frompart he spew, Sure Eyes. Strum.* I , l,eherg , s from the Lee. and Ito , yore* Ammo of Skla Caesar, Farr, time, Fever lavre e Sal.l Itlnc Wotan Falt Itheur . , I:4r.lpel" Ache. sllack Stank Worntsln lbe Tuaterr e (. 1:91 . 31 In tie Nfolab e _roal all egkeuing and eta:a dis .lgoa. held Steal...L.4 et Sperm. enal areateeeflas We . principle, are aelthln tha turallre range of 111. wood, of modern gbentlstry. and a few AIITi UM .111 ffrme.e to any person U•IliZ it tar oltker of these roma of dlresae It putent power to cure here. If the patient, daily becoming vettneed by th e raper ,/ decronturAtlon that Is ronttenally progreaslnc. succeeds b arrekina . three 'realm cud repalre thr tote at t.ew Ma t er. lel orate from healthy bleod-..ald rile the PAILSAPetItIL- L11 . 1.N 11,11 and aloes ercnr% 'Not m.I, ones the SAIMPALIZTALP r:I3IILTSII7 4111,1 trumm remmlla) 'Lomas Itt the cute of Carom; ftemfuteus, I .111tutwual. and !Okla diestaseS t but it Is the only p0091 , e cum fur C' Kidney & Bladder Complalat4, rrinare. end Womb ammo, Gravel, lifslietee, of Ma, I,3,lSi:tent, Urlnr,Mim. AlLmotoorte, on.l In e'.l rasa, when them or.. laiettlatst polvt or Li.o waste le thick. donde roll e 4 WWI su'..lartes !Ito thro white or thmai white Cit. or thlr3 is roorhhi,laric bleous rrppeenner...l ecrornlust depnelte ood vb. there Is • pricking, ren'enoen whoa passing water, and palnLatha Sus!) a tt.e Elsa 3154 slam,l , oe Pried, Vca. WO9MS.—Tha caly known sad aar. Itc=s4 tar loos—nre. Tumor of 12 Years' Growth Cured by fbaderay's FZesolvent. Tfrreersv.ll/....301.1. ISO. itv Itsessav:—T f.saise now" le .. 71 aka .4 I,srel. All she " then :es es Ssls4 .• It." 11..44 every third that was nweessusc.l.4l;lest .1:,!tv1,1.4 e.r. I ts.• Ite...set, red I, itch-.1 1.1241, IS Isles.. I he.l sneered few Swam ,u,. 443.41..1 st.• see meet Pins, .1 tes lIM se4 those I. dielesi .1 .4 I h.l hems, onsur..4 lervlew ll‘e.‘ The we. Weer tette • Ids st.leef iSe W.:4 seer ISe I erslte Ibis 4 See to Ike Leastld eeSts, los ca roa4thaott. 11.00,11 1..").5.0T. DR. • RADVIAY'S PERFECT PURCATIVE PILLS, prrrettly tattrlert, etextutly mart 4,1111 =l,l rt% Furr% tegulatt, purify. eransr. an , sttenrltt , n. 11,1g , ,y s rit4. for the otrt. of ihonten of the htnot-ch tr, Wt.!. iChbter4 ttis , ltter, Season. Dt.h.set. ban, INsdlnelpss, ll'liau•sess, ton,. Fares, Inllinstnedions Oi the Ilserele. Pe • ra/&stmesle 4.1 Os Internal Vlettrs. WPrrrels.4 I, effect • phmtme curt, Purely Vegeta/Ate. coatal.r.l4looo4llo7. cdner.l.,...raolsi anon, drop, rfr (Thtert , the .ticAlhg symptoms tstrttlttr.g from Dls erdete , of tho Digtstlttye I.+,UK Cenotitetttert. Interel rlte. Tanten of the 11.4 an the Meat Manta ..r the Stenesett. Veneer. Ileartharn. Invent et Feel, tele rem or Mrhest In the Item... IWof lett at Oa HI ef the Remota. Pelee. Jet; of the Mad. 16,114 awl Te.entt Orteitt'ne, llatterian et the Beet. CUM er SooSeentine when In . Mien leweesn et ~ Tlalns. D. en %Jr, Wrote the wet, 17.11 Ills 6 the Thai, Detect, et Perwtettlan. 1,11... e. el the el. awl Sr, to to CO.. (1.1. aoJ mate.. Ventre et Hal, Bew-les 6 SA 11.5- A Cow daare TtADWArS mu: rill ➢re Me wvVei4 a a P.1 , 31,••••1 di.ardars. Pracc, rs ma, per bal. ent,ll DT IrP.Uriritw l'4. , FALSF. AND peal one T•ttirr stamp In It ADITAY k CO.. tin. E,• 3talden Lane, Nane•Tark. 11.1brumtign worth thrnlustasula La rcni 7O Ap:11 Z.l THIS 1111, tENTEEMEHI ria,rrocrorL HORSE HAY FORKS I A, S. NEXLISI PATENT IMPROVED. Twenty-Two Otati Fatr Ptealama Awaizled Mtn Fork 1n Fifteen Stonth►-1801aad 1610., taLl S CI /If L RELY, An Implement that FTery Firmer, Carpenter, Mason and rainier 61.1otad'Elave. 2eio•vcakivirLs HORSE RAKES Rend Rakes, Scythes, Smtha, Orfila Cradles, Iron, (A cher Ruud) Axles. 8 ••• .priors. Calling) Dolts- Ciro Rut. (Snarl end 'Tic:mai:C . 46r C X* MI Xi MI DOTES That a.traya Aires au A ARM WIIISTLE! when tho Cottut la Ready for the T no. TRY ONE and ion tt11) find the OA ir Atirsys 111;,Ft1 ' , cos. Grind itonek, Bins, ricks. lisspsLocks. 'S•sscs. Miss. • - Knob,. Drit.litliTea, Scylla Stouci, Lltrisss Puna._ ons Varnish. SIOYCIA, ' TIII•it 2re, Lamps. de. Montrose, Jai, Baru& con - NI .S "1" ..26.1.10333XaTat 5.0017 . ' '* Th corn? uncia, • MONTBOSE:PIN'A. jOrIB: 116 Tatilllll4l4. JP,P , pr!eitor•, ridattageAterve tbliaiopee (hay, connecttng wi th lbe D. L. W., the EAU, and ths 1210 allA Bail not dintnaytd by mirueral - p7ison or iiiiruTs mune. sad tbe vital" otsrasted beyond the at of repair. palm or Indicantlens. Headache, Palo Ills the ' llMlera, Coughs, Tightness of the Chnt, Diminish Sour Eructations of thaStomach, Sad Taste to lb* Hawk Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Hum htlernmatisw ef the Longs, Pain in the regions of the K •arrosid a hadoodl othee paniful symptoms, are the (Ageing, ei DmplgeM. these complaints it ins no tonal, and one bottle will pont I Letter guarantee of its merits than a lenglltiedrenimand, • Doe Iftemalo Complaints., ha young rifts!. married or single, at dm dawn of womanhood or ll.sos these Toni: Iliturn display so decided . On Una. that • marked improrement is scum rerorptible. Por.ballacatuatory and Chromate Ittlurettaao Mut and Coot. Biious, Remittent and Interesittot veg. Discaus the Blond, Liver, Kidneys so d Bliedder, them Bitten have no equal. Sueer MAMA ler Vitiated Bloat, which is generally produced by duaniunat of the Digestive OtPo. They aro a Gentle Permeate ea swell ai a Tonle, possessing elm the peculiar merit a atria= u w powerful agent to relieving Congestion sr Irdlasemaisco of eke Liver arid V iserral Ormms, and in Bilious Lianas Skin Dlanues, Empoons, Teter, Salt4l.l.*, Blotch., Spots, rmple% B.* Carbutscles, Rog-worm, Scald-Had, Sore Erse, Eyiol., Itc; Semis, Docoloray time of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Slki of whatever name or nature, are literally dug sp mid carried oat of the system in a short rims In the use aldose titan. Cleanse the Vitiated Mood alumna you lad its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples. Endo Lions, or Sores: cleanse it when you fad it obstructed. Grateful Illllleus powlaim Vanua, Byrnes tie mast wonderful lavigroant ever known. • J. WALKER, Prop'r. A. IL BIetIONALD 6 CO.. Dzirnists and Gen. ACM. Si,. Etancrice • Cafi6mia, and corner of Washington and Charlton St*" Nen, York. tar SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DZALUS. July le. 1672-223 '°ll--;16 tiV,& Avr.. _rsigtmica i 45 th^^nd ei•dletnn in allies the 'filleted aro 11.4 Ira p fir relief, the discoverer te• int i s harmony more of Ni. taro's m • s ei-atho properlies.edifels CI .1 ho, 1 ixtolu I I-it a ii,, tingdarnollus Ci 3 • cverl ri•Fr Irornircnoltilme 11 0.13 u1,11.:1 its. 'Cr, evidence of thin tint to tonal crirlety of stn.t obstinate dia. Isaacs ati ilt hi f Ina Fra.ennquer. 1n lb. Cnro of Illansolatt In - , !haver° Cough*, on I t's-rewlrsts; v of Co SI guilt pt lOU. It bar mini .3, I 111 m t first facolts. and eminent fair altls t. pr.." t too grsaieq medical dl.etivai. ryoft 74 ilia It circa the severest Combs. It mtr,s4.t.s.-1• to, cretea and purl this , the bl nu 1. tit II • 473 it its I thwrouith blood "'eV,. It can, WI Inn tn ors, from nu w tit Narortsl s to 3 coat:non !lintels. Pine.' pi -4_, or Et an t oll w tfectulal huts rat Pof 33, if .3 I villt e.Teet.., aro eradicated, and. ".1 ;sr its miltsail s nvr ironslltntlon estsda- Bev I E as t Snit Rhea in Fewer • 34, :icily 0 • ! tough i n Skin slmit, oa 133 - ropied , hr blond. are , l4 tr, I hr tali powerful pusifying add in ris mato.: If yoa ,1 ecbllliated. hart salfew ell3r of or y !It 13.3 brown spots nn face eye b,Jv, so it litts Ws, or ili=ine,s. bad Vista 10 1113.1 ti, ht.:rad 13 ta a: clulia alterizatrd with hot e! Li, spirit.. awl gloomy forebodings. in , ea =it( (13.13,1:3. n's IWA ro^. Coaled. )3,41 gaffes , lot If Td vial Myer or . 1 111111 mass. D. 3.3.3 .,, la ens el.tes of "Liver Coto. plaint d j • pia of 14,e symptoms Are expos nen., I. It is r.o•lt fir all sod. wipes Ur, 011131 g Disrovery hat on tilt the lirerstrengtb. trout nil hollthr. Por the core of Illsablltsfal Coinsii pal lots of the bowels it 1c a. never hitt iii th-ise who hare wed Rica Wit p trmxc are Ila.l la Its praise, 7,13 pn.nrle:Or nt'ers sl.•te rensant for • twit. aria that alit nioul It for the eons of' all Ocilla• • r. 3: vNICh It If rermowittlest Sall by dnals.iois atstisrr blithe . Prepared wr V. Plern• Sole Propttsww. orbits Chants ell Lahorstors. ISt Seneca sweet littlOsto,'N;rs. Send your ititkens kw 16;1.6..01kt- DMIGOIST, morraosz PA.. De continually re•.ekving 4 n 4 keeps conatatily co band a falland &Iran, ..Ltauarunta4 of acnulao DRUGS, 'MEDICINES, CIIEMICALS, LI ci 11 P. Paiute, 011*,11* C-SlllO a. 're a r:Sicicie, aid other Gm curie*. Stoma Ware, nut! ‘1 ucdoor Paper, Ulan ware. Trutt Jars, Minot*. L 314111. Chlmory., Sere Nene, :Machinery OIL l'auller: 011. Noali afoot' 011, 1U tined Whale 011, Soon* 011, Olive Oil, Spirits Tatra tlue.Carnl thee, Canary Seed.Vlocccar.tutaitc. Cloaca' crated Lye. Azle tfreclace,"Trustra. Soppurttra,iladlea luetmments. S houlder Teeter, ii hire, out,.. Plato/* Purtrldarse Powder, Phut, Lcud, 4uu Cap!, Ulaaltos Powder and Purr, Vl.ll.l.l.lfiTT#, Nit , ... Pi tea. ele..Fl*ll.llouk*al U Mut *. Dar aublollet 8 oalca. Hatt' Oil.. hair Reelccrere, mud llalr bye.. Drool*** Pocket Role*, Speelacle.,Silvet Ported hi:ovum? cosh, Uulera. doe. Dratirt .1:11clus, a general aerurtsaestor FANCY 130:1. JEWZLIIT. riiiitilat Mt the' main: and best Maas of PATENT MEOICINE3. ta 'butt, pearly citc.: atm; cchturcibv sSRY. W tul.:1 1 11[0.. to titultij w. LituCa 41•61 altu (to ..uuutit atutt.t:tutUtusultitt GuittUtltil eIIC. A1.11,,,./.11.1,16 144,10,1.1e.a1aaL. ye alb %Ala hA 4A 441404 t.. 1. ALAI V•••• 13 DWL. Vh • Mo:nrusn..l4u.S.lSli. DOWN TUWN Jr;l1 b ALUM! 414V1) slalu Strcut.b clouts brissw livpl'. V Mastic FLUU4, .I.M° y4itiEN , PRO Ir'ISJOS Wean eau tutu t lj• r nv - noilukifir mai& afresh cock oi.kiood. In watt, c,wbkh lattAk 'CHEAP tor mush .or exctuk go orPrOlige• (iti LID • CO PENA, SUGAR;"::. _MOLASSES, SPICRS, I'ORK, FISH, . HAMS, DRIED" FRUITS, CLOVER e, TIMOTIir-SgieD, WELblivoi elite d Ando:lade addition/toots* 13Iodt • Patli.and oro now ren t forward Hotter So tb bet tonitntoolon house* to Now Yok,lreo nl ebillrb, sal mtk. I i hera) ; idr4nce nent. oncnn*trnmena. - Uellondexamtncolnrquelt boron potchoolagelit whore.andeonvintr voorsolcxo tt be „ • ; . • GOOD QUALITY , 411 unrytticgs • C't ° • I3F V. R. COATS MontOtio.,APtil Ifl. RIM G OLD:JEWELRY--A Fine iirirt. • merit. WI other teriettrs of Jmrttry. A tow Oa and Sliver ()lead %dates And Watr4. (Wog: Slim ood %Pm ntated kinoong. %Pork.. Age*. ontlassonolent et Fancy Goof*: If °Mao; Pinfteterh ee.' Drags and Nod [dna. o neck. iSOZVON, Fs— D o e . alp MP? I '414.1. 'A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers