acul: ttc Ii tune. BEt44loos aptylcss, BAPTISTL Fuil,pirAstor. Peahath Settees 'IOAI a. OE ado in tn. 15311b1SS School Prayer Meeting, Weanige) 'Evening* ••••—•••• CATIII2LIC UCH Mat: J. htArrtuy sanntbervtex.,Senond each Month SaltnatikSplutPL:,... Inaptediatly beton, Mate - ' • EPISCOPAL CElUMEllialtx. E. "A Witratrotn.Ricton. Rabittab Sem - tOCE ' 103,10.. M. and 7..54 p M. Senday P,chool.. WeckOey Servicee7Welinetolayi...•,,•.• • • ...7X LIETHODIST SPISCOFAL .....Ilex. - A, 1/, Usianes. FAbb.,th 14.45 a: a, aha 'LED p. M. 6 3 1,buth ," : ..::. t .,. nt. Prayer id eetint,'W•nredeye. ...... 0. tn. _ . PtiE,BYTEIiIAN i; • . . dee. J. r. Ittna.zr.. & t abu% ,ryteea. 1 . 0.45 a.m. and p, tn. Sabitaltt'SeMMl - • 1215p..m. Prayer Ileetpatt, Tillittlaty.EVMSAZt.. firt:siness;liitittees. • We a iTI itttOtlon.o the following new adt7er , , . tisernentalltis 'melt.; • 7 4 . nalrefe Sale, Unseated Linda. —3lontmseßorought Statement. -. 7 .gline Stallion for sale or rent. —Susquehanna Mineral Spring—A. I). But. tertrehr&llro - - , • —Mustang Liniment. :114r_RenOwer, ; —Soma di . Shoe Store—C: E. & A. 11. Vpte• • .ve. a .„. _ -- - kn .. .kpprenticr. wanted nt this office. Ap ly imineffiately. , leasir Robbers cit nuner. - The orlice of the I.,ycoming Fire Insurance Company at 31t ney was. entered by burglars last week and one .of the safes blown open. Oyer 430,600 in regishartn. bonds and': stocita were abstracted, $lO,OO eirwldch ,lielonged to the Company, and the balance to 'private- par ties. Two suspicions"characters have been, ar rested in connection with the robbery. A Correct Vtw,. A. jail) . writer asserto thltt jf trouttn were as partfeutir in ohooluii a virtuous Itusbanilaa tnen are in selecting a yirtuous.wife,_ a • .motatrefer .. rnation must soon ensue Women' Wire a'right in insist 'that men" should be as pure as' Uinta selyWaikselopg ns in's° called "Society". gentte men pay no penalties by tang kicked out from the family circle es soon as crime is (theorem - A, no reforMwill ever take place. It is the ladies' duty,tobefirna on this point, and, if they only use Weil: powers at every opportunity. the change would soon be visible. The Hagerstown Trier a Week relates the fol lowing "A day or two since a gentleman (1) whilst on hi 3 way to this town with a _pocket book containing ten thousand dollars, lost the same somewhere on the road. and in going back 'to search fur it, met a MAN, (the word deserves to becapitalised,) and a poor one, to hoot, who handed him his last treasure, every cent in tact. Now, how do you sappose this delighted, and grateful, and Joyful, and,,generous person nt tempted to reward the honest finder! Heltand ed him the sum of ffigt ants, which was promptly refused. We venture the assertion that tjus ten thous and donors dentlCntati was; or haibeen a "curb stone broker," for we know of no one else whose conscience Is stqciently seared tzlhave " cheek" enough' for such a niggar,lly actlem. Jumping' the Rope. There is no amusement indulged in by dill deco that calls for louder denunciation than thatof jumping the rope. It is fraught kith the most dangerous results, and every effort employed to totally itbolish the prac tice. Our exchanges frequently contain °bhp- ; aides of children who have died from over exer tion in . endeavoring to eclifise their Playniatee In jumping. In our own County, within the past year, them; hove been serious cases . resulting from the came cause. Parents should forbid their children from indulging in this dangerous pastime, and see that their orders eremitic:red ; teachers of our public schools shotild also be in structed to exercise vigilance, and see to it tint jumplug,the rope forms no pat of the school yaniplays. doing; IM rising -generation will be Improved, and many a parent relieved of nighte - of snatching over a thoughtless child who Inis alien a victim to this juvenile cnstcm. Borough Election. Tbeie;Was,a little Surpritte party in our bor ough on the night of election, ,when the vote lrat . CULyauctl, which elected the foll Owing rilll eers;;,Burgess; C. M. Gem, , Dent.; 'High Con- stable, "0 : J. Whipple,' Rep.; Sehool Directors, C. IL Gem, Dere., .. thatclicr. Rep.; Town Crossmon, Rep.," W. J. Mulford. Reli.,ll. Sherman, years, J. Griffis,Dem„ G.P.Pordham, Rep., C.L. Brown. Dem.,2 Years; D. ti Beebe; Dent., J. P. Lyons, Rep., and IL C. Tyler, Dem., 1 year. , We donut claim it as a Democrat or Republican victory, but only the result :of the 'conservative action of fair minded men, At a subsequent meeting of the carmen for organization, the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year. W.-A.. Cross, man; President'; IL C. Tyler, Secretar,y'; W. J. 3lulford, Treasurer; Henry Sherman, Street Commissioner; P. B. Chandler, Town - Clerk. We would add that the "straisktotra".failed to elect their "colored" constable. " . Preserve name Papers. Every reader vrould derive satisiacthin from keeping n, file of their home papets.. The most interesting reading imaginable is a filo, of old, newspapers It brings up the very age,lvithrill its galas andspirit more than the mast labored: deseription . of -the historian. • Wbo can take pia a paper dated-half a. century" ageyNrithout the than& that almost every name there printed is cuturn a tomb stone, at the . , head or an epl 7 mph!-. The doctor {quack or Ten : Maratha- the" . advertised his mealcines and theiceturs, has at last fcLin . vvtalthe sahlc. train of his ratients,•the, merchant hisTalufpa i: and i . tho actor -.On, could nuaksothers laugh nod woep,. can ZOW furnish a skull tar his successor in 'ft', is easy to preieive netvii;MVers, acid ' it will repay' the trouble, for like vine, - its earn increases with age. .Court Proceelioigs, : Aprll TMm. • Court approrelit:the oppointineni. of 'Martin L. Truesdell as Town-Clerk or Liberty town- Cciurt approve of the appointment of Z. E. Button is Supervisor of Franklin township.: 1 Appointment of C. J. Whipple as Deptity Constableof.ilontroseconfirtned by the Court. Ciin_Al:v4.49lt 3 a: Indietnent, assault and battery. : Verdict, guilty. •Sentenc ed to pay...ague of .r..; and nostspf pro . Rectit3on. % Collett' - Sik striker lgeGarr. Indictment:lit; catty. Aloar',o Coleman prosecutor Verdtct, On petitionXwart 'appoint 4: Skinner Supervisor of Oakland. Coneti;ii. Thomas Burke. inatted ihrin- Jurici.bActiOn the colored boy,..:Doiuihnit at 525.4 1W 3 4 1 PR1L Pep9t. ' John 11. Albee, preeeen ter.,lreellet), Thera will be o. motion for a leer = : . . . ... Coneth vs. Samuel Arnold. ."Desertion.- - Cose dismissed,And defendant to my costs: . " ." Coin'tli mi. -- kixiMobey:. - Barely Oititipeoce-: tonit dismiss this case, - and dinset .t4ot Mar y Ball;Pickiten4ix;Pai th o Cosi& - ' - '.- '- . EM3iMiMi • - O . 17.1"Icliett; we of 0. E. Pickett, Ts. John Seined by the issr,Oes„ , M. 31; W ill iams , use. of J. D. 0001iWil3; as signed to S. Line, vs. Henry Baker tindStelfr tin E. 7jekcr, ,'Verdlet for - plaintilr for $B6 63. Hydrophobia. ° Austin Gavin, of Providence, was bitten in the wrist bye rabid dog sometime months ago. The dog was !immediately killed the wound henled'in a:week, and Mr. Gavin kept at his work as. usual' until yesterday, 'when ' symtoms of this rare Yet.terrible disease manifested them selves. At_ any efforttedrink lazier,' tea; en' any kind of 'folds, he is seized With spasms, and can only drink with the -,- niest :painful' effort. Ills physicians, Hr's: Hollister and Lackey en tertain' nn hopes of his reenvery. , When there is no water in the room he appears tranquil and free front pain.. Father Whiney advised that two strong, reliable- men watch 'in his room , constainly, for tear that he become unmanagea hie and do Injury to himself orhis friends. As this is the first case occurring in the Valley, to our knowledge, it is fill of interest to the medi cal traternity, Mr. Gavin owned a farm in Sa= lent, Wayne county, and was about moving up on it when Le was taken 111 , ---Scronion Rrpubff can. Birthday Party. The eighty-seventh birthday or Seth Mitchell was celebrated at the residence of his son-in law, Geo. It Lathrop, In Montrose, on TncedaY, April 9th, . 1872,by the gathering together of rt most ohe agd-then of the pliee. : It was a pleasant meeting, mdde interesting by reminis cence a and anecdotes of the olden time. Below are the naives of Oleic present, with their ages and the States in which they were born ; Luther Catlin; farther, born Coe biller 24th,' Ct.; aged 47. . , Seth Michell, farmer, born April 9th, Ct.; aged 8.7; John-Faneher, farmer, born February 24th, N. J. ;. aged 8(.1. Georg Lane, farmer, born SePtember. 26th, ; aged 88. Rev, Burr Baldwin,hom January 19th, Ct. ; aged 133., . Scott Baldwin, farmer, born June 16th, Ct. ; aged 83. Buckingham Stuart, (of 7easup twp.) mill wright, born Feb. 26th, et; aged 81. • Elijah Bullard, shoemaker, - born November 28th, Mass.; aged 81.. Hyde Crocker, carpenter, born January 26th, Ct, ; aged 79. Stephen Frazier, tanner and shoemaker, born July 24th, Ct. ; aged 78. Josiah Blackman, M. D., born May 24th, Ct.; aged r. Charles. Avery, Esq., farmer; born March'lB, Ct. ; aged 70:' • • Samuel Bard, farmer, born October 24th, Ct. ; all t 6. Jerre Lyons, merchant, born March • 28th, 3I: ss ; aged 74. E. G Babcock, farmer, born May 22d, R. L ; Horace Smith, Dentist,_ born March Bth, N. ; 'aged 73. 'lhlaton S. WilsOn, merchant, born 3une 28th N. Y. ; aged 73. EDITOTL 3TO:S7IIOSE DESIoCnAT : -Enclosed area couple of enigmas, which please insert in your columns. I nm composed of thirty letters: My 18, 4, ii, 8,16, 21, 15,21 17, Is en Island. My 27, 30, 11, 9, 24. is an Animal. .11If 23, 15, 20, 13, 21, 25, 16, 17, Is one of the United States. Mr 2. 20. 2L 15. 26.17. 12.1 a a boy's name. My. 23, 28, 11 is a drink ' My 25, 3,5, 21, 7, 29, 5, 10, 6, Is the height of our ambition. My 10, 1, is the sign of the Subjunctive Mode. My '25, 12; 1 17, 10, 8, 14, 22,' wm a char-, acteristic of , Waillington.: My whole is the title of a paper published a few years ago in Boston. ALICE G. STEINDACIL -I am composed of twenty-nine letters: My 4, 2,0, 6, 18, 19, is what we all need. My -24, 3,5, 1, signifies cipher. My 12, 10, 23, 7,2, is composes of twelve. My 15, 0,8, 9, 17, 16, 29, is made by far mers. -31 y 6, 8 12„1.3, 20, 27, 14 , were found in America. ' • - My 11, 10, 26, 21, V, 8, is a city in England. • My 25, 11, 28, 20, 8, 10, 5, is a girl's name. a proverb.. . Lomas Gavrrr. Laporte, Penna., I. l .pril 4th, 1872. —4lt. Enron: -I send here en answer to the enigma by "Kate," In your last paper. The name of a metal—Lead. Domesticated•—Tame. A kind of grain—Bye, Verily—Barely: • •. • . • To overlay with gold—Gild. To Ramble—Rove. A very little—Mite. A bay—Bight. ' My whole is--Gixo me Liberty, or give me death. - Favtas IL Silver Lake, rip 39., April 14, 1872 An ,Unprecedented The Advent-I, of Chicago, that excellaUt Re ligious weekly so popular with all 4eriomiqa tions, has touched high Irater.mark roprenalum matters, by an offer of . Dr. Smith's unrivaled Dictionary of ilia Bible. The publishers eh.. cular states that throw an arranpment with Messrs. J. B Burr, liyde Co. of Marford--so well knalricrisi)ubllsherii rif first chair imhscrip 3nn .130oks—ssilinnthyr _ raugo..,oditioaos of tho Dictionary have been purchased, the Company Me enabled to Offer a copy of the books as pre mium for every new subscription to the paper, and an extra copy to any one who will send a - Club of 5. • The Dictionary is contiensation 'of Dr. Smith's three Tolume edition, prepared by him self. and Contains every mane in the Bible re• specting which anything can be said. It contains 770 pages, and 130 Illustrations, among which are 15 full page steel and wood engravings, a mantes of full page claps, and is bound with peculiar excellence. The work is simply invaluable to Sunany School Teachers, families, and in short, all who care to itqdll their Bibles.'. The Simday School Department of the paper, including weekly expositions of the' Tinton ie= rice of lessons and contributed :Odes on the work of the teacher_ and the management of schools, frnm the most eminent and practical :writers; is bebomthg . srldely. kaown ;and. ye* Tbiliiihscription price of the egi,. 09 pl.y4i, and thoboolt has -newt. bets* 10:44 Of tio, bultindar the terms A 3 ibis offer: tl.l o.4itaa than the cash" Prim, of tbo Dictioninry):o l l secure both. = Fifty ends must be - sent; for MtAge On single topids.: if ordered iicaubioha wow • rur - be sent by express, chars be psi 1 04 SeelPistas• ."- Tlo Teacher, Feasdly, or Scholar should,- Ict this oppedirmitY pig unLiproved; such offers are rare. :Any one arize desire farther Inform:t it= esits mg:reit by isddretsdnir Tao Exturdnathenc Look out for Pure Susquehanna county maphi - : The spring Examinations , will be held as Inger. They have been boiling a man in it nt follows, each commedrineat ld'aeldek, a. Susquenanna Depot. This mantras hulling sap : Grangerrille, Friday April -10th ; Montrose, In a forty gallon -kettle, hung on" a :pole, when ,Banardav,APrillCith ;SPringville,Monday; April be struck his beid against the, pole and fell Into 22nd; Ropluittom,.Thesciuy, Apr 11,23; Clifford. the kettle:: From what. wo know of the cheree- City, Wednesday, April 24 ; Smiler; Thursday, ter 01 theie - Susquehauna. farmers; we have not April 25th; Susb the least idea' that. they will throw away that nehauna-Depot, hilday. April '23th; New Milfurd,Satunlay , April 27; Radon!, much tap, eiumly because it has had a maw hilt Tuesday, April $0; Friendsville,Frlday, May 3d. It will yet appear on our tables in the form of Teachers will need-pen:lnk, paper, pencil and syrup, and if anyhodt finds' buttons in theirs. Union Fourth Reader. The' presence of Dime they will plcuae return to John Minor, Suave- tors isearnestly requested. henna Depot 7 -4'eranton Times. .• • . • n V. C. TILDEN; Co. Supt We have.-Ohly this, to say in - respect to the Forest Lake, April 17,1872;--W2. • above, end we leare , ,our cotempotary of the, Timex and U14.0 - 1103* of Luierne to be urn., plus.. Which 'likely to, work the greatest amount of injury, to our Lucerne neighbors? A little sap witira;,Susquehanna- farmer in it,in a little Lucerne head with ftarrln It Bounty. , • The following its tiro text of the bN which latelyVassed the ',louse 01 'Representatives': That,every volenteer, non commissioned °fn. ear, private, =slain% and artificer who enlist ed into the military service of the United States prior to July 23, 1!873, under the proclamation of the President of the United States of. May 8, 1861, and the orders - of the War Department is sued in pursuance thereof, and was actually ,mustered before Sugust 0, 1861, into any regi ment, company or battery which was accepted by the War Department, under each proclama tion and orders, shall be paid the lull bounty of one hundred dollars under and hy virtue of the said proclamation and orders of the War De partment, in force', at the time of such enlist ment, and prior tojuly 28, 1861, provided that the same has not already been paid. Wygniltig Conreiecter: The Wyoutteg Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, assembled at Owego, on Thursday, April 11th, and made the following appointments of clergymen for this county, for an aceoinat• of which we are Indebted to the Owego Gaulle. - HRIGUAATTON DATUM'S', H. B. CLARK, P. E.-- Susquehanna, W. 11 Westlake, Lnnesboro., A. F. Harding, New Milford, Asa Brooks. HONESDALE DISTRICT, DEWITT C. Out.saman, r. E.—Herrlek Center, G. T. Price, Thompson, W. W. Andrews, Owen() DISTRICT, D. D. LEST.SLET,IO.E.—LittIe Meadows, Willitim Kreatley. , WvALOSLCO DISTRICT, Lenten PECK, P. E.— Montrose, A. D, Alexander; Brooklyn, Jonas Underwood; Springville, R. S. Rose; Auburn, George Greenfield; Fairdale, E. W. Brecken ridge; Moroni. and South Gibson, A. C. Sperry; Gibson, A. J. Arnold; Rush, Miner 'Swallow ; George Forsyth transferred to East Maine Con ferenee, and appointed as Principal of nut Maine ConferenCe Seminary. The Committee on Temperance made their report which embraced a resolution in favor -of prohibiting the manufacture of intoxicating liquors. An animated discussion tmsued, when thetite report and resolutions were adopted without amendment. Red. W. Bixby„Rev.'ll. Wheeler anirßev. L W. Peck were elected reserved delegates to the General ConferenCe. On motion of Rev. D. W. Bristol, Taolted, That the Secretary be instructed to return the name of L. S. Thompson as expelled from the M. E. Church far heresy. On motion of Rev. 11. Wheeler, .licatred, That any member of this Conference I reporting that'he has not taken the collections I ordered by the Conference, shell he required to I give a satisfactory `reason. for the neglect, or it shall be a bar to the poisage of his character. Among the important questions introduced in Malian to the coming General Conference' were the following:— (L) A resolution; requesting that probation in relation to membership might lie abolished, on the ground that the day of its efficacy had passed away. (if) A ructolnoioek iro.otareloiatlti,i,,sortstin elitn: I gcs in relation to the Episcopacy, the Presiding Eldership, and the furtherance of the lutermts I of the congregational element In our church coverument, which on motion was placed in the I t hands of the Delegates to the General Confer ence with discretionary power •to entertain or reject part nr whole of the resolution. . I (IIL) A msolution introduced requesting the General Conference to sti altar the Discipline that every preacher in charge of a station might celebrate matrimony. The meeting of the Lay Delegates with the Conference was of the most interesting and en thusiastic character, • • The following were elected Delegates to the General Conference: R. Nelson, Thee. Harrow er, W. H. Olin, W. G. Quel, Geo. Peek,. D. C. Oinistead. Alternate's, 'Wm. Bixby, 'Henry Wheeler. The Lay Electoral Cc' 'liege elected the lion. Ziba Bennet, of Wilkesbarrc, and N. Y. ChM, of Binghamton, as delegates to the General Conference. The next Con(eren'ee was appointed to be held at Scranton, 'Pa. 1!1tLC%.11.11.X.A.C3-MO. limusirc Goat:mica Ai the *psi denCe of Henry Tewksbury. In Brooklyn, Apnl - by Rev. 31. Cabiwell, Lyman T. Benla• min. of Chit - matt, and Ilias Liuie A Goodrich of lirooldro„PC, ' • MeKErur—On the 3rd Inst.. in Jessup, '_73lr. Solomon Melteeby, aged 43 years. „ i —On the 3d just., in Jessnp, Mrs. Catharine-Pickett, aged 75 years, four months and eight dark:: - • - CANFrszn—On the 801;inst....near , East Mash, Mr. L. B. Canfield. aged 73 years: - • • • " Tamen-Lin Vestal. Brromite CO:, ST. 25th, 1872; Ilettfe; : wife of Markey -Taylor, aged 69 Yeare 3 months and . 4 days.- Hee' hind; and affectionate hushand. -is: left WWlNvi'lancf,lll6llPui. buissi rt. • ;nisi lal SO dear to her are : bereft - of a kind aridd, loving mother. She bad been a fhithfut follnwer of the blessed Savior: far 47 yenta. She died 'Arith .4. - bright hope of bliss eternal. 'Her last words to her friends trete, lq am going home; good bye' We hayed bet, yes no tongue can tell,'',, . -Ha tniteirire loved - her and how well;, :God loved her too, and: thOught It hest To- taku.heF hop:Lein-be -imus.E.vEss - LOCALS. F, - - CountySupe*lntenddrit Eleetion.' , To the . echdol — Directors of Siiscinetanna County:. ", •- • I Usarri,Fatetci=ln j pbcsunnce of the forty- , third section of ;fie net of 3lty fill), 1554; you are hereby 'notified 'to 'meet in convention, at the Court House.; in MontrOse,Onlhe tirstTuts 41ay A.-1.):18;14. being the 1111 day of the Month, at 1 o'cloek in the afternhon, and select rim roar, by a majority!)f the whole another of .directors -present, ono person' of literary - and scientific accluirataci3ts. and , skill and eir perience in the net of teaching, as county titigi crinterident, for the three sok,ceedin4 years; de termine, the amount of compensatton for the same; au/ certify the reimit to. the State fillixf!. intendeat, at Harrisburg, as required by the thirty-sing) and, fortieth sections of said act. - Alf, C.-TILDEN. Co. §upt. of Solo Co.. April 17,18734-44,, Slate DLootinp. • The staseriber tan furnish and pat on n. 2 slate nearly as cheap as.bemlock shingles; OM all the 'different - ,colorcd-Igq. 1 state. I con My slats on old ehlntled naafi and make a gQ°4job- Terimi reasonable,: Post office address, Sim. gounnworrr, / 444 /49.1Arclor.PIkr, Yobs wad '. It horses could make theniselvo understMntln human language, they would signify by u univer sal "Yea," their assent to the statement that the Slusratati Lmrstmcv is the best remedy extant fur all t tics° external ailments, and by a iimq em phatic "Neigh!" show their, displeasure at every attempt to use any other preparation In its stead. Ever since-1M introduction at St. Louis, at the close of the Mexican War, in. 1849, it hes proved a signal blessing to horse and man—curing, with absolute certainty and'wonderfal dispatch, such equine diseases. air spavin, ticigbone, poll evil; scratches, boofale, dec., and relieving and finally removing the painful affections which attack the muscles, sinews and external glands of human beings. It Is a fact beyond contradiction that Tor all injuries or complaints of man or quadru peds to which an external mica). is applicable, the M.I:I6TA.TYO 1.11:11.106T perferahle to every other. Tnis QUZSTioYhfts often been asked by those interested; "Can I have my gray :hair restored to Its natural color, without coloring the skin? and can my thin locks be thickened up ?" We answer,." It Can ;" and would advise yon to read a treatise on the hair, which is published by R. P. Hall Sc Co., Nashua, N. H. who send it free, upon application. Tuelr are the proprietors of. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. We learn from it, the hair, In a „perfect state of health, is constantly falling out, arid. new hairs grow from the same tubes ; hat, In C 490 of any disease of the scalp, or by the use Of alcholic preparations, the becomes contracted at its month, andprevents the naw follicle from reaching the surface. Their preparation will create a - perfectly healthy . condition of the scalp, and, by its tonic properties,' will preserve nd strengthen the roots-of the hair.--Staternian, Des Moina, loca. . _ Tarbeillidui °Livery. ! • Having removed my half of the Liriery to. the Tarbell'ilotfie, I shall bo pleased to accbmmo • date my friends and customers with anything in the livery line. Carriages with trusty driver.— Good horses and buggies always on hand. ;K J: R.,TIN'BFORD I herAitie.;;Stice all Outstanding counts tnost be settled wittiont delay The bust:" nevi wlll- hereafter be -carried on by W. W. Smith rind .Geome A. Smith, antler the fliin name of Wz,WpSmlth Sun; W. W. burnt, 'Cabinet Ifalzer. Montrose. March'l9, 1872.-4 w. ,c , !!PCCi4 , CIPP(t.,O A Voice From the, Pulpat Rev. 0.0. Front, Pastor of the Free Raptiet.C"anrch, Jonesville, Vernier t, writes:' `•I hail endend for =My years from Chronic titanium and Colic, becoming" so much reduced that I was at Unica nestle to attend to my ministerial deities. I had been treated by severel pi:mittens. both Allopathic. and liomccapathic. but is ith no permanent riusulti. White on a visit to• Scruntoni - Penna., I esperieneed a very severe atiaal:.; and by the advice of soma of my friends procured a bet tle of bluttmenle Item Brrstns. The erect then pro. dnced core promise of an ultimate care nod on my re turn home I contnined Its nee. f have mime ale: stiles end am cured. Bit truly a mueslis remedy." The True Grounds of Confidence. • Whence comes that Arm reliance, that ahrolute.un. doubling faitly 1n "the efficacy of /Buttner's Stomach Ritter. as a remeiplor hong:Alen bilious disorders. intermittent st:d remittent fevers. which notorimody prevail in ill part• of the Bnited States? This cont. I utosatsp. ml. oot result of cra dulity; it bun... been engendered by any human device. bat is the spontaneous and 134ttlrid anIS.1111• lice of esperiectect What people see daily going on under Weir own oyes they cannot goestion. When families In unhealthy di. tricte that resort to tltie whole • onto vegetable tonic. u a preventive. ctmpe periodical fevers. and their unreel!. ate neiglisors, who nulset this greCantlan, are pmetrat. ed by tioidtemaste. how Is Itpassible that the phenomenon should be without its tendon? in Mho manner when It is 1.“11, that obstlo tan amen of dyspepsia. of liver con. ablation. of tacit we w.l'iliness. and of generatdebility, yield to the Operation net the (amens remedy, hoer can even incrtalullty itself ortthboldttsendorsetnut 1. Bye.' 6f the ukase, effects of the Bitterer:ire to be found Muter, civilized settlement on this, continent. The thon.aula anon thousands obis owe their restore. Bon to health and strength, or their preservation from sickness, toil s eztraartlio ars medicinal properties, ore entba.tastie hi its praise. The moltitudes who recom mend it in a neighborly wag. to their friends. and ac. gnat Man ees. ati well as three who matte public their re. Situate of Its Mous:me *lewd -ready, to Mate their !mono for the faith tha is in. them. They have alt either lon or witnessed its beneficent operationti. ERRORS OF YOUTH: A 1);,5;11T4E1%%: o m p 'age re d y. fo n r i l d ra c g f t r t o m in e = • !not brat indiscretion trill. for the Asko of nafferino.ho. =inky. send tree to rill:sato .ued i it , theurtvelpt and di rection for mating the Wall* remedy by %which ha was cared Sugoters wishing cored: by thoadenitiesimperi7 cues min go so byaddressing . In perfect rouddenco, . • - •JOUNI 13 tIODPS. NO. a Cedar Street, New York.- • TO CONSUBIETIVES. The advertiser. Node; been .permartently earea L ot that dread Aiselee,Coulamptlea. by a 'pimple remedy, Is anxious/4s make kaoarn to hie lenoar autterere the mean. or Lure. Terrill who desire It. .he still end a eopy of the pre.r..rlptioa awd. (tree of etta.rgej with the elm. Hans (or prevaslnx and wing Ma same, waled they. end a sane Cone fur coisCatlTOS, AIMS •A, Itr.oxcat. Parties tyishlog the preeerlpfloa wW please,addreii Roe. EDWARD A. WILSON, 281 Soaih Thltd Stied, N. T. lIIECONITMLONO OP AR-INVALID. . , PUriLldliED as a warning and for tha beaeaCor young um and. am. who ender .from Nervous Debdity, de.; supplying TIM ISLANS OP azurrnar. Weide* by pad WO eared Mandl'. and ilentr tree . on receiving A poet-paid directed enyelope., - Addteee, NAVlS.474nTirelltr,Tha dlia,N, T. • `;,-. . Vilr frfarric4.—Eveasyo far young ?lemon the delights of home, and thepropriety Or frahropieleir of cid tin + . married. frith rgnilary, WA. tem imhtfert • .ormattimoniat wippiness -Sent - free. ,n realed . Orrutopes• Address. - LIOWMID AssoutaTlON tor P„ phdadelrita, Pa: manskurs. Corrected weekly by 'larding, flayden S C0., - 825 Wasbangtoq New 1 ark. Butter, pail Slain ~ Chpcse, dairy, per 1b... " factory Erns, per doz Flour, per, barrel. .„,. Corn meal,loo Wheat per bushel.... Rye Oats Corn Hops, crop of 1871.... Tallow " .... Lard per lb ..... . Potatoes per bbl Apples Turkeys per 1b....... Chickens " ..... Ducks " Nevi butter is arriving mote freely, but with' increased demand, prices are steady: Eggs owing to scarcity, bays junspeil up rap idly, tollebbleVicis nu Friday, but we think the lop noels has bee, teethed, and the-Y' again Attar e • AT A. N.- BULLARD'S. Is the plow to bay your ocerzes, Provis' ions, cto &a. amend gediarn Clover and Tltootby seed Olney, 14 Good Gronod Caro,. JO cam per V 121. 1 ,1, Good TrA at, 51 cent/ per ported. Good Sala ritll3 a cents per paper, elhoteo (.'.)nerd Eire rglotl,4 ell Me oncre, CUE %PI A targa dock°, Canned =4 pried Pane, aa4 Vein, tables =id err Jo 4411431 C , PureAeliktozogOt busliplpseks;Cptitish.ffittek , era, con eduoireo maligot. arm, UCL peony or quip svcryaziog seeded W keep bowie laith and tray kupy otr4tromely tow tor Cff re:dor rod" Uderat•iSMor 41 - q 3 PIIFITADLE , ' BUSINESS! T.IGTIT ONi-EIOHTIEtTIIN ( OST t t Mtn 41 - bi Erpkaa. 2tio cumne l or triektuurt MEV o.lrinp n Pll4 IFIT ALE ItUnINESS.ean velure thu EXtI.USIVE RIGUT Tor the rate t DYOTT'S PATENT.CAItDON GAS LIGHT BURNERS AND-OIL for COUNTIES anti aTAITO. Wrtte for Intimantlola or all Gill •'• . - IYI .13. DirOTT, , No. 114 SOUTEISECONDST.,PHILA., N. B.J-Cbarches farni.t.ed Ittlth CRANDELTERS tad LAY:4l'Bot Icery tteecript ton. 25 per cent. at. 011131111.1 at auy <abet rstabl4htnc2C In thn country. Murtha), 1,372.—it3 . . m 41.1 rarrn rolieale.—lN LIB- N-7 4111 Tumaillip, coatniniug 57 asrss—ssill be sold cheap. - . lili,tila Q. TYLER. . . Muntiole;llarch,.lB, 18V.,—noll—ic TO ALL rilovnver WEST yII&GGSGE CILEONED Tailolloll ern TICKETS AT . LdWEST TIATEI3I WEST, 11ORTEAVEST AND-8011TH-WEST FOE SALE at all principle nations. etn line of Dela, ' %Tata, LeCklltl/11112a Wettern Dal , H _ C A1 1: 1) 25T. Na. t i F uPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to Families and ettunlea mouth: weed can oblate Threuch Ticket* in ST„ VMS. KANI AS CITY. LEIVENWOTLI,' ATCDISOItI; ST. JOSEPH; FT . SCOTT; On:vett. and all points in itlir•eaurland Elects, at the very l•tweet rate!,and have their torallenoui goodiautltreightehtpludatttecial titles *w.Ank...l93Mtl\TO-311.7i13 - FE.O3I.IIONTROSE, ASO ON LINE OP • lbetariure e LneltawnnOti & Western tiuflTsay t - • Will Pleo,e tat-e 'miler that a Direct Conneellon Ia made at •liINGIIIAIITON, with all cypress trains on FRIG RAILWAY. plrlie ecru to for Tlcktle Yin ERIE DA titwAY' Ahmh OM be procArettatoElca of MONTROSE STAGE LINE, MONTROSS„I'A. • I.' E313.6.232a33. u r.a Zi.gozat. A. I. FIUWCISCUO &. CO., 31ARKET STREET, PUILAIELNILI. i We havd'opcnril for the Frnma Trunz, thioargeg and hest airortcd Stock of Table, rifeir and Floor lilt Cloth.. Window Stadia and ?aper.Carpot Chain, Com. Tian. Br," tine, Wadding., iTkrlo.l,. Wicks, Cocks. Looking (Darter, Fancy. Itarkcts. BroOnni.Barkiii.,Durketr. unba r em, (lollies Wringer.. Wood.' ' ca and Wlilow Wail IP tint Untted htatta. Our larip Incnpare In hnaln re I. un able liras to WI at lipw porta 'Fart:mil& thr bed quality at Goods. COLE AGENT FORTGE CELEBRATED AMERitAN WASHER. • rtuag. Ovar23OO gold In six Maths. Termi ettrvill.:l73(l ryo s Allot.ti er rrelr, :10 days, NeL ' - Feb X 4,1314. ran. "1 - 1, ARM FUR Eott.B!—A farm or sixty-two serer oft , julalnu thu Duro' of ?duotro., on the Staab. t offered for tale. It Is well Watered and has sh o ut ten Octet to timber, inetud.og a duo crove of heath and neor .lic Mu homestead dlvlslou of lie dam tel Gregory farm. For further tortrcnln, euvitre of i. E. Carraalt,Esa., or P. Lthes, Montrose. is. Feb.,,7, 13;2 —l3oo.—tr. oid—TORONTO 1 B F, 11; rfIORONTO CRYCP. J. This 'nearly [bortMgh bred eultion will ~tint the pres,ot 0411$011 ow fifty mama, stelae elatemyering.April irtano enoley Julys, Friday. and Sat ordat.o. at mu at/Woof 4.8. Taloa, iu3l..otroee. the Feet di the w..eit at lbo oubocrlbeee, one mite teat of Al t horn 4 cornen, on rho ro u t Iradlog to Spring. tile. Pk:MGM:E.—The TOMOS° Chief Jr, was tired by Toronto who for rpeol nod bottom 'to ahead of any etatihmomrecnrd. Ile wan eirwl by /toys! George aLtl hi. dein by Blackwood. out of au Er.liyee mare. 11' George no. he Meek Worrinr; and he by import ed 'l' ippo [ and he bylletteroer. of England. - TOUONTO Voris. Jt..'s dem .. wo..rired It; thr thorough bred J, if ro o t, mit of a Mrje.ty mane. Jelf,rion was by V ; Anode. the rime of Ste Henry and er.uttiAro of Americno Star—..dam by Glo Favorite. Seroml dam ltd 13.11 . A. r. Tonercro camp. blood [lv with blarkpoilits. tell tall, wrighe 1,01 t; ;he., It ,ty ham., logh,. ban had op trAning, ot ha...good gait. nod for hie weight In hard to beet Vat nod Fro him,and judge for Yonvolves. Fines of hie he seen et the nolktertber'e Mame patter ed on rearoneble Loans Accideata and ermine at the owners' [tai;: • Otter miles as eoetomery. TITLE*. to [wore with fall. f 2; larerauce motley parable March t magi. . 3.11. CRISMAN. Proprietor.. Auburn 4 Cornett.Pa.:Marchl[3.l6'2.-,-hol[S—me. Tll e E-AOLC- rtoriu.4;.sit,c)re 131 - o`llZ7i3 db I%7XCUMCri.ani BRICK 131,0*, INISIVIteg t P& 1 Sign of tlio Golden Eagle and flortig 'ICUT De:gra to inform the publle that we bale moved' I, out Mock of Drugs; Mediates*. railitS, 011s.Brnsh e+. Comb[, Perfumay, Fancy -Articles: etc.. to to the Brick StOre, lormerly occupied by tiuttenberr,, Raven loom .t - Co.• • •• We hare recently Stied up tbla store In Modem Style. and ahallsodeavor to ke..p well supplied with all articles prstainlng to the Drug Deafness. • SVaeslead to everybody a cantina Invitation , ti tali and lee be when In want of anything to our hue, nod when xirr In want. give ns n friendly call. Ta all our. old customer* wo desire to express our thank* for the very libeml patrOnage herstotore ealcudsd to_tie. tie shall ondeifor b. merit a mullet:lance of the same. Very Truly Yours, -•- ADIOS 21f0k101.3. Montrose, Dee: 2041611 THE PLACE I ItY V 4 (Mpg, - - RgAciyAvi4pig„:::. 71 CLOTIIING, ETC,, IS AT OIiTiEMEREC'IIOSENBAIif4,&co , . 23;5:35 47618, 10a20 =WA . 0.566, , ,50 3.7504.® • . 1.5061-58 ... . .... ~‘ 53054 • - 058• 5 0 tiet49 og o ..f isa2 ".• 2 0003 00 TheLargretYcaletyot , . - Diva Shawls, Domestic .GoodS, and - Oubils, Dress and Clunk', ; ; Tririnnings, Velveteens, Ladies . Furnishing • ?muds always _her no hand, , 4EAPY:II44Ok-GLOTHIN,Oi for ten'l3 . , - Yputlis'and Bois %Wir t _ . Wti&isuiNo'opris, Best Selected in Tosvii, and at; ' TOL'ULA[t . • andereoldit-trtottier at WiiNTEri 4600109 • Vuxii* • Atztuatiy rttdlzel 'pleas for caiti, aIftrENZEILG. RO:4' O NBAU3iI . 640 .-14474,,1anFri6, - - /4 .UOCERIES. —Teas great vanety ‘ l .-s apd diesp for ale qualtges. - Dried. Peiebea the beat fa tatutet.abtooatitti of Moamar, bolOtr:Qof fee. sad a fan ataortmeat, of /Watt, &e. • /4034:90, Aszt , V/34.aiTt. /o'l j{gtkli I tO,r4 *1 41 DiALERSMIERCHANDISE,dteIin Sea quelianna County, take notice that In pnrstutece of the setTrel Acts of Assembly of this Conn:cent wealth'to preside revenue .te reeet the deminds upon the Treasury and for other purpcses;the Appraiser of-Mercantile taxes the tald Count has pfhpared a list of Merchants trading' in•saldl County, and'placed each tuerehant ha that,class 1 which to him appears Just and. right . ' aco;:eding i to the Acts of Asserobly; to *lt: ' 1 . • • . . 1 acremur. ' : • tortirtr. • P C Bushnell - ''' ' 14 .Totentt Webster • • '''l4 E L Adam.s -' ;13 D.•D Stanford ' • 141 Tewksbury Bros. .• .113 A. A Beeman'....• .- 14 I P Benninger ,• • 14 .. SUDDLETOtirIf. • . R J Carter .- ._. „ ' 131 Patrick .White , '' .14 Geo W Brown ' - :14 •• - mokinogx.. ' 'A F Lacy',' 'I. ' " 'l4 11J Webb"-' •-* 14 AZ11141... -'.. S W3iiiise_•..-.' ' i .. 14 Payne & Bkisham 18 , 13Iiner & golfs : _. ~ 14 C C Worth 1 • 14 E. Bacon :. , . 14 John Beaumont ' • 'I4IC 0 Fordlaani ' • 14 I:mot:mutt - . • A N-Bnliard '' • - 14 D A & T Tltsworth' 12IW-J Mulford-. It Kent & Eldridge :, • 10 1 1. 2, lons;l>ralte &Co- 11 (> 31 Delancey •14 Cobb. ~, • :-. 1 14 Wm Craver , . ..:. 18 II R Lyons '& Co ", ~ 12 O P-Tiffatly . ' ': 13' 1 0 Morris GeM ' ' 14 J B Very ,- •-- '14, 1 2 B Chandler -: ":14 -enocearrr. .. • 13. R DeWitt . , 12 51 Rickey. • ; . • 14,Guttenburg Rimer'. 1 10 1 ex.rirono. ' baum &Co O Wells & 'Brattier ' 13 Tharns&Nlehols poi 12 , T F Johnson' ; ''' 18 Read Griffis &Co -.- 11 P H Gardner-p-MC 14 A; Turrell Oil 4, - -12-1 J W Esker i • 14 5.31 Wilson. -- • . .-131 T J Wells • 18 W; 13. Deans ' - ~, . ~, 14 • Omit/LW( I K Millard ,Y ' AV I E Davis • ' '•l3 W W Smltli ' 14 13 G Weaver I> m 4 14,C N Stoddard . - IS' A Richardson . 14. J Brooks 14 Henry Spencer . 14113 Thatcher . 14 1 EP Chambers . 14 Boyd & Corwin . .11 unmet. '.l; 13 Isabell ' l4 ; 1 .A 3126 • ' •13 Ifeirensle&Fauroi - 11 A Blakeslee : - , 19 Stamp'&Talbet - '• '. 14 Stevens & Leebody. , 44 Sayre& Co • 14 Wm 11 Thayer •. 13 Geo Cifill - - .14 B0111:81. LASE.. ' 4 l stew. itttneto. - M L Ball -: 1 McCollum & Bros . 12 r FUANtattf. '', 1 4 3 Dlekermatt &Co 10 H L Blowers ' '- 4 , , 14 A F Tuthill • ' • -", 14 E H 3lerriman • ,-14H,Garratt & Son. r It . J L Merriman 13 Ainey&Elayden pm 4 14 Joshua Boyd .' It. W L Moss & CO ' -. 10 DC&l' II Fordham 18 II Iliiiit.o iti4 - 13 lIIf & E P Munger 14 Clemente &Edscni 14 rnmsnsvn.a.r.. 11-W-Decker 12 ,31 McNamara . . .:14 J . Barne s . ; - -2,- 14 Wm Buffturt .p m 4 12 David Summers pm4ll Robert Winters . 13 . • ..;0 - ASLA.D.. ,_ 1 1 011 EAT SIM. D :', T T Munson. ' .' : ' li . 11 Stark. ' ••14 Mrs 3.l.Tuhy.- • ' 14 I R S Clarke & Co - .. - . 12 -- ' -.. -Atom. .- - . - TD Eastabrcok pra 411 NlGranger p mi, .14 r. 8 Lentu:lm . 8 3cHEdsall. • - .. 14 ;A G Preston ' ' ! . 14 N D'Snyder' - ' • 14 Stephens &necktie* 14 A D Batterflild&lll•o 4 4' 1W A Casten ' ' •: 14 . • 'erettsiniltvg. ••, • t , Geo McNamara 14R .T Hendrick .- •--.....:; 12 H P Doran _ . ,14 , Aungerford A ,} ii . : L W Chichester l4 . , Meserole ~ Walter Pa.ntla ' 'l4 Spencer & Dewitt' 'l3 Geo W6ciell " '• '' 141 A. B' Alger' &Co'• , 13 H A Clark : , 311 ::- :i3ILVEtt. 14 .>:: Thomas Crasseck 14 1 Wm Frank . 14, Z B McCrearyJr. „. 13 Dennis Mahoney - :". 14 4 1 .1 B Brown 14 T,Salliiait • ' . 14, S D Ross". 'i . " "14 E G'lleeker. •'• ' ' , ..1.4 .1! S Hanea.• •• -14 663411EITAITNA: =Mr. , D C Brownsoit• ' :2 1 .:1 W .Osborn .• - q It ornsov„ . 13Irs Er, Forbes .. 14' 1 D. E Holmes pin 4"12 A C Parleyman., .14 , James Fuller ' 11 W S Mitchellp to ' , l 18 Dunn &Cop m 4 . 6 , 11 (.1 Fern= • •.'•• • 14. d E Milroy &Co -14 J Allen • - • 14 Milliken &t ..- ‘4) D Casey, - ' '.. .13 Smiley pm 41 ' G H_Crandall -,. 12 Cooperative Co . 12 C A Miller 14 Geo H Wells pm 4 11 W Ilovrarth . ', • 14 H H Tingley • • , 14,Thomns McDonald ,• 10 WmD Ebner., - ,' 39131eDonabl & Kew.. 11 Kennedy & Son • • 1211) , 5 , Lyn0. , - , , - ~..i 14 11A11310;5.1', Freeinan . • 14 J B Stevens' • ...-. . . . . ...Lew is l4lD - Lyon — '• 13 11W Brant &mpm4 12 GuttonharA;Rosen-1 n J Sehlauer &Co • 121 , , ~ : baron &CO j.„ - . Noah Bisbee • 14 d, C &,,I II Cook ~ 12 1 SA. Lyons & Son . 12 ,Tatoes Bell . • l2 S Winters 4 -14 TC&J, 11 Cook'. , 12 nEraumr. ... !. - 11 C Leap m 4 ' ' •12 Cll Ellis : •'• • 1 "!' 18 Geo'T Frazier - - • 0 Morse&Nleholsp m4lOll C Lea pm 4 . 14, C C Spencer •.• .13 Union,Store , .10 , irsairotua. ay smith . • 14 T J Carr : • 13F B Thayer '.' 121 P. Q Titullg ott "" C 0 ' i4k I Craft ' '-' '• ' 10 ' x. xsabeock & iiewtrin • rSti.r ts Lyon. - , ",-- • -In J C Edwards - , :14 1 .31ra E .31cGrath,. :14 1 H 1 , 1 Jones ,-, , , 111 Wm Dann' ,- ,• 14-1 E T Tiffany ' ' i 1310 L Adams -- f 4 I 0 Payne. & Son 14. A B Tarbox 14 C C Edwards p . m 4 "14 WI J -FalkentrarY" • 14' TACSBCGi.- .. , HI P; , Doren • .• • -12 13 Roberts pM4 19 !Maurice Myers , 14 H3l Benson 11,L Fulekman '- '' 'l4 TV Potter 147101 in Tterney 14 Norris do Fitch „.,,, -,, 1231 i Pehdergrast - -i• - • 14 JESSIJP. 'Ellen Maynard 14 JII Rosenkrans pm,4 14 1 0. T Emig!' ..... _ :.:: 13 - John WaTner , .- 14 31 - 31Sylotte . . , 13 • LITTLE lIELDIMEg..`' 17 11 Gelatt - " ' '' 13 1 E B 13etirdslesit. - - 'l4 Henry SPerl; , -••-• r -14 D R Garfield , . .: .. .14 CJ• Lyon . : - .- --, • .i,12 • , L.T113t02..- -,• J G Drake. . - ~,'",, 14 1 11 31 Finn '. • . l2 Gee Fißartani, -• ...'l4 G W Rea-ep m 4. ' 12 Thoslielternan ' 13 E M Tiffany , • •'. '.. 10 CalllcCarty '' '-,; ,-: 14 Hall & Bro's .. -,:• 11 -:. ..mausosr. _.•,:i. J 5 Wright ,'", . " ,-;;14 Gl.,' Lewis ' ..,-: • 44.- ... I - , Lmvox. -, .. Robert Gelatt, _ _l4 Tho Mas Hallsteiul 11 W" W'Messenker. 1.4 , GD Ransom 14 Hull, S . 9rles & Co " .-7-..• Grow &Brothers- ~. V' •• ''-'. • Black, Durham, t- ;1' ---.-- • "'-., :•- ' • ' - & Clearwater j " • . ~ • . • • , •-• • ,L/js?.;-..'- raovammils TODLTS SOUR ClAuslflca lion of Vcnderr or gerch, andie. - Sales less than $5 000, - ' - class 14 , Sales $ 5,000, less than $lO,OOO, classl3 Sales,, less -than' $15,000;' class i 3 Sales $l5OOO, less. than $20,000, class 11 • .; Sales $20,000, less than $20,000, class 10,- , • . Sales_mr,ooo, less. than,,54.0,000, class 0.: Sles $4,0,0.00, less - than $30,000, - class 13 And the - Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of said county will hold aCcaart of Appeal at the Court House at limatrose, In and for said county, - on Tueisday, April 10tb..1872, at -nno..o'clock p. m. at which tima ; and plate any of 1.110 mer, etuints'deseribeklefmed, apd classed aforesaid; or their agents'or ittorricr;; thay - appear tuttl peal front said assessment if they think proper. • • • G. L.LEWIS, =• • hlemgaiia Appraiser:. ThOebscnzi llaich 0, 1872. . .IPICTIELICICWICTXt.= , • WILLIAV.SIMITTIOS Extenalre lectOrlime Waren:Mtn Itur llndtbe largest . „ FIRST•CtASS•AND COMMON- ,••• .1.71 T -Rt . . To be found la .tbls section of tte.iollntry, n f . ORD manufacture, and at prices that cannot Tall to ern lAEA- Ilemalum tlinier/Itertr, ".", '" • , Ezzraysgow -- ianits : In the - Cortutry, and W4i I ANTS Meer... • . : TIPHOLSTERYWORIE - r Of a 0 kinds Ilona Irit6e neaiest manner: *. . .I:ar veitiouts 1t1N139. • runp.xo,,i iista.n4sos,. ',0611310N .11.4T/24851 a,: • U N• D 'fb4statoscrlber 4iii6nreilter . rualte Ole Jorrataiti e i* grna:d i, 761 1 4 ( ft j lgt ; _. ° ll - tts u r needing 6ls services IS to bnattendral prOpjiti, MEn 111 5.611410ng ctirxitre• - ' /34;,SgaTa. t l :4.ofir :Igontrose, Ya., Zan, 3t, i 8 - poSyytt, - .LATROP I B.I3EDICIATED, B . A.T/18 r vi T via wiciaut Etßetrld4:ig 6,4 essi'anaileo. .for Ithenmatism,lietaulainid ChrordrOlioaso -At the feet et Chestnut, etreatajottose.P4. . Vorttreee;April2l.'ital...• ,'. • •• • Xt42). vco • Prxxio, o re prepared to do all Mai Of lit= • -snit codwraTrat' Work, Drier Watt. , /dainty,. and P.datinv. by the Jobne In any emu, totalt tOa (num% Alan': dash ltdadi, ^Deem 'Atouldlnge, ore Mad , . tad Window Manley, to order., plea umbel, canetently onturail, blend; eorlareetory rdd4tag, w. cooLET. ' .fiTialWr - 11..ztrasth Pf 01,504 r‘l3l/;"44,,eft? fp ! ,ititg...;,c'gapjitpg ; .: M.,iqomi. - Yom; 41;" eaeA culditioThetilirte; .60 eli. ' NEW MILFORD, . . . SATMOS 1 1 / 4 .58,1.17.07 7441 7 0111:0,;412 . pit in eest i a.. Aaron cal all Per Dp.4,77; 3 4.4' I M, Attco. CAYCOA. vidaren,— .mcnot.As snozuesigk Dolan% c c au,the_v-irc,,mtrue , r. ale& ground. ~stoss: cp • Dellers I: l l7 6 ondkUntLenDs. Boats and Shots, sod Ott, eral lierehandlit, on - Kest 'nicer, second anor pelow the 141.scovi Citurnlt. • !.T.NION HOTEL; - keg Vir/Wpt, Inorl, 4 ra ..stroer;taar . rturDelko.t.-4-;.. , • , . W. 9: !iltArl. - Ftittildry. and deaf ertn Plow Ind atilt %melts:aro door from PAlnney's not UAW - Carthize mater sad tfodertaktr, *al Main areal, tlre dootskelsst llawlers atom . • • 5 „ . 11cCOLLII31.BRCMCCELS,i Dento! va ~ Grocettos lad . Proisloat, on Mita at.rteLc* • , • • 0 4 °MIRED SON. Drateo fAlloar i -Fecd. 110,4 Lita 4, eMent• Or 0 " 1104 rroY/ 1143 1 1 ! lialtrtltreet.opPotlte the Depg. -••• W. fi.T. IIATDON, Minaret:et:4am .91: Cleats "ma4' •Wkolceatn destere•ln Yankee Notions and 111241 .. Goods. ow:lain !Street, below rydestitplcinnels. *c r., M. 068 IM'A.P.:LeMbalitanntacturezcanel tinkly . in Mc onto, Dept Epiennyll chyrr)Mi. ALtiRY .11 MAYOR'S. Pelletal° Dru givandlietWinv, au a Alanyaqpi:sre of Ilan Otrett,. ns wrEp.iftv. s. florae Sboolnl nikanmlßepaliiti : oa Mae Street, soath of rho I. DtCNEIIII.I:4. Jr.. WO er lqkener4l merChozapii tgothtne. Back Store. on Nolo Street. - - • • • GEE .T BEND. tII2SFIEI3I. Vion tacit:mei Leather. and in genrral Merchant:l4o, o'n Ma yo Sti•rat.• 11. 1..-944ArT, Idetchentl'altor eked dealer - 14 Read Made Clohing, Res, 94c:11,04:aeries and Proid Mtn 4treet.r . • MItAIXIMITE4 Ifintsetirfsid deilisiln =pert = ; • Plows !Ind Guano. • 4 , ... • • Olsson 11. 3t. TEVILEY—Dater , In Sto'rea,lln. Conner. Mtua and Sheetlron Warr. Ca atlnri. &C. - Alto. maantartort er,ot tilted Metals tel order. Ere Trough and Grad Ylyt Lathan, attended to at.tair prices-,-Glbaon • EDWARD': & tiRTANT, .Vintedittirfs.TlS, pt wirpali th Slolgtm, noir,ei Ingalls' State. • ' O.: S.OSTSTIS-4onity Stirveyer, of Saw:maharani caw 04tcp is tbpCpsyt pour. ? )1913.1p)5e.,1)1.13.11t LBEWITTIIIIELL , • Delhi .In Dino.' Med , quote. PAinta; Dio StatD,Lpoterks, , NutioriV; ctt• 115,* 21 . "-" .• JAMM.E. cArearAvr. Attorney 41 taw! c1 14 ?1 ,20, • door below Tarbell Bonne, Publ3. Arane.., • COOPER in CO...Bankars,teil ropalgila ar Uand Malta on England. Ireland and. J. 11.11.87tIIER'S'Entini Saloon. Is the ec Cream, tiygere ;Ad clam, in s.vory stilt. On lots,La `'strect.*. STROVD 6 DROWN. Girtend rite andttle.lnsur• Knee Arrnts • M.o. 64,11.11.111roadand Aecidect.Tlcksta to 'New It odiand ,T.talnadolw Office one door tut F. 14 WANDLER: Generiralinsurancesld9ewlag 2 f.a : ;blrie.ll.gcnt. rubllcAyenue.• . . r BURN'S & 151C110t5. trio pl2O to get etpee Cigars, Tubacp, Pima: Pocket4ksoks, Spectit dos, o tiODO. qt., Brick Mock,: - • mt. Rna aolerilian Ogee* Usully !rept thd trade. oppaalte he - Bank. • tioTli 'it-cort.wrs. Mater. lu Stoics; 'llardware; • and 31tnntianrcre of Tin and Sheottron warn. condir of Main and TurapikestEr.t. . . , • MOW% E, Iraretiint. Furnishing dealer ta TrIMITIIVIP. and Good*. aid Ready Made loth Ina. OP 310 IT F woo, mat door Olt low Milo sad Badoloeo Law 021 co. . A. N. BULT.AIID; Dealer In Groi.ories,• Provlsioait nonlcs.Statloac ! u ast4 Vanfiee ilati"*N. la t h e ' ll ' .ff ' ' . _ . .. T. ..514,011E 62 liTellers,, in fitorys, Ilardwari 4011 •stltor3l Ouplemettl . Our and dropFri,!ipp, saw Trbill'lloutis. • , ..,• , nviicsticiEro.& Errcnr..t.'Llytry ana Exchant, Tor of Bank bnildfat. • . , GIB OS 101111 1111E1011! WANt SOW' gig NO 011110 TU old blends fnd Tatiana of Snapnebnanirecaniti—, again inane lield pollcitlng your pntFonage , • . Tea OrigiziL Sdwing Zachini r..7T , sir .nUlW rrn ?lone mil and see It, with 'the lin prorimenti, a1.W13 sees store. Remember the tiettnine Row. Ant no medallion head. , E 00.115 AT-- 56 coprt-Street, 13Inshampton, AND AT Wilson't Store, Elontraith Pat H. M. DUNMORE! I t ton!tpie, ;au: 13; 1672, A:71797 3tlC-e 1.14 - soorgnal,itAssirmparin,*Ass4 - MlTEil3lllkßUM.tpagi . mmist;',. fle /34aes, liannfainied ar li t ter Sala. by 'KAM • , eetenee:Tb.. rovr. 1872.—D0G.;-tt.• _ .••,. '• - .rcri=sx'teXCES. „ . . XfONTROSO RAILWAY CO.—Stciabolden 01 'the 01-metroao.Rattwar Company ate hereby-notified' oat the retni la tog tomb:mots of Ore dollar* per 'bare each; called for br:retotatiett of the Board of Utreetvra FifthtiA AAIPTI I ; • Fifth Inftalment atuitsittylsl., 1872 • lattalment Pehanery I.sthi late Seventh Irodalment Match 1511 L 1875 Eighth Instals:scut Apyil Una Moth. hatahnentMAY 13 1 1411 1 7% Truth last.Alment: • ' • - Jsto 15th, IATS As this statists prozressingtuostrAsoraVy.ll. IS earnest ly destredand gibs - 01E40y necessary that tea payment* alma be promptly met on the part of Bbxlcholdert , . • - ;', C. BROWN, secretary nantinse. December PO 1b21.-51-td M. D. S • IiAWESSES I _Do TRUI' - • • "COLLARS!!! -• IVIIIP§.I • r :STTIR-S!! "" T,TGLIT • • , tuvriEnti ETC.. ETV, • - wa,carasson. cissestr•-"x:abs ikGOOD ianiiat tm vromorou vrateted,ons goodltaaltro Aces trom crud 'MA sod two 11134 ren %mg Cy ,LitlMorovrilstip, Pours Co., 4 .4 MD as . p ,m nmost lAprt only dollar* %I e and Oro thlnd tro a et tttuttodd etrd Malt lt. fattc oparticalitra(Slot' 11:d. Votodatt. on' OdiolidO, rumor oX C. Dhoti. OWtgOgi Y. '? ALRO . o. good' farm of 260 sores. rrat Taw 0r0.4 7 -ii4o.uki. •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers