.... ... • ' i . i *. 55.....:.' --, di 1 i f ' 3 ; 3 . , , , -. .3. , 0 11l I ; . - .. • , t ij '..""‘ ' '. 3 •••-• ; 3 ! . ~..._. .::, .k . . _ . . . . ... , - E. B. HA:WI:LET, Prbp itoincs - 5" :.C'llC4 • • :C.41. ZIA E;pIVEN, Artamit ana Cot-armor:at Law, Lima Ilead:Ann 13;'L. B3LTIVVIS; , AMEX= LAl7,3lonfrole, Pa _ol.ll_e ulth JILLISCI E. Cannalt Fog. < Ilyntro,e.tagtks: S 3, ISi1• . 7 , , 1L00:13E5 s LISII. . Attorney* at. Law. ant", 'To. . AZACCXIII36 Scranton. Po. Practte. , in thn several Omits of Ltt. tette Awl Susquehanna C.tmttles, P. Se tattoo, Sept. r15.1.571.—tt. . . ,•- . • • • „ Attorney n t nt .the Coati, Ilen4^..tn the tenuettesionte. L'ick• tit A. Cl:cantos. .11untrusr,8vt.Gtb. 1671.—tr. •-- . ~•••• • , EME=2 XIcKENZII73, & FAA/ROT. , • ealart in Dry Clande, Clataiaz Ladl. - a and IDreos Sao Sanaa. Mao. ric,sta for 'car Z raat Aerlran Tea and Cuitce Company: (31ortioac. rntp..l,-70, DR. W., 131,..;57i1,11C11.. ItomaiiiaLlitilitalltue. tthi.itiont met at the Bephblimu patiatig Ofllearlegan. rent Oa.X to t IP. IVitittirwe,SL-3 .- .1,1571-41' - TUE EAES6I.;/!:-.41tVIVIIs: Ern Marley Monis in 'II , ' bnittrtr. vrto eno share rear her In order; Cuts nrown, hhelt . stud enzeetr lyh In bh salee4n. NT, oats, •' 4 l',,ori,.ttt. nun ht e, OM. Ceres - store. 110.17 . It.,ll:ernhs-,,autt •-• • Montrose, Jimo 7, I.3:l.—tit C. mor.nts. _ J. ::,t1:_•Collt.1431, ATT.:n: , 4[l4l AT LAT. , - °filen over'the,l3ant:. 110131r0Se XCIIItrOSC.3I/k3U,:1571,' tf Mt. HI. A,' LAT:fit:OP. KIS OnenClll In nnIZ.C. the ferkt ..trn,tnut rtroet.. near the CatYullc Chan..hoylnry cualult.vd at &O thara. Mostroaa, April '2l. OM. ly iota carer2tc Prt,bl ncirnv. Rag twrmanently te,we3 Monti-ad, P 4 „where he will prwnot. Iv intone to a:! ot•I., to bin !Iron:1,1w . ! with whlrb to may 1 r..-1 lerwn Vest of this Court house,-uur \ Wm..** •—• ,• t -• • • • =• • NI - Outr:wo. WeSroAryl7,-.1 =l,l .*. •LAVY 0.17.7ZUE•,. • • FITCH VTAT , rre.T, t te:.r., , ,re t the tal otitte Mantle ma:114.4.1. Pa rrec.t. 11,'i is( . . . • enArarßS IN. GTODDARD. , --- . . Da•der.'ai limo. n.. 1, Moot. ill t•gwt 4) ip.. tes-thrr ice Fletdln2e. -11...1n 5t.r.,e.,.1,4 . • 1361. tn• .N.+yd'A Simi. Work: mute t: 0r...1ce, 411,1p:pairlo; done ticAtir. • • X.. ... , , JA). 1. liTa . . . LITT.LES atteraAy• 6.1704,11.1, er. Lvr. - 0410 Aar, orr beart.trote by R. G. JA f.A. P. Litt lc. 4111 Hain sttect, Monti-Im., ret. L t.trrtx. • ag4. r. LTZTLe. F. L. IL6/11:731A5. VR175.5 tin VVIN 0 ANTI 11.1111 nit E:ISING. Skop In ,he n'toin he loironeol trail to attro.l %I; who In.). wont %uphill; to Lis Ilne. Moutrote. Po. tht. 0. 111:"'^a,foxi.ov, DE Atmit In ARV Go 0 1151, Cri'ACKT:I37. itata (;nth Palat 01:o, :itiv 1: ;If , -1,3., S, ' ' SIEBEEI IDS!. ".. • - - PAYSICIAN r Sl' t. arr. hts .0 - rrirev in t.. ettlr.r. 511 , 1 itv CliTkr At hi, ros , tilcurc..optx.ite I:4l:ltati-lierare. t. t r.nd vi/ Sept.„l6l,:-S6l.- ti , , • 0. TrAzzanN, . ArrinritY I.NW.ll=i;r7.ll , lct Pay. Pintotcn. and , n'lit. Tall:nalcd an: oar tl, , _ . . rE. C. 15.L.TTt'593, Auctioneer, 'AtTent, C. S. GILV.EaT, - Great Cetaill, Ps K.:l Cl/ t rl 5 r: .st. .41.•ra.c.t1. - is° ca-. Air. 1, leCt. • . 14E10741311. Pa, .1' 01IN Q1:1".")54, isITIONAIII.F: Jlt, I. Snap ore? Cistaltees tstore. A!‘ din tlm- rate •?,viv. ....artinvt.ane on *hart yolk:, and er.trrAnted to Cr, W. W. 52:13.711, 4.DIXET AND CiLAII: 01 Yen anti. 1 - n • 1; /tia. zi. , . . .DISALEit Im St:ii.l r find*,:x.,..; br3 - i3uud.. Ciocttri hbiriltrare, /run. 5n.”,....i,113, gr., 4 .. , n , , mu1!P4.14.1t0 Boots - and 14hticr, II no .t Clap. Flit , . Du an h. Rube,' ,_. Croterles.Fner I 01. ui s. i..:e.. Se. iv MI: nitit. PR.- - • 3"580t 7 2) a 13NovYN, rine; AND taez i.atte.cutiefithKl t,pruczp.tv. tu, fair come . Oryiv, 16.4duvi uuri:a of ...,..:0440.0fe [lv rrewt orbit. r 4. . / 6 p. BuANas • - l'AtAtz.v. L. UV.oU. Aiii:l. 'E'uI:E :~:3.~y . . in Drug!, ralvZt Clclucw, -Ctradesdr. klquors, PadribF,, Varoirbel; Van (114.11. Unmet-01,1SW+% 'ants; WailAnd , Viodoo. per;Stopo•u - siro., 3.lr.citinvtplts. Trusses - , Unns,-Amoniffiti.•. * - 1c4 , t0.r , . ' - bald: °Orto, orthe more &I:0,m u o+; simpler: -nod Itudaahlscollectlow of Good. is Sl:Four34ldd.. t0.."- retiddfshed'iu ' ,lAlodtroge., . _ V. SEA3:2.E; Tromrt Avr..Ave. vfacti uver the Mori. Al A. ,Latbrop, is the Brit. Clock, Muulro se. PA. laciPta 2.1C/LI1ID5ON; lITSICIAIC .: 4 171tG.E.NriN. trotter: ll' prt.fe+oterst rerilers to the eltlrous UI lloultole mud Ofilee at his resido r uce; uti tau cotuer ezrt , of tiayro 4r0!.Fti . ,t104ry.., " : . • , t: IsTa. GISIDNEIt, rWrSICIAN Pa. alre, e!pecial attenLl:ln - ' Id Vat Mart and Lungs and zit tOrecttdi.v.v...., - A/Mrs over W. LL. Reasui lk.arstrattie!.rleft , lito.el.l • . fArtr,.4.18!517. P 11 . 1 "/ 4 / 8 /u Did:4 ',Medi= .7. • st../ls, Ysinte, 1141,1, rplcv*4 an kr:..c.iot,r.it.c,nt'3tvCis.ll.,.., eel Tol4ll Ar. ticiele../4_o•l"reicrt,pylon.:c.ao".lay ,PltOile'.4tnatie,sUaro Zuatlss's LLYt4I, Slunthire,Ve A. B. Butz.vs,., " • • Amos 'n.cdoss. TXUNZ:Bitoriik.:its, ; • . - seit&noN, - [l"olcanfe 4ct:111:1:::.1,,ri. in' '- ITAIIDWAL. ' r.. : ,. ; • 2: 7 ::;;; 1 14 7 ;t11;$ . ;;SPIKtI'S `SIIOVELS f . . pUILDEIVS:II.IItDA tir,;. NINE RAIL,COUSTR,Rear,I, T . RAIL SPIKE.: RaLcolizt it ifi.VISO a.,7•1•L1E41. _ CARRIAGE. APRING.a. .171-6...1, .LWIES:•ROLTs. trlyazza. 11....A.TE AND.4.-.WAIAZABLAz , FELLOR.s. ARA T. z;11A - GLEa. hula+. Qt • AtrVIAS, VIBES, STOCK - .. uua ine.S. 4t;LLP I TS teit aMEILS. tiLEL/G2S, CIRCLI.A.U.. AND 1111.1..5.11,V5. 60..1.,1'rN U, I...terzus6 TACKLE at..pt.:4 I. 4'l. IsTSit CF .:VENT. HAITI S liINDST(Iy&S, fiLEXCLI W/NDOW'fit.ASSAE - VlllPgf.t.l.lmtpro.sl - . FAIttfrAYIVR • erantno.'NlArt - 111.1.. • IMOVED iIUBDIRDI titarizz - 21)= MarrLCIIIZE , . - • CirAIiGEA.M.n *prod and Oat sta Drat. Vb.& It holds theltentrNeart..lt.ttet.t dttell eZenal Attn'thi. Grp kt 0:11,) InalZon t t l're.nizrat,beldat gent, An . Pnritityiiinj,t; . .,*47!...n.1 end Vozielattete. The ntatinn ie , desple. etnaspe.a. renwni nist !nit' EnDa: ;h. dries Whini,tarld ... anta.aa.. in 'a . .' nittt` ett.e. in the renttenflhe snardine,l.l7l2.l retanitriT, it frnut The openttttat , m;tl;arh'eur I rat tnt/ irate^ i : blnis 'Tend dynast:l thlrl - gnaw: ceitAne. - thaa asayk tattitaelt teltd platen and 112at:and testy 'gnat." Oen enttintranattatnal , wrfac.., bra.:r.nd and intent Arnire-hclit—lst+-4:l2tand doubt the atrnogt.at neaten: an ttut warti.te Anon e.t.a attnnam 44 heal. PclAntittnnaldnint.nnypenjaatar,.:- , MCIBtrOMO, 1871.—tt SATZt Zinn: - Val.Vev , Atfe.T:llo: Pa. For egity. r..CI.N4S Isl l , ?rte .:eat l' , .I,ii.efo''''ooiii#7.:'.'l:',': #'3-CtiOlEfLa - r Io my daily_ rouniltsl duty"; thie sweet vision, :veil with beauty, 'Ever Meets - met"' One.bright. riSlol3‘ettay.berafe," . - .0i the hot r 1 when ' •• • • - 'l%ll.am:a Core ess rosy; .•-•; Down litotes tidelestriver, • 'ement,ed with flowers, or cloaked whits:tow But returning neverz-r - • • - ..ITaught to mois atorm'or. sari, Nsught.iscrind, nr. weather, , . So our confluent tires do inn On end on together, :Spring-Ode blossoms flush and flower ' Pdr an hour; . ' Vlolet,,sp.iTtded robes of 'tone -Itliiorn of hiniers'ntid scent 01 Wale Welt nlikd a sure deray'r' .... But my darling's•plighted pledges:,: . • Day by day, And Blossom Out in.natuclats goers.: e Shine through ale's estrhoest • ;ridding Lovell unstinted storey _ Each lily's wreath:or Joys completing.' In the meeting, , And "thepe 'st fret, - • At the door. Va. D. Lyn. CRE=I2 Frowzy Sleeplesx; iniatiate, Valnly clamor for edmisslon At thetater getei AU the dint defilei of life Erb° with the noise or strife: . 'roubles etre:2kb life's dusty bkgbWay; - Trials ambush lane and by-way; And his lot is inortalthnit mbyters . . Who escapes Flute's Bungry knife. ' Bat, Love holds her chosen seat,. • rapfrom Ain of. wart and street, , And Within beetrallowed'portals; Voile and TOist -unchallenged tater, 7 beside beidour," faith .staudv gam...Lonna evermore. , Brigl3:er art , tlivaatiles of welc , ama, the dear laiala fileee wear 7iian are victory's proudest badges, Which the: hreast.oi,qbuquerars-bearp tweeter far, the tmidasel4c:nts_.- r 01 110beNIG1VP.4.21.1ght cradle sano; Phan are triUmples bluoklinted Fora minim/ roast-tangoes; te:tbar.wchil I weakly, butler. - Fur the world's au* ON. and mere, Lore's rand greetiags,,wlt6n my gutlewite Meets me ut th-eauor. nil Schen death, the . - SpriugS the bolt ccluch bats froaptest ' • With the blest, ' ' • Whieh.sever goes before ' Shall but wilt,-with crartnergrratiaga, • For Loos last atul best ut. meetings • , At tic door. —[Saleria pviter. ` Sri ill Perry. In Ihn -.4Lzacrtlaor '42"oitt,z•., . • - 0 lonther year" auotber.year, These rash I have ivatelledarithsolnuch cre, riarb watched and tended without phin•tir fear; 811311 bud and blonm-for me exceeding fuir• " 4 4ntlig.Sear.".ahe..144::„.anKlrer.year."-,-- , Another year," sho said, another year„' My life I)erh•Spintavlin,l'aUd Mae bud and blimm lire theso red roam here, 'Unlike them tended with regret - and Another year, perhaps; uipQ,er year. ." Another year, ali yea another ;Mr. •z• •- 11 - hea bloom my rose*, all my lifeshall blunt, When summer mimes, mysnmmer tijo'd,be here, AndTshallecase *dad - nein this glonm 'Another year, ab yes, another year. "For all, another year.anot her year. Dll set any life in rletier, stronger twit - -Dalt:prune the' tret:ds away pat creep too near. Juld watch and tend with eicyer eeusing tivil— Altuther year, eh ye another year, Another year, ails! another, Year, • . Tie 1 , 34e3 alf Liy. withering ere their pritur -P , iorldighted buila,-with scanty Imre arid acre, Drooping and dying long betiiie Another 'Tar'," alts! auothe n ryear. „. . . " And ail. another) ear, another year • . Low, Me the blighted dring:butla;.alle fay, Whase voice hod ropheared without a' fear, • 'inane hant_ laid;triintned the rose tree day To blown anotliarshar;atiothrr year._ ==M;=M Why thin't you take the papers? " -They're the life of .0i:1r-delight l'acept tilting. election time; • •-' ' And then Irma - fur Subscribe! yliMeurtribt Ilse &Vent, ;. Why shoull you he afraid? !yr cash thus rmil, h; money lent At interest four toll ' Go, thett,ancltigna tLu sapens, And Ikettii!cley.,nor pty And tny word, for it Is interred, ptil yoon gay.. -•- - An old nelAblir dr inlne; , While dying - with .ceu,gl l / 4 „ timireillo . hezt tht Istpstla/Ag, l : - Wiailiewa4gOingnft: ' I took the papers and I reod.„ Orsaelflow time:: He. bahglit t and lid !idea No—Lcartyns a bone, - - knew two, men, as innelt aka • As acrd y` aitw'twastarnpa,-: - And no phrennitdst could find ... A dßierenco in. their bumps. ..• One takes the papal', and lila Ilfe haltertkan kines,:: . - 7 . n can' pint and ...ssrit, And taTknf nien and things. • 'Tie other snok no papa; ° While strolling tbroufrit:the Wood' A teen tell down, and broke hit anent And,kifrdbita;-'i tery fwd ; " Find he been tealitni of the news *At home like nttghborlim, rillet a cent that : 2 • Would not have happened hini. - Why dMilt you. take the papeml- Xot from the printers soak, Beeaseyou borrowed froutbia boy • A papa every wcet: For he ishotaktet the papers. - .• And p?..ye_his bilis. when duel Can liter peade with 135:1 Midfilen. And with the whiter natl.- , -"""t. ~ccu~t~e~~.t~uil'~:~ritrci~~ri:° '~ tii3pitis;i4, but a swell of -tbe stwis .:—Erecy moo who gotpiut West returos 'with his slarq;uf<arramnr toshl94. in -m ton•o,, but 5011-meet iritlitauritlyres iti.the'cOunitst, —=Wilfis &beefsteak like I.oeomotive? :It is not of touch account-la - Ulu:rut its tea- , aer, ;‘="-- • • inaigunat Xentnag wife "oficred tomrap-ber big:mama husb:tptil for 'kw!. -• , , r4tti ; olio fettlee'Ll'he ;who kent Wl:inner ten Onts thi,l i ttie4 beep' ijae twenty-IA:0i, s ears. • -sing & l es it is a' dangerotia- prcieee. fog to foot with a'married lady who baa a red-headed husband. - • MONTROSE,.PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1872. TIT GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. To the ,Senezto and Souse . of 4?epresentip twiw of Oiiiionther4th of Penuayl - GENTLE*N . 1.-.YOtl have, fora season, Separated yourselves from private business and - personal interests,• and come from different, sections of the State clothed with the powers of more than three and a-half millions of free, intelligent and. in dependeutpeople) to serve them in your representative, capacity I and to determine npon public affairs, in such manner, it is hoped, as limy ;deserve .the blessings of GotLood the gratitude of men, It is be. coin i ere fore, •to advance to these du. tiea,with minds untainted with party rte. ritnony, unswayid by selfish or interested 'maws, and with fervent aspirations of int4e•iiiitl gratitude to the Great Preserver of Mitions, states and individuals,. and .to_iningle our humble and„.desont,suppli -cations,for.liis guidance and approbation in the accomplishment of the task as signed. • . lam not insensible to the magnitude and, iinportance,of the subjects before me, nor to the respnsibilities. imposed ; and approach them with diffidence and mis. gings, conscious that some of them re quire more extended research' .than time and spadecould . be allotted to their eluci drtioti..:. • , In compliance with the duty'prescribed .14 the Constitution, I transmit, for your information and that of 'the people, .a statement of the condition of the finances, Schools, military and other matters of in terest, with recommendations of such measures as are; deemed of sufficient portance to be presented for your consid eration. , ~_r~sces: Alter thorough ciaminuticiri of the re• porta from the accotfuting elepartmenti, :the followilig statement is submitted:— Total amount irl Treasury during yeureadiagNov._ 30. $8,500,885 44 Total dlsbui4enieuti '7.024,073 83 Bultinci, No'. 36, 1871... 61,476,808 59 'Ault public '4ll:bt, Nut. 36, 1871 ! 829,980,071 73 fullo!ing statement shows the na ture of the indebt4tess of the Common wealth,'Nov. 30,:1 . 871 Funded debt, viz: Amount of over-due 2,502.605 16; amount payable in 1872 and 1877 ' interest 6 per cent, 23,- 7864,514 payablele in 1872 cud 1877, inter est 5 per cent, 552,850 ; payable in. 1877 and. 1882, interest 6 per cent, 37,590,550; payable in 1877., interest 5 per cent, 63,, 390.700; parable ,in 1878, interest 5 Per cent, S29o,ooo;:payable in 1879, interest per cent, 8400000; payable in 1882 and 1892. interest' .6 per cent, $9,271,850; pay ableir. 1882, interest 5 percent, 81,11 9.- 950;.payablitin interest 4} per cent, $112.000 : —Totall fundest , debt, 626,666;- 14.5 16. Unfunded debt, viz: Relief notes in circulation, 896447; int: Certificates out 'standing, 813,020 52; interest certificates unclaimed, 84.448 3d; domestic creditors' certificates, 814 ,67—Total, 8113.920 67. The publie debt, November 30, 1871, as befure-5tated„828,980,671 73. Thir.Cummikisioners of i the - Sinking -Punil..report thisets remaining in their handi, aslullows, : Bonds-of , tho • Pe.nnsylennlit - Itailroad : Cumpsuy,..secured by hew on Itio.;. Ph ila; 85,906,- 060 ; thirty-tire; bonds of, the Allegheny Valley Haar:lad Peiimany,inch . for $lOO,- COO, guarMitFed by -the. Pennsylvania Itailread Ceiripany; Nottliehi Central Railway Company, and _the ,Philadelphia and Erie"- llui4oad payable' tOcr,OGO 'annually, beginning January, 1875 ,Wiititi.cent interest from Jan ary - 1872. '63,500,000 :--Total 'menu tof assets, 89,400000,t. Amount, of public debt, $28;980,071 73. Deduct iinfount'bf..assetts, 89,400,000 00; Cash, balance in I treasnty, Norember :30, 1,476;>#08 59, making 810.876,- :808'59, -li;ives a balance' of public debt of $19,103,263 14:. nnprovided fur: • In , olsedieriee to .the 'sixty-seventh sec- - tion of the appropriation bill, approved May 27, 1871, the State haais.rued for the relief of fcitize'niof Cliamberstaiti; rind • for,!witrilarnagint adjudigated, uti drr formeracti,Certiticates of loan- to. the J inn:mit of two hundred and ninety : nine fertv-eiglit dollarsand ninety-one cents,- whicit sum bears interest at six .per .cent, -payable aitthe State treasury. • The.'._books. The Auditor-General and State Treasurershoyr the. total indebted. tress'of the etiiiitnonirealili, mi., the. first day rif'Deceinhilti - 186 e, tras'..t hirty:Seveti mdlinti serenlimatlred andlrur thousand four hnndredsuu i t nine dollars anil:seren=- ty.sPrvn, cents. • iSince then:: and to Norember 30, 1871, the sum of eight wil liou'reven liturdrettatid twenty - tune thou- sand three hundred and' thirty-eight dol. ! lars.andten e Cent! it tins been The redriction during tha-ScarendingNovem. her 30,1871,1 s 4vo million ono hundred' and thirty,nue thousand 61 . 4:hundred und ninety dollars ie'reitecti cents. - The average riedrictichi. 41414 . the last live years is one niillion" seven hundred and fortpfour; .thousand-. eight..buridred rind dollars rind seventy-fire- cents._ • ft wililieohserved, in the: table exhib. 'Ring' the natural of the indebtedness of the Commonwealth , the nmetini 'of the loanS now otertitie is 82,502,69516. - This sum can,:.withouttloubt, be:paid:rut rapid ly'. as.. thelieldera prmn t it,to.the Continissionera the- Sinking. The liatidS payable in 1.872,1M1 demand; • iii 1877 to 83,879;400 00. ,:rbeSo Can 'also lin-fraid"iiitliin the fire years vrior to rheir maturity, at an !step , .age ttf±S77s,BBo 00. per annum. - „ Fur filanY - yeiri, the general 'tipprnPria l tioti burls hasebeeit trithheld front theGoi., "ernes adjourn, men t," :'syhen Ilia: *nit !either. sign'- them - 7, l lo l ;' l 4trlittrPttr in t 'YestiQatiort, suspend the cantt.:-todernty,',, the ppernticina, orrhe goyernMehh ftis the.ensping year,:ni: call 4C ,e,t triiOn. of „the Legtifirlure, 'ltis earnrdif-daritlitliat ' - upPlOprratiiin .bii be taken cod' Putt' an early_peried daring_ the: session, to ens able; the Eteettkie to give it that thorough- eilmination ittiiiitportance viand& • , ' • CUIII9. In my message ofJanuary seventeenth, 1868;1 informed . the Legislature that *f the balance in raVor of the Geiwral.Gov truirient for .reunsylvania's quota of di .rect tax levied in the several Suitei for net parposes;and for cash from the Unit ed,State, amounting in all to nearly. two millions of, dollars, bus been settled. in fall by the' allowance of claims ter extra ordinary expenses incurred by the State during ,the war. lii consequence of the lapse of time since the remaining claims were contracted, the. want of sufficient vouchers and explanation's, mad the dill culty-of finding the parties, some of them being dead,. by whom they should.be made, render their settlement difficult, and iu .many instances doubtful, the aecoMplish went . ot which, however, be vigor ously pursued, and the result laid before .the legislature," Lately public attention has been per sistently dire yed.to the subject of these claims, and their collection from .the Na tional Government; and in view of the action which it limy be your duty to take in reference thereto, the following facts showing whutthese claims consisted of, the - measures taken by the State for their recovery, and the succesa resulting there trom, are snbtnitted to aid you in your de liberations.. • By a statute of Congress, approved Ju ly. twenty-seventh, 1861, entitled "An Act to indemnify the States for expenses incurred by them in defense of the Unit ed States," it is•movided " That the Sec retary of the Treasury be, and he is here bp directed, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay, to the Governor of any State; or to his duly authorized agents, the cost - , charg es, and expenses, properly incurred by such State for enrolling, su bsisting. cloth iig,:supplyingoirming,; equipping. paying and transportiligita troops employed in aiding, to suppruis the present insurrec tion against the United States, to be set tled upon proper vouchers, to be filed and passed upon by .the proper accounting officer of the Treasury." • • By another act of Congress; • approved August sth, 1801, entitled "An Act to provide lamented revenue from imports to - pay interest on the :public debt, and for other purposes," there was levied a din•St tax upon the several . States, Territories and the District of Columbia. of twenty Million of dollars; with the privilege to those States of collecting and paying the quota of their Mx into the irreasury of the United States, of a deduction or al lowance of fifteen per cent; as compensa for the expenses attending the col lection. Pennsylvania's portion of this tax Mrtonrited to $1.946,719 the payment of which the Slates aSstunkl. The fifty-third section ;of the statute last referred, to .providesl That the atrionni.--er-41-CivetAwcaprpittioned to any State; Territory or the lEstrict of Colum bia, shall be Wade to be lend and satisfi ed, in whole or in part, by ,the release of such State, Territory or District, duly ex ecuted to the United States, of any fiqui dated and determined claim of stud; State, TC'yritory or District of equal amount against the United States: . Provided, That in case of such release, Each State, Territory or District shall be allowed the same abatement of the amount of such tat as would be allowed in case of pay ment of the Mme in money." Under the act of Congress referred to, of July 27th,•1861, claims on the part of the State against the United States were filed, amounting in the, aggregate to $3,172,218 19. It was in reference to the first and sec ond- instalments 'of the claims so tiled, that my pr2deceSsnr,Goverr.or Curtin, in formed.the, Legislature,.Jminary ' 1803, that on ? the Ilth,ofjune 1862, the quota of direct tax,clnO.l4 the. State had been "paid to the United-States, partly ,by ti relinqaiibment of itportion of the Sums claimed by this:Statc from - the govern ment, and partly in "cash, after deducting the fifteen per cent. allowed act of Con gresi for prompt payment." The seitle mentthns 'assumed to have been effected, and - Which, on. the information reported to him, Governor Curtin supposed to have been' Complete, wits based upon an ar rangement, as understood by. the. State authorities, shown by theltalowiiig, fig ures:" Amount of direct tax, $1;940,710 33 Deduct f ..ls per cent, - 292,007 90 81,634,711 43 Cash paid by the State to the "'• • rutted States, Jou° 1862, . - .350;003 00 I Proportion of war chums set• - ; Off by the State; • $1,304,71143 It: subsequently •.trinspired; however, Hutt at the Jute when Governor Curtin assumed -the above - settlement - to'-have hean.coinpleted, no portion of the-State's claims had been , :"livinidated and deter-, mined" _by the " preper accounting olit cers of the Treasury" of the:United States. asrsquired by , the _Statutes! of Congress; approve 27th July-cud _Sth of- Au,pst, 1861. - Indeed; it was not - until-November 1,18435, that any portion of- the State's claims. bad been "liquidated and deter- - - milled" by thwUnited States . olileemand oven then theonly sum all Owed amen nt edto One 'Modred and- twilit dollars and fifty cents. , , Still, em:Septeniber 20, ISOI, the United States made an . advaueeto the State Opp lacconnt of the •elaimr.of 860 Ge 000; and-for this cash advance the. State stood debtor to the United: States until the Maims were" liqiiidated and allowed." 'Sithat On thettooksof the National Puy:. ernment the State tippeafed• debtOr .fOr, 62.202,710 . 33. - while the= Claims the part of the_ State turainst*- the= United States were understood,: if Properly • sup ported, ;- to lieclonsiderablv in excess of this inuount..'ro enable.tlielSMto - to have secured - thebenefit of The - :rebutitient of•- fifteett - : ,-- per cent. on the;cittota- of direct tax; inumuting $2.22,0,07:0;jtf_ti-.18 solo telf fletess3r3r. , iincler • the •statutes :of 3.111 k. 2V'ciiid , August'.s. - '181:11,' that the -money: should eittorbeliaid..:eut Old Treittnty of - the-United rSetites,...or . ' the elanna of,ttio State against. the.: Nit= tionul Government; Whietihad been " die alltiwed and suspended" (esapt the ered• It of $ll2 60,tbSre explained ? )• for: five yours eliotildheo. liquidated 4iid detrtnin•; ed' by the aceountingoMeer or the gov eminent.: It was tinder theao stances tliat the Legislature of in 1667, by joint resolution,,antherized the Governor. tb p poi nt: 4 cispechil'ag . ent to collect diSallowed and itisPendei/Clannti against the 'United Statesf whcisq coin! pensation fur that purpose - shall riot ex ceed tetra per centtnn of the amounts thus collected, and shall be paid out of each collections." As thus authorised it beteme.my kite, to appoint a competent person to atteitil especially to the interests of the Common& wealth in the collection end . adjustment of, these claims, and tinder the antherity cOuferred upon me, ruppointed:4lr." Geo. 0. Evaite, of Philadelphia,. whese -recosit incodationa for efficiency and faithfulness were so strohg, 0111 . 1 had no he.sitittion . to place in hisliands the agency- required by the act of Congress of July , 27,-1861, and the joint reiolution.id -the .Logisk: lure. It was not expected that be would: ever succeed in paying 'off a debt which seemed to he greater than tho amount of the claims then on file;. nor was it expect ed that he would succeed, tinder the best, of circumstances, in obtaining more-than a few hundred thousand dollars Out of vouchers, which • had fur upwards of five years, been "disallowedand, suspended," and deemed almost without • Mr. Evans. upon his appointment, jai mediately gave his attention to the dnties assigned him, and through his-sciecest in paying the entire debt due . tlie , General Government, I was able-to -communicate to the Legislature of 1858, the partial settlement of the claims referred to. e It. is due to 3lr. Evutis to State, .that,,tlint reference was of too meager-a chatact,t to place the result of his services and folly before the pnblin. -Through his tabors, the claims of .the Stateovhich bad for years been "suspended and disalloied," were "liquidated and -determined," by the accounting officers of the Natiomil Gov ernment, anti heing_thus "liquidated and allowed," the State for-the first:time - !be+ came entitled. untlei the proVisibus.of the act of August 5, 1861; to the - above sum of 6292,007 90, as.the - rebateiveist on- the quota of the United States tax:: The credit thus secured- to the State, deducted from her quota oftliedirect tai,; left a balance thereon against the State of 81,654,711 43. an d.from,this sum there was to be deducted the payment made by the State on account of this tax on. June 50, 1892, of 8350,000 00--redueing the liability of the State - ,for direct tax to 81,304,711.43, This indebtedness, rti also the cash advanced to the State on. Sep tember 20, 1861, six months Wiie the first instalment of chains - had been filed on the part of the State, -of 8666,006 09, were paid by Mr. Evens by the calledtioni .which he succeeded in making tipen.tho claims "liquidated . and. determined". in laver Of the State, as.alreadfexPlaina;;, By act4l..Gottgreqi,-the'Stata--Iyao to U'rebatement of fifteen per cent. on- her quota of the United States provided it was paid before the first day of June, 1809. and of ten per cent, .1/1')- - vitled it was paid before the first of Sep tember of that year. The State had, fer feited both of these propcised reductions fur prompt payment by., leer delinquency. in not min the tax for five years. But, notwithstanding all this„; 3lr Evani not only obtained fur the benefitsuf the State, the rebattnent of the tifteee per cent. on the amount of the tax, but a release of the interest which might hare accre:ed on the:entire claim of the Milted States... -. The present condition of the against the liational Government Stands thee: Amount of elaims 6!cel as befoto. shown, ' ' 53,1i2,21810 Of which there have been , • allowed avid collected,- The balance, in snpenie, O. 201,740:0$ .., . Further claims on the Tart of the Suite can, I ant iii. ' . - . ' ;,'Eurruetl, be fairly" 'made, ' '' with good prospects' of -- .. ..- ... collection; to the amount, .8-100,000:00 • Makin , ' the, amount of sus rentrvd and ontatandhyt. chums set to be collected; 8 361,740 08 COEDIT iroDuang Or By, the fourth section of the act_ ap proved May first, 1808, taxing corpora tons, it is-declared: . . . '• That the capital stock- of all compa-, nies whatever, incorporated by order 'Wi der any law!of this Commonwealth, * • * shall. be subject to pay a tat into the Treasury ofitlte.Commonwealth annually, at the -rate df one-half mill fur each s- one per cent. of dividendi made 'or declared by such conpatty.7 . - . .r. taxes received during- he last four years frtim corponttioti stocks have nu n u. ally exceeded une million dollars, end urn now about the one-sixth part of the reve . ne of theAtate. . ' • "The "Cre,dit Mobil ier of Ameriqt "is a corporation ',created ;by. the Legishiture or Penusrlrauia; and anderthe vast powers, conferred bYits charter, it undertook - the construction of that great. : Malone! work, - the Union ;Pacific railroad. The hist contract was made frith it ie for, two hundred and forty-seriin miles; at the eastern lerniintts of ' the road, and eaSOlf theAmeltundredth Meridian.' for thd go* sideration of fifty. thousand dolltira ••);4; mile: This' ecatruet was' assigUed . /b$ lloxie to the Crodtt tnitlqlte: road true built by that conninnY.Aii tit& riecut ioii 'firth& oontract were madti'ar t it - diiideuddqvided the corporittletif-j:.untt 14e,,toiir41414#'.111eri:oti_ to the - St:sic of:Piiiin'syliusda' yere,'Fidnu , turfy - paid" iiibi , thel2repsaisejican'after=. vaids ;masker:: ann with Mr; Oaks ?antic: lbe.ii4 - arrioinction Of six iloch*LifitViiiii4e*virriiiles of said road west of tlitl'otiOntittriAth meridian; fur an 'l‘ ,l ;=oolZv-',66iiiide.ratititi, of ' forty: seven trigion4n,ine:..lintidrett 'and' 'fifteen thousitutf This part of the road -Was consertictid:riblferthe latter contract; and out OFilist'prittiti arising therefrom 'about the,:ecniiitiiiiie million dollars 'was declared' istdiiidecils;- and pa:d to' the etoelsholOni;ifibti..eredit'llobilier; -whewttioOtthi:dernatideti fiir. 'taxis' on these - imtnensa' i l - i ptefits,',- . paYmentiWas re fined by thete corporation, on the grounds that the 'el'ide*33' lb.angh .paid to, and • - • received by, the Stockboldeis'otthe'cor poration, and in' heprecise inionnts and proportions . which they Severally held stock in the cornpanY, were yet paid to them' as individuals and not as stock-: holders. To multe good this defence sun dry papers, . agreements and contracts were produced, and especially a tripartite agreetrient, hetweeu Oaks Antes. of ,the first part,sundrytrustees therein appoint. cd of the wend part, and the_Credit Mo biller of,the third, by which, and the tic. companying parol , evidence, it was con tentledthe vorporattou was not responsi ble-for tinktaxes, claimed,' amounting to abont one million dollars.. The_accoutt officera of the State, with 'counsel em ployed by the Auditor General, associated with the Attorney General, prosecuted the claim, with, Real and ability, and on the two separate trials in , the court of ,common pleas of f •Datiphin county Decor._ end Verdicts and judgments against: the Corporation. . ' The first was obtained. November '25, ,1880; for $407,483. 30, and the second, December 23; 1870, for 1 , 610,30 D 03. The .defendant : ook ,writs oferror; and. the Supreme Court reversed, the judgments, and. iu the opinien-of, a majority of the judges certain .principles are &dared which-are cousidered fatal .to a recovery by the State. If this corporation, created by the laws of Pennsylvania, by - the demain"of tripariite agreement,. and other contracts and pmftedings to which the Comniontveslth tree - not a party, can thus eradit taxation upon its' eaPital stock. / cad imagine uogotid reason why every other corpo . mtion may, not, by a resort- to vile same ingenious contrivance, escape the payment of taxation on their capital stack, and thus over million'dollars an. be lotto the' State Trensnry. -view of *this impending danger, ear nestly invoke your prompt anti- careful consideration of This whole' subject, and recoininentl'such action as will in the fu ture -effectually ; prilteet - the iatere'sts of the Commou wealth. CONSTITMONIt'IIEFOR.V. The people at 'the lasi 6evina proclaimed :tinmistakiibli - in' favor of a contention re'viso - the ! . Constii ution. it hilt doubtlest•be- the pleasure, of 'the Le,- gislature to . proiide :the-neeessary legal 'ntchin.;ry to carry , out the 'the pop,ular will on till's important Subject"! cordial ly sympathise nitliqhie 'tnofititeitt,'.and in my last annuat , measigi presented - my_ ricastheivon so fully. that a repitition of them is deemed anifecessary, but to :which - special reference is made. A' careful • re ytsion Of our' fandainentil qualified that iltity,•iiimperatiiclyde•; trimale'd tr the highest 6fiisideratiens of publid Welfare.— • • - • Conneeted with this in cousAerable .degree, are the que.tiotis of tlie • tnent of u "Cour.t Appeale" find the appointment :of iv.rionnutslion to' 'r vise the tai laws,,iand to itputhia taiation. Both of thi'sc_me.ustires, stto:imnortant,_ and are urged - imp 'cotiiideration by, intelliOtAnen - fretn,the diftermt paris of the State.'.l3til,inaimlielt us the consti tutional convention rnrt with PrePrielb unclerhthe the re-orgiultzation of Our judi cial systein; and as taxation should_ be based upon and made cOnformable to the requirements of the Constitution,: r in=' 'cline the opinion the,fgenerat jligielation on these suolects hod' better Id postiiiined until the action of tbepropoefd conten tion shall be known:- .' cosoitrisxoNaL ArrorendniF.NT. The second section,Of. the first .article of the Constitution "cf he United. States, as inixliffed by the.lecond'section Of the. fourteenth- antendmen,t: thereto, : definea the principles'antl , basis of .congresaionul tepresentation - F and impoies ypou etch State the duty . of divitili4 the' sliine, every, sears, into Cohgressiinii..l dis tricts,each ontiitiiiie6is nearly, as possi We the 'intio . .of; .inhabitan ts • Alipted by Congress;'based itpon - the - enumeration :or the National detuni" of '1870; Igo enure important dtity.th . An this nppiirtionnient of the State to,Congreasional-districtels likely to deroleempon the present Lei:oigt Laura and I bespeultifur it that earefOl : and- patriotic consith:ration ',which' is re- - (inked by the. magnittide-of the interests 2,010,40 11 TILL:g1.1 1 10 , 1t1) AND.2SAT:SXOI.L.IB Aboiti_the'cliise 'of - the, session ' the Legislature in IS;o,anactwitspassedand simmered, entitled 4 ' A SuppleMent to the. `3ltlford and-Matornorns Railroad Compa- - ny,7. The fourth section id' . this 'Client.- meat seems to hare Welt intended te take •frons - the State, and-give.to4kcempanyi theten thiwisantUdollurs hones; paid into the State Treasury annaully, hy'the New ,York and Erie Railroad Oempany,nnder the .tifth: - IS:ction °Vibe act - of 26th , of 31arch; 1846; Soon:alter the ailjourumint `my attention was'4lirectecl to the subject, And to gmud againat Inas I chased the At torneY Generctla'girti.notice the New York and. Erie - EailitniT'!ComPati7 that the State re,orilttliXilito corporation - for the pciPnePtrefthe:animal -bonus,. as beretciforr,Auitaillistandit„,o the - passage of the suppisineuVoeferiml,to. • .F regard the - , latter, nikhirrin',7 been acted. atitl - ap. proresl,tliptingh inadvertence, and hasty Neon, f.,94eratt7 of variance: ,with the of' the State, and Malay - preltttlic - itti to the public interests; and I 'therefore earnestly :neat the regniumen. 'dation -iti my last annual 'mirage far the imaiediate repeal, of this' ohnostous -law; :o y nt least of that part of it which relates ..to the. bonus.- Thu Slate • harink' -long since abandoned - the policy `of puyinz, money.out of her Trinsorr tor .the con. - straction .of nillroatb; "fiettllPP 'equality Or justice in allowing -1h is.k,tinctT men to reMaiu • - Every citisen is ileeplY intemsted.lathe nutuagetrientand tMliara ed mu- cotronen tic:hoots, and in tbo, carve, of generillsilo cutlet), and Afield rejoiee -thlit in ; the peosperity or - so gre?t trust he is elaT td win:rit appropriate share Of respansi- Wits'. In proportion as the cimmeter- of pilbria - N 4614414 elevated;the ' multitudes warn etUtet, ourso ll oo l3 tttiq be properly :pmpara;ll3r:_the ' Aptly° duties or Ina 4# the ureiility'r'espe)iii tiilitiea of itterit in eitizeuShiee = ' Thirty-solve yeast hero elapsed cince ale eomsaest srF.tetst WAD ilit:C4ltUar • VOLIMIE XXIX, NUMB 2. COiSPAXY. ~~pT:C.iT7OQ. a...into:Pennsylvania; itir.dr..?thet-getaiera! prosperity of the State,'- . 4rerr, been commonsttrute.with , tliectidvantageiths4 hare been affordeettelte;. rapidly Inertias. hit Popnlationi- Those:wlio were-lustre- mental in its introductiOu, antliliasetithe • have devoted perfeetioteits operations as to methods ofteaching:the adaptetiOn of buildings; , mid • all' tither • wealth 4-education; are:fully appreciated, and. compensated by "the gratithdertiVoll good and intelligent ppople. , *'llitt:tatich . yet renniins to be done .tei perfast its dlti. mate ,purposes; and it Mnst net - bcf said of - us, Maw upon' the field df are periuittitig the goottiyotield languish - in our hands:. No , Just coMplaint'shetild • be allowed taste its efficiency; c;e rreat and important '-tntls are 'pot accOmplished, : - It was ...eettaiuly . the !puithisii::o, the' fonnders of our common school system to give every child in the , •tommoutsultb l ,",.. without regard. to:its peentilarror 'social ' condition, the advantages of sedlielented: tacatictmio enable hien .or ' her tet :the'succesiful transaction of the Ordinary , - branches of - business.-and tolObtaiM-ana- • :maintain a respectability which can novel...acquir: this, has TVA trees. folly uccoreplislied ; for bun inforrp : ed there are at least seventy}-lice them:toil children in Alio State. who _attend :1 1 !!, :C40015 it. any kind_ irhateren„ . tint I ecessary. to I ti reln into the teaser); ; for. thisklunneful 'neglect. Thisevil-e,tistaand detininds all efficient rinictly.'llutt7retth:-.-‘ di'inay probably' be ffound . petliag,or iu holding out keno - parents and ' : others Inivlng•lrk-rphargit,.;-• hether rich Or poor, to;airord :- benefits, for at' least a ,reasonahla tem of yeari, ot, ont.pnblie, , ThoSe who ze ,, leettliis . ll6ll, Ora, grierdiarte; atidtreseriineozeivie,44v..t,; heusiou. - .Parents aro - net.:aie:SAS:owagss, their Child :The latter 4re property'-offlie - Siafei;tli4p"rolspeyi . ty.... i t o r Winch .ciaterially depends phew ; Oen', . tetre.tisefulness. They -an ...emPlluticalti,,;, her child r en, 'einds'lire,aw right to -demand youth,- that;tidvau ced , life:thecyjnay,. , in _turn, become . her protectors . let then - 4, 2 , b.• - properlyre'amei, trainedienteultirated,,,, and'Alter will grow titatiatitylo)4lWi the hand that toalarettthe:rei, - ,, end feeling,,, adeep:and 'Mating intere s t ;will:g e t ; ,; for the paternal care..they.leCeiiiitle. 7 4lidiw thus runny:ls - hp would'sitherivi.se zlected may tweo.tue an; honor '4 . 0.,..th00 . ...,z, seltes.;aud 7 lniglit and ',shining lights a r ,: theatioral, EOCIal; religion*. and :pnlitl A ealy n fi rremeae!tt of the: • Conirrioti*eulth r ,. , Uk . , „ let these be 'll - 6!ected; mid iihUf .4 adverse nsitlt t I ldlences " ignorand‘l::: arc the prolific sourcesr'of crinni- ; -They will our aluts.liOnseS fel vagrants, our prison's,wi,tll.` cailvlett 4, Critlnti.4 11olises of ,Inlitruy With dfisointo, . wretelies;_tlie:pnrlicueUr:Otir wilik.•: - drunitnonisr,able; half: starred alien da. litid coil n'otir • been; with p r tkiptr inStrndrion, orn4rhent4:..' tit soci4ty'arid serviCeabte totheiro?natri,! -These . statethents'ure"fully,:hustained l l7y,...., • the reports' f prison iu - sPeetcr., siarde62,. physicians and philstithrolgSts,tyhO: . harp—, given • t eSuldect, - narefttl. etinsuleretion and it has heen clearlf.deinonstrated-thatx-, an exceedingly small, percrtitage l pf,,46,. autfering bougs who 'crowd .our . . pritoti houses and pour hthls har,.t-,ree-qteit . rudiments orpu ordinary ede&ationp 2 moral instruction diving their Childhood. -- This, cab di tion of ',Ali tits., ant on . those:baying charge of the luhlio , est of a - ereet reSpensibility., - and upnliedtion'et . effectual. remcditi.:, of no dClay. Tlierit)N, such legislation: l ., is recommended as will remedy an* tltit ; i 7 :fee ts 'our-School 'sysbrin that h tI 1 1 Cato failed to make it thorough;, h.:m.llre Mid nuiversal." -- 1 ' - I Would - advisc a more libe:ralr,Poli4../ 4 `.,' i ; he adopted in regarerto the cOmpettiation,... of teacherS in the tirtblie'Sehools.-thtit trA' '=. highest'Order Of talent and'the.tieitvital;:. - itieations for thti respoeisibleesnd'ill,lPPi%ol , tent deities instractien, may; ultrays:,b;ii seen d- On, tlus - oecaston :l', hm aonaltted •statistiCa i l tatesmentsiexhibilitt.the (Mien!' of the dilli•rent branches "of,:the.„^ ; School Departanott;Ond rcepectfully;, rite ylittrattention'to _the careful! pre.: pared reports,of - the .uperin tendita for _ Aletailed account of. the Normal,: Agri.— cultural, Cuminon and SOldiers' (lrphani: schdols and coheres, and to .the:rstigtes=-'" tress uitd r ecommen dations therciii. - '' 'false reComthetid on apPrOpri:. 7 ,:,,, anon of five hitndred ant i twenty ; thou ;. sand dollar iu aid of the common , and cour'littudrid ands eighty', tlioniand, dollar's tor the 6sniinuahcc of thesoldier.4 v . - . ,orphins' Eclidols,.for the,s.chool7Year'.ler; mutating" May 310513.' r 1 . - ATIONAL . . • . , _ The accompaupn,g retort of the. Ad. ibtant General.nili be,found un-interestr., log document. , h is.replete with :vnhar.•:.• hie Information in regard to' Which every .• citizen of tile; Comnumweolth .• is deeply concerned. ..The present :cOndition lapel efficirtley ;of the mititary;organizations otti, the Stag-, recognized us-l•the 91tard," is in most .insiancen 'lnch' an glye:generni entisfactiOth From..a Tery small beginuit.g, uk the clOPO• of the.war.- therhhte Trantned na.tatitudo most creel.:.: itablcau,tltepatrlotio anlor. of our yotnir men, somo.of whom dnring the post year Imre : been enabled to umil- themseltes •ot , ' an opportunity to puma _their...Useful:na l in the field. _.• ' . •:: The eit.etire three of: the National Girard I. l a msent ,ulneteett ;regiments, _and three - hattaticae,, comprising, , with nnattnehett OrganiFations.,three hundreil And eightk-W?eomtmnier, biz. light tillere, twenty cavalry; mul three hundred aryl. iirty-.rur infantry. Of :the regimen.;_ tal nFt.nutizations, thiiteen nto ip the Firnt. • divison„ - one in tlie.,Fweond, thret,i in • 4ho . Einhteenth,ntid two in, thek Ti'p nggregate of ettlit44 raen.is sixteen thou, "kttid hi - indica and thirtproimand the.commissioned official; number ono" • thonFand littottrcd and forty4n:o, The Fifth brigade or . the ...First division.. organized iit aceordunce. with 'nu, net the bet Leginlat tire..ie•c6l4lp. c er.ed - sat *tea • reninieufn colnrf d 114 , 41 , 4.. ,••• earl*. foree in - Ifitniternely ed . ; and gelyerally`irell drift d and plined, and prepared to meet nay ordinr,,, sanereency WWI 1.1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers