, ... • . _____. .. -i .'. 7 - - .'''' ' ' • '.. ' • 4 7 ' . •' ' ,••'.- v : ." • -•. 4 •,... • : •,. ; - ' . , ... 44 .6 . . ..... ..... . - •'- - ^4 i l e.l Z ,1•. , ~ ' ; ~, , • • .CI _ , !•'-' '-• ' '' • --- + ..+•-. , ; •, „ ,:. ''. - - l' ' ' ' - ;‘," •t• C n '' '' - - ' ' ' ' +- • . r • +`• + * - + 15, ~,,...,..„ p,„, i nf . ~;.•• i , . 1.. .. .. , e ..., ~ .; _ ~ ~ _ , .i lc ~,,.,.. ~.: ....,..,_ 7. . „ ,n LI . :._ • ,„, ._, f.;.. „ ~„ lit.gr. ...,e.ertzr— ,T, ; +.: .1 it.... , ~. I " .47,1 ;1;4.41_ 4 ...., - • . „.. ,' 1, r ; 1,1 le.11: 1 1• -W, 4 ....+ - : itt,: ' :.. , 1- • ?, ' . It, , , L :, . _ , . ,„ .._,,..,...,,,, ~,„ „,, ~,..,, , . , ~..,. ;i, . : . ...,.. :,,.._.;,,,, ,70.1 .. (.01 F. 0 1 .1 . 14,4...4 i , .' 4 . •.• t • •• , . -• . ‘-- •• ' ••.! . 4 ._ ~t 1 1 „ ; 1 ...-:',...i! -- ,.,74...te", 7 . fmt1.44.!:.;•; ,•41 'HAWLEY ,Proprietor; MUM guoinio earao. Cd. A WtN, 11,743111111 and Cardrarton lAiri • Welt Pet& Pitt BALDWIN; • , , proms* alr-Eiw,llo3ltrpoes Pa.. Offtsl , .41; ivos • —4 ' LoopllM - dittertep it taw. oftlea 2.11$ Tattektwatina tentanit. Ilaantoll, Pa. Peitiltolll ttte Ultra! Octrlts of -La- Items 011.5. 11 , 3 Counties. , • , ,••• IL-boont, , • 'WY, D. /XIV.. lalearAlßOMPPidrah 1. • cnossmoN. ~ , A g isniks i tlari,'ollcei it the' Court tloniN tn-the T=• °Mee. • W A.Cittnamosl. 1. 6111,1871.=4f: . , *lons. 3IeI4IMLIE, &.IFAVUOT. pins tioada, ,, ,Clothlag._ Ladles and 'Mama late Sheet. &Ito, agents' for the great lan ertatt Tea and Coffee Comply." fl Pa.,ep.l,7A . „.DB. Wo• ' : mull; dwelllnr4 neat dooi east of the • Itopolelloropethilo; (Mee. • Office boors troth *9 l 3tt!se. fall 3,1371-1 f • sial Hat: the barbel...who van I have yM:tr rice to ander; Cala, brawn, ,blank. youpinky hair, in over seleejastnp Matra Thereu•lll Una him, over 0400 sUrno.helorr.bronenees.-1118. One door. Viontzpae.inniil,llB7l.—tf ' • c.-montrs. 8. -At -Av H. IneCOLLIMI, 4114711117/I . .AT LLW ,021101 over Um ; Bank, Montrose Pa. - Itordiese; lisky,A, tf DS. _ opetpd im office, lathe Aldo!' Cis eßtnat ettreat..nes r Catitolle Flvircb, what, ho can Do consulted at all Xestr**,ivtil 36, wt. . ly 411.. D.VAIL, IlloasswassnoPaTitetax Ash SCWOLOS, fisgreniauently leattod htthselito llootrose, Pa.. where Moat prompt- IT *stoat° MI falls to his prorestlon with width he my thersood. mite hod-Migleace west of the Conn image, two Fitch Watsons office. „ Montrose: Febittat* 9,1F71. • orricz• Tllcn'a larmrster; Attorneys AiLaw:at the old om it ; of Beattpa Pita.,llontrosd. Pa. t.; r. amt. btan. 11, . • cukall.ES 11. ST0 1 ; 1 t i • • *Waft Beets and Sbosa,llsis and C. Lestber And • . Pladinga,'Brale ?Besot, it.' door below Boyd's Atom 11derlassade to order. rail repairing done totally.. -• Mel.rofe..lan. • .. MIMES ,lIILALKESLEE;•.-:.- . 4 atC t=rerntazplaCm n abYlon d by Err o: P. Mt. the Mtn oirest,llllmitrft% Pa. fApril2o. a. urns. • - azo.r. urns.. E. t. staszstsit. 1i1qWW,V145 01 . 1 ., . . swarm AND natU„rtig : sMo-, -:: - Shen In the new Paitofflce aiondlei. wklece be ten leetimnd ready to attend all who may wont. ens thin Ishiellne, .. . ' Montrone, Pa.Oet. 13, I,M, 0. M. HAWLEY, I)RAM fa DRY GOODS, anocEnm. =MIMI% Ruditaro, Hats, Cap... Fkiatv.Sbm , . neat,. Made Cloth tag, Palate, 0111, Iley!,11 Uforli Pa. ISept. 3, 'GO. DR. S. W. DAYTON, PITISICIAN it SURGEON, tendvnt hie terriers in Itaiettisens - 9/ Great Bend and vicinity. Mike at his mstdeaten,ntrpowitc Barnum notate, Vt. Bend ciliate. Soc. let, INS.— tf • ; A. O.:WAIrt/tUlf, '• ATTORNEY Ai LAW, Bounty, Rack Pay, Pension pet' /Zeta • on' Claims attended to. °Mee fi "Am %micro Boyirs IStore, s ' C. 'SUTTON, Autiogier, and Insurance Agent, Frfendwrltie, Pa, IL GILBERT, .. Great, Send, Pa 117. EP. I ELY, 'cr. - a. 41:1111.Crt1.071C+02 - : 'A5e.1..."11611.• : Address; DriSclyn. PL JOHN GROVES, ILLSMONLSLSTALLOR, Montrose. PC Shop over Chantlet's Store. Arordere filled in errt.rstestyle. vatting done on start notice. eftd intrant.' ed to fit. SMITH, *Ammer Jaw ca=" 31.47sui4mpitsm,- - roct o f End, manucar., Pa. liar,. ISG9. U.'rnJnU DIMALICIVIn Staple and Fancy Diy Goods, CroCkerr MirdisiL-etorgm, Drn gm, 011Nand Palnt Gmeterins.Prirris l llosmasn4 Shoes, lons. Hats Ci lMemrMilps, Fars. fo llu rd„ trmlPa.o 'Robes m.:e., rriettirio - & 1311.0W114', nut - -' AND:"LIFit Er*l.lxsps •-. A.ezNTs: AV IsTibIItEUIPPROdt4O_IIV9DITS,6O4IIr ter4i. CCM Iliraia•otaortnot .!.14,:rutroed Hold," wait 41de 4 , riblleMentat. - iroatrose. P. 1Aw5.1.1869: ..m 22 : • • Caasizi L. Vacnra. -"Airst.inututEl44'; D Dun '• Atiedieure*; Lligovs, Pala% pits,Oyst sore r:Vismisbes. Glass..GrocaftqktilasaWara, Wall and Window Pa, patAtaudarare, Laust4Xeraersic;ltathlnery Oils. ses,..l.lam,,Ammaalllaa„ , Entree. DpeGlatlas granec railer °acids, *JeueD7, - Poirta :eek, Didatraaaat the most -anmensas;. extensive. and valuable calleationa of Suaquebninui Co.- Zatablishea 1848; Islam/vat; Pa.- rrinanru.kr ovpr Stine of A. totbsostan Plbek. Tacit:Odic. Pa.- - tanVe9 JIM . ; Nyi e '.lL, UICHAIIIDSON, ariIICIAN 1117TratOir.lendrs hr. proretsloos norileen Cotton eaten, of Montrose - and vitt:My.— Oties at his residence, on tho corner east or sum- Woo. Foundry. , - , • {Mr,. 1, UC9. DEL E. 1...0.1011.D1VE% IMIMGEOIgi Montrose... Ps. Mires asiieetkl'ettentlan let 41seaSV0 of the lletirt - and Lingo and All Bnrelenldlsentes. Office neer W. U. Desa.n" soardastBeerie • s Motet" j&og.l. IEED. BCI3NB' 8c NICEIgLS, .., .. _ DZAI.AiII - - IA . :Drags. ItodiclosA, C6 , 1111=10. Dye. stals, Paiuti,olll, Varnish. Liquors. Spices. Fancy .c.des,Putent Seditious. Perfaxnerg Ault Toilet A r... clot. ' Effitesertptious, carefully compounded.— lilielivessuit.Aboro tfearbeis LAW, lloutroso.ra A...CLAM!. ..,....! . . • . ..Astos ItCtcpois. • ? 1.'1142L ' - . - - --- WlaT rEgtolll4B, Wboteasli 134 . dg' Walirs Ist , . likEiVirititt;-14()Ni'STFECI - . 7 • !Pipits ? "SITOVELS, BIJILDEUMLIIARDiViREi. ..• • F 4411140 84 ll B P o lgr A R S bed A'S 4 A r i g a ras i. .m s ro n e y fig' • • • 111LIAEB, 8144.7 SPLND LES. 110111S.Ate. VICES. STOCKS and DIEBO3KLLOWEI • • ELMO= SLEDOES: TILES. &e:ae.:.. =omen 41.10) ini..t.smars. a mum. PAOKWO pmu f t : • r!Ficn wurw rm iias lIROVEII lIMEARD! _ , ViTZPIXt 1302113110117PCTUBZ!. eltid.NGs4llL3 Spot and Donnie Miro Wheel. It V habil the Grad Now fort Stair National. Premium f Algollosettroat CAMNational Premlartis,heldat Sans tcstissilystild:/ttiriland and *l5Ol sta to Thi voisizlidtaple.teitaPul; Tamed itaitiVrtqfq the &lee whitdc, and enclosed In a neat elm, lain° centre of AO oaaeldno, etfeetually securing It front grit Ma 'operation can De ini.jea tiom R high epee4to oue &OM - Wove. setthent stop. 'than adapt. the tiself to bad Pisces and Mg hL a nd tn 7 a g a" " . ! . " One cattiness rataa Is perfect'. .Ne and one pstmt balfa • le is *eyelid doubt the grunted 13 gains la the world. and Yon can dep end epoe te. Bette eettettittellettke esetypartlettlar. — - - Reedstedatisr. VaThc-st 130Mmos _ _ - • • - Parr( Copvt,•Aapaille. 'Pa; lar gabs taratigriatataa Id..vaosa, r Fltildaat. , • loges estaqi: 4=46.,untr,nizz,st4iskat. • t', at' . ivritomuir '-' • Abel - Derriere:dim, MIT° IA TA: O3 OMi : _ Dem •the Tbirty•third District or. Indisraut: Larvier, Writer, 'Omtor-4olres one Burial Shit Lail:1141SO bandaotuo , es wheri, tCrentr yomrs pima; • • 'At her old home in Plketeri Pm= deer? Trader Parst - hosse ccow&ii lhtt at gacits of snag The Xlittivittiii numb Vors envying me, . Her fingers then trete taper,' aid her :skin vna White 113 rank. . - ' Roe hrotrn hali , --•what a meta it Ins! and salt and tine a silk; Nowind-miretlwUJow by a brunt had eterell The toTu pe otiphrodittltit . a ." iiadoima thee, She had lint me veriehooling: tier Pak Mites Were (nil of crooked pot-honk!, arid the Ironic . orthognipy.- ' ' Ber "dear,",,she spelled with „double e, and "kiss," with but one a But when one's crazed with..passion; what's a - letter more or !mat , Bho blundered In ber writing,and she Mu. cd when she spiike. • everySnd t ti n rdel syntax that :614 Mutiny made, s ßut she was beautiful and Creak, and I--well, I Eter:th r iatuld face o'erbalaneed ail the blunders or her C. cLVattaar, I was but *little better 'True, I'd tenger been My tongue and pen were ten, perhaps, a trifle more by rule; • • But that was. all The neighbors round; who both of us well knew, Bald—which I believed—she was the better of the two. - AWs changed: the light of seventeen's no long in her . eyes Her wavy hair Is gone—that fees the coiffeur's • . art supplies; • • Her term is thin and angular; she slightly, for want bends; . • Her fingers, once s shapely, nova are shisipy at the ends. Shoi knows but very little:and to :little, are we One; Titbendy rare that more than hid that great defect ts gone. My phrvenu relation now deride my homely wife, And pity me that .1 am tied to such ,n clod for life. I know them ts a difference: at reception and levee The briglltml., wittiest, and most famed of wo• 'men smile on me And everywhere I hOld my place among the greatest men; And sometimes sigh, with Whittles judge, " Alas! it might have been." Whey they all crowd around tue, stately dames nod brilliant belles, And yield to me the butane thetall great suc cess compels, . • .- Diacosing aat- ad NW!' Ilicrawro Inv well, From Homer down to Thackeray, and Screed enborg on "HelL" I = I can't torget that from.thcse streams my. wife has neyer quaffed, Ilas never with Ophells wept, nor with sack Falstaff laughed; Of anthem, actors, artists—erbY, she baldly kttows the names; She slept while I was speaking on the Illahntelt claim I can't forget-.- Just at this point another form appears— , The wife I wedded,.sa she was before my pros. perons years I travel o'er the dreary road we triyeled 61. 1 4 j)9 -side,— And wonder what my share would be, if Justice should divide. She bad four hundred dollars left her, from the old astatet- • ' On that we married, and, thus poorly armored, faced, our Etta . • I wrestled with my books; hex task was haslet tar than tube— • 77as bolt' to milko WI/ titplArod (Yl l lll5 do we work of nine. - • - - 41ait I wai admitted; then I tied .earlegar .../ . lore, . An office with a stove and desk, of books per, baps a score:" She had her beauty and her youth, and some housewifely skill, And love I,r me and faith in me, and haeltlof that a wilL . I ha d no: Mends behind mono Influence to • • aid; . I worked and fought tor eye!" . little IRA of •'groond I - made. • 40 bow she fought bade never woman lived on less: • - ;Irp long yews she never spent iiNle 'gent foi dress. . • '" AI bow she cried for; ,y wlen my flit legal tight was.wpn, ' _• • • • When our eclips passed featly by, and we stood' in the tun 1 \ • • • „ , The, fee was fifty dollars- :'twee the work of half First captive, lean and scraggy, of my k;g 2 l bolf well remember, whea ply coat (the only one had) . Wa•wdy pr.qwn, and tbwadhate to tact. most "sloeling bad," The tailor's stern remark, when I a modest Or der made: " Cash is the /ash, !fir, An which we !aura do our trade." Ms winter cloak Irtatin tga shop tEr alarm' that . Sbc 7m:l 7 :g i l ; ton-hl 47.ab1i , 4; 4t! nt•tttttall. 16* n coa dft t! and kill th vgg it:lA*446o4 . in. Hl4l. . er Wert j rt: 11e' Citanti tfiltntem'aresitk-; er came again. ; . - . , . . . a Oar second season die adased dank sit 4np Tbat I might haves irisithkh Bp; , • iglu coaril ' " tihe made her ku4paOkbanaetdrittpt !might tare a hat; . Talk let the old ' -time, ...11PnYrs. OPP: Pit" No nega ere; FlRTkedep hard: a seriMittli pay 6:te made termle Mute' *Wm* a drudge end Wave: , • Wll4t pio §he aerie Mid a !riskiaeo9 copmbitikog 0-3 ilia 'did b one, Muse,itaasemald; eemastreas, cook!, , z - • • 4 , „ virmidei ilia *try 110 tboj ctup . e, Her beantMitcomplpdoi;mp dereirtlithe4 are Sand iirork - ibr 'm4 7 tirit'rrOactritnt'i .0 10 47 strength cob,le~ .' .• „matberfalto4 =Ow kire-ttier4ritiesra AbJ w4t.b ii4lat.:lo.li:*t** t 0 t*altar MEE • ... Anditeitriull flung, ber00)1-0141 11 4 o now It then-- • , All that she vas, and more than that, tliat she • • !night have been • •-• • At bat Ivan auccasa , /tft.l • ittem our Wes were ~wlderparted; • • . , i ;sea far, up; Ur 'rising road; she, poor girl. ' whenslise started. • ' ; had triad my speed and ' Mettle, iod 0004 strength' in every race; - •. • • twas fa up the, heights of llfe 7 -abo drudgio . gat, ;' r the base.• , . , j , no road° ma tidoeach fall the stump: ilre, sold 'twas rayttareer: The Wild applzosse of lleunlnallowds was tau ato to my ear. What itlmultai r had she to 'cheat her. *raw !all. ' tad°, • ' - 'Yonne eh° Ural on gladly, in' unnatural tfld• r . owhood,J i - aho.cinildult ttad speech, but when tha 'pars all greed I 'Twits the best onO of thO season; those corn •• meats she'latult . i read, And wlth'a Allah 0 prigs Illefetts 11E 11 1 01 3 I have , never felt, 1 ... ' • ~ 'She sent, them to , me in a note, with half the words mts.SPelt• I to the Legla)aturo -went, and said that she should go, i To see the world with me, turdtit - 4'st the world . MU doing, losow. . 'With tearful stone, she " No! four ..-.., doltant tile pay ' • The Baum-Woo rates son ONE 4 just that sum liar day." - • At twenty-eight, the State-House; on the bench; • nt thirty-three; At forty every gate In life was opened wide to •t. me. nursed my' powers, and grew, and made my point in life; but she— Bear. log such pack horse weary loads, whet could a wpm= bet , What could ehtt bof Oh,f shame I Mask to think what.ahe has been: The most unselfish of-nli wires to the selftshest • of men. • ;I - espial:l and homely now she is; she's 'gun tint. 'tis true: FOr me, she rubbed herself quite 'out : I repre sent the Int. Well, 1 suppose that I might do as other men have done-- Firts brtk be heart with cold neglect, then shove her out alone. The world would 'say 'twas well, and more, would give great praise to me gor having - bottle with "such a wife" so =corn ' plakingly. . And shall It lto! The contract 'twist Wan- . - nab, God, and me Wm not for one, or twenty years, but for eter nity. No matter what the world may think ; I know; down in my'. heart That if either, I'm delinquent: she has bravely done her put. • ' . There's another world litiond this; and on the final day • Willintelleet and learning 'gainst such devotion aweigh ? • When the great one, made of no two, is tort apart again, to 'kick the .beam, for God . Is Just, and Ile knows Howdah Jane. grcuitiep and Itliticiouto. —Con.—Why is kissing your sweeer ' heart 'like eating soup with a fork? Be cause it takes a long time to get enough of it. —Buy a lottery ticket by all means. A )Ifempina man who invested $l,OOO has just drawn two prizes of five dollars each. —When Lord Sidmouth ono day aid, "My brains are tone- to the dogs, this rnorniug," his friend ut once ejaculated: •'Poor dog I" —A young lady was heard to remark lately that she was glad the cold weather had come, because the mosquitoes must quit us. • —All the trtrkeys and chickens will be tetormers *boat Thanksgiving tnne-4bot is, - they would' to annihilate the wring .business: " - =*-The only man who , writes "3i. C.,7 at •both,end,s of his name 151 10 044 1 - I C 6 irt, member of Congreas from the seconds,dis ct of Indiana. —Men make their' wills When dying, women are not allowed the same legal rivilege' because they are held to have had them daring their lives —At this season, among things for pro tection of, women, and at the same time something that will help to elevate them, are thick-soled shoes. , ' —a My •Darlirlgi Shoes," „is. the' last sod-stirring ditty.i The old• tnqp!s•bOots and big brother's gaiters will donbtletis be next worliedirjol:hytne and music. ' =There is a young chap in a Danbury school, who being as ked whit was tailed thew Father of his Country?" shrilly xhonted r a Brigham 'lrating,7 who used to boast that be never owed a dollar in - his life And never , would, id leis - than a yetis after, his .:triav, ,, iiage to tali up everyday.: The' Sp.Snianhi have old saying which tell us that a white Lards never.of fenii"—whicli means that the little faults and indiseretions of We l ts should altVeys he (middy partmed, "Jk fox should not be on the.jury when a goose M on Cr ial l 7.quotes .an 'exchange. In most trials , of Importance the foxes are eneval . ly defendants, while the geese are rn theriag b 44, . - hira.Partington,inillustrationofthe proverb, son 'answer turnith aivay ,wrath; ; says .that 6 ,9 it is better to speak para-orieally of a person than to be all thelime dinging epitaphs at him.". ' —There ig Wpotnfoit yet rar poor folks. A ,Westein paper says that. in . this - region the daini to be a millionair, has becorde se comma that to be so ranked is often looked tipiin ea vulgar or dishonest. . -A Palpable HibL-SecretatyilEleikriap, in'repl7 to op iotervieiver who wanted to knew.. whit` 'vapid biscoicie of the army dming 'Getieral'Sliermatlli absence, said he thought the neWspilier inOn age it with a little 'help frouthim.- Mass4sbusetts clerigYman has signed hispastorme sn& asked. his dis, charge—probably believingit to. be. high ,tiote - After being presented bybis..Ningre nitb. a burial.lok," The hint 'Was not the most delicate one ever beard' of pvtiyei to. St.. !gam: , tinifor the conversion , of heibitiliand A few' days afterwiud the Irian Alied.--•• What:a goisdEaint is our ek= clitited.thadiseartiolate : tridow;""Ke 46t gowil rin -Istinore benefit*: nips..the'-ask thsilrliCis"4:i!4 : •;.'_l l2 V.TP.TsT , S.p.AY.-Nitvv:EmßElL. 2 97. , lB4_l,,_ '. pion#autouo.• pow onion*. -oAio GEORGE i4aTra.R. •••• c -ft Any 'letteta for. as thle'evehing; Mr. Blythe E". • ' • . • • rho quiet old postmaster looked • oier hicspeetaeles from •th 2 batch' or letters %iliintl-had• just tome• in by the evening mait-and which ho‘wat busily engaged in distributing. "Yea area little eoon," he saldi"but let's see; it won't take long to run over them for you, Miss Undo." ~S helooked•in throughthe bpen Window as I e spoke, andlier eye s were 6:led...upon the- t o : el ef•letters over which:he bur- • lanced.l A beautiful bright face it with lustroas dark..ejes, and a wealth ;eh black, Inases, anti cheeks 'always y Arab the glow -of. bealthAnt - now, ened. to a surpassing ,loveliness and by the cool breeze- of an afternoon rly. spring—the-fact of a maiden lag into womanhood--glorions in strength of her modesty and , parity innate goodness off heart. nly on — e for the whole family, and 1 or. yon, Miss Lousia," said the old 1 htinding her a letter. , • • Zooka , heightened colcr in her - face, it, gbince4 at the handwriting of the address, put it hastily ;into her pocket, and thanking the . postmaster, turned away. The shadows of etening-\\ere falling up, on tile quiet Scene, as - she paSsed out from' the .portico of the' unpretelitions bulk ing which serted the. donbloi''pnr6 _pose of store and post office; out under the dark shade of the Cedars' which lined the past fie:: bops brew aysi.de ; 'on, up -the rising ground, no or two other plain looking dwel t° thelateway here the , great shlo led bee home. A house with verandas, and : bay-wmdowe .and s; a house surrounded byltOt houses -hrobherz,.and spacious. ont-build a house in. which were wealtb;corn utl rellarment and'yet, a house. in dwelt none of her •own kith and towe nod ings fort, wliic kin. Reared front infancy among its in- Mate how-often had site, nevertheless, i tri long for one heart nearer and dearer titan y she had Set known ; for one to who sometimes to go to pour out - the passi nate wealth of affeetioultidden away withi her. .With no stinted hands .were all litr needs supplied. The :wife whose corn s , nion she was, the little t one whose daily life was wrapped up in her own, re mit- no larger share of bounty than she did. Yet, as she stood at the gateway in that , vening twilight, with the still unread letter 41 ; her,pocket, there came over Tier: I . .' A wish t . a.c Kurt y . ....' . own, ' For ootnectilor , batty than the bad known.". .., Th ` children eagerly areeted-lier as she ente d. The tivenipg story must,be bald. ,bet:o *, bedtiAo 4 ,2tifh was fast, cumin ; them fcir the hundredth time some of the good Id narratiiei of biother geese, the little ips murmured their "Now I lity me,n oriso of angelic importljthe Christian work over, the little silky heads were pet to res upou their sitolyy'pillows, the good night word - and:loEs amid sWObt and rum loving lips. 'and then at last Louis. Osborne stole away to her- room, and i , another moment was sehted with the'le ter epetbefore her,. •,,.. ,' ~- ... It as it' Snug, quiet, cou,"place:hiS little . - -chamber to which she had hur ried a Yak with her Prize, P f verylking in it W. - arranged with' a scrupulous neat ness; he walls wen , " white - . as "the driveu snow, aod here and there rarieni bits of emh .iderylind , handiwork ' were to be seen, attesting the',industry - Of - the occu pant in- her leisitre ;hours. 'Be,fore_the embers itt Ilia rte . a :effilloticear Pussy I•sist bl nkiii,g,'anl',purring .fier welcome, .arid A nary eat perched iiitlilts ,hcad , •betett li - litti , Whig;" ‘ lit. 4 -- taige - ,nbere. - Me irintro s . , - To thissanefoary, sMfampletk .ly. her (Aro; its iilotato was wont 'to - steal away ; ftentitnea'alsen the parlors'below were . lalive with rairth•und merriment, to los: herself jo some : books, Write -num , berle:: - PageS of letters; which "were 'torn up as .cion as Writteri, - so startled was 'She with heir -rellectiom'of her innermost 0r . ., what was to herd .Sadder and • re ettitiiiito, enjoyment' than .till; lo • ricg. out 'with her - yearning:eyes: h the ivy; teaTes ' 'which ' encircled' Endows; by night info' the dirnness over the lOng' stretch 'Of meadow, E. - land and tercet to the blue, hazy. 1 the distance: . • ..: • .. heart yet tn., eit throu her tir 11da and iv J hills i into' this, ber dream life, there had , f later' new iiiidstrangely exciting which went tvith - ber wherever sbe, a vision of - a face looking ardehtly, ly, into her own; -the face of him n , th - at morning, with- hqsty halid; nned the letter whiCli she howlield tinily before her. ~. —, . to him, and to her theirintimapy own to none. Chance had thrOwh g. ether one 'day - about _n 'year be nd,the usual acquaintance. had in, ors at long intervals ripened' it,ito hip which 'tiiiii More, than' 0 friend . here had become, en bie.part avow ;einess 'end regard,' on herrn an in= kindness of tnariner, shadowed b y idenly modesty' of ' reprvp--b o y . Fipd totire shrinking-Avails confession of .new:life andtiopc and joy to which. ing bad.given . birth in her heart. tten, after their Pal-Wis, had she Ala fierself ris cold and_ heartless, to the icilittOopf this some little nd pennedpage npori peg of ho, words;- 'twinned by Ceara. and yet on second tbought, to be ma to Abe gamest Forfitt month bad sinee she bad lakfaeen hipt. Once .he bad 'ivritten letters :or kind, meta l burn kisseB, signed sdails• ful attention, fall Of' tenderness, p fling over with- thotightfut • eon, p . on for her.- valor.: And- Set, h.& epne'foith, and Arthur. Griswold feta Wondered what new Ohme had vet the beartlife of her' in 'Whom i,,wholo:bahiinefts Was centered. had written again.._ kik Vence; ce, broken only,by.the contented r: of tbe;cat And:, the ,rnstic,of, - es iifthe ni i thf-liftlien'ilhout she innilco*.my. dear Louise ' , hour roe your len_ silence, and you sett .1141,youilleagt at Jut told t you !Ist,#2_t,love enough . ti.lnug 'One :ray snit :you .With 145 , 4 ttral; you . hesitato -to send the ,npril entl-our in timacy forever?,"':,;Or have.,you been Or have you •written letters. which- have failed to reach iris?' Or, what it;perhaW more probable than eitheriiire-yeaf Wand a-maze-of doubt' and: heiitation; unable to read decisively Tour own,. feel ings and intentions toward me yoW, still '•wiit r e 'me lettere, and' fear. or them itp . as' soon as 'written? : look at flittistarts and "wonder Whether, am tanking then', too? - Do' yini—.- Ah well ; I alight multiply these inquiries =until vre ivere bath of us We'aiy. I will not, need not tell you " howeargerly, im patiently I ,have .waited for some word Irian you since. the day we last, parted. Atilt It riain You to, learn that a cell, very "longtime. masticall .iirobability elapse beibre we can „see each other again, or 'eventide& a, letter can paSs,liettteen us? For I know that I atn ordered by the, ocra ttistatt on important bpsittesi, this. veryi evenirig.for Sara Vrimaisee e l , 3lSlAliseptit ' may be only three months; it may he for' a year." • The half read letter fell frem her trem... l 'bling hands, as with 'a sigh she boired her head-upon he table before her, and gave herself up to reveties more real and more bitter than bad ever before stolen 'in to cloud her young life. So leng as be. bail remained near her, so long as she hid lot that at her bidding a few boors 'eophl examen him to her side, she bad courted,' as woman will, delay andindeeision. But , now, oh! how sad, how'negleeted,yethoW devoted still be mac np herdic her With those words, "it may be for a year." In that moment she would have recalled the temporizing, the itience of the past ,fefr weeks; to have Stood, if only fora Mo ment, face to faCe with Arthur Griswold, looking up into his blue eyes, to whisper that single, simple, sweet word,""Yeet. 7 • A sadden thbught broke in upon her reveries—a thought which gave nerve to her grasp, impnlie•to her arm, as harried ly amino. the half forgotten', lettet where - it had fallen beside her otillie - floOti she resumed its perusal. . "There is but one possible way; Louisa," it continued, "in • which m y lOngjourr.ey and the interval to elapse before I can hear-from von can be rendered in Any way tolerable to me, or can be divested of the sadness and unspeakable theanpoint meta which will otherwise inevitabli with me. ,You have it in year' power even at this late moment to make me. though separated from you by titre_and space, the happiest and bravest 'of en. Do you recollect hole often you have told me of your watching the express train dashing by through the hollow below yntir place,' ekirting the hill, and disappearing n another moment behind? To-night, if nothing happens, I shall be one of the passengers on that train, and shall stand, on the rear plitfoini of the last car, ettger i-vrtictuoo pa we. Whiz liv tiriin eel) • mg , fora smgleglimpse ot your win ow ere the embankment shuts it out ' .from. view.' 'ln that single glimpse you can convey to me as much as woman's .lips and• woman's heart - ever dared to tell, darling if you 'would tell use, depiirting, that you love me, purely . truly t fondly, forever, hold a blight light tn -your ' dow as we pass, so that its glare, 'genie; the darkness, May bung it to me.' ' Oh, bow she trembled with eagerneis and excitatent, and: grateful, freshened hope! For listen ; a distant rear, each moment growing louder - And nerer, told her the trini•PAS eiiiingt'Fiercer and fiercer grew eacli)iistant the shriek: and clatter and whirl. irresistibly on carite'tlie ironhorse, dragging his precious burden. behind him. Site listened, paused, besitri. ed—another :second were too later-end then wide wide open she threw the 'shut= tere, as 'with flashing 'eyes and a great cloud of.lorious black tresses falling over her. rounded shoulders, and herarms nerv ed-by ,the lierceenergy.of a love at: last outspoken, she seized the lamp which stood on the table, and held it there full did fair in the casement. - _For a moment the tumult and crash cattle up the valley with a deafening.roar, as the train :passed on upon its way, then. the .noised lied -gradually away in the distance, and .all was 'once more still , in that little room where Louisa:Psborne„ with flossed brfoy and thiobbuig heart,. had Buno b • herself down upon; her couch, -a . pr ou de r and happier woman than she, han'evet dared hope shit would he.' . Mean while„spectling away on the wings of 'the wind, .Arthur Giiiwold sat rapt in the noW - blissfid certainty of .tewarded notion—sat dreaming - of the, possible fu tate which that_ Momentary gliMpse of dui light flashing out like a meteor. front het" window had betrayell .to _him.' He. even fancied'lio.ii d beenable to discern het form, her, face in - the window,; and in to all his meditations came clearer, bright- "or then - all thksoll,loving glaece of her thoughtfel eye's 's ai she seem.," te say with him, orover.and °ter again,-"purely, truly; fetidly, forever." , And, now the journey beftnii him seem-. ed endless; the interval Which must, elapse before he could even hear, free) her. insupportably long.' _ thought ,that it •shonTd - tiavS requireil eraergen cy like this to purebase a ciiiifession so vital tahis-happmess, yet so 'easily spok.: en !heap ra.id then, he thonght of herds she mast- be at that;: moment, trembling, flushed, ,e'scittil-- -- Cshaptityl with iiiibtletryet .hencelittli, through „separation; through good` and evil report, to nye for him, and oulv,'.and . for exp,f d ' arer. Tie not bear or dare?'. What Patience and. toil woidtilie too great with the 'rich re- Ward of-het e:ornintitionshiP ',tut t:eg 7 , ompeinte?" • ' . • The train:slackened ` s its', speek and came td's stand-still at :the ppper station at titaciga and teas strollingrup and doivn'Afte plat, fann;;ltheri itldenlylie'thengt he heard histfaine called bpsoine into in tile email about the doorwaV.'ll6,ti l itened: 4garn the voice imittired,:.."ls:thool . Pasienget 'on' year tram by, the ;name of Arthur 0 els violA r ' ''' _..•.,,,.. "Yes, here he is ;"' qnswereti, _47 • prottehirigjhe speaker; Whatlilsaated?' • Here's a dispatch foryon' freni Nen , York," raid the *an appreachhig him.' It was.the station operator. :Arthur harried-to. thelight'ofut read ..;"Coinii back, • we: •have-. concluded' to Make oniArningitie ants.- • • •I. "Roams 47 -Away . ," . , • !"1 41,:t ()LUKE " IIoc;ohld sedieeli;creclit :143 g ' tune.' , ' te6,ll'ed bitho firm r :IVII4 it mean ` ? L SilrelY /Mt 'What Werlike enuse,lonettting n'e eet:t4ili• —the disiniteh' caged nett fite"add; nett , hafpinese tbeir,regico berwhoiias itow deafer to hini than tat else bogide op eultl4,_ ; • !.. 7 •:: ;• 1,1 .„ - - ' , ..; l'.: - : - .1".':::': .1 . ..t' •'' • :Day:after day raised` away .- as...t.onio , Osborne; goingthrongli her daily:roundhf. duties mid eare4 kept • 'eliisili''loekell - up ~ rill bee heart thehlest'seerittbat'rras hers -• and hia o o. l sonad alrolted With-impatience. at the"comiugof tidings of the , absentripe. il A Week Clime hod trent,: yet ,bronzht - no ' 're news; 't Theri antitheibadiotne and" Well .ha n1;1'4.46116 when , one leveniug„ . tliiiild , ?_)1 Pastraaater•smiledA'oem'• hilt rrpectaclea Thr again as he handed:her a letter addressed not to tersell,,,but in aliandwfiting shelled boi r never seen hefore, ~Thsapkalulanetit'and a 'with. 'ragas, appretiehaton Of something 4 wrong sii,u i 'Seized ripoilleinitibeliiirad tiilie,r roma .littlik and lost no•timeiii -informing herself 'of 'the, its, contents .. ; , The phraseology hod hand= 'th e ete writing'were exceedingly • Imeiness.„ : like ; f reer r e h but,oh, thii li&sit-actie, the agony of arced :t in ily re that they brcieght her! Arthur Griswold; ; bi carno ; , I suddenly recalledlionibif prosiisedlonr,l reug iw ee ney, had been prostrated , by an' attack of rapidly di brain fever, , and -at : death's • door. 'Made. all t, Dpring his , illness* hag •=annatanilt "gOide, - tliei mentioned .31iss Osliorne's, name, .and - skin , : -Ho that, too, in a waY'whieh left no'doubt of all wasin v, the relations eicisting. between' him and • eau tii i i„ e a f .,, bers,elf.,.. The physicians bad pt'onopnced - All . ',a l ley,'" 711 t his case. vt. dangerous one, :bat said; that • 'Tile OldCsi, great care, 'and faittifanursing might . yet o l o i ou 5tt , • ; ..., save hiin.'' He liaaleggid dial sliWngi l t hit. "She , e a be sent • foi.' =Would she eothe ?• ' er daring that fei presence mightthe doctor thinned; do the waverfrequ more. Medicine cold& • If she felt _or course al, that she could consistently., come, the ommt.witit i tt. writer, a near relative of the ,sick , man, n.eiry and loag,s; would indet her at the depot tOgno'rriniiin daybreak wo joy , the arrival'of the Morning tmin: - "In tiny tatte , they - votig . t event, an immediate:. - reply votild ',be 44-day long they urgently desirable,' and would ,Obligerlier ag a in . eot la anthers very obedient servant, etc, • -.. . .• . two o'clock iritlica , She di.l I net read it over raere:•.tluin ( i T iy•,- ( i n t,,'• erl e'_ e r I once tedaine tai a deeisioh.'"come itc! ion a boy Of ttiree• scum my darling," ;idle ' ninniiiiiired': '"yea .ger unite:maitre ;= - IWI, through fireund . -water,: - allthis %habit l y i„ g hi t ht bott om ., ales in the wasik.l. Wiliawna t&Ya rs t w a d' ter balf-,oier its HUh kneelingdown in that , evening silence by advenrears_ohl ,gir! sl. tier bedside; she kneed—oh, how fettent: in t h e boit tilmt iro ly,- that she might have 'strength' Mid they Would' not,', and Si judgment given her for the'mission of anti was holding thehal love-before her. And she must needs eon; dolt. : ; The aildreir did fc , ss to those about her the sans° of-t is thpi i t i t , ,ittivou a l wor „,,, k 6.. sudden departure.,. Nerved to courage il'a 4 r,, uliv f • t l i T o da t i . 4 .,t love and devotion she told-Wein, all;. to d ..-Ideiß - Afted on shore at I bow day by day her heart bad gone 'out &nor Uteri,' their Wan ts'is to his mitcl-they too had ,beempo one itv 4 ,4 4 1 .4-f r - 011.1 ; Ae rv. hope, in thought, in anticipation:: n. . Now Run t. , ' . ~.: ..„, ...... c ; the duty Imd come to , tier, the call was , arm her. -It hair coin:: soon,middeuly ; i P l i.si no n! Th the e s c ,elisse P ' yet noun the leis she must obey It, - wit!). ~..7. ,:.:,- - . out iiwerring ot ftilteciitg.' = lier - mindirirs' ~...r, o e-raiLto_lakebersilacci• ht_his_ bedside s " at a I bazards.-to-be bleßonifurtscri•Ftin' soldr, his gliantian, Riigel t ~All i s- she had heldAhOliglit ftill in the eiisenient, all thii and more had beeO,Compiclimida in those never to ber-forgOtteri-Worf, "Purely, truly, fondly, forever." : • None„ knew her better. than - those among whom Itee;iiiillfii bad.lieep'4aiti• and none could have been, enielet or bet„ ter pent aded•that her' Carnesttiesi of - poi... pose. in this matter was grounded in en , during devotion pull 10v e.;:. - And And so - -with their W Godspeedaticl,b)essing, yi , t;.with:,a lit begs, arid a head aching ,with a sleepless night; she 'leek . her seas .c in lime Morning itroitt,'aii& fennd her ; Ilnkno ltl. correspondent awaiting. her' - attrival; ' iii re:tallies:lto condnet her toArthrir Orli,: weld's bedside. • „ - ... : ~.„ ,• .. :-, 1 The hush ' arid"stilliiess of t im e siekroom, as she inteteir ontiii:.toe,' cast _no gitiank,l over her heart; the; sig.ht of the :pale;. - worttface of her lx.lored; 'ha belay sleen-I ingbeforeher i only made her.realire anew „what ;Avalinpoutior— . i ~.., r ~--,, ' .• ,:: - - - -- - , r‘S.;: einiastrie‘i: • • Wahl: the stirs out Webbed of pale. • I With* pale cheek. a And lit o pe . pple tlniflll. ~„- . 7 ------ . I' I =,-, tt lie had fallen asleep during the night t lilisiT ;ll lnlY__lrcrier:- Got 9Ut '?f,- .. .1 ,1 !5L: and th.Noefcri had pronounced his s)m.; ; ', '' ' , Tpit , Ud tittoti ::,:',.*,,,,;, .o r.-.^. , tonis'AVre favor:4)le. She, patiently listen - ' ';'...• -"I ; •I' .''' : ,'' ' -----,„ •.- ' I L• .. ~,• ed to thevrearidd'afield4pt and then took ; • .: 11 . iii PPM 9f •th._e. nii, _to . be Nea r a , e l4 her seat by the bedside;ien4e4 Watching aP.Y,aI •fass i gl -P, Sat Ifk an "S° )lo ws; I ' • I '', 1 r d ere p re ti elpi F..... A . 1t 1i el .. t b li e, d veri . n . fr ,pl., th i c h - ti . rip i „.1.z.,. gbit. :her preekrd,Charg,ei . -tori than ever, liciallidening to hia bit:attune,. wr) a . ra 4 . 10 !.., 0 • 5 0., 1,.„P win ,0.FF7 1 .. which, now peaceint anci reghlar, gave bet King nI - spa's' ' and : ma iwThew. Pnniaii" `, einadit in that:Pro - Mite of a chang e for I ' lt isittF.s 4 a SI I l e ' K ing 'dr Italy; . . d - -- ' ref ein utcountry•an brong tinuctir=4" the bdttir: ' -.' -'" '_ " *.l'' T - :—. ._ - 1 ag ~ tb. , She' had heeifseatettihere , t h,o - wealth - w . ealth with . them: Joseph . Donaparte r .;: she COMA net hare. told how long , •w• 1 0 1 .1. iittielt tO`titilldii,,Palaqiil residence ;hem . , purdtd.not desire' to bCootue a citizen, ae,. she heard,the word:"Darlineoruilookedi II he hoped to return tliEnrope.• :To )enable"' *nail) sa w l ia ors 0 jell IPP on Ak e "" 1 lim as an alieis l tei.hOld :nal Ostate•retilliii a gaze of hue& - able tenderness. . a A opecu,p, ( 9 . ; trulmainrb. ,... ; ..., 2, ••• , "DM% • be- elan:led," I , r ho' whispered t -- r ito act on passe for. his 'bencht 's -- IB ai l l ess ze y t o tr u e r l fo l r n eo otv m r in . g . to , % me; t ldat i ~,rug.,:. se r verairt_lat,s,k b. 1.4,,t .. ai1ed;.1 . ,Ir_t,i. .Ra s ie4 ~,,.,, She tte lather beanti fill !., bead ; over :1 is iingrillstli e ff ie 9 i a a t as Paaa ' - ' ertt ' l4; tal l.!V tne t '' '? " • face, her eyea bittned with, tears of grafi. : La , relnsen- ' 'After l is itP OPPileti tudelin'djoy, - hissed his White fothead: „ l'i .7 ,1 f 7: 1 -iegi2 3. kit kalitahUdg I " lit! i 'ed ° hOtl er iti e itniand- ... m..... 1 1 7. ., ...th , i-pri, inlagq.l: ;: ‘ • " Oh, my own, own lore . ,sho murmur.; ed, "lire for me;'for - I lac yeAtflop than 1 tligabasinglilll,l4....:Whey. boughta,tract ti „ word , ow ttirri .,•„-7,5, -,,,,_. • - „i.. onlentown, anal built magnitipetit . iliveh“ I . • . From that hour there cattle to hint re; lingarnaal Attea ,. . thee up le r. vivo .stoat r ; even . as . t V ; en ib er costly mentier: • Itai o paintings, itattiar4'4 turned life and: rinor • • • '.• • be' ": •-- a . t , li .te, '4 . er:oll*f:tee; and selected • with tire} all butextiegins ed, is, quici.en ~1! te g to nonu a u kid out with e i n t f i s i ttr . : .,t ill& gloiyirig nape, And on each succeed-, . omitl. - i t.; ..,.,,.. ;., .., ~ .-, , ,- . : 1 ~.:1, - .. 5 : _i: ing . .raltifore'cante'•telhat.' fond,..tireleas fall 4 • ! • ; : , - : : 1 = • „.. ~.,, watcher the thankful conscious cis tint • jp,§enh Boupextels residenee wtia , cpcs . the precincts life she bad read front ' the I fiamtlinfinektiitt::AnieriCe:',-Thottiarodit, -her's = of peciplo visited it fain; all, parts' 14 Ihe''' - tor th 3l , 3 , l!!! d ... ,eteruity, .. ~, ,-,,, .- • } ,contilry;l: and- were treated courteousin . , ' . .-. I Tic was profuse With his money, ttml tut' a 4. ix - great innietWi to‘liginess' lu'llicrl4titt- , =town. The PhiliideTphians, finding,'-ipat: lichadhpparently•no cod-er intiney„ifit, , .tblit herisect it to benefit linsiti4r.gefier--; .4 -ally, regretted,Athelf-fOraft loe'lakiliatt. r they had refOlvi 'to let:tint locatrata rig,, smetcr4; and; to lies iiPl'aiellrlin*#::-‘- r . norstionOvould always taunt '.7,eniciirieli?- ' With. haring ailing-=willt, imparting, toe" ..' iiineorSpnin' txt , anlC , oirer. thern..ith'43 , - , d• wurecalled Spaniards ctniVforeigliiiiiiiiiii7;., i i s this.aceotmt. -.But. these iititile' giiet — a- 4 .... ' ' /14 . 011e,_ . VrtlitatIsej t me,ilosf' iitiqiiii* !if:,': : r theiralluringhirri to settle 4,oiing 1 ern:•;'• L 'andlbe term "foreignetinoittin iiii- - ';''' f ' 8 3 0 ".IstadYinen;ligs''t,0* 111kItA th terl:. l - . liong niter itelorigm .. -hitst,ljeU IbrMtitii -_ :.exceptkytitna•men ortbel . t. m niia t _tfofht'tguy yeitteigo4dvirinethe reign , ; of''Labia' , Phillippo s , kro , ' beliefe , bettc7 ',...80Pap0t6"-taklionit ' ,. ficiiitt thettoialii„,:; safely return to Europe, sol they soli ( qint 7' ,. .7 mnd "qtnrllgti?+Alvanit'Coitriai i ." , n .. c. ,- .. .'.l.i, .. 4 ..f , /A7Y-IXnapniir , hitkainclvatAitattherng , ; iil of tamillierrith Mixes. ~ Sit )"school bby of gitift tititAe4 without tbeif lettyee, • -, ever'hear of such ad 9114:yriy of popping the qtiestiiin said buir "of - 'd party-of -gentlemen gathensd-in the lug : room orr the -,Of;s:'. wedding party, Oicli - canto off not -- nianyinloilthil afterori tbe bona! op iio bill. z. • " 13utlitriniger :trod' }ibis sho ': iinswered .' him'd -;;; " 414erililiPtera • in 741 aaid tho Tag sPe4lior,'" tell yo'n ; but first fill ):otir glasses, god (Joiner!, and letmilil6lo - 10410Vin, ad, via co. of 'the I it sin. tiprn4 z Row . c;;%; ninikr WcoriitriondOtit A' thrilling! incident; ilidthildipitlons . aqi! from ..,dputli.,,irais :rdi.4ot'afi the family of, fixo childrvit ;r a n g , :Rook_Cioek. lYjlett-khcoaqt4y, pint" that' they must, leave:their Immo, ialtirfightinhpo bitd Ithe otohlreo (gp to nutqber) to go tit ths' Pat .4: 7 :37ziff17 •Enrreito* t.": Ir, ' ':.',l',llt;fii;,. I=Mlngiaffl . arid sll9,ittorddlogpv'as.soorrtittshfr•Th'ad g4 4 .9" 1 0 2 P1 1 filiY-AlftlPltiiltia.. - ' ' o kith EO. - ni g r*tiq thelalre!: ' '41,41 116 lib 6da'oll9,:o'l4ll4iPig"la r Wre th.vee tieighberalrettliitielt - lnto. '4:4. iiir , lhe Mother , ink filet! nfeisfifitalAid . . gAtherea.tip•whiltzslini•canld • cosy, Atartedlor.the_lnke r hat, coundA#teirtln !that:Tier ehildrep _hid. takenAo.: !At • . .' sin okiitt id !- 9 r,e; and Tal.ling;trOs,,..lllat • shol:tooli 1 anothei :eittrikr - thfetS 4 .4° ' moods, coming hat 4soiriei -Atalanta it ". d . yheiv,tbq ehildroirlutda abe? ki*at:ilof •, Whether ber : Vets 1n4 1 —. ,,, 4 04 1 .7000 1 e. deli n.denlsnfely Or lief, ;She iIattITAUX feared'iheiroriat, L bit 'nuttily, heisrd'Apy, bad .been taken 'tiff 'by the boat s ''; = % ' '" ' ~4 liteis , ':o9mitteiiilei; the 'l,Oniantin:iiiid - ' Ilnillinglart• of:tlie . `it -Ilier . epteitd, , 1114 Iltl,pg, Or,fWeSP on 'Pe4rd ;,, it ineco if ' ' . ` 1 1 ) b62llll.:WPlß4tol;ll4illittptl4l,, t with. 'For tom!. taine. 9_ o f g '-: ifyailionlhiri . der;iol - thetinaiirar i littlikuitlrourshore;althohgli _ tire ,notrealiteo on, account De the, •tl'entitp•tif the Emoke t :Movr- fitr,.thevirervi4ttlaspz. hour shore.' Theipresn'Acil, 40FT.,99g1ti " :easily retuih'artheirideasure: ~,ft,goaii Wanner ' apparent; "bn - 166drit . nr.:',lne` rougliiiess.",of• ttielikei :thaValier '• 't•l9 rapidly drifting' tatcr the . la* ~..n • it Made. all the,gforts theyostiiblY,O . "gnide, - their' nhiiielay _cra ft - to: ;We!. - ElhOre: - Hour after hour tlfeklatio` Tia,lnt:_ ' all.was'in vain. , ••Tbey kiiew . thai ItUt= '- '44l,4littya to ilifti'dea . tlf star' ithiyisrMe. 'All herein the gre4:e'sfial*Lir. , • -.,-: ...:. , a Tile Oaist,;ortbo..9llildreifils-girl al eleven srV,l , ~ er_ i 'llas ttlelmillnc: ofilllf, lot; ''Sho , e a tim bab'yaginostcoustafAt daring that ferrible'tnp. , ,, On' lbocs . .. the waverfrequentl'i breakinincer4 , —of. coarse all, were wet and bald.,r Nig came on.with flgyttiplla444 eli 4:‘ nln:.• weary and long,lo g 'hours el )140*, daybreak was joyously hailed. ,Tlty . „,wpiti sure-they would 'pion ' hail' sante r yeksel. .alay long they looked, nntg'illorkiesi again : set la without seeipgatallV , Atioi4 two o'clock in tlie.mortung' of, DIM' thiiv v day, ',dut,' ono ', of 'Mrs. :liana's- children a boy of ,three - summers, died from;lrita- • ger and , exposit (w . hen - it''died' it'Airai lying hi th& bettom'otthal !vat with ini , ter half ; over its little - body.• ' The :little{ eleven rears_ohl girl sho warded, tke „Mau in the boat bilgit its4ttb6.bedA4g3.l)l4 they Would not,, and slid :veil leo - mita: - and was hold' IN; the lially Init,d-9.91:11a.nnt ) dolt.:,The addreir did Hof eft naiieh-pjf tlikliist,ilay, as all we nearly fillitnital • • inully, al fibres niglits,:tboy, 'suers drifted on shore at .Xinq,rdines,Oar t fano, *hen; their Wants were sppegi,liik-i tcp4ed tot : 4o - frbul . AIeTV use ll:O - knit' ' u n pi n; „,.,,.: ~ „-_,,,. , , ~,,,,.,. —., e. 0.,•:a • Dining these'three days, the restlettienl ' imagine the 'aulther'aLfeelinaa:. - ,Ettry',!. •bixly-, that -kney,',. of dna cirounistancet, supposed, ofliniise,:they'li4 g 046 to:Die t lunrenft In'abelake, "'The mother litnit, 'Mtn Portlinran;"and at 15neciatintliittni • relict rooms. 'After making herself knovitiP, an4,liewailing:the fad. of I)e . r...p.bildren.irr I piteous' sehg , and ' Anctal4....iSha l ; 40, 3 supposed them rilklead'lllf,tliislribment,o 7 ..Mts. Frdd. Wellly, the - seen:trite the re-, lief association, tol&her • "..ber , •chilirrefil • Weev.7l l l l nd arrarently hatf7.;ll:4 . 141.4. • no pie are thC scone, !• Olt I is it agaSs at',2 so?" . ' GOd bless, their, ,liAtle ..h94114T4t ' 4 Where are they;" - ".Take.. meliithomnt,, onee rt :Al rs.lftqld in fanned hi , r they word •-• ' neaz by,•ittid sti, waiild,taki , hernthe . reari once,- .41r,other Oil „ liiiire : PahrolttFt 1 4 3 the s to r y wasyekto lip . told mrS.,BAOIIII4 Ifirw to this was V, PnerY,:iil6l4 ladies an., .. fle•reorn•dielaili,ilO'bre'alf.2 the'dreadffir tklings• to hell • ittthistlf.opvatob*To -, to, to_k her hoirEhilifa ITO, and T hen 4lierf % next one. ~F inallys , ey.c. Ociit`ho'w•littleq , Chiuley was? li . o.on.linisisied forjmnor.-:, iiip.tit.' She tcile4 - nn_rditriafatimq9alt l , oval; tiot'titllt: fit ho d'eid lle lAn_deadr `and commenced * weeping.ni onlyie tone ; 11 . 1 14-totlikg . ifjpthf.r. par; kir , theloarbf tinz:' uoy, ... ,is ..\,, • e.. -,, ' .;... ~;..',' -.: !,•: .:-..-..-•12 E!=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers