• clines which Ruloff wore then ;am post ! Mos nIY Jan eth —l`p to tho time of 'as though he hoped what he knew could not met trig would be !then one of the men banded together, pitrpo,e. The act of one was the act of I Zi t it s e ttontroo t genwcrat . tit e he had on dams . there was a mark I adjournment of Saturday evening, uitnes his favor. m re d i eTen eg ce bothered the court 1 b n e tint and together engaged in burglary, corn _ I all. Was the third burglar the prisoner -e'..l7` near the toe of one of them, similar to 1 sea had been sworn for the prosecution as in c videncewhlchcbanged tbeformer not o n e ranted murder e any one °Let/tom men ass Lint th 0 11 .13 2%? iiiirrove'e testimonennuet be - 1 the one in the shoe here before the court; I folloWs: Gilbert S. Burrows, Hon. all 16th of 1 ethers. He then traced the oareet of i eal) e whit Indeed the evidence of Hr , Lewis, who responsible for the acts of My et. takere or what - tt was north, fOr bndotibt- ' . &-11. 111111 LEY, EDITOR. he was greatly excited. Yet lie my attention Ras called to the shoe, and ' Douglass 13oardman, Mr. Osgootlby, den- r cognized Runoff in his store On the I ----------7-7---- -- a mtn who had followed Runoff doe's tiie Pierson. Mrs. Robinson, Chief-ofePo- August and wbo n w i ns mai he priso ne n d e:'nen if tit h v e wwitalsi Rulluff as it had been put in esedenete: could make general, and pei haps, pule - from liomer, and who had been a keeper ' lice Flynn, Captain Redden, 7 H. War nta i n n i=li t o a l li ta t d taken a drink there, was un how under the ; name of Lome he ebad ular observation °Cite burglarse. and he ' ettloetirttosee PENN9A : WEIRPNVAIDA T. JAN. `.. 187 is in Auburn prison , have been a practia- I reti r e A. P Smith, John T. Barite!, lid- fee °ruble to the defence, for he now said that of lived at No. 170 Third Menne, Newrork, quid sworn that to the best of his know- to ' ,---...... ing lawyer for fourteen nears ; have , ward J a kob, pe u l ing Jakob, Mrs. Brady, • the two men who had been In his store, the apparently engaged in literary pursuits— ledge and be lief Runoff was the man who C ; - Last week tie des teed our columns thought persons are sometimes mistaken John N.Dexter. Helen Wardn ell, Joseph prisoner more eicK t ie m iy u r i esemb v i e e r d the matteroue there the production of a work on language, , stmt. Mteieck. lie then spoke of the ter- I about the idenity of other persons, and ' Jan is. Orlando B. Welch, Isaac W. Bret; n, on tie n l6l l ll tpn ro. li mo l us rd e ro v, :Li sonic about doubt which he had once intended to bring to cionstantial es idem r • and hue it pointed to the benefit of Goveinor Geary. This about property atEeits. I Charles Brown, Cyrus A. Stockwell, The'H ie s h oe , week we give them entirely to the double , which tesL ' , e m,, P of Me 'sere halbert and King es / the attention of ,theephitologicat O m , ett _ ., 1 to : It tiltofEas the,gpilte ni tu. T-TI1f01.,1• OF HON. A.r.SUITIT. Thomas C. Livingston, John I'. Worth clerk in Halbert s stone) was intended to insets I lion assembled at Poughkeepsie. If e re ere hell as he wore, set he din ii el ever murderer Edward 11. Rulloff. A. P. Smith testified as follows: I re- ing, Elmer W Brigham, Dr. Bassett, t dale the o t ft l el r y i •l i t e Ali f t ft tre l in witness who Sh " ed " Lig " l " intimate with Chas. G Curtiss (Dexter home shebehadeebeen fen ealeng ehees- To- )s: e t ditie the elleee t - ). produced belong' ) 'rit prisoner had such , ffCassins v- 11. Clay coine r out Eugene Simmons. Henry Sinnnons, B. 8. side in Cortland ; ant County Judge of! I that in business transactions he was lln 1669 and 1870 in New York ; vet they flatfooted fcir the Detriocract. in a recent that comity; remember about a man by I Curren, E li. Sweet, A. E. Andrews, ec " d w et n e re nce P endeavored to show that LIVESIONNS 55 HI NIISTALEff, under the name i had not. been found there, anti trio jury spe e ch in Kentucky. A hat has the the name of Davenport being confined in i Hoot?' Simmons, Henry Fish, Evunder I there; he was indicted the 30th of I `Tan ding, J tit Edgar G. Stone and D. at when he swore theonewhich I, II d bred by the clerks except i ( of Dalton he had defended Dexter in a I mese decide whether or not those found Deocracy elut ! e„, lately tonlese ne this! June, 1869, and arraigned for trial on the t Halbert- . Midi To this end, endeavors were made to trial in Cortland Conntv, who then rip- i itt the store were Bulion. Runoff was 9th•of July ; (the witness was shown a I :rho following were examined this find the direction in that ail the shots were known as Houard ti that elect' the balls had been i peared as Wm . Davenport ; that Jarvis I here on the 16th, mid the two men known Death of Hon. John Coyotte. m morning:B. Curtail (recalled), Dr fired ,but they were =Tells succes.sttil Runoff had be( n known to visit the prisoner and Ito have been associated w ith him in New Tr 111nCRO, Jan 11. photograph of the drowned murdere ) 1 Robert !himself king, but not with The introduction of the pictures, as ev- I Jackson, Brown, Dr. r layt..r, r. i,,r,blecroeuslitsataionilnil Dexter at 170 Third avenue. Could I York were found drowned in the ( he- lion John Cotede died at the Untted ! Buff, Dr. Richards, Edward Jakobs ( h cross-questioned indeed, the audience these men have thus disguised themselsc s ' nango Ricer. The men had men., iLlenLe was objected to by the defense. re ' ' a a p s dauda m Judge llogehoom severely re I i'st ties note), this mns tying atO, font o'clock, Rulloff urged the objection at some length. , called), Pauline Jakolts (recalled), Sheriff' ) primanderi the audience for this expression of t had they beets engaged in lawful pursuits. ' aliases—Williams ; Lenree, Howarth Dal- of heart di•e 'se Premrmitory attacks The objection was overruled aud the i Kitten, Thomas Johnson and Philip I its opinion 411 lug that although he consider Ott the l7th of August. IS7O, the store o f i ton, Charles, Amenity's. The jell moat ,„, e d a Om 0 r i m e Il i , "de unit John I Bike led it healthy public sentiment which expressed Halbert Sr, Bros, was broken into and 31t- I take all these emelt m 'lances into consid c defendant excepted. esena we re with him. the Evidence resumed—Think the p cture Seneca Bullock, the photognipher who I its indigatn n a d TLln t st et the beat l' e s 'r e r ' e ll ':L et °l nu , rick killed There is es• direct testimony T I eration and weigh them. ears ftilh. 'I'M) -.........._ _ _ of the largest man is a picture of Daten- I took the likenesses of the dead burglars, S e I io r ti n vi"a: " - l i l uits Indeed, ) the people of Broome • showing that these three men at Bing- I must at i onn tto theme•hes for therea- Death of Eton. Joseph A Campbell. port , the face is a little duller or more I gave his testimony; and the prosecution, County Envie primitive modes of dealing with hamton nt about that time. rtmlloff I son why this man of Merin, Indies and i lion. Joseph A.Cempbell e Democratic swollen than Davenport's face was when at half past-three o'clock,reated. The de.; I prisoners always considerin g them guilty, and I certeinly was there, for there he was , domestic pnrsuits wee found creeping ne umber of the Pennsvltania Hones of fence will non• proceed. treating them as such:tho police thanselye r " are ' found , and when the dead bodies of the from the city at dead of night. After i &pie eututites front I runkford District. I saw him. 1 The testimony of ell !hate. w itnesses has G. Cross-examinatien—eaw Riilloff once I'Ll7alliiiedrtr judges, t e b n a d t Yu ... ) , ,,, ,.. , .... w r.i . ,nio, so,. i other tun men were Identified. they were I few more words, he sent the case to the Philadelphia, died in Philadelphia at five or tw ice when he was in C wtlaud, saw been very importaet and well connected excited by the occurrence at the store as was shown to be those of Dexter find :Innis. I jurs, the di Penelant's counsel taking limns , o slue k this morning. hint once in jail :we have a great man)' , Ateording to the rules of tho courts the I generillv thought , Burrows described the marks The-e three men had left New York on exceptionsl to the cheeer. is oil to the prig,. • - --...........----- witnesses to Court in Courtland counts, fact that 31irreck was murdered had of lon the babes before they were taken from the the 113th of 11yeust, and had never tee 1 refusal to charge certain matters of hie I TUC LEGISLATURE. and I see a great many persons; and Ido course to be established on the trial. That , riser. Runoff then ruse and made the motion , turned to their homes. Where were they , and fact, at their request that the corolla della! being shown, Lech putt, , I not mean to swear !festively to the iden- , was proved by many witnesses. and the i must be tried by limo( If that is, that although I unless at Binghamton ' Hud Medi r; TILE 1 LnPici. tity of the prisoner ;it is my impression testimony of Bermes was positive as to 1 certain connection with the burglars had been and Jams been alive they could have that it is the man I saw 111 Courtlad and I who the murderers were, fixing the guilt i proved, yet the pmof did not go fir enough and been 1)10(11.1(s d at the trial; but they had visited Das euport. upon Jail is and Dexter, mho were &teen- I show that ht was et:toilettes/ with them to beets 'rho. had been here, at was eel to 1 henaugo river, and Runoff That burglar) therefore all testamona itt regard to I b i tlt thefact that a nisr en y shown yin a TESTIMONY OP JOHN' T 11 %RN} •,. thim 310,0,1 be excluded from his ma Be the men drowned in the riser were ac- John T Baines testified as folleevt : Iquoted the People P 4 Thollll., 3 Pare.l s Cress I valise found near the scene of the murder compile, s us the murder, is established reside in Cortland, and reset, el there inteal Reports and made qnite I there has a fragmen 1 of hew spaper lea chain of w e and circurastuutuil I lie - ) I was Deputy Sheriff and hadse FFFT i. TIT i Minty.. I matching precisely with the - paper from charge of the jail when D tyetiport was et 'deuce, lii which the testimony of a I Fle was fbllowed by Beans , who =1 that the which it wits cot, and NN high was after know the t large 131111111er °N witnessei, lecorroborat Is e. i burglar's tools were nut found In the prisoner s ward. e found at the room 111 Third avenue ; there , saw him fiepientiv; time the prisoner teas there ; lie wore light i 'Nett Jan is auel Dexter were seen going 1 room In Third imnue until after o time . police hod , and other evidence which, its it has al- toe era., the riser when hen they rends' been placed before the pnlibe need patent lett her shoes, similar to those be-left t h e , btli;ttantvenmsiuraltme,rteramimtlel which rob 11 11. they weer found was ' store; that Bun MI a identifies them yogi' I ‘ twe the Coen, noticed a &pees-eon in the lalways open, and had It been used fir such tools I not here be recited. Having thus shown I tee of oue of thews : tie shown a bunch of tit el)• , that he de-scribed them before the I i n i mild hate le en kept locked Ile held that ' the m•i•-ence of "le sino-Ittilloff," "Thomp ; bodies were found; that one of them Lad I the tails were put there lo interested parties THE E.l STI tut. ... key-) think I haul d those keys to Da-sou 1' and Jai tis at Binehani ' \nip trt when he wad dischargred e i .„„, a gash on Ins forehead, made In the boxin re I Anil he asked to strike out all testatuom _ rd to Jams and Dav it =port Judge /lo g e ton the Attorney General turned his at- 1 At 10 o'clock on Thur•dev morning TIOT'..Y 1I I (is shown the pictures of the drown- el'lgel in the hands of Burrows, and the F` I boon refused to strike It our, as the question ,if ' tendon to the character of Iltilloff. Neat- / licit Rolloff was brought into court to tel Mr ' , Joinder!) presen ed a petition 1 ,if liiii , lar) the Largest one I believe to filter's face scat badly bruised as if done ; eomplieit% wits filth one for the jeer. Bolton h• Pirating the tables on Mr Brales, wbe I ease sentence,contesting the seat of Mr. Limon, Repel' be D isenpert, ,le the stool top thrown at the burglars, ; , pegs:mall% moved that the prosecution for our_ had lilo•tied RtillotY to Eugene Arun 1 In answer to the Emelt gnestion hr the ,lean, front Philadelphia. nide . .., \lasi ( rose ex imination.—Saw the prisoner 1 the burglars tools and the ball of twine , der l'i ),(1117;1:11"e' since it i l 1 4 e in beenh r t shown the ~c t isc ' d t lie followed the (-me t tle], showing that ( oin t, In Courtland in June anti September Of fennel un one of them, corresponding to I deeree ine a re fs uL eo coun t g ch ring tenni. et, ' eram was guilty of the clime of murder, Ito qty, why sentence of death sl mild net 31 '• ( 2, 111 0 1 e) Ptes, r elit"' a petition eon ]he 1. noticed that he had on a pair of iti twine with which Ake to be carried v er y killing Judge Horreboom refused to en t n•hteli lie ee's ittd on the gallows. Both le pronoun( ed upon hint Indluff ,eke,lt ;1111g the seat 0 1 ' , tr. Stager, itkPubli patent leather shoes; did not notice an s away from the store were tied up; and a I tertaiu the m otion, its under the indictment an , I men. he , ald, were desperate 1 illatns, in a husky voice, these word?: 'it is not can,iii' ri ' ll adell'll'a• l'Ittllet 1 . 1 ) "ae fix patent cut in them; think the depreseion was in I great many circumstances, all point to I sortot Ulm; might be shown lie semis (lute_ ,c,t.ic punishable This learned man, I deemed (tree-11de to ray `IIINIIIIIIIT at l edtodi le th eumnittlie the left shoe; I entice the toes of his the guilt of the di on ned men. The eve , tee ir t i elt° amrder• and if tl t i n e , nII-V , lliil t il u tl d v: i t , t lit ' ~,, Itillloit, ml lio 111 the eon dtu tof this teed I preeelit ' The.Tudge del not nude 1 t tel, Mr .1. Np 6 announced the death of shoes did not look alike ; rode with hint (home showing that the the drowned; tr ,' 1;15 " vet ith d ( e ' e 'R .L l :tj u u tlt s c tliin ' l l ste l ij rc T m l et t eue , s , t b i has slam n his brain to be of the greatest Jed Runoff rept eted his statement. Then Mr Campbell, Democratic etember limn mu January and September, lime se, ii "ltirdere es were Jarvis a nd et fie I'. Dix- I aunt is calibre—es no was acute and learned, of ' began the -cm tenet Ph il idelple I ether shot sof the same stele: hate also ter is positne, and no mtentet hies been , Ml_ rimer. THE rittvr nrcier.•M Ell 1 the i nail! , set resource;, sue and milting in I Jufig , Meet boom proneencen the self- r. -la 1110 . N e ti ,of Ctn. , seen deform, 1 feet; do net smear positive nude to contradict it. The fact of Rub.. Mr ilealtss then remarked that when ihr boys set ,'it different languages, a good lawyer teenee el, Ithet stely, and with - old t 1 i s of the Mining report at»,f t the qlioes, rank from impression ; i tors acquaintance and intimacy with in the store an•oke the., saw thrue men, t,,,, of iind .t •is an t—eras, as, indse:(l, a student of t ctmphasis. as follows : I ;tree d ... po Lion of the time Davenport was In i vii those i nen. has been established beyond • " 11 ° 11 +m - tantly retreated led Then tliLlentainin f mint Olio;. Within that room in Thud ' Filsverd II Ridloff, 'rho judicial in Nee- i Mc. 1 ult in awnonlit,ll the il ith of al ne he was shads &reed :am:. the 10th e untradietion. lie is proved to leave ee l e m m sN a t'ers a that d then de combat" rall onl e ri n' ert .' „ nt entie lie had sat and weaved schemes of tie 'non which lid? ne e npi el the commit- Mi. co, .1,, lilt/ ,A 1 11e111...; .“ JUII , I t..,..,k (barge ot the jid the been intimately acquainted with Jarvis o ‘ espateh the burglar. They did not n Isla 0, crime Ii hlt•lt his tools anti accomplice, ' outs attention of this Conrt fir ,-•v,i sl thereto,la eh were wee el unanimous moth of April, 1869; then occupied r imus together for more than a , therefore the boys would hove been piths of tried for ,1113; oil nee he worth! newer - and the a ntrel obi, et of insi reef, li 1 , is ii i [lie .rolor . 1 rea,tiry (on s ention in e r at Re-direct.—Am not positive whether Niali On Third Avenue, in New York I re ' l l etTc hle Ti i s n e li h tr e -I ''L tr e( call i , ri d egurche'ltultotilllYs I defend tlieni Within his room hei been hroineht to a (+tee Yon hale been tried 12 11 h. 11 Ma( he y had seventy Its loff recognized the prisoner when limy Cos, there burglars tools were kept. His „• comradec caue up elates )trick •e P ztell one i found hurglnt s tools which, aeeoreling to for the wilful murder of 1 reelc re k _1 11(.i11 %oh , . D. C. B irr hail silts Dom first met or not. ititi tn lel w ills Deeter is also cetehl /that an I Tried to de.pairh him If UnllnfiThot MI the dr fence, had beet pi teed there 1., M sisek on the 1 , tit of August last, \ octal',• settee Mr. (on nell Was paired ( Foss-examination —1) es en port n ore li) the proof that ho was in Dexter's cone. I rick when he pas mint; matt% Mir to kill I designing men,and tet when th N lyric 1 JUIN' Has most rarifIIIIV ml: Ohl', after whim ', iis tl hell he was in lad ; lie had au old Pan) in Neu• York aud Brooklyn ft-- another, he t. , guilts hut of manslaughter in the I first shoe ii to hint ti; sail that he kept neatg deliberation and poient e, eine}, Mr.ltillisiefe•lt said he hod already ex pair of shoes he mere sometimes. see WIN, that he did business as attornes stood e don •. .ital , rt.• .110,, ,, e1m0m ..trd that them fitrs as curt(t is. s I. lie 11 It poi ,t lire ngh t Into the panel a lirvir of mon • I pi.•ss, ti his preferee en. and 13 h. belies( il i ina.ni trli a. do. men nue burglar:, the (Irk , TF.STIIIONT oF FDW MP I 113011 fu • D et(/' , coder see( nil aliases, mid should ~,,t 1,,,,. t o h e e n,,,, ,i r,,1 teas, Runoff la t r i g in dont *orp is ed B,r epe trent iiit(ll go 1 , e this has the . last time the loos) atm that In. seas at Dex ti is houso often and• , w trrro s ti• TIM. TrrflelTT CT .3 war.P Lit il- In lllll^lllnliOn 'l, pros ti.it the tfliV , of tiel fl 111 ~ I Ili•) hal, h s - tow d 111101 i Rolliil li' ellitql Upon to cuter •ric h r }Mould Jakob testified as follow. Re- Resler - Fzunufr 1%.1 sometimes at the house of and ,„ n o tt f,, a .., in o, force the precis, the mini!, r and a parts thereto 1 13,11- the else the most p agent Ittl IttIMI 111,1 contra t, on I hla oe Qe .., ort h e would F I,• at 1;0 Third esrlitie. N Y.:_ant clerk ',me m o of whieh ennitot be dr•'ermined To rows hid seem he Meer(' Relleff tt be have epletrentlN• brought to its fin 11 dos- he the is :War mom wee Mr Mackey, t i -, . Bunada -IN , havr been Hl' r pearl: , morning of the lettli of August burglar, beim, right to n•tom, and returned a, the man who shot s MlTl( i , Shoes Pere et- Ise -item a maw mit oils ees -id. rut! in ii/ I a ' , es al, sr of the Hon se announced fi ir s ears: lyeerikil with re N parents a , ' theseit i si 'h ir , htt to t. t burglars Tt o , o se tt , .. \. re.n. I, SlOl%ll, nen., big o t, er in n 'e t eh., l ,'„ i,lita're,',Tt the I , illitto . „,,•1‘,,,,` 1 ' c 1. :: r m IN fii I Ing Rullofr malformed ft et' had 1111 the facts ciretimst user, hearing upon i Mt.'-ar 1 tilton. 'dorm and linen plit Yu a f't 1 .or i ate n u , hese •seen the pr -enter , York, and neither of them has leen • iss iiislaisge r•• Mould Le fulls ,11... u,,,• L 1 1 i n , 11., 11 found et the foot of the stairs la th' IN IlitlM if(' rt eilt T i le es es. li in I, it, e enmities to i wen the remains o f V I fir::k ss hint i), •'the name , f rn. te - roman,' gop The motion was thr refore dent -arc.ll • • , ore also that there were ecmiler ted on both std •s wltli great 1 tt 11. born I,'. 1 , ir ', 1 ( rented room= ot my 1)1 , t t'.. l e .. "lee A ll item"; re sour. left in Ifille. • n't s s't) , 1 11, e inen eneaged in the littrelars. and me mid ability. N oil his•l)e is d I ill Januais 10—'111e Ripe hhean freasnrs 1 a l , (coined those r e nis (est. a Neir, re ed Dr Burr wasthe.) c 1e 1, spa to h lo•lit the murderers. Lure btu . 1 identified a, it was in es isleisee did fro of 111clis 1)1(1 cri 11l VOlllli lof dish 'ltch il tale nt and e lie it its t it credit o s lo e e, S.. 1, i to r 1 , 1 ti ne lint one desk in the room ;the lea g e t Pull ff prt,ourr , klub, red In,. foot. 1 h ( 1.0 Lim 1 k itlstot her articles tikes by the of- t h, ° e ° , e ll e; ° wills e Hardly,so po,itisels that ( „ 4 tt:,,t I root so formed would nllr in pr,rt-r been soft running front the rear of th, elorinenee mil sem heN rim e It to leo i -- - lute presiding. ' " e It), ,It.tappc ~ing .it the riter. enlert Isle vett nt, pore of ills p trt I( I t uutt. 1 ''', natio I I sue moved that the n porter. fir •Is were taken out of his de-I.; (Ire 1 ~, 'l'me fact that other eliiK, of the game style - t the Il ti n ;Inure Plitledelplint and ('sots ei c•'spied the rooms with li i n ‘ ' hate bee ii ma de and norm and that tithe! Qk HI king along the sculls of tho real melds iit to the c indnet of the cle Vett here p iiews lie admitted iii drn toe photographs of the throw 11 it I ' ' no u Lase e eformod feet. will not of, b u dd ing , tenements, tine man of s e t a l- 11 I) I'PN,I yon InlV 'funk or knot of 111•• Mr lestan moved to amend by rostrums Ill• 11 I 'Pie picture of the largest man is . The %unman; am emir" I ese that thelcool' 1 Foie ptireinte li id been arrested tender propriety of the tract re stilt-, to i inns;me tl sc re tames tn ;rite the reportei i 11 le nee of Curtis; the rimierpn seldom het a t i be Blues have The (mut reassembled lt '1 1 o taxi. and Tip o any other ti man, our that the . s the most 'nap elOll9 I. ICC ilnlStallee., na has' feel aseitred that there has he'ri Dr) lick thei. •tilt of the balloting: Carnal. left the horse eh&• lie was In New Rork:M r Beale. summed up for the &tenet. Ile i coit d belong to Rudloff and some oilier spoke ably for about tour hours and a half, but air( ad% been detailed,,Ever% thing. cin of ability or cam stnces de plet ed in fourß. le Mackey, Geo. I Hough and G 1 Sirued a great dal and was eneieed 1.111 too. It is in evidence also that Rul , matinee li is hit case na,ON•ern•helm in,g (Maul t (Minstar, tidily punted RIO Rtzlioff as the defense. Aftet a seven of ths• most delfb Dawson Coleman weer nominated. In n rum° . a book must of his nine (ll a loff ea., -tell in Binghamton on the after -'to support ...m ho , p ; , n int , : m. si scene r vr(runottsjlom twinkler and there ease even wallow crate end (-ireful umitigition on ths A lesoluii in to sustain. unanimnusls, mess is as eilown the eh ee. found in the teem le fere the murder, wearing those r o l i l i i i tt i , manorti i n ,' ( „ i ", e l et i e ll e l! wn " nd 1 1,, Ilti r` nti . the I,,tinionN of the , nrs iyine, clerk, put of those eon( triad in tli e indite tof the 1 :alt of the ci ente ., pied, though store .1 /Jilt e seen those shoes before, or very shoes ; and was also seen again late do su.li t clettl ' Fur months he had been e n • ellffiel, 'lt i , HI , !lee to In log the pet . ner this else, tile jury 11 th e pniiiminced Non oppo;, d ahoes similar to them:they belonged to that evening only a short time before the had in producing a literary work n luch h, to the ecatruld 1 , to the stateme ilt that guilty of, counter in the tir.t direr e rh i i Mi Fir s t, . s offered a series of rcsoln I . : illo'T. am not able. to sat these are the murder wad committed. Time testunons hoped 11 0111,1 bring him emolument B urrone e el s fon much excited to know , senile t stands, for the present at I, least, a- teens. in opposition to personal re ids is tical shoes , san in a paper in New is relied on as positive proof that he was an ,1 fame Se truly ever eas he Absent th e fact, of the murder , and hod snrd the I the judgment of the Ceurt. Itiel must I I,•I i r .. seennel, that pi.rsonatties. - rem \ ork .- mud ing about a burglary corn in it lin Bine), ninon I last siew• Rulloff ben ' in winPalivwith his friends e lei from his room, and then for a brief time et f r o n t doo r as locked, ellen he hims e lf followed by the grottoes of the law 'Chat lug or ,t of these contexts; }mil a de t-- and Jars is ou e. were woundal elide engaged in the burg- lie like nal Runoff to Eugene Aram, a h a d e li ter o( l the street through it after entente it is now our duty to pi mounce dons elect oil the Reetiblican p uts teundas meld think that - Lary and murder, and afterward drown- I elipaelim e hell the At torne-General the ninrder, it was untenahl • fur, when We do not desire to add 'mm single min, ces . 1 lie d tint tit,'w 'Huh et ;`1 of n'l e inch left Nee 'lurk the lath of August , h tee „ I, . after teals folloual to its desaenous con- speaking of the rear door being open, sary pang to the Noltel sensibilities of •I it• - hen,l, f ire isnessinent w mild li is I not seen them at our house since ceendas 911 this testimony is now before the equ see. He held that the testimony - of he me a nt that through it the' bnigl a r, this hoist- The throng of hitter memories,wholesoinee•f{ect and be a patriotic seen neve. 14th of August; I fix the date of Jury, which embodies the main part and Burrows, the sun nen; clerk, was self- had ese a ped Burrows, too, swore that which crowd upon the anguished head at ffee on the ❑titer of the counter. The their I s ri. byldat i t in, rifted receive our substance of the prosecution• contradictory. He had said ou the morn- when be fled the one burgs tr in his pow- such a moment arc of dem s Is. -, it ies• f Jame; thoss letters e irn s there The• history of Ittilloff 8 past life; his ing after tli, munlcr that he should not er h e d i d not shrike till he h e ard th e enough to overwhelm and crush it. It ie . 1 tie chute was indefinite'', post 'eine,' t e•tore 1 heard of the murder in Bingham- conviction and pnnisliment in State Pies- ,be abk to identify any of the burglars • others reuniting and del so th a t th e s !meet, r, not tnipsoper to rem sr k. es eii st Mr Maeket hint fins,' e o cotes, Holieli re i I- tiers arrived there ufter they left on for the alxinction of his chilu, • his trial should he see thins again. and }et had might be mats hell two to two and Neil each 1 thm • that the killing of- Mitr e ,. k eight . Coleman, seven , Ta ee-irt. one Unit they Lulu. got;they ti me arrived amid 1 cant ction for the murder of his believed on the trial that Rulluff was the if the case Mal bee ;1 enterer ise there was waspm pc.trated under an-insist inces of Clark button, Ile.hinkni. • 34 Mullen. week 1.11,..) left. wife, and his having been confined in man who had shot Mn ick Mr. &ales no rule be sa i d ' the amount or Nio j enc e peculiar atrocity, and thetigit he is I) lona Miller I I riel Starr. Stone and M heeler. Th • evidence of the witness, SO fur as it Sing z,„, term of that inasinnch as the clerks haul a - ~ l ing prison fora emrs since said t necessary may he measured. The }sees the reach of human inpatli. we it • not toted tot Iblieele --py=re. Zerbe, Ban_ related to fixing the time that Janis and his ri ease nom the gallows, on account ` tempted to eel the et :e burglar in their had a right to kill the felon. ltd Btu- deem it amiss to mewed in this rum, cal, Pricer, Purcell, Lugle, 'toupee Bil Ballot! . t o ft New York, was objected to In of the body of his wife not having been power the) had used unneceseare.rioleuce. rows been a desperate man Instead of a manner our sense of his noble and unfelt- lingfelt. Evans and Warsel lined fer the defence.The objectiou was eastern- found, are not matters to be eoneniered and the burglar who shot Alinck was at man of good chants ter, his {Mono ing r I.•i tto the in ten sts committal to Coleman. Wil e ) Total fur Taggart (o ne, i• i 3 e e el by the jury, although they are proper to be most guilty of manslungli ter iii the second • eire ninetantial in eve n particular, could hie care, nor do we deem it proper to re-ray absent, Evidence Resumrd —Relloff had a pair known to the public. degree, for the killing had been done to not be doubted. If liitnoff came b a ck ,cur to Your past histon \l' c outs ktroi% of old slippers in leis ream Del LI a w OPLNING OF THE nres...ece -presentthe commissionof pre% a murder corn to protect his comrade, he netts never- of iteis it is legesteied in the judicial cu re swear anything but the eines and slip- In the afternoon Mr IGkorge Beekez. who k ) II running aw a wisethel , y n clerks awoke timeless a murderer without peliation or nets ofoer State, and to some slight ex atecl with Mr. Reales in the defence, o the three men showed thathis crime—a murderer in the first degre-, tent in common ti edition If there Pa ane Cross Examination—Am 1S years of erred by stating the line to be taken by the' de-l'they lead ab andoned their ort . gival deeign of robber). whether the deed was premediati d of thing in it to stir tip painful memories, age ;reside at 170 Third avenue , reside fence. First, he held that Burrows the survis and were right in returning to defend ilkermination to commit formed at the they are clonbtle-s Inds Ilibl) impicsseu with my parents; the prisoner came there mg clerk, was so much excited et the time of to reside in rooms be milted of my par- the murder as to be unable to recognize the their comrade's life. Ile spoke of tile very instant of its comm,ssion • end since i uponevour mind The commission of murderer,and as' he is the only person who wits shoes which were said to bare belonged sne - h was the ease he would demand a crime carries its owe punishment with it cnts, a year or too ago; he occupied apositively as to Runoffs mdenty with to I offand Rit 1 , held that there were mane verdict of murder from the jnry and like aeon fee of ninorse and the sling , front. back and middle room on the first the man, should be ' not gm= against per ons whose feet w floor; he had a collection of bootie there; the prisoner Second, he hold.; that the bur s , were deformed ni At th e conclusion of this address .of a guilty conscience can no more be I g tic r 111 . 1 went into his rooms cs ennig.". plant entered the store not to commit murder, spelt a wee as to make their shoes closely which throughout had excited the great- I permailentat expelled from the human aud oft , n staid there late at night , some- law for n the sake of plunder.and that, as the resemble those produced in th e tied est attention, Rulloff. who had beets heart man the vital current elle h courses um• .as late as 1 2 and 3 o'clock , sts u:edwaindettest permit ,cr t c m u n mc we n e n sa n ry violence tobe Nothing was more common than feet de- closely watching the speaker, and making through it. These are things of the . past. used to 1 ,ss girlies sou - Leine•s till I got the merdenTr, whoeverlk used was, acted in selfformed be corns and bunion,. Such mere notes of his remarks, laughed quietly to "Let the dead bony their de:lcl " it is not the main points of Mr. Beales' s address, to the past hilt to the future that lout tired,ii I would lie doe') and go to den•aff 1,, shooting one of them and thus malt himself, as though he thought them was .1 p and he would go on with his stud- good their swaps Under such arcumstanees at time end of which he recited Young's 'no danger that the trial could result otb I thoughts should be directed. The past e. lii mind appeared to be eatnels oc- , te n k o. ; . i t t e_ j ing of i. .? l lm i k ;Ts not murder but man heal:AIM account of Mere) pleading with erwise than favorably to him. is irrevocable, No earthly power can re ( II 1 with ths bevies he was enteug; Bolton on the bridge on the 16theef mn , a u t ho ti t fi tt e e t ; God, lie asked aquittal for his client, or 1 lase its history. 'Tim ?wore may vote a es-, s w ii• traveling about the country to his inch may is a Mill of such obstinate es and at most a verdict of manslaughter in the I THE CHARGE TO THE JL 1,1. 1 gleam of hope (Nell for the outlaw cad hi,f e f thetime; they tre i r went oT to-' lit " I ' "'"g nature, that he has swor n t o his second degree. Judge Hog , boom then charged the ju- i the felon. To that future nee counsel you ,LI i he r before Mid .i. ant not sore they heft statement nitwit because he once had made it.won TUE enosrc t - rro. ry. After piing the usual preliminary I to devote the remaining hours of ever Moreover,he believed that the oner I t lit house together wise,, they went an a) been hurried to trial with indecent eateth la t " Time court opened this morning. and instructions as to what constitutes the tea- life. If we have committed no mistake, the last time. the exact time they left Is and had not been allowed sufficient ti*me - i v , r ; Attornet -Genenil Champlin summt d np nous forms and degrees of' homicide. an their' they must neeessanly be fee—all to fee, pals conjecture n-ith me ; I klieW Jarvis I snmmon nitnesses and procure able and min- , for the prosecution. Ile referred to the I haling, endeavored to impress epee) even if rightly employed and not cut tail ent counsel minds the solemity of the functions, he led to the me-enable demands of justice is as roaming about the couutre a good alleged !turning of the trial, saying that deal. I com o rre. on =run we For? it had not bien unduly hurried, especially told the jury that this trial was one of to make fitting atonement for the mis lie-Direct.—(The witness is shown the For the defence. Albert Jewell swore that as Runoff differed from ordinary trim- i the most remarkable in the annals of deeds of the past. Thew is mercy in cap found in Helbert's store.) Janis had ;Id li c in n i th rn at m if waftme:ldthheeTrour.nieshribtu had 1 malt in being a man of. Feat abilett m n id JusPrildence. The man charged walls Heaven for the penitent and the contrite for w h ' a cap like. this or one similar to it ; I saw i identify the man who killed Brick, and Plrautt able to use his resources In the best pos- the crime of murder and the emeumstan- We may not he able to bestow• it lisre a man there who they called De'xte'r; do Farnham testified to the same effect. Aste r sible manner. To his min ability had mei serionnding him. the ultimate I Butt in that final tribunal, whose pug not know whether, Jed tis nas there the "'mei:Here but unimportant testimony had been been added that of learned audindeietega-idtath of the tee felons drowned in the ments cannot be reversed, and from tint, I saw Dexter or not; (is shoe!) thetaken, the Court adjourned till Tuesday I ble counsel, who, lied auy defence been very act of escape. the ability with which I whose decisions no appeal can be taken, s aceel found in Binghamton ;) hese seen THE SCENE IxCOURT Oa TEESDAT possible, would Lace offered it in the most evidence had been collected, and the en- the seeeets of all hearts shall be known ; that mullet or one like it in Belton I As lead been the es ! eve" morning since the telling may. He then gave a short de- reer of time prisoner at the bar, all tended ' the untold history of all lives shall be re i own ;urger saw Runoff hare au wee coat; , ocopenrtheceenm.putestf motor ng e the h e ei row ir doors ed I scription of the en cu surround mstances of the to surund the case with unnsual dm- vented, and our (loom forever sealed. It' he mole a black frock coat ellen he %tent I in, and in three minutes there was hardly even I murder, and alluded to the theore of the matte interest. The corpus delicti had does not belong to ns to assume the innet out the date of time paper 10 which I teats I a standing place. The evident weakness of: defence that the store was entered merely been proven, as had the burglary, at-' ions of' the ministry of religion and we 'm uottee of the Binghamton murder, eras I itit the defence bad already been shown by i for the sake of plunder , and Mirick was tempted larceny, and mtuder on the therefore refrain from further comment the 18th of eugust ; I did not see the pa- i p_mie jSeck umd . on : anlihe"l' / 11Pe Y s evbiern I killed while doing the unnecessar deed night of the 17th of August. That the or suggestion. _lt is no pleasant te ter until then or a fee weeks after it was I ininolf Et was entered at the, rear conld I which the law mu But t 't is red-lidded eyes were scarcely 1 g one when feinted. I raised save to look furtively at his counsel, with I two had retreated, and the shooting or not be doubted, and (vane. - indithitablet is nevertheless a duty, and we cannot Cross-Examination resumed i--Dexter 1 whom itelm'elisiotteller etchalle,ed a few whisper- I Minck, himself engaged in an unlaeWful was the fact that three men had been en- shrink from its perfOrrnance. We are cam a black hat similar to the one before ed words, and his almost expressionless race! killing, was at the most manslanghter in gaged in the crime. •The all-important commissioned and required to pronounce Ili court; Oxford tie shoes are commonly l°°l-.e4 more aabb i: and dejected then " 41 ' I th His st ide month. fla tif cheeks and red lips - e second degree. This theory fee held ,9uesteen was. "Is the inertia the upon' the doom of (teeth. The coin in New York ; tlie. . ..- . they . ve areknown its : one a ditragireable feeling that the'prisoner ga was iew - York summer shoes (Rnlioti went ; a t-ampire. His hair, which is almost as find As cfore the witness and put out his foot, ! cobweb, looks as-if it were covered with dust, 1 sad altogether the_man looks [lair ,he had come sking the witness if he hat not seen himeary i fro o m m litie,.. li erzejr u t i l e ora su e n eue t e b r: in the cArth ei f , ar r :ear the boots he had on ;) bat I have ; have frequently walked out to hare shooeupoa /dm. In all B a n at court- t iorra g there was not one sypattlette face,ithe *Mimi .oth the prisoner Sunday. evenings; he buzzed and laughed to them:Kira, payinebut ; half/ attention to trial* • /be ea ors o•tv have worn boobs; 'but I did not 110- I ee them, I do not - identify the . al- 4^' % " l ---1 nearly rill.amtinst Mei.' As ep .ll) 'i zr nr — idiu m ., llll ' l°). c Jsit i vely ; it is only conjoisOro 4illintit:* ,7 inulionrc4. Rullatf 'woind- Starr op; gria*lll -.OIL , - .7 . ,- t; ,I' \,-...-' ,:. '.. 77.: . ..til Angem, and Tool ( to him with plateful anzi e iw; • • -• ; - prison'. to be utterly - untenable. 11 - was the j liar one of those three men ?" • The only theory of the prosecution that when men ; direct testimony possible wag .that of Burrows, ea all other persons connected were banded together in the illegal act of with the dead, except one, and the . jury burglary and larceny; it was a necessary ' ; must decide whether or not the prisoner concomitant of their act that they shoutit was that one. He then recounted the do murder if they were in imminent I danger ofarrest. It is for this very rea- ; facts of the case as elicted during the , son that they armed. Moreover, even ;t ; trial.. It _was for • the jury to decide - had, net teen spurred-=as it had bee n ; whether, if these three mem:were co-con by ,th a awti man y ; of Aarrows-•:-thst it , spirators to commit burglary ; they would' . iviar enthci t h a l ar dA tea t i m,,.. strat ,. vot • t stop at . inttrdcr le thiy bad a .natritedn"' _ . Jan nary 11. 18;11—Mr. Correll pre- 'w. T. MOSS .t., CO , GralrrsinD,;(l , Bats Cap., i The jury retired at 1 o'clock, and after sewed a petition contesting the Seat of ' now- and Shoes, and tieurral Meichatnlbie,'on . Nilo an absence of live hours and a •haff, re- street, serond door below the Epl.copal Chtdih.l , , Mr. Def.thert, 1/emoorat, from the First turned a verdict of murder in the first District, claiming ?6F majority for Lyn- rsios• finitfl. kept by WILLLt3I SSITTII:on MAID degree. Ilona' heard the verdict frith. ar...i. Deal rim Depot.—• out CI iiibitind: all V emotion, hot the and- dall RePublienn' i , i Ale. Connell moved to draw - the Com- ' w s. mri.tn7r dundri, and4enlerin Plnyrt , end rdhher ; imice clapped their hands and it; other r utonsikr. ono door from PldanoT ., Ihrect. /Ante BS-. . t ways -exressed their approval. The r i. " Edi lli t r t 7 It r i n i i :n r" naTetr .. l - t he posfponentent for N. F. 11MMt. Ca;lage voter and — Cnierta kax,ron I over wilt be sentenced to-morrow at it) • - the present. - Agreed to; Democrats To. t Main Street, two doors below llawlry s Store. • IA. at. Motion fora new trial will probe- ' tin! v.... McCOr.r.ll nt bly be made. argo2s:Prdlers ED Groceries and Mr. whi t o ai . mr , naeed the death off Provhdonrc on .llaln btrect.• lion. John Covode and moved to adjourn. ' A greed to, opianyou the doom of death. _he sen tence orthelavr is that you be remanded to-thceouety prison, where you have been incarcerated : that von be there coll., fined—and that on the third diay of March nest, between the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 2 o'clock in the afteV z , nobn within the walls of that prison, or within n lard or enclosure 0.16 , 44 thereto; oar be'hnpg by the neck' yon itre c ead: And may God ligte•lnerOl.. on - - THE bEIN ATE - The Coition" Snap Ver. We give thefollowing as evidence of the extreme sold weather'whiet prevailed at the foot of the mountain. near Union , town; Payette comity, the' day before Christmas. A ladv•tesiding in that einih-, went, on the day mentioned,. to ' the honse of one of her more proiperUns neighbors, and with tears in her eyes, ex claimed, "Oh, what shall I do ; what shall Ido ?" The kind 7 hearted neighbor, en ! deitoring to console the Weeping woman, asked the rause of her distress. "Oh, dear;'" said the poor woman . ; sobbing the "flint the bread in the stove to bake, this morning, and it has frozen .^ Coot Captured. A handsome specimen of the Curre nons Coot, was recently captured alive in Germantown, near the office of the Tek r , grerplA, which states that this is a compar atively rare bird, and generally makes its appea . ranco in this state about the first of October. They are occasionally found among the muddy flats mtd islands of the Delaware, witielt are periodically overflow ed by the tide, and are oVergrown with reedif and rtnihe.. '['hey are brit rarely seen except when their n'sorts are covered with water. Then they usually sit upon a fallen reed to wait tlio falling of the tide. Where the above specimen was cap tured, however, there' wits no water or marshy land, and why he should frequent such an annstial-loCality is unaccounta ble. They feed ' principally on aquatic plants, seeds, ifisects,'ant,' tom)! fish. The coot has a great tiveridow to wing, and can . but: Seldom be spriing in its retreat titlety water: .It walks' k Con trives te.sktilk through the grass' and weeds'With' great ' speed, the compressed fornrbfits'hodyrlike ',that' of the rail geniatt, - beib; welt adapted for rapid . ;no tion ill this manner. ' It swims = rerrlarl:a-, big well;-amt WIMn - wounded Will di yak° a duck. Whea'etosely pptped in the Water it frill 'trust Insdce for the slforelike .A wounded`' duck, fluttering along the Stiff* sidtV it 4 feetpattering: the patter. ir>the Water,' t•-- 2-z-3hfife org !Rau workitig_wernawoo of mplo merit at Boston. Nr'" Time tries all Things," and has proved that Dr. Illstax.._Balsrnn .of Wild Cherr4 is the remedy Our excellence for ',,the cure of couglfs', colds, croup; whoop .hig-cough, bronchitis, asthma, phtleysic, sore throat, nml2'. influenza. It cures reptightand colditinstanter! It soothes -tho irritated ruts,t- heals the inflam mation; and even consumption itself yields ti its magic influence. EZZEI We mile our bruit', or try' to ifo it With caustic chalk and lime, .Audtlumgirthouromenstlinalseethsougittit, They, miss it every time. Let people' poison themselves. who please, Through Ignorance--alaa! • The wise WillmoirtateatVof theae, Gold Medal Saleratua. It is more healthy than . yeast fermen tation, besides making bread decidedly _ more 'and of Making' the flour go.much•furtlter. 'fount!! 43uoinfoo praetor!. Ttri7 tiara fit MIA Directory, ono yrar, elle-- each additional line, 50 NEW 31ILFORD , • ;yr!: r.r. kuTER _vtertm...(s TIOirA RIM Dealer in genuine etwaza Plaster. Fresh ground.- 0. If. II INV LEY. A-ent for Emotrefewincifsettine, and Amerlout Brae Burning Stove, Main Street. .(I , IIIRNT 150,1..P001cre In Flour. Feed. It em, Flit 1.1 M,, Cement. ameorles and Prorlslohlt on M sin Street, opposite the Depot. . - -- --- W, & T. 'HAYDEN. Mon Voofirerm' of 04:Iwo sod Wholegolo denten In Ifookoe Notion. and Fiery. Goods. on Maio 14trect. below Splocopat church. • Bursa y EN SP. 1,31,1 t, Mrtnuketurer• sad dealers Is Morocco Fintlingi, d.c., um, Epl•cop4l Church. • A 'NEI' & ❑A YttfrN, I)nrelnr.tn prnr• nnd and litanntnetarert of Clr,,arf. on 31stn Street.. Mr I 'MINA, • STEPUENS. Hon,. Shorl and general IlepaUring. on )lain Street, food* of the brit.ge. .7. DIcKERStAN. Jr.. Drnler In grnernl inerchondlre cod tit/MN:, Urictz Store. on Ktin Strta. WHIPPLE & MEAD, Dealers to gtmeral Hersbandiir, on Main Street. • IMEAT DENO 1,. LP:VHF:M. Ilannfacfnr, of Logther, nod dealer in t'11.1,11 Merebanditc, 0fv313113 StTrct•• . Di PH \N. Merchnut T..Nvr nyld dralcr Itc➢ ‘t , •1.,t/eIIP4 Dry Good", Grocesica and t ° iO\(slbn•. NI t•n , 7rvet • LENOXVIT.LE ilI It All WHITE:. Matmtacturcr of and dtalet 111 superi or Plows and tasting". F.11N7.11f1). & BRYANT. M mat,ettuvrii of Wagons and Slciehs, og.rir the Impils' store. MOP ROSE ABEL. TURRELL, Dealer In Drn2., .11.4 . 11cirseP, rn,r. ihr Stuff, liroccrics. Jewelry. Sounno. ipcp, 21, IV WEBB S (MBE, Nett. °Mee. and itenlere in Grocer re and Pro, !At». Crockery. etc., Public Avenue. JAMES T:. CAT t kT.T. Alton', at 1.41 V. 0131ce oaa de r hrlow Tarbal Honer. Public Arentsv • ,V M. II rot/PE:II fi (0.. Banker•. Fell Forelo Thd Tick to and Droll:, En;land, Ireland ■nd,BLot land.le R. FLF:TL'IrEIt'S F.31111Z Saloon to tip. place to ant Ire Cream, Oyster 4. and Claws, to every .tyle. On *Zit reel.• syrßoun & DROWN (n., rtnl nr.etlfe lnrar ; 'MCC A 7011,9 t nt*o. net! Itnitrond and Aceiti..nt Tieketa to New Yorkund VidlndUvltia. 01Lcu one dour ca..% or the Bank. F. B. CHANG:AIL. General Wm:trance and Sewing dalneAgent. PubllcAvenue.• lIt'UNS NV 1/0 )I.S. the play vln act Druz. in3.1){0,11 c tg r T. , b,ttcn, l'orkef•Bouko, Spectel c!e•. Vanl,e Not 100., Src., Public Avenue. - „ M. L. COX, Ilaruefr maker and dealer lu all articles u,u.llly li.cpt by the trade, opyoelte the Dank. • W3l T. BOTO ,t rut . , ricalt•ro in Stoves, ardsitar. And Ifaratfactarers " Tin and Shadlron ware', ender of Main and Turnpike At rect. II MOINE, 14nrchnot Tailor..., nod dexter In Trimmlng tr o, - noFnrolittlng Good*. and A Tett t, far Sin" -er Borrlnr , Machine. on Iloln - SITEM Fordhim A. N. BULLARD. Devi, In Limeades. Proirinieusr. It.. Stationer] and Yankee Not Was at bead of Buhl is A venot.• • . KPOIIE SI co.. Atmlrre in Store•. Azricnlt ttral I ni plcni cots, Flour and Groccrictkoappu fin rbell ❑uu,c, IYNSFORD &, MITCHEL. LI, fqx-, d Exchang e Stablc. In rear of Ilasiklnillllll4. J. IL Di:WITT E CO.. Dealers In Dry Goods, nerd ware end general - merchandise, corner, near Brie* Dlnek.• Jury LW—January Term 18711. TR.\VERMC rcnorm--2d week .toborn—Ellstiri ;gnash, Miner:C . '. Tubbs. Ararat—Horace ' Bridgewnter—Zebintt sprout, Ocova Pethk, Horace Brewster. . Brookiyn—Lyman I 3 :Tiffany. ('l iliiml—Philiip73u mirk. ' Clmeonnt-6—Samnel T. Lec. Dintockei). Stevens, Charlesnisley: Friendsyille—Martin C. `Sutton..,,. '3 S:3 Forest Gake—Chnuneey W, Perkins, D. ('onnel, 31ilon Birehard. Great !;tact Ilarck , —(lou. IL WlittlY;AeYnis Decker. . Great Bend tp.,-imos StoddaW , Harmony—Henry C. Bross. - • Harford—Geo. W. Lamb, James H, Hotbiktek Hrrriek—Payson Burritt. - Jarkson—Elivnexer . • Keel w. Lenox—Samuei .i- Montrose--Srimtiel B. • 31 . 1thlletoWn:--Ororgt. L. Wong. ." New 3Tilibrl Boro. T: Wart 7, 441 Limb. New Milford tp.—Henry C. 3toxley, Orrig• Barrett, Elliott Aldrich; Dennis Springville—Jaatia4Kassoa, Edward fit.Broadil man. 'Susrfa Depot—Timothy Floyfe, Wm. C.,Fritti.' Thonmnon —Merrick T. Whitney, George IV Winters. TRArL7t4: - iveek, Ael.awn—Johe Carlin, Daniel - 0. 1 000116 Charles (lay, Lafayette SaffOrd. Brooklyn—Wm Pitt Bailey.. . . Bridgewater—Wm. D. Fancher 4 Carter . J3sula, - Cloacinitttotvls — Chohi li iirltn,7e.:;" , :f.AW Heath. ('lifford—Arnold Green, Hiram Stevens, TR W Rounds, m, 11, thialirntllG sineai.l3. ;Ste • ,I)iint.afic—ltimui C. Conklin, Matt. Shay. I)undafT-4ohn Itiventnorg. Frank lin--'-XaVen Sti.eklioleit. - -- Forest lokarlWilort 4, :Tmen,, South well. Great Etentl.Boro:-- , Ell W)lc(re• Great Head Ill.—Francis S. flames. I • 1,1.17 i rill Harmony—Win. Woodward. liarlonl—Jantestt - E4w4tdA - twat% Jessup—Wm. Wheelock, ; • • Jaelocze,--Teuntilit W. panto; FrtuilAW ant. I.iberty—Joseph Wifpwar4;, Lenoz=Jonstly!rt New 3tllford,—if43piligtie; gofiMVPBI Chas..A. Bunuerd. • , 11w ;P. - 5 ::..s1:),1;:a Onklond—BenilinfruvP. Ridskg- Iflver Lake . a l ihn:. , ;; Ofieker,,,VlN Aler t pri* ElMili-40isr1011' aiitok4- Sum!' a finpol24l`pTitulni,J,.qirr,:tosp,xtg.,l.7, on, Pnvid A. r•Y'irl,'• an39oN
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