The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 21, 1870, Image 1

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E. B. HAWLEY, Proprietor.
uoincoo Carao.
Attorneys and Conn,llors at Law. Office the one
heretnifore occupied by It. B. & G. P. Little. cua Main
street. Montrose, P. [April
B. MeKstrzta C C 'Faritor.
Dealers in Dry Gamin. C.lothinz, Ladles and Misses
tine Shoe, \!•o. ncente for the crest American
Tea and Coffee Company. [Montrose. Pa ,ap.l,4fft.
Dealer in Boni and Shoat.. fiats and Caps. Leather and
Findings, Main Street. :Id door below Searle's Hotel.
Work made to order and repairing done neatly.
11t otarose..lan. 1,1.70,
Shop in the new Posintilee building. where be will
be found ready to attend all who may want anythinf
in his line. Montrose, Pa. Oct. IL 16/3.
AUCTIONE Elt—Srth. Dry Good, and Merehanlze—alact
attends at Vendee. All orders left at my boast, will
receive prompt allentlOn. [Oct. 1, 15139—if
Hardware, Hate. Caps. Weds-Shoes. Ready Made Cloth
tug, Palate. Ode. etc . New Milford, Pa Idept 8. 'Mk
PITYSTCIAN & SURGEON, tender• Ills service• to
the citizens of great Bend and rt• intty Office at bi•
residence. opposite. Barnum Burma, Crt.. Bend village.
Sept. let, 1569.—t1
CIIANITIFRLIN d Nl.-001.1..C11. Attomeyn and Conn•
at LAW Office in in.. R irk Block aver the
Bank tint/lime Aug. 4. 1560.
A Unetrasnuw. . .1. B. Alceosicli.
A. & D. It. LATHROP,
DEALEIIS in Dry Goods. Groceries,
crockery and glaasernre. tahle and pocket calory.
Paints. oila, c 1 c stuff.. Itat, hoota and shore, cote
Intake, Perfumery Sc. Brick Mork, adjoining the
Rank. Montrose. t August 11. Ittra.—tf
A. Larttnor. D. R. !rumor.
ATTORNEY %. LAW. Bounty, Una Pay. Penalon
and Exem on Claim, attended to. Office 11•
our below 130, d't Store. 3101, t rope . Pa. [An. ], '69
ATTORNEY UT LAW, Mmoro.% Pn Office with L.
F. nich {Mastro., Aug. .1, 1869.
Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent,
Prlend•ville, Ps
Great Bend, Pa
Q. S.
auz. Ala
♦3l I F. LV,
la. ea. c.a.:34°lr.
A tia 1, 11019 Itrooo n, Pa
F" IsItit , NABLF. TM- Movt.roe , I Slop G•et
'Chandler', Store. A , ..rOvre• V.ll. dto Oret.rate style.
!114 Mont' short not ice. and , ttrrauted to tit.
of Main #tivet. Montrone. Ps- jang. 1. 18.1 Z.
ALER in Steplc end Vnur) Goode. Crocker)
Hardware. Iron. Stoves, ➢ru rn. 011 t, and Plnle
Groceries Shont.ilatt Cap,. Fn Bultnle Robyn
.I . rov talons, N en Milford. Pl..
line permanently located at Friendeville for the par
p,ee of practicing medicine and enr7.l.ry in all
hranci es Be may he f•dind at the Jackson Bon..
Mike bourn from Aa. m, tos p. m.
Friend-1011e. Pa.. Ang. 1. IS.O
hill+inepft attended to prointoly on fair terms. Office
firm door north of • Montrose wept fide rot
Doldir Avenne. 'Montrose. a (Aug. I,IM.
BILLING! , &IVACO, - C11.1.111.E. L. Firmer..
RESPECITFLLY annonneer that he if n.isir pt.
pared to cot an kind. efto Gornientf in the mos Style. warraned to ht with eltiome ,
nd cafe. Shop over the ro-t (Mice. Montrone, Pa
• WD. P. LUSK,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, 31i.titrus, OfEre oppo
site the Teirlii•ll HOW.. near he Court House.
A tig. 1. ISii9.—ts
nEsTisT. os r
from Cr" In ' s Llard
ware Store. Office. hour. 9 m. to 45 m
Montrmao, Atz, I, 151.9.—tf
:ALER in Unica. Patent hballroyea. Chemical.
Lirinora. Paints, 0:1,1 , y. -t lif[v Varniobev, Win
Groverley. lila, Ware. Wall and Window Pa.
per. Stone wive. Lam pr. Kernaeuv. Machinery . Oily
Trna•eli. (lona, Ana...llion. Entire. Spectarlee
itrenhee. Fancy Goode. Jewelry, Perth [e.
e art he no , nutrivroi,.. • utenoi re. and
valuable rad Pert [to, of Goode in Su.anehanne Co.—
Eatabl lobed in I , la. [ Mont rove, Pa.
ATTORNEY AT LAW office °it, the Store of A.
Lathrop, to the Brick Block. Mootro•e, Po. jatilTS
PHYSICIAN & sl:ll.OEtiN. tenders hitt prorennional
nernices to the cit 'aeon of Montrone and ricintty.—
Orace at hin residence. on the corner cast of Sur.. a
Bro.. Foundry. [Aug. 1, 1569.
PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. 'Montrone. Pa. Give
....pedal attention to iltneanen of the Heart en.
Lung. and al! Surgical duca•en. OM, over W B
Dean.. Boar& at Searle'. hotel. [Aug. 1. IRO
\ In I/ruin.. Medicoies, Cherrocals. Dye
.its. Paints. Oils, Varnish. Liquors. Spices Fam ,
tr< ms. Patent Medicines, Perfumery And Toilet Ar
ticles. glerlicescriptions .irefully eumpounded
Pnollr Avenue, above bcarle's Motel. Montrose. Ps
A. ti. Bruise, Amos N <mints.
Ang 1, VAT
lITTSICIAN S SURDEDN. reqiectfull, tender. hi
:,rofet.eional nervicee to the citizen of Friendetvilh
and v t cth tt, pIy — OITICe inthe °Mee of Dr. Lee.
Itoanin at J. Hanford', Ang. 1.18,9.
The Hayti Barber. returns hie thanks f o r the kind pao
ronage that han enahl , ll him to get the bent rent—ha!
ha • I burnt time to tell the whole !Kam but torn,
end •er for ronmeeei , VIFTat the Old Stanit No loud
laughing allowed In the abop. (April 13.
AU those in want of false Teeth or other dental work
Mould call at the office of the subscribers. who are pre.
pared to do all kinds of work in their line on short notice.
Particular attention paid to making full and partial
setts of teeth on gold. silver. or aluminum plate ; also on
Weetoa'e east composition ; the two latter preferable to
an of the:cheriper anbaltinces now used fur dente/ plates.
Teeth of youtigpersorts regulated. mud made togrow In
enteral shape,
The advantage of havingwork done by permanently 10.
rated and rosponaible parties. mast be apparent to all.
All work warranted. Please call and examine aped.
mesa of plate work at our office. over Boyd dr Co's; bard.
wan: store.
Mon;rose, Aug. 18, 1883.—tf
A Near and large trupiily,
Montrott, Vol. 2i, IMO. ABEL TURRELL
fort's Cornet.
Pl , ll - O) , A
Thou axnest, Autumn I heralded by rain,
With banners by great gala ineessant farmed
Blighter than brightest Mrs of &uniacand.
And stately oxen hammed to thy wain !
Thou standest like imperial Charlemagne,
Upon thy bridge of gold, thy royal band
Outstretched with benedictions o'er the land;
Blessing the farms through an thy vast do
Thy shield is the red harvest moon suspended
So long beneath the heavens' o'erhanging
eaves ;
Thy steps are by the ftumees prayers attend
Like ilium upon the altar shine the sheaves ;
And %flowing thee In thine ovation splendid,
Thine almoner, the wind, scatters the golden
• BALLAD 01 0810
Up hem his bed at break of day,
Einipkins sprang in great dismay:
The cool morning air with clearness bore,
Like a herald In haste, to Snipkins' door,
An ominous grumble, and rumble, and mar,
Telling his hogs bad got out once mote,
And Snipkins almost two miles away.
And louder aid those sounds from far
Thundered along the horizon's bar,
And clearer yet to poor Snlpkine ear
The clatter of grunting bogs drew near,
Standing the listener's hair on end-
As be thinks of the loci the sounds portend,
And finipkins almost two miles away
Away 1 And Elnipkins spared not heels nor
As on he node with compressed lip,
And soon through the flush of morning light
A " hogs" with bones In wretched plight
Was seen to peas with all his might,
As if he knew the hogs were treed,
He hurried along at his rickety speed.
Hill ruse and fell, and so did old Gray,
And finipkins only one mile away.
The first thing Snipklns taw the fence
MI down in the road, and then the dense
Mats of porkers, all out of their pens:
Then digging Gray's ribs with his old boot
heels, •
He dashes down the road 'mid a storm of
The runaway hogs checked their course be-
The sight of the master made them pause.
Hurrah I hurrah! for the bold Snipkins!
Hurrah! hurrah! for the horse that wins!
And when the hogs are high and dry,
Secure 'neath the roof of the old pig stye,
Then, as we speak our Snipkine name,
Let us think of Gray in a song to his fame;
" Here is the 'boss' that saved the hogs,
By carrying Snipkin' s over the logs,
From Shipk.Wts' house two miles away.-
—A jail to cost 4800,000 is being built
at St. Louis.
—The public singer that "draws the
best "—a mosquito.
—The potato crop of Long Island is
said to be a poor one this year.
—lntrenchments are the first care in
war—retrenchments in peace.
—ln Canada, a man aged 106, has just
eloped with another man s wife.
—Mr. Seward is to sail from San Fran
cisco for China September lath.
—The Kansas man who ate twenty
seven ears of corn ftir dinner is dead.
—An "Anti-Masonic Mass Conven
tion " is about to be held in Illinois.
—A Western paper says that General
Grant as a failure is a great success.
—Nearly one-half the type-setting on
the Paris literary papers is done by wom
—The annual catch of codfish on the
Newfoundland banks is stated at 140,-
—Chestnut brown and dove color are
to be the two colors most worn next sea
—A St. Louis company has turned out
1,750,000 pounds of zinc during the past
—Olive Logan is said to have discard
ed chignons. The false hair trade is
—ln Southern Kansas, a number of
farmers intend raising a cotton crop next
—The water power at St. Anthony
Falls, Minn., is calculated to equal 10,-
000 horses.
—Chief Justice Chase is visiting his
daughter, Mrs, Senator Sprague, in
Rhode Island.
—President Grant was expected to at
tend the Vermont State Fair, which
opened September 13th.
—Most of the sickness at the watering
places is said to be caused by drinking
tract water.
—Omaha secured the two-headed girl
in time to have it count two on the cen
sus of the city.
—lt is said that the census will show a
falling off in the population of nearly all
the Southern cities.
—Laws, like sausages, cease to inspire
respect in proportion as we know how
they are made.
—An Ohio murderer chazgesanmission
fees to interviewing reporters, and may
yet die a rich man.
—Two hundred bales of silk recently
passed through Omaha, shipped direct
from China to London.
—A Cincinnati . pr.per speaks of Chica
go as " that fever - infected and hurricane
persecuted locality"
—A few karts of green wormwood
scattered in places infested with black
snts, will dislodge those insects.
—A Kentucky clergyman, sixty-five
years old, is cuttings jaw tooth that re.
places one he lost ten years ago.
—Gov. Chamberlin, of Maine, is quite
ill. He has item recovered from the
wounds inflicted daring the war.
Illeadniseences by Pot. Parsons.
The following "talk" to his class by
Prof. Parsons, of Reading, was taken
down by one of his students. It will be
found curiously interesting:
I will begin with the greatest man I
over knew, and one to whom the country
owes a deeper debt of gratitude than to
any except Washington.
I knew him but one winter, when I
called on him was received with perfect
kindness, and was cordially invited to
call again. The tone of his voice plainly
indicated that the invitation extended
was meant as no mere act of politeness.
I did call again and again, and each visit
made me more anxious to call more fre-
Chief Justice Marshall was born in
1855. He was the eldest son of fifteen
children. His father, Col. Marshall, was
a gentleman of excellent family, but no
property. OA Marshall educated his
children himself, as he wps too poor to
send them to school.
Chief Justice Marshall began with
poetry. At the age of twelve he had
copied all of Pope's Essay on Man. He
could repeat much of Shakespeare, Dry
den, Pope, Campbell and other standard
He wrote a great deal of poetry him
self, but even at this young age he dis
played that great sagacity which so dis
tinguished him. He never published any
of his poetry,
At the age of twenty he entered the
army, where he remained until 1781. He
figured in most all of the principid en
gagements in the South.
While stationed at Philadelphia he at
tended one course of law lectures. Dur
ing all this time he was very poor. When
he was returning home an innkeeper re
fused him admission to his house bec.iuse
he did not look respectable. Soon after
returning home, in 1782, he was elected
to the Virginia Legislature, where he was
returned as a member until 1791.
In 1788 he succeeded in securing the
adoption of the Federal Constitution,
which was violently opposed by Patrick
Henry. The majority in favor of adop
tion was only ten. In 1797 he went to
In 1799 he was sent. to Congress, where
his influence was almost boondlesa
In 1800 he was appointed and confirm
ed Secretary of War. He, however, nev
er entered upon the duties of his office,
for before he eonld do so there was a
vacancy in the office of Secretary of
State, and he had this position tendered
him. He did not hold this office long,
for in 1802 he was appointed first
Chief Justice of the United States.)
when this was tenuerm w•--•
dent Adams he positively refused it, and
urged the claims of ether gentlemen
whom he thought more qualified. Final
ly, however, his name was sent to the
Senate and he was unanimously confirm
He knew very little "book law" when
he was appointed. He had attended but
one course of law lectures and had prac
ticed but three years. This was the great ,
reason, when he urged so strongly the ap
pointment of others. It is said of Mar
shall that be never held an office that
was not almost forced upon him.
Soon after he was admitted to practice
he married. He was still very poor. He
said he did pay the preacher for marrying
him, and that he had one guinea left.
Of course be had to work very hard in
his profession. It is probably more to
his early poverty than to anything else
that he owed those habits of indomitable
energy, which were so characteristic of
hint He was forty-six years of age when
he was appoiuted. He immediately com
menced to pursue a systematic course of
the study of the law. He never became
familiar with the books. In all the ranks
of legal literature there are no books
where there is so little authority cited as
those containing his decisions. When a
case was argued, and it was for the Judges
to decide it, after thinkiug tor sometime,
be would write down his decision, and,
handing-it to Judge Story, say : "There,
Story ; that is the law of this case ; now
go and find the authorities ;" and, prob
ably, there was no one more able to do
this than Story.
Story once said : "When I wish to
reach a point in the law, I have to grope
timidly from headland to headland, and
feel satisfied ifat last remotely reach it."
But Marshall,i'n an adventuresome and
bold manner, puts right out to sea, and
without difliculty approaches it.
. One of the earliest of the great cases
which have immortalized the name of
Marshall is the case of Marbury vs. Madi
son, 1 Cranch 137. In an able opinion
he laid down the true principles which
underline the fgundation of our Govern
ment. He draws a sharp line between
the powers of the different departments.
For this he had been abundantly prepar
ing himself in the Virginia Legislature,
when the Constitution was before that
body for adoption.
I have spoken of Marshall as an able
jurist. I will now speak of him as a man.
He was remarkable and peculiar in his
old age, when I knew him. He eared
nothing for fashions. He had never
changed the cut of his dress. His out
side coat was peculiarly long and in the
skirts had two large pockets; frequently
he could be seen walking , up . Penn-.
Sylvania avenue with a law bisok in each
pocket, or his pocket filled with legal
documents to overflowing.
His peculiar eharacterstic was the car
rying of a long green umbrella,which was
his constant companion, not only when it
was raining, but stuck under his arm
when not a cloud was seen.
A kinder man never lived. He was a
model for the judiciary of our country.
He was perfectly courteous in his manner,
I never speaking unkindly to any one.
But still he was a man with whom no
liberties could be taken. Re_ was peculiar,
even in his dignity . He had one
arity which one could not fail to observe;
be would looklong GOA intensely without
winking. lklbre the age of the twe-boirr
WEDNEODAY, SEPT. 21, 1870.
rules it often happeeed that some boring
lawyer would Come before the Court and
speak for hours. When Marshall saw
such a one, th►t cold, gray eye would be
fixed upon bite, and he would wilt beneath
that gaze.H. 'never loved to look very
largely into tuthorities. On one occasion
S— dined with the Judges of the
Supremo Court at Marshall's house. A
servant entered when they were seated at
the table. He brought a basket of books,
and handed s note to Marshall. The
note was from Benton,
who had argued a
a case before him.' Marshall read the
note to the company somewhat as follows :
"Mr. Marshall: I send you such of the
authorities as I now have, and will send
you others soon." Marshall looked up
and saw the basket, and exclaimed : "Good
Lord, deliver us!"
In Washington in those days it was a
very fashionable amusement to pitch
quoits. Frequently would Marshall and
other members of the Court, after their
labors were over, be seen out on the green,
with their coats off, pitching quoits. My
first and last impression were that he was
a good and great man, and it was the
happiest moment in his life when he
could make others happy. His smile, his
tone, his eye, all conspired to bring about
the result.
was a very different man from Marshall.
I knew him well. His nephew was my
classmate and chum. His name was
Theodoric Tender Randolph. When I
came to Washington Randolph came to
see rue, having probably heard his nephew
speak of me.
Randolph was very tall and slim, and
of a sallow complexion. He stooped
somewhat. When he walked he made
very long strides, keeping his feet paral
lel, se if some one was in his way, and
such person had better get out of it. His
favorite gesture was to reach out a very
long arm, with a long finger the end of
it, and point it directly at a person. His
voice had a peculiar shrillness. Really,
there is nothing to discribe it. It was
high, and, when he chose to make it so,
soft and sweet. He did na. always speak
in sweet tones, for when he had occasion
he spake as "with a trumpet with a sil
very voice." He prided himself upon his
excellent English, for this he made the
object of his study. He had a splendid
English library, and it was his pleasure
to study words and phrases, and phraseol
ogy. He used to say he had studied the
Bible more than other book—would that
he had studied it to more advantage!
He did so for its exquisite Saxon English.
A phonographer might have published
his words as they fell from his bps, so
finely turned were his periods, and chosen
were his words. He had not much im
agintion. He had a very great power of
reasoning, and bad a power of sarcasm
which was blighting. Some one said to
Benton. "lie mast have been among
you like a comet frightening the nations,
eli a u k iigiLg e , sti ß r Malianetary plague,
shooting down agony an fear upon the
During the winter when I was with
him in Washington, an old man and a
member of the House of Representatives
died. He was a special friend. Quite a
Young man was chosen in his place. He
came on to Washington determined to
win his spars. So not long after he had
taken his seat., he in his debate made a
fierce attack upon Randolpoh. Every one
was filled with astonishment. When he
got through Randolph did not. get up to
reply, but kept his seat daring the whole
of the debate. Several days passed and
another topic came up. Randolph made
a very earnest effort in behalf of the side
he favored. As be closed his speech he
said : "I would not, Mr. Speaker, hare
returned to press this matter with so
much earnestness, had not my views pos
sessed the sanction and concurrente of
my late departed friend, whose seat I
lament, is now unhappily vacant." At
these words he pointed his long arm and
the long finger at the young member
who attacked him several days before.
The Hoarse roared with applause.
On another occasion, a regular Down
Easter had been elected, and came down
to Washington several days before the
meeting of Congress, and had gone into
the adjoining States. When Congress
met he made himself very familiar with
his brother Congressmen, and did not
hesitate to approach and speak to any of
them. He came up to Randolph and
said, "I've just been to Virginia and pass
ed by your house." -rd be glad," - said
Randolph, "if when you are in Virginia,
or wheresoever I have a house—that you
would always pass by it."
Some one asked "Is he an aristocrat or
a Jacobin ?" "No," replied another. "he
is neither; he is an Ishmaclite." Every
one's hand was against him or would be,
were it not fur fear of him, and his hand
was against every one.
There is no doubt but that he was de
scended from Pocahontas. He was most
proud of this. No stranger could be in
his company one hour and remain igno
rant of it. lie was sure to bring it in
cenversation some way. lie felt that old
Powhatan was the lord of all Virginia,
and when he died he left his regal n i ghts
to his daughter, and when she died they
descended to him, and that he was king
of the whole land. There was a "screw
loose" som.where in his mental compo
sition. So long ago as when the first
steamboat was put upon the Hudson,
there was not business enough to keep
it employed every . day, so frequently it
would take excursion parties up the river.
On one occasion quite a large party were
on board, among them Randolph and a
Mr. Schuyler, who was a very modest,
shy man, respected by all. While the
boat was going on its way, Randolph start
ed up, went's few paces from a party of
ladies and shouted out, "Mr. - Schuyler !
Mr. Schuyler ! 'willyou do me the favor
1 to come - here I" Mr. Schuyler left the
larty and approached him. "Mr. Schuy
er, look here ' -placing his band on his
ear—"what do you see ?" "Nothing," re
plied Schuyler., "liaok at that ear—what
do you see?" ."Simply an ear." "Don't
,on see POcaliontas there? " In order for
15chuyler to, get away he finally amid, "I
think /do see little of it." Kr. &him
Jar related this to Parsons. ft is believed
that the aboriginal descendants of the
country left a peculiar mark upon the
lobe of the ear, which always marked
such persons. Ile made a visit to Eng
land and behaved quite strangely while
there. The English were at lose to ac
count for his eccentricities. They ascrib
ed them to three things—first, that he
drank upon the sly, or was all the time
tipsy; or that he was insane; thirdly,
that it was due to American peculiarities.
Our narrator was told this bye!) English
man, when he remarked be preferred not
to have him think it the 'latter of the
Pochahontas married Rolfe—
which is the same word as Randolph.
Randor's grandfather had a perfect
right o Rolfe's if he chose it. While in
London he saw fit to dress in the Rand-
olph clan. carried sward. pistols and
dirk; bad his leg bare to the knee, just
like an old Scot. Once at a theatre two
young men, from his strange dress and
other cause, smiled at him. He turned
"Let him who smiles
to them and said
at tartan beware of the dirk," and at the
same time brandishing the dirk.
The Washington officials became very
tired of him. They feared him, and in
order to get rid of him, he was appointed
Minister Plenipoteniary to Russia. He
refused to accept unless permission was
given to spend some time in Italy for his
health, This was granted, as would any
thing to have got rid of him. He went
to Italy, stayed some time there—went to
Russia and remained only one month ;
then went to England and made quite a
long stay before returning home.
The reason why he left Russia was this:
While be was there, and before he had
been presented to the Emperor, some one
undertook to teach him the presentation
etiquette of that Court. It was very
simple. The Minister was to enter the
door and bow, at the middle of the room
bow again, approach the Emperor and
bow, and then the Emperor would meet
him and enter into conversation. He
was indignant at the idea of any one at
ternptiing to teach him, and said, "Don't
you think I know how without you show
ing me ?" The day for his presentation
approached. He entered the room and
bowed very low—came to the middle of
room, stopped, and bowed—he then came
nearer, took off one gauntlet and threw
it on one side of the Emperor and then
the other on the other side of the Em
peror—them he pitched his hat off in
front, threw off his mantle—threw off his
award and fell on his knees. The Em-
peror was perfectly astonished, but being
a well-educated man knew how to act
under such circumstances. So he ap
proached, lifted him up and conversed
with him. His reception did not come
up to his ideas, so, being disgusted with
Russia, be left iu a month.
He had an unbounded admiration of
Marshall, who was the only man who
could at all control him. When Marshall
was 74 be was in the Convention, and an
attack was made upon the Judiciary.
i;nce andtriuMpllanWttl.:ll I.
speaking of this speech, said: "It
was a Gibraltar, and every answer was a
pistol shot against the solid rock." Rand
olph died of consumption. It is said
that when he was lingering—after he
could not speak a word—that he Wrote
upon a card "Remorse;" this idea has
generally gotten abroad. The truth,
however, is that he was attended during
his illness by a man by the name of R.
Morse, and be, fur some purpose, wrote
his name.
He was a man of immense knowledge,
especially of little things not generally
kuoWn by other people, He once said he
could bound every county in England,
tell all of its towns, in what part of tile
country they were, name the course of
every river, and the counties through
which it flowed. • I
Our narrator dined one day with Mi.
Otis. It was past the hour named. All
the company had arrived; still dinner
was kept waiting for Randolph. In he I
came, abont a half hour after the time. I
Dress in those days was peculiar; no one
thought of going to a dinner party with
the clothes he wore every day. He came
in with his buckskin pantaloons all spat-!
tered with mud; he had on high-top
boots; still retained his hat; had his rid
ing whip in his hand. He made no ap
ology to Mrs. Otis—merely said : "As it
was a pleasant day lie bad lengthened his
ride." He sat at Mrs. Otis's right, while
our narrator sat to the right of Mr. Otis,
at the other end of the table. During
the dinner he called out to our narrator
in a loud voice: "Mr. P—! Mr. P-1"
"Sir!" Mr. P— replied. "Was it ign
orance on the part of you forefathers, or
what was it, that led them to put Norfolk
south of Suffolk ?"
In England, Norfolk is where the north
folk live, and Suffolk where the south folk
live. Mr. P. did not know it at that time.
When he came home he found, after
diligent inquiry, that Suffolk was named
first—it was settled by immigrants from
Suffolk, who gave it the name of their old
home, as did the Norfolk people who after
wards settle Norfolk.
not Colonel Pinckney, of Virginia. The
way our narrator became acquainted with 1
Pinckney was this: While be was Alin- I
later to England, he went. there ; ho had I
a letter of introduction to him and lost
but little time after his arrival in present
ing it. After belied returned to Wash
ington, our narrator sought him in ac
cordance with his invitation. He was
the greatest lawyer I ever knew, says our
narrator. He had an excellent memory.
It was naturally weak, but he had system
atized his knowledge—linked it together
so that one part would support the other.
He began life a poor boy at Havre de
Grace. He went into a lawyer's office to
sweep his floors. He would spend his
spare time in looking into the books. He
cultivated quite a fondness for legal sub
jects. Friends let him have money, and
and he studied law. He was at once very
successful. He had an immense command
of language and of an thorities. He had
great sagacity in resorting to just what he
wanted. He never used a superfluous ci
tation, hut if there was all in the range of
legal literature anything he wished to use
in his argument, he had it It was a dis
puted point who was the stronger in log
ic, he or Webster. In rhetorie he was far
ahead. He had all or Choate's elegance
of language, but a great deal more ele
gance of delivery.
As a legal orator be had a mysterious
power, not frequently called magnetism.
He had an attractive manner of delivery,
securing and holding the attention of his
hearers until he brought to bear the pow
er of subduing their minds. Webster op
posed him in his last case—a patent ques
tion, involving something about a part of
a cotton-loom. There could be no drier
subject in all the range of the law. His
argument covered two whole days. There
was no time during the whole of it when
the Court House and all the ways around
it was not crowded full of the elite of
Washington. -He had a_peculiar charm
of gesture which attracted the attention
of every one. He would not confine him
self to one spot, but in the course of his
argument he would move about before
the Court. - Let him talk upon what sub
ject he would—you could not help listen
ing, being convinced. As a man, he was
perfectly - kind and courteous toward all,
but he had one weakness which swallow
ed up all the rest. He was the vainest
person alive. He was vain of his vanity.
—While I was in Russia, I and another
attache were sitting in his parlor, waiting
for him to come to dinner. He came in
after along while, black and dirty as any
man. Without sayingtt word he walked
up to the sofa, jerked off his hat, threw it
and his sword down. At last Mrs. Pinck
ney returned, and asked, " What is the
matter?" " Matter! I have been insulted,
Madam! That is what's the matter." At
this, our narrator says, my sword and that
of my friend, as if by magic, leaped from
their scabbards, to avesge the insult. I
ventured to ask "How r Turning to me
he said : "Sir! Is not a man of my name,
my position, my country, insulted when
he get up at 8 o'clock to pay homage to a
little girl (a Russian Princess) ?" I ven
tured to suggest that we were invited at
11. "Can a gentleman dress in less than 1
three hours ?"
He used to bathe every day, and after
bathing he would throw a thin gauze ov
er himself and have two body servants i
throw flue salt him. He had heard, he
said, "salt would preserve the skin." It
was true that his complexion was fine, so
much so that there was a rumor spread
that lie painted. This was not true, for
our narrator has time and again seen him
plunge his head into a basin and give his
face such a rubbing that no paint in the
world could remain on it. He paraded
his efforts in making this show. He liked
to such rumors of himself. He was 54
when in St. Petersburg and 60 when in
Washington, though he looked like 30
when he went into company. He was not
rely fond of society, and would not re
main longer than ten o'clock at a party
oftentimes. When he came out he would
say, "Let us go home and have a chat,"
which our narrator was most willing to
do. When he got there he would begin
to unmake himsif. He was laced in every
.is'e)tha ofilird4,liXibeiratiiii:lta
mense piece of silk, about a yard and a
half square. It was folded diagonally,
corners turned in, and that filled with a
long piece of padding, or, as it was com
monly-talled, pudding, which was made
for that purpose. It was then folded and
drawn tightly around the neck, his more
than ordinarily so. His whole dress was
faultless and beautiful, as well as most
fashionable. The only thing that troub
led him was his thin hair, though he was
not bald. After he had all his tight
clothes off he would fall back into his
chair and tell his servant to bring him a
glass of "peach drink," which was no oth
er than most excellent punch, made with
old peach brandy. He would turn to our
narrator and say: "Mr. P—, will you
have a glass of peach drink ?" "Yes, I
think I will." There we would sit nod
talk until very late.
On one occasion I told him I would
like very much to hear him in the Sen
ate, and I would be glad if he would let
me know when he was going to
' speak
upon any question. He replied • " do
not know that I will have much to say
this term. Ido not know of any topic
which will come before the Senate upon
which I will be likely to speak, unless the
Senate gets into a confused, chaotic
state, and will need me to setthem right."
Our narrator once told Webster of this,
who did not. like him. He said; "It was
all exactly so, only he was a great fool to
say it."
After a night's hard study he would
come into court, and in discussing a ques
tion, would in the course of his argument
say: "I think' your honors will find an
authority for—that—in—the Brat of
East, about 604—yes—I should say about
604—and on the right hand side." While
lie knew it, having Just exclaimed. All
this was done for effect, in order to make
the populace think he knew not only the
law, but knew the location on the page.
It was generally supposed that he died
from over-exertion in the cabs in which
he was opposed by Webster, though
knowing his habits of life as I did, I do
not think that was so. I sat up with
him lute during the night before his at
tack, and had promised him "Cooper's
Spy," which bad just dome out. and
which he was anxious to see. The night
of his attack I took it to him remained
late, and left him reading it. The next
morning I came down to breakfast late,
and was asked by the landlady :—" Mr. Pi
—, have you heard from your friend
Mr. Pinckney ?" I replied "No! is there
anything the matter with him?" " I was
told lie was dead." 1 hurried over to his
house, and was at once admitted to his
room. I found him very low, having
been stricken down with apoplexy. I
approached him and said, "How are you,
Mr. Pinckney ?" -I scarcely know; I
feel a little weak —after you left me, I
had something of a fit, and fell into a
dreamy state, and when I woke this
morning I felt weak and found physicians
around me." He said be had sat np
reading the novel very late. He criticized
the book with his usual intellect and cor
rectness, showing that his mind had not
at all been impairect The family, who
had been sent for, came that evening., I
stayed with them until after midnlght,
when I left birn'alntost insensible. Nest
day when I called I fblind him entirely ,
so. He lingered a favr , dals in this state
and then died.
It was true he was attacked the day af
ter Webster's speech, but I should say bia
lacing contributed much to his death.
Although he was the greatest lawyer
of his age, his name is saircely known.
Such is the evancescence of legal fame.
A lawyer who mingles in politics will be
spoken of, as Holt and Mansfield, but
better lawyers than.,they will, soon be for
gotton. 'the fame of a great lawyer is
only written as in running water.
I knew well. Ile was a charming man,
but I will nut speak of him, nor of 'Fal
well, who was the leading lawyer of Vir-
ginia in his day
My acquaintance with Webster was be
gun in the court-room, where we often
met. He was forty years old when he
came to Boston from New Hampshire. I
was at that thy , twenty-three. Just
about this time the Spanish claims came
up. But I must explain them: Our
merchants claimed twenty millions of
dollars for losses suffered during the Na
poleon wars. Spain admitted their claim
so far as to let us have the Floridan, and
pay us also five millions of dollars besides,
This sum of money was to be divided
among the claimants. Three Commis
sioners were to be appointed, before
whom the claimants were to be heard.
Our narrator was employed by the Bos
ton merchants to look after their claims,
which were immense,-in fact, the larger
part of the whole sum. They desired
Webster to be with him, and they ap
proached him on the subject. He ex
pressed a willingness to go to Washing
ton, They arranged the fee and put the
agreement in writing. If the sum recov
ered was so ho was to have five per cent.-
We went on to Washington. When we
got to Philadelphia he was approached by ,
the merchants there, and asked to repre
sent them. He asked me if I thought
the Boston merchants would object? I
told him I thought not, unless the inter
ests comflicted, if, so, they would. He
desired me to ascertain. I did so,
found the matter as I have stated. Web
ster then bargained with them. He re
ceived $2,000 in hand as a. retaiuer. The -
next day he spent this $2,900 in buyinga
silver service. He was in Washington
three years in looking after these interest.
At the end of the time he got possesion
of the money. I called to see him. Be
said : "Was there not something said
about a maximum for my fee ?" I said to
him: "Yes, a great deal was said about it
and written too." (3'420,000 was the max
imum fixed.) "Mr. P—," said he, "the
calculations are long and tedious; just
let me give checks for ninety-five per
cent. of the whole amount ; we' can ar
range the calculation very well." We
can first put the account into the hands
of an accountant. and he can figure it out
in a whole day, and make it all plain."
"Well, the truth of it is Mr.P—, !have
spent the 820.000 lung ago. Now you
LcAry v'ererilfectelf a 'a° Alai
well, that this is a brand snatched from
the tire, and get them to take 95 per cent-
He got about $60,000 out of thoseiclaims.
He then began to bnild and elegant
house, but soon found himself hopelessly
iu debt. He did not seem to know that
money was money. His income was
large. but his expenses tigreut deal larg
er. He remained in Hides almost all
the remainder of his life. He did not do
much business, but still his income was
large. He once told u friend that it av
eraged $20,000 per year. Ile grew to be
amazingly indifferent to money and debt.
His clerk, nn attorhey once practicing in
his office, said to him: " Mr. A. sent me
to tell you that your note would fall due in
a day or two: "Very well, sir." said he.
"He told me to tell von that he wishes it
paid." "Well sir. - von have done so." ,
"But he wishes me to say to you that it
shall be paid!" "Well, sir, you have done
as he told you. Tell Mr. A. when the note
is paid he shall please to let me know it."
His will is a phettotmnon. It is drawn
up in a masterly nianto and it is just
such a will as he should have made if he
possessed in addition to his residence half
a million to support it.
Of his greatness there eatmot be the
slightest doubt ; but it was the "neatness
of power and not of learning. He would
never study a case it interested
him. He was not a s:,sietnatic thorough
ly read man. Jle teeth! read a hook rap
idly and know mitre of it than most per
sons who studied it The use Coleridge's
phrase, " Ile could read it with his thumb
and feuetinpr."
He fell into a great passion for quoting
Latin sentences in his speeches. He did
this in imitation of the members of the
English Parliament. who never consider
ed a speech finished unless they put a
Latin phrase into it.
He knew very little about Latin.
When we were on our way to Washing
ton, the means of travel were not then as
now. We had to go in stage coaches. I
put a copy of Horace into my valise to
while away the hour as we journeyed. I
was reading it one day, and he asked me
what it was. I told hint. lie said," Alt !
that is just the proper hook to bring; let
me see it." I handed it to him, and ho
could translate no four consecutive lines
in it.
Prof. Gelton used to supply him with
all of his Greek quotations.
He had all the elements of real great
ness, but some follies also. Ile only serves
to illustrate the Greek maxims, which I
will not give, for two reasons: First, You
might not be able to translate it ; and
Second, I would not be able to render it
in Greek ; so I will give you the transla-,
tion: " There never was yet a very great
man without some very great folly annex
ed to him."
This is true of all the men I have ever
known, except Chief Justice Marshall,
and I will close with him as I began, say
ing, "he was one of. the greatest and
kindest men who ever lived."
—"Poor Napoleon ! " exclaims every
body. Yet he is said to have sent to En
gland more money than Fisk and Astor
combined can call their own.
—The peanut crop of Virginia this year
is estimated at 400,000 bushels, while
Tennessee raises 300,000 bushels, and
Georgia and the Carolinas from 150,000
to 175,000.