THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT. E. B. HAWLEY, Proprietor. uoincoo Carao. LrrTLEs & BLAKESLEE, Attorneys and Conn,llors at Law. Office the one heretnifore occupied by It. B. & G. P. Little. cua Main street. Montrose, P. [April . E. LITTLE. OT.O, T. LITTLE. L. L. lILAILLILEIL B. MeKstrzta C C 'Faritor. MeIiENZIE, FAURIIT & CO. Dealers in Dry Gamin. C.lothinz, Ladles and Misses tine Shoe, \!•o. ncente for the crest American Tea and Coffee Company. [Montrose. Pa ,ap.l,4fft. CHARLES 111. STODDARD, Dealer in Boni and Shoat.. fiats and Caps. Leather and Findings, Main Street. :Id door below Searle's Hotel. Work made to order and repairing done neatly. 11t otarose..lan. 1,1.70, LEWIS KNOLL, SHAVING AND HAIR DRESS&G. Shop in the new Posintilee building. where be will be found ready to attend all who may want anythinf in his line. Montrose, Pa. Oct. IL 16/3. P. REYNOLDS, AUCTIONE Elt—Srth. Dry Good, and Merehanlze—alact attends at Vendee. All orders left at my boast, will receive prompt allentlOn. [Oct. 1, 15139—if 0. M. HAWLEY, DEA.LF.II to DRY (OOPF, GROCERIES. CROCKERY Hardware, Hate. Caps. Weds-Shoes. Ready Made Cloth tug, Palate. Ode. etc . New Milford, Pa Idept 8. 'Mk DR. S. W. DAYTON, PITYSTCIAN & SURGEON, tender• Ills service• to the citizens of great Bend and rt• intty Office at bi• residence. opposite. Barnum Burma, Crt.. Bend village. Sept. let, 1569.—t1 LAW OFFICE CIIANITIFRLIN d Nl.-001.1..C11. Attomeyn and Conn• at LAW Office in in.. R irk Block aver the Bank tint/lime Aug. 4. 1560. A Unetrasnuw. . .1. B. Alceosicli. A. & D. It. LATHROP, DEALEIIS in Dry Goods. Groceries, crockery and glaasernre. tahle and pocket calory. Paints. oila, c 1 c stuff.. Itat, hoota and shore, cote Intake, Perfumery Sc. Brick Mork, adjoining the Rank. Montrose. t August 11. Ittra.—tf A. Larttnor. D. R. !rumor. A. 0. WARREN, ATTORNEY %. LAW. Bounty, Una Pay. Penalon and Exem on Claim, attended to. Office 11• our below 130, d't Store. 3101, t rope . Pa. [An. ], '69 W. W. W A TSON, ATTORNEY UT LAW, Mmoro.% Pn Office with L. F. nich {Mastro., Aug. .1, 1869. A. C. SUTTON. • Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent, Prlend•ville, Ps C. S. GILBERT, .ILIIOtIC7O3I.OOT. Great Bend, Pa Q. S. auz. Ala ♦3l I F. LV, la. ea. c.a.:34°lr. A tia 1, 11019 Itrooo n, Pa JOIE\ GROVES, F" IsItit , NABLF. TM- Movt.roe , I Slop G•et 'Chandler', Store. A , ..rOvre• V.ll. dto Oret.rate style. !114 Mont' short not ice. and , ttrrauted to tit. W. W. SMITH, ,BINET AN D CHAIR NLANCIALITR6II9.-1 . 4 of Main #tivet. Montrone. Ps- jang. 1. 18.1 Z. 11. BUR FIVrT ALER in Steplc end Vnur) Goode. Crocker) Hardware. Iron. Stoves, ➢ru rn. 011 t, and Plnle Groceries Shont.ilatt Cap,. Fn Bultnle Robyn .I . rov talons, N en Milford. Pl.. DR. E. P. II INES, line permanently located at Friendeville for the par it p,ee of practicing medicine and enr7.l.ry in all hranci es Be may he f•dind at the Jackson Bon.. Mike bourn from Aa. m, tos p. m. Friend-1011e. Pa.. Ang. 1. IS.O STROVD & BROWN. FIRE AND LIFE .r.IS: - .IANCE AGENTS. hill+inepft attended to prointoly on fair terms. Office firm door north of • Montrose wept fide rot P Doldir Avenne. 'Montrose. a (Aug. I,IM. BILLING! , &IVACO, - C11.1.111.E. L. Firmer.. JOHN SA ETTER, RESPECITFLLY annonneer that he if n.isir pt. pared to cot an kind. efto Gornientf in the mos Style. warraned to ht with eltiome , nd cafe. Shop over the ro-t (Mice. Montrone, Pa • WD. P. LUSK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 31i.titrus, OfEre oppo site the Teirlii•ll HOW.. near he Court House. A tig. 1. ISii9.—ts DR. W. W. S3DITII, nEsTisT. os r from Cr" In ' s Llard ware Store. Office. hour. 9 m. to 45 m Montrmao, Atz, I, 151.9.—tf ABEL TURRELL, :ALER in Unica. Patent hballroyea. Chemical. Lirinora. Paints, 0:1,1 , y. -t lif[v Varniobev, Win Groverley. lila, Ware. Wall and Window Pa. per. Stone wive. Lam pr. Kernaeuv. Machinery . Oily Trna•eli. (lona, Ana...llion. Entire. Spectarlee itrenhee. Fancy Goode. Jewelry, Perth [e. Se— briuc'.n e art he no , nutrivroi,.. • utenoi re. and valuable rad Pert [to, of Goode in Su.anehanne Co.— Eatabl lobed in I , la. [ Mont rove, Pa. D. W. S'EAREE, ATTORNEY AT LAW office °it, the Store of A. Lathrop, to the Brick Block. Mootro•e, Po. jatilTS DR. W. L. RICHARDSON, PHYSICIAN & sl:ll.OEtiN. tenders hitt prorennional nernices to the cit 'aeon of Montrone and ricintty.— Orace at hin residence. on the corner cast of Sur.. a Bro.. Foundry. [Aug. 1, 1569. DR. E. L. GARDNER, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. 'Montrone. Pa. Give ....pedal attention to iltneanen of the Heart en. Lung. and al! Surgical duca•en. OM, over W B Dean.. Boar& at Searle'. hotel. [Aug. 1. IRO BURNS & NICHOLS, \ In I/ruin.. Medicoies, Cherrocals. Dye et .its. Paints. Oils, Varnish. Liquors. Spices Fam , tr< ms. Patent Medicines, Perfumery And Toilet Ar ticles. glerlicescriptions .irefully eumpounded Pnollr Avenue, above bcarle's Motel. Montrose. Ps A. ti. Bruise, Amos N