MTVM4iii"tir E. B. "II . NON TIROS*/ PENN'S_ WEDFF Y% JULY 187 0. im. m U 1 - 7 1 — ‘ : t &T minds. - 7 - inds are &awn "to the im- ii@tAkiii.f4 o3l)er ' re P resenta " tive in Gcmgr,e4s,we musthe-sareful and ,not allow ; onr vigilance to slumber in mat :tens-of miarelocal. interest, 'which may , :conqdered of ' , miner impor tance,Tet,, which we are pot second IMi49,u;tiVto Join vitinti; to the fu titre pr,osperitY ofpur state and nation. .f Aob iof these is thd choice of ,Represen tativesin oar itext Legislature. The tutu- Ttadieat corruPtion at our State flll4sl?equsl/frlgiellai roiled up by ,tlie"ft' and, corrnpt, organizations ;which are ~ in power, in their desperate litnlgles with one another to ' t s lititionacKin 'order to rub, the .tre'asury, 'inktlie:cati'eting Of such villainous legis lation as to even frighten some of the .leaders themselves into a pnblic acknowl - laSeng.,fat.Anc must certam i ly nonymce tue ,peep tnat a re form is absolutely necessary, What is the situation at . the present NOS o - r Ebe leaders and,leadfag jOririials of thndomiriant,par ty, headed- by - the State executive, do nonnce those , who have controlled legisla tion., and charge them with the' most crim- Inal . transactionic in using . their power to firilltrOm the fax-burdened laboring men of this Commonwealth; their money and their rights, for the base purpose of per petuating their - ride. Whether these ad mbiiikons are presented by those who have been thwarted in their own schemes to mittitnize;the people, and hence a jeal ousy has arisen- in consequence which ',mused Them to info "State's evideuce,7 eiPese_ their guilty companions, or Whether • it : is honest repentence oa tleir part and a determination to reform. it-mattersi not, so Icing as past faits and sad expeffe neenriite the validity of their statements, and demand.positive and un cwn.promising revolution. We:want , n 0 imp laws enacted ; but we want to ,midO some of the accursed legislation which now disgraces the ar chives of our 'State-41nd nation, and to strike off the partisMn shackles that are now r galling us, and endeavor to restore Wilation to its primeval purity, and re establish the supremacy of the Constitu tion and republican institutions, which will require the active and honest labors of more than one Legislature. The ques tion now arises where shall we seek for the men to bring about these results ? We often hear it said, even among Demo- est- and . would be just the person, only he has.not been accustomed to public speak- We must have a man that can talk." WocOncede that men of eloquence, who tins:less the other requisite qualifications nakt be' preferable,' but our experience allows that we are .being rained by mere 14iiing men. We want sterling, honest, active men ; men - who cannot be bought With gold or bribed by power. The decep tii-ebdarney of the leaders of the present •.. , corrupt organization which is ruling us hula misled :the unsuspecting people •en ough already, and like a gang of pick ptickets. 'these' hyPocri tes have been en ter ds with fanciful speeches at the same, lime they have been pinking our pockets.and robbing .us of on? liberties.— Wotan all most emphatically - finite in the angiority or imayer and say "Good Lord deliver us*.! from farther affliction in that direction. .. Senates and legislatures are not swayed at present bylonest•eloquence asin olden tithe, nor as in the- early history of our l , owisnution.; but our sacred rights and ' libecties am being bartered away for pow er and pelf. us look fora moment at some of , the acts of- onr past l eoislators. have aided•by their votes to saddle upon infamous and fraudidentlyphtained fifteenth amendment, to Tiollute op r polit and.ii-icialinstitutions in direct oppo sition .to the declared wishes of ' n large majority of the people of this common- I wealth. They have inflicted us with rail- I road swindles, metropolitan police unpatented . land ' tobberies,--and a long : catalogue of infamous legislation that should , dociin -them to political oblivion forever. - - Thepeople :have' become restive under' iliit..4ate. - - of • afrainr. and are dr.. raandingirtimuo as the 'elections for a , few Months past 'most emphatically de- ruonstrate, and the voice at the ballot-box is, let-the- pure principles Of Democracy again bear sivay. • A•few'wordii to the Democracy of Sus quehanna. :Oonrity and *their duty at the present : crisis !‘• • • • • • There iS•eVidently a mutinYamong the cress , who have been sailing The Radical craft in our-totitity in suelf•high tide, and the - passengers are of the-01)01MT that the ship is: leaky, - -and must - Sink, and are threatening to leave her. -We see marked eridenco. that :overtures will, be made to induce Democrats lo• embark :with them to aid the mutineers in getting posseision" ofthaabili;:and.adgbat in &aulking_upthe leaks, itrith the promise o£ 'a I timately run ning her into a Democratic turbot: - Be not debeiVed; • Let the pifielich (Iota; and 'Fit!' the genuine principles of Democracy for tiileticiat, and with. title and honest white men,at thelieha s lat,ns paddle our"own canoe,.; mid- all Who 'Are desirous that .white 'men ihaßrnie Amer ica will.flock to'our standard. - ';' ' , l4et the Radical ship l with - its freight 'of negro equality, corruption, and 'taxation. pita own *jay to destrnethiti. • re°r&F 11ef1e1161 'ls an in va gl2,tt rar,lel that her health wig - nertr•r t ukittliolpe Opinion. Cu _rr....00-. !----r-------."-----r-r-_-! - _. .. ,,T:-.-e-- Publitlla& Out and Keep It. , Frank Dyre, a highly respectable and The Administration-congress. intelligent farmerof,elliEWllent coun • 14-givea-thq.Sllowintlis a cure for - .'41 *i ,,,- "k-, ---- AeM,._ ._ Theal'Olv Yort,TeAtintile Vonritak an ..ip bite oftpa4; g. Aififill be . seen, lo ~,i t with the most gratifying s cible *id first Chits.'.comme&tal ipa' per r. il has IA -- -, ults :. - .:,..,.. 14 rv.,.. it ! eutnd hipoliticll;litfree itg.the ' rear.';eip lEbleamitiie is aslant fed known to iiorrit-opittiori - on all 'ktitijeCts, decline' most Osoils; - to - be foilnd in many commerce and the interests of the people, of our gardens. Imtnedidaly after being bitten, take one and a half ounces of the says :. ' root•of the plant—the green root is per haps preferable, but the, dried till ausweif and may be found in Ma arug et ores, and ,V1.0.45.4,14.41-Sliost , .. l Ar..-rbruise , pitt , it.. into a pint of fresh milk, boil down to so haffpint,iiitrdnOind. When-cold - drink if, fasting at least aiipbours Uftemard. The next 'morning,' fasting, , repeat the dose praiiaredias thelaSt:alwil this will be 'stiffi oited. -, lt is' reeminnended that after each dose nothing be eaten• for at • least six rroß.4ts, f , Them is p?.4etiying the fact that the people at largefare becoming discouraged in view of the financial prospect, and are pidlrlosingecmfidencetrthesbflitrof the.pment administration. In an additional article entitled '° Con gressional Demotraliitatlbn,7 that staunch Republican'jniiMal, tlietlfeland hrerald, says : The best thing Congress can' do, is to I reconsider its resolbtion: for the July ad journment, and adjourn iostanter: If'that cannot be accoruptished.o.therr take a re cess until live minutes before the expira tion of the. day.set foradjOurnment. Con gress can do. no good for the remainder of this Session. let that be a shorter or 164- er time. Time has been fritted away, the people :hare becbme dissatisfied °Altai f ferent, the tntissof members in theirfran tic efforts .to do something to save the bad reputation of the session, strike out wildly, and as often hit friend as foe. The Herald then goes on to argue that iii.dinurnrnent offor , r. tlva.nullx ntki. pr.aa,,t ' •• course to 'pursue—that it would have " been the best possible thing for the " country had nothing been attempted " at this session." • The New York CoMmercial Advertiser iu quoting and commenting on the above save: It is too late now for sober judgm t en t to rally to any theory or any ineasitte, and if Congress would adjourn tojilay, a great burden would be immediately lifted,frotn the country, particularly the finances, which have been kept m an 'unnatural and depresSed condition for weeks past. In the light of last week's performance at the Capitol, these views, to which We gave expression weeks ago, will strike the public as eminently sound, and proper.— We believe that the whole country is now of the opinion that Congress should ad journ, i nstan ter.' The .New York Tribune of a recent date, in its Washington notes, has the fol lowing : • One might say of the, present session of Congress, as the Irishman did of the rope he was hauling in, "Faith, an' the other end of it is not cut off r' if Congress waits to finish the bills entered, it may es tablish a perpetual term, with vacations only from July to September, and at New Year.. The Congressional rule seems to be that if one man can do a piece of busi ness in one day, it will take seventeen men seventeen times as long. Ou the ap pearance of a new bill, somebody disputes its priority ; then remarks from many members settle that question ; a member disputes it again ; says something severe ; a member retorts. First speaker b apolo gizes, giving a lovely example of Christian meekness ou the floor. The other.side ac cepts apology. A • member awaking on the back row wants the bill read again.— et, er Bt. e • -^q tie caber side rises .. assure him that the face of the bill declares no such thing. I Committee interrupt to report on after ! math for the Indians. A member arises to approve the bill. Another, ditto, as if voting for a measure was not sufficient I approval. Message from the President Resolution for the celebration of some public festival two weeks from date; shut down on resolution. Member would like the eleventh line of the fifth again ; another announces that at some future time .he will deliver a speech on some otlier 'subject. Members want to I vote for evening session, the time being now tweity—mmutes of four o'clock—the harharoris Washington dinner hoar.—. I MeMber moves to refer f bill ; vote on re, ferring ; vote by yeas and nays.requested, • ttc. &c. Special comment tm the above, we think, is unnecessary. We deeply regret that Congress deserves the censure im plied, and we sincerely hope that no im portant Measures shall be acted upon meanwhile. ' Fearful Oil Fire ifr Pittsburg Two !curb? .truric 12'0021v—A tre inendoffs Prrrsuraci, June `2B.—The most dims- , trolls oil fire which ever occurred- in this city is now raging near the Sharpsburg bridge in•the Eighteenth ward. . Tile Eclipse tank instantly exploded, the burning oil running towards the river and burning all the buildings, including Dr. Twedle's house and setting fireto the Sharpsbnrg: bridge, which was totally de stroyed. At three H. M., during a terrible rain storm. in which the houses were blown down, and tress uprooted, 20,000 barrels of oil in a tank, belonging to the Edipel Refinery, was struck by,lightning. Anoth er tank, boloneing to the eitizene'lleflo eq. was struck at the same time. The Citizens' Refinery, with one tank of crude oil, and a warehouse wer burned. Forsyth 4:t Brothers lose one tank of 3,0(10 barrels of crude oil. The Astral-Works of John B. Bellensous lose Buildings. tin. The • Anchor Works of , Dilworth ,Bros, lose one tank of crude oil. The National I Refinery and Storing Company ' s !Bleach ing House was destroyed. The Allegheny Valley Railroad CoMpany had ten cars of crude oil burned, and lose on oil e 6,000. The Sharpshurg Bridge, was insured...for *40,000. Citizens' Refinery.. 820,000 insured. Eclipse building, 815,000 ou oil and 18,- 000 on machinery ;insured for:860,000in Eastern. ; companies. Swearingen Bt. M'Oamßess, agency. for , Forsyth Bros., $15,000; insurancetmall. Auction works, $1,300. liational works, 415,0004artly insured. Total loss probably 8500,000. Henry C. Foster,,,brother , of •the late Stephen C. Foster,:a Clerk at the Eclipse refinery, was,burn4 to,tileatb,,and Valen tine Holley was inisired,lint not fatally. HAPicyss.z-;Learn • in` , if you can; that happiness =is • not Outside: A-good teart and a clear onnicionce luting' , happintstr, whielino:rictulr and . p 0 nir enmstonces alone tan ever ISO. • ' • —Aiyeeang 'man , in. suoscille bnd liis jaw -bone broken laiely <1347.-the , explosibil of a barrel 9f ale which-Co wavattempt 'ing ti-The.lltad-< , (4 Abe `:barrelte* out 41.4 • the. face with.ferriblit. force. <-, • 116tirti: I have a son who4ns bitten by a mad dog eighteen pans ago; . :►nd four other , children.ih the' neighborhood' Were also bitten. They Intik the above dose, and are alive:Mid well to this day. And I -have a number of others who were bitten, , and applied the same retnedy. It is supposed that the root contains a principle which, being taken up by the blood in its circulation; counteracts or neutralizes the deadly effects of the TIM of-hydrophobia. Pfeel so much confidence in this sim ple remedy that I am willing you should glue my name in connection with this suiteuirnn. - Amnofly The Reconstruction committee of the House have reported an amnesty bill which gives a fall pardon to all partici pants in the rebellion except seven classes of persons specially excepted from its pro visions, vis..l Those who, educated at West Point, entered the Confederate ser vice; those who, having been in either branch of Congress, aided the rebellion ; cabinet officers and ministers of the rebel government; the signers of the ordinances of secession ; those who treated our sold iers cruelly when they were prisoners : de serters; and, lastly: those who misappro priated the moneys of the general govern ment. These exceptions include a great majority of the aldest,wealthiestand most cultivated people of the South. If these exceptions are worth anything, no man in these classes should be relieved form his disabilities; but many of them have al ready been relieved us soon as they hint Radical. The government should make a clean thing of it, and relieve everybody except those charged with crime. for not until that is done will the wounds of the rebellion be healed. Another White Victory The city election at Independence. Mis souri, which took place on the 14th inst, resulted in a glorious triumph for the Democracy, and that too, notwithstand ing the fact that the registration had add ed one hundred and twenty-two colored Baines to the Radical vote. The &Winn! says that the Radical leaders confidently expected to elect their ticket with this new accession ; but "they forgot the white man, and the white man forgot theta. Large number of Radicals, hitherto in full fellowship with the party went to the polls and deposited straight Democratic tickets." The candidates on both sides were personally po ular. J. H. doter votes over Peter Adams (Radical. who ' received 224 votes. James Peacock (Dem ocrat) was elected Marshal out of nine Councilmen the Democrats elected seven. The white man's column still marches on in its unproken series of success. A Wholesome Field Drink The excesSive nse of cold water during the sweltering, heat of summer often re sults in serious and alarming illness. It is therefore advisable that some beverage should be substituted for it, of which those appre.ssed can partake with safety. For this purpose I am aware of no better' or more refreshing drink than the follow ing; Take of the best white Jamaica gin ger root, carefully braised, two ounces;, cream of tartar, one ounce; water quarts, to he boiled for about five-Minutes, then strained ; to the strained liquor add one pound of sugar, and again place it 1 over the fire; keep it well stirred until , the sugar is perfectly dissolves, and then I ' pour it into an eart&m vessel, into which " you have previously put two drachms of tartaric acid' and the rind of one lemon, land let it remain till the beat is reduced to a hike warm temperature ; then add a tablespoonful of yeast, stirring them well together and bottle for use. The corks must he well secured. The drink will be in high perfection in four or five days. This is a refreshing and wholesome bey emge, and one which may be partaken of without any unpleasant results even in the hottest weather. LITTLE CORPORAL AG AZ I NE.—The July number of this beautiful juvenile conies to ns greatly enlarged and im proved, as well as finely illustrated. The wonderful growth of this young Nvialeon of the jriveiliks has been as eurprignig as it is interest ing. Its einielation has shot far ahead of that of any of its competitors. Itztorratter i 5 entirely original and of a very high order. - , The freshness and vi vacity of its pages cause the eyes of all our young people to sparkle. In its nett, improved form it is one of the handsom est, as it is the cheapest, magazines we have ever seen. Childlike but not-child ish. It rejoices the hearts of both -parents and children alike.• This number begins a new volume; now is a good time to sub scribe. One dollar a year; sample copy, 12 cents. • Published by-Sewellz& - .Niller, Chicago, Id.' - I=l —The West• Point eiulets say, when u lady wears a loit dress to one of their hops they hive to' lookat her; when she wears a short oue;theY dove to dance with her. weighmaster of, the New York Fat Men's Association turns.the Beale, at 286 lbs, and the president 0,246. There are ninety .members, -andi the 1 - .ayerage weight - 4 2:10 —Pnifesaor lilltnant;- of Yale= College, has been elected! PMideat.OptheTriiiver sits of Californhi, and quetice . - - Ficild;- of the 11 , -B.!Supreme - tConrt, - Trofelsor - = of • Law in the same inetitatioli: • • • . ~ isaptast Assomstion taa,ytr i aet at Leieetter, Znglainl4,43:observe,l,heir. yen-. tennial anniveradip- 'rho leading divines of the denomination are present,. and the, Prdetedings . dePlY l *•,*ilig- , • •=g4WashingVneshodyteriantstill His whole namw this time ••Is Samuel landa3rifetts; he lives ra Syritexise,.,3l6w: York, and, - he 'is imly 2113.-egist,o* : . —Butter is selling in parts of Lancas ter md.,l9llnuter 14;0 ties a ," teen ce . :. a and r , ~ .. v ,l . , i —PAgelphiA . so gau ! r•k ersls "anntquig thiineighko ened" `ilr ';,,,_, r i.:: -‘ -. • —The new shops .of the Pennsvlvania Railroad Commy. at Altoonfy,ill cover twenty-one acres • :1 T4tory,,gulf*Pl4l4o4 We: r the marriage of a veitit man of twenty to an , 7 -13,eatting i and 4inenster,„the gestia)aug !Mies 4b,e i , bite,,arec,wtt , tiont Agtreet,pneeenget: Gen. - Wnliarri.liletlandless, of 'Phila delphia. ha. 4 salled-fop It iverpoop: in • the staeineeJava;•fronolo York.;- •_*.i —"Capture 'of ,S6il` Dav'ee,; 41-:_410 headipg:in,the Hirrisb - rg Eifrot - of, an artial,pp - n Aescept on diiiiiderli, house. —The library of the elinsylvtinia His torical Szoietsr, • Philadelphirw is said to contain fifteen thousand Nolumes of great value. • —Tbere Sugar Grove r Warren hey are said to be honest, thriftY,atia itidastrio4 people. . -•-lion. Alexander K. Meelure will de liver the annum. address -before the literary societies of Jefferson Colleu; at Washiner ton,' Pa. ' • —There bate, beeli:raW, ,Out of the susquehautut boom, at Willianispolty tho present season up to J'eue 3kl, 2.55,§22 logs, sealing 51,8;5,23G feet, board meas ure. —Governor Ge - ary has re-commissioned P. Frazer Smith. Esq., of Chester county, as State Reporter.of Supreme Court cases for a term of five .years, commencing on the first of Jnne next. .• • --Two brothers ifi Westmoreland coun ty, Pa., aged respectiVely 57 and titl'Years, became enamored with their pretty_maid servant, and. had a fight about the matter, in which pistols were freely used. • —Tim:locomotive manufactnrin_g,estab lishment of iluirdi& C. on Broard street, Philadelphia, is a mauunoill concern,_ the of the kind in, he wide world: At these works eighteen-hundred operatives are daily employed: —William Gill More Simms' last words were : -Not, Lone. -' . —M. de .i..esyps,,the bullaer.oi the Suez Canal, has arriyvti iu England.. —A Georgia town, is so, healthy it is lig to cat up its cemetery into building lota. —Virginia Oysters are ,sent to England packed in niud, that they may reach their destination alive. —Red Cloud say.i:sorne of the words he sent to Washington were drowned in Whisky before(he got. there. , -Ellllll Burritt is now ialtirmin,glirn, England, engaging a lot•of Eafrlisti ser vant girls for Pi6 . l-14 . en6 ! :, R tayLiliet, .„ -- PMY9 4 4...rogidolc the -,nett;,,,Ftench MiniSer i is,irhiaolguneand,elognent iv id oWery who wilt wake a, decided: istipres- son. Most of ,them: have been shippod North. —There is a colored man in Winooa, Miss,. who refused to take the, iron-clad oath when offered a position As, mail car rier. —A Boston girl, not quite eight vearir, old, weighs *OO , Around; the calves of her legs she metitured twenty- four inches anon half. —Kate Field is talking aliont alulicaj ti-ng the lecture field. and entering,a ,new sphere. A New, ~/erseyr e ditur 14 . 8;1,4 tu,l,el the happy man... .1-Lord. Derby/laid. the foundation stone ' oft), new hospital at, Liverpool. The.noblet, earl had previously given the Site fot• Mut institution:: . , • Letttbrs from the plains, received at'; St. Louis, report, nearly .all the young men ofthe Ara alkie aria Cheyenne ans on'the war-path.' , —A number of citizens in Charleston. H. C., have engaged eminent legul conn sel, with the view of testing the validity of the city debt in the courts. • .. ommunicationo. Letter ream New York. Nati. Your. Jane 20th, 18t0 . . Editor of the MOotrosz Derneerai: ' • Sot :—A visit to Cony Island4Willi the thermometer at 93 And 90 in the shade, one lbels I like taking a trip where,the breeze Ls stronger I and the climate cooler. Adjacent to the city, end one of the best bath ing places is Cony 'plead Take a boat at the 1 foot of Warren st., already partly tilled from a 1 landing farther up town, and you can enjoy a 1 cool ride.fer nearly an hour on the-bay to Corey ' Island. The scorching rays of, the sun glisten upon the waters, but thedepreashas feeling front heat La changed to a Cool and 'entigoritlng one front the ocean breeze; Tattebir your hat - and let that strong breeze blow thrOugh .your hair whistling the native you of freedom. .lirmv as you advance further4ut9 the hay the,air,,grows ' cooler and 3;oa fee/ aline& naComfortably cool, Beside you sits a mile and delicate iiiitng man, although Clothed wllltwooterta; be is'ladjusting an overcoat so coolisthe, brcetc- If a:smoker,. remove to the stern of, the l,oat, and Pe- en joying the curling vapor, t view Ake' beautiful 1 scenes that surround you.' Now a little. tug tows tire or els canal boats loaded with lumber or othermiaterial from the Eastern or . Canada. lumber districts: Either of those boats are three times as large as the tug. ~ Again, to , the. right lies in her faurdy Pibpbrtithis ii" French man of war. From bar bow ficatilhe flag" ef• lint 'id tion while a the itern, her: native' colors , save cradle breeze. °italic; tigging anft emadliall, manner, of ittenligarix i e*s: to 4117, it,being.wasir day: ' Again A flailing smack With,sall spread, in, graceful stride's snoves3 14,. among 't!eatit3' la - ' 1 stead of perwer like her iteighber: l Nowt little '1 row: 110 41 - 3mM three orinix men to-sees. riding on the, waves every,,wanait ,thinking. ;to Binh to Hahne mere. bilfripw tvliesi tNit , v4xchnpep: ! the little boat Is lost tn vie* for a second to ' tia even' again me - stated dpeti ;its' recedlie:iiiiitCra.' It mustl be -pleasant dr sport , thus ; with': the ' waY,ozp.PUt , avithall..dangerous. - - -Faitend. - yottr gaze up the &strive; on; the _New Xork Aide, ruitTiohatiilbreat 'ol"slilit mists-present thein 'selves to view. • 11.ilig, - irf eyery ; &ta10n...4E0 ferry twits:vitt mistds.of!retal;t3ngefte cDOWn the Bay off in the dhtance looms the tunny white nail,slike birth ution 1h0.7 , 44e1l ,_, Aga r .. - a boaCtrinif the! lishin"glAnkti 1911 e mall crew,. • and music sending 400 its. beautifu straps - Upon thetanii•oT wittei:::9o4,Ali6il4l,t greaten Tsland.,-: h 4 h:. Weave i' the - - BAP' tleca r- -'— ' a 3 W_ bauft9me ffrolvcnituut /Igo* ~.., gnirfilAnd : Mg un eitinsire,irfetv.orgte..oaias, 14 419,-.14 roost inviting place' for:imkniner restoez ..1,...y,n,g,f,p -jaud also slinire sopa; licautifitlOtam reala,e l l : ces fronting nil the 13try; -..GrttubrW litfedtaitr-in thO-liicit charming riTutiantrtihat4Milltiar pid taste . could dictate; words _ten. gulden el t4B Shrill qt-vookt,N::•r; lizoduaitilic..: . .-. .. , s - il .-f - i' . ' &chided lunbsitositideVittlibbtin liVean' Aikt keitktis frOn WOO - IV:Ai. ,iiniT'IVII . .....___ . _ . llama the great Irish • comedian's summer resi dence. Now we ane almost to Long Island. One mound of sand sparsely covered with as si • sea- , marks that once burbionable ' .. •h a - t Co traX i with a 4 l l l l, b e er r it Orilds on . g and 8 MO Alpe won - e c *t the re on of n "'Which Eto .- duces s , it island. -, ut if astonish% its - viT th r nness w ' as m surpriked a e lishifti firbeacfro NV ite sand that 'meets the view. The surf too is gnmd. Wave after wave rolls along Its mojeetiegraqdeur.. 41.41qc,,entbus Aunt bei• houlai built in form of a square, , ar4e i r ir loatm,y4 K latationed at the I.*o Lari at are watchmen, 7 * ~ : wrir. t ial7the place ati much as pee _siblefrominekpec kets thatfreguenteuckpl your value_ ,bles otheey ,7#hile bathing. Donned in.tiritifeU&a nostfinie you go in to bathe. Dive in as soon as possible and wet fourselrali oier or yen - WM endure a Very un pleasanttlereatidii - you ktime fittahtely till the water is deep enough to cover you. Now you aroPartahing of :the strengthening and ledger effects'of salt water so Mire aud grand that you wishi - Cbuld; like she !tarty tribe =kelt your tiotnu Swinfabektt nose and ride upon. those waves 29 they near their boundary— advance against iliem and you are carried un ret4t ibly . hack, hal I* your advance, 141 t no w when tho-lreeetie you go with increased "spt:ed tin an other &Mies- and drives you backraiaiti. if you :cannot striae stand and let those wave tide over your bock, `nhatost,throwing you tlown•with the threoof.,the4 mgPem u .Arowisou are -oil manner of pte3oni; enjoying the sport. tadien who few =mites ngo, preeented fair aimell -dons now look lite tiellatte.ehllitrert. Timidly !clinging to their .companion they venture out till a 5'.4 17 .e comes dashing against ;hem, pro ducing a cool and pleasant sen , vition, il4t: a moment ttgp has so;alred.. New they find the greatent pleasure in rolling about, or trying' to swim is the source of the greatest pleasure. .4eff tyn - apnrting about as pleasant and .happy apparently is if water wits their natural eletheilt. Look at diOte - animalsblirck and large rotting over and Over", now on the surface then under the water. • Thens are 'a number of • thent , all seem Dining in the. same •direetion. Thiy are PorPolaes Of the , large fishes Ihey come 'near est the chore, The greatest nuisance to lie met in visiting Cony Island 'Ls Winds of gainblers who came down t 6 fleece the unsuspecting strangers.. ' , Three card month" is their favorite game. It is played with three cards on each of which Is a different figure.. One of tho cards is shown you and you are requested t 6, tell that card from 'the other after the player eliangeir three cards from cats plate to another. Ydu are confident you can tell the card, and if you let on your imprion, you are sure to have a num ber of accomplices surround the players, and bet against them to delude strangers. I:lllh (finds of dollars arcexhillited ha sham bets; or- easionio. the party betting Is permitted to win as ma indueomept Motttsiden3 Eloirover, theselenows tctll,not molest anybody who ten to her own buiiiness z :and, as in almost all other civics of 'iwintlle, victims-, are 'those l euribus per sons,who will .know all that is:being done Mind them. i , • • ~, The .betteh is n beantift4 [dace to ramble after a bathe.. Tti„ music of lie waves as they beat agairiat the shore, 'stealing up on the sand atilt If not`at a safe: dktance Wetting your fret. is a scene moat beautlibl to enjoy, in. conclusion, let me say, any one coming to w Torii: in the sun - inter. sdason .should not foil' to visit COny Lahti L FELL'. Sunday . School Asiochttloo. The annual meeting of the Susquehanna County Senility School Association was held in the'Congree-ational Church, at liarford on Wed nesday; Dune 8, IEOO. J. B. Oregg, President, called the meeting to cater at 10 A. Y.,- with some remarks setting forth Site objects of the Association, and the great importance of Sunday School work. Read. trtr , the Scriptures and.prayer by Rev, J. L. Ford, and singing by the choir. Rev. J. G. Miller then delivered a very able and eloquent addre to the Association.. The minutes of thelast en ema meeting were•readland approved. The list of townships was called and the names of dele gates received. On motion, the following com mittee was appointed to nominate officers for the ensuing year: C. C. Halsey, J, 1L • Cook, .1 S. Jacobus, S. Ward, and Rev. A. • Millen. Singing by tbe„choir, and. adjourned .until lj --P Am.... a mariAni,l iren 31111-11; by theielmir-Liwayer by Rev. W. SrAtuldn. The rePort of On Corresponding SexWmary - was read, and on motittn accepted and adopted. Thee committee on nommations reported as follews President, W. If. Vice-Presidents, J. B. Gregg, Bev. J. A. Jerome, A C. Purple; Sec.l, I).K. Oakley: Car. See.'y,Goo.-R. Little t- Treas. Theo. Springstein;, Exi Committer,- W -11. Jessup, H. Oakley, John L. Ward;. Tyler Brewster, and I. S. Jacohust Dist. Con Efee:ys: fftbtsklon Moses.'Caldwell t Dirnock; - E: P. Burch: k nklin, .L LAderrimant , Great Bled twp., Henry Warner; Great Bend boro., Chaim 11;thlw ,• Gibtunt, Thomas Evans; Hatford, Stephen E. Carpenter; Jackson, O. C.- !try; Lenox, D. K. Oakley; Montrose, G. 11, Eldred: New Milford twp., E. W. Watson New Mord- beret,. IL G.; Kellogg; Susquehanna Depot, OJT. Smith-, and mum:amend that the• Pp:shit:44 and, Cor..Sec.'y he. authorized to fill viVeauffies in list Of cornspondiog secrobar. The report of tliceetninittee Yr:is - adopt/4' and officers elected. Mr. Jessup, upon taking the Chair; addressed •theAssociatiomtlunaking them fur the honor conferred , upon- him, ;and urged upon the friends of. Sunday Schools increased activity in the work, and showing some of the blessed fruits resulting from Sunday School ef forts lie 'MLR followed , by }ter! %V: Allen, a I pioneer in the Sunday School work, who gave some interesting : accounts of h e•a is rly.. experi—l once, in establishing" Sunday Schools fifty years ago. J. 11. Cook spoke of the Sunday Sclusal•l at Susquehanna' Depot of which he Is -the perintendent, and of his manner of conducting., the exercises. Ilis school is the largest, and one of the best conducted schools in the county. On motion, the thanks of the Association were tendered to Rey. Jacob G. Miller, for his excellent addres4 to the Association, and that he be requested; to furnish a copy of the same • for publication., The expediency of employing a Sunday - - School missionary to labor in this county was •I fatly diScussed by the %.csodatien.; as there ap peared to be each a diversity of opinion on the subjeetJim final-action' was taken, hat the 'nat.' ter was laid overuirtil the next annual meeting. On motion of J. B. Gregg, it was ' &sand, That the District Corresponding Secretarielfrom each township and requested to nuthe reports of the number rind,, situation of the schools in their respective town- / ;MIPS; to the next Association. On Motion, it iva's resolved to hold 'n Sabbath School: Conven atm' In the Presbyterian Clinreh' I at Montrose, next fall, the time to he fixed' by I the .Pmuidtvt and corresponding secretaries ,of the "Association, ; .; ; Radio, That the next annual meetiogot the Assoeigtfanbe.hild at Suemieltanna Depot: . RerOliiii:tlititthe thanks or * Associationl be tendeiettnrthe eitlnmiefilarthro;fortittelr hospitality. ' ' :From the report of - the Corresponding Semi teary:, it appears that . Bo!schools are reported: to• the Assuciatioujn.which are engaged over seven.. hundred ,teaclierr., anilabout 4,400 scholars, with. an average attendance orabOut 3,600, anti neer ly 20,004 volunier - in Their libraries . There 'are probably 23 schoot4 tlmedid na report. It will be seem by Abe: nbove statistics tfMt thorn is a gre.A... t-tverk--Still to be done its , this. county.. Pruirably not more than , one7italf oh the SalibathThis. shOuld notbe '"Let cheerfully ' engage hi thin work of organisittenew sehools,,and bring- - lag thorn . Muting as wilt) do not already ; tend- "Gather, them In • „gather:the children p. larliam Bee. tievey. • wittirmi tit rt. `O, LAM . 33, vOit sae. • ht.almaTu k • 1 .• • • • • • SCI7.OOL, CON y,tzwrFt....4 8-avior, may this consocationo - •.. With Ica seek ; • It-eividOsinliglq.ourization; ! :4 B-lesretho other matimis too. !: f • : : .„, A-ra there lhose.tbat need , silvattes, 3 1 - T-inch theinJuils they inaihegoixt • • ..}}esl.tliemmriitrazeirereaUott -is t , 'lB-atiatill - litem by thy blood._' : - oz. • 1 ''. :C•arinotlew, Gicel4 it are the grace ire- ttow ltnplore4 • eiz; as heaveni itobnidqw, 4:14i svkiiht —; L4tinfi'imrayeis'atviud*rietittsAtir",' , l l ' 13-inghig as we foiwtinl 0, 1 = r • ; - („C4dhireek's lives afaliflOotitik rec' ' 4 ; 4 . sr r 6 Never let as, by our stisykig; _ IT•es the faitbikl and the true ; Eorii s . -• keep on praying, t vV\ N.or " there'. week to . " 1 T.• .1 now Into thy keep l l i • r Ad be thou our guld IC the tide, when we've done g, r pktbrone may we abt . lacks/NI, June 8, 1870. - Intrst-ty-rawarmom—Whea. the-blood is well supplied with iron element, we feel vigorous and fall of au insufficiency of this vital element that . . such cases .rvtai.fryp (a proi toxide of,/A7eatVeno3Wdeficiency; auditaase. • ligaate-naaondexfnlly. F LOUR rVLOURft Front this dayforward, weahall sell,Fkrar.Wt retail at IVIIOLEIO4I, riagro§,,, IZEIMEI We bang out oftiabe colorer but- mean just . . While makipg Flour a specialty, our stock or FEEb, lITEAT,'-Afl7ltA CEMENT, Gli6Miligs.rftOVlWate . i• bri'ilaol. Neti< aj1r0xd,4 1 .44 1 , 2 , 1 8 703 ,74. 3c ..• rrtaz lIADTFORD LITE AND 42s47NUTIT DIM -11- ' 4 . ," ~ ANCE CIDNIPANY • • - c, - .4 Wont good mtniWnjltyP, Witstrihters t V .e at t it t n , , t : r o tat e f , c . ir r g i V oa men by l i tiarogni ai inahlel l ;here no other plan win. on account of Ltnittnrongialy equitable features—providing as ft does. ititoino daring MC, anderttbvirdetiaPticulo lead-foring4 A gents can *attire unusually good pontracts by addresed= itiaIitSITUIIV 4.. - YraLoint.lGeti'Ers7 •: • • 'itt:N/Put#41191.4.11114401P14 Pa. • ,j+ine 1.1•31 ttig • , , . . • „. ACLES7 - q14.9 !Acorn mon Spectacles, a new supply, for rale by atosarune, 1i05.,30418Q. t 613E1 TI4BRE , r rEA tine artealli'inszuwast ardirtdAnid for sals at New Ir:ork wholesale price—, Also,* Ina sts• sortment corFte... Bur dt 'me aliirsave'eatress charLiv,,,c , ett. .1, 1 1 •. q TOMO , Montrose, Pa., iprll2D. ISt. NE x v j w .PAPTL i, arrived. Montred.7ttl%lMr', - FRIF Lana miles cure,undefloneananant—B6o miles with• not chln eof conches. Broad e double track route for all points Writ, north•sreit and south-west. Now a d mprovcd Coaches are run throttairwitinintortn i qd . to Rochter, Buffalo, Dunkirk. Cleyeiandj natl. On and after Mondayatirml34tlllo Trains. will lean Binghamton at the tailoring haunt viz.: ' • ft :55 a.m . Night Exdriadjaoridifel eielapteirr• rn. Night ExTircaa,.dail,y. i 0 n. m. ;kin(' T ' nalq. Send:lye excepted, for Beadle 'end Dimktrk. - -I , • • • •' ' ' p. m. Elrmra /4.ceopimadation,.tiond oky. eXcfPtPn. 6A3 p. m. Day V.i.preiK.l;mirla'yieli 4 pted. :I'sf; 'D. "th. Vedyvyk...VAl. (14 1:tal p. m. Emlztapt Tgadu,daily for " ' 2 . 101 n. m.Nightl32yiSnnatjlrexceptett , 7:11 a. m. Cincinnat 4 xpresr, IllodaTs,rampted. : 1:51 p. m. Day Eqpre. ,11.tthdavit 7:20 n. m. Acc .mmodirtiorarnapotanyinr,Sinza. IRAS a. in.. Elmira Mail. Sundays excepted,. fer, p. m-lreal 'Vide:Mil; &mays' etneyded. 1024 p. ma.igtitAlM EAlinr.6=ili-, I ,1 r 9:10 a. m. - Way Fralght. Sundays excepprd... _ . liAcnAtiFensm Ord revised end complete" Pocket Time Table" of Plitenger Trains ondbe gibe A:W=lnd line, has rcerntly„beed pobliehed,,and can be bad,oinap• plleadon fielballeket Agent erth6vataisaty. D,BUOILBR.7•" ••• 734' ft: SAM. , 1 , .!! Gen'l /3npl: liepl Pali:a Jnne :3, 1870. • -:'•• " ' • -'" D 1 1;iert.4V - AilliA:B44i WEAVgI6fitAAMOAtS. BiamteerirrOgftri9it TRAINS LIIATIS , WEST - NAAR. , .. 1 .NASTWAnDsf Maili P iitoMaar Mail Paanger . train. • train. 'STATIONS. I train. tratn.• A 1 , 1. A. iIII. ,_ P. IXI •P. M. ... J 8.413 New if o*. ..: .. 1 5.00 4 11 1 1 .15 New romit tit0n,..... 1 1.55 E 12.57 . Ma ir n a h r: 91 1 1., k i ,- ' 41 . " E I 1 1,rdii., f 4 .:19 n ,;;- .. ...... :: . t , ..11 74 1 2' P t' 4.51 1 1:2 1 11 1 4. V... 0 5,13 • . a t'as i is:l, I 7, '5 5.31 1,40 Montrose, ~, 5.511 1 2,10 New Milford "' '0.541 5,45 1 0.15 2.30 1 Great Bend 16,23 UM Ilp a I P.M. P. M I *Foot ett,L.llberty-at. V-A./B. R. tVg R. A. LIMITER. General Pala. nueTteket Agent. T EHIG II VAIIItY . RAILROAD. -1-.4 On and after Se p t. 26,18t3, • tintiee'itro the Lbhtgb ' Valley Railroad will nee as. tellnlval s :. .1 • ' aotviv'Titevis. , , Leave 117'21471r Jsiese- , dun E. IL W. 8.40 ii, szi. , . ...,-; BAG st.-m, '''''"4 t dZ l l "''''''ta" 4 "''''' - '''''''''''''''''"il i2 ''ji'" Lacayvllle. 10.3.1_,*t. , 2 19 p.m: stunner'. Wr' , 10.101 , .. , = . 4 ",_ '--'. 827 " llealinppen 11.10 " ZOO ideboopany 11 24 " 8.40 . -. 11,..53 " : ' . 4.43 ••• L a 8.-Marre. 11.51 P.ln. ' 1'.13 ' Moven . • .4,/* , 4 Wilkes-Mare 1.45 "• , BA ..i White 'nave* 3,08.." . -'. '' ' ' 'll.lZ' '" - 31'eteletalt.•:•4...4?, 't ..- ' , , 46 • A Ilentolvii 6.4 e Bethlehem , ' LOD " , ' .- ‘• '1.30' :" Este= • ~..., 9.30 p: in: t ,, ~ .i",.. , 1,611 Phlledelphte" ''S.ltt'' ,' ' - .0. el New 1 oak 9.25." ;' .17P TRAINS: Lave Naw Yorly,.tuss 0.7u.Pui1ade1p1115.7.45,-. Easton . • Aattioltsps .• ;a 1,1 • Allenltsin 16.45 " , Ilte.hChOn2:lll.ooitn. - •-• . • Whltellien., 1.22 p.m. , Wilket-Ba'd t. 90 • Pittston !•,..2.10; '!;. , 1! •;, L: & B. Jon. 3.20 - Tun lenocit 421 piehoopAsk 4.49 " i•-:•;.fliOsben 41137 2, P0 • t•tione • , • 7,, •' ; Licilxillo 15'18' Athens „, : . , „ - hrltt •-• • ,• - •,ton. /4. 4 ft r ,..7, 4 * •, ; . • etangn of an!. between ti,rasktaii; anti; New. York;eir betweetl tiersitto? and Pfalladglphia.' tipv.B,lB4o: 1. IM=ME !111-P,*9.4t , i7PPO,P.ol:o9T r at Nxg.calulD fqpsyWainp . 101sMospare,...,I.MOirbOw $8 ,191 11 `; C P1 31 75 , . ?A!". • f1:1:: - • AM4113:47X.1. writ Iv' .` ANA a11ttlt0lF.41001)(111iiniklY111111 ifitlielYqA“.!tveilka.thig• •!T ; iiiiee4iiiitiwilletiAitipliet4l64e i etiiiire,, , ) One naten week' or lac $l.OO ; i too. $1.25; II isio. PM; 1 : , S4po.lrig , —,.* ; ~ r ..,_ Obese co i, isinb, • ;0111040AD: Bma 1 4 0•!•9 iOn 1., ; a ino, .2.1)(11i Om% WA 0 4 1 / 4 ° . FRO ; ! PRI We ; 1 1Asir 4 WM* tiesrvismt . , L , ' 015C*1Mr. , 1*0:12100.3131116 6 OM if4ditV fiXOli 1 t play u Cll noo.oo 4 . . 1 Awiltoth Notitiri,-0 is• Oigataite ' ink Admlntstes• 1tr.14"4"4,6400. Vs)mmuulattoux or nultukt - or aorkbitutl bate t; 11l . per line. Obllnnrilislicr.n. 10 . Cill.;:titlblZ , larlDisatta• Itoticeit Vee. • • :-- . itp..;log,firscOalt imp" will prosepur at .7TZ - .7%:1 - :, nmi 'r • 4. - ' : • -. 1,..f . ,.,%.zt •-.,, , , i• ~, t... T ieeintlrV r , ! c e lMust*Sea' •‘, ----- o)onttay.. ' 4 .: - . 4r, ,,, 1, , , •,- • :,•,,,-.,-, Corrected weekly by W Hodetion, 231 Yost. • • -. eudlku; July 2, 1870. fagolla " ......... 29031 Gi ease 17, pet 3114 120/8 f: " • Wry .. .1%04 our, per barrel • 4.11084.00 Corn meal, 100 1ba.... * 2.2040.80 Rye 019: ,Z:Eit.. , 17t;4•: . ... ...;g482 8, 18 Hops, croP of 1800...;•. g 4. 118 • Hogs, " 4202 Potatoes,.pktbl... .7:5002.00 Tallow • . R. • . edadand tar' it Op:tinted tirdts Or : pbaree Coornoldasquettanna -County. to dlantribate the Med /a ti!, „band of James _Ostrander. aderd..lo- traterof devastate of Jolla Ostrander. danduteCerfli at tendektbotddMON 4.-011MICIStadlitiflelee in Montrose, lon Wednesday. Aug. no. at 1 ceniones.a., at maddli Orme andiddectall imams interested will proseat -ther etatroambert6temer debarred troth detain: any satd fund. . W...81id.11/3,'Ataldr. Mantroae. Tut7.B. _ _ =IEI lIMIEMI fee ;ea RSTAtE ' Or tfATTREWS, tpletsitcyctisoia. - dred:- Lettepi9Ladiginasirailkupcin:Uto named deeedenthavinkbeen granted tol Ole tinder.Orn ed.all persona Indebted to rald:eatistrt sr e' bereby poti tled to make Irnmedlnte., pnyntknf,,and those baying claims age n settle remota present them duly authenti cated fornettletnent. • CLARISBA -' e • Adnex, Will. C. WARD; ReW gnat:PA% Ifdko - • . i tUDIFOR'S NOTICE.—The under elgocd, Auditor; by the Orphans' Coors of liamprultarahe Smutty; to distribute the hands uktialihauds of ttuatidmildsleator of dut•witalo of CatO• twine greyer, duceaswil, wilt land -to' the 'duties of said: dppolaldieut If his °Mee: is montrose...on Thursday, duly 141 h, MO aat one o'crock,' p. m : ; said day. iaritilke4/7449 0 1,45trif. *:?.. 4 5.° 18 4- 44 P. - P• 2 SVi - V o IWITar'6F:- . .4IOI:IN...iiIsTEV; ate lf Lothropaownsblp, Suaninehannstsomay. deemed. .z .o rra. l letters - testament ary oil' oh . the estate of the denedent: horn rentollorthi Go- VentiPetVniStlne la . betel*" Oa to allvartoturtsdebt• edto skin natal/a-to Make , Intetnltaterlaytnirist;Amd those having clsitne agnlnst the Banter to Oresenratulon dulyantbenticated tor-settlement- to the anderaltpm6 1 , 47,611710.991 ABET, Xi3I),ITOIr3 , I4I)TICE. The undersigned. on auditor appointed by tha Or phans' Cgart.eslSptgaeltanne County to distribute the fund In tlithi..n/ taatulanifibtaprail ttat estate of Ignatius pongberty, deed. wIU attend. tu Aip duties of ble , Uvealattuent hi ht dfdittrottu: insWedatt. daythslithdes at.latf. • in% at ails INtak.;_as.L. watelsattee alb Wearer. , Interested. ,ItroArettatrewita nt. , ttrehte/e.:ctr be - forever dohetlassaz.froueltual bite /ISM fund.,,:.t. (.1 • • W. D. 17 1•514 Mgt= Montrone.Janat3,l6l9., AUDlTORl*fatiltsE? • ."' Theriai,rifoo, aripohifigtitr, the 0411,abe tiOuttotitorgaiharnol torah" to estate (nod irrthe Inlialdbf the hdratratattator.or the estate of Patrick deed, will attend to thadutiu.oilds appointmentja.lito olllce t to liloniroae t ,ou.Kunday tha 11th day oinraiy, 4870. at trelackaran, at which tlinamoltdaceallperacnaistwrcgalrod IQ Prefflit lll4 : t Litho"- oebedebarreatirom conga in.oanltt.modl.. . • “.!: J. E. CAlima, 4,l34tctr. inne I t .1070.74 - - e „gooCrOf (Arline zioNolfoilbint.--.4pjnro the main sitpurpA a watchend e_very,portkni of the works hecomes ditoMefdd. uArUo whatatitatidilfieldramsbrinetal is to a chronometer. It Mithenees the salaam( the other organs. and -team* to a certain exttiltMikWllolKltOnytnalgtine- 'The com parison may Immrtiejj,JVh_er Inc Rape welhaem_or otherAmpeftei?.l:l,he,matinrintilitndleto or es th e face of thaltrae-pleee, so'elso Ls the weakness or other dlsonler of the stramtehhetyayml 1:7 the lace of the inva lid. The complexton treallow , of faded, the eyes are deficient In Inefinithififitillideßere str&rfs'erineeilatibi thawhole countenance which tell a...mob row t.b oir.s• W 1 3 0 0: 0 1 11 0 PI to mgtzi to the wants of the WI,. and to anatainandennew.alk its puts, la not perGennixtelts day. , Itremdme tencreatine.and,rearale tin. and to4reeoinplirbed thth end Ithesietter's stomach Bitter. may be truly .ald to be the one thing needful. The brocen malommingot a watch ma} replaced by a new one, bat the- alomech tane anly ebb repatred and arealgthenedaintl.thlit Is one otthentithentor qtrillemais .emnablaresharatise which CeeeighictinTamahMitheite waging a mcceseral contest with dyspepsia in all cli mates. As a specific for Indigestion It standil When the remand* , eillifirmthiiileopida have been ex ' hansfe.l,without; at Inert,dolmen:tore than mittgatlnathe e&plaituto f = one tromoietotnirtnd wibubter, yet tWn.'etn2l,ll C iaketscikpo' zeta east* - ee; mare beisair,dttetrd end, and - upon b etimd..Miedil alitspow• the etomseh end bowels, e-Bittereant -witt4alregidar tinanese. menlatingynadyeinsimery secretive and assimilatiagtireablat liMilWMOMantal health 'd•Pirn llMlNftri6 iihtiling. WIRE. OITAEDS. aa For StoreFacastaolbuinate. Iron Bedsteads, Wlro.Webli-Lnrilottibeep end BMWS Yards.. Brass and Iron Wire Clotii, BleTes, Fenders Screens for coalOret„.. band, Mari (Tine Cloth for Spark - Ai - kg:situ, Vanliscate RUNG for In down, etc. Baperllalrers' Wires, Vmatsontal Wins. cSoiric,..etc.. _Every .Inforinattiddthsal#4lio tifactoretr„,„ . 14.194.48 R SO NO itrials-,170 p - Ic t istxtb , The Confessions of on frreolik.—Publlshoi 6 " -- " for the IgnietikPrJaPPgrectlrAvtilela who la ter:4Na NerFP 1111 erapplying,the win; of rai.CLIZII:, Written by onoelbo. caxeCitwelti*d rent Dee on retogilne!qmet Sad directed edrelePe• Ad 0ra1;..." ICATILINBIVMAYPAIII; Dec. 21d, ISC9.--6mom_p 'Brooklyn, ?LT. ,71 E P. STAMP, 6110tEMIS.& , 111010101$ r ', 44l4llolrtiti4.ioiir, Lira. IJMU. . . Candi:to, Chodo, Cotlke, fti.bzelk wee Area; IMO& iuxtViStOel: . • FAIL • Tolucio,Clg4re, 8ng>T., . ;,:.••, • • and all riseastteletugually ktpt in a - ebtsateedry and Provision Btdre. ;" .77 wdvaittatutottrisamasas low at ocatemalfitnakinit ►ell formai; or exchanglifor prod/Ice. c. _ , • 72.G0 .00 ai~ . •. f 6.3 3. 8.16 " &SI 7 8:4; • ". Menthe*. Feb. 2 ISMAIT O CONfilliplTTlVES.—Prtsvidentially diitarr T was muskrat lantetbAky..ellaPV rgagrei. medicine, The particulars wiu be sat free. Run= pliellstE . sow,f,tioßktenSt..-Broca4ii, , Lage WNW Ma imr-wwwv pt inatantwing 14 ill roundant receipt of g ,00005; Inv iwortmen; tirendered mom: and : neat" eon leas Ildiof,lly4fot'alt u!spel riuiettca of c . 11tepot • ,1 2ctie .Thydinuar, Odd Iresoßtoceei Ayr% Hodkillik" Pa1111,. 4 OW; licgeie Awe, Wan /bpgr, insamii Algae Hata a Caps, BO alo Hod's, Ladies Agri, Hang MIL! intik& Oda Ovoid On 1/Uf - • , olifTaciff at' falai • . CI: • RkiiriptiediJaihico.• i , .. .. ..~:f: .-~ , ......., . .. . VIREI . - --MIMI FIREI,-You -11oule ia: may barll Nalilfifenifige. . 1 3411 1 m4 Other io, tho misomuta. • - ~.., 67,." . r. 0,01 , - .1 ~1 .„,..0 a. gr . pay' • --- , • „‘. „", n . ,. ..-I , . :: .180 00 iricira lhilaheidas,, . . :•-, : ~,' '''' '-- toosaikoo OrltairielcUctinWeniftoredZa.lBo3,theibblestEtock fo.. In Connecticut. Allof tho o. : , oidgdgi,:td tr a r Og l ed and Proven . LOolc one for cLaa ttrikr" RoTooony ' M l,' =O zig" P -4 4 1 1 th9"1114- I t iko( Vatirinion t:1.4714,1ibit4r) '.— ! ' - '.• ' - • .. ,• , -,, - Ittilitire*ltaW n ' — :" Firiato4O - 44‘4 1 inut1i5.4044 4,P4 0 4 10 ,e',.0„ Won. Lai*. 91,1349410:40.. , 1 ;,,,,,,,, ..,:.., ReawelagatAiktrlT , :, :% , -.1:.i . ':-, :-.- :- '': i lk gn i Tufaima„, ,••• :42; tt t idiftfted ito grcliew. Votiftli *Mtn f • ;nn 3 4. 1 4 11 0. - . • : s - pittsia ':%-rgAc,k. , 'WW.EKPARIFE.Jh , CikrtFOß'lBlo. - ‘-' BEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers