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A .'t---:5 • ;., o ' , . ~.-..., M. . .;1 •_. ,', T i ~ •; i : . _xi . 1 , .::: ''...... 'ii .. '.".' ''..;* 4.; , '".l . . ,• T '. , , : :1 .4.' ':6 '.. ri= 7 • '•• ' 1. . ' • '''. ' 4:": . . ' •• ; r r 7; '- ' r!o• !"4 •.• -"Yi : •, '' ''..: i i 4 '2: 44...• . • .' ' , 14 . i, i :b. s-- - ' -::-.:. ' .. •:. , . ' ~. . t ; si..:. - -.-• ,-. 1...:',.: , ~ ~-, 6 , • . .. .. • . - GERRITSON, Proprtpthy.l 1 - 7 ti - a.. 7 7, vr r": v.:: DEBRIS OF THE .tVAR. rtpu 1 ' • in Equity _was Sled in the Court 4 1 '001.1lb:ion 'Pleas of-this 'catinty; setae at'illeinstance of several tailens of Liberty towntill, to restrain the Su pereietiventratedl Iforotltesdid wn st 4 p cfroqs-pljecaing, cotaitehoila rat escreßeTil b7y"the eatir - i,*d the case is catried,upl to--'the Supreme Vintif f eete . argued next month. As otherluite: of Ike vnaturezrovendingi'difd is manifested in,the matter, We print below the material part 'of the " evidence upon which the Bill was found. ,Whether it was legal to 011 quotas by "irensfer of credits" was always denied by one member of the enrollment board; theory _but whether such "credits" ever entered the ranks in Vie fol% - iltitaldt,6o - 40eS'nelt appear. - That may: be a proper • question to refer to the "credits" themselves—when found—and might be truly answered by those who . accepted handsomere . se nt s for figuring down quotatso as to` leave"credits" for sale. P%-'1 1 - L'; :1` • 4. ' • At taken by B. M. Turner, Examiner, commencing, Oct.. 23d, 1865, end filed -Marcel, 26, 1006. ~ • \ flowesn, sworn. I am, not Supervisor of Liberty now. I went out last • Suring: Jared Kirsh and Jacob Chalker were elected last Spring, and are now swing-Supervisors. David 0. Turrell is also one of the Supervisors. I was drat . - tdff into the military service of the United States, while I was'in office, in July or in Juno A. U.. 1864... I reported at Scranton Aug. 17. I was discharged on the ground the quota was filled before I was examined. Coe bofrowed,money under the call ofJuly 18th, A. D. 1864. I don't know how much.money we borrowed. We gave individual notes for the money. I sent J. \ Bailey, - and Charles Stanford to borrow money, and they got it, and I saw the \ money. I did not pay out any of their money, and do not know who it was paid 3.9, 2 '1 borrowed' $2OOO. I did not borrow nor receive any more money asSupervi sor. I and Soedaker authorized Russell li. Sherman to disburse the money, and J. B. Clmlker- verbally. I have no paper showing what became of the money, and neveified,-but have seen the paper, but did not take them into my custody. Cron Es.—[l as Supervisor authorized the payment of three hundred dollars for volußteers and the borrowing of money Ibr the same. After the money was bor rowed, township bonds were issued for its payment. Wa issued I think bonds: fur forty eightlmmired dollars, besides the two thousand dollars, spoken of by me, ottrulijtiwciff . Waited money to the township. I agreed with Chalker and Sher man as acommittee to disburse the money.] I timrsorde cif the citizens' loan paid over, I can't say how muse') nor to whom paid. • Ressutt, B. SUERMAN.—I went to Scranton in reference to this draft. I was Sent.to Scranton" by a meeting held by the citizens and Supervisors of Liberty township, I was appointed to go to Scranton by a meeting held at Mr. Jones' Ho tel. Den,'t know_ who appointed me. I went to Scranton, September 27, 1864. LtoOk thlity sdx hundred and sixty seven dollars. Two thousand dollars of the !non !yr s .wl4 handed trkme.by David Bliley 24. Sixteen himdied ifixtyseven was paid to me ata,meetin? held at, the Baptist meeting lionseili Libert y , ttirwte.:up Imizilditleal•.subscriptiens. The • Supervisors'•Was' noVjiresent two dollars was paid to me, Jonathati-Thisspaid - tattle in SerantOiohir teen heTtrp i df,itect;clghtyiltreo•ilellars. I supposed it to be' subscription inioney. I paid five volunteers twenty eight hundred and forty tivedollars: 'Pile names of the men were' Amos IL Rice, John M.': Allison, Tewksbury, Brown & Smith. I was present. when Tewsksbury, Brown and Sinitic: were sworn fit Amos K. Ri . ceoed.,Jsilitt c A.L-Allien, were hundred day men, and were not sworn in while I .wa,lhere.,-1 pail the money to the men individually. I paid Race *550. I paittfitY fire to the broker by the name of Larkins for Rice. Larkins required prity fire dollars for his interest in Rice. Ile would not take any less. I took a re ceipt-from Rice, Ina took none from Larkins. I paid Allison $575, and took his re reipt, apd lea it. to Mr. Jes'sups office. Chalker paid Carpenter $550, out of money that Chalker had himself. I paid ($556,00.) I paid )for Tewksbury and 'Smith, $555,00 ... 5,ich., I did not take receipt for the amountpaid Tewksbury, and Smith. twenty two hundred dolLirs to partner of John 'Sutphin by, the name of Fisher for creditlkt Fisher said he was bounty ag,ent"for one of 'the Avoids of Fishez_said his wiard, had iseven ereditii. r Thd Woreenient r wa s that he :wolilittriester the se'veti`credits if they Were tranSferable whidi he could not tell lilt the chief clerk got home. I was to ,pay hini if he tranSferred them thirty eight pnidjum twenty two hundred. I law Chalker 'pay Fisher sixteen bun- Clialker took Fisher's receipt . for thirty eight hundred dollas, mitt explains as tlillows. The Saturday night before we came home. (This' was o,itilkst . Week we went down) we deposited an amount with Fisher. I can't say twitat•amoun , ; we•lntd his receipt for it. It was deposited for safe keeping. The rolloWing Tuesday we•deposited, with Fishet'the batatice of the' money [Mr. Chalk• . ertodic the receipt of Saturday. Ido not knew xYlier'e It is.]' We went, back .to Scianton -Monday, and drew from Fisher an amount of money. I can't tell how lii,no, - :btat, not all. The following day :[Tuesday Oct., 4th 1804, we paid Fisher twenty:seven hundred dollars. I saw it, counted out to FiSher on,Tuesdhy Mot:: 0 khis,reccip,t-forjl,And,chalker took it, and I bay& not :seen' it: SinCe.,': Same - ay Chalker and I went. up to enrollment office, tie Cleilti • TrumfriEfirliri'ickal'ilaia , the creditiiivera' - tidniferalile , "aid trani ferret] to us, we found yet were dtfiwient he Fisher credit : ft slcd.etiirqiita, as I understood: Re tVenr e 4itiiit paid the tweritt4eoen-htliidred dollars. Fisher stated that } , e bud .been . 9 beffire us, and.seen Caik:Chalker Went brick to the''clerikSWci - iittli .- w receip t: I paid out all the money freceived except ten doilirs 2 forl,"eip'enies;" .l l took Mayor lifs' Neelys receipt, for - Rice a , id Allison. ThoseTSIZ vt9irineeets never beithiged in Lib erty. _ • . Ceds#.l*.l4ll:4lirelsented txro 7 fands; II citizens fend and a township fund. The seden'FibliefCredific 'oltAi4'ited Myself pert:liaised, i,were vo lu nteers from the dortivi;vurd :'-'ofSerantou in texcesti of its quota. Theio' Sit credits 'w,eru -credited LoLibcrtr.tow-qship. • ~-• ReLtrz!- - i-Putitlerstood froiti i risher, the six men were in excess of the Scranton patsy - I-can't - say that I had any other information, except that froitil'isher. Our quota at. first was twenty two men, and afterwards I understood itambe sixteen.. Jean , I was elected supervisor last Spring, and have seta as such ever girlie. 'Stanford la the collector of the Bounty- tax, levied in 1864. I under stnottfetaSoaford, some six weeks-ago that about three fourths of the people bacißaid thCir taxes. There has been no part of the money paid to me personally. li'don't ki)* whblie paid it to. I think he . told. me he ' paid some to Kenyon. There an 'acting Trea4urer of Liberty township.- Isaac .Comstock was acting treainirefleityear, 4od I think he is this year... .„ .Crols'Ex.,—.Dttring last winter, Sanford made no force - collections to my knowl edge. CALVIN STANFOTIM' lam the acting Town Clerk for , Liberty townsbip,,lave . beeo wince Match I 3,1865: I have in my possession the records of 'said township, andvakrvand . have this any examined them to see if there were any Bonds among, thenr. any 'Bond given by Charles Stanford. I did not, discover any bonds given by Snedaker or Howard. Vross.Ez.-7-I made search among the town.papers to find bond of Stanfords as 'Freasnrerand-Colleetor, bot found none. I did not look for other bonds. Web ster Terrell Wati'leitin (AP,* before I was, [son of David 0. Turrell.] I did not re- Crewe the-book arittpopertt until a week atter. became town clerk. I got, them at Mr.Jonees. They wereleft there for me..M. Jones told me that the books and,papers 'belonging to the town were there for. me. I do not know who left the btiokaiat Jones' for me. They have not been in my possession-all the time. They were out of my possession about a week. They Were taken.and held as evidence 4, til i aPniAL Ju.t ice of the-j'esee. David"O.Torrell, brought the books 114P , INVer8 1 40i to me. The evidence Was taken in a suit of Tnrrells,l took a EMIT...BEIOOOI)f the-paptre by,letters before. I:let them go. ".They were . all re .tkraed.."-:,..Tbere Kaye been papers takeri.away witich,l. bad. , no memorandum . - rtic...WaleAltliburry. There might have.been might note . „ isigned.a bond •with Charles Stanford-given' as collector by Stanford. I think . I signed it, about, October, 1664, but am not positive.] ir xt mi 'qv 3c) 1131 W C 713, MONTROSE; I . .A., I 'IIIESDAY, FEE. 25, 1868. I was not present when the bota•wati deliveredolon't know as it ever was xle- fforectro, repalled 14" ebtreptaitmfitii r : Abont the time Weli ster / .. Torre!l itettleitup last ixpriutr, - he !eft the'iki•er.e Andtbwil books with me. I Beioi the )old eat ..Supervisor I think rodriied them to Joties' Myself: • prfos "Yrrlartre .d 449qt3Laxch, 1865, motto settle three times that , aiaa the Wit iray. P. G.. CARLING: -4. reside in Scranton; I was clerk in the , Provotit Marshal's of fine in Scranton , for the.l2th Dist. of. Pa.; I went into the office as clerk in July 1804, and remained till March 1, 1805. I was requested by Samuel W. Truesdell, about. the 2 fat dav of March, 1885, to search the office and papers for a receipt cov ering the sum of :82.400, alleged to have' beenpaid for the transferring of eight vol unteers from Scranton to Liberty township, made diligent search where I tho't it, would be, and where such papers were kept; I could not find any paper of the kind. I think Truesdell requested me to make search again for said paper, and I think I did, but am not positive. :I have no recollection of ever seeing any such receipt.upon.the books of the office: The paper marked "C" hereto attached; was. shown to witness, and witness testified as follows to the same: That the whole of said paper is in his handwriting except the signature of the Provost Marshal. The statement on said paper is taken frotn the books of the Provost Marshal's office, or records, I wade a careful examination when I wade up that paper ; I made the pa per up under the direction of Col. Poole, the acting provost marshal said paper contains a full and true statement of the.facts of the record, as near as I could get at it from what I had to go by. I had All the records in the office as far as know. D. C. Poole was then acting provost marshal of the District. The signature to the paper spoken of is in his genuine hannd writing. Ido not remember ever seeing an entry of any transfer of men from Scranton to Liberty township. Cross Ex.—T. L. Case was the chief clerkiat, the time I went there. I think he left in February. I made the search spoken of about March 21st, 1865. The pa per is not an exact copy of the record ; it was compiled from the records of the pro vost marshal's office ; the tangoage of the certificate is my own. This certificate contains the conclusions I arrived at on examinationof:the records. I examined the books to see if there was a receipt spoken of before. 'his not the custom to record such receipts, but to file them. Alex. Ituthven succeeded Case as clerk in the of. tire. I don't know whether Lt. Col. Poole compared the paper with the record or not. I don't recollect of his comparing it with the record.in my presence. Re-Ex.—The statement contained in said paper is a corre - &-statement taken from the records, but taken from different books and papers. The manner in which the paper is got up is my own, but the items were all taken from the4moks and records. I wish to be understood that the paper sets forth the facts as I &mid them in the provost marshal's office upon the records. A. RtravEN:—l reside in Scranton ; . I was clerk in the provost marshal's office in Scranton from Oct-1863 until Oct. Ist, 1865. I was acting as chief clerifrom Feb. Ist to Oct. Ist, 1815. T. L. Case left the office in January 1865 ; he has beck . residing since that time in New York city, and still resides there. The records of the, provost marshal's office have been removed from Scranton to Easton, Pa. ; were removed about ten days ago. • T. J. Fist!Ent—l reside in Scranton, Pa. I sold Mr. Chalker some men in Oct: 1864. Chalker professed to be acting as a committee for some township of Susque hanna county; I supposed for Liberty. I think 1 sold him six inert for 8.5.50 each,. and one for $.500, amounting in all to $3,800. I could not state the names of them; could not give any•of them. I oan't-tellt'where the !men were when I sold them' to Chalker- Lilid hot deliver anyof Oe men to Chalker; I ordered them to totrtearts ferred. I ordered Case to trilnsfer 7 melt, I suppose fronythe North want ofScrenl 2 ton.; I do not _know whether any .finch transfer was made;' can't ten whether tho' money was paid to the men transferred; don't suppose it was. 'rho money were; eeived fromChalker we used in getting other volunteers. I did not "give Chalker a list of melt transferred., I think the men transferred to Chalker were enlisted in August 1804, by myselfas committee, and others, from the north ward of &ran-. toll. I never had a list of the men enlisted. Can't say whether there was a list or not ; think there was. We sold credits to other parties. besides Mr. Chalker;' can't tell how many or to whom sold. We kept no list of those sold to other parties.— We paid out the money we got from Chalker for other volunteers for the. north ward ofSeranton, at the next draft. I can't tell the amount of men bought. There regularwag nri committee appointed for the north ward. Malvern Miller and my self took tt. up. I can't tell 'how many men we enlisted previous to Oct. 1864. I do not kaow ..r any'records•that, would show how many men we enlisted. Don't recollect 'whether we enlisted any men that went nit.° the navy or not. There was money paid' to the members of he board of enrollment. We paitt T. L. Case con; sitlerable money for gettini our quota reduced. We paid hint a gold watch and $4OO or $5OO. W.! made. him a present of the watch and money. He said we might pay liiin•wliat we - had a mind to. I think it was when he was acting AS chief elerk.• I think it was in Oct. 1864, but am not positive. I think the watch was given to him sometime late in the fall or during the winter., The . watch was worth from $350 to *4OO. I don't recollect of any oilier money being paid to other members ofthe bortnlef enrollment. We drew no money from any member of the board. I paid 'the money to:T. Case. • I took no receipt.; made him a:present of it. I presented the watch to T. L: Case ; I purchased the watch for him. The money that purchased it came from the hands of the committee; .the money was collected from the citizens of the ward. I collected some, and others collected some. It was done in July and! August' 7864. collected $30,000 or $40,000 on VPluittary. subficriP tiOn.. We/nevOr settledrWith the north wail.' or made l any, statemAnt. how the.mat ter'Stood.''- I de het knowavhatithe quota waa,under . the.4ly call, ,1864. : ;-..t never triad& out's Staten:tent of the • number of men enlisted for the purpnse of presenting it to'the tiOitit'Avatti."_ The' rhen that I enlisted were all examined here. I never,_got. as'eltitetifeet froth the' recoills" sfielwinl?; Ail' napes-of those, who-had .heen;eathitied.: .tttitikirlo receipt; Frani thiais& men that I paid 'that went, into the service. I did not takellOWn the nettiesOf thorte paid: when enlisted. We paid them at the ,provost nidishat'soffice.' I kept wit . feelird of the amount that. I paid: them.. .1 .can% say whether I ..made the arrangetnent with Case before or after- Laold the men to Chalker. We sold some men down the road, kdon't know -to what-townships, nor how many, and itaVir no record to show. • We sold in t.ho sarne : w-ay - to those townships that We sold to Chalker, by transfer of credits. The paper marked "D" wag shOWn to witness. He deposed to the same as follow s, to ivit: That the sig nature is his,, mid genuine. I did not give a receipt to Chalker for the money :re &Ave& lion:china, or to any other person as I remember. Chalker left, some money with' me, for whfeh I gave him a receipt. He afterwards Cantle back and got the money, and:delivered up the receipt 'to me. I think I destroyed the receipt. I paid' no part of the money received from Chalker back to him. Crois•Ex :—:1 reside in the north ward of Scranton, and the other two men spo ken of as committee also did. The citizens of that ward raised a fund to fill their quota by voluntary subscription. „ I and the other men spoken of as committee ac ted fur the north ward in enlisting men to 61 that quota. We drew upon that fund to pay the volunteers so enlisted. At the time we sold the men to Mr. Chalker we were told by T.L.Case that we had enlisted tnen in excess of our quota. We probably had more than seven men in excess; I think JO or 11. Before making this ar rangement with Mr. Chalker I think I went to the board and ascertained that the men could be transferred. I then agreed to transfer for Mr. Chalker these 7 men or credits. Mr. Chalker.paid me $550 each for six men, and $5OO for the seventh man, making $3,800. I then informed the board of the arrangement 3 had made with Chalker, and directed them to make the transfer accordingly. I think I and Chalker went up together to the Provost Marshal's Ofrtee. I did not see the transfer made. The clerk said it should be made. We paid some of them in the presence of the Marshal and some of them in the back room. Mr. Case said he would go and thought he, could get our quota reduced. We told him if he would and succeeded, we would make him n nice present. I talked over the offer made by Case with the committee and think with some of the citizens. Case went to Washington,Marrisburg, and I think to Philadelphia on this business wasgone I think about ten days. lie succeeded in getting the quota reduced about thirty men, I think it was the quota under the July call. We enlisted these men under the supposition that the quota was larger than it was or afterwards proved to be. At the time, the Government was receiving men for the navy and army both. Some of these men may have gone into the navy. These presents made to Case of the money and watch 'were made oat, of the voluntary funds of the cnizens. It was known by the committee that these presents were given to Case and was a public affair, and Case made a speech. Some one came into ,my storg and I, gave him the paper or receipt marked "D" and hereto attached. ,wakbpsy at the time and the transaction with Chalker was ant of my mind and :did not recollebt dearly about it. I have thought of the matter since. I think have it right now. M=2M9 Re-Examined.—l think I did not inive,,acy,-Mher givv.ersaticm,witia uny otb,or member' f the heard bet T: L. Casi. I cant tell , Aliether, tbere.,We,r,e. L .any i members of the board present when T: L. case agreed to rake the transfer. a oth'er'Memher of the beard told Int the qii l oto3it9i:hdticeol hite t ease.' i t tads' ell how many men were enlistedkaome;eittfty;' - seVelitY, `OrMight-f.d thiiikAl4 WI% Wore it with 4rdneettW3veightror l i oan't - lell'examlyfiratter .wes!,,re deced I think it waslfty or Sixty. • 1 2 cautt, . how ,juany.credjka I. sold. ~The monerpaid"to , Case and 'woe' was paid out of tile,flinds in 4,4ur hands the grnfra,/ ftlu4 That money I received 'from Chalker was dep'osited some of it in my name andisetrie in the tiiatrie Of Grant our Treasurer: I gave ''Gritit"U'eheek for the money to get voltinteers before the next call. Mr. Chalker calledici bee me before this examination commenced, and we talked the matter over thistinorning. I bud thought the matter over before this morning. Y ~think I paid Case about- nixio hundred dollars including watch.' The transfer was made verbally with T. L. Casey I recollect Esq. Truesdell called on me in April fast, I then tolls bins the number of men I let Chalker have. 'I might have told hint two of . ' three-bid'can't now tell. I don't know whether Miller or Malvern paid - Case'any-money or not. ("D") "I think we sold to Chalker for Liberty towv,ship either thres,or four men "am not positive which. T. J. "gl.Stigit. May 15th, 180? Endorsed.—This is the paper "D" referred to by T. J. Fisher in his examination before me in Scranton, Oct. 27th, 1865. E. M. TURNER, Is, Certificate of discharge on account of the required number having been obtained. This is to certify that Wm. M. Bailey of Liberty, Susquehanna County, State of Pennsylvania, having been drafted on tbe - 28th Sept - ember; add' having reported at the required place of rendezvous, is hereby discharged from 's ervice _under that draft, on account of the required number of able budied , men havind been obtained from the names preceding his on the list_of drafted men. • S. N. BRADFORD, Provost Marshal and Pres't of Board of Zaroll't , MYRON B. lIELM_E, Member of Board of Enrollment. IL P. MOODY, Surgeon of Board of Enrollment. Dated at Scranton this 28th day of October, 1864. Endorsed.—"B" This is the paper "B" referred to by Wm. M. Bailey in his city amination before me October 23d, 1865. E. M. TURNER, Examiner. The records of this office show the following condition of Liberty towtiship an, der call of July 18,1864, for 500,000 men, viz : Quota, 22.—Volunteers : Moses L. Brown„ AUC ,L. §mith,Wiesley, Di. Car ; penter, Zerah W. Tewksbury-4.—Substitntes for - enlisted, ; men: 4amael Hill * ' • Abram Weed, James Crom well-3. • Certificate of ,Major McNeely. Amos H. Rice, J. M. Allison-2. Eteess on former calls-8. Sorel credits ea large--3. Credits at large-6.,-23, , Surplus Dec. 31,1804—1, large-- 3. Poo Lt.:C6l:lBth'l.- 1 174 1 11'. - '043,4d," ' • . : &LP:751 1 4M Entiet4B"i(6. l ',-Tliis is the ,paper Mark's& V : . ; in hi'd - ekanairttiOn' befOre Me Oct. 27. o..%aitiStsranton, .14; :i• • ; .. 1 ' E. M. TURNER, Egateirter. , .3 M. B. 'Ets.t.int .—I 'Was 'Cottititi.asioner of the licra rdzoi:..Enriffirtitaii63Ctthes twelfth . Congressional d istriet4'frOMlSlA - y; 4 t0.144y, ,, 1§f t 1,§5:,:f-Alafir.-I,O4eIsACP Ole:books - I and(reiornitof &ward doring.tbat Limit It: %s my IteptyssimbAteinwas., agrefl,fort the call made -,July,eighteenth, .1,164,;f0.r Libet i ff rownettij),'SaSqneheima county. Ido not know, what. their.quota was, under that call. I rerniinqii.ficire 'teas birds can made on sa,id,township far twenty three nicn. Lbetarne acquainted with Col. Poole, fi,er Ire came to ScrhiitoU. lam atqnainted:with'his hand- , wiitie'r:',:' , I think , :the signature to.the paper marked " . 0." and beret43, 4 atficbeil ishis. l , as pres•T Cm when the statement was Made out. It w a s made by, P:o,Culieg a clerk office. I 'cannot tell how the queta ; under the hat call 'for'. Liberty was wet I know the fact that Liberty,put in some substitutes, and saime 3 V-iiliinteers at so me time. 'I have looked over the books that - havelhe account of7fLilieriylownship : I remember looking them over with Esq. Truesdell in the epring.of 1865. I think' we did not have the statement marked "C." The st r atement ,was utade the same, day we looked over the hooks. At the reg i neSt ofsq:Truesdell we lookeii.,over the booki the _purpose Of havihg,ihe staten . tent beftinglva; %i:a's act- Prdt'Ost Manila! at 'tile titife he niade the certificate: triarkeill'& ll ' Naval ifedifti at - large, meant, credits that belong,to the,I2LIP: Congressional !district- , ilrhese.cred. , its at large were sent to the boarder the assistant'Provost, Atorslial:of itheStatee, for the eastern district. There is no difference . Ilei l yvsep naval, eredits,at t .large,,and ; credits at large only as to the word AlsTaval'.' Tdo not recollect Of but, one credit at large coining to the ofh*cd.' I think therecire,:iiiVires. lao n6Cieeollect'of Lib erty having any Of these credits,,,bitt presintit drafted under the call oflitly,leth, 1,864,- worftldischarged nor otho 2Cl3ollllt , Ofthe.: reinotit being'tilled [of 'Liberty.,:lotto . ,Fel33 enthert.whethe r, any of , tho men were held under the calfof .T r uly , ).Bth, 1864 er, not. 'The uertkical._marked 'lt and' hereto'attached was iiShed underl. lie 'Calf 'or Juli'lB . ll;',lB64. ` 'know oe: Roger Kenyon putting in a substitiite. Bat d - ci'ticii:reirieniliergiifleibe l r:leWita tni , " der,that draft, or not. I knew:the f 4,18 fromltlfeßecordseadt gifert:werif I banneiSay 'wbethei t it Wie T under . thfitrall-or not: :t kdonot:rebolle:3o3f3neing.thol; navatereditS'ef these on thobiailii: :14 1113 NPrlf:LlIllItgil): 0 §0 1 3%,V 8 13vbon , enlisted iti'Sbfanten at'ttePr'pi"ogi . 'Miii'dhalsi, - Ace, were ce tero4l,,i n, a omlt l e,r t lii,qk r 'utithereilits, , at fitsisjnot'qowr'he , the ereBit4 Ihrge: I 4 noW:ortietilibWe:titairelii , :theii - elard4f , i r ert to tit7etey at the instance - iif Chalker of riberfy:eirlisher of Scranton to the credit of Tiiheril ,t,y but heard - of itafteftvards. I heard of 1.P.-frOrn.-Zr.,)ll,lradfor‘P3xavost -.Marshal. • Brad leseUlda._ iltsleobintittfeofain Liberty bonglihAredits i from4he „committee of: the north ward of Seranton, to apply on their quota., r.I do ttoM,:remenabierabat ha said:hoss(many. 1 think he foltiMeeiion after, it was,doneTor,Mon: after it was al- • leged, to•have beeti done. I think Bra,dford,nev.er teixl,MA thcaturnber.,,, - 1 never had trything- to, do, ; with, any such arrangement; And ;bath could nor be aone by the board of enrofitnent. ,There is no recerd thou; any trairsfbr of Credits `from Seratiton,ta.Liberty: I sappeee -the credits as large were'veterancredita.' , Butdo 'hot ktow. witere they.nattr.2frAltre. stood from Bradford that-the morth :ward of Scrarttm ;bed-move; credits• than she wanted to fill her quota, and that she had seJd,ta nnmber ;of fcrediukto Liberty, -I never Ow any money paid oxer by, Chalker, or, any,body fer. Liberty toWnshipter Fisher. I never saw any receipt in the office for any sneh money— I was always with the - board when iii session, when I was not away on luif•iness. Ido not re member whether I was absent from September twtinty - eighili;liie d'ai on which the draft was made till the draft was disposed' tiler not.' • Cross Ex. We had instructions from the Provol, Marshal to receive volunteers and substitutes to apply on quotas from -townships, -that -WO* dig:l6AM to put them in, tip to the time they were required to report. Casesvas chief clerk of the board at the time. The officers of the board were the Provost Marshal,:Com-r missioner and Surgeon: I remember mistakes in the quota of, -Liberty, or in set ting down the qnota at, 23. The true cinoia was twenty two. Tao net knoW• how long-after the mistake was made before it was discovelvd'find . &;ireeted. Es- ' quire Truesdell said when be came down there he thought Nye: era a set of rag.' eels, and had divided the money, between ns, but, was satisfied iv was not. ; Truesdell said lie had seen Fisher, he had sold credits to someone :op that,way,, and they had paid him the money. Bradford told me in, this -e°nYMation that he had made the transfer of credits 'between Chalker :Ma Fisher . ; I :hare no reeollee; tion of distribution of credits being made to Liberty township.:- The Protest Mar shal took the liberty to make transfers of credit at large to the' different townships. • T. L. Case had the principal charge of the books and ,records' of: thetiffice, .end. the manner of keeping them. I think ho left in February, .1,865. The credits, at large. qs , • ditributed by the Provost Marshal, to the diffe r ent. . rued fhq.Pe49 l.4 l , and'::. were reported to the Provost General. R.quire Truesdell told me when he.was ,spealthig,'Of r,isheri !bat Fisher old him,that , lie had sold three or _four credits to soete„.ope iip ilia!, Assay. , know, about Liberty township her , tptota , tpd`e,r, the eld:Cof,4„oly p4„1 . §04,15 1 % , what the record showed at tune; mcamined them. - ; .esrplet, say .Avihet,ller . 6ase made arty entries on the, record without direction's from the board or not.' He 'had authority bydirect icms of the ,provost Marshal who wa.P1i,ie..„,„f1.49.33r.f.44111 board. After T. L. Case left.the frinc9 NventbY r,ePrtiation,to : )Y.oo l Lt. 031. Poole, canseinto the,offiee rn-thnfoke s pa,;o3f i VelgußrYfi , MiNkit **MP* after Oase left. The banks remained in the office till it was bhived. I VOLUME XXV NIYAWR p. IMMINCIA=M=I= (EOM 53.) tol . • 4 • i t•F'" galtf:33l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers