%intrust pentocrat. A. J. GERRrrSON, Editor. MONTROSE, .TIIICSDAT, OCT. 11, 1807. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET JUDGE OF SUPREME COVILT, HON. OEOROE SHARSWOOD, PRI LADELI'HIA. COUNTY TICKET. 808 CONGRESS, GEORGE W. WOODWARD, of Luzerne County. FOR BEPRESEN'T.A.TIVESi HIRAM WHITE, of Lenox. N. P. WILCOX, of Wyoming Co FOR JURY COMMISSIONER, DANIEL BREWSTER, of Montrose. FOR TREASURER, WIN SLOW B. GUILE, of Harford FOR AUDITOR, ELLIOT ALDRICH, of New Milford Election, Tuesday October Bth, 1867 Radical Defeat. "I FEAR THAT WE SHALL LOSE PENNSYLVANIA THIS NEXT ELEC TION. IDO NOT THINK WE HAVE EARNESTNESS ENOUGH IN THE STATE TO UNITE AND DRAW OUT TILE REPUBLICAN STRENGTH, WHILE THE REPUBLICAN POR TION OF OUI3, LEGISLATURE HAS BEEN SO OPENLY, NOTORIOUSLY AN D SHAMEFULLY CORRUPT, THAT ALL THE HONEST PEOPLE IN TIIE STATE ARE DISHEART ENED AND DISGUSTED:"— Thad. Strvcirs. Judge Woodward's Record. The Montrose Republican, for want of reasonable cause to oppose Judge Wood ward'd election to fill the vacant term of one year in Congress,resorts to gross naisrepre bell tation,&c. The editor actually attempts to induce the people to believe that Mr. Woodward is opposed to foreigners be ing a:10 w i ed to vote according to our pres ent laws. That is a rather impudent un dertaking, when it is noted that the edit or of brat sheet is a bitter and unrepent ant Know nothing—one of the stripe that skulked about in obscure places under L . 1- - 6iTiTriers out Or iheir vested rights. If any of tie readers of the Republican are know lambing= by nature, they may think less .of Judge Woodward after reading that allegation ; but a long life devoted to friendship and defence of the rights of cur aEl..p:ed citizens is alone a sufficient relizlal of the Radical slanders against our candidate. Every naturalized citizen will consult his own interests by voting for his friend, Judge Woodward, and against his Know-nothing enemy, Ketcham, who is in ftvor of negro equality. The Republican also assails and misrep sents Judge Woodward's decision to the effect that when a man agreed to pay a sum in gold, be could'not legally pay it in paper. This decision is so strictly in ac cord x ith the Constitution, common law, and common honesty, that it needs no de fence. But as the identical principal as been lately sustained by the Supreme Court—Republican judges included—the attack of the Judge's puny enemy re coils upon it 6 author. See article on first page of thislpaper beaded, "Sharewood vs. Greenbacks." On the subject of soldiers voting out of the State, the Republican also falsifies and misrepresents. The allegation that Woothi and decided " that the soldiers , hal no rigLt to vote," is a wilful false hood. He agreed with all the Repub lican judges who gave opinions upon the question, - that under the amended Consti tution no man could vote out of the State. Read article on first page headed, "The Soldiers' Vote," for complete defence of the Judge and. his party upon this ques tion. . It is needless for us to disprove in de tail all the vile charges of the negro or gan against Judge Woodward. His opin ions and decisions bear upon their face their own defence; and those who read them cannot fail to be convinced of their soundness. The attempt of the Radicals to misrepresent and falsify his record on the eve of election will not defraud a sen sible man of his vote for the ablest and best man before the people ; and the peo ple, who nominated George W. Wood ward, will elect him by snoh an over whelming majority as should cause his de famers to bide their diminutive selves in shame. `benison's majorities for Congress were-500, 1,600, and 2,0 op I Now let us' elect Woodward by 3,000 over setch• tun, the advocateefuego bnsrage• , Zlan De iiten VO(A 7 As some sheriffs publish an old _act. wiiieh 'Kerns:to *prohibit deserters from. voting,,We ate agted ., ,Vihethei the act le, now in fordei.: In[rOptorre will state that : thcitull and voi from 4644 an ' d it bits Wen set asidi by the Supreme 'Court.' The art - of As sembly, being based upon that of Con gress, fell with it, and the courts treat boar ss-vpid,rie all cases. No real at tempt has - ever been made to enforce the sots; - fdr, althckigli theltitdialiiiiiide a great noise abo it Thom gat year, yet they run in 'and voted all' the deserters they could, muttried 'to scare away such as would : not vote with them. The result was, most ,of, the deserter vote was Re publican. The . same game will be tried this year. Several election 'officers have been tried and found guilty of misdemeanor fbr re jecting deserters' votes: Deserters - have ,the imnie right to vote as other citizetq, even if they do gene rally vote for , negro equality; and an election officer who delays or prevents a so-called deserter from voting, subjects himself to fine and damages. Beware of Treachery ! It is well known that in each of the three years when Mr. Denison was elected to Congress, the enemy tried to defeat him by bribery. They would offer Dem ocrats large sums to .cheat honest men out of their votes by giving them spu rious tickets. Of course similar means are now at tempted in the vain effort to defeat Judge Woodward and elect the negro suffrage candidate. . Let Demograts be watchful ; let no doubtful man bandlc our tickets; and see that every ballot is correct. • Our County Ticket. Our friends may not have hoped to elect our county ticket; yet if we do as well as we did in Maine and California, we will elect our Representatives with the aid of Wyoming county, and perhaps our whole ticket. Let us try it, at least ; and if, we win it Will as pleasing a surprise as was the victory in "California. We intended to speak in detail of our ticket ; but the , candidates are go well and favorably known as to qualification and integrity, that it would be super fluous; we therefore devote the space to general matters. The Price and Pate of Judas. ••-•- 112,5 A ~..... rr,vu •• UV 1131 IJI r tended to be Democrats repeating the vile Radical slanders about Judge Wood -ward, remember that .they are men who joined the secret negro "loyal league," or are now in the pay- of the negro party, and only hang about the Democratic party to . enable them to play Judas for a price. Avoid them—they are spies and •will finally go to the enemy-where they be long, as Judas did. Get Out the Voters 1 Democrats! do not fail to get out every voter who is for the white man's cause. Let not one :be lett at horne when the polls close. See that each mau attends and casts his vote right. One Vote Has often decided an important election. See to it that not one vote be lost on our side. Election s Day. Remember that the election is held one week from to-day; on Tuesday next— October Bth. ' What is Required? Remember that it only requires a change of 8,585 votes on last year's elec tion to elect Judge Slaarswood. A change of only two or three votes in every elec tion district will effect that result. Go to work vigorously, then, Democrats, for a victory this fall will ensure a Democratic President,,a reunion of the States, a sim mering 'down of all agitation, and the re turn of peace, good will, and prosperity. White men, Read This. It is. stated that John Cessna openly declared in the streets of Bedford, a few days ago, that Congress would certainly fasten negro suffrage upon Pennsylvania next winter. But the election of Sham wood and Woodward will nip that scheme in the bud. All opposed to negro suffrage take notice. c . or Last year Luzerne County gave Charles Denison 3,500 majority—leaving his district majority over 2,000. This year our Mewls intend to.gjve Wood ward 4,000-majority, leaving poor Ketch am nowheiv in the race, as usual.— Negro -Suffrage Candidate. lietobaia : ll, k the candid4to of the part* whose chief political issde, to-day is va,eato itayitical. No man can - deny this. vote Toi l a for'negro gov erinzietit, NOnrairi The Nedel Judge. — David Paul Brown, of Philadelphia, al wayS att„;opponent of thiiDCinocraiic pa ;tr an,4•lt staunch Republican, 4nd one , offite ablest lawyers in the Vnion, is op• pekcd td the election of Mr. 'Williams, the candidate ofhis party for,Jatlii:Fprthe Suiteme Court, because he' of inferior learning and experience. He has published a pamphlet urging the.elec- Lion of Sharswood, for the reason that.he is' by far the most learned,,able and expe rienced Judge: We copy a paragraph": "Judge Sharswood, in the year 1851, - was nominated by the Whig, Democratic, National Union, Temperance, and Work. ingmen's Conventions, each of which adopted different platforms. In 1861, he was nominated by the Republican, Union or Independent party,nnd 'the Democratic conventions each of which had a platform somewhat different from the others. Yet nobody ever dreampt that the variety and contrariety of the respective programmes had any connexion with, reference to, or influence upon, the triumphant election of their distinguished and impartial candi date for judicial honors. The present op position, therefore, is a mere party fetch, which the people in their strength should mapnanimously rcbake and defeat." The Extra Tax Swindle. $2 1 022,290 00 In Extra Taxes Demanded by the Radical Leaders tor 1866 and 1867. The Results of an Extravagant and Corrupt Radical Legislature ! In July last the Auditor General not if.ed the• commissioners of Allegheny, Berks, Fayette, Westmoreland and York counties that the Revenue Board had made an ex tra assessment of personal tax upon ALL the counties of the State, and requested that they should take early action in levy ing and collecting their respective shares from the taxable inhabitants of their re spective counties. Some of the commis sioners demurred and threatened to appeal to the courts against the extraordinary demand. Evidently alarmed at the indig nation excited among the people in the Counties notified, and not desiring to stir up a popular commotion previous to the approaching election in the other counties, the whole matter has been allowed by the Radical State officials to quietly "simmer down." Many citizens of Lancaster and other counties—generally Radical-domi nated counties—have written to us to as certain the amount assessed by the Board upon their respective counties. We have endeavored to get a list of the extra as sessments upon all the counties, tut have been unsuccessful. The State officials ap pear to he averse to giving the public any infiirmation upon the subject jest now, au(' are prolific of excuses for withholding facts. We are compelled: therefore, to work to conclusions from the facts al r.'llje d eveloped.lil ale ((IC munuer, together with the original tax levy and the extra assessment for 1866 and 1867 : To-. Exorq. 18I1f1-7. CAC 21) V... 1.5 5 ,1 1.2 8.711 25 11).5;!i(i 2.475 Op 10.842 IC a :.nti an 7 11 num 45 E,GIS 10.1232 'l5 Allegheny Berke Fayette Wcr gra c5,...1..5al York Divide the above stuns by five and we have 56,1 4 as the a% erage original tax for one county, and $19,6•'7 as the aver age of extra assessments upon one county. Referring, then, to the Auditor Gene ral's report, we find that the tax on real and personal estate for 1866 for the whole State was *879,343 59, and, with the spe cial half mill tax added, it was 55919,- 258 00. Now, by simple proportionas $6,174 (the ori!zinal tax for one county in 1866) is to $19,627, (the extra a , sessment for one county in 1867,) so is $919,258 (the total assessment fur 1866) to the whole extra assessment for 1866-7. Working out the question, we find, as the EXTRA ASSESSMENT 4 upon ALL the counties for 1866 and 1867, the enormous sum of so.sesomee : Two- million nine hundred and twenty-two thousand two hundred and ninety-nine dol lars! Divide this equally between the years 1866 and 1867, and for each year We have the sum of $1,41.61,149 One million four hundred and sixty-one thousand one hundred and forty-nine dollars, IN THE SHAPE OF EXTRA OR ADDITIONAL TAXATION. It will be perceived, further, that the sum thus levied upon the taxpayers of the State for each of the years 1866 and 1867, (and yet to be eolleet ,, d,) is five hundred and fortihone thnusand dultirs," *5141,13231 TN EXCESS OF THE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY OF 1866! The proportion of these enormous sums which eget) county will, have to pay may be readily ascertained by taking the orig inal county assessment for 18U6, (see Au ditor General's report,) and working by the rule of simple proportion. We leave the taxpayers to ponder these facts and figures at their leisure. After the election is over, they will find, by the official notices which the Auditor General will serve upon their county officials, that we have, not overestimated, the amount which the Radical officials will require of them to pay the expenpes of State official and legislative extravagance and corrup tion.—Patriot and Union. —Retneinber that it only requires a change of 8,590 votes on last year's elec tion to elect JudgeSharswood. A change of only . twO or three votes in every elec tion' aistriot will affect that result. Go to work vigorously, then 4 Democrats, for a victory this fall will insure a Democratic& President, a reunion of the States, a situ mering_dothi of alrakitation and the re tiro ofra* 004 ?Wand prOspevii-y. Republican legislation. The Bedford Gazette thus illustrates the working of the Radical law, roreing negroes into the cars with white men and women : „ -..,• •. " Afriend of oars . rsaies thane he was traveling from Philadelphia to Iltintiog don, ir few4lights ngoi:he took a berth-in a slee}lng'car, and wh'eb about retiring, his attention was attracted by loud talk ing and scuffling on the platf'orm of the car. Proceeding to the scene pf the dis• turbance, he-perceived - a huge male, negro in a controversy with one•of the railroad . illttaiiilfi abotit; obtaining 17 a berth in - the sleeping car. The ticket nient had re fused to sell the darkey a ticket, and the colored gentleman was trying to force his way into the car without the requisite piece of stamped pasteboard. A police- l man came up, however, and settled the! business, by telling the ticket agent that, 1 under the law, it he refused to sell the ne- !aro a berth ticket, on account of color, be 0 would be amenable to a fine of $5OO, and 1 subject to pay a like sum to the negro up -lon an action for debt ! This bad the de -1 sired effect!, and the African was handed !the coveted ticket. It so happened, how -1 ever, that but one berth was vacant, awl that was !half a double berth partly mi -1 pied by a white man. The negro divest ed himself of hat, coat, boots and vest, land proceeded to appropriate his ball of the double berth. White man, who had been dozing, turned around, looked at tli4'3l - comer, rubbed his eyes, looked again, and then came such a kicking, tumbling, sprawling, such a mixture of white and black generally as would have done any atnalgatmitionist's heat t good. About 1 this tune the conductor appeared upon the scene, and the result was that the negro, with the ticket in hand, tumbled into bed, 1 whilst the white man, growling anathe -1 mas at the party he himself had helped to 1 place into power, doggedly put on his .clothes and went forward to sit with wrenched back and -eramped legs, in the passenger ear, :ruminating over the beau ties of Radical legislation." When thin negro bill was under consid eration, Mr. 803 le, Democrat, of Fayette county, offered the fol.owing, amendment as a new section : SECTION 3. Provided, That nothing herein contained shall he held to compel the admission of negrues into oars net apart fur ladies, or into berths fur sleep• ing cars. Thirty-six Democrats voted for this section, and fifty-one Radicals against it. Thus the se c tion was defeated, and tie groes can now force themselves into ears set apart for ladies, or into sleeping cars. Will white men support,. a party which thus insults their wives and children? The Two Candidates Until his nomination, Judge Williams was seArcely known beyond the limits of the judicial district in which he labors as all Le‘s•OClZlte J nage, and w e ne a r n o t h ing of any contributions of, his to legal li.era turc. As to Judge Sharswood, his reps. tat ion is co-extensive with the Unionyand not only that, but it extends to England and the continent of Europe. Wherever 0.441"1d , 11 la kr i s knrrWn or practised his name is familiar, and even where the Boman civil law is exclusively the stand ::rd. The many books which he has writ ten, edited, and annotated, are so many e‘idences of his deep research and learn ing. They are to be found in the libraries of our lawyers and private citizens, and embrace about every subject connected wiih'tlie law and its application to the daily concerns of the people. Sharswood's Blackstone is now the recognized text book of the American law-student, as will as the vode 7/2PCUM of every member of the profession. His decisions on the Bench have everywhere commanded the highest admiration, and his great talent and ex tensive knowledge have justly earned for hint the title of "the model Judge." $ 1 , . 3m 44 Mr. Ketcham persists inattempting to go to Congress—he insists that he is a statesman. Now he has hen in political life for many years, and in various posi tions, some of which have been represent ative; but we have never seen anything in him, above the respectability of the politician. He is a politician and no more. A man of amiable address and smooth ex pression; a sort of Oily Gammon, and, in. truth, a demagogue, not of the noisy kind, hut a sleek gentleman who gets into the political confidence of men for his own selfish purposes. Now look at his opponent, Judge Woodward, the leader of the pobl;e men of to-day—known throughoat the United States as the friend of law and libertej ; no politician hat the true Statesman. Who can hesitate between such men ?—Luzerne Union. Among the telegrams to the Associated Press we find the following: NEW ORLEANS, Sept, 18.—A negro Judge presided this morning for the first lime on the bench of the First District Recorder's Court, in.this city. The good time predicted by the Radi cals is coming rapidly, coming sure "sah." How long will ix be until we shall have negro Congressmen,negro Governors and a negro President or Vice President? At the present rate of our advance, not long "sah." —Let tbe laboring men of Pennsylvania remember that they and their fellow cit izen of the North are being taxed at the rate of more than fifty million," of dollars a year, for the purpose of_ establishing the supremacy of the negro in the Southern States. Let them say whether they desire a continuance of that system_ when they gov the polls .0S the VA of October. : The Politician. A Negro Judge. 'Seiv Ibbtrtisemtuts. Only Direct Line to France. The General Transatlantic Company's Splendid Mall Steatnshipe : ST. LAURENT BOCANDE catnrdny. Oct 5 PEREIRE .. . ..t...Ducur.,NC . . 4 10111 day. eel. 19 VILLE DE PARIS.. SAMIIONT ... ..... SAt unoiy. Nov 2 Er ROPE‘;_-_-.. .....LEmnrut c , • ardor . Nov. Iti To Brent c r Haire, i wino I neinded,) Firtkt Cabin, $ltXl; Second Cabin, $B5. On gold). , Theie Steamers do not carry Steerage Piotsengera. GEO. MACKENZIE, Agent, 58 Broadway, N. Y. "Beyond the Mississippi:" A Complete History of the New Stale; and Territories,: from the Greed River to the Great Ocean; BY ALBERT D. RICRAILDSON. . - 11 popularity Is attested by the safe of over 20,030 copies to a single month. " Life and Adventuto on Pratt.lea, Mountains and the Pacific coast. With over 200 Desciiptive and Photo Views of the Scenery. Cities, Lands. Mines, People and t,ortosittea of the New States and Territo- Hee " To_prospeetive emigrants and settlers in the " Far ..West,' this History of that vast and fertile region will prove an invaluable assistance. supplylog as it does a want long felt of a full, authentic and reliabis guide to climate, soil. products, means of travel, &c. Agents Waded.—Send for circulars and see on r terms. and a full description of the work- Address Nalional Publishing Co., 26 &Seventh St., Phllatelphia. Pa. few more Agents wanted To talcs orders for our popular Books and Erzrarings, either on commission or salary. Cur publfratlons are standard works by the best authors in the country. among wh?ch is Tiffany's `.acred Biography and Ilia:ory, 11(;1111nTo Life of Li ne4n. AbbeCis llit , tory of the War, lleualey'e Lite or Ww.hinolnn Rev S, Christian H. , ine, and others, Arents will not he required to carivvs territory previously nrenpl ell, ritlles. pr,rtrred. For particulars addlees R CItIJOX, BILL CU., Publish ers, sfiringfield, blase. A List of Newspapers We hare pnblivhed a complete List of all Newspapers in the New E, land States; price 2iic. State of New York; price 25e. Del . Md., and Diet of Co!.: price 25c. Ohio: price 25c. Pennsylvania; prtce Vie. Indi ana : price inc.. At.i. of the aliove for One Dollar G P. ROWELL & CO., 40 Park Row. N. Y. MADAME FOY'S PATENT CORSET SUPPORTER, Combines-In nne garment a perfert fit t infr Cnr-et.and the most desirable skirt Supporter eve r•dreted the pub lic. It phlces the weivbt llf the skirts upon the • ders instead or the hips ; it improves the firm a Ithout tight lacing ; gives ease and elegance : is appruN ed and recommended by physicians. Manufactured by D. 13. S DERS St 96 Summer St., Boston. T HE CELEMRATED Estey Cottage Organs. J. ES TR & C'o„ B red lkhorn. The Original inventors and Manufacturers. Combining more perfections than any other in the world. Have taken the let premium at all the principal Fairs in the COIT II ry :#os Washinztrin.st . Bin-tnn 417 Broome et ,N. York; 18 No. ith-at.. Phi la ; 115 Randolph-st , Chicago. ©gents Wanted. r ro INSURANCP3 - AGENTS, (S.7(7.—We 11 wl-11 to i•ecure an agent in ( very city of more than 5.1100 populltion. to act for to. In cunvutozing fur Ipi net.A. A mat who it already c.:4lthlielted in tomo occu pation %%11l h /1110 V , it 11l a few rp.lrk, huure, con ea,ily increeoLe • locoote neveral either 11 dollar' per y. ar 'l' Om to au opportunity for arm , men to :CCU rc olh• th e h e ,t A gear in the hard Ste. a. A ttitti fu:l par t cu , ar, relercnce,ac . GEO, I'. ROWELL & CO., 40 Park Row. N. Y. WE ARE COMING, And will prevent to an per.on rent It c tin n chill in onr Brent One Prler Sale, of Dry and Fa Ly thaalr. Sc., a Silk Drcas Pattern. Pier- of shcetlnc. Watch. tree of co-l. calahqvie of good.. owl rqtrapie. rent to any addreaa free. Addre-a I.laa au Hanover St.. Boston. 31 nsA . P. 0. Box 512-, i,4.1 ft A DAY crude any nne. with my patent . 1 Lk/ Stencil Tool.. prepay immplo , Irec. be ware or Infringer,. Div c I re'ar- will es plain Addretia A. 4. FULLANI, ti , ,lringitelti, Vermont. I ,k To $1 u ) per month and travellimr . 7 t y to 1.1 . 11 our Patent Es,' hlte Wire ( . 1,01, , Line+ mate a• e. and nthltetLn. a}IERICAN W IRE Conr.,.r,lut I.troadwry, N. V. You're Wanted! Look Here: Agents, holh male and female, wanted everyNN hrre to sell the PATENT 13(1 . 110'6'ED INK RE,ltaVttin, thy. which from one to twu pages can he 1%1 :Pen o that replenishing with ink% and our Fancy and Dry t;0odo. etc. Can clear from $: 3 to $lO a day. No capital re quired. Price 10 rents, with nn adverti,onrnt de• scribing an article for sale in our Dollar Purchasing Agency. Utrculars sent free. EASTMAN ,2t . KENDAF.L., 65 Hanover tit., Becton. Masi. ti ek AGENTS . wanted, to sell Six New Inven -1,91.7‘11/ ti one, of great value to thmlll es : all pay great profits. Send 2.5 con r and KO pnces mid rumple gratis. Ag. nts e thacesl.s , .l.UUO. EplarAtru Brown, Lowell, Moss. PAINTS for FARMERS AND gni ERS.—TIIE GRAFTON MINER AL PAINT COMPANY are now manufacturing the Be-I, Cheapest and most Durable Paint in nee • two coats well put on, mixed with pure linseed oil, will last 10 or 15 years ; it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and cen he changed to green, lead, atone. sdive,,,,drab or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for House-, Itarzo, Fences, Agricultural Implements, Carriage and Car Makers, Pails and Wooden.ware.Can van, Metal and Shingle Roofs, tit being fire and water Proof.) Bridges. Burial Canes, Canal }fonts, Ships and Ship Bottoms. Flour Oil Cloths, tone tnannfacturer ha ving used 5,000 bbls. the past year.) and as a paint for any purpose is unsupassed for body, durability. elasti city and adhesiveness. Price, $1.6 per bbl. or Bth) lbn.- which will supply a fanner for years to come. War, muted in all cases as above_ Send for a circular,a hie)) gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded in a trademark, Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DAN IEL BIDWELL, Proprietor, 25-i Pearl at., New York. Consumption can be Cured. The trne Remedy at last discovered. Rpham's FRESH MEAT CETtE. prepared from the formula of Prof Trous seau of Parts. cures Consumption, Lung Diseasts, bronchitis, Dyspepsia. Marmt - ins. , ;eneral Debility and all morbid conditions of the system dependent on defi ciency of villa] force. It is pleasant to taste, soda ',tu lle bottle will convince the most skeptical of the virtne of tho great healing remedy of the age. $1 a bottle. or six bottles for $5. Sent by Express. Sold by S. C. UP 11,atIl. No. 25 south Rh st., Philadelphia,and principal Druggists. litreulani, sent free. The Richest Man in the World. x tract of a Letter from Baron Solomon Rothschild, dated Paris, Bth April, 1884, 25 Rue Bauby, St. ilohore. Will yon be kind enough to have forwarded to me here 200 bottler of your Indian Liniment; If you will at the came time time rend the account. I will forward oil the amount through Messrs. Belmont & Co., New York. Baron Solomon Rothschild havinT recommended to mai y of his Mendell:l)or Lane's Liniment. and they being desirous to aroanre It, he should adyJse taint() establish a depot in Faris. TIIE INDIAN LINLVENT, As a relief, ever ready; as a killer of pain, taken in • wardly, or outwardly applied, has no equal. For the relief and cure of Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affections, Sprains, Bruises, &c. it is uncqua led. It is also most dile:Idol/a taken inwardly, in the cure of Cholera, Cramps, and Paine in the Stomach. Dtarrhtea, Dysenta ry, Cholera Morbue, Cholera Infantum, &c , and Is wit• out exception the most wonderful Panacea the world affords. No Family should be without it. Every Traveler by land or sea should have a bottle Miners and Farmers residing at a dietanc° from Physicians should keep It constantly on hand In case of Acci dents or sudden attacks of Stomach Complaints, its value cannot be estimated. Inquire for Major Lane's Indian Liniment., and take no other. Puce GO cents • Der bottle. For sale at wholesale and retail by Demme vidattnea & Co , 21 Park Row, N, Y. ; Gale & Robinson, 188 Greenwich at, N Y. ; F O. Wells & C 0.192 Fulton at., N. Y. ; Chas. N. Crittenden. 38 6th Avenue, N. Y., and by respectable Druggists throughout the world.— None genuine unless signed-by Jowly Twones LANE, and countersigned by J. T. LANE & CO. proprietors, 163 Broadway, N. Y. Vir'Send - for Circu lar. ONLY UII7OIITIMATZ 171711INITT: Al, ONLY. Mg njectlon cures Gonorrhea or Meet, in ten days, without drugs, when all otter remedies AltiW DA. RSA= Stettin) W,IQ. Y. 017. A PHYSIOLOGICAL 'VIEW - OP The Cheaneat Book ever published. Copdainiuy nearly three ~honcired pages, . And 130 ene plates and engravings of the Attrtamy of the Dutnaz Organs in a state of health aril Dlpease, WO a treatise on Early Errors, Its Deplorable Censermences stain the Mind cud body, with the air. thor'si Plantaf Treatment—Life only rational and sae. eossful mode or cure, as shown by the report ores's' treated. A trtatAl adviser to the married and those conic marriage, who entertain doubts of their oysicol couditibn. Sent free of 'postage to ant id. dress. on receipt oto..ri ectlte iu majnim or fraetienal ITN rency. by addressing DR LA CROIX, No. 8t Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may be consulted se , on any of the diseases upon which this book treats, el therpersonAl fy or by mad. Medicines sent to anyps, r t of the world. Manhood and the vigor of goal!' riitored in four i'tle - eke. Suction, guaranteed. TN R. RECORD'S Essence of Life restore* mistily po w . .1.5 or, from whatever cause arising, the effects of s a r . ly pernicious habits. self abuse,impotency and climate, give way at once to this wonderful medicine, if taken regularly according to the directions (which are v er y Pimple. anti requ re no restraint from business or pleas ure.) F/liinre Is Impossible. Bold In bottles. at $l, or 4 quantities in one for $9. To be bad mile of the sole appointed agent In America, HERMAN GFUTZEN,32.I Bowery, sad •40.5 2AI Av., N. Y. One Dollar! One Dollar!! A GENTS WANTED everywhere for our One Dollar sale. A Watch, a Tea Sett, a Shawl, n Dress for one dollar each. Send. 25 rt. , . end stamp for two cheeks and etrenlar• riving foil partien lars. Addrees .4 BMA' G TOY , DI?0 TYNE et. 09.,6;3 Washington street, Boston. • GENTS 11 , ANTED.—SIO to 820 a 4,,y. to Introduce onr new patent STAR SHUT. 7'LE ,cE117.1 - 0 MA (WINE. PH' e $lO. It uses tro thee id, arid rux.ee the genuine Lock Stitch. AD other low priced machines make the Chain StitcA territory elven. Send lor circulars. W. O. WILSOS CO., Atunvracturera, Cleveland. Ohio. STILL LIVE! Doz't be banillngged by lin pOstOre Or " patent" east iror ur machine • • glencil tool? , " Send for Oar new Catalovne or IMPIioVED STENCIL PIES. '21:1 'arts• ties, all rf finished and tempered. 8. Al. SPENCER 4. Co., Brattleboro. rt. Proofs of the Superior Quality AMERICAN E WATOE, MIES 1717/2,ltli.a.rn, ll!Erma/O. The American Watch Company. of Waltham, Mars, respectfully submit that their Watches are cheaper, more accurate, less complex, more durable. bett,r adapted for general use, morn easily kept in order and repa , red than any other watches in the market They ar• simpler in structitre. and therefore stronger and' less likely to be injured than the majority of foreign watches, which are composed of from 125 to 300 piece.. while in an old English watch there are more than 700 parts. Roy they run under the hardest trio! watches can have, is shown by the following letter PENN. RAILROAD CDSIPANT. OPTICf. OF rue GENERAL SUPEIIINTEP(DICST, ALTOONA. Pa ,15 nee... 18511. f Gentl,men : The watches Manufactured by you hire heel, in u-e on this railroad for severe] years by oar englw men, to who'n we fornlshlratches its a p.m of our equipment There are now some three hundred of them carried on our line, and we consider them geed And reliable time keepers. Intl.cd. 1 have great Patin• Lett on In sayl i g your watches give us leis trouble.nd have worn and do wear much longer without repairl time Any %vat cheA'we have ever had In use an thin rind eon are aware. we iormerly trotted to tho6e of En. o.unelbei ure. of aeknouleeged good reputation. hut as a ela , s they neei , r kept time es corn ctly, Dor have they done as good serva.. tie yours. . - In these statement,' I am sustained by my predece, For. Me. Lewis, whose experience extended over a series of years. Respectfully. EDWARD IT. WILLI "MS. 6.neral .9uperinfendenf. American IVatch Company, H altham. We make now tivc diff,reni grades of watches, named respectively as follows: Appleton. Tracy it Co., Waltham. Mass Waltham Watch Company, Waltham, Mass P. 8. gartlett, Waltham, Mass. Wm. Ellery, Boston, Mass. Homo Watoh Company, Boston, Blass. Ail of the--. with the exception of the Home Watch Coln patty, are warrauted by the American Watch Ct m• ploy tone of the beet in aerial. on the moat approved ['nor; ple. and to poseeea every requisite for a reliable tint...keeper. Every dealer milli g these Watches it provided with the Company's printed card of trearui.ter taut It elturild accompany tech Watth cold, au that trot era may feel more that they lire pnrchaaine the Renmae !allele 'mere ore numerous counterfeits and Imits of our Watch,. ettld ti.roughout the country and we would caution pnrchatera to be on their guard agattlat imnoatilon. Any ;zred , .s of W.ilt ham Watches may be purchased of Wu t.c.h DCA len , I nrougltout the country. BOBBINS & APPLETON, octl-tm 182 Broadway, New York EYRE ds LAN DELL, Fourth and Arch .Sts. PHILADELPHIA, Are now offering a NEW STOCK or I::PI D S7 41 GI - C)CCIS, Fur the Fall Sales -of 1867. SHAWLS, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. N. B.—Job Lois of Goods received Daily. Sept. 10-6 w HEW FURNITURE ROOF WEE subscriber would respectfully Lofortn the public that he ha' commenced hu-iness in C. t'n•n num' s old Shop. where he keeps constantly on hand and man n fa ct u res to order at-111nd. of • - -''''-';'- - : -7 ' r's''' C , . - 'f.'., 1 72" 10 m. - -':l'?"V . ' , '..' 0 . 1/3 14/1 ' " s '.. :114Y -t fq 2 11trilal l 'A,T sz , -4 , ..i.-%;:l.x.Vzs_ '.- 4 :_,'....55 - r1.,;i..x. , ...',5.r.. ',"....1.5r5x.5.:-L.s..trSZY3 5L21.1 AS Bureaus, Bedsteads, Lonnges, Settees, Stands, Tables, Extension Tables, 01 a superior manufacture, Also, Barrett's Patent Ladies' Revolving. Work TaMc All those In want of Cabinet Furnitnre will do well to give me a call bcrori looking, elsewhere, for I Intend to make my work good, and *ell It cheaper than any other establishment in Smquehanua Cuuuty. N. 11.—All work done when promised. JOHN WHEELER. Montrose, Sept, 3, 13117.—tf rfr 3:3-yesiroopisilei,.—There Is no diiiesse which exile. lance has ro ampix proved. to be remedia ble by the Peruvian Syrup, (a ptected solution of the , Protoxldo of iron.) na Dvspepsta. The most In cured of this dh.eaeohavo been completely tared by this medicine, as ample testimony of some of am first Mt fzens proyes. From the venerable Archdeacon Scott, D.D. DrN.ll/al. Canada East. • • • "Ima an Inveterate .Dyepeptle of more than 25 years-Mending." • • • " I have been a t wonderfully benedtted in the three short weeks during which I have used thPeruvian Syrup, that can scarcely persuade mysel the reality. People vthn have known me are astoolih ed at the changti% kamvtdely known, and can hut re commend to others that which has done so much for me. " • * 4 St Another Clergymen writes as follows: "My "Y a g e to Europe is Indefinitely postponed Ihave disroverrd the" Fountain Heatth" wn this skim of the Minot°. Three bottles of Feral/tan gym'. have rescued me from the fangs of the dead Dyspepsia. A pamphlet of Ai pages, containing a history of :his remarkable remedy, with a treatise on " trim as medicine," will he sent free Warty address. TM:genuine has" Peruvian Byrn'?" blown la the glass. J. P. DiMrIMORIS 4 Proprietor, Bold by all Druggists. sep 4S Dey Sitreet o liow Yotk. TTOWAIID Association,Phllade)pble ,r. Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Urina,ry and sex nalsystems—new and reltabletree talent—in Report 6 01 the LIOWARD AssoowrioN. dei3 by mail In sealed ct.;or env:dolma, free of charge. Address Dt. J. BirraLui Efonawron, Howarflikaotlaticon ;No South Sthstle• .ftilladt/phia, Pi. . tot
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers