The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 24, 1866, Image 4

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    .For U&6 *#Atiose 14440 r.
The Apo conflict - Between Demon
ricy -AbolitionhhiPoi be
tween Liberty and`Deopotifne
When Louis - Kossuth, the Haugartan
patriot, visited America, be was preselited
" with a magnificent Maltese- Crosrof
gold, in :which ,was set -tripiattirtz:of
Washington, bordered
_ivith and
a.votodect was a beautiful " titi3hrin
ring 59ine of the hair that ,liqd,
thgvuoke of freedom's bittt3ej trpoi
oeptmg the priceles s -gi ft , ;
" It is with deep emotion that! thank
you for the inanifestiOn' of yr/dr sympathy
for my down-trodden land, but it is more
than thanks, it is more thati kraal:ol),U
is a sort of religious piety that I feel when
I press to my heart this your precionagift
—the likeness and the lock of hair of your
gfeitt; Washingtno—that triad 4hqtn . tbe
-111;ehtiitig of rottr , stru ggle ;fair indep n•
Bence, was a bright star of liberty. I
have sworn that so long as there is one
man to stand by my side, I will bear on
this standard before the bravest of the
brave. I will place it by my side whence
.bangs the sheath pfmt, swota,:titidlWlten
I lead on in the cause of liberty, sure
that liberty will, perch, upon 9ur, tytnner.
So lolig-'l4 one drop of blood'oottt4Les its
way through my heart, that lock of hair
shall be with me in my struggle for liber
"The greatest merit of Washington is
not than rejected the offer by a coterie
pf the., erolizh of the Uniteq, Ster.en --- : I
would rattler be surprised 'had -'ac
cepted it, for what value is a crown to a
free man—to a man like Washington—
who was the great instrument in the
handed God'of inal<iii g
On the contrary, France has never yet
raised one single man to power who has
not sacrificed his country's freedom to his
personal ambition ! It is sorrowful, in
deed, but it is natural. Through all their
different experiments, centralization was
•the fundamentals tone of I the ink itßticrtp
of France—power always centralized.—
With centralization is ambition,'and with
ambition dwells despotism. Happy your
greaLeonntry, for being-so-, warmly ad
dicted to that great principle of self-gov
ernment. Upon this foundation your fa
thers raised_a home to freedom more glo
rious than the world has ever seen. Up
on this foundation you have developed to
a living wonder of the siorld. # Happy
your couhtry 'that it Was : ifetected by the
blessing of the Lord to prove the glori
ous practicability of a federative Union of
many sovereign ; States, tdi iccaperving
their State rights, and their self-govern
ment, and yet united in one; every star
beaming with its own lustre, but all to
gether one constellation on mankind's•
canopy :
r vo—vpon Ruth' attatt ehrtze' co4n o
try has grown to a prodigious power in a
surprisingly brief period—attracting pow
er in that your fundamental principle.—
You have conquered by it more in seven
ty-five years than /tome has.donebrarmt
PrVielPeSwlll con
quer the world. The respect for State'
Rights in the federal government of
America, and in its several States will
becothe,ae defrytf iver
sal toleration, forbearance and justice to
the future States and Republics of Eu
rope. Yours, sir, is a happy country !"
In the House of Representatives, own
Hon. Robert Rantoul spoke nsfoildvwsy
" I desire to say that I will vote for
this resolution, not simply becauSe be
stands before the ,country as a chtrinpitia
of national independence, but becausehe
comes here the representative ofa princi
ple heretofore almost peculiar to . our own
institutions. The case of Hungary is the
case of a sovereign, independent State
united with other States under one edin
mon executive for !Milted and specific
purposes, that sovereign State reserving
her own rights, and Kossuth stands here
before' the country, the first European
that ever stepped upon our shores as the
champion of State Rights. that prin
ciple he personifies, and no other man ev
er came from the old world that could be
said to personify it.
"That is the highest claim he has upon
my regard, and, as I believe, upon the re
gard of the civilized world. What was
the case of Hungary for several hundred
years? Sbe had constituted a part of a
confederated empire; she had ,lifr own
rights Icnd guarded them with : jealous
care; and she had her separate State in
dependence and sovereign ty, iwhietr per
isbell through the encroachrtie4te OP the
°patrol .power—a power creatid anderiii
press limitations.
4.1( tens Republic should- go the acrecti;"
ward path which every "Republic haegone
whose history has been written, from
what cantle will it perish I stand , here
to welcome Louis Kossiith because I love
this this Union, anil.prar that it inayb'e"keit'
nal ; but I see in gavgraigentgaymp
torn of mortality, ao_what is it 2
_:lf this
governmeriCshalrperish, it will-perish by
the encroachments of—the central pover
upon the rights of tteeparatA Stiittir t ;.,r-
An 4 : here rtands a an-whose tifer:: - 48
been devoted to the vindicitien of to
Righti against, a consolidatloif and,* ; traruiation. : "
" Now, what is the reason why, liberty_
has_been iMpoisible in Europe bath: the
earliest times down to the present :dal?.
Simply because they have had no contri
vance there for dividing the powers of the
government among many different admin
"Aud, sir, wben,l see here, iu.tbi,
country the universal tendency of powe
to attract to itself all power; when I .see
there tnuat _some day or other; come up
the question : Shall thisOluster•btßepub
lics cease to be a cluster of- Republics?
Shill it becOziie a IsTational4loveragaenst
I simply aa that I glory in welcoming to
Apaprjetaf t .
e pepulT champion, pf„ the
gt4tiEti PlPletlifAtnericlininatikotions."
Americans! The fatal day has arrived
The momentous question has gone forth
from the lips of - a - representative of the
principles of Kossuth, in the White
House,the . gloTioup, cluster of Re
publics; Once kno wn as the 'United States
of America, continue to be a cluster of Re
-401412ipt,(q; ahall of44M AO fp
Aueed . to abject provinces D radical des
pots sitting in an American Congress ?
The Prepidept,, ,44 , pleading the
cause of eleven once free and independent
States, and is warning the people of the
Nort*thlt - - the jibetties orAmerieajtie
pedaling by - the encroachments of the
central power upon the rights of the sev
eral States.
The name of Washington is no longo
the watchword of Liberty with the ruling
powersfifi attinty*. i Wifithair frou
his once sacred head is cast under foot for
a lock from ,the,,temples of John, Brown,'
anethe followers of this banditti chief
tain ate' titing t l d Yob the "American peo
ple of the liberties achieved by the sword
of Washington, to bestow them upon the
black race.
Washington not only achieved the lib
erty of America by his sword, but he per
petuatvkit figeiretr.kra. - 7riffkliVonstitn-
Lion, and in his farewell address be warns
the people not to pare with tbeir liberties,
and telltrtretri how' to preserve them. A
mong other counsels, he says:
"It is important that the habits of
thinking in a free country should inspire
caution in those entrusted with its admin
istration. ,to. ctinfino_thetneelves,within
th eif''reispeotive - 'sp'heres,
avoiding in the exercise of thepowers of
onedePartment to etieroach -upon anoth
er. The spirit of encroachment tends to
consolidate the powers of all departments
in one, and thus to create, whatever the
form of government, a real despotism.
" of thlrlivii'of power
and proneness to abuse it which predom
jaates, in the human heart, is sufficient to
satisfy us-of the truth - of this position.—
The necessity of reciprocal checks in the
exercise of political power, by dividing
and distributing it into different deposito
ries, and constituting each the guardian
of the public weal against invasions by
the others, has been evinced bj exppe,ri
te'tutQsncihb'tlanB+niaderti sottreoltbern
in our country and under our eyes. To
preserve them must, hn as t necossary as to
institute theth. 4
Thus wrote Washington in 179¢.. More
thee, tlftft:iirpfte(aarC.en. &minth,
an exile boat a land of tyranny, recog
nized Washington as the instrument in
-handsof God, of making America the.glo
rious land of liberty which he found
"-Happy your great country for being so
Oftdiel:eit) befi t:eat . Principle
of self-government. upon this founda
tiotvitsipti pthiltt l ?Aged hdnktilli* We.
001 I . l44to4y,loripAsitlibrittie viotld hitt
effieen. * happy your great country that
was seleCted by the - ble*ag. of t l . O
1114 , gkirioffS2 , prehtictibility
of a federitittii UnitinAof' inanY 'Sovereign
States, all cifiecriiiig . ` , their' rights, , and
.theifelitgOVenitiirit,' :and yet united- in
one ; every star beaming with its own lus
tre, but altogglirdne- -- cOnetellation on
ind* . nd's canopy." .
• •
Now heir the President contending for
the :rilirliAlqii r the ; IllrefeigntY bf the
States as Washington - founded them,
against , the AuStrian despots, Oo are try
ing to crush them He says,: -
" The p3belliont has been_ ptirdoisin, and
for—what 2 .- Was it-to_destroy the Stat.est
No: It was for the pixrpose of *9Br?,
jug the States in the Union of our fath
ers. The replan'? heing crushed, and the
law being - reattired, the - constitution. he
iti*anitowlcdged, these States stand 'in
tlßlUnion, constituting a part of the glo
rious and bright galaxy of stars.
"While contending against separation,
I have been' at the same tithe against the
coreatfalion ofpoWer here. I think the
clinarAidation of power here is equally
dangerous as the separation of the States.
The one would weaken nit, and might run
milt& anarchy, while' the other Woad con::
and run into monarchic"' .
"'"Washington says : " The spirit of en
croachment.tedds to consolidate the pow
ers of - all departments in one, and ibus to
whatever the, form of government,
a real despotism."
IT to following numbers will prove be:
rand a doubt that the Republican party
are overthrowing our free government
established by 'Washington, and are,
changing' into an empire like that, of Atits:i
trig, and France, and Rome, theonce hap
py Republic Of America.
igrA young lady from the count:ll,
Whose only idea of the Metropolitan po
lice was gathered_ from the newspapers,
recently camp on :n Ask to- New York,
and found herself at one of the crossingti
near the City Hall. Frightened at th'e
number, rapidity and nCID3I3 of the vehi
cles that wcriffasalUglip and•down, she
stood hesitating, har great distress, when
one lof policemen politely
stepped foridard to-eicorklier across. But
no sooner had he uhichifthei'elboW,than
pieznintreshriek-shO , (shrank= 066-
undefbi4luinds:eleared_the crossing al
mst at a - ,Tmitndilankexplaectiin tern
fieo agemila, "40, pir l i . 'Wasn't me I -10-1
deed,findeed,l have been doing nothing."
Pa. Lately kept by C. Qafs
JOHN FAUBOT, Proprietor. •
Wee alwate :rea4. Time to eat, without befog
hurried, for persons arriving on the nst
age, wishing to
take the e a rs. _ _ je26 tf
Mike House le epee stall hours of the night for the
setesitaadletieff.el Peneeekets. •••'; •
nrr• - : LAVW MK" Plopileter.—
- • • Itemitt , rabtio Ca t thii , • um` ,4ll ‘ Prr'foiroo
i ai
; -Tbigkohould w bo-lheriailying 017:of
tb Anien'&iiiieOpTe". — What Tiotlek ob
ject could gain our,attentionr What a
vast field is here laid open for our consid
eration lb—the restoration of that glori
pitsr 11)(niori W'hichArais formpit fath
kiiiJoll old: 0 heir vire sit down ,nn
"Mindful of this fact, and content our
selves to see that Constitution and that
Union trampled in the dust I One would
naturally suppose that the very blood in
'oarCingic! P.nvtinr - the silia
fion of affairs at the present time, and see
th i070 1 1P: PODg'rPoa So 9P , th*Ptvor,it.:does.
We would suppose that the members
ffetilsile foremast in the cry' thairiti" go
ing through the land—the Reconstruc
tion of the Union framed by our fathers.
The Constitution must be preserved,
and the Union saved. Come ye Union
boasters, ye Union-savers ; comr, rally
aothß resdhil •••- ; • ;
What is the, matter now ? Why can
not you come forward and raise your'ho
!aunas in its praise? Are you still cling
ing to the tune which you sung all thro'
the war : You were the loyal citizens !
you were the real, genuine " Union sav
ers"—" war for Union !" Or are you
barking up another tree, for the dissolu
tion of the Union ? If you are really the
Union men you profess to be, why do you
not come forward and do all in your pow.
er to save the Constitution and preserve
the Union ? • " Leaving out those awful
amendments which you are all the while
concocting; for
,they do not show any
great degree of loyalty for that sacred in
Our fathers went through seven years
war, and waded through rivers of blood
to gain their independence, and leave the
Constitution which they framed for us and
-our: posterity. • Afid bafv , today; the
question is, shall this Constitution be the
supreme . , law of the-kuid, or • shall aboli
tionism Which . strikes at the very vitals
4'09 .bop9t,itution,-Itairo g it to atoms
--+be ,the ruling powerof this 'Pommy.?
Whicli 4011' k be?' 1 appeal to ytiu,
then '
as you value that sacred instrument,
teach your children to take it as their
guide, to cling to it as the palladium of
their safety and happiness. I appeal to
you, mothers, to teach your children to
look to the Constitution as a beacon-light
that will safely guide them through shoals
and dangerous plates, and land them at
last ttp,a haveit of . safety. Teach them to
revere it, but never to despise it. I ap
peal to you, young men, to come to its
Shall. the: editithiton be reinstated
and the country saved" Shall the great
prindipie 2 Premed by 'Ott' foiefat hers be
carried out, or shall the country go to ru
in, and instead of its being a white man's
government., be given over to mongrel
ism ?
Men of our country, think and act up
on these things. How can you lay your
head - lipop yourTillows at
li'althts 't flo4_ welfare'burst
-0. u - pou you r DC not be idle. Go to
work, for there is a great work to be ac
f°1148,441, A s ,h,PiiCc", Vtiltution lutist be
+ ir riteuf allui mon saved. 11,
tie! 'Plant y6tiefeet
firmly, and as Jackson said, "by the
EteruPgr“4be li9ipp---At gyp} , and:shall
be pre'aereed:' - Do not get the blues,but
carry a cheerful face-,-have a determined
lock—so that your abolition neighbors
nal,eeethat u yqu,-pre, in -earnest the
tribkvbietrydti labor. Xtiend Club
meetings—arouse yourself; talk with your
neighbor, tell him you are bent on per
for,O,gaa gturipiut kt,ifposo ; that yo,a-Arl
tefiUltritt afffri y6iir power to reinstate
the Cliattitaiioß e anistAve the Unktt. r If
any ortelras a wiai to see his country on
the road to gratideur,, wealth and pros
perity, let him take an active part in its
welfare. This is the only way to do it.
Our forefathers rushed to the struggle
with an iron will, and with a determina
tion that'. Anterica- : sbOtfid belree tact in
dependent. Ana shall we, their descend
ants, sit down and do nothing? Shall it
be said of us, that we failed to keep the
great 4 0 ,0.4 ed eare?:.
the memory 6t those great men, those em
inent patriots, we pledge ourselves to
stand by those great principles left to our
care. "The Constitugon—the
shall 'fte oar'rallying cry.
Clymer ) , the Constitution, the Union,
and success to Democracy:
West Lenox, July,-11, 1866. A.J.r._
Butter Without °honing.
At a reeent meeting of the American
Institute Farmeriii °hil,' Mr. Sylvester
stated that betad, - . tried the experiment
oflouking butter by burying the cream in
a 'limning, and that in another bag to
keep it ,clean, which be 'buried about - 18
iocLes deep, and - after twenty-four hours
took ,it y ttp And „found the „cream ,thorough..
ly ccibvertea into tinier as it is by churn
ing. It is just in the condition- butter is
when is "come," without being adhered,
to thedesher. - It was worked in -the tts;
ual way, and made as good butter as ever
was churned.
wEBB . :
Are now receiving their New Stock of
ill ' ' ' i 7
1-7111 " 4
' T. '!.,ifi . 1 1 ,f_. ,
4) rm
Ttottle#lllll Belsold 9 '
- Ifecore.
Sommer Dress Goods,Silks, Grenadines,
Challies,.Printed ambrics, Lawns,
Muslim, Prints, Delaines,
Poplins, Hats Jo Caps,
GrOceries, Crockery, Hardware. &-c. &c.
- • 1. , -• 4 W11113 a ptringszcz.v.
Mostress, Nay 29; MI. • -
,PV.P.# I I 190 1 0 Mai
azematroaci. 23!.ft.
Homainaurazteetn. of Capital and
Surplus- $8,000,000
Insurance • Co. of North America, Phil's, •
Capital and Surplus, 1400,000
International Fire Insurance Co. ofN. Y.,
Capital and Surplus, 1,500,000
Girard Fire and Marine .Insurance Co., of '
Phil's, Capital and Snrpins i .• • ..• . 300,000
Lycoming County Mtubal Iwratance Cb.of
. Money. Pen lea, Capital and Surplus, 2,500,000
Farmer's Mutual Insurance CO. York, Pa.,
Capital and Surplus, 500,000
Enterprise Insurance Company, Phil's,
Capital and Surplus, 8'15,000
Insurance filf:Stitte of PetitlylVizai,ll4l,:;
Capital and Surplus. 'lOO,OOO
Kensington Fire and M. • Insurance Co., •
Phil's, capital and Surplus, 800,000
Connecticut Mutual Life fusurancolCo. of
Hartford, Conn., paying 60 per cent.
. dividends to the assured, Capital, 10,000,000
American Lite Insurance Co., Philadel•
phis, Capital, 1,000,000
Travelers' Insurance Co. Hartford, Conn.,
Insuring against all kiwis of accidents
Capital, 500,000
Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Hart.
ford. Conn.. Capital and Surplus. $1,583,163
Putnam Fire Insurance Co., Hartford, Ct.,
Capital, , $500,000
8181 ,- A.ll business entrusted to our care will be attend
ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted.
sga'Office first door north of" Montrose Hotel," west
side of Public Aveane.
Brt.inros &moon, enetamns L. 13noerN.
Montrose, Jan. let. 185 R. ly
PREFERRED by all practical painters ! Try it, and
you will have no other.
Manufactured only by ZIEGLER it SMITH,
Wholesale Dru g , Paint and Glass Dealers,
jan3o ly 137 North 3d street, Phllad'a.
Come and see the famous Barber,
Famons Barber, late of Hayti. •
Late of Hayti, now at Weeks',
Now at F. B. Weeks' Store Room,
Find me shaving and shampooing,
Find me cutting hair to suit you,
Find me ready at your service.
At your service, CHARLEY MORRIS
Montrose,Oct. 15, 1869. tf
ci.".33xivinir co 3EI. Or.A./%719,
FL - 10 RTY different styles , adapted . to sacred and secn•
lar music, for ISO to We eat h. Fifty-one gold or
silver medals, or ether first premiums awarded them.—
Illustrated Catalogues free. Address. MASON & HAM
LIN. Boston. or MASON BROTHERS, New York.
Sept. 2, 1665—lyamp
E: c b Arlbe r l e"r t re fe Choice ll ul ldi e T tinsreatndVll close
the extensive works of the D., L. & W. R. IL Co., now
in progress. They are laid ont in convenient shape and
good size, and may be purchased at liberal rates and on
easy terms of payment.
Great Bend. Dee. 7. 1864. E. PATRICE.
M1;747 SVIP Cl• PL
Post's building, below Boyd's Corner, Is the place
buy your
Would inform the public that they are now opening a
New and Choice Stock of FAIIIII.Y GROCERIES,Just
received from New York, whieh they will sell cheap for
cash, or exchange for All loads of Farmer's produce.
We have made arrangement■ with one of the best
Commission Houses in New York for shipping Butter
and I'loday:l,4=d-will furnish Pulls free of charge, and
Liberal Advancements
on consignments of Butter. Also, CASH paid for But
ter, Grain and Eggs.
A frevh supply of GARDEN VEGET &IMES, by Ex
press, always on hand.
W'Thankful for the liberal patronage already re
ceived, we hope by dealing honorably with our custom
ers to still further extend our trade.
C. G. MINER, - . . W. IL COATS.
Montrose, June 5. 1868. 8m '
=Pr. N. X-a 33i-uumelea.aeo's9l
Over Webb & Butterfield's Store,
Ts the place to get your Teeth extracted without pain,
1. and replaced with beautiful artificial Ones.
Th I i\Teevtr 3E o 6:tea:Lt.
Dr. B. WOOD'S Plastic Metallic Fillintanimprored
fusible metal for , ailing teeth. forhich..l ve the right,
privilege andlieense, granted By bi in, cti to fah Dental
purposes In turmoil practice air a 2 Denthit It 11 called
Cadmium Alloy, and is designed to take the place-of
Amalgams in metallic oxyds, etc., for filling. It dada
not contain mercury, and hence an absence of the diffi
culties that irtsucha variety of ways occur, et Ore liable
to occur with shatagent.
3Pia,toes Of are•ietka.,
Rubber as a base, from $25 to $4O per sett. Also,
Plattna as abase, Teeth and Gums being one continone
solid mass, for $lOO persett.
ltal — Please call at my office and examine specimena,
Office hours [rum 9 o'clocka. in. to 9 o'clock. p. m.
Montrose. Pa, May 8,; 1866. 71.0octly,
AiA, i
lio. ---i:,...,....,,.... 4140,7\41V
V i ( V" Sf , : '
' /".• •
i - '
, , • 1 ,
(l fit 4" --. "i 1 s 4 1 f e
`‘ . l
T'WILL immediately relieve, without pain, all distur-
hences of the periodic discharge, whether arising
from relaxation or suppression. They act like actuate
In removing the pains that accompany didlcoltor im
moderate menstruation, and are the only safe and reli
able remedy for Plashes. Sick il earache, Pains In the
Loins Beek and Sides. Palpitation of the Heart, Ner
vous Tremors, Hysterics. Spasms. Broken Bleep, and
other unpleasant and dangerous effects of an unnatural
condition of tiotpyteAttgrAta ctiopy.l in, 4ini worst cases
of Fluor Mhos or Whites,. they effecta speedy Cure, - ,
Dr. Chessemaxes FErgiale Pills
Are the only medicine that married and single Indies
have r elied on tot many Years, or canmelytipon now.—
Birdmen or Istreurrelts 1 These Pill i Corm the finest
preparation ever put forward, with immediate andper
sistent Success. DON'T BE DECEIVED.. 'Tate tat
advertisement to your Dural at, and tell Mtn that - you
want the best and most reliable Bernd, Medicine in
the world, which is comprised In .
Dr. Cheesernan's Female Pills!
They have received, and are now recetvfn tiro unc
tion ofthe most eminent Physician's to a.
Expilcit Directions,- with each box—the Price, Otly
Dollar per box,:tontrdning from 50 to 60 Pale, • • •
Plite vent by snail, promptly, by retnittingi . ttitiprito
to the Proprietors, or any authorized ant, In current
fends. ' T ge 4
Sold by brvb; gists , Goi erally :
HUTCEINGS & HILLIER, Proprletortt.
28 Hey street, New Votk, '
ABEL. TIIIIIIIIIRILL, Who elate sirdilli= Akett
for Ment Oet.ll. costlyrossind vicinity. . _.
continually i receiving
, •
. 4 )
dud keep, constantly titt hands full and desirable as
' sortntent of genuine,
Drags, Niedicines, Chemidale,
Minors, Paints, Oils, Dye-stairs, Teas, Spices and
othht Groceries Stoneware,' Wall and Window Pa
per, Glassware, Lampe, Kerosene, Beuzole,
•Tunnet's Oil. Litbricatlngthl, Neitteloot Oil, • '
•Reilned• Whale Oil, Ilarnieb, • Whips, ,
Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, Powder,
Shot, Lead; ' Gan Caps, 'Musical
Inetraments, Toilet soaps, •
Hair Oils, Brushes,u Pocket Knives, Spectacles, Sliver
Plated Spoons, Forks, and Ivory Handled Knives,
Dentist's Artifice, a general assortment of
Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perfumery, tr.c.
Patent Medicines..
advertised in Montrose, and nearly every GOOD KIND
In short, nearly everything to restore the slck. to
please the taste, to delight,Xbe eye, to gratify the fancy,
and also to conduce to the real and. etibetantial comforts
of life. Enumeration is Impracticable, aeit Would fill a
newspaper. Call at the Drug and Variety Store of
ABEL TIMRELL, Montrose, Pa.
SS row 132 11 1 1 rim cll. e ,
..,,-,:' ~. TIRAUTY.—Auburn Gill- Ai ,,
4, i_. den . Flaxen.and Silken .
GURLS ptoduced by the use • ;-,7' -;..J
~i. .,, ~r O
LE tT e ro li f. Ev DE E ß A nz u cr x x:n F o l ti t e lS . E p lt . . i1.. .,.. r,._ .
~,,,,,,, plication warranted to-enrl ~.... ,-,-;
- -I, i' .., - -Z`p y , the most straight and stub- . t, 4. .... v - •
7 • born hair of either ses into
wayyrittglot I/ or heavy massive earls. Has been used by
the fashionables of Paris and London. with the most
gratifying results. Does no iniury to the hair. Price by
mail, sealed and post paid. VI. Rescriptive circulars
mailed free. Address BERGER. stiurrs ..t, co , Chem
late. No. 285 River street, Troy, N. Y. Only agents for
the United States. ' myl lyefspq
Excelsior I Excelsior
TO the Ladies especially, thin invaluable depilatory
recommends itself as being an almost indispensable
article to female beauty, is civilly applied, and does not
burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on thn roots.
It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low
foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, to
tally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the
skin soft, smooth and natural. This in the only article
used by the French and is the only real effectual depif.
atory powder in existence. Price $1 per package. sent
post paid to any address. on receipt of au order. by
BEEMEII., Stetrrrs & Co_ Chemists,
myl lyefspq Zis River street, 'Frey, N.Y.
b]~t.~~TE=.z.a~~ ~s
FOR Improvin^ and Beautifying the complexion.
The most valuable and pertect preparation in dee
for giving the skin a beantiful. pearl-like tint, that. is
only found In youth. It quickly removes tan. freckles,
pimples, blotches, moth patch-,, sallowness, eruptions
and all Impurities Wits skin. kindly healing the same.
leaving the akin white and clear awaiabrieter.• .Its Use
cannot be detected by the closest scrutiny, and being a
vegetable preparation -is perfectly harmless. It is the
only article of Om kind need by the Preach, and is con•
sidered by the Parisian as indispensable to a perfect
toilet. Upwards of 30.000 bottles were sold daring the
past year, a sufficient guarantee-of its efficacy. Price
only 'IS cis. Mailed, post paid, on receipt of an ordezby
BERGER., SHIITTS N CO., Chemists, .
inn I ycfrpq 245 River strect,.Troy, N.Y.
x, (Irk PER TEAR We want Agents every
'. WIJIJ where to sell oar IMPROVED $2O Sew
ing Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper
feed. Sent on trial. Warranted llveyears. Above sal
ary orlarve commissions paid. The Only machines sold
in the United Slates for les.s than p4O, which are fully
licensed by Howe, Wheeler & Wilson, Grover ,t Baker.
Singer & Co., and Bachelder. All other cheap machines
are infringements. and the seller or user are liable to
arrest, tine and Imprisonment. Illustrated circnlars sent
free. Address, or cull upon SHAW & CLARE, at Bidde
ford. Maine, or Chicago, 111. (mar2Di Iys
I'Vew Firm.
Baldwin, Allen, dc Mitchell;
After retiring for thirty days at "hard labor," have re
sumed business at the old stand, under
the name and 11/M of
Flour, Feed, Salt, Pork, Butter, Cheese,
Dried Beef, Hams ; Fish, Smoked Hal.'
ibut, Candles, Tea, Coffee, Spices,
Syrup, Molasses, Sugar,
Seed Wheat,
Clover d• Timothy Seed, Flax-seed, Beans,
Brooms, Nails, de. Lc
Thankful forpast patronage, we shall be happy to see
and wait upon onr old and new customers.
All Goods and Floor warranted.
Montrose, April 10,1866.
NEW MILFORD 1001101111
MITE undervignetthacing rebuilt hie; Foundry, fa pro
-1 pared to tarot&
Ellett ais litmete and othertmaireilfixix
The Improved Iron Chimneys
['Foundryopposite Hawley's Store, next to Thin
nes's Hotel.
New Milfortl„litay-49, ISGS.
90 . tew liC• ar N ti
T c g ! A n g s e t ut o a u re t te d d tor s tiij. Ir ,ttr a y
1", Ctty 1311110 v, article s ,
. [112;1291 , ty• "
P- INSI-O-N : S i
Ana:.B.ack , . - .: Pa -
Y -1
rinriE undersigned Umtata) elan* GP Tar 13orens:
Narrr..will give prompt - attention to all enimsintruis
Mita his care. No charge untess eat:Capra
Montrose, Aug. 20.'68. J.D. McCOLLUM.
etaxcl. p ater
rsHE undersigned, LICENSED AGENT of the GOVi
ERN:SENT, having' obtained the necessary forms,
&c.. will give prompt attetition to all claims intrusted
to is care. . . No chargrunlcss Successful. '
Montrose. Awe etb;ssies.
: .
:P •g)
CRAIYE, HOWELL d&. CO., -52.
. ,
nE now receiving a large and well-selected stock it
AL. new goods, conileting in part ofclwlce ik cogna,
• • SPICE% • •
FISH,.. Ron,
and Iniect a choice variety of all kinds of
GRocERIEst - flio_VisioNir
which we are botaufte Bell wholetill4a_Or fetid],
cheap for Cal* (1 1 1 r
Call and Bee before bitying AlTrewhere. -for we Lai
pleasure In showing our / goods, whether you buy or not.
taken In exchange for Goode at the beat market price,. !!
VET - Shop in basement of Boyd's building next:bolo. 1 1
I Searle', Hotel.
Also, Meat Market Adjoining,
,Where Fteeh Meat, and Fish of all kitida are kept for
0. M. CRANE. JOHN HOWELL. P. T. rilsositsoN.
Montrose, Marl, 1888.
MIIIS time, end the good people of Wilmington st 4
other places in Dixie are said to be much ftltkl
but the good people of Montrose and yletc,
need not be alarmed in the least, es nearly all tads
good- , are aoi"g down, and have been going dean tite
Store of the subscriber) almost every day for • Isar
time gnat, and all wishing good Goode bad bet ter r e
und exp.mincquallties and prices before buying, se a .1
my purpose to te ll goods, strictly upon the principle e ,
five ana let tins. In the Yranklielkotel building,
biontrnete,llon • 2 4. BULL.=
Tr AS.—Chnlee Tele,.tsodatlers, better at lb, it
ben at 15 50 lfie per lb.
Samar% Syrape and Molasses . , that are rwea, aid
Vlnegar that 16 some lour.
"Robaceo, (the "filthy weed") from 30 to 130 cto, pc
lb. and oome in the abppo of onait,
Yankee Notions, Books and Stationery. Todd
Diaries for 18S5. Candfes„ - Trnfe: Crackers, Cheele. rider
and domestic Wines, Batten. 4.3 , 11, Patatee..
Fresh Oranges, Lemons and fotikif other Good things
gaffe too numerons.tomenpoo, roars). by
Montrose. Jan.lBrs. A. N. BULLARD.
Manhood: Ho* Lost, How Re.
sto i r94.
y PST puq*lPbod, a new editicut of Dr. Culver
Irelebzotiteil Saint onlhe radical cor e
(withuut medicine) of 41•1,uxteronnuoza., ur Ftlopil
Weaknens, Involuntary Seminal Loseen, impetus,
Mental and Physical Incapacity, impediments to Nil
Hoge. etc. ; also. Consumption,l{pilepoy. and Flack.
duced by self Indttlgehce or sexual 'extras:tenure
lenJed•enyetope, only 6 cents.
The celebrated anthor thin admirable away chttly
derhonstrutels, from a thirty years' oncessofol protio,
that the alarming consegnencbs of serf-abost, may to
rafficolly curnd without the danter n ut use of menu
medicine or the upplication of the knife—pointhvou
mode of Lure at once simple. certain and to
means trhfch every sufferer, nn mutt -r what hi, cot
Elkton may be..,may dire bittiself chosply, 'privately id
l it - a.
Vr - This' Lecture shOuld be in the ae sof tun
youth and everyman in the land. ' •
Sent', under seal, In a plain envelope, to any Wits,
post paid, bn receipt of Mx c onto, ler two post stomp,
Address the publishem _ •
CFI ' AS. J. C. larart co..
127 flowery. New York, Pont °Mee box 414
March 20, IVifs--Iyemp..
Peace , & Peace Prices.
Larne Lines oi'2'7 l iies Con . g4erC(ld: Enlisted
er. .33 - ILirritt
Is now rcruitrlng, for Spring-Supplies, new and but
Stocks of
Dry GOods i .! Groceries,
Crockery,' Hardware,
Paints, Lamp and Linseed Oils, Bar-
Carpelings,' Floor Oil Cloths,
Wall p v e r , Window Shades,
ficas47. Cops, Roole''cii Shoes, Clocks, d.
Including, as usual. IniLsurielice of the 00,1 poptel
which he will sell on the. moat favorable_terzatA
CASH, PRODUCE, or tinltidraot Thief Myers. , '
Flour: & Salt-_on hand as nag
NEW HIL,FORD, 'June, 1885.
iYLoleeala Actall Dealers hi
1:21/2D . V1/230
MINE RAIL, con? rEßsusk d T 'RAIL MEM
Scranton. March 24. ,1801 4 ly
Tra.akiwanna fißlbilmsburg RR
N and after'November 47, 18111, passenger ttli
3vlll tun as follows:
. *. •.
Leave. Serantones •• A /k
•• V 10:50
, .0:55 11:15 ;Ti t '
Rupert. — ' "9:15 •
" ; , Szr.o
Arrive atNerthambe;tand. 14;30
Leave Slorthemberlred, 8.10 to
Daavtile 030 .
.. • •
B iln itrga e lcin, '• • . 13 t1 5 ' & .1113 ° .. 63145
itrftre at § . cranton, fk.45 9:85 & 11
eengera tatlng train antat from Scranton 0 SO
a:ail:via North ombefiaml: realatillarriatmrgati t:Bl t
m• . Baltimore 5:30 p.m.; Waehlagkou 10:00 p. ` .4
Rupert teach Philadelphia AV, 7:00 p: m.
legatee, !Inv. W. , • • , ' 9.A 4 FONDS, 581P4
IT -
OWARD Assoclatiort,Plalladelph is. rt
Diseases of the Nervonciteteinal. Vein AR art'
nal systems—new and reliable treatment—in WO°
the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Vent by mall in Fe
letter off.liarge. :Address Dr. Ji SNO '
HOUGIEITON, oward Assodation, No South gtb sig 6
Philadelphia. Pa. - - •
A- the whitest. the most durt bie. the most ecenom#'
Try it I Manufactured only by ZIBOLER & 83,17 e,
Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers,
jart3o 1 y 137 North ad 'trees. Philsd's•