.For U&6 *#Atiose 14440 r. The Apo conflict - Between Demon ricy -AbolitionhhiPoi be tween Liberty and`Deopotifne When Louis - Kossuth, the Haugartan patriot, visited America, be was preselited " with a magnificent Maltese- Crosrof gold, in :which ,was set -tripiattirtz:of Washington, bordered _ivith and a.votodect was a beautiful " titi3hrin ring 59ine of the hair that ,liqd,streampd..in thgvuoke of freedom's bittt3ej trpoi rsa oeptmg the priceles s -gi ft , ; " It is with deep emotion that! thank you for the inanifestiOn' of yr/dr sympathy for my down-trodden land, but it is more than thanks, it is more thati kraal:ol),U is a sort of religious piety that I feel when I press to my heart this your precionagift —the likeness and the lock of hair of your gfeitt; Washingtno—that triad 4hqtn . tbe -111;ehtiitig of rottr , stru ggle ;fair indep n• Bence, was a bright star of liberty. I have sworn that so long as there is one man to stand by my side, I will bear on this standard before the bravest of the brave. I will place it by my side whence .bangs the sheath pfmt, swota,:titidlWlten I lead on in the cause of liberty, sure that liberty will, perch, upon 9ur, tytnner. So lolig-'l4 one drop of blood'oottt4Les its way through my heart, that lock of hair shall be with me in my struggle for liber ty. "The greatest merit of Washington is not than rejected the offer by a coterie pf the., erolizh of the Uniteq, Ster.en --- : I would rattler be surprised 'had -'ac cepted it, for what value is a crown to a free man—to a man like Washington— who was the great instrument in the handed God'of inal