CpQlver•it D e moatic Committee Meting. , : ,,O tihok At a meeting of the Dem ocratic County Committee 1 7 e rK rose on the 4th of July, it Iraq nrianimntlsly Cd, That the Democratic voters of t h e .set oral election districts in Susque hanna county are hereby requested to as semble at the usual place of holding their primary meetings, on SATURDAY, JU LY 21st, 1866, and form Clubs, for the purpose of securing a thorough organiza tion of the party. Resolved, That when the call is issued for the County Convention to nominate a ticket, the officers of the respective clubs be authorized to attend and take usual charge of the primary meetings for the election of delegates. ID towns where meetings may have been held and clubs partially organized, the Democrats will meet under this call, for the purpose of completing their organ ization. The hour of meeting, whether in the afternoon or evening, was not fixed by this oomtnittee ; but it was left to the mem bers of the committee, and others, in each town, who shall 6x such hour as shall be d ee med most convenient, and give doe notice of the same. By order of the Committee. A. J. Genarrsos, Chairman. J. L. MmutimAN, Secretary. Democratic Club. The Democratic Club of Montrose and Bridgewa ter will iiieet in Montrose on Saturday evening, July 21st, 1866, at i o'clock, in the second story of Cushman's building. 0. S. BEEBE, President. OSCAR SHUTE, Secretary. Broke Jail. Montrose was thrown into considerable excitement on Tuesday last, about 10 o'- clock, by the report that a couple of pris oners had broken jail and escaped. They were seen running down the old Chenau go pike, north of the Coort House , and chase was at once given by a number of citizens, on foot and otherwise. The two proved to he Quinliven and T. F. Dunn, who were confined on the first floor of the jail. The former, who appeared to be the best runner, reached the edge of the piece of wood on the east of the road near 0. S. Beebe's residence, where he climbed a tree ; but was discovered and brought back. Dunn was not found until some hours later, when he was found concealed under some hay in a barn upon the premises of J. B. McCollum, Esq. The fact that but one fugitive was seen by some one at work beyond that locality, and some re marks made by his companion, led to the suspicion that he had not. reached the wood; hence the search and discovery. Dunn is fleshy, and being encumbered by the irons upon his ankles—of which he had broken or cut a connecting link, and stuffed into his bootlegs—evidently judg ed that he could not reach the wood before being overtaken ; and, being hidden from Lis pursuers at that point, by the sharp bill behind him, no doubt entered the harp thinking that those in chase would suppose him to have reached the wood.— And this idea did prevail, until; as above stated, suspicion led to a search of the barns in that vicinity. An examination of thn jail window showed that the grates had been filed or sawed off; and report has it that a pad lock upon the inner cell door had also been filed ready to be forced open. Both fugitives'quietly returned to quar ters, and the excited multitude soon dis persed, all agreeing upon one thing only : that both were captured ; but sundry re ports of an exaggerated, and on some points, of a contradictory and unreasona ble character we're current. Rarford Fair. We give the Premium List of the Har ford Agricultural Society a second inser tion on fourth page this week. 4111:110 Fenianism. Attention is directed to a speech of James Stephens, "Chief Organizer of the Irish Republic," on first page of this pa per. It will be seen that. be holds that the Roberts faction committed an error in getting up the half-prepared invasion of Canada, and that certain leaders in that faction are not true to the best interests of their native land. Church Benefit. An Ice Cream and Fruit Festival will be given at the National Hotel on Thum day evening, July l9tb, for the purpose of fitting up the grounds, and painting the outside of the Methodist Church io Great Bend. By order of Committee. Robbery. Mr. Henry Harris, of Vestal, Broome county, N. Y., just opposite Union, was robbed of a splendid span of young hor ses on Sunday, the 24th ult. The proper. ty was valued at near a thousand dollars. The thieves were tracked to Binghamton, thence to Montrose, and were afterward heard ofon the road to Scranton. Mr. H. is in swift pursuit, and announces his in tention of following them until captured. Mr. Henry Batcher, of the same town, had a 7-80 bond of $5OO stolen from his house a few days previously. jri this case the thief got Scot clear.—PeOn'an. Worth Knowing. 4/0. Inquire at this office and learn how to purchase a Piano direct from the factory,. with makers warrant, at 850 less ',.thar cash price; or a Melodeon or Organ at less than cost. Also how to buy ate Enf pire Shuttle or a Finkle Lt Lyon Sewing, Machine at $lO leas than cash prim.' —The other day, while a large crowd were gaging at the objects floating 'down the swollen waters of the Cuyahoga, at Cleveland, something unusual attracted the 'attention of a lady. It turned cutto be a cradle, and .when it was' drairri to: the shore, was found to contain a beauti ful child fast; asleep, and happily won scions of the • perils Of this rough com mencement of its voayge of life. She took it home as her own, if not called for. —The Democracy of Cambria, at their county convention on the 27th, nomina ted Lt. Col. John P. Linton for the As sembly, to succeed Hon. Cyrus L. Persh ing. The Colonel's nomination is equiva lent to election. —The Democracy of Green county ap pear to be fully awake upon 'the issues of this campaign. liteetinga are being held in every part of the county, which are at tended by large crowds of all parties, and addressed by men of ability. J. A. J. Buchanan, Esq., for years past the lea ding Republican speaker of that' county, is upon the stump in support of the John son policy of reconstruction, and pro nounces the most withering exposures of the hypocrisy and corruption of the Radi cals in Congress. —We understand that No Prefix Gea ry during his visit to York, had a custard pie thrown into his face by an indignant soldier in response to Geary's declara tion that the York soldiers were " Hes sians, deserters and bounty jumpers." It is said that the gigantic " hero" rode (ff swearing be would come back there again. —Horace Greeley says in the Tribune, June 4th : " When President Lincoln, on the surrender of Fort Sumpter, carted 75,000 men to arms, there was not the shadow of a statute to justify his demand. Down to the meeting of Congress in Ju ly, he scarcely did a Constitutional act." For saying just that, Democrats were threatened with hanging at the time Lin col committed his illegal deeds, and many were thrust into prison for no other " of fense." —The York Gazette learns that, al though one Disunionist paid for five hun dred votes for Geary, at the Mechanics burg festival, and that seventy votes for him were sent from York, the vote re sulted—Clymer 2 300 —Geary 1,400 Clymer's majority 900. The correct ma jority was really 960. This little elec tion' shows how Geary sands in his own county—right at home, in fact. —An old gentleman remarked the oth er day that in 1776, we went to war on account of the Stamp Act, and got the Mager; while in 1801, we went to war about the nigger, and got the Stamp Art. —Counterfeit O's, lettered "A" of the Highland National Bank of Newburgh, N. Y., have been put in circulation by the counterfeiters of New York. The gener- al appearance of the engraving on these notes is rough, but they are well calcula ted to deceive the public. —Major Noah G. Bulb has been ap pointed postmaster at Shrewsbury, York County, Pennsylvania, in place of Mc- Donnell, removed. —There is no probability of the Senate making any provision to prevent remo vals from office during the recess. —Democratic newspapers do not de fend deserters from the military service, but they defend the sacred laws of the land which declare that no man shall be punished for a crime until found guilty af ter a fair trial by a jury of his countrymen or competent court martial under the reg ulations of the army. It is law which de mocracy upholds—not desertion or crime. —Geary's platform is negro equality. Every vote east for him will therefore be a ballot in favor of negro suffrage. If this is disputed by the radical journals, let them define the position of their accep ted leader. —The city auditor of St. Louis has ab sconded, leaving many creditors in the lurch. He has also left three wives to mourn his loss. Five murderers in the Effingham coun ty, Illinois jail, waiting to be hanged, be came impatient and left. —Recently, in St. Louis, a woman who had been married to three husbands, and divorced from two, was the cause of her present one being shot by the second. —The friends ofnegro suffrage in Penn sylvdnia will all vote for General Geary. He is known to be in favor of that meas ure, and is thoroughly indorsed by all the advocates of negro equality in the State. Voters who are in favor of a white man's government will bear this in mind at the ballot box. —lt was the prayer of an•excellent and useful minister, that God 'would fill his bead with schemes for His glory, his heart with love, and his hands' with work. —The receipts of lumber during, the last week at Chicago were 18;328,000. The demand from the West and South west still continues exceedingly active, and the market shows no signs of abate ment. —Twelve hundred persons are employ ed in the printing establishment of M Paul Dupont in Paris. —ln Baltimore, a few days ago, the Court, of Common pleas decided a dispu. ted rafting ease. It 'appearg that a sew ing machine was pnv up at a raffle by a man named Hoffman, and a dispute arose_ between the ticket hiilders, No. 2,Und No. 8, as to which won the machine., No. 8 said he won it, whilst No. 2 weized it as his own acid took it homer No. fl there: . upon rushed to an alderman, " sued" No. 2, and got judgment..' No. 2 appealed to: the Court of Common Pleas, and -the judge, with characteristic wisdom ' &el._ cided 'against both.ticket holdersinnd sta! 'ted"that the sewing machine by. right,i)e - - . longed to Hoffman, .He state.kthat "the :law. was, elear-that no person ean Ataintaitt,, amaCtion fei:the possessitirrof property, the title%to which is based upon the•pur chase of anything. in the ,iinterenf eery ticket:" 'toast NARKBT9 Reported for the MoNTlEtosis Desperta2, b 7 Fenton, Fitzgerald & Tracy, strictly Produce Commission Mer chants, 98 Whitehall Street, New York, for the week ending July 7, 1866. Flour, per b. $6.40 0 14, Pork,mess,bl.Bl,2s i ti 82,97 Wheat, 'bash. 2.00 0 3, Beet;mess,bl 15,00 @ 20,00 Rye, 98 ak 1, Lard, per lb. 19 144 22 Corn, 80 1 13 11 Tallow, r 11 r 19 Oats, 70 0 BO Bim per doz. 92 @ 23 Bauer, per lb. 45 @ 50iWifoi, lb. 50 at 70 Cheese, . do. 14 ey 20:1!'eathera, live g. 75 01 1,00 DS AL FL MLIAL CirE iSi In Liberty, on the 2d inst., by Elder W. C. Tilden, Mr. CBABLES W. MITCHI3;.I. and Miss MARY E. WEBB. TAMLEN.T3E3CIB. In Forest Lake, on the 24th ult., Mrs. NAOBil A., wife of. Stephen Masters, in the 38th year of her age. VSTATE OF JOHN KIERNAN, late x:4 of Chocouut township Susq`a county. Pa., dec'd. Letters otadministration upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti• fled to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. Menu Kw-1m t, Adminlatratrix. Choconut, July 10th, 16e.6. CAMPAIGNS OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. BY WILLIAM SWINTON. The STANDARD HfSTORY of the GRAM ARMY The greatest Work on the War. Universally endorsed by army officers and the press. THE AUTHOR SAYS : - - " I design in this volume to record what that Army did and suffered in ten campaigns and forty battles." l-shall have to celebrate the unswerving loyalty of this army, that oftimes when the bond of military co hesion failed, held it, unshaken of fortune, to a ditty self imposed." •• I shall have to follow it through a checkered expe rience, In a tale commingled of great misfortune. Mitt follies and great glories; but from first to last It will ap pear that, amid many buffets or fortune, through "win ter and rough weather," the Army of the Potomac nev • er gave up,but made a good fight, and finally reached the THE " ARMY AND NAVY JOURNAL" SAYS : " This Is the only American critical work on the late war. and it is thoroughly critical and entirely divested of all political hue or tone." This is the only History of the " Grand Army," and no one who has borne a part in its conflicts, or is inter ested in its grand achievement., should be without it. This work sells itself. The people are tired of po litical and partisan histories, and want something from official cources. We have agents clearing over s2ooper month. Send for circulars, and see oar terms and proof of the shove assertion. Address, National Publishing Co., jylo 2w• 507 Minor St., Philadelphia, Pa. LIRING GUNS IN MONTROSE. Complaints have been mtv'e of the tiring of guns within the borough limits and especially upon the Fair Grounds. According to a Borough Ordinance passed in 1852, every person who fires a gun or pistol within the borough, except on the 4th of July and train ing days, and except for killing worms on trees, and contraband domestic snimals. is subject to a One of one dollar for each offense. Notice Is therefore now given that the High Constable wll arrest such persons as shall disregard this ordinance in the flame, and take them before the Burgess, and the penalty of one dollar will be imposed and collected. By order of the Town Council. Attest BENJ. S. BENTLEY. President. AMOS NICHOLS. Secretory Montrose, June 13th, 186. A editor's Notice. T"Eparties interested are hereby notified that a hearing will be had upon the exceptions to the Guardian accounts of John Wood, guardian of Harriet L Tewksbury and Daniel W. Tewksbury, minors, &c., on Thursday the 2d day of August next, at one o'clock P. M., at my office In Montrose. July lfr, 1866.—dw Wi. J. TUHRELL, Auditor. ONT{ Yearling HEIFER of a brown color, white spots. and tips of horns turned back. The person knowing where it may be found will please return it to Chester - Wright, In Forest Lake, or give information of the same to the undersigned. A suitable reward or ex penses would be paid for aid In recovering the proper ty, but any person keeping or concealing the same will be dealt with according to law BOYD & CORWIN HAVE FOR SALK REIMS NORSE RAKES, By the dozen or leas quantity. !deo Hand Rakes, Scythes, Snaths, Extras for the Ohio Mower, FEIL - CT'IT .7.416.1‘051, (FLline's, Willoughby's. and Griffin's eureka, very cheap by the dozen.) Hardware, Paints and Oils, Glass and Putty, Lamps, Nails and Screws, Lead Pips• Montrose, July 3, 1866. tf UION HOTEL, NEW MH2FORD, Pa. Lately kept by IL C. Vail. JOHN FAUROT, Proprietor. Meals always ready. Time to eat, without being hurried, for persons arriving on the stage, wishing to take therms. je26 tf .6. A A L.' s.. gi 1 8 g . 1 : 1 0 So , 11 da m ''' 0 2i ri 1 4 CE . ›.. CD ii A 10 i DI 11 044 M 4 . X (12 f f. c 0 i Vi 2. o ' 4 14'g . _ . .... . p 4 gi as d 0 21. co 0 .D oi Id Al CS 44'' 4Ca 0 il Lk k V ° P i I; ei ... §-I .. 14. ''.?, ra " .2 14 t •-• , i . . a & 4 1 ' it t EAI 4 2 c)Ca • 64 .4 - ° Jo 4 sa.ur . • -, 0 t o N f s Q 03 c ol 0;3 ;71 st - , a .u.o I, 2 a A •.: 1:5 4MTe O '' 14 Is FQ ?c, pini eg, 41 .:. ek . •-• .. ... ce il ii * S, 10 w 9• i.,' to od 1 2 • ✓ tn I , na i.% 2 t 64 4 " a ~--1 . .....N. •S. 1 G i: l 4 ' • -01 11 gEI i i 0 6 4 toy CS (Zi . • 0 t 4 P:1 rj a) te4 41 41, a) g;4C2En -0 .4 o,t. ... 4) . U/ ca I>, a) i t t;. PTI .PURE:LIBERTY 'WHITE LEAD, ... more LIBERTY „ WHITE IL - TyILL do and•better work at a given cost, than TV az e otber. " Try it l , • , •, . • t .. ,__, Ran tared only-by, -• • - ZIEGLER & SMITU,:.• Wiwi s Drag. Faint, iad.4lses Dialers. janBo 1 y in North ad arm, iittlitia.'. mead QuOfems 334Nztci•.'AiLiwio gir ß (Ogg's- An Immensely Large Stock, Each Department Complete, And Prices .Away Down. Guttenburg, Rosenbaum St Co• lin AVE again fitted up their Store with a splendid la lot of New Spring and Summer Goods, the most of which , were bought at auction sales, and at lutrer prices than they were (or years, while we promise to sell at prices to suit the closest buyer. Our variety of Goode Is complete In every line. We DOMESTIC ik COTTON GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, WHITE GOODS, Linen Goode, Woolen Goods, and Piece Goods, Parasols, Corset's cf. Skirts, Embroideries, Gloves, Hos iery, and Notions. 111111.A.T-NXIV33IIzt."S" fGraoCliZll9 OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Wholesale & Retail, ROT MADE CLOTHING And Gents' Furnishing Goode. Clothing mado to or We would request a caller every one to examine our stock, compare prices, 4c., feeling confident that our variety of G ,ode le by far the largest, style and quality the best, and prices the lowest of any other establish ment in these parts. Guttritburg, ,Auseubanm tc7 M. 8. DEBSIMIII, Managing Partner. Montrose, May 15, 1566 DRY GOODS. NEW DRY GOODS STORE OWEN EVERS OPENtD APRIL 10, 1866. ROONEY, O'DAY & CO., No. 8, " Lafayette Block," 3EI X 1%7 ar MC AL "AGE "JLI CO IC , We have constantly on band a fall sad well selected Dry fiat -co cocies, Plain, Figured and Striped Poplins Summer Dress Goods, Bleached and Brown Muslim Cassimeres, Cottonades, Denims, &c, Shawls, CLOAKS, AND CLOAKINGS, Mteblmocsa-a,Les, I"aArems4cAtess LADIES AND G1E1413 rEENCII SATCHELS, A Full Assortment of Yankee Notions Gloves, • Hosiery, White Gooelec • • • • Embroideries, Ii . eke. tke. et c. All of which were bought. While goode were at THE VERY LOWEST FIGURE; DEFT COMPETITION. areal!. and examine our stqck before ,pner.hasing elsewhere. and entisfy yotrealves that No. 81 4 aBayette Block is the claw to buy goods cheap. "•• • : " 1 flirAs we are from. Busquebnons,ColiuM w° take the liberty of Efaiquehtinna County people who come to plikghamton:to fr fide, gill ) 08 0 , Fa% • _ Roolow &DAY a co Blogniotion,Msy 31f,' ' tt • mention a few der lu a superior !style NEAR THE CRENANGO BRIDGE. stock of CONSISTING OF ALL STYLES OF DELAINES; PRINTS, Mid : which will be sold at 'prices that ` N - 34:1" , i7VP SVP 0 3EL MINER & COATS Poet's btilldlog, below Boyd'. Corner, is the place to ROLM, GROCERIES, !RD PROVISIONS, CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP I MINER Sc COATS Would inform the public that they are now opening a New and Choice Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, Just received from New York, which they will sell cheap for cash, or exchange for all kinds of Farmer'a produce. We have made arrangements with ono of the best Commission Howes in New York for shipping Butter and Produce, and will furnish Palls free of charge, and make Liberal Advancements on consignments of Butter. Also, CASH paid for But ter, Grain and Eggs. A fresh supply of GARDEN VEGET 4-ISLES, by Ex press, always on hand. rW , Thankful for the liberal patronage already re ceived, we hope by dealing honorably with our custom era to still further extend our trade. C. G. MINER, - - . . W. R. COATS Montrose, June 5. 1866. 3m ,77 GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. CRANE, HOWELL & CO., 103 now receiving a large and well-selected stock of A new goods, consisting In part of choice & commln FLOUR, DAIRY SALT, SUGAR, TABLE SALT, ISTRUP, BBL SALT, MOLASSES, CANDLES, CHOICE TEAS, BRUSHES, COFFEE, &c., dtc SPICES, &c FRUITS, NAILS, PORK, WOODEN-WARE, HAMS, BASKETS LARD, BRO OMS FISH, ROPE, Ac. and In fact a choice variety of all kinds of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS which we are bound to sell wholesale or retail, cheap for cash or ready pay. Call aid see before buying elsewhere, for we take pleasure In showing our goods, whether you buy or not. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE taken ln,exchange for Goods at the best market prices. arShop in basement of Boyd's building next below Searle's Hotel. Also, Meat Market Adjoining, Where Freak Meats and Fish of all kinds are kept for safe. 0. M. CRANE. JOHN HOWELL. P.l'. FEIMESON. Montrose, May 1, 1366. 010NRE/V i t OR Strength to the Weak Youth to the Aged ! This preparation is unequalled as a Rejuvenator and Restorer of wasted or inert functidns. The aged should be certain to make the Blokrene a household god, inasmuch as it will render them youth ful in feeling and in strength, and enable them to live over again the days of their pristine Joy It not only ex bilerates but strengthens, and is reallyan invaluable blessing, especially to those who have been reduced to a condition of servility, self-abuse, misfortune, or ordi nary sickness. No matter what the cause of the impo tency of any human organ, this superb preparation will remove the effect at once and forever. CCIECIEL23N33I cares incompetency, general debility, nervous incapaci ty, dyspepsia. depression, loss of appetite, low spirits, weakness of the organs of generation, imbecility, men tal indolence, emaciation, ennui. It has a most delight ful, desirable and novel effect upon the nervous sys tem ; and all who are in any way prostrated by nervous disability are earnestly advised to seek a cure in this most excellent and unequalled preparation. Persons who, by I.Mtu mience, have lost their natural vigor, will find a permanent and speedy cure in the .IB3CCOMIE,PLENM. The feeble, the languid, the despairing and the old should give this valuable discovery a trial; it will be found totally - different front all other articles for the " 4 1 1 p 'l'E r rf7Al.l.S.—This preparation is invaluable in nervous weaknesses of all kinds, as it will restore the wasted strength with wonderful permanence. ' It is also a grand tonic, and will give relief in Dyspep sia the first dose. A brief persistence in Its use will renovate the stomach to a degree of perfect health, and banish Dyspepsia forever. One Dollar per Bottle, or six botttics for O. Sold by Druggists generally. Sent by express anywhere, by addressing HUTCHINGS & HILLY.IIII, Proprietors 2S DEE STILEET. NEW YOTk, Sold by Abel Turret!, Montrose. Dec. 1, '6s.eomly AGENTS WANTED ! J. T. HEAD LEY'S 'HISTORY of the WAR. NOW READY. Complete in TWO Volumes, also in ONE. It is ad mitted to be the most Interesting, popular and valuable History of the Rebellion, which is tglly attested by the enormous sale of 200,000 volumes, and a large portion of the country still uncanvassed. We are obliged to run our presses night and day to supply eur - dgents. Men of character and ability, who desire a lucrative employthent, will find this a rare opportunity. The.price of the work in one volume is so low, (com pared, with other Histories) as to bring It within the reach of all classes. For fall particulars send for circular. Address AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., je23 4w smp ' Hartford, Conn. Silks Executors' Notice. ESTATE of Michael Caughlin, dec'd, late of Apola con township, Susquehanna comity, Pa. Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, notice is hereby given. to all persons indebted to raid estate to make Immediate payment and those hav ing claims upon thesame will .present them duly attes ted foe settlement. M. NOLAN. Apolacon, T. SULLIVAN, silver Lake I ""'" Jibe . 19,1868.• NEW.,GOODS. BUTTERFIELD Axe now receiving their Now Stock of EMI= ;sf_ritt{f , sttinmer .Q.c) r3E3, • which Will be sold • 3PONt. CD. .f3s: Salptupr Dress Goods, Silks, Grenadines, _choj es ,y r ipted Cambrics, Lamy, Maolies, ,Printo f .Delaines, Popiiie l pate - 4rooeriqs,, Crockery, Hardware. db-e. 450,. • WAnAI • DV na: "nurTEM -' ea! rese t ay buy your THE LIST . MODE! STONE & WARNER. SUCCESSORS TO TUE 'OLD - WIRJR OIC:0110; . - ,14. Frown & ccr, 7, HAVE removed their baldness to the Store formals owned and occupied by M. C. Tyler, one .dbor south of J. S. Torben' e Hotel, where they ere receiving , - • - an entire nett/ stock of Family GrOberies, Ready Made ClothiTLgt NETS, CAPS, BO,OTS & S H OES Which we propose to sell for very email pr o fits, FOR READY. PAY. N. B.—Particular attention paid to shipping' Wart& er's Produce, Butter, etc. to New York, and protopt„re turns made. G. L. STONE.— - - - E. S. WAEN&B; Montrose, May 8, 1861 • THE BINGHAMTON MU HAS BEEN REMOVED TO THE THIRD , DOOR ABOVE SEARLE'S HOTEL, And le now reeeiving a large Stock of *ring it ignimuti- Dry . GOOdB, FROM HE GREAT AUCTION SALES 1Lt ..,. M Many of them nt, OLD PRiCE%. BEFORE THE WAR! CLOTHS, OASSIDIERS, CIKEAP.". A drat rate Cutter from New York will be bar .111 a , day or two I. N. HINE & CO. Montrose, April 24, 1866 DENTISTRY Iv 3Z/r. N. L. 33ztiriclergeoPiiii NEW DENTAL Room; . r , Over Webb & Butterfield's Store, I S a t a h if replaced ) giViobneran T teig l laerfgcaVgiwie i s ° : out Will Theo Nevy . X 3 litterro t t. Dr. B. WOOD'S Plastic Metallic Pilling 4n imiwoved" fusible metal for filling teeth, for which I have the right, privilege and license; granted by him, to use for Dove- . g i a t tz m or u es m inzg y own a ar i a s cti d c o v i n a e ll t e o n Dentist. the l sp ", Amalgams In metallic oxyds, etc., for filling. It does, ' not contain mercury, and hence an absence of the 11111 W mitten that in such a variety of waya occur, or are liphdar to occur with that agent. „ 3Plift.tellia of . 1 7 1 0003., Rubber as a base, from $25 to per sett.• Also, CONTINUOUS 9171 i WORK, Platlna as a base, Teeth and Gems betng one' cerhinons solid mass, for $lOO per sett. Or Please call at my office and examine apecimens. Office hours from 0 o'clock a. m. to 9 ,o'clock. p. m, Montrose, Pa., May 8, 1860: 10octiy DAYTON HOUSE S NEAR THE ,R. 'R• DEPOT, GREAT BEND,PA. N. B.—The Rome le open at ell:mare at the night for the accommodation of Passengers. DAVID THOMAS, Proprif#o;;,:' Mai 8,1868 wm f th oreed e.t 7 g a t c o o g ß i r S iw f :o m r n s t i Th lr e A :sm fi ti nn E i , • Weeks by using Dr. SE110;:v NE '8 RESTAVRATEUR.,. - CAPILAIRE, thembetwoh• deed discovery in inoaCYIS sciencecacting op the Beard;, • . ' and Hair In en alniostvairne. ' Won't Ittanuvr. It has beettused.by the ell tir.ot London: -• laid Paris with the most flattering success.. Names pt. , all purchase» are registered,-and if entire sitleihetiolr' is not given in every instance. the money:Will be cheer fully reitinded, Price hyniall. - sealed 'lnd postpaid, $l. Descriptive circulars and testimonials mai Ad dress BEltGliti, MUTTS & C0.. - Chemlste,N'to ttv er stree4 , Troyd N. Y. Only. agents • for 'the Unnedi:i State. • ITO Ivcrepq, „ l-1 • Auditor's Notice.: _ BE tridersiuned: 8n auditor appointed by phans' Court of Susquehanna County ItO andit:Aqd Ariake distribution °thuds in the hands pradministm- tor of the estatii of 'rhos; Bard! ckje.ileird,Seili 'amid tars : the datiesxot bis appointment et his Oho irpgroga:, on Tuesde the 1003411 y -of July; A. Ist lookai..1111L: at which dew nod pleat' nil tier tutintestrn meted in said thud will present their clitiots or pe prey. • Indebsusea fivaq coining bi _Bina C.) 0 1 • ' • - - 4;,.0.1 1 7441412 , Ti MOIMPro ir June 11, use. Or
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers