1 :1 -1 lillie. • ' 7..," 1 1114tat1bR1941.14114,44 . , ; , , s - .1 --- ". • a nieiltii-ittalte:fehangi...- " Never I 1-.4r - Itt'Rointi comities, especially in die' 4 11 4.0 ------ - ' tiondft*llN=ltit&tiolt4W "he said Inn - I East; moderate ob&ity ii 'enitadered a i -.. MittalbiBarrNtaitsit:A4?'::l.`4 ' 1 9kt.,, r .tva`bt.•=%•:•" *-. ''::' • ---' ---: beatify, aull . Tunisene yountr, ladies nre'r...' ei i,' " ' ll'ia' it 1'..1 : 'l:" . ' , . lk , ini -'•lf e in i" ' • .4 1 ,11 . 411:0 (1 . mind to ,tell a lit:00 story,...- ! , ...f.‘...tset e ,ll"-' i ia :. ~.te..a..‘,g.ancuti...„. wi.ar., ...ttenet . .., il a rj9gp i:1 different That li'lit brietinix - be slettAiAzglitte4 Piil4.V3"4 - Illif§l . 4ekati triretlibling• prtultlea"friurt that elite adman i e kirrituc' that it is true,ltiosi-ehipliAtically avow. limbs, " I will not put you te.:en .mu,A, whit4Ove'd - ikeirdanghtitrei . te'littikti thiihi' A b out tw o , ~ fermi. ago, & ..- I. 44 roa b ou t, Middy," and -aim hmtded. - tile -- coin ---to- mt learn isrottiublo on. midi •obeiistits:' '- '' "• i t Jollq.Ongeyis-ore Pak Ainsley," abbe Pvi(lget , with' ltistraetions..' tb -see if she i ." '"''''' ' ''- - " 1 :•.- - ti , -'i ,,-,, i , •.:.:. ...,1;-10 -, .11 wßaithlirlyealled—Waellftarkiftligit billitgit:ohanged*- 35 one of tl3 :Attires - • . .. . „ handcar ad carnet:La swing by convey. dtkit4..4l 6 X- 10- . oo # l .o 4o4 *c t. ' '' ' •‘,.,'°--•: ' - la g mis&antitatiti'l3iroollifrant z One sec- 1 . „.. - v-',,tit, Pp: intakhejalletiw. tillbet' l it , two of the city to Another. r and receiving tinilik:l - 1 1 . 3 0 Ark:think.) ll. 44 :.i• - on. 011011.1$e tbegvfor,gbg-reisoiable ragiiporason ..o f veld .;•" citiAlintte.tt the ladf...:" ctime," she firty,oe u t..po iro tt - 4...Vai si o u tblal•yi or . ; : tilteil, as KO 16'4:0 iii'lliti ntiire..and liesi npairdity-bi lib proili6st- sl a t : l 3 / 41 4r o n ii k ij rated ;`" theitPis-tt tire in the grite; and He, he cart rhiniti-etert.tnan - .'a rid when niCenitt - oi - et elinctlie - eltiblreit. - iecetirttif :earth! . aiwayt 10 found ihta. "It is somewhat shitty" .replied the old tottn . i folldwing her intothe parlor, nntltlL. lug working l'ionns - at - the corner of Mont- , gomeiy.antt Califortiimstrems. - : Ilie.,lutir ilite II seat near this glee: . ' : ~, • 66 Pother I may fnd same s silverinlthe and long beard:wete,quiic graY, an* his Limbs feeble, - and if ho could not sharp as 1 hbase:' s'aid ilie 64 Y, leavin g Alio room , .L fort fear 13ridget Svill tint sueceed iti get. heavy A loarl through the deep sand or tip ) me trizerigrivie atm° him as the sta i werr firer; the tn . :R. rity - tiollar niececliatiged:' " Come—l love little children," atuithe T io v i t; t e n n teny th: joranisditemneneyrnaer,d o t ilitaranityli child who hmitbeen .watching him with curiosity ran' behind the-large hrm chair, thl light loads in the.neighborhood fell to his,lot, and kind-hearted man- pot unfre- 1 11! " 1 I *si' Bllt V l Y . aPrvntleht - d. 14 What IS code name, dear r Inquired the eartman. quently trlivled a square or I Yr° 'Nit . - 6? 1 their - way to give an easy' job to 0; Pap 1 • `"tari:l." lisPed the, little one. " Maria ?" he-repeated, while the great Ainsley." , .. , Four years ago last September, (I recol. I teals nig 0) ¢ s ; `,.1 once .had n leet,,the month, fur I had n note of four lit 01P like rl nam Maria, and you look very . thousand dollars ttipay, And was conitiell:` r "" (11 ,.' she 4i 41 .'" ed to do some pretty finaneiering - “ Did Youlr, inquired the- child with seeming ititerest,--'" and was her' name to meet it.) having two or three 'lnv n I-g ave Itirin Easte I an, toe.?"' vilataes to trartirer to my lodgings; " Pap Ains'ey" the taskof traneportatior. " le r e ifi l l f 3l)ll2 '' e3chamed the 14'1 ArriVtog at my ,room just as ho had de T..""' 'L a r t , i ' i g IrP i n h i s t''''airt and divp ping infoit with his head bowed upon los posited the last armful on the table, and observing that the old man lookedconsid. b reast. erahly fitigned after clitnbingthtee flights "This cannot be! and yet, why not !" Ile caught the,child in iihenrms with an of stairs two or three times, I invited hint to take a glass of brandy—a bottle of e •.i . ; - ‘ ll ' e sag isleht.4l 'wt.- 1 "A .Pting which I usually kept in my room for '''' her -1441 ' . ' "Oi l li e ii"'" e"'"'c' medicinal and soporific purposes. Al , there, ss4llelily to-0 to leave the hoese. though grateful for the. bleu ation, .he ` I n9itnni !""et ker(wil hunt hem ra% politely declined. I nr,ged,t)ut, ho wa.s in _ Witte-It; and I dare not- tell Wei- . that lam flexible. I was asteintiihed. - I that drinelett tatber whit : once attempted "Do ybiffievor _drink ?",saidil... , to . take her liti;,' - and perhaps lett their lin.- " Very seltlom,'?; he -replied, 4r,oppin r: . ba l l l 4, '.riPiii4l lie grnatieAjas Iteliiknie,l into . a.chair at my request, and wiping the ''''""r"B'Ll'ull'l^f• l'ittilittle , 4it' o i Were pr ratios frottplits iiireileact , ... _ ;,..., _ bewildered. " You are not going," said " Weil l it' you drink stall," I insisted, the - mother reappearing„ alul discoveriug ". you will not find as fiir an excuse in the l'h-e. , 61 ' 1 """ l' ', ) ill '„' act '4l leaving; the hal l, lie steppe(' tom apparently ttarneo h is next twelve months for indulging for thee, but teemed to hick the resolution to you appear fatigued and scarcely able to do aught else: stand. " Ile said he had a 1401 Maria once, l' ''q be rank'," said the oh!- ;non, `I that looked just like me, mother," showed do not drink now.` I'have not lasted'in: the child, her eyes sport:ll4g with de toxicating liquor for fiftee a years, since—" "Since when ?" I inquired, thought- 1 lis r rllt ' The knees of the old earl man trembled, lessly, observing his hesitation. The old man told me. Sixteen rears altlie'er.h.,7lfe,l4,oll3just the door ,fer., sap ago he was a well- do farmer, near years ")`:, - -'"e' l ft a Y sl 4 "'itt t oWar(l. hint, Itiink case, New York. • Ile hail one child, til him ''Y the arm, and . atiompted to con duct hint to n chair. daughter. While attending a boarding ; school in that city, then a girl of sixieen ~ No. no !" be exclaimed, " not till You tell lite I am fergiven." years of age, she formed an attachment "" Forgiven— for what ?" replied t In fer a young physician. Acquainting her father with the circumstances, he flatly re- Tn Al 11 er in * it al ." 7 " 1 " . • erogn i• in tne yotir7k et I.ed father, fused his consent to a union witir a man whom he had never seen, and removing " ill ',, i ,i' m r i " 1 :,..t, lik l . l ,4 6 . :.' , -'4"' i * F ll 4'rutl.,„ , 4. .:1X , 7/11001 . Tat ner : - I.IIV erifA, t lir.ivrnig her from school, despatched a note to the her arms round his neck, " all is forgiven young gallant, with the somewhat point ed inform.. Con that his pi °some in the — Oh l° 7 4 " 111. " r '\ ' ; :' ', " •• '' ; reishborbood of the A'ns'ey farm wou d ' AI/ ;ri''':4lie"' rind ih'el " islri " *1" n he returned late in the utienttion, was not meet with favor. The reader of coarse earcelv less rejoietel titan his good wife, surmises die result, for such a proceeding . at the * disetiv:try. Whether or.'ll , t ',Map:, g (iota hatgi but one result. In less than a month there was an elopement. The fath- succeeded' l"; '.irl'igitig,llli.'""do,ll)ll r,a-gle; er loaded his double-barrelled shot gun , ' " e ' er' 'ear"t 4 ! : hitt . ',,t Ids I do Jtiiiic, it took the hetiti fetietio.alf of two mom hs and swore vengeance but failing to fint to unravel the knot into whirl' the dont the fugitive, he took to the bottle. His estic family had tied itself during her al. good wife implored him not to give way to despair, but he drank the deeper , and , settee ' accused her of encouraging the . -‘ 1) "T' Ainsley" still k't'lba Itis cart; fits elope money would not inducc firm t 1 pirt wit'il ment. In three months the'wife died, and i . 1 peeped into • the li n k yard of Dr. at the expiration of a year when the young East k in:et, (p i e Clay Last w' lA, and tli.c. v people returned to Syracuse from CotuT-t ecticut, where they had remained with r ". 4 ,` I ,''' °''' ." 2 , ""-`l'3"-rg."-g" ilia ray "' i''' the parents-of the husband, they learned j 4 1 .,... c ,-" c ' e r""m' t h e e"""s"r" with his .-.... grandchildren piled protni!tituastrin that the oldnnan had sold his tiirm,squan- ' dered the proceeds, and was almost dusts- i L° it. tnte. Learning their arrival, Ainsley drank himself into a frcnzy, 'and . proceed ed to the hotel where they were stopping, ' attacked the husband, wounded him in the arm by a pistol shot, and attempted the lifeof his daughter, who happily escaped utrinittred through the interposition of persons brought to the spot by the report of the pistol. Ainsley was arrested, tried, and acquitted en the plea of insanity. The daughter and her husband returned to Connecticut, since which time the fath er had not beard frifirn them. Ile was sent to a lunatic asylum, from which he was dismissed after remaining six months. In 1851 be came to Califon.ia. Ile had; followed mining fur two years, but 'Mid hit; his 'Strength unequal to the pursuit, retunaed to this city, purchased a hand cart, and—the rest. is known. " Since then," concluded the old man, bowing biz face in his hands in agony, " I have not tasted ' liquor, noritave I seen my poor eldid." ' , :4 -re gretted that I-had been so .ingniki -044 and expressed to the soifferer the sympathy .I really felt : foi him. After that, I,se.tdomtassed the eoftter without fur " Pap Ainsley," and 'never Pair him but to think of the sad story he had told me. One chilly g dr3ttly2dayl!rtbe December felOu;ing,tr getrtleman havlng puratmed at small inarble4op table atTan. aucticut ,rerk opposite, proffered yathe ola man the job olearrying it-told* residence...cm_ Stoxli!„ Loa 'street. Not 'Wishing to nedotapinf. tbe crtrier,•he bad selected the thee ..pro bably giving the best assurance tineareful) delivery of the purchase.. . ..rerntshed with the. cumber of ilitr house, the old eartmart,ufter a pretty try jp g.. strnggle „with the sleep, ascent o Califoittia'stieer, reiCh6dll4-; deiffitiblid4 sue depiiiiik-dithelablejtvbe 11414 Lin gerAgsaume.urith2 lady didnot surmise the reason, until be politely informed her ktriaPtruni'firA l l litqc44 4 .4nt to be,) had probably y. age! omi tted 6'; settle.fortleOfriage.. "'Very wen, I will' pay you," said the tady, stepping into' nn adjoifiing. room.- Sierenturneksndortating that:ShArPuil*. small coin in the house, landed th e . man a tweet &Au- pisea il4r . .S ll l)SCri lie-kr Ale DEN OCIPATA AUCT)ONEEII FOR MAU/A- CO. Address, Mouton, - Fa. latir; lrboteNtliailarbUTDelderW 7 staaDratta. Sl a g Ktit,. 11=AMS5 41 1 11_*‘A .fffitgAXFAisp, - "tUIL0111 HAROWARL DE173 4 -11.4a. CIODNTEDIFVEADDAiaIpfEiS. - ' - NAILED4D Ae DIV" t 'SUPPLIES. CAREJAOR SERINO& AXLES, SKEINS AND ..'P'ataVlL7lol2l:Bo2taraPlYilifiErST:o-' PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE rt:c.l , 7. IR 'WEB, BPOJTES..c. , I t,"" --- Prttersregtfigmombirsesmitrr --- ANTLICtIePrI f SVMS, w TAIIITIErIBELLOWS trotzw;_ t uzsmaz „ =Viz 311L1441*5; 1391.T(No.SCOMO • I IacitLVBLoCKS; PLAIWEEA Itig ogynorr, asiinmauxl44; - rarkaledditar4Lites. urxruitiVittandre TAIRBANWIII B=2ll. klaalla. Masi% ma at WISTATS -: ,I.l3g•sAll 033" WILD CHERRY , ! Onntathe oldest and most rdialtlo rcmcdlca•(n tbn' wood Lac Conghe, Colas, Whooping Cough, Broachitio. Laiity 4;eatia...g. Aswan. tiourbono.4. nord L.ono, allacIP 1 7 1114111 " OF TI.L.b:1111{0 Xl' • LUNGS .4; CHEST, tictirtiza rrisi 0 CON iffirt7D/IX7 'MC/ Mr: WISrAWS 11.41.5A1N of WILI criEnnv t S9 arnica! n:di use of MU lyntedy be c, and w portal* kit everywhere. Thal If A uuneeeereitg te remount ita virtues. Re teorte speak fur 0, and f ind Peatirdnee 14' ad abundant and casuntary /etamon poftb# man IF ;ay) turn roag ettrering and settled algae.) &lie ty W ss been reeored t oprietine rigor,ano health. ire can pro. dupe a t rOasi arab:fence In proaf of oar aionfons, Ueal e..4..V.VUT BE DISeBEDIrED. • , PIO riev. Jacop &older. , . . . . Won known nod much respected among the German population of thin conotry, mute* the followl4 state. , moot ['lithe tioncfftuf the ntnictod : , . Ifamoven. Po., Feb. 16.1M9 Dear Sir.:—Raving realized lo my family important heneat a from the flPe of VOW Vl2lllflbie lirc•pal.th.lll— of Wild Clt rry—it atfortin mu pleastre to recommend tt to the public. Some eight lean , ago ono' of Me danghters seemed to he to s decline. led little tiopes of her recover). acre entertained. 1 then pro cured a Nora of voor eseellent Balsam. and befere she had taken:the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a e.reat Improvement In her health. I have. in my individual ease. made frequent we of vour saleable tondleino. and have alway. been benefit h.; It JACOB h. ; It FrOm - Jesetu Smith. Bag. President of the 'Ntorris Conn ty Dank. 3tottletoten. New Jeraey, .I.larlot: need Dz. Wl.tar'e lialeam of WIWI - I:err for nimbi - yenee:and having realized he loneficial reamer fu nmiamily..}l afford. mojztent plrnwn to ro enrpm,mdlt td . Tho patine ao &vetted.. 'remedy ra•e• nt w e ,k cot• o. rout ho. &r. Jilld a remedy whirb I cynoider L. Dr chtiroly innovvid. and may he Inked In nerfeet earety by the mold delicate In health. From lion. John R. titniih. n dbzingulehon lan Fez In , tha aerert I oeraeleina need T/r ITletar'• PRT• OM of {Till Cherry for and al waye with decided bene fit. I know of nn preparation that le more eillcacioua or mare de.erriarof crarral are. " The RIIMM hie elan been need with excellent effect by .1. B. Elliott. Merettant, 'HANN cruse R ads. 114. Wiatar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Nono genuine unless signed "I. DOTS," on the .trapper. P2R SALE BY .1. P. niNsmortE. L. 491 ftroadvra,v, Nev York. S. W. FOWLS & co.. Pr mrletors. Boston. And by all Druggista Russia, Salve. FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE • • estabil;tu4littitioupeckaity REDZING'S EUSSIA SALVg Over all ether healing. preparatlone. It carve. all Undo or SORES. CrTS, , CALDS.RUILVI. ROLLS ULL RIGS, SA LT lt Ent. ERit.4IPELAs qh:s: PILES. CORNS. SORE LIPS.. SURE EYES; .tc. remAing the path at °net. and redciug the moat angry Tookthg eaellil go and Itiflamstldli ao. It by tme c. ONLY tb CENTS A BOX. ran PALE DT .t. P. DIN )10RE. No. 491 Ilroadstay, New Tort-. S. W. FUWLE A CU.. No IS Treintintat. Boston. And by all Druggiabs. June 2, TSfil. INT 140 " li7 ii r 3P3Er 135 S , -AND NEW gppps4 g o t otcrod Ibtab4siness nn T H Zr u tlr !V i e a rti nd 'h rty v L n WEBB & BUTTERFIELD, het: leave in tnform the public that they are now re wiring' from New liwl a large and wall nelectecl stdbck ~r veep. ~.11earri pt ton, cote Ming of ale kat et ) lee or Sprieig'syld Stuxuavx . PrititsH • Delanes, cziegiixr` oc*ttiorizicleg. Mlaevvicrls. doe. t I,QT OP li4Oplit of ill lands. A gond asitoriss mt. of Orookery,_ Orass Waxei 1779 - oden Ware, LISTS & CA.PS, ::11oOIS 'snag,' Vg:P l 4 44 §lW4 43 9*ri - ERI TIES. • GLOVES, DR ESS TRIMMINGS, SCARFS,. tOLIAIti Ike &a • 'Also a goof assortment of TIARDWAREr) Coratettng of Strovelti:: , Spata,Dlioeso:rorWi Scythia, .lEfitilitifitioOliti,r&o. VErAll kinds of rivckcaluLacp. takrn to change. Call and see us at Webb s old stand usi Public Mrcuutt AA TT ~o k A, A n • 4. FlPTais r;;'„ rvoh,q „1104-04,. WIP4 I : AIL ERIERAILWAY. x , . , ., -. o „N o t: i e i t imeacTuthi ivti •-Fir, Friityk 414iiire Great ~ - u • • • t 1 gE 4 TV 5 RD, Or ND. FASTW Aga, 110 U r. I:nifAinarn, '3:9llig .3.1:2y? - 4prepk. TFory.ta 5. maw In ' TAtipin - A., Steinftw . AP at .54-p.m 7, Mont fEspresitlnteaut ..B, Motimisti.•• . 2:1321.m 21. Etnir i t -• .111 . 3 8 " Eli 1 1 4 tea= FF3411110)..,P.:9#41i 11 Way re ght ; : p.m • .TraiiiihtiLeSetrA4Y- 4 1 .0. O . r ii 3 O;P[ l4 iint464.,VOS don do not ran Hamby.. Train 7 anon not inn on lin eup and itoadays. --- tiravis-zalloT, Gen. Supt. , 1)1z: -424:-Vs-' BgACII,-- DITYSI -aid SURGEON. BrOoklyn., . Office Wig` rte formerly occupied by tbianto De. Wig ).9 1 4 : Ye% uo. AEILY DYE COLOR'S, with dim:Wino bow , IICILANTATION BITTERS, Coastlthtion Water. Graf ass Om iar sail by AUX IMO& & maws Dnitaturs byrop. et MULL% Nay.. ABRANgmfliTs. I A: , HEW: thil , ; .. ltillt iN . :,100I ,-'-',:':itit*,44,'„ornio.•-,:::„_ 1!) 02nc•ivara. ides. ,co. ITAV2tl,"lgfroclttb''.E° 4l64 ' suck and g•raVtllabt Cot !ling Ti a Lae* and moil approval Styles. C LOINS - AND CA SSIM ERS. car za. CPCIMPLIMES, 431( every Deacripticm. .1-s 4C) Xi 3Ft Of the eidieeiit including Ilart's Celebrated Fish. Dairy Salt, 'Thad, Co eels. l'Picit . g. Sugars, Molasses, At-very Loci prices for CLBII, Dr Call and eee for ;maroon. Oasb paid for Grain, Maim., Eggs, br.c. • LOOO,OOO .00z. Eggs wanted. rirrwo !loons below Lloyd & WebeteYl corner, la the Stare Tarnirrly occupied by N. L Poet. L STONE_ Mantrose, April Ust i 18644 if SAM ES WITT I DEALER IN DRY GOOOl.llll Rollol6'l .CIIOICE FAMILY Vtg,1222Z 91 BOOTS AND StIOES, Hats and Caps, C.FL.C))4C1T..,701=1.. -sr, GLASS-WARE, th %Am %ND OILS, 11ARDIVAilfi - Nlll3 l '. EMIL= XJI3."6.I I XXXIXT., do o. Produce taken in Exchange. Mont rose, Feb. 'O4. J. R. DeWITT. BOOT. SHOE, GEN't HIRMSIIIII6 STOEL F. . WEEKS &CO. tru ,utt opened their SPRING STOCK BOOTS, SHOES, PIT?, CAPS, CJI_,C)9MEI3EN4Q-, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, • eansistipz of ev,•rythind in (km.' 'Hue of apparel, from iknor. to Ilst, Ladies' Fins Hp ring Balmorals and Gaiters, Men, Fine and Coarse wear, cheaper than any other-hoar !Lie ride of•NerarYork Come and ore ror your*elves. Rontx to Shoes made to order 2dontrore, Slay 10th. F. B. WEEKS &CO.. HAWLEY'S SOLIDIFIED 7C0033.tet1. C ream, FOR CLEANSING, 'WHITENING A PRESERVING THE TEEM'. , r ilIS article le prepared with the 'greaten( care upon ecientlet prinuipAes. and warranted not to contain ail/thing ly the alightent degree del. i• io the Teeth or - Gums. Some of onrmost eininent ser i:Mlle bare given Weir nartUtion to.snd cheerio ly re. commend it an a preparation of nnperior qualitli a fur cleanning. whitening nud prestrelno the Teeth. lt cleave them thatally..renttcriug the m beautifully white and pearlY. without the blighter t injury to the enamel. ltia healing, to the gams ut Imre they are olcetat• d and sore. It in [deo nu excellent dieinfei for for old and (lo ci:red teeth. which Are often exceedingly offensive. It gtvens rich and creamy Coate to the anent h. cleansing h thoroughly, and imparting a delightful fragrance to the htiath. PREPARED ONLY BY A. HA IV LEY & CO., N. W.cor Aflnt G Lombardeta, AND SOLD DI ALL DRUGGISTS PD a as CENTS. 'Y*ot~ti»so7 afar. 'the follmilitgoplhiem of Dr. 44lilie, as to the Met esi toem to whirl; ha holds tho:Dontal Creecm. mart, be *of ficieut evidence of Inc Tattle ; to quote othet teet)tnoni al I. in detail h. nerdlroe, routenting ouraelvve by 'imply gtvin; the - yam ea and addree.4lpers4llll who .peak of • Ito ateellettcy for the teeth. • ' ' PuttaMmettra. AfTll nab. lard. carefolly.,exand llawlers -00101ped Dental Cream." I hereby cheerfully recomn,end it totho, pbblre yet. rally. It its no '14601014 prepatatiOn el 4 m'a *ln g Fut get' eretin; tho-te.etli t and can be mewl b 7 all persons with the utmost coilthreuee.as Its propertlea ore refeettY beftewee: Bealdet pmiervintt the vests; It prpmutq a,inenitbv.setiena to thesnma, and impute a plenniate , s t i the hrmitti. • ..• . Dr. W. • 11., %SMITE. 1203 Arch Street. Tune. Dtouss,. rd. D QeUtfAt, 491 12. .4th at. ,1: - Hinter. 233 It. . fob it . ' t • , & VallultneCtch. Siozpon Demi/4.05, reb et. V. A. 'EINGIAMIT. enlist . 1119 Walnut it. A. 10t13.31lunkt D.9t fi..l34Atch at. F. M. Dam:. 827 Arch it . EDWARD ToWROZWD, neßtlyt.R% :7...4th at. Doprounr, Litetist,RYTlN-letb at. 31.. 1.. 49193104,1 at, lam 2, 1564,' ' • It ' Mitnufacture of Wooden • •• • •-•lyweeLviwicgra; , •l3. , • In atilswer.l." 09f tr qukirp sts to,*hln wceonid, t69k woolintp eioiti if briinett tferrefiet, e ; tipvp. 44 4 1 . biatt. the 4 , 041 Wan iri,thetitn , he,tidnbi Treffrof&tvpring...l Acpwrt Irreone,,lviintetivirghnile . fOr ifninomlin: wilder: We thoinetit beifi td,pptffy them , of till. feet to prevent dleenpuilitinent, -L—thismocuatimo-imehalL do flan enneon's work-as and. OVllNTiktcr inar invelifnery end ifeinree:vo ern Miptri 0.0 t ho ii offereitenintrryner.) We iFlieri• qpinil 614 , 01310r_ i k rid ttatehtivth cutomcli obring,tprig. „ _ • rqrramx & /IWO IPaeresre coirienwn. • 1, Bradrontec4cP. ,;„ _ •- - • • t o.)n 4.3 • a te.:, MEW 9003)0 A FULL , ASSORTMENT OF Bit & 081 ENE, rfit e ' JOST RECEITED, ina , finbasold: • AT A LARGE' SEDUCTION t3T - T6lg Itediepoii wi l liiclad4 tbo ENTIRE STOCK wideb 11, 111, ba Mind as ley es usual. and will be Golden THI MOST 1111E11 TERMS Wcor ALISIMIE ON TTME, or for PRODUCE H. BIIREATT, Nev, 1809. • Now Mi!fon]. ABEL'rURRELL Now offers for saloon° of the largest and bee taelectlons of rt, it (63 IC Ever offered in Suartnehrunta County, end probe bly com prising cheap/stem variety or most different articles of any store in the Northern part 01 Penneylvania,end per haps of tho ehtlre,State. An aasottnieid fauk e pr in about thirtydifTerent branchea of trade ‘ and tbe seise t ions are matte from about forty ot the Leef llvnetis in New York, and more than fifty Dealers and Manatee torero out of Now York.. A large propation of the Goode are brought direct from the rnatinfacturere, that insuring genuitteartleles. Custennerr on succoring the Store mast nut expect to and everything, in sight. bat nearly every article wanted wilibe pro Need bylaw:dry, Some idea of the Stock may be formed by the - following generaluntliro butenumeration is impractieshic,„ DragsM and edicines, Paint, and Dile. Dve ROD, Groceries, Ltquora, :rockery. Wane Ware. Wall and Window Paper, Jewelry, Silver Ware.Perftimery.Eancy, Doody, Marricallnetrwmtmas. brushes. AmerivatiPocket Knives. Table Cutleryand Silver „Plated Ware. l amps, Materials fur L fe, Ifareware. Bed Cordealt one Were, Dry floods, Mirror,. Window ulnae. Lithographs. Var nishes. ihre Ca , ,,ce. Spectacles. Whips. and Lathes, Ilroome. ontiP. Pistols. Amman it ton. Tobacco. Medi ' cal and Surgical Imornmenter, Salt. Soap. Potaih. 12m• brellap, Po rcela in Teeth. in short, nearly everything. to restore the Pick. to please the teste.to delight the eye. torsmtlfy the fancy, and also to conduce to the real and substantial comforts of life, The arrent ion of the public le respectfully invited to my stork of Goods. bought exclusively for cash down, and will be sold on the same principle for low prices. ABEL TtRRELL. Montrose. January 1et,1563. IL L. WEEKS KEYSTONE HOTEL, At Montrose, Pa. Win.. 8a 11.13.TG8, Proprietor. uis new andeenunctdlone llotel le situated on rnbHc T Avenue: near the Court tionee, and neatly in centre of the buatneee port ion of Montrose. The Prop,rietorte confident that he iv pro pared turn tertaingnests ma way that cannot fall to t , l re ENTIRE SATINFACIION. The bocci ap4Forpitore,aro new. and no ennenie has been entered to render it eunai if nfri superior to any in title part of the State. It In well Tunpliell With all recent ltnprovements and comfort', and obliging waiters will always he ready to respond to the call of cnotornere. The Stables coubected with this bongo are new and convenient. - The proprietor r espect hilly solicits the patronage of hfacdd f cads. travellers, and the public poneraltr. Jan.ll tf Wlll. K. lIATCII CALVIN C. HALSEY , ffillllllll6 SURGEON, For Pensioners, and Applicants for Pensions. ver °Mee In Public Avenue, over the Store of J. Ly on. S. Son. Montro.e. Pa., May 26, 1664. tf I I 0 yo'AIND Astorlallopl 4 Philadelphia, I'a. 1. Diseases of the Norcuus. Seminal. Crinars sad .ex nal grotem,— twse and reliable tree tment—in ffenorts of the ltlnV ARD ASSOCIATION. ent Ay mail in scaled let.er roveroors. free of charge. 'Address Dr, J. faxn...t..ts Ifouttortt, Howard Aasociat ion, No. I South .9th street. f'hilad. I phi.. °ern; 'tta "THE FAMOUS BARBEL " Vome and see the famone Barra r, Famoae Barbet, late of Myth LateofflaettSnow - atTfeeka% ti ow at 1.:,:B. 'Weeks ,Stormitcom. Find me fhltVinO and shitmtieFnittg, Fled me cutting bale to fait you, nd me ready at ybar eereire. At roar aendext, CILMILET MORRIS Montrove.Oct. 15, 1%3. ' tf SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PENSIONS, • 70Ezeit. Pam. rprrg nniteirriened: LiCENSED AC. - 1' of the EIMI ENT. havinn obtained the :leeway forme, will give prompt attent ion to , all claims intrud ed to bie etre. Nu charge tudeee iwweesettit.' GEO. P. LITTLE. Slontrofe, June flh.l M: : •n. DELAWARE LiicluworNA & WESTER ' RAIL-ROAD. Time of Papenyer Trairm 0 t, 12, 1864. I=E . I Accom.. Parsen• Piit•Sen. 1 1 Aceottt. I mods- . ger ger, mods. tion. train. STATIOI2IS„ . train. I Gun. IP. M. I P. 171. , • A. 121. 1 ip. pi. , 2.10 .40 /, Great Bend, -I 7.30 I 2.30 C• 1 140 . 6.21 • liew Milford, .7.49 8:00 =_, -1 05 6.•0 [Montrose, .6.10 8.35 3 ~, 1265 I 5.88 Ilopbottora, . 8.33 I 4.55 g• 11:50 I 6.16 I IClchbLion , 8.50 5.14 ir ot 11J5 I 6.56 • Faetoryillie. 0. 1 41 5.50 it( , wa s ~. , ( 4.42 1 Abington. 9.30 I 6.15 c. Ctlo.Bo ' 4.32 Clark Sunlit, 9.38 I 6.85 4 a 1010 4. I Scranton; 10.35 I 7.05 az • • • I. 1.22 I ftrondsborg I 12.48 1 ..... s I L' 417 . . . . I 15.10 j MattitiiiiitiChu 6EI 1.50' 1 •• • ' Or 1 Phllad'a change a,.. • 111.251 New pantpton. I 5 . '41 I • ••• 9 The Passenger Train North,. Litavealgew Ufilm:Ron on the amval of tire:Mail Train which leavrahhiow-York at. Kan a. m.. and . .lAnttake ("hurtle tin the arrival of the Train which Unfree 1.511611. 1 (ilenilictittottlreept.) at 7.15 a. in. At lienuitcni, this train maker ,Clone compactions with,trAine on die lark wan a 114Oomahnii.... Delaweria&iflird.oailtail.; quirta, atttireat Bend , witn . Uld 3 . 1110 TM* lan the Erie klallwaxgriing , . The r i ieseiiger ',froth' Orea:C.,l3end after Act 'arrival . of the Chi'aiiinati fri.ith. Wert. corigeminVit Bitat tort trains on titelAckawanna &Morino nr.andDetaware IRallroaela ; at, lianank Chtitilr with the tre'd!Pt'r PlitadalPhlitilvildrin New flamoton with.frttisait _ Vti. fiat fotAer•Tprkol7;Lettigh_Yalley,. liarritkurg. itC 5 . 4 A B ' tn't fille itatill'atrOtt tri Near-No(ll . st And in list-TON:4 at i lkaa Pli - et; A deolllll3o dation-Traina • ' Ntu lth inli r d • TnTief ts itOrtstrk;nd, thp,',lkky Ex prasegping,f. tekny which pogieoger7sfirrivorkt Ittukca, and , Kytt&Orni sairtelday: ' • tiontiA*4 l oobaPir Grept_o(md:arlor the Art1010(06. Xow York Aluest Oak Zaf C WAD Atistnger rrtsdnii an I totTricatalltriyouip at o,rfirftt 'ffynd, . .. w,serro.c9UKE,Supt. FLOUR! FLOUR ! fl ame FAMILY 1+106:4 9c.46:21iiv sith' l e 97 Map tor punt thelgWesteaeb L prices • kid 'dere OD*. I LZAVSIIOI7IIIIIJAtD LACKAWANNA & BLOOIISBUIiti 1 1 4.AN X 14 /* - (AN ikfteT4an..lB, 1864, Passenger. Trdlue trill mu as follows: tir.nVi` iCO/17111Valtt.. Stations. DLU. Neil 830 • , 032 - • • . U, r i m 9.86 „ .11 izi stos , 11.12P " .M. 'IAA. %w on. • 1.9 00: r• ' ,9.111 " • • . PlO " .29.00 " 7.S " soirrnwirin. 4E20 p. 7.10 a. tti. 1 10.46 st. --6.00 7410 ~1 1.10 6.3oanictr.', 8.32. t' 0.25 leave: 11oamsba. g, 8.25 p. m. tapett. SAS /anti' C. • 0.15 " isms ,cuutscilat4. 023 " rassengers taking the mall trails smith Won't' tub the express' train from Xi.rtbomb, rlarld. sirrit e zit I' aa., tistaT on at 2.30 a. m. Bali intoreAt 00 a. m, atsl st 'lMlLs delpla aat 7.004. m. The mail Ir.o fn Nutilmaisher• laud carte tuthiedlatelt after rl,, arched or 11 .- lat Preliiirrr-litt from Ilattiabutc an'd pappergpto leaving Philadelphia no 10.40 p. m., tercet h plot on:this-road doriso the tsttzt riseenems! New and elegant Sleeping Coor..aednuoiwnY the Nlgt Trains each way between ls.lorthumh. third and PLI la delphla. IT. A. 111.11a/A,Juo, Das. PATRICK & GARDNER; SURGEONS. 'Mont rime. Tn. Orke. L over Webb!e Store. o o Public Avenue. 3.41 NEW GROCERY 41..UTT1 YARIET Y STORE ! BASEMENT OFJ.S.TABBEIL'S Matt. Mint Pulmerlber would inform bly. , old frtm4di.J.sturt the public generally. that hp bzwito.t. rvturbed frou, New York City with a well detected serrtmeut ot . and ,11401:111 Other article*. Dial aa are n.. deill ill .444* family and that they, will he eold.for prices that canntit fall to suit. Please pall and examine. A. N. 131.:LLAItt) Ifontrose, Feb-% : , 4.. . (,3 WM.'ll. COOPER &, CO. AGENTS FOR Thompson's "Black Star" Line of Liverpool Packets.. • - D ERSONS wishinn to send for their (Howls In the old L conntry. tan purchase passage tickets by the shore line from the subscribers. Alan, Drafts on Del .nd for ssle In toms to , snit . • WM, 11 . COOPER & CO.. Rankers. Montrose. July 17., trira if A LECTURE To Yau.zi R oza publithed in a sealed envelope. ,P lee Biz rents. A LECTURE on the Nature. Treatment and itaaki CS Cure or Sliermattorrhen or 1 4 4, mina!Wroltoess, VOI mary Em !shuns, Set nal Debility. and Inmedi merits to Itnrriatte generally.. Ner.oll-oesf. ib•Pili..od Elm Mental sod rbvslosl Inestemiti . re sulting, from sel(ahuso. &t.. By Itoartrr J. extregilimr.. 51, D., ant nor nf the t:reva In.nk." tr, The , world viinewned nut hal n tld. fide; fratle I re tore. timely prover from his 00 n;w ry. it ;re ittif the awful comermeraeaof st Ifehino. mat be I MI mally re moved without nt-dielne, and withret fli.iirrri nr ruttl cal operate Wl, botetr es. intortuneute, riltin , nr reciltalv, poi ntlez out a mode of eure at once remain and therm al fly:which every ;editor, no matter what his eordf iron may hr. mar /lire h'm•. It:cheaply, priratelf. and radically This Lecture will prove a boon to thoosendr acd thousands Seat ander real. to nny addrel'a• if , a plain, "a l ' 4 " 1 - velove. nn tSe receipt of six tcbtr. of !Wu yeitige stamps, by addrorrinx, ert As. 4, c, & Jen y] 1.17 Bowery, N. Y.', Port Wince box, 45F6. XIST,Gr3IECILMVI ac• NIIIV"Rt.PWCXI; Manufacturers and Dealer's 4n WOOLEN GOODS. Camptown, on Wraltiring, Creek. Bradford Co. P. Rolla Carded and Cloth Finished. Wanafacture Clpth for Cuero:men. on Marva. Or at the r o ilowlag trl a per yard : Cup:Ottirre, hoer finixh. fine, 45 cents. Plain Cloth. finkh, fine. 45e. Gray and slized Canal morel. 4y eta. Tx eeda.,34.eamrs, Common Fulled Cloth. in eta. Whitellaiixel, :2 r, Mo. iladdor Red Flannel. 32 eta. Gray Flannel. 25 era. • The Gray Flannel made mitt) Wale. and very todrabla for Clothing. We will card Rolla for persona from a Monaco to take hone without delay. HARVEY IN4IIIAM,. A5lOB WRENCJI. Camptown, Mar Mb, 1564.—1 f • S. PettenVil & Co., N°. $7 PARE ROW, New York. and 6 State tretl Batton, are ear agents for the ifontrago Demorrni those Ale.. and are authorized to.take advertisements sad stibeeription 'for up at our lowest rates. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY. PEtAiSiorli t i 4 9 Arid Back Pay ! T r z 4errtrod rnt r rZ`7 o r r l l wivepL,aiero.to t, cbreutr9•, '' red to Ills care. 'Sorbs - F.4e nfilepe enrce•Pftli • Montrose, Aug. Z3l. J, 11. 31,COLLUM. HOPE GOLD COMPANY MITS.S.—"GOLD DIRT LOPE." GIII"L'S COUNTY. COLORADO. Capital 50.000 eharep, each. OEM .tOttl% EVIIIII, Colorado. Oro. S. (111.1117.1}1. tialtrro r. 11, darn. Ncw•York. •ltentiexs FUNEIC. N; V.. Q. S. Coal:F. New-York. , H. COUNELL WIIITA, N. Y. wit hlrit.kkft, New-Yrwk. M. C. TYLF.R._Nerr•Tork , 8 : 0 . AnNOLIN rlvvidenco. IL t president—Sile Eireßeteg JOHN' EV ASP Oviirrei of Colorado Terrktory, ' Vire-Preeldentl-4Ton. B. AnNoL6, Dr. F . U. diit/D. Treasurer—Wm:raw E. I..Aarrou.' Berrarlor —l, P. DAVIES. (801 y rcrico.l,2 , °Meg No. VS CHI-street. I'Verr-Tbrk. • Vlazvexcpia• . Elaraining :•Surgeon n. 1111)rabacrtber having been ,nppollded by it 4 mPAintior of Penaloti II M EbTOAL Rllidrimtir it 41;go.foosanitne °gi give LT110101 1 .'; to an . fitd l 4•l 4 " 'will attend to atraipjleatfoo• th at mar be casented o him, at IdontrOae,Ta. - Rooms at J. Ft:Vay, Ira Xtqta. , , E. otitrove.'4rll 6. 1543.—tt " • NEW. FIIII4. BALDWIN & ; ALLEN, AGAINIt IVESI I SIP! o P tmri b £4E0.14 DE:ftryis-rs FLOUR, Pgjia - " - $2.0.1 4 ' . Garden Seedg, Wheki, iiihiottiplc"ilai rem, Lard,'Candleat PORX.. HAMS; , DRIED' BEEF, ; FishiStaoke,d'Hitlibitt; 'Syrups, Molasses,. and Active, TEAS` 00FARS,SPIORS,BROOki . AATD AWLS. ft4 2 #046 'ZJ ; . :3 A. &AMAMI. WIL L. AWN. Sloatrose. April 14, 1M Acdifet. . I' tiair 'W. fi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers