' • • .1 r, L' 11„ " 1.7 II .51.1".1 S. 11 •••-• , • , • • • • • , • • • 4 'I 4 , 1 A • • ' r, • • A $‘ ' , A " • 4 2.. . • A • ' 0 A., 1:1:41. 1 .•• ••0 • . • 5 4 • i f • I 0, - 1,1 • „., „.„ • • * , . r , ; ..A r ; .71 v>/,11 . „r„ • . „ , . 3 i t , Fl J . r: 2 • t. , ...., ~ . 1 , T„ . , - • C , - r - •• e .. r •. , \ _ •!:t„ _ V . I ' . • 1, • • . • ; : , . • in: 7 - . • , • , - , ~ . o 70,1 Jiir-r:4, ro" , :d 61,-• - , • J. GERRITSON, Publishpr..l ',.-:,:':OKS.INE'S CAUDS. • -• AND LIVE L ntl. U. . I C. In IC! tLatlittup ' L bulidmg. 4 Mei u. 4 14 1 a f.l 1.1. .1. Li. Lir itaratietr. Li/other. al IL, t ' E tt xllo ' 4 1144,4,114 C, L. IONA) MOM 3L.. L I.`v4: 1. It. 111.7111:11T, n BALER in'StatAtonut! rata) I'r vdr. ('r4a-Itery ,41,44turc,11 !•_•..uka POtale 0 0111 6APAd Watt.. ilia). ad,tl 4 A 1.,. kurm. Id a 6.4 , tiroccriar. Proviaioue. Loc., \,a ytuetd.l a. ,avrai 41, a.' • 4T9eop, n. c. TYLER, J. T. W. RILE?. LA 1111101', TYLER 44.-. RILEY, iciN.I.E 't Pry (I.intic Uruceried,'lllardwarti. Ready tr,ll4i itoou 2t. Car; ' . Ma W u , * 'ire, tram. Nails, Sole& Vpiier Leath ar, • Viiki,,Lvtii4rauill all'ut: which they offer at the .I Fei • o ,— .TaioNbericeint r ,P rieCois.-12E11. 4100 6,18,6 41.1.1rtips brick3lustrui , e, Pa. dtrsrtimu ChOren •• 'COOPER & CO., SucceaporetunA,Cocrper .Odle. I#thrupo ueur TttFyidkp-st. M=MMNI 31eVO,LL.U31 SEARLE iI'OILNE'VS and Counsellor» et Law...toiatre:lie;i'e Office trr Lathrop' new tallithim, over the think. . .rIt7EIC HAY, ALaseticlaacer, Anbneri Four Corners, P. A 0. IVAIMEN, A17440MT AT LAW. Bounty, Pock Pay. Pen Pion J.& ana Exemption Claim, at toldtd faro 41ce /lent door below Ikqcl . o Store. 2111,11 i ..Pa C. SUTTON. L actessED AUCTIONEER, Frlendsv Sung'a eo Plana* Jan. .6•1. DOCT. E. L. lIANDHICK, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. re,qwctTully trrdvn , bir Vlroferatunal service" , to the eltirene of Frirnelo eilie*roLvlcinity. .rilr Office In the uflire of Dr. Lea. Board! Et J. - .llasfores. . poly SO. 1 63. ly ,33. GM-MATT, DI'LER (a Flour, Feed. and Ideal. Darrell and Dairy Trm - othyulift C'iover time!. finneerier. Pralt. Petrolenui Oil. Wooden and Stan , WarevYtokeerNotiona. tW"Oppnelle Railroad Depot, veer Sfilior#, Pa ?deb i 4. leG3 ly. C. 0. FOIWIIAM, hoots ,r•s#9its.slonirop, AL Pa.. Shop over Den - ite, , store. An kindo or work ozdeterorrk,r, anti republugdrrtrtmmtty. - - jet 7 - ABEL TUI:I:EI.L, 115911.6 R in brup. Medicines. Chemicals. bye Stuffs, filar, %are, Paints. Uiis. Farnbh . Win :..n 4/q , cotiv... Fancy litiogs,gewelel Perfu ..•ry Sr_- kftitubtopul t itlllT.ViT EIiICENES.,- - Miiitrvii.e - r., cuff tif AWE 7:4N-gITICENTE. THE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA AT PHILADELPHIA. PA., HaiEstablished an Amoy in ffiontrose The Oldexi in.,nroner Co. in the Union CARD CANT k PAID flg ASSETS OVER 1-0- rill IR este* are As Icor am thoO3 of anv good mvmpany to 1.31. York, or ele-re. 'err. and Ito Directors are among trtilre for honor and lout : rite. ....:axaa.eveLarr, 1 k UR G. efIPFM. Prep. itaatruae, J 19'15. 'in. BILLINGS STROUD, Aet. IT C>. MR INCE COM PAN Y, ; 1;:sf . • 4%TovreelE7Coric. ASH CAPITAL, TWO MILLION DOLLARS - . 11=g au.. ;Bel. 63,203470.27. . " 7&803.52. 1. I! atm' smith. Seey. Cham.J. Martin. Prrsideut John SlFGee.Ait A. F. Wilmartii. }',ter P 34elyeleaued an 1 renewed. hy the pnderrign.d as ate °Mee. to the Ttriekttleck. Monti... L.. Pa. novel • MILLINGS ./1 . 51.1. . . IMIGECOe' rEkTIST.-Vantraee. Pa ilottlce to inttr.c , ' mrir .4" l * . the Rant, Mt Dental Indekatiimti *HI be •sal ai i k - a "Warmed le :mat clic sari warranted. . • P. I.INES, I.l..iSlitONAßLES'all.oll.—.llontroar. Pa. Shop . to.paimoka.lawk. owl mere of Read. Watroup Poston,. Alldrorlawanaated.. as to fit and Inlth. ^attlng done on short nt!tf cv, in beet kyle. }Ansa) .rota GluyvEs,. 13Asino.NABLi T..kit.011,-11ontowe., Shop r ne aira i i liaprl lt, Alfttfot (Some. on Turnpike tree[. hll ordure filled promprlv. io nr.t.rate at Fie.. Patting, done tin abort notice. and warranted to dt. Cii ItT;p4 1101. FS; I EPXIBSCluelta, Waichera. and Jewelry at the lIL ahortaat notice,lol4ol3 ri,awmable term*. Au "T 4 warraut&L Shop in Chandler's . .SIIITII C tinsir' AND 01144 itAN6r4c 1 17 1 917r"`r al.**.tk,;stptt.Slontrlite:PA. .U DC tf C. S.. diLttRT, A. oirl-c3iieor, Legalized according to Act of Congr es. Addigiia OPTICE. Po4t.. Conne.f Codl4 ilackin !Inure. - pers-41112:11111U77).21aW.T.,!°.57..'" . Alontro.e. MAN -.; _ R. ifit'Wo"l',-*4:- . 'LittiE Atl4mar a^. :.. alto „_, eiNct 6-4119 tNiititallsiitigittongiven LO . ( , ;1?r Teeing. macro *ft td •- Tg 4^. "c r lh 4,l,l ; ; ei I( 4 6 4^44ifiiii , o 0 notice Mit 'o• t7.lcqo Lleert tvo.•r fn theftlintr of gilfieffto 1..11 ofoTais his ociia" ot. .41..314 *fable Qslifl a , freirp:alllloorot o Mamas. Xarch 3. Iyottilk6o3 tat, pt SeTnr4o4llo 1,X4. SI MARRIED FLIRTATIONS; - - Tux.Vkist.fg Tho iralalows. The last dying cadence s of •a d e li c i o us/ ly cre:urt %all; across, winrse weird notes the sop/ of Bi:ethitven had poured its gloomy endliee.; were floating neer tiny perfumed vroutrl flea dated •alleF ball room of the friAtionable Waehingtots leo tel; there was thei Kir and murmur of Separating couples, and the ill-suppressed 'yawns of weary " flowers" that ful -1 low in the wake of ery brilliant waltz. Kate Elwyn 'etoo4 in the recess of the window, praying ca , 'relessly wine the nid ed jessamines and TIN! 10.4. es of her bou quet, wide her lovely blue eyes wander ed 'anxiously from Ono ; L aw h er . ee id„ . . ii ity i n quest of some tenahOwllich they tiould not discover: There were few enure berme flePs than' her own, even in that festive arrow./, 14 here halt the belles in the Upi r to had brvinglit there e dilosioiials . and 11604 eves to eitezile the- politicians and law-tnak . ers of the land. gather beneath the 'newborn size,,' with thrt fragile delicacy a fairy, her complezion'had the transparent wax en bloom that you look for only in child ren, while her heavy handset golden hair Jay .aver her ,somewhat low , tiorchent) in rippling waves of amber. 'Very dark blue eyes, translucent as a sapphire of the tirin water, and a little crimson mouth, curt, a like Cupid's how, gave additi ona l piquan cy In her face, and altogether she was as perfect a specimen of the radiant Monde as one often sees, out of a picture gallery, or a novel. nvaitasit D. :W, SXAILLIC Suddenly her cheeks blossomed into ro. FITS, and her a hole ei mut ella II CP bright en eth, as a tall and rat lwr elegant looking gout leplail languidly sautitered ,'t u wards “Cluirley, I thought you were never coming” I've nnl7 been down in the supper room fur a few tmintents, my dear—surry ‘ou've mim.-.fl me. Anything I can do Kw von now ?" • •• Yes—do- zet my shawl and fan, mid we'll go up stairs. It's after one, and rus tired out," ''Conltliet, my dear," said Mr. Elwyn, breaking a niter..., .ruststoul, frtitn,hitt limiquet, anti lastetting it j:ititlfily: of his euut. •7 lii* etiga,,r44l - waltzes mid- a gitailrille itayintm,l would never litr•give we fur tiet.ert lug her." • li:ttet, lip eneeil hanghti"y, and a deep. erlle i.t eritits.catt ~tole into her cheek. "Jealous, eh?" laughed her patting her bright hair lightly. "Non, Kate, that's a tittle too silly of you. D. on't. pit know Ilia at n plate like this a_ man i. expernissi to 1111:ike himself generally a greeable to the ladles? Pray, my dear, (loth become so absurd and ridiculous as to—" itsno,nor. .11.2110,000. " Anil r. 0," 1.4. Et wyn bit - ierly. " your nod einivi.u iplive are secondary to 31i,s Raymoilir, "The T,Teen-eyed monster Pertaialy has invad e d your peace, my hive !" sail,' Mr. E "Upon word, 1 have always fitou ervilii for a link more common • Charles," said Kat P, quiet and wit b out. hee,:ing the earelo-s Sar'easth' Of his tuue—`• I am weary of this senseless gay et3—l am sick of the tumults au•l vani ties of IVabhington. Will you take me hunter . Why, limn, of er :VI your anxiety to pass a wittier in this great centre..! ' 1.11(dial and po!itieal life; You have been teas ing me ever ranee we were married to in. dithre .ou aids a tu-nsten in Washington." •• 1 know it, Charles," she meekly an swered, taintl4. suppress the tears hat were Mini:Ring in lair eyes'; • "'hut I have ut least learned the filly of set-king real pleasure anywhere Ina in the precincts of use's twn home. My taste for gaiety is entirely, sati4itsi, and you can't imagine how homesick 1 feel—how anxious to Pee the dear little ones aruiu. Whcti will you lake me home, Chat r ext week, perhaps; my lore—or trio -*kik idler, it' yuu positivey insist - upon it." 1 49,,Charles why, not,go Ito.morrow ?" .. - Itepossitile, Hate. lam positively ea. gageti4er i.very day this week for drives at *I exeuriione in the neighborhood of the 61 I "•EogageCr „repealed • Katie, •opening in.r blue 'Nee' "j know. notbing of these arnitittenient..p ,0 141.., my •dear, 1 itipernie not," tiiihiEl.- wPii . hrzilY• **l.'s( you imagii.e I was gu ing to (!iJIIIN to - yen arid as your•periniii sitn. every i Mat I wqetetl . , tl,_, d rive _uut With 'aliiity, or Imoke a Llg - lii wfil;.;irtt-nr tlirPe4terniumeir.' 1 lialt, , is hp lid veriol, anti she. !tirtipi qui: . etly . a woy, , Cliatlev E,lwyti Itnikeii litter' her .with au .istnied es presNion hi:his eye . surd' a flail' piiiiie upon lots lip . 1 A•Slits'eoealutill -molihre I , 11eznotte04.. 1 `-li,4ile'llis. or Aililtra 'ILI) ewe/I m i d the only Aviklpi4-. • iyo, le t liprpout,iti r o,tit.' at:lirr,leirtiiiittail never Au-to eneetaii , ago . mioiroq;el L 'illit h it 4 :l' .; ' ~i ,'. ~If he.!eetuloniave leen her , a few rail= 4 .thefitvengei:i.thiii,i,fi ni t u lien he isle ‘rhirPi. inE,- - througlrilie-lcaltz • - with . - :31194 ~i piti thumrs suidioWst- coriar fi witift over iishOtiardi Ikbtlit 4nAlgoilitigic94 * ~.,„ . '1;: off f ,4`);I:7`4,;1(/ ,, L) ..,11:111J , • MONTROSE . 1 1 'Ai THERSDAY('DEC r-, '• ,„ • , " ' _ ''• . • Awn dimlyt lighted Trim, :thelgoldenr•tiaig ail ifilloth.ed front and je welled comls,•and her blue eves looking likel'inor- Ding glories drowite•l in rain. 11i ell, pet! , hops it, .;would 11:1tge 410 11 11 per halo+ Hot. It is not /11%Vilys lieNt to let .11 own know the., extent of his power (pier that miserable little captive, his s lin— it is 10.tutsisbing how notelithe-sex delights in tormenting its ietim.. There is 0110 61seil Aqtfloie-4 1 elitialways, open to tile n °man ever,--u Ma i d cry 1 No wonder , Il{ut , hate Elwyn felt beide! n lien She wiped . away the shower of tears qud liritshed hack the lovely rippling tres see, from ber,liwehead. 11'lutt, shall .1 du." she itturinucqd to deluging her handkerchief in rose Dater, midi trying vainly to rot)] her burn, jug ,•yes• ; " %chat ought, I to Uh, I t• I, hail never eiirileanny from home it is :1 judgment on Me for leaving dear little I;abes iu the care of cold hire lings !• was ,•0 happy !adore I ever tho'i ut'this hrflluw , deceit hirpuol of fash ion she burst into freslitearx as she reinem• her+ tl her hu'sband's list words. `'lt was cruel Of hint to speak in that colii, sneering way to me," Am sobbed. " Have I lost all the ,pelts he used to tell me I possessed ? lie only- knew how these things hurt me, I nin sure he would net in a far different manner." She sank involuntarily back, :et if some rude haunt had -struck her, as Miss Ray suddenly up audibly through the closed door of her. ',win. And then she set her etompres st.4 lips 14.ge0,..r, mid a new look carnets!. to the liquid der hs ul !ler wet blue eyes. The g•lileil ininute Mind of the earveit! Parisian. dock uu the mato le hod. eled nearly LP,11.0 retool : the circlet of enamel ed figures before Kate lifted her gaze li - rotti the bunch uI velvet.•roses in the target.. • . . " Kate?, Why I thn't yt?!ktv.e.re:. I ttxtl tu n dfalh r," ALr. Ell wilt as be euiered the ro o m, and hi s wif e Milt ilo"wi his book and welcomed him ; WO 4.61 Olt, careless smile, •. " Yes, I've been so mulch 'iderested in that delight exelnimetl ; Kite, etts Ihu.ia•tically. Ido wish I knew lA - kilts er Sir Guy gets that property or noLI" "'" She r lms, got, liver lier milks litnazi r ogly quiek," 'Wits 'the busliabtrit Conk ) : nie;pr, lie kiitkeff belt; • Unfistenell 114 la4nder neck-tic. " Oh, thank you, Mr. Elwyn, Fro Bach a chaiming ride!" And Aurora Ipi.ynynt4 .. Traiig lightly from Ilse carriage step, one tiny gloved liana rest ing, on r. El u yti's arm, the nth. er holding up the folds of her violet v vet imuitle. U tinselled his lo.t gallant ly as Air tripped up the hotel blew:, all smiles and dimpl e s. " I t% uwler if 'Kate would like a I urn ritionl Jack-4m SA wire before dinner," he sahl to himself; oiiiisuit Mg his gold watch, I'll run lip ;mil see—poor little thing!" Ile :. 1 , 1 %m g lup Lily Al,urr , Iwo Mulls at a Claw. ;Vol blast into his $t '• rut on %our bininei, puss, and we'll have a, ride," he exclaimt Ilallo! slits isn't here—u hat the mischief dues this mean ?" she WaS nut there—neTter washer blues el% et Lai t+ith the white ostrich I.lente, 11 ,, r the inaghilicetit cashmere shawl that haul sent over front /11 1 /14 ft,r her, wethang present live ears bet;tre —awl 31r. El w) it camett!uwlrllUwtlstairs again, feeling very lunch inclined to gel into. n pussitm. you know where my wile is? " he asked Mrs. Art worth, u latly who spent one haft her time at the hind windows anti the other halt int catechising the ser alas, A!tralt etllismtrvit k new all I hat. was In ite•kintiviretmeertitng pt•ople's ont-gtting4 aml gent-11111y. "She's'ont riding in' enlonel I\'arring 7 - ton's trarnnehe—lceei t gone ever sitice ret tinted Ilie gossiping mat ron with gnu-at promptittule. ' "Out riding!" Elwyn's broqi.: cont net ett. ' "Si very st rapge,lw he 'hint ereti, to drive lilt is that sort or n v without MI total as Saying n aorrf to the! I at: irtlys tltthi ; ied - that Warrington• atotTot sort' ofiynOw '• • lie {teat Iltiwir atof dirni6liett his 'equip , ierp f ind thtm"returtted thh diraWirlin mum, ds rtrAtless' as the Watid!.:ring Jew. After one or tarn nunilly turns across the long apartment, he batri.glutattily down he the a it4tw .reerA;;EVen Aurora tiny titortil!s' pretty liAtuttly, •Intiter 'could not interest. ltint I"ottla,llk'at.e never e 5 ,'111e?". 1 .!e 4q , .. lie looked ter .01d' at; e 1) ;, , •' - Bho,6lkie l:: it, tot ' • I r t 1 statni h l r,a ItUrriet time Ft .7 -vatne, : "tutif lOvely viii her hair:L.)l , 4o about by the fresb • stria her 1164' 1.144 kii i ng ! ..k.,lwyn -:th-tg Jim ; inuPget 14$ !W4. l4 ; — rClau4 llt;ve,klu,ylce4 Colunef IVarritigton , ,:down for ;Om ; ,inYVIT tun :try : gaze achniratiou with, winch ' lunked.,atier,his,tiur„companion. l i rglWOY 4llo ' , - 1; 3 .W PATaPPP;PV4O,.i4A d FOR, Pfli.R.; F o tisitilvqFrftri*4, , 1 , 114, ligi4t() !,tip „Aar'', of „tittler'itliii, at. : 4,11,0; AltriNt ; 00, - iwyjqt/„4:14 (n*l,o green mosses dropping front her Intiy. r!: ,'; " Why haws yult.-put-on that odious grittilitireas:?lt4sltddlltrpVesttalnlgrrilt kiewbaJightipatastEu*damtkeirlihwierf I .ldi V i tio ;Ittitii¢-batt niueli dislike . green," ' 'tintfchalan "Toil fire sti tiJgutrt,tharles. What (lir ' eel-epee cart possitai make to von *he.' ! titer I Wear green tir , -ve'll,itt'? Ti' tirtily s .11.,gOne, fe,hioit for husbands to sni n a te her% it -hints, a la I)arbji I and We. jtire4 to please ' thepahlie,..t r ite gay , world; 'yon know„L- Mid I Pitt on this silk to pieasts Mr. Gar . nett'=.--S likeSgreen so Much !" 'Cliarrett Ehvyit stared hiS rife in speeeldes'i astonishmens. 'What dill it mean? She had alwayi been thelitimb lesifjaie'ld t est Wish or Caprice ;. mid, float lie smilingly set him At dt/hance. IVhat i Lvil spirit had possessed' her;' - ' She uttver-r - emne near him all the eve sin.g 7-nifVer songht Yiiy ' approval by the' !jut!! sllgltittees of appeal,' or 'thc glee ! tioinag lioks that had Wen so inexPreSsi-. I.ly ileitrfo him. No—she: chatted army; beWhehitigly the' eentre oran Ault I , , totrp; tun it Itr. Elwyn 'Was rea dy M 41tsh out Addle room aft a transport "Allow mt; io.ciMgrat tame you. on .ytitt r, treasure of a wife, sir," said COl. • War. rin,gt n. "J , io ! r,e & W ays known she was, a LeaUty, but," never before 'appreciated hey chums to lie ca l lted it wit." ,Elw,in War t -4 slievelitessly at the polite , c(a u ja i l,u ho . 'vas, evidently, surprised', at the ungracious reception of hishltst e CO.IIII, 1)1411cm.; 4 J,ust, : what might have expected," he taut tered to himself, plucking fiercely !at his mustaches.. "I% , ,hat the deuce did I bring, her here for, if didn't, wantevery tool ilksederY to fail down and wors4ip her ? , • " von like a 'drive after dinner, t 1' " he asked, one e% cis ing, 'after, a- . bout,iiirett days spent iii this very ,e4ify leg , .„ this ev'ening, 41(Vii:•1 wi,r11,6 of ivy thatrOpetYded•filoitt her shining hair: ",(5, we've - arranged such a nice moonlight party to ride out, to the navy yard." "%4 - I , ll,.t:t•liat's to prevent tile from ving.ypu.ilterC?", kited Mr. EtWin, {tea. i . tv 'll 4€1.11. t'' r )3 pl. said, .t e,. c otty , . , .•• , 4,• •et i protiqvci A.) goitt Mr. Vittr, IL; is so deliglitfullyla -4-r .4 Th ee4 e dietiyl I S ,likc,hdo!ir k,eti . n " gro Wl6l ElWitt,,, his` filleC t4onglitii:g and growing dark. But' ni tell jou what you ritylti, do, if ; you Vert.-ed," said Kate innocently. " Miss ltayttiond would like to 0, I've no Junta, or Airs. Evervt, and there can be no pos sible objection to an extra carriage in tile party, so t h at —" tiling Miss liaytnMul and Mrs.. I Ever- , est.!" ejaculated the Irate husband. Will, all my heart,., ply dear," saidlrate. K a t e . 4 you see it's quite im . possi-: i btu fur me to break my promise t.t., Mr. I Garnett." Elwyti . 's temper was by tio,means: impro%e4l when hu mood oil tho hotel sitis awl waielie4.l the merry party off, 'heir gay trict,V. aytkiillhil:llo. Luigi) ier echoing ttlt. r .uit4li ,serene tuoutilight, like 3 iy nwOry of o'l%ll gloomy'relle lions. lie liad tieVer - felt so utterly lonely tho'Whule course of his life. . Dear nil., what. a beautiful e'veniug to r ride'," r:igherl Almon 11:tyrnoml, looklitg wevtly up from her volume of Mr. Elw3n n.61 . 11(11 the drawing-room, looking 11UL uplike a' malt who has just had a molar extracted: But lie &AIN take the hidr, acting, as Miss Raymond afterwardslll:ilktql, ••More like a bear dam a man t a. and sitting morosely down' to the perusal of the newspapers. Alas, for the• mltlnigitt curls and oriental eye4—tlteir si.tell was brok e n ! • •-• . . 'Low long the gjoiv ereepitig 11°41; di l scent before'Kat'e empelia4! tong ere. the sound oc trheel'sgra'ed, upon the leiventent lyefort ilier door, he went. lip Id 1118 uwtt t'onnt, :ma tried, 'uAlissly ()ugh, to atobse'llint.ell "ti9o . 14 30 Ictt Mi l egirt , ;n:ere vA:trig; liettyreti litin'aptl , i:yery 66'etitni tiOn „t e , which lie t iirnetf:erept one glootny , hu o tight - ran,Ye-,40' think la gate ma's 'soci4- 1 ,-,1114 PYY!.! voiee'nnA I t w,mter it' l'in jea!otig !" ho inuttcred to biiiiselt; 'still plitekitiLt 'dercelt A!. the; (lark " it's tleth•rilife . , at eveitts:! woade , t• Krcitio' 'go 'whelee.er and,the .„ `wAii a ' , Aeyy. Obtuffiteriti inn.' IVotttd 1, it o critt4),Ailti Faro's„ lieliri et,iro"triio raliiot 1)Y II jefq • titict dtict ?!-= . *Wi t nat Os; Iyoul4 coasts t To‘i t iot t itil eciqotidtity'Tpu ivni'Ope4niediintlon tlonr anti lilllti wife tripe 4' Mincing fiery , f(tk t)" SI time, . A A e An tAtin, to Fidprelti,iiddeilfy %.itheti 0 1 1 3.8 *AW' 4 1 5'1' 1 04 up?A 'bands. • ''Cltitites.: 7 :4opir psut , id . it . 7. 4 T01 j " " is Theii'ivlia " "XYrAlcArt loyd " 1 " . • 4- pjfat ht-Gz ` , l-VOLtrilitc • . Chariesi„wh:tt do 50a mean PP o meaty Kate, , whea4Ou desert me f u r thei t ten4ery of otliersond tease to pay airy Tegurd- to my niskoa, Lvan , come lU frill mug .ranritisiou." e , "And that ? " ,‘llinit.you have ceased to-love nae.” "Charles," sail. Kate. archly tip into his ince, "dues it grieve you iv have me prefer the Society ul others to your owe ", ,• break* niy Iteart, gate," ho said, passionately. " Then, dearest,. let ua make a bargain. Let: us•allow nits . Raymond ,and Mrs. Everest to eonside thentselvea with Cul. Warrington and Mr. ,Ciarnett, while we are happy without: another. Shall it nut Kate: you have been acting a part !" "Ut course I have. 1)41 you buppose for a tut/went that I was in earnest! ' Thu luring she showered upon hi,s brow dispelled every lurking shadow flow the husuaud's hear!, and he lilt how iw.xur•ably. dear his yotiug %vac , was to In the next tlay‘s train Mr. and Mrs. El %,v) n left \Vat-Inns-ton, mutually con vin that,they had had quite enouli,lt of the gay cirpitali'• Tfittiv acre t unmi9taka -I,ly good afouts vonsequent timid their sojourn, however: Kntu was satisfied to remain pitetty at hinny fur the rest other annl•Chai•lLs was completely cured of every JaLetiLteutleuey to flirt 1 • A CLULD ON SABBATH BRILVADrch—One Sunday, as a little girl of lour winters was on the way home from church, with her liather, they passed a boy splitting wood, whim the lather said, ".11ary, do you see 'that boy breaking the Sabbath?' She made nu reply but appeared to be eery thoughtful = -as she winked homeward: - At= ter -.entering , it,,, tmer, her mot her asked her• wit:al:she had seta while she was gone, when she replied : Oh, mother, I saw a buy breaking the Sabbath with a big ax!" . I .q.attuaGs.-31arrhtge is one of the great, blessings of the world ; llerrick Alleu's Gold if eflal Saleratus is the other. Oae is, I lie result of love, admiration nod cotirtrhipi the other t he result of presever atme, setence nail skill. Witt re matches hayeTryven unsuitable, this article is well cab:Mated to, harmonizu and make home happy and pleasant, by always giving you lie nicest, whitest, lightest am! best Bread, Biseuit, Cakes and I"midings womals's hand call snake, which purpose cannot be aceotupliOnAl by the using or any other Saleratus or soda. Most Merchants sell it. , _ 'liar An "idea modeler" writes: was leaching sehool ill a (inlet eomitry 'rite second! morning ,of the season I found leisure to note my surrounding., and a mong, the y fitrnit lin: I spied a three 1 .1 2 7 ed wont, " :lint Ihe dunce's Week?" I ai.ked a little girl of five. The eyes spar. kled and the curls nodded assent, and the hos rippled out, "I izttess so---the teacher always , sits on that !" ZV. gentleman, long since, in one of his rides in tiontherit Illinois, sought to make himself interesting to a good•look ing Mother or a sweet ' baby, neetipying the nest seat in the ear. • After duly iiraising the baby, lie remarked to the nto. t her ; " he is a real Sucker , (meaning no II- Ihmisan) I suppose." • " No, sir " said the lady, blushing, " we had to raise him on the bottle." The gentleman resumed his reading, and has not bragged on any strange baby ,since. • Irgrnto ship Anna Schmidt. whieb was destroyed" by the Alabama cff the enast of.S.ittt It America, had on boned ti'qnantity of ,Ver's Cherry Pectoral for California. 1)r. Iyer now appeal fiir redress clireertb the British Government, as the responsible party in thiS wicked business, and base their claim for payment and biro te(,ion on the groimd of humanity, as I heir commodat its; are wholly fort he sick. Theirpouit is well taken, and will donbt lesS be pressed with the phi,k anti persiti-: tenet' wide!) characteriza the oparations of t ht..° celebrated chen.ist [Bal.im ore ftgr'A minister took for his text : "The' flesh, the world, and the devil." - Ile in tOntied • his nitoniqheil Milli-nee that ho. *mild 'briefly in the flesh, pass 'ra pidly Over the World, and hurry as.futit.ait pottiibbito'tbe( flevil. • ' . Linlies, if yen OA a either or cord your Logo to y! ) -4 grocer, find. get it, Clint eili•lirattl art lige.. known as ~the S. Monroe Taylor dotil Nrediil" Soap: Wo have tried it nod is is tOr sup to nny'intnp h is truly called 'the woman's emnpaniou and friebil no s washing day, besulesit ;only toket half as much to do the same work. Tha American. Flag. • • • Tenr . down:theflatintirigiLiot . •• • •T ~ ,•11,11f mast the sorry 11.174 ' 'Linsiilt. Tip , •sunny iky • i ••••• ... • •-. ~: . Wit h •linto's polluted rag - . ! , ~ ,i 1)11- 4 frotit iv whi) can !• • - ' ••••., 1 -4 • 141 . DoliviiitaritiVilivelivoß4 - i ...:-.... &0., &a, —N. .Y. Tritaii::,;•,.. :NUMBER4B. azzyrjavro Empagr LET c ut. - .The lodge. WI. O: F., determintsd to have their lodge room dons up clean and nice, end it. 'was resolved n itanimously thatllo.ic should be-hired to do the job. After the lodge adjourned, the guardi an, who knew the inquisitive charautee or Mrs. E., procured 4 billy -goat and placed him in a closet. He then informed the. lady orthe wishes of the lodge, and said he wished her to come early next morn ing, as he then would be nt leisure to show her what was and• what was not to be done. Morning came and brought with it Mrs. K., with her broomybrushes,,- pails, tubs, &e., prepared and armed for. the job, and the guardian waiting for her erre, at. "Ntru• madame," said hes; you what we tract done, and how we clime to employ you. The • I brutheis said it was difficult, to get. any von to do the job, and not meddle with the secrets in that little closet. We have lest the key, and can't find it tom lock ti edoqr. fassured them that you could be`deOnded on:' • - ",I)epended on !:! said she, "I guess I can. My pour-dead and gone husband Who belonged fo the Free Masons or the Anti Masuns, I don't know Which, used to tett the all the secrets of the concern, and when he showed tile the mark the gridiron made when he was initiated, and. told me how they fixed poor Morg an I never fold a living 'Sold to this day. And if nobody trouble's your closet to Lind out • secrets till I do, they'll lay there till they rut-s-so they. will. "Ithonglit so, said the guardian, "and. nosy I want you to ecilninenee in that cor ner and give the room a decent cleaning, and I have pledged' my word and beinor for the.lidelity of your promise; and-now don't go into that Closet," and then be i left the lady to herself. No sooner had she heard the sound of Isis foot on the last step of the stairs than she exclaimed: "Don't go into that clos et ! I'll warrant there Is a gridiron or some nonsense, just like the anti-masons for all the world, I'll be bound. just take a peep,. and nobody will be any the. wiser, as I can keep it to myself." Salting the action to the word, she stepped. lightly to tbe forbidden closet— turned the buttouwhen bah! went the billy-goat,_ with a stering!to regain.libeity, which came near upsetting her ladyship. Both started fur the door, but it was la inipleinents fur house cleaning, and all were swept clear from their position down to the bottom of the stairs. The noise and contusion occasioned by. such unceremonious coming down stairs, drew half the town: to witness Mrs. IL's efforts to get from the pile of pails, tubs, brooms and brushes into the street. wh o s h ou ld b e fires to the spot but the rascally guardian, who, after releasing the goat, whichswas a cripple fur life. and up lifting. the rubbish that boand the good woman to earth, anxiously iltquired if she had been taking the degrees. "Taking the degrees !" exclaimed the lady. "If you call tumbling from top to bottom of the stairs, scared to death, tak ing things by degrees, I havti them, and. it you frighten folks as you have me, and hurt, to bout, I'll warrant that they will. make as much noise as I did" • " I hope you did not open the clont, madam," said the guardhm... " Open the closet ; ! Eve ate the apple when she was forbidden ! If vou want a woman to do anything,Tener not to do it and she'll do it 'certain: • I could hot. stated the temptation. I wanted to know it, so I opened the door and out popped' the larval critter right ill my face, and I thought I. was a goner, and 'broke for the stairs, with Satan butting. me at every jump—l tell over the tub, and got down stairs as you found us, all in a heap." " But madam," said the guardian, "as you are in-possession of the great secret of the order. you must goaip and be Mill: :tied in the regithar way.' "Regular wayl" exclaimed the lady, "and do you suppose I am going through the tamed place again, anal - ride that crit ter without bridle or saddle? No! sir, never. I don't want. nothing to- do with the man who rides it, ..rd -look nice on as wutildn'tl ? No, never! I'd not into your hall never go nigh it again, nuther-s-and WI can help it no lady shall. e v e r join the Odd Fellers. Why I would rather join the Free Masons,'ansl be fried on rt,gridiron as long as tiro could be kept • under it, and' h pulled from - Ike garret to Cellar with a halter, just as my poor dead husband. was, for. lived over it, but. I never could Jautlivu such another riders I took to:tlaF',y, ' . 1:; LITTLE 1114-.-General Sickles opposed , the election or Gendral McClellan, but ho could not blacken his heart . and -fork his • tomOti to disparake't brarcitieldier, as did and do yet a lot of office holding scribblers, who have never ereh smelttho bittle afar of—t awitt by prosy 'I believe that ha his capacity Mtn - sold. her and officer he .endeavored to disehtirgo his dut7, and lam lashameil**lten tread in the partisan journals ofito day, end • sentelitnes hear front the lips of men, im.- putations upon his .personal eiminge.44. Eltetie, 1. know, aro! undeserved. . Thaw seen him under tire, and 1-know that q braver;salditr-hav cellos diittvirivamiordia, this war." 1 : 1.-<,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers