_ ... . ---...... - ....... m.- r 1,,,A.4.5.-11,4.2..."..Kant1it,,,,,, . ___...... . . . ...__. .. . \:, ~.,i ... ..,„1.,.,.,!0,.i.:1,_ ."ZaTil OT '4.p • - 7 -... it. . fl rif fil , • ~.: t , •...., ... ~.. . -nr, . jl, j '4,L •-; ', if: l g r ... ~ it .1,1. •,: - , - w.: •i; .; •,,i v il. t, :: ;:. - , • ~ il, . h.,-, ~ .., A • ~ • • %:. 1.: - . ' • :. . L . ; L A, ~..; s H e ' 1., : . .. T ;1.: ~..„. ~...,..,,;„ Y; ;.:' ~.- t.. 4 i.- 1 „ ... ~ • ,'1 ; , I i , , 4 i . , . • .. . . 4...3 IT 1, , . it . . :;-:. . . ' • , . ..' • , . , , . , • . • ; - . . 16. .4. '- • • '; ~T - .:...: • .. . .. . • . r - • jiYi' - /0 GER,MTSOTT,,' ,I"4lgishislr. TILE, SWIMS ANSUAZ FA)a Op THIS .*EA.lttrorkytlii, 3,1ittit.4t4i1:•....,5(.0.-ttg • WILL trimn IN ainsozrz, ON Tnesdayik Wednesday, QM. 4,1018&4. . ,lELeapalesticaxanc. The grounds Will be open on Tuesday , at 10 o clock, a. in. for the reception of stock al:toll articles for exhibition.. , kis wery,desirable that those wishing to compete for premiums should have their articles 'entered on the Secretary's book tiolOrst day of the Fai r „ A sufficient Police force , will be the grounds Iday and night to . protect the property9f, exhibitors, A b ad ge 9r membership will admit all articles competing for premiums with family who . ore females and minor male children. No animal or article shall receive more than one ,premiuni, and, the judges may withhold a premium where.tbe article is cot worthy; though there be,ou9ornpeti- The annual address will be delivered,on Wednesday at 2 o'clock, p. m. Good ,music will be provided for , the occasion. , • .lEb3FiL3ElZige,ll7lbe 2T-4.18P2m. CLASS 11-110ESES. Sub-Divison I.—Stallions, Matched 'nor - aes, Best draft, on farm stallion, over 4 years qld, • $4, 2d best, $2 " road stallion,over 4 y's 4, " 2 " pair matched horses, 4, " 2 " single horse or mare, 3, " 2 " brood mare and colt, 3, " 2 Judges--lit. L. Catlin, Montrose; F.F. Badger. - .New =ford; & N. Carpenter, Hayford. Sub-Division 2—Colts & Mules. Best.ii i x.-3-years old-colta, $2, " $1 " er,2lpars,eld_c4lts, 2, 1 4 ' xy4aig old Colt; 2, -" 1 " 2-years old colt,. 2, " " 1-yesr - 14. ct " pair mules, 2, " 1 Judges—Geo. Walker - , Gibson; Asa Hammond, New Milford; M. Oakley,Har- ford. CLASS Sub•Divisioo Bloods. Best dnrham bill, over 2 years old, b 3, a .. *2 " durham bull,l old, 2, " 1 " " ww,over 3y. old, 2, '" 1 " devon ball over 2 y'rs, 3, " 2 " oevon bull over 1 y'r, 2, " 1 " 'devon cow over 3 y'rs, 2 ) . 44 1 Judges—S. Marcy„. Lenox; E. Whitney, : garford; • E. G. Babcock, Bridgewatr. Sub-Divislari . 2 '—" Grate Durham. Best bull, over 2 ers old, $3, • " $2 " bull, 1 year old, 1,50 " 1 " bull calf, 1, " .4 I. cow,. 2 , " ' 1 " 2 yeah old heifer, 'l, " " A. year old heifer, 1,11 l " heifer calf, 1, it " 8 yearlmgs, 2, " 1 " .3 calves, . 2, " 1 Judges—Moses Chamberlin, Gibson ; Frunat letoxkty,-New Milford ;Coe Wells, Sub-Division 3. , --Grade Devon. Beet bull aver 2 y'is old, $3, _ " 1 " bull 1 year add tk, " " =lf, 1 ," ' ' co v, -2, ", " 2 years aid +heifer, 1, • -" " year, old,laeltei‘; 1, " " heifer i aMF, , : —l, • " • s yearlings , c-... • • n 44 • / " 3 calves, '2, " / Judges—Wm.Brundage,Harford ;Geo. Sumner,Gibson ; A. J. l'affalrY,Brooklyn. .—Sub.pirts4o a - Sect Wall ever ',1`3 0 ,r 91d, :_102*,4,1 46 ' 1 41 2 years,old heifer, 1, " " 3 yearlings, 1. 3.ealves,. I. - Judges- 7 -Geo. P. Wilmarth, Harford ; LB. Goodrich, Brooklyn ; H. N. Smith, Lenox,. ' Sub-Division 11-•i= ; Oxen o!i Steers; best pair -working' 'oxen, a years old and'over,,, $3, - F air do. 4 yearspoldi 3,, 2- $ Pair trrs 94146* 2, , "' 4 pair yrs oloisteeny, 2,' ". 1 : pair ifr old. Steers, .1, • " " p'r steer calves, broke,!, " Judges—E. R. Grow, GlenwOod ; Wilibtany'Gibson4 iti-AL:.Babeikk, • Her . .0455 414440ti5r SW/Bril. Best,vorse.looled buck, .2, " 1 " , It -;„" isms, 2, " I'. aa 3 'lit i am b s , 1, 1411 6 03 "middle Wooled back, 2, , 1 1 1 3 eVeN 2, I "3 " 1 lamb of ese l 4, 7, 500 kreforOg . tow, ~1 . la enria. 4, 1 1 606 Thittontfthis Griustell4farfcirdi James Dingbikullthis eon. '• - cull*" tt Pair tarign = leo - Plegeisr, - :101 " 4 ducks, ' 500 " 5 fowls, over 1 year old, soc " 5 spring chickenS, 50c, • Judges—Jacob Clark; Harford ; PM. lander Hall, Jackson ; Hubbard Payne, Gibson. CLASS V-GUAW. Best peck winter wheat, 500 " peck spring,wbeat, 50c " peck rye, 500 " peck oats, ' ' 500 " liallbashel cote in the ' ear, 500 " 'peeleciover seed, 500 " , peck 'timothySeed, 500 _ _ I:tedk flair seed, • 500 gia--Homer Tingley New Milford; IraCAri6enter, Harfoill ; John Bennett, cis as ir—ntgine, CZthErli a BREAD. Best firkin butter, al, 2d best,soo ) " :.' ail buttet; '' ' ' l, " soc ~ , t ia- hatter, ' ' 1, • " 50c 4 7 Wtitltter; " •'' 1, " 50c "cheese, ' ' 'l, " 500 (‘ :loaf wheat hreik 500 " loaf graham bread, . 500 " . loaf Indian bread, 500 " soda biscuit, ' 500 Judges---.S. S.' Ingalls, Gibson ; Wm.o Ward, 'Now Milord ; Zera Very,Harford lELASS' & VEGETABLES. Best fall apples, at least 3 va- rieties, not lesi"than 4 . of each, 50c 2d b. 25c " winter apples; ditto, 50 4 ‘ 25 a pears, 50 " 25 " quinces, 50 " 25 " peaches, 50 " 25 " grupes, ' • 50 " 25 " and greatest variety of fruit, $l, " 50 " specimen of patotoes, 2 varieties, or more, 50 " winter squash, 50 • " pumpkins, 50 " 3 heads cabbage, 50 a 12 onions, 50 " &bests, . 50 " 6 tomatoes; 50 " and greatest variety of vegetables, _ _ $l, 2d b. 50 Judges—A. C. Norris, Jackson • Lewis Brainard, Gibson •; Rev:E. Allen, Rarford. CLASS Vlll—lersraois, WINE, IKONEY & Beat eider vinegar, " currant' wine, " blackberry nine, " elderberry wipe, " grape wine, " rhubarb Wine, " 10 lbs. honey, $l, 2d best, 50c " " maple sugar, 1; ", 50c Judges—Jared Tyler, New Milford ; Mrs. Jackson Tingley, Mrs. C. S. John ston, Harford. masa X-'—tigress a nu twruvacrinuts. Best L 2 sides sole leather, $1 " 2 'sides upper leather, 44 2'sideS harness leathr, 1 -4 2 calf 'skirts ; '" 50c ." pair fine hoists, " • 50c I - 4 carriake'haines4 *1 ' 'OW" team harness;', 1 All articles-in this' class must be enter ed by the mannfacturer: ' Judges , —R. It. Thatcher, Harford ; W. 8.11 , '4 , . s, Lathrop; A. Packard; Brook lyn. mass x—AgriCultural Implethents a- Car - ritigee.„ Best common plbar; aidetill plow, Cull tivator, corn eheller, eiraw cutter, hors tac l e, and chaining machine, each $1 Beat mowing machine, 2 1 " thregund pOWer, 2 " d oable carriage, . 1 ! "" single carriage, 1 ' "market:wagon, 1 _ _ " buggy wagon, " lumber wagon,. " sin gle ' eleikk Judges—Horace Seymour , New Mil ford ; ,L. C. Day, Gibson ; C. D. LathroN Montrose. mess ;ot : - .: :cebinet Viretitjtardware, due. Best s een Of cabinet work, 'SI * " setfotehOre, ' "' 'ttit3 ' a r4Okiog cb'air, 500 ' a ' sewing' machine, ' 50C " churn, sod I 4i toed butter pail " 500 " b' tier 4e, •, • , - 1 7- P sett rwtel 'she:w' ''• sd o "" OfAin w a re*` • soq 'oOdleettirioe for ' 1" ' 500 ''stoie for 150 e 14 lielikor stoire, " ' 500 P. Hawlig, Gibson • II • Sibley, E.V. Green,'llarford. • zuwalm—Domestic Goods: • ' Best , 5 y i ds' woolen °flannel .1, 2cl b'st 500 " plidd flannel, • . 500 " ' 1, " 500 psis: woolen blankets, 50c. • • • 4 k;.B . pa!ii. woolen Bonin, 50e. " it-paar woolen mittens,- 500. ple woolen 500. "• IS idelinen ctotb, $l, 500 • u ; , 5 eds linen 'toweling,;, b . 47 500 Tag carlet, ; 'l, - 9 boo alf.orley, tow 5111.400. OM% Nr:4o,tis Grinoelatls4S.llsWleY , ; czAsSR xl:ll..r.,Ontameool Needlework, &o. Belit•falAWQr.klquilt: 20111lesti . 500 "pqpiit , dany,Other,ltiod f l, " 50e " bedepod,::. ;•••'. 'is -. ".1 worked au% boa 4' WOrkediooll,44, ••=.' .599 ,240 eenwprot'gtembreidlysoo , " 2,b70 --dtt'lljearait4lo*olderjr,t 400 "$:, 250 " bonnet, IV/ 4001 " 600;„•;l 4 1 • 260 MONTROSE PA. THE f,, , ,{3 7- 01..ttarE XXL. 2 NUMER 850 , , IaSDAT,' ,5EPT;',1,5%,:1it1,6,,4. " knit hood, 500 " '2sc " tidy chiir cover, ' 50c . " 250 ". fine shirt; 50d " 25c" Jbdges—J. W. Tyler, Mrs. A: JAW fany, Mrs.. Sumner Adams, Mrs. II J.Ty ler. CLASS arv—Paintings & Flowers. Best oil painting, 81, 2d best, 500 " painting, any oth'er kind,soo " 25c " .drovving, 1 " 50c " exhibition of photo graphs & ambrotypes, 1 " 506 " picture frame, 500 " 25c " variety of flowers, 600 "' floral design, 5043 exhibition ofnrtioia flowers and fruit,' ' 500 Judges—Mrs:a 'M. Jones, Miss Liu: isa Barton, Miss Sophronia Farrar, Miss Esther Little, John CI Tanner. CLASS 8 1 7-PLOWING MATCH. The plowing match will take place on the farm of John Blanding, on Tuesday, the first day 6f the Fair, at 2 o'clock, p. Best plowing, " $4 Second beat, 3 Third best, ; 2 Fourth best( I Corn. of Arrangements.—Geo.A. Lind sey, John Leslie, Jackson Tingley. Judges.—Benj. Watrous, Jacob L. GiV let, D. L. Hine. Elluroeirlisteriioctekastaa. General Sup't—Aiiimnst CARPEN'TEIL Ass't—TYLal BR weans. Cattle—Fowler Peck, John L. Tiffany. Sheep, Swine & Ponltry—Shepard Car- penter. Dairy Hall—Porter L Green. - Fruit & Vegetables--E. N. Carpenter. Agricultural. Implements—L. R. Peck. Floral Hall—J. W. Tyler, Jahn C. Tan ner; Mrs, E. N. Carpenter, Mrs. Coe Wells, and Miss Mary M. gdwards. • e 3Firic,e• cot .etti.claxamitericeret., Badge "Of ' Mein liership 'that 'iVilt *mit parents and minor eltildren,.so eta. Bulkle admission, 15 cents.. Children .under 10 years of age, to 91.5.' Clergymen and their families, free, ' , 1 . JOSEPH Moon; 11: 31. JorrEs, „P.a. Com. P. CoatrzterrEn, .500 600 6043 500 500 50a py:l43l(e):vysi:4oo4i:W3ootif:iall:ii:l OE - THE 1131.2.escrueeksibzurkes 4acraairt-7 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, WILL HE; HELD AT ifiroxitrci.ese, 3Fbek.,, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, Sept. 21st ..& 22d, 1864. Rules and' Regatktions. 'The Committee and Secretary have an office on the Fair Grounds, where the Jpdges are sequeeed to meet at.lo,p'elock of the second d ay, when their names will be called and vacancies filled ; and they will enter.upou their duties and be ready to report in writing at. 2 o'clock - of the same day. It is hoped that 4, persons appointed op Awarding Conamittees, will be present atthats hour, The Judges can resort for instructiong and to snake oat re. ports to the office. Exhibitors wishing to compete for pre miums, must have their animals or articles entered on the,Secretary's Book, the first day of the Fair, if possible , and a Card, which willbe.received tom tbeSecretary, C. L Brown, must be placed on , the animal or article..to be exhibited. , They must be all on the ground for exhibition by 10 o'clock, a. in.,, of the second day, or they cannot receiTe a premium. baTo animal or article cap, be removed before the close of the exhibition except by permisaion of ope of the Executive Committee... , It is very desirable that all vehicles en tering the enclosed grounds should keep io motion. No animal is to receive an award in more than one class,, except SU* and Colts, SupeOptendeafs of the different departs meote,will .have and articles systematically arrangc3d.... The ,officers of the society.-,and superintendents will be knowithy,their offieial badges. A : euffipient ; T'olice force will be in tendaoce, day. •,ppd niglit,to,proteot the property of exhibitors. . Arrangements are made for, all stock over night. There will be eiCpuunittep at the entrance of the Fair.:,Grounds, to direct all : persons !driving in..aLenk over night.. Stock can be-entered tea days previous to the Fair hy,, calling on c..L. Brown, Secretary, , 'Mee, at 4 F. 8. , Chandleen, Store.N. • Colts and Hales must; i i,n,er,bil'clited in stalls, during the exbilaition.,,i -, : No provision „will be,madftfor • stalling; stock stovertwo years old. rr. I No premium ~.will be awarded to any personAexttibiting articles or animals not etitOrOdliP'the Daglailif-40 , 444 2 fide OWtty i elotokthe szinte...., fl)13 • r „PCOMiUI3/0., . not Osned,,for , woAt ;will :be uPubi-kredi dOoOtMlitil the: Soda,. • rr oaetf, .1” 7ti, if ,Thosei driving in, stock.owlbs,seskurv; aixlite3 with pastorevasfoilow,s;:rThose conitogfrowtho - Aorib , andliaw.Miltort4 BS BSliearles; from Broafklyip at Wts, Je,sisup''e t ; fr s oM Sprin'AVAle and the wyay using, at F: $. epon - is ; tient die West and Owego ttiippike, at 3.,S.lllVbell'e' firm, formerly Peekihs's. Dads, Order of Arrangements. The gates will be . open from 7 o'clock, a. m., until 6p. m:, each day: 1 WEDNESDAY, SETT. 21 St—Fissi Day.— At 12 o'clock, in., the track will be open for promiscuous driving udtil", p. nr. ' At 2 o'clock, p. in., all horses in har ness, entered for preiniutne, are expected, tobe present and take their places as called by the Superintendents, for exhibi tion and inspection. At . 3 o'clock, . m., lady and gentleinan riding, i fiiici at 3 p. in., volunteer lady and gentleinin driv ng, until 5 p. m. Torn-swt, SEPT. 22d—Second Day.— At 11 o'clock, a. it., a grand cavalcade of horses, entered for premiums, will take place on the track. At lli o'clock, a., in., at the call of the Superintendent, class first will assemble in front of the Judges' stand,lfor exhibi tion and final inspection. At 12 o'clock, in., single and 'matched horses. At 12i, p. m., costi. At T, p. m., m9les. At 2, p. m., the aildresV At 4, p. my, announcement of the award of premiums. To conclude with an' exhibition of geu eral driving on the track. 10Pt..13731LX1:72141C XAMEIT. DIVISION" 2.-110119 ES. Class i : Stallions and Maies.—BeSt stallion and one otlis colts, Diploma and $5 ; 2d best, $4; 3d best, $3 ; best brood mare and dolt, ss; ' 2d beat, 84. judges—Dr. Lathrop ,of Montrose, R: Kent, James Care:mit.. . „ . Class,2 : Single and Matched,Borsgs,-- 7 Beat single gelding, over 4 ,•yieiriolo, rais ed in the county, $3; 2d best, 02 k best single mare raised in ,the county, $3; 2d best.. $2; beet, pair of. matched horses, over 3 years old, raise4.lin ccollnty, 2d ,best, ; best. pa.kr ra4T:cs,Si• ver 3 years Old, raised in the county, $5 ; 2d best, $2 ; best pair matched horses owned but not raised in the county, $3. Jtidges—Wm. C. Ward; J. C. Morris, R. W. Haywood. . Class 3: Colts.. and. Mules,—Best pair 8 year, obi colts, $3 ; , best pair 2 year, old colts, $2 ; best pair yearling colts, s2 ;: beat 3 year old colt, 82 ; best 2 year old colt, 82; best yearling colt, Si ; best pair of mules, $3 ; 2d best, $2 ; best lack, $2; 24 best, $l. . • Judges—Edwia Bliss, Isaac Vpiiiiplien, iamea how. DIVISION. LI.-t;O6TTLIT. Class 1.: .13evOns.—Best •devon bull 2 years old and siciiittirde, 85; 2d best, $4 ; best devon bull between 1 mid 2 yearsiold $3 ; 2d bests $2; best devon cow 8 years old and' trpwat.dto, 841'2d 'best, 83 ;• best doyen:heifer. between 2.4trid 3 years old', $8; 2d• best, 82 ; best detion heifer be tween 1 and 2•years old, 82; 2d best, $1; best &von heifer calf, $2; 2d •Ibesto-1; best bull•calf, $2; 2d• best, $l. • • Judges—Charles Wilson, Daniel Stu , art, James Casson': ' ••• • Class 2: Durhams.—Best durhinf, bull Old and upward9,B•sl's2d best; 'durbam bull between 1 and 2 years old, 83 . 2d best, 82 ; -best durham coo 3 years old or upwards, 84 ; 2d best, 83 ; best heifer between 2 and 3 years old,83; 2d beit, 82 • best heifer betw i een 1 and 2 years old, 82 ; 2d best ? 81 ;- leeOt bull calf, 82 ; 2d best, $ll best heifer ealf,ll - ; 2d best; 81. Judges-3. S. ,Haivley; H. BrOwn, R. Smilb. . , Clasi - 3: Grad!) Devons.—Rest bn11,83; 2d beit, 2 ; bestt r eow over 3 i yearo old, 3; 2d be'st, 2; best, 'heifer betyveen ,2 and, o.itty i (V, ;'2,d best, .2,;ll.4§t.4,yearlingS (;;44 qt, Et 4 3 ;v0 0, ,„? (11)ests 2. Judges-David' akelee; Arthur South wpith, oho lewksbury. , Class 4: Grade Durlciams. 7 -Aest ; 2d best, 2; 'best cow, , pv,or 3 years old, 3 ; 2d best; 5 ; best ,heifer. between 2 and 3 years,ol4o.; 2d best,,2 ; 664 four. yearlings, 3 ; .211be5t,.2; ,best 6_ nalves,3; 24 best, g. • ,„, i ,-; • Judges—H. Sev;ey i iß S. Rircharcl. , i, , • Class 5: Natives.-+-Zest Will, 43; 2d best, 2 ; best towi over.l3 years loldot 24 best, 2 ; best ibeifer between 1 awl 3 )lears old; 84:2i1 best, 2; best 4:yearlingsv 3 ; '2d best, 2 I best 5 calves, ; :2dibesti,t 2. insig_es—zAlfred MelCceby; P. - S.ll'llw cotti; Horace 'llfEry. Class 6: 'and Stecis.—Beet 'wor tit, a ens evefr 4 7c'sitsold , ,k4lB6S — in the c Ottety , ,as'; 2,Cheit, OcAt', stet 41,yie6i3 .3,*(j,4ye#U,'bld; raided' in t il e , county, 3 ; beat'liatujar steeribiAwpen 2 and.34cirs' old #tit'3o;i3 the county, •8; 6 2a bst,2'ilikitlt fqt, catYtn ;2. beatPi bast Atigl9:lt.lOr d 4 ClOir" g9nl Z 1 • *; 4kite-Q 4klY.' V.414411* ; 4 1 I; • ' • fl , , •1 1:',44 ? '" fAIN 1 1) 1 , , 1 11$Viine! t rOagil#W,1$ 4 ; , g0 bcPto; best Beficbreiding eftlr,„fo;,2d best, g ik ,Opot 4 spririgimr4i,24,oeA,_ , best lesll , thali 10 4 1 1404.414411 2 4 211: ' ludgeti=Clyirles Risley,R.O.BAeocyl , . Midler °nte. " ' • DIVIAIDA ''Sheep. _hest fine *bided back,.s3 ; 2d best, 2'; belt three' fine woOle,d - qwes, 2a best, 2 'ftikrioliiiedlitmbe, 2 ; best editrsehat; 2'i best 3' 'coarse wooled:ewes, 3'; 2d . be l et,' 2; best 3 'coarse wool lambs, 1; ,best middle wooled buck, 3 ; 2d best, 2; best 3 mid dle wooled ewes, 3 ; 2d best, 2 ; best 3 middle wooied lambs, 1; best buck lanib of each; 2. -1 liecesters, Pakewells, &c., are classed as coarse wooled f Saxony, Merinos, &c., as fine wooled; and. South Downs, &c. l middle wooled. ' Judges—E. Turini,' .119p7 Hgnd riok, H. C. Motley. DI - VISION Tt Poultry.—Best pair turkeys, cock and heu,.s2 ; 2d best, 1 ; best 6 fowls, over 1 year old, 2 ; 2d best ; 1 ; best 6 spring chickens, 24 2d best, 1 ; best 6 ducks, 2; 2d best, /. • L • Judges—A. L 4 Webster, J. T. Lang don, Frederick Coon. DIVISION VI Buller and Cheese.=Bett trial!' or tut of buiter made in itme, 84 ; 2d 'best; 9 ; best September bullet: . rkin or tub; 4'; Id best, 3; best 10 lbs. bdtter made' 'by girls under 18 years, 2;' bestebeese, not less than 25 lbs. " 24. best, 2. ' Judges--Ste*Art Hent, 3. P: W. Riley, A. B. smith. DIVISION VII. Canned Fruit,, and Jellies.— Best griipe wine, I,est Ourrant wine, befit 61ackberyt . Wine, , best elderberry wipe, best cherry wine, best canned fruit, best currint jelly, best apple jelly, best,g,rupe :JOY,. best crab apple jelly, ~each 50 cents. Judges—B. S. Bentley,, J, O. Bullard, John NV__, • Cpb.b. 745POSurunc,1,3 3 ixrd,. Mrs. Freliri Webb, Mrs,..c.' 'Bullard.- „. DIVISWN VIII. Fruit and Vegetables.—Bestfairapples; not less than one dozen, and at least Bvaf rieties, 821 2d best, .1 ; bbst xvinterlat4 pies, same quantity, 2 ; 2d best;-t,y best pears, not-less than peck,,l.; bekt oetV. 1 ; best and greatest:Variety of veg tables, 1. • • •- ; f • Judges—John Blanding, L. W. Barton, Albeq - / 3 0"101Y..? T 4 - Vinegar, 'limey inn) Sugar,—Best older vinegar,:not , less than onogallon, $1 ; 2d best, 50. ots.; best-10 lbs. maple sugar, 2; 2d best, 1 ; best 10' lbs. honey, 2 ; 2d best Judges--Eri Gregory, Reubenllan* David Quick. „ • 1,-) . • • • • •DIVISION Z. , 2 . ; • Cabinet Work and Carrlakes.--- , Best bureau.'* ; best extension table,i3 ; best etraeibin• nett, 3'; best double Carriage; '5. best envie carriage, 3 ; best'ingle slei#ll; • ' , JUdges---Wm. P. Conklin, Ben. son,'Emery Culver,. • DINT: ois : Impletnept s . cont. 13Aaelpirguibiog,. -Beet plow, $3 . ; best cordsbell9r stralv,qtter,,2;.l/est power for eburnint;, 2 ;.,best(tbfee,4lp;ta, 2 ; best horn rake, .?...Lbist lot of "horse shoes, 2•; 2,cl best, 1 best ; ,3„wl I.telf oak baskets, 1 ; 2dest; 3p.,ets. , „ 1 ,, , 4u 4 ges — Daniel PFYksbu4; - 440. G(ringer, C. Stark, ,: • . i-0011#10N, Z 114,0 it J", Seeda.—Best bushei:ofitiora in they ear, best half bushel of whitiminter 'wheat; best half bushel of red winter-,wheati-best ball bushel bushel wheat;test. half bushel of rye, best quarter bushel:of elo. vet seed, best half bushel of timothy seed; best half Intshelrof flai-tieed, each. $l. - • • Judges.;--Thotints Phinaey; Waiven M. Tingleyra. S. regalia: I. ' •• to/vista - RI Yid." ' ‘li Leather,. it - 0 7 44ef ti karR9 88 feather, 82 ; f4eet,,l';' bast ,I s' qt. Sole leatb . er,,2d beet; 1; Wee suleej Opar teathet,','2' ) k - ii best, ; beatearriatik aeo„:2,`;': f4ll, teat, 14, 400, ,t)o9ts . , 2.; bes t 04ir qp**: 1 49ii1NJ;;;, , ,,; ;Mitell'Ar9lq4°4loo7, . Drylsms mv. ,. ' 'D9rinstio Mailtiradi,iyes. 7 4l3Wit ? 4lotiel, ; f 3 'yaids, 42,; ,3d bst,";l; . besf, i .loo 7 cloth, 5 yards, 2 ; vebest,,l;:qit. woolp, carpet, 15 yards, 3_;2l:l',,beitt;il ;' beet rag carpet, 15 yards, 3 ; .glittly23 l l.eff i t a tO do en pairs w,?9)9 epolstj, 2; 2(1 beat; I ;: hest, ket•pairti . v . g,clpo: imt n i; n 3 ,} i 241 best " °l' s • ; , 19 t iAlP e t e ille,'A 05N.1 0 ,1Ya rde, 2 ;'best pßce eMacnip;eo A Arfli,,2. .: olkes-4."P. lOrd:a, rs. o. l B'iitAi f ly AYP' uPP?l' T ° l l ;3B 9' n, Xr B Ani#l,7TPAck ., (ll. • 'I ' PIYP4P N tiv.• i •., , n L. , rir,•• Fjne Arts, Ornamental' getidlewArki &e.—Best dentaLr,orkre2; 2cl best, 1; beetspeeimititsEnntliNrOtyolo24s2fitest a 13 best pcitlib wor i kluittit4;o24l befito2 ; 34 INS; -1 ; t ktefftiluig , Pcon•Py•otitinrikintti 3 ; 24 Pei4t, 2 ; .3d oma1y,11; heat bed. aproa4 2,; gil,berit, 1 • .boit•wintqr, , borntet,,.l4.ld lest, 50 ct&3 I b e at tidy obPir:4o:tvOr. AOP,IT Dog. tladAm,. W. H. Jeeapp, 1 4W. H-V-•-Urrreili:Mtil.,l). R. Latbrop. i f . Drvlsioiq-jim. .•., • Hord of CattlO.E-110it,',1for , of hide', rnylet3g,that,o4 fi4El4 1 411 1 b1KikY ;onoman',tt;P,Milt4tr rn M. wii littfakQeo- waL43 , i .0 3 D svu.—Unenumerated Articles. Judges -- M• Ait* - Nzkeri -IY,. J. Turre W. Cji o l2n l .9 1 4. 9 MALX-. BentlOT, dry* fthydtm, Mrii: J. BrosTeird7 'brGtsYODt rvrn Phfci;ritig' gleidll)—The Plowing Match will take: place CilTtrEsnlor Bum lath, at 2 &cloak, p..the 'farm of J. B. Tarbell, near Montrose. Mr. Tarbell will furnish dinner 'and teed for teams to all coin - petitor - a nest plowing, $5; 2d best, 4; 3d ben t 3; 40 best, 2; 6,th hest, 1. • Indges--Thonias Johnson, Robert .W; Gere, D. D. Warner. • - Superintendents: General Superintendent—W. H. Jessup. Assistant Daniel Sayre. Saperintendend of Cattle—Avery Frink.t. Sheep and Stoine-M; J., Harringtow Farrir.lmpleinentelijahMott. , Ifechnie.o and Dairy ClrilBllMol3. Fruit Hall—N. Shoemaker. Vegetahle ArdAell. Beniley; kic H. C: lie . giup; Mrs. J. B. McCollum. Mrs.! W. A/ Crossmon, Miss Mary ILLyans,,, Uiss. Yriecillr4 C. 13orqSy• , • _ Unenumerated Artkles—Mr. and Mrs: M. C. Tyler, W. J. Tuireil; W. A. Crast" mon, Airs. G. V. Bentleli, Mrs. T.)lay den, Airs. J. HosforiL. ,The ocietyis now cut of dehtv,and the legacy , by Air, C. Cann* is in „the hands of the Treasurer, but the amount. foisfittinetif the gionnds Mid erecting suitatle'building,shr tiotione-half what the society need for that purpose, and ti. 4 the annual meeting of the-Fair is the best place•tmd 7 tittle' to see and Welcome:Aar friends,. we again hope to sec a, large tendance, that .the receipts may be supra', hundred dollars over the premiurna Offer: ed i to -had in'the amount On harid,'Whieli wilt soots be expended upon the grotinds.l The Committee will ..endeavori to an ake the coming,tair as iotereltipg P 9 8 4 1 7 1.9 with music.and other entertaintneptit.-- , Cbran'onn, 'and all., We anticipate a large -exhibition' stock, and that ,ar oTherdepaOtnento be well tilled. ' Ati 'fruit is abuinlarit,e shall expect to see the hall filledlalso the la4ios' - . 7 • • . . ' ' .1 MO, of. Admission. i3aclge.,OfMeMbership, which will 11444 all article:l- competing . tor Premiums with faMilY Wtiq 34 ;) female s sud akillctr ragg childreu n al,oo... Badge o,.2derabership, which waltf", family ,as above,. without cppapezipg fc,r wauums, e*ceppla,Divii , ion %4 1 Aqa I.so9pp:its. Single adMisaiou, 15 cents. All clergyaacuaad their 'familia* admitted - -6 - - '' ' felarti l 4 B 7 ) ii .Or L. j.: S . l frkthitd4Ti: • I - 1 :, , '.. ( TEEDEBERTER , MANSIONOF GEM ERALIEE. .!; lib ,F,Jaylor, in r his last letter. to the g4i9g.9 G'ltilia,/44-e,MOP•S lwi.ttt , 40 PANt94 waimth ofdiction an d poetry of , den the 'ciao:U(l rnarniiOn' iV• this Whet Genera Lee: '. After having wandered - anion the beauties;; ninural 'add- architectural, in an d aurToandiog. Washhigton, •,ho beads hiaPteP.s.tfoArimztanAnd. this , is Wllat ,ll 9 sees :. "And , now, fairly en ' i s, ter' Arlington, We have' npon thWri;,,,lii 'the swelling wooded hills, the site of thee/3UP leis city of the dead ; twenty.seven hun dred fic i thaort ; it is the National, Ceme tery ;it is the summer fallow of .the old estate. IJpori the left. Fie the Government friiiiii, ' the golden fields Just- ShOrn of their eery ; yod'eateb glimpses OF Itilite tents among tho • foliage ; you hear. 'the stroke of the,aeoreeriaxe ;4 you ,see, groups of men at .dinner,,bere and 1 ti,..?re.., as you, slowly 'wind tip,t6 . 1111;_ _iilds ' flash across the K v aa Aa pg . , clit*i ravines deep and ' ediatit7svy invi t e 3'11" oat from the Steady ''State' of" nhen: "A" thousand . Shades' dfAbbri; l lWini . tlici tint ail 'delicate ad tlikilirit'e "ilionglit'th' the' hark, rich f iiii# of the Areipria,' elight' j Ton 'everri • *berai'Tirmoacitii rany4here; - the seeds''}; *',d Vie COI' *mg lit the( niiiid'ii''siaat'iiill i if art at a, it , lei Jul firtitiVst'tkiff . ; iris 'art citiedided eini'Vh Sac tii 1/46 id. 'Mid,' ill' Howeiariodlo s -uriiiiid t e elder, not the bettelthataii deer'ttciis ed across this. exlerlditr Wh.,.. andlipet iffaiiielalhidden in ithede&re - There, whore the paths . make nysterjr and lose theinsetteeelike - children in a holiday;ltheilstarely. danieslacoemilked; and the fair viand Southard flowers brusir-t e,diby :the , r ranks lON other fiCkiera . ‘ atit", thought' morelair than :they. Here stei3dp: here tallied -tbd mon 'disguised. to.dayia4 butternut and grerbayond bright hyaena recognitiOrr , , !Are • , , • •_,:. , 1114 mansion , is reached at leaf and Isfina i Sand iwthopleffy portico, iiiitli its 'eight , =Waive columns I.a /marble. -6 There' le' nothing light. andlietigaiitiabout .. at, hut' all is grand, alnidw'seVere. , .•eTlie walle urelnitthed' in state ; nhd I:satolies of.* have fallen off here - and there ;the panels,. one illiaiwith figured in ieliKeregifeptz and'defaced ;, an hundreaswallowst alatiV head! the Coriii*,7;asnlwithat•ritortdor necklace, and the%lplaintottgoithana I ' ; 4 1-1 '1.3.841.1713114.5M13:1141F, " =EMI ''l rile i , 0 ) 4 l f, TO .t ik
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers