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'. 3 - 1 •••,•, ; ,, it 1 . , ,,, 1 _,, , .. - ,‘ , 1. .• in "- -,••.7-, ; 1 - t 1 - /7 '.:-••••-r -.'....i,t'.•tZt • , •,---e-.' t•r it'it, 1•••• , t, .11:1 .••• i ir , :l• 4 •t•t••••• .••••• • • lt•- - . •,, t• - • , . .p......r.••••••16 . .. u.. .. .... ... . .. . , il. l J A. i .. GERRTTSQN. Pp.bhisherid-'2.• BUSINESS CARDS. BILLINOW , sTUGUR, VIBE WAD. LIVE JR9PRIJ•NCB AGENT. Oiffee Lathrop'e bailaing, calf:end of Brick Block. In Ilia b.ieace, business at the &ilea will be transacted by C. , L.•BdUNB-. • • ; . .Montrose. 1, 1 664••••.-tf - 'H.: BURRITT,, DatIMR, iiiStaofo eind'Faric, Gooda; Crockery, Hardware, Iron; Stoves, Drage, ollel, andralnts, Boots and dimes; Hats and-Cape,.Fure,ButGilo Robe.", tirocertee, Provisions, ate; Ziew Milford, Pa. April 24, 1864. PETER HAY, mdeorugeid..a,Aa.otignsxber, Auburn our Corners, Pa. A. 0. WARREN, TTORNEX AT LAW, Bounty, Pack Pay, pengon, Ili and Exemption Claim , to•lmied to. febt Olace &reit door below Itoyd'e Store, ILoqtrose.,Pa. M. C. SIITIZI4, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Friendaville, Stunea co Penn's. Jan. '64. DOCT. E. L. HANDRICK, PIITSICIAN ar SITROEDN, respectfhlly tenders his professional services to the citizens of Friends rnle and vicinity. far Office In the office of Dr. Leet. Beards at J. Seaford's. [July CO. ISGI. ly H. GARRATT, DEALRR In Floor, Ned, and Meat, Bartell and Dairyi Salt, Timothy and tlovee Seed. Groceries. Procia iasq, • Frail., i'vsn. Petroleum 011 Wooden and Stone Wore, Yankee Notions., az...tc. law3" — Opposite Railroad Depot, New Milford, Pa. Mob t 1e63 Iy. LATHROP, TYLER, & - RILEY, 4,LRRS in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Ready 4' do' Clothing. Boots &" Shoes, - Hate Caps, kthikor Wars, troll, 'grille, Sole .k., ) Upper Leath e7, Ploai and Salt, all orei.4lch they' oiler at the ruy___ • ar MA CMCPCIOare 3S i riCtiperE3 Lathrops Brick Building, Montrose, Pa. • April S, 18r.4. y.' trurrrgni COUPE'', Vii. H. 'COOPE.ITA: CO., p ANlKERS.—Montrose, Pls. Successors to Post, Cooper ,Co. Office, I...shrops'new but ding , Turnpi§e st. J. IE‘COLI.L'It If N. 6ZLIn.2. • MC COLLITAI iS; SEARLE, TTOIINNYS and Counsellors at Ln cr.—Montrose, Pa. Lathrop.s' sew building, over the Bank. DR. 11"1. SMITH, lIRGRON' lltliasMlST,—Montrose, 01lieein Lathrops' new bulicling. over Ise Mink. All Dental operatinais will be 0h114 6 44 , ; .rforaied in good style and warranted. P. LINES, IwiIIONABLE TAlLOR—Montrose, Pa. bop I hi Plateatx Block, over store of Ileatt, % P atrons raster. ATI wbrk'warranted, tO ar.d :u.14:: done done on'thort notice ; to beet atyle.--lan-n0- JOHN GROVES, t.SITIONABLE TAlLOlL—Nontrose. Pm, • tilh , 0 . 4ne Itaptt..t. Meeting Gown, .on Turnpike Mt order< atoll promptly. in first-rate style. r on evert notice, and 'warranted to fit. • L. B. IsBELL,: 7.?.-k EIS Clocks', Watches, and .TesreTry at the thon . u.t. notice, and on rW.crnalte terms/ All j trrar.tol. Shop In Ohandler and Jesi•np's • MONTIMM Pa, - cottStl 44_ WM. W. SMITH,' C±1111 — i• AND CI LM . 21kitYPACITIVCR.S,—Foot ~ f Main street,'lon#ose. - AIM .I.tf C. 0. FORDITA.3I, ATANUFACTUDEII of ROOTS &SHOES, Montrose, .11 Ps. Shop over Dewitt's store. All kinds of work male to order, aad repairing done neatly, ic2 ABEL TLTRRE.LL . ; , - 1/ TALEI2 in Druos.„ Meslielitee, Chemicals, Dye staffs,.Glr.ss Wire, Paint*, Oils, Varnish, Win inr Glass, Groceries, Panty Gotkis. Jewelry , Perfa. nen-, 4te.:—Agent for. all the roost popular PAT /MT EttlMES,—ittentrose - .sag U FIRE INSURANCE. THE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, AT PHILADELPHIA, EL, -t • has Established an Ageeeyin Alcmtrose. The Oldeat Ineurcinee Co. in the Union. —o— cAsn CAPITAL PAID DT. • 45500.0% ASSETS OVER,— $1,200,000 ' • mu nstesare ailow asthma of anygood company In New York, or eleentete, and Its Dire - dont are among the .rot for honor and IntegritY,_ ittALIT.E9 Pi.arz, Seey., Altl'AVE G. COI7IN, Pres: Montrose., Jotyls, 'GI 'BILLINGS SIBOV - 0, Agot. 13L-p;w*y---- . ~. INSIJRANCE:::'foittANT, c3lr CASH CAPITAL, TWQMIWONAALLARS. •ASSETTS lst Zan- bet 58,2 8 %27027. LIAZ/IXTrz3, 44 75,04.32. J. Milton Smith. Sec'y. Chao. d. Martin, PrEedesit. John McGee, As't " F. Wilinart.h; Vice " Poucies boned anti renewed. by the undersigned at Ms office, in the Brick Block, 31ontrose, Pa. j sown y BILLINGS STROVD, drat. J. B. HAZLETON, Ambrotyps - and liohotographic Artist, Montrose, Pa. rtr . P r e taken In all kind. of itentbei, in tbe be; etyie of the Art. . • • • R. B. & GEO. P. LIT i TLE, Attarneskt and .ocituisallors at Law, racrzrzmiteisan, • e•saata",ez 0 Fj o v i L ig 4: i n n reet. ,Partlcalarititenteven T TE fubscrTher here ysesnictfolly glues notiaeltiat ytir taloa Lloottsoto 41eetettf - lho County q catapult ; and otrofs WA' ohTce4 rov republic-. M"C:3arTetryea6iitabi; 6nd ail tails will hopromptl itteaded to. LIITBER ELDRED. Choconot. Xarett $ 28r4. _ D. o?. 1 - - rwics:poat t coofiei & Cetiold Souse.— sunerviit 'Articular. VirßefetenCO w tune* perience. Ficaria attte Septum gate'. '• zontrose; NAY; 1 8 6 g. • ' •••,• S TER lar salle,bllll 4 1.111.4110.114.. for reMi t ti4 ABEL Leiters of a Oeptanco orriententralid Cochrane. =tits, OP bEIIICIZAL _Wily ! ' Tons., June, 1 i 36 4. To Messrs, WiatibiUgton Snethen,•of ;Edv•itird 'Gilbert, of New York, Caspar lutz,of Illincds,'Chkrtea E4 14 . 3 ,5s 111 4 8 sPuri) 'Penifiyi;ania Gentlemen Iti answer to , the ,letter which I have ha the honor to receive from yon on the part of the represents'. tives of* people assembled at Cleveland on thelaist orMay, clesire: to express my thanks for Vieconfidence which led Ahern to offer me the honorable and difficult pd sition of their, candidate' in the approach ing Presidential election ; very honorable, because in eCering it to me you act iu the name of a great number of citizens who seek, above all things, the good of their country, and who have no sort of selfish interest in view. Very difficult, because in accepting the candidacy you propose to me, I am exposed to the reproach of creating a schism in the party with I have been identified. Had Mr. Lincoln remstned faithful to the principles he was elected to defelid.,oo schism could have been created, and no contest eciuld have been possible. This is not an ordinarf election. It is a contest even for the fiat. to have "candidates, Mid not merely, as usual, for the choice among them.- Now, for the first time since '76, the nestion of constitutional liberty has brought .directly before the people ir serious consideration and vote. The ordinary rights secured neder the Constitution and the laws of the country have been violated, and extraordinary poweis have been usurped' by - the Execu tive. .narair nauurzn. It is directly, before the people.now to say whether the principles established bY the Revolution are worth maintaining.— If; as we have been, taught to:believe, those guarantees for liberty which made the •distinetive value and glory of our country, are in truth trivioltiVy - steered, then there must,be a protest against the arbitrary v iolation,which had not:even the escriset'of necessity. The schism • is: made by those who force the choice between sh ain; Cur - Olen ca• or lc In such considerations originated the Cleveland 4eVention. _lt_was among its objects to itentite - theattention of the, peci • to , sach fads; and bring them to realite that while we are saturating southern soil with the best blood:61'11e country, in the nameopf liberty,' we' have really parted • with it, at home. ~'.fio-day we have in the country' the aI?U -'ref; of a ,military dictation 'without its uni-' ty of action and vigor ofeuentiour; an ad ministration marked at home by disregard of constitutional rights, by its violations of personal liberty and the liberty Of the press; and as a crowing shame by its abandonment' of the.right of asylum dear tolaltaatimis-abroad. • • Its course has been cbaracterited 'by a feebleness "and Want of princiPlalphieb has misled Enropean powers and driven theni; to a belief that only Commercialin terests and personal aims are concerned, and that no great principles are involved in the issue. • . The admirable conduct of the people, their readiness to Make every sacrifice, demanded of them their forbearance and silenceunder the suspension of every thing that could be suspended; their manly acts of heroism n tind sacrifices, were all render ed fruitless by their incapacity; otto speak More -exactly, by the personal ends for which }die war was managed. This incapacity and selfishness natural ly produced such results as led the Euro- Peati.poweVs, and logieally ttiotget,tci the conviction that the Ncirth asid-itagreatly ,saperierriailation, its inuntoia . ;:resaiirr ces, and its - eredit l will ' never I3e: able; to recover. Wei. , Staab: Sympatlnes which would have bee 4 withus ftom the, i:l,llt.Ot of the war, have been turnedUgainst bo s un in th,is ; warlhe administration -haft done tbecountryik'doul)le Wrong ihriad.: It created hostility, or at best, =indifference among those who...would have been its friends, lif.the , real intentions of timpeople could' have' biettlietter . known; while at the same time it neglected no occasion lei:Ma - ling' the rnost hatailiating-iconces sions, _AgaitiSt - lithf4isastroas e,anditioi Nis the CleieMO Convention *Si a pro test., 'The Principles which form the- ha- Eis of its platform have my unqualified and, cordial:approbation but "cannot as `heartily coficarlit'all the'iriessiireii *bleb yoapr9pose. Ido not believe ; that cori4e- I adios,: extended _ e'preperti of re bets is sedifit:NinTe-,44o.f.'kdn not_ think it a ineastirVifildiiii4'ollo / K It is in, ratt a question '4looooo. the ped,Ple themielves to decide , iirt4 per occasiqn for the e,tertie#Oftliffir''brigi mal - and ' , proper - Seth °thy: uiti actirar aieo might-be quelled _tyr . prottilt;ltelvitYi: thiilefstinii - thepaey of CoWcatiori4 -. 'hui not s :;final MesstiraLor ,r,econscrotio 'after the suppression oleo lid J uit t . 444 l ::**Witrn*filiAmi 'P e ,M xrfl o'cOnOdenti* ol -!veniplura* - 02,01401414 4 :604Thrittba;[;_,. to make;.per: l i rEP PRPII,II3ENCT`-'" . , ~.; -, .. ,1.2 P . it., 1. .. A,..t C.:), 1 ,11 iti , ..` , .s 4 li - : . . 6i1114..!,:ri1l ' - ' •://: 10:t . i'l I 1'' ,. .71.' •Ir ,:': --•: ',.;" - .*:.:- •.-1 , . 7 ''':.:.,:-..';_;:,!::;; .:;Lt.P.:::,• ..^.. ~ .I....:::ri'i ' ' 16 4 , 1864. '') - '-n- I, MONTROSE. PA .TILITESDAVif PM- . ' - . . ~,, . .- ~ •-, :,,,,.;..,i,...•. It ,'l..t;ilJR:l -.. .i' ' '•! : i.••_-•.:i,:Li.•:'. fq:l ' thapentlyfisseure : the peateuatoVluippittvei %of the wirole.do witty, athlthOrtu.waa: bstta, aingre,leleintent •in.l tiae May- Ot :hit attain , ;theta., ."This eltitacitt tittiyeryi :may lie tonsidured.-Tractically Aesttoyed,;:in, the country, and• it beeds.only your proposed amendment to tbh Coustitutiou -to make ite ;extension complete: - _ _ =II With this ettinctionfosiamery-the - par , ty divisions created by itf,have,disappear l ed. And if in -the , histoyy of the country here has iver been siinielttlien i6e Earl , jean' People; ,withOnt' regard to one or an otherilifthe riolttioal divisionliovere called nilon46 •give titilemn!y, their voice hilt rustier which 'involved the safety of the ilnitea•Stafts, it is as-steely, ihe pregint • If ' the • Convention at 13altititere'!will nominate any- man whose. past life justi fies a went - rounded. t•onfidence in his fi delity to Our cardinal principles,.there is -no reason-why there should be any-divis ion among the really patriotic men of the country. To any such I shall bemost hap py to give a cordial and active support. my twit decided preference Is to; aid, in this way; and 'not to belinystdra'lcaticli date. But if Mr. Lincoln be renominated, as I believeit would - be fatal to the coun try to endorse a polity mid-renew a pow er which. has cost us the -lives of ,thous ands of men and needlessly put the coun try on the road to bankruptcy, there will remain no alternative but to organize 'against him every eleirient of cOnseien tions opposition' with the view to prevent the - mistertnne of-hii ici-electien: In this contingency, "I accept the, nom- Nation at Cleveland, auct,..f t s_ a_n_rsliM_ltia ry step, I have resigned my commission in the army. ,This was a- sacrificeit, gave me pain to make. But I- bad for a long, tithe fruitlessly endeavored =to obtain stir- . vice. I make this sacrifice now only to regain liberty of speecb,and to leave noth ing in the, way of discharging_ to my ut most abilitYlherth!st'yoti - har e ,set for me. With my earnest and, sincere thanks' t for your expressions of confidence and re- , gard, and tor the many honorable terms In which the committee, me Mid no- Lions the a tions of the committee, Li I am,ntlemen, very respectfully And" truly yon 7 8, J. C. FnESSONT. GEZI - ARAL cpCLIDANE I S LED ER. ------r -7';-'- ' -- Iciffiriiiic; . tniro - 4, - figc - , . GentieMen :—I have received your note informing me officially of my nomination. l i by the Radical Democracy .at.Cleveland,i on the alsvultimo, as their candidate .for " Vice President of the United States , on the ticket with John'tl..Fretnont lis their ! . candidate for President." I I have hippn'accastomed tp,;rTardisini ply. us a.:Auty performed. what you are pleased to'represeirt as personally therit-n -rious, arid to regret the physical disabili ty, which .alone withdrew. me limn ,thelm nrcarate gene or Nvtrr: I concur in- the action and agree' With the principles-of the-Convention where by its twelfth, resoliation - the' question of re construction-is referred,:to the constitu tional action of the people, it wisely com mitted to them an issue peculiarly within the province of the future, and not yet suf ficiently emerged _ war to warrant positive opinion. While I have ever supposed confisca tion-oral use of. .the propyrty ali. en ell) y to be - dial:1E1)1c ctail es- , tablished..and, essential rule of civilized l aai-' ' pleaSed• ob'serve' that the CouOeution, when -asserting tliejustice of the iptlnciple,Ripiined to reraitT: its 17 ex - cr- Ciiie to the discretion of tae peOple; here after manifested through their representa tivesin emigres's,' when considering the paranaonnt question of reconstruction.— This was judicious. For, indeed, so •bleitded must be the va rious methoda---tseqiietitration, confisca tion, military' absorption and occupation —that shall hereafter operate to evolve , Order freitit, cOtifpion and. to restore the , goveiiiiident4lthalit is:AA - oat. if , not im possible-now whe w a ff irm i n2 , thc,.pospipie bi.piavidelbrits 7 1 7 : I have the honor, gentlemen, to accept the nomination for Vice .President of the whigll44.43.lav v affgnWed to me under the dlrection of the Convert tion.jam;,feif resii)Veffilly4cari, ... , Jotrzi.Coenitstxn. • Worthiugon 'Sna r hen of dilbeit isriii."roik t caispyr,Bitik-ofiltifioNS444,osP.:AlOtis P.. Sairynr •;.FennsylsOna, mi Comttee, ' : • • viibloistr • at t radaral- atoms all ovre - 2: 2.: U B5 58 fi -!:; V: 0 L 101185151414013 .8111t.:580- 0478 iiiratktifitt4;,o l 4 o ;kl44t 7 ;l4s7.ojid.iod Taetire BPCI3i-19.M•Sor MVP aO,JELOC9* - emPtoi *Pe,: f;•:;--;• ; 4. Thaihe; rkOhtfi - of fre:ii4pepikef,rea press, and the habeas eqrgulhbelVtd"iiivli hrialAriths , hatOeety;proctallitlelelif":7,o"' _Hi et: Tha*lierli,icTiles,isPVl9/14;as 4ery v aliil t ilideialiOaaptitatro s Oahi be atunibili*TiiititibivititiriAiaNish:, mati;saiLtgleauwto: alLinoirAsolqui ',..oo4ll..fiiroWpitgita.!!" u 1444: if**4 ll l4liCitiki*iinin' a the goirerna.Onsi ate' Otts'in'l4lo4 thrtli'xiratit:Of themie eriinitittl., • • ' `'.:l 1 -::That the4iDt'ofaaylitini'aie - ein•tdr ildoguizba 'priaaiple'ef Amentatilibei Cy, and 014iol) of it eannot-!be teverlbiiked,•and mast' itpt•ge nifpunished." S. That thetiatioeal, p:olity; tiloTtivits tliellonroe dbetrine;;haa-beiewite a r&bg nized,••priiicioii and trit the establishment iiti anti-reptibiji?.an . .:geveituneel, by'a 'fific;4ll power , on this toatinebt'' Cannot •:be'toleratet," " 9., That the - one 'term' pbliey' for the PresidedCy 'adopted by`the J people, , is .strengthened by the forue cit the existing crisis, and should be'maintained. 10. That the Constitution should be so amended that:the President and Vico President Shall be' el oiled by h . direbeirdto of the people. . • 11. That the-question of the reconstrne• Lion of the rehelliopetates belongs 'to the people, through tlffr Repr:esentativesin -Congress and not to • the President. 12. That the confiscation' of the lends of rebels, and their diStribution arthiug the soldiers and actual settlers is an act of justice. 13. Thatibe - grgitude and suPport' bf the nation is due to the faithful soldiers and marines, and the earnest leaders of the Union army and navy, for their heroic achievements and deatliJeia valor'in de fense of an imperilled ceu i ntry and Of civil' liberty: • The Cleveland Conventien. It is impossible to close our eyes to the I grave importance ,which attaches to the i i-.6.-Redings of the Convention. At_Cle..o- I ' ,land, which has-placed John C. Fremont again in nomination for the Presidency:l I 1 It cannot bc-dismissed from sight as a I 1 movement of radical men who are with- 1 out influence, for.. in, the first .place we '. know that the, men who were there has, 4' a vast and . ,.powrful influence; and in the 4 .second place ,wereinember_ that fre,m- a t beginning, compared with which-this was La large- popular, demonstration- 7 -Imm a Lt':smaller beginning by far sprang.the ?Bei publican party itself; which carried with it enough power to array the majority of the ,whole north under its, banners and elect Abraham Lincoln. , - Same of ;the ve ry men, . many of the mostactive and earn , ct-TO-1110,,vpryN-43.4.-.44.11,41,4 liberty party, which, small as was Its on advanced with- gigantic stridek and at length received. in ttiits eta liraceth e wbole body - of tliose who adopted its prin ciples while ,rialling themselves only, re-. - publicans.••; Bnt it. is•not necessary, to re fer to . pach.nn. illustration, -eince.this.new nieveme,nt springs into- existence s great party,at the , start, holding, -tniquestiona bly, a ,balance; of power that mat, hive'', importance in .the cominglelention. W hat arc Fremont's, chances for, elec tion ? _ They are scoffed at by Many as unworthy of consideration. But there are wiser men. w ho:loOk at the case iwitli ;some what different, - e' -- 711 - 1 - F. OW -should be fourtickets : in 114 - fietk : itithe pieta nithe wily enemies,of the Unign should be,anc-, cessful in dividing th.e.Dfiztocratie party', then the prospect is by no means-a poor one for ...the, pathfinder. Thousands on thousands of _really conservative men, if they felts themselves forced to:a choice between- Fremont and ;Lincoln, would not hesitate to vote -for Fremont. This may:seeta. strange, but we have ,no ;doubt of-the•trittlitof the statement.. The argument win;have beard used % briefand pointed. Ikis this: "We should' knew what to expect ,from Fremont—we never knew what to expect from Lincoln." Be -1 sides thisohe platform of the-Frernonters is probable- much more acceptable, to the Democracy :: than anything; -that‘ilcan , be concocted at Baltimore. , It is ,s.orindon i the grand-;question' of Constitution.-and jaw. t It.places,thuse,nppermost, and for. khids,oriy of -the .violations - of American priaciple . which.charheterize the freewill party that sustains I.slr:',liricoln. It der .tends,the -liberty of the person . and - the 1 , press:. ; .. Those features: will secure the.sup ,P9Fl4- the great. :masses"-;of the ,radical ' ; , men who; ; have no..ennfidenee; in .ther.iitbili r tynr the wavering policy of theie present leaders, .on. the sl7hole, Lthen,‘:the tlevetr land ticket is nose°, hopelees..as teen Inair . stippozie, i . - ,-,,..; 1 : i - -.." 1, , . 1i ~' .. , , ; The Evening , Pnst' thus' tiirairktri“ '"I 1 ' I l i ti7'. Whole',. sigo l o*ek r pr: - 40, :dop: .irinilo 4 o x pri r miaiairdti the fact.that it "e*pfesSey, cntiqui i 'peptilkdiseopientEi . lit]) the adnuOistii4bii,_„*lo4.44 . 1-k 1 * 4?'?,W t4tltEi ,itiYkitisarY 'arseate:, itiiihni)tir,eisiin ,of4pninaliSltisiitigAnder.ofpgiyy# F ith, .6tie r j44l:o,4".*riiirat . ii;‘ - ilia. 44 • pylejtoi 54 4° 4 4 4 6 0: - o r .- T: -.l&l ° i fr i !kold°9 l Fil!fi if 1 1t r i- 04 #4,43 IY I 0 #oAl4oAPPel?ri , g',9c ..p ,. ,tpAretiensionAna 4i . salipppol, Th,,,44 ,11 : 1)149.4 of ' 41 : 0 0,ge0. 7 . 1 0q 6 Y90. , 4:P. ,s , - , c74 14 ! -0'0 1 014 ,, in A'• " 1 1l 10 ,4 A5itri . 4 I been and AO.coidtlit - ,14 Iver in f/g9. ..4 ~ tnarinet.:4 torove to tfie • *at that t e iribvi,:gigtintle,rev'eleiliati *ate 4 , ier . - febori de& eati ' Wpm' . diriVirby "the!'erfergiwar the peopteliwith - aiit - Ailturbing ttre . feudal. )iiientaV ititiltutin6'aikrsfitliiilintinti;'-,61; at, ( Iderratfit , Atlinfit•Pinfithlfrsitghlhift4ettON r.itifriftgiiig-their spiritkl , lliWtiiiiinceslortbd i .ptiiiple c :Vld feergilitetilk 414 theitoOnlY l teelliiltfilina happliteShAephariiipori the fled ;46)Seetirstfte'nf. , di 4.lithitt*tiiiniteti ! wria At4rattightifitittiAi6titties 7 wiiitat 11; 9 I holeciditniol-Ofoilititifivid . Ftddi i i 4 conaqiutionsoMiegoite of iiifilight4 •'` 11 . VOLITIWE :XXI. - TlitThlß. 20 ..jc) L ifft ..)'••!> ,•2 est;iiPpearati Pe of a departure : :Trona Alletn, l l teXer 0 . 4 4.Y' 43 14 1 . 31 :4049 their ; by:.tLeir Auffrages.. The ConithPrefit tti:6l - This dein ventfon Jan& these nominations grew out Of, the conviction that ltr. Lin coln had, fallen short of,his duties and, op ‘p?.rttini ties in r etard to ;shivery .afidin the' r vigorous pres'eCutiOn 'oif • the vt;iir Pkaitist traitors, titid that he haS 'departed -widely from the safe, line of republican' precedent; and from the sacred principles oleiv,il lib. erty, in his system., of arbitrary arrests,, etc. It is Ihe'"MisEiouri timing" intro. duced into' 'national ;* We long standing- hostility In theitlairs;• in Sew and, to.lralleck-tituisferred via -1 rious fields o.f . ,agpayakeaction,xid crystal lized into a e,oirrhined force,at i. C.;leyeland. Primarily a•nioveinent springing from the Germans, it has drawn to it the dis'Ntis= fled and passionate politiciiins of a dOzen different liques - atidseotionq , until it has I grown to . lie,soreething fornaidable.and sej rious, and a . menace , to the stability of the rePublican party and :the perpetuity of the pre'sent administration.° The movement has taken' a greatmany people by sarpiiise.^ It, may bewail to' give I them a plain •statement.of .the copitruc tion of th e In the main it consisted of siiicere'mcrt, and: even bitterly 'opposed to the re-Plec tionof Mr. Lincoln. .Frerriont himself is understood to, be in this ..po,sitiou, and . it is, said that . no.argument ,can, :be , used that Can intince hiin to eliange his views. .The whole ,credirtifllkp,roiflept.',B p•irian ciliatioro proelattiat - polfcy,' Whatever f*orili, is claimed the originator of it; Thehigh ' price paid i'd4llo draft of Lincoln-Si:first; einauci- Fation procla.mation'W . as, 'ln'the view of r'emont, *great filly "When leis in possesSion'Pfthp genninnortiginal'yircie. lamatioe "for'-krinin'eiParibMil 'written " r ill SlissOuri,:at'a•titne',wheWlTt.t,Lineoln .tit sidered such bethrtetits• a PoPe's:bull'a gtiinst the comet: The convention Was -Made up, therefore,' in great pfrrtOrtlitir eugh opponents of the Lincoln clique. 'For they declare that 'the Preiddent is the cen tre of a clique of ititen:whe are dettrinilea to manage his party for'their own purpos es. `Thai the Fremont' inoVerfithit is,no small affair isliburdaiitlfniidept;:and'ihe I fiegperte rtfrehcii' lieedinide to purcha'ie or colitra catelheitrepidatinp causes among the •Stipporters'of Mr. Lin-bala. Vie DoCtiiiitr of Etisbegvniitioi. When a Demaccatitewspaper t wits the Abolitio.niosr with , ;tligiv.-Achasiorwiten den ei ea t o ti; di-EV - a ii - 6Cryo , cacy . of op i alga ma tion or tiiise6f;fe.natiorr It is nuSwored .by ihtiassertiOfi that, Ili tfie Smith atiralgaaat tion ii:etirried'etit to the "greate"st. possible extent: "So 'ollenead so ' p_c_isistentlyhas this been said that." most pit:tidily trimly of tilem really beliecie it: ' noir - -- virtue is in d i!,rnation at It fe'beastlities Pf 'Sepal era Istfrreb 'nets, In -ibt nytt6titarilig§-'per liapg made: many persons 'thin!: _that 'Alio: . . . I lit t on:stall - 1 t,t, perairee; be' th - o`l , pitenie of all the . Christian graces and 'all the virtues. Drfstatistics maY serve to break the charm of this del uSion, however, arid .serve'to . ).shbiv thit litany of our kindheort -4-4,' 'philanthreplififolloW - citizens,. who throbgli - Sy feelingfirst partite oppressed' biti'e , ',l4en'a ielidthicy to dm- brute: The t enguS, like' ETare:c, can't lie, and lltcts like the:Allowing are like' a;, 'tarred siielt , --very tiasty to take hold of: ' ''. s"' -The -ecittatia:of 1660 .sliiiirs t hat' while more - than one:fottrth of the beolcire,d peeLl pie of the N'orth -ore ,mulattoes enly'etie: th i rtieth' of the,` poptilictiod'fire 1 mulattoes. A nidtig 3 1 ,204,31351ai.63; - 246,. 656'Wei•einul4ttes; Cr had more or le`sa I - white bleb& ; - While'bf'die-1135,500 coletod ,ql66li)e or the fr0.6§141 - bii;' #l,•er 66,500 'dial miliptcoto - eg. -, Iti - Cl4O l mote than - ciac!ll4if 'of 'tlie!celored.Pcsionlatiiin 'are' iiiidattoes, i or over 14 1 ,00 'ottt Of. 25,60 i): ' In Indiana of ont : dO - pei ' etit - .' arp ' ratifattoeii! -In 1 'Whielibsin and Zaira'o7r,t7 - ::per 'eept.'; in New' lifimPshire 174 per 4eiii.;`in 'Pe,tinql: ' Nal* 40 per gent.;in Vero:Mitt 4bPer oOnti i in Dfasiiieliusetti - 14.Per cent.; iO coOteoti. -put '6o.oer .oeirt. id Rhea a, Is liii'd -4 24 'pt.* 'cent.;, in' Nei , Yerti-Ilif yiii'‘oetif,:•`ifiliOiti ,only dire' 4116 , 6 1 State de tlielnulftiiiei feriti 1.13= pet. can t: cittlik3Afiliftilinti . oijoraii'qa • :inii iii oAf'dieti'ill3.thiii' inionpi' "O t 4 Aerie -,,,, ~..--.>, 1 ,:. , ~..: - , I •1.-,, , -....u,. en r,, . - r -Tr ~,) Ag a - niaftdi'Ot &TOO: mi tt Wii i p9:tclis.c . s lion praitMat'is 'fetiltd o'4 _''Se''dierti..." in' districts , where, Xiolit l ionisip l ia,,ttie_pre= i'aiiing . 0141c:tifiti; '11;6.'6" rtql,,i.. ' lie'. " . ..EPpe ille'aitg titY,ttirlit.4tspi l iale ton %Itti - 0 ' . .4h0 p,i;41et1i'‘'4644 0 1 .4 0611 * oT :401 - ,‘ l the *9 " (P " (4 t i g ilith f te:;:.: *Y n r ! ?k li-:11F,0 7' i iind r iiiietilti ygliii"llot' ~Pkic .1 . i0 11 40s 's t ililbitiiiik - ,lptieegozill; ) :liiiNi.' , ( itlit,!,it , ; l )? ' 6l4 # ill. 0 t )I6 IVC. 1 4 ,1 *;.,TAfte - i% . ,C 4 9 Tithidir "V6lll Ctrili .- -iiii?0,, 44 34,1k : '4 `qiig06414,2"4,"7'0ur 'feliil*, .citaz*9 1 'Defittbo a i 4 . ! i!,.' . e t f 0,g i 1 iv "1k.1,,i14.414.,141 Mit pathy dione - mn_PRA,W9ro.. auto marve_ 1 llTAElls,PC. , (q'th?n9.llF..n4rftßit NTlllerff 1 , 6 40490iiat ritTiY.:piSiOeil.'l4o4 4 ,tilli 91123.8 at ef9,l,9sp.prsumf , r,: : Atief i i t( ...r id I . i t i - r ,,, vAti ,14, 1 m., et ost ra ~..el ft ()abou t ViViiiiii ii . r sa r 3.: .‘ gtilla 0 4 : - ,p 1 44 ce ourr , iiplci'llAsidiiiter.' 4 1 111 . 00 i 'ib ,0440 - 10 si knot illitviiiiid'idivtad v iAlli v AlliWatti ' it**4lll4nAidES;',l4l/14 Vr.t.W.6.:Pi;Yftittß 'itile; '' They 'tbiii: 'bat' tlii;t 'Moe* low rtieb by the sword. . : ..... , • re-Colifehti r ot';; t PAnsoil3ic . "l6l , .{ . l rii - r.EXtE`,ID - to 1300. The inclerendeni.oftTune2,. saysi 1,130Pe0. , 1.0 Wfithe Ainited :States tre-, to. I:tvituess a r i •foblish thing •--on the ',ltkof sembling- r of a conventionfor r the n'ernina.' tion of Candidates 'for the Presidemiyiiiid Vice-Presidency befo re any such 'Candid taps are needed, 4ild - l*forq:.thestrongest e be det&riniried.. A 'Our . readers know, hiVcilinVo' been-in earnest `to avert the mis fortune of a too early nomination,: as , act of h aistobrip ging, repentance : at leisure. Froniall thenewepapere read, from all -. the ,letters we ".heye Xrpra all the varAcins expreSsiona. ire hate hearitonthe subject,,we believe that this co.nyelition irillLassemble in. opppposi;ioA".LO the deliberate and 'hettesti judgment. - 'of nine-tenths of _the,great Union party whose "will, it 4, 4:lugged to- zegard,- find utiose . .voiceit, eapeeted speak: : The - maylagefs 6tiv6 •ecinyehifoii -right to' hold it 'at this preinature season, mismich -; as, the.apixiintment was duly made for a special. day;and, But sensible men cannot forget that .thie. appeintment was inede four yearii *ago, when no h l uman. - eye "could foresee that the 7i Pi liine;• 1E3'64; Would daiiiiOnappend ing "oiviL war; bloodyoerrible, • and..'-on :deicidedi: and-giving every:day:a new as pect to public Weirs._ We shall. not be called upon to., :cast till next .Novernber. Who can predict the changed lone of the Public mind at that late - day ? Wfft tell'iliat Will then be - the 'pre vallitig:poptilar judgment even Of men at presetit in , high favor? :.Who . can say _what! .master-spirit Amy _arise_ between this .. time ;acid t1at,..t.9 dmonstrate his greater'Stness' for the helm of state thin Whose - hands - are nowiition . ~: • - 1 •, • .• • *l`.r* We hope, therefore, that the (:Baltimore convention will not clutch ,at thegotden apple too early, only to find it I' tiirhed to asheg in the grasp. - On the 'Contain let the - gentlemen composing Meet in a, patriotic and not a partisan tem per; and make their chief action its' fol lows . Rekolva, That this convention do here. by,adjyarn — without a nomination, to re assetufile in the same place-On. the firat Tuesday In *eptember, ..*:?,!,.••• • - . But the convention will net t i do it. .At least,;we f , ,uppose they will not. , Ouirea aOtifoi• such an . opinion is, not that, the ConieciitiOn Will consist of other than hon es' aiel sensible men, but That unfortuna tely it:will consist larg ely of men holding office under,. the• present administration, and who , by Aathond are , bound-to a par. tisanship Whinli ' More diSinterested per -mini' *odd . depredate and' avoid. Months ago 'we expressed ,a hope that this -con -vention, and allathers like it, .might not be composed, of office holders,-put ,of lay men, not. ofineii in poi:er, but out of pow er. •Who think the rule would be saint- Itif,. !lever to admit to a voicein a presid ential convention AnY man holding , a PlAktioal_oflice. Other wise the opportun ity is open,and the temptation inviting, to, men, already - in power to attempt to prolOrigib eir' lease of it. If the Baltimore - Convention had not {'once-liolders for members, its managers would have yielded before this time to . the popular-MAI ibr a postponement.: • •:But auppow,the convention ehoosesza to postpone, but to sit, what then ?, • As to: its candidate,, we have nothing So sa±--not a tvbikf for ' or against litr. Lin coln—not'a Word for or against any other .tuan.wbose name may there arise i-for the r good and sumcient.reason that a nomina , ,tion in June, no matter who ! may be the 1 nbinfnee, will ' not be the final and , mi -1 alterable domination.' in fact, it is byno . means irn possi bl t., we'd.) not•say probable, :that the detion of the:Baltiniore Conven -I,tion wilt be entirely.set aside, or ; will des. pend f for,its : vafidity upon its . ratification by‘ d`rutuie eimient ion. Wei: , therefore, altogether distias'the, petition isf the candidacy -- -- useless to be now' considered as it cannette nowaettled. [:! ''.! *.-,--t. o,4c,..ehief , , desire Is that the convention,4 coll2taitting one blunder by' lualiing ut) eaflfa nomination, than not add tb''it" a 'Ottani:l, by 'adopting an un-- a=orWy ,161atfOraf. ' " When Mr, Seward went to"idaltheiiiliale* weeks ark Iv' §ay -s thai, Neliivhd Something better than thy liber,ty oftlaek,tneo,:or the liberty of iiiiiiteinieo,atid that, was, his . . ' bonntry, he. ,ia';) ;OM oenonsense like' the moke 'Ofhis'ei:giir; - We h* be :did not' a leave. , this meaningleskdeolatatioe behind him ,As o,:bintityr•thecienvention...lo :pick up.-- cm e Of the ,thi,pe• month,callecl ..14lair tate-. ly pkinicii,e4thatblack.itnen after fighting- fig 3,4eir, giquotry, ,ehoOld ~ be :aherward ,Plipoo A fieui jt , fund_ colonized in.: so*. SIIPPr,, qPrler-of Ate -partb,, . _INK,. mi. -Rentiothsbni(3ntter . either—any slush_ pen AseSe as Atruae. l l,rar.d IiT.OPOUVIda,•or :aay icIA 4tegnagospes:Mg...l 3 lair,` Vibibite• , we , gla,,y agyreliAgy}iikadminW, tliat . one-half" AukiilepuhileauiputtnAled Ole best., half, will quit the-bannermpliftedat Baltimore, tiiiieeliiggeWhere a betfer leadership, giv ing angtiry) of h 13111'01" - mickory. if -the trampethgiires au! phaertlitr sound, who vell'4oplfto the batth3.? . , - ''.',..` OP ' •••••••••-•'-''''' '...)- dlV lV l t tietii i n t ftei eito.he ffifii'totoitry , "Ifei. l'Oilithr-'indiVidiktdocurtiot feel "-a ' , + " il OrailOniitrtihi P l a ' 3 7 1 0tf- g: 6 ?* . other, an invasketiiii - bis oivn. EMIISI MMWM
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