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IVOLUNE- . . 1 • , ~ .1.. , e , :,'7 . irff _ st .yri 1 }...„ p t .:, t -i: 1,, v. 2 ,::. , r .0 i'.30:.1. 1 y.t•,;-- t t 1 i;_ , Th. ro !t.9 ~• : , :... ,. ..i Ix: - , f: ?. ,) ' -., -, .1 , 1:1("18,1 - 1t1 z :l . .., tv ftV ;:. i,",!.. -' ' - '' - - , 1--' - ...-' ' '" ' • .- ' • -"'" '-',,,. : - , -- , l"t , r>1:4 . 1 fy ;i;! , i .z.-VPLP - A: t...r t . i ... ~ ; IEXI ~, , : . /.. ig TT lure A. J. dERRITSON, Publis4erll..._-.,1,., • ,-.::, „,.- , ,„., ouLOA:l4,4illiftßAFo9 77 ,-", -i-„,,,,t'L1'"4!-16#",Ft.i,, A f'T.l .' ,,, ,70: 1 • ''''''''''....; - —..4 : . ..- . 7'‘l. - .. 1.::./: ,- : '1 ~ . .1) 1;r.- . ' • -, ! ! - :.•1 , ; , 1 iI . ixir , • • LI 41 - 1 .......E 11- 2-ce •:.:.1, ; ---, .n• • •i',... , •fr,.... -, c 1-.1t ,, :i , ; I •••T st. • - f)LC :I ,- - •r .., ,: -.,;•f•;I:ii: n.o' , . r r • • .. . . lITTRDTESSCARDS PETER - HAY, i5i00.13.4404. 4961ticit2Cizliteerp Auburn Four Corners, Pa. A. 0. WARREN, 1. TTOENETATVAAP. Bounty, Bacit•Pay, Pension, and Exemption Claims attended - to. feta 07-oface drat door below Bind's !Store; Montrose, Pa. M. C. SUTTON, LIMBED AUCTIONEER , Priandavllle, lanaq'a co Pew Va. Jan. '63. DOCT. E. L. lIANDRICK, PECTSICIAN & BURGEON, respectrally tenders his professional services to the citizens of Friends ville and vicinity. ' f;37 - Office in the office of Dr. Leet. Boards at J. Hosford's., LAO 30, 1803. ly IL GARRATT, RMAER in Flour, Feed; and Meal, Barrel' and Dairy D Salt'; Timgthy and Clover Seed,Grocerlea, Previa lons, Fruit, Fish, Petroleum Oil; Wooden and Stone Ware, Yankee Notions, fie. &e. iplrOpposite Railroad Depot, New Miltonl, Pa: Meb ♦. trolarop c a. P. W. zunnr LATHROP, TYLER & RILEY, DRALEBS Gonda, Groceries, Hardware, Ready .11ade Clothing, Boole & Shoes, Hata' & Caps, Wood tr, Willow Were, Iron, Nails, Sole &Upper . Leath er. Fish, Flour and Salt, all of which they offer at the very ogu - .T-aiootareosit .IPricloss•-all Lathrops Brick Building, Montrose, Pa. April 0, 1863. y. wX. MINTTIKEI COOPX6••• • • WM. H. COOPER & CO., arnorts,—Montrose, Pa. Successors to Poat,Cooper B & Co. Office, Lathropenew building, Turnpike-st„ J. B. x'cowei. MoCiaLL ITM ik;SEARIX A TTOB.NETS and Counsellors at Law.—Montrose, Pa. Office In Lathrops' new building, over the Bank. DR. WM. SMITH, URGEON DENTlST,—Montrose, Pa. ClOtTlee in Lathrop& new building, over , A ; the Bank. All Dental operations will be ' l lia akikia performed in good style and warranted. P. LINES, 'LIASHIONABLE TAU/YR.—Montrose, Pa. Shop I. in. Pkadir Block, over store of Read, Watronn & Poster. ' All work warranted, an to fit and finish. • Cattinig done on abort notice, In best style. Jan '6O J citrN GRAVES, ILIASIIIO7 , IABLR TAlLOR,—Montrose, Pa. Shop X' near the Baptist Meeting Mouse, on Turnpike treet. MI orders tilled promptly. in first-rate style. Cutting done on short notice, end warranted to lit. VB. ISBELL, REPAIRS clocks, Watches, and Jewelry at the - shartestnotlmendoxereasonable terms. All fa work-warranted. lEausp in Chandler and Jessup's k l# store, MONTItORS, PA. Nrxr. W:S3ITITI, ABI NeV AND Mira , MANUFACTURREB.—Faot of Main street, Montrose, Pa ang tt C. 0. FORDILAM, Miettu7 L p Zer D ot 'IT. t4 "B 11 1 1 2 ffiol it t= made to order, and repairing done a neatly. jet . ABEL TURRELL, n BURR in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dy e 1., Stub, Glass Ware, Paints, Oils, Varnish,Win- Glas.s, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jewelry Perin ery. &e.—Agent for all the most popniar.R&TENT E ClNES.—Montrose, Pe. aUg •tf MEDICAL CARD. DR. E. PATRICK & DR. E. L. - GARDNER IATE GRADUATE of the MEDICAL DEPARTMENT .40F YALE COLLEGE, have formed a copartnership Lee practice of liedicine and Sargery,and are prepared attend to all business faithfully and , tpanettually,that ly b^ tntrneted to their care, on terms commensurate th the tiptoe. Dimo.mge4 and deformities of the EYE, surgical opera :, Jo.. and all surgical diseases, particularly attended to. :fr . °Eke over Webb's Store. Office hours from Ba, to 9p m All sorts of country produce taken in pay rn.,nt, at the highest value, andmasn ROT nmsuszn. -Montrose, Pa., May 7th,l662.—tpf FIRE INSURANCE. THE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, AT PHILADELPHIA, PA.. Has Established an Agency in Dloatrose. The Oldest Insurance Co. in the Union. CASH CAPITAL PAID ASSSTEI OVER, THE rates are aglow as thosea saygoodeomnany In New York, or elsewttere,and its Directors are among the scat for honor and Integrity. caktmas nat.; Sory: ARTHUR G. COFFIN Pree. Montt*, .11415,. 62, BILLINGS STBOEID,'.eg't.. it'comm' INSURANCE COMPANY OZ 'Wevvirseleazilis: CASH CAPITAL, TWO MILLION DOLLARS. mans lit Jan. Is t! , $8,288X021. 75,803.82. Lmlitongenitti,seey. cbata.martin; Preisßent.' John McGee; Art " A. F. Willaarth, Via) " • Policies Issued and renewed, by the Undersigned git his office; in the Brick Block, Montrose,ra. nov29 7 BILLINGS SitiliGlPtibrAf4: S. Z.• Pettengilik Oe., O. 37 PARK BOW, New York t ands State6treet, IN'Bostow,Are oar agents Tor the ifbntroiallemocra in those titles, and *re authorized to take, Adittfisetnenta And autwatrtipna fortis at cntr lowest rates'. J. L.r "...TEAZLE:TON £mbrotype and Photographic A tiut - Hondo o, gar mrPletures taken in all kinds of weathwintleetbas. tyle of the , Art.:'.. 1 octlo R. P. UTTLE, Attorneo6ll l othinienciiis iitLaw i O FFICE on Main Street. Particular attention glnen t p,clrvpanc- 1 4F: r , r, • tr. . - ra t e) Ittlikrig MHE snbscriberhoreby resitentfullyetes notice that he has taken License teroletionner in the County of Rnsno9WBnti alters his sorts _4 Minahis , •\ Enid all -ir ~! ~tbli . ly attend to. • Le . :A. Choconat, March 9, 1864. tf TOI .11111,,EIGELLEATOTi •-• LINCOLNe uf. 1 :1. FracTfiirottki `;tliiiktr - Siii tea. Si• • • ) - ;: : "That tlieVag c can do no wrong" is th,(.3 4 1 1e017 is -0e theorY' dr a dioniitittiticind'repiiblic dint, its chief magistrate inliy dci wrong: In the formal:4h° !ministry; revopsibltz for the wino - stets: - , • the: ratter„ the . PAcsi dent is responsible i ter i lhe acts ofhiii idter,O. !Dar Cotistittitaoft admits Prbadebi ikov ialli i g'fo'r `a) g ment upon htedoilige,' by the people, in regular. dOctiutiii; In. providing -.for bis impeachment, it .admits that: ;heti e 14. - be guilty - of crimes. :( In a'rgovernmetit of yaws, end not of men,_ -tha • most obscure individnal-may without indecorunvaddresslim gala the Chief Magistrate, when to the Constitu tion whence you derive your temporary Privet end ,he, the guaranty_of ual he has constantly • paid h i s un questioning, loyalt3r, and when to the laws, which your. duty-is to care for a faithful execution of,-belns rendered entire obe dience. 4 If the matter of ibis. address be that in his person, prOperty mid rights,, the Con stitution has been disregarded, and the laws 'disobeyed"; if its appeal, to the prin ciples of justice ba'no more earnest than the soliciaide - Of its regard for truth, and if the manner of his-address be no less temperate,than Orm, be. does not need courtly phases - tOtropitiate - an attentive hearing from ainagtstrate 'who loves his country her institutionsand,ber laws: Woitittof teat ntrorn ingwas was published pniclaination, pur porting to be signed by your oNcellenay and countersigned• by the Secretary of State, appointing a day of fasting and prayer, and, calling,inta military ..service, by Volunteering [ atid..draft fouilhund red thousand citizens between the ages of eighteen and fortytive. That proclama tion was a forgery, written by a person who, ever since your departure from Springfield for Washington. in -7.861, has enjoyed private as well as public oppor tunities for' learning to counterfeit the pe culiarities of your speech ;and style and whose aervices for years as a. city editoriof Abe New York nptin Nett thei Ne Teik riit'sme,e6ehated with-theien tire ntwspapermadirierr,orthe Oity;tind enabled him - to insert his clever , forgery: int,c4the regular channels 14 whieli:we re, ceive news, eta time when competent in spection of its genninenesawas impossible, and auspichin of its authenticity was im probable. The ,manifold paper,. resemb linglin °all respects , that upon which we nightly receive from, our, agents - news, and ftoni the government itself orders, an nouncements, and- rOactamations, Was left with a night clerk about 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning; after the. departure of every responsible editor, and was at once passed into the hands r uf the printers, put in type and published. No newspaper.in the country but would have been deceived as we were! Our misfortune was complete. At an early ow, however, before the business of the city had fairly begun, it was die, 'Covered that we had been imposed upon,. and were being made to appear the instru ments of a deception of the. public. There was no delay in vindicating onr character. Our whole-machinery for spreading news was set iif ratitioit ,Installt.li to '413/101U10 Ithan •we had • been deceive+t•by a forgery —that yOur eacellencYlitid;leaued tioßroo- i lamation. The sttleof • papera over our' counters, was stopPed. --Our bundlealo the -Scotia, botudifor Surope that Alan, were stopped. - owners' and pyrsers files were stoppeti, i,NeWie.:ttini handles 1 1 and files -wcnvatoppedoind the agent of the line, was informedithat the proclama- 1 tion men were bronghtfrom_ their-homes- and bedaftocitut in:tyikkaapiblials otourinisfhrifine; , ''Oino bulletin boards _ , were:Pada - idea, with 414 offei:of :reward; forthrtdisOtivemof agent:dram sentritei-. egrain reciting. 4;00 - !** - for:Iiii4 f 3:4; transmit at oneetoliearly every daily pa, per in the North, from - Maine to Califorp : . your Secretary :of , State ha& offloholy branded ; the.forgery; the Inn had. given to Thithlhad , 'Or:milled ter :to outstrip i eyorywhere-the'VelSeliood welrad' unwittingly set on foot, and in many pla ces the Truth arrived -before the forger had come to tell his tale. , For an injurt - WilFlo 7 -blifitives, to the Mei n, T.9 sPrlßthPublie , tbispnblici ty skas - an atiiplitantidote.llLindeedznade: injurfimpossable. - Bat th* r iniOtr tforY OI TrP".O4 O 4V. P. 4l t the gresteilit'projkifilonld theeniutene:e? of your statics 3 E4q , Affthcv 00100 - of Wednesday, theielOre,:l went With •rf#Allioottrizatok'aititv Jour , Vorreitinw;c7biar ad I;eezi .- -410k , ceived preciselYis*reiitti4;tii' quaqPm of , t l /0 RePaqmPtof 4 41gfillt, and %MO" 'Wore* oOgitniniditig gen eral everyliue poirisdifsi4 l which coulcileitAnafthidMovery of the guilty persons. All the facts above recited werg, Secretary of Marly ;General:Dia, I as sert.'pue ~utter! blamelessness. I assert, morearr, neY,P,T known. MIA! so 'prejudiCea. Whieli . lioqiniiiitaifee - , wititlihete , enforte 14”..1,49.)F . /•:,:11,11 ..D. W. MAULS ..4150)110C .$1,200,000 'dthVvict.l4P4?-QPF- 0 .. eTPACifFLL ' " • it k:44 ?" 4 I MI,: 1•9; 1 4444; : :Imre *pkat/iAntgkot.9.:Prial:hiPilit. 4-nfiteil",gt4o,. OafkAie;timkrYsitfelf,i.,4ol.l. v,4e, Au seui4of.the wrong i doeT ti titik;to dificoyor,4e,uuthorp.ortlui.-144 ' 49n 6 : 1 4 6 ,9 - .4. -, • • • ' • - yo 4 by; iti4eoeAtoonylpiteill!ig.depArucm i IW s zoiqtr,e!tee,onie F , for mr:d7eat,dad, ' u ° o63 . 94 i w " . ge r :t•44faYot9tAlFl4.e, iqzuitvindioCCuputioufg' the W:orlic cage, by,a,militaryjuarll; and thP,.~ppppxeseioe 44g 1 1 01iPau9B 8 -;••Ttlek,,,,lollrg,l4l':qc inqc, edltorq,uu4l) . 10.4fihor3iwore Ai , 4ude.4 I bthi3ve; though J. cannot stuto,ot: my : own knowledge,lhat4o.—the commanding general's assei*,n4,-taikr a TniiKe blame ', lessnqss it: Sias °Wing ord9r ,for onfatrest addlubFrition 7 w k aikrusolo s But ed.the Pi. SuRPT, B a 9 P-9 1 - , the -- World; kioei 'olden!' laei3e,lit Tiff, sot a strong pdil t odiCrOOnvi l who, ejected their ()GO ,apt,s u de , two_. .ay,s : t - • : (71 , • 41 , • add tfriyee luclnkitajibitinOting pOrife..of, Undtoii(oitting no pike ,te . citiSS,:ther threshold:" setoi4d / 'WO - a - thre . Not , . . decdpdta . ork "eease , until• 0,41 - 11. Y );la* the Wdeld . free, Sidi* to those'olio avo edrs beii f absence : his. been '6l;)re, eloquent; 'than 14 ; 0,1de:4 could' '6v - aharaCterize these proceedings as nn grecedented, would be,to fl forgpo43 past history ,of your admmistratio? ; and to, characterize theta, as shocking, to eveq nilfid, would I,!e to disieganl that princt- Pk of human nature _ front which it arises . that 'men subniieting once and again to, lawleSs eaeroachreents of . power, with ev ery intermission. or a v igilance, which. should. he continual, /ass something of the .oId; free, keen, ( sense of` their true . nature. and real danger,. CuAßLEs•was dOphtlesa'advised.to,and applauded for', the ' crimes by ,whicli.he, lost his crown find life. Nor can you do' any such outrageous,. oppressive and un just a thing that .aoth,applatuled diy,,those AViigtle prosperitrautt power-yon created and may , destroy.' ,To character• 'ize these ,p . roce,edings.as . arbitrary, illegal, and,imeonstitaaticuml,..wittiktifeemof-such• :weighty words have not been emptied of all significance, to befit better an hour at which you have not arrived, and a place where snot pribbo i .opinion.ltut thokanthot, ti;nflavespealobi aftentupeOhipefitt tri al; ethivictiOti" arid kidaffenf. But, sir, the supprestlion of two daily tho„nrgan of its great . c ommercial public., the other a_ recognized exponent of the Democratic principles which - tare :ahared lay 'Writ nearly. ebock the PROP ;raid,' did amuse: every. 'honest and patriotic citizen, did, fill with indigna tion eyempurwandlnyak breastr:: There were no indignation meetings, there were no ;tiots;:th etti kfilleidr pßieetieLL' But do not imagine; dry' that the governor of this state has forgOtteriAb' do.his'titity, ; do not iunagine thst,the .people ; or 44, ty . br State„orZoOlutry /Ave ceaied talove their liherties f or-do not-know how to pro tecttheir,rights; 'lt- - Nroilid , he fatal to a . tyrant to commit thafeiini'here'and now. A free peopleteson‘at , neethalevige means to teach" their phief magistrate the - same lesion. - To you, sir; .who • have by heart the Constitution :' , 6llleli!:YoU 'swore :,"pra seryei ToNteet and - defeeti,", it Itßitb4o: awertmeii - 66, UeiteY thOse,natUnlraiid ckartqe4 rights 1 4rem ':,.0 1 4/ineitirrd; among whteli are a = tfietie: That' the people shalt:he .:secure tietos.44.llQUies, papers su effects, against: , unteasouable sera : f,;.; issue, eluzeptL iipiurproliablearuse, sup mg ihTi Web' ;fto be gearolieittind , thifm sohc.or things to' be teizOOT tii*ticever sarCiihatibe,oleprive4 of ' 'liberty': or O r ?P'l7 1 )1 ' 6 00' 0 44i: 34. these - are We 'bidet - piieeless piiiseesiontiq freetilo;:luur Ydrilotok rxiiaf fatal- . Eve n- a -Cntture 4 -(Ackililli ' ,4l l . wilii . 64*A - bat his'cinualvoidd be proiek and- 4 4 "b 0 Mravcil#takit S'Wvi4f/N? on tin f 4:6fridif i ti pPlcps e l4P y in c, TO pii)Pgety Plead these mitts a nd"deicolol of the administaiinYWfhivw,QVAT NU} these T litiia4i - AWitit4bitrietiirimiltii of a military conutratidtin: he' might pro test and assert his inalienable right to the orderly processes, the pproofs, and the pun- ' I itdiment of the law tjms.the Saxon tongue any terms left for him to use who, being the victim of crime, has been made also the victim of lawless power? .. biPthOhemt-'. 0 ,-.4,01a0 1 4%..tithcb II i" doinmission of 'any_cruaae,sdl proceedings 4akep49f9Rtripely i prynu r -- tivit'Veir no' prikeedifig, eft, against , ; the Tiro;rdtit;icififttiiiiiitili billiiiiirpa, ;1 - 406b oolawat. smiaf :; 1 by iaw DF , e1c9004%:. ) ,w,91114,1,be law I it5,444,43*.9.4C . 19r. 44.4V- 0 ,41C141 NFoilials!jmticesAvsciiiii ,S,Talt.**,4* i ije0 1 0). 5# 4 :441 : 04Zik 4 atOsiteXto, 1 f ul, urYog:lirsOapttfol , 44l. ;411"iftilln%Vitit boandA koTrildiOrf*apation, had tliii peaaamwhickzeoriOteptil- .Vphitit o yOyir• licourVirtiiin,"Kiiioi44.litalAatuoa`_ot 1 this forger? Haile Pik,* ant F 27001 '11,11.0 ( 1 - K OietOrAir" , ‘ `'(fit. Ili •f, w o ge, .caiitlidWa4Thjailtai,Ctiiik4llll44-, 14eWaYeaterti,ti,liThlii4riti ailiffgvbuwi*"o,;l)o , 4 ttie T41)ki901.11616* as Yikiin'hfof Otiratho46..?' 'YOU 'net. ' E r nA . -• isluare alfferofit, law tor j 3 , 01,ir PPP OI3- satioriers? ' , oat muter Vieei:''C6iniliix4,'lto 'bgad'64 . -!)X, tbeVaittriiilithl4lo ,'!" '" 1he,V0r14 3 4•1`80014'6i4 ,1,114.4yeM., liaclil64lol the inaitlir 'coyragp. Octal. sacrifices tlytl t tlikoze soiiiohli '60414 - aOoeate tioao ibOgt - li*eitie,OetOcilli, ! atidzigoe of ' gOntabit, to bf." 0 4 ; 1 404 ,4 1 / 4 : 13 t .4°,P• wheflOve, it. • But it also expoti'OViiik(rdenaiinced th e cOrruptl i onii:eitendaf4i - i4dif 'yilliir lidihihts tvatipit li, 1)4- Olioser,4 A 'deluafv - e' and_ dierVatihg iiiitgal of 'pa per , i m'oney: It: li'ad itiiidpited'OOhnin of A Patriot geil efal,'Whetn lysitegid - ietioyedft4inf own mand . nfriiief- l eVe i;•f ' Eietery:,, ' ri,ha, , t 'clp-: reCafid °,yonr Ve4leefeti - dfi: 'op s4ia m g, fid4 TO Pest) . fa* `O: 6 P r E- 9 - cat iPA l'l 4 '- ii-bnrul:eifolo4ltiui:.l3,so.lat , !cp lii yroAg; • MA'S* 6l l 'pt.; illade — up Ynk1ir05 . ,,04 1 , 8 i , 1 us heflee:PknisidOling, YoPlliFT'rqlid ctinCo'cli'd big! proft:Wheri,,ypu, ausw - nF these' iiikeitegafoiles, I'tritr produce the , proof of threats niad6 against ,nei by - those. ( 'nearest you, end assnmitm„pc,e x opt y?iii.' prerogative, hefotethia„-trielf, Ipf - . forgery thriaished4oit with thsi_apncindaprfezt of an it&stAsation.:, , , , , ~,, • Can it;hei.osiii4 / .sri that .fpcs ' tiVil: .: ni,ent 'yo n'st ippO so4,4 , o- M 6a1 1„, 1ik.4 .07: c 0,914 = 1 04 1 4 b 1 ,g 4. 1 f t.Y. It ,thiP:-.ofgcrY ?,.• Let; the': ilnadimbni".lVOseV, 'pc .your, .owk, prise iiiksia.:' AiiW a tic would haf'dli, ~ .liasi ifie:t i rded:fo,7B.anOanntk_VOnnty, P - 1 I'leis.- "Fiir i ki 'partY`which is -abot to . o 1 before' Wl' people, 'end 'ask "nein' to - coin 'mit to itsrhantla the.n4minilrAti,nik,,g fairs, whit 61 4 4ee4 more onero us and. foibeipt6,t,O;yOui!,n,rrorfy;_thari ,Yoilhaye:. Lbiati)ust teitii...e.ntides . , pOnlit ine to say, that It was ,le.ba po'ssitai . )4,.4.,,, ! sriw,i, or„„ai: ono of tkent than it wns inr,AY,*an big Tow who euspectedthrif. , - ,And ao'the elqdlaii:lir?Ne . 4l:'' , ; tie cad; Seed and gifiltifAigers' rite, your zealous partisans.` ' .76siph IT,Or,Ward. - .Tr,.., who has confessed, his crime', ' *oo' Ate patliCali politibiaii'ancl - ,444aget, of Bri)oklyn;, ConOdei, - sit,' at •lihaftsy'feet hO'w-asta'a4ol lB ,l lol 4 l6 4:o cation, and in whoe • causn' Ife ' SOut .. tile political &Ott). ' 3Sti.; Howard has be&l,''fisqm• his, ery,. Childhood 'i4 'intimate friend of the' Itepublican ciergyinap ; ', , gibitts vola Beecher, and a nfeinber, of bis ',Chateb.-'4- Ire has.liatened! yolk in' affd;fiar'qit:.o the droppiigi 'of tli4' TlYiaplth “Onett , ary. The stump ipeedhea viiioi.%ttete foliov wayer' fuldlir,e'oede ',,the -h.e'udio tion'he for, yearh.ieptlifed ini . ihe :journal- which is your devoted 'Organ in th i s . City 2. Poi years he was the city' : editor t hat' journal,' : the NON:York 7'44e l sZtet•u , rolig tini`e' he , waa' the' Washing eeireePelia' eat kit the: chiefOoliti6h newlipaPer, of tlyS cotiiiity, ' thi'lThw- yo'tkyki, bade, ';' be has been a frequekeenttibittdr4OthqFONnnti of: „the Indepefkcießt ,-,.he : jo'firii'n'y,ed o yilth you'from Springfield : to Iyha t hingeBn ; be i , repiesentil himaelf a - fayU'reql - Vi,t . 34tok. elthn White Rouse sineeYofir rcilidnuCe there, By '.i anions - feli - qtk tile-I 8 4 1 0 ',it'll which his', 'affianuensis, cOpiid,,•Fiß tissue paper, thg'prbelagiation and fskt 3 n i ed, Vol. name - was atititialced - fieM' the :edit4r4; rcioiha,of :the Tribfvne. Jhe pa 04410 1; P i # 4 °l i . whic il TO. 4 1reride.( 1 44 - ,te.* nuniferA# :g9tU . Fieitent_liate 'been ity dayy meat and' 46Likkcila4,'4.9-Kb'etTr f . ; He 116 4t.40 ,6 *, (1 - e,Pi W i I i P LI YI.-q1 3 . 1 49,Ni..t1if' PO : t.ii ; :bY,*liesee dere i kio,4F. 9 l`Al!'Pri'°*,9*,. HOR , s1 ) 0 1. 0.6 noisy AailiF°P ?I 431 . 9:: eidelYe,loyalty ilifs tiAlc Pf e ° l 3o, a !t_ 4.5, br 4 .hotifieB : 4nd 4,6tri d 3f ciißgris*lte p 91,419, "jel l ' itigmit l7:o 9o4l o° 44 , 7l l .9gti°94 *euirulgkr, 4 4o: 41,4 1 5'Y,..tX, e . 49: g°v9r q 00 :, ATIAJAINkArPARTIy. mu. 9, were his Confedeiates wiT .i. k,tio,noAl3,? . Au! i!'illue-I4OrY , ; • 1 14i# 11, 14:14.tgi, 'l'4'le4'lo'49:l-a4e1i4,4f,:; .th ey ;. ,vf A 1 1. .: 'ecTik4nVe.-F,41t.,,,h.c. . liPeE . ,,lt. Lei? ; ! , I.ii: -have all 'been nee _ ~.pki....Tramury to_ s poi* rn:cP 0010; 8 u 0 1 4494 , Pcni ; ' they bArereit re..1 61 44.44)4,5 , :ft.e1ia1a thqqAlstic. 1. - 4:.Roii.y,lsig9p4a.gcm cp.4.,,._ ; 60 2 .641,0 th_rwe,.... 1, , , SI i 4 .i LIE, 1i , '.l: 7' , " 1., ..y 4r twenty-luny ;wings" soinettung Waa l is:V4 O .R.etIA9ITIr ;Preleme4nPitP*ANl re444 o Vi lenCe: ol !t tbliPelerrzOiev4 l 4: begs 04ege4 t9IYPTI , ItyA%, , ploYfim it Yf14.1 Your 04 t..lflWitcYl9oll - 14f19Ned, ertp?Seil,44l4, , a 3 FaAsY,l 3 Ft7leceTl 3 ffir -.. ,-/ I t..9F14 1 9:4 1 9 2 0 tIvNTSZ- ' 9l ClPHlPl4 o 4 lo 2meAktait AW:CAPPetfI4:Mi,*. $9,Al3 l :4?Pki lieetee, l i p Au4i-gePREI teR eil.OOON A4....4,. 1 10FP 4et1F19.6 eßgßAl9A s 7o493M94l9tiftPNirfffkCis oftatictitall u t t leidumvary x kcems,F L atrkppt its mask offana disclosed the tnal*lg,. eaffACkgglkAffltitgrgYAl I*IkOtKi:NS 491 Fr YarA9 l o.le9.9ft vix,iii nr.ds a-,v,tirs el j 1 .1 ,, I ewers lP . " all P .MieekitiPOlrcreMVlllM. Ve iiirleMs . o 4 .-PA , ..• Reg . ollr9Pd v 4 13 tßPeFtwilink ' -,:tt S leA Pilllllo I,;'-. ~).) " - Sy the recall orypagitroltrary, order, you ievu : ,isqygfidet i repar,ol9 fey, the wtBli ,yreithaP i ci l l (rCiee . . r . Ibp.lit * 4 ' the %Wit 'yet einain: A TV • violist 'di bf' , 14.4!) .4; ,• tionstitationetant Jusa, nnot l e felywp yree en t. ofgraW,YR.A. :41}rignoble,Rivigin vesentmOit,, , you, nafve stitteli"dOwn - thii - rights °file preiii, you. hang - yAolated,,persoaltkliberty,,„sithjectect *pony to tau* ostentatiously eki c kk„it ahavejar, setti4 a Id4ger ri . °u:P:x4P 3 l ll e'PASaiP Fh9: l9l. °„rqt.F o, ,A;o. tb~4 l .eisOPPACt! /.a.7•3:9 4 0 . • ciPa att c g.Eiling „tp., : , erusrt,thik aigniin.,of 'free. dianiinsion,„44434tiade free - electi ons . rikissible; ;he safe glr4,9l.7l743P,Ptat#P g9Y9.1Rm?4,-- 1 '4laqacii!??? A g.tai:4 ! 14 44. 5 e gwPeßi 4 „ ( l., JAP. 1 1° 11 :0 - 0: 29-c , Tl44oo4YcgßttY•?iit..4 9.9.4 you ai•bis,CP7 , 4 . I ARFP 4 .I I Rg#e B i 3 PPti; 4p9i . c,rtur. - 44,, wyggqid,,pf roux t daiip}R§PijOaißrloNS'athrP4AlfP 4ll4 , l 4 N*Mo.P,F-Y rto-PFt7,1404400, .40 :t9.> 1).400pu ,eouritry re , mitnldedaq t*PF941401414444, ehayau,fe,,;devotinn Anty; entire., geT i ..4 l3 l UPgagOß',: 1. . • 11114*.i01440 1 144 k jadg- . meat q9d,„ l l)i, tlit4rnitision t s, 9r Our Consi t itutOii.,,n e 4,,yet t 710.441iMq._,G 1 1 a?°:RePPO.are • 1 . 30 9 a to.„ Pu"PPCak , Y,Wr l4j oli 3 ,44 ) ,R l3 l4ecti9. aaa t4;3"l3oC°4*PQ444.ao3lt YPt: ,F9P4a.lf!# ,•! ) 1 "tEgr- TefTcPaPPlY9arp , Tha• Pgollo%** ;their' 4epreientativm.haye., the right to sitealeiwli en ifeu ,';Eitr4o4lc(istr"Om .414, 4aii:OsViar'eeTatigiAelaYofiet ; when, tha, Baatile„ once, i hroko donon .4t:her fge, the; Atial4o ;4.}`, Ake ' V 6 s4 o a,g our tevgiution,is recoutiuct , ed here:, , , • In stor m ytimes like theS . .atnid dan -4M::04 ouPPYRe B N 4 44OO : lion enyirons us, his iv, ou/44-496;, been a, r l O-4,1P4., v 4 1 0 .1 4 44 b ff tgYfietmAn9tioa.. fol%allOlSeTJPFPPso.gianirt4O - /PaPklrassio.9l rebellion,PaohNorY • of • Jaii.tf;e•i] who hid- je.yoked`-nßinst: : tire di,itOyaltyl cifinlipi the, r,etribtitnin ; and', redrysses. of , the.,laur, he dlinint:.,nf,-sttph • a ; Conflict 4* / 1 111•9,- - fak-id;dsse:4 1 , not,, even, a RiOccePtt,eggia:Rowapleild nAtio4 safety . awFatsx _ci;!titefOraifusig,,t no.dojiratice- or SUbMitntOriellglteliti 17 1 it Po-teltgelOria9 ;regards * .4P4os B hoOkanr- kessaato.st , theilafit 0 0 PP.0§9 deeds„vilth reiga,..reale4ies.,„ The 'hi”! u_sqr 43 ‘ , Ol-. 41 111 1 1 0.9 1 , 1 4 1 i 1 - . • .413 . 9 Mint <or greatest:pangerloarts may faiki judges inny : bel4inaidate by threats-or ,' bribed bY4ba;l l . l 9reiaeakg, Plmve,r"!'itncl: ildfO l bavea;f4rcgi Lofitxecste,t4o4we may ehriuk franithg falfahn ent, of their,oatbs.— Asiraveo:, Oongresa, niay sit silent, and, i 4 6 . !WSPh the- perishing liherties, 9f the pep& Ivhota they reprefleut, but - this cannot. deter him who, in defending ; .bin rights, is deterpiined,to do his whole duty: E94-4P: 1v40nt , ., Pampeteet,at at. to. commit the issue ta, that Power, ornuipott, en t and ,finiern tabke, mho presides in events aricis.waysAlie.destinios of nations and the hearts of teen. , . _ • .;;;; • Ki.NTegi MAltimu. X 61 .7k.):Alaiii2 ;117Se - 4. f• ; • I Fremont The vr ; re,- e,mont azelr , orgairin Wfuitljingtat! ' tlipo comments , on -a afteeoh recently Alelivered ; by4fr.-,Linooln in Bal thugrel, f , . ,‘,‘,,The egcig4:lmo tbolght Of nothing ehmkthec,hitowAseiilection,fon thelast .a 114 . 4 I.'ll797natlirallY nag) .of little else to,thooe who:Aal l upori ; ,hits at; the White licourie•f;'l3)l;: , 11 . he SAT,er,itmght have Oiopilosca t `thnt, topic from his mi 643, it; pne•Rpenithe•occasion ofhis reoent ti7,44ittimPfre , t4,:op.e.sa Fair, for,the,nhari-. talkOlitiP9ta , 9f the Sanitary Consizisbien, 1 1 4ere,-4:apy-where,reelfishness. , .a.u4 ept• iseit.gheghl,fcm the moment eve been laid apifie s .lmt-tAiarreeidential ofours DeYer"eleppar atarlet,'; as- Was- OIPP° 4I -' l v aPeeuth,Maiwhielf there, is. notone; wor4libput the , fair; -or :the,:oli. feet 4 efitil i . 3 ',MI , co• , Thelktmagogues at Wark- --2 : 131 ' anlholtifi beidiVibi? OHIO:ilk - lei% VtuitiiiitOsilt ithaVikOity vt•fil Itist%if the ruibllitithi 'id: ho . fro& tpagoo l .4lll hiev iiieititillOt'tiiNeiili'eaffea Viifjoiiie ipbrhoritT6Vrtakieo43oiritidn'- 711 witifixsB4o!*th' 4w,"‘oaliht•# , , poit r'elialuiloiipt *bald neytliv offiVect? • " ' 11, . . 12 1 t 4 P 1 ' Ala • , ~ . ‘7774"frti" ) .4 1 •11e14#13 . 0q ' . :44 1, 9 ',4pt , loii 11,84 ; 0, c 14 I t riA Anabiimnii4 0 4 , 44c4:Sy0; 18 1 r8.99el . 11 10 . # 9i 3!„ ..,; , t uci L ut i tke l ' l itl d • filia. l " 111 41. I ra3l.Pru. 11 RA 'm- '',.,4 S'd hat 99t 3 P.P.R 4 , " itPePetiAlil9 I P, j 44 S i 5' 11 ,,4 ,t l6 Pg. l _ , "• ' PI? - ivtq4. ,Itrpf i g: i"lll4iPiMaidiqPV'':afr9ll " • iiVO' •drIONC A MPOftta:A.efSi`p' - : )), , 1 1 8 0tft;rtA 9 PtRh t f 9 if r RPVIII - t. l 4c'vr .tt ' ; ft-4, -Cr:A glikr , .:1 . : , .11! fa., gar'A letter-Cm= aUrtialiingtion:ficiitfiii New York Teiliunot”4:l l tietwootibroPil filsbionabloitidfaiUMg a little nigger frelp under - , - ulabliranotkissing it!, N 9 ,dotibt libittdi nitiafVit* it lAkifMt a big niggeiPfPriiiii&!'"' `" fiecreiary : Stanton:,, : In^considering the' chhmadter of Searett ry Stanton we will -lay-ant of view, for the tiredent; the evidence of his ty. , r•We lity-all.eneh matters out view: It our present .pnrpose. to prove thaCMr. Stanton is unfit to be Secretary of War . ; titittliat he is unfit 'to to hold any of trust „" I ;, - Whyli*MillitiilgeLean, of Ohio, exiled to ilia mostflistailt and inaccessible point territory—Tort Vanconver, on the .Paifie, in the extreree hcirthwestere, cor ner Mak* Metear k wa s ordered that ' '&lride otirtposit list Ma. Lvember, he being, a most important wit nese in atikkby„cOnit-Aartial therLsoon to taliiiyaeirat Cnicinnati. — the enlprit to be tried-furs:at CaptaiiriE.W: Iltirtti as sistant-quarter-master in :the Department of the .ohio ; the eherges,yetir,le emptier, with some twent y thirty specificatioika, 'iteielolied a longi:eoritititied; . fled; System of wholesatephindet and em-' bezzleinent ;, Abe: , noeothplices .4 were per. sonalay.ing.intimate relations- with a dia .tingnished member of the cabinet, one . cif. Wein being 11.• Cooke ,'' Of the firm 'of Jay - CookeillCiit; end nnother a partner ofHeitt; in the `proprietorship of the Ohio !State Journal, the organ of. -,Secretaryi Chase at Columbus. -The-evidence against Hnrtt consistectin part in'' linters bit: him to George S.- Scott, another accomplice. and sharer,le the profits of the fraudulent. transactions, some of which letters are re- Cited verbatim in the specifications Of the judge advoelite; and are important as in dicating-the sources of theoral testimony which ,ought to have been -produced at. 'the. trial . This widely ramified and long-ennfinned, system of heavy frauds affil' einbeiilementS had• been traced out' by the viiidtiitiy of Major McLeani• who an ifriVolouS and dishonest pretext,. was spiritiA away ,to Vert Vancouver, in -the most remote an - clout of the T way corner of our 'Pacificielrentier. Considering who Jay Cooke & Co.' are,'") and considering who the proprietors of the Ohio State- Journalere, the developments before that, court-martiali , had' the trial proceeded, were, likely to prove sufficiently awkward and 'embarrassing ; but that will hard .l" -be 'aseetited by the country as a justifiable reason for first spiriting away the most , material witness in a case of wholesaliiicinherAement,• and then-quash ing the proceedings,' 'by ,dissolving the court-martial at Cincinnati, and ordering the ease and papers to be trauferred to Washington; several hundred miles from the residence of the other witnesseacoge: taunt- of the facts. ..This gigantic scheme of plunder and'. embev.zlement had grown up at Cincinna- ti _before General Burnside was transferr ed tcaliewest.'• Under his administration ftwastrieked out and dragged to light, a court-martial , appointed, and the charges andppecifications drawn up by Major Bar nett, the ju'dgF-advocate of the Depart-, meta of the'Olud. 'The trial was to have taken 'place in the beginning of December lis4 and - fort want" of a better pret t to get Major , McLean out of the way , hi banished. to Fort. Vancouver, for—not vo-. ting at the .11,oveinbet: election ! General. Burnside,' who, 'with' Some wea eases, is undotibteilly'i'aiilionekt 'man, o, wised this r extraordinary pnaceeding, tot . on other grounds and because MajorMcLean's tes tummy was wanted in the . apprbaching triaL i, The delay cons,equent on this oppo sitren raved likely to defeat the purpose of tlin'Wnr- 'Department; the trial was postponed, and Major McLean; in-disre-• gard of General Burnside's wishes, was perenipttrily ordered to leave at onci3, full to. nfor.pk, tttp government , what day be% would;atart. ~ . r 7 . .. _We - submit ~ iiii, simple recital Of facts,, leitringieadetii to form their ' own ccinclu-' sionii.World. l --- , 7 .111 e liew .Nation—Fremont—savv; " Now since the creation of the world has there been a war iao loosely, so stupi& ly .and sham efulkr, rpdtpted ,as.-this.— M,Wisl to' belkve An 'the soopiNgt.lier thanin* the' enipabaityif - G97erment ; but. even stupidityliio its IWO: East, 1.7 o,rtfi' . e'VeiYwhero.. we have n'edmil'lss~ltts;'sefe 'diagraoe tli itd& i•Sward fol. so • many'. Sacrifices so much energy and-self:denial Oft tli4fLW-of 'the' • tieople ;403 it is tine. thie iivtitithdedi"i " • larOar Minister to BrussetsilienryEk • ESanibi4 is pleasantly eigased4a - building . a navy4ardin . Stt:Louis. There probablyli .neivit was a party:Whose 'appointees 'eo'd discharge the duties of so many offices at the same time as can those of - the party - lip:Anti. niat itre , 'are: assured tbatihey. 'del) itl'eabeediegly Ice% They, Ismaili:o panda a dtml , existence, and Can '41161314re .tee duties of lifmilyter artilforeign . ;4oonrV) Midis; 34., same Stine:give? their VOrlonal . fit,ten'tioa to:government contracts here at,y d / 00 . :044if t ibn rot tiiikt- . iour. ;sheets 444°4; 1 .1 8 10P .A4iyo' , the n.lent. 'pt: take a fragment of brlkht crinwerk, j dip it in s atrong spirits of wick, and yntatitons-yeterte trials till's iliciderate' tint, aP - 1 9 i i r"Xlci i6at4il and not. tne ' ofsyttitimis - I • VirSenthiCid , itirtisernentorliMispre German Bitten, inside." '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers