• , , • • ..... -• r . • 'aca '`; -" • I f•-•";` ra . rirta J - <l.l a iv,: • ,: t t i) . _ ••••••,•vr•••,.., P - - . • "- - - • ' c r I • ,• t ) ' v• . ) 1 5: . ' :557'; 41 . ! La' • .151 _ * ;s r, t, _ ••• . ‘) ' rt ,„ ;(;t: '•••• , - . Tfi t . 1; +f t 1 It. -.• .4 ) . ~ r 0.3 47 • .5. rs„,„ (I , • , • " 7 • . - • . * ,•_ i v ; s ,: , r - 4 Glnta i rSON ! PutP/4140t. F BusiNtss,.c44 - 4.tlig,' . PETE 9 11.AY"; ra o _ , , . itre zA44.,^izepettco2:ol4o6o; • Mardi= lifrir C!onie***a, A. O. WARREN ,• A TTO . °ants, ]tact P ay . PeDlPkin, 1.1. and Exemptioselalmp attierdcd (cr.: febi lagrOffice Bret dopt, below Bond Alontror. Ps. N. s C. SUTTON, . ' NBSit,'P'riendeville,•Sgiq`aeo JJ.J Penn'a. Jan. '6l. - .. • DOCT, E.-L.' lIANDRICH t ., - ottYstcteN reepectflilly.tenaein hie nrofeattonal eervicci to the citizene-Ol;Frrende , villa and vicinity. garOince In the office of Dr. Leet. Boards at J. fluefeud'a... (July 10h DM.. 17 -. H. .GAR.RATT. DEALEItin Flour , rood , and ea , Smell and Dairy , 13s1t, Timothy and _Clover liked, Groberies,-Provla4- 1 one; F_pott,7Flati, Po.troleroa , OD, Wooden and Stone Ware, Yoatrit Nutions,4;,te. Depot, Nevrldilford, Pp. 2 ..111th 24; 1863.-Iy. - • A. rietatoe, ' ' It. c.Trizti, . ' J. YN: Mut'. LATHROP; T YLER ' it' RILEY, ~ BALER'S In Dry Goods, .Grocerlea, Malta/ire, :.. di j JP Redo Clothin_g, Been; it Shoes, Date dt . a, 51 , 1 t Po".2°.VlVgrl'itaegli B igog . Per Lea or at t ! 1- • ' very . .. Pr XaCs*peollat 3PirieMpfli,„,ool . ' Lathriips Brick Building; Montrose; Vit. '. April 6, 1566; yv. • . • ' svx. utrsrrrso coo Pan W3I. H. COOPER &CO., runts:—Montrose, Pa. Successorsto Post. Cooper B & Co. Mice, Lathropenew building, Turnplke-st,: J. e. u'caviare.. D W. BEAMS. McCOLLLT3I S . ; SEARLE, TTORNEYS and Coirtieitore at taw. 2 4fontrose Wire is Lathrops' - aew build:n:4 over the Bank. DR. W3I. S3IITH, • IZCRGEON DE`STlBT,—illontrose, Pa. o , llce in LithropA' new building, over. .„ • th. Bank. All Dental operations will be 'illijr ak t, c.rrfur.ned in gqod .etyle and warranted. ... • P. LINES, lASMONABLE, TAlLOR.—Montrose. Pa. Shop in Phmnixlovk, over store ofTtead, Vi'atrolu3 t. Fo.ter. MI work warranted, as to It and finish. • Cutting dune on short notice, tia.bczt.tyle. Jan '6O JOAN GROVES; FASITIONABLE TAlLOR , —lfontrose, Pa. Shop - 'near the Baptist Meeting House, on Tr. spike treat. All orders filled promptly. In first-rate style. Catlin_ done on short notice, and warranted to fit. - L. B. ISBELL, , T, EPAITtS Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry at the ll shortest u6t 16e, imd on reasonable terms. All worrwarranted.: - Shop in Chandler and deseulervi t t • ore., :411NTIto&E., Pa. • ee...5 WAL rIABINST AND CUAIR. 31,41 7FACTUEBRS,—Ioot I.j Of m,Lin Street, Montrose, Pa. nag; tl C. 0. FORDHAM, rANtTACTURER of BOOTS 4111 119E8, Montrose. AIL Pa. Shop ov e r Dewitt's store. All-kinds of work in do To order. and repairing done neatly. ' Jett ar ABEL TURRELL, EA.I.fiR in Drake, Medicines. Chemicals, Dye / Stuffs, Glass NN are, Paints, Oils, Famish, Glas.,, Groceries, Fancy Gaols, tcwelry Ferfn• , r rry, Bx..—Agent for all the most popular PATDDIT YEI,ICP ES.—'Montrose, 'Pa. ang, tt MEDICAL CARD. DR. E. PATRICK , Sc. DR. E. L GARDNER fIRA. DU' ATE of the MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Lle LC CJLLE4E.,', have formed a aopartnernhip ,1:1.,:l1Ce of Aelielne and Surgery;and are prepared 0 LLE:"I I 411 basing-s faithfully and ptuctstany,that r ,atrustel to their mite, on terms ComtnenenrAtO Ltt tht , . J ..e leforaltlea of the EYE, ettrgticut.operil too ‘4 to I AA ear ietl diteases. particularly attended to. ) :a over Webb's Store. Office hour, from , B a. 1:1 to 9p. ra All aorta of country produce take:Win:pay , .!nt, It I Itizhest value, and CASH NOT fng:MED. Sioacrose, Pa., nay 7tlr, 1862.—tpf FIRE INSURANCE. iititisurairatt.estßlP. AT PITILAInTUTIU, PA, Has Established an Agency in Montrose. The Oldest Insurance Co. in Ike Claim c Asa COITAL PAID IN. ...... ASSETS 0 V8R,..... _ .. I T z rates arn aSIOW tbol3o ,ftily. good company_ -New Yofa, or elseWhein,ind itiDitectorsite.annsug 'toe first for Sono? and Integrity.,- O. • ' • • • Cavn.cs PLerr, Seer. , ARTIBIUK volrIPIk; nes. Montrone, 1a1y15,"64. BltiEniol3 STROUD; dg4C 3EN,COOMEM, INSURANCE COMPANY, or. rse~v-Scsr.~. CASH CAPITAL, TWO MILLION: DOLLARS. assurs Ist Jan. 1864, . L1A81L1T1E5..75,8002. I. Milton Smith,Seey. Chas. d. Martin, Preddent. John McGee, Aet. A. F. Wilmarth.liticiE" Policies lamed snot renewed. by the undersieneo aG Eis office, In the Back Block, Montrose, Pa. . ' • - noviel 7 BILLINGS siraotro, , S. m. Pettezigillit.Co, . 87 PARE ' ROW. 'New Yore. and 6 State Street; fllatoa, aro our agents forthe Montrose Democrat in t tote sitie,t, and are 'authorized to 'take` advertisements andentiserioticms torus at our lowest rates- B. HAZIAETON, Ainbratypa and, Photographic grt y. Viontroae, Pa. • niir 'l.:tires-taken in all kinds of weather. Intim bar style of tlid 'Art. - octilk , , R. B. to deero...P. LITTLE, Attorney* and O9,afteliors atLaw, naca%trzirk - 46413ii: 2 41 024.327*- i l on 74 tin Street.4lNallcalaraztentinwirlven 40 C ceyantin,g. detclo mc)pieitmrr T bscri era realise * 0 - 4 ,6 4 he has 4sketk3•LeOPl!o 4 .4s atiCtkiiiegg. OSET 0 49 r• ^rs".4quellarttwAtict oftp.rthlidetT/Aes !.• : P s44 ' . 7 - essonablo ; and • ',!;-•"/ L: logr?hureni.• I• ; •:•• n . ;"' 1 y attendedlcr. ,k Choconat. Mint Lamm'. ti; 014rilwaiwiolii#wo.4 A etzstreittetp , , WORT. Arilid Croftcm 1 Mrs:Crefttin 'How odd: it seems to meld bevelled Crofton, and Mrs. tool, I can haedly.believe!; that I ankmarried e &MONO ;, tun writing' in 'this riplepaid.lilii* and in bUsband bas 4: just leftbis inertiinglass,:onstas lips. .was reallt*Odetfel l the'„way it all, came ab6 F 4 ' . '. W4it ilk . s.frtah4iL99Fer bflve bappeneOßt for tny,vndt tozra. neaten, reit _ at luttlia.l- i teae ftivited,wfitlim*par .rents and my (*a shiterti io spend St , 'Co l l', ple of weeks at Firovti with the &a tone: Mamma iefild at firstlo let Inc, go, Weans° she thought that.' four persons' 'were eritiiigh for one party, butMts. Ren -ton *Ould not listen to' her. Shisaid that, apartTedin'tliePi,cisure erieentenleS foetid flielValtia6l6, wheiPtlici Wenger *est full; beriiatte tiiitie thousaathings for her conienienee eind'the pleasure of her gnesissivihicli a servant couldn't'do, and no other visitor woßld do; and that she ' woulttlikteto keepinenot only two weeks but two years. My sisters; had each' a regular outfit for the oceaSiOn, but mamma said that Ineed ed nothing. lonpse she was right ; I had a sprigged Muslinfor the warm days, made out of a dress which Joseph ine. had wort] the year before, and for cold. weather I had green silk, made of one of Georgiana's. They were pieced a trifle, to be sure, for they had originally been low in. the *that, and I wore noth ing which didn't button to the throat; but I,had a good supply of crimped ruf fles to wear with them, and I thought then,ond think still, that they were very pretty. , •Mrs, Reoton.appeared delighted to see me, and although my, sisters smiled at my credulity in thinking her sincere, my heart went'out to meet, her. Perhaps She didn't mean it at all, but imagined she did, and that put me atease at once. I still believe that I was right, fleir She pre meelitile; room that had belonged to her danghter:Agnes, a lovely child, who died when she was only ten years old. There washer portrait, exquisitely paiiited, and with atteart 11111 of love• looking out from the meek_blue eyes and voicing itself in the curves of the delicately moulded lips. There, too, her bookcate—Lcured rose wood , withglase doors l --some of themost worn v,olurees,, which were , mature en ough for girls of eighteen. There, also, I: were-her writiug,desk and her work has ' ket, with _the needles in an unfinished leaf, just as she had left it. FThe chambermaid told me that I was the first person who occupied the chamber since Agees died ; and although liwas a little awed and per haps.a little frighteneil, when I first went into it, I think its , tranquil atmosphere, and the memories of generosity and self denial, which thronged tabout , the beauti ful picture, helped me to 'bear . patiently the annoyances which I experienced du , ring my stay. For there were annoyances which I could not avoid, and which were at times ;hard taendure; altho' I ought not to cote-' plain, since theY cietinrred in consequenee of the 'fever in *hich I was held by those persons''*homll iidmiredand loved the most. The twit night after my arrival at Fitgrove,'Maine?? came and sat ' dew!, by my bed. Poe a few moments 4i k Jana "fLici t fi N k..hst inAttAi filet it mule ner sorrowiin,to see me in 'Agnes' place. So I put my arms around her neck,` and asked her, to, let. me be, as far 'ata could, a. true' dauglyer of the house,' and do, as fir nil line* how, all that A'gnes wotild - dOifehe were there in stead of me. , Renton 'did' not atelier itun4i ittelf,;_,sbe'ldepi v,tileittly; but I don'.t think there was bitteriteneln her teat's, 7 :, Bid And bye she kiYieitme 'riithnut enythitig - orlfill l o3 l licst. , ! A a . of alle ding: to'her ?, she told the , that some : of her' gds is a ve re selfiehliti'd 'exacting, and, de manded, mere Altar! ber Ai atten tion —that otheia were feeble 4in d upon, ei, while she desired" , to keci kilt tie tithe for 31r. Itenton,.. and loottic little after the twigs , :Maggie, and Anna. el One day,"' She Contintied, ne day,. you IT linit , What- these- perphi,xitiee are." langhed and - answered , that. I never should have a house of mtoritn; for I**. so;small, and dirk; :and ,aWkward, that- memmadeettitird.seeing; PiarriA. and ttirmOluite content: to remain papa's dirlifto), that ,was title Which he al waya'gaireitte. • *rB) rkllton re lie PlelOatly thatlibe knew fveiiiiiio r trctinl 6 how ,117,03844 I.aias` to hini l itiet,that.it*ifjustpgseible thit brieoinesu*li i iip,Pet r Ole T aript4fas ta ,; • „ Alter she,lef i ,e.l taw awake along One; wishing 4,, coeldJuiciss.c-tim words papa tesed,,w/itrie,eppkinsof, me ,0 her, ; 'for, although I knew he loved ;me very fic= l ,Yr-be nevUr,:tplitine ettt - e;cept bEne ;pig .ivoicet of,:th;Farin f 3 yes . -Th •laincipaU, topic •of Attivenration , among a part of;lite - gdeAts atr FritiPtiv 6 ' was eianticipated:Olivaltof Mt. Silbert Cioftont,a, brot.yer &Lour hcisteas.i. lhaa . Atualia•ldonkeavandrher brottber.eoigadi • deetarol:l* to.-Wbffrge thebiAt inatahi _gokeibf l 4ol kif !am* Duzazes. tor: ; ,„ PAW, 411115 R 04i1r*.MAlt: :186 "4„ ..4; %• =ff=l= . "rsintiiiskiti [ i did nagnifieeitt;lawritudgarA Amy istinelibrary; and' :endie44ll£l:lltitiea; 'of-silver - add litient. l II heard bits manta so , otten-,'that,4:greit - - curious, `• and When 'a• week ttifisted:by 'without 'bringing , hint; 'I 'said that I hoped` We should' havgitiiieep• - at, him before wosboutd• leiive. >l'; , Vtis tor. , ry a , toinute afteri for4oiitiplible'latiglied sneeringlY,! endTiebitiited , Aplia th4t 1 - expettedvernake :ft' ientitinent'of liitivi .• ' • He did.arrive•the sate* evening; but T", saw verylittleof:himi for.in the Morning there , was<no roittniti th*earriap for me; to arise, ktr , a horse foitris tb-ridoi and'if . walking" was' "prtipoted- tblif'' twtniv, were Burk°• %Saralee to - dres& their dolls,' or . belp on with a' genie, -Then, iii the eve. ning;kwas always neeil,e4Eto play tliwpi-. 1 ano for the , dancers, or.4nalid a .fourth at • ; whist:, or be:.: beaten?at;-• pleas` by , old Air. • Blttkeniaiwwho , 'was so pettish and!quar , relsoine over the' board. that r every- one but me declined his invitations. • When the fortnight ' was over my pa rents and sisters returned home., but Bills. " Rentonwouldn't4lsten to•the proposal to. take the with theme She said that she bad not , been able to do anything for my pleasure, and that•l 'must .remain until there were fewer•guests, so , that I •might have my *therein the festivities of the House. , • After- a• deal of talking mamma , consented, to leave-me, on condition that I would spend three hours in tholibrary 'every day over my Italian and German. Mr. Crofton lett the same morning that my friends did, and:l ditinPt expeet to see hint again; nor did 'I feel any reg,ret ; 'for whenever he noticed' me at all it was in such a teaaing waythat Ihadhaid work to appear indifferent; When I was fresh and in good.spirits I ached to say something sharp and unmaidenly, and when I was tired out the tears would scarcely be kept back. I think. I really enjoykd his ab sence,,Sen,. behold; late in the evening he.reappearedi accompanied by a young sister, whoni'he called Angelica, and 'who was both pretty and good natured ;.and' and bringing a• man-serrani, three saddle hor ses and 4,w0 dogs. - 'Oddly enough, every. everything was.chinged for me from that moment.. Angelica (sheinsisted upon me , calling her by her first name) took turns ' with me - in-playing the piano, and while ' she was , at the instrument-I 'danced with • her brother. She alsooccasionally took my seat at the whist table, allowed her self to be, beaten at chess by Blakeman, and aided me in the nursery games. Onerof the new saddle-horses was kept for my. tole,use,, ond ,the two splendid • dogs were never so happy. as when trot 'tit% by my side about . the grounds or curled up at my feet while I studied my dictionaries and grammars. •Mr. Crofton was as teasing. as ever when there were listeners about, bpi he defended meadroit ly against Amelia Monkton and the Al lens, who seemed to, grudge me even. a look at his face, and he seldom failed •to share, the library with me for at least a partnf three 'hours' eoufinement. Sometimes he wrote letters, • but more frequently he read with me Italian and German poets, itiatrueting me respecting the force end : Nita of the ditttion, quoting kindred. pasmges from other writers,. and. explaining ; snob imagery and allusions as I didn't naderatand: ,At such, moments there .wes.in.hisimanner a mingled defer- . enee.apd . tenderness' which wholly. ;wow My - 4 - ..ft.s.sixiarillit Align MY boo - a - - fl .indeed he were the same person ,who shot. no many sparkling arrows.at tne. ittthe. presence of the. other guests.. •, wardrobe beer to lOok, scanty, and , although.. Amelia 3loaktoo and. the 'three Aliens sneered at iny• r ev,eningdre*, I should.-never. have thogght. of : apking )I,rB t: ltenton • have, binied to, her the propriety:of send ing tne.ionte _pore. garments t for seponP ter. She., bipl: added a poiltscript . one,of my lettere, 'T reCeived., a hAndsoine, cherry and iblacki heent'lfully;;4rimined. with laee;casnaroonrcxolored merjup,:with nice .velvet trimmings, and iteteut walking dress, with extravagant!, 1 1 % 0 y boot s .— and her 'compatuons eneered-agal_ at tny.preipmtions.fer a winter coMpatgO, but Air., Crofton, who: droppi4 into Mrs. • Fecnt(M'eprivate. sitting l rwm ; while she. was looking at the articles, eirelaituedy.up-, oo,egqing the boots, that they were „mit the ,thingti.,kneeded,ond„ that he would ash motolry,them in'ao'oxeursioo to the. Craps a-high, Wog : which conztnatided : lovely landscape. • • ... Accordingly, the,nextmorning he made holed:Ribpur; -posely, I liavesinee t a.leertained, through such tiresOnie.pathe,,end!orer,,suehlveari . • okei,,yhi),(l7. was • lag ef - ePlPPht# 4o .o*.cfOtt AC 4 k aR •• • an f ' tei,; enjq Ahat u,10 , treP0Y , .,,, ci1 1 .4. m .,- PF:priefr),,yfki,4;peceSeteet*apci-c43,1 eetett4lolog..„ .4, - 3yita. r ,loe,fightrelp ~11iefe.n, tol4nopOetri , ..,:nnd;"!tpioi i . apeedeto,4o4.4.. the uharrning.,iwenery;whi4•.f*Pace.o4,l fid,4)kithi,ongh.X: - 00014,40. 04-.4lFoi:frOM rii iglY•qi . YAT4A; 04:f Q l **4 l 9otZet4. a OPY:raFP must 4.1#:4:,e4PrqP0444 sue:P, : jAA, Y.agYrFalf pot #4ra7A,ebeerfhl. !rho, Idea that Ikl!'#,Prolipti 4roJittegsrd:nutan iiything hat..a.L:ntert4ecluiol!girl had not 9 7.:44q4 10 1 ,- - 4049D1 1 4091,4,11e *4 hPRPNOPtIY, „,ilrti9l9weill te'r ftwatirA94oP.,4lll 3 ollo9l l JaPtps.l! 4 44(hiwr Vi4liViOrNtY44RP:794ll 4. 1 ; T ir ;• 1 ' - I!is .e ril . 46 Many rate it Itin'trlght. for, him to be So- exclusive in bis attentiens. By and by she will think he wantti.tp intitTy'lier.r "Perhaps he will want , Wl:parry her, but I- lose my gtiess if 'she isn't as much astonished as' anybody when be tells her so, if ever be does: One thieg, however, is cerfain, Amelia, you only rower Yor self by joining those . .ill-bred Aliens in snubbing Muss Marion. I have seep • crof ton's face turn' abiolutely *bite with rage when Clara Allatrhad stung her with her mean, suspicious shafts:" , _ The speakers passed on; leaVing Me griered'andangry',. and crushed befteatit, the vague sense of injustice whichtcould. not entirely understand. I:hitlirresebied not to go down to dinner, and then r re-' membered. that. Angelica wss gone, and : no one Would he 'Willing to play' Air Abe dancing; or to bear poor Mr. Blakernan's pettishness; so instead cif indtilgingo3y self. in an unhappy,eveping alene, I made my 'prettiest toileti r did My'duty , thorough ly and cheerfully, and was rewarded, bya precious hal f-h our with' Min: Renton in 'her room before retiring to mine. The . lifonktims and'AllaniAleparted;and two other sets came and_Weht, but-my hostess still found, some' xpellent reason 'why - I'should' remain, especially niter'An-' gelica had' left. Per two weeks we bad an old gentleman ,who wanted somebody ' to read to Mtn" ever3rday, so , I . gave- my three hours of translation, a goodexernise for me and pleasant for him; since I al- , ways selected something lively, if not nos- ' comic. Next an aunt of Mrs. Ren ton's arrived, who was nearly blind. ' Us ually,. during her visit, Mrs. Renton was her constant companion. She walked and drove, and sat beside-her, describing eve- , rytbing about, . them, and suggestions which in conversation are telegraphed by the eyes. But I took her place r a great 1 relief to her and . nolardship 'to rnerespe daily as Mr. Crofton. sometimes assisted me for an hour, thus. giving , . me time to run abont-the gardeo and fultill.my prom ises to mamma. 1 had been st birrove three months IfibtoirPlini,wrose me thathe could no .bronghtllielit . fer to me in the library, and stood waiting for MO to wad U v ular which he ,Wished. me to join. Mrs. Renton and himself in a walksto the,Crags. "'What does,papa•write V he asked, as I began to. refolflthe sheet., "Hp writettilattalitst go homeArect ly, for he cannot spare; ,bis.darliog any longer. " . r - ..‘, I , : , • ; Then Mr. Crofton said gravely and ten. : :derly, "Neither mut I,eparelmy darliegi! Notwithstandin' g-be. WOO so serious, .I thought ire waLtnalcutg., apcirt. ofme. My cheeks crimsoned--.sad- my eyes flashed, and :Z said', " l aben,,,. il ; _ i .nn , .lsoY 43 ,.__Jeaised,,__ ;Me heretofore, Mr. vr9onns 11, Rl*, Pne 3 l., PP. different subjects'.., To,ma n eportiof me now am oppta town 44444,1 . , ~i ‘0 "I.am not o4inglsPciFtl_.ofiroai,,, Ma#- on," be. answe red , • YgrY, gOOI4-7., `-t, have loved:Y9 ll , una, , alone hnowk . inalar Tanb.t ever sumo: t!teArat , -We'llr o f ,Any 114 9#0! - tame, when you. hived, r,quiegy. awl/4 Nuaipt pcpv;pmbiqpatuno -Aron -.the ; dicor4apt , *pruts of n 7 fitlifeit. bPWSQi. 'I ought to, have spent- thismttomn,it.As r , pinholt, but I conAintleave,yom I,qa . rt, :not part, with yon zaw,litAnt. Let me try to make yooloye ine.'r- - :, .llnAnnk my, itiii,4,4B - tipoitUula looked full'int? .107,ey,es. 1 , 4 61 ,1, 1 k,!!4,,, is* t.hcris, ad mmaenngferVor;,..for that' ;moms' t; 4 *um 0 Atoilocwris; pf 'my , . 4skaticiP:r?r h.ioi —,40 u t tillutio:th'ut tuutiouit sifelgthen. i iniP, hour-V hoar, 'Pi 4 oflat 4 14 1 14 ,ITti. i •rn,Pot.. hii. e . geed it, , t: i„ - ..ifi,srei.cfp.lo r sost : c4,o MA up. in his; pips', 4 9 4- ? - nter; .nie: 0 1 7.0.ght . : to: 3 tri.- iluiceK4il OPe: , ro°, 10 ;IMP;i1401', tVr.):9,lf..Pfiv", .M:9O, ler . ~ - L X 'VO A A l 444 i nt&gettoo,Xo, l o,., O'er,* 4 17p14 ia,ttn., p?Ripminagt,i;,. . "Pti• ,lit T . 4 . O.Pr , tAif , . 4,1 9 r4 il3 , Ac ,:ur‘oo,,Y , mick , t a rp l .llll44:tafflp,!, 4 . i . Irfict,,lnflnj , e' J 11 &*- ,7 *tvunti 49iiitAV 0 /PRP , oqcditi ) :EilN* ll :o# Mi**niftift ri Mnin MOhNc lil Alt , n , YMP/CO23.n.t3r,..l.4ktiffpWifilletti a flirtstiontsurdltandal; end older; betrouldfnotpmmiti-himileititi fur such attentione Mist'. Motikton %tat her sernurdb imeestr•tincinn. , fortable :byla series Ofpetty. 0 11 ) , 6 3 1 * 6 4 , that I-dreaded:to-enter-the dtataturroorti, •and once or t wice toren dine/1111411e ntri..( sery4 with the twins: io Lestrapi ibelr , hole maker.' , I: tottkt. not: -actornplislr-AfriN • 1 40 , Mil wenidv ' I groan sitting' with liaggiO Otte twilight; holding her h'an ' d wane :to slespilwban-tAtoelis ind (Gonna itoptj • =to; talk , in theiralL rprOriWasiiiittly, open', but theY-diltiorpereel4tritirtrid,O. my' name •waiahnostlihs. first 4 , 1011 - 81* * = ken; Lcould-not refrain , from. 'ohietly`fis: telling to what came nest. "How ridiculous:Gilbert. CroMM'imati net. is • towriid thatAbstird . said .Amelim• • ""She isn't" absurd; and he isn't; 'Mkt'. loos" responded Conrad. "She is a briihtlittleithlngiittimitalyitolbsinrepho perfectly unassum i ng, and ; gpOznattund almost to a fault:s and he,, l_itnagin, 0, is glad to come across one of the set.who doesn't Satter him, and' who doesn't "yes" eternally to . his, ifralatiks and' Ow ositions; however eitravaggit,theit Nay, be.": 06 . 1,16310 be first in k my - Inert • but nun . •r.- qt`,flegiCribi, Abe, reepoyn 1122113 RI ft IMO Ibuziriergayn i ne. iras"-e , refinjia Aeferqn.P 3, 9ll l l l l4ler gqmPAn jou, fwbiqb,kimer. • fWv 't4e 3 4- aud tnerpe,they mem ) , fyi:oo,ficet, 'tinAheAr i y OgPiitionat9.-, Tim pe494 of petty neglect, and up* ,anubbang, wee, overtneraleyWaliMat,ef !Impes,ninolnlp Aboriera, - wmi.NRNAP.IO4I4.OI4:4 keriAtP4Ps wben 'lneguinustarK4lor t4e.citi commence preparagyzia4br SPlend44o64o AiliAt • Vitgl :4Regity .Rnmadek. myself Vegt.,thOlwas rg ,!_s*T.,)pat4„Allgq,,or,tiialt aW ally.writingn, Mit4l9 A 19.144 144r.arh w ith, huebancre- kiss, ; q_Pqg MY. lips r and,the iiervanea: "240).. eqhqiqgur 41r16. Governor Seymour Protesta Against, *ion ROPllool9nr, z • : To-the - Legislitlure t• , My attention han been call to it' den edirmit . .rasallition,''which , hag ,pasiell %kith' .bratehelii ofthe•LegislatUrnin 'the follow in - words:: •' -- Whereas "All this • state made t re and negotiable. inthis state;' therefOrer''. :" • '-• • - Itesolved, That; no , distinetiim shoilldbe' made between , theloreign •And .domestic holders: of such „hen da as to ,the, _gurr,epoy a .in which , the prieo,l44.l44ereio-leri,99. should' be paid: .• ' ' .To the prineielolnid doWn i in this,reso-. lotion, in intake, ihere'eari no ohjeetTon offered. All the credit Ore the — Siatie, whether thep be: of our own people foreign, should.be-alikepaidi paid prompt, I Y. and : in full , akthal,;.VteLl Pr9 1 114144,-ttieal. The, I..egialature , last year, ,nclopted-o concurrent - resolation -on; thilidhject; ni 4 the word!: - • • •- - . . Respired; That theinteiest acertiinkon• so' much of the State debt on the cast day of April as _was on the,first darothiareh, 1803,, held-by persons residing out of the 'United States, and is still .held ~ by them* , berpiid . in gold or its equivalent. And an appropriailon -wee made for the purchase of•coin-toan extent satlicient to enable,the comptroller to__ . Pay in gold, the interest on the stocks Of Ne* Ymic, held` •by persons residing abroad I . aria only that - extent. Although, the'resoNtionc Of last year did not in terns forbid the pay ment, of the interest, due to oar creditors • residing in this country/ in let the absence.oftny appropriation-for the pur pose. obliged the comptroller. to forego such-payment: In practice, a distinction sibs thus made between the non-resident creditor and- the resident creditor. _We kept faith with the stranger whoa had trus ted us; we broke faith only with those of our own household. The effect.notthemesolntion of this year, in thenbsence of any appropriation will be, that no part of the interest will , be paid, wait was promised to be paid, to wit in coin or ha equivalent. When we sought the markets of the wurld - wilk.our securities, we, pledged ourselves to redeem them i n the -etuTeneyof the world. The partial neglect of plighted faith last year is now to be followed by : an open refusal .to pay, any , of our promises,according to their plain sense. The.disgrace of lagt,year was. limited; it was kept, it kin ourselv, e.s nowpatshame ir - 0 W 91. 14 . ,, --. .r. • ..._; 4 .. • i . 4 . I look ppoil thillina'tr as, ors° much moment, to L t he t Nei thro and to. thet.charao ter of New;York. and:of its, people that .I constrained„ to: ask, , you to give the ' subject a re-consideration; and, to :urge you to : ,pass,a,concurreet, reeolution, that pall'ea . able 'the, 9oreptrallef,to pay all the intereet,wliigh;may fall: ditsAelore: the .next sea - pion; qt the Lesiefituro in coin. - ,rp this , way yOr rgsolution, of, thia, year, can ,be carried, triteeffect consistqatly With the good. credit, of the State, anti ',410 41 10 1 19 - tion s ! will ¶' : be ; wade. between (9 : Clg:a and derneatio:bel4eri?,' of,thehoads. If. you, dO not do 'this, let me urgeyou to provide, Let least; Tfor_ihe interest that: is,dite told ' ents of other cautitries beingpaid in` coin. 4The refusallopay in coin ti) our. own ' citizens may. justify.. itself to,sonle minds, 'although notaaniate, ass ineasureof quasi 'tamatiiin-#speeial, _discriminatiugan&on.., fair 4 bilt.exonsed by our present)!ettraor-c dioary • donditionl." , Ins dealing ,- with our, , creditors in other.countries .:no such con ,siderations can cdme in:.. *eiliavii over *them :no legitimate poiver , of taxation; 'these creditors Lof von' lavetnombice nor part in our .politiCsl'action ; 4we_ have no claim , ufion them , that , :theylshould,take a share kr themisfortunes l that befall: its in 'our Career. They are not of our house 'hold, nor bound to of our domes tio ealarriltiesliptin 41ipipse1velo , Thdbur‘ s de,nalittdituirottlines , of thlii; wer 9 belong 't6ii#;“ it LisAingeadirouir In siiiit- ; any' tuif- 1 'tiotrAirtlinitkupon Others- WileP , tire not a. part: 'of uslq- , - Wieser 'fcireigif ' , Credittorif:of ours ar e ety lt agers-whalent:nstbpir money . when!We.WanteditiuperfAicateoldritibtit :oar word' othitnicit. ''IT 'tilt Sit" ebt : pa l ihotiliack-oloikinor WAN: Strietlett'er of ourhkfgairi *OM* irsiiiiiie'lluit;:itf iieteillti•tetiftiftfitd:fitiril #6; ! •We'llep Aye *olr ihi I '9,t id ati eleniefit- (Weil: 1 00h: that' .ate pitriuttibeetfiglilf #fried dad iihich` ate' - 10 10 TeihidloWifittilite titi*it; kta' . I to, Ne d diatv..ll, ... , th „ priortmitirtcrlirge # 4ffiti zli 1,.;-7 1.4:V E L.M. t, ,lA.V. , ill• 451 '-' wOli!! , i , .1: , V 14J.7 r N ~~~ r ~~ ±i action I'rffetinithenii to:Yon:: It iaihkodwk lyAirayin. whieb the State isanoin:tenthifw ;fulfill its contracts. It is the only L wapinH ,which theStatcan keeit.Atself- in. a 'post :don to gojuto.thot market ° hereafter aborrower., The stat e is even now- in` the tnarleeifol P : r . wain ay i 4 3 -14 ittA on n to - feinw. Tbo; Avficilelmbbni ofi thwappropriation- I AirgeruponryobtivilLbe more thaw repaid,; :i l 9)Ctiktat- 1 79g9.04.ti09 1.4 State itlaYPalcf, :by the enhanced...pac. of its securities. Worshall,losci„,inoro in, our immediate tra u sactionsilian the cost of providing coiit :foi 'this interest. Not only our Muir° ' - bni' our immediate- gaiu will bci. served by adhering now to s the .strictest :letter of our contracts. , Tbe saving, .pro posed by not ,paying in. cpin is; spun .and. temporary ,TITE D 15401403 IS LASTINd, ainatte peaurtiiry-f.l3.4.4tetiii ;setrieliti npoil MVP- DiStiONOW will be i nuthe.end7ENORMOUS, ; Battfaitb,ou Om part ;of. N.: - SNP? .7Kgrkttinv 'leading member of our confederacy, must :inevitably ,wesken—very _greatly, if ii do Inotdestior, the Oredit•of oni..GrOverrimen't .seettritiesp - foreigii - Con:timed with the im'portatfeebf this state ftetunfin ' itsiefre:ct ipois the'e_redit.: 'of; the"govein. . 1 1 1 e01:.tbe?eost - okt paring; our interestin cop is4signitputt.. .Astdelrona the , con sideratiou. of interest Or olioy, our duty, :in myjudgmeht, - was plani: It icto pay . : : thivdebtlifort he stritof to part hetn irvpre-• I Cisely.thermodeiu which they were prom-, • ile.ee.to.be paid ; to-)seep -the honoy of the - 'stain unsullied i and to this plain duty, wp., t'r i ti`e; edit What it trialVJ I:11ORATIO' SEYMOUR. Albany, Apri/•22d, , 18 - 4. I Thaltight Basis or Peace. We beg ' tiib~ l'~ebrihe ' ' to loble'Ati . ii;',itit ftle for 'Sejite'mbir, 1862'. in Ili& papei. tiir,the 26th month. it . will . find, in a apataßiouous,plaoon the. editorial pages= the following article: 1141441NG3 OF PEACE. " ' SV 3I have, very., strong conviction tbSt ihe confederate lenderswill not allow. I the,iit•or I. 9 luarYAo• oppioach they every gamest efforts, though they may be. ti nderhand,ito_,stop the desolating. mil. • war, which they eo recklessly inaugurated *wider the grayest., misconceptions•of_' the ; • military rescuircesand-tenactty of purpose of •loyal • states. . Hangman loOte'..o recent proposition in , the_ tebel Congress of embasiiP WasbingtOri will pro. bablibe overruled, but the effort whiefi it contemplates . will - nelYetiheless be made. 'The , resources of the rebels, consisting mainly of boundless issues of paper era! raises backed by no system of taxation, are riot easily' exhausted . * btit they have no clothing for a wintery campaign, have exhausted that which they bought oti credit of onr northern merchants.in 1860; ' and swindled there omit of the pay for, and their. British friendsliwe learned. by .sad experience that smuggling valuable ' cirt-1 goes into blockaded ports at a heavy risk, only to sell them to people who can't pap for- them, is extra-hazardous. In short, the rebellion don't pay, and it will have to be given up. There must, then, be an accomtriods tion, and, that fact.: established, it . seems , to us very easy.to , settlo the termh. obvious,basis of an adjtistmentis the •Con stitution of the United ..§tater without t a;m44t.4.—.... 4 is at the very . pact, nlliance,.. or-what Iron will, anis, valid: and binding contract. - Our fathera , made freely L and heartily, and it, - ,cannot : degrade thitr,Soas to reafirgi and „abide, ,bytt. If we repudiate that, what isiuran cesnanf belgiven or trusted that any 'nevi bargain would' belived up - tol - Whenever the rebel& really desire peace , as we thinlp tiTyyery-eonn if they do not alreadYlley have but to notify, the government that they are ready:to re-, turn to loyalty, and - to that -- end , have abrogittetiltil ordinances, acts, and oathi of allegiance inconsistent therewith. Bet the true and - eirfficient basis inajnoti ate pectee " the' ConaniatiOit is ii ht." aert Diarthla'2l6 StiettiPitAnca-i-kfew weeks since a San"Wanciseti_li!Perator, disgusted at his losseg, o k melit'ded - tb, attains off this mcktfal, : ;cat and take'Shir'es in " kingdom oomc ! !!„ licithiCendliasivallOwed "a lot of landatt.• An; which beingdiseovered by his faendi, they ,physician s ,by,- the -eiercisii,.offorce,, got a stomach_ pump, at. work,:' pumped . out the poison , and, save , the young mai4l3 Life. Physician ,sul guentlysentin a,'bilirlor $6O for his- _Jae_ cee tandintatnl.4)ot; refused to pp , 'lie had aot etnp4ed . say.. sues fo,ijhiB', !POlqv aTi 078 iman• threatent :to . prnseent e gp h uantunina n •sal a lt; And; `4 8 4. 13 4 6 da..' ' ' ti PrettY easa • A 'PPYfler.4e, for divalging'the eaitti . ti,of ptt,t3:4lloB disease, and thus in T; been sent eficetttii.* Imprisonoakentfor onalyear, - to pay a of 6001., to be &pea for five - years under' the surveillance. of „the police, to pay the _PFpßecelltc+Fre,fietplef fianiageiry ithystittt-tyllAmqf 4- I tl. l 4o. 6ll mtriikak aoksotiAltid:twegur....l i l i ,4*Ple Pig - V*4 AdoNting the , Ccwa . 1 11 4!441.1.11;P60 ;,,x3ilaccp .~~~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers