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'Mr '• 7:7•31.k `•.(• " • •,•-, = . k , • • „ 7 . tre , ,73 : wa 7,„; T0tr x , ..)7 9 4 i .ts ‘&11..`•• ••,- • • R0rip#24,4864 , tvcquig, - A. • J • --GEBRiTSON-3 1 Pubhs her . O. • I . 9 BEy L' TAQii RTIESD , • NllOl3l 01, . • . 1-30.1!Ai ; da 9 ? • ' °l l I`. I.,ne , . . „. . r _f • 41;•$ ,(..re4 el IT, BUSINESS,VARD;, A. .O. • WARREN; - A TTORNET ,poupty,..ll4k Pay, PeDitoll, AL and Hitt itirton antotk'attediati-0.• feta pEllee dryt door below Boyd 'e Store; Montrore, Pa. '• ' • i•• • / W: V. SUTTON, StliVAl.TdriebitiZEß,triendiVine, MlB%l'B Co. L ~Jan. DliA) A l l l llll . O - P. • • 2 ., irtifFlCE, Peat, pooliep" ,&,,Co's old Bagging I . lonfr. kr 8141037.41/.P).*JC4IO...:PrIkeiPMCb 30 Sear eX . patience. Drimtrose, May, 1883. • - - IbSDRICIt. Ted k istntemli, 'reirieerfhily tenders' , Mit .9tOttatatourd re* to the- citizens of Urjenda • so and *tatty. Dace in the dike of Dr. Leet. :ft Hose* it. • Vialy GAltttA Ira= In Pinar, Ideal,'l3arreli 'and Dairy .4g r rutottiy and I.:lorer Seed, Groceries, t, Flab, Pettkoletun, Oil, Wooden and Stone Wite;fra ken Monona:ft. &e. 001508110 Ilnikoad DePot , Aesi Po: , • atch 1, 181M—ly. a. ZATEROP. H. V. TTLER, J. P. W. MEET. LATHROP; Ty',LER ec RILEY, risiagresin Dry Gooda. Groceries, Hal:a ... tare; Ready -Arliade ;Ciothing, Hoots •.t, Shoes, Hatt , s' Caps, Wood.lls Willow Ware, Iron. :tails, Sole tt Upper Leath shh,`Flonr and Salt, all of which they offer at the cr ier .Ir..c•Weist ZarrlocB...4ol Lathrops Sri& Building, Montrose, Pa. Aprfl 6;1683.. y. • WX. ZUJIMIXT C 00711,, [UMW .11.11,11TEE11. WM. M. 'COOPER 4 Co-; Lirattits—ltoiithise, Pa.' t tecessois . to i'osi.Coopir & Co. O &ce, Lathrops'new3mildbig, Turnpkke.st. t. $. Woots.vir, • tt W. XWOLII73I & '3EMILY, ik T 11) AMA'S and Cocirtellors nt Law.Litbniibse, Pa. OZCO to Lathrorre new Intl* ne, over tho Bank. • tilt. WM. SMI TH, 1 • - iItrtIGEON V. , oOffice in Lathrops' nelv building, over the Pia, MI-Dental operallva,e will be garebrated tri good stylb and Ararrantot .Yom N SAtTTEI, iii,4IIIOI.TABLE TAlLOR.—Montrose, Pi. Shop • itiver ' s • Groceryeon Main , itreet. Tbahkruttir.ph.st, favors, ho solicits a vnatittuonco / —o:aging himself' to do all work iatisractorily. Cut ting, dons on short notice, did warranted to fit. Montrose. Pa,. July itth, iscoo—tr. • P. LINES • . ILIASTRONABLE TAlLOR—Montrose. Pa. Shop rti 'Phienit Sloe over Store or Read, Ntratrons A-Foster .411 work warranted, as to,flt and finish. Clitailtdona on short notice, in hest style. lon '6O : .lE:ant GROVES;- - - • ZIAMPONABMTAMOni—itrOtItiOSe, El. Shop nets the Baptisdlreitlng House, on Tnrnpike AIX - orders taw wad - pay. nrettnite ark,. Caning done on short natio, and warrantedlo • 1.13: ISBELL, Witches. and Jewelry at the - R shortest notice, and on reasonable terms.. All work warranted. Shop in Chandler and dessun's r . store, Mosyosi,,Ps. • . ~ • Q 0.311 W3L W. SMMT, • rIABDIST, AND CMA,M{ MANUFACTUREAS,:—Poot LJ lat.:11BM atteet., Montrose, Pa. - ang C. O. ittalcuPACTloTtElt of .BOOTS SHOES, Montrov.n. lit Pa. Shop over Dewitt's store. Ali kinds of work made to order, and repairing . done neatly. je2 ABEL - TIM II DitALICR 4n Itintzi, :Medicines, Chemicals, Stuffs, Glast. Warr, Faints, Oils, Varnish, Win. dow Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jewelry Perin- 1? may &c.—Agent for all the tnost - ponuIar•PATIGCT 11 1 1411ICINES,—Montrose , Fa. „.., - aur, tf MEDICAL CARD. ' DR. E. PATRICK, FIL DR. E. L. GARDNER ATE GE.A.DUATE of the MEDICAL DEPARTMENT .IJ OP TALE COLLEGE. have formed a' copartnership 'for the practice of Medicine and sargery,anderc prepared to attendto all business faithfully and Punctually. that .eaay.be Intrusted to their care, on terms :commeniturate 'with thie times. Diseases and deformities of the EYE, surgical opera 4ton_o_e_qtutall surgical diseasep,parficnlarly attended to. arlOgiee over Webb's store. Office home from i a. to 9p; m AM sorts of country produce taken in pay. MM. sit the highest value, and casu NOT utrvern. gibuttose, Pa., May 7th,•1862.--tpl NUE INSURANCE. THE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, AT PHILAIiELPHIA, PA., Oldest liisurtince tcciii:the t r if ion: (lag vit.-tint& it.A7D Vr• • assists ova% ;.. • • OEM IMRE rates are aslow as Plc* of any good company in JL New York, or elacwhere, andDlADl;A:gp!sire among the first tot hcafoit and integrir CadurmurPromr, Secly... AR-TOUR O—COFTIN, Fres. • lichittose, Ju1715; '62. 43141110 S STROUD, Art MEC) 31E.371) INURE COMPANY, OY~~~ewr~Yc!s~,;f -CASH CAPITAL, TWO MILLION - DOLLARS. hat.te, .-starintes. , " - 15,803.112:. '4l l ritta 3: Mitrith Preddehi. liditagaite, .101 Wilmartal, Vies • , ,„. lialtihiiisszted and renewed. by' the tinderelgte* , Atlkr==.latkis Brick Block. Montrose, Pa. - , • : Cole 7 BILLINGS sTatons, S: ffi. Pettanglll Sr. 00., PAR BOW, New Tait. and 6 State Strad, Lifaon, fee our agents for the Matron DOrnaitat in !Aillglitta.attflarli authorized to;take- advertisements ittatrtSitntil for mitt our IRwest ratea. Amen.otlyclthit tirotoaraphic • • '001404 - 412oniiiostsirtia,; , ., Wirttetniesiikeilniall kilt& 4511reathei; teal - 0 of the' , 4t. - .Pc.ttO Allialseriand CnoselloriatLawi, , , °p attemrsimirintir VNIZI ;fin ica Ap0gaec0rt,r,e147............ Winter Atißllteillftit Tomer. Winter Spring will soon oonbit forth 'again, And with flowers of every color; .- • Deck the hillside and labs Lambs will 'soon; melds =be sporting, Birds re'echo Trout 'eai3h ireey "Winter's gonetitEi atlys afe ended! We greabayipytr-we iare.free IP Hedge and- tr.ee.willtseoli be budding,'' ,t S Gott. with' leavegibe irsovetid o'er; ' 5 , Winter. eannot-litstforeVerav = Brighter dais are yet•in !Adm . ! 1 AiltlllawitllSeniktfointtal. aaTT • Brighter times will come again, I.l6yrotteeverftrief incioCediiigi - As the. suninifq - after, rain.; ,i. iirwititer Melt' et,...t he' approach of nloritig i , otir- cares.and trials, .. ,xciyind:itenee, and 'coMf.ort`hiliig. • 'When the heart is sad and drooping, yea - 136 - iexed sore, • -Sorrows cannot last forever; 'Blighter days are Yet inst.:ire! • lit:item for Tectilterii. • Teachers--if throughout your duties Ever faithful you would be, Not by . words, but by your actiens, Teach in all sincerity. Youthful eYes are 4tin y§tt,gatipg, Youthful - hearts your tho 4 ts receive; . Eage rly, they 'catch your ioceuts, Eagerly '-your words believe. 'Then beivare, your actiOna - Untrue principles you teach, • And forget not you must ever Strive to practice what you'intacb. Practical Amalgamatibn. The female abolitionists at Port Royal, it appear?, have commenced redaCing the amalgamation or miscegenation theory to practice. The decency of the Operation may be questioned, but its honesty must be admitted. The. Concord- Patriot, a . journal of toe real:ice:table a character to make such a statement without the evid ence to sustain it, informs its readers that many of the female abolitionists who went to Port Royal as teachers of neg,roes,have been-successful in at least one branch of juvenile development. Says: " PriVate'Sdi,iees"-fretri PO4 Royal say. that many of the female abolitioniits who went to Port Royal to teach the little ne g,roes. how tO.'icad and "pi - iy, _Mire been o bilged, within the past few ,months baiidon theirble ck chargegiiindopen phis cries-on their own private account. An officer informed ns recently that no less than sisty-fotir spinsters bad contributed to the population in and about, POrtßoyal harbor. The climate seems to favor pop even more than the ..production of Sea Wand cotton by paid negio labor. "The information furnished ns by the officer concerning the sixty-four Jittle mu lattoes, has been confirmed by the testi mony of the Rev. L. Billings, Lieut.-Col. of the First South. Carolina Regiment, who is here in consequence of ill health. He gays it iso Sad truth." . There's /ae 7 yet miscegenation, under the protection and pay of Old Abe. 1 •r- Zreeleyion Preoes Ali 1856. ,I gr ,Vl.obr -' York T bane, Sept: 22, 1855, heal the following o p inion of free blade : "one, t half of the f e blacks have no idea of setting ihemaelvA to 'Work eitept as the hirelings or se 'tors of, white men ; no idea of a Church, or other se rious enterprise,i, except through beggary from the whites.. As a class, the 'blacks are indolent, improvident;iervile, andli obi:Mona, and Gerritt Siitb in 'a letter to Governor Hunt, complains that `th9 . lnott of them preferred to ROT both physmally and. morally in cities, rather that' become fargers'or mechanics in the country.' " , . tier) , ivord'Of which is as-true now as in 185 , 4 but afts Greeley!fl poliertibli iii to tura 4;ool;btittifidustrions, wehith-iiiiidti clog slavifs:. int - o - , thitt-'wortbleits-, cliefia" freenekvoei4 , and in'alrEiLthe*Citiieni and Y4TERS, btrettii 0 'AA iftoiiiii. - itit *4tial'or superior to ititts4:,`- - •, - - -: 4500 Mt 110 X) . Niteent , llolll6. .The radiat , reriaaas of Ohio, as where, appear to; tie all for Frertairot first; and against:Lino:Au it' oder- all eireiiuurtinv stances At : tneetinit.cif I the Gerrakiii Ma lone' Club of Cincinnati on the 2d toitant, the fano** ' . were 011anint4 118 4" adopted: • i‘Thut= we -will `atutuutipOlcen and oixt gres*,fAb• , "Thelitali of bui oldies would be:* eriit,l4f4 f•OVilifig4 9ll- 0 - for lie - p rove d attheverybeginning - sif the, war,-by hie iiiiklalitationapAditikhe widet soda thcf,exOt' ,th'i'i,tirlielf; an m -biaityze, behl'a' rase U6iiielleaedtuwioni !D s r•Ap. preeuttes- beet& liefie4,l4lviihout regar z d Yetetre'svetlail,thio to 6iii ' 0 ) 11 , these l44`:-W1130. 1 011a0; 111 % plurality elksoeumeft - ankvay - ,,,b,e. e4§tlbiltmantirWicititlifeUrititnsiiali to :the' prmeiplee`-of cunt-000_ beitAsolved r . ,, That‘WE= aI.P9LIMPf,Cakr! ' OL : CONraloitS ' j , ..7otA : ahouldAiistentriluated I)Cti 107,a,(RIVOttlie 0-forie 7 , • 1 ,T;iIitaIEiSIIicTitE—DERIOORATIO i 1 - , •• :•` , -1- SENAVIRI3;•:' '''''' %- • r• , ro the DenuieratitiirPeUtplvitiiiciV ) ' Onit.6* Clifrigkiv 2 =-Ai tiiii" - ittdatire iin'the4ire'diedinds eilitY'Sg#AtV o'cre`on tliiitim,-ilie-• underiigPd? ole6M 'Witten' : righttand duy, te ddafeSs' ',; .';' ' FiWiftore' t than two iii ' nnOS ' c4o have. boitAl'it, HO rdefetinittedly 7' icitligiad‘• an, Wrortvatheliart:efilin'keiabliditiiti'eot-„ 'beta if that bo'di tb litibirert 'the 'itioOde, tair, - 16',igopitti, Oa lifecidents• et` ;Seventy., Yars" , ifolir bisto.l7; Oita - to iiiiiiipli finder , Toot- t ifeithts - - orthiwkociti"da - lam:, In itirdaingVt havtiViin ne.tiMielbY the , high resolve, that., hiriio , fierOf'the fep stktentatiiettroftltia Doithiniiireatilibbouid; ' Iliiilit - giitiiltna'er t ilitiiitheieltaliiivilelkdEi of! i 'the peopiellie gubVerted. We h'aite reli r ,, '-td *itb iinibaktiiiTaith ;itpon that 'VeOple Tor mit- siippbreind'iiislicatioik acid to the end that tlieirieidiet iniy 'Ve t fender-, ed with a frilitnewlingettif tbib fiats, we beg leave to -, pr ar i a brief history of our RositioiCiltiiiiietfiti ',protracted and (Jiang eonfest which ball just blosid. The , Members of the Senate assembled. 'in the-Senate' Chamber at Harrisburg:mt. Tuesday, January: al,. A. D. 1864, tit 4 P. M. •Ofthelwentyttwo Sbnatora hold kitg 'over; till 'here pt&i4lit , save ANlajor Whitey who was a prianher in . Ihn" batnis of the , rebels ; 'of those ilpfesetit; twelve were Democrats, and: nine•Reptibll6t e.--. ek,iall The-Senate suss Called- lo order-, T;) • , Hon. J. P. Tenney, the Speaker etch; at the eloie tifthe session ' - of 1883.;.:'0e, Secretary ottho , Cominne wealth Wag , 111 1 introduced and presented-' the returns, from the districts had elected Senntors.in .octobetlB6B. The "returns were opened lend tend, 'by whitilr np-, peered , .that fotir , RemoOtats 'and" - 'seVen,. Reitablibaus hid been elented'all - nrwlinni, , werepresent, therebroansinglii tit in the vote treiween the two great' liolirlhal .organizations of the country as 'represent., ed .'on that floor. , - • ,-- ' • • Uron theTeadinglof the dettificat'es' of election, itAirbuld have been the- duty of the Senator bleethd Sp9aker at 'the '4lOse: of ilie. session of lads,' to have *floated the chair, ho he been governed in his ae don by the express' termsof the Con stitntioh, Which; Ipy section X, Article 1, , preseiibes that `the. General ivAssembly .slialfureetkin the-Ist-Tddfday . Of:January in every ;year, , and by gentian XI of the same Article; that 4 each Honse"(i. e r . when they meet on that day )shall elect its Spatter and Other officers: , It; jippenis to 'the 'Ondefsighed that the w o > ' " each Raise girtlirectifF SPOker" life sufficiently certitin to' determine the question that no one elected - Speaker by the Senate of -1 . 863 cbald lexercise the •duties 'of that office over the Senate of 186 f—the later being anew and distinct body, made up of other members who had never partici pated luau election for Speaker, and as by the express terms of the Constitution, " each House hhall '(when they Meet on the first Tuesday in January in each year) elect its Speaker and other, officers," it is manifest and clear that the Senator from Allegheny, had -no shadow- of right to exercise the dutiesof Speaker, over this new, ,Senate "Which had nover.elected .him itOpe,aker, and We have never. r'ecogaz ia, turn,lll3 such. But adihitting, for the sake of argument, that the ,irords of the Constitution are ambiguous and, ,'uncer tain, then precedent' and wage, if they exist, must determine their meaning, and br this Vest the ,undersigned desire that theit Position May be tried. , - . Duking a rietiod of seventy -yea'rs;from 1794 until this day, there is but One other instance where' a Speaker eldeled by a fotraer Senate attempted 'to' clic • :rase the -.duties of his o fi kee 'over a sucee 'ding and netv Senate, talid that was `dtrini' the "Bum gtier War," when thc•lite Chas. 1-B: iPetirose,the Speaker holditi4 over, 'entertained two inOtions relative to 'con tested state; but;'tfbeti thesb liveriAjter mined, etien he . tabatedthe <chair, and- did nistdare to restinie it., iintil tio the vote of the-hets:Senate, hob Wes eleeted Speakei.=== U. the Republican thetabers - oftille Senate of 1804 cah gather-Comfort •frettithis one solitary exception in the tinbroketr line Of precedents, thsTencwiteemb th it: The boldhess and magnitude of their act of usurpatidh has destrOyea ita significance SS AI deed.of revolution. :;::The Senator from Altegheq,; ifirtwith standing thstexpress irords °ldle nti-' stitutioN w4 ll .ther 'meshing jihnitiated bir_theFtiollaf.all fOrmet Speakers, save one s oVf4Arift4 ::of seveatyi, yam after the. reiiPtig,pkihe ,cettifiesteg of election 01* creg 4 .4. Ore ' nOW. Senate, I,failedlox• illnate‘tlie.sbairOvhith,le , oe,copied, by „ 00 1 1 **N=rthe.sako)ols convenience% I Mega._ " ~AtleAtew-Sensitoth tq toolnd 10 - rwter4AA beProrn. This_ the - R tibli= i*,, *MOTS didt. And. also.:, the Dent. neraiici-Itiel lettericAtowOrai, ander aprotest, in whicb,ln briefviitid ele/SlOJer,c9l l biitot•deulf 4 / 1 3 4 1- irig4to S i iiiliefPr MI, I? 0 4 /i t i lfr PrAige)Pf )yif4 ' fletft'L.Alri,qbtre r-- &Iv eh fie 14,r l ievorAieeiakscre 4 01) . el'%'•t e. a , Sere .40 ~, , , ,lits.woi.2oo, ehh40 7. 4 . :iie 4 0 1 4 1 79.n .Atr. IPaqtito-r. tlic k* r i a t i tA - W4 B "'Ole' ev :Aut , sigPft tiiai '441 1 ` ;ft OOP P 1 1 7 %66014 •• . i ,th. 4 9Rn 1 otiliWitgqiie 0.413: tip , ; ~,, le, l locige l ir 6 Vl,97ov,lklqiiiili-41 . .9r: Pl* ,*, / O . klum?l,oolFrdin-f ditear: l drip4ll .6 41 4 1 C-InIPIL-:' , ii• -,,- i''' P 1 . -ii. 1 vs '''-' After thisia6' ilof l 'hbuita' tib l iilitnYew; Sen,ate, tiT a unanimous, voler c ittiiiittiA a r edgOrlititliatf4BC6Ceed,i.d i thi t ,hl t eiitihn fix 'fiji-akei:' ' if it - - iiiinind,figellifit ihti'Vfneti' •Wiiii'Vaciaht;l4otitriiiii#gigtied'hiStit4hil) wlrftlitoileoeseirt , lei*li 2 Spe.alterl ;But uaertliiii i•es dii. gevhitiltallatii4hre 'tielirdii INV, 'I h li'istillak'ioifeniUnting t ~ eaeli'qelildtbAllied) tie:" bet's'idenfriVielte- JaubltedVeAudTtiiierMiTe t eniio l ,Wartliat .DeOeraticleatiliiddre,.' F."'Plytrierl 'Thet SiiiTitlity 'Adjohi*taJztitiii "bd'Veritliti'l fildwhen, after severalinb tiVtilioli;ibe Seciiii'W fro r tie:ifetlisy . :llll. 4 : l olfite?,'-' 'tin 1J el flialfkilthe' dtiaoioea; iiiadn'the'fatiWVl ' ineViiipoilitto#'4! , •f cotripibtritk-Viii: fihat : 1 'the kerib atns-i3lfOuldiactlia% A l volcei' 'of the" Sea l'eftife'DeindeAtie r ilth Cleric: ,'dikl:lo'lni tetitutiltinitil'ull Veefo'''EUid. 1 'This iikiaiwer Veitletneritilfe"iiiiderigigried' eCeisideeedtlibiejittt., It Vali fitaileiliof for the'prrpOse' 'of 'iecririiigißlnee atid`pb•;'" sitiok liiit 'td '‘iiidiCtite a priikiple. It'. Nog , preeitelY the- 'bhSiii •of 'cbinirreirrise' adopted - iii' • Mb,' 'when- the `DetncerAts' haviftg an actual majority (21thaugli`not present) were tiven the -SPeaker, the Know-Nothings .61' that day (at preSent: Republicans) the clerk, mid so •aliertiattly . "to the • end cif Aliellet: Bet thia•preptist tiod the Repliblicart Semiters of 1884 re- , fused tb*.acee#t:' They led entered upon mirirpatioir,• and iiiey - detertritheil to ad.:' hire to it ivitli filliti,conSeqhmices. '•"Dirritig the iiiatiected straggle Which folleived; this offeetifeotripronlise iirlas re ' li - owed-from titatilto - time; it was always ' rejected; Indifot onelieputition*ding -to ii' eeTatioit'of the' iliflieniFY ever cairie -Fred th i crißtipublicau. giile Babe ' the 'ab gird Srtgestron 'cif the Senator frciin Erie, -Mr. Lowrey, that lie would, vote I's:With° Democratic f eatidielete fee l - Opeel-hri yito vid6rl th at he or,•snino one of the utider ,l3ittpd 4vOurd agree never to vote a .qrly 'party orlest `rieestion. • " ' '' • ,', • TV• is i tini•ii reatter of - iriOtiry - Alit the Relitillicatt pe'dutot , s, refilited &Farr - d ill •-- - " ' 7-• iitt" I jtist*dpositlon''Whloh; lihdlit'begn64- ted;' ivanbr-have or, inited''the' Sehhie 'on the sedorid'il ay' if its,tneelliffr: Tho' 'Ot :tempt' ti-.. ins q(y '.: ;:thir .eontirict bn Lido groandS•r - First,' that the Senate is ever 'organized, the Speaker 'of h former. SOn-: ate?being the Speaker of the subskuent ono; and, Second;' tliat ;34:dor White, if. 'present, would baye given. them a tnajeri . _ V• , • _' , : Ai 110' 'fall • • •••'• VirelliVeVetaftiftife 'OxpOise , .. , a 0, ofthe'firtit'iotitihn 14 reltrence to . the. words - of the , CiPiatiiiitihnli 'rind . to the nn- • broken - piedediiith hi' 'seventy . y e ars. In iridditlim,'We •- whl;tereSent. a' iest:Wkieti will. .so' clearly etpose. the iinivirrantible and nficonstitutionarnatnie aftheir•claitp,that no one; however Prejudiced, May miltake Or inifiunderstand it. ' • , , By • 2Wd.section; Artiele ISt, of the Vim stitntion of this State, it is provided that all bills passed •by The tegistaftire and presented to the 4Gevernht for his sigma turc, within ten days of the finandlourn `merit, shall beetime lairs Wirbotit hts . •Sig, nature, unless tent baelt.' • Tivitli Ili 'Objee ' tions) . Withiti Ibiee days ' after their next meeting. •'• . - . In 1655 the: Le.Slatti'e 'met O`h the sec ond day of January. "The cOhtest for Speakei• wile prole tied 'until the ,ftitli, !*hen the Hen, Win: 31.;;Ileig i er, 1 Of )3ekka 1 county, *as dieted. • Irptitifte.Siitili; the fourth day after thgit 'tne'eting; ' thOGov ernor of the Commonwealth. retiithed„ with•bis objeciiotys, 'se,iieral Of the Most important' bills pausedq 'the Legistattire of 1854; If 'the positron of the Repnbli , can SenatorS Of 1864 ii,eorrect, viz : that the Senate iialWaVi - oitanize4, and, that the Speaker of the former Senate is , the Speaker of the new Senate, then tlvcige 'bill:4 - 01'1854, vetoed lifOoterrier .liigler on the fourth dtiV of the 86610 of . 185, !me lama tiotWithstatiditii.lik vatiieii. 7 - That this 1,4 - het ici;,cir 4ti .. teastoutiiiviii3 Of the "eminent lOrykti . . diik'ithteitilOp whei cdtiipnShalliht SOUV . o'ol'o 'o 6oo ' were prieei 7 BOA#loV; . llfehier and r lsOr- ‘lsie) Se thoii 4 ol4fls - ••••Otiiiiiett fl bY ' ti , e'facp that 'vidy 00 iiatia libbn. .661014 requirdilby , thi CorkitifiNhi I li'llieT sure* ii , ifuld not have '66'1140141V beep ottipiniiiii•thq:bad'Veiiii4t 'in 'too late. Thbsiiliitoili 4 itsW . Alairot WA - Claiin to have met nutil_thlOttiad - gl6tedia:Veg k 'Ot.;- ninth: leaS Oat tbt'Y Vote r higanygd : • CO*. 'Vie* of •thid'iineatiOn'lli further ntrgnitligiidd'llt Iltit'aet - '6f - te9'4,., iiiiieb bbvinOilt•notiteiii•Plat&Hlkiiiietqat, 'it Speaker ilth 11l eickitiffi: Witee l tiekripll)'A Of each intialon;iiid•• iehtdiegiiiialle6,ito be sworn before fig'''eaki'' - hairiirilifiBi the , oaths to thniieWly : 'elki&lllo46o l - t bile:been lefr i lbi tliti TrepiiblichfiSOtiatikiti ' 018_64' tip ignitietiieCOnetittitio T t9' s ib 4tf rylitieti6te, tlita: iii . giiiiiiiifNo l diiiti:c* Asti , Vet , ' foillid44iiiiiiio lair aiiit•Viilfgi. ',' Irr.bitt &6 - kid& of their : Ilise - Mist` Ol defence. We will now trobe,theriiiiiiid rtitikui"iiii§igied fo • - s. their' ieviilitifithilry wi , r! :: Whi) iii*4l:lofiiiir ti; t i t ...i ' r &frig Wilijof Whitkrior r 'istfteli l / 4 4 o'llo4 ii% ttfiVE blijightlwaijift#lll,lo# . iifili:fgairdiq ;064.d e rf00.. ...•,p . :,,,,...v..•... ....1 fry r.—, :, ~:.... t c r ,lo 6 l4 ikt t i*# l 64 ( i'tiki 4 4 ' ; ,r t 'seat *Wild's - Senate, itigZigli!lgliqttrOlf 'baying been received bviiii Tither, Judge .White; about - theintecite - :: - celstoveinber, ;IA ,• , ;:i t Y4 o .iiellgrf° 4 °" l 4 l2 e d i n tilt.llßlS."l. !. . ,Y. 0 1609 . 1 ?1,thereT i . i.. ''' eilnAT4 3 .f.**l9R.:FftftgeOg l ies t it i gtt . , 4 1 1 .. 1 Alu,r#S 4 9§ 1 ,NuLitl•OPP 0 .0": 9,011 fh t1 P uZt:. ponon . niangnratect - in JanuArTif.an`Plev-,, tiPfle,Was,PrdweliilsheMeThktYllogSpeaker 4elast99l swats, aA4 f member e , ecteu a ndo3:l7 Ass mg it to m b eiiiiiie,Who'it'Wet atlnieleetn . was not ordered immediatelyikui"itil•re-' ception, whictrimuld- have given ample tialeAgaiftwiVolifilsaiismaia his plate yn the fkrstnesdsly f otjapagre .eturey, .tiettli t er - thht v of 'the - th iderlingned "nor of iiiis 'Efghloeriit ft - elite wiutr; Thlibitime. attulti•Vsewliiireit 4igliablti66l.6rigil; , hp : i on the Republicans of the Senate; itildep-, on 41 0;0. ) .,e..t.t011h, •• ' —. ,-•1•.: ' ' AlThe - re#6:niiii'effeMliittliernigpa='l irott*atli.ar ma., hi., . c orpt, lhai, Arts , iklitlhe u viii44ltlie , I leiitiire i l/liig the , steees t ptipetr''l4 , l(. - preso - 69, to, ..Reilbli -10d`fide4 ' R. piA„syttio for l' lg :' ,ltbl il b r`iim i Til ; tt'AiPoool :in cinifeAilet er!t is"".4lBe#43y4S like to .1 ; , belik, *flelatioVilie!pellpte,ofVelog K`ao"' la; treieill zildiely remsrU 'flat Irtnil" :fate of 'llii tir ,W,hfro., fid4 : epo',:diftetek: or Were; 4,14i/Abi6thliktliA,erthelia4ids of, i 'idler MO' A4 1 61144:11 * l O 4t' CP, rl ' Ali.* ig,i allA li4"0:010 i . 4.04i1 1 4: in .arder• I,ht the negro thay'pe;raised, to ilia leVel of :the White - *ta t : J ib - en, 4iideedi "might' si)ine• sit& iizelige',.. 4 be.loleiiiepl:— 'But Malfir'l l s7blit4'6Onditiciti taueh'ai We deiilOreit';# , eo Worge*aiiA4 ef those an are'a, itrieita, - bodep.Ofhr*Ve Ten, ) riittag,iti l illieti, kri4tirkilfte the 'fill:00e r tereSieS ti it - 84', w.iinitilitagte the soma]; . otitieui .q:e4Wity,4 the 'dtidirhite *ea.'s: ' , ' ` . ,, i • ' That Majnr,'l4 7 :hite- 1ii1414 'prisoner . .io'hig 'iiill` lorteno,'• thiit.,teiiii..no Mews] is theintentidnil ' arid' do#iiioa:M . tlt> of his political friends. I:iii 'e a& ' , Wei-, to aqd they are Amp . are respo_twilAerfcr,r, the; " creilf-hiele enniediiy his absence. 1 " - Alter'the'Retinblicans had secured a . clear majority, they still ierShitid'in their course of usurp:m.ol) 7 , - 1n the . earlier days . , of , thelseiSion, Ai y lie3iiiiiint•tite Vote, and , by participat i ng in 'twelve ballots,_they edmitiedithat it wsb tfAii-'iiit"&i` 'day to . Whet' ihe . , geotidicitit I W' . *ealier—• Whet' thefliaof setured the, pew'* to Ao so, thert,lin iioitition , 'Or the ethisatutieb,. ofprecedentiotlawianCortheirotorh ad-.. missions, they) -for:teti-dayil persiited in their Tevolutumaiy , ;coridtsit.• • 13ut• from the 2:9th ,of February 4 .the'3day• when Dr. St.t.Clair was sworn .: asZimator , : from 'the TWelity-ftrit Distriet,t until *lb Gill day 1 of Marclr, 'theiinderingne . ;d ,Ehvb -resisted as -bean* , bran an , -.means "al theW tic4er, everrat ~,,... -. of the Republicansto leg islate. ..;Ela led land defeatedi,Abey. '(the Republicans) have on this day yielded the .Nticlible question in. hint. - ins &sae - cf 18641uts electedaiSpeakePt ''•t ••• - ' • ~Thin; ifellow. citizens, haVe the Caniti talon; preCedent Iliad lauibetb 'itisfitilieil,' wattle course of -the undersigried 'vindi cated., . ; . _.: !I >.I , ~ . ' We hare thtis narrated--the factant case, and have endeatori4,' , and 'tt~e trust successfully, to expoee the &IMO!' Of 'the ostensible , reaimis , ass , iiried by the Refaib- Ida Senators in , itippoit of their condtict. We sartistensibte, for We do not hehititte tordeclare 'the. entitle'= proceeding is but:a 'part and )pareel - ltir 'i•rogramme which proposes tb -br'eskidijwn .and de stroy eiery ) boxier • simidiii r t -between thentand .their 'tat:for power and Place. the' past,' W 43 `have !Feet:vitt:a i deter„ nked: a'nd unbroken -fretit:'" We have' donewo during, )the 'of . to l e present, and snatteniedli*yetir-ionfideiisie aild:litipport,-ivi wfll 'Optitinti to dose in the time Vtr' bottle; '• . We bade preteritea you the record—by it we aro_ willing:to hi. paged.. • • HARIUSBURG ) -14:810F9, 1864. GEO: IC 'l3tiotolu,'tjb44}: _C. tie. Dcirro'v/s; Gi*. W. &lair, A. liritsmtiri iacirtzgi Watiriopiruk% ;Mk - CP it, Wnr: IrSubliv . *; ' -' ,, VoiniriVi!=-11"iiii ,. .ii rbi ihO i- 134* that the Chicago tribiiiiel a nide - hi-LOW -argßk..said:,: ~- ..,. , - 3 .', ,:: "-Y. . p.. \ :."-- .? "Give iota Hebei victory; letniii arraiit, , be destroyed, Marylandmultretied;Wiih: ingtodvaptured, the: President ilrit4 4- itiid the:Government, deatioyedii, giV4itic theae and my:other chlamilies' thiivain ~ :'carat from delta end iiiiu;:iicaohir thain %gaol with McClellanWGeneitil."'-"' '' ' ''' '• ' 1 -intr.: ,-.. .:- --*--7,4,4.mw t' , ; sty.. ; i.,' ~ : --l'he;emality og.tlia„x!egro i,w4h—the **eat; baYPiill l Mi 4OPTc:eZil Greeley, co.r are liwkig*T, 4 i.n_g ., 4 4101vAlkai, the lleM , i° 00- B Ver49. o )o , 4!ltlP)!liArt‘ in ;t7-4cP.P*ige,*ol4cial:rl.9o44.dc\APr tioni-from our tirriyforeifona to April '42 1 amounted to, 0,g4, anktbo. IggrATi e thfcifAhi' iiii 4 iiirolliefitic,.lpi t 9 o'4 4 tbOiiif TiltP,lo7;;iiii itir4oo 'e tlea fr. pri 4;o§oiliiiiit`ctilth,'Oillotte ,- 4 3 kAlMit.- 1? • ' l4 6ii:;ithailqa Ilia hsiabeo,o ftwout iefy: raid ti girtet 4ikomey, L foE the Easterli . Vit fi Car Tilyitiailvitula,ll3 plaite,ofgeolge.ColreiiicaftaW. -,, 3 --- Cii.,,,,erlii.abalitidi p4didildit& picked Soldiers '', tabu! , fru& the offoutpliati )6 1 , band vearried -.-bliti?. , :gaMoshirti.. 4 4lfij;: 4thmitAtoozir FI,, a f 7 {-, ~ -;.,.• --_..1...1...dai..1.......2ca_f ;Tv:wig -t. 16ftolini Moist ofdltAtuiti- - Afihrtlikpusiv ihe-Liehohl iedattP 'dons in!fhtatidliimaikieltititiotbolother AM , ,itrres*StOMl t ifiv7t 0 4 141 7 4, Abovuolintign R ffertr a w.!*,veei, )2itaelrAgViefifenk.4lo-:i Lincoln's Sti.Lfitiitingiiiiritik o .litissofrOs - lieherdelolliold4reistßms st ttb,wpoicittof—tbesbayonet,lin rebel- Mates; t9;_trildyo himself Presidcntagain t is alarm ,lng many of his warii3est,,party. 'Meads. - Wtiiter Davie, Of - 'els- 'eleSed to tohg44itiby"mtirtial-poWer, 'tipealtifig of Lincoln's scheme to form government* in the — rebel states, said , : i" It- Must not-be , done innlerili t iiiirrocl , mntion,of Ahe - Prisident, W1110;13041 as jtjaranytahipg mcreiban state paper, is -a Ply*? u5 , 47a4.0t,:uPP.. 4 tegiiriattr,sia ',lX6;l/y of the United 'the`fact that initiodi was " found the 411:ier oftlielfonSi3 itsply'tn"this 'grime incuffition, reiterated .in lagreat ykriety of forms, is significant of the uttexiy:inde feasible-character-of -the scheme. Other_ radipalsi,atuocig,thenf - ,',ltfr, „Ilouttirell, of gssachnsettsi. condemn the scheme., Mr. said: . , . There is iiiilhgr,POiiiitindeithe don- Eititution; there is nether therehi&tielthe'r libwer in Ithe absence of . divine ititerfer face,to create thetitate of Arltansas,'and .compel Tier to tape her • place i.e 4iisl7n- - send metnbers'to this iHckiiie and Senators to the otheriniatieh of 'OOtigriss, except with-the will and consent of the people- themicilves;" 31 i ' Canilare these , aisong declarations ivith Are Lind:Mg-Banks-Attempt to compel the people ef Louisiana , to votoagniatic-their ConseiebCe and reconstruct a govern _ _ meat. These adrninittrative sages seem rev have discovered a iihOrt method - cif 'tic .clocupliiiihing Grim. Boutwell's impossibiky. -Agar , Rout well- again : what, remains for-us ,tio.ds P,To 4iait the people of Arkans as , . 'clothed and lii:th'eir right mind," withocit the .41x- ,ereise kite, without coercion, byinumbers, strgreat as tcrgiVe assurance that they will remain loyal, to the Vnion, shall appear before,the legislative and ex ePOtive departments Of: the .government, ,ttnd ask. to, be replaced as a stare with', a Constitution,. and admitted to the rights o the severai'aeates of Chi's Union." ' kr..BentWell is, and Com- Mitred to gruniner's state-snieide he here talk sense, and encourages us to hope that idr:Lineoln's ititerestedScheme may, diely the exeesse --- r its ahsurdity. Anotherextrantfroin the remarks of *r. ',RaVis7iii all 'that ive liaVe s room for; tiet Me - refer to the prochumition of General Banks. I refer to it because datt geroui doctrines- are gaining a' hold upon the publicomimg in my judgment, touch ing of the repUblie; No greater regard ,for .Gen. Batiks rtin I lave; hitt I shudder, when I find iris r . ;r6elatitutten summoning the peciple,t;if m Losianti , to'an elention under dcelira tionAhat,martial-law is the futidamentil • law of the State of Louisiana." • itdininistra` tien Frittdi. . A dq.,sca,rcelp passes now, ; that the people are net, 'shocked and astounded , at the frauds that are discovered under his administration.. EveVderiartthent'Ofthe .Government seems to he affected. The War, the Navy„the Treasury, the Interi -br, all seem to beoverrun with thieves - and villains,'Who, look upon govern meet as fair gaine to pluck. Ever y sffert ikmade to hide theSs frauds and-to .pre vent investigation,, but while the admrms• tratiOn 10 epgaged in closing np cme mine tif 'corruption another becomes exposed triview; - Slidell their -effortS to prevent antt*potierenf their'stealing' 'and Phm 4erangs,.ennna conceal, from the 'eyes of .the,kirple tlie..rottenness. and corruption abatis bidden heleath the surface„ teily the `Agnes' have been falling ,out, ';consequently thepablie are 'being bitiefit sed7by the revelations _that - are making .some of ;these ‘,` loyalists" turning-tatatell AsPi 2 g.jaPtica,ef.this on. `arta lie ether daym the Housepf Rep irehiiitatiiiis, Whin Frank RiiikriabOlitiono lat, opened nrin Secreysl ima ge, in 'Viol langeageianthefolloiving • ;• • t‘ A Imre profligate ndininiittiaitha tTi3tvf that pf, the. latter.'never, existed- in,any Centmy the,. e.ountry, : yras•redoJent with tratid and corruption of the agents. 77 A.gain and again ...permits to . trade were sold to,„ _Oki) biAtist hi4CIP4 and , in IraltiMilkl-it permit . was giveik to a i no- Orions ..hfocknde•runner, *hotiii ideas!' had morp.theis once been seiied. -= If Kr. ch as o t f r i e r*.hAd thought , these things • idnid"not be proved,, they would : detiht less have voted for an hivestieW Vein is a. ; bold = attack •;.. pothwg ; Ira' *huh 04rgillg-Se6'etillOhltsct with thor woo teUglio jau Filn,POr%*o rebetS, : with iimnito4 B .fir warf -" P i di* tr eason Fiaa(?;f4aPst - the.Plgh , at otti4Wor the . ` gov,O.Rmerit c 4i;l4 :made tos'lVll'le 4 o l4 ' 3 a.n *as tinYirthi/ othiit,4o,p4t,!Kimp, Abo tbel‘Te.w..Tork *naafi 'll4B4,*riile(poted letnniv• Withlhe),i.lo44§; t ryin*Plitthi4 city. 0 6 4 ilitottiliteptbuplOfig poprivato rik#4. l 4rtfiK.ogictorq.tb= 4'4 1,4 0.'0014 Upton: tha te 4: l l Agtl tsIO oemo :of men.. ire SpPforti, sr) . 1 , • D •'‘" n son Oro 0 SIM , oorst,-41.504 *'estie-ildviausio .1r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers