The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 07, 1863, Image 3
rir'lo26ll.lS. • -AU the negro is Worth a thontand dollais. In the North Congress an Abolition Congress tins raved free ; w.hio man' it_.,threel -r hundred.. The- -Venn . iy.lrania Abolition State COnventien V4ll`tiSsnible at Pittsburgh on i the*: ist - 4.tuly,ins Lead. ,of the 15th,-iu ptte l vio`usly ---- , --X6en2you hear a young Leagneite honsting.tliaVhd -- is'..anr.l - I:llpiiii :making peaty with the.rebles on any terms,-set-it 'doWn• that. he is'also - oppOsx.4-tos.lioulder , lug a musket on •any-terms-,aW that either lte Qr his daddy IniS 8300 to paythe (-loc trnment in lieu , of his services:. —The following is. ..the clause the 'W 'Of Stephen Girard,f - 4cluding llints ters of the laospel froin •Girar'd College ground ".1 enjoin ; -and. require . that no ecclesiastic, 'mission:try,. - or minis ter' Ol'an'y 'sect, Whalsoi.N:ei.; :Alan ever -e - xereisesny statism or duty tvltp.t said College . ; nor shall any such person ever be.admitted for any purpose, •or Its, a 0r; V1 1 - 11 . 4111 the premises ap protiriateti rto' the ptrepo.4eS of the said Col.: _ :--A heeling dispatch slates that of . 316nday-30th, nit . .si!ven hundred rebels under Gen.-Jenkins, c tptttre<l -Point Plc sant..- `"a.. Subsequently „the town. was - retaken. Oar loss, one and one wounded. • —A Cincinuatkelegram is responsible for the report that.the yebet,s; are retreat ing from Kentucky rapidly. Pegram, :last accounts, was south of Stanford, hotly pursued, and is said -to have abandoned ;his cattle train. Polk's 'coriis is reported o have -advanced "withinnineteen miles of MUrfreesboro', ,Seonts atlirfn that the r'ebels :must light or fail back account -of scanty subsistnA,. —No mentimi is made of any. attack having been niade , on either Charleston or Savannah, though. active 4perations were o.olna . On , in the ~gi iadron. • --Sayannalt is su Tering for provisions. Even salt is twenty &lays a Sack. —The negro tro'ops'. 7 ha l driven the rebel forces-some eight or ten -miles. out .of...Tacksonvilles%FlOrida-. Ai-co - Ming to the-Savannah llepublican an -engagement, had ocenrrol bet ween the eonfolerv.te light batteries and the, Union gimboats, resulting without. harm to- time former. The.negro raid seems not feared, but rath er courted. - . -In compliance with the reo i ni. , st 'of tlie Senate the President has di,Fsignated. Thursday, April, an, as Of national humiliation, lasting, and! prayer.. '• Cairo dispatch givesTarticulars of. the attempt to runs IlLs batteries tuatle April 'lst. The 4anis Laneaster and Switzerland underwent a severe tire. The .Lancaster Was soon sunk, turning a oon-i -ple!e. smninerset as • she wcnt. The iiisabk , d,.and in a. sink ire, condition, Was towed off by the; Albalross - . The crew of the Lancaster escaped, except two. The loss on- board Alm Switzerland was not ,ascerAin e d. "he Hartford and Albatross on tiiLlr wav li eneountmed'::a . liattery at. Grand Gulf! store fortnidaiAc than those at Port Hud .. Both vessels were injured. •. Three?. en w,ere . killed on the ,llartford: Gen. !eritrui's,Stinilower river . expedition is -ported .returned to Young's : Some guerrillas eaptured a train . A•ween_lk.Lmphi: and Grand Junction on giturday. - A federal force started in wsnif. - —The Harrisbur7 .Patriot and Union ys Governor Curtin has' ' , one on an , ctioneerimx tour to .-the Army. of the t.omac. It is estimated that the Gov- Aor has made no less than three - thous id _speeches sincelhe war began.- It is )ected h will be the Abolition eandi . - .e for. re c election. If Ills ExCellene!i. Md:tau:l7,c to extend the term• of serv ! of the nine mmitine men until the first next Nkenkr it ‘rould'aterially prove his - chance,of success. —'lt seems to 'be Nery well. ,understood, iteS'i'Washititt.ton correspondent, that soon as the _provost marshals are select- Landan enrollment sectired,'t hat a draft 'ill be fn:st ordered in th o se 'States that not filled. their quotas under the„old otmetit,7,:fbr nicaa e s oough to. fill .up de '4,4,',hig will Ott at. - least fbrt v_ rousand•men in tile field, with prospects 'a call ere Tune of two or three hundred lusand additional. -rDemocratic:yictories sewn to kno,clt . "n the price of gold.. But they also vase. the. demand foi- copper There so many 'new .heads to ,be. coppered the metal is going tip. The Dein atie ship hi (.Idit..ion to . heing " copper- Ided'," seems to be - copper-bound, cop- - ] - ,tened, full riv,ed and full sail to. port, of victory ! • NOte the recent !tory in New Hampshire, and the tri lhs at Inunicipal elections elsewhere I lughout this and other States during' past :month. - Jae of the most significant Figtis of error thathas seized . upon inistrtion, is seen in its employme nt the principal clin‘inallawyers..of ti try-to defend it before the bar of pub- John Vair Buren, Brady, And,SPencet and Butler is , ,,Torkiire for the de'rendants. ''44, - . _ .. . . The -SecontLiehd -Brown Rail -::-- • • ~ . ,-.- A., - A., - -- • The -- PortsniOntliNe 4 ii'••• Hampshire, : St;ites4inCifilitin: li 4 .S*t . :. Tr: :::. .: . . ~- “ Weliaye ;often - ` - times' Wondered. at I the unanitifily with tlibielt th Oemocracy i have supported' the present tsar, • not that We ever had the shah* of doubt ns to"' the! aswerving . patriotism. of the Dern- eratie'party, ' for that is proverbial - the, World oVer„ but-because every Democrat knew, or 4)tiglit t,.6 bare knowit, ', that it was mi tubtic-JottpatriotistiOrrove of the Constitution and the , comitry i • 'which .Aac tuated the readers of the party dominants In the i istigation, inpeptioul'and Inimage- - thent. of the witic, :11 is true, they started with high•sounding.wlnds - Of -fidelity to the Union and to the..baths they had tit- . lien to' maintain it : ::' But their acts - haVe since sbown that; the basest of decepiion i and treason-- wgre the:all-inspiring ,po.wer whia moVed 'them in spite of their land 1 , prot-estaqons:of -patriotism. Their 'false hoods beat- Munehausen - ' hinfself, and are .vastly more numerous. than the smells whicltColcridgefmud in the - city,of Cot. og Th e , and o r a. worse eh a r a et er; . . .--. " Eighty-seven diffirent stinks. 1 . All Area delintzel ; hid , , . 4 \\ r , ilittil not - been - deceived. We ' never liii.4 any faith in the sadden •ebnlli tions of . patriotism . bill-sting forth .froin die lips of those whose . Whole lives are .a cotmuous - record of perfidy to the. corm--; try - and - violations' of constitutional -obli ‘gations. WOO iio confidence in the honesty ,of tle hien. who in in*, in fun oils ly refused tnv'ert impending ruin by ci : rejecting'i p !oi, ooSition in - the_ win ter of, 1660-='til, which would have savecL us I from -al the present - ealatuities: • ,• • ‘1 We knew - their record. • We have heard their teachings. We have seen the •ptiocess- by ki'hich' a generatibn the North have been educated -•to- s hate - the contemporaneous-generation or the South. We have read the history - of Abolition thro4t the :bloody scenes of 1;90- 2 95, in the butelfery of innoci;nt women and children, atiO . the.c.onversion of beautiful ,region!"; intoLhatTen wastes, the abodes of indolenee, eune - and debanchnry.' .. "- We 'have watched and. trea l-sonable trail of the insidiousmo i nizter for -t‘V'enty five years in America; *We have seen Ahe thamrsed reptile intruding his t•litny prt - :sence into every'l;e hannel not barred with Gail's eternal - truths have his impious presence. - \lre hav e loer known him to be a miserable., fal s e and perjured iniseregaitt, iinfit for --tlie abodes f l of common ci v ilization, much less the re ; fined habilations . tifoulightenell Atm-Au:in socikv. , . . ... "..\i'ell might Ave. wraider at: : the popu lar imanimityfii support. of a fis• instiga ted by such a . ,vill:all9d.s euctily to . : our government - and our race. • That thereat mass of the peoplc..have.b6ll, actuated:by purely fiatriotic, 'motives, is an 'undoubted Met. ' That they have been baselydeceiv ed and betrayed is vgnallytrue. •,-,-, .;'• "But. there is. a tremendous Waking. up all °vet: the lan.i to a realization of • the, awful situathm of our:itran•S. ' " The...war-is ,now avoxvedly' ' a John Brown .!raid on a _mantic seale,'. :as we said the Abolitionists intended -it should he v.t.the. start. .All tly, facts now prose it.. The, originally declared purpose is repudiated, and the lenders . are openly and nuresen'edly pledged to .separation and - final disunion. Greeley, the head. and front cif the administration party, is for the best attainable peace' filler, three months more of ' friiitless 'eff srts'"qO sub due the South: No - Denuxsat can sup- - port such a Wflej acknowledged, all round, to be nothing, but a ni!gro crusade, to end in dTgifision - an.J. asiarehy, or a• Northern AbOlilion despotism.' l ;. „ . • - • . Prayers for thc4lergy, _ ' A lady sends us the fullowing`: ; The faint. whisper of, pence, wllich- a few months Since _scarcely. breathed aloud, arc 'now boldly proolalimed in the halls of leg islation,' and re-echoed in many parts .of the land. Although but the'feeble (dim- Meting, of lig.lit'ainid, the :thick cIarkTICSS 1 that 4nshrouded us, (Tod grant it may be j the- dawn aft new era in the pelitieal . ;'as- pect or onr , country. But Whence, we: , ask, do these sentiments so in; accordance with' the precepts of the _Bible and t,he l teachings of: Christianity , ernanate?. Cant we "Mint to this or that minister- of the i gospel as the first to - welcome the- ; clad '', sound, and prOclaiin it . .tar and Wide ?L.—, Alas, no! we mast look to the Men of the -; woridas the )liromulgators of- this beart: i th r illi ng word; not to those who still pro. , I snored desk acid bring reproach upon the blessed•Mastier they; pr9fess ,to 1 serv.e.' It is a melancholy faCt -that the j Chtirch has loWered its high .;standard by 1 allowing these iniwortlly s.ervants to znin c I ister at her ,nitars,- and that instead . p keeping hersaffrom the. work];. her in - pits have been taken-to delude the minds hthepeople, and . to. infttse into their arts a spirit of war and bloodshed-11e respect once feltior the sacred profession is gone, and the bad effects . of this depar ture front the Gospel standard ofpreach ing is 'being sensibly felt. If the house of God is no longer thror4ed with eager and willing listeners; if the_prayer meeting is neglected, the holy Sabbath:day desecra ted, they !mist turn to, .themgelvca as she afuthors of all' these sa changes.' 'Had they ie'rved their God as.' faithfully : . 4s 'therbave served the. lmieko leidiws of Withopt:,ditriiiiigl4, g'.an3lthinv . fronviii , , devotion, to -the eitimii sandhOspitiakite:Or-, - er home, it leoks-•after those -whom no 'other body of can look - after; , - the,../Votiongcl, the front, eAsii'lc fulls sickor,ieounded.. .-.: -'. .':•]:. ,', --•,::':-- '', Next to, the Government, attain - Oicto f! the gotzcrnment,". comes the. SOn.Com:--:- We 'ask•that theliest syStem , shall he fi' - er- - _ il a in i l . l i o o lt t m l e!l e o - d s 7ip i P y ir t i d i l l e ' r t t e i l4 ia a li t t •ea t u to ( p i n l e i l es o l y n a l e l :W ° . h i-t o l t d ra he b i s, j, : shall send. their gifts - to - thoiii• who- haVe' the best and only facilities- for reaching - :and relations the greatest sufferers to those who lia ,, e Gurcrument.! trfin.4p ur t a ti u ;; i . 4. •1 :with' the'lliedical dep . ointment, and tin tin,. • . ----.----.4110- alb A. , .1.:. t , aertit an di n,, , „ ( i * . , With ' tii . Generls , of the Letters frem Our Soldiers. . Every one has noticed - the change , of 1- ,,, fd: - Whateyer you inns- hithertO been sentiments among;:soidierkili•tlie . anny on don•.!, frinn this'tinie _Consider : how Von the abolition question. Itis alike all over.. Ainii_ 4 * , N.reach the suffering, soldier, where the CountrV. The .1-lonesdale, Herald has he is IVlOSN.,xp,;),ied,. slid aim Most tbro-otten:. a long and' interesting - letter froth an' ofii- 01 :-ganize r a,P`! , iile• in--yoilr - - at ure C i, . your. cer•who fbrinerly sent his letters to the •• vningUi ;:i,'Our _ = , I; br.a* 'in as • many. - abialtion organ, front whichwe dip :the 1e ii Wonen as'Yoxx,,.,in. Youanust enlist f o ob w i ng : • :. ... ::::. ..._ _. •, .! in the work for the- . 11i.,,.. .•It: is the •\M ina:vs part in the patri.ov.,, strw ,A e -, T e. When' we left. our homes_ our firesides-I are iii.;_i„As - lolig as the ipti,, f - 4 -- lt, t h e to -, th e and oiir friends, we r .supriose ' d : Yer . wP:e women lutist knit and sew,4 ",,,.._'‘'. friends offering our servicesto help support one of the best G-oYernmetiti.Alte :world has - a-f- home furnish, means sorrows: and wants of the eitinp arid„,. _ ever.known. - We:Supposed. we.' were to.l pitals. Make up weekly,o small '(or largi.iji, assist in res . toring the Constitut4=nl as oar I forefathers had framed it, and We Were ! o__ h ~.'inTi e or box„,and forward . it to,- Philo'. then willing to tight until the last drop of I whence it will- speedily find_ its way to blood Was shed in- its . defence. Bul, O t . - NI ashingtonor:to Louisville, and be ills - ,- change haS conic over . 66 spirit of our-I ; tributed m•the shortest posSible time, to drearOsi I believe the conduct. of : thi s . Ifliuse. who need it most. •Each' box should war i4 -- - f running into -a Ol be inal-ked on the outside with the nameitical channel,thel ,.. - current of i Nvinchl:44lriftingft4?WardSElllall- I'.of the: Socaety, ,.. town ,ain t State, from cip:ition; and if hitch is the object and end IV. it is,sent. BoxeS , stiould, lie: di : Women's ?cop, Branch U. S.:San. -C: om i - of the war - our military - iiidors must de:- I ieded : , • • (ilial. lhave no doubt,. in - my own mind, I - but that Gen. ' Mel:Mellon . was .rp,moyed 1 1307 Chestnut Street; Phila. -f _ - •. from political, considerations and nothing • . .- Appeal. - el: . ;e. - . ~ - And new Ladies of Susq'a .Co., as W.e . would. not be a whit behind -in loyalty,' I care net what the prii - sti or others may say of Gen McClellan. have. conversed- neither . /a us be se in - action I.' The Sol - with ad soldiersow hove been uliqk'r Bier's Aid _Society of .Montrose would •his . conunand, and speak the honest m:116- I , 2: - L I ,p. N • k i j o , s w h at i s b e i ng th sve b y..the i r inents' oftheir hearts; and every , one :Of I sisters in Brooklyn,.. Ilarford, Gibson,' thern'say that they would fight underhini I Glenwood,, Susquehanna,'Greatßend, as lOng'as they had a- drop ,of blood in Ft.aimiu, 'New - Miltbrd, Friendsville„ their'xemond when S'obliers, love their Brackney, Dimock,.Springville,• Dundatr,„ eommander so much,, lie must be the right mid othercentres .of business throtighout man to command the :10i - 12. - . I ! care not I the county,' in the , way 'of organization what is said to the-contrary, his geireous !for sVsteinatic- and energetic effort to mit; and social qualities, 1) 9 ( 4 .on the- battle i fo - at e.t he sufferings' of the sick and wound field and it the; camp ; einhar him' •to •his i ed of the National-army.. .. , - soldiers!: His success at , -! - Niitietutil, gain- I Since the freight (not express charges) inz . l.lT:t. hardest fooght,battle tin the:cirter, . 1 on all boxes of HoiipitarStores will be set ? ! lean continent, shows his, competency to I tied for by thePhiladelphioArk . enc 'f tl . .., y o the command: - I ' • ' - Sanitary.Cominittee, there need be no de- Probably by . the time this letter reach - lav in forwarding by railroad or'othersVise, es yon the Conscriptiom Lill will 1 ---- . ]rave ajeordinv: to the directions given above. passed 'and bei:otne.the law of the, laud, I het us sii mantes each" other by corres and if the, objeet ofthis,Waris to freeithe ! - t pondetutedir.iasonneh as, possible at umi .negro, 1 )rope every negro-(elver inWayne !i.,, of ',. method -as Well 'as of purpose. '. So- - , count}• wili be. drafted yid have to shoal -1 , - cieties Or individitals will please addre - ss: der his-musket and tight for the dearestl Emily C. BfactMan, Corl' , Sec - ,Soldiers'. object of their affections ; but if the •.. - ob- • _ Aid SOciety, (lull .use: 1 'v ' , 1 . , , ject of die. war -is to sustain, the ConSti- . • ' - itaiks. - ,- . -union anff laws, andshow. that we are . •.. A t meeting o the Sordid-% kid SOci capable of se t f. ! ,, c , ,reirlinvent, r hnpe 'every -- , a „,, . , • . . - vote to - the fill- man of I , \''''syne eminty will offer his held!PtYi . mm'oll 26th, - a- , s'ervices for: its defence. 'Let- us ~oppose 110 wing. effect, was unanhuonsly,pOssed : for histanceolie - nearo was free :old could . I W, hereas, .the Pr-inters of the COnnly roam where he. pleased, would those gem-! n.i pus always 'cheerfully and gratuitomily - crow: abolitionists-of your country give'] accord space in their columns•fbr the' fre him employment and take hint into their I fin", ~, - .„ 't notices of the Society : Resolved, ftimilies _on social equality ? Not : abit . of! that we teliderthem our ihanks,publiely, it, they would driye,hint from their • 1 „. e5 ...-assuring, them of-our. hearty appreciation ence. :1 tell you it, is lip - service; it -does.' c't tb.eir sympathy in our work. _ • not come fi•oni - thellealt.: ' - I !,' By order of the Society ,- . • Yours'Nk.,e. i Montrose, March, 23, '6. " ~ i . _ Lt. IL S. TALmADGE; .- . - Co:, K. 1370 Reg?t, Pa:. Vor•s. partyoKe ‘ sbottld ilot now bekald. a -Aithoith ittiry 4tuleth9:TehuiehCh r i s t seems -ii Tee Ingidte yiseland:' jn'scr it tthle • --- permitted - tke.. 'evil.. de- • r o e f a i so le n : „a ui I ,r ‘ l ,. 44 4olone~hus to' triumph tl.3r 'tiro ‘v-e-mtt . ges . tly ask the..prayer s . of all the Christian Veit and . 11 . 0 „ 1 - en 01• ' Otrr-latid leer -the ministers,- - (espeeiah.. -, • those styled Conpe'gationali§ts,) that they may. be .brought to see: the eerei; of' their Way mid repent been 4et:dpart ter colleges,.and we •i !s p ect f u lk y snages) that one inaybe set apwe. for the cleettv also. . . . - - Another sgys All of the oltl Arthv of the • Potomac would wishlo have ',‘leClellan knack yet I •suppose Mae. 'don't hill men fast suit the li'lltek party north: think the people of the North -will get enough of the war yet before it ends. I know I have, -and-I wish it May end. soon; vet I don't ivant to g ive•n up-to .old Jeff. Davis. I know old ..Ahe is not exactly right,hut . we will settle it . with :him in 64. . 1 , - -. • " • - . =3:=l Nizt;;not , :s IN THK . REv;ILUTION,—ExtriIet frotu4he Journal of the." Committee of ? Safetyt' of Massachusetts • Bay, in the i ; 'Revolutidn : • • • Re's*ed, That the adMission 'of any persons, as soldiers into the, army no - it' iraising, but only such 'as are - freemen, will be inconsistent with the principles Mit sup:ported, and alleet dishonor on this colony ; and,that - no slaves be -ad mitte-d into this army upoh any considera tion.whdtever. • --- Of this committee JcrnN TIA - NcociF Was Chairman.- . : ====l Tactractlion a Circular, Signed by Henry WT Bellows, President .• of U. S t an. Cotii,,baving-referenc_it to the Worrieil's Penn. I3ralleh. • i k One half of all our sick and wOunded men are within the military, lines at' corn 7 parativeiy inacOssible . pointS, and- exclu sivelyunder a'strict military- Mid gov They are not ttt or. near' Washington. They are scattezed along the Cumber and and TenneSSe rivers, in North Carolina *and„ - - near TOrt down at New Orleatig,Baton Rouge; and above Vicksburg: Here is Ilia livid' of :the Sanitary -CoMmission. Its agents are with eery cOlttinn;- its watch fulness ,and • care the greater as thq' sot dierS:go .t'arthot:. l frOiu friendit'aud'Utue.). The. Ladies of the Soldiers' Aid . Society, acknowlethre, with thanks, the timely „gift, of 2 . 0 yards of unhiCaelied Sheeting front Aziir Lathrop. 1,3 y order of the Society. April 863. ' Notice.—Tlie,Mite Society -*ill meet Tuesday evening, April:7th,'at the hoyS'e 0t. 1 31.r5. p. 4.Ltithrop. April 14th. at the house of 131 r. S. A. Woodrufr.'aud on -the .• eventriz of tue. 21st at the Rev. A. O. Was-ren's.. . K. E. SE4IZ,LIS, See'b To the School Direefors of Susquehanna County : • , pursuance of the 43c) ;,Section of the Act of 'Bth May,1,854, you are-hereby notified to.ineetin cotivention, at_tbeCourt House, in Montrose, .on, the I first s _MOndayin Ma?, A. D. 1863; being the 4th day of themonth, at 1 o'clock in tie afternoon, and select,- viva voce, by a. majority . q the whole number pf Diree: i tors preent, oiie pers'on of literary and setentifie acquirements', and • of- skill and fikTerienec in the art, of, teaching; I . COunty_Superintendent,for the three sue ding years.; find determine the amountof i.cOmpensation for'the same ; and certifiy the -result to the State,' SuperintendeUt, I ra Harrisburg, _as required - by: the. 39th I and 40th Section -of said fact. . • . _ A. Supt: • MOntrose, April 6th„. 1863. ' - MA.r'2l, 1775 The Susquehanna Co. A'grieultural So, `eiety will meet at; the ...Conn . ...House, in . Montrose, - or! Monday 'evening-:April 13th, being the 2d week oT Court. ' C. 14:13iiow&-, The Cunt enalone and Expo rlesi ee off an la. valid.—Published for the benefit and at , a warning sada caution to young men wh - o suffer.from Nervous premature Depay, ctc.;. pplying at the tame the mean's of Self• Cure. .-By one Who hay cured himself, after bein, g tiut - great' expense thrgni,Tli medic:a imposition and nackery. By enclosinga post paid, - addraltired envelope ein , tle milks may be - had of the author. NATHANLEL 'SIA'YFATH, Eau., Becifordarince -1tnb19137.: Notice. LETT ER",!AIk FAMILY SEWING MACHINE' WITH lALLTHH Hy t gEHTT pIer4OVENENTS, Ie tl.e best acid chetmeal and mosebtantitalofaliSewmg . `This mitehinetvill ' .. anyttting-',.' -from the running of: tuck in Tarlatan to the making of an Over coat—anything from Pilot or Beaver Clo,th dbytt - trillie softest Gauze or °crammer T.issue.and is eve; ready to do its work to perfection-It can fall.hent.hlio,,outherstuck, qu t,atid has a capacity for 4 grikt.VAI.IRLY-9r,Orn3Menta/ work.. !..tlis is not 11w only rnachjue that rub fell, _twirl.' bind. and so-forth, But iv-will 'do so better' time any.othar machine. The - Letter Farailyßowing Machine may be had:ilia gre,it vaniety of cabinet cases. The Folding: Case:whteli is - now becoming scrpbpniar, - Is as it 4 name impiice, roc that earebelolded into a box ot'case. Which wh ooo pened,makesa.beardifaliaubatantial.aud spacious, table.for the work tb rest upon.".llo - -east.s are of every . Imaginable dcsign.—plain as the wood grew in Its native forest, or as elaborately finished as art can make:them, ... The branch offices a'e oil well supplied with - Silk, twist,- thread. needles; oil. etc., of the'vei7 best quality. Send for, n Copy . 4.f. "SINGER R C0..4 GAZETTE:" • • • ' SINGER '& 453 Broadway, N. Y. - r - P7 — Philadelphia °dice; fittiChastnut arreqt: Fdid.D,IS"..A.THOUS - .k. FOSTElrAwents In Xontrdse, Preserve tour beauty, g.yrnnietryQf otir"ltealth;" and dental pawerF, bylw.itig- 'that Safe, .Plehsant. Pop. War find Stiecific Remedy known as lielmbold's F.xlraat Ruch - a: Tiead the Advertisement in another eolottin.awl profit by it—dise,iiies and symptoins entunerannl. Cut it otit„-and preserve it. _ You may not now regaine it, but mar at so ma, future day. t` It glvesitealth and' vigor to. the frame;. and 'bloom to the ; eheek;". -It gttiies long sufferiMt and a's - post:me. 'lle ware oteounterfeit s Cures guarnteed. ' - :March EUFFOIT, OF, DEMOCRAT •. - Duel Strt:—\47ith ,yoUr permission I.wish to say- to the readers:of vonr paper that I will send return mail to allwho wish it,- (free.) a Recipe, with fult.directions for malting and using -a simple Vegetable Maim, that will effectually remove, iu,lo day, Pimples, Blotches, -Tau. Fieckles, - and ..:1111 IMparties of Skin, leaving the clear, smooth hnd heahtiful. enatlair° mail tree to those:having "Bald-Heads' or r,;ks.. simple directions and information that will to start a full growth of Lnxorlent Hair, p fk a tl on , i.; r l,kMousl ache, in.less than :30 days. All ap tired by rtours artotail wilhout charge. Tn ' Y P. CHAPMAN,. Chemist. 831 Broadway, New:York.. :Feb. NEW 'JERSEY LANDS 1,,, T „. . • DEN, OR'ERlJia.`"'"'"—Al2 0, r Snitahle for Grapes, Peitehea, ' • • -r- "Nutt py; ; • Strawberries, Blackberries, et: manta, '' • P"err-ce, 10 or 20 acres each, at the .folloWing l 234, 5, ent, viz: za. acres for s'4o, 10 acrea for $llO, r:" e Pres , fur or dollar 2X acres for $4Ol, 1 sere fur sea.ray col by for Z ‘'"••" dollar a week. • '• -1•• r„. Aleo, o:cid-Cranberry lands; and village lotain bkpt. wood, '25 by 100 feet, at $l.O each, payable by Oue dollafit week \ The above laird and,farnrs, are situated at Chet wood $ WashiP,gton township, pirlington county, New . Jersey. For further infOrmatton. - With a P.'o nt l ainp, fora circular, to 1.1. F_RANNLIN. , Feb. Tsui 90 Cedar Street, New-York. The alvertiser having been rertored to health in a few news, by a very simple remedy. after having r diered §everal y - eat g with a Eevveturi); affection. and that dread disease, eontnniption—is anxious to make known to his fell ow-sti tferers t he means 44. cu re. . To all whb desire it, he will send a copy of the prescrip tion used (free of charge,) wli,ll the th'rections,for prepay- ing "and.ll..!ing the same, MIMI-they Will find t *tire Cunt' for COifMr.itrTlON. ASTIIIIA; BRONCHYTES. &c. The ,only object erf theadvertlser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the rtfliieted,•and spread infOrmation whfch he epliceives, to be invaluable, and he hopes every r-ufferWill i try his remedy. 23 it Wi ll 'coat' themn 'thing. and may prove a blel.siilf,r. Itev. EDWARD A WIKSON', . -An. ti--.3in ' Williamsburg, King county. N'. Y. ABEL TURRELL . . Now Offers for sale one of the..largest and hest Selections Of • Ge Ever offered in Susqueltanda Connty; and probably com prisiwg the greatest variety orriamst different articles of any Store In the Northern part of Pennsylvania. and per haps of the entire State. An 'assortment is kept in abOut thirty different` branches of trade. - and the selec tions are made from about forty of the best houses in `New York, and more titan fifty Dealers and Manufac turers out of New York . . A large prop.irtion of the .Goods are brought direct from the - manufacturers, thus insuring genuine articles. Customers on entering the Store must NOt expect to find everything. in sight, but nearly ever: article wanted will lie pro [need by inquiry. Sputc idea - of the Stud:may-he formed by the-following general outline. but cilium:ration is impracticable. • Drugs and Medicines, Paints rind Oib4; Dye Stuffs, Groceries. , ,Liquors: crockery. Glas2, Ware, Wall and Window Paper. Jewelry, Silver Ware. Perfumery, Eancy Goods, Musical Instruments. Brushes. American Pocket Knives. Table Cutlery and Silver: Plated Ware, Lamps, Materials for Lights.'llardware. Bed Cords. Stone Wsre, Dry Goods. Mirrors, Window Gass, Lithographs, Var nishes: Bad. Cages, Spectacles: Whips.' and Lashes, Brooms. Guns. Pistols. AMMUllit 'tobacco. M. cal and Surgical Instruments, Sali.pSorip, POtash. Um bruit:ls. Poreclain'Teeth, in shorCrearly everything. to restore the sick, to 'tilease the Listg. o delight the eye. to gratify the fancy, and also to conduce to the real and substantial comforts of life. The attention attic public isresPectfully -invited to 'my stock of Gnotis;bought exclnsivOlyfor cash down, and will be sold on the same prinelpir tor low nriees. ABELTIJRIt LL. Montrose•, Jannarylst,l£43. Ar, • C: TYLER has specified intereSte with ns, the•-sanie ni4 with -our predeceet , ort , .. MOONEY, C011 . 1 7 .:14t Co.. XXisia-cliaurn,ro dits Cuter iiox--sr Dealer:, anti happy to. bee his -old friends, or rixeice their orders. which we will execute in the'very best manner in his absenee. , -- - ' LOUDERB4CK, (ALBERT .1: CO. Itow, N. Y. Jan. Ist; Grateful for- past , favors, the subscriber would moat respectfully call the attention of alk prompt paying-Mer chants and Traders; to- the above notice. Ordets for hardware 7will be received here, and fdrwaided (if ap proved.).except darinp; the months of April, May, Sept: and Oct. Dining those months he will he most happy to sec his friends and servo them at 98Park Row. N. York. ReiTectfully. 11.- C.. TYLEJ,t, - Meintrase, Feb. lfth, i 863. BOYD - & • WOODRUFF ,. • • CABBY ON THE . . • NEXT BELOW SEA4LE'S I.IfiTEL 7 ALSO The CARPENTERING Bnsiness , THE METHoDIST CHl.7.ltCti.',. • WEAVII6I:3;ZT nntiAn hard a 1.1116ral aaeortia rit of Ma- (;.f the most approved- pat.; terns; Buil ders'. litutware Of all kinds. - • PartnTools- ers' of All Kinds. , 13rass WA re . ; Porcelain Ware, Japanned and Plain Tin, Ware of the peat material. . Paints, Oils, Glass, , Putty, and Sash. -Pitrain7, Lead Pipe, Lamps; Bird Cagey, Terms right - . Remember the place.. ..Callend seems tr?t. It. BOYD, • t . BOYD let WOODRUFF. , WOODRUFF. - . Montrose. July . 22d, 18tH: LUBRICATING OIL, FOR Al,l , ltinds bf Macbinery, sat by " -- - • - . , ABE .oriaxt.crt3a3;c4pcit... , T URREL 4 :S Pure ARM TUHRELL. Tl . mot, , b7 . . 7 .qe_ed t for paT6 by.". itontrote,lfarels 21, 113= ' IirSTORFORINOW 1111 TE SUBSCP.TEtrRc telie plettintifin:stnnopreingto their numeretii frietel3 and ewitercerft,:t 4 at4ty etre now ready to receive their &simnel% in the' _ • • " "COMM • Where they have titled nn the ega ent store * directly op. lostte the , POST , Orlqq&z Mardi!' inst - rdtdrned..lrotn 'ew Yntt, they now offer a Idik;e and Nit asitertnieto t Vatchne i clocksi.ldw . of -Silver . Wafe; PiatekGoods—Cr.t;-"ir Lary knd,F4ttey 4 oil havlngample room, they-Av.:ll 'P.idarge theirinajneaa the fall ektent of the warts" of thia : and, horn their lung &ctgattintanea'tviticxhq, it to of: t h e ir m - Somer4, Hatter theinseiveet that they; wyll he ilrintileti to torn their late gisaster by fire - lafOit - inittnaVhesielit to .themselveti end their customers. WATCIIES—=sI4rge qock 4.0 f Goftfaati Sl*ez: . English, Ameilcp.44 Swiss Walefied . . both •Iluntiti; itlid Open Paces, %I - Arm:it - eel 'r r ,ood. Ulm keepers, by: .. ..... .- . ... BVAIiE. ip , ..,4-14.EN. : SILVER WARE. - g s ILTER I)espett...'rea,, Bue z, 0 Salt, Cream; Pre6tave. Berry an& ILpstai d Spoons. • Tatrie. De. , :thert untL,Piel:l9, 'Forks. ..,Butter; • Plc and Fruit Knives. • • Cups. Napkin Rings, ChililreWs RMS. in raseß; soup aird kl*rtry Li,dies. Sugar Stitc,rs bud Oartl CakeS.-tKr. ritatillBpll)* CIS Coln; (engrivetlgratti.llCy • " ' • - 12VAVS A A.L.L-EN. • Finn fold ; •-• tplendier stock of Earrings and Mile, of the neweAL 13 - patterns; Finger flings, lar;„,alt 'stylus Erneelets, Armlet g, Lockets; Guard; Neck; n i - nd chatelaine clwia Tliiinbles. Sleeve 13utton8, Stu,ds, Belt Bnektei and EiUdesSueps, Spettaele4, carat, Plain Rings, EVANS L'; ALtzEN;., P• 1..A.T.E1) WAR E.—The largest variety of _Silver,PlA.- • tett Knives, Forks, Spoons,'C'aetors, Butter Cake T.tae•kets. ;agar DilUtf. Trays.: Cups. Salt"; Tea: Setts and Extra Tea Pots, - utter:lnd Pie linives . .s4o.B:e.: ever kept In this market. • Ef. - XISS E ALLE.N. QtEEVE 111.ITTONS ANI./ 5T1.71.)5, a new.lot-jnit ceived—some egtirely 'new patterns, by EVANS ALLEN. • • . . anWELRY.--,lliice lot of Steel Earrings SPX Brewitplus, by , - • . 'EVANS S ALLEN,:. "Inn & 1.,-.l l ,,:>,FTS.—ifirailtiome Tea S. eta; firc - and . afxoeockg; • vlated,'lcrr.aalqby EVAI'S:4 : A 1 44.N. • • rttlr rar gontraOlei t lONt. and Pen riniveg. and Soissont, (a* b, VEEDSES.--The - ‘ Netting and Knittii,,Ni s ahty of Soiving, Crochet ; UV! LES.—Flair and T00#.0.54„ ‘,,... . bv • Bras pIIOTOGRAPII EVANS "cpgmtp.6iAt BUlLljilqap • • Court-Strict ; opp . . theraet.ool* .. .. BINGILViITON, 3lnrch 2, . HON. C. L. VALEANBIBRAM'S RECORD . . 5.... CZI INT . - • . • . • Abolition'Slavery, and. the. Civil , . , _ .., .. • • • .War. '-. . .• I,IIIIIS work f. in pressmid will soon be ready. It con -33. talus complete and ace irate copies of M. Vallandi: gitat.Ws tprincipal tipeecims on the .tildects abovenamed. Also: prirts.or many either SpeeetieLv. with letters. fact- - dents. voted. etc. etc. Themork has been earl:11111v edit.' ell and is 1)y!i e ved Pppresent, Thirty and:Correct:y.6e poi lit icahrecord and position of a man whov view-s, it re lation to the cause ^ f our:National tioubles., and the rigt remedies ,for them. fir!: 'attraelinf,:' an extraordinary a:: moult oll,pnhlie attention, : , . ' • , . • , The'w4rk• ialou good, substantial paper, .208 pal, , ei,, large 8 vo. - e, . , . . . • ruicE—Paper,cover...4o cents ;.Cloth., 75 cents. I..elivered oy mail or express, prepaid, on Tecelppor the price. , - • . . 3Sentl orders, With the manv enclosed, to Colum bus. Ohio, addressed to J: H. Rllly, & CO. or to Our. 3lzn.iitr. Mike of The Ctu,sts,' ~:i„large. sale is ex acted. r,,.. , .'t'Ever.l. - new'igin.per that gives the above . thr.t.! inter tloll:4. al,o this notice, and sends niarke.d copies dtlress 7 ed to" 13oK OP, Columbus; Ohio," will receive three eop les of the work. ' . t .[3lch4n—E4 . v • REMOVAL JAMES - :DEWITT . rmo7i l of efrot the i°P ntin.tot -orn; +oecupieh C. Tyler. next.door td Tarbell"; Mud, Where he-i ready to fellGooda to his old frionikaud the public, at hia well known • • • . , • L . _ • OW PRICES. r. A good stock always on Lint consisting of " CROCKERY- I ': • .1* Nails, Iron, Hardware, . Notions, Sash, - pHs,. Fish, :Sze: &c: - All kinds of Produce at Cash PriCesi,dtim in exChsitge: J. R. 1/E-WITT. • March lOtit, 1563. • .. • . TO NOM IT MIT tORCUM • - , . . • • ',Xotttrtopn, rEn. With, ina. • lkrEry eg r :c truilYl t e°mek9 l lrl l nae _antjnertocoiferraran7.etieutus as we have got tired sending letters to them. We must have-pay for the Gdods we bavc sold over three months ivzo,m3 we cannotpurchase Goods without cash hi hand now. .Those who trill net-take notice Of thts request, must not think hard If we make them coitt:, We will re ceive Grid!), of those who ' have -no money; and if no Grain, we - will take r -Naas, with interest.. A settlement .we must' have,.either in; the-Store or before' a Justice.-s We life in"carnest. . Mu OUTTENBURG. IZOSENt.ittlf ..t. CO., Watches,• Jewelry and •- - Sliver, - Ware..-. THE. undersigned would, respectfully ` invite • your attention to his well ,elected stoek:ofFine 4. Goidand Silver WATafir.s. Fine - Gold JEWEL-. la - , of every kind and variety. of stvles—com= prrsing all of the newest and most beantiful:designs, Alto, Solid Silver Ware, eqnal to coin—nnd the .beat • make of Silver Plated Ware.. Each article is warranted to bens represe.ted. • , • Zit' Watches and Jewelry carefollyreppiredand satis faction guaranteeti. JAG° EARLEY. •;- - • • ISuccessor to Stauffer . Hurity,)., , • • - 6:4 Market Street, Philadelphia. March 4th, 1863.. . 3ms•k3mf. . • • - . . .. . . . • --,-, , 4 . 3 fl Different: kinds of Wince and Liquors.' sorspeiaLgu, •31J, nearly,every kind twiny matket; Wseesneed ours. Per sale se venal ,by, . , - - . ABEL TERRELL • , % YvAlEi ALir*