rir'lo26ll.lS. • -AU the negro is Worth a thontand dollais. In the North Congress an Abolition Congress tins raved free ; w.hio man' it_.,threel -r hundred.. The- -Venn . iy.lrania Abolition State COnventien V4ll`tiSsnible at Pittsburgh on i the*: ist - 4.tuly,ins Lead. ,of the 15th,-iu ptte l vio`usly ---- , --X6en2you hear a young Leagneite honsting.tliaVhd -- is'..anr.l - I:llpiiii :making peaty with the.rebles on any terms,-set-it 'doWn• that. he is'also - oppOsx.4-tos.lioulder , lug a musket on •any-terms-,aW that either lte Qr his daddy IniS 8300 to paythe (-loc trnment in lieu , of his services:. —The following is. ..the clause the 'W 'Of Stephen Girard,f - 4cluding llints ters of the laospel froin •Girar'd College ground ".1 enjoin ; -and. require . that no ecclesiastic, 'mission:try,. - or minis ter' Ol'an'y 'sect, Whalsoi.N:ei.; :Alan ever -e - xereisesny statism or duty tvltp.t -6v.is said College . ; nor shall any such person ever be.admitted for any purpose, •or Its, a 0r; V1 1 - 11 . 4111 the premises ap protiriateti rto' the ptrepo.4eS of the said Col.: _ :--A heeling dispatch slates that of . 316nday-30th, nit . .si!ven hundred rebels under Gen.-Jenkins, c tptttre,FTS.—ifirailtiome Tea S. eta; firc - and . afxoeockg; • vlated,'lcrr.aalqby EVAI'S:4 : A 1 44.N. • • rttlr rar gontraOlei t lONt. and Pen riniveg. and Soissont, (a* b, VEEDSES.--The - ‘ Netting and Knittii,,Ni s ahty of Soiving, Crochet ; UV! LES.—Flair and T00#.0.54„ ‘,,... . bv • Bras pIIOTOGRAPII EVANS "cpgmtp.6iAt BUlLljilqap • • Court-Strict ; opp . o.it:c . theraet.ool* .. .. BINGILViITON, 3lnrch 2, . HON. C. L. VALEANBIBRAM'S RECORD . . 5.... CZI INT . - • . • . • Abolition'Slavery, and. the. Civil , . , _ .., .. • • • .War. '-. . .• I,IIIIIS work f. in pressmid will soon be ready. It con -33. talus complete and ace irate copies of M. Vallandi: gitat.Ws tprincipal tipeecims on the .tildects abovenamed. Also: prirts.or many either SpeeetieLv. with letters. fact- - dents. voted. etc. etc. Themork has been earl:11111v edit.' ell and is 1)y!i e ved Pppresent, Thirty and:Correct:y.6e poi lit icahrecord and position of a man whov view-s, it re lation to the cause ^ f our:National tioubles., and the rigt remedies ,for them. fir!: 'attraelinf,:' an extraordinary a:: moult oll,pnhlie attention, : , . ' • , . • , The'w4rk• ialou good, substantial paper, .208 pal, , ei,, large 8 vo. - e, . , . . . • ruicE—Paper,cover...4o cents ;.Cloth., 75 cents. I..elivered oy mail or express, prepaid, on Tecelppor the price. , - • . . 3Sentl orders, With the manv enclosed, to Colum bus. Ohio, addressed to J: H. Rllly, & CO. or to Our. 3lzn.iitr. Mike of The Ctu,sts,' ~:i„large. sale is ex acted. r,,.. , .'t'Ever.l. - new'igin.per that gives the above . thr.t.! inter tloll:4. al,o this notice, and sends niarke.d copies dtlress 7 ed to" 13oK OP, Columbus; Ohio," will receive three eop les of the work. ' . t .[3lch4n—E4 . v • REMOVAL JAMES - :DEWITT . rmo7i l of efrot the i°P ntin.tot -orn; +oecupieh C. Tyler. next.door td Tarbell"; Mud, Where he-i ready to fellGooda to his old frionikaud the public, at hia well known • • • . , • L . _ • OW PRICES. r. A good stock always on Lint consisting of " CROCKERY- I ': • .1* Nails, Iron, Hardware, . Notions, Sash, - pHs,. Fish, :Sze: &c: - All kinds of Produce at Cash PriCesi,dtim in exChsitge: J. R. 1/E-WITT. • March lOtit, 1563. • .. • . TO NOM IT MIT tORCUM • - , . . • • ',Xotttrtopn, rEn. With, ina. • lkrEry eg r :c truilYl t e°mek9 l lrl l nae _antjnertocoiferraran7.etieutus as we have got tired sending letters to them. We must have-pay for the Gdods we bavc sold over three months ivzo,m3 we cannotpurchase Goods without cash hi hand now. .Those who trill net-take notice Of thts request, must not think hard If we make them coitt:, We will re ceive Grid!), of those who ' have -no money; and if no Grain, we - will take r -Naas, with interest.. A settlement .we must' have,.either in; the-Store or before' a Justice.-s We life in"carnest. . Mu OUTTENBURG. IZOSENt.ittlf ..t. CO., Watches,• Jewelry and •- - Sliver, - Ware..-. THE. undersigned would, respectfully ` invite • your attention to his well ,elected stoek:ofFine 4. Goidand Silver WATafir.s. Fine - Gold JEWEL-. la - , of every kind and variety. of stvles—com= prrsing all of the newest and most beantiful:designs, Alto, Solid Silver Ware, eqnal to coin—nnd the .beat • make of Silver Plated Ware.. Each article is warranted to bens represe.ted. • , • Zit' Watches and Jewelry carefollyreppiredand satis faction guaranteeti. JAG° EARLEY. •;- - • • ISuccessor to Stauffer . Hurity,)., , • • - 6:4 Market Street, Philadelphia. March 4th, 1863.. . 3ms•k3mf. . • • - . . .. . . . • --,-, , 4 . 3 fl Different: kinds of Wince and Liquors.' sorspeiaLgu, •31J, nearly,every kind twiny matket; Wseesneed ours. Per sale se venal ,by, . , - - . ABEL TERRELL • , % YvAlEi ALir*