the American army, and should be, Placed.: in command. {The galleries again- b rokC forth in applause.] • , • . Mr. Wright', resuming,, , said—Let , the President make a new and Prix edtabinet, representing' the two great parties of the country; restore -General McClellan to command, apd'eall.for two hundred thous and Men; who wo uld rush to his .standard in an instant.. Addressing the Republi cans, he. saidz--You must abandon some of yoUr ultra nothing or we are gone. We have got to compromise. Abandon the p r po . 4tian to bring negroes into the itt, to yor_w_e leo.. -Abef66-±•(olli,t4 controverted the' posi tiork 'satiated - by Mr. McPherson and other gentlemen,. and - argued that the eourse of Washington and other Geutrals was,against employing negro slaves - as a system Of - warfare. There was no analogy between employing then and now.`- Gov. Andrew, who recently returned- to chusetts,. Carried with him a carte blitiehe to raise negroes and Send them out of the State. - Mr. Cok,'while opposing_ the hill, remarked that its object was to produce. a diSsolution of the Union, for gentlemen front the BOrder Statls here have said that it would be impossible to restore the . Union if negroes are brought into the field like - fiends of hell, in accordance with the policy which began_in hate and followed up by a .spirit of vengeance. A large portion of our army is made pp of Celt'c blood; and he would toll gentlemen that, they „would not fight beside negroes. The prejudice cannot be eradicated. • What, he - asked, was :the object of - the, reprimand ,by Mr. Dunn, tl.e other day,, of Mr.:Lovejoy, who had indulged in a tirade on the Democracy, ,the former saying that such rein:v.4s would :have a bad effect on' the army. He (Mr. Cox) said - that a large portion of the -army are - Democrats;, who went out to fight the battles of the Constituition and the Unio'n, and did so on the principle of the Crit tenden- resolution, that when the authority .of the Constitution is 'resto'red, the, war aught to stop. As Mr: Lovejoy bad made :some_ allusion, to his diminutive size, he was reminded of an epitaph which he lately. -saw in a newspaper about the .gentleman from Illinois, r follOWs:- I", Beneath this stone good Owed Lovejoy lies, ' Little iu eyerythitig except his size ; What ttnettgh burly body fills this hole. - , Th . :through keyhole crept his little soul." (Great !mtg .- liter). 'But he did not believe this of the o crentlenm from Illinois. • STAMPS UPON JUDGmENT : . NOTES AND rttiN ; DS.,---We, copy the following letter: from the Gettysburg Star and Banner, It: contains information valuble to business! men : • IfoN. E. ..111 1 1"nrizsox-SIR:---Your let ter of the, 17th ult., asking, in'behalf of the Protonotary of Adams county, for .information in regard - to stamps; under the -_operation of the Excise Law', upon jndgmerit notes and bonds, is just\ at hand. have to state, that the-common .for'in Qf judgment and notes in use in Penn -0 , syl van ia - _require to be stamped as folic ws. : The bond; as a personal bond, requires a mortgage -stamp, under head of wort gage-sdhedule B. Thepower, or warrant of a - ttprney, to confess jimigment thereon, requires a stamp; -as ;general power, of attorney. (See 4th clause schedule - B.) The judg ment mite is subject to duty as a 'promis sory note, under head, " Bills of exchange Jalandr. (schedule B, p. 88.) And also to general power stampsas in case above. • The above ruling will apply to the forms of bonds and notes in ordinary- itsd in your State. -Your obedient servant, G..F.-Boutwell, Revenue Com'E. According to -this decision of .the Com missioner,. the stamps on a judgment bond giyeirfor 'any sum exceeding 8100, and not exceeding $5OO, will cost $I- 50, viz : : 50 cents for mortgage stamp, and $1 for power of attorney stamp. The promissory note stamp on a judg: inept note will be less than the m . ort7 a ie stamps,- . Promissory :notes . for a sum' 'bet - Ween $2,0 and $lOO require a . stamp, 'however, and th'e power of attorney stamp must be'used.on all judgment notes. So far .as it is understood now, the least expensive mode -of giving judgmen i t is by confession on an amicable action, for Which strictly there is .no stamp provided - in the schedule, but which, as is the opitii ion of some of the members of the bar, cannot be subject to more than a 50- cent Ftanap 41r..any amount,. GREELEY'S NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND. —IL is stated that Mr. Greeley went to see the President, a few days ago,.when the Tatter made an anxious' inquiry after the • nine hundred thouSatid abolition . volun teers, Which . Greeley, - Andrews dz: Co., pit)mised should swarm on theroads, when an . addlition policy should be pro -claimed. Mr, Lincoln adopted this policy on the firsi . of Jan nary, but can very well tell Mr. Greeley that he has not yet seen a single company, even, of those volunteers. The fact is that they have shirked the business:Of fig - hting , so far, and still mean to_shirk it. . The bill in Congress reqifiring the President to raise a' negro' army for .fiVe - years is intended, to relieve the abolitionists from fi;hting, as well as to give the administration a corps :of janis earies ready to 40_ its bidding whether the instittit‘ps of the';en,m7 or our own Are airee4 at. An lettanordinaiy Stntemelkt. Senator Rice, Republican, of Minnesota, who is a member of the Military Commit• tee of tie United• States Senate, made the following extraordinary statement in .de. bate last week " I -do-_not believe ' there 'is .t Juan in this governinent in one of - the dipartments to-day that'tan tell . ns whether -W.e have five hundred thousand men in the fiefd—not one whp;caii 3 OMe• with in fifty per Cent. of the4ainfber„of thek.and wounded in the hospitals, .or. .with. their -regiments. One departinentrlnakeS its es. timate based on the supposition: that , wn 'have one million, two. hundred -thousand; ' 117C/1 in our army; another, on the . supposi; lion that we have one million; five hundred thousand men in our army.. The simple truth is that they do not knoiv whether; we have that number' or half that number;•l You may take the pay departent, the conitniSsary, department, the medical iie•F, partmetn, the quartermater's department and-you may take the of Genf eral and the Secretary of War,' mid yOU cannot, from all of them, come within three himdred thousand or probably five hundred thousand if.the number- of men in the service ; at least we cannot get- the information." s Is it any wonder that endleSs confusion? extravagance and waste prevail ih,our mies and in the national- finances when such an - acknowledged want of .system, management and competency is exhibited by those managing, or,, more properly ispeaking, mismanng ng the war? • Honors to a " Traitor." Honl James NV' Wall, the new Senator •from New Jersey, was serenaded in Phil- . adeliThia, oh his *ay to Washington and r , !sponded 'in a few remarlts,lexpr;essive of devotion to the Countiy and its constitit-- tion. ,We extract the foll Owing sentence. citizens I have 'l•eceived' at the hands jof the Legislature of the state of 'New jersey the high and' responsible of fice ofiSenatof ta l the United States Sen- I ate.. I go there,l mriendsos-I under stand it, to adva4le,as fae as my limited trilr permit--:to adro , qte, p iav, pPriire that body.- (Cheers for ".peace.7) I cannOt . gay, my friends,' how this is to be brought about, but ' I belleve I t speolc the sentiments offl the pepfile of - New Jer sey, and not onlY -of - the , people of - New-. JerseY, but of the' loyal people of Penn.!' when t say .that they 'will hail the licitir that Shall bring.tis from out this lurid tempest ofiwar'intO, the calM and blessed shade, of . a long •and lasting peace. (Ghee' s.) My friends, I go also, as• I ttn clersund upon the floor of the 'Senate of the United. States, td ;advocate those great principles olcivil liberty which were handed clown to us from'Our. fathers, (re newed cheers) those great principles that. are embodied, in the amendments. to the ConstitutiOn of the United States, every one of which lam sorry. to say,-has been trampled undertfoot by ; the present Ad- Ministration.. 41110 The expedition. . against •Vicksburt - --- - CAtrto, Jan. 2s.—The steamer Ruth' has arrived from Me4nphis. ; Our troops - Were beifiLtitraniferred to franSports and sent to:Milliken's Bend. Gen. Garnexpected' to Juke on,the tntb. • • The Memph4 "Bulletin has. Southern news lof the-19th. inst. .JOE JoincsroN comniands the *hole Western Depart ment; and is trirttching- with • an immense force to Vicks burg. It , is Akelieved that JOIIIstTON can leoncentrate: 150,000 men for the defence uf Vicksburg. The rebels are determined' to stake everything and hold 'Vicksburg and' Port Hudson, and - keep cperi • the communication between' fLoaiSiana arid Taxas. . The Rebel foi tificatiOns at Portilimolion are ediMplete, aUd.,they.feel very 66.4fident that they can huld that lace and Vicks burgJ •II The latest adyieeS s y that 'General 3.l.cCixaNAS:ti s 's {forces ar d Corn. PORTER'S squadron had reachedlrunng'sPoitt, only, warity milis, ab6ve VickSburg. el -. - • The Rebel Privateers. j The additibn ,of a d swift, and pow-I erftilly - armed .iteamer t ' the pirateit al readi carryin g ,such' d slruction. to our commerce, isan event calculated toarouse the - Most serions. attention- of our author ities.l -But`that is: not all, there is a near ,prospect, that al third _will soon be added, 'as the:Edinburgh Scots an discloses the, nnwelboitie intelligence - that the "Con.j federate' - agents have secured the fast sailigg steamer *ritannii for their service 1 She is said the equal, in every rel speeti, of the Alabatni4 Thus, with' the pioneer of the lAnglo-tiebel reebmiters roanting the...waters of dui Coast with per!, feet tinpunity; 'with the °reit', or, Florida,` 'signalizing thesrst days of her weer by{ the 1 4estruction of ftve,lof our mFrchan t men lat our very doors, and with - the Britennia soon Ito arritye, American com-1 mere ishltely to - be in' a sorry plight, uri l lesi better correctives 'are applied in tile', future thanin the past. !. 1 • i . im. 4.- AZltirrp - g - riTis Tnic-LThe Treasiiryi , Department ha`i'decidpd that the measure of a tun, in .rnaking. asSessinents for the inteintil 'revenue,' shall be., two thousand two 'hundred and forty kands,inell eases; under the excise law, unless the: Contrary is- sPerifiei, ! . , • . i • • , I Arrest of the Publisher of he deiphia Evening Johrgal. PHILLDELPUIA, Jan - 28th. The Evening Aurnal,- of this city, re-.. ports the arrest of its editor and publisher, Mr. Boileau. It states that the arrest was made by the Provost Guard, and. upon the order of General Schenck,\ the railitari commander of the district in which Penn sylvania is ineluded. . Mr.' Boileau, was . arrested at a little after 12 o'clock this morning (about midnight) at •his private residence and carried'out of : the State, either to Baltimore, Washington or Fort Delaware—it is not known. Which: ' The Journal also _states that . the order for the arrest' was peremptory and 'Cominanded the suppression : Of the paper. Mr. E. W: Carr, another editor of the Journal was 'likewise arrested and confined in the Gi rard House, but was releaS'ed this morn ing. Mr The Grand Jury of the Quarter Sessions, which bOdy Judge Ludlow in structed to inquire into-tile Causes of the Ariest of Mil Boileau, .of Ithe Evening Journal, and his removal; beyond the jurisdiction of the Courts of the Common wealth,- made a special .preSentment on Friday. It is b, plain businesslike docu ment, giving, a straiptforward• narrative of the factsas ascertained froth the ProVost Marshal and others. • The presentment concludes with an expression of reluc tance to do anything calculated to weaken the aria of the Government in suppressing " this, most wicked Mid. canseles's Rebel lion," yet they declare .themselves bound ".to enforce, all - the laws that have, the protection of life, the security of propirty and. the liberty of ‘,.he in :their sacred keeping.". The presentment was ordered to he• filed by_ Judge . Ludlow, for the examine= Lion of the. District Attorney ; with a ieu to framing_sueh indictments as may he considered necessary. . Agricultural Notice. The annual meeting of the Jackson Ag ricultural Society will be held on Tuesday evening; Feb.loth, at School-house No. 2, in Jackson. . LiairAsr, I Dination.:—The friends of Rev. Harvey Kingsbury, propose giving him a dbna tion, at his residence in Dimock,• on• the littertioon and evening of Feb. 10th. A ordial invitation imextended to all. W JERSEY LANDS FOE SALE.-ALSO, DEN, Olt FIITTIT 'FARMS. Suitable far Grapes, Peaches, Pears, Raspberries', .-ztrawberries, Blackberries, Currants. &C., of 234, 110 or 20 acres each, at the folloscing prices for .the pres ient, viz; 2* acres for $2OO, 10 acres for $llO, 5 acres for $.lO, 2,a4 -acres for -$4O, I.acre for $2O. - Piyable by one !dollar a Ireek. Alsci. good Cranberry lands, And Village lots in Chet wood, 2 by 103 feet, at $lO each, payable by one dollar a week. The above land and farms. are situated at Chet wood, Washington township,' Burlington county, New .7ersey. 'For farther informatlon„apply, with a P. 0 stamp, fora circular, to 'B. FRANKLIN CLARK, Feb. 3. '63.--ly_ No. 90 Cedar Street, New Tork. The - Confesmione and Experience of an In valid.— Published for the benefit a warning and a caution to young men who suffer from Nervous Debility, premature Decay, Are.; supplying at the same. the means. of Self-Gore. By one who has:cured himself,-after being put to great expense through medical imposition and quackery. Byenclosing a post paid, addressed envelope single eopies may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Bedford, icings Co. N. Y. [mhl9lyr ratax=rxtx4tL.Gt-misv. In Auburn, on Saturday, Jan. 24, 1863, by A. Waltman, Esq., 11. tr. DA.NIEL SWACK.- HAMMER, of Auburn, Miss HARRIET RATHEQNE, of the sane place. .• 3:rn4gLeximics. InLibeity, on the 22nd ult. of inflain; ation of the limas ; TV., son of W. M. and Fanny L. Jackson, aged 3 months 4nd 13 days. Sleep, Willie, sleep I. for 'tis well with fhee , now. - • • [Corn. - In Friends Ole, Pa., • Dec. 9th, 1862, ABBOTT, son of George. W. - Abbott, aged 1 Year 6 months and 4_days: Dearest Willie, thou bast left us, And thy loss we deeply feel; • Btit 'tis God - who_ has bereft us, And be can our sorrows heal. [Corn. ')ratni.ll, on the 22nd tilt., ltlATrnmi` DUNMORE, Esq., aged 58 years: ' ' . . • EVAN JENKINS, Malaga:insect 'AgLazoticoaaeigiix-r, FOR SUSQIIEHAI'CIVA COUNTY [Post Office address, banded', or South Gibson, Stsq's. County, Penn'a.J By the 59th section of the act of Congress of July 1, 186:2, it is provided, " That any penson exercising, the business of auctioneer, vrlthout taking out a license for that.purpose, as required by said act, shall tor each and eve)" , such offence, forfeit a penalty equal to three times the amount of such license, one half to the United States and the other half to the person giving information of the fact, whereby said forfeiture was incurred." Feb.-3, 1863.--/Yl9 •-• Au itor's ..Notice. In the matter of the distribution of the fond in the hands of the Administrator of G. C. Lyman, dee'd. MEM andersigued having been appointed by the.' Orph ...L. nos Coart`of the county of Susquehanna, an auditor t o &wit: l ate add fend, will meet the pasties interested in the same, at his Ace in Montrose on - Saturday thd Tth day of Mareh,• 'lda at 1 b'clock p. in.; at Which time and place all persons having claims upon said rand will present them or be forever debarred. Feb. 2,1883.- J. B. MeCOLLUM, Auditor. Adritinlstratrix', Notice. OMB is hereby given to all perms having demands 1,1 against the °gate ot Micheal Gallaher, late of Choco wit township. dee'd, th at the same'presentedto the undersigned tor settlement. and all persons indebted iiiddastsWsre toquestiod to laskeim roodLato payment MA GAIL AIM Ad's. oeontt.,,Teb., e t MS • FOR FIRM - Sit!! • THE subscriber offers for sale a lot of land in Herron], containing about 114 acres, belonging to the estate of S. W.WALDRON, dec'd. and known as the Lake Lot. lying on thoroad leading-from Harford Village to Ira carpenter's; and about one half mile from the village.— Abvut 20 acres improvt'd„ and well adapted to make a good farm, Price and terms ofpaymentcan be ascertained by call ing on the subscriber. CARPENTER, Adra?r, de bouts non, - . Estate of :Z. Feb. 3, 1863. wiw [ - • -.Executors' Notice. IVOTICE is hereby,gtren to all _persons harinedc. LI mends against the Estateof BEIesIARRICKENAII.. late of ?diddletown, deceased,•that the same must be presented to the undersigned for arrangement, and all persons indebted to said estate. are requested to make immediate Dayment. ; . _MICHAEL I ,l oVAy . ,_•ApnlaCtm, (Er rs JAMES TREDON v 'Middletown, • Jan 27, kW. . 67 6 • Administiatot' Notice.: LL persons Indebted to the estate of Hfram . Stott late /I. of Bridgewater, deceased, are hereby - requested to make immediate payrnent.end all-persons having eel= against said estate will present them' forthwith to ALPR ED' BALDWIN', Administratot. Brldgewater:Jan. '63.--Cw • • • - • PEAL E IA.TE Trick 131 i SOLD al Pnbil c w ikiletian, at MontroSe, Penn's' on ;Saturday, the 31st 'day of January 1863, "All that certain piece or parcel Orland, situate lying and being in the township of Silver ['Ake. county ofSusonehanna:and state of Pennsylvanla,lbounded and described asiollows to wit: Beginning at a post in the road near the Catho lic Church, the northeast corner ot.lames - ,'Whailey'slot; thence east'V.2 porchei to .e post, the northwest corner of John North's lot; thence by John North's west line, south 50 perches to a post; thence, by land of T. North, and P. Griffith, West,l96 perches ft) a post in said road, and thence by the same north 18 degrees west 21 perch. es. and north . 27 deg. west 33 perches, to the place of be ginning, containing 65 acres, be the same afore or leas." Tcrais or SaLs.-=-Cash oudelivery,of deed.' Title per fect. ' Jan. 20,1863. 2w C. L. BROWN, Agent. GOOD NEWS ! GREAT COMMOTION IN TIIE DRY GOODS, TEt .13: 1.3 30J . TIMM' 33.11iteer • , To Nu:chase G 0 . a Mien ion arc sure of getting_ the worth of Tour mon ey, Is at the M a CO Pt. M cowl , Glitteubtrg 7 'N'loseitbaum, S& Qn CEIVrAiN -nrsit-IN 4011 'is ES'IIICS, ; - - . , has pans on our guard, and we have lately laid I n a lar4 f stock, which ennbles ns to offer to our customers, goat t on equally as good testae as formerly, considering the hit t rise.' .'— • ' , AT THE STORES 6uttenVerg, *ostubanni 6: 6o AT Montrose, Susq'a County, Elmira, fiew-York, Susquehanna Dept,- Pa, OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK Iss ccp - rn.raete, We are determined not tO be outdone, either In prices on qualities,—and we -will endeavor totive: ous 'customers all possible. satisfaction? CLOTHING: - In this biancli our stork is eemprete; and will be sold lower. and more tastefully linisheilthan any one-horse establishment, orany four-horse concern this side of N. York City, is able to.offer or produce. We coil assure the public that we constantly employ the best cutters and - workmen to make up`out stock. far Garments made to order . EirOn Or A. Good FR warranted or no sale the shortest notice. . fo• In order to close Out ocir stock of VIIN2ZUt 021;0%225489 we will sell at a 'small advance above colt FURNISHING GOODS: A Great Stock contaatly kept. and aold.loweitttaa _the . Jowast at - .: - • • - ,t • -6- ittitiberg, .gostitbatun'i olio s. ._ • _. . ••• • • Montrose, January lsi, 1863. , : - I=tEllutzr*TA.Wo*Es To Englando Ireland and Scotlitid.. BRAHASS SEWS SON DRAFTS. In etnneof one' AL pound and Upwards, .staynble in Alf, the. Wind* amp of InglinCingnkil ant notland.for asks by 4, ; 3 . 1 1 7.1 t. I "CfCtirrn. Cia.iilwirNyrii,l2... ARE tf EURRELL e tgow offer. for "ale ono of the largatandbest 'elections • • •' ( - ea' . NX-D • Egerofferedi Snisquehatdra Covirity,arid:ProltafAY eons. prising the nnsatear.vatlet,y Ar niosttlfferent articles of any Store in,the Dior-them pit oiPentotylvanla w and per haps of the An 10136rtment Is kept in .boatillirtydifferputAinches °Mode, and 'the ludic tions are !Mille frotnaboixt forty of,the he* llottree in Nett' Yofir c ininzwe'fhatilAy Dealeriand- /daitier,. turer. gut -of New: Torii , A -haze. ,prop-rrthaft of alio Goods are b rtofit difect from ,tie n.ranufscrurers, than insuring -geuaile artfelci.% - CiiatoMe ritin tutoring tho ' Stare must not 'expect to find'everyqting is h t, bnt nearly every article tenured will prances:VlA , :miry. Some-ide..of the Atc(cif.idayle Mrthed.zlyAhd t lowing • general, out ,b.nt %numeration-J. impracti4mble.• • • Vogl-end -AfediclnesePaintarand - Bra- slitift Groceries. Liottocs, - Acceke_..ll,' 0494r:iWare:' 3Paf' and Windo*Papier.:JeNtelry ‘ 4USer Warr,Perfumery.•Eaney goods, Idatleil lOstruments c ihushes."Americau Poiket Kniver,•TolideTu.tlery end-Silver-Plated Wrir.e..lrMills; Xaterialslor ttglitts, Hdritsrlire:l3ed Dotda,Stmae Ware,. Dry Gouds - ;.htirtota; Window-Gras*, Lithographs. Var. ulSkes .Cages, _ Spectacles. , Slips, andj_ltshel.. Brooms:Orme, - Pistols; •ArntOunitton, Tobacco, Yedi r cal and:Surgical lostrtufienti.lialt; Soho; Poilsb. Cm— brellai..POrcelafit Teeth, in short , yearly. ererythingr td restore the slctr,,, to please the delight the eye, to grstity thorfancy, and akilo-10,V0141103 to .the.rital sad ruhitantlftl comforts 4:if life. . . . . . _ The attentioh"otthe,public is respectfuily tU.vitita to my stock of. Goods,stlpught exclusively for cash down, 'and will be Sold on the tame ptiiteiple for low prices. ' - . . ABEL TERRELL. . , . g9htrase. January lit, 190. • -; ivo/i I cse ,./ e STH STREET, lITTSBM4G. PA. - .F . OIINDED IN IMO Ineonmilicteil by Leglslativ. Charter. Being the only COMMERCIAL COLLEGE in the Union . . • conducted by • A PRACTICAL MERIMANT. • OVER SIX THOUSAND STUDENTS Have been educatedin the - Principles and Pintlce ofall the, detaihiot: - a brialucea education from DUFF'SVs- MEACANTILE 13.0.011-1=1".11e0.: Awarded tour Slivei Medale,.and the laaction 'of the highest Mercantile Authorities lit the country. Also, Datrs • STEAMBOAT BOOk-KEEPIasTO: - _ " A perfeet system for such books and smcoints-2" 41 so Dog's nevi- system of . - - - • FLAIL-ROAD BOOR.IKEEFING,-. . After the forms of the Pennsylianla Railroad. Also, 'Buff's new system of. PRIVATE BANK BOOS-KEEPING; v The only one in naeln the city.• The- above systems of accounts are taught under the daily supervision of the author, and, it is believed, to degree.of perfection - niiv• or attained elsewhere, TWELVE FIRST PFLEINIV3I% . , for - best Itas!Dees azatOrnamental Penmanship awarded our present Penman by the United States Fair at Cincinnati in ~ M. Penna. State Fair at Wyoming 1880.. Western Penna. Fair atPittsburgh' 1860. Western Virginia Fair at Wheeling ' - ' 1660. and the Ohio State Fair at Cleveland '• s ~.1860. All of which are exhibited - at our office. - New Engrov,ed School Copy - *oohs._ Fine cap, 94 pages each, 90 bents per dozen—the cheap— est Copy Book in dee. . • Business and ornamental Penmanship, with new plates" and scales by WM. , DUFF, illustrating all the elements of the Penman's Alt, the most complete instrtiotor known. Elegantly bound. Crown quarto. Pilce $5, post paid. Harper's Enlarged Edition of Duff's Book-kee. lug. Price 81,50. Soldby Booksellers generally. For fell particulars and for eleganknew Circular, pp. 68, and samples our Penman'ti‘Busluess and Ornamental iN ming, enclosing 25 dents, to • ' • . .• Y. DUFF it, SON, Principals. —Strangers will' *please inquire our . reputation in the city, where we arc best known. Jan..l, 1863. 6w5 SINGER'& CO.'S LETTER ',A" FAMILY SEWING MACHIN: WITH ALL THE RECENT IMPROVEMENTS, Is the bestand cheapest and most beautiful of all Sewing Machines. This iiiiichine will sew anything,! from the running of a tuck inWarletan to the making of au Over coa—tutythingTrom Pilot or Beaver Cloth - down to the softest Gauze or Gossamer Tissue:and is ever ready to do Its work fo perfection: 'lt can fell,hem, bind, g4ither,tuek, quilt,and has a capacity for a groat variety oiornamental work'. This 6 not the only machine that can fell, hem, bind. and so forth, but it will do so better than any other machine. The Letter "A", Family Sewing - Mactline may be had in a great-variety of cabinet cases. The Folding Case, which is now becoming so popular, is as its nude implies, one that can be folded into a box or case. Which when o pen ed.makes a'beaut I ful, sub stantlaLand spacious tabki for the"work to rest upon. The cases are of every imaginable design—plain as the wood grew in fts native forest. or as elaborately finished as art can make them. The branch offices are all well supplied with silk, twist, thread, needles, oil. etc.. of the very - bestluality. Seudfor a copy of "SINGER &C0.'13 GAZETTE." I. N. SINGER & CO., 45S Broadway, N. Y. if adel phin - Office. 810•Cheetnut street._ READ, wATnous Si FOSTER; Agents in Montrose. 'JEST.? X_Nl.a 3L=1.17 ~ • poiri begin with t, the R"..i at .• . NEW GOODS. !NM and YOUNG, RICH and POOR, GAY and Festive, ure hourly seen rushing onward-to,tho HEAD ORNAVIGATION All eager to . be_ sopplied ream the choice and extensive eclectkon to bo found . • - . AT-.TYLER'S ,-,STOR_ Ills assortment of. 31:0r3r - aripciagi bcai •018 -411,!And 411,!And as for choice_ 11,..T.111155l Viz.: 9 and 10c Sugar,, IT,, Rice, Co'ffei." , , and Tobaccos— tsar ds arelnisdequcies.'—they are rip. It is useleet tonal tion ttierwo thousand & one thing's of which a fulltupply is kept. constantly at the Oulleat store in town: A mu-. tlntiatlon of canals earnestly desired, and- if 'there ore any so unCorttutatt as not to have/pond Tilt Vac', your friend and neighbor will tell yen the FIRST;OTORE'BELOW "TARBELL'S HOTEL, o s nd _opposite_ the KEYSTONE, • where lib per cont. has ceseed to be. We are lxifind to let people Ilirc—and live. Bring Jilting *your . Butter. Egge, Rage, 00a, Rye, cask, Corniarad moat anything else yon don't want, and get value received AT MIER'S. STORE. . • N. IL Please do n't leava the. above mentioned articles at home, for our rule won't 'permit 'at td wait " till you come up again.' • . • • • - Abakers—Anew lot of White and alloyed, Big 'Vas' jut opened. ". LAMPS of all kindit and airings far Immingternsene nalv roa4y and verYtheap. notlterosene, cheaper than dallight also Frceh Diming Fluid; Cramphen, sperm. Adamantine and Tallow Candles kept constant:4°n bud • - 111/rAtiew supply of HATS and CAP% BQO'i'S and tiLlOES.Eittone and Wciodeu Ware Broorm . andtirtishes 61 all sorts:Yankee Notion& of a 1 vdtleties, Pe!fams, and TOilet BoSPAsiA4fnow fcr chardiedlMds,-t thinglu nee, ete.,pe.l ifcad-for uon. 45 tho times denlaild,M_ LEß . • Td IMMYXIO7.-4 sib o:awarding BUTT= to /I. -York:totszaisiths est sstil suit yon. Call and inquire r and look at my dairy salt. la sulks -d all st• sm. as SA ass befeandln nsVz tfentress. m! O. Trim. Wl' /I 1 A ifkg /1,1 • • 4-- The •• lr oPtsree °°lnza the erel* Conrt d:l" Houitti*liT . -•- vAtio2,4 nAtigEStitietir: itO - way. connected -vt)Ther Innitcdon. • •- ...;.• - - • : •-• The e erie' of og*t.fair devoted tOtnts: •-. • . • . ~? •i•-•• The design of .thlsinstitution,is to Otordicar-nOten an opportunity. for acquiring-a' ,„T/4:ll!tisri . i Business -EducaHon.:. • •• " • • Our books and Porno ate.ean:fnllynnanigedbyri3c4t cal accountant., expresaly for tidy In codrse of Practices l. nstruction . iksttch fur s to•:comblue Tikacgrung • - - ••- : ".• • • a.,.. - .Cia.LACts - alktcat:tqconaragjer,r, ' Thlifiourie econraces /;toolcirieepingto .alLita deps . meats; Penmanship. Commercial - Arimeue; -Biok ce * cor r espondence; •Commercial 'La, Xeononiy„. ' Commercial &hies, Piitdeiskip Settlements, Detecting counterfettedArictaltared bank notes, etc. • - - • • - The Spencerian systern of 'penmansidpis taught in alt. - its varieties, by the most skillful masters eltheart. - The Boole-beeping department is-tindeatlie special Lti= pervisunandtnstructionof the Principal;D. W. Low's& •4W . C1e413122.ee1. XixfOrzweatic..u.i. students can enter at any time. 1 4, ‘"0 vacation.- rinat time to complete the course; from 6 to"l4'iveeks: • "Asala. tance rendered to graduates in procuring 'situations. Graduates are presented with an. elegantly engraved- Diploma. fillr - Por catalogue of 70 pages : . sPecimena Hof penman. • ship, be., enclose two letter stamps, and address • • ; " LOW'ELL do WARNER:. • Binghamton,, N. T. '- 0it13.62 13.15 e MCI IND PUCE PRICES! PEACE 'APPROACHING. Large Lines of PRICES . Conquered and Reduced] • 11. SI3IETELPLI.Ter. • • NEW MILORD, P - 4„ - • ion 'lying, for apring enpplies, new and lane sF/51:10 at CHOICE - DRY GOODS; GROCERIES, - . CROCKERY, .HARDWARE,. STOVES, IRON, STEEL, NAILS,, ' PAINTS, LAMP,. - At11) .." • 'I,INSEED OILS_,. . BENZOLE; CA.B:PETINGS, - . FLOOR. OIL-CLOCKS, . WALL Paper, WindQw SHADES; HATS and'CAPS, 'BOOTS and SHOES; - CLOCKS, & 5 0., &C. Inelnding, as usual, felt varieties of the znost'polialai styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, . SHAWLS', BOVNETS, RIBONS, PLONtERS, &0., &0., &C., which - he will sell on. the most ` favorable terms, int cASH, PROPUCK • PROMPT TIME BUYERS. - Flour & Salt, constantly on hand NEW FIRM. BALDWIN , & ALLEN • SUCCESSORS TO ' MIEN 'DEANS & CO;. Under_ Under Montrose DeMocrat Office,_ RE REPEIVING - • a Fresh GroUnd Western FLOUR every IMO days, which we warrant to glie satisfaction as any ircmarket ; if not good returned at our expense; Feed, and. Buckwheat Flour, SALT.AND.PORKi BY THE LOAD, BARR E L on. POTiNp l . RAMS,.[Sugar Cured) Dried Beef, Smoked Halibut, Drips and Syrups, Molasses and Sugars, TEAS,' , COFEEE, SPICES, BROOMS, AND NAILS, • - which we offer for sale at Prices, for READY PAY ONLY. ,Montrose, Jnly 9, 180. BOYD & WOODRUFF,. , - cinity ON THE - TIN lisll[EitißoN BUSINESS NEXT BELOW SEARLE'S HOTEL. ALSO' The .CARPENTERING Business . NEAR. THE METHODIST CHURCH. IE kee.#_conetantly on hand a .general assortment of JEITC)NrEII9I of the most approved pt. • lerne ; Builders' Hardware of all kinds. Pariuers l Tools, of All Binds. Brass Wsirc, Porcelain Ware, . Japanned and Plain Tin Ware of the beet material. ' Nutt( Oils,. Glass,; Putty, and . Sash., Pumps, Lead Pipe, Lamps, Bird Cages, eta, ace. Also, a. Good Buggy for Sale; Terms right. Remember the place". Call and see es Vnt• n. DOM, 1 'IIOYD !Sc WOODS,IIFF.. • e. A. WOODntrl7. f Montrose, July' ,d, DANDELION . COFFEE. n n HIS Preparation, made from the beet Java Coffee, is 1 recommended by Physicians as a superior Nutritious beverage, for Geno.tal Debility. Dyspepsia, and all bilious disorders.. Thousands-who have been compelled to aban don tha use otcoffee will use this without injnrious effect fine caticontains the strength of twapotuida of ordinary coffeer.. Price 95 cents. _ . - • • FOr salein Montrose by . Abel_ Tuna.. KOLLOCIE±S. :LPNAIN ,The purest BAKING POWDER knoirLinr taa k.h w itt i t . Sweat and nutritious Bread.and cakes. • Price I 5 cents. • Manufactured by M. B. KOLLOCE., Chemist:: - corner of Broad . and Cheatunt-sts,.PAilsdolphis. gold by Druggisla ruadOrocens. • • • *nibillyjecb • • :11.11miiiiistiatioreNettag: . • NOTWElilaisiltry given to ell iprannibsvips demand against the estate of Ephraim- liabins. late of Rush township. &tossed, Wet tho same most be pressetetto the ntlersigned to's* settlement. and all - persons intiebte4 to sell estates= foveae(' tnmakelnmedfate_psymolt. WICALTITT A. ROMS., NENRY P." ROBYN% ysseb, As $6,'4L -„ AtinsinisWsters.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers