peolltui ..o\-111:TiB,FPIcI4r4,4r Ca I"t F 7. AT" STANDARD REMEDIES : 11 the prment age, have aryniirtxt theft. -pent ppulltiti , only through year, of Enb uu&el satiefer.ttou. 4 romh-ral by them MOOPL AND'S GERMAN BITTERS Lirer eamplaiSt, Dyspe.psin. Jaundice, Nervosa ree. baity, laseasoe of the ISaney& mud all fr'rn a dixrlnl4 rr k t liver, or weak , Lase of ttec Mom:toll ozol Dlits,t,re Ofpos, ItILOW Rvflt, 111.10 US FIVE". mur /WEI AU AM. Et. war AltnAmt. for itwf. .I!Ricr, 7 cruti llootla's Balsamic Cordhd , VIII) 4 I . ,ITESp.T CITA Coughs, Cch crifoarseness, Eronckitis, laSnenza. Croup, Parnirumia, Ingiperit Consumption, end Ll* perforrucAttic most sstnnishlng runes ever &flora CONFIRMED CONSCMPTION. ha a DLltiltrea Cont.,' It It nurquallml. ruu , .s ants futile HOORAND'S GERMAN PILL, beitl7. well 10111W111 thranghdut Lampe and Ao•,rira. nerds 00 ~ 1 here. They are pur'.ly godhlo. are prepared with great eluCtllert; Mitl um nrignr......ittA. bailer Ca tharti, Pill c.a. bet {,eat. ,l' - a. LI etc. per lava Thew Im.hunr. am pap at 14 11r. C. 31 JACCO:4 k Co.. IphiN and 't 310., and ore All by clrumzotm and dyed,• In toolame, errryirhem. Thr dlp, itatnre .4 C. M. a.ll Lo on (ho untside Garb battle or 14Ae. In ..r.• .41,017.7r."puLlIzlird wal nal (~,,ntt, n ,l.Ltlzy ti•kapea Irrantall parts at the- ruuwtry.; Thrse Alutana., are hirers away by all our a6.epla. - BCERHAVE'S -HOLLAND' BITTERS THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOS P TS.P - LTSIA, DISEASE'OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER WEARNDSS OP . ANY KIND, FEVER 4ND AGUE, Ami the varioui affertinux cotin , luent upon a dinordered S 0 31.1E11 OR LI'F'ER, Such am,,n. A rtdiir tie the Ftumarda. Colicky Pains, fintft horn. .4:ki..titn. In apointrin.r, (tostiveN,.., Iflit.4l MAI f".11.*, to ell INervon, hhrnnu tie. uA I lll,urnnt)r Ath.orn , n, it he. nun:emus 311 , IATIMI. proved I end in .41W...toned a derided cure. e put, Zr totfrt . al.l.7• out-out. prepared on etrictly Own n!t.r the manner of lbw •rrinbratecl 11.1 rh, I, it. lepotAtion at:home pro ttnrnt 11. 12nro, ',lntoenring with tho 411. 01.,d Man. 1,1 .nor the fn., of this tsnzlktv ront , try. nlnnw if whom tronght with them awl hit fhle'd doe n tool, fl.lll of it. , ISINd. It is now . : m roxf , 11prir.p #l.O , 1:$ truly u fad • win..! nd-unr,1,1,,1. \ • I•4rl7rW:tr7‘ . P. ,, 1tug,.1,4 tleue pennme when* een.gtltnte,nt h., elk,. imparwl OP rout lunnua use, oi ardent el,:rint. t.t loyne: of de..lotetn. Generally In.tautan , • ;: ninh , at n., •nrertly to the and bee., 1.• 2.1,1 nerve. ranlng np the drag ,t n tithing nen health and *lgor In the • -tern N.Y . ' In fiziattio n 14%verrizo arid 'lpts •• iotriiril. it i 11,A o n ~/Oht IC C. ..,eased of tiuk;ular trignedini R4 - AD CAREFULLY! ),--.;IV 11111T,1 Rolland Ittera it Igo 11A l• 4:14 $.,0 a•tri aat.,ji & i (hi .. I l'h • a Do: LAae.. The greet 111.1:10 (1::• (VW) . it 1Q,40 1 N:Plijne liar thiltireL the lmblir LLould guard ligalng • Cir Bee are :+firri.,l:jc.n•, &ctbst our Mann le 'ell true lala,l of vv..ry ”tly. Bold by Druggists gruersaly. It eau be forwarded by Express to most points. F. 1'1;6N:11:TORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO: Mary! ACT CCI 0 tllintmacedists and Theinists'. PITTSBURGH, PA. -.NOW -.:‘,k49lFte.p cuRE t-ee, Qe.. CURE .41 () NervousHcadaehe .d b CURE >c ° - C . tr r,tx7.4: RE ,,q--03ED •',- Zit'.. - k;. - - t: i'Vnir4 ti- - rZ7... ,- f ; 1.•,.. , ':: .-. Y.:-.4.- t i ./s-C-7,T4R?!-is..- .., IVZ, t t - f.;.B;,ir-,.g....:-.: ----. . ,14:Ne-.:_f-4:.•1.111.2.P'V.-:1".--;,., -‘ft i 1 R, -r- ,:-`•SW;:.: " t . - 4 - k , '. D , t [ .. r.... ---=-: , L," - ---- - , 511,4,45; , : ,,, ~!.' ..../..: ,:-.:-... -..-,---- ~e-----1, . . -----,- i. 4 .:‘...._:_-. : ,. ;_ , , ,.. .,, , ,,,-,...., :r, ,,-.5,,,,, :.::3 , - , -ti:1?„-.1 ,. ....„,,.e..: _ ..011 ..... ..6,---, 1 0,,-;:i_. , .--i-. - ;_,::, , ,, - 4 , 4 - ::: n, --. .,- _ I=l Al annrierr: and Ftirnarlaic preparation of LEON loar•fi. , l of Or.yr,e.n and C. by:nom :n Hydro ra,, o! medical antbor ity cv_ra , rll-Aary kfacrxy in each of the fq.lo-4-Ir.r DEBILITY, yrtrevats ATTECTION, 72fLA.- CATION 10" - S.P7j , S79 DIARRHEA, CDNSTI PAVON E'..7. - .).?"'LA. SALT ERDTAL SCURVY, /AIIIIDICE LIVE?. Cr/PLAINTS RILEUML- • TISAL P..,:::SEQUENCES, INTER MITTENT PL - 17—riS. NEURALGIA. CHRONIC HEmvoirrs. 1 - I.mtsyr. WEAR — KESS. MB. MENSTRUATION WirTES , tr. PIMPLES ON TER FACE, ROUGHNESS OF 'I4E SEM, et:. The IRON beinT di , ..)..- b1 by the blrod, and thus c!rdulatfng thronzli the whale system, ao part-of the body .can escape their truly wonder indoenco. The experience o':thon?aeds daily proves that rio preparation of Iron can far a moment be compared with it. Impurities of the blood, de pression of vital enemy. pale and otherwise s;c1:17 , complexions insi•cato its nrcessity in al. poet every conceivable NW. In all cases of f ma'e d,hllity (fluor alba?, chlaroais, etc.), its e,feet , are delightually renovating; No remedy ever boon discovered, in the whole-history a! m?diclue, which exerts such prompt, happy; ri•storative eff,:cts. Good appetite, com , pt , zs,,Mge-sticn, rapid acquisition of strength, wAb an unusual disposition for active and c.: - .zerful exorcize, immediately follow its use, A. a :and stomachic 'and gcnrral restorative it no superior and no substitute. Pot op In fleet tint metal botto,eootalnlrts ni) parr 31) eerie per bon: 4z boxes, 4.4 o•le dozen boxrg.l:4 00. For mi. Ilernrll.l4 wept-rally - . Will be scut free to On retell)t of tile price. All .Fran, etc—. should be additosed to : R. B. LOOKe, & CO., • General A,..2....ente. 332 BROADWAY. N Y. N. 8.--Thc above la a fae-shalle of the 17.1. - 1,011 rz.c.:l3 HOS STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and ma . nufacterers of nos- TETTER'S CELEBRATED" STOMACH BIT TERS can appeal with perfect.confidence to physicians and citilens generally of the United States, because . the article attained &repu tation heretofore unknown. A few. facts upon this point) will speak mare powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or hla zoning puffery. The consupption of Hostetter's Stopmcionit- Ors for the lass year amounted to over a half ] million bottles, and from its. manifest steady inercase in times past, iris evident that during • the coming year the consumption will reach near one ntillionlottles. This immense !mount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the preparn- tion, and the sanction of the most prominent ph)siebins in those. sections of -the country where the article is beet known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients;. but ' are , ready at all. finites to give testimoniali to its efficacy in all ease* of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. • This is not a temperer) , popularity, obtained • by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitter!, but a . aeld estimation of an invaluable medicine, winch is destined to be as enduring as time itself. llostetter'S`Stomitch Bittcri halo proved • Godeend,to regions where 'fever and ague ' and various other bilious :complaints Mimi counted their victims by hundreds. To be I able to, state confidently that the "Bitters" are a certain cure for the Byspepsia and like` diseases, is to the proprietors a source of tin- . allCiyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter :Irma• the stomach, purifies the blood, and , impart& renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone end energy Indispensable Tor the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and, other digestive organs,' mildly but powerfially, and soon restores them to a condition essential ni the healthy discharge "of the functions of-nature. Elderly persons may use tgliitters daily as. per dirtetions on the bottle, and they will find itrit a stimulant peculiarly. adapted to comfort declining years, aSit is pleasant to the palate, Invigorating io the bowels, excellent as a tonic, rind rejUvenating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who hate experienced the benifit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach dee rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians; they have abandoned deleterious drugs and fairly tested the- InAits tffis article. A few words to the -gadder sex. There are certain periods when their cares are So harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly teeder, that the mother, eape4;ially if she be young, is apt to forget her oven health in her extreme anxiety for Iter.infant. Should the period of maternity I arrive during the stammer season, the wear of body and mind is generally *aggravated. Ilern then, ie a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies ofthe system, and enable the mother to hear uf: under her exhausting trials end responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians', because it is agreeable to the.taite as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have particu larly referred above, to, wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhea's, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the staniach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nericing mothers, will consult their ewes physical welfare hy giving to Ilos letter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CACTION.—We caution the public against using any of- the, many imitations or counter feits, but ask for BOBTETtER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS, and see that each bottle has the words .‘ Br. S. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic Say covering the cork, and observe that Our autograph signature is on the labeL • itr• 'Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH,' Pittiburgh, Pa., and 'sold by all druggistp, grocers:and dealers generally throughout the United States, Soutti Ame rica. and Germans. Wistaes Balseni_of Wild Cherry. Wisteee Balsam'of Wild Cherry. Coughs, Colds, Coughs, •, 0 Coughs, Coldf q Coughs, Aittunn; Bronchitis, ibarseness, Brandin', listhma,'Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Bronchitis. Whooping Cough, Croup, 'Whooping Cough, Croup, Consumption, Consumption, Consumptibn, Consumption, Consumption,' and all hike diseases, find an unfailing antidote, a ready relinf, and a tare and speedy Crue, in that ,great and.unirersally approved remedg, • Wietar's Balsam of Wild .Cherry. Wiatar's,Balsam of -Wild Cherry'. The Rev..Jaeob !lathier, Well Lamm and week remeeted mum, the [lest= Ass &diva gratis estary, mare the ledimenig ensteaciafir s i tha bcseftt Ps., Feb. 16, Ile& Mama S. W. FOFLE & .Co.ilt,Ostrin,— Dear Sirs: Having realized hi my funny iMportant benefits from the we „of your valuable' preparation, W1.37A105.ann. SAX or WILD cuiRRT, it Rini t aii me pleasure to recommend it bikini public., Some - eight yean age one of my daughters scented to be is a decline, and little 'hopes of her recovery were entertained. I then pro-' cnreda bottle of your eldelleiat - BA*3,.and before she bad taken the whole of 'the contents of the bottle the* was a - great improvement in her health. I Autrey in ik7l individual case, mailic frequent _use - of Your valtiable• medicine, and have always been benefited by it. 1' would, imper f ec t &mint the plata against iwyeanties t he mate Mere is a good dud of specious sk'brtar's Balms 4 Wsld Gerry Oast Mreseurstrhe crnotry. JACOB BBCHLEL ini Certiftatt - A:Da Ma. N BasNORTON, e ire • 0 Mamma RICTIBIOWD, Vi., Feb. 23. 1860. . MOMITB.S. W. FOWLD & Co., BOstOD,—Gentlelnea I with pleisute _testily the:great merit, of your ins valuable lung niediciue, Dr. WIeZAR'S BALSAII ON - WILD Cur.nits, which is-likewise liighly . vadued by, many of our esteemed eitizens, who have tonsil its virtues by trial. • • _ . fret mails use of thIS Balsam some thneyeam sines; for a violent and distressing cough which baffled ths skill of physiciani, and, to my joy, experieneed such gratifying relief as to induce me to persevere in Its use. 1 always keep_ it by me, and ever find it to be nnfiul ing In its effects. No msdiiine that Phan ever used has given such speedy relief.: Irian* truly, NORBORNE NORTON. From 'Term Broitb; . Fog, Preenlees of the Afe s tyis Cemity Beak, mut take it ea karma and meek esteemed tbeenjriest .filne Jersey. • Mon atstown, N. J.,`Jan. ft, 1860 Medlin. S. W. FOWLE t Co.,..—Deaz Sirs: Haring turd Dr. WtsTar's BALSAM OF WILD CIILMMT fee shout fifteen feats, and baring realized it. beneficial results in my family, it-affords we treat pleasure la recommending it to the public as a valuable remedy in cases of meek finks, odds, ansyks, da., and a remedy which I consider to be entirely innocent. and May be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate liabealth, Yews very numectlo,.. • - y JESSE EMITE. • . ter Emeore of rile-and wortilku cofadirfeit 1! The only 'Genuine, Pure, and Medicinal Bab= has the name of "L SITIVSIr Written with'a pen, and the printed rn* of "the proprietors,' S. W. FOWL! '& C 0.," 'on the outer wrapper. suffer with any disease of fla Aron; Zany:, or Ckett, ens relief by,uiss ; Wistar's Blinn Cif Wild CherrY, Wistar's - Baligun of Wild Cherry, PREPARED DT • • S. W. FOWLE Ac , CO" S'n. IS TltiliONT STREET, BOSTON. BOLD DE • Drl:so.sts, Den/era, and Merrhanfs tia every Wire " asi city is the cititeel Buttes. Mg"' , fu , rc ) /Autt}l,l6.l4 - attotte& Yee , ter, Motttro.,.: If tVotwirntt .7.11(11011. itrookirn : 1 1'ne , ..1./0z1,5% : Weed& Ward, Great !Send; C. 'Ulm:4,Kr, LytdrtlT: L. Griffis, Great Brud. July Z--Y9• LUBRICATING OIL, FOR: ll Rao& of Machlarry, for r ole br • • ABEL Y C ititELL. SANFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, arvsrt 'DEBILiVATE.II. IT it ronsponOtiedeottreiy from Gm use, sad breberante an establinbral Len, entandand Noltelae,knetrie end oppreyel by all that { ,Itaye wee en.l ewe re. sortie to web enitidence Is lett tie dieures hr Wee ill le rec.:mended ft bis eared thbasends Yrbo bed elms ey, ell Lopes lenselleand nertleceteela my e s The dose must be senora We Individual Wang it, and r an gently nn the Bowels. Let the distant* of year lee alio 011E11 Ill= erttl can Llosr Coro tacks, Dyspepsia, tam r, , ry, Dropsy, Sour Corilveneu, Chol. raMorbo.s„Cholarii leper, J.:anodic. r * , es. end may be rued ane. L 7 Fa eratty - HEADACHE, twroix minutes', eft opooutols aro tak-1 attaA SS who Karel Is I AIX - WATER , , IS Ti THE HIVIUODATOR, EOTH TOGIGTHEEJ. I .well So !.d Mfg of Wier as the "sisoccess !pussdisUal show. ;ts 'the letareraenewl a lb* cd Li suet iitiaGsEk• as le Gagnon vide ree h the VIGORATCM;imd . plaints; Optima At Chronic plorrhoen. plaints, Dynente. Stontaeh,flobttnat le. Clltotarn. Choate. Inhentenn. Wenkneee.„ cessfuity as as Online. eine. !mincers SICK' tbotissnds can testify.) In two or three Ten.. en at evannoemuset st giving tbsir lestitsory IE mourn %mu /MU *WALLOW Pelee) One D ollar per Unitle. 4r, ALAI.—. sasponws VAINLY CATHARTIC PILLS, co.POUNDKDrII.III , . • Pure Vegetable Ustestelot. - r and pat up he tiLAell CASES, Air Tight. aidi wW keel, in-anrelinsatee • tht Venally Cr, • thortle PILL learn de bet ultra Cathartic 3 which the proprietor has need in his practice more than twenty . 'tam The constantly Increasing demand from them ohs b are bmy used the ply.y., . a and the eadaraetina which - stiornto In regard to their •'• Met Om Isniared mete piece them Malin the reacher all. The ProOrmina sell knew N that different Catiarties set en ,dltfereint portions of the barrels. leo ]FAMILY CA- TIIARTIC '. PI FL has. with due reference to this well ratabliand lon, been compounded. hotu - aplis variety of the purest 'flue. table Extracts, which am so , alike on every jetzt Of the ' elhnentary cans). and are Ig gaud and mit to all esto ar ahem • asthenia is needed. sorb Its Elle• rottgementa d. the Al mem am la. Illeepla - nee., Pains In the Berk and Leine,. ' i 'Costiveneao pate al.ii Sereneaa ever t h e whole ° body, • from sadden cold , obeli frmuently. If- neglected. end In • kat coarse et Fe. ear. Lou of Appea lite, a Creep' etir.eme nation eit'Cold aver the Deer gimithy... newt. lieddlacitte, Or wei g ht I. the head. 11/ 1 In na In In Atari - pleatriOrt,_Wralrroa li Children or Adults, g It hettmedlessie. a weak Purifier tar the Bleed and many Masson le 'dab rash a heir, too meorost In imam to ildsatrorthe• • meat Dome I tot. PIIIOE Tuns= nurtuir; The Liver Inilignrallor and Vonill Ca. thortle Pills are retailed by Dettretsta , end odd %dadaists by the Male la all the lane Loom • . !WORD, XL D.. Naimattelone and ay, X e %sr YoT B.T.W. 333 Bread MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS GREAT ATTRACTIONS AT TIIK FOOT or MAIN ernwr. rt . \ II E extensive, Furniture &LOA:alumni id SMITH BROTRERR having been refitted unr. ,ready. improved. ttte proprietors respectful tnnounre to the citizens, of Montrose and viein .ty that they are constantly making and keep o• nand the 'LARGEST and BEST assortment o FURNITURE ' To be 'flood in Ike, Constir*. Ne giv6 the following list of 40MO of the ii tiles whwh we will sell at greatly yeduee , prices, for CASH Or READY PAY: Hon.:111A, Mahogany, with glass om $16.t0 $35. Bureaus with marbleior broestelle iopi., from $lB to $24. And a large assortment, from $s $10.12, 1.4, to $lB, Wash Stands, Ca rd Stlnds,Corner and Sipar, Stands, of all varieties add prices, from - 75,c'ent to ten dollars. De-,ks, Divans ,Towel R.:43,-Fnotatools:Citto. in.tns, Lounges, &c. Centre, Card, Pier, Toilet, Dining, Kitchen Ind Extension Tables. , . Chairs—Cane n ncr Wood Seats, R.o , kers C.nne, Flag, and Woed Seats, of every:variet -tnd style. sofas. tete a totes furnished ~at short notie N e w York prices. • N. 13. Ready made coffins on . hand or for at short n o tice.—llna , ses always u e idiness when desired. We ertplay none bur CAnt:Fut and EXPERI ;;NCED WORKMEN. We intend to do nor Wont, WELL, and sell' it as Low 1:04 - it can he alT. , rd• W. S. 1111711.; . WM IT 11. JR.. . E. R. sm ern. Mon t rth4o, .Inn 11401. I I•030.-4-If KEYSTONE HOTEL, . - At Miintrose, Penn. wra. H. HATCH, PrOprietor pins new and vininindiotis Hotel shunt. 1 on Pu•ilie ue. the Court I louseopr liqtriv in the t;eiiire of ine business portion f liontro.e, is now fu ly completed and furnish,. , and Wag opened on" Monday. the nth day f &Wernher, 1858, f , ,r the n accommodation f the public and travelers. The Proprietor feel.. confi lent ‘ thar P he is now epared to entertail guests in a-manner that el'inslifail to give Complete Sainaketion. The Hotel and Furniture aro ne . W. and noea pe•osu has been spired to render it epial. if not suaerior to any similar establishment in this part of the State. It is well supplied with all the improrementa and comforls. and, obligir g waiters will e , ways be readyto respond to the call of eird Tfie•st.hl,4 connected with this House art. - Nato- and Convenient. The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron- Igo of his old friende, and the, public generally. WM. K. HATCH NEW • GOODS N ,'? : E ~ .W • , S G EW O. PGOODS 0 D' St NEW LAMING & CO'S NICHOLSON DEPOT. LIBERAL. DISCOUNT MALE "TO • co a- a - I: • 9 AND - READY-PAY. CUSTOMERS. We 'are determined not to be out don! in the way of LOW PRICES. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE Mar t en In Siebante fo Cjr G 0' CIO 0 D z. HARDING ilk. CO. Artf.. Grt.. C •2 31 1 - tonedy f F ar TA CT t ( iO F , R Billion ß° a S tt fttlont , ComplAtitte, and nit dtaesemo n f the Blood, sale, at wltottatale and retail. - by ABEL TURRELL. FLUID, • Claim:clime, candles, lamp oil, at, at Tamll's 3121MN2AC:ot-:". Marlt Paintera' use,—a nutratitute Par turpentine, and at a much tree price, for saki by AUL MULL. Mtelecossie , . esi gar THE BEST IN 3144 KKK, At :35 Cents per Gallon. Moo BerninitYlaid; and Cain p.heSe. SOM* Turpentine, on a taxi tj on hank lit ialten inl riot prieeg Montrose, Feb. 19. ABEL TURIDILL. s I / e/ • COMMERCIAL COLLEOL J 4 Located oiroc the Itaaquetuunta Vinci /14 4. -BINGHANITONI N. Y. • FACULTY:4 D. W. LOWELL, Principal, P ressor !of the Science of Aecounts, Practical Accountant. 'Author of Lowell's Treaties open flook•Keep ing, Diagrams illustrating - the acme. JOHN RAHitiIeCOMMOYCiaI Accountaht, Profea'r. of-Book Keeping and Practical Mathematics. .1. J. CUirrui, :Assistant Prolesscir in the Book Keeping Department. A. J. W.tauss, Profesior of Pritclical tnd Or. namental Penmanship, Commercial Calculi'. tiooa and Correspondence. • LECTURERS: lion. Daniel S: Dickirson, Lento 4r on Contain, chill Law and Political Econoo.- Jlon, Riniom Relearn. Lecture!. on Contracts Promissory Notes and Dills ofj Exchange. .. lice. Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer on Coniinexcial Ethics. EXAMINING COMMITTEE: .• Doe. Sherman - D. Phelps., Wm. R. Osborn, Esq. Tracy R. Morgan, Erg 1 ' The object of this College is Ito afford to all an opportunity of obtaininga thoredgh Business Education. The Books and Firms are care r ‘fully arranged bq practicul. accountants expre?aly fur, this lc, stitution and .embrace all the recent improve ments. The course of instruction comprises every dep' ailment of business. The 'learner, will be thoroughly taught the science and practicer f Double Entry Book. Keeping as applied to tilt • following kinds of business,,vi: Gencial Mer chandising; Manufacturing; Bankint. Commis +ion, Steamboaling. Railroading, Forwarding Freighting, Foreign Shipping. &c. Totrico YEN • CM qualify themselves In a short time, at• thlb Institti lion, to fill Important and lucrative Situation,i, Ample references can be given where gradnates of I.RAI are now filling desirable situations with salaries trom stl) to $lOOO per annual. The Proprietors are In possession of testimOnlals from souse of the ors t Cumin ere's! Housesin the Stale, to whom they have furnished book-keepers; showing their entire satisfaction, and confidence in the ability of the!graduatts of this Institution. . _ . fu all its branches, taught by the most skillinl! and that ough masters of, the art: No Collegn in the country en Joys a - higher reputat ion in this department. Ladies' De partment entirely separate from that of thesentlerneu. Students tan enter College at any time. 'No - vacations. Time to complete the course, from t< to 10 weeks. Stu. lent. passing Atte requisite exaoduatiots are presented with the most elaborate and elegant engravto Diploma Issued by any-Commercial or Classfeal Institittion In the futon. Assistance rendered to graduates In procuring. situations. 'or terms of tuition, price of bOard. testimonials of • , dnates Ailing positions.&c, address the proprietors for a okra containing full particulars., LOWELL di WARNED, Proprietors Binghamton Commerilid College, ov. 8. '6o.—y 131nghanattin. N. Y. DAILY MAIL ROUTE lIETWEEZ, MONTROSE .& FRIENDSVILLE. C OACIIES carrying malls and !proistme,eis _between Montrose and li`rtendsville, will leave Searle's Motel. .n Montrose, daily. at 7 o'clock a . tit and leave Friends eine at 3 o'clock. p. in. r4rlttinscs and carriages Cl4ll be :rocured ai the Liver, :table of the subscriber in Montros ~ on reasonable terms Montrose. Aitg. 16. 1b60., tt J.- D. .G0;01)': ? RTRAITS, PORTRAITS ! xEly: AIII:AI'iGEMENtS IN TiIE 1?I~ICh I 3 LOCK MD; taiderafgued having taken tne Rooras formerl L occupied. by. T. B. DE INS. is now prepared to furtilsi ' who may desirc, with k. good andltruthful Portrait. • 'king well posted in the prodnettan of the various kind •Pieturei of the day,l natter myself that my work is no ccelled by any In this section of the country.l Among the various kinds taken at my Rooms arc the .4.IfIIROTY PE, PIIOTOGI4.-IPII , IRLAI Ar9Tir PPI NF l ILLOg RAPII Locket Pictures down to the-amMllest sized miniature tin. Transferred Ambrotylies4tne finest ttjing out, for mading by_fst to any part of the !World. without extra mstage. .11v Pictures are bold. vitiorons, and expressive —not those faint, lifeless shadows often sold about the muntry. , Pictures taken In all kinds pf weather. equally veil, except those of young children. No picture need be aken unless perfect satisfaction is!eiven. fn dressing for a picture, avoids lied cob - in... 7 -'omb as •ins. purple, scarlet, pink. etc. Most other. l a k e well; a , -mit, black, red, snuff. brown, oringe;yelloir. etc. Zslr' Remember that the place tO get pine 'I picture' is n the Brick Block, over Read. Watrous kSti.ter's store. J. U. HAZLETON. Mon one, Pa., Nov. 26th., Ib6lb DROVER & BAKER CELEBR4 TED IViOISELESS EWING KACHINES, POE FAMILY AXD ItAstriPAcTlT - uil4Gl, USE, 495 Broadway, Now-York. Agencies in all the principal Cities and GOODS. The Grover Baker S. M. CO. beg to •.*-nt Om of the Wale to 'pale resently Introdu 01$148 FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING A _ser ticiOntalse, THE BHUTPLE•cif LO u ; . STITCH. These machines combine all the latest usilnl improve rents in sewing machinery, and are highly cecutunteuded 4. their implicity of Construction; Nolselesaness; 'Rapidity; Ease of Management; Capacity for all kinds of aork, tud,Meauty and "Regularity of Mitch. Various styles of these machine. adapter{ to the house r workshop will be Maud at the-different agencleaof the Lnupany throughout the. United States. .Their new HUTILE MACHINE ton' TAILORS' USE, I:, latest triumpa of the sewing tipaehlne Mt—noiseless. Aped. and easily operated—will commend Itself to those vim use such machines fur manufacturing clothing. 1 N . . ... - , . -:rove: • & Baker llachwes, • 1 MAKING • THE i • • MtOVER & BAKER STITCII. - These Justly-oetebmted mactillea , adapted to-all the •ants of the household and ma ufsetory; continue to ....taintain the pre - eminence whie the alniost universal .wild of the public has awarded them.' The well-kuown . TIiENGTH, ELASTICITY, .& DURABILITY,. 'Vie Grojer & Baker Stitch ELASTICITY, fahvaie Insure these achines the preference for family use, for the manufac re of each goods as are intended for weak—for Use and it for show. ' l l9 Wherever the Ci• over et'ilta l ker Stitch Maelinet :re exhibited and fairly judeciel An cenipatition with .e leading Sewing Machines inl the market. ineltiding. ,e Wheeler & Wilson, they baire invariably borne hi/ .e first premium. .. ~ This assertion is confirmed by the decision of the aim* .ittees of the State Faire of iIiLIN 6 Vale I ' ri • • . 081 01 and ' o , . - 1111I I CWi G kl% , :ecently held. which awarded ‘ the first premium to the prever & !faker Tibrealse over al others b. eempetttlest. • PiticXANSIIIP! Towns in the United States. TUE .FOLLOWING,ANDOII:BI.I I / 1 2475 OF .ZIPAIIMErgs CEPHALIC PILLS, WILL CONVISCE ALL WHO OUPIPHR - MOH HEADACH:,E S TIIAT SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. - As these testimonials were uniniiciled by Mr. Spalding, they afford unquesticmuble proof of ,the efficacy of this truly . scientific dicrovery. • - spAutaxe. ItAicniviiss, COIL, Yeb.o, . . . I tate Wed poorCepballe Pills. 'and /like Was se well that I wan t efoo to send me VI worth mole. Part of ese are for the bektbhors. towboat frame few out of the first boa I gut from, you. Saud the Pills by mall, audobliga Yost üb't sem% . JAB. SEIgINEDY. Bamford, Pa.; Tab. & R. C. Elpaldingir I ISLA you to send me one more: box - ot your Cephalic Pills; /Mu riceltvd apral deal of basyStrion Slim. • Yost', respsclfully. ..._ • ANN STOIHNOVIE. fi ne Spruce Creek, Uuntingdaa co., Pa., Jan. 11. paidi . • You will please seed me two boxes of your Pills. fiend them immediately. Iteapeetttilly JNO. B. SIMONS. P. B.—Piass.ssol one Do pan? Pills, and "ad Maas ewe/tent. - Belle Vernon, Ohio, Jan.ll6. Henry C. Spalding, Seq. Please find enclosed twenty give tents, for tilletisend me another box of your Cephalic Pills. They are teed: the best pills 1 haranyer tried. Direct , A. STOVER, P. Z. • Betts Vernon, Wyandot county, Ohio. Beverly, Mau., Dec. B . B. C. Spalding. Esq. I wish for some circulars or large show bills.. to bring; your Pills more particularly before my customers. jyyoo; have anything of the kind. please send them to me. One of my customers, who is subject to a severe sick; headache ; ((usually luting two days), was eared of an J. tack Oran how by your Mir, which I sent her. • ; ; Respectfully yours, W. B—WILEBS. . • Neynoldaburg, Franklin_Co., Ohio, January 9. f Henry C. Spalding, • No. 4B endaratiret, N. Y. Dear . , • • - • - Inclosed find twenty-Rverrtlitt. (25.11,r which eimd box of •'cephalic pills." Direct to Rev. Wm. Filler. a 4 "Rernoldsburg. Franklin county. Ohio. -'Four Pills work li.trit thorn,-cure Headache almost instanter. Truly yours.. Wpi FILLER. . _ Ypsilanti, Mich., - Jan. 14 Mr. SpaldinV. • . . . Not long sin ce recut to you for a box of Cephalic. Pill! for thr.cure of the Nervous Headache and Costiveness. and received the same. and they Aga an good an (reef was induced ioverel for more. gimalsend by return mail. Direct to • A: B. WUEELER, • Ypsilanti, Mich. • Fmra the EXlMillift, .gorfolk. Va. Cr pliatte seccnnplish the object roar which they were made, viz.: cure or headache in all Its (mina. Font MP" Examiner. Norfalk, Va. They have been tested In atom than a thoseand sitb entise success. Fr•ma the Deniperut. St. Cloud. Minn. If von are, or have been troubled with the headache, 4encf fur a hox-or cephalic pills, so that you naay have [Hem in case of an attack. Fro"' Me Ad vertialyr. Prm.;druce, R. I. The Cephalic Ma arc said to he a remarkably effective remedy fur the headache, and one of the very beet for that very freliimut compliant which has ever been die covered. From Mr Western I 2 R Gazelle;..Chircifin, We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and unrivalled . , FA'one the Vale?, Sh,r. Kanawha. Va.: • We are sure that persims suffering with the I tiinidaehe who try them, will stick to them. Front (he; Pnlb Finder:llW) Oarlerios. Lt Try them! p.m that arentilicted., and we are enre that roar terlitunny can be added to the already numerOup. 'list that has received benefits that nu other medicine can produce. Fping the St. Lewis Dimocrat. The immense demand for the Article (cephalic pills) Is rapidly. increasing. • From -t hr , . Gazette, Darenprt. lowa. Mr. Spalding would not connect his name with an ar tide he did nut know toposeeaa real merit. Fran the Adpeetixer. Proridente..R. The testimony in their favor is strong, from the. most respectable quarters. From the Doily :Veva, IV'eteport, Cephalic Pllli are taking the place of all kinds, .] By the use of these Pine the periodicattacks Nerivits or hict headache May be prevented ; and if taken &title commencanient of an attack, immediate relief from pain aqd sickness wilt be obtained. They seldom tall in removing the Nausea and Headache to which females are so subject. - They act gently npon the bowel..--rernoving Costiveness. For Literary lira, Modems. Delicate Fettle!es, and all persons of sedentary habits.t tiey are valuable as afasatire, imPro'ing the a! , yethe. giving toneand vigor to the diges! five orgaus, and re:toting the natural elasticity Band strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS. :we the result of long Investi; • gat ion and carufilly conducted experiments,' hating been In use many years, du r ng wh ieh time they have prevented snd relieved a vast amount of pain add-suffering from Headache, whether wipes ring In the narrow system or from a deranged state of the stomach. • They are entirely vegetable in their 6:imposition. and aymbe taken at athletes with perfect safety without teak mg any change - of diet, andlits amines of any disewreusble Guts renders if easy to administer them focAildren. Beware of , Counterfeits. The genuine have Ave signatures bf Henry C. Spalding oneach hog. Sold by Druggists and other Dealers in lifedleines.j A bug will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of the gEoricric• SMIN All orders should-be addressed to • 1 _ , HENRY c. SPALDINCV - - - covi . • Itch 98 Cedar Street, New Torts: orrA eingle bottle or SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE - will eve ten thnes ite east • • SPALDING'S PREPARED. GIITEI, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SAVE TIIE rizets! ' • . N • ECOSIO 9MT i - • DISPATCH • . 1,37 -. ... k enTCII IN . 010111,RAIIN1 Kura."ll4 _ Al accidents will happen, even In well re ine d hunt Iles, Ills very desirable to have some cheap and convex, lent way for repairing furniture, toys, mockery, Ike. , SFALD.INC.I3 PRISPASE.D-01,V71' • meets all Fisch emergencies. and no hoirsehold can Afford to he without IL It Is always 'ready, and up to the ink:k ing point. • I "USEPCZ'IN ES EEY abuts." N. 11:—A Brush accompanies each Bottle. Price 25 cents. Address, rimer C. SPALPING, I No. 48, Cedar Street, New-York. . CA TPTION. AP certain Imprlnelpled persons are attemptlap to palm off on the ansurpecthig public. Indtatlonoor my _Prtpaned Glue. I would caution all persons tenzatulne bdorepur chasing. and see that the fall name, - PREPARED OLUELaiI le on the.outalde wrapper; all other. are swindlind corn terfeita. ABEL TURRELL IS now prepared tome every ease of SCROFULA In ale Country, and, he has a Remedy for nearly every II to which flesh is heir. Wet the • I • i GREAT MEDICINE EMPORIUM of ABEL TURRELL, and be Availed of the benedto peered. Montrose, July 17, 1861. Si it 0 %RN - Iti lib Asplendid assortment just reeedlve. Cldawdes,shades bunters, wicks ; Me.. al Terrell's. RIOR AND PRODUCTIVE FARM •LANDS FOR SALE, twcatl-two miles South .of Philadelphia. In the Garden SiatAl of the East> Best olitnato and location for markets in the Union. • I . (800 adverthiotnent el Vineland.] ' • HEAVY MESS POSH; Bq tAe Barret,_ ay Bairleirin a. Atha. Ayer"Fi . Sarsaparilla,- FOR, ItIiXFYIN, it 'THE BLOOD, , • And for tiMsinedy care of the Mlotanal "victim of Scrofula Ind generations Affections, such as 1 Tumors. Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions. Phu : pies. Pustules. Blotches, Beni, Blaine, amid all Skin Disease.. • Ostwimen, Ind., MI; June, J. C. Art:R & Co. Gents: feel it ni,y duty to ;sr 6owledge what your Sarsaparilla has done for me. Daring Inherited a Serofuloua infection, I have suffered from It in various ways for yearn. Sometimes it burnt out In tileerC on any hands and arms ; sometimes It turned inward land distrened me at the stomach: Two years ago it broke out on me head and coveted my scalp end ears with one sore. which was painful and loathsome beyond description. I tried many medicines and sever o. -, physicians, but without ;much relief from any thing fact, the disorder grew worne. At length I was rejoiced to real In the °expel Mensen that you had prepared an alterative (Ssamparilli), f or knew from your repo lotion that any thing you merle mast be good. I sent to Cincinnati smff gotit, and used it tilt it cured me. I took It, as you agiviee. In small doses of a teaspoonful over a month; and twat almost three bottles. New and healthy skin soon bvgrn to form under the scab. which atter a • while fell off. ;My skin Is now clear, and I know by my Meetings that the disease is gone from my system. You am; well believe that I feel what I am raying when I tell you. that 1 hold you to be one of apostles of the age,. awl mode ever geatehdly. Noun. ALFRED R. TALLEY. •, St. Awthistere Vire. ,Rese or Err alprlae, fre and Salt Rhemurat, Scald Mead, Mug. Sore' Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert - M. Treble writes from Salem. N. Y., 12th Sept.,! that he has cured an inveterate cisc of ; Dreary. which, threatened' td-temnlnate adallyi tue ;persevering nir of our Sarsaparilla, and also a dangers tras attack of Nalignave Erysipelas by large doses of the same ; says he cures the common, Ericptiona by it cos I 'badly. i • _Reenetioreli, goitre, or Swelled Reek: Zebulda SlOnd of, Proved., Texas„ write.: "Three bottles of yoneSarsaparilla mired me from a re— a swelling on the peok.'wklela I had suffered from eih.v. two ye-#.** , • Laneorrbega or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, • Uterine; Ulceration, Female DI . Dr. J. A. 5, Channing, of New Yorielty, writes: most ehevrthlly comply with the request of your agent In saying. I have found your Sarimparilla-a most excellent al ire in. the numerous complaints 'for :shish we em. ploy such a remedy% but especially in Female Diseases of the Seroltdous diathesis. I have cured many Invet erate eases of Leneorrhma. by It, and some where the complaint was mused by laceration of the uterus. The alovration itself was soon cured. Nothing within_ - tnowledrab: It for these female derangements." Edward A. !arrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes: "A dan .gerous neer:inn tumor on one of the females In my family, which had defied all the remedies we could employ, has iti.lerath been completely cured by your extract of SKr-. la. Our physician thought nothing but maims :non could afford relief, but he advised the trial of your Sarsaparilla sa the last resort Wore cutting, and it proved effectual . Aftir taking your remedy eight weeks no symptom of the dl ease remains." lyjskilli and Blereartal Disease. NEW ORLEANS, 25th August, ia.M. De. 3. C. ATiP:n. Sir: 1 cheerfully. comply with the request of your agent, and report to you some of the effect. I have realized wlthinur Sarsaparilla. I have cured with it, in my practice most of the cam- Plaints for which it is recommended, and have found its effects truly wonderful in the cure of Venereal and Mer curial Disease. One of my patient's had Syphilitie ulcers to his throat; which were consuming his palate and the top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, eared him Ire five weeks. Another was attacked by IWO titulary symptoms in hi, nose, and .the ulceration had eaten sway aconiddentble part of it, do that I believe the disorder would ' , non reach his brain and kill 111 m. lint it yielded to my administration of your_Sarsaparilla ; the ulcers healed, and he Is wellagain, not of course without some distigniation of the face.A.woman who had been treated for the acme disorder by mercury was. suffering from this poi Son in her bones. They had become so schef. live to the weather that on a - damp tiny she suffo ' r ed ex, mudding pain in her Joints and banes: She, tho was cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla in a few weeks. I blow from its formula, which your agent gave me, that this Preparation .(tom your laboratory must be a great, remedy; consequent ) y, these truly rentarkable results with it have not surprised me. Fraternally yours, . G. V. LARI3IEG, M. D. IthanMatiem, Gout. Liver Complaint. Lr rie:rr,sorztcr., Freston Co., Ya., athluly, Dn. J. C. AYER. Sir have beemaillieted with pain ts] chronic Phonnatim for a long time, which baffled the skill of physieJans,and chick to me in spite of all the remedies I could find, until 1 triestyour Sarsaparilla. One bottle cured me in two weeks, and restored _my general health so mach that I am far better than before 1-was attacked. • "think it a wonderful medicine. .1. FItEA Jules Y. Qetcbell, of St. Louis, writes : I have been silileted for !years with an affection of the Liter, which destroyed my health. I tried every thing. and every - thing, Ailed to relieve me t'and I have been a broken-down man foe some years &ammo other muse than derangement of the Line. My beloved past or, the Rev. Mr. Espy, ml v Med me to try your Sarsaparilla, bemuse he said he knew you, and any thing you made was worth trying, !iv the bless ing of Oath has cured me, and has so purified my blood as to make anew man'of me. I feel youne . again.. The best-that car be mid of yen is not h a lf go od enough." fiehlertass Cancer Tumors, Enlargement, Vb., creation,' Caries, .and Exfoliation of the Donee. A great Variety - tee:mem have been reported to us where cures or these formidable complaints have resulted front the use of this remedy, but our•space here will. not ad mit them. Some of them maybe found in our American Almanac, which•the agents below named are pleased to tarnish gratis to all vrho - call for. them. . Dyspepsia, Heart DI ,; Fits, - Epilepsy. Melancholy, 'Neuralgia, Many remarkable cures of these affections hare been made by the.alterat We power of thistitedicine. It stimu lates the vital functions into vigorous action, and thus overcomes disorders which would be supposed beyond. Its reach. Suelea remedy has long been retriired by the weeessitles Of the people, and we are confident that this will do for them all that medicine cap do. Ayer's -Che rr y , PectoraA -son Tun Turin ma: or , Coughs; Colds, Influenza, 'Hoarseness, Croup Bronchitis ' Incipient Consutop.- tloniand for the Relief of Collliounp. - • Uwe Patients, In advanced stages of the Disease. Pis is slretnedy so universally knorm to surpass any other for the cure-of throat and lung complaints, that It is useless here to publish the evidence of its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence foe coughs and colds, and its truly wonderful; cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known thtougkout the civilized nations of the earth. Few are the communities, or even families, , among them who have-pot some personal experience of Its erects , — mine liting trophy in their midst of its victory over this subtle andldatigerons disorders of the Throat and lunge. As all hue,* the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and as they knpw,too, the effects of this, remed we need not do. more than to assure them that it y, has now all the yir. toes that did have when making the cures whichfiato won so strongly upon the confidence of Mankind. 'PaParwilbY Dr. J. C. AYE& So CO., Lowell, KIM i . • _ For vile bvAiwet Terrell. Montrore ; Church & Fbh.n . Dundaff ; leultmin ..S. Swisher, Auburh Centre, upc! 1 y dealers an. drugginte every% hcre. oc S y cu ckrtis o ll.rr AVEc).MEO MISERY Just .PutiiAlug !II a seakd Enrelope ; Prise 25 tents., LECTURE BY DIL CCLVERWELL gait on the enlist and cure of Sperrnator !lora. Consumption, dietital and Phy*lca . Debility. Nervousness. Efillepsy : Impair ed Notriticin of the body Lassitude ; Weakness of the limbs and the hack; - Didleposition : loss of memory; :meridian td society ; love of solitude : timidity ; trust ; dizziness.; headache : affections of the eyes ; pim ples on the face ; Involuntary emissions. and sexual - In capaehtY ; the chnsentiences of youthful indiscretion;t4. admirable lecture clearly prto:es that the above ennumerated. often self-afflicted, evils may he re moved without medicine and without surgical operations and sbouldbe read by every youth and every man to the land. Sent under seal. to any address. Ina plain sealed envel ope. on the'recelpt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing ' DR. Cl/3S. J. C. KLINE, jutlo—'6l9 • 127 Bowery New York, Poet Box. 45811. EgEN 1 14 , EIIPS TAR. AND WOOD NAPTHA Is as best itedicini in Me worldfOr the cure of j Coughs and Colds, Croup, DrOnchitis, Asthma; DifficultHreathing, - I Palpitation of the Heart. Pis Mfg of paiianni in advanced stages of Consumption together with all Diseases fof the Throat and Chest and which .. predispose to Consumption. Jf /flacks Me root of Ocean, and makes thefell des r_ayer• assocumb toils influence. It alsoprodo- esste.expectoration induces healthy (talon in dliaued Mucous Itembrand and tissues. It is peculiar! adapted to the radical . e re of AAHNA. One dose orlless tura/nab& S 17:11P ',len Ores eau and consequently 5h0p,a411.4 she joerticukar - ingure of lAe dinwe dents. Il le -cry pteneas.4 • eo ties lasts. and ?romp , to 'reefs.. ?swig .5 A. 4.Arinoect Chat UincOloiible In the cord of Inceptor*vial , V p r ida 50 man mt &tea. Frrixrreni only by 11r7,A. F... 5 IrEl an.lNAirtbv..4. . //L. N. IV. curn,r au, and f'OPLAI streets, PAllad'a. Al. • frie• •onle in' Mantra, b y inh.39 u•Inol ABA% TPRIIELL Druquitt. Tr..erc)saterte. mint Bost to market. constantly on hand. and at as low a_ price as it can be obtained of any Dealer in tows, "Prattnember . Tundra Drug bturd: RbrORT OF SOLON ROBINSON, _OYTUE NEW YORK.TRIBM,- - 171• ON TUE \ VINtLAND BEVTLEM'ENT. 6/ — The following lit an \ extract from t 6 report of Solon Robinson. Esq.. pub' inhedin the New Tort - bune, in reference to .Vintiand. All persons' can read thin report with interest. • • /Laval:taps of Farming near Rome — Fineland—lte. mark upon - Marl-4oil, its. great. Fertility—The Cautei of Fertility—Amount of Crops Produced— - Practical Evidence. Win oh - Minty one Of the mOSt extertolve fertile tract.: ;In an alitioat level p osition , and suitable condition .tut ,tleasaitt farnalmi tat wet:now of this side of the west prairies. 11 e found some of the oldest :farms appa rently just Its profitably productive as when first ele cted of foreseflfty or a hundred ye:we : ago. The gtiologiet would soon diseover the cause of this amtlnuctl fertility: The whole conntry is a Marine de posit, and all through the soil we fonnilevidencen'of cal- • • eareous;rubstancee, generally in thl Jon of' indulated micarcona marLehowing many distinct rotors of ancient athe tertiary formation :add this manly substance in senttdred all titnamit the soil. in a very co:an:Mat:A form, and in the exact condition most easily :tented - Nte ! by such Plants as the farmer desires to cult Wale. - - Mart, in all its funds hits beemosed to fertilize croptin England, front the time it was occupied by the Romans: 4tul in'France nail-Germany a marli:it is counted on as valinthie. bed of manure; that tan he -dug and carted' • .old spread over the,field. now much more valuable then it must he when found already mixed through the sol 4 where new partietel will - be- turned up and exposed. and. - tranefortned to the owner's .use everytime be stirs the' '. earth. • > - Having then satisfied our min& with the wee; they will notate excited with wonder at seeing Indubitable ev: ideoce Of fertility of a soil - a:Whin one ell:Whom hay. Ing the same general there:Merl:ales or at least appearan ces, Isehtlrely unrempnerative oxcept as Its Productive- - oesn is promoted by artificial fertilization. • A feiew - orda about the quality and value of this land for cultivation, of which we have tome strong proof. • ". ' Ourtirst visit waif to Williamlfranklie: townsidp, Gloucester county. who purchased some eight , miles north of Milville, about three years ago, for the purpoed of establish's:ea etc= mill, to work ap the Rm.," berintc4 lumber, mem:loft by the'new as wet?' as the urewood nnd . coal. for which he built a teak mile and a half Mpg. lie also tarnished alzfeeflefrilto of _ the road whlth Nis, and had no doubt made the 'milt' profitable, though hia main object *Ss to opett afermi:: having become convinced that the soil wits vaiva tar cultivation. In Ibis he has not been di:owl:minted, as some or his crops prove: For 'matinee, the secosd time of cropping,'so6 bushels of potatoes on ode acre, worth 60 cents a bushel In - the field. Title year, seven acres,- without manure, produced 356 bushels of oats. Inone— fleld4 the first crop was Potatoes. planted among the. roots, aid yielded 75 bushels. The potatoes were deg,- and wheat sown, and yielded 1G bushels ; and the stabile • turned under and sown to buckwheat which yielded Ettf, bushels; and then' theground was sown to -cl Over wadi -timothy, which gave as a llret crop 24 tons per sr re. The fertilizers applied tolhese eropi were first, Asher - from clearingssecond.. 225 pounds of superphosphate - of time; third 130 pounds Peruvian awn° ; then 50'bush- - - elseof stacked lime has been spread upon the clover since it was mowed, and turned in for wheat.. Mr. Wilson's grovringcrops, and the wheat Stubble of • - the priMent season, all indicate his land as productive as any part of the State. . At Mary Barrow's, an'old style JerteY woman farmer, severattulles south of alr.:Vl'lliordis, we were Po Oarticu• larly struck-with the tine appearance of a field ofcorn,that we stoPped to inquire of the hired man how It w e ts pro . duced.' We found that the land had been the year but one beforhin wheat-, sown with clover.and this entame Se.lBolll and last spring ploWed once, with one' -. poor old - 'nag." and planted wi th corn. "Yee. hut you manuredhigh, we suppose 1" we skid ht ternamitivelyi and go - t his replv;— ..Waid, you see. we - couldn't done that; 'cause we . hadn'tl,but forty-one horse loads al together. for 53 acres, and we wanted the Most 011't fur the truck." The truck con s:sted`of beets, carrots, cabbage, enema,. hers, mellons, te., and a very productiVe patch of Lima': for marketing. Se we were satisfied that the soil was not infertile, in en unaided by clover_ whin: had fed the corn, because the "truck patch" had not been' chlvered, and had been 1n mart vation long enough htemte all signs of forest. Our Peat visit was to the large farm of Andrew pt a rp, five miles north of Millyille. from half to a mite east of the' railroad, and just about in the centre of Vineland.— r. - Saarp commenced work here in December, thin, up on ginacres. In less titan three years he 21.1 acres Cleared and in crops this:ma:mm - 411 Well inclosed and di tided Into- several fields; with cedar rail or pole - fence t has built a two-story dwelling, .about thirty-six or forty feet, and a sneillerlione for farm laborers, and a stable and granary and some other outbuildings.. Coniiderable part of the 4tud was cleared fur the plow. • ' at V) , an acre, and on some of it thellik. crop :ca.'o bucks inalf. limed with 50 bushels in powder per acre.— Thin crop may be put in from July 4th to 20th. and yield.: from twenty 10. thirty bushels per acre, harvested in Nov.- ember; when the land being sowed with 150 pounds of Peruvian guano and seeded with rye. yielded 12 to 15 bushelsper acre and ten dollars worth - of straw. The rye stubble turned. after knocking off a large growth • of oak sprouts. and dressed again with guano and - seeded - to wheat, gave 15 or l 0 linehels. The crop which he. was threshing while We mere there promises more, of a very plump grain, and tile straw is very heavy. We went over the stubble and band the .clover anti timothy: Isom seed sowed Last spring. on the wheat a Ithe out harrowinr.t. looking an' well as we ever saw I t upon any old cultivated farm. and'wit It a little work: done fn- ,• the -Winter to clear off some root,: and oaten 19.11 M Pa, and setting stakes to mark permanent ones, we will pc ,ahle - to cut the crop next )'ear with a mowing machine awl we will guarantee two tons per acre, if he wilt give • - the :it:mai:6l if dm-err:on: the estimate. • - Pact of the land was planted a ith mitatoes for • a first crop, - which yielded one birthed and twenty :bushels per acre. i It was then listed with tiny bushels per acre. and seedeid with is heat and eldier, Vieldint an average of - over 15 bushels per acre, and tin! clovernow looks beau tiful.; Oilier, portipwo haveheen planted with-corn as a tint crop. - ttlticit yielded thirty hmliels of seilow flint corn, and the second crop /Th-ty busbel-.-and- the third crop, treated 150 pounds Ott:nano. we are sure no one would estimate below forty bushel , per acre. - - [The reader will red Meet that the writer is now opeak. in_ of iAlidS perfectly new-, and which can scarcely hr Con sidereilln good arable In tsther cases the corn crop of last year was: folhiwed with:oats this season, not yet threshed. but will asemee, probably forty to airy bushels, sweet, potatoes, •mellons, sod in fact. all see:1;1:1er. as well •as i•ltug peach and other fruit trees planted this year, :thew tiro plainly that title long neglected tract of land should re in:lin-4'u no longer. and there is now a strung prohal•ility that it - will not; for under the auspices of Mr. lamb it will be - divided into small lots, with road:cite-Med to a ,. commodate all—the surveyor is tithe busy at this ”..,1; —and atiptircharers will h'erequired to build neat t eat ' tunable 11011. AS. and either - fence their lots in umfortitity, . ay agree to live withoUt fence, which would be piefera by"whieh menus. a good population will be secured who'will establish elantehes; •school, stores, Mills. in,. ' ' chine shops and tomes—homes of A tnerican fanners. Pots rounded by gardens, orchards, fields and tornforteoftio Bizet' 11 fe. If 'any - one. from any derangement.of len:lneos. Is desire ono of changing his pursuits for life'. or who Is fron any MASA dIAd . SOAS to find a new location and cheat: home in tile country, and who may read and believe what we have truly stated he will do well logo and see for himnelf what may he seen within alwo hours ride of Philadelphia. . • SOLON ROBINSON., ' - .: Establish©d in Pittsburgh iti.lB4o. :The Only Coinineicial College in the Union Conducted by EL Practical ' , • Merchant, • Vn 6000 Student. have . attended it from Thirty OStaten... 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