THE. MONTROSE.vDEMOCRAt IS PLTIiLISIILb TITORSDATS,IIY A.. at.ezrritig.o.ll..L OFFICE . 0:i PUBLIt AV 6: 6 1:E; THREE 1.)0411S AllOVI ) ; HOTEL. TER)IS.--$1,50 - per atprunt iu - 20v;t - t7r, ' . othervrisc .11 will by charged—find no., cents per annum . idled to arrearacc..s, at the opt Sint of the Publisher. U. pu.y expenie of collection, ere. AvyAlici 'payment preferred. , , A iIYC EnTISENt EST WIEI inserted at tne rate of $. , 1 per square. of fen lin , 4 oriess, for the tiro three weeks, and 9:r cents for each adilitiona4 ' • Merchants, anti otlier,s, who advertise ty the }'ear, will be charged at the ifollowing rates, viz For one eqqart, or :tee, one ?x., tri}h a? per, &Auk uthil Noma quare, of M rate of. No cicAit. Oven eXoept to tho4t of kllown , ;.1 . . . • ' CONrRE§SONAL i . I . , , ~ ii i i i t• l 's..e . been advocated hero? There is nn- 1 floe to Bate. begun „from_ the; people, and tiesltt6nforgit einefor.intrOdniiing. it here ll ,hare Power - to ItlY anti collect taxes; die. I looked °veil handsomer than in the morn- •• .' •'• "e , oet set of men' Who advocate the aboli. the whole blame of the.. War. rests 41011. Litaagli . rt.T4l TiIIIL.VIIEII - •'.11 lenfaettnisni. ofj ties e imposts, and excise, to nay the ! debts -I ing. 31 . y heart gard e a flutter or ' ithpa-- ; -- F - ' ------ 7' . . COaScrVatisit gle;ote the time, Mr. Lin:edit i and provimie for the common defense and tient anticipation ereiletime Mr.Devereux . - I ,S . PECii OF HON. -A. S. MEN , thm of this ittstittnien of slavt•ry neon the the M- - .1 •rround thet it has caused this war; there-1. . ... . . "Tor the nee Oft'oreeethough it st onia Wat; put in iiondiuttion. It sta . .): in the 1 general 'n*elfilre"-Whieli words, "e;entral i looked at, her, and after the leesons Were' ` i . , 1 2- ' .. . . . 1 ' 'OF xt:w Tont:, ' . - I fore, in ii r osectittn ? . the war, we are justi- I he soPetrr to thei force opposed to. t, on, most pointed lerme that the Iteptibitean , W011arl:," one gentleman itas put iii rargti 1 throw:dig . did my best fie t tnake her talk to • - ` t , . . , te • lit befeitoo cf the Adlnliiistration. I lied in 'Tinos -mg . it, and never' shidl he 'ly serves to support a right, Wlll . Oll tligtlP party Claimed _no right to •interfop Willr; capitalsiti his•priined -speech-gave Con- 1 please him: 313. aunt .aliitty-s - talked Well, have . been hindered I'rom ltiking (Ate 1; it elavery in the estates, and that it con'..l,uot ~re,s unlimited power, :mil - that underit but she quite excelled herself < in conversa-e -' 1 ........e.._____ i . justified it' tii,t; stop short of removhig• it. - 1 " e . does not produee a right , where,ther:' was support MreSeivai•d betentse!he was-. so : Cengi.ess new do anything Whitli in t lieir7, tion that night. I seise-that 3ir i Devereux et.ereautatives. Jituuary 22, 14,0, 1 , 'flaVe riot such opinions as these been nil- - l e voeated and insisted on here? Certainly, 1 rube liefol'e.•:' extreme oh the abolition qttestion. It re- 1 jumbeeent Tremot es the gene'ral V. - elf:tre e ! was interested, and I WaS delighted,. With state Mr.. C1E1 1 1;11E111, 'I suppese I need hot 1 if • I have rightly linderStood the ar•eu-e If the anthor be right, no act Of rebel- gardetl it as ese eitial to our suiseess in the :no imiatter though it ihight be in the very i the sneeess prioYet • eeret'pblll.7 '', - , t•t to thifs littitse that since the assent. , 11 tents of!men, they bare been. Have ~ ! .,:e„.• -lion - or di:doyalty on the put of itnyl, pet)... cmtvass that )s . ehould take a nisei from ' teetli.of the . coin:tit - MIMI,. : :lithe te e ! itteed :- -In time cenr;.B of theeveitiiii,•%, John An blagee of this Cong,rves .•et. the extra Keti- 1 tlemenstoPpett to reflect Where this dec. ple can eidarge the grant of power til the ;41 slave : - 3.tate. -It itn;isted that a men air- :! wellare rdefires it; they May tin it. - That 1 breymv loser, eetne in. Of course I claim- 44-. slot), a principle has betel gaining strength ;trine *Mild lead ? Simpose this war had. government. Vietory 'or no vietd i t•y it i ingemn•a slave S :tie should be - our esuidi- if the law of the State, , Which 'ir pasSed ' etf.lolin as riiv, lover, for though lie was tit 1 - .1- e . ..„ cc - lik e l y te , . rentaini; where it was. In the light of that! date' for the pr isidentiy,beeauS.'..eit,..wanted I strictly within its constitutibnal reserved ' niee rbure - r man of tsventv, - and I WI - neve - --- I' :• , that has thrilled the coattails of this house,' b • • • • cut caused, as .t %sat W.. .on 4ls DR. E. F. iVitl‘lOT, :r cOiistillbtion Of our constitutional powers, 'to conciliate tit • border States: Witch it I.riglits, conies in the Way or our notio - ii oflehilic of a girl, .hardly sixteen; he -had • . z and that has divided thC eentinients oil be caused, by the revenue ,duties, Would thisecenitry. One side -Of the question ;tee never hate terminated it without :0301- i-rsnY that ail). right' Whieil was resLrved was an. objeut to carry apresidintial elect- 1 what is best ibr the general Welfitre .it 1 belittled ire to parties and concerts all one . 1 - las been strongly .eepreSented upon 7 this l , /siting all revenue duties? Suppose it had 'to ith3: State caunot be tufringed upien by !ion the:lmre m'ntled manager . Of that :eta- l i may be ov e i•thrtiwit, tliottglitheconstitu7"l winter, and told a dozen titnes. that I e.„ the goverement. We cannot idler the do- per Wanted to oneiliate the bolt-dee States; tieu•says it shall - not be ; if any constitio - Was the sureetteit e prettieet, most loval-16 DR. WILLI,A.I..W. NyiIEAT()N. ;teen:. If time othur side has remained qui.; been caused by athfrtrary measures sought : mestic law of any state. Nogtate qf War ,hut when it is br the ieestablishment. of Lionel:provisionor preivisiotis stand in the 1 eirl in all II:Ina:rd. So that when John 1 • 1 tt, I epprehoul • it has not' been 'because.; to be imposed by the Catholic relbrien or ..e. • -e, ECLECTIC PIttSICIAN 44. sliozeN DENTIST:. t h ey h a , e ' tee b een one , firmly will authorize - eis to do it. • And Wlidnever eur glorious- that they are not _worth , way of this general Welllire in ..the. lath;- l e rmue in I went and sat down by him in a ' 1 ' Mill DR. .11 - YON llilEA TON, rooted in !bv :my other sect-I tactitioti the tatlio- , we attempe. to di} it we viOlatk . err tiensti- conciliating.. The slice ess • cif a boolitival tent or ;ants house it may be - overthrown.l cosy "curter, anti 'left 'Mutt Katharine to : then principles as the side .clan; ! has been 1 Pc • en: . lichee the-best defined -sect hi the 1. Mechanical and StirglMl of lilmlllemTot' 1 . , 24.17. tender their pr0f., , ,-:....nal ...>ertir t o , to 411 who e t eise--, more aetive. .Ir we were to,judge from 1 countrv-ttntl suppose •.. 1 ' , party. in ail de tlim was of inimree it:lmport- : hone editlernee •censirlered what this 1 entertain - 3lit:Devereux-a Tian which I date the - Ifefornted Prat-tiee of irhy,iet"• ettrofal and . . ••••. . . , „ ~ • . „ • . „..' . • • „ ; Now, -sir, in re e ertird to this rightiot in- " anee in the -lair dof tint. patri r ot than . the , may le: Ithel to ?,• Suppose this horse ~ tliongbt at first seemed to salt all rout - al..' , e x illful oporatinds on Teeth: pith the nito.teelontille dud • Lila. .t.ll Ls 11 9101 hale occulted in:this , gaered tit putting:down that war thus pen• 1 , the nation - - Was en . ; 'ftiitional obligations. approved ..tylot• orplateworl.t Tdeth extr , -art. z d a 1016 , 41 . , .ii .o.tiee ,, i t might-be supposed that the Eli- i yoked would it be claimed that on that tei'l'el'illg - ", - itil • the • laws of , any of the .success Of' our: ries, on the tielll . of battle. , concluded that ineime of war premier elee- 1 , : lita after a little Lillie . ' SW John cast- 1 -• i paln and all work warrante.l.l ', d sates COlille . ly . illi We dottiest le Eel a:. , Away. With all Sile . l•l patriotisin as .that.- tions-are dategelollS 1.11 . 111 g:.:, 311131 that - the ~ ing tanned' f_r:liiiftes toward the -place , t' 1• • 1. • shoal; n , 7 !..* ': . i 4`efllll%C . Of this COM: fry /1:1::. :to support- . account toe retigion oe wiped ant 1 . i • , Jaeltaoa, Jane, 1.1th,1:41.4._ 4 •_ ; t.,. does any one pretend th'et the Hoist 1 Myer with aft euneiste " '.l -•: • • I • • ~.i.. ~- • _ -.. ..11t3 (Al e dime. mut , public wellitre' would not perieit us •to ,!where - 31r. ;. 1. 1 . 1 toTereux, looking superbly p H. H. s m r im. it e s t( yN- ,, . . , lawn chi;. ):n that elokated . liiin to pow- , ter, 4, t atit not . Comperieg slavery • an a re ji g _ , ',lons . , f-e he ' er. All the :That whit:h. have been made. ion ;• nit I affil anse•eriter the arountent ' Sg e l Mertit .l s N o T e .s l,s ' r ecil ' fiVi r `lmfst 'oe-; • 47,1 7.- • 1 u ton the eihninktre: n hare.: l that s'• •r• le is • .'t lie, ttl • 'l' t l• - was even claimedby this goi.yrinneot ill 1 t... ; who sect: seek. to fasten . ineonSistentty upon.; have an eleetion • next fall, we might floe:handsome, snt talking With 111 V :11111L. the 11,0.... v. 1),„1„1 e,„..., I.,„iwi,, 1e „ . ,.. 01 ., ,, ,,,.... t0, 1 ; ~..,, . 1 A i co n ic from ,„,i t • e , ) (1.1 ,a ) n l a ( . mic . 1101 tli . a . t it claimed under smile ilivstic' Mr :Linvolii -1‘ 0 • ltrine . dared I. Coadbere {array-Itith iteund thus perpetunte our ; "You. needn't be, jealous to Lim John,' - se. r- e„ t i te 4 plea dined tile war power? I have been !. to Mte" . l.rinciple from the - Ydey moment :1 power. 1' . ,2 1 I said.; " (ally my teaelmer.”. performed In n oodl.Sylo a'nd . tVtirt; . . tied'.. * '. 41..ri--T ;te repulLhean shy of the Donee,. aild'all I •tioavr 1,11% war, should theretia•e, „.„. b e em . : „E, ite de:el ie .mlenounced here as pro-slarery. 1. have . ; his mmte seas irought beful•et i the . coun- ; . • - -- - --- -2e.a. -14 ;•' --- , --- - 1- : 1.. -John started . nnd e ldined hack la his - el._ , „ .3 .----- L.1 „.._, D. , time replies which' lave been mode tit those •' proSecution - . - ifill'e J: C. OLlttSTEal)ti Seat , withont srlying a NT(')r . , - •:: been caked a renegade from my rlipubli• j tey. : . , .., ~ 1 1 11 AT:TETIF. TAT DIATCH-DIAEMG. :\ c Wait of the gentlemen • stayel• very - DES: 0114sipt , 'e , Eki?. ~ tt.t. kb 1i..11. «ant either Tien; the Demo- . : mere tiust that slavt•ry was . the origin of : , 1 ertile su eot • the Ilouse wideli opposed 1 the weir •of itself-is is no sufficient rdison: , • • can titbit. But if (bete is .estab- ' I tell you, sir; iii tithe elteree of ineen- ' . .—. : t . WcII..TI.D ANNOIINVE to ,the Public. i t i..e d ee: oh:4i to 11.11 V er, or frion t1103 , C. WllO ! WilV it AllOll3l bedestroved • • - 1 fished in the republican plattbrin - Of this l sistency come. back With . redinibled pow- 1.• : - _. •" ': ; late,...Tohn going away directly after SIT. - -- 1 : . 131 - . I-lmiled •'' c • LY3IAN.. - ' ' 13e.Vereux. and I went to my roolit elated eta they have enter t id inttha parner,ltip ferule • re • pn .„,,, t , t e e h o m e ,. ,s tate , I: .1 If , t -• I .• 1 . .1 • 11 s. I coning}' it is CoarrreSS bast no power l er mpon those 'Who make it, 4.1..1 do not ~ ant us 10 ~ Al , sir, et:. Ito tte e to Vt EA IS. l'ea ),,, 1, ' that_ - tts " ''; .. l' 1111dttl'St and tie posithin it, inetf or per - 1 ' , Practico of Itl - f_T.40 . 15,1.71." 4 l".;t..irkc.3ry, really.wer6 neither for nor against hint in the l eubstantial issue between its---t hat is, ',over the tass - s or States.. ,-• 1 • 7 -- . • . .-•-, - .• with my preeperity, or rather the pros- and are in to Intend tn an 01E, in the itre of tto. t. r . t h e elect i on. , • At. the very formatioo of that 1 rte- in.; ties: . ,I . 1 had silently. se:at:lied my - aunt for nn verity of my plans. - - i hoW the administration prop esee to pros- •. . - profeacton. Ofhee-thz one fOrtnely (leo:plod Its , Dr d. 4... 1 ,_ . , :I. Oltustead, in DENDAFF. .-, I no,. : :nu. i , is. t,t%• , Mr. Ch4111111:141, .I. regret.that this : eetite this war, Mid boom those wh. differ Ehilatleil'hi'l • it .".11s declared °a. while ! I come Co w mat, •in my jiitle-enent, we 1 hour-my aunt Katharine, who sat silently ; letliditot need assistance in my studies.. - . , Dli.. N. Y. I EEl'. • je . , division leistmecn. made ; .I regret that I With the 11(11111111i:1ra i t .tia WOU la h ave i t We illS1:40 1 1 that :,ti:ttugresse had a r gist to ' should do nos .•; and I si•onl4l;liket.o tomlli Ibv the window-with her t.ewino.. A'lironelei before Mr. Devcreux came again, and nfter' ti .-. feel elmlieed to recognize it ; and I regret. , prosectited. Allele:111, • that is theemiteri- prohibit the-exten,sidne of slavei•y we as , some What itie it the vannted Wae power in 1, I lie light meshes . of the lace em.tains the 1 i a shOrt time it entne.•tobtea regular thing ft g liclitrt and Surro)n. Frik d , iiiiio. Pa.: est...E rpv.:tie • . „,,, , .7„,„z. „,„.11 4 4.,.. , l '- . • ;.I eat I fed a uf•cessi . l3- 1-+ for speakine - in vie- I'al queetion: tbr our coirsith.ration.` I I hope tiritilY insisted thnt, they had no e gilt to Cpngress. I Wink I have shown _les an. ; bright sunshiite cattle in ana f e ll u p on h e r ! for Mi t e to spend tin cream , , once or twidee i 1: i ; v i tt. txt•fr e nv, ermeleimeez nuemeieu it, the treatment „ t ' e, , i wt. . o f t h e E t „.. e , t i ve „ ctiti ,, e .e nitrv, and 11 may not -be mistnketiovith - reeird to the intelille•seitli it where it did exist. , t itoray that flu new power is i•ceifei•red up- ' soft dark dress, sleuth hair, and pretty a Week with ns. With us I say; beeattee 3.1 of lit,a,e,s of the •Ell: altnlEttn: and_ t..ronlidoni that , . fi • . • 3 I tds I t owleittee4. and e•tlo•riot,...-el in I hat .hr.lnen of prae. : ill ill nteti ell,' have prof'...sseo, i. sentiment Which prevails lierli. I believe.. . I W:1.4 surprised the ettlit l r . , day, i tt beta- i.,ome the geveen MOHO I think ”there is no 1 white WOrk, while the fresh -breeze,. float; , I e;;ula see th - itt 010E01 Ile admired my. • t,Vezi11 r e , 1 5 t r t t '; 1 ., e . ,1 3 , . • . 1 Teee1,,',1'„,, 1 . 1 ;,...q„.1 n ,..;;; 1 1 11 ,T e '.1 1 ,, 1. , and.who :still im.rofeee to. be Isis feiends; I ! that stone" majority, 811411 hope a I.a•ge trig the gentleman fri,lll.• .141i;411.; [MI'. res- .;,..011e Isere hid enough to 1 • 011tf!fld ...that I• ing in threugh the. open eviudow, I.4ltUy . 1 mult - Kiftherine very: -much, iice s liaml too I.c clar g ed oulei, the p t tirnt s ir. ~eaei"..1...11.v Ow tryat•• regeet it because th:Yre is one - set, of op• - in. i inniority of the House, nut omits on the senden] teaotiett Abrtataitt tine,' ain fa- ' the power tee neddle with _the donn.etie :into bloom a - earnetion pink upon her,, good taste to monopolize . I:er comrsany meat _ i 1:1041t-r-otlt.14,!..L._ . ; .011 S here dint favor the priteeetoion of ("Democratic sideltie . ritittel with the con- sew of the abolition' of slavery, :int pigment- • institutions ol any •State synsldeke....ate - d to elieeks.-Amtesit - tieg there In time breeze 1 t - ntirely, to the conetision or mine.' I• en- SOUTII W 01:1 - 11 ,re . :YAI.);AIIN," • 1 thie wartor the purpose offtbolishintislaye • - i seryative Side ef. time' republic:tits-but al- 1 inn{ to knew whethei-31r. Lineeln ! or this 1 Cott:Tres:l. •T wit, it' it . wns never:Ocher:it- mei sunshine I saw that my aunt liatit-- 1 joyed thus:C eveimine•s very 1 - inieh. • It '- ~ • , . ei t isogy r., • , e'r,t, , ltee ,.. 'e.," l •,: .. tt . . i, ,.•_' l / 41 t .,, .14 . F ;i 1 1 . 14• 1 „ 11 . 1 . .: - . yei , 1 , :` . :1,:e 4 -1•3: throughoui t hat sae. *Somebody tetys, I so ora • the republican i 1 ee.e, -will be faind • Ceete•ress WOlllll . OS1:1101 , 11 :mother!, rtile•on ~ t'd to Cc:net-este aw e d the war power ett,ee arms 'eves very lifie..sonid e tt flret I ' seemed to Me that. Mr. I) ye teat gr . er; 4„ : „,,,ti . ,!. , . - . 1 ,;,,:.,...`,,,:,, , ,, ~,11, ~ ; ;; ,,, , -...T0.1.--. ....1....i . " Qii,.no;" 1;i11 gentleman ms mists- : ran e e - Latin ,stipPort of .the administration thin penit, different _from that wlldeli was 'met coilfer an_{ ittltlitionel soyereisenty iip- thought it we's strange.' I had never no- c agreeable - .very feet. - Sometimes John 1 deeler; i t.;l r l , ' , .. , • ,. !- ,1 - , ,,t , .."1,. 1 ,! ;_: . ;,',; - , 1 ,,,ee:' 1 „ , ;g'•,,•",‘• - ei 1 ;',1, 4 ,', - ,1,•, ''a ti. I say there are s'nell prineMes avow- ! With rer , ard -to this sung. I hold i t t - ,, be disseminated over the plains of Minnie in 1 1 on the sort:rift:zee. then war elites ;met tit.c.i • thet feet liefe.rehut. it was not strateee 1 Would koine be hut .seenied to bavegrovra - 1 , - _ c c. , . _ I 1 1 : "trim.. Not l iro-e, t ,, ~rd . ..._:, f t • ..e.4 y. ell :11111 •:ttlyOtS:lted here.. , the 1103'11111o, not arty of the republic:3u . IF:SS. ''So, sit', lam fbr the se we rule, elm the olliimition of a Stete to respect for elmiltirt . ei think tiothime •abont their ~ steeettee and meody of late. I thoued i t le , , w ee,. . e. ~..,N...e,•,v. : : 1 -----. There is nnoilser set ef men here, amend 1 teats', but of the Peeeittent, that the ,•„„,_ which Abraham LitteOla dissentii aced em-' ; her own eonstitution. A specious ar, , payente' or gmmerdians' looks, except nett e was betaiuse .31r. Devemerux was .at -our , • , - i „ .. __ ~,i , e , . eneet re. enter , whom I - rattk myself, who arc in favor o - f I ertil I,cortirninent, has ni, ' power over the , I)4mieftilY in 1858.. I ain tit: the banicrule ! ment ul Tarot of whfammty lie dene.under thek be pie: emit oT minpleaeant; and I wv , house sf , tatt , :b, anti eethe.voreil to please yr sTtelt Or Till PEA(' 10 on :darn Arcot. oppo.,ito n o \ :j..,..t en: Liuttse r.. .._ not _ 1 proecentiug this War ill thc spirit in ,whitsh 1 tint's of the State other t u n those moo, l , that was disseminated when the i republi,' . l.lse war powere by way ofeentiseation lese. : little more tlimin. a . child. beer since I !him by 'extra attention when he did sTend , . . , a :TWIN s.m-FrErit, . ., it iVaS, rotii:tivni..ed--for the imi-po'se of re-; were deliberatdv eleinteti at the fornia ; can tferty Was. inmegurated in 'Phil:old. heen made. . I wintl..l, if time permitted, ; caul, remember, :Mat, Ntitharine, . with !an bye, Won LIS, Lilt :didn ' t seem to.. storineethis I"iiion to its orioitial position 1 bun of the ! Conetitation I held thlt those 1 l'ilia• I :lin ii) faV°l . "r •':1(111(;'0"4 to answerelsfa tile:en:tient. - - A•ny 7 one . •her dark'dress, ernootli hair-mid gentle :be m,i: eteelt use. I resented his silence - _ ssmoN.set.r. TA11.0.4.--oktro.e. ;Pa. S 110,0" 10 the like .i. - •0e••r..1. .t. emeemer, e e es e e.,.. )ime-sneet. -tea , and ljavirer :ill :these states' in'the • • -'' ' !•••- •• •t.mT. .. , I 1 , . 3 ' ! e• , nie ride th:it waS More ,explici Ay aVow- Who desires•tim.; • Fee it - Misted - el,: will find :Ways hairtalivii care of Luc; and when I • and inattention to hie one night, and after_ *.. posees- 1 pow et s 4..the0t . .. e., tmaigd t y: any e t..epar- .• - . . se, . Thseena for t rot 1',...,;,, Ite ....,*.I.4 -,*t. e.tY. , Inn!,neo a ,• .. _,.,,.„,„.....,..„,„,..„,„,,,,. ~,...,-.,,,,„,„,...,„,_ ,:„...„ 0t..,,„., sainteeenetitutioted - power that i - titre from fidelity on the part. of nor nor- 'ed at ChlYage , , whin Mr. Lincoln was put that a clever meotnat: has done it contplete-egreve turn a tall girl of fifteen, old enough 1 that_he dimbit conic tienr its for nearly a I .itetil.liwca ,:hort notiC,. :met ,f . l_':. -..,,t4,144.) TIC. •: they posseee,ii bell .tre this ri•beilion. That 1 tioit of our eitizees. I Iliad - thee ir nn, or in ninninntion. 1 - am for adherieg to the ly. . Any- clever Women eonid answer it.. to go to kisemeg partiesetterhave e y (ewe; •:, •month. ••Ilut we seemed 6 get along just. 31.ntro,e. P t...1e1y tlth. ISre.l. 'ti. ~ is the .divisimni that exists,' and I, retrret 1 :our citizens bri.ak threueli the wholesuine . sante:rule on whielel stumped ,ltny state The same (Site iii.lmet - eleve'rliess,.. hes an, letait, :she si etched overtne. stiil e -She :Wns , , as Well Viithoutlarn-at least-I did thouedt .. Friend . . that it has been inattLyand has to be . inet i e e ete „t„ ts of , i ,„ ~i , i , „,,1 1, ,,,,. ~.,„, be , :ind district in favor of Alifahattl.Lineoln..' swerea my femn Ohio, Eilnr. Blier.: • flny Mother, any eempanion, sly fricul. •I 'aunt Katietriute r:sked tee' a . number of eon-. Those men cal 0 want to p rosecu t e e' t i n a ibi prl ii to I, e ielit i e h e d, Ili a i ll c o n t ra - That cloetrine emplintictilly iseltliat. Con- : ham.] • , . ! never rdtlized . My orphanage or venia of G times aliont tile t..'-filit , e , . of his -nbserice. this -War ter time Fnraitiona burpos•e of : ren fion o t,. l e n i n p ursti;inee ` tu f t h e e t -,t tst e..; gress has no power ever the instittitioe of A Meinbete-,t is lierlmnint? _ ; other kin, lea had been the seme tetreless , ' " Ile itt 1 , alify I SlippOS4'.. Don't fret' ' • abeEeldite: - slart•rie inifst knew, it they. intion. Iliold that the Constitutimoi olive ; elaver.Y itt the states where it exiists. - i . Mr. Diven.-Slme eiges herself' ie her , light hearten, merry girlever since I Coeld • abbut Ine'enet Kiithartne ;it den't trouble • keew anything that th • ey .c:iiiimeteattain all the power that. he necessary to t • pit , * * * ,1 .. ~,, pamphlet ..‘itoa Ellett. (Tgrroll.. ' 1 .1 cent- , reined - flier thnt I was en the June. morit- : tneett rj.l," 1 eaid. their emtd nmitil they annihilate the rebel dowel the rebellion, looives the strums_ 1 • , !•- . - mend her anewer on tie tited rine •of war : nee - I Wa1,1.11.. , :1 her ite wo...'vein the seelight.. l A few. eyeuings ellee, Jelin us de his ••• army that stands bistivelfm theni and the est arm of the 4soyerninent to put it dosi •• • • it ' But, sir this is not the only sue I have paver to these who re been f o liew•ine• • She:tool - eel mi :a lest. ; apeeeranise, ato.eetered•the parloe where . _ . . to make of , this seettenee ti l es quoted that ph:intent and teit-I.enlitto• .11 , (t luef.•..le. •; • "..11:. - lit.. , , Intl'; it 1.0.0;rt 4,.1.11001 that: ?'.'.. Mr. DeVC, MEN: . -1-.1 I sat -.1 1 - vit - •i• .s . 51.0. - . , 5. .and crush it ont, ... _ !- e ". 4 Ir 1 ineola - Tit -, ,_. ,,, lttlentittileft Ana I nosinneiel-tti another imemtvidroil, a , she inquired. ‘Vt. Also, who are prost•cuting this war oh, hosy deluded must Miv • mate be Egan; •. 4 : . • L •..t. . :., . r: idle my annt vet.: • writing n letter at a S) ',tic I'e-tor:ahem of the I.Tidess, know e- WII6 thilikStulat :111V law or e.n.,,,t.ess. eau 3 h . lit‘rohl 'i‘H his quota.!i , nor , " h.i" , ,aftni• friend of in4-‘,.Wito gav o t s 13nost learned 1 "lies auntie, lam going In a minute ; expres- big his eimnfuletive in his; integrity disquieitioti bit the . writ- 0111:zieets corpne, ' but er,t tell lee .'' , shle - etal,le. I:theme : do; it would lee rather • . 1 aw1e.v.r..41 for him :it first, bet he enme. • ' qmill y Weil dial -we cannel at t ain our cat put down this i•ehellion ! -.I woill.l to . : :nail lemiles_ty,:sed he called ulans this. house nut. ng:tinst the powl-r 'ef ille Prt.•simlent 1 "Whut•• c'eild 11" . , toreeettil eeeily.; and after site:tieing to 31r. • . , Mail u e annilmilete thattitatee : t r e t e: Tani: Heaven it dml4l.- - Itoit.r ere this it woudl , - to impristet attql.." IF. , Will;tbia tfint nes!: " \ 1:y yen :I,ever were married." j • 11)everemzx anti myself, craned the - remit far We are trav'taiite , upon the s:une road. 11:1X0 been ete l e ml e teceneueee i i , o l the j) :to arta lILT 1 11 ent'elVeS around - ..ll,l*.L . ineolu as the adv Oral us of the abolition of slave- . sivered. I :in t not •si eT ris E il -nt thi,,,,- ' ;"Beettat‘e I never lilted' •Well . and seat:. 41 itiniself hy - My aunt.' Plea.eeml _ The saute terve is to be overednie 10-- the er, by 11‘ , '...islative eilatittnolt, to end it. 1 311 t sentiutent and 1 The French :revohnien ili••t•overeit grent c• tot it; iaamTy . 11i111. - ..,Now‘go lied get with this erieusgetilent,l dee-etch myself . to my gatioe vent did not look. arontel liOV. •: 1, at titinment i.,t . either' end. Why, then, •Congrees hail not the pow e r. •I t h a „, nut: I '3 l , Iwcanse that . AV:"IS iiiS, the eentiment upon w hich-h e .. te , t ,,,, e le c t e d, 1 political mite].; in scarce of. the - French '. really fel-soh:tot." e _ shoulml we leet mate nil oneeneroit•s ? -Why' the Plover. to recognize the independence : Arid he. left its . is It the -.llllellenee tra •, WoMon, and I eta 1, 31 , 1 ,y t o , see in th e Se 1 -., She smiled lie she spoke, and after a , seine half hour afterearml, when mnsentten- should we het •enteloy - those whole eller- of these rehellittiessitlates,and :eight not 1o 1 , • • . i - • • that Was the 1 tOSltioll of Mr.l.hleoln now. ; troubloes timee.that th e re •i s a aik e ( l e vet .! , 114.11ee at 4 . 1 .'1' , 1:1::e I stetted, too, aiiii ran , lieu wes nttraddl by`the sound -of J o hn _ gtes in ebtaining a victory over this coin- exercise it if it had -the power. .-I deetre„ . . . • . .- . mon foteemil whet. that shall have been however, to draw a 1 ai,titivtion b e tw ee n ' 'N I '3' , s 11 '• 111 evel3•l"'t._ 0 . ...m.,::! :Lit , 1,- ' IS .) ~ ..,r) , ,..111e11t. ilt•Otty WOlllOll. ;:- - ismlr up stair,- to _et my . bonnet and satchel. Aubrey's voice;veltieli, thou:di low, wits re. , from his inseitgurai stehlress mieWn to the 1 (Mr. Ftts t , nden thatile" fer ' -Coating ilosvn staii•s again, IKa my i markeilily earnest end emphatic. I turned ! auained, then determite• W lint us•osyt: will rebellious Se:kW:mil rebellious i • ee t 4.., anti ! inst document he. has...veer i ! ,., 11 [,,1, lie has : •a copy of the published di,,ussion , lei. , head in at the sitting vomit door. ' • 1 - my hefei :led gnzed.hesvonder.. My atint'S _ 'l4lalie Of that vietto.v.? That is the spirit to draw a distim•tion between a civil ant disavowed stn intenthet bn . w; r legnela- !tweet, Liheidn snit Doii . das in "Aitta,-Ktaliarine?" . • .- 1 . Cheek.; Were flushed crimson, and John. s 1 , in which I should Lave been glad that the 4.1 ibreign wai-. Its a forehm War,sill the . .. tither net, to medd e With the j IS-58, when Mr; I)iven, continued:) - "« - 'ell - ' - l, thee as seen by me Tor. an • instant was I-affairs 'of this - eountry shold'a have been citizen's - of the states with s'vlsielt we are at : lions 01 an).' i netitution of slavery in qns. nf I he States. !_ I refer in this hook, ngt, f ; () the original "If you fountlanybody Whom you liked) pale and agitated:- - I turued to 3lre -Der . etinducted: :And when the vietory was. war, are our common enemies - tiotuatter ; T .' „ ~*,' - ' • • ~, lIAYDEN IIIiOTIIE US, - I won, and this - „wicked rebellion be wiped whether they are tai in the ennui 1 l' e e°lll4 11i) % 'lave been mare. 'explicit if •,p ase t tge •b u t to what was said of it sYlien well eitomigle. would you inari•y Mini"! , ereux in astonishment,- but he only - smile4l 1 I .he had tried; Yet the gi•ntliminitturnll lit we chargedlllloll 3lr. :Lincoln. Ile :"I don't kriow--t siippoee. so. .Why, lightly, made it move ale' -then waited - -wnot.esAer... prAl.F.'o, IN ' I 011 t, than )10 Wwe •wonia administer the or not. But- sir in did Var_llolle are our . • • • al[ these declarations ordir. - Lincidn's 1 said this i ' t 1 , what in the World has got•into•your head, I for . me tp do the same. limit I could not :- -, E ... A. --.,-,,-..--m, ,2.,7,c;, , r_ricitiNT, t governMent :Ifterwerds would lie deliber- euvinies but the persons who voluntarily train - atui the, noes 0. . 0a11 ;_ t present sentiments betbre . theland, with 1- "I have said a hundred - , times, find I : A4141ie?." , 1 4 •• . . • i plily frmn» excitement caused by the scene l.• . • -.A.Sti-•-• ',l' i . ‘..., . 1 tt - itely, pet iently considered,' mitl . not, as embark in the war; FANCY , G-OODS. • t , , .„ • t 'tow in Ifteoltee ola Ibrinitlable lite. But, neses of War cannot apply. to' any other Of all this documentary eel il t., _ ~ _ .. hart ~1 al Ilflt 011 LA , ft... 1. It Ila, , 7 . . , .... ~ . . . ~ t.II . it ~ (berg ‘ t I. Litt. .l,eforc., and do m• • before • nose -to - it • i i lt 1.. " •• •- ' I leeel fit slemnretl•tl•e door Iofal:I 'I had - e . moment--!. ••. cot. nAvnesoe - 1, , l and might 1 throegli the hell into the road. Half in lost the game thro' inattetititie. - JOHN lIATDEN.. t ~ . .. „ , , ; 14r, Ihe element iti tlik . Congress and in the citizens theft theee wlio are actually ' 111. " ; Ir fluse "f Arl"!t . !ii•e Mr. Li. 1 ( 1 " 111 s w io- ! that I believe there is no-hiw . ~ . , .11- 1 • '"`ti - 11' • j ~ , . j-, ;tent ions mum this sUbjeet. I Not with- ~ to be tfo inelinntion- iii _the: . people-Ale the 'to time sehool house I met my teacher, _l. . -te w e play again .?v, said 3lr. Des-- TRACY IIAYDEN. _ 1.5,E1‘. ..41LF(//i), P.-1- •‘. LUIS 11:11.1011 111 . nt 1S for Illilkillg, this war 1 matgaged in it. Even those sv to may • .4: ~ GEORGE HAYDEN. I r .:-:; , ,:.. . ; subservient to the mijUstifiable purpoSellbreetl into .a hostile_ position by the rebel : standing Mr. Lincoln has been . fit:sailed by ~, irtesStatt'S AO ee ter into sinye St als..s to in- ; Charles. I.3cosereux. - 1-erenx. '' - •" , f • - . , .-. . z , • ' - 1 , 1 1 -,, - 74, 1 ----- . - the abolition - ttelci 11111 tl t r 1 t C=o at in, ,i, In - • • .'e ' 1 le eileti 1011 . 0 ',., av cry a : ; " -1 • • - 27 -.•- . S. .-- -ej - ‘ e - ''. i ; 11' kddi 14 1 11 1 Sllook mir head, find he replaced .the • et -,: • • ..1 1 . ' - , 1 1 Bli I' . 1 '.. , of. - toe me., to our pro . - , abolition journhhe all over the.. land lie . 1 tioesSill ready ?" .• . ' ! pieces in a box, and then took - ep a book: ~ Pir.t --•,. 1- ---' .-- I , hilt --1-"• , • I tit* have this - Union' , res . :lured to its old! tectiOn althoterli they , nety . have their 1 e e nu ' e he "'I'M not huh./ such ' •' entinlents • 1111!! •" • • ; . il ,as are aseribedto. him from thelge•ntleman ; I ItaCe not - slid anything inore than that. ; , "Ves, sir. I neswered, and lie. passed 1 The next :moment John arose, and' my•- ttA.vtXt: Now:Locals" emiettANENT l - 11- • Al : lst:tills, who would rather not have this 1 cittiniciis ! in Sctialt • Cartilina, as though - .. . • ' 't• iv bite lie hesebeen• 1 f ; • - . notwittie a 1 e• • • - -B- that is not the eepressionm conneet- 'on almeaa, I satint.ered en slekvly, thinking e auet tvent with him to the. door. She did . aere t ' lejsaite evelf," 312. 9. . .' 1 war ended witheut.the abelition of slave- I their dottlitils may, be Cent - tem:tient. All I !!fr " in )Inihe ; . • char:et:a in this 'House with fetlardine: the - ion with Whielehe made the remark allud- 1 ofilfy aunt Katharine. I thought it would `not Come beck for SOlllO tithe; -find when wottld not be . quiet ; they have obtrud laws applicable to the proteistion of tlse 1 r• .• . of j ~ j _ . ,,, h - „-. i . - . $ ~ . .. will attend to the Lune:. tof' t ' his. prOh•-t,don . promptl;'. ry• prosectitton . t the a?' tecause I _e,AN as tap e ed. to by the • :sentient:me If he teens .be a iiit•e plan tor her to'he married. .The t she-did Mr. 1 - )evereux Was preparlpg to , i • 1 tied their opinions. nut - only . upou this , property Se per . sons of citizens of the U. S. 1 . • . = • OinCE at ta. Laturoptos!4totel. . . , tender of the institution of shalvery' not- through the book, he will ifind that Mr. next thought was who coald she marry! Igo. Ile looked up quickly at her ent „_ I 4”. - --- 1 House, but t hey Imre obtruded them et- 1 extend all over the 13:::._;. ,It makes no diller- I I withstandiegitil these .c . lrarget; , - and the ; ! ,Lincoln said thn't he If - elle - ved ;hilt these I ~ There Was only Italf a dozen unmarried 1 ranee, and then asked her laughin(dv if it j a e llia . ie ltiff e ! at -. - . ll Tit±-1 1 "0, 9,, I . ty %%hoe.. \Viten we met here in July 1 ence where the. citizen may dwell, he t can ;, . 9 • !i•I - le att•ed need in the tillage At u was am ••1 1 • I I,incoln Ippon this 1, States - would become all free, and immedi , , i ~, Ift d . , .. . , _. 1 ,t . 'Lb 3, Fettled; • and: if It might, bust, in special session, we were unitette 1 sav "1 ant ft citizen of the United States, ! ele3r Position " f 3- ''' I ....?... .11 we durpose to . proseeut taus hatut t appeal. to the . protection of our Con- ; . ' l3 ! -.' - .- en - ' ' - 1 i 7. ,• • • • NEW 31ILF I b'RP''' PA.' 1 ."'I I . 1 i ,4 i , out, non the fl. Lieln`lll len'req his arm- 1 etely efterwards • I believed 'On , hathartnewas twenty seven and ofeourse congratulate her? She blushed - t said, , tent With 1111 S garbled extragt trent the ethat would be done' in 8 constitutioual I she . 'wouldn't' marry a young :man . . I "yeg e at soine other lime "am de him IS TIIE I'L N.CE TO IlleY YOUR ; war simply for tile re'storation of this Un- 1, stitution and our laws," . - -;. • d . i i - • 1 epeeelt ofids of 1 - 85.45 to . give thr• ithpress-1 menner, and with the consent-qt . 1 Ite " S ictics. rapidly ermineratedille halt o7en ei o' ble (mod night. - I had Igtootfby in round eyed me se • - • rip HA tN il -.- : i ►S . F., -1 I ; 1011, alld'AVllen .1 that was llotte to terininate 1 " Now; sir, let us•see what power there is "- . . . • . . . • • • con _ i ion upon the house, and .ni. tl ll ..mind . s of '. If he does not, I Will 1111(1 It ler linn. . ,onts t , . .•- 3 , ''• " ' • 11 • [. I •-• 1 1 LI f -1 . , ' the War. That was our universal declalet- .in Con:tress, If I'aiu right im.iny : the people, so far as the eirettlatton °tilts - am t ietr smut 1 ite or my . .plan.- . 1 evonder'and bewilderment. !•- I•wantto allude to what in my tudg- ! "Lawer l-lytle, thirty, rich, _aristocratic 1 , IVhen the door "closed onliiin Ink aunt 1 ! ti on. Sir; ' Miles:- I have infsaniderstoed i struCtion of the source from - which it de- ought:to be [lone -iii these - tnues, hand stingy.- • 3lr. 'Leighton, thirty - live, :looked steadily at me li Moment; then ate.' =-411 3 .c: Ok - i• a :: - ...5n, • ; 1 the sentiments' of a nunibee of tlie people i iives its power, `andsolthe exte: t of ! that i .. sPeeeb is concerned, that Mr. ~illeoln is l e nient, . the advocate elf the abohtion of slareer by ! end to whet, welave I , etmt.fittoionehrioht Imiulsome {rood, well off, but a • widower ; !lam - died, and fin Ally buts; into hveterie ' AND GET THE WORI-I .OF YOUR MONEY. lof this e°''''irY , under ' momentary excite- ! power, teens see what right Congress has 1-, . - , ~• „ , • i 4 ,•, •.! . •r •,- ' ' ' heard .•• -.-, .-.. .- • ''• ... - " -- . Cotigl.6-• action o r 1) the this Ai . pot\ -, to do, -I he Constautton 'arcs Congress ands I . have aunt hattiarme say she 1 heirs. I w:ts Irtglitoted.. She pint her no.-5-4.ta • - .3" it. sntrst. i meta they do desire to 'Make this war. a 1 over the pry city and lines ofeitizenswho 1 f• - :did not like widowers. - . Mr. 4 Pierson, 1 , arms • nbout rite. • ---41- - - re: - ' War fin.: -. 1.1 . 13; abolition of 'slay •ry, and they i are Dot engage{ in this rebellion.e ~et us ,- " ' - 'mated - ' eee wit -•ver .it has over the reserrNl - st ! place in this n ott se t h us t our .; a nd -not !'Clare war, and the rielit - oto fix rules' :Ind 1 ewenty eight, luinds.ome, wealthy, but too i . "Aiblie; are yen sure yon; did'lit liko , 17 41its•of Alr, 1 - Ic - t"•• !All ti -bin - 1 , last ; she wouhl not like him. Mr. Jarvis ;:johu ?" she asked, • BUSINESSC_NRDS WY. ituxTrixii rOLIPLI. nr.N TIT pnrsamn. W3L 11. C()OVE:1: (3()., • 13 - kliKEßS.—:kTontra.c, P.0r.14 . 0rt.... to PoFt.coopOr co. onkv. Latizrope'vet%• bail4ll:g. Turtipike•rt.l J. B..X . CoLLUY . - - 3ieCOLLI.7)I2,k• 5] ABLE, lioueo Of El , . ATTOII:`ZEYS 104 Cot !,tl-I%..— . .' llontroid, Pa. Office in :retv builthug,;.ver the 1.1311 k. in ri n. r,•i .AN, , A\TTORNEY anti eollll.4oiiir Chun —TTrAmrp, Pa °Mee in thn Unkn ; • . 1t , : 3 58 if G _ •• _ • IiADUATE of the Allopai l ile obit s liorna , opiohle Cot lege,: or Meilielue.—Great Itenaj Pa. ()thee, corner. of Main aLlElizaliette,ts, ne-irly oppoilte the .. .Nietlymilet -Church. apr.n It --.- • l'.l,lNifs, : -1,7 ksilioN. , . m.r. T AIT,OR.— 7J.ti1 . , , ,,,, ... T"..1.. 'lletrt ..?.. .. • ll in ritceniC 7Y,t , /:. 1. , er ?non. n: iZ.,.1),: I's atnni. f.,4_ ,S: ns.;(7. An w.,ni.; narr.lnt; 4 l. ,4, -,.. 4- .: line. t:lii-11. li!) .:, Comm; dune on 1-Itott n”lict . , in ...-1 ,-1 '4. pn . 'n , ..._. --------- MAIN GI: V1A51T10N.... 7 11.r. T 't:l.t ‘::— .. i t-tltlrot-tt n liP , - 511 , 1 , et 1 ji: pear the Gip;i,t,2. 1101 , , ItritTltrttl•:e.i f I reet. .11! 0r..1,, !ilk.; piorll,ll. in :.,t4l7,ti• -tyk, ~' A Cult:ila done on wart itoti , e, aril o-v-.-:l:tztql to iit . ..-1...L , L. 1 . . 1S ; ; 1 : .1_41 ~ il . - • 1, EP !OTIS Clod: . , Wltcltr , _ n ili'. :I ovi•iry at the I . l,,hori t t.tzn:ert, 11.1 ti t 111 1,..5-tr.l::. 0,, 1t • fi,,, „%jr" ~. w ~,,,, o o; ,nt,t t i. ,Shop In chtt:lC r. ler :111"11-Uti , •= 1, 4 la Flom MONTIIO,E. 1..1. .J , .C..!... i. ' i ''..,...k. 11. \V. tils.T.F.c.ll i'O., CCU - IMES ANTI M VNIT.V.411:1:1:1":S—Foot 1-lofMain.g.trevt. Motar ,, ,e. P.. - . C. O. 1' . 012 ) 1 .r..Q... • ~ • f_ firii .t. 'Strf+l.s._"%.lnr.tmse 31-Varri4‘h°'vit-Irlf.:; .41 kiiiii, ,of wart' !wide ti. order.:td rep:111111g &Inc rentl4.._j•r:. y _ 1 - NE ALF.II in ('he Ftee P Ware. Paiiit.i();l... Vnrnielf. \\ - in dint Glns.. Graceriee. Fancy titiod4:4cltelry Perfu mery. Sc.—.in-ent the . raiiis PATEN'r lilli;blCTSES.—Montrore. auk if • C=9 tM - 1 mean - to make this the occasion to iiliolisii - 4 See what puwe, .. _ • I Otto-.-.. learned, what are the semilni x 1 - f l l ' i Slat ' 1 ' CL - 7'1 7 shly en- rc•rardless of any considerations ~rights of. any state.that,eY,T entereu FC i O . IIP A N,l „ totter ilianii) . .e.accompli . sh . nient of_that ob- 4 tlie . lsllion. . It jois . no lion- s et- ,e , exec )t wlmt. Lineoln upon this question ? - . I i .5 1 ,-jeet. True, sir, they ditler about the itiode,4 was conferred 011 at 1),) the Consiitittion. the irentleinan from n t i n e r.Lincoln, after an milorsein AI • - • OP rza-vot-- -4 2 - 4x - lx.. .. - ii of action.' .Some of them admit that their 4 By the_recognized law of nations, the soy cutest ..- A siro .t. Int. mt. -------s-.4.. , 0.---4---:- - ' t ' 1 " ' .Fl' ent of honesty wasn . . • CASH. CAPITAL ONE" MILLION DOLLARS. i 14 .3' I Congress., Others.adinit -that in ordin- 4 power.because some, of :his -.subjects re, i ary times it cannot be ,done by Congress, I het. In support of t this doctrine ; I wish ASSETTS Ist July' ISiO, ":141i1,619.27.Ant0ny'5: indorsement .of 1119 LIA33ILITIES. "•"i " ': 4.3,0MC5. 1 but Cunt ill time of war powers are vested_ ito read • • from •i;'ree'oriiiized liiidi authority ( '-''''e l4al * •if • - 's assassins*linturhsfroi '' .. , ..,„ , , ' 'in Cong - ress by which they can do any- I omthis point: • • 1. - Milton Smlt h. Suey. I•al: , ..T . thartin.r.trlderit. • (thirst_ ; and they insist that as the system 1 • "The act,..of the' people (says. Ruther- 1 mid quotes Mr. Se .ward in his,h. rotis McGee, ..‘,.t - 1. 'CI auarth., 'i. tee." , i • f .. I. - 'I or SAM' erY lies at the root of' this:rebellion, ford,), however injurious it may be will not I struetions to Mr. Adatiw, hi w I.aircd. the true old : f:ishioncd 14 Pollak!? I.sned'and tette a•ji. by i 44'ra:titer:timed: al iLi. (it never c4iii be - put down untilrebeilionis i inerease.the power of- the Isovereign„ or ~ .. , , ~ , , „ . „,, office. one dc•or above ....learletillotellontroee, Pa. t doctrine tn it A% not tin, n. 11• hi I rooted - om.. . Some pnt it on the ground 1 Avill not give him a riglitto any more-pow- . , • Awls y BILLITiG t;; 1;i01CD, Agent. 1.. 41 a hi g h moral principle; some on the ier than the constitution has given/MM.. i every . State will reinainin . t . he ' 1.- 4. - ,d of.. a constitutional - right ; •soine, , or the sovereign _power was origin_ 4 1 ) 0 4 - or the 4 'D ees t h e •;T*6itleinan not knoAy of. all the powers it had before i 4 , sit ;that no hiStittition Wilrbq si, put it Upon the g-round•of' military I ally-vested in the'euileetive I _and Lineolt ,exits but all are _urging that, - whetri- satiety ciilicid the pe(T/f.. Ti l e sovereign tilt.% , z(„ll ._ a t. ra . s calisfautiOnal or not, it Must be dime. e:iniiiiti of right chitin spy greater part of i -.: .. , . . 1 . - . 9 _tome are too learned4n playful that it is 4 it than the peciple have,gritined to liiiii-by i are united on A iat question. con it utional. - The gentleman frine han- i compact informing, the cimstitutior. s „ twit; Ic n tell him:they perfect . I 1 I -1 , 1 epCnk te tot,mew whe n .. . .. . ''f -as, plr. Conwr,y,) ,iiii that - 1 .I'Ailleil the people violate the COeinopact, , ofre - • Dandehon d _ e,. li respect, tideilis that it c:itimit by done 4on their, side, 4it is voidable at-•the sorer- i Syr k nr.A.L . rov to.verage. Ono 'pnlivi of tbleCorlbe '9171 , .... _.._ .. ~., . . , i ty or opinion at all upon that q and )11.. .Lincoln have 1 1 ' ll e . that tie 4 iiirri'stliseqtion. - - 2.1. make as' spuch ea tworputtude V o Oen. (onee. For 1 L'. 111 :•/ 1111110 . 1 4 l' .. F ,dm i contend- , , . 4. , t., . iU. ItItKI.L. I must •recor•iiive the sovereignty of the re- 4" If lie ehooses to - abide by it. he has no 4An a. SS' Lire big, --- ' -------1-.1- . ------- 1 - . . '''. ' - - -power• -IA an s ii • deriveS . a...,.l,li,Mailectliere.f.i.we, ni.l MEDIC , CARD. • .14 . 1 4 45, antl . treat them as a lbreign indepen• 4 right to any other make i., .. . these sentiments of the Seereta, . dent. nation, • irl No. WXMATIIMP e L i f, - br: . D., Gradt!atel and then we _ean subjugate 4 fi.oin it; anil k it lie Otiose to tt A•Ottki part of is fin asiault Made ;upon. : the fl ue °rum mi 5p ,,,.,.: 4 ,..,,d 11.9aorotel;hic ColielreA of No•d• , them acidextief.from thiSni any conditions 4 instead of- gaining ; a ,greater . . • the i tion, for theiare.agreed. . fettle would retnFuble elucere thantle to the people offs.. w „b we choose •to impose upon a subjugated 4 stiipi.e.ine power, he, will lose what. he has I I ••• i - Bfins'asa viclnityns t latto-leery Ilbtral patronage which they have fa,-for hub, and tIO Loper by a Alio a- st tt . t.e. Bitt., .it seetiis:tO me that the gfen- I and it wilt, as in-the other case, revert to i tendon. to butoe,roreder4 a liheritl Anima me Pr"e 1 tletu -. :111 front if • . Il ' - people.. eunristace. - . Groi n,,,,4i, assiinry ati4. mt. vil.• re- 1 -..t0 the • •. • --- , --- . -----r ------7v7---- -. ' 1: ognize them as an independent.peoPle, 1 "Thus..the - people may elaird to cliaitge • TAKE NOTICE! -- - l ute World must so recognize_ than, and 4 the constitution - . When the sovereign:in- .. ~ - pitikaal i fc: 4, : , mticia ,,,, - i that their- being. so recognize• d.,by the I wades their part of the power, Whereas lie 1 no.inits.. - ...J Sheep Pat., Fux..1171. Ittlekcst. told ail find Ai world strengthens their bawls, mid-places - can-only claim to continue the coriStitiO Fora. A cpod aseortmezit, or L9atter and:\ Bog* . and Shoe.. co q .tantiyon hand. r Urne4Tatincry, , & —top 9n u` in . .nn,attitude entirely false to 1111 the - - - tion, though the people should causeless- i Main Street. l• . 1 pros- I MDTIttli,C. Fei).6th. tA. P4c.: L. c.. IiZELER PretFnsionsupon.wlitch We , beganthe 1 . ceution of this Sir: • • 1 "..This is the w hole of his right; and no 4 ~ , , •. . DAVID C. ANE:r; M. D.„ ~: - lihnii more ex-. 4 t• - iil,AvlsointAtes - p.... 1: 0n., - 4 New - i tiMSe southern men have rde:parted. from 1 tensive. right without the consent of, the' win anima promptly tO all cal% isith whiCh he tur.y 7 their allenianee trithe.imvernment, there- people. .... •-. • -•-. . ; • . be termed. Mice at Talus' . I c go .le, . them New Milford. a u1y.:17. 141 "it ." .- . i tore the stlitess. inhabited: by, these Ihet l ~ "If the struggle betweed him and ,---_____.,._ • , , ' - have.forfeited-thoiritaterighttliat.they 1, should end in civil war,and -victory should ABEL TURIRELL - .; . I have no -cons t itutional rights--and that,.!, declare itself wilds side, yet conquest Will Tir-Ati Tor wile, Met•tll.l,l Oil. for Hewing' Machines. i therefore,•We are notrbowid,blany•of the i not of right increase his power,. however. ELM& ,b Watch Oil, Oa Bue., , Tot and mouse Poi- . . . J .. ~ .. . . , .. . OOP. HOMOOPatbieltentcdtea, rolls Extract, mut A met . constitutional ontigations,,tnat are liripe-§7 strongly we may p4tOie ease - in :his fsvor, esrlety_ofLlntspente. e at e. Plllrcauti Pipit-m.lmA an i ni i . - u .'., 011 i „tit.. . Have not_, Opinions as ,by supposing, the ,bietith. of, the:coestitO sidiv:o eariety of .I'n ten t lit , .4:ll.etueiv. . . . --- ~ ••• , . • xi:, 843 3tt. RI X !X' 0 1" ~. „ • I[I"AS 3n, , t received e ?ar;., kioel:':of new S:tirveF: for i . LI. COUgh,Z. Parlor, Wire (III" shot , purpo,es. fur Weea or Coal, mitts Stove.Pipv. Zltte. Sc. i. .. ilia see ortuent. i..ftelect 11 de,,lralie. and will be FOrl 1 on the mo.t, fAvorable term fur LW:, or to Prompt six iroptla 11,t501. .7.. , :eU"iilford.Oct. .Ztii; 1 TA. ' ' , r . i• ... . , . I . ‘,. • ' , . • . ~‘ s .. • • . , t., ' , 1 ...' , ''''• ' " • ' . - . .'" .. ‘. " I ' • ~, , - . „ . . - - ' .. • n - - — ----• -• • I • - -..: r- -- • - : ~,-, - . SAB PRINTING of ALL KIRI, S ~ , . ~ ... .. , - - - 1. 4; •-, zwil *, .• •"' ' n 1 • tl" ---- 1i . ,,1 ' ' :" ' ..' t ''' ~ .:, 1 ..., , _ „ DONE AT VIE' (LIFFICE OF Tire: , • ... . '''"'" 1' .). • , - -- 0 : t ~ , tr , .._.: . . ~_ IT , _ • . -.. . II 30111IC Co .0 Ma: L. Jr , -,,., ♦: 1 4: _ -s- , .... -.. ~.,_ , . 1,-,- ~.,.. .:-., ..,:,.- -_I ,• • . ~..,: * 03... -t ..- kk • i . , •-,_ •:„,, . - 'NEATLY A . .‘15 PEOMPTLY, • It, or r -0; -1-, AND AT "LIVE Axp LET LIV).. PEKES. I ' e . It. ,- *. t ss ,i i l, ' ' s ' 1'P'...,,,, t i.t.,,,': tlVogi - 1 $- I i. • , , - - _.. . • .1..... - -, L -.' ,. - ' ' 'V " 1 .•,c ' ..; ' 4 !' ', ' . • , ' (C' 4 . . - f ' • _ V. 1 . it A.-- . - 4 - IS . `,,..- , , TIIE office of. the :Montrose Dentocr: --- • , I 111 --. has roe4lrbern aupplkd with a new and eholre 'tali, y , 0" • , . ~ type, Ctc.; and we are now prepared to print pa ni pI.IL . • •,- • 1' .. , - ' , , , ~ • kteelete, etc., etc., In the nett atyle, on abort tic tier., --_--.... . - _ --....,- . — =-----.'=--- -- -1--- ------n---r-- ' '-2-.-- " =-7------= ' --- " ------ ' ="----=---- ---.'-'.---------- -- --'''''."-:-.. -- 7=-:-- --------------- 4111.1,1a111115, l'osters, Proarfunmes, tin , !, .. -: i . • other Oa* of work In this line, doninctordlpg to order . • ~ Join: Ourselves to no. P arty-- that. Does not Carry-'the. , Flag . cl - .leep - Step to the Music of the , Whole :Ernion '- war ' .! .nusaiess,, e w t t w nr.,, n,,, n , n a ti n : , P , , ,, a1l CA 1:: ,s . . . . 'Tickets, cte., printed ith eat it i patch.. --------- - ~ =-7 „ .,---- --_-_--- - —7-_-1,-.-,=-_-.,.- --,--,_=--._--_- ___ ___. ____ _:. _. ____. __—___. _.—.,. ---=---r__= - t sust . ec , . i s rtna,Const allies' Blants, Net e , , . , I 10 t , - 3 • IT rY lONTROSE; PA.,THURSDA.Y, FEBR A x 1 27;1.86 9 - . iNO 9 ' . . i Deede, rtnA all otherßtank....t, on band, or pkintad 1,,, .I, I i tar Job worlsana ntaaks,to be paid for ni• delivel ) . . . Mr,'Clmirman, to underisilt 1 all the' testimony on this' Poi that republicatisre6ognize , the the State governments exclw - this questioit*ouhl riot only t.., but months. , 'I say - - that the, trine ofthe party was :tht-.0, . _ . , . - no right , to interfere with . the of, slavery in -the. States: Wli t I say that that is thetloctrint • .1 Lincoln tO-day: .. I say that I i 'trine of llir.'SeWard. ~.- I. gay - , . .. real or pretended,doctrme 0 fillpported-,Mr::-Littcolo's :eI,F - . the_ can - tress; and the floctrin 1 queer.journht; the -New. Yor • e,n r. 1' 0 lations for the-army. -i ___ ic m• . cry for putting, in force 11Wpower te rais'e ' i thirty six, small crabbed,,' miserable, and iurns from armies. rests With this'bodf. • When they I unbearable, generally. 31r, llowe 2 tc.m ent of . his.; declare War they, raise au i'irtny- to be.em- i homely to be the't of; and Captain Haynes, that. that ployed in the proteetion of that war, and_'i' with yellow, IMSby whiskers, and nine little likeli tb'q have no right_to employ it - in the thousand dollars,, Worth of inortgag}4 I - honor of` prosecntion Of anything M'se. They have; property; which he is alwaystalkingabout, In himto., no power to turn aside thht,'army for any 1 worse yet. 7ltather a sorry array.. t• indorse,'; other linrpnse than the leosectition'of tlic . JuSt then the:'SelMOY belFrung; - and I fitter of in-' WM. forth • '-‘ • - t. - , 'f.' 'W 'I * III ' t "•• t •'t . 't y looks and Charles De • • . for; the pi ost.C,ll 10.1 1 % 11 . I.i 11.1 S ,NI 01 11. 0 111 . .., .. . jig.. 1,- lick he. de*. i voised. In'cill..ntal iit,ittryi will be l !tiOile to l'ereux.--=.aged - twenty, hnudsome, in telli 0••• Republican i other parties in, the legititintfo exercise of ! ent, 1't.;11 educated ,and munnrried. ~The' is ended, I dust power'; bait; lot .the Purpose of ac- i intellectual philosophy clasSxas calledist f I peSS,CSSI. OI / ! complishing any other end, .that artily is and thongl. I had carefully committed my he war be- i touted aside, it is a breach of censtitution; - lesssons to memory - the , evening , . before, disturbed al right. • - . . -. , . i .my. late.thoUghts hattiptite - driven all re ' .liat Secre. 1 . - - • . • membrance of it - Iroin my head, tiiitl My ,„. It an army, raised for the prosecution hi 7s mi nus, J. of a foreig; war, films its omits fo,aiust , recitatioit was imperfect: .11rE'Dev6renk - -. [Hitedoes , ; I any - Otlir country thati that which it was I !Oohed surpriSedly• at me, but, said: . noth,• 1 11 )7 .1 " 6 „ ; ',. (4. i created to tight, ilier becOme; instead • c f : i big.' In French grammar7,lny preform-. Y :" at " '' 'Ll : . LSOldiel:S ii'l;iiitg. thebat Oes of - onr'eotin-' :wee was still worse... • : . • 110 Ji livers,, trY, robbers, •tresSpassiint' upon the rights 1 , "31iss!Adtlic,".sfdd Mr. ,Devercux, as I . :Ineso. o 4- --- 1 of maw.; and:if, in.puttiM4'• down' a. civil i passed ••i.y him on my _wa? to My seat, do t!''' at!Y .of ' i war,the artily ereitted :nit! put in motion I Y , ov have tronble•With thine . French y of State, ! 4; r thatfin purPose. torus aside from the k. 4 Verb:: in learning your lessons ?"'-' . . . 'Administra- 1 - • 1 - ' putting ~ I gltilltate:O feet = the, rebellion I. "Ye,s, sin,..a little," I replied. ,:' : I down; - . and: goes 'to orertlirdwing the 1 "Yon want a little reviewing I think. .. ,-...wi . rights of StatesantlinteOlerieg . With the, tlf I have time, I will call in at your house righti •Of eitizens- . and i'subVertine , the. i this evening . , •and help' you.. a-little, while ;to produce ~ •. • . • • . - • ' • . • .constitution , ol our country, theybecome , you ate •• 1 3 ~ . .- - .. it, 1. , o i sitow •I,rtndits-atid , robbers' instetid 'of being-. a 1 3lr. Devereux know that I alwayS Stud power .Of : ' • • . • , •„, { constitutional artiy.eng:ged' in .6onstitu-1 ied in the eVC . ning, and had:scycral times 4ve ' Y i,7 - -'l! . tional - duty.' - 'Why, - sir,r armies are • as.; called in and ipout.4.ll hotti•in assisting me Ace ati our, I par 6i:id:lay. diflieult•ttisk &signed i . n , ine - co . tiiined t 0,.. the .constitutional.: P . er:' , 1 with whole doe- .„,,,,,, had i lot inantm of their duties ttl.,,istatotp are for the next day's recitation: .S.o.r was . '"'''' "; confined to.,theirs. ' 'Ltigislatora aegture - I not surprised to hear him Make:this.oll'er, institutions i'liot - fov powers, • and :'utinties ..riegnire .no !thongli n little'... ash:lMO:of the cauSe of it, re it f Y.,15.- - I'uoir powers, other thattilic Constitutionl as lily failure_ had resulted from my wilful pf Abraham 1 contemplates. . ...Why, Men lkave argued i inattention, anti ,carelessness:. I thanked i t , i s t h d 'a op ,„lltero_as.thougit the army . .i.aisert Rit.7.61..11i0n.., hOweVer, s with•a"flushed face, I. went_ it was thel purpose of r64orin,,frthq cou,Stittation - had r i to-tpyspat. llntitiVas not entirely shame , a.nght to or et throwthn censtitutten. .s that flushed try lace. .. • . • - • E' (, 'w uo .It has,been' glauned here, it 1.-have Am- i-, As• 1 expected,'3lr. Deseretot. cline in . - , Lion during'. derstood aright the argtiMents of ;- gentle.l tlM•evening to explain toy. French lesSop, `even of that I men, that, that,provisicni.ofthe Constitn- I But lie :did not - find.. me. alotie; . 'Aunt ' 1 Tiih u ie— i two which prevides that !'Congress ,shall [ Katharine" sat by. : the • : table'sewing ,anal "I- believe I dicta little last winter, 'but don' u6w. • % .. . • - • Are l ou sure ?" , . • "Quite 'sive," I replied, "he is s 6 sul len ‘ . "Wait ! , ---do .yott know who you are talking to ?"- . • • , .. . . 1 • • . "What' do you mean, hunt Katharine ?" "r am Sohn •Aubrey!s betrothed wife, Adak !" and . sla , laughed, and thencried again. . . - - .. . I.stood mutel . 7, - -.stm:ing at`h6.. - At laat tiound words to say : . --- ' . "-Why- aunt. Katharine, I thonAt. it' wasl Whom 'John Was in love with !" - She shoo!: her head. , "And I thought - Mr..Devereux was in -. love With-you."' : - -. ~ "You-must ask. him about tirst," she said smiling thron f , h her tears. . , Ang I did ask him the next evening, while we stood by an (Ten window,.and - my "aunt Katharine sat by John'Aubrev in the cozy corner where I used to:sit whit .. hitn. "Is -it. possible that yen haven't Lbeen ,courting aunt - Katharine . all this: time, Mi.. ,Devereux,?" I - said. •_ • • Dow he laughed ! - , • t"ls it possible .that you „don't .know that I : liave been- edurting you all . this thne?" 1". . "Mr Deverotx !" I exclaimetM . • . ;• But he want jesting-vl neither was 1 1 when Ipromisedityear later tn‘loVe;honor 1 and obey him' through life. • - John Aubrey and- my aunt •Kathatine were married at the same time, which my . aunt ileOareil wa!" , a great - saving a trout- , le_and wedding. oaks'. - . - . '. Q=' "There' are. many people .whose ! whole wisdmn consists in 'hailing their , want of it. - . , . -A man's own goodbroeding is Vie best security ngaipst, Reopleik
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