„room _ - LOCA. of Y oltne dal "sectionfaileottrarr.- „ . ;karts' tbi* mmy !tom. gni" . 44°14 ' , :Althnia "g er lii kßes RE/0 2704e itAPHi ir ' LOOM • 814 -MOL4IO Loatst Pictures devil* the emalleit sized 4i:dilatant ty kltiat, i N clos ~ T tielabarred s k i Ro o t p i e" tbe ertailt tbing out: ler- 1 Post,to *impart ortbe _World witted 'extra 1 'Mares ars hold. abteruclk lud ex=direa -rant ' - Melees shadows often sold& tbir euulltlV: auras taken la all klub erareather. 'equally. leal/aercept theas, o 4 3 xtljrdriC S l F til , T e l u. . tglacr,,..._l2a)ielpeV ict ; m s n i t Tell.. iots,..4atiai . Ap t ' IreriSeaduk. etv. " Yeat oth:a tabe Va. ea. *red. ma! brown; wane. yellow. etc,' - - •,; _ lipmenber that the oboe ha get your"pleture" fif 01 !!!Ficliott. cly! .. :Allad. Warms a Foster estonsf - • 7.111. liA2 . l,4lM)ff. , - _,Kgsztrap_ P...N0t.1111tb.1,800. _. ~- -,. , .._ .- . _ ."-• - , . 3 ?*14(4 1 .4 SZTVMEN: • AMINSE - 4 - , Fatatua . =i i a in Moat dafly, at' o'clock. a. to. and lea, vine at o ciock,p. Vlrilaniiroad carriage' eon be procured at the Lint? Stahleotthraap.edberfa Montrose. co reasonable_ _ larditemedteple, tr D. aooDwiar, , . ,„.....,.... . . . i:tikt:: , :c,11B111111111 , 1111 filhEirthie method otter:Raft their OLD AND Nar Flietebtbsttbiyhire received asteddittottetput Soma stock °Moods, which they . - i • , , - • 9UGUT . FOR -CASH; ' , ATro PANIC PRICES! 12.1) W;LL' WELT. =EU TO CASH TBUYERS Pi a toifbctly Astotiabing: tiot time to enumerate articles, or prices, but thane the public to mil, examine, fo_ uttatr themeaeca lithe Walot.what we publia : b L end or course. then boy: . - J MERRIMAN I SON.- xrpOivi• tie, Dec. 1Dth.1.480: &K x,ot, of fritialli Ormeriesjust mitre sp; . • to cent. below former picas. Wcl.t,cc" l ° l 'w far th°. BobuaatlmAvs. , "ii7C7*.ELIVTMX). ViPRODOCM of all blab, for which the biped a rice_tleiceserill be paid 13", t Goods, at Peenellte; Pa: MERMIKARS. AND REFUTATION 119:0ER'S:'-IMPENDII4O' CRISIS:. )3runcia J. star= VP.A.NPNLIT. consisting of At •donble column eteewaa originallpublished pending the political , canvass of ISS). The Impending Crisis. is a compi ' Wm - of alither sophism and zuliplents doctrines by jhrc rspeblie mind Nfhh ,aetato ptpduos ieg7gitir Presidential can 4Udate of the sectional party tall. It was widelyeir 4Sidated gratnAtously, by means of lan i contributions of atoney. and did more than any other to deceive th e muses of our people. In this Retie° an Reedatitm, we idatalla each nfititthaptere separately. and every impor tant assumption in detail, and refute them en completely that nis intelligent person can read the pamphlet without bedngXcavinced of the falsity of all the wic.lcM...eatturop dens Of the Helper book and of the folly of the sectional Wife which has culminated in war: "As there - is no probabgity that peace Mill be civil permanently restored to our distfacted land until the public mind at-the North Is disibuied °fits erroneous impressions relative to the true character of our Southem sister States, moat of whomare now .in rebellion against our general government. as the - result of the triumph of. seettoral fanaticism both North - andSoath.—it becomes the duty of all tree patriots to do all in their power to remove un,ltuit prejudices between the North and South. and th ere la probably notttore effic ient means of accomplishing this result, than by general cirmUtion of our t .Retklation ef ffetxr. It contains a large amount ef valuable statisties, worth, for occasional reference. several times the price of the pamphlet, to all Intelligent citizens. Price SS cents per copy, or 5.3 per . dot:ea—sent by null. postage prepaid. Address G. Z. BESTrY.. .13 0 ffigtn Y!ddletown. Orange Co., N.Y. URINE Of TIME I W;I►7i7MV3 I TT:rIWff 7 MI .1) EL .41r.R, L A & 5T.22..Y R. 22 r2IMMINE PASSENGERS reach It ew.TOrk at 4, p. in time for the Hudson River, and L. I. Sound steamers. The ExpresS Train North connects at Great Band with he mail train fur the West on the Erie Road. bn sad after Thursday, Juno 1111, trains will be run as follow s: EXPRESS PASSENGER TRAINS. 7t011130 sorra, mOllllO NORTH.. The Night Express-Train East on the N.l. & R. R. arrival at iiireat Bend depot at - fa. tn.) 1,11 mineda with the Express' train, for • N. Y. and Phllad'a which leaves at " 6.45 . Due at New =ford, 7,23 'Montrose._ . . .1.21 Bopbottom, 7.45 Maoism. axe Factoryville, 13,25 bington, 6.40 lizzaton . Moscow. , - 9,57 Tobyhanna 1125 Ittroudatnirg, • 11,4 S Water Gap, . tp.m.) 12,02 Columbia, 12,16 Delawnre,-(175" to dinc)l2,7s Bri e (Phßad ville connect.)l2.so „ • 12,34 ngton, 23 J 1, unction.. 1,4 d Neer York. 4.00 Philadelphia, 6.30 Thelepreas Tassetuer Junction with the 4.5541 14 n Cent al Road for'Bethl ilarriaburg, de. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Lorre Scranton agaan.)3,2l N. I". Ex. trahrEastarrives Factor/3111e, • 10,30 at Grant Bend at(a.m),11,33 Nicholson. -11,00 Leave Gt. Dendo.m.) 1,40 Montrose. (p. Montrose,' 235 'Great Bend, 1.15 Eichoistna, - 3.50 . Connecting with Dunkirk. Factornille, . 4,45 Expresa West, at Dna at Scranton, 6.10 The Arammodat ion Traln does not leave Scranton till 'after the arrival of the Morning Train on the Lackawanna' and Bloomsburg Railroad, thus Ewing racsengers from \ the Wiotaing.Valley a three( connection for the West by the morning train. rai the secommodsUo4 of map travel on the enathern &Melon, a _pus/Inge: car' will be attached to the F.xpreta Freight =La, leavitog litenuatokat 4 a. M.. doe at Strands bun 11, Junction. 3.15 p. rt.: Returning. leave; Junction at 850 a. a.. due at strondebarg 8,20, Scraiton.3,tJ p. m. Faisengenito and from New York. will chmtrie airs at function. Tonad- from Philadelp_hia;ria. Bel. Del. MR kayo or takethrs at Rope. For Pittston, Kingston and Wilkes-Barre, take Lick.t ECoomsbargß.R.at Scranton. For - Jessup, Archbald. and Carbondale take Onnufbas at Scranton. Tickets sold and Imegago.rbecked through. i44JOIIN BFISDLN, Superintendent • W. N. mrs.s - Gen. Tact dqt • Scranton, Pa. Laokawitimik Bloonktiburg - R. R. UN and atter I#l4l rah, 1661, Passenger trains will ran as !aims . 11,10VING sorra. {, • • . . • .. .. . . hisamper. decarnedation Lam Scranton, -- ... 6.15 a. 31.. 10.91 a. in. Kingston, - 7.22 1.00p.m. Rupert. ' '2.10 . GM .., Danville;. - 0.45 • 7.40 ' Arden it NorEhumberland at 10.20 - SUS ' • ' . DOTING .3 . °urn. •- -, • - • Liars ,Northaat 4.soberland. 3.50 p. 711. . 6.80 - 4.001. 1112. ;Danville, 1..:. Rupert. ' - 11.01 ' 6.40 - Kingston, - 1207 " . Arrive it Scranton, ' ' 8.05 ' . 630 p.m. At Postage: thila also leaves Kinotern at. & a, m. for - Scranton. to connect with train for N. York.' Returning leaves Scranton on arrival of train from New Yor k at . a 5 m. - . The Lackawanna *Bloomsburg Rallniad connects *Rh - trite Delaware. Lackawanna & Western Railroad at Salm= ton. for New Yorkand Intermediate points east. • At Dttpers it eceneeta with the Catawlesa Railroad. fa/. points both east and west. • . - • - Athrorttruniberhand it norinoets itittl the Philadelphia * Rile, and Northern 'Central Railroad and Erie Railroad '.tintswes2and south. , . . • • JOWN P. lISLKY, Sup't. - Tr, ' AK, Gen. Ticket Agt. - . LIFE - MEMORIALS'. ' I WOULDN'T TAKE A WORLD•FOR THIS,' a isuirreinarketl to us a 41;.y or two eini.e, se aheexhibited the portrait of an only chile, Poe to the, tripirit whi4l- was ono of • . a r 1 1.1338a l . _ - 1111111111 - 1118ROIllif$1. bad I notlecurid thiaßawii*t yutoor!at diktat dour orio." Bo thouOlure. Thi'lured mum are not always with uliand-rihlleirecarreall thou' our; ave 7 onytaluWeititre sacb s memorial -espoeially luqu.ibeen rick truthfully totes by that iill4t, - .24-ILIVBBof hatotou, t . WHOP. rtLS MALT DE &mist 201 Was . l"l4teiret t : (Directly opposite NyeipNog* Marko* . NOW QTILL•CONTINUEE to offer to the city and 5.7 .COUNTRY trade, idt kinds if FOREIGN' Coarse andgina.Savr. A* very lowest Sore% 4000fissoksatidlags, eirmiating iffpart.orAsh. ton's celebrated brandlimtiblo sad dairy use; Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's, Brownlow's, &g. and hoooo.bashels Turks :Nand. Bonfires Ca meos., St. Übes, Lisbon. 044 ; Ranted:, &c.„ all of which will be sold sit bargain prices from messelsotors and storehouses. ,Antpnribaaot wishingje select-froin'agoMl assortment will Sad itto WS interest to call. . N. B.—Fine . table salt pat op in small bags of different" Blies. and conatantlt on hand in ship. ping order. Also a splendid. Angels of, Rock Woad' iikt; in quart - 14xiewillt uP and , for saki bliflUfiluantilr. In casts it fi ve dozen nieb. I• er- 4& .°) • " ' Establieb.ed littkbufgh in 1840 • The: Only' .Cbim4erei'at co' //ede a = the 2 Conderetf* bye Practical -,iferMant, Oora 6000 Students have attended it from Thirty different States. Pour:Bllver Medals have been awarded Duffs' System of Book Keeping; and. the new circularjtud Issued contains 'Wien from students in Phil adelphia: Baltimore, St Loehr; Cincinnati, etc.,. proving it to be embed known. 'NINE First Premiums were re. cently _awdrdod 'the Penmanship of Wm 11. DUFF. who with Ka associate Professor. C. C. Cochran, are undonbt edly the best penmen in Anse - rice. • Harper's Edition of Duffs - Book Keepingpost paid, $1,70 ' Duff andlhancen's Gems of Pew:tenable,- . . 5,00 Duff and Duncan's New School Copy Books. 6 No's, 54 For samples of Duff aeochratre Bush:lced and Ornamen• tel Penmaailtthosiththelegswtitholer of 64 pages, Wins* '55 cents in - stamps to.. - nov.4 7.We , P. DUFF .t SON. .HOSTETTER'S STOMACIIIITT.ERS. -/ The prorietors and manufacturers of IiGS ?ETTER'S CELEBRATED STOJIACH BIT. • TEES can appeal with .perfict confidentre to 'physicians and citizen's generallrof the United • States, because the article-has attained &repu tation heretofore ,unkitoirn. A few facts upon - this - point will speali More powerfullj than volumesofbare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of Hoetetter's Stomach tens for the last year m ounted to over a half : million bottles, and. oil its manifest steady increase in timed past, Ulla evident that during • the coming year theiconsumption will reach wearied, mil lion bottles. i This immense amount could never hate beep hold but fez' the rare medicinal properties Contained in the prepare tion, and the - saattiett of the most prominent physicians 'in those auctions of the 'country"; • where the article Is beat' known, who not only recommend the Bitters "to their patients, but are ready at all times Ito give testimonials to its eificicyin all cases ofetotnachie derangements - • . and the diseases rest ry ng therefrom. This is not a tempo popularity, obtained ty extraordinary effoits in the way of trum peting•the•qualities=f the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as endnring as FM= itself Hostetter's litamach; Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and agiie and various other lsilious complaints bays tatted their victimi by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that' the "Bittern" are a certtin.cure for the Dyspepsia and like discases,isto this proprietors a source Of ' alloyed Plea/tura. It *snore; all morbid matter from the sionasdh, inrifies the blood, and . imparts renew ed , vitality to the nervous syitem, - giving it , that tone and energy indispensable for the reiteration of health. It operates non the stomith, liver, and other digestive organs,, mildly but powerfully, =A soon restores them . to a condition essential to the hialthy discharge of rho functions of nature. • Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on tlsOachtle, and they will find • to it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort docliaing years, as' it is 'pleasant-to the palate, Invigorating to the boWels, excellent as a tonic, , and,rejuvenating generally. 'We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while euffering from stomach de-, rangements and general, debility; acting under 'the advice ,of physicstats, they have abandoned all 'deleterious drugs and fairly -testa the merits of this article. A few words to the ' gentler six: There Inv certain periods when 'their cares are so harassingthat many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother • . and child is so. al:meltingly tender, - that the, mother, especially HI she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety • for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for:a - stimulant to recupe- - rate the energies of the system - , and enable the mother to bear,up under her exhausting trials_ and responsibilities.( linisiag. mothers gene- rally prefer the:Bitters to all other invigora tors that Xeceive tits endorsement of, physi - (isms, because it is !agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. I - - - All those persons,lO whomire have particu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers, from fever and apse; caused by malaria, dysentery ; indigestibm loss of appetite,.tuld all diseases or derangements of the 'stomach, • superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nurting mo th ers, will consult their own physical }welfare by giving to llos tetter's•Celebrated Stomach Bitters a triaL CACTI : QR.—We caution the public against '"?' using . a.ny, of the many imitations or counter -I feits, but ask for Horrarrra's Claxisnirrn - STOMACH Myren% aad see that each bottle las ' the words '..!Dr. J. llnstetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on..the Side of the bottle, and stamped on ther.metallie dap covering the cork, and . observe that our autograp h signature is =tile label.- t : I • . &Jr Prepared andaold by HOSTETTER. & sisirra, Pitt/sheath; Pk., and &old hi, all druggiata; grocers,' and dealers generally throughout- thelfulted States. South Arno , • , rice. and Gensamay. I I. • Passengers from N.Tork leave Pier N0.2,20rth Biv er at 1 : 2 17.00 Or foot of COurtlandid,6.oo From Philadelphia have Kensington, - 7,10. LeaveSucction. 11.52 Due at Washington,', 11,22 Bridgesille. • (p.m.) 12.01 . Rope4Phil.ecineetioralpt,o4 Dan minutes to dlnl72,is Columbia,- • 12,46 Water Gap. I,oo' Stroudsburg, . 1.14 Tobyhanna, 2.2" Moscow, 2,01 Scranton: 245 Abington. • . 4,1 Factorysillt. ' 4.3 5 2 Nicholson, Hopbottom.. - '5,11 Montrose, • 5,82 New Milford, . 5,52 Great Bend, 6,10 1 Connects with mail train I West. at 6,12 1 and Night Lx. West 1,14 in &huh, connects at the . train on the New Jersey. Mauch Chatty, Beading and HOOFLANDI3. "V; . 141 1 MEDICI* ve ,lli • 1 • • • 43r. / 171 ; • • • Cr IC A. STANDARD REMEDIES of the present age. bareisequlred their grestpopuiszitp .all through years of kris]. Unbounded satteTschen • L tendered h. them in all cum . 1100FIAND't EWAN Au, _ . Wig ;sell boom tbloyeebbst Luise sod lesedoi, 'mesa - ak:amsoedstbsk bac; They are parlay aagetablek, ark 'mated erith great accallmeas. sad ire sagairastod, No tants Cetbertk Pill *bp Wei. • Paw, Zr.etil pecboL -12 tees 'sedition ass iu ;pszed by-De. 0. By Ikon t" OisTbill64ll3ll. Pi. Look, e n d „ it by - s' ! ablisests sad -doslefs loosticbses esmotsis. Tbe aip oaten of C. iL'Jatsasst will be ou tbs olusets ot 6 -isch “ published son.Bos vela fOll brawny ilsesdeadeelev eotbielgen ale linialisimuiessrittrimuntsity- whinios' HOOPLAZID'S GERMAN EMITTERS faierdieggsiat, D Savo:lies. Nereouip.. WAG'aLoMa at in. Midaslie NA an deems arising rota a dined/lad liver. ee iamb as at the and Digestive Nine. . am) i mean - ItllOl* . MU, rink, AU 1011 An AIL ' see cigar Alazamailor pr. Mae, 76 canto per Bettis goolland's..ilatunde Cored - . ' .1121 M 111701=, COLII , 011110216 tblda. sr Ileeersteueis, tapesua i erimP.Tieilow*Xsaliat sad has performed theneve isteegehheieazeserree tao ne sutz copa 'c amTs oat: 4tos sv As i Did571460x4.1.1 45 tranchilled. nuez,76ardi bottle: - Pr - t 1 tdMilkM 17 :Sr; 1-. VOUTSIlicrgEV, .±.„ PHILAI:MUM ...e: ‘,._." , e ~;_,.._....„__,.,.....,..„..„ CRESTNUTAT "—. ,ARDYR THIRD— _ IA ~' , r the hnmedisteneightxntood at the lobblng Roues - on Iterhet,Ttarik-and . Chestnut. Moe* the. PAU, t 9,1214*-)104;ts-Exf,:t!stiriaciite» , ' . , . - .. - .. •.':: .. BOARD:TO ' DAY - 11 50;;; AccOnimedatlon. when requfted, on }.14 EUROPEAN . PLAN. Rooms from 50 cents and upwards, per day, and Rests sitn gem -Cass Restaurant attaehed to the Rotil. prymesepording-telhe Dille oit pre.. ~• :, ..1 - • .. , The Citil Cars take Paaseigerl treat as j Station TO or. CLOSE TO the : llotaL A . ".. . . We*: - "English: ?Mach, end gateau epekee: - :-, . • , 'ARE- YOU INSURED? zutius,crzcserai.„w ,. r receiving *VOWS= for lipttraaco ths,follow• Wyoming INSURANCE Company, • WILKES..BARRE, IPu. I ' ' - . . aL Capital $lOO,OO - 0.. Surplus. „.. Orgaillied..lrorember 2d # 4 D . 1857 . . . -- , • Tanzermis. 0434.Rollenteker., D. 0; Detests* J. P. Depots, John Relohsed.„,„ Morgan * Chas Doesmace, Ban 7 Wedbasne,- R D Lacoo: - •Wm S Roes, L.D 84ocmaker, oso-P-Swale. II M BRA R.-C. Ritmo. See'v. _O:M. II ouxename, Prost W. G. Evramato, Triak „ L. thsozzazza, /WV. STRAMISURANOrCOBCPANY, Hartford Connecticut. Paid up Capital $1,509.000-00 - Assets, • L.,: 9 194,100 09 NoniurtarPThE & LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY No. 1 Mootute street, London. • - CsPital.lBo6,ooo....Annual Revenue. $1,000,000. Wit GETTY, Agent, Ftilladelpbla CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE lI , ISURANCE COM PANT of Hartford, Connecticut. Accuuttdatid Capital 0,370,000 00 . , Any one wishing their lives Insured will dO to . miU and examine their-mode of !nearing, and their mice. whin arc better than those of any other company, before taking Policies. elsewhere. 11. P. BLACKMAN. oc9 '602 .. Office over Chandler it Jessup's store, MORE NEW A4RANGtMENTS GREAT ATTRACTIONS •' AT MR rOOT. or MAIN sinumr. THE extensive Furniture Establishrnont•of SMITH BROTHERS having beeh fefitted and 'greatly improved, --the proprietors respectfully announce to the citizens of Montrose andvicin ity that they are constantly making and keep on hand. the LARGEST and BEST assortment of FURNITURE To-tie found in the Country. 'e give the following list of Some.of the ar. tides:which wo will sell at greatly reduced prices, for CASH. or READY PAT: Burnam!, Walnut or Mahogany, with - ginsa t from $l6 to $35. -Bureaus with 'marble or bioratello frnip 818 to $24. And a large-assortmint, from 88, $lO, 12, 14, to $lB, " Wash Stands, Card Stands,Cornerand Square Stands, - of all varieties - and price's, from 75 cents to top dollars,' Desks, Divans ,Towel Racks, Rootitoels,Otto r mans, Louni , es, eve. . and Card,' Pier, Toilet, Dining, kitAen, and Extension Tables.• Chairs—Cane and %Vood Scats, Rockers— Cine, Flag, and Wocd Seats, of every-variety and.style. Sofas, tete a tetes, furnished at short notie at New York prices.' . I ' N. B. Ready made coffins on hand or fur nished at short notice.—ilearses , always in readia'ess when desired. • • - We employ. nono but CAltr.FilL and EXPF.tiI- Excab Worts - arts. We intend to do our Worts Wria., and sell it as ,Low as it can be afforded. W. W. SMITH, A. SMITH, JR., E. R. SMITII. Montrose. Jan. 18th. I 860.tf. KEYSTONE HOTEL, At Montrose, Ponn. WM. H. HATCH, Pioprietor. THIS new and commodions Hotel situated on Public Avenue, near_the Court House,and nearly in the centre of the business portion of 51c E ntrose, is now fu 'l' completed and furnished,. and-was opened on Monday. the 27th day of September, 1858, for the accommodation .of the public and travelers. The Proprietor_ feels confident that he is now prepared 'to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fail to give „ Conipleto Satisfaction.” The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no ex pense has been - spared to render it equal. if not superior to any similar establishment in this part of the State. It is well supplied with all the recent iMprovements and comforts, and obliging waitePi will alwaYa be ready to respond to the call of customer's. • The Stables connected with this House are New and: Convenient. The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron age of his old friends, and the public generally. WM. K. HATCH. HMI MONTROSE PENNA. THE subscriber haring purchased -IL refitted and newly furnished the lI s I ahove well known and popular Hotel, - -- is prepared to accommodato the tray. eling public and others with all the attentions and conveniences usually found in firat.clas Houses. No e ff ort will be spared by the Pro 7 prietor! and • his Assistants to make the Hotel equal in"every point to any in the country. " The Bar will always be supplied with the Choicest Liquors. r The Stables, connected with this House are large, roomy and convenient, aid careful ant . attentive Hostlers are always in•charge of them • - J. S.-TARBELL. ESENW EINiS • • TAR AND WOOD .NAPTHA' ii?NkVQ2AI, ' Is the best Medicine in Me worldfor Ms erase ' Coughs and Colds, Croup, Dronchitis, Asthma, Difileultßreathing, Palpitation of the Mart. • For the rel patients In advanced stages of Consumption together with all Diseases of the Throat and Chest and which - pradispose to Consumption. • It a ttaMithe I*l tfl inmate, and snake Meld? datroyer succumb to its I:Ounce. -It aleoprodn. cee frse expectoration, & induces healthy action' In (44 diseased Muccno 111ensarcuse mid assues. *UM. ;idled • - otre of One donoroomop thir roo lissarstabie BREPPoftro yistro itt .hit the particular • naturetartAsdisear. ttyrierpoc s veryptaseant to the torte, and prompt inttrifecte. Try it& _ 'Of centri)wat Mat lib iftra4aNe Me Bronchial Aitecilonni • „AUNT ana p r Mt& Irt 04 ' &JEMMY'. routookt 4:Zonia . Q C0...N.M. roma" th and P. AQUI strode ) Philada, Pa. Po' rail in Me - ntroark u ; x4e. • • 1019 PVltllllLli- • .;•....• ..rO, 10 . ).4.4.. - k fs - JIVER' visoalTo T _,ti ,:A...„....,.. l -, irtat am intre o tti l , b ettiv i zsv i m onima,"141: : ::, - • - := Pc :,c,'::.s&tt -.:-.2. 1 41,1Vii-itortil 6 Okit'ini' . ;i: .lt lail airett liatilitiade 114 Siibla ilde leitte;4 - iii4it... ..;arn el -..oalreu spaltltspes .of relief.. as. ilmattupeeotts„. altionel.WeeetUitatea to Of pommalenshow, ; ... - . The dose mu* beatlaptol to the temperament at the Indltittcal Wan %awl ot• IC *An • pli latet to such , totttPro . , lo act gently on Ma Elowets. . . : , . ' "-Let tho ; tOtOoto of. our lodgment [We roiAitia ~ i use of the LIVER IS, VIGOILLTOW,',Iod 11 . , ;telt etre Ltrir Cora- . plaint ., IllUtriss Alto', '; htehe.; El7SPOINtlit, Warmitlettlitrihemm.,;., _,.i lit tali*. i r.. i. ::Dpis seta.. ~,.., ry, Droittrii , Saar - StamatlOlabltual ' .ICOSUIrOIIIB4I.--,ACkel. • le, Cholera * Gale.- -. .",sillbaiboa,Claolora lollatitalas. ,, Plalli* ~,, . ; laraii; "Ja u idle*, PenialiWeaknelia., : :: ~. iai, sot may be Mott ine.•,. pi -__. remhdly is as °WWI, "rp risally . Illedli• etne. lioilledie SICK. ,•."' ':nicoLuAciaz,.o, thousands am teguy,) IN . • &wavily Imltsmtes. 1 two or "thane Tete.? ' apOottrabisuo :auk tit: at', iagrinencettwat Of, • ;' attack. . . .', 1 s wim" use I t 's • giving Ilalrleatlaaoar , AUX WAXER In TILE MOD'ill -.WllTill • Tim- INVIGORATORi-:AND IIIIYALLOW -.,. song Totactaust.. ... .. . .._ .. , ... . : 1 . - Petie' One Dollar par Dottie. - ,- ;.'0.41Nr0R.W.4 • . • •- FAIRLY - . • CATHA.RTIO-FILLS,'' ...COMPOUNDIMCFROM • ; - " Pure Vey/Able Extreete, andllui ap In IMAMS CASIZI L AIr,TIg.kL'aind With keep In any • the Fatally . Cote •lharile PILL k gen. In but *dive , elithartleMaids the prnprietor.lw used le his braellee more than - twenty years. • ' • The constantly Increasing -demand hem- those whoa berelonensed the PII.Lw .2 and the astlsfactien which, sit express In regard tit their •'• use, ban lanced ort ioPlorlt them within the reach of all. . N • • _ • The Profession well know MIA dltrerctit embattles agt, al dlerent portions °CAW: bnwele. - ' Abe FAMI LY • CA— ,TRARTIC P 11. le bas, with doe, reference to this well established fact. been corepoundesi fronsirri a %edger Of the purest Tess, • • table &ia trar, which act oiloalike en Seer/ part el' the alimentary canal; and ere p goad awfltare fu ill rae. es where. a Cathartic. la needed. such as 1/e•• rangentento of the St ornate bleepl.• nese. Patna In the Hack and Coetlvene4e. Pat n acid . Soreness over • the when, body, from sudden. cold,- which trispently, 11 neglected, end In allele course of Vs. : e a r, b s im ss i n . fC o o r ld Ap owe l" ; a ti n tr And aeme y. fit l ea nig atel. " : negle headache, or Weight the bent!, all I n nom unitary Illeenee..lWoratie to Blom 41 1127::43:= 1 :xt Oak bek too surnerous Ice mention In this adrertlace meat Dose. to A ' -PRICE THR-F.F. , tyke Liner Inrlententor and Faintly Ciao thartle PHI* are retailed by Instable aco math aid mkt wholmale by the Trade In all the large Mess. • T. B. W. SANFORD, M. H., - • . . Manufacturer and Proprietor. 335.1rroadway, New York. BCERHAVE'S S CELEBRATED ROLLAND REMEDY EOl . DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER.AND A.QUE. An% the various Oreitiona,.eoneequeut uport - 11 disordered STOMACH OR . LIVER, , Such nis Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Coliclsy Pala, lborthani. Lora of Appetite, Despondency. Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. Irr all,Nereens, Rheumatic., and eurolOc Alketious, it has in numerous itlFtAliet% 'proved highly beneficial, and in °there ell - octal a decided core. Tide Le a purely regetal.la compousol,.prcpared on strictly sicientik principles, after the manner of the oelebratal Holland Prof.-seam Scerboce. Its reputation at limns, pro. ducal its introduction hem the demand . commencing with those of the Fatherland scattered over tbo face of this mighty country. mans of ahem brought - with them and !sandal down the tradition of its seine. It is /lOW Offered to :de American 'nadir, /mowing Mat its truly scm,da•fal medicinal virtues smut le aatianoledgal. , It to particularly rtentunienbal to tho'ss persons whose amstitutions may base been impaired Lyrthe continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of diardpstion. Oensrally Instslitsneoull In effect, it Ands its way directly to to. seat of life, thrilling and quickening every none, raising up to. drooping spirit, &akin fact, Infusing new health and vigor In the system bilYflCE.—Whoever expects to end this a beverage yid be disappointed; but to the sick, weal: and low opiritod, it prove a grateful aromatic coals!, Possessed of singular - remedlal properties. • READ CAREFULLY! Thi Gcnul'ni bigbly coneeutreiod Baerliave's I.rolland Bitters I, pot up Inlialf•plut bottles only. and retailed at Ono Donlan per bottle, or six bottled for Bins Douses. The great demand tot this truly Celebrated Medicine has many Imitiolons, which the public should guard stiatatl Wl.krw . a Win g. irir . re of impoititlon: See that our name Is on the label of every bottle you buy. Sold by Druggisti generally. It eau b. I s erwarged by Express - to most points. SOLE PROPRIETORS. • BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. ■iacrAcvpstaa thannatiutists ind Chemists : •, PITTSBURGH, PA.. These BTITERS are sold IA Montrose by cc 4 y . ABEL TERRELL Druggist a f4Z 7 7l' RESTOSEDI m9,TT,_ 3 9 • At aperient and stomachic preparation of • IRON. purified of Oxygen and Carbon by cons& bastion in Hydrogen, of bigh medical author. • ity and extraordinary efficacy in each of the - following complaint% viz.: - • DERELI/Y. NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, SIM' CIATION, DYSPEPSIA. DIARRHEA, CONED PATIOS. ISCROM.A. SALT RHEUM SCURVY, JAUNDICE. LIVER COMPLAINTS RHEUMA TISM. Buzmown CONSEQUENCES INTER. Er _T_Errr FEVERS; NEURALGIA. eRIKINIC HEADACHES. FEMALE NMI:MESS, MI6 MENSTRUATION. WRITES, CHLOROSIS. PIMPLES ON TEE FACE, ROUGHNESS' OP TEE SION, 'ete, • The IBON,bsing absorbed by tile blood, and thus eireulating through the whets system, no L eft of the body can escape their truly wonder. indnence. -= experience of thonsands daily proves that - no preparation of Irea_casalor a moment be compared with it. Impurities of the blood, de pression of vital energy, pale' and otherwise • sickly complexions indicate-its neceesity_in al- - mat every conceivable cue. In all cases of female debility (door allms, Moro*, etc:), its effects are delight:ally renovating. No remedy bas ever been discovered. in the Whole hisbny of medicine, which exerts sub prompt, happy, and fullitestorative orate... Good appetite, eons plate digestion,-rapid Acquisition of strength. with an unusual disposition for active and cheerful exercise, immediately'. fallow' its use. Ai a grand stomachic and general. restorative It has no superior , and on substitute. " Pnt rep in neat at metal harm containing '5O MIN price 30 tents per bait $1; bezels Su 30;:eme dozen bums.** 00. - For' ode by Dengziata 'generally: Will be sent ram to any adders. on receipt of the price. AU le*. Uzi, orders, etc., should be addressed to R. B. LOCKE eir. CO.; - General Agents. 339 14wAnwas t . 16 X.B.—Ths shove I. ' tbuiNdAands ais 'VW on leach boZ. . ABEL TURRELLi To uowprepared to cure. evericisetif- SCROFULA fist Late Ccmitui, and' he . bee 'Remedy for seedy every U to "Oh flesh is heir. , CeU et the GREATiIITEDICINEEMPO.4II/M and be suited Of the beueStrdle;` pealed. - • ffoutroae,luly nate. - w`iie)sw -•--:• -'f' - ', ~." ',-.;,- -.- - - "": t ..". ', . 1-', l , ''Y'r : : ' • ';',.-;:' '-. 1- ` — 'tik . -- -4 t `'. , ' t - .;,`• :141. - t9).ek..., - . tr-. - .V.‘ ~ Yi .r ; 1,7'.4i.• '-', , :i.,,. i t ~ " . V. - -• : : 1 -"..- '-`•-' c' --:', F. -, ',.. . ' -;:. •I: ' c cuRE .. , Nervousileadaelit -- . , -, 4 .!4 r i.;.,..CURE--.; - •-.-- thenee'nt these4inettnitterfadleettacto oi/TertiwW or Bich ifeadaetarmarbe memaid; and It takenat the coinmenoementorair atta. Imalediate relief Rom pain and sickness will be obtained;,.. - They seldom fail in removing the - Nana and Maim** to which-tamale" are so subject, • - . 'ThoiattnentlytiPonthebotreleateming aretheatess. For Literary mei, 451auteMts, lieUestenemales, and all persons ot ,mttuy Aith4ls, they are ealnableas a (=tire, improving the appetite. evictions lad vigor tithe dine"- Alva° Wa MA Teete ri ng. the. Inittltta tetirity and strenguturhe whore rote= - • . TheCEPIIALIC PILLS are the reinit of trig' invietlj nation, and carefully bondieted experiments. barlanbeta' In use ntiney years, dining which tfte they have mmanted and relieved.* east.amonat of pain -and staring Mena Neadache, whether originating In Mb neirmaraystem or front a **anted state ot - thestomneX • ---- - They are entirely ;Tenetable in Mar minpitaition; and limbo taken atalltimes.with perfect - safety without mak mg anychange of diet. %Ladino Minim gralay taite.rentertitemy/oottatia*tr Otemtientidrels. • - • f Cauziterfeits .1) . _ ..-• '• The guanine tine nllllll4lliatlrPOrl fr AtY C. Spadini One* :,%= Sold by Druggists and other Dealers In Illedlehies.'! • A box will be cent by melt prepaid oarecelptot the - . - "Zowleme - get ''-- , All onioniahouldbka&frossed ' • ' L . , • ' HENUC.IIPAJIMFG• igovl2irich Ceilir Street, Sew Work. TILE kaLciwlNG Xmiottsiudiasris OP CEPHALIC PILLS, WILL Cp.N*l37Cli ALL AVIIO SUFFER. FROM itc-:A - 0. - A - ca, THAT • SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS waling MUIR REACH. • As thest testimonials mere unsolicited by Mr ! Spalding. 114 afford tinguesiioncible . • proof of the efficacy of this truly scientific discovery. !MEMO I hive tried your CePhalle Pills, and / fiks Nem so well that I want you to send me stNorthmote. Part of theseare for tha neighbors; to whom I wee kw out of the first box I got from you.. Scud the Pills by mail, and oblige • Your olii`e seret. • JAS. KENNEDY. . . . ~,,,..,-,......-... 1 Llaretford, Pa., Feb. b. • • A. C. Spalding s i • . I 'with you to send me one more. IXix of Tour Cephalic Pills; /hors Omirsd a great deal V arnejUiroot than. • Yours, respectfully NfileSTOilill9ll.SE.- . . . _ • Seta= Creek, Uuntingdon co - ., Pa., Jan. ;S. Spaldina. Sir: - . Ton wilrelease send me two boxes er your Pals. Send them immediately. Respecthilly yours JNo. B. SIMONS. P. S.—l hare used one do of yor Pills, and find them ezcellenl. . • Belle Vernon, Ohio, Jan. 25. Drury C. Spalding, Esq. - Plc.sse flnd enclosed twentrlive cents, for width Send me,another box ofyour Cepiludic ripe. They are truly the bent 01131 have ever tried.. ' • Direct A. STOVER, P. N. ItelleVenton, Wyandot county. Ohio. Beverly. Mass., Dec 9. 11. C. Spalding. Esq. I wish for s.,rue circulars or large show bills, to bring your Pills moreyarticniarly before my customers. If you hare anything of the kind, please send them to me. ' wOne of customers, w IC enbject to a severe sick headache, (usually lasting two days). wee cured of Qrt at tack In an litorr by your Piffr.,Srhich I sent her. RespeUtftdly :yours. NV: B. WILKES. Reynoldsburg, Frankl Ja in Co., Ohio,' • • I • "leery C. Spalding, : uary 9. No. 48 Cedar street, N.Y.. • . .• - Dear : - • In closed And twenty•tive cents, ) lor wbich serid me bax of '• cephalic. pills." Direct to Rev. Win. Filler, at , Iternoldshing, Franklin county, Ohio. • instanter. Four .PThr work rib a charnt—aure Matlack, almost Trill/ Teary: Wln FILLER. • - Mr. S Ypsilanti, Mich., Jan. 11. pa:ding. " Sir: Not long since I sent to you fora box of .Cepbalic Pills for the cure of the Nervous Headache and Costiveness, and received the same, And they had sti - good'on Owl 1 ,seas induced to mod /armors. , ... Pins/ Send , by rcUrn pail— Direct to. - ' A. R. HEELER,WE ‘, Ypsilanti, Mich. From Me' Examiner; Norfolk. Va. • Cephalic Pt&accomplish the *Wert for wldo the: were made, cure dt headache is its foram. From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va.. They•hare (teen tested In more than a thouand ascii with entire unzeu. • • . _ Fimn the Democrat,. St.;' Cloud, Minn. If you are, or have been troubled with the headache,• send for a box of 'cephalic pills, so that you may hare themin also or an attack. I _ 1 From the..Advert(ser. Projfidence, R. I. The Cephalic Pills are said to he a remarkahly effective remedy tor the headache, and one of tbe very test for that very frequent complaint whith has ever been dis- covered. • . - Front the Western R. R. Finette, Chicago. We hearth'' , endorse hir. Spalding, and his unrivalled Cephalic Pills. From the Valley Star, Zoimiha—Va. We are sure that persona suffering with the headache, who try them, will stick to them.. • From the Path Finder. Anew Orleans, La. Try them t you that are &Mike& and we are sure that your testimony can be added, to the already numerous list that has received beneetethatno other medicine can produce. .Fromilie St. Louis l Democra.g. • The immense demand for the article '(cephalle ie rapidly increasing. . • - • From the gazette, hdamport, - /osect. - - Mr. Spalding 'would not connecAr name with en re ticle he did not taw to possess merit.. 'From the .Adverliser. Broiidenee,B.. l. The testimmy In their favor Is Otrcrag from the most respectable quarters. - From the Pally Nam ;New* rt, R. I. ceialaiterillinut taklne the pi* of allitadd. WA tingle battleet SPALDINq'S GOB Ina save ten times 14 eeetlanatuillr.da , SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE t SPALDINGriii'REP.OEI;) GLUE! SPA6INGt GLUE! Ea - VZ TUR . PfriCif{ ! ECOUONY ! • , IiMPATPU 112115 0 " A Bitioa nrrnts Sam Nian,",4111., - As accidents will happen ; even-in well regulated limb Iles. it is very desirable to have. scum dam and comma : lent way tor repairinglarnitore. MP. .• SPALDING'S PREPASZD GLUII- - Meets all Bu r ch emergencies. and no bonsehold Oast Otani to be without it. It ht slimri ready • and up to the stick - - !•irsartiz; sizar zroess." accompOtes Mich Settle. • tiett, j. cents. • Address. - Emmy BPALALVaT • , Cedardtre,glaw 7 Yorle - - • • CA &MR: - nieseiPledi=ro off on theamospecilag wales Wm, 1 wouktastiou =wag. andme tkattlis . *icon* *non ; all ; inutafirit ' theliWorld;To Ofeltlieft - Sisocandilluabredallay...; • t . On See nalnutenl„ , • aur& in tiro* fon'idaii • - i Huron and Sitablatin ern aihintes; Sprains, Wands and Bads,* In yonrosta three days; Indainmatida !scone dip , • • Tao r''' he, Bum, In tan admit; n enkair mo, SadithOilistati; in ten dais Innises,Mounds, Tmen,t On tothrea dar ; • • _Earache, atm Week. digoa. in one di/ Felons, Broken Bless; sift nem is: 3 to to i le days • innosto ;- • Asthma, Goat Srys=t Ire to twenty days; Frosted Fact' Chffb SUSJoints, chronic-Bbea , ' • •-sations.sutfoitrait4 erlsycrouptg, lame r made tciwant;b7 a l'avilegties. - „.• . ' j This OM (Di Grath'sliti =Chiliad pkaseint,', and is a great Fully Medicine for children testbincite. , Ladles *mid all use it. , It always leaves pot better than it Inds joy sag ass bottlp,oSaa corm thri. cm' ' 1 14., 1 41'.4P cVuED IN. (INS ;MILER. • • letler bons !ter Ja mes - Temple. 4 _ . _ 11E1. • Prof: Do.CLaaril : /Miro bees afilleteeMrthlstoen sar i with Neuralgia and othe r painfalcoraplainUi. and I bare been enable to 'sleep' &acridly or. walk any distance 'for many years pot., Lea week.. I gra robottle ofyour-Kkv tricOlL The Ent night I slept soundly and well, and to. day lam like a new maxi. My wife could tot believe her Fps. Your' Electric OE brie! dons in one week-what the oryelchuks orphilad=a taped to do in (kW= years. • ,- JAMS Tierptz . • . • SoutlrarreSt: DEAFtiESS CURED Nzarltermic, May letbi ' "rot De (DOD: Ky broDukrbas been deaf. for 2 viers. Liter taing many Dance. be need: your Maley times; and It cured . bbn enthety r 2 • - • _ .Cr.zirrfoirm R: gCItAFITOIC • Ear For+Webrail Dinanints, lkodlat: the .D‘Pet, 214 EinathDighth-at, Philadelphia, . - . febUtan ey zrres.pEr - BEA-. - Dp*pokpol.littot theSYstah Dyspepsitelibilitt at tie - Rpm, Ilysmeii, Liver Coseriiit, Acidity," Liver aompleint, Acidity, Sick Wade, Complaint:, Bick 7 1, riwriri,EN or; LOSS OP APPETIT& PLATIILENCP, LASS OF APPETITE, mut As maisekess offer i d seamarising Axis As. Ascetics and flatetio4l digantenr - of sigma* *id ready relief is 04 iterfissr remedA • -I THE OXYGENATED siTr E ss. THE 01111311gli#ED &liable. Testimony. • ' ' We call Out tittentiokofiths reader; to Owfolkwiss kW'fen. Prakkag Smith: forest of Wairida - • arolg, mid Row of Araupolis. Md. . . . ' MIDDLZTOWIII, Conn., M.O. lea' lists WOPowts t Csathlasal: Ito use ot• ale acgreuittit //kiwi some Wives ere eight year. einea. Raving itallered fee tursittrjaaes Dom &form of dyspepsia, aehkli was uttemiled with I nermus headache, on as avenge of 'not lass Man one day is a Week, I arominducied,hy the unpreteriding rec. ommendatka of Dr. GOO, 6 . to try one battle, and II we benefit was received to discostlaue the use:" 1 The use o f on. warranted a further meed. to the 011anfOr some thin or but, with a weal disesvance of the accompanying direitione. The result', was, an almost entire relief froin the went dyspeptic symptoms 11'34 their depressing, painthl consequences. if believe kites@ Bitters produced an entire change ii'the;habite of My system, and upon the active *resift, of the:digestive !pus. I now deem myself as exempt Dun Dyspeptit as most germas. Thestrllitteregian alsei been of sra. "Mee mobs: mentiin of fatally, -. Vary respsetfully yours, AUGUSTUS W. MUTH. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS: I OXYGENATED BITTERS. • • RicaxowD, Tioga Co., Pa., Aug. PS, IN& Cartz.zatsat, —%After mitering Ike more than Min" Mara with Dyrpgria, and trying ninny remedies ear" icemendad it that disease without any pad tongs, Was hiducad, by Dr. F. 9. White or Mande ,to Pee Oe Oryintaird Diners a vial. I took two bottles, Which gate me re much reliek that I purchareti two nvore,which hare Delmar quits effected a cure. tam Fl a , toad sa y venty.kee Years 44 age, and tor thug put hare fait neliwoorsalacco ham my bal. - . take peat *awns in ticommendtng the Blum b an Iktad with plapepsia and Its concomitant dissaasm . A. IIEBAAD Pram Dr. Mite. T‘p Co., N., .Ang. 26,1630. IWe and *l* .Onte“&ni Mani hi Psalm to dneidlipd atm, in debility and geoniallnnranclan, , Yd andidady isconimnad Unai in gown) de• , &now of thi..480 vlt ar=ia.:. a- . • warm, ILIV OXYGENiIkTED . BITTERIX THE OXYGENATED BITTEM !PREPARED sr W. FOWL! 111 Tresnottt:Bassit,. Dodos. deli IF DONAU, Pealing and Nersigids fis af/W, .• Boers iesd city airowskont fits elms** e •or sale by Abel Tate!! and Raul, Witrons & Fos Montrose ;L. IL Woodruff, mock ; Amos Nichols.. ..Idyn Whitney di Moxley, Ilarford •„ Weed Ward. • t Bond ;• J. C. Olmstead, Doodad': L. Griffin. Greet pd.: July 26-11•• • SIOF V A.TPS LIFE PILLS & ,FOOENIX BITTERS.. MUMS, MEDICINE. S here now been before the public J. far a period of Thirty Puna, and during that time have maintained a high character in almost every part of the Olobe _for their extraordinary and - Immediate weer of restoring perfect health to persona angering nnder nearly eVery kind of disease to which the human framels liable. Fbe following are among: the distressing Nariety of hu-• man diseases in which the' i. • - . *EGETI‘ BLE. LIFE . MEDICINE 1 . Me well known to be infallible. ' , •DYSPEriad be thoroughly cleansing the Ist and Sad stomachs and creating a ilowLofparealthy bile,instead ito the stale and acrid kind; FLATULENCY Lou or Ap. Heartburn. Hearf__,acrur Reetteasese, annoyer, Aux , and .11etanoi air, which aregenerel symptoms ef yspervol4 4 , vanish, cleansing consequence of nature. Cultsl X 613. b the whole length of the intestines Ws solvent process, and without violence; 1 all Violent pargesleave the bowels costive in two days.? IPEVEltdofill kinds; by restoring the blood to a regular circulation. thretheprocees of nonagon in such cases, _and there' solution of all intestinal obstructions in others. ilhe Life Medicines have been known to eIireANION ATIIIM nentumently Melina weeks.' and GOUT' in halt that time by removing local inflam m ation from the milk .cles and ligaments of the Joints. • : aiMQPainaf all Medi. ;by &fe t ing and strengthening nit kidneys and bladder ; they operate most delightnillyou thee° Important o o reVit,utitl hence bare ever been bends 4 Als:lndfr, by d e l ST:d r : t 4; l from ?h it ei l uTin 'Cgs of the wets the _yrnatter, to - which these de:Mares adhere. • 11C1TOITC-17LC1111111, and VIMMIIIIAT4: . A' 114888. by the perfect poritymblett thesektre xedietner give to th e .blood and an the tamers. , - • • %Tann! minion and DAD coMpusxiciss, by alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the skin and the morbid state of which occasions all cryptic° complaints; sallow, cleady; undo*: disagreearde com plexions. IThe use of these Pills fora very short time will effect an 2grteirgeolffLETtaeto. sa d .______ ;olliffei, L l 3 3 l aei 4 willanws be cnrou by one d ose, or b y j f i g fltllrrst CMS. , - 1111t8.—The Original.Moprietor of these medicines, 11+as cued of Piles. MU-year. standing by the me .of the jegf ra icinmalone.;. • • ' - , 1 'ANDAI.O42.--j'ar this sawn* albs m e w aim country. mese Medicines win - be found a safe, ; speedy and certain remedy ." Other Medicines leave the omen gilded tea Muni of the disesse.—a cure by' them Medi -sJoes isformunent—Try Aces, as satinted.mulbe eared. Willeine. 'leaven, . sag Liver" Complaints. • Gene* Debility' Loss of appetite. and :Diseases of Fek males; The Medicines ham been used \ with - the most bOneficial malts in 'cases;•ol . Ms dmaiptlon:—Kings viL andlerofals.-in its worst forms. yields -to the mild . -1,. action_ of. these setrunkable Medicines: ;Id• 10 f=m, ItersonaDebiliq. : Norma Complaints of i t ndit Piiiidtatien of theMacrt, piintets! -Collo, are Ny itimeifiletscrna whom existitinfons vebncome red by tbe Inindicions me of Mercury. Alfrifed ediciiimilipWeet mired se they erten; =Won tbritoptetKaiktist wgreetalocli a • VW abotter,tlltit ,ori, - , . : • •,....seefd---Tt.f. , y . k; 4 . ,;(1. 4 •!k.44360 1 ,41fai m , . - • Int. Cale' by : all. brimillita. And fir ilia imaedi op* at tbt initOottaat '40444 :it lorolltlis andfiftwoftleno AffbeU ff as Tudisours. Eleess, Soresa" ErOptiftiff Pre piss. Pustules. 1111otekssa MIMS, eleenif . • - " met O il Intim - s , „ ' ' Oaxtann, OA Lune, Mt J - . ff. AY= & CO. Gents: I frei orduty to tuowledge what your Saftscauills list done ft ma. mug Inherited a Sonfolonaintketkm, I have stiffened ikaft kin IMMO Ways,lbr years. Sothettutes Wet out in• Ulcers on my imadt sod-Amu sefroAllito/ JI tunwd'inwerd and dian mjn esseo me at the stonviehr-Two• • ymra swift ke out bad and covered my . and tea with o bro ne sore, which y wan pahnkti imdftdinome . beyond description., I tried Mimi inedkftes seal overt pay s bat without much relief from any thing. 1,. Me. the disorder grew worse. A lengl Was Moisd Le remit id the Gospel Messenger that y en hid polatimf sn' alterative (Saresparillid, for I knew from year mui , tidbit that any thing yea made mutt be good. „ I iteA ter Cincinnati and got It, and used Knit ft cured me. Lftiok M. sis yen advise, in smelt doors of a teeepoontal over month, and used almost tissue bottles.' New and - bralthf lain soon began to fbrm under the , scab, which rifler a while fell off. My akin is nowolear. sad I know tritny henna That the fIIPPASC la gone from my eyetem.- Yea ran well beUmnotliat Ilkel what lon raying when Y tell - yon, that I bold Yon to be oat of the speaks firth. and remota grer gratefully. - Yours, • ALFRED-ft TALLEY. - St. Anthony% 1/Pira,..Roone or liepst else,. Teller and Salt Rheum, Scald. Head, 841 g. - wort*, Sarin Eris, Dropsy , . - . Dr. Hobert 111.Tlebiewrites from Salem, M. Dar Sept, 1839, that he has aired an inveterate one of • preps% w idth threatened to terminate fhtsliy, Lby the perseverlog use or our Sarsaparilla, ami also It &Orel , ous attack of Maiignant RripipeiaS by large door of the - same; says be core/ the common Aroptionsbrit- con ilronebeeele Goltre, far Snivelled Heck.' ZeindoO Sloan of, Prospect, Texas, metal 'voThree- ~. bottleo of your Sarsaparilla carol ate Roma Roilre—b. hideous swellieF on the neck, which I had angered from Loacarrbies or -Whites, Ovarian Tumor, - Uterine Ulceration, Fentale Dineasee. br. it. S. Cnannink, of New York City, writes Most chenibUy comply with the request of yam. Itginfl saykig I have found your Snentparillitmnet excellent alletathut In them u megons complaints OW-winch we en": ploy such a remedy, - but especially In Female °luaus of the Serefulons diathesis. 1 have Cured many levet- - erste ewe 4r Leueorrhcea by lt, and some where the eemplidat wins oaneett by 'detention Of the uterus. ;The alteration noel, Was soon mired. Nothing within ter knowledgeequals ft for thewe.fetnnle derilingemente:. Edward S. Marrow, of Newburv, A Is, write*: ...A den - serene of honor on one of tliefemaler in toy family, which had defied all the remedies we could employ, lint atgelt . been completely cored by your extract of Ser. lia. Onr physician thought nothing bet yxtina tlon teen afford relief, bet he advierel the trial of your itarsitpaeilla es the lest resurt Won. cutting. and It, proved elf/dual. After taking your remedy eight weeks no aymniom of thi disease ameba.. Sirolailla and Mercurial DI • New 0ni.n.t.*a.25111-Auttltlft, Dn. J. C. Aran. Sir: I cheerfully Comply with the , request of your agent, and report to yon some ut the en vie I have realized with your Sarsaperilia. - 1 have cured With st e in my_praethx, most of the earn plaints-for which it it recommended, and base found its, effects truly wondereol in the 'cure of Venereal a n d 31e,• curial Disease. One of my pokntit hof Syphilltie uteri" In Ids throat, whieh were consuming hie palate and the - top of his mouth.-Your Sarsapmille, 'steadile taken eared hi nd In See week,. Another was attacked by see .\ ondary symptoms lit his nose, and the ulceration. eaten away a conelderable part of it, PO 1110 I believe the dieorder would soowresch lila brain and kill 61qi. But it yielded to toy adminletration of your Forropalliln ; the ulcers healed, and lie fs well again, nut of coerce without " some disfiguration of the face. A woman who had berg treated for the same dieonler by mercury won nkCerlsrr from this poison in her bouce. hey lied become tire to the weather that on a damp day she suffered ex - crediting pain to her Witte awl bones. She, ton, Not - eared entirely by your Sarraparilla in a few week.. f - know fromits fortuula,hliiela your agent gave me, tint this Preparation from your lataratory must be a great rental,. ; consequently. these truly_remarkabla results with It have not surprised me. Fraternally yours, G. V.I.AiII3fER, If. D. - litheumation, Gout, Liver Complaint. INDEP=MICFee.. 'Preston Co., Va.. nth Jule, laY3. C. Alin. Sir I brie been &Dieted with chronic Rheumatism tor a long thee, width belied the - skill oVphysicians, and 'duck to me In spite et% all the remedies I couldllud, until I tried your Sareaparllia..One e. _ bottle eared me In two week', and-rcatored inc general health so much that I tun far better than before l•was attacked. I think It dwonderful FRE .1, Jules Y. Getebell, of St. Muir, writes: u 1 have been • afflicted for years with an offection of the Liter, which destroyed my health. I tried every thing, vend every thing • faired to relieve me ; and I have bi-en ft broken-down min for some years front no other ono limn dernnyement Or the Liter. 'll y beloved pastor, the Her. Er. Esprod rimed me to try your Snrupat - ilia, been, SP lie mid ho low*. - , 0“4 and any thing you made wait worth trying. Sy the bike- Ing of God it has cured me, ad has no purified my blood as to makes new man of_me. I feel young again. The best that can be said Of you is not half good enough.... . • Schirran, Canner Tumors. Enlargement, DI. eeratton, Carlos, and Exfoliation of the. Donee. A great variety of COWS bare been reported to es where maws of three formidable convinints hare remitted from the use of this remedy, but our space here will not ini • mit them. Some of them may be found lit our Amurlean Almanac which the agents below named. are pleased to fundsh drafts to all who call fur thorn. . Dyspepsia. Heart DI , Fits. Epilepsy, Melancholy, Neuralgia,- . Many remarkable cures of them alTectionn bare been' made by the alteratkepower of this medidne. It stimu lates the vital 11171(41mm into s lgorona action, and thus overcomes disorders winch would be supposed heybn - Its reach. Such a remedy has long been renntred by the neciessitice of the people, and we are confident that this will do for them All that medicine can do. . Ayers Cherry Pectorat, C=l Coughs, Colds. influenza, ii nesi. Croup, Bronchitis, Inelptent Commixing. tlossoind for the Relief of conssunp.- Uwe Patients, in advanced - • tegesi of the Olsease. . This is a remedy so nnlvcrially known to !inflows any other for the cure or throat-ond. lung eomplointa, that ik is useless here to.publish the evidence of its virtues. __lts unrivalled excellence fur coughs and colds, nud Its holy wonderful cures of pnlmonery disease; have made known • throughout the civilized nations of the earth. Few are the ccingrinnltles, or even Pkinilies, tunonglisein who have not some personal experience erns HI - win some living trophy in their midst of its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. • As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, awd u they know, too, the effects of this remvily, we need not do more than to assure them that It :11U now all the vir tues that it did .have when making theeures which hue won so strongly upon thecontideneelof mankind. • . , Papered 4 , Dr. J. C. AYE S ed. CO., Uwe% Marg. J ., , Forsae byAbel i'errell.Vontreset Church & Thlnuey Dundaff ; Waltman & Swisher, Auburn Centre, and by ill dealers an druggists everywhere. : . oe 8 7.. ew cHILDfIErt MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, presents. to the attention or mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP' , FOR CHILDREN‘ . .TFETHING, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by ion ening the gums, - reducing all intlaintuation,-will allay ALL PALN and spasmo di c action, Und is SURE TO REGULATE, THE BOWELS. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rent to and am= - .itenta .TO • YOUR =PASTS. We have put tip and sold this article for over ten years, aid tzars say IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH °IR.-what we have never been able to say of ahy other medicine— NEVER lIAS IT FAILED in a SINGLE INSTANCE, to. EFFECT A CURE, when timely used. Neverdidsve know . an instance ofdiarailafaction by anyone who bad used it.. On the contrary, arbstredelighted with its operations, andt speak in termini esnamendation of Its magical effects and . medical virtues. We say in this matter "WIIAT WE DO KNOW," after ten years' experience, and PLEDGE On REPUTATION. for the filLelimentof what we here deekuse„ In almost every instasesseharatko:OrfaktiS-stifferinglid; pain and exhaustion, relierwill Wean& itt. lifty.44. to minutes after the syrup is actinkaistilimilv • . ' Thte valuable preparation is the prescristlen of one et, the most EXPERMCED and fiItU.LTVL NURSES in, New England, and has been used with NEVER•PAILINGi SUCCESS in - - THOVISAPIDS OP. 'CASE& It not only relieves the child from; la, bat invigosatr the stomach and bowels, corrects aeidity, and eves tr and ene rgy wag whole system. It will almost Instr..tly relieve'. Millie IN TN - BOWELS, WO, Raid. and orereomeconvulsions, which, ifnos, *speally eared. end in death: We believe it the BEST and SUREST rem edy in the WORLD. In all cases of-DYSENTERY and -Dpkgßu(R,A IN CIULDREN, whether it Athol from teething, or trim any other Caere. We would , say, to all mothers who have a child suffering from any ottheforego ingtomplalnts—D6 NOS' LET YOUR -PRZWRICZ.S NOR THE,PRRJTIDICWrof °TILER& stand between you and your suffering child, and the relief tlutt r wM be SURE—yes ABSOLUTELY SUREJ-to follo w the tot or this medicine, Ittlitely.nied. Full. directions for. taste.' williceompany_eath bottle.- None tramline unlessthe e. simile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is• or. the outside wrapper. - - • . • Sol&byDruggists throughout the world.. . . • • ihrfnelpiirOalee,lllCeduir'lareet, New Tiqic.. PRICE ONLY- 28 CENTS PER WWI= 4ecO , For Elle in Nearest' by Abel Terrell. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA.. = • t • Benevolent Inntitution establi.kal by apt.. - cial Endowatint, for rite ./6/iif of the Sid, and Distresstd. _afflicted with - Virulent and Epidemic Disease*, and especially . for the Cure of Diseanes of the &sea/ Organs: 11/11EDICAL ADVICE. given gratis.• by the • r J. Acting Surgeon. tc all who apply by Istter7 : .: , with a description of their condition. (age.'decO"' potion. habits of life. &c..) , and in case* of e*--_ treks° poverty,ntedleines Inroished free ofelutigell, Valuable Regorge on. Sperthatorrhces, and oth er Diaeise* of theliexual tlrgans. Sent to - thejit Meted hi.sealed letier - eavelopcs.-Tree.,e( charge Adding. Dr. J. r klllin Iloughton.AttingDor '‘: irsonaleward AssoCiation;• N0411914.11:81b-lifili .1 1 hiratra.qrdsr oftikaithsay m! -i,,il ge t ;10— 4841.breijotin Nati, Sao • A. TUARZLL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers