- - , AnSon . Burlingame been appointed Minister tohioa, of , the refu - Sal of Austria to receive D 43 ;6 3-- Ds DEEDS! • • • MEDIUM- SIZED DEEDS! C - 4.7 - C - 7 LARGE PEEPS: .\I)IIIISTRATORS' DEEDS, EXECUTORS'. DEEDS., - • . . • GrARDIAXV. DEEDS! 'II?CSTEES' DEEDS: .t.C.,7&C., • • and MORTGAGES! All of the must desirable styles; printed) veryTheatly, on tirstsrateyarelnuent paper m thr sale at CASH' prices. Attornens: Justices, and Others, who want Deeds, - --- j •,‘ healer one hundred, or but one— trill' t'o call and look at the il'esh,-ehoiee-. varieties at. the DumediAT Orrtinn:, Weekly Market lieports .NEW.YOEK WHOLESALE CEH.,!ES. Wheat Flour, • :0 bbl.,- 85,00€09,00 - Rye Flour, 1:4 bbl., 4,00 Corn Meal. bbl., 2,800. 2,85 Wheat, bu., —1,28 P Rye, P bu., • 0,55@0,02 Oats, tin., (nibs) 0,30@10,35 t; ern, P bu., , 0,40@ 0,50 butter, ?lb o,lo@ 0,16 Cheese, pc.% • 0,046 t Tallow, -1911) • 0.00,f0.0,10 Lard, plb 0,0000,08. "416NTItt , SE P111C1:S . CI. , IIItEI4T. . l':irasols for • , • • ~, - 861 Wheat li but•hcl, $l. a,s,is , Wheat flour V1.41:011(t.$8,00 ' — 1: Parasols, large., L. .11;,-,. . ..:A cents 1 Rye ilonr V cwt.: .2 (LT., Plain :5 Corn.. .. .. . 51icento I Corn meal ,lico a. 1i.50 1,75 Large.. size .It.a r ntillas, . , • • 1 iluckwh,::: .. 40-cent4 . Pork? tb .. . - .-10 (0 12 cent* 4 tat. .. . . .22", cent* 1 lardp Th...... ..... is cent II t All silk and ‘vorsteil bare ,, e Shkwls, I;, rs Bean.; sl,ll‘ Butter la lb .12 (0 10 cent* h s- : 010 Shawls, • ' V r0ux[...... .- .-. 60 cent,. -Egg, V-doz ..: .. 10 cents '-:`,: ." --- •• '.--- -- '' - -7 = . All wool and Silk•Broche Shawls,. 3.' BINGIPAMTON WHOLESALE PftICES CURRENT. , Striped Broche Shawls, limo : 141m . $5.25457 V:, ' Pork 11 bid sl£ , 000419 00 r:olid oil-boiled' Silk, black, Wheat "f bu 1 12S il '.15 i Dressed, hogs h 29Ct. 7 Ott ,'-'„, Rye do ... 50“, ' Beef ou foot 3 006 r. 4OD , Fancy, Silks,. - . ~..,ra do . _5O I ,•• dressed .: A WU. 600 • Not.. do . 1.27 : ••• 11 bbl 'Il• d 'Ol F•tin .1; Silks 10 00 .111 s 11 . • t.. • . , 'Bear,. do . 12:;!7f li.o I Hides" ; 09 .4 09_•S-4 wide Bare , res . . Ruckwheat .. .480.. .. I Items 'f! lb .. ...do,ti , I , "tour v own 16211. . Shoulders . ... - .. 08 'N. lee . (Manic 1 ) e Laine, ~ , Apples Vba . '..50a. 79 Lard . . 1 . iiiit •10 Good Lawns. - dzie+3.do .. . 63% - Ratter, firkin ... 0 , • .• ~.,,,,,,,,f, . . se - ... roll :: 130.1. to Calicoes, .warrauted fast cohirs, .1,,,,e 1.1 . - los 9 : lig.4i4 14 do: . ..-10 4 14 iln‘-17 , tot 6.50r.it 7-oo i Clover seed Vim 5 500 600 ' lieaVyliroWll Sheet.lllo 5 , . - Rah 34 hill. 160 Timothy seed .. 9 112 vards . yd. wide bleached M l uslin, 1, .00 •• packing .. 1 Ilia 1 , 79 Wool lo Ili- - ~. 25Q,.. 30 , , Pelts -. _-..M0 NO I White Ffith4lhbl . . 790 ...410110.11.11:V a L ean s , - iii -•.• . chickens 1 1 : 11, - . , • 10 ! • - ' . - N • • 4 . 7 5 All Woo i Casstmeres, . 70 Paper Muslin, double width, 6} Good Watch Steel Spring'Skirts, 25 Ladieswhite-cotton Hose, . . 5 Boots and Shoes, from 50 cents to 1* 75. And all other goods not mentioned here told equally cheap.. Goodsbuill be sold as advertised, and warranted 1 to give satisfaction. All of the abovoGorxis hare been bought entirely for . Cara'. at large Auction Sales, at Immense sacrifices, and will be sold ate iitnalladvauce. Ladies, and all who want to puretuise any i thing In the line of . , DRY GOODS - j Bo of Good Cheer.—Doblllty and Languor. Out of mane there is but one infallible remedy, Hollo way's Woria renowned l'ills,"and only one source of thin `disorder. the stomach. When see tumsider the itymote thetie affinity existing between the condition of the Mom ach and the action of the brain, we can easilv understand the ivliariatt of Holloway's treatment. 'Mr& the stomach and the circulation net on the generalsystemoind by nitrifying the blood, renovating the digestive organs.. ud . l4imulatingthi. secretions of the liver, _thee give a huoyaticy to the animal' spirits, elasticity tcstthe body, and vigor to the whole constitution. .oint ment b the only sure ertnetly for old sores. ulcerated legs lupe:Mot eruptions. ..te. Join" Great Dbicoveri• --Ample test...both:by nble,Prse latione^s and chemical analvsis, have demonstrated the ! ,reat value of Prof,lle Grattb's. '•ELECTIiIf OIL". for :hr relief and mare - of pain. But the people themselves ..,re rendering their verdict in a anannerhoth tananistalcsble ' crad satisfactory. More than twenty thonsatati bot ties have been sold in a very short time-a great proportion to those ' ivha heard others recommend) It, who had tried it. That-; n 9.1.—al id discovery b• everywhere ftek,uo‘kledged,and I.. , ttnng like It was ever Actor.' prevarea,- The onlv Gccuine ELECTRIC 011. it Prot. he Cirath'a which ip to be had at all the respectable Ilthemi.ets in the eitiee. and at Illholesale and retail. at the prcgrictor'r peer• ot the heck. See advertikemente. jet 3m For kale in Ole town by ABEL TURRELL_. Mothers, Read Thlst —Melo! lowint: it an extract from n letter written by the pi!wor of a thipti.t church - to the —.lburrial anti Nteasenor," Cincinnati" Ohio. It rave • oinai, in favor of that world-renowned inediclue-151n.e. Ny ,{ tlPr :‘ , l • livr eon Citn.nnEN TEETkinio: •• Wi %re an advertiremcnt yOUr of Milt:WM .l,m r Soothing Soup. Now we never s.lit! a word in favor of any patent .. tneiliclne in our life, hut we feel coin- • pelled to sal - to your reader', that tbla is no humbug—we 'tare TIIITT; IT, ANT/ KNOW IT TO RE ALL IT CLAIMS. Probably any of the mart eueee e sful medieloe,i of the day, becau.e it i. one of the be Thor who have bableecant better than to lay in a ,tiplify. • , der:1 1 .1 1 y. I. 0. of 0. F.—MovrnoNE Lanni:, No. 151. meet'. at (plll- - tlitove 1in.11,-.llontrort; on Tot ...lay evonimr.. .1. O. Wwur.r.x:&r. Wm 11. STRE,sr, S. cJ. ' St. John Encampment No. 50 7 met 'Odd rellowot trine, on tut and 4th Fr 0.1».. eeeningtof ..ach month. C. C Scr. A. N. 111:1.1,4111.D. C. T. Board of Beldef.—Notire is her..by,,ai , en, that the Board of Belief. composed of the Associate .114;dgem and County Commissioners. will meetat the Commissionemf Office, in Montrose, on Monday, July tat 1961, at two o'clock, p. m.. and on. the first Monday -of each month therea.fter.to receive apljeations and make itpprorniationit for the relief of Volunteers and their farnillee, under the provisiens-of an Act. entitled "Au Act . to create-a Loan and to provide for arming the'State. approved Mar 153961 ' Br Brunt or BoArto or Ilium?. 7:YEALT.IECJSI. CRANDALL-4n Brooklyn, April 23d, Lydia, wife of C. E. Crandall, te 24 years. Administrator's Sale Will f David Allen; besoldat.tion we a c,d • tthe i t u • su et i id o en tei e t Br,Vigewater, on Saturday, June ?2nd, ztirk following property, to : . I .N Yoke of Stags,a 13n11,a Sow and Pigs, - 44 two-horse Sleigh, a two-horse Lumber Wagon, a Cultivator, an Ox-Yoke,a Sett , of Double Harnesses, two tons of Hay in the barn, a stack of Hay, Ox-Chains, 'Grind-Stone, Cross-cut Saw; Cooking Stove, Dog Churn, and all kinds of Farm Tools and Household Furniture, &c, &c. Terms,--:-All sums under t )0, cash ; 13ver that amount three months .credit with hitereat and approved seettrity. J. B. 31cOOLLI.T.SL.--Adm're - June l 1th,1861. CRINGE Of TIME I SILEDIER. ARRANGEMENTS, IP E LA .1V•1?, IVE STIP X P. 14- T'~-a L~~~~ 1~ [IA.S B / 2 , :.bettti read] "New TeXitst 4. pAn„itrtime fOr the Hudson Ris er. and 1.. T..faxnad steamers. The Express Train North at.Great Bend with 'he mad train for the West on ett Road. Onnod after Thnrsda:r. Jnae I.lVh, trains Will be ran as follows; EX PRESS PASSENGER TRAINS MOVING Boum. ,movngi The Night Express Train I Pairengeralrom N.York East on the N.Y. 6 It. R.I least Pier Ni. 2.North file. arrives at Great Bend depot er at ' [a. m.]7,00 at [a. in.] 1,11 Getout ofrourtland-st,S.OO, vonnerta with the From Philadelphia 1 1: sprig' train fur leave Ht.nifingUni,•. 7.10 N.' Y. and Philad'a ' • Leave/unction,- -1-11.1 a) which leaver at 6,45 ' Due at Washington. 11,29 lineal New :Milford. ' 7,(el ilrlAgevi)le,i- (p.m.) 12.01 11.antrose, - 1.23 liope.(FhiLimmection)l 04: liopbottom. ' 7.45De1.15 minutes todineleas Nicholson: • 6,02'1 Columbia, ''' "" - 12,46 Factorrvills. ' . 8,25 i Water Gap, ''• ' 1,1 a) tnl Abingt. - 8.40 1 Strondibmi. , 1,14 Scranton, • • . 0.20 •Tobyhattuar - . - ''.2 27 Moscow, . 9,57 Moacow.... •, 3:01 Toliyhanua 10,35 Scranton, - t • Stroudsburg. ~ 11,41i , --.Abingtork. .; - . 345 4,18 Water Gap. fp. m.11.2,1M Factorysirie, • , "---- .4.,T1 Columbia;. -• 12,16 NicbcDson: .. - " + 4..M1 Delaware. (15 - to dine) 32....r.1 Ilopbottom;, , , . 541 liope,(Phlladconneet:ll2,so Morttrose,• ! -. ~ r • Em - Bridgeville,' • . • 12,54 0 ] Nest Milford. - -, -, .5,0 m Wnahjaon.- - . 1,•4 Great Bondi , - - , 6.10 Junction. . • 1.1 . • Connects wit-hemp train New York. - . -4.00 i Went, as, - . .. - 6,12 Philadelphia,. - . 6,50 :And Night Ma. Wert- la 4 Tbe Expre*s PW!FengeT Tei.ln'ilorstb, connecie at the .irtnetlon - with . the 2.65 p. ca." train 0 . .„., z New Jersey , tetra' Itodfec iktblebenitillapcb.Chun Ipmading.. !Id 'ilarri. s burgt, Ltc. ! ' , , , ACCOMMOPA t. * - n , •• Srrantun nt-fam.)ii,2o N. Y. EL trill' arri;•et , 1 artiiryville,* 15A1) •tt:riciat. Bend • 511)11,30 Nlcikuitton. 11.001 Lotsv.e 31231.10 Montros, (p. AL) IUS litovrtnee„ , 295 "real Bend. 1.15 • briegeritiu. • . SAO rc.nueettug with Dunkirk Pada ' '4.45 Eiprels West, at 2 0 18 DM 61.,1 cht2ol4 6.10 The Accominotiaiiou Tritin doen.n ipavel 14 2 1101 "=" 113 atter the arrival 01 the morning Train Le tae Laciravanne and Bloomsburg ILoilmitd, thus giving rammogere from the Wyoniiiig Valley a direct connection. for the Welt by the morning train. - For the accommod.iilon or ica'y travel WI the suittbenP division. a: . parsenger car will lie attrubcd'toan.Expren Freight train. leaving beranuantu 4n. in.. duc.nt.Strunds burl: 11, Junction. B.ln p. .11..... turning. !taro Junction n,rm a. in . due at Strundxnnrgs,2o„tkrantotom p. zu. r.t.,...tisgerS to and : , ittiv York. will.khkn o, can' at ton. To and frorO Fj3il44 , rlpkllt, 11,1, H.ll ...1v... or t..k, ear, at llope .. Fur PitrAtoo. Kftittoton and 1.101 1 .3.41,&--14lootuglittrg 11...1t.at Serrulton. • sqs .\r - is :tart (:)trl)Gmla.l.• :take ()Jou I1)nn at r and:hagt • a , 'ob.rkcd throurfl:. rsi .- ,;, ' • , : , *•,* * * * * * ~. _. ier ~r w, q • - - . . . * * *c*.i•-* I **** * * * I ;Pico iliCktroc' NO. 20TOCIIT•STONE'r. ;GREAT SACRIFIOE DMZ SO OILO COODS*;SELLING AT UMW HIRING. GiIEALT RUSE AT TEM • BEE lirrE, TO SECURE SOME fOk"rlK 2841' DAZOL' Please 104 at /hr trillotripp .7)14m Will find It to limit - advantage to call at our plate' before rurrha, , lng elmwchere, as tie a 11l notlao undersold. An trn'enst slot le-of , BONNET RIBBONS, • BONNETS. FLOWERS - and_ RITOHES,I!t:nd Erer:othing in the line of I; 'Millinery GQods!, Coastanti, on hand for the Wholesale-andltetail Traci. HIRSCHMAN BROTHiIiS, Cciener ('purt and Water Strecits. ' Sign of the BEE HIVE. 73inbitmton; June 131.1 i, 1861. Aclini.riigtrator's - Notice. WHEREAS letters of Admini.tratlon to the 4tate of DAN ID ALLEN. tale of Bridgewater, dec'd, hare hem granted td the subscriber, all prone indebted to the eaidxstate are requested to make immedlito pay zatvat, add those lowing claims or demand% against the eatate of the oak! (1.-cede:it will Make known - the ammo without delay to . Montrose.jrme. 13 -Ow J. B. McCOLLUNI, Adm'r. • Auditor's Notice. OTICE-1S hereby given that the undersigtiod,lan An• dltor appointed bythe Orphans Connor SUPOnetins county, to make distribution of the fund in the hands of the adru'r nil:state of Josiah Ellis, deed, to & muting lite heirs and legal representatives of said Estate, will attend to the duties Of his appointment at the office of Nlecollum & Searle. in hinntroae on 3londay July let, ligal at one o'clock, p. En.,at which time and place all persons having any claims upon said food ire required' _to preicnt the same or be forever thereafter debarred. jef ' " •• • • .D. W. SEAALK, A4ttor. /- lIARDLVO, .fle. • 0 CO.;L. RIALLefi/.D.:: .".11-4.RDING & C I . TIEA.LEns In Dry Goods, Groceries: }Dm: . twirl, Ready Made Clothing, Boots et, Shoes, Sash - , (..lass. t ic.. &c. , Nicholson Depot, May 7th,-p. 'THE UNION' Now and Forevr ! THINK, EXAMINY , „ • AND SAYE 25 CTS. ON -A DOLLAR BY BUYING YOUR. . :,& SUM-bit:ft ) 9 or - HAYDEN BROTHER _ S, THE PEOPLE'S AGENTO, -AT Tit k ORIGINAL " ONE PRICE" STORE! OUR! STOCIC IS NOW COMPLETE ! .NEW -GOODS:.ARRIV ING. DAILY. HAVE A•LAIIIT ITTOCKOF-L2 ' cytd.19'..121 7 C/' D - Rk .ero ODS, GB OCEI?IES PROV:18.10,14'8, , HATS AND DAPS; - _, E.d0 . 75 .AND WALL .. PAPER, WOODEN -orl liE, COAL OIL ; YANKEE NOTIONS. SKELETON. SKIRTS, FLOUR, SALT, N And a great of articles", 100 - iinieeroasto mention, which .w,llisrelebutt to ' •.• • Cheaper thanthe Cheapest ! PROD Ut l ,4 hail: in ..+sl42rocri. i . , t11 Goods sold al ONE PRIC,Fand NO ; DEVI:42IIQX Oar ayatant ntdo,thglituttneati giant aatlifacilou ! E CALL ANDEXAMINE OLD R G?ODA IfIIXTILEII . .IcOtT BUY .Olt_ ; .tW: I%'£ WILE SIIO* YOi BARGAINS UNHEARD Or. 54. 7- Small fivors thankfully reeelred, and Mixer ones 'ln ouptatiptt , ..youraokr..„ .131=i064P. NEM' ;Tuna sth, . PATENTNICA-LAMP-AlOllO - nOtslt ' Btlk ' MIIB grist inventh*:cont :one' using.ool4-01L. LAMB." Atgives more light, re. quirealces cleaning, and *lll not break by heat or cold, kinhiror?knyWrdlnarynuageL For ealsby Btotekospers generally throughout the C. Boind =the - entwickw,` and wholesale by the ktanalscturers and Patentees. $47,11 1 18rt - .: No. 321 - ICtiisecint.fitreet.; Phil's. N. B. A large and so perlor stock otac,e4 - 4:114.11; : Zusiziamoss always on bard, at prlcesnetylog cora-, petition. dlso the Portiand • Coal .011, at manutedorers'.. prior. - marl 4w 1311.0% id igtONCITIAL; VicICIIES. for IltirsenSew, IP • at. Fr:About efts different - kinds !cd Pills, and other Patent Medieinei in proporticin. Montrose; March, Mt. ABEL TERRELL. c ai r -D FILLS. in& ol • ::- 4 „.6 1.1 ER If FS SALES. . ABEL TURRELI, Siteet Ititisic.- uy Arttieof sund7 Watt Hatted- tdi Ebert of CoMinon rtyse of liaegte ,11110 tOcaoillired. I %sill expose .row offers for sale one fth , l . t t FCirt e r 591.TherViriii. WICK n'l FP, , to pub sate , at &Court House in onfhoee, on tiara* . .erao e arges nut nixterrtabe. and saber hew Pileeiwcat . day, June 22: 1801, at 1 o ' clock p. tat. the following real - ape, 1 ,„ ,- ensidriiimac.fes. estate, to v. a ' best selections of ALL that certain piece re paned of land situate in the ' t born of Neu Milford, bounded and described as follow*, . ' 'STILL ,THE OIt TRA , III . wit: Northby the tee*, Kest by /afdtsf 811 Modell, ,',... 11. '', cei r li t ~/,‘ l , : , i .. ir j South by B. 11., illasde/1 Ind A . D 'Wellman, and . Welit , , . ~ . -7.. I ‘ s iiEff 1 s',7's A . by the Ot Bendand Cochecton turnpike toild--cettliwatiff ' ~.. j j ) ~..),9 j .. 1,1 1 4 ___ • PL hip .;.t.D ' about One , third of in acre, inure or less t and being the ' ramp land eenreyed to H, L: Little by decide's retried , from Corwin & apragne, and ,by hint once to trac en to , ONA 15 CENTS! 14. Bunnell, with the etmurtentmemka Wilding occupied Ever offered in Susquehanna County, and .1 , robabty comprising the greitest VA- ' - - • as a uagon • shop foeudry, with dean% engine and the nterhinery atta• Mal butt of LI r, Little, vs . l S. Rumen ALSO— All thet,errtain it lece or pared of land 'finale in tIETI or most di ff erent articles of ant' BETWEEN Pi ONTILOSE & MONIROSE DEPOT Store in the Noithern p art , of Pennsvls a New Milford twp; bounded and described us follolsa. viz frill% Regular Mad yew Wlll Cam passengers between North by iambi of Isaactihen.ood, East by lands of Geo- .. nia, min perhaps of the entire' State.. An f the above pL.ces f rtbe sum of 15 cello; Or lean and Robert Harrison, South by lan& of Janaga Conklin. assortment is kept in about - thirty differ- star , teas e e , n h ge „ rs Williie caned fur at their reilidences by lesalnj their names at t 0 Poet Wane or at the Franklin Bonne, and West by land of Rufus Lines—containing about Ilb arres, more or less, with the appurtenances. 5 barns, a wagon house 2. orchards, and about 90 acme Improved en t branches of trail); an....f the • SeleCtioll'l Prje:Dirly th. ;ran ., kl d in stac Lioult ev ef pan a.. r at ..x , ,o a n n tro d s t e. p ra m tklt , of F . F. ltadger, vs Nathaniel Stanton. 1 " .1.8 TARIthLL Agent. , are made from about forty csf the best ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate . . in the tounstap of Great Belot bounded and described u , !LOUSE% lti New i l a o u rk fa , e a t i i i i d rers lllO o r u e t t o h f ai N i : I f s - AISSOLITTION.. . follows, - to vitt: Beginnin g at a cheatuut tree In thenorth ~. rb,,,„1„,,,„ ,„„,i ite u line of lands °until by Thomas Hays and runs thence `.• '-'-"”-• ' ••"'" '' V ipartnerehlp heretofore exisbr; under the firm , T H Iwc.NO t& ssirrn Is this day dissulved by mutual r along hienorthline west 0 chains and 961 inks to a stake , York. A large proportion o f t h e Goods consent:. The dotes and accounts will be , bribe bands of and stones, thence north t chains and ZS links to the ' , tee brought direct (ruin the M anu f acturers n • P • Slant for aettlement All persons indebted to th n . lands of Benjamin Spearback, thence east, 0 chains and% • : s la e t t en e rm l lu ' e r the importance ef ' el/I'4'g Immedhlte links to stake and steam V thence north east as chains [ll%lB insuring gen uine articles. Custom and Wanks tot post and Hones. thence south 8031' east tiusesi Sunimersville Pa SAMUEL lOCNO, 18 chalua and 75 finks to a beech sapling, thence by the ers on entering the Store must not expect everything in sight, but nearly ev- March 90.1411361 EP. SMITH Kelder lot and by the Carlialelot youth Lit'west 17 claims t u fi n d and 50 links to a post, thence south 88)•• east 11 elude.. and2olinke to a eked:auk thence soul/11M' westin dens I cry article . wanted will he produced by - CO - VAItTNEIISITIP. and %links toa poet a corner, thence tooth 14M• weets4 inquiry. Soine'idea of the Stock inav b - e links tot post, thence.souta 30' wait is chains to a post , •,. . "turn Subscribers basing entered Into co partnership frorned by the followin g general outwit., A und. r the name and firm of a corner of Lewis Motion's land, thence bytbe Same and s by the said Ray's land wait 55 dieing and 75 links to the t , place Of begisining, conuaaingiw sem of inns be the ' out enumeration is impracticable. B. li SUTPHIN. tt CO - same more orlees, together with the appurtenances, one _ op I framed bowie. framed barn, small orchard and about SO 1. Olt Till' • Pc:RPOSE OF CARRYING .ON THE I acres improved . Suit of Luke Smith v s. David % annetten I~EBC~NTII ROSINESS I NOTICE TO PURCHASERS —To prevent oilseed. r dandies, notice in hereby given that Purehasers at ...Ayr sirs sales will be requited to •tiny the amount bid at the time the land is sold It has become imwritheiN uec,ss lir) to adopt this rule, and it will be strictly Mitered to. except Incases where the purchaser is • lien creditor and Is entitled to the fund as pro% Wed in the Ist section of the set of Assembly. approved April 20th. 1040,uhich la as fel lea .. f—t.' Whenever the purchasers of real estate at Or I ohm's' court or Sheila - s sale. shall appear from the proper , record ter be entitled, as a lien creditor, to receive the vrholc or any portion of the proceeds of said sale, it Weill , be the duty of the S,herlfl Administrator. Executor or Other person making such Kale, to receive the receipt ..f ' such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which be or I they would appear. from the record as aforesaid to be en titled to receive; Provided, that .this section shall not be so construed as to prevent the right% of said Sheriff, Ad ' mlnistrator, Executes or other person aforesaid to de mend and meets eat the time of sale a sum sufficient to cover all legal costs entitled to be paid ont of the proceeds , of said sale , add provided further, that before any pun ha see or purchasers% shall receive the benefit of this section, hear they shall produce to the Sherif!, or other person so making said gale a dale certified statement from the prop er records, under the hand and oftli la' seal of the proper officer, showing that he im alien creditor entitled to re ceive anypart of the proceeds of the sale aforesaid." I ELIA', V GREEN, VAseiff I Montrose May 17, 1861 00 NO 69 31 50 311 6f i ot GROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED 'AVOISE.LESS SEWING ,KKCHINE.S, FOR FAMILY AND _MANI7FACTURING USE, 495 Broadway, Now-York. agencies in ali die principal Cilia and • Towns in the UnitiV States The Grover & Baker Sewing Machine 'Company are now manufacturing. and have on exhibition at their dif• ferent salesrooms. machines making the Shuttle or Lock Stitch, of the eanu• patterns and at the same prices as their celebrated Grover ..t Baker Stitch Machines. thus affording the public the advantage of comparing fhb stitchosof the the leading machines and exercising their own Judgment as to their respective merits. This is the oniveompany that manufactures both kinds of machines anti therefore the only one that can offer pis privilege to the purchaser. "We speak from experience when we'szy that, after having tried all the pnncipal sewing machines, we meat accord to that of Grover Baker the pre-eminence. , Those indispensable feature* of sewing, strength, Uni fonnity, and'elnstitity, all of which are brought out In this incomparable invention, make it the first sewing =Warne in the country. (Mimi have their good points, but this combines all, and possesses every characteristic necessary tp make it most desirable ."— N. F. Christian • aconite and Journal. " lenrr X 3. rITY.TENCE. -We perceive that the ,Grover ..t Baksr Sewing Machine Is every day growing more and more In fal. or, both fur mmantacttuing and —family purposes—but cspecially.as adapted to all the rekuire, meats of family use. Other machines, by dintof brazen puffery and conniving with committees at. annual fairs ,have been th•rust forward into the first place; hut theyare fast losing this unmerited position., The real merits of the Grover .t Baker Machine. are beginning to be known In a practical way, and daily is the demand for. them in trees-Veg. while the demand forheretofore better known, but infetior machlues is proportionately decreasing. $o i It turns out In this e as n mane other instances, that lion- city Is the best policy,' and the light, in the - cod, comes nopermost. • - "A trial of ever two years enables or to eay with the greatest confidence that there la , no better •machine for general Familyiuse than Grocer 6 Baker's Sewing ! chine Co. itinaltes a beautiful 'elastic seam that does , not rip with wear or washing, runs almost noiselesrly, is plainotimpli, easy to trork, and not liable to get one .1 -of repair, fastens the cnds of its own thread, and noes ! threads and aka directly from the spools on which they are bbught., , ' , —N. Y. Leader.' Grover S. Baker's Machines' work, In their peculiar stitch, mod fabrics put together-by It. may weir and drop to pieces from original weakness or hard uesge, but come apart or give way at the seams they cannot • - they will hold together when the cloth or calico aroundlhem hangs io Tits sod tatters.—N. Y. News. • " The Points we conceive most necessirs and impor. taitto meet the wide range of rsquirements In a machine for famUS sewing, we find more fully combined - in - the Grovir.h. Baker, viz.: extent of capacity, simplicity of construction, easeof management, advantage of using thread from two spools without re-winding. strength - Of work, eListitity,. durability and regularity of stitch. and quietness - of movement. We therefore make award to the Grover & Baker."l2eportqc earttniittee of Penman* State Fair of Mitt—case of St. Louts State Fair of 1860: F. - Agent, feta : ,.,ty eq l !n* 31ontrome, Pa. UNION GOODS AND INSIGNIA, *110LEI6ALII: AND RETAIL General Depot, is liNn; street. New York. . • UNVELOIO3 with riew:and epleedld elevieee at the .124 lo . .vmst,ridef.....„ • . . , - per thousand : 16.00. •••• ' Ist_. Light . • . 0 . 40 . • -• 2nd ". "•" '• • 4.75" . Name and BasineteCardprinted on them it desired: A single package or Splandki Ravelopes sent post paid for 20 cants, . 150MIleatUd'Envelopeirpo . it paid for SUB.' • • GMOMFA ia_FBR extra nullity at per.Thmm. one quire kentrioat_r Id for Mt .- . CNrON BADGES AND 'ROSETTES. eleasiitly up at 10,15.40,-86 and 20 cents each. • Liberal diem:int, when ordersd by the quantity. , .°; FoRIittAIT . OF4LAJ.:ANDEFLYON,•23 centa„ vas lIBUtioG CONTINENTAL, alt cents. &erecter TIMETAR SFANGLEDBANNI:I4 2:, cents. A heart • *tiering ditehm: - - - • _ BOMBARDMENT OF SUMTER, 25 cent:, A splendid colored engraving., • MASSACHUSETTS 61b „Seethe:lt and tie lialtimore Mobjei cents. Aeplettithr.ftlornd. encravitiz, gteing ' a correct idea ntbne-Ureibli,transadiem. Scot postage paid; okrecelpt s of Price. 4i - R.l) * E - E'STTACTICS, For Refrains Mall'olatittera t oe t complete 'annual Of-all military tactlea,ind r kirever before Paliesbed e 0 complete and Ateist f jil for 25 eta atett, tlietopht , wjana ordered * y., own. • rlitihical*Mettirnojenn* Balmy " • Sc., Onto" application. • _ , •;-r • '• ' • j 3 / 4 (4 /*firm, all miens and commie:admit to - .-. L. J. YOIGT A. CO. . 12, Amillitreet New Tor), • Books. IDURDOIC'SpIGEST. Aim's Justicc, Dun Lap's Forma coc'e Tom!a..t r I cr tr. a! DRC,'US ..40.:DICLA*S; *- I.IINTS AN!) OILS, DIE STUFFS, GRV el,'ltl ( - IL A SS- WARE, • . . . - IV ALL and WIND OWPAP JEWELRY, • SIL VER. 1174 RE, - P E R FU MERY, FANCY .(1 DOD'S,- , • JI SIC AL .IN ST RUM ENTS, BRUSHES 11- F.' /U ( ' P CR' ET KY! NES , TABLE UUTLERY and • SILVER PLATED' WARE LAMPS, MA TERI ALS for LIQII 7'S,. HARDWARE, • • • BED . - • DRY/TOOLS, MIRRORS:4 WINDOW AND PICTURE GLASS, AR.NISILES„ SPATTACLRS, W P,S,: cf. L S . H'ES ,; BROOMS GUNS, PISTOtS', AMUNITION.; 1 1 0 it& C . Co. MEDICIL kf• .S'!URGICAL SALT., POTASH, &C., I±.I!IIREL LA S. • The attention of 'the public is respect fully invited to my stock of Gopds ' bought exelusively for ctsn DOWN, and gill be sold on the same principle for Jou. prices. • ABEL TITRE:ELL. Muntrose, May Ist, rB6l. . • NEW GOODS. NEW 'GOODS. NEW 1i ' () -1) NEW L. HARDING & CO'S, NICHOLSON DEPOT. LIBERAL DISCOUNT, We are determined not t:o be otit-done in the way of • ... - ALL KIM Off- PRODUCE Ta4culu 14chanzu fur Q G Ci WAR PM WAR PRICISI SPRINO sTytts NOW -READY,. anow receiving a fell end choice Mock of • Gi.;•-•::::e3(''c'o..s:-::b1, - ;..:41. „ . Taaadiagi. great raility,ot rich Prints In no*. atyleo. Ginghamm."Brill hints, La*ns'Challiea. Drees 'Mattes and Baregea ; Black:Fancy atid FouLtrd tired Drees 51110, very low with a tan saaortroent of 1311103rochaCashorre and Stella Shawls :"Mantlllats, — Dorters; Parasol.. Rich Ribbons. iihnnetaand Flowers: 118 op likitte.'; Broad cloths. Cabala:ma. Bummer Slide, &es-with a large aa , aorta:teat of other - . . , .Staple and - Fancy GoOds, fnerneettes. CrockeriAlatdware. iron ; Teile. Stove., Drage, ,0118; Boots and hogs, fiats and Cape, Cllpenterlng; . Floor - 011 Cloth; Wall 'Paper, Painted and . Gilt Window Shades, &e.' The - Stock falarge, ant bought Jot Catb during the prestht War Paola, and will be gold:at lon , down Vdnell; and on the tonst - htvorable toting foe Cub, Produce. ot A o Prompt time _Buyers. N-18,4-Floa t and tialt constantly. on hand ',New 14114,yd, May.lB6l. HOW: LOST 'HOW - .IIESTORER.:: UST,Pnblished, in a Saledineclope : On the nature; fJ treatment. andsidicstturn orspennalorrhma. or Sem inal woodiness. seine debility; nervotudiesi and th`rolun , ' tary emissions. inducing impotensy,and mental sewn as vibrate& bricaspacity. - ROM'. - J. - culvEßwEtx, AntdOr Vete Green Babt. : dc. The woriddenowned 'Author; in this admliableLectiire,clearly•prosmcfrom hls owa experience that thowatulannsequenees - of seltelbnie tray be Olean:illy removed withput medicine and without dangerous surgical operations, bougles. Instruments, riums or cordials, pointing outs mode 'or cure' at ours certain and effectual. by whtetrevery sufferer. ea matter %hat his condition. oily bc. may cure himself edeagy,piri. vasty, aid ivatiktilly. - This lecturs•will prose a boon to thousandisnd thousands. ...- Sent under evil, to a plain envelope, to any addreei, rail, on rat Iptof two postage stam, hv slidreemeg; . • Dr J ps E'tiNr. 1:7 t r IC. 4 f re!. Coe.- Eon 4,5•,,, as xvx.x.ris..ss LiciL: 0 STONR•WARR, - LITHOGRAPHS, BIRD VALES, PORCELALV TEETH GOODS. MADE TO n -. V 4.4 . 11 % . \ ) . gj) :101 _ ' y- 9 READY-PAY , CUSTOMERS. LOW . PRICES. INE=II L. HARDING CO. Nicholson Depot, May 7th, 1881.—Gin SPRING'AND MINER at the old stand`ately Oceitpled by Young & Smith. where we hupe.tornevit the patronage of old Frweda, at well as gain the confidence of many new once. by a t4y4tttu oil prompt and hoborable dealing in our baldness. I it L. SUTPI - Iq:, FRELM.A.NaIgt...N CM, E. P. SMITH - . Summenwlllb,?darch 9th, 1861. - - pubtd4t , I •.! . - - . . 1 i AI 1 I 1 6 1 ;.1 u l li luut PAPER, i (ROCKER) :3000 ROLLS; N /3214CIPXVIE11 31300i5. leitc*inet. Montrose, Apt 11 tith, 1861 -lc 110LIDAY . PRESETS.! f 11111 E Pubterl rs takepleasure iu announcing to their friends th 't they have this day returned from N. York with another a dition to their stock of Goode, selected ' i wich great car , and especial reference to,the approaching festre season. Any person xlesirour of making CIIRISTIAS &NEW YE IR tiIFTS, (and we hope i one will deny themselvesthe pleasureless! . Arid a rich end extensive assortment to select from; and at the very lowest Cash prices,. . • EVANS & ALLEN; • der?: No. 2 Odd Fellows Half; Binghamton Watches t.Ladles' Diamond Enameled, and plain-- a splendid a:Dile. Also a variety of Gold and Slives Eng. Atnericadland Swiss, Bunting and Plain, very low. GoldChalas—A very extensive variety of Vest, Fob, Guard and Neck Chains. by EVANS".t. Attar. Ear Rings and Breast Pins -.ln infinite variety !...of styles and *ices, insets and single.. • ' Finger Ilingra—Diarnond. Rigard,Peari,Scale Chased and Thin Gold ltlngs—a largo stork, Bracelets(- Gold, Jet, Plated, and HAM Bracelets of all patterns, add prises. . ryes & ALLAN. Silver Ware cry description of Silver Forks. and Spoon.. Napkin s flings. on hand also Soup and Gravy ladles, Caps.. lard Cnaea. Pie, Butter and Fruit Knives, Children-' ~4. salts, etc., warran . ted'good coin. • Plated Idtare-A Beata ifulassortment of Ice Pitchers Custorr. Cakelita-Lets; Waiters, flutter Dishes.. Sugars Salts. Forks, Spoons, Toast Racks. eupaGoblets • - etc., etc.. by i EVANS ,t ALLAN. Sleeve *donna and %tadslarge stock of all pat terns and pnee..: . . . Bends-01)ra! Necklaces anti.Arrul , q4, ..Itilber, Coral Perl, Gilt. Steel. arid t•ilver lirada • . • tiholl C r or}shw—.l good ' , lock of %hell hack Atld aide Combs, also Buffalo, Horn; hory, and I/teasing Combs. Hair and Tooth Brytthett, etc.. etc. zrzr-ILAtssi dec9s No. 4 Odd Fellows lInU, Itingtounton. . PORTRAITS,PORTRAITS ! .• NEw ARRANGE:IIE4IIi. I\ TUE L . B Rile K ill? , OCK,. TlI E nadeialguid havink: taken e Rooms formerly occupied by W. B. 1./KA.'S. ie now prepared tolurnish all who mayeeire with a good and tilithfal Portrait. 0 1 Being %yell osted in the productiodof the varioua kind.; of Pictures 0., the day.l flatter myself that my work is not excelled bv a pin ibis section of the ' ; country. Among ihetvarions kiude taken at toy Looms are the .1111131.10 - T l'l'l' I'liOroall..lPll,-. ,I.E ALIT OTY P RIL 0 G :1 PH. Locket Pictures tiOWO to oh , ' q1:141.11...1 sized miniature Ring. Transferred .(mbrotypes - ttle,; finest thing out. for sanding by Post to any part orthe norld without' extra postage. Sid Picturetare bold. I r igorotts; and expressiVe —not those faint, lifeless shadows ;often sold about.the country. - Pittures tikes in all kindi of weather, equally well, except those of young children! No picture need be taken unless Oerfeet satisfaction Is given.. In dressing for a picture, avoid light colors.--such as bine, purple, scarlet. pink. etc. Most others take %tell. a. green, black. red, snuff. brown. *retire; yellow, etc. Remember that the place to get your "picture" Is to the Brick Block, over Read; Watrbus & Foster's store. J. S. IrszLEToN. ; Pa.. Nov.-26th, IFO. , • (OOI)S ),Inntro4 trndor RE A Fres f rtrY 130 as any in ilia; Feeil, SA BY TliE HA,MS/1 Molass which we oil ONLY Establi The 0 Int stuctent'v hare attended It from thirty ditferen Stetten. Four saver, Inte4llll have been awarded 1.),p s' Svatent of Book Keeping; and the new circniarJustlissned cnntstris letters frourstudents In Phil ittlelphia, Baltimore, St Louis. Cincinnati, etc., proving It to he.the leet known. NINE First Premiums were re cently awdrtlA the PetamanAhlp of Wm 11. DUFF. who with hie associate Professor, C. C, Cochran, are undoubt &Hy the he* penmen in Alnerica. Moves Edition of Duffs Book KedOing post paid, 81,t0 Doff and DErnean's Gems of Penmanship, . . s,OO Doff an . st Denmn's New School Cony Books f, Noes, .5i For samplea of Duff &Cochran's Business and Ornamen tal Penmanship. with the new circulitr of 61 pages, inclose 2.5 cents In kkunps to. j nov 4 y ' - • e P. DOFF k SON. "Susqa - ,County , Classical, and Ncrnzal, School, 114 T 11/03313T4463,gb1,415, • . . Tlo. New A tn..ria . .or, (73.4iIiiraedia is, popular. iyithout t ing- Fauerlicial. learned but not pr, dantie; eotoprehensii:e I,ne. - ..utTwiently datailad. true from-personal pi4ne and party prejudice, fresh vet accurate. ;It is ii,:cbrUplrtu stateale,, , , of all that is li,nown Upon every impart-tut topic within the scope of human inielligesce. te.ver! iniportant article's A. 11.os been tipeslally written for its pages, by nuts 1..1h0 ury - anthoritios upon, the, topics ut .which they speak., They- are re - (mired 'to bring the !subject np to -the present • -. . moment t.to •.tut.- !west hots it stands now. AI!. - 1 the stiti-tiral iufartnntion is from the lutes; r... OVII, STOCK , OF ! - . : ports: the geoaraj,liical aee.o eats keep , pa. t. 1)01111 1 74 . S"rictiKlS with • the latti+t explOratr-; , ns-; l historical - matter I include the freshest just ejews; the biographies. . . , notices not onlv• epeek of the died, hut. aim) of . CANNOT BE EQUAI . ..I.E IS fN• thelivin, it is - a library of itself.. PROF. S. S. ARTWELL,I3 A , PRINCIPAL. ' TIFTEII4I"..•yry , . ft: ft . ;, 1 ' tz : , It iiittlitialFNr i,E. -1 , .4,E ,)1..,,, ;F ., or ( .7 „,,."„ i ,- " - .L. ' ' :mum . 16.:1F LI. 13 .1.1 -Pitit • • -.:..: ikin g a‘ political Hit:tw ) t. of the United Stater, .11n. B. 0. CAMS', AND Miss 1,. RICHARDS, AatnaTANTa. i Mrs'. L. 31, RI:THMIDS,,..I Kiss E. W.ACICIII.AN, Goo d.H ''. - 61 a ' trr; t ‘ 3 to ' Het.; .to v'd•l front the orenni7nti,ikt ht the frro Feder:,l ron• ! - -' . • ..•erect, in 17r0..) to INti Mit e.l and compiled PrintaryfDeparUnent. ,• I 4nele on Piano. ! Boa •lieas , y Mrraetings, 7 to. attAt. , id% yif.t; . II m ,T 1,,, . , I i 11, 4 , f 1 oir,..i n i Dr. O.:Z. DllMODli ‘ Lixturer on .viiiiiinkapdPhysletagy: MBE frOtIRTIIITzIot ticthrolileseat Academic Year lievoril , of t:ongresi, Th.) work will ha !•ont. DENIMS, from . eelii - s wr can) ' • ""- on row toi t . i (.. rj u c x .l. G V.lp ia. (..vlt , o i n . i. 10 to 15 cents fe..r yard . iiieie.l iti . .f.iroyal netit \ o vOhlEtit'a or 7 .5 (1. 1•1 1 •'• , .1- of thistialitutiOn will beginot3lonalay, May 13th . The' True ees wontil Nay of Me Whop!, now under the 7 . AIL. , rOpl 10 - to I .la ets. per - yard , each; If" if which... 2 .2.4 now r e ady. \. Arraililitiotial direction o Prof. S:l4. lIARTWRi.f„ thatit is in a dour- : c A I 1,- , OE s i.hiii g condition and otters •euperins 111dt:teem:nut to all- .4 e...... 7, fa...:4 ,„. 0 . 0 . 1urg, I.2.ly:teris cute *A volume will b . ,' pol.liahea once in three woutlii desiring* thoroughWuration. , 'novo whining:a good , .". Best Merrimaa, 1 0 ,vards only tl . l'lmh, 83 ; haw Sbecii, it 3,50 ; 1 / a l f Morocco. prenarationfor College., for teachtin; Aid other puma., , ' •:, , .- Si: hail Calf, $ Lit) cayii. : will il‘i vi'ell to avail themeelvee of its advantages. May , • , are relerrot to Moire who leave alreistipdonneo. . .. ! 410 4 1=1,elt i cipla. MILIEVit • - T " : IV I` T of 1.1“'"11"6 use . CY ` e. """ i' ''' Foirk.urtteittars, tiei Clraulay.. • - , • ;v o w ... ! ntt DratATEs, - --Filinj a that of hitt&e,„ and mitt C. 1. RE in, Secretor.). , V.....1F.5.§1..7 . P.Pree'1. : .1 choice article , only 121 - Cl. l lltS.. the prier, of four boOks. and five e opite. will to. ... _,....... , : ....f........... ± .........„ ......,.....- - ____.......___ ~7 : • - - -- i . 44'111 at the reitiit6:r . i ilpeilimi .of oar?iage; ot, ...1 4 1 r EW GOODS' 1 '' - . Post Stool s Stiring' Skirts, -- fur " 11 """lbr". f 'k ' yee '"P i "". '''' ll be 9'1.14 • •- . i at ••erexpens-l'or.e4rrisge. - - , - rikT3Mil 2T arC11401321161; t A niec,l47. - 1 , 0 1 i% at,4 el.#,:per-aprilig. , To AGSSTS.—No !iiikt4 wolks'et ill ii 9 litter , - , 11::- .1 li-'ST. RECEIVED! . •' ' ' .. ally-reward the exi•rtions of-anent . A s A g •,, '.. '. .V. Vest. an d It'anted is tli;s cot.rtli Ykrras•mailo"kriown .- - ''- • - - • - i Ladies' gkitOmiry'Wool ea , , , . 1 , .- . 1 4. I, AT ~,, ... FAIJMMER4V,ILLE, 1 , .• . , Ihrawers. •• - app testpiti .0 I 11 . .a IN .r, . ~ . . '• IiOFGITT'LOVVFOR;•CASH ' r • T.- Prgiio-.Aii'i u'ii'cilliirid. - 14' O Ntill Rile ran , LAMBS-WOOL, HOSE. , ,lATfuEs c iEwilly . &c , ; ......5c,.............,.. w t.would rer ertruty inform tiny friends, potent UARGAINS I . ''''.. -.' . . '-1 - -- , 7 ' i • ' ' . .. and the ouhe generally that ire.bn,e non In store .., —C..- , . sod offer wholerale mud retail, it the Inwirt cub ptiesi. 1.: lamming stc: - co. _ ' . ' Citille Latest Styles,' Ati" • & • a large and y sry chince stork of . ' . . -. , - . 1 - • -- I .- Sninn, ersville,' April 1011, .1861.-3 t Ti la ' n — kf t ii t o tho ool oorinia'custpriiers f or :;. lira lehes, JeFefry; .5 tlvre it- Plated 11 - ,'lre. erg eTy eryrrletg li s o u n d a rat , , their, generous patronage ' ,the past year, I Ettamond•Worli-and other ,It ft e, eft I We respectfully -solicit a cant iiimilicl. of': made to order, at dhoti. oche' . 1...T•'".1/10an.le 2%1,1.1.. 1 the. same. .. . - . : . alto boas represented. ~ • ~ N. 11.—Particnier stiquitea giera to the repairing e.• , - (r.,..- U. Wfttrbea and Jewelry, of mcra.tlaacrtplion. ( 1 3utttitbErg,''A - ostubalup k , •• •: . f...ti re:Teta - 1 HAIRgr; -I • • . Vc. e, Market. tt.!irti.th i.....a,Tt , '" 3 ,o)i,-7t:re.u., r. 7 Tr •e• - :!er."1::` to e. • 2.laqh 1 IF.r . , ?(1 • LARG 11 PER. Mointrer Sm " ,DWIN & MIEN, Ontrose Denicierat ECEIVING 1• • - Ground Western FLOUR, dare, u Mel] we warrant to give eatteractlon ket; not good returned at our expenae. and .• Buekwheat:. Pion, T AND PORK' OAD, BARRFA, coli. POUND [.su g ar cared] _ - Dried Beef, SmOked Halibut, Drips and Syrups, s and augurs, coFERE, • sPICES, OM S, AND NAILS, I er for Mir at Low Prices, for READY PAY Montroi.e, January, ISAL (!. S- • ,- I hed in Pittsburgh in 1840 .13i Commercial College in the ,tc, Conducted 6y4 -Practical , • . Merchant. .- . - - V ALL PAPER. QUANTITY OF WALL and WINDOW TA atyles for the apt-lag trade. nit arrived . April 30th, VAL lAPEL•TCRRELL. sLe Etri el, Fa(11. or A. iI;RILELL GrFt.M.ALT REDUCTION ~: ~ , .-tio • lnt'lTe , 'Bl - ~,,, GREAT CROWD EXPEL Ell AT THE STORES OF i 6illlrobtrg. Montrose, Snwra County, Pa., Elmira New-York, Ensquehanne. Depot, Pa. • W E tta r t ° ln i4 Coc r it o c o q u U r en t e r e le :i d the prevent u p td re l e ' e l are In the money aralre In thq eltiee we can purk:haee GOODS FOR CASH, FllOll 1010 !O PEI CT. Ina Tilt`iFutifirr; Therefore ere are dete'rmined to offer ths put4te`oar Jceoeral stock of . EADY MADE CLOTHING DRY ,GOOtp_4,- %bleb comp:lees the largest and !wit STOCK`;6OOI3s Kept in ANY COUNTRY tore this aido of New York City, At P r ices which Defy Comp4ition RA we Yell! tor-CJAILEMEC. -at the athince. of ten per cent above the wholesale COOL tt a !will sell the following GOOD: at the, annexed prices, Black FroCk Coat worth IS 9 for, €56,0 Q, Blatik :Frock Coat worth 10 fori 7„50 Bleak Frock Coat: worth 12 foe - 9,50 Business Coat worth s.s.ror i4c2 Business Coat worth - 6 for 44:b0 Ove'r Coat worth :$5 for $4,00 ' Over Coat worth, 7 for 4,75 Over Coat worth. 10 for " Over Coat worth 15 for ' 11,.50 Over--Coat worth 20 for 1 5 ,00 Black Pants worth $4 for 'Black Pants Worth .5 for 1-_ 3,75 Black Pants 'worth • 0 for 4,50 Fang Cassirnere Pants' Worth $4 'foi42,.i Ftuicy CaSsitnere Pants worth' 5 for :IA Fancy Cassitucre:Pants worth 6 for . •t„ Black Satin . Vest worthl3 for '2,25 Black Satin -WA:worth. 4' for 3;00 Black Satin Vest worth 5 for 3,56 OVER-SHIM:S . 4 OVERALLS Only ,31 UNIYR GA RMENTS EQUALLV I.OW . , • . .te Winter hag, fairl, appeared, 's e te the #lelati OD of • " • ••••' rl: • . xm:a.. - Evxmcrcrx.miLxt.T.l,lr, All.O GENTS- who . tvtak to Milt] themselves of the op po r tunity to make Pomo Fair Ono a Wee - - Christmas or : New-Years' ,JEJI to - ter PRIESVNT, to oar large araortment - f CLOAKS SHAWLS laWilUra£ l l.• OUR ASSORTMENT OF DRESS -:GOODS, A N I) TRIMMINGS Is ALWAYS LATIGt . & :mail'-LETE, COMPRISING i rigAtk (;? , ti • F Ff CY 8.11:;',S; Of all colors and Shades, ./k.C. x i . g e , HOOFLAND'S olil/410 MEDIciAp 4,44, STANDARD ; REMEDIES .f the "Pr.seist 4C. L•'.-ny: tto.• great frapui,r4+7 only tl k r.ualt jeos ;,:p...o.4,leiva•ft.ira rttvl•rcd t; .I,•na L.;4411 H 0 0 P LA N . D'S GERMAN - BITTERS I== Liao, Oomrtunl r I)ssvpsts: 4/au:at/tat, Nero• - esi Canty. 1/ulevt•4l3( ;Ito litacity.... *ad an 4111,:,± F.rs.ia: fr.la! f .li , Jr.lefaal um, of du. •roti, Oricsars. fcusr 11113, twos fin', All AIM AUL Eta our A 'tun.: f•yr ,en's ikritigh Hooftand's Balsamic Cordial - Cc o 4 ll l l . Colds. er Eaar.raesi; Croup, Paeutnocla. Incipient Coma/option. and 6ad s i.r2ria.l the .!rtiel;o4 elttlwor 0 colit - ttOED Al • Dia ttlys.t Cord 41 It In unequdl•4. ritrl. TS cents HOOFLANOPS BERMAN PILL , brusg Well known thr.vah,nt EDr.l.l 40.1 A Incise.. now& DO <alma n<l.alua hem lliry ur: imrt/y te4.0.414.1, an prtvared with great :Tad are anrow , c;Awtod. 'No intivr i.'sithnt ti NH -nn 1,4 'RA:aI PRICr, 2g. CU. pee . Lox. Thee pr. , iotve.l hy Dr. C. 31. Jacasnw • Yhtl....lvlpln.a. ;tti at. Lnubl. fla, /..Dd atm void ly drtwgiau 0 , 1 Ar.tkruu a0.' , 11.40r. ..‘C(.loRhalf. no, future or C. M ',a it. ontst , l. 4 .. t.c4tlr., •/0 011/ ... Erfry6p•iy A;arr; n cr fubii.hcJ oaottally, yo 11/ . /104 /111/10100) .3 " i1•1 i11t01.011.1 LOTS (.•,011,0.1/200 pare of tin 1h.4, Ji• 61.60 all our ogeota. . lAEA W ELIPS TAR AND WOOD NAPTHA' tivt Medinni 10Ite vonkl for M 4 ewe Conghs nnd ; Colds. CintP, _ Bronchitis, Asthma, Difikultireathing. Palpitationiof the /legit Tor tie ndiesre patioola is adcaneed /fare le Consumption together with all Diseases of the Throat add Chest and which i r‘ predispose to Consumption. it artaele the rout a dizetkee. anet.niartea thefeZ rforfrafrer =womb loiter ivivence. it altoptodn. as fret expedoralion,.& indwell healthy action -10 The elisea.rred Mgoage Merarang and time& It is peculiarly adapted to the radical 'cure of iitelliMA. our &Igoe of thus intaleaUe. 51- RUP Oen 5r 4 4 , * 4 eumandoirtanuendyslcep. Oleportindor nutting( Use diocasedsnyet. It to yerypleatard rx N flu , tenter. al i prOTV. in to effetta. Try it A notrineed tit it inildualVe CI, eUre Of . • lironehint .-1 ffeelloiss. . Pri.l 50 (vrrif..elkr llotek. Prepared only be Pr. .1 rive .rolcf Ly A. Eaeniosio' c p A . • I and POPL A R gime .4. 111Wrict a. Pa. For -Waitron. iy mAte>. v • b.) .4/lEL 'flruogi,d • FARMS • o; IN N - It* I,F()RD P ' rpliE auhnerilAr, re•htltitt iu the born of 'SPIN Mlltorl, 1 Stout a county, l'n , oTern the &Miming propert, for • F. 11: M, of winch the suly:. , rilwr rerldro, said b,ro, runtaiding atnnit taleacre., it, agood .tAte of cultivatiun., ran.::w grain, grulug, an 4 dtlrrynrpos.a. - - • . Also, another I:I t3I in said bora, near tha Railroad Depot, coo t I/ ine 50 arm,: with a number of govd Vlllalte Lot p no lu the centresf the . Also, a FA H3l •;sit oat e.l nits mile from Fdtd bor.), coat:111.1w: t.".v.arree. with a *ante dweilin t 'awe Write., and obout 70 acre?improved; the Nthince t ta,N•red uith Cheetnot etc.., and the D.,.1. AV‘ . it. R. Co. part cash . fir 004, tp. 4 . 3 nd other :I=w on the road . anui4r P.11:11 in New 31i114,p1 town6hiprontainiuz ^Om re. In a zoocl areurt ['alba with 50 acres - • Also, another FARM' in said township, rostatiiip - g so:icro, Ind inenti: for 2 e 171:11 I film Also, fitly aar.es!_ol . et] IMO: in tunn-L!1:, su:Lab):: for :i 4mall farm. • • • The about: property mill be sold. very low for entth or on nrcommorintrug terins. s on Credit.. Any 3 • formation In re* tyl to the pmpert• milt be elven b• tb• .lub.cnbet st hl• regidenee in. New Milford, Pi. 3 413 : 1 ' .• 1i7173Vt. C. 1i717.69.W1LM). firm Copan n eiship henstotoro ex&ting bt 4 tweert t he tuj - I 1. &solos& is this dasidliadifed bymutall consent : James C. Wheaton withdrawing from the. firm: , book accounts and notes will be found with It. "Jr.. who will continue the business In all it , . branches, and keep it large stock of . Or C3K C:› l Which will be Pohl very towler CASH OR APPRON PAPER upon Four Mantis time. Tboee tudebtetl to K Kenyon, Jr.. &Co., will : sae the weaselly of arrantrinz their Indebtettnene it once, pe-the debt,' duo be the 'broil tenet be pild. R. Kin jup.Jr.l4 hereby tithed - zed to sire for the firm whenever proof emy to settle - the liusinete ; ale°. authorized to receipt roe the Brix whenever ry in cionlok, the bustneev. . ROGER KE:cYON. Sr J. C. WHEATON. lawoeille Centre, Jan. lEt. titn Important National Works, - Published by 1), Applann & Co ,340 and :4!". Broadway, New York. The . following work... are aentio rful , criher , in any part Wills (min ty, (upon receipt of {roil price,) li r mail or -1:1L . ;nem; pre - aid : - Thi, New A311..**.,11. popu • gar )jetionary of General Knowledge, edited br Geo. Ripley arid Charles-A. gilled by k numerous aelt-rt corp. of writers in all hranclie, of tiCji'llerK, Art, and. Literature. This work r. =briny Published in rinoot titteen tarp. octa‘o %olurries, each containing 750 two.colutnn pagra The first -II now r - rtUdy, each eon mining uvar-td,500 original - articles. An addl. Bona! !.olutue will, be published.unne ' about ihrpe month, %Prier in cloth, ; shetp, ; hall" morrece4, I; halt Russia, eon • en 01.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers