Th di - rill 'mak by PromeGrathrwith.tiu--4!nr.c -_ RIC 0/L,"Oreithirdat miraertlons: and etieronderfal and tnstanlaneOna, so satisfactory, and mitleatinc of biman. ill, aito call upon public functionstiok'and these haring charge or public ins tutalloria for the sack and look well into the well &Milted write, the eimple efficacy , or this ••Eloelric 01L." • . ;NY - The sales are Increasing rapidly . . Dealers supplied at proprietors prime by Prof. C; Dc Grath, No.-. 38 math Eighth-street, near Chestnut, Philadelphia, ' J.. • See adrertinerrient, febrf Sine. For sale in Montrone bp. ABEL TUBEELL. Affent, MitE 4kase.xqt.x4a.cwanas. TIFFANY—VAN BUSKIRK-41i Harford, on the 11th inst.; by Rev A. Miller, W. - William 11. Tiffany of Now 'Hampton, - N. J. ; and Miss .Evaline Van Buskirk, of Harford. iji-TNIIAMDEIVERS-4n Rusli, on the 18th inst, by Rev,. J. K.. Peck, Dr. Albright. Dunham, to Miss Helen Dli*- crs,-all of Rush. _ . . • • CASSED - V—ln Lynn, Snsl'a conn,ty; March 23d, Mrs. Mary Ann eassetry,,ki;ed hO. years... 7' .•-,' . . . GRIFFIS—In Forest Lake, March 19, Lattice-NV., wife of Elisha Griffis,- aged 98 years. - Mrs . . Griffis was a . frugal house wife, a kind neighbor, and ,Worthy' Wo man. • Slie has raised a lrgeXamily, Who are left to sorrow IZIr her depat.ture. BRONYN—In Lathrop, em ,the .14th, Harry L. Brown, aged 12 years, 10 mouths and 14 days. "Suffer little, children to. come unto me, for such is the kingilOi ; of Heaven." . ~ • i . • .. All that certain _piece or parcel of land situate in the town shl p of Great Bead, county and State aforeltaid, bona ded and described as follows, to wit; Beginning at an „oak saplltig a corner of land sold to George L'Onroy, in the line of land granted to Norman Rouse; hence by said tat mentioned land north 67,te cast 49 perehee to a ,post ; thence smith by formerlv tailed the Joha J. Way lot 201 perches to-the . bank or the Susquehanna ricer; ll theure down the. said bank along the eeveral Courses of said ricer to southeast corner of lot sold to George Con. roc •as atoronald ; and theucc alongthe same norga 96 te•rehei to the plate of be. containing,,ssocres-eand 02 perches of land, be the, some more or less,; tog,•ther, with the appurtenances, one framed house, one hop, one orchard, 1 barn, and about thirty scree improresl. Suit ofAlartin Stone vA. Almond Munson. 1 ' All the right; title ehd Interest of Wm. E. Gates to and Mall that certain pieta, orparcel of land situate In the township of Dimock, county and state aforeeaid, and ly ing on the north side of the state road lead - Neff= Dtm. ock corners to llopbottoin Depot, on the tarsi of Beni. Park. Eau., beteg% feet in. front. and 333 feet In depth containing about half Au acre, with the appurtenance.a, 1 dwelling license and all improved , Suit of Outtenburg Rosenbaum &co ve:Wlllbtan E. peter: * 1. - t All that certain piec e or parcel of land - situate in th - e township of Derrick, county and state afortataltP, bounded . - • .-..,-0- . ..1 : and deacribed as follows. to wit: On the nortit c he . land Dram in Aferrhan,:f iee, etc ,in Svii. Co r „ Take Abtiee: of \Vllliam Reynolda,l on the east by lands o Morse, MRAT in pnratiance ofthe several -Acta of Assembly . of Nichole& Co.. on the outh by tondo of Wart an fteynoidi 1 this Commonwealth -to protide revenue to meet the, and by the Drinker latids, and on the west by land of I), oetnand4 upon the tr.•ftenry. and for other . purpoiwo . th e A . WA] ke r, ?ontainingf•s acres be the same mole or lest, rindersiy,ned, AptVaiser of Mereant Ile ta sea for said min. with the appiirtenantes, one framed house, log barn, e,las p I ' 1 r '•pared a li,t of Merchants trading In said coon - small orchard, and aboht.a.) acres Inthroved. t. Suit of F. N. Whitney vs. Charles Belcher. , • -.. an. plat. each merchant In that * Icdclass which to him pears just and right, aeaa-dlng to the Acts of Assembly, . All that certainiWsce or parcel of land sinnite in the t.) teal : - . . . townshin of ThomoSfiJcounty and state foretold, bound. Aribuir : Goa m on ,„_,;., , ',e c 74,,; ied and deacrided :is foßovve, to. wit: Northerly' by tondo E W nerdy. . 14 DeWitt -A Riley ' • 13 lof Joined Foster, eattterle by land of 'Thomas Leacla, I / G „,,,,,,,,, m hf c ,,,,,,t,,,,,,,, , southerly by lands of Alvah Sludge, and westerly by land :3 li McCain A the. , 31 of Wm. !P. . I : ll sworth,l.rontain ing 50 • sierra', be the same tit altrnan &So yaw: 14 , & Company L 1 Dtmmore -_ . - 14 Reich Watrous & Foster 11 more °rico. with thelappurtenances, One framed house, Brooklyn.. = A 'Teri - el (p.m. 4. w. 1.1. 1) 13 one barn, one shop, one orchard, and isbout-11.5 acres tin. empete.ul & Rogers 'l3 M S Wilson ,A Son I ; 12 Prayed. 1: ' feint 13 Post Brothers i 11 - Suit of C. Burrows I re. Collins Gelatt, adtrdr of the Amos Nichols -' 14. It J Webb . :, 14 estate of Amass Croat r, deed. - i 'lt T Ashley ' 14 II Rayons A Co.. ! 14 • All that certain piecie or parcel of land athlete in the. E S Hinds A CO. l2 Chandler A Jessup )4 ! township of Oakland, county and state aforesaid; bows- Martln Vanhonikeit 14 .1. Lyons & Son -,'' 34 '.d,d and described as follow - a, to wit; On the north and h rict7eircler--liN. Allen 14 11 . C• Tyler I : 141 east by lands of Henry Sell:aver, VA the south by the C:oollaul-I) Donnelly 14'S langdon -,. • . , 14 J Skinner cabin lot. (sti, called) and on the west 113 y iand eltrorcf.! • :IA" .1 A 8 II Mulford ,1!• of David Menem:se, containlngUs r ; acres, be the setae' ...7obi Raletead ~ , 14 SII Sayre &Brother 'l4 ' more or less, with the appunenancea, . one (welling .1 N Baker 14 s . Ethridge ' , 14 I house, some fruit treCe, and abont.B tkeres Itaprored. T 1 W Johnson . ' • 14 Baldwin & Allen - .12 , Suitor Bond, Rending &co. vs. liorace A. W iliard. Deindair :W M Jeckson 14 ! - I , ii I . All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate' In church 6. Phlnney 13 Isaac Newhouse Dintoek town ship, county and state afaretald, bonnded Thomas Arnold 13 All Smith • 14 j .1 It Sloe= -• hi Boyd A. Webs,, , .> . lt .on the north by Jaspeir ‘3lclieeby, on the east by S. It. T P Plainney ,- 14 C N Stoddard •i - 11 . Ito.encrants and Jasper llcKeeby, on the south tby Am. Drmor..t:' :Wilson & Ilallock 14 herst Lindsey. apd on the weed byJobn C. 11 right: con .l likkoe- -•-• 14 S s Mott . •i i tattling 15 acre's, or therentionbi. Otte ear improved. It . Suit of Bentley A - Read es. S. 11. Roaeneranta. I. 11 Woodruff -. 14 1 N Bullard . . , wllliam II Tharer . 14 7 Cobb All All thateertaln plecei or parcel ofland . Situate in the . Thomas J Babcock 14 031 Crane ' ~._ is township ,of Great Bead , county and state aforesaid, Franklin- , i - -Vem - 11 Werd. ' ,„' • bounded`and Great wit: - Northerly by J-1. Merrinion A Son 13 II 1. Sutphin lt ; land of Oliver Trowbridge. easterly fie land late of 1. P. Edwin Snmmere 14 Hayden Brother* ' . 1! i Wailer, southerly br.Truntan BaldWiiked William Wol Forret Lake. - x bickermaa4..Tr. n I cott; and westerly by land of the Erie Railro Itolliater. Young &Co. 14 II Burritt ' i„, ,, containing about ion acres, with the apponenances: 1 - David L Meeker - 14 •Weed & Ward 4 ' dwelling house, 2 barns, ' , orchard, and morale In/proved. .1 L Ball 14,11 Garrott ' - I . suit of Edward Tompkins VA. Isaac Grigg*, Evan Frienderille. ' • '3 ]lose 4 Brothers • 14 ' k, eo. W. Griggiand N. S. Greece .., ilbsford It -- iircgx G - • ' /ZusA i ' i ; IN , It'Aato P.uffem ..; 13 Normals Granger . h., , All. that certain ',lees: • or parcel of land situate In the .4 , 1,.. , n --if s S il Ingalls 11 Alau,ion Lang 1I ,' Borunch of Susquehanna Depot, county and state afore ,* P Hasrley 12 E .4.4trateri . 13 . said, bounded and described, as follows, to Wit: On r, St smucv ' 11. .Yaret. Loki. : . the north by II street, on the Mst by ail street, south by sl /1 Kennedy 13 3 . Braekney hi 'I, street, and on the west by L M laud of M. Conly. contain. (Merle.. Tiffany 14 T. 54111 ,,,, , . . ~ luz..ahout 11,400 snuara feet of laild. _Being-(AI feet In Cl tr Walki. , r 14 li P Phelan - I/ width on Street,. II and,C, and 240 feet deep, and being A .1 Walker ii, , sp r i n. , n art,,, , .. ~, , lots No. `al,. & Is 7 on Wm. Wentz ap of surveil , of the ....' Great Bend. Riley .4-Lathrp 13 %Liege of busq. Depot, with the appurtenan f t one Ii • framed dwelling house, one barn, and all (=pro . 1. 5 lienheim or. and lit; .)12 2 Smith Jr. .7 T Carlisle (w. and ilq.) 14 !limns N Sherman • Suit of J. B. Lewis & co. et. W illiom Wig - more. 11 i l .- irirrln .t (till Ise and Eq.) 14 Nl' Loomis-- - __ 1 ' Is, i All that certain pieces or parcel of laillaltuatb in the laser Iteckhow 14 Abuts Mitchell • • 1 - 1 , townrhip of Great Bend, eonnty and state afOrcsaid; srudder A Tacior 1-1 • mquelion:za. ' L ; bounded and • &merit:aid as follow e, •to wit: - ion the Jahn CcAlstela 14'r Pr.cnneet /3. north by land of Albert Judd': -on the' cast by land of . frP Doran s 11 1' D Lyons l4 . Jonathin Gray; onsthe snub by land of IL nittldardt McCreary &Mclntosh 11 AIT howler , i 14, and On the west by land c of C. fielder, .contalping 33 P A Dayton - 14 Ira, Falkenbr.'ry L ' 13 ; acres, be the Same rnofe. or lean, with.the apptertenart- S IT DaYtow 13 S B West that.nit mem ti 14 ces 'l . log house , fraruid barn and &Wirt 90 Set int- -, . . IT Dc-en'. 1.1,-,EN Smith wine and liq'r , i4 , proved. • I Beery Mel, time, LT Edward Carlisle fw.l '/I i Suit oily. A. W. 11. Ji•sonp vs. .tbrahana Kelde ' ... ' .11errik. !OW 3:.:J CFoot -: 10 ~... r - 1 .r.,hn Miller 14.5 Bryant ' 'la, .All that certain piecelor parcel of land situate lin • the I S I 'Broome J. Co., 1 u4,G ttenberg, ledsenbrum 1 , toivnship of Franklin,Nounty and state aforesaid; ' - um-. Harmony. ! k, Coccretny tit, mencing at the centre ,of the road cast of the house . s A Lyons I .c $ / ,„da,,,d A . Silas.. 14' now occupied the bald party of the second part, . uilliam.Tremain A Co., MIL Freeman,- man .14 and running south along the line of the farm kn Vie as • litand.t& Sehlager . , 14..1 0 Connell '- 4a 4 the I.ymansriinith lot, I:4 perches to a stake end tones, ' .1. Hai:ford. .T)avid A Lyons ' IS thence , Weil, one bur.drid .4 forty perches toeslake end F. T Tiffany 12.i1 C Cook i 14 Hones, and thence north along the lineof Titus iimillit's iii hltner .t. - Motley IX T lugstrucu " 14 1anii.....1 per,ches iii - a.etiake and - stones; thence Oast by , liver Payne l4 Jan - les Bell IS land,. o f - Sylvcster Smith, ist perebes to a stake and ,- SAhltriii4on , la Michael Doyle 11 , stones, thence north fiVe degree east alcvng the line of • 7-.. rah Very 14 .icon Halligan , 114 the - said 'S ylvester cirdillf's lama 06 40.100tha perinea to stand Oakley - ." 11 Joseph Allen It I a stills., arscitstones, thence eouth hi.' east. 17 72.ilralths ~ , ,,i,,,,,,, _ri,,,,•i, r y Fletch er 11 ; yrs, E 1.7.' Forbes , . ' 74 t perches to a - stake and stones, the ere north 13'' t,ast 25 . Assep--.teate,.. Martin 14 1 '- F. Lore,- , , II , t-tuths perthett. to the c•• tree of the road "est of said T. -- i' , l - ,.--14 - Kenyon, .Ir. 13. " M 31c1.ciald ,k,,: 14 •B. istoith'e hate-•; ; and t;eince south iiiiit'• ea t 4 33 land si 4, ,ifsadmr..-E B Beardslee 1.-C " • Anne Pethrot, ...., 34 ' 10th s Perches alohg the rratre of the road t.••• the place of .V . 'tic...". 'incurs' Hall f• i l be.finnini% containing 111 acres rind thirty-fix ~ .erch- , ...-,, .t. Bro•hers " Is. Barth*, Sherldko t;I1 ea oflanfr, more or less, With the appurtenances, I oust; • N - _•hti'..7., 1:M011 dt CO. 13 Edward licirncinl - .1 I barn. 1 . 114, fruli tress, nbU 4 t;" s awe. improved.• J ~/ F Gunther 14' John Tierney 7 ,11 • Suit'of Thomas B. Smith to. he use of Caleb Cirinalt, ! La!Arcp ' ~ J eme,. Illegins ~ 1 I , ve..o l' Incraul and Ad in Dirge with notice to T: T 1 , ..t T Bell 13 William 11 Shrimptonl. 11 ' VI: Bell 14 11 Perrine & Son - I !14 I TO bt: Sul] Friel 0 .Aprii .s'h, 180, lot 1, , Alt Nte:Till . 14' ' Thor:iron • '' ' i . ' . - . , o r.1 , -irk. p. in. .• ) . I .1 N Clardiner • 14 E W 'Lewis . , trithll.. , ,tr-e --John Dyer 14 IT P Hathaway All thateertain piece ni• pares: Ofland ottnitein Lenlna t'p I tialdwin A - Stephens; 14 2 W Vanhorn count.. and state aforesaid, bounded and described tw, fol. ...,___ love. to wit :. on the north by land of - Cornelius Manning. east by land of llartXy, south by land of Welcoe -- ___ . . .. _. -- • Kerosene, Camphor:Le& fluid. T ilt purest and beet kinds to be found in an'ititai-kct conbtantly nn band and for sale-at TURKELL'S. PUBLIC SALE. fait Ift111: tntlei,igneti will otier at Public rate at hia r. 41- dente in flarford. 4 1 : milt., caul of Monftwe Pe, on ! SATURDAY, March at 1-.! o'clock, m., the pul. pmperCe, viz.: One pair of matched bay al ear.. Id COLTS, broken: a patr 2-vtara-old Colm I s.yean i"..lkre, a parr Of 03:1:N, 4 yrail logs. 5 COWS, a 2.year- - I rid 'toll, a 2.year,•old ....tetn.r. a 1-hurFt• wagon, about 'A) ?...u.hetw notatoeA., anti other articlo.t. . , TER ArS.—.lll sun )..4 uln.'...r .f,.:3, cash :.over #4l and l c , than V 5, six monthA ervdit.4 ov(ir 4,2 ti, nine montlpi , cu approN (..d paper. IlArford, Ma:Th.s3th, I$Gl-':.4.. G. '.l. 11.1.1100t7k„ r , . MERCANTILE- APPRAISEMENT.' fieer 1,4111 w-el Sal ' PEER II ors ES. .... • nrno/dyn-)lartlnVanh Afort•rv , e—,,S SL Mott, , flandqtr—E P Clannah. I I N pulani, :Friend/rine—Phillip Z Cobb, .. G A S 0 !•1 Crane. • GC" Bend --W Pa int in t l W M .fack.on. ; Geo MeNarn ••?••ingrine. —Abner Mit cheil.' John IMehari , " . ..r7uatanna-Wm.liovearth. , •T• 7 S Grcgto. P A Benson, :flarPrd -- C C Payne. . W C Wheat:.:, GISTILLEIGES. n'-'n.r•h` Canny.. ... - FulPtrn -I: I. Adam.. l IIIP . n i• s• Sh. ".7'.'n , Cliford—lriflitim Mc_t .1 0 Conneu. •Gi?„. 0 ,,.:41 c Vail. i Newt on II as h n el M re . 1 . / . 1rci,,,,,,a1, RILL! A GI) S A 1.0 r•li' •' Eliza Larry, • _lttir t rime --,1) I) Searle . •' Anna Pethron • • •—two table t .and the Jfichr, of the Court of CommOn Pleas 141Maid' • .ea,te. will hold a Court of Appeal, at the court 14 use. to mosrvOSE, in and for said count eon . Tit 1.728/', ii - ; APRIL F: LE I'ENTIL 1011, at co unt o'cloCk. p. In{ at which time•and place any of the merchants desert r.necl.and classed a/ afoswild,or Their agent a ornttorpe}:, .nay appear and appeal from [aid nauessment If thee think , ,oper • I GEO. K. A.SIILEY. - 1 :, ' Broollyo. March' 20. 1861. . Mercantile ilypralsrr. . . BRAD. CO. LARGI` lt, WESTERN MEDIDM,. 1 1 1 an T v CLOVER & ' T IMOT H Y :SEED. . ' GOLD-DROP, & CATLIN SEED WHEAT , , F.' . sale by • BALDWIN d. ALLEN. Montr o se Administrator'B Sale.- IN pursuance of an order of the Hi-phone enitrt quetisona county, to us - directed, we wilLexpolie to public rale tn;vendne, opon the premises In Apolaron . o)wnaldp, the following described pieces or ;AMON of :and, late the estate of David Buffinn, deceased : 1 The Ilrst.plece %banded on the North by land of Rrillin Berton, on the cast by land of O. II Haight, south ho :find of said Haight, and on the west by land of Hot:P ied liartou, containing About six acres, - all improved, and or. winch there iaa large orchard, The secouttlaiecc of of tan die hounded on the North by road running from the Thoeonnt to hpolsonti Creek. on the east by lands of lionsted ilarton,`on the south by lands of O. B.: Haight, • and on the West by lands ofAsalicl (hares, containing arTe,, more or less. on which is; Nawailll,jone House, Idlcarndtb-shop, Sheds and other out-boildings. Side to huld on Saturday, March 30, at 12 0 . ( 1 . 0ca", H TElt3fB.—ra cub dowit tbe balance to be paid' 'Ogle ' , ear after conermatiou of mite, with interest, and to be secured by lien on the property." , ' Witt: Br- 7 M M. • ' Adm re • • • JON. )3UFFO3I. f Starch 1,1561- . - Dissolution of Partnerahip. . . 1\ 70 TICE Is hereby given that the co:partnership here tofore existleg between the nadernigned under the tern and tam or Stevens 4: Tod in this day dissolved by I , y mutual consent. .411 person indebted to said dras are rsqeested to make payment about delay to Jottn itteb ..rd.. and save costa. An harinc cLtltas ere requested] to prr.t nt them ale° to said John . • • ALEN . STEVENS. March T:1841.—/w ROBT—TOD. - • Myer's Fxtract of .Rock Rose.. I t!: meatcet remedy for SCROFVLA, end Mher)dod P everknorom- .....-i I'. I . I ..DINU'g.C'E:P/lALIe . PILLS. ..3 For all Ichula• of Ireaff-aelp.i.:l i tji ItoWN'S ItI21,:cclIIAI, TROCIIM, for Iloaniieneha, 1i .t : 47— Ariiitit line different kind! of •PlIlii ; l'ii f....*.-vr rat , at 11...11rrn , ..• in propintiOn. •-•-•-, Itzsr.t. l', AII.EL 7 7P.R.F.1./.' - ;,- SHER,IFFS -SALES., • lit - virtue of sundry writs issued by Court 41fiOckinistem_ xi Hess of Sustea Co., and to rue directed, 1 14.11 eaPoss to plablictiale, at th e Court louse In Montreitej on Satur day, March 30, 1061, at ! - o ' clock p..m., the foll o W ol grold estate, tO - - • , All that- certain . place cir parcel of limfi situate 'in the Village of Loderaville; - towmllpoffireat Bend:chanty of Sunquthanna, state of Pennsylvania, 'bounded and dee cribed as follow., to wit: On the north by land of John and Charles Baldwin ;on the east-by land of Truman Bald- • win ; on the south by land of Truman L lialdwin and lot conveyed to. David Magee; and on the westby - iDavld Ma gee and the public highway, containing abouil4l4 rods of land. be the same more orles., with the appurtenances ? 1 framed dwelling house, one barn. andel! improved. ofEdwin Y. Holmes vs. lase titigge. ; All that certain. pleee or parcel of -.1m34 Amu baths townshlp of hush, county and state aforesaid, bounded dearribed as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Wtn. Rona on the east Arland' f Charles Terry ; " I tbi: south b 7 land of Hiram ( . ., 4 ograwell: and on the west by laud of ;V J. Sherwood; being the same laid s recent-. ly conveyed by N. D. Snyder toCanfield with the appurtenances. one itaw-mill with lath mill attacks& con- Mining. about eleven_ acres of land,' b. the saute more or lens, and nearly all improved. • William Taylor ve., James W. Bosworth N: P. Itomvorth. • Ever offered.' in Susquehanna County, and . probably gotnprising the greatest VA RIETY air most different artleles of any Store iu the Northern part of Pennsylva . nia, and perhaps of the entire State. An assortment is kept in about' thirty differ ent branches i l ,;if trade, and the selections . are made fromo about forty of the best Houses iir - New York, and - more than fif , tv Dealers and Manufacturers out of New 1 lurk. A large proportion of the Good's are bought diect from the 31aniditeturvs, thus insuring' genuine artieles. Custom ers on entering the Store must not eApect to find everything in sight, but nearly ev- 4 .A. CA-.IEL.M.ALTI . iviliß Ril , s i tiiiev OF ' , - cry article wanted Will be producer by intriry. Soule idea of the Stock may be 1 - farmed by' the f, , 1 ion leg general outline, I 1 - 1 // IN 1 - but (numer a tion is imprartierible. GUNS t) ' Cr' REX T FALL IN PRICES , • ,-- Posriler F laskill, Draru:Flasks,'&e. I, 1.--' ak 0, 48 S SEWING MACH INES, DRUGS '4% MEDICINES , , AT THE . 1 , , , - . „1" ~,- .... -• ' )• ' ) ! i : Bee- .!') 11 ". - --4 ti hive. , In this lepartment the assortment is large 1 . — 1 !.. ---- ;. -- .. ., I 131) IN IN: / 1 T TITIO / ' .43'...- a. 1 5..-.. e. ~ 'en ~,,.; „,_ and complete,land the qualities the Best . # in market. - tlenand Misting Powder, • Safety-Fuse, '' GREAT cßowp ExpEtTFD 1 N.. 2t) , 4.:_. ...,,,i, Cour t or : Lead Shot Cap 7a, &c. / 1 ''' ' .."`. t, _ _ , I'AINII'S & OILS. 1 _ . , , •AT THE STORES OP , •' - ."..:;.4-......, -,-.... , Corder -• • IA/ Water St. The public attention Is reapectfully requeeted to the . k full stock oe all kinds, of best qualities. s ' TOBACCO. ./' 1 Bin ham• - . 15.•'... -." ' '- toe, s" v. following etude of ELIAS Ilowx, :4, , and the Gnormi & - 1 -•-• - SII WY and Cigaral . , 6taltil brig, I,tiosnbains; i ... g .. i c m , 1,20090 worth of Dl e y Ckocimb Baran S DI Co : To -ic ill si T u v r s. ---- 1 ----_,......„-. 31.11DICAL ' 'robe aold,regardiess °roost. A Card from the Grover EVerything, and perfectly reliable. \o A , • That the public may - comprehend this & Bakiir . S. lA. Co.: one who strief i ly follows correct receipts, A w l s w gical Insirtnnents, unmentionable • -• .. I li ~ AT i 11- AI 4 IV i )1 'A I .. - 5 1 Mtirlie need fail of suece..-s, who buys dye stuffs Articles, &c., on t and,•and bought to or- • - ../ .t a - Our Patents being now established by the Courts, we - i ure 2. dor. i Iffontrose, Susq'a county, Pa. , the necessity of which is patent so au t . I ' . are enabled to furnish the Groaer .t Raker Wachter. u ftli a T r ll' : % we give a list of Paces to show the exact important improvements, at greatly 0 11,6CERIES . ' , L'zALII' • Elmira New-York, t , • • , rt.ductlon. s, • REDUCED PRICES'. B '. the Barrel; ack or Pound. ' I' Beet Madder Prima, formerly $ 08. now S 01 - A good :old i ChOiCP variety of latnily 1 • Eusquehanna Depot' Pa. r Beautiful De Lathes, 11 now. 06 The moderate , price at %Dacia machthee, making thY Groceries, conistantly on hand. Ladies % 0 A.l l ' ~% • i ll OT A. 43 ii: ifiL C . - I 1, - N.. ' • ' 22 la Grover tt. Baker Stitch, can now be had, bring/ them • , • Heave yard wide Sheeting: . theV• JC L he best Tea for the price of ; tioo(fPantaluon Snuff. 15 Co within the n o rth of all, aiad reoderathe tote of maclatnee C f" . ••••• i • All kinds of liardi. - Sofip, and ag the inateri- • 15 making loferior . atitchiel La unnetrasary no it is amain Al)eI Turrell. 1 1 45. - a- -- - Ilyt:_proclahn to our friends BM the plibilein itaTICTSI /I Yi7, < P •0 , 1 ,, ' , .„, ..,. `• Via als neei•ssart for nakino soft sottp, in the I, • mat in consequence -of the present prounwe In t h a t •. "" ur cl.'"....r -1 ( I° Persons limiting the best machines, and the right to Red. White and Blue Amnia XI 16 tune them, must not only bemire to buy machines making i I. 1 !(.4., u ll it. s., . in,,st ahnplj, easy; and cheap manner poss- ''' .l 're In t h e e l t l ee we "wi I "wibme s CoMo Fad DintssoooDs, iatims ao lea. se Only fora barrel - of good • 16 14 SO GOODS ll 111 1 01) ft a n ui - ; Iga tl e t"lii:4l. k all iti ßo je: l e 7 s ei ml S - tk, g lp/endid gaailty, - 14 °CI : ' ;16 75 theGroy er & Bakes Stitch, but also that such machines era SO tne greatest variety of Pure . Liquers to 15/' • are made and stamped, under on: ?Manta and thoeo of • 111 Ul/511 _ Ta -, be found in all Nolthern I ' eunsvivatiia bat snap ., , . • Elias Howe. Jr. • and comprising (with very fen? exceptions) . . - r wool and bilk Broths Shawls; FROM 1010 20 PER CT. LOWLItIIIt% Furrarr.). •6 CO 4 00. every kind manufaetured or held tor sale PATENT 'MEDICINES. _ - i. - , " double 10 00 ,T 0 0 0. 0 11 OC • tin any nfarket. These are kept for-medi- All the best kinds in Market direct from Therefore we are determined tcl ' off/7 the public one , ..„ , 1 general stock of won Cloake. • - 4 00 1 96. • 1 i ~cinai purposes. If tile. e are any pure liq- the tminufiteturerj,:uid warra n ted genuine. ; .. Pine Bread Cloth, 700 0 00 „ i •• Treeo Beaver. 6OS ' ors in the eountry, the druggists . are the 1 ------ lAD Iris ,L,... all olik Veiret. . • ALMANACS FOR 1861. READY 1 E CLOTIII I 1 grekkeirfth Linen' Opera Hood.. 00e 536 40 35 men who have' them. It is almost im .' sible to obtliin tire Li uors elsen here I Embroidered Collate, . is ...„ 641 A CARD FRAI ELIAS HOWE, JR. P ". 1 P q • „ One - Almanac for !every family in Susque 36 - AND - , HOUSE FT ItNIsIIING ast/OD3, ' ...need , . at retail. hanna county, gritis I Send and get it. 1 . Mystery. Ali Domestic. and all Vt'oolca Geode. Reduced , All persons are cautioned not to make. deal In. or Imo I Drugs ir.d Cloek Trlmminge, . Reduced any sewing raachimes - //bleb few from two spools and CR6-6KERY. • , , , 1 ____ 1 - - DRY Go oDs • litvery dollar olposs 1 " la `• in Gesepedia, w* " A i l" Isr - 41." make the aural known as the Gies cr & Baker stitch, un _ UMBRELLAS 1 ! s , l4e li pi b i7 oureiehis to we adertise. Audi ti len the came are purchased from the too , cr .e. %tar All the kinds nsually kept in a country . s sewing Machine company, or their Agryts, or tirlic,.. general assort:bent store. . Confectionary Ttivs, Vinogar,llops, iiage, % - .1 . ~ wbieh eoutpdsis the I . ,reapectf_, _tillv so cited and stamped under my patent of September 20,1546 ii.. t• largest and best , =rid..... Bros. 4- co., ', Jana. No 20. eorpourt and Vt aterets, Binghamton Said chmpany. and their licencee, alone are legally a- • GrLASS•MAItE. , I _ thorlied under their own patent 4. and my said patent. s • • - daring the extended term thereof' to make and bell this .1. complete a4sortment for Table arid PORCEL4IN TEETH kg rin i ' - , - OCK .GOODS ‘ sii Hfim foil sill kind of sew ing wields', and aU others are piracies upon general use, and for Druggists, Physicians, Gold and Tin Foil, &c, fur Dentist's tole ''-' my said patent, and will be dettlt with accordingly where . ? " l i edlers, and hi short es ery variety for and some of neatly all other kinds - of ' . Kept in ANY COUNTRY Store ' IN ever fout.d eneral sale.. I , 1 Guotis in Market,' too numerous to men. NVSITII - II FORD P A , . %, ... . 1 / ' ' New York. ELIAS Bow, JR. g ..1...._1 1 thle side of New 'Fork City. F. B- CHANDLER, Agent, WALL k 1 WINDOW PAPER. .itio,i , ~ publ Sped- :, At Prices which Defy Competition , 1 11E sublieriber„realdlng Le the bore of New Milford. . Ii r bumf+ county. Pa , offers the following property fur 1 The attention of the ic is re I elle • - febl ty cq m * ' Montro,e, Pti. A large stoek,l conjprisin an extensive 1 . a fulls - invited to my stock of Goods, bought as we wlll sea. for C.A.119.15E at the small ade e au, , One •FARM, en which the sultscrilxtr -- --- variety of beautiful styles. The most fns- , • , eielusit eh - for CASH II DOWN, lof ten r eat *bete the %Delegate coot. We 111 / 1 6 ./ 1 i reddes. In said boro, containing about 200acree. in a good . - Do GRATH'S ELECTRIC OIL. -tidious can seldom fail to be suited._ , sold on the same prineiplefor low prices. I amt - will . 1- 1 D I ell i oW lig GOODS at the annexed prices, rat : - state of ceithation„ suitable misled grain, grazing and = dairy purpoma. . ' Black Frock Coat . Worth $, 9 - for Greatest Iteraedy in the World,for. JEWELRY ; IBEL TURIIELL. ! I I J $6 7, ' ,1 ° 0 ° 1 itheikialllhoo•adatorpnotoir crOrtaAinilinc3lolacrriesetldithbaonrnui;aberneaegr ' • 9 Montrose De • n od 1860 , 131aek Frock Coat worth 10 for RHEUMATISM, and all PAIN. A splemlid variety, embraeino . nearly ev- ' - ' ( 'I - 2 ' '__—__ 1 Black Frock Coat worth 12 for 9,50 1 , good Village Lots on the amt. in tlis centre of the village SECESSION I - I Business Coat worth *5 fur $2,75 , Also, a FARA situated one mile from . /111Warrautod to _XV ery thing customers may -wish in this de- i , and Water Ste. i- B usiness Coat wo_rth A 1., „, , isald bete. containing 230 acree. 'with a frame dwelling , ~. -In 4,tiu •, bowie, tiko Luse barna. and about 1 . 0 acres iMD213131111; the , - Inannfar- I No. 20 Cor. C ' rt . . (pi reser and Ague in one dec ; -,. partment, ouOtt - direct of the , Over Coat worth $5 for $4.00 ,'hatanc a w r e t a x on inhered with C h estnut etc and the D X Chills In rho minutes , - turers, and all Warranted-as represented. 1 • Deafneas in two to fotirdae; 1 HIRSCHIdAN BROS. &. CO. Over Coat worth 7 for Bunts and Scalds in ten inthutee ; Sprala‘e. IN owl& and Bruisee in from one to three days , . SILK FR-11r A RE. 4 . I Sign of Ple " Bee - Hive!" II i Over Coat worth 10 for 7,50' • Also, another FARM in New Milford - Indammation in ont dlip ; townehi eontionineSEra ea in ood state o'er...Grafi , 11 so t ty P ' et 4g ' " T 'WANING. In C0:154 qr a ince of the hard times , "SECT- • 1 Over ' Coat worth 15 fur • wt 30 acrea Improy sat Neuralgia, Croup, Toothache, BUMS, inaen nalmates, Tea, Sugar, and Salt Spoons. Butter and ' ILi Den - from their ready Very few, price*, and era 1 Ihmorrhage, Scrofula, Abgetes, In ten day " , Over coat worth 20 for 15,00 Also another FARNI in sai.i township, Brnteet, aa ounda, Truer, In ono to three Says ; Pl •nit Knives Napki Rings, Thimbles, I now closing out their entire Stock of Black Pants Worth .i. 4 for $3,,00 5;75 . ' on the ' ma d e . ° P a rd e 34. /I Tor wood. Gm. and otherlettibm Earache. Stiff Neck. Agpe, to one day; Spectacles ck ' c • 4 const itiv on hand, bo't i 1 Felons, Broken IlleagteSalt Rheum ; la 3to kin dare: , , ..1 ~ GOODS Black Pin s wort- .5 0,31 tint:VlA/acres, unit , oaitable bullb•Z i p and improeo L e I e a.- I,Merta fur aantall farm. ituthey, Palpitatiou Pleuriey ,in yoe, to t.,n day/ , nirect of tlle ma millet u .rsanade to order, ,._ FANCY , t II ..1 for .3.,10 A. 140. fifty sores of unimproved land, in. a i WINTER DRY IAND Asthma Got. Kryerpelag, in as r to twenty dace ; Black Pants st orth 6 for 4,50 • led touuship. eultable fora small farm. , Froeted Feet' Chtlblair.e. Stiff Joints, chrome Itheir tie or how eat the sacrifice, Cher_ 3/1 (I It arranted ure as coin. :111 other ,At Rtiolol33 Pilnto Priaad g i . No matter bow dealrable the Fancy Cassimere Pants worth $4 for $2," I The above property will be sold very tow . matlem. Sore Thrush Scarier riser, and the lame kinds Of Silver V are obtained to order on 1 s I ' ' Clvlust and Will be Sold.i rot emit CT on aeconanodatzng terms on eredn. Any sre made to %elk. by a few bottles. short notice. I Fancy Cassitnere Pants wo rt h 5 for 3, forntation in regard to the propene sin be cam by the Tbis OIL, (De Grath'e) Is mild and plemant, and by a - -...... s : Tte• stock embraces a large and Wert Assortment of Fancy CaNsitneie ' l'Ants worth 6 for 21,1 -subscriberathls residence in New Milford, Pa. greet Family. Medicine foe children uethine &e. . radios ehould all UPC It It !away./ leas .. you better IP TIERi..III , IIi• i IJ. DOME.STIC,DRY et HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ''' Black Satin Vest. n orth $3 for 4 1 2,25 -i ' ' J l e 3 / *** VIEM e E. CI. VlC r eiekrrapse than it and* you, and one bottle often cures entirely , CLOAKS 11L INKET AND BROCIIE SHAWLS, ,__ t__- - _- .1. 'choice variety Of beautiful Perfumes, Mack and Fancy Dress Silks, and an endless Black Satin Vest worth 4 for 3,00 ...el Extracts, Colo Re-1 satiety of 'False,: Goode. Embrolderlea, 3 blitek S:itin I"ese worth 5 rti ra 50 ' it ( S 7 %'n C . ! , I , AFFI ICTED THIRTEEN vrAtts tNn crisp roctracts, Co.ogues, Hair Oils, Hair Trimminga, Sic ,at Panic niece, ty...c..„ nercrstafore drea me d a e IN ONE WEEK. 01 -SHIRTS & OVERALLS only 1 . I "........) _-..) Ob • • I - , storers, I)yes, &c. Artielep to make the I and eatiefy • vonreelres of the . fact that we ful fro Read letter from Rey. Jame. Temple - hair grow, and also to take it riff, and vv.; at all we promise. 1 Binghamton, Feb 7th, ,561. UND'It GAMIENTS F.QUALLYrOW 1"1111E Copartnerehiplientofore exiating between the au- RLIII .I.I,VELI Ma. JIII3C 4tit, Mi.. - I. 1.1. deraLmedoe tole day diesel% ed bymntual consent- - Prof De f.raten I has e been afflicted for thirteen years I ery thing neces:lary for the Toilet, inclu- ' ----------- -- . 4 1 11114.44 C Wheaton withdrawing from tl i te aL. fi: trazious Ao y 11 ' , : wok account' and noted ulll be found a•ith R. StliONT. with Neuralgia and other painful complainte. and i ha, , ding a fine assortment of Ilair and Tooth -+ lOL IDA 'PRESENTS ! - been linable to siren soundly or walk any distance' for . As 9.'inter has fairly appeared, we !arise the attention of , ti e . • w c h. wril ti c i rtin'a i e i le e ibualL.F 33 mans Tema put laid /reel I got a bottle of tour Elev. BrUSlie s a, TOOLIL ' i Soaks,an4 Powders, Fan- 4 , tricOil Th.. first nizitt I elept roundla and will. and lee icv artich•s for the complexion, including I 1 "A-' 30 li lt 3 lll 4, an eepa aria crick of day I am like a now man qtr wire could not telle') her „-,,, s • 4HE subeerthers-take plenum In announcing to their ' ^l' 'C* C/ 1 eyes, lour Ebettric Oil ham 'done in week what th e s • -`ieeil F 111, .. 11 .1 ) d nfarlY ever Y thin g • a I .... friend s that they has g this day returned fromN. York I I 1 • phyolciane of Philadelphia failed to do In thirteen a • rare (it:sired [A ' great place this, :it Turrell's t 1 0 T 1 w u r e s h a i r re o a tli t e e r .m add . l o ti i f e n . to e heft I. :t r ok ce e t f o t iftoda. ;wied i .... _ - ) ~/ I %latch will be solil t. • erylov. for cASII OR APPROVED C.rmefe lit A oure -., ' - " - i P-tl'Elt aeon Four Mouths time. There indebted to R EEL' J 13tES TEMPI 11, j Any thino and I.•very thing that an%•bod t - • testi, e ....aeon Any peri= deelrouti of maktePgP -. hind I . . .i..„ 41. .. ra. r. . Piar,,ecnzrz,,„,s,,i=imelr , Kenyon. Jr., &CO.. Wlll wee the neeemity of arias ging I theirindabtedneas at once. ea the debts due be the um, - 310 South atre.t. • • • 1 I tea; tS can be co mil there.] ---- ell RlB 1)1A6 1 .`4 NEW lELIR GIFTS _.. 1 Mao GENTS who % Isbto ma ll them/elves of the oppor. mine be pald R Kenyon Jr le her,ha atthothad to sign 1 T merry to make EOITIC Fair Ouc a nice , ' for the drm when( /er neteoeiry to ...mile the bush:rem DEAFNESS' CURED. , ,and % • hope n ono a•ill Ode) them eel ies the pleasure) eart , . , ... a . _ Han, nut it orate d to lac, ipt fur the firm w bent/ r riecesea. . New Raven, • Mae 15th. Sart FANCIY GOODS. And rich and / :fen /1Y e usortment to se/ect from, and Cnristmas or mew - x ears Areli r :ry La Closiug the bu,n a/ ROGER KENYON, Jr ' 'n ,at the eery lowest Cash p thee • • EVANS & ALLEN. J -I" 55 111 ‘TON Aist Pr er of try lle tuz o m ralla n ; i ty .r bro ., t h h ‘ er us baj b y e o e tu n d c fa il f a fo fe r t r i m me rs ., . T n l e i a e ri g y re e a l t . e e s rs t .t t - i a d t p i g ety u i s n iu t i o u r f , ( z l i d zip i rt n si a g n I date TTT and it curve him entirely. I - I '•.l • Fuii • ("cods or " Yankee Na Watch@ S-LaNdQlem2" ° l;ek ti rf e on n el °n ß n n il am oil :le i tt ;' . a; S h n i X 9 lall- : CurronD R. Sett.tYros. 1 e “ . 112% L ' 7 • • a apt. ndid article . Alpo al tarietr of GrAd and "Inca; Fog- .to our largeal Ll7- aeortme " nt of PikiLEISIIN . rt% : 320 :""rinet w .e'nt'''. nre jan 1 1 1- L -3 . t rir ' 3E - t- sa i,.--i N ' lisli. American cud ho emilbanting and Pialn, %Pry low. I ;lir 3Fil - E rr: Lis „,,,-..„• I DR. H. SMITH 45k SON _ tiff - Formic br all Drneelette. and at , th e Depot, 211 , 11011 " St ore. 1 _ Gold Chains -A ', 4.1-, ( stenerie e•ariety of Vcsklsob, , bonth Eighth-at. Philadelphi. fele , 3txt cy r , , beans and Neck Opens. h/ E / az. a & Atcrs 'C I 0 KS SIT kW' s , ______.: MUSICAL INSTRUBIENTS• Ear Iliags and kirtquit rine-An influite %a:ley i 4 Li _ _i_,. a k . • evsa(tgegg. gtvtritgorn Fif, s, Cl, r . of et/ lie mad prices, in vett, and eingle. ' 1 - i .. a ' t - Finger II Inas-Diamond, Ruby, Rigiud,Pearl,Scale , . and I - SY_ND GREL'TING, TRETE DO Tor WANT la IlialaFß:s N erollll‘ Atecor'deoris. Flute 4., Illexq'; Violin, fl, " iolincello, and Guitar I :h ll 4zd t: a e n i d r ili d_ in . t i lo d t . d a lt a lp. p q a -Cold, reoeta of I la 0 Ni NI ' FAT 4 .4 • DO 7Or % iNT % 51TeTACIIR7 - 1 Strine's, some ,of the best qualities in Do 1 or n ANT A mrs - ratnet ,' market . ; OCR ASSOIMIENT OF BEL LINGUARIstiI i Spenus. Napkin!, Rings, on hand also holm and Oniry ' Violin Bows, Bridges. Pegs, I . siire rt r,W n ar / e )r -r• rrle.criptlon oi r tila a er F . o t rt r- , N 3 - 'nd T iii ri,,,,, Resin. Instruction Books, Lail w, Co C d C'asei, re Buttonand I• it i: Cops, ar a..ti. e, Fitt niree, • 'V relcbrattei rament a ! Cloldrens' set", faits. etc.. warranted good LA coin. ' &C. OD band ;at )ti all other Itit 0 14144 S S ( rioted Ware-AReguitiful aseottment of lee 'Pitchers • - 11 STIMULATING UNGUENT . obtained to ordyr. i „,_._ . Canoe., Cal Baskets. %niters, Butter Dishes , Spear" 1 • . •i I Salts, KM, ea, Fork=, Spodus, Tout Nate, Clips Goblets + A N D • s. __. BitUSllll4.. , etc . etc . be IN AY, & ALLEN , I Sleeve Buttons an; studs-A largo stock (lull 1 ~,,,R imly, /Ng-, el t , pattafue and pricee i For the Whiskers & Hair. i A Full as• , ortmebt, bought direct from the Ali that certain piers or parcel of land altuaud in the tike pleasure . i I , Beads- Coral l';', eklaeis and Armlets, Amber, Cora!, 1 . -•• .I . I tit L a i borouch of Frit:actg./111e, county and State afo•maid , The enesaroare time pleasure in announeing to the i s -• i botnd• d snddeecribed La rld/01314, to 33 i t..; On tin • ,korth cilium/ of the L nited States that thcy hare obtained the I inanufaeturers, and. comprisingnearly ev- Pearl, Gilt. 6tt, I, and sill r Betide LARGE & CO3IPLETR, , ~ . lo L Butfutn and Turnpike road, 011 • the East and ..oullt agency for , and ammo% enab l ed to affer to the Jtinerfeati eVer3 kind maue. , e0m).,,, atto nand°. Het, Ivory, and lireeslng Combo, ,/S ALWAYS br land • of • Caleb Carmait: on the la cat by laude o r mi public. the. above Jus,.l) ealebratad and world • renowned 1 - -- - Hair and Tooth B rus h es, Lir , etc. AVE Insert teeth un GOLD, Silvcr, Chtopladie or Val I COMII/ISING . 2V malted Rubber Flate, is the moat basutifa: manna chael Farrel and - Lewis Buffnm,„contaluing one acre, *nide ' A lIE RIC IN POCK EP ' krN IV I•:-'' anNr.dix.rris islt .43..x.a.r...1azr, ' - moo - ,a: lesa, with the appurtenance*, one House one ' T.he Stimulating Ongnent • ' • .• • d y er No 2 Odilallowa hall, Biughamton Ipi ivi . ri liai, &Irak and , r ,.__ t •_ 1 A 1 It.ri, tql • fruit treep d . , pl ark ail hump% d. Suit of thiterd 1 kl t fifty , crff•r • t t sor styles - - . mu ! t 'apt pa ern. . 1 , ..hi.,1,,, ilitarn Cook I • is prep...L.o.lly Dr, C. P Rellingham , an eminent plied i • 7 , ae• ...ever 'r" , r ...- 1 ' E _ s : .IN or 1 S:TIZA C' r All that certain ',tree or parcel of land situate il the ' clan of London, and lb warranted to bring out a thick set considered the best for use in market. 1 PORTRAITS PORTRAITS ! PORTRAITS, PORTRAITS f• r 4 i., r - 2C I , 'e • - • teupehso of Grua Iteuddvonnty and State affiesatl, °f. . 1 --.--------- - , ••••• so- •, ss - • • -', 1y A VISO Inetrnmente adapted to each particular case, a, : lit w.: are prepared to extract the most difficult 4WD. , b azi,thrt and deecribtd as follows to wit : On the n 'forth ' Whiskers or a. Mustache ••NE% ARIUNGEMENTIi 'IN TUE arisen re. airs , ar to se ;and %soh the aid of an Electrizing machie whirl wa , and South ba • Lode of Truman Baldu In, on the'llt, by . , L , TABLE CUTLERY & SILVER' 7 , aisiiN6Lahs:.ll4 * qui* a reel nUypnrciened in New York, they may in moot 1 the public highway. mid ob the West by land of e N i f th to six neeks. This article is the only oat , PLATED WARE. ir, irz . , , YetER.B. vo • , outlining alauit tbre. fourth! fan "um Ma 1 i , the , alto _ - 9 lof the kind need by the French, andin London and Paris 111 d . s;S F k fe„. ti tl •1 i 3 .al. ..... aN. 13 L0N.',1.31.• 1 , ;of - all colors Inc u ing , poto s, Or c, c c.. cons .n y , II I ( - 1, ii - 1 • and shades. f r o. t h e optrtutoo easea be extracted, and the petit% esperienee INO PAIN 1 Alfa W.ram, mirror ices; the, ft f a in tkpo, eras} use . . 1' sae franylLtinu.e Barn, Shed. Bc., and WI impr red. ,Itls a beautiful, t co . nomlcal, coothing, art stimulating, ;on hand. . . ' frlliE undersigned tarlitg taken the Booms formal , . ' ria t .A . ii &IN Inii I*. •. do it- dr* ,' - %ILI "-‘./. . / W / 17...MirMar. i suit of leanslteck how Ts. .'llas 41. Llumnan compound , actineam if br meek upenthe room. Laming 1 , 1 ocaupiecl,by W. B. DEANS • is rIONT prepared to furnleh mar r 7 "••• 1 All that cart lift piece o r parcel of land save in' the a beautiful groufh of luxuriant hair. If applied to the , all who um/ desire with a good and truthful Portrait. • - 'kg" E Fill te, • th with 110:.D or Tlii Foil, Silver Muslim% , Toe whip of Itush-County and State afureraid, boupded ecalp. it will cure baldetes. , and cause to xpring up in , .A4 31 P S . Being well posted in the production of the Wows kinds t of Pietures of the die% I flatter myself that in ork is tot OUR STOCK OF / vv or %Medal Bone , whi. his recommended for build • and described as-follow e. to wit On the Nortb byiland place of the held spots a flue growth of mu heir Ap < trig tip old routaand dead, brokint teeth, meatus:aka of E: C Lieu, ra. on the lint by land of E. C. 11Ly...r and lied p according to ductile/in, It will turn red or toss • Afor Kerosene : and Fluid, I excelled by any In this sec inn of the country . , • / th em metal , I Z. L Cowles, on the South to land of Dentate n LI tb - !lair dar, and reFtere gray hair to UM Hemel color , lei- I and SO good s'ariety me for Catnphene, Oil, &e. Lamp i Amorig the a erlotm kinda taken at my Rooms ate the ;UM and John LIMA, and mile West by tend ' of Joh a n , Ying It soft, smooch , end fleeible 1 t a • ••• Oareunt" lama ~ . . 1 vAnorYI ) .E I • PROTOG.RAPH, ; 1)0 - 11 EtSI'ICKS • ' , wh.ttßALwrir.. I mth., Led E C. Dewere containing about fifteen &tree, indienensable mimic in toery gcnt'eliuto's toilet and M. l news , andt Brushes for them, . - - , • 1 mare or , e. 9 W . . in theapnurtenances, onefratned Mause, ter one wtekai use they would nut ' for any consideration [ „ Linn •wi t 41, cWick, „,,in el, lc p, . .. • 4 I IC . At C . ill . t . k 1 If .A'l if VOTI'PI. NEILLOGRAPIIr ,l • t Any GDLIPor Tin Foil Clings fallswlthin Etre Thom the money will be ntfundod or this 13111 rig replace"! and about eightateres imprtned. dint of A- Denham., Ibe without it i CANNOT BE EQUALLED IN ..1.,m0r, to OH. Denote, vs. Miles B bolus sued HI dLe The glibecribora are the only agents for the article in fluid and oil Ilan arils, Lainp Shades, &c. 1 Locket Picture, down the smallest sized miniature i .._, , All Plate work done sattirfamorily, pr rte pty tworind L. &Ina , the United States. to whom all-orders must be address- ' .I— -- 1 , R a l n ns lng Tr ti •rred Ambrot es-the floest-thinlout, for ipc . t l y n lit: tto any par; of the World ulthout extra i f . .airy oft ri..igig : I 'is n 111,, 1 ` . N OTICE TO runen.tsEns -To pe went rei r etthder- i rd. _ postage My Pictures are Itold. vigorous, and expressive - • . • • ' tu:line, notice in Ilateta, Olga that •M•relumrs at Kier. Price, One Dollar a box--for sale by an Dirtegrists and , i trs Knit,. wilt be. l', quireil to pay the flUltrant bld at the Dealer ' ; at a brazurthe " °rlgment ' ' (*arrlnted ° - h ... I MATERIALS FOR LIGHTS. i i -not there faint, lifelem ehedows often Sold about the 1 i Marc the lend le eold It has beetnuchute lithely fl a r e ". the desired effect) will be Kent to any who desirt it, by 1 •d ill toes s etion of country , ' "en") Pi. tures takeu in all klude-of ueathrr. equally , Good Heavy Sheetings, 6to bute. per 2, 'cl t_ I n DE cry pt this rule, and it will be strictly adhered to. I mall (direct.) , securely peeked , on receipt • of price and i Every kind usc ~.S e . . • well, except thine of young children. No4thture needbe I Best Heavy Sheetinge, 7to Siete. pr y'd . pritscrtqa sews* DENTAL tlonsostll do well , crept In ca•e. nttere the are ill le A lien creditor and P" t ag Si Zel• Apply to or address til lTd u r n e k ernrfo rt r ec at iflgf'l : t a i° v n ol i ci I t i v ig colon ' . -meth as i 1 A M t o p nrrose in std in la d Iv". thwareelharidthe i'k 'ex"prMirienceero"maTaintet I OItACE L. lIEGENAN 5 CO. l e an. d of best qualtpes, at low prices, inclu s‘tootied to the fund as pro, tided In the leteuetton of the I moinuthe.takewen;ao 1 DENIMS *Ow 8 to 12i cents per yard, i, act Of Amembly. appro,ed A ruNith. t'q11.34 bkb la as fo/- a ,,, ..,.. Druggieta,&c., ding Kerosene,l Fluid, Carnphene, Oil, bine, pur p le , ■scarlet, pink. etc. 1 tpw's"-"1114 MALT the p re of nal tetate at Or- I ...., • 1.- " Y -55 William btreet, New York . I Candles, 41 , e. ,'1 1 green. black, red, anuff, brawn, orange, yellow. etc. i TICKNI G; from 10 to 1# cents - per yard ' De____ntalPilicilet , ' i . ice - K ick that ilw ialace To Igt your "Pfebire" la I GINGIIAMS, from 10 to 15 cis, fast. yard I Woo eqi Irinra:tor and Brushes con 1 jAllifite COUTi or Sheriff's sale. Alan tip front the proper , --- ---------- /ante Brick Block, orcr WM, Wat us & Footer's store ' alantlY on tot WA i r w e'M i rd e ~iab e. ye no t glo r du , c re st he illet,r, orre„a?.dealc.el;:eaer tPATENT MICA LAMP CHIMNEY . ILA 10)WA RR wr. u. imAzurro:v. ' CALICOES, flot colors, ___ , 121 yards only $1 Pf ria aoSc et • Btootrose, Ps , NOT. 26th, mo 0„ " Best 3ferrirnack, lts yards only $1 t-, - - ------ 4. duty or the sheriff; admantatrator. Executor or r I. t ft. ")P l . ; prick SMri ln°C i & ba er M t o h tl e trOSC ßlak , I'S utbSr pemon malting much pale, to receive the receipt of , A Lain Oh' th t 'll not B rats k ' Limp ininey a Nvi . , A and[ pUltbat.44.4T or purchasers for the amount Which be or : ' small assortment, Nailsjacks, Butts, • • i they uoutd ippear, from the record so arolVlald tubl en- e g r ea t ineeetio n ecimp tu d i it se lf , to ~ ,..m . one I Serest ti, a ;Olt,li t iitillieiS, -Angers, Ifote„ utiodto Teethe : Provided. that this section shall aot be T H u l a 9 ioe.COALl3ll. LAMPS. It ell s more !len, re I flat frotjs, llitrobers, Faucets, Sand Pap soconAtived Iti"„to lament 3hc , light o f iatd Eherilf.lAd- 1 q tree leas elearilak. two will not break by beat or old ' mindstrator, Executor, or other person guresald to de- , untne, or any ordinarylmage Forney by ht rek•e c pers . Per, . 1141 irmg 3.111(1 1 1 i 110, ‘ ai _c• - monde:id reesiro at the Woe tif Bale a sum stalicient to I generally throughout tbeE..ti. and the Cau%da: and ------- ea' er-all kr , 4 l 004 entitled in he Para out collie Moqads Ntholesals by the 3ianufacturers ' and Patenteem ' 1 -, t of bald/talc ; and promded father, thathefore any ptuicha- 1 . Per or purchasers awn receiye the benefit of this section, I 110ILNLNG ibilublrillter. . BED,' tORDS. boor they shall produce to theaseria, ( mother Person " i NA. ftt. ~..: se"cond Street. rbira Clothe.' L ines,'Mason Chalk and Fish auktu x 63lll,4le •*. 4l4l / c e r tified B Uitematit ( nom th e PeeP IN.E. A large andsuperior stock f alp 3. CI3 1:. 1' h iooics . „te l , ' • or records, under the baud and official seal of the proper 1 xambaje ax.pisp als eves on b ook of pries...defying to l l I . 0 ...e 5 1 .. 15 officer, showing that be is alien creditor entitled'tet re- I petition: Alko Gut Porfarrel' Cod at at manufacturers . —l--a— -• telv!llli)pattuf the proceed' of pale aforopald." , I pri ce 4w • .- 9120 , 11 X.I.IAS V. GREEN, Sheri, Montrose March 7,1961. 1 1 ''''' r STOA,E WARE. „-- , . , , 'Adlosinistrattirs' NOtioo. - '<l Full Stock, including a large In a ntity I, • Mi636llltifLAL'lr„ LE c Tr att E th us iate ofiid er 'sinistration to the Estate of Joshua W of,,lngs, &c. d 6rt maize deed. have been granted --4- e - -- ( 1, 131 Z into the illekauffe pf the undersigned, a D i g to the sahr:crisere. all ' Persons l ' odebteci to the said estate G sun , . about twelve rams old, with white hind DRY' GOOD' 4 are requested toe, make Immediate payment and thosebas. 1 star la forehead, and awhile spot on each Sip. l ' h - -e " 0 " luedanarida against the estate of said deeedeat will make ''- ~ ler is requested to peeve property, pay Blame, &e. ~. knowit the sam.adthout 10511 to .J ULIA HARDING. ' : 1 GI Rend, March 9d,-St-f; LEn'lliwlLN.T . New Milford. Feb 27.1051-Gt JULIA A. Catlin. iit small nes uncut of Staple Articles. _____ ; • 1 s . MEDICAL CARD. I - • , TAKE NOTICE! • ' "MIRRORS. • 1. , im. VlTlX•atalr. 1 4 1 D., Oradnate ; . ! ../. o the Allopathic and Homo:op/0k conerea of wed- f t ai. Ir o tas.4ell Jrcaz - 111=eacist, Wood and Gilt Frame:s.N . 'tau,. %%outdraw:nide sincere thanks to the people of {: t. , v. , titteep vette. Fox, mink, muekrat, and n o krnda of ," , ABEL TURRELL. ix•IA and viclulta„ for the eery liberal patronage a Ith Furs. A good assortment of Leathcr and roots and , rvidele they ha' e favured him. sod bp hopes bra strict at shoeaCeestantly on Sand Ofle , „, Tannery, et, : Lep en montro:.e, Den. 2•lth, I*6 1 ) i :N . Iternee th"httno••••• t y merit ;a liberal sbsee of the 'Oh , Maio §trcet , ef• I , ' (.4relst Seed .. ientom • e •tsi "e5l Venire.' F. 5 :L'... 1 'i . : 11E772 .7- ? -6, " , " s otlttrc/rd ill 1 1 'lrl Or' .''iI'IITII/ I . • • . t • All that eertaln pleee or p3reel of land, situate in the township Cifilerriek, In the county A state aforerald.boutP did on the south by land of E.`Thirdlek, on thetvest by tin• seated lands supposed to belong George Walker; on the north by landsof F. F. Hayden and C, Geddinks, and on i the Pala by land of Thomasßurns and C. Giddings ; con. tattling about hundred acres be the same more or less, on, which is a du elling•house and about thirty acres Improv. ed, and known as the Kiel Knight lot. Suit. of Cho. W. Gcricto the use of Guttenburg, Rosen. baum A Cu, es. Harvey Hayden, garnishee of David fur. dick. All .that eertain ` piece or parcel of land satiate In the tow nship of.t; emit Bend, county and state afure*tid, boun ded and described as follows, to wit : On the atorth and east by land of Lowry Green, on the south by Int of John Colston. and westerly' . by the Great Bend & fochecton turnpike. containing alnint eighty.four hundred feel of land, being V; - feet in front on the turnolkO, and run. Mug back 'one hundred and twenty feet, wtth the ap purtenances, one three story bending oecupied as store anti dwelling, one 1 story binding occupied al, an orate and shop, I , OMe other out buildings, and all improved. Suit of A. Wihnutt va. George- W. Flyer ami Henry , Crane.' I "I. &Oh. and west by the Philade Welcome Iphia and Gt Bend turnpike, containing ab;)ut :30.acresj with the appurtenances, g - fra med'housen. a bare: a PAW mill, and about 7 acres impro vrd, Snit orWm Hartley', vs.:Noah Phillips. All that certain piece or, parcel of land situate in the • 1 township at .lubarn.ccount and state aforesaid, boUnded and I:l , 4rribeii as follows. to - wit..: on the north by land of i IYm It. east by land of James S. Carter_ souih by land of Albert Se..ley, and wcet br/and of Hanalei Bill, 1 containing about 10(1 acreil, w ith tie appartenancea. one • framed house, barn, corn ruse, bog house, orcifarci. and -about improved. Suit of Flt Chandler, ye. M ' and CharleAlinem. • . NOW, WITHINi Biagi/ OF ALL. GROVER & BAKED CELATRATNI) ~SOLVELESS 495 Broadway, New-York DROVER a saKEIt S. M. CO., 4D3 Broadway. New- To:* DO . YOt W.LYT WHISKERS ABEE Tows con. rm4RELL ABE Tow otretiil4-ttale on - O. ot thOlargotOut4:: 44' selectiOtik .. .of G )4, ss 1.) AfTURH[LtS4DI. WlN** & Pleteitt Nearly 3 . 4 the s*„stctiOtiiit:;:j- LITTE9G II RAP Prints and Ara, __ -. • , VARNISHFS Jhpanp, , 1 • • - CA-PrEsl A good. v i striety Of the best st vies. • Also, Canarr i lienip, aptl RapOSeeil, and 0104 fixtures fur 7 1 - u A Full Assoantat. *" ' •• •• . . WHIPS,ANP LASIiES. A good variety. I *l3 R-. 01 O.M.S Spungt!, • Wash Boards, BaskCtit, ate . _. .. . ),- WITCHES JEWELRY, .8iC•• : - .4;:yot-ic,x2.. Baia.: 1 -;': 11410111-IN - ,I._.ALLEN„. WITCHES, j • 1• • • •' I.' ' A choice article, only I2i cents., • I lux 'mai reotwetfally ; Inform dia friends, patrons, :. - ' ' I 17nder:,Bioniroso DemocratiMitle.. TV and theptibliegalendly that we have now Minor° • • 1 _t . . 1 !. ',,, 41 • .. : and offer wholesale sad retka, at the lowest earlipriemi, ; . ' Watches, Jeweli7i. lilver 4-I; r Plated Ware, i A nice lut--ielling At....4 .. it5. perrapring ; a lune and veryeholee malt of Vest Steel Spring skirts; -.. i. t kitE . REcEnriNo .., , Fieeh Grou4d Western FLOUR' ~..,. , . . cd every variety end - style. • .. sit r 7 aa days , which we wins= to give sattathettoia. i every doslTlrtiOrrotDl9 . 'ad Work and other Jelreiry .., „•'. .• , -i•• Wool •• Vests . ... 1 ls any in market; if nut goott returned &inn/ expense. made to ordcri at short name.- vir,du isloods . spirrant- ; Laali3l1 7 py alto be ea replitlitlifd. • I •' ' ' '. "'' . . ' ' 'll kraWbillip . ; , ifueu, .-1 and loge's:sr/nag fxiour.., :..i. E. -.-rattleuhr atttetion - gtres. to the earthing of 7 :, -„ . . . _ - - • - 7 ' ' • Watdps and Jewe l ry, ofeeery description. - - - , '• ..- - ''' ' -.• . • • . • • : SALT-AND :PORK ' . STIUFFER 4 BARLEY_ . . , - . I - • I ''''• 4223 firit'd f: ', 3 o u tlfi c ;rkkira : '' LAMB b•' . WOOL.- ;HOSE. ID*. rift -LOAD; ' )3A.HR - E.lB oi POUND, March I. 1851- ' .8m •-t. • - • -- .. • - ___. - __.... ;• • 1 , ,,, ,-,--:- ,••••., -;-' •-: ;O9 ''' -.• '' -•.. i lA/ilk , ESUPar CSCre4 '• -_. .• - .. ' *ff.ift‘il3sl ll4 ,"o l o l lMll gi. ' "1- I- - , ..; , tDiiiii Haat ' • ' - L 4 ''' 11 3 ft ' ta)l 7 e l Ithi '' 1 iii " " '" i‘fi ' t' Y I e I i , ;411.e.'''''''.1*.C:. '''''l4 " '• ' ' 1 7' 1 - '; ' i •• ::: ' .•• . . • ''' 13 in ok a d Halibut, •, ,• ..-,, ---- .. , • , .-,,..,i lt sSyrups, • Thankfutto: the numeroils"euStonler 6 f°Tl ' Illola s . e : iis: ti n n n i . S : d a g n a li n, - - • , ' Administrators-- Ndstio& their • ' generous ptitronbge the past yi!Ar,• 4 , ;: : 7 4 7:4. - s - .: , .- - COPEA'g, • SPICES; ; ja i _Err rirpt im nter o! d ad ee m, d tah aste tea o t r o rr a ut to o t r„t heE t t i tit vin e g at ee .mes t Aya lied bi t , :tespectfall y solicit .a l'o.niintione 'of •', 1 .:BRagji;s; AND jr..iv,s , , . .. . • .' .-hleh :ire offer for sale at I.m. Prices; for READY TPAT I t sal° the e es un tate d.' wi rsi li n p ed rese lli nt Fe th,in ne fo ha r Ti se ng ttlem dnund' ent, and age th i e ll :C t 1.t iC h° , 1 . 5 :+ 11 2: " 1,, • cr . n . • yi . 0 , 0 0 1 , 11 m ..c. i f A c0.1t.y.• ... 31outrnir. hi slimy, Poil icdOte4 will mice irmeedlittellasmcnt to • . 4 . .1 il . t 77 mitsfultif omit!. Y. AlmtntVaV. , .:: . _ . _".• .• • . . . - lis rrr rd ‘fs•rb till:. 14 '64 5.• ' • - • ) A cyci..•, oi7l, I ARGEantIMEDIUM Cl' JJ for tale by • • 11 SEEDS. VERand TIMOTHY SEED ouRitITT, New Milford. ....Jo, ;•:•$ NEW: MILFORD - 1 - 1.10413 -SCHOOL:. irrealernizintem flt . .T . mom, Ike. • J KkEtatel.N, Jr:, lief Sus . q'a County ' - cpuilasa sad Normal Skim* = 4w. wartagest * liii • 0 f PROF. 8 2 S . HARTWELL 8. A PRINCIPAL :1. Sr. A:ur. MIAs j 1.31,1111141 L. ItszicAitsr, 1 - • Aubitints. Mri. A. N: I Primary Department. 1 ,Manle on Piano. G. Z. DINO K. Lectnieion Anatomy aztdPb7dolpa FUME Third Tenn of the preaent ',endemic lieu of this 'mahatma will lb olit:?000,32“31ka • rre 10 The Trustee* Prof 8 . ear of tatiMool. sawn al? th e : dl of Pr0f...8.5. nARTINELL, fbat It Is la a dour letting condition and otter., superior !adamants to afl -..;; desiring:it thorongh I, ducatton. Moro whddrig a good' Pinsratlon for ohn r - t e, foeaching and other parsafalw wilt do well to avail tbemselvee of its advantages, Time/ ' nee referrad to thorn. who have alteldy done ea. • • For Particular., Swe 'Clrettlare C. F. Haan. ileeretary. Jr.Sirr. 11%Tc.• Co.lTorisa.l rylewte r17.1:133:19r137,- • - - rt • _ • ::••• •,•• • - - , • " • , 0, AL r,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers