TH.X MONTROSE DESIOCIIAS:I PCI3LISIIED TOCTISDAYS, A, J. GERRITSONEDITOR & PROPRIETO' AT $1:50 PED ANNUM ht ADVANCE. OFFICE ON PUBLIC AVE: ,! WE, OPPOSITE THE P. MONTROSE, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY, P Thursday, March 15, 1860. ,iENOCRATIC .NOMINATION. FOR odistoic.n: TIENRY c. FOSTEI OF iV,4IIIORELAND COtanY. at Large. • , I GEO. M. SEIII. Electors. - 14. Isaac Hollow. ,r.i. Geo: D.• Jackson. )6. J. A. Ala. '. 17.. J. B. Dannei. s, 18. J. R. Crawford. t,. 19. H. 1. Lve . • . • . lm 20: J. B } Howell.' • ; ‘2l. N. P. Fattirmlitt., w ' 22: Samuel Marshall. for 23. William Book. viili 24. B. D: Hamlin. - 25. Gaylord Cbutch. 13' Electors Rtc Et A.Rl3'-V.A,Vi, DiStrict L. Frederick"Seryer. Wm.C.Patterson. 3. Jos. Crockett; Jr. 4. .1.*.-Brentier. S. J. rW:laeolI. 6. Cbarleg 7. 0. P. James. 8. David Scholl. 9. J. L. Lightner 10. S. S. Ilwrber. 11.. T. H. V9lker. 12._S. S. Wincbeater, 13; Joseph-Iptublicl!. VELS.OATES 10 TUE atnaLt.STbN CONVENTION Delegates at Large. WILLiAII BIGLER.I Joint L. DAWSOIir, " Wm. Montgoinery. Joseph B. Baker. ' District Delegatea. . • 1. William M. •Riley, L. C. Caisitly. 2. Josiah Randall, C. McKibben. 3. Hugh Clark. John Robbins, Jr. • 4. Henry N. B. Browne. 5. 0. Jones, jolin Roberts. `-• 6. E. C. Evans, George Mainly. 1, LT., H._ Wilson, F. Vanzant, S. Heister Clymer, F. Lauer. • • l. H. B: Swan, H. Ms North, ' 10. C. D. Gloninger, R. J. Haldetnati.. ICC. H. Hottenstein, F. W. Hughesi. 12. H. B. Wright, W. J. Woodward: 13. .Richard Brodhead, Asa Packer. 14. 0. L. Wart H. A. Guernsey. s 15. H. 11. Dent, John Ross. 16. A. J. GlosSbrenner, John tleifsnyder.' - 17; John Cessna, James Nill. 18. A. 11. Coifroth, John N. Smith. - 19. H. W. Wier, Isisel Painter:, e 20. John J. Shutterly, James Lindsay. - 21. Rody Patte.non,,John C. Dunn. 22. James A. Gilsson, L.Z. Mitchell, 23. Thomas Cunnin - gbain, S. P. Johnson. 24. A. Plumer, K. L. Blood. 25. W. A. Galbraith; joseph -Derickson. An apprentice, is wanted at this office Apply in Pe - rson daring the present month.. =County Committee lleeling: "The DemoCratin County Standing Com : !mitten of Susquehanna county; will meet at Hatch's Rotel in Montrose, on SaturdayiMar. .17th,•at o'clock: p. m. full attendance ie desirid. DANIEL BBEWSTER, . - Momrose...7klanith. Chairinan. April Terni of Court. April Coutt - commences On the second day of. the mend' II and suds of our pations as .cannot pay \ us oorter, will oblige us by send ing their monk to u% then, by someof the!r . neighbors: ' -Money can always be sent safely by mail. • -:,-..-.Vatapaigia Democrat!' i?,s!rtttg, to place our paper in the hands -of ever t s Democrat in the county we call • upon' i, if iVIAS to aid us in procuring new -auliscribsrs; *At least 1000 names can be Added to cur list with due exertion. Every . . ,Dernoctat_ongst, to have 013 A mat on the -- Abe first of IMay, at which time we shall be able to - AnnounceAhe nominee of the Charles '. ton COO6ditln.r- We Propose. to take new aubscrikei; froth. that date to Jan. Ist, 186], (eight fontlisgor $l. And-as further in doom at, we Will, for $4... cash in advance, send tbs . paper — from any time during March, or April' . till Urinary.. We hope this'offer Will be liberally responded to by our fiends all over the county. Send on. your names and mousy. Hon many will get us up clubs? A Dress" for the Democrat. We . want to make the Democrat' : fully • 'nvorth:the increased circulation - it is , bound • to har4 this year, and_ to that end arrange iments.'are now being made to furnish it with :new 'type, and an. increased amount of seeding: matter. This cannot ,be done 'with theexpenditure.of a large sum of mottey— snore in fact than i ts past patranagewill warrant —but we are determined-tbat•ou r . aper 51 . )11 . not be unwMthy of a large increase 'sr sub ribers.lf our frinds will do but justice_by us, ,tbeyean furnish u 4 the means of issuingßik - 77p alasi country paper in future. MONE', js whiat we must hare. Many of our readers no doubt think :thcy are doing a; great party service in taking our paper but they forget that they are but a damage to us so long :is they do not, pay far what they get. W i e • hare hundreds of patrons .whoa _owe us fur .one, two, or lucre rats; and these srna I sums amount to over a thousand dollars; an the want of this, money cannot but cripple any inisine-s., Tao first thing to be done is. for every delinquent to PAY UP IN : FULL, .1113 rd - . it year in advance if he can. This is but Juftice to us, 'our ea,h patrons,.atid the party. We cannot, buy. new type without money, .and we urge every roan to paY up immediate ?;y. Do not , it-t‘it fur .us to send you a bill .or dunning letter.; each one knows' tha l ; 'Leis in arreiirs, and we now hereby ask you 1 . settle at once. Cameron is aßazzard reaist.” The PittAiurdiournal, a Republican pa- - per, discourses - as follows upon the late State: Convention of the Republican, or-Peoples - Party, at Harrisburg - • Political success—to our shame he it said . ..- 7 .breeds political corruption. No sooner Is .there a dour open to position, power or emolu ment, than a 4. hole horde of political rerinin - rash in, to the utterexcltision of honesty, dti l • /*my amt good manners. One devil may be dislodged, but seven others 'enter and dwell there, and the last'atate of-tbe party is worse than the first.' To such a state hair th'e People's Party of Pennsylvanici degenerated, race the dictum of Oneonan (Qtititeroo) eau , wrest - the r•-preseigtative right of ten-thousand from their 1;4441:1ate use to his own advaneet 'meat. fel willing,. in some cases, to, tolerate errors of mind or hiart; but when; as in this case,._ one tuvrs- political: ambition presumes to 4 . iat l itte to ,us the policy we must advocate, we shali claim, and, at our discre- i '' lion, shall exercise the right to rekl. - . . , Reirsocrat4lllead This! NOw.ilutt the most important carnPaig in . thelistory of the country is abbut to - o.etn we desiiii to call. the attention of, every' D Crat in the county to an important sub eat` 'relation to the campaign at home. S uccess next Friti:depends mainly upon the thoragh , organixution of the ,party iri eaat \ condtp Chis,lnoi'inie can fail to understand. No 6e, au ff.iito know. that. ; the bat-'aliy to drlanll lt:trlfu# rofe—the preatical 'road to vietdry, Largest. to give tne e possible circulation! toll our rotir,ty papers. Speechesaud clOcumentsj o runcli4 t hnt i ‘ he weekly 'visit of .a c6u sty miler rill do more than all else. Experie provls-tttrs.for us. ,Now- our belief h 5, rind many. of, our friends' have expressed a .hke opinion,r-Altat - to call oura full, vote. of WI. - party ciraulation Orthe *tint 'rosel .D.Onocrui must be• incre a sed. . There re buntlreds of Democrats wir have rar er . - ked-th i. is or "any paper; nrld now he me t . or:ihem 14 have it. If our active friends ifllrn4e..ilittle effort,. the)! anti much r the,: . tiarty • without ,any eipense. Then byflot -- iilo Who. will be i tlre - :to il utii;4toulder to -the wheel! [.Postmasters can, witli *little exertion do a great - deril l of perhaps save their oVrn defapita m nex(l%farch, hy2the minions of Helper ll *ill they do it! 1 . _ Oise Sttite T Couirent , liciai.. We hive already given our reders a Ili. ty full report of the doio of . the Democr c is Stateponventism, held at Reading on t 29thi - c _ • A 1 v ery , large proportion of t he convent' , was • I - I mad§ up of m y the very best ateriah dive working Democrat - sr-Of the tate; ,tho who . rili.• exert it powerful influence inJt commg . oontest. . The wive vigor of yotit sii t tun4 judgMent of middle•age;• and ripe • xpOience of the old veterans, who, half ciiitury have stood the of ma' • o• • vrll•ktitht battleA, and aided urinal: scores of victories over the foe,. tbersl baiinottiously comminglbd i counseli for their country's welfare. „, Mitny'uf the delegates assembled on T. day 0840 to take counsel. together . hef l . going, into convention. We folind one e.. 1 mon i)uitiose fixed in the minds of the .w ;: cc,rmentyon. This was a firm determinat o. 'on be all minor preferencesjor the c gpOD goq ;.bolding the principles of the ar ty -nil as!'the only test or fealty. . 1 All .seerned free to admit that, although, victor"`foi ue,in Octoheri:and November was morally certain, yet vve hid before us a hard battle to fight, , ari uhsci . irpulous foe to vanquish; ere the goal could b> woo. The friends of the several 'ex : celleut Pltudidates for Governor. pressed the itlainri Of their first.eboice with much ardor; each believing for reasons given that Ms than had Strength best circulated to win a iict l ory so thrirrible. It was out of this question that there , seemed - most, likely to zrow those cau ses that , Often-,Tender a p?litical campaign - cliSasr.ropa It was feared thati in the eient of-a long and close struggle, the fortunate, as pit-114 tiUttld fail to secure from his rivals and theipf4nds that cordial support so i desiraido at - tliis tiMe. Mr. Foster. had been looired upori, hi:, many leading Deniocrats as the strolge4 man for, the campaign, but his coh stan refils - s1 to let, his name,be used, put him out the question at the upenirig of con ventron. But after it became evident that a close coiitest 'must inevitably ensue before a . • proposition, selectiorticould:be made,:the sl to tendei liim - fhe unanimous tOmination of I the 1 it \ 1 .1 conventtnn, seemed, as if by into to .make : an inbffiiiable impression .upert. 'every , miod; inclu'ilitig the aiscrnbled tbousaials of the Demkra,tic yeoman, from' all parts-of the Old 'Key.ltog-e : , who werepresentlas spectafois.- 7 -The .oiine of uncontrollable enthusinsrn WhiCh follo,Wc4 we cannot attempt to Jeicribe. Those ciiiiy who were piesent. can ever think of it as it WRS, for neither tongue nor pen can paint) itlin its living- reality. The accriies cenee iti,tha - nomination was so I:le.artfelt,..6o‘ magiliikently overwhelming, that: it ,swept iwaoall,yemnants of. heart„ I:millings; strife, or b4teiieskwbich may. bare e i xistedi and pave•,tbe way for closing the remaining very ~ impo tent business of the convektlon in frater nal berniOny.. • After:the adjournment ; the members min- , gled freely with each other, is Well as with bel4seTt;led citizens; •and.we not be lieve '4' Man 'Went avray: with a single regret respeL-W our nominee. The prominent as • pirants sid their hien& 'seemed - '4o vie with . each other in giving a hearty endorsement to the seleUtion of Hon. Henry D.. poste; "The Star of the West,"as the Denaodratie Sta'nd• • -• and la!earr for the zubernabitial contest. • Afietiucb action, and such a result, there can lie tag - question as to our success., A united - Demcrity never have beeri, and never can I • be def i eitied in Pennsylvania; .let the' foe at temp to; hide their defoimities behind a doz eidcarti*. The struggle may a l ow , bizr said so bet fatily - commenciog r Every inch - of round limp the Delawaroo.bellonongahe c_ontested by tlivunterrified and trn tiring NAtional - Deragcracy, whosedetermin atiatqit Ato drive the arivocarol oktlelper-, ism intcieterrial obscurity. Unit l ed .in prln mple Avail rio friends to reward, _ene mies (awieng ourselves) to punish;. cordially uniting upon the matt 'of our choiCe—the Sec ond Tuesday of October will beliOld our par ly deeeoedly victorious over the piratical crew whit vainly imagine that even a black curtin.crn screen their true:. character fib& the sesroldneinquiry of an intelli<rent people. flint no irctOry can be won with9ut a sting - ~ - -gle; end , it is new the, fir Ft. duty of Op" , .Demi , ci*li to buckle 0 's fume! and _pre pare for:;thekarnpai o "- he mor4. i Olden dal 1 can aldd:to their arm - IJan)% and -there is - none l i e obi:Ctii:e but that he has' an intluencel— Then let:nvery one dolis utmost, and a glo , iiorts tritim ph will be our reward. . ' . . IF!sti_er Ratification 4 in Mectings:,l . 16 liteetingi have been held Phil el. phis, F(4rrisberg, Pittsburg, and other en. c i tral p;infs'in the State, to ratify tha . nenni:na: tion .11enry D. Foster. They j have Veen, 'amon 14 largest and mostenthUsiastio4er held the State. Footers position;-on the iecoad.'l'i esday pc Oc t o b er mill he Itt front of `the Ouriin 1 - -- ... ' ' - . • , - HEALTHY Civaxos -The Lycoming Gt4ette, edited by , son-in-law and ofli'ci-hold4r . of Gov. 'Packer, and Which • has hittetly fklght our patty for a year or two past, now , lays, I !Welitive taken some pains_ to aicertaitti the opinions of Democrats concerning the pio• ceadingi of W oßeadine Convention, and es pecially its:tionainee for,Governor,, ;tut we linvo 'yet. to fintilte first one•who due not express the molt unhoundediatiafaction.r It also-scys "Amoncitll , the - excePent men whose names were -presenter'LO tket Ae mooratic State Convention; for thngninirna., ! , torial nomination, the convention rioulCnot have made a happier selection-than it. did in the persop of Hon. Henry D. Foster, of *eat moreland county: _A gentleman of high character, aneminent . laWyer, a superior pub lic speaker, a conservative man,' and nu . ; un faltering DetnOcirit,—he §cea3i to haVe, 'Ootn7 him till thiclements of an: excellent, Governor." The Harrisburg Sentinel, which,Wns startesl as a rai:ker. - orga'n, to fight the.partyl.and edited by in imporied office-holder; who is en abled to keep the paper alive by -the aid - of Also, ,theclloytestown Democrat, anther Filibuster ebeet,_ cordially suppcirti ter. t lrteke;'s petronage, also calorie's. Foster; These add` to ihe certainty of Gen:Foater's , triumphant election. -•- ,Illepry D. roster. No warmer heart ever beat inhuman bteast —no mokf k i geneioue impulses ever actii: , ated the CondoctOf man—no.purer character;eer adorned 11ife-Ithan he Rossesses. lili Oen tal qualities, too, are, of the first . order. tie combines an adute and potserfnl intellect*ith a large Share.4solid corrOon sense. tastier, he stands in .the front rank itmont the first men' of the Western• part of the State: . .He has represented hii - district for two 4suc cestive terms in Congress, and he was a Mem-, Ile'r of theiLegislature at the sessions of 1055. 1856 - and 451.. 'Those who itenrd his pow ,e;ful arguments; and. observed the readluess witti:which ‘ lieseized upon the strong pint of a question, stripped it . of all obscuring soPli istriescand elucidated•and enforced 7 the truth, will not soon forget the impression he izinde. His mind is singularly_ quick; his langOge. direct,itud - pointed, and his mode of .artiirig at truth clear and overwhelming. In . him, the Convention has given us a candid 4 fur whom we can work - with the most good-will, and for,whom tve•can. confid4tftly ask the .votes of tti - e united Pennsylvania !I,Pe-' Mocracy, as well as those of thousanchr of conservative citizens who fe spect.unobtriisive merit; who honc;r 'unb . stentatious tateht, land who admire a tray Uptight and gendious character.-=Es. Short but Brutal. The brutal doctrines of Helper's book - meet with a cordial response from- Gidding ! , , who recently was so much glorified by Om Ranks and. his Republican . friends. Here, is Giddings' letter: ' WASHINGTON Crix., Feb.s, nap. To the Editor.of the Ashtabula Seiittatil : Our friends at hotneeliould :be slow to .Cen sure their 1 Ifesentatives :for, deseitine Mr. Sherman. - They did so for : the purrs* of, .electing a Speaker, and defeating- a jiiirty that - has long. teldeci the Federal powfy to the support-of slavery. -They felt the htireil iation of discarding a candidate becausklie had endorsed the doctrine, of Helper's liztok, every •sentspee of which - tinds.a response.i4 the hearts of all true Republicans,_ JOSiIL'A GIDDINdS. • ' If there he meaning in language, this lcb ,k, assuming to speak far the. Republican grty, recommends business non-intercourse between the South and the North; and the abalitan 4A' Slavery by Violence. Is the intelligence;and . plirioli-ra of thil 7 3atih prepared, to da ibis not, let them trample dawn the patty nbidt responds to;Theterrible dOctfines of fteler 's book. • • - • •••-- - lllcurp D Foster . .. 'This 'is the name of the regular DetooOtt icnieninee for Goren - tor. This is the name that is'going to !flake the" Black Republicans tremble in their boats. Theis the natueithe mere Found, of which cause tberti to throw asile‘,their Curtain;, and allowj the Dethocratic Tanks to march :on 'to victory.— Next Fall, the Democratis will put Mr POF,TER in the Guberhntori chair; Inc has Festeed Democratic plinciples,hitherto; and he .wilt continue pi, when there.- - FGT. TER 1 Down with. your CCILTAIiqi! Binghamton Commercial College. To ail' in search of an institution where a thorough businets education can be secured, see I:now -of none 'where the facililies for ; ac= quiring the theory and - practice ot , busine_ss• hfe aregteaier than at this College. Iting acquainted with many ora similarchararter,. we can cheerfully recommend it as a: first - ctass institution. • , In a recent visit to the College Itcioir,!'prer the Susquehanna Valley Bank, We were gfeat ly pleased with everything we Falk. rooms are commodioui‘, and fitted up ivitq, ref erence to Commercial studies; .the ors are ffentlemen, and thoroughly expercenc 'ed n: the various - departments they are. en •gaged in; the'students are numerous,,,and in telligent, and seem anxious t'o prat-by.their teachings.: We were exceedingly gratified to see the perfect 'Order in ;which everytt?ing is kept, and to witness the rapid progre4 of the kruden is, since our last •• -TO the young man about entering intObu siness—to the young teacher, Who intends. makin g leaching' profession, and toparents ,who, desire to have tbeir.sons well trained for ,the business battle - of life, we recommend? the :Binghamton Commercial Collegv.—Brohme Republican.: -.Al3csucass.l4ttii. Ssuzs.—We him long supposed this e;ele brated drug; had-become an 'exploded 'l)m -bug, but we nre assured by those skilled in the healing art, thatnot the Sarsaparilla itself is to be blamed for - this conclusion,buOits miserable worthleas preparations of it, that have been'palmed off upon the community-=. preparations 'which contain about as much ~f iv's virtues as they del of gold dust. it is . commercial fact that k almost all 'the Sarsiipa-. rills, gathered in the world, is consumed in the old countries of Europe, where the science of medicine', has reached its highest perfection, and where they know the best what-to•jetn ploy for the plastery, of disease. • Hence', we' are glad . to find that we-are now to hate a coMpound of thii excellent alterative, which, can be relied - con, and our community will!nOt need be assured; •that .anything that Dom Aims Makes, is .wortby,of their conedeime. He has been for years engaged in eliminating this remedy (reis, adv'g cols) designing to Make it his `c/ref:d'ouvien which shall add the crowning glory to his already eriviable reputation.—American eclt, :Few Turk. , . .. . . . . . ALSO- -. .L.A . 11 that eprtatn piece or pares of . Opening of Abe' Campaign. . i ,Speeeli of th e Ilan: iyan.ll. Weigh.- .1 , -,S HER I F F'Sl SALES. - oi_of rdend,wilk- i -, • bounded. anffde. . The." Democratic part y never entered .upon -1 e olio 'MI are the remarks of the im. • WI . I land eititate in theheion. . , n • T d: 1 ;-h il • , • n• IBY virtue f euntiry.writn testier! bthe Court • • •Of C oot on Pleas of S usque h an na Couuty j campaign with more chee ring prospects . Wm, 11, Welsh, of York Made on assuming - ' 4 :1. •d I 'li- ' •.1 b 1 Scribed as-follow, to wit: on the north and •.. the-; county of Snsepebanna, . t. than those attending •ike commencement of the" Chair ai Presidetit "4- the Deniociatiti . linblie•Yendn. ; At, the. Court Ilouse,in lentrese t -: this campaign. • The Reading : Convention State Convention at Reading, on Wednesel•ro • °Et - • ... • • ' • • - Sit , lrday pril 7th 1860 atone o'Olocl, cnni - , the - public higliveay,:niti'd on the watt by George esac,Xlends of Calvin l.fret, on the' south by • •-•• .• ' 11 . 4 folioed* described pieceir or • paroelSof-{ s r h was t e largest, . the most harmriniuns, the • Geiliknters of the ainvekalion.:,::.--I know it• f 0 • ' • 1 . , . ... .ti •to wit; • .. - .. - , ...; ,-•-• ..... /.I ~ ~,' ; e ..-- ' ' 'two berm 53 fete. in frimt on the. etreeVanff . . ••'' • ' • ' • " ' -trap - WI, centainime ebontoresfourth of an grainiest Cpnventiore ever held iffrennsylva-.. is but the reflation ot.nn old - Knd fsaiiliar phrase ; ALL those two certain Piece* or ParrebiAig I ranieng hut; I-2 reds, I. Takeo . ' 1 nia. • The oldest ob servers - never saw any- Yet.' l• am slire:YOU Wilt 4ka:-.44e-or.edli fur 'tand,lii,tnaterlylng and , being - in the township: o f,, (•ne Llyern,.olleburn, and all it i npreyet . f . i le with - t Fie alipurtdrau cc s, sin - cerity when I say to yod' . that-'I ran 'moil, • , l'oretit.l2llie, in.theeofintyi of Susqu„ehantia, andl; in-texteulion at ,tll9,.bUit ot mcjantinirat t n thing to compare to it. It was a douve n t j on ,deeply: sensible ..ef , the. dt i tittget . ,,hed ho k ft state of - l'enn's ; the firs.t ittieee hounded and'; saAtarmon Birdsall.] - • of •-the Democratic people•of Pennsylvania, you. have - coufdied - u et - 'l-. me, '. in -ieleci- •flaseritbed na follows, to Nit : 011)110 north by 1 ' AI.I.IC)L e -All that certn . .n . , piece or paten! of .. determined restore hat teeny to t h e rietty, Jag„ file re • i l.o: preside . 04!" 9111 . 6 . , delilferatinna_ . 146 a ' ' '' f. ChnunceY ... . , ,Piebile big,liviay, orr the abuili- by - the 111.ilferaand i ' o f Purest Lake, in the county of Susquehanna, .. and to open the. Sure putliwir-te.rictorfr ! It . _Of thii hody„ • :I - can assnse ,kou..thttl"-rwitr. Wriahl. , on' by thert .latd bit tt,te, bite; and heing ,in the township .• . Owego'ittrapike road, and thd . 'westby land I hounded and deeeribedus follow:it,: to.wit: on • , ~, was guided by the, most disinterested counsels. P1!. 1,1 ,; 41143 this mark of your :;zespect and.:pett6- •of , Johri Brown, containin,, , taliont, four. ind one- . .the rioith by hind of _George 13..lohnson. on ... It..ainothered the bat. remnant, of discoid.. li • deuce - , in my. most gratefill recOhlection,. us half acree of land, he the Same morn or less,- the east • „Py fond of Calvin D. • Cobb' . and John t • ''''- - - -4 . ;• .. --• • ••••• .-. • • long at memory holds its ii4tay,z-'anci no sot-- together with - the apieirteneneerri; one` St i utilca STrAllie.,‘On 'l l / 6 ifrintlf.l4 land not or lete of • _adopted:. a-'l*,ad,..” .:viists„au4, - Ifetriotif! plat-' lute etlitnitatiaris'eadeqr run . n eti n ..t ;be house, a •barn,stome fruit tiees add all impr oved MareThatfllatt, lied on the west by land of John ._ . • .. forni.- It elected- delegates , to .- Cliarigten, .del4, I owelou; fur the paitialitv which ...' , -.l . 'be -other piece hounded on the north ,i , the 1-Flyno,.Containing - litnety•one acres, be the same Milford and Owego turnpike:- fond; on the cast more-or lees, together. with . the appurtenances, in such manner as'to secure - a-.fair repreiten-T`hava",lm :generously manifested towards me b y the - ridge rood, on the imyli by the Warner - 1 . four • dvvelling houses, three 'borne, one tannery, • tation .of the Wishes and preferences of the. "upon this • occasion. Altheiugh I slia•ve for- , renkraeti - the . west• by labd of Csleb Citilualt, with a teem ergine; boiler and other _fdliircs, getters every unkindly. feelinhat' was'en, Democratic masses. It nominated - one' of g. :t containing - Aunt fi fteen arid la half acres, more , one erch:rd, .mat about ,75 acres impFoied. • first and 'best, tha State for- ft tho!3, ....g th e ie ndered by this contest., I }would be fal='xi tO. or lests 'with thoappertenenees,. one barn, and 1 -(Taken in execution at the suit or c. C. Wright , truest feeliriga of Me: 4art,.if I did not italllint;roved. (Taken in exeCtitirm t u tint suit i vs. C. 11. Phaeley . .), - • - • 'office of Governor, and -it inspired_ confidence Say to the . gallitut baud Ofifriends who bergl of Seth *Warner vs, David le Meeker: • • ALSOLAll•that. certain trait or wireal of land .. . . and 'Opt-heeler...en , in• the. breast ,uf every .voter "me 'on their gri: l g ar,u 34 -.t4 the. aen , I now I A L .SOe-All those two eitrtain,conogueuslots situate in the te'veritiipl of Cli ff ord; in the.cbun- ._ •f land situate in New Miii.ird, :being the farm , . . - who desires the . success of Democratic princi • PecuPs', that, in rater year!, a ll th ey have 1.61 ° . ~- , ••• • K . 1 Abrilulln ' 1 111 lic . 1 now resides, udno ll. .l - efid butted, bounded and "described as follows,:_ . • ~ do with me i. to point the wav • and I oill I °n v "" • pies end the effectual overthrow of sec ti ona l . -. • :- '• - -.- ••••' . - i ed as fellows, to wit: the nrst beginning . • , t) of •iniqueliaena and. State of Peunsylvenia, :it the t • to wit: beginning at it stake in . t h e cantle of . ...• . • follow, and. 2f, lieteafier,t• any garlands of. not fh-eneterly Corner.of 11 No. 171 in J. Ilureti the road 1. t ' •ading_to.the rieW ternpike known as Republicanism. . - • •..... . .... - triumph shall adorn their brows, I .Prprnise - subdivision of the Lawsr Ile' tract, 'and' thence the C/iffuid & Carbondale turnpike; -.thence , • • IL is not usual , immediately -... - that the earliest • and ,brightest flower found south aO. chains - and 20 links te the acieth.east north, 22 de 'shares'd 62 finks; grees east, 2 an d ventiou,,to find all- interests satisfied.. It is blooming thero, will be the white rose of corner ef, the same lot,thenz etnit 2Bol4l "t and il thenee :north sixty.ninS'ilegreres east one - chain • . ,. :generally the 'case that a few are disappointed "Old Deinocratic Yoile." . pn enterieg upon' •in ks, t i c,,a hemlock.; mer 3 k s . h and, u umbered, 173. and sixty-seven linkil to a Stake; thence: north, the variotis'and .complie,aled duties now de- 73:".7.61 7, then . ce north . 'F . arnt ,.. !,_2o 1 n_k, to a seven degrees west, one chain to a cornet- in. ... fillet their -favorite candidate Las not been ~end thence the interseotion of the roads leading to said . ~ .• iolving upon me I promise ).a discharge them "(1 0' Plale.ti and nsirabeqd "4 43 nominated; or that some pet idea mos not all with fe a rl es sness .'• '' • and fidelity; find I shall • - . . west •28 ehains,l2 links to the place of - . Legate - pew turepikffand the road from Futitereville t:' • llf • ' ' I oieg,con lining t mape e nulre or ess, with the 0;1 Dandalf ;,thence , north, tightrope'. degreee . been widened. But ou . this .occasion WO" do meet, in return, itn . - • d - Xi mime* an -cor ut co - . . appurtenances, an orchard, 'story•anda-half - o mit, along the last mentioned road three ehainut • a . • not encounter a particle of this feeling... Dea- operation on your part, in the presersation of dwel line; hense, a•large liqn,and other out-but!, - and twenty•five links; thence -south, seventy's ocrats Out only acquiesce, but they heartily-Order, -arid the-- - maintenarice •of discipline, dings,. end abOal 'l5 acres improved; said lot -three '•degrees _east, along seid last.mentioned . withouiwhichconfeeion Mast inevitably reign being lot No. 172 in said Lawsville tract.• road - two chaini-and forty.fiwir.links v thence appl laud This feeling is not confied to, an - in our counsels , and " nisiMa te discord tear The second of said lotii,l being forty new,. off teeth, eighteen degrees west,, five citable . to A section of theStith. It pervadievore locality.eternal eternal Ba • '' • -i • • s- • a • bel. . : s • ; • ... • the easterly Ode of lot Nele tee, in ' said-Laws- stake; thence north, eighty:twee degrees west, ~ every rat ie„o„, t„4,ing.,;hare b een wad ' ... tve ~ hav e - - •s t .. - • 1 (.1 ‘ vine tract, bounded . and described as follows, 'six c hains and fifty-four lints. to the place - of .i . .. n e assembled bere_for •a- great an to.wit e.weat by residue 41' said lot No. 168, beginniug; Containing three acres of land, more are now" being liblef'iu every quarter, and In ;mighty purpoe. The DOM . :made party in 4 - eke:ging to John. Hawley, north by lots No. fk or lege, together with'''tha -appurtenance; one • •• all the same enthusiasm 'abounds. At theie ' l l ) cousslvituia has constituted us its motive, ,164. and 165, east by I lot NO. 109,- and dwellinghouse,two small baims,and all itnerm•ed. . 'living" agents, deliberate for its Willfare, south ' by.a- _road or highaay, being ' the :same [Taken in -executien 'it the suit of Jacob G." meetings men who Pave been; for a- time; es-. to .• - - and to endeavor to secure the triumph , of- its : lands which b -, ':innel A. Yaw, by deed, et sted %:,"uddeliack to the *Use of • Wel:debt Ayers vs.-_ "ft came trange , together and pledge each otli- lath Noe, A. 11.1836;confleyed•taiaid Abraham ' Wuj..X [latch, administrator of Caroline Baker, . J . pi ineiplen. .We have met intilis old 'c itade l of er to net in a common cause fur a comtuod Democumv,to inaugurate 4 power -Which.; if 'amber, together with thcapperlenanees, barn, "deceased, ii.4ll.notlee to E. G. Baker, and the' • ."-• of , shed, &e., and 'from twentY.flve to. thirty acres heir of 'the•said Caroline Baker, -n , ....d term tert- .7 . , triumph. • In Philadelphia the ratification I• - .directed • - the ).) . l• '• . proper ) in • egoniing tile improved. •-., [Taken in ex e c u ti on at the suit r ' ' . 0 - ants.] .. ' ... • e., „. meeting held-on Monday night was is grand ,eontese . is destined to sweep with grand and C Carmalt vs. Abraham Kimber.] _ - • e . - 'AbSO--All that ; certain • piece er parcel , of • - ~ . , . outpouring of the Democratic masses. • footsteps, 'Tr at thewater; of the ALSO-All • that cert ain piece or parcel of land situate in the-township' '-of Freriklin, Sus crowd was so • great that the_ large hall io - .-- Delaware to the shores of the •Monongabeho 'Wel mitnatein the township of Harford, counts outhaiiha county • beginning at a poet •in fife For two successive ..- 6 regimental • rSusquehanna, d state ' f P 1% ' *aria - 1..... '. • " . • • year, t e flag n•. an jo, ennsy am°, •• I fence ey t he turnpike,. thence.alore; -said turn- • which the meeting-was held could - not con- of our•party has been stiieken down by, an bounded and-described as follows, to wit.: - . degrkli eaSt, two enaini and Beginning in the etetrolof the back - tame the Meltittide assembled to - ratify the " unserupulous - coalition, - dnded to ether for t to the -north, abutment of the - . - thence along the centre cif " the same , eual. line •of tete, thence north - proceedings at Reading, and it became feces- the spoils of .o ff i ce, acid t inarked with every 1.2' west 64nds find 13 Hillis; to a star l a half: degree-1 west Moog said . . shade and color of- politital opinion . - lists, by d f W 1,1 Wll' ' h '5B • ary to organize a-supplementary meeting in . .• : • - r , r lan s,o s.• 1 iamsoort . 0 the Si t eer Lake read six chains • • . the 'etieet. Such mem as Henry M:Philliqs,._ and tweet -seven li t e:: ,t;:: nstafic i ., t i l , i r e i ne . ...e i sout h ; i 1 0. : continua country, in' theillifgust presence of Pellet, south 32 1 3 -1' eat‘i,t 6 rods and 13 1- 1 21 inks, Ilendriele B. Wright, of Luzern°, John - Cessnte thousands oFfieetuen, atiranted hither-by the tliene.) by lands!of D.Sibleir, south Cl 1./1 .4 -west ; .: 1:( s I a k i :lt e L 4, nl eB , no rth re i r ,a i h t B yfn n i i n ede 2rev a ta ct - of Bedford, Richard YaUX, Alexander Nl . Kin- ..untitlettableiniportariceottinssolemn tnement, •5 rods 'arid 7 links to the place - of begihning,- I 1 six . elutins and ' slxty•fiVe links • to the pace of • • a • titling 23 rods, be the same more or less . we agaiu raise aloft that staioless,hanner, and. 111 ', 11 t••, , 1 ' . beginning, contaieing ono•ntal n halt acres, • ney, of Westmoreland, Josiah. Reedit - 11, end in the name of the united- Democracy of the , e ith -the appurtenances, ono framed bowie and more or less, \vial , the. n ppurtonaneos one house, .• .George W.', Nehinger, who have beedidenti- - -- , - . • • [ all improved:- • 1 . - - 'Old Keystone, we again ;elite upon it the . • , c .," ,- - one halo, und'ullitnprovel. ..[Taken in ex.-cu. ALSO-All that other s te w or P arer ' ''''''''" tied at suit of Daniel L. North ve...b' I " D tie' J up tin . a . , .fied with the fortunes and misfortunes of the same motto' that • ' graced ;its folds days • situate as nbove and bounded" and des c ri b ed es' • • ' s • • -•- _Democratic party, were there totestify their g‘ree by-"ThO equality 'of ibe ci t izen and follows; to -oil s- On the north' by hind el Ilan-% '..4LSO-All. t h at.. eertain pieee or parcel-of , • bind situate in tbe townishin of Harmony...entity devotion to liiinocratie principles, and their the, equality of the States e :-jeiviland tpligieus nah Stanley, on. the east b y the.Great Bend and 1 (..t tausnuehanna, - bounded r and d::scribed as lit. -- -- h d and a vsr• • an. - Philadel his turn iko road • ffon the South 1 berty, at every -azar ..., te-;) e. cm • .p p , - . .• . • belief in Demberatiosuceess: At Pittsburgh. I lows to wit': en the nor th by lends of Bk.rjamin ity !" W 6 have met for ivitore.,•-nd we and west by.laed of Joalil T.yler, containing 50 . . •.. we seethe same spirit auirnitting, .. the party, „ rods of land, be the same ;more or less, together', Comfort, en . the east by the public higfevey, on . mean to - have ii--- • -and doino- a ll that en the eolith by Benjarian..:_Comfort,.:.nd on he i ... `when men like William Wilkins, Samuel NV. . r' • ~ i ..• i " . with the - mmurtenances, ono /ergo bellding•used I dar ' e do • ' • with bouor, to plimk :the morel we - • • west by land of .forftban . Taylor, containing • . - ' as a scale manufactory, With; engine, ladies and -' Black; Andrew Burke; anti William A Stoke's, eillplant the standard of the „titer machinery tataelted, one foundry, with 1 about one half aer °." f li l°' ''' he the's"" shorn - - are ready to go into the fight, and to join C6nstitution on every .I . ile furnace and fixtures'. a bain end altimproVed. - or less,together with tneappurtenanees,l biretta hands once more under the. Democratic ban- mounotitit'op in Pennsylyani . Taken in "execution-at !the snit of So'omon house,eone barn and all-improved.' :IiLSO-Alt . • -• it the true thee of :he Taytorve. I.F. Eaton. =Piero's-saw-us n a yr ,. • that other certain - piece - firlyarcel of land sitivite ' . no.. A like sp;rut governs the Deinocrac r as above, and bounded and described as foliows. 5' we w ill as'k them to stand bti . ti "..- • - 'here. JOHN YOUNG; Sheriff. ... of the east : and the ... West. .- Hero in Ilarris- inviolate and ore " the sacred Sher - f'solliee, Montrose, Mareh 13th. 1•860 lto wit tutu the north add cast by' land' lA f min s e• thief Taylur. south_ by . land or . whiteotoo 4,..• -.- ho,g, at the Capital of the .s,tate, tho , ratifi• ; our others Made. i Newman wad - ••S; Stain, and •vrest by the public cation meeting' held on Monday night, was ' But t gentlemen, the Priirfarr objectA of tin ! highway; ceetainingae I: ent one half an acre,. be .. characterized by the entlinsiarn of 1856, Convention are to nominate a candidate fat i the same more ortess, with the erna appurtemineeA; the G u b erna t or i a l Chair' or, Pennslehnia, to ! mot theelllng bonier one•blttek!.te;th"...hup, & ..-.; and from every Pattie° of the State ire hear and all Unproved.: ALSO-All Ittif ollwr•eere select Delegnte. to the; DeMoerstic Na t ions: the same accounts of the excellent feeling 'c oriye • • • - ' yet - ; . tain- piece or pereel,of hted , :,itnate t,,,im Ity iti'llar, noun and to appolt ...,ectors for the . loony thwn t ,hip and partly . io the . braaugt, iet . prevaling in the party; and of the'unanimous • next Presidential canvass. ' In ' " ' ss. f carryieg oto. ;Susquelianna Depot, tied bounded and descrii , eit ratification of:the proceedi . ngs at -Re . ading. 'these objects, I most earnestly trust that such Ihs fellows, to wit: on the north and -vast by . c . c „, mpar, this uprising of the Democracy prudent, inotlra: e, rind coOiliatory counsels ! Innds of .I.lf. Rogers, east V.I. H. Rogers and' with tine ee l , .•- of • ..• , May pu s a il as will ' permit us 'all to feel, u reception t h e nomination- o fl C. S. Bennett; south by•C. S.J.knr.ett, and west . wha .the- -hour 'of separation shall have by-the, public higliway„.(excepting therefrion . •Cuttin and the reconto • -• . , . nendation o f Camero n , lour -bailding lots whirl: Ivere excepted in Ow 'come that it was . i n d ee d` ' " " ' a g<.od thing fur by the Reptibican • Convention held nt (Li; its have-mist to '. ' -. ' Never' ,together here. before died from Daniel . I.lewste'r to L. S. Bolnt•tt,si 1 - eontaining exclusive. of the above -exceptiocs 'place; and it will,not he difiletilt to decide on were: the eves of the people fastened with' so ten and" three-luurthe acres be the same more or .., %11ieh side the -popular :heart beats. The Spa- • much ariXious interest upon the deli , erstions fle,s,-Ana•6ll itnproved. Mil:err-in a:ki•eutiou'o. • ' • f• v I - '•• 1; ' /11 e an„ po . l bof l i Den feel l thatthe suits or vtr. • Taylor, D. A,• - Lyen, and thy, with which their proceedings fell upon • lute of tne Deincteratic ;pert's. is in 'our hands, Others vs.-N. -C.•Norton, D. W. • ls;orten and;L: . . the populaxeor, showed how distasteful were.,. .. - a it i s for us to - Mould i t s d e s t iny , f url weal - or Norto n;, Jr.] • the tepresentatives - e£ slavery agitation and woe, fur ninny • t ' •u" If hbe •1 , . years o cot e.. „SIM tie .•. ALSO - , Tho 'undivided 'half of . all that e'er- Republimin , ritzgfesilon. • No • monster meet- Case, gentlemen, we •rcitianoV •ostiMale too • tain piece er part•el..r land situate in the town- ings Were held to ratify, no enthusinsM w „, Iti.glit - v the . iinmenee ''importance of united ship of Great liked; 'Siisquelferina County and harmonious and action its all _Our ,!QUIIS'aIS. St:ite - Or Pennspilmin - , ‘rin the north side of the • kindled by the , action of. the Ilarr.sburg Gretit Bend & Cochecton. turnpike tted adjoin, 6v • • , . • • _• n s ention, but it • *as tweated as. the last , , Lit ti., check in- the. begieniug of our labor., ir g . I drici of Lowrie 'Green on the nertli.darld of ' invoke die constant'- pr'esence of tlik-t genial John Culsten on the east; the turnpike, on the' pa<rn s c,d L.• of a doomed party-des- spirit of cm:cession; evliosS".generoust ) pachings south, Ped:lands".of. ll:Crane on the west, be nol sor dissol Se into its.:con- Will tend to, make us a "unit here, and whose ling in front on tampike.thiriy•seven end a half - the shock of battle, shadow . will encouragingly follow s in the feet, and . in depth' mm hundred and tec silty feet, ' ' th a t- is to twine :. L et Idp e r son al.ll;retng, thereon a three story buiLiing- fur, stora opener! well. It remainsf stru gg e . , 1 preferences be forgokten.. Let all fj,h fee l_ Mid dwelling.houee,.:ind out building.; mid ;al l 3 (7 t'') prosecute it With 1 ings yield '.to the coMriuM nod, - Let.the improved., -(Takeir 'in execution at the suit of , L. S: Lentieim vs7George.K. flyer.] steed but we must wo!k. I-41ead. past. bray its &end.' Let tie one be ig- ~ . ALSO-Ail that certain piece or parcel of et Abet, victors will come noted or overlOoked en ;an Pet:Mint of an loin . land• situate in the villaect,of•Lotiervitte, towas• without lab Or. Demerats- • should commence est di ff erence of opinion', upon past and settled Ship Of•GrOat Bend, and county of Seemiehatea; . questions of public policy,. but let every Man the work of ofganizati without defer. The bounded a nd described as as Tollows, to wit.: . Who,colle himself a Democrat, and 's willing • Easterly- by the - Great Bend and Coehecton sooner . tbe better.-Patriot & Union. to •"carry the flag and keep step with• the turnpike; Southerly . by land in po;seesien of-W. . music of the Union" ' - , - - .., .~ --- - B. Rockwell, Westerly. by' land of Jirti..llock, . . . arid-Northerly by a ldt ilr possession of .L W. "Claim kindred hemandhaie that chant allOrred " .Chrulwii-k,.el al., containing about 6300 square - feet of land, being atUnkt 60 feet front and r , - . Meg back 100 feet, with , the appurtenan ;.one •', framed house, one barn, and all imp red. !. • Token imeaeeivilin at the nuieut StilWell & - Brown,;vs..N.N. Carpenter.' - .• . . A L SO-All that - certain piece or parcel of , land sittrate in the. township of Derrick, county • ot,Sueqifehmtinr; arid state orThi.; hennaed awl. described as follows, to-wit: , On the Bast be lauds of— Ewing , .on tlte- North by laud.; of Peter Lee, find• West: by land' of John Gardner, and west by John :Loa P:Dput,containing".so aero bethe name Mote or' less, with the appurtenances one -house, a barn And about 30rierot-imirroved. Taken in execution at the suit of Juba Gard.' ner vs. -Thomas Kelly. - . , _ -• . A I,SO-All:thatrtztict:' piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Ilarferel, Susq'a ceanty,'- i beended and deScribed as fellow's; viz.; NOrth by Linde set off to the widow' of Craw fair} . Titus, Ifecd.; East by lands of Preston-&,-David Titus, §uuth by D. - Oakley and T. Wilinarthr, - and • West by lands of J. 51-, -Hobbs and 0..,13,. Titus, eontainbag• abont,l3 acres, more or-less, and pit impro'ved, with the appurtenances thereto, - one house,,:and one shoe sh rp; . - ‘- ' Taken in execution at the snit of . D'an el Oakley , ' ys.' OhAditlh Bailey; adatio'rJuf Craw "ord Titus' . . deceased. -, . la` In press, and will be p ‘ ublishell,oq March 17th. A new , work by the distiniitish: 'ed American authoress, Mts. Emma D. E. N. Southwortli; • The "HAUNTKD 1101111STEAD t " Wittt an Autobiography of, the Author. By, :Mrs. Emma D. E.N.Sout h a ort h, author crf"The Lost Bei s ressj" 4 Deserted Wife," ," puide,r "India;" "Wife's :Victory," "Retribu tion," " Curse of Clifton," " " - The Three Beauties," "Lady or the Isle' etc. Com plete in one large duodecimo, volume, neatly bound in 'cloth, for One Dollar and Twenty five Cents ;, Or in two volutnes,- paper corer, fur One Dollar. The Publishers takes great pleasure in he -s ing able .to present to. the American public . another new and charming work by the pop-, lar American Authoress, MN. Emma D. E. N. Soutbworth. •She is excelled by no living fe male writer In the world . . Her style is free from, insipidity on the one baud and-bombast . on the other; and though ive•meet with for cible; we are - never startled with inflated lea gunge. her &tract:els are rarely under, but never, overdrawn. Her scenes are • life pic tures, her inci6ehts founded on facts, and her sentiments are. characterzed - by a .siugular purity both, of -conception end. expression. She has the rare faculty of saying what she means, and. of saying it irii.trch a mariner as that ber meaning cannot be, inisinterpreted. In shert,she possesses in an eminent degree those . qualificatiotis which are the peculiar pferogatives, of a good writer;'while she de; lights the reader's imagination With her de scriptive beauty, she applies borne,trutlis to their enderstanding with the force ofrational Conviction. The "haunted Homestead has been .proyounced by those who have rend the proof-iiheets,. to .. be her best work. This is sufficient to commend it to perusal, and we anticipate for it a great-poputarity. For sale by all bookseller - S.. . Copies - of either edition of the work, will be sent. , to any part of..the United,States, free of postage, on remitting the price of the edition they may wish, to the publisheri,in a letter. Published 'and for sale sit the pub lishing establishment of T. 13. Peterson itt . Brothers, 306 chestnutstreet, Mira. "AOCOVNTANTSBIP AND 13,90a-Kaarriro." Though comparatively a young Institution, having been, in 4istence less than ten years, the graduates- of -tbe.," Iron City College," or Pittsburgh, Oa., are now. reckoned among the best and moat successful Book-Keepars - and Et i ccountauts of the country. • • Nine years 'mei a •Convention met in this plaa,to nominate a candidate fur dovernor. Wher t it assembled, thn,party - that n eittivened. it was under the shadowiof. a clond. .-11ut strong-in the faith thati galte it birth,. it de liberated Well and wisely, nod throwing over i ts giant:limbs itio broad 'panoply of unarm and h armon y, with that. covering, its itnyienetra- Ide as the, shield of Telethon, left ;this hall and marched out proudly to battle' an I to ; victory. The same pai)* nin'y be ours , in the approaching Conte -, if We wisely Choose to seek its all protec ing ! power. We on the eye 'of 'the unit :important politiCal struggle that ever *enlisted', the attention of the n Amstieriu people.Hl :honestly believe that , ,,upen the uttimate.success of Democratic; ptinciples depend the uniOn.of the States and ,the'pret.ervation of - the' Federal Coniiitnilott. The Democratic patty is-the only nrganiza lion -in tins . r..'otuitry that respdctslin truth and sincerity, the tigh is ortlie sovereign States , and .the rights of tbe peopfe:' I's bright mis sion has' been to proteci . ilte white-limp upon. there Shores in all hiS undisputable rights, without callit.g into ,question tlm -,peculttr manner in which' be mny.s.hodsci - to.worship (hod, and without unnecessatily restricting 'his political pilvilegcs Because he happened to clraw.his firit breath o f iife in - a foreign land. There never was a tooment iu the history dour party in which it hesitated or wavered. in. loyal devotion to • the 'Constitution. ' From the days of the Kentucky ,ancl Virgirda r 089 •- lutioni to the present hour, it has rejected all latitudinarian construction of that inFtroment, and it has interp - retetlitS text iu strict aCcord , ance witb the solemn 11;114 'or its immortal framers. It reeognizes iii ittiereed '":lligher . law!'-- 7 it teacher no " itrepressibleCoulliet"- . -= and 'incites no delude d' fartaties,td-distUrb the ; hallowed shades- . of Monet Verpon and -- Monticello, by a tridtor'S call fur ccae,ryile surrection.:Ao defenee Cf that party, We how advance our standard. the lni tial battle must be foughtin October' next., IY we trium'ph, in 'the 'fight, let it he stsoding, -Upon the broad platform of equal rightti,.-and equal . laws—it we fall let it be with the fing of our country aroupd us, and I let our lest expiring cry be 'for the Union an ,the Constitution! .• H : ' . The steamboat . built. Ito:run between Port Jerris and: .Easton, erp oded her, boll‘r near theistter place, at noon on the.6th inst.',. in= stantly killing thirteen .persQns' and .itriontli wolnliing nianv others, ' - " SHERIFF'S SALES. Illy virtue olsundry writs issued by the Court .1.111 of Common Pleas oflSusquehanna . Citunte, arid to me directed, I will-expose to :sale, by public vendt(e, at the Creuit 'louse; id-Moot rose, on Saturday, day of 131:i'reir, 1860,„„at one o'clock:, p. - ra , the Mowing described pieces or parcels of land, to wit: • ALL that certain piece ¢r parcel of land sit uate, Iserig s ariel being lb ti{{{e township till,Lerrox, in the -county of Sesquetramet and State of Pefinsylvania, bounded and described as foriloWS: * to. Wit : -on the - mirth hry and ret Fr,-tus Brewster, on the east by lard of Labrin,Russel, on the. south by lands_ of. G. O. Loomis and Otheniel Carpenter; and on the west by Otheniel Carpenter. and; -IL - Abet, containing • built- one hundred and eleven aches. be the same more er Jess, with the appurtenaric4s, one house, one barn, one orchard 'arid abaUt '75 acres improved. [Taken, hi execution at the suit of Ferdinand lAlaipple vs. A. R.. - Dunn.]l • I ALSO—AII those two ,certain tracts or par.:! eels of land situate til the thwtastilp of Brooklyn, in the county .of . Susqu4harma and. State of Pennsylvania, and butted h , • bouuded rind • de: ,_. • scribed. :is follows, to is one lot beginning , at .1 the northwest corner of, Thomas Gilt's' lot.; thehco ky - ehiel'Gill's north lino one hundred 1 and t wave-perches, to h corner, of Loderich 1 Ilsiley's hind • thenee•north, three :degrees west, ' -by the west - line of said Bailey's land one huti.l Bred and thice arid five.terith.perchei to a'post ;1 ,Bence . .soutlveighty-severt degrees west, twelve' perches to thesonthwest . -enter of : lands late- 1 of Zeratiliutliff: deceased , then ce no r th - , th ree degrees west; by. -said, Staliirs -land fifty-five perches to a stake and:stones in the west line of . the " Nicholson 'line" so leanest; thence sduth, three degree east by the raid line one-hundred and fifty-eight and fiVe.ntlis vetches to the -. place of beginning ; containing: anie,hundred hod nine" acres,. with thd. allowance of six per 7 cent fur roads. , Being the; name land and prom= 1 tans which Presten Tirfarly and wife granted', ;and conveyed 'to Clairle4 F: slaryott by deed I dated the. first day of February, A. D. 1854, arid recerded•in• the - office, of _the Ileaeider of Susquehanna county in Bleed Book Np. 22, page 491. The other lot adjoining the west side of the above desertliekt lot, being composed ' of two lots known and described on`the map of re-sUrvey.of Henry Drink .e .s. Meshoppen tract, made by George' Walker, as lots I' . l and 12,'1 containing- together seventy-eight; ',acres read sixty eight perches; beim' , the same land: ;end premises which.ithe shidlCharles -F. 3laryott pnrchased 'from-Thomas' ,Villiaruseta l. and Na. ' than Kite; by contract dried ditigu,st 19, 1843;' With, the appurtenances,tl ree houses, one barn,' orchard,,and abeettone hundred sereslmproved. [Talien 'in N . :teem:karat the suit Of,Caleb Car malt, assignee of Wm. MI Post, vs.. Charles F. -. 3larydtt, with notice to 304,9311 Waitrons, T. T.] ALSO-All that certain ['epee Ca...parcel of lanq lying and being in the township of Auburn,' in the eon titi• or Susq'a, containing about twenty • fire acres, :etijoiuing land eri the Northof David Mellon, en ttimßast by S. B. Gray,on the Smith try J-. -W. Beni:enter, and on the. Weit by. the eo. line. (Taken in eseentitna,at the suit of Lath rop rindiatishury :en. The Mas Itiuley.. -- :-_ . ALi.. 4 .0:-All that `certain piece or . parcel of land .tritnate, lying andlmng in the township of Fort? - at - Lake, county of S+quehinnit, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as -fol lows, tq wit: on - the - nor:h\b ' - land -of Allen Green, en 'the easchY land of \ ohn' Mulkey and . c George fr t gyfor, on the soulh by' nd of Jonathan -Taylor and George lt.flainlln, - arrikari the west by 11. BJ Vail; containing fifty acres, ore or less; anti-thirty. acres impiewed.l •• [Tak en ukexeution iat Aliosuit of John Byrne vs. - John B. Veil.] ALSO-All Alia certain.; piece or . parcel of, land iitnateiothe - townshlp . of Oakland, county of Susq - uehanna arid State -. of - Pennsylvalta, bounded and 'described, siti follows,„fo wit: on .the north by 'land of,Martiti . 31i - rid:High; onr tir` ,east by quilts - Vannotweit, 'op the .seuth by land-of clearies Beebo;rin'd ork the west - by land of Margate Shutis, containing abOut . eighty five acres, he. the same more dr loss; with the ;p -piirtenanees, one framed Manse; the bare; a al all orchard; and about twenty.five acres imprea ed. [Takeei In execution at AIM suit of C.:8. - Bennett vs..E. A. Barton[., .1 . ALSO—AII :that ;ceatain : Piece or parcel of land - sitnate in : Alui township of ThOmgon, in the cerinty . .i4 Suiriplehnntin; bunded 'and ' described as folloWei to wit := on the north • and : east by land how or late.' of: James :Cornfert, :on the eon,th by: theColnfort lands and land of D. Ra z , Pope, and . on the ve;est of D. IL Pope, containing about thirty-we acres of land, bo the same mpre or less; with thekappertenances, one framed hoeseeono log barte.:and'about twenty fit e acres improved., [J'akel4.lm-execution at: the-suit; of C. s:llettilott-ips. 'Lorenzo-Strafford' mei Lester Sliafford.] - f - .• *.. , ‘ =ME NoTICF. TO PIIRCIrASERS: !To prevent inistf derstandini,,noCce is-hercbi given that"purclia stl-s at "Sherin sales-will be required to pay the amount bid at the time the -land is sdld. tt has become imperatively necessary to adopt this rule, and it will b,etterictly adhered to, except in, cases where the purchaser is a lion creditor and .- is entitled to, the fund as provided in the 'lst section 'of the Act of Asseuddy, apprikved , A - Pril 20th 1E46, 'which is as: follows:— , 'Whenever the puidhasers of real estate . Orphans' Court or Sheriff's - safe, shall "appear frtim the pri3per record ta t be entitled as ajlen, Creditor, t o re. ceive the whole or any portion ,of the twai•etti , t <c•fsuid Rale, it shalt be the duty of- the sheriff, administrator, executor or other person. making ~ such sak i to receive the 'reCeipt of such purcha. Iser lir purchasers\ for the amount which he or ;they would anpear,,froto the req"ord,as afordfaid to be entitled to receive: Provided that.thi.iec tion'shall not be sod construed" as: Co, prevent that right of said Sheriff, iurntinistrator,-execu tor. or -other person aforessidao demand and reeeivo at the time orsale s suti.suffiaent to cover all le. gal costs entitled, to lai,paitt out of the pimieeds of, said sale ; and provided ,further, that; before . any puichaser.or-.purchasers. ehati •recAivii the benefit of this, section, ho or they shall. produce to tho Sheriff, or tathilir \ person so rpaking said sato, , statement from the 'roper , reoordlii - tinder the hand end ottleial seal of the paper officer, shearing dinette iin loin prediter . entitled to receive any part or the.proceeds or. ;the Sale-tiforesaid." - . . JOHN YOUNG; Wthri://7 Sheiltr's 7‘f int et , ..e, 1:1r.:1 1 . - (3, I E .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers