Till FE GU • " .OF THE - N — Vvrm YF$3 i 2 HAYDEN 'BROTHERS, THE PEOPLE'S' Agents,*are now opening the most emir- In us Stock of " WINTER IRY GOODS 4 ROOT • SHOES, R Y MADE CLOTHING,, HATS &• CAPS, GROCERIES, ‘llo!BraS,.. YANKEE NOTIONS, ,47vgE,st, - 'JEWELRY, of:0; d'a; • .I . ` ever brought to this end of-the State...tfought. in New York and of the Eastern Manufacturers- FOR CASH Land which we harp marked dowa at ALAAMINGLY Low Pittc.Es! • :, WE DEFY COMPETITION!' WE _INVITE INVESTIGATION !? YVESOLICIT EXAMINATION 'II!: I As we feel confident in' all ye assert. The dull of large profits has gone by, .and we have good GOODS, :d CHEAP for the MILLION- The success of our house hrovpiempted . • OLDO 1 to filch_from us our good name.- We moot prevent this, of °nurse, neither do we desire to, and have n 9 apprehension elan'y evil Penult tp our btisiness. • .BUT WE CAN, •AND WILL, sell much lower than any cither• establishment in this part of the State, .and we will alwayis maintain our reputation for • PRICES' THE LOWEST! STOCK THE MOST EXTENSIVE' STYLES the Most Fashionable • • Qualities the . Most Reliable! OCR MOTTO IS SMALL PRO s FITS Good Value !. Quick Returns OYE PRIOE and NO DEVLATIONV Our systeni r of doing business creates much jealousy among Old Fogy Merchants Who have as many prices, on the same gocds as they have customers. - i OUR O.lrE PRICE SYSTEM pleases our old customers and creates many new ones, we intend to continuo it. Remember and call Wore you buy, Wit is nothing more than to keep xrell posted up. Fir We:possess advantages for purchasing goods, over any house in this section; and the unparalleled increase of our salek.for the past year warrants us in saying that we never 'were, and never 4111 be undersold. We fear ne eons petition. Flour' and Salt always on hand. : - Every kind of Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Cask raid f 4 Pelts and Palms. HAYDEN BROTHERS.' [ New - Milford, Pa., lan. Ist, 1860. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. • . The 'proprietors and manufacturers of HOS- • TF.TTEP.'S CELEMITED s.7Po3l.trli TERScan appeal With perfect confidence to - ; physicians and citizens generally of the United StateS, because the article has attained a repu- ; ration heretofore unknown.' A few facts upon r _ohis point will speak. more powerfully than volume's of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The cot .c of Hostetter's Stonnudi'Bit tets for the last year amounted-to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest:steady increase in times past, it is evident that during, the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottle?. This immenseamount could never hare been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara- . - tion, mid the sanction of the most prominent plisielans in those 'sections of the; country where the article is best latown, who not only recominend the bitters to ftheir patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its t cfFcacyin all esses,of stomatitiederiftiuments and.the dieases resulting therefrom. • is not'oemporary populaiity,.obeained by extraordinary efforts in the-way of truth- .. peting the quitlities of the Ilitter,s. but a solid ~ -estimation of an invaluable mcdi&ne, which is acstined to be as enduring as time itself.' , diostqt er's Stomach bitters hale proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague ! • and: various . other' bilious complaints have counted their victims iy hundreds. To he adtle to. statz . confidently that.the "Ili-tiers" . arc a certain cure fur the Dysp'epsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter front the stomach, purifies the blood, and • imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, ; I . givingsit that tone and energy indispensable i! forAlfe restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver,•and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them torecondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions °Mature. ',Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find i ' - stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort -declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as atonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi-- denee it thousands of aged men and women`; who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de- rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious -drugs and fairly tested the . merits of this article. A few words to the - ; gentler sex. There are_ certain periods when their cares arc so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother r and child is so absorbingly tender, that the Mother, especially-if ebe be young,. is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant- Should the period of inaternity arrive during the summer season r the wear of I. bodyand mind is generally aggravated. here, then, is-a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the sYstem, and enable the mother to bear up tinder-her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora- I tors that receive the endorsement of.physi h ,cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as Well as certain to give a permanent increase :- of bodily strength,- . All those persons, to idiom we have particu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, -dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, ! • superannuated invalids, persens - of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult; tleeir own physicafwelfare by giving to Hos tetter's'Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. - - :CAUTION.-We caution the public against;. using any of the many imitations or coUrzter-!. feits, but ask for 110 . 8TETTLR'S CEZELIIRATED STONACII Birrtie, and see that each bottle has, the words " Dr. J. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side.of the'bottle,"and stamped on the metallic cap covering -the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. Jur- Prepared and sold by I(OI3PETTER SMITH, 'Pittsburgh, Pa:, and sold by, all druggists, grocers, and dealirs generally throughout the trnite4 - Btate, Bonth Apse tics. and Garman. • • Fir For sale in Montrose by jarsl2.4.. , ABEL TURRELL.- OUR NtiI.SIC'.I.I:I7P.IF:Kb. r; f' - 's • A Rare Pompanioo . for the ;Winter kontlis. Every Pianist, 1 Sbould,procnre this weekly Every Singer, 1 Publication of Vocal end Every Teacher, ,Piano Forte Music, cost. Every Pupil; ink but .141-, CENTS- a 1 Every Angiteur,. number, and pronounced By theentire reeinf the Country, to be j. "The Best and Nevelt work of the Lind k - ' the World." ~. ! - 'Twelve Full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piltho . Fort; Music Plow 10 cents.: Yearly, 19.5; Half-yearly, 02,50; Quarterly, $1 . ,1, 1 5. Subscribe to our " Musical Friend," or order it from the nearest- Newsdealer, and you . wall have music enough. for your entire fitruiry at in insignificant cost; and if you want Mogi!, for the Flute, Violin, Cornet, Clarionet, Accordion, Ice:, &e., subscribe to l the , •-SOLO MELODIST „ -Containing 12 paps, costing only ' 10.. a Number; YearlyS2,so; Half-yearly,s;os. All the Back Numbers at 10 eents,•and bound Volumes, containing 17'Numbers, at $2,50 eae r h, 'constantly on band, • C. B. SP. I' MO ',.:: P. 6. CO 107 NnFr.; - ,n Pr. 'tit ...; Vr.fi- Z 9 .4 • / • _ CtiSapest Best: Zairgest $ . 130,00 ' ,'-! Pay's far Tuition int Single and Double 'Entry Book-Keeping, Writing Cemmircial Arithme tict and Lectures., • • . floard weeks 13.10,. StationexT 07, Tuition e n lye. expenses . 40 . 4.. Us4l time from. 6 t4i 10 weelis.• Every stu dent, upon graduating, Li guaranteed competent to mango the, Books of aiay Busineris,' and qual ified tal earn a salary_ of from O T.Ol $lOOO. - . Stufients ente).--at any time—No ' ,Vacation— Revie* at Pleasure Fir l Ptemitim for Bestllulinesa Writing for 1859, ieceived at Pittsburgh, Philaolelphio, and ,A Ohio State Fairs. , Alsont the yri*cipal Faire of the - Union for the past four years, Ministers Sons received at }alf price. * * *Per Circulars, Specimens, and Embellish ed ViOvs of the College, • inelose.five letter stainpf, .1: F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh, Pa, Jan ry 19th, t 1 y • • T $ •$ teiSE D RES • IVIOTTS .3 9 aalp,brate , Att aperient and stomachic- preparation of IRON purified of Oxygen and, Carbon bream. Dustin in Hydrogen, of high medical author ityland extraordinary efficacy in each of the following complaints, viz.: DEBILITY, NERVOUS:AFFECTIONS, EJLA•• CLATION, DYSPEPSIA , DI ARTERY! A CUM. PATION. SCROFULA, SALT BUIEUVRLY . JAUNDICE, LIVER COMPLAINTS TISM, MERCURIAL CONSEQUENCES, =TIM HCITENT FEVERS, NEURALGIA,. Czenic .HEADACHES, FEMALE WEL/WM , Mitt. 'MENSTRUATION, WHITES, CHLOIMS, etc., PIMPLES' ON THE FACE, ROUGHNESS. OF THE SHIN, etc. thus being iheorbed by the blood, and thus airculating through .the whole system, no part of the body calk escape their truly wonder - ful influence. - The zxperience Of thousands daily proves that • no Ptiparation oflron Min for a moment be compared with it, Impurities of the blood, di4 preasia of vital energy, pale and 'otherwise sieltly complexions indicate its necessity in al, moSt. every - conceivable case. In all cases of female debility,(ftuor anus, chloresis, etc.), its • effects are delightfullyrenovating..'No remedy has ever been discovered, in the whole hisitory • of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, mindfully restorative effects Gooduppetite, Com plete digestion, rapid acquisition oflstrength, witli an- unusual disposition for active and cheerful exercise, immediately:follow Steins.. As is grand ,stomachic and general restorative it has no superior and no sulistittite: rut: up in neat lint 'Metal boxes containtrig 150 piste, price 00 celled. per box six Nixes. 62 90. one dozen boxes. 64 00. For sale by ',Drentsts generqlly. Will' be sent free to . anynddress on receipt of the price: Alt lot. tert Orders, etc.,• should be suddOs'ed to R. B. LOCKE &; . - General -Agents. 1 - CO .' 339 BROADWAY. If Y. %: n.—The above is a flac-dmile of I the /Abel on wadi box. For_Sale in Montrose by deels ly . ,ABE L TUittEl.L. A gent. _ THE lIIEDItINE of the MIL :PHILOSOP.II7 AND FACT. ' ; i , Sj R • - t i ~;,Y! , . ~ 4. 1 (": L .,.. „ i',. • '). ri4f i a .q.- : Ti•-,,,:7, , ,. 7 .,..- : vt t. ...,,, • - t ;-„,-,_.• -v , • - '".. 1,1, ,;. , ..1 . • . ‘‘ .. l.'. ; . 1 . - kk . k.: I A'' i k kli -_•I II: •!.?,- . rm .1.:(1 , 1 ,.. " -- .4 7- 7 .•• , 4 s - '','' • -la' l'. !"-: V --. stir 3,.. , 1 lIOLLO.WAY'S PILLS. THE EsofiTNG CAUSE OF SICIEEtEt .., rpliE 81.9C1D is the life.sustaining agi 1 turtiishes the eotripouents of flesh,both de, nerh'e and integument. 'The stoniau mar.uftidory, the- veins itsdistributOrs, i intestittes the'channels through which •thi matteersjected. in its productions ' is e: Upomthe stomach,the circulation and ;the these. Pills act simultaneously,relieving i lion, ;Purifying the fluids, and regUlati excretions. • - • •- ' 1 - THE .NATIONAL CO-VP LA I Dyspepsia is the -most common disease all classes in this:Country:. It assumes a and stiepes,and is the primary source of erahledaugerous maladies; but whatever ; or syn ptoms,llou et er obstinate its resist ordinary preparations, it yields readily an idly tti this searching and unerring retie , .: _ _ . , -AFFECTIONS: TheitinaniitV - of the; bile is of vast imp.. 'to health.. Upon the liver, s ee gland` wl creteS, this fluid, these- Nis operate ppec infallibly rectifying.itS irregularities, nnd ally curing Jaundice, Bilious Remittants. the varieties of disease generated -by; an rat conditiOn of the. organ.. • •;: BOWEL COMPLAINTS. ;-: the 2 , unless bowels perform• their function , tl?g whole-body su&rs. Tens of th die annually of Dysentery \ Diarrhtea, Constipation; and other diseases of thes pipes_ or the system. The effect of the•Pil all intestinal . disorders, whether casual demic'Os 3 phecroinenon in medicitne. By ing tfie.printed directions, the most. alartn sea of:tmwel complaint are prouptlicont • .?,1/1 WORD TO FEMALESI . The peal debility nod irreguinrities . wh the eapeCial annoyances of • the weaker se whiciti.whan neglected, always shorten relieVed for,the time being, and prevntedi v t,ozonie,b a course of this mild, thoro' alt. 2 • i Hollerway's Pills are the best remedy Imoi . 1 world for the following diseases Asthriti Chest Diseasqs Fever ant Ague Couglis -Bowel Complaints FetualO,Complaints Cold - Costiveness - Inward. VVeskness Diarrhtea Headaches - Liver Compl;ists Dropify Indigestion Lowness of pirits Debility - Inflammation ' Stone and grav,el. l IttfitiCza. Dyspepsia - SecondarySyniptoms Piles..`] Venereal Affections Wormi of all , kinds . _ I * * *.Sold, at the Manufactories of - P ofeSsor HollOway, 80,11daiden Lane, New Yeik, d b. 44 Strand, London, by all respectable Druggist/, & Dealers in Medicine thro'out the; linited Stately and the civilized world, - in boxes - at 2 cents, 62 14 cents, and 81 each. I : . 1 theTheriiivi cinsiderable saving to taking' , larger sizes. • • ~1 , N.D.—Directions for the,guidance otTpatiee ineviik disorder sreaffized to each bo." . Jel6*y- • S H -0 E SL.• ,• A LA ItGeLOT for epee women And , ,Itildrea, Il_Njtist.rereiied, soil for .sale at the very low. - est rates, by J. LYONS, & poN. repS • 9 rd . Sheet ust. E 4sn .ll l: j a . t i o t.r r t f il u ' r V n i tg l i n d a' t tto '''F'! l ;2 9 . ' .I;7.YONP ABEL . .T . URRELL - ' ET AS just returned from:selecting ail put.. LI chasing, and is now receiving one i,4)f the larest and - best' assortrainti_of • Cr C) 1: 0 ever offered In this market. The quality of nerirly overt' ihing gitod; and all warranted as rePreawitNi. Terms; ready cash and low prices. Some general Idea of tho stoclr may be formed train the - following' entinteration • t • . ' DRUGS; MEDIC/NEB, Chemicals, Paints; :0111, Vanishes, ' Window Glass, Bye Btufik, Groceries, Lanhis, Glass Ware, Crockery, Mirrors, Cloaks, WalliPaper, Windav Paper Window Oil Shades, ialefiloobr ; • Musical IriArtnnents,' Jewelry,' Perfnmery,....„ , Stone Wirt Breit:cm, Brashes,Whips,'4 Ilmbrefts, Bird Cages, Pocket • • • - "Knives, Guns, _Pistols, ' Ammunitioik,Liqucirs,Trnues, • • - SuPPirters, Port.monnalcs Shoulder!' • Braces, Spectacles, Silver and• Plated Spoons, Forks, etc., field Pens, Stationery, Violin,.Gnitar,& Bass Viotatrings, Bows, de:, Porcelain Teeth, Lith ographs, Artist'. Tube Palate, Brushes, Ito., • and all the popular Patent'kediclueso Also some Dry Goods,Wooden, Hard &Japanned Ware, • . Fluid and Oil-. Cane, Camphene Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Turpen tines Lamp, Tanneea, Neat Foot,Lard,Olive, Colter, Boiled and Bow Linseed, and Coal OILS, White Lead, Z*, aid all kinds of Colored Paint Vine pr, Canary Seed, and other things - too numerous to mention, • Aa it. is impracticable to give flora thana.gen eral outline of my.itock through the Newspapers. every Ono wishing goods is invited to 611- and examine. Customers on entering tho,; Store must not expect to find' every thing in sight; but nearly every article wanted will be prbduCe•V by inquiry. Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto received, I hope to merit and reteive large increase of the same. „ Montrose, Oct. 5,19. • ABEL TUREELL COMMERCIAL .COLLEGES LOCATED OVER TIIE 311§QUEDANNA.VALLE1 BANK BINGHAMTON N. V. Rooms open for Instruction from 9 n. in.ito 9:30 ix in- FACIDLTY: D. W. LOWELL, Principal, Professor of the Science of Accounts, Practical Aceduntant: Author of Lowell's Treaties upon Book-Keep. - ing, Diagrams illustrating the sumo. Jolla McCanE, Assistant Professor io the Book. keeping Department. - A. J. WARNER, Professor of Practiea and Or nameltital Penmaiiship, Commercial Calcula tions and Correspondence., -.- • • LECTURE7IS: • Hon. Daniel g.Dickirson, Lecturer on Commer cial Law and Political Economy. Hon. Ransom Balcom, Lecturer on Contracts, Promissory Notes and Mk 'of Exchange. Rev. Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. EXAMINING C.OMMITTEE:I. , . Hon. Sherman D. Phelps, WM. R. Osborn, Esq., • Tracy R. Morgan, Esq, The objects of this College_is to afford to all an opportunity of obtaining a thoroUgh Business Education. - The Books and Forms, are carefully arranged by practical accountants. expressly for this In, siltation and embrace all the recent iniproce• remits. The course -of instruction cemprisea-every department of bus'.uess. The learner will b thoroughly taught the science and' praiitice of Double Entry Book-lieepindas applied; to the fotfuwing kihds of business, viz: Cieneril Met.. chandising,. Manufacturing, Banking, Commis sion,. Steamboating; Forwarding, Freighting, Foreign Shipping, Ladies Department' entirely separate from that of the gentlemen. • .1 Students can enter College at any. time and receive individual instruction. By this arrange went every student is permitted to progress as rapidly-as his enterprise and. ability will per. mit, and when through,:perfect and coMpleto, will receive • Diploma:which will enable him to review at . pleasure. Time to complete the course, from Twelve wbeks. No vacations. Board $2,50 per week.. . For Hook-Keeping, full arcountant's!;course, 'Wading Practical , Penmanship, Commercial' Computations - and - Diploma, (Time - pnlimit, cd,) . . . - - 1.835 00 Same course fur Ladle - a (separate apart.. ment ) ' 20 00 Penmanship and - Arithmethi, - .1 )0 (0 Teachers' course in Penmanship, Practi.- cal and Ornamental, - - . ;30 00 ,Twelve, lessons in Practical - Perlman. 4 2 00. " - Fir Occaiional. Classes will be forined in Phonograpy.! Far full particulars send for a circular. • • rent. It teJnus• ih is its i . nd Me waste pelted. oisels, ihdiges ieg -the WM. B. SIA/IPSO.Nt • . . . Shop in BOyd cE Tirtb fer's new 6nilding, . next-door abOre Keeler Sioddgiq's: HAVING worked for the past nitie years with the most skillful workmen, he •feels conficrent: that he can do the most dilicidt jOs on short notice. , Alt Work Warranted to Give Satisfaction. among thous nnum- its type mee to / d rap- rtanee ich re • finally, &an land all ,nnatn- W. B. Sairaos has worked for me for some time, and I can recommend him as a careful and skilful Workman, competent to do as goiiid work as can be done in the country, and wdrthy of confidence. . Wei. A. CIIAMBiRLIA. Towanda June 10th, 1858— . . Refers to—Wm. hl will, E. W. Baird, E.- D. Montayne,M. 0. Goodrich, B. Kingsbury,iTowan. da ; B. S. Bentley, L. Searle, C. D. • Lathrop, J.. Witten berg, .M ontrose. * * *Jewelry neatly repaired on shut* notice, and on reasonable terms. [June 15th,:185t8A.f. prop. usands hromie waste s upon lor epi z . follow. - - - _ O,MAX/J/DER Itafes.-4.EVAn --, 1 __,,_) -....., & Watson, No. 26 s outh - fourth i ;,-,`ll street; Philadelphia, bavOow on i hand a large assortment pt }lre . ------------ l and" Thief-proof Safes.l Also .. Iron doors for banks, itOs, Iron - shutters, Iron_jaah, all makes of Loc k , equal to any in the !..:iited states. , i • - : Five Safes in one Fire. All come out Right - • with contents in goad ixmdiCion, - MI are • x, add fe, 'are in time ,A THE SALAMANDER SAFES - 'OF PMILADELPHIA , MAINST TILE WORLD: EV - ANNelli WATSON,- . \r;Have had the surest dernonstration ,in the Flowing certificate that their . manufacture of. Salamander Safes.has at length fully , witmuited the rekresentatipris which hair(' : been made of them es rendering an undoubted ,security ; against the tirrifie element: . `. ' • - Philadelphia, April 12th, 11856. Messrs, Evan , & WaTses.-Gentlernen: ords us the highest satisfaction to •4tati to iou, that owing to the very protective-qualities of two' of the • Salamander 'Safes which we purchased V you some months since, ie.saved a large portion of oar jewelry,and all our books, papers, &c., exposed' to• thc ealamitomi fire. in Ranstead Place, on the morning of , the' 11th inst. • " • • • , ' . When we reflect that these Safes. were lepated in-the fourth storrof the building wo oceupfea, and that thersubsequently fell into a }reap of burning mins, where the vast coneenteStion heat caned the brass plates to melt, we cannot but regard the preservation of . their saleable contents as most Confrincing proef of the great security afforded by your Safes. We shall take Much pleasure in recoiamensd ing them to,nsekof business. u a:surelreliance against fire. . - GEORGE W. $.ll - 51ONS &BRO., :Yetoelers -Who hkie p'ur , ihappd laruo S'afe`.l einrp. - April 28, • '59-Iy. • TERMS • n Li n mgmoßw . "(WOULDN'T TAKE A WORLD•FOR THIS, ' a lady remarked to us a day or two since, as she exhibitedthe portrait of an only child, gone to ,the "spirit land ;".. which was ono of M1ZT1333151 9 "how I should regret it, 'had I not secured this.precioes memonal . of that dear one." So thought we. Thb loved oneo aro not always with us; and while we can call them Ours, every one-ahould eecure such a Memorial; especially since they can.haye,them ao truthfully taken by that succesiturfutist,. ALB: TU888,..0 Bing - _ Bing hamton. LllO IDAY - PRESENTS. Mite subscribers have this day received another invoice of Jewelry, &c., direct from the / manufactory, and are now prepared to show'to their friends the best assortment of goods ever before, offered in this market. All persons wish ing to make their friends and families Christmas Presents,.are invited to call and examine. dee22 ' EVANS & ALLEN Odd Ye[lois' Hall; Binghamton, N. Y. VEEDLES.—Bone and Wood Tidy Nee -4.1 dles, Tutting Shuttles, Crochet•• Needles, Sewing, Darningand Knitting Needles, for sale by - Kviss & ALLEN., HAIR PlNS.—lthick, red and gilt Hair Pins, various patterns and priees;by - • EVANS & ALLEN. CORAL -A fine ass ortment of Coral Beads, Armlets; Necklaces, &c., by _ • EVANS & ALL.EN. SLEEVE-BUTTONS. AND STUDS.—The bestassoitmeat of SleeVe•Buttons and Studs, all prices aad qualities, :or sale by EVANS & ALLEN. . SPECTAtLES.—GoId, • Silver, Steel and . German Silver Spectacles, of all ages, for halo by .• EVANS & ALLEN.' rriHIMBLES.=GoId, Silver and German Sil. Ner Thienblesoi gdod stoidc, for sale by EVANS & ALLEN. N UT C rockers and Nut" Picks. at Evan & ALLEN. GOLD PENS.—A first , rate variety of Gold Pens and Pencils, alt sizeiand by • EVANS & ALLEY. IVABLE, CUTLERY.—A goOd supply of -IL • Knives and Forks, Carvers and Steels, .by • gvatts & AELEN. JRTE MONNA IS and CARD CASES in every variety 7 -Pearl, Berlin Wire and Shell. Byass & ALtnN, T~ATCFIES"—A large stock of gold and ver Watches of the keit makers, - many of them of our own importation, at prices much lower than have ever been sold in town—War ranted gond time keepers. ' E. &A. Walch Chains, a fist rati assortment of GOLD Fob, Vest, and Guard Chains. ' - VAR Rinee and Breast Pine—a beautiful vu. _LI duty,. in setts double arid single, consisting of Pearl, J ei, Cameo, 'lava, Coral, Florentine, Mosaic, Brilliant, Bohm - el, and all Gold, various patterns and, prices. FINGER Ringo—Diamond, - Opal, Pearl, En. amel, Jet,, and all GOLD, a great variety from $4O down. • OCKETS—a icrp fine assortment, • GbLD LI and Plated, 1,2, 4, and 6 faces. SILVER Ware—a large Stock of sterling sil ver ware,Consisting of spoons, forks, ladles cups, cako, pre, icceream, butte:, & fruit knives, childrens setts, napkin rings, card eases, etc. PLATED Ware—castors, cake baskets card receivers,.ten sctts, ire pitchers, sugar bas., kets, salt cellars, forks; spoons, toast racks,gob i els, etc. BRACELETS -a full ilupply, of every style,— some verY rich patferhs. CLOCKS—Eight dityi; and thirty.houtelocks, a great variety, warranted. nov - 9 EVANS & ALLEN. No. 2; Odd Fellows' Hall, Washington st. _ _ CHANGE: OF TIME— WINTER AR RANGENENT—D., L. cf. W. R. R. . gr_4lEgiN " ON and after Thursday, Dec. Ist, 1859, - trains will be run as folkiws : EI:• ESS PASSENGER Trauts,—Moving Soutu. The night express train on"the N. Y. & E.R.R. _ ,arrives at Gt. Pend a.3:28 a;m., and connects with the express train leaving Gl. Bend - for-N. • Y:anli Philadelphia at - - 8:00 a. m. - -Due at New Milford - - .• Montrose - - - 8:36 • Hopbottom .8:59 Nicholsbri - - 9:16 . Pactoryville 9:40 Abington - - 9:57 _ Scranton - - • 10:30 ' • Moscow - - - - 11;17 Tohyhnnna - II:53 Stroudsburg - I:12 p. m. • Water Gap - 1:34 . - Columbia - - 1:50 Delaware (15 minutes to dine)" -.2,i9a Hope (Philad'a connection) 2:35 Bridgeville - .S 2;40 . • Washington - - 3:13_ Junction • - • " 3:30 • New York - - 7:15 • Philadelphia - - 8;20 EXPRESS TRAINS MOVING NOiCTI/. Passengers from .Jew York, leave ' Pier No. 2 North River, at - 7:30 a. m. Passengers-from Philadelphia leave . Walnut street Wharf at • - 000 Leave Junction 11:10 Due at Washington - 11:28 s. • Bridgeville - 12:01 p. .m Ilope(Philad,a connection) 12:05 Dela Ware (15 minutes to dine) 12:20 Columbia • - - - 12:20 Water Gap - . 1:01 . , Stroudsburg ' - . ' 1:15 „Tobyhanna - ~ - 2:45- . Moscow , - - : - - 3:19- - ri -. ' Scranton - . - 4:05 _ Abington - - - . 4:42 -• • Frictorycille .. • - 4:59 - Nicholion - - ' - 5:19 Hophottom 4 - -.5:42 ... lOr MONTROSE -' • . 6:04 New Milford - -- 6:22 ' , Great Bend - - - 6:40 Connecting at Great Bend with the Night Express going West at, 1:45 a. m. An AecommOdation train leave's .Scrant3n for Great Bend at. 10:35 a. m.' I Factoryville ..:, - - 11:55- , Nicholson' - - 12:35 p. m.' ~ • ".Montrose .. - - 1:50 Arrive at Great Bend:.. - 2:5'0 . Connects with Dunkirk Ex.-West 3:39. ' and ACcommodation train West at 5:33 ' i ACcommodatiOn train returning - leaves ~ • Greatßend at - - • 3:10 - Montrose '. - - 4:05 - Niceolson - - - :.- 5:15 Factoryville - . 5:16 s Duo at Scranton,..., 1 '7:15 The' Accommodation ' train does not leave Scranton until after the arrivaYof the morning train on the Lackawanna 4. Bloomsburg R. R.,, thus giving passengers from the Wyoming Val ley a,direct connection ..for. the West by the morning train. FOr the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division'a Passartger Car will bo at. tached to - the Express Freight trains leaving Scranton at ' . _. "4:30 a. m. Due at Moscow . . . - • 6.00 Stroudsburg.. - - • - - 10:40 . Junction - -- " 11:40 p. m . Returning will leave Junction at 4:00= a. m. Due atStrondob.nrg at -' - - - 7:45 • ~ • . Moscow • - , y 1:10 . • Scranton ..- - 4 . 2:35_, • -Passengers from New York will change' is at Junction. ' To,and foal- Philsda, via B.A. R. i r leave or take cars at Hope . For Pittston, Kin s too sad : Wilkes-Barre, lake'eare of Leckaws nit 4t BloomsburgA. R: at Scranton. For Jessjip, Archbald, and Carbondale, take Stakes at &Ugh ton. % Tickets sold' and baggage checked Tunottau. - JOHN BRISBIN, Supt' - Wm N. JE:txs, General Ticket Agent. Sent - Iton, Nr,v. '2l st , I 659 ; *tf . .11..KEN)CONIJIL&CQ „ r n et v ecr u y o cit the iiniPeetion V v t:a fli .and ve+ l r i ich assortment of G()01A this day received, consistio4 in par4as follows: • Rich Black Moire ,Antique.Silk.'lBe. per.vard; Foulard Silk, nice style, 64.; per yard; ,Rich Plaid the very neatest patternsaos. per yard; Black Silk, 28 inches widerfrom Is. to 12s. per' yard;:spleedid Black Silk IShitwls from sB' to $l.l, thecfinestassortmerft in Suture" Co.; new invoice ofwGingliarns, at very low prices; also, of CalicoeplargestOck of Demms,'lllixterea'Plaids,. and LA* Printed haw,ls from Is. to 's6;:. Brocha4Shawla Iran to ,825;- Colletsfront, 6 cts. ft? 205.;. Parasols frem.Ba. tol2ite: . each; Bonbet, .a/large stock; Rihbona'ned „Flowers; slap tt , lONiviattohsci-ofl4enti Shoes—Congress; Xeamelled.and Colt Skin; - Ladies-Congress Gal..: ters„Kid *rid Eilameledt Mtalses Calf 'and Beam:. 'ell ed Boots; Children Pal oei Boots, Oaiters and • eVerything, in that- line. They Would also call zittention to the fact that having an arrangement with one of the largest Importing] Houses in New York they • will'reccive 'regulaily New Styles, as feat as they appear in New york,nrid will take. the greatest pains to please 51l who Call and see and wish to purchase. Particular attention paid to procuring fine goods--,in every style. . . • t ' A new lot this . day . rectived, and; would" re-' spectrally solicit an-examination or; the -same. Good Ten at 35., city prik* also at 4.a. bs. 6s. Bs. 11l COFFEE-....Yatta, Rio . and Grotind goffee. SA LERAT-US . James pyle!s, Babbitt's Med icinal, pad Excelsior, &c. INAILS,' . and also a now. stock of WALL PORK and WIN• DOW PA PER; thin day received. FA R IP . ING TOOLS of the most approved patterns. . , . • I •B CBollC... t er's", Gold Band, Shaded, Blue Band, and all the new styles, as fatt as they appear in New York. FLOUR Conctantlyon•hand. 4 ,SALT by the barrel or sack. • PAT-ENT MEDICINES, GLASS, and everything else you want.. • • . R. KENYON JR. & c 0 Lftwmville Centre, Pa.,' lime' Bth, 1859 _ _ •PIMII/11a•NTALI-a. • rafting...7u • AS removed-his shop l across the street, to Li the building one door below Ketler diT - Stoddard's, which he has fitted up:eXpressly for a Saddle, - .llitrness arid Trunk Shop where may , be found all kirida of • Ta.ll.l=l.lVMStEl s , from the heayiest team, to ;the 'lightest trotting likrness, and a generkl asmirment of trimmings; which xTill . be made up or Sold very low. Carriage Tr - mu:o2ms; • good aisortment on hand, which will be sold very low; all trimming done cheaper than else. Where. • OAK LEATHER on hand, from which harne.qses.will be made and NATEtrzetaatecl. * * *Customers will pleas+ bear in mind:that I wish to settle up once a 'yea?. Those having unsetqed accounts, or notes due, will 'oblige .by settling or making payinerit without further delay. G.F. FOItDIIMI, . Feb. 24th, 1859.1 Ilfontrese, Pa. _ NOTICE: COBB Would rdpectfully announce to the lJs public that he may atill be fouhd at the old stand, fully prepared to attend to the wants 'of the community. Ile-will keep on hand a good ;stock of Grrc•oorless: SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, FRUIT, FLOUR and SALT (by the sack or barrel,) FEstr, and all articleslotind in First Class Groceries. . Ho would particularly ball the attention of 'Farmers and others to the fact' that ho is constantly receiving fresh Supplies of FIRST RATE FLOUR, also good, and medium qualities, which will be sold BIGHT, for ready pay; in quantities to suit the pdreltaser. tlash paid far Pelts, Deaebn, nod Veal skins. DISSOLUTION HE firm of S. IL SkYRE Bros. in this T aay -dissolved by, mutual consent, D. Sayre withdrawing from the firm.. The business will be carried on as heretofore under the name-and style s . of S. H. Sayre & Bro: The notes find accounts will be in the 'hands of D. Sayre for settlement. All indebted to the firm will please give it their immedfifte attention, as all the ac: counts must be-settled. ! 1 - S. H. SA YRE &43ROS Montrose, Sept. Ist, 18691. KEYSTONE 'HOTEL ) At Montrose; Penn. WDT. 8. HATCHI P Proprietor. - , THIS new ,and cotnmOious Hotel situated • on Public Avenue, nearihe Court House,and nearly in the centre of the business portion of Montrose, is now fuly completed and furnished, and will be opened on Monday. the nth day of the. present month for the .accommodation_of the public, and travelers. :The Proprietor feels confident that he is now sprepared to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fail to give . Complete- Satisfaction. , The Hotel and Furniture are new; and no 'ex pense has been spared to render it eqUal; if not superior to any similar establishment in•this part of the State. It is well I:sn : pplied :with alt the recent improvements and comforts, and obfiging :waiters will always be Ytiadyto reepodd to . the call of customers: j The Stables connected with This House are New and Convenient. The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron age of his old frie)lds l and the public generally. WM. K. HATCH. Montrose, September I'st,' 1858: 'cg•t •tt l'att I _ EtOrilTjl2l ELAM. ) : !WHOLESALE SALT .DEALER, • -201 Washinglon-st, • (Directly-opposite Washington Market,) New -4 2""cyzelm. SILL CONTINUES to offer to the city and COUNTRY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN Coarse rind Fine SALT, at the very lowest figures; 40000 sack's andbags, consisting in part of Ash ton's celebrated brand for;table and dairy use;. Jeffrey &-Darcy, Marshalrs,, Brownlow's, &c. and 50000 bushels -Turks island, Sonares, Ca meos, St,Ubea,,Lisbon, Cadiz; Ivica,'Nantes, ke.„ . all of which will be sold at bargain prices from vessels, store and storehouses. , • • Any purchaser wishing; to 'aelect!fronvi good assortment will find it to his interest to call. " N. B.—Fine table salt put up in small bags of different sizes, and constimtly on hand in -ship. ping order. Also'a iplindid article of Rock Grou'rd salt, in quart boxes; put' np; and for sale by the quantity, in cases of five,dozeh each. - -New York, April Ist, 1.859.--1.0 nri HE subscriber having purchased I. refitted and newly furnished the Is above well known and popular Hotel, ie prepared to secommndate the .trav sling public and others With,all the attentions and conveniences usually found jin first-class Houses. No effort will** spared-by the Pro. .prietor and his Assistants to make the Hotel equal in every point to any in the country. 'Tlie Bar will always be supplied with the Choicest Liquors. : • Tlie Stables, eonneited'withl this Mouse are large, roomy and conVenient,ind capful and attentive Headers are aliOys in:charge of them, -; S. ZIARBELL. ° lfontroie, May I 3th, 1,1158. .3,000 ROLLS OP WALL PAPER: 111 '. DiffERENT — SITIES BORDERING, WINDOW PAPO fcC If AC: A Cheayy EWi EW RUPPLY, ju6t art!ve4l, d l uL orsige R sitAvironD3W LIVEIINVIGORATOIti *etrz rt. • DF.in fxrArisb: !TM reillitapocats deft , Soelrely front CI umo,sad has bro au c.tabliabed Uci.ar:tatulara touvrai -sod appetrred by that , ustui la malt r='• -• boned to with emollient.° h, ialt the diseases ate w resommende , L - • ' '"- It has cued thirt/ilmia Ilablibt the isstle , i yeses • .111=1 isms Up all hope* lir ertrell,f. puzwrcau ertUkodeehst2 possildner. don most tie io l a tetepehtenent of dm idahlaira tathg ti.vktP ed fa soda oval:Metres to act geutts en the Dew ,-- • Let the:diefeSee ISV7mu . use of Ihe I.lllLitR I if - MO Cora- $ tal.:l94nr*PoPrla, F . Rmm•ii Com-1 AnN Dropsy, 'hour Costiveness; Choi- Cholera lessee, Jahrtißee, ea, Me may be used 'sae. . 'lry - Family' RE A RAC F., (u twenty oilman, I spoonfuls 411 who use Italie Wows, rale 'you h. the - VIGORATOR, sod tis pLaintr, BilloarrAt** Chronic Diarrhoea, plaints," Byronic.* Stomach, Habitual le, Cholera, Cholie Initintotaa, Flatly* loeiraale Wealusesse enaratir ra as Ordtna*.. pr i it e h l o t : d l s tirLi.l n csare SICK li t tyro 4m three Tea*. en et cuorrainiernot of Ovine. their tits Wooer ..a wl in its tavor. Pill WATER IN TILE MOUTH WITH THE INVIGORATOII. AND lIWALLOW Barn TOGETHER: Price One Dollar per flO e. 'SANPORD'I3-` FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS; COMPOUNDED YROM Piro Vegetable Extracts, mulling up In BLASS CASES, Ale Tight, and will keep In-sinrellettate. . - , The Family • Cs. • i i hurl le PILL bases. Oa lot active Cathartic sl intleb the mauled,. has used itt his•practlite more than twenty years. , The constardly 'amusing Armand from those who' baceloos nsedtba PILL% .A {and, the ardisfatikro which ' ail narrow in regard totludr r'T i tue. has Unlaced mato place them within the teach of all. N The Profession well know that dUretent Catioutks act ou,dltDcrentportions of the bowel& The FAMILY CA- TIIIAIITIC P 11. le has, with due reference to • 'lthis well established fact, been compoanded front a im carboy of th e parrs". Vege table Estrada, which set .wo alike on ' , Very pert of the alimentary canal and ale 'good and safe In aU cu es where -a Cathartic. In needed, sorb as De -4 rangements of the Stomach . !Steeple nein Palos in the 'Bark and Loins. Costivenese. Patio and Soreness over the whole " body, from sudden cold, which frequently, If, neglected, .'end in a long course of ' Ye ear, ear, Loss of Appe- tate a Creeping hen. Nation of Cold over ,thebody. Heatless ness, Headache. or , weight Its the bead, all Idglairt iloolaM 'DI Worm. in Children er Adults, I Itheuma'Ham, a great Purifier et the Blood..„ and many discus's to which Beth Is belt, too numerous sir .to mention In this advertise. meat. Hosea roll. , PRICE THREE' Distus. The Liver Invigorator and Family Ca Hearne Pills are totalled by Druggist, generally, sad sold wholesale by the Trade In all the large towns. S. T. W. it ANFOItD, id. It.„ , - , Manpfarmarm am' Proprietor, ~ '.-33$ Broadway, New York. - Fornale in Montrose by . iser29 19..1 y ABEL TURRELL, 'Amt. .Ayer'sSasaparilla A rot:Toned remedy, is which we have la. bored to produe* the nio t effectual alteratiVe that eats be Made.' It ih is concentrated extract of-d'aia Saesaparilla, so combined With other . stilstances of still greater alterative power as. to afford an. effective antidote for the diseases - Sarsaparilla is reputed tii core. It is believed that Eueli a remedy is-*aitted by those tcho :suffer from - Stninintis ecimplaints, and that one which will acca:nplish their, cttre nits-t prove of itninenß: , service to this lug' citna of our afllicteel t i.tens. how completely this cOmpounthwill dl it has heel': proven by exper-, iment,ent many of the ivlzst caws to Le found of ihe . lllllowing complaints:— SC 11.11 , 1: I. 1 AND S.:11011.7(.01N C.DNITT.ATNTS, EILL - l•TifiX.... , FaterriVE • l7rsi..7379:f, 111. TVUORS, S SCA:L:3 lir_%D i S . vritir.tric rectstoss,!`Altntor nta I. DISE kst:, .I)3c.ir4r, rat.ots OT: 111:11ILITY, I)TS rzyst - AND INDin v.sTioV, itnsc on St. ANT:i.) , :vs. Flue, 'und indeed the whole elas.3 of co:aid:date arising front Ineenrrx or Till: BLOOD. This compound will lie found a ,great r.ros rnot7 °flit:abb, when taken in the bprikig, to expel the foul humors :Which fester in -the blood at that season-of thg year. Ily the attic ly tittpul.ion of them many „rant:Hill; disorders are nipped. in the bud.' Multitudes can, by the aid this reinedx, spare throw-elVes from . the endurance of eruptions and ulcerous - sr , rts, through which the: system will strive to rid,itself - of corruption's.' if not insisted to do this through the natural :channels of the body by' an alterative medicine. : Vleanse ottt the vitiated blood'whenever you flail its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions,. or soros; cicabse it when .van and it :is ob stritetitd and silu„:4l, in the ; cleanse it whonevcr it is foul, sad your f;Tlings will tell when. Even where no yartitudar disorder is: felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, 'for cleansing- the Mold. Keep the blood healthy, and All is well ; but with - this pabulum of life disordered, there can - be mi lasting health. Moiler, or later something mtit go wrong, and the great machinery nf' life , ,is overthmwn. • Sarsaparilla has, and' dt.-serves much, the reputation, of accomplishing the ends. But _ the would has helot 'egregiously deceived preparations of it, partly. beeause the drug :antic has not all the virtue that is elaintekt fh? it, hot more Let-au : se, nuinv pteparations, pretending to he concentrated extra , is rf .it, contain brit little of the yirttte of Sarsapatilla, or any thing else. ..• Tinting, late years tie palie have Leen miss led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sai sap:trill:l for one chNar Meet • of these have hi en- frauds • tipm the sick, ler ...they not mily contain ht tie, ii any, ;4:.rsaitt iilla, bOt often no (-unitive pre patio. what. -cr.: lichee, hi; ter and pididul Llisuppeilitnicnt follt"med.the cl 1111-v:dinits t.xtrtwts of .Sarsaparilla which 11i cd the mailitY; until the -name itseif is justly despised, and has beeeme .synoriyiiteus ssith imp sitioh cheat. Still call this rumpoilial Sar,ntarilla, aittl intei:d • to supply sitelt a rtiurcl'y ax ehall rescue the name from the leptl - r1; 44 , 11101 y mbirli upon it. • And - we think sse hare grf.to d far believing it has sir tr.cs Hell arc irrysirtiLle by the ordinary run of the (list w.f.*, it is intend- . . \ twiure. in order. to , ,•coi.ro incir'cr ruidete \ eradication from the xys . tem, at% lont«ly thould be'jucl;rh.tibry talo:n accOldivgin din:iliuu* on the bottle. - rnr:r tr:t.n Ily DR. Jr'. C. A li-ER & CO. LOWELL ASc4. Price, s4,irr Boit Sit Bottles for $3; Ayer. s Cherry Pectoral, IxOs iron fur-itself Fuel, a:renown for the cure of evern• . yarirte su ihroixt and lag:eiuplaint, that it entirety nurpre,are fne.usl to recount the t eklenee of to Vittllf^ , . Nvilerrver it has leen ern ptnyed. As it- has long bten in constant use thtoughout thi, NO 11011. he need riot do more than a‘rrtre.t4e people its quality is kept x.p to the hest it o'er 11:1,1 t.cen. and that it. may br .relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found Wrier. Ayer's. 'Cathartic Pills /. TOP. TICE CURE OP r l 4 4i - rm....1.,- jam:dire, liasp pia. in . digkifialit frobtrotecy. Foot ,semn . s,:h,E,ys4...ral, 14,:rdarAe, - Ni'ril,.., ni....a... Erypi,ons and ..,(471 -114 . senses ! . L'fecr o.narlaint, Drury, Toter, Tamers . and Nat Rh , om, ll'ortnn, Goal, Nenraryia, .as a, I. l oioner Pii4 ;11 l'i 'ION Nrif:/? . .9 . the 1 000 4 I TlMy are noeseZaoatcd. so thatshe most scnni • - lit c can" mhe them I:least:tole, mill they are the h i lt nyerieut itt the world for ill the porpohcs of a '.. 6toily. physic. ~. , - ...... Paco .26 cents par rex ;tivo boxes for 21:00. ifireat 1. umbers of Mee. poen: Illysfrinnn. Styles.. . nu-a, nud emit:ent 144 , mm:ten. h::‘ e lent their oases to reit ifr the miteaalleted usefulness of - these retivedies„-Lut nur nyiee tare Mll unr.rinlit the , hinertion of - them.. The Agents below unused fur- ; Tll,ll firotLi our A M manioc 'Al.,3tANne in which they are siren; with also hilt des . eriptions of the above". complaints, and the treatment that should be Col - lowed fur their cure: , : ' ' ... Ilbs not be-put oil by unprincipled dealers twilit other preiciantions they;make more • profit . . on: Demand. Alas s, mut' tale no others. Tlse nick'. ' int 'the bo.t aid there in f9r them :and they should :b yr it: . • ..„ ...1 ktl , ...r li. ,, erties are for fink by . *- A. unneLt.. Montrose; A. P. MILLER. .& Co. Gibson; J. Hosronn,. Friendsville; Youso dr, SittXH, Summers; IRA. Seder, Springville ;, fl.tir Mix IBRoTHEA-9, New Milford; L. T. Csaust.E. Gee .t E. It. Gaow, Glenwood; W.. H. .THATER. Dimock; EAtoU & DfOxts.y. Harford, and ( jail . Druggists. ,• ' ! :'. I'mh9-ly* w00t...ci RD1NG. ..... ;: , r.rCIE subscriber continues tho above business. .1.1 as usual at his old Stand in Brooklyn Thankful`: for past favors he , would solicits a share of thO public patronage. • ~ -. '-A: G. REYNOLDS. :,Brooklyni May 23a, I 859.—tf. - - .10LOUlt, fresh ground. bio/aises and Sn•. 1: I gars; chap. Just received and:for sale by Jilt' 27th. U. LYONS & SON. A- LARGE 'Arsortmorit; of Lithographs Tibe' Pitaluts,loat urived, and for sale,oreduced lirices,..bLA BEL TURRELL. • 111Otitrosei Jan. 23d, 1860. • IiOCKET BIBLES.. DIARIES, •CHRISTIAN ALMANACS, CHURCH PSALMIST. • • • 11 , - SUPPLEMENT; S'MALLL BOOKS, &C., for sale by 2oth: • ' J: LYONS• SON. Afr, PURE -KEROSENE OIL • !IGOR MORE LIGITH :- FFRESH Burning Fklid, Lamp Oil; Candles. Also White Lend.Zine Pairits, LinseedfAl, RaiiiPs, coffee; etc:. etc„ just 9pened and, going cheap; - ".• J. LYONS & SON. xEw F.t~tM. Siclitr, - S.O . Vrgbisiutc tort At 1110,NTROSE., 1 Pd. • ONE door below J. Ethridgers Pd., Store, NJ on Public Avenue, where will be found constantly on hand a general assortment of. GROCERIES: Such' as &gale; Molasses, Syrtips, Teas, Coffee . , . &e., &c.. &c. . . . Also the choiceet brinds•of ,FA*ILY FLOUR, Meat, 4ard,Hams, Fish, ,Candles &c. We solicita share of ihe public patronage, and -pledge ourtselyes to do the fair thing, hoping by eachilarxsun to secure another. . I y il t %LDVirfti.& ALLEN. ALFRED VALDWIL. , Wll. L. ALEXI. POCKET DIARIES AND ALMANACS for iffl6o: a !ergo variety. And Indelible Renee fo, marking, wearing apparel Warranted not t;nsfadt or wash' out, for sale by • . - •A. N. BULLARD. Montrose, Dee. 19th, 1859. A ' CHEAP and eas y remedy fo'r the Piles and ..43.1 Corns: Tv it: -Also Meyers Rat and Mies Ezttirtninatorrsold by J. LYONS . d.r. SON. " vAtIINCIIESTEFi'S HYPOPHOOPHITESir V I Lime and Soda,• for Consuliption; Hor lcilyny's Ointment and Pills ; Juilacin's Mountain Herb Pills, and nearly all the Medi.: ines adver tised, or in the market, aro for sale by Ilontipse,-Jan. 9. • ABEL TURRELL Mountain Herb Pills, Asiotn, we present yOu with'. a perfect likeness of Teatieo, a =chief of a tribe of the strange Aztec that one. ruled Neaten: You wiltlind a full.es C.unt of him and his people to our Pamphlets Sind Alnanunes-rtii be had gratis, from the A rota fia, these - • , The inventor and nzannfeeturer of ~ .in ti .onts lain Herb has spent the greater, part of his litela . Unwitting, hawing tinited nearly every Country In the World. He ape* over six years mow the Indiana of the Rocky Moyntains and of Mexico, anst it wen thin, that tbi " MOC:tAIS Num Plus" were discovered.' A very Interesting account of- him adventures there. yoy will Cod in our Almarote,Ond Pamphlet.. It is an established Izet, that all disease% edge front IMPVRE BLOOD: • • The blood la the life! and wheh any foreign or, 11111... I:1:y mutter' kris mixed with it it k•et once dl.trbntvd to eriry organ of the . body. Every nerse.freta nod all the witsl-rirgana qui ble complain. The •tomich will pot digest the food perfectly. - The liver C 001.4, to seSrete a sunicieogy of bile. The action of the heart). weakened, and au the circulation ie. feeble, - TI.. hinge bstOrne clogged. with the poieonous metier; hem.. a cough—and all from a, slight impurity at the -fountain• heisd of. life—the Blood I if poi( had thrown wome earth, for in.dance, in a pyre epring. Iron, which nu a tiny ritulet, jn'a few ntinutea - the whole mune ofatbe Menu» becomes .dhitarbed and dis.colured. A• qinclrlyy, dire impure blood fly to every part, and lanai Its sting behind. All the passages become obatructed, and vole.. the obstruction ts-removed, the lamp . or life soon dies nut. Them pills not only purify the blood, but regenerate all the sometime of the ,body; they ore, therefore, unrivalled ..Ai a • ' • "CURE FOR BILIOUS DISEISESI, Complaint, flick Headache, ike. Tile Arfrito.ies Stedicina expel* from the -blood lhe hidden .rieed" di.. ease" nod renders alt the bide and secretion' pure and Owe, clearing and risuseitating the .areal 01711111 , . Ileneaut indeed, la 'it to on, {hat Ire are able to place Within your retch, a medicine like the "Itomeraia Max ' Pita," that .ill, pas* directly to the afflicted parts, through the blood and fluid" of .the body, and the illative to brighten - yeah-41mi fluah of — beauty and" health. • Aureoles Pills ore the Best ?Remedyin exit • enet for the, fad - ming Complaints: Stood Cookrtaints, Debility: Inward Trenkims, Mucks, . .' Finer and Ague, Lizer.gmtplaints, Cbas, ' , Ariale Comptainte.Lonnait/ Spirits, (Ted Diicnies, ~ Headach es, - - Pace, \ , C: azalea Indigest i on, Stone and d'art yipiria: , %Murata, Secondary Amp piarrkaa, Altanareatiern, eons. DM4Y, • • • • r- • • GREAT FFMAT•R MEDteLNE! 'Females ostio. value health, should titterer . .tie without these rills. They purify the blood, remove obstructions Of an kinds, cleanse the skin of all pimples and blotches and brinetbe rich cokir of health to the pale' cheek. sar- The Plants and Rats of which these Pubk are Made, were diealvered to a 'eery, surprising.mir among the Tezneerm,a tribe of Aborigines in !lexica. pet the Almanac of our Agent, and you will rtad With delight, the very interesting.aecount it contains of the GMT 1itt402 , 11" of the Astra. !Obserre.—rhz . Mountain Herb Thlts an pot sip in • aectut(fsd Wrapper. ,loch bar contains 40 pia:, awl Retatl at ab wets per lon. 4U genuine, hare the :Orator' of /14. P7D,S9.ti it CO., on eada:l4.. • a L. nmsort & ',SOLE RROPRIETOES,O. No. 50 'Leonard' Street, NE w" FORA. Agenti p.l .ju abuo. ilia - SAYRE & SBO. Agenks Montrose ; '‘((lic24 ',HOWARD "ASSOCIATION - • PHILADELPHIA. A Relievolent Institution established -by apt eivl Endowment, for the Relief of- the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. • EDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the I Acting flrgeoft, Wall who' apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occu. pation, habits of life, &c.,) and it oases of ex.: treme poverty,Medicines furnished free Of charge.' - Valuable Reports on.Spermatorrhcea, and . oth- , er Diseases of the Sexual Organs, sent to the af flitted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. Jkillin Houghton, Acting Sur. gelit, Howard Association, No. 2 South - 9th-st., Philad'a, Pa.' By order of ttio Directors. Loci& j MARRIAG,E G j ULPE. . ANEW, BOOK, ' BY WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. • ThO aecret clue - to.couriship, love ' 11.0% & ioarriage: with .diseases incl. dent to youth, maturity and old age; being lights and shades of married: ,gF life,' its joys and sorrows, hopes ..Vo* fears and disappointments. Let all - married people, or thaw contemplating marriags and having the least impediment to Married life, read this book. Let every young man and woman. in The land 'read this book. It is full of Plates, and discloses seerets that every one should know: a little knowledge at fitst'may save a - world of trouble in after life: Sendfor a copy(enclosiug 25eta., to . DR. . Wm. YOUNG, • ap2Bs) • • . 416 Spruce-at, Philadelphia. /2NOLD DOCT.9IEATVII BOOK OF TRAFFUIIti _Viand great 4iseoveries of . the Japanese - laid East India 41ediciriee, with full dßections the certain cure of consumption, bronchitis, ea tarrholoagh a, eiilds asthma, fevers, heart disease, - mania, caneer,dyspepsia, liver comp . laint,gravel and.-urinary deposits, female compl aints; &c.—. Ilinstrated.with hundreds of certificates of cures and engravings. For.tho purpose•of rescuing as amity suffering Moir-beings as Possible from a premature death, It will be sent to any part of the centinentfor 25 cents, by DR. HEATH, bc2or) 647 :Broadway, New York City. Sold by A. Purcell; Montrose; Hayden Bras, New Milford; C. P. - Mathews, &rapier'.
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