The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 02, 1860, Image 4

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    Mall Arrangements..
_ . .
Posr Off/CE, Mont:oat, Dec; 13 1859.
N. Y. City mail, arrives at 7 1.2. p. ea.; closet; at
n in.
Eastern way mail, (via. D. 1.. & W.R.. IL) ar
ri reu 1it. 1 7 1 2 p. m.., closes at 6 a. m.
Western mail (Sig ' D. L & W. R.. R. and Gt.
Bend,) arrives at 10 1-2 a. m., leaves it 2p. m.
Western mail, via.lßinghamton, !gawps Toes.
days,Thurs4aya, and Saturdays, mail eloae" at
7 1-2 a. xn.. arrivos, Mondays, Wednesdays, acid
Fridays at 3 p.m. •
Harford, Qibsim, Jackson: &a., mail, via. Moat
trcias Depot, Daily, (except Sundays,) closes at
:a p. 02.. arrives at 7 1-2 p. in. i .
Southern mail, via, Dimock, Springville,
Tunkhannock, &c., leaves endays, Wednes-'
days, and Fridays, mail closes it 7 ,1-2 a. in..
a-rivos Tuesday', Thursdays, and Saturdays at
2 co.
Fairdale, Campto i n, Towanda, &e., leaves
Mondays, ‘Vednesda)s, and Friday% mail closes
at 9p. m., arrives Tuesdays, Thunulays,'and
Saturdays, at 7 p. In.
• Friendsville, Silver Lako, Chocohul, 6.c , daii
ly, (except Sundays,) closes at 31-2 p. ar
rives at 12 m. I
Anburn, Laeeyville, Ste.,Mondaya, mail clo
ses at 8 a. m., arrivoarneadays at 5 p. m.
Office open from 7a. m. to 9 p. m. Sun.
.days from 12'm. to 1
( - Imam' H. Vlranii. D. P. M.,
. youtastlEn Ey . D. APPLETON CO,
316 mad 348 primdway, New York.
t• HE foll)wing wo 1
rki are sent to subscribers
I_ in any part-of the country, (aped, receipt
of retail price,) by mail or express, prepaid :
The New American Cycloptedla :
A popular Diction:4 of General Knowledge.
Edits d by Geo. Rtel.tY and CRANES A. DANA,
aided by, n'trumerou (select corps of writers :in
all branches efci newt, Art, and Literature.
This work is being! üblished in about 15 large
octavo volumes, eac eontaining 750 two-column
- paces. The first ei ht volumes are now•ready,
each - containing netiri2,soo Originahrticles. An
,addition. voluMe-, lirbep_uttlished"since in
about three .months: ---
...._ _
. Price, in Cloth, 83 , Sheep, 88,50; Half Nor."
8i: Half Russia, 84,50 each: -- - -
The New .American Cycloptedia is popular
without being superficial, learned but Hot pel
'tiantic, comprehensive but sufficiently 'derailed,
tt'ett hoot personal_ pique and party prejud ice-, Irnyli yet accurate. l it is - icomplete.statement
of ail that is known upon every important topic
within the scope of human - intelligence. Every
1121 . R:wt.:int article in it; has been speeially,written
for its pages by men; who are authorities upon
the topiesiof which they speak. They are re
' (plired to bring the subject up to the present
inotnent : to state just how it stands now. All
Iho statistical information is front thelatest re,
t-, ports: 'the geographical ,accounts keep pace
art the latest explorations; historical matters
t.,.ttioe the freshest just views ; the biographical
t ”tices not only spell, df the dead, but also of
livinz. _lt is a library of itself. -.
Ihvidgralcut otthe Debates ot C0n
,....: lleiv a l'orit;ieal History of the United
• , 1.-oni the orgatiization of the first Fed
i r , r t•-s in 1788 to 1856. Edited and•
• i in Hon. THOMAS H. BENTON from the•
- ..ii.e.vord,'of Ctingrea.t. The work will
li.Sr • -- .1. , •d in 15 rnyal octavo *lames 01'750.
4 e,,h. 1I of whiCh are now ready. An ad
mit ~.lume will be published once in three
• •-•41. Law Gheq; $3,50; 1411'
H .4r Calf. 81,501 each, .
~ -,-
Form a club of four, aria remit the price of
b , or and five 'copies - will be ,sent at the
rvn‘ittcr*,• expense or' carriagS"; or for ten sub
scriber., eleven copies will be sent at our ex
tor turriag . .c.
TO. AG,E TS. •
.Na other works will so liberally reward thee
e rtinns of tiI. , CII,'LA. I As AGENT WAIIITED.:N
THIS CPUST,T. Terms madeitnown on-apphes
t!on lip the Publisher.
APR1L...18.59.—0 a in. tr. •
a ALMANACS FOR- 186 0.
N E Almanselor every family in Busrea
CU , free .cif charge.' Please call or send' and
get one. • ABEL TURRELL. -
Montrnse, Jan. 1860.
PERSONSiwishing to change their business
1 to a ripidly increasing County, kt New Set
tlement where hundrMis are going. Where the
climate is mild and deli g htful.- See advertise.
inenu of lintou3onton i 'Settlement, another eol
'OF the best .4'104 ever offered in this or
V nor other market., ' ,
embracing the latest improvements: Also, the
he.t. qiinlities of CAMPHENE. and BURNENG
FLUID, LAMP 0114 and LAMPS, in *Melt to
tg k rn them. CANDLES and itieite, and every
thing neesSary for Lights, - for sale at tho ye
r iety etnre of ABEL TURREL.I.,—
norl Montrose.
FOR 1660.
begins with thit . ..latiwary Number.
TlllB ntsgszine is flubilsbeiii monthly—son.
thins 4u psglis—taccompanied by ii•frontis,
To all persons alive to the improvement of
their gardens. orchards,, or country iseta—to .
scientific and practical cultivators of the soil
vol:serymen and' commercial gaidoers this
Joorni.l, ,giving the - litest disc Varies and im.
pro% en 7, rits:experiments and acquisitions in Hor
tieLtltiire, and those branzbes-of knowledge prin.
reefed with n, will be found invaluable: The
publishes therefore take this method of pre.
ra•a+ting it in various parts of'tbe Quited Slatosl
ufirre - it is not already known, and where, they
are-confident, it only needs to be examined, or
,even announced, to be at 01106 ordered It von;
tains a •
Numerous and Beautiful Illustrations,
Plan% for Cottages. Greenhou.sea, &e., the Fig
ores of Fruits and Plainsidded to the veina
-1 le_ fe“tutft above namtd; combine to rend&
tins one of the .c HEAPEST and moat-•ratuable
v.-orks on -either side of the Atlantic.
Pe' Ntak subscribers will - be furnished with
the volumes for 1955, '59, and '69
bound in neat cloth for 810.
Tina N 7 --Two Ibiliars per year—Four copies
I;.r fix 11011;irik All tut clients to be made, in
,Spt.Ticueri - tumber4 furnished, on . up
. rival ton.
54* All hu.joes‘ letters and communications
• : i i„.... 4 .(1 to the Proprikorn.
N0.:3.5 Perk Row, New York.
L I. Zi DOC,' TI I E HORSE-110W to USE
mad TREAT'tiim iu
E. It .t) Le'-I.iarued friip the
Pcmf-mticAnimala, . 75
Veterinatlan, . •
}ions., - -et 00
and Physiology .of
!•;.. - - = - - - 2 00
and War l )ol., with Colored'
4 00
1 •Ct• luta /lorse-Keepers. 125 ,
MozaniHorses, - - '1- 00
.17 a int. tiOilleg FOot. b 0
u the Home, ' • 25
s.e.t,, , d'Vtzubie-took (Allen's Edi-
TLozi.phou on the Foot of:rink/14 35
Y &m i t nr...spoon er on-the Horse, 1 25,„,.
isiik Forr-trisiticrhe of Aimed,* 10 00
• ..,10.-s.-nt by until.. pre psi& on the receipt
of_ Catelogas lurnishtd on application.
A-:,kird, of AGOICULTILIBAL and iitntrlor,
itati_t.. Boors . ..applied by ,
C.. ,Af. irAXI'ON.BARKER-d.
Ag'l Itookreller, and Pub. of The Horticulturist.
1 0 . ] IVo.-25 Park-Itow, New. York.
ALL wanting farms its a deligbtfo climate.
rich .4,4, and secure from frosts: Bee ad.
vertisetueot of Haultoodlort La W, &wale:
• ' .
rf:€4.Z2 7 li: - 12 - tiitelitED
- Al ? I
T 3
-‘ '.•
. •
An aperient aka . stomachic preparation of
MOIL purified of Oxygen and Carbon by cons.
bustiod in Hydragim, of high medical author
' ity and extriordiliary efficacy in cach.of thS
following complaints, viz.:
THE OEM, etc. • a; _
The IRON-being absorbed by the blood, and
thus circulating through the whole system, .0
part of he.body can escape their truly wondere
ful bid:swine.
The experience of thousands daily proves that
no preparation of Iron eon 'for a moment be
compared with- it Impuritiel of the bleed,-do.
pression •of vital energy; polo and otherwise
sickly tonlexions indicate iticnecessity in' al.
`most every conceivable --ease. In all eases of
female.debility (fluor albtus, chlorosis; ets.),_ its
effects are delightfully renovating. - Na remedy
has eftir been discovered, in the whole history
of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy,
and fully restorative effects. flood appetite, corn
Clete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength
• with an unusual disposition for active and
cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use
Ass grand stomachic and general restored
it has tio superidr slid no substitute.
Pnt dp In neat flat metal-boxes eontatnln
50 Pills, price 50 rent& per Lox; six boxes;
11 50; ,Due dozen boxes:C.l 00. 4F`or sale by
Drnaglets•generally. 'Will be tent free to
• any address on receipt or the price. All let.
tars, orders, etc., should be addiresed to ,
* 'l ll. B. LOCKE & CO.,
, General 4 .Agents . .
339 1111.0ADWilly N Y.
N.8.=4- The above Is fit&almllO of the
label 4 each box.
For sate in -Montrose by ,
~N olsl.llCpt WOI:C.D AS FAIL." -
•.; •.4 . . Nr.,_
• :.., • - 1
Acg,• - .;
~ , ,...7.E.,t. .
A •
. , _
T"E first hospital surgeons and medical pu -
liciits of Europe, admit the unparallel d
anti-inflammatory and healing properties of this
Ointmenti,l governments sanction its use in th it
naval snit military services ; and the masses n
this coufltry and throughout the world repo e
the titmot confidence is its cuvive properti s.
It penetrates the sources of inflammation and
corru:ption which' 'underlieS the external et i.
(knees of dii-ease, and neutralize' the fiery ele
ments which feed and exasperate the umlady:'
• Itheumatism, Scrofula, 'ErysiPelsa.
Thesolltre among. the 'most terrible. and a. -
nizing diseases of the muscles, t,he fleshy fib o
and the Ain; yet in their worst forms, and when
seemingly incurable, they invariably disappehr
ander a s'ercevering,applicition:of this soothidg,
_healing. antidote to, pain and inflammation. I
Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Stiff Joints.
In all (taus of Salt Rhe'om, where medical u;-
ters, 1o ti tins, and e a every receipt the phsrnMc ,
pma havOrevcd _useless, the Ointment will ne
complishi-s thorough cure. Fever Sores heal
quickly 4der its infLience, and its relaxing, cf.
feet etpott contracted sinews is truly wenderit.l.
I - Discharging Ulcers.
"A most remarkable an happy change. Is TirL.
duced in the 'appearance of malignant ulcers f.
ter a few applications of this Oiamtmt. , Tfie nur
rntinding4 redness vanishes, and granules of
of bealthk flesh begin to :take the place of the
discharged mattes.' This process goes on•me e
or less rapidly. Until the or Vice is filled up.wi h
sound mitterial, and the nlar radhlally, cured.
•, ,',; .AWoza to Mothers.
The yOnng are the most frequent suffers frci p ni
external ;injttries, and therefore every moth r
shonld hive thiti healing preparation constantly
at handy; It is an absolute specific for srire
breasts,apd quiehly removes the encrusted sor s
which sometimes disfigure the heads and 'fac s
of - children. ' - • -:
Biraift.carLt Facts.
This (*talent is upiversally used on board the
Atlantic end l'avific whaling fleet as a cure for
scorbutic !i affections and as the best possible
remedy (4r wouncls'and bruises. 'Large supplies
of it ha'. recently been ordered by the Sultan
of Turkey for hospital purposes. -
• -
Both the:tOinknent and Pills should be used in
theAllotring eases:
Bunions,; Chapped Hands, Scalds, ° .
Burns, Mercurial Eruptions, Sore begs,
Chilblain - S, Rheumatism, Sore Breasts,-
Fistula, t Ringworm, • .Sore Heads,
Gotit, Salt Rheum, - Sore 'throats;
Lumbago, Skin Diseases, Sores of all kinds
Piles, = Sprains, • Stiff Join t s,
'Beers, Worms of all kinds, Venereal Sores
Titter, Swelled Glands. • . • •
**Soid a t the Manufactories of Professor
it • -
Hou.oway, 80. Maiden Lane, New York, and
24 Strand, London, by all respectable Druggists
and Dealeri in Medicine throughout the - United
States agtj the civilized
.world, in pots, at. 2.5
cents. 6:21-2 cents, and 81 each. g ,
Tirere is a considerable saving by takirig
the lurger;sizes.
N. B.4Direetions for the zuidanee of patients
in - every 4isorder are affixed to each pot.
i ce •
• A
. _
ding a view of-Mount Vernon, io the ensraviog
of Washington. These splendid- engravings are
'trim odimi paintings by Hicks, and are eirgra
ved on the higlicst style of art. Bice,
25:35 intilacs, or six square feet, each. Many
interior Pictures are palmed off upon thipublie,
as art, but we paid the first artist a
high pric!,o to produce first-rate pictures.
The MY. Observer says : "these erigravi ge
are' enuihe works of art—the likenesses are ad- .
cairable.iiiir. Everett's portrhit takes precodence
of all othirL"
The<b, riatimi Advocate nays: " they are amoig
the.finest,engievings we 'have'ever twin, and t e
publisherk are responsible for their promises-I
• Tzatia: almost gratit. Poet paid, In rollers,
either en4raving and aB3 azine, I year, 43
Both " "
, 4
Agentejemliing at , once, 2 copie , e.
Magazinee are His Per, Knickerbocker, Go e y..
Atlantic4lacttwood. We pay the , money the
publisheirs, who mail the 41hgazidea. Cost-of
engravinis is paid
.by difference between whale=
and regularprice of Magazines:, Pictures sent
at µDeg Pease state .when you prefer the Meg.
to Money it our risk upon proof it-Was
team. :pot pictures best, so send early, tal
O. Ii..BAILEY & CO.,
nI7 Xths) 643 Broadway New York:
M1 , L0(14 fresh ground: Molasses arid Su
gur4 cheap. Just receired,sod for sae 'Ay
July 2141.1 - J. LYONS & SONI
r IPiZe
Rooms ope&for lostrnatlo rota 9a.m. to 9:30
P. W. LoWELL,. Principal, Professt,,,.ofi the.
Science: of, Accounts, Practical Accoull Int.
Author of Lowell's Treaties upon Book.16:e
ing, Diagrams illustrating the same.- .
lona BlcCsits, Assistant Prolossk in the kook.-
Looping Department. •
A. J. WARNER, Professor of Pr act ic alan a Or,
namintal Penn - unship, Commercial Calqula.
thins and Correspondence.
Hon. Daniel Sp-Dickinson, Leetureron Conmer
cial Law'and "Political Economy.
Hon. RAnsom Bolcom, Lecturer onContricts,
I r rothissory Notes and Bill - of_Exchabgi.
Rev.-Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer on Commercial
Ethics. •1
Hon. Hon. Sherman D. Phelps, Wm. R: Osborn, E.sq„
Tracy R. Morgan, Esq.
The object of this College is to afford-to ail
an opportunity of obtaining a thbrough Due Mess
The Books `and Forma are carefully arranged
by practical accountants expressly for this In
stitution and embrace all the - recent improve
The'course of instruction comprises - eVery
- department -of businesi. The learner will be
thoropghly .tanght the science and practi4e of
Double Entry Hook-Keeping asispplied to the
following•kiods of business, vii - : General t.fer
ehandising, • Manufacturing, Banking, Conimis-
Mon, Steambaating, Railroading; Forwarding,
Freighting, Foreign Shipping: &c. .
Ladies Department entirely Separate from
that of the gentlemen..
Students can enter College at.any time tirid
receive individual instruction. By this arrange
meat every student is permitted to progreskas
- rapidly as his enterprise .ind ability. will :per.
mit, and when through, -- perfect and • complete.
'will receive a Diploma Which will enable!him
to review at pleasure. •
Time to complete the course, from Sii to
Twelve wockti. No vacations. Board $2,50-per
For-Book-Keeping, full arceuptant's course,
including Practical Penmanship, Commeiciat
Computations and - Diploma, (limo unlitnit
edo - • s3b 00
Same courso for Ladies (separate apart-
merit.) . - - -20 00
Penmanship and Arithmetic, . 10 CO
Teachers` course in Penmanship, -
cal and Ornamental, - - -30 00
Twelve _lessons in Practical Penman, - .11 00
W — Occasional classes will be formed in
Phonograpy. For full particulars send for a
circular. . • .
BURNING FLUID, IVhite and Cod Fish,
Ladies Kid S. S. Boots, and. more Gaiters
from 56 Os. to sl,'7s— . TYLER.
- 1
Mac 19th 1859. •
• •i .
ANEW SUPPLY, just arilyckand for;,sale
cheap. bc • A.TURRELL.
A LARGE. LOT for men womea;andchitOren,
1 - 1 just received, and for sale at•the very low
est-rates, by J. LYONS, & SON:
THE subscriber continues the above busitiess
as usual at his old stand in Brooklyn
Tilankfill for -Nis& favOrs he would solicits a
share of the public patronage.
'Brooklyn, May 2.34:1859.:--tf.
Shop in Boil cf: Welitter'a new .builCting,
nest door,ethove Keeler et Siodilard'ii
HAVING - worked for the past nine gears
'with the meet• skillful workmen, he feels
confident that he can do the most ditlicuitjoba
on short notice.
All Work Warranted to Gin Satisfaction.
...-+.- , .W. ilk
B. § nursott has worked for for prek . e
time, and I can recommend him as a carefuliand
skilful workman, competent to 40 - set good *ork.
as camber dpnein the , country, and worthy of
confidence. .Wm. A. Cli.tratzuLik.
I TowandkJune 10th, 1858,
Refers to—Win. Elwell, E. N. Baird, E.' D.
Modtayne;E. 0. Goodrich, B. Kingsbury, TOivan.
di; B. S. Bentley, L. Searle; (3. D. Lathrop,
.1. Wittenberg, Montrose.
* * *Jewelry neatly repaired on short notice,
and on reasonable tents. [June 15th, 1858.—tf.
. •
• C C EAR? GOO - Dg!
SPLENDID Now Challis, "Lawns; Prints,l;and
Gioghams, at reduced prices.. Also la,!lbs.
of Sugar for oneidollar, 0f.21 of—Rice. Just
opened and for sa,lelly IRONS & SON.
Montrose, Jape 1511;1859.
BOOR Books, Nerespsiere,
Pamphlets, Magazines, eta:, bound op on
short noilee. J. L. & SON..
11O& Business and Factories CAD be carried
1-..7 on profitably at Hammonton. See Adver
tisement of Hammonton Lands.
PERSONS wishing to establish Manuftieto
ries In a new and thriving plate where
business . id good. See advertisement °tithe
Hammonton Nettlement.
j9*y7 23eow•.
GRAPE GROWERS can carry on theil bu
siness most SUCCeesfully at Hammodtim.
Read advertisement of Hammonton Ltida. '
. . .
UPERiOIt Gienud Coffee 'in cane, Codfish
&c., for sale by ;. LYONS & SON.
Molkk NEW GOODS pouring in at the
store of, J. LYONS & SON, 'where•eiery
thing goes CuEAr for Cssit.—Calt (Mole.
0e1,18th,.1839. • • -. • f
LBS. OF SUGAR for $l,OB at
12 1-2_• .• Li.t. TYLER*.
Jame Bth, 1859.,
PERSONS wanting- change of climata l for
liesitli. See advertisement of HammoiLoa
Lands, soother column.
. Doe.lst, 1858. • A. TURTLE
TEW G00D.% in my line of bueineeN airiv
ingevery week. . ' ABEL TURRELI.
A great variety offaney Oobds,
- Jewelry, Perfumery, Faneyqlass
. • Ware,Crockery,Groderies,Paints
Oils, DyeStaffa,Drags,lllediaines,ete.,constantly
on hand at the variety . Store of • ) •
Montrose, Dec. 21st. ABEL TUERELL.
ArrE UP for alt-orony ofthi - 416* smipars
13'1 and Xnazinei published In the United
States. at the lowest club rates.: Please ell at
Mbutrote Book Store and leave the " carat, ; and
sod have . your _papers and magazines sent tO,any
Post Office in t#s county. or cot' a it, 0. K.
Montrose Dec: 2lst. A. N. BULLARD.
wm. B. •SIMPSON,
.- -_ & Watson, No. -26 south fourth .
1 ; •••• ~ street, Philadelphia, have now on , .
' , hand niftily() assortment of Fire
' '-'---•'-, . ; and. Thief-proof Safes. Also
Iron doors for banks, stores, Iron,
shutters, iron • sash, all makes of Locks; equal
to any in the United states.. - •
Five Safes in-one Fire. All come out Might
- with contents in good condition.
Have had the surest demonstration in the
following certificatq that their manufacture of
'Salamander Safes has at length fully warranled
the representations which have. been made of
them as rendering an' undoubted security against'
;beim* element t'
PhiladolphLe,Apill 12th, 'IBSG;
• Messrs, DiAxs & WiTeoe.:—Centlemeo; It
a i da us the highest aatisfactio - n to stateilo'
you, hst 'owing to - the very protective qualities
of two 'o the Salamander Safes which we
purchased o •ou some months since, we saved
a largo portion okturjewelry,andall our books,
papers, &e., exposecisr _the calamitous fire in
Ranstead Mace, on th erring of the 11th
iust. -. •
When we reflect that these es were located
in the fourth story of the building o occupied;,
and that they subsequently folk into . ear;of
burning ruins, where the vast concentra 1. vif
heat caused the brass elates to molt, we can
but - regard thi3 preservation .ef their valuable
contents as most convincing proof of the g l eal ,
security affordedby your Safes. •
We shall - tale much pleasure in recomrtOnci-,
ing them to men of business as a sure reliance'
against fire. •
Who have purchased six large Saki since.
April .28, '82,1y. . ,
iIY Agritulturat c%ilttement.
A Rare Opportunity in a Deligiltful4and :Healthy
Plimate,2s Miles Southeast of Philadelphia;
on the Camden and Atlantic Railroad,
N old estate consisting of several thousands
of acres of produCtive soil has been ditided
into Farms.of various sizes_ to suit the purchaser.
A - population of some Fifteen Hundred, from va
rious. pails of the middle States and New Eng
land have settled there the past year,. improved
their places, and raised crap's. The price of ladd
is at the low sne.l of from $l5 to $2O per-acre,
the soil-is of the best quality for the production
of Wheat Corn, Peaches, Grapes and Vegeta
perfectly secure troth frosts--the destructive
enemy of the farmer. Crops of grain, grass and
fruit are tow growiadand can be seen. By ex
awing the 'place itself, a correct judg,emeht can
be formed of tho productiveness of the land.
The'terms are made easy to secure the rapid im-,
proven:tent of the land, Which is only sold for
actual improvement. The result has been, that
within the past year, setbe three hundred houses .
have been erected, two mills, ono steam, four
stores, some-forty vinyards and peach orchards,
planted, and a large number of other-improve
ments, making it a desirable andactive place of
business. _
:111E NARKED', •
as the reeder may perceive fro its location, is the
Produce bringing double the pricelhan in lo
cations away from the city, and morn than dou
ble th"e price than the West IL is known that'
the earliest and best fruit and vegetables in this
latitude come from Now Jersey, and are annual
ly exported to the extent of millions. .
In locating hero the-settler has many advart-
Mies. Ho is within a few hours' ride of the
great cities of New England and MddleStateS,
tie is near 'his old friends and associations, lie is
in a-settled country where every iznprevement 'of
comfort and civilization is at hand: r He can buy
every-article he wants at the cheapest price, and
sell-his produce for the - highest, (in the West
this is reversed,) holes schools Mr his children,
divine service, and will enjoy an Open winter,
and delightful climate, where fevers are utterly
unknown. The result of the change upon those
from the north, has. generally beezi to restore
them to an excellent state of health. -
In the way of_bnilding andjmproving, lumber"
can be obtained at the mills at the rate of $lO
to $l5 per thousand. Bricks from the brick
yard-opened in the place; every article can be
procured in OM place, good carpenters are at
hand, and there is no place in the Union Where
buildings and improvtment can be made
The render will at once be struck with the
advantageshere presented, and ask hiinself why
the property has not, been taken tip before. The
reason is, it was never thrown in the market;
and unless these statements were correct; no
one would - be invited to examine the land be
fore purchasing. This 'all are expeeted . to do.
They. Will see land under cultivation, such • is .
the extent' of the settlement that .they will no
doubt, meet persons from their own neighbor.
hood; they will witness the improvement and
can judge the character of the population.. If
they come with a view to settle they should
'come prepared to Stay a day or two and be ready
to purchase, as locations cannot be hold on re.
Ttere..arO two daily—trains to Philadelphia
and to all settlers who improve, THE RAILROAD
In connection with the.agricaltural settlement,
a :new and thriving town has naturally arisen,
whi.:lt presents inducements fur any kited of buil
ness,particularly stores and manufactories. The
Shoe business could be carried on in this Made
and market to good advantage, also cotton busl
ness,.and manufactories of agricultuaal
melts or Foundries' for casting small articles.
Ths improvement his'beell so rapid as to insure
.and permanent increase of business.
Town lots of a good size, We do not sell small
ones, as it would effett the improvement of the
place, esn'be had at from 8160 and upwards.
The Hammonton Farmer, a monthly literary
and agricultural street, containing full-informa
tion of Hammonton, can be obtained at 25 cents
per annum.-
Title indisputable—warranted
.deeds giveh,
clear of all incumbrance when money is . paid.
Route to the land: Leave-Vine - street wharf,
Philadelphia, fur Hammonton• by ° Railroad; nt
m., of 4:30, p. m , faro 90 cents. When
there inquire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conven
iences on hand. - . Parties had better stop with Mr.
Byrnes, a principal, until they have decided as
to.purchasing, as ho will show them over the
land in his carriage, free of expense. -Letters
and applications can be addressed to Landis &
Byrne's, tiammonten P. 0., Atlantic Co., Now
Jersey, or S. B. Coughlin,• 202 South Fifth
Streets, Philadelphia. Maps- - and - information
cheerfully furnished. _ aug. 11, 6 m.
• • •lIIHE subscriher having purchased
•151114 , refitted and newly furnished the
88 Si II • above well known and popular Hotel,
is !prepared to accommodate the tr a y:
Ming public and others with all the attentions
and conveniences usually found in &it-class
Houses. N effor( will, be spared by the. ro.
prietor and Ibis Assistants to make the Hotel
equal in every.pbhit to any,in the country.
- The Ba, will always be supplied with the
Choiceit Liquors. • -.
•- The Stables, connected with this House
are large, roomy and convenient, and carefuland
attentive Hustlers are always in charge of them.
„Montrone, May 13th, 1858. _ .
FARM LANDS FOR SALE 25 miles from
Philadelphia by railroad in the State of
Able Jersey. Soil among the best for Agricultural
tUoones; being good , loam soil, with a clay
m. The land is a large tract. divided into
&farms, and hundreds from.all parts of the
counte7 - are now settling and building. The
crops prodeced are large and ban be seen grow
ing.... The climateis delightful, siad 'secure from
frosts. Terms from 815 to s2o!per acre
ble -within four years by installtpents.' To visit
theplaco--Leave Vine Street 'wharf at Phila
delphia at 7:30, a. m., by railroad for Hammon
ton, or ddress R. J. Byrnes, by letter, Hammon
ton Post Office,.Allantle County New Jersey.
See foil advertisement In another column.
- t7[7OULI)-respetrally solicit the inspection
VT, of
. a new, and very rich assortment of
this day received, consisting in perform follows:
Rich. Black Moire. Antique Silk 18s. p er
Foulard Silk, nice style, 6s. per yard; R ich Plaid
Silk, the very neatest patterns, 10s. per yard;
Black Silk, :18 Inches wide, from. 7s. to 12s. per
yard; splendid Black Silk Shawls from $8 to
$ll, the finest assortment in Sulifa. Co.; nes
invoice of Gingham', at very losi prices; also of
Calicoes; large stock of Denims, Mixtures, Plaids,'
and Lawns; Printed Shawls from 7s. to $5;
Brocha Shawls from $5 to $25; Collars frock
- 6 eta, to 21 . 6.; Parasols from Bs. to 2411.1Ae1i;
Bonnet, a !Argo stock; Ribbons, antieffiiiiers;
also a new invoice ofSteets-Congress,
Botrielleiland Calrßkinr Ladies Congress Gal-.
ters, Kid and Enameled;-Milises Calf - and Enam
elled Boot's; Children Pato& Boots, Gaiters and
everything in that _4130 : - They would-also call
attentiorrio the fiet.that hal/lag:an arrangement
With onq of the largest Importing Menses in
New York they will receive regularly New Styles
as fast asJhey appear in Now York, and will take
the greatest pains to please all who call and see
and, wish to purchase. Particular attention.paid
to procdring fine - goods—in every style. ,
• • .1 1 .E.11.03, 7-- --
• -
A new lot this day received, and would-re.
: cottony: solicit an examination of the .same.
Go Tea at 3s:, city pito, also at 4s. ss. 6s. Ba.
.Wil3GALlttii. ' •
, .
corrE • .Java, Rio and Ground Coffee.
SA LERAT S—Jarnea Pyle's, Babhitt's Bled.
icinal, and Ex.:cisi .„&c. NAILS, and also a
OVAL; ER stock of WAII. APER and WIN.
DOW PA PER a thisl received. FARM.
LNG TOOLS of the most moved iatterns.
Cisc•ocir:ekary '
Gold Band, Shaded, Blue Band, 'and all.the new
Styles, as faii as they appear in New - York-,
FLOUR Constantly on hand. SALT byll .•
barrel or sack. PATENT 'MEDICINES,
GLASS, and evervthing. elseryns want. •
- Lnwsville Centre, PA., June Bth, 1859. '
PI.MI4LEC:4Ii7 . II.
II AS removed his shop across the street, to
•1 . 1 the blinding one "door below . K.oeler &
Siuddard's,.which he has fitted up expressly fora
Saddle, HarnesO - and'Trunk Shop
where - May : be found .all kinds of.
• 3E - 1 - 131=1,1VMSM; . •
from the heaviest team, to the. lightest - trotting
harneSs i and a general asserment Of trimmings,
which will tie made up or sold Very low.
• Carriage Trimmings:
A good a'sortment on hand, which Will be sold
very low; all irimining:done cheaper than else.
where. - • t •
on hand, from which liarnesseis will be made and
NATEtirretaatOcl.d •
*. * *Customers will please bearin- mind that I'
wish to settle up once d year. Those having
unsettled accounts,. or notes due, will Oblige
by settling, or Making payMent without further
delay: • G. F. FORDHAM.,•%
. Feb. 24th, 1859.] . • . Montrose, Pa.
WC)9E I I . CM.
• COBB would respegfully announce to the
public that he ,may still be found at the
old stand, fully prepared to attend to the want 4
of •the community. He will.keep op hand a good
stock of ,
40r -roc °riles;
and &A LT (by the sack or barrel,) Ftsu, and all
articles found io FiratClass Groceries. •
110, would parti&tilaily call the attention of
Partners and others to the ,fact that he is
constantly receivieg Cush supplies of
also good and mediutit qualities, which will be.
sold UIGHT, for wadi pay, in quantities to.suit,
bhe purchaser.
Uash,Paid for Pelts, Deseon, - and Veal skins.
THE firm of S. H. SAYeE & Bricks.
day dissolved by mutual consent, D. Sayre
withdrawing from the .firm. The business will
be carried on as heretofore under.the nate and
style. of S. :flAayre & Bre; The notes and
neepunts wino . in the hands of D. Sayre for
settlement: indebted-to the firm will ptetise
give it their immediate attention, es all the 'ac
counts must be settled. - • " •
• S. H: SAVRE - & BROS._
Afontrose, Sept. Ist. 1859.
At Montrose, Penn.
WM. H. 4.I),TCH Proprietor..
THIS new and commodious Hotel- situated
on Publi6 Avenue; near the Court Ilouse,and
nearly in the centre of the business portion of
.51ontroso, i 3 now roily ecimplsted and furnished,
and will be opened on Monday. the
-27th day of
the present month for the accommodation of
the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels
confiient •that hp is now prepared to entertain
guests in a manner that cannot fail to
ComplOte Satisfaction:
The Ho - tel and Vurnisure ore new, and-no ex.
pence has been spared to fender it equal; if not
superior to any similar eitablishmentin this part
of-the State. It is well supplied with all the
recait tthproyements and domforts, and obliging
waiters:-will always be readyto respond to. the
cap of 'Customers. - • •
ThesStables Kinnected with. this' House are
•t . New and Convenient.
The Proprietor respectfully solicits-the patron
ag,i3 aids old friends, and the publie . generally.
Montrose, September list, 1858.
Batt alt 1 1
1ii125351; .
•301 Wablzingtou-st,
(Directly opposite Washington Market,)
Never York,"
QTII,I. CONTINUES to offer to the city and
COUNTRY trade; all kinds Of FOREIGN
Coarse and Fine SALT, at the verylowest figures;
40000 sacks.and bags, consisting in part of Ash
ton'S celebrate& brand , for. table and dairy use;
Jeffrey & Darcy, Maishall's, Browniow's, C.
annoooo 'bushels Turks Island, Bonaree, Cu
r:Mos, St. Übes, Lisbon, Cadiz, Iyiea, Nantes, &c.,,
all of which will-be sold at bargain Prices from
vessels, store and storehonseig,
Any purchaser wishing to soleet from a good
assortment will find it to - his interest to Call.
N. 8..-Fine table - salt put up iia'ardall bags of
different sizes, and constantly on hand in Alp- -
ping order. Also a- . splendjd—article. of Rock
Ground salt, in quart boxes, put up mad for - sale
by the quantity, in cases of five dozed . each. .
• New - York, April let, 181,9.-=-Iy*.
. . .
Dr. CoggswelPs .
soro'curo for INFIAlinfATOlti" Diseases of
all kinds: for , rale by.
- Btootrese i June 22d, 185 p.. • -
for sale • ABEL TURRELL.‘
firifir;reeent eotd weather warms as that Win.
ter will soon be upon
. tia, and, all should
be property prepared for it. -'
JOllltallOVElo4 the Taw*,
desires everybody to remember that he is al
ways readrto'do all work to Ma line, in sr lit's.,
factory manner. •
llootrose Oct. 25th, 1859.-3 m, : - ,
ALT; ,* the Dam), Bsek:oi Pour4,rot,
S sale by • ABEL TERRELL;
sAvrroitiors ' -
1 NEVER DEIITLITATES. ' ~.. . ' - :
Ir gln -
Tid'Oixillisded entirely from flume, .M
a hashethamattemblO tar t tact, atittrol^l s lsllrbelutt,lti t ogra . -
and. approved :1, all th . i t-orr n.stil It. and lit now mv,
ported to with einektenee l. p . all the dawn," for voi d ,
If recesaieudea.
It 1111.• eured thertaschts i
oho bee rhea op all leupee'
imodlellodeartlileatra hp
. The dais moat beads
hoUrldttal taking 1n oa.
act goody oo the Howell. .
Let ibe
me td the LiVE4I4.
will eor6 LltrajAilinv Ile
Snake), :•Aldrepepelo, 13
ileillliiKeii Cont.
rp r i„ptliopsir„
001 l Sour t •
011.Oeaa. Choi.'
lia /Borba', Cholera
knee Jaundice,
. ea, awl may be need MI, •
. ty Family Medi- pi
mut ADA CH IC, (so,
• spoonfuls are Saki i
szucli. I
' AII t who use Itarel
In Its rater. I
Prier One Dalai
- I I- AU,
wiTHAtinia:PlLLs i
Pure! 'Vegetable E
In any. ellmatr.
i Family Ca
Ide but. Retire CalbsrUe
used le Ida •prseUee - more
The eaustsugrjermislue
hue loqg used& IPILL4
all express la regard to their
them eichfutheteseb of aU.
Armlets, and put up In
' Tight, bud will keep'
~ .
- • .thartir PILL lessen
whirl, the proprietor bee:
than .sweaty yews,
destand. from thee. wise
L i and the mulsaction which
e , a ;use, has induced me to place
14 ,
1 3, 6 , 'that different ffitharties act
re towels..
this - well established fact,'
Ink ;variety of the purest Vega
es. alike on :very iarr of the
ratt l e so t r m i " sk s .;
.Blom ash illeeple
' i l it a l d k r. a ry a " n 1 s S La ,u t g;
from " sudden cold, which
end be a Mug course of Po
lite, a Creeping le en-
I. lie belly, iteortirse•
. weight.l a the !Wad,
4 4 Distases, Worm. le
llthieninallem, a groat
, r ,,, and utauy disease to which
1 le th menUon in this advertise-
lbe T'snlesiSon well know
on differentjoortlons or the
.- Aim with doe reference to
been compounded from •
table listrade, which' act
alimentary canal, and are
ce adore a' Cathootle Is
remyrelssessta - the
Dual i Patna In the
Costivener. - at"
• the Who e ody,
frequetitit, It neglected,
ter.- Lora of. Appe
wallah of Cold over
Hewn;lHeadache • or
I nliamsna art
• Idren or Adults,
Pu tier of the 1310041
Crib la • olr i - to numerous
Meat. ;Lkulw, i _l to&
- Ti
The Llvee Invlgt
*turtle Pllll * are rett
sold wholowtle by the Tn.+
water and Perolty
Ilrl by Druggban generally. and
b all the Inrgn tow co.
_NPORD, M. D.,
• Manutieturer .4 Prietor,
335, Biond*ax, New Yor k. .;
Por•qtile in Blantrithis,e by •
seV29'49 Iy A3l L TURRELL, Agent.
. •
Scrofula,or King's Evil;
.-it a conititutional4iScase, a corruption of the •
blood, :by . which this 'fluid becomes vitiated,
eak. 'end poor. • Being in the circulation, it •
rrvattrs the whole body, and may burst out •
in di,,ase on any part of it No organ is free --
loon its attacks, nyr is there one which it may,
not dotroy,.• .The scrofulous taint is variosniy
cafo.edi by mere•trial titiease, IoW living,
ohh•red or unhealthy fond, impure air, filth
and filthy habits, the depressing vices ; and, •
' above l sll, Ly the venereal infection. :What
• ever 11 it, origin, it is hereditary in, the eon:-
stitutiOn,-deseending " - frem perents•to children
unto thetifir‘lancl Murtligencration ;",-indeed,
it ecTris to be the roil of Him who says, I
- Will. visit the -iniquities of the fathers upon' •
• their, obildyea."
• Iti'effects •ennutieneehy deposition frOm the
blood,Lf corruptor ulcerous matter, which, in
hiss, liver, and internal organs, is termed
• tube.'eli*i•iii , the glands, swellings ; and on
the sid i atee';' eruptions or sore: This foul cor- '
ruption, Which gender's in the blond, depressea
the e 4 rgif..s. of life, so that scrofulous constitu
tions pot Only suffer front scrofulous corn
plaint4 but they have far less power to with
,;the , -attacks of other dikeases ;
ueitlr -ast numbers perish by disorders
'which,' although not scrofulous in their nature, • -
are_still,..:refulsed• fatal Ly' this taint in the
sYsten4. -. ,;;Most of the consumption which de
cimates the human family has its origin directly
in' thii scrofulous contamination ; and ntany.
destruCtive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of all the organs, arise front or
arc aggray.ated by the seine cause.
• Onelquarter of all fini ifeoplerure scrofulous;
their persons are inyeded by this, lurking in
fectioti, and their health is undermined by it..'
Tn cleanse it from the systL•ra u e must renovate
the,bleod by roe alterative nutlicine, and in
vigorate' it by healthy feud' and cal:misc.
Such u medicine we supply in • -
.CompountExtract of Sarsaparilla,
.mist effectual remedy ,whieh the medical•• skill of Our times can devise for this every •
wherelpr#vailirig and fatal malady. It is com
bined from the,roost active remedials that have -
been dissinered for the expurgation of this foul
disordfroM the blood,. and the rescue of the
systern from - its destructive consequences.
lleneefit ',should be-employed fur the cure of
not only. scrofula, but also those other affec
tions ;Which arise from 'it, such as linureiVo
and qiClif DDIEASE:c Sr. A79'IIO;WY'S FIRE,
BLorehes„l-ILaiNs and Botts, TUMORS, Terran •
and; 5"5t.r.1:11E . T.:34, ; SCAT.D MAD, ItINOWOr3I ,
Ilfttritsilssr, Sventt.rricand ifititClatlAL
r•ssmQ- Dtmere, DrSPETSIA, DpEILITY,
.V1T1.4.• -
TED oit 131.00 D. The popular belief •
in "`.lmpurity of the blood" is„founded in truth,
for kerbfula is . a degeneration of lifeblood. The
particular purpose and iyirtue of this SarraPa
rills ii-to purify and regenerate this vital fluid,
without whiChjound health is impouißle 'in
contaatinated • constitutions.
- •
••• Ayers Cathartic:Pills, .
are so Composed dint disease within the range of '
their sction- can vire!): withstand or evade them
Their penetrating properties carch, and cleanse,,
•and initgorate entry portion of the human or.grm
-inm, correcting its dared action, and restoring,
its healthy t it , dities. As a consequent* of these
pmpertien, the invalid who is bowed down with
ruff n physical debility in astonished to find his
health inr- energy restored by a remedy at once so
simple land
'Not only du they cure the enTry-day•coniplaintif
of every -body ; but also_ many -formidable and
dangerous, diseases. The. agent, below named is •
pleas -to furnish gratis my -American
contai ing ceitifieates of their cures antidirections
fur their use In•the following complaints: Costive
vrst, Ifrarthrern, Ifradadc diaorticred
Nattsca, Pout it, and ifoitid •
hooluiu-of llrc h ewn a, Ratutentv, Lou of :1,00-
Atindice, and other kindred'
arhinei from a low state of the body or ob•tiuitiero ..
Grail 'finictiont. • • -
Ayers Cherry pectoral,
. • • rOll. TUt 11APID CIIILE or _ .
. .
Coughs,- Colds, Influenza, hoarseness, •
-Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consuenp.
and. for the relief ;of consumptive
Patients •rin adynneed -stages, of the .
• disease. • _ . •
Sio %% t ide is the field of its usefulness and mann
ttieraus the cases of Its cures,. that almost -
every sectlon.of country abounds in persons pub-.
Heir 'Moan. Who have been restored froinalamong
and. even 'desperate diseases of-the lungs by.its
use. When once tried, its superiority over every •
, other medicine of its kind brio° apparent to escape .
ohseristioni and wlMre its virtues are . known; the
pnblie ( no longer hesitate what antidote to employ •
.for the distressing and dangerous affections of the
-nulinoany er.g . ans thotiiire tneident to our climate.
While [many mferior femedies thrust upon the.
eominilnity have (ailed and been discarded, this
has gained friends by every trial, conferred bencdts
thri- afflicted they can never forget, and pro.
Mired owes .too norotrous sad too remarkable to
bejtofonten.. '
A. l'uttniu...Montroi c A. P. MILLER, '& Ce.
Gibeci; -J. HOSFORD,' Priendaville; Youna &
SauTlNSummensHaa Scorr , BpriD Ilse
Great lend; E. R. Onow, Clenwoott. W. H.
TRATNIK. EiMOCk; EATON & Menar, Harfoni,
and all, Hroggiata. 4 rinh9.lyt .
.1 -
paper devoted to Literate& and Agricul.
Lure, also setting forth full accounts of the now
settlement of Hammonton,. in Nei, Jersey, can
be subteribed for at onlylb cents per innum.
Inclose posture stamps for the amount. Ad.
i dress editor of Farmer - Hammonton, P.. 0. At
lantic Co., New Jersey. , Those wishing cheap
land, Of thb best quality in one of the healthiest
"and most delightful climates in the Union, and
where l e:opiate never cut down. by the frosts,
the terrible scourge of the north,. no advertise.
meat I Hammonton Lands.
. •
lb ..
• r
wldsln the Ilia hurians -.'
elkir. at !, waraus i r
rthe laupsrameat of flu 1 .
1 11 4 11:14 "1 04 " ca '! 4 '''
Jariltuaal. colds J oe In Ma .
pl. lista, Bilious At-
Chronic Diarrhoea,
plaints, Oriente , .
Stoinacti, Habitue'
lc Cholein, Choir
ll:fan turn, Pletti...
Vernal. Weiaknati..' '
Unfully u au Ordlna..
Ono. Itwillcure SICK
!two or three Ten..
l en it cacuacacetwut of
Mountain Herb Pills,
. .
AIM* we preaeot you with a perfect likenem of
Teem"), a chief of 'a tribe argue strange Aztec Nation,
that one. rutted Peale°. . You will find a foil accolat of
Lim and hie peoplela our Psniphleta and Alsnanate
t bad gratis, from the Agent for these Pills. •
The inventor and mainactnrer of' “Judeoe's Moue.
fain Herb ltiitrf• Mu-opent the rener putt of his Ida is
travelieg. having visited nearly every country la 'the
world. He spent over sle years autoorr.thrt Indians .0 .
It.. Rocky IfouoLains'auld of Mexico, and It was thus that
• "the hlonalsta Munn were discovered. A very
luttureating account of his adventures there, you
in oar . /Almanac. seal Pamphlet.
it la in established feet, that all diseases arise Erma
'• .11ta i tatir, BLOOD I . •
giving tLetr tnattfmon7
per Bottle
.The bleed Is the life t and when any forelgs or Oars/thy
nuittce.gete mind wills it. ft is at'once dietelliatml to
ever.* organ id the bulv. Every nerve feels the Wale
"and all the vital organs:quickly complein: - The atoesaci
will not digest the foal. perfectly. Thu liver erases mi
secrete. a andlciesicy of We. .The actin's of the heart le
weaketied, and so the circulation lisfeebni.- The lefts
become clocrel with the f.jeonons matter; beams,
cougni.sind all from alight impurity at the firantale.
head of -life--the Weal!' As If you had thrown t ease
earth,;for instinee, In a pore spring - , from whir% iVam lb
tiny - rivulet, In a few minutes the whole course of the
atreem becomgs dbitarbod and. discoforeil. Al quickly
duel Impure - blood By to every part, and !care Its 'bag
labia All, the Pessages become obstructed, and eider,
the °Detraction is removed, the lamp - eh!. toms dies oui.
Tbeie pilla,nbt only purify Melaka% bat regenerate all
the. seeretions of the body; they are, therefoce,.enrlsalled
• .SOLI; . ' PROPRIE'I 4 ORS: -
• . :No. 50 Leonard Street,
AVlsts waisted always- 7 Address as &to's. •Voli
SAYRt & BRO., Agents,' Montrose. (dec22---
t Allpok fbr.Everybody, „el
work for•the married
- thOs'oontemplatiog mar,
tate —2.00 pages full of
published—warranted-to be
Worth three times tlie amount asked for it. . 4 2.5cts
in specle s or polta k ie stamps, enclosed, will secure,
a copy by return-mail.- Address • .. •
J.'TEI.I.E-.11., M. D.
. ,
No. 5 : Beaver-at.„ killany, N. Y.,
• lia7; Da. FEM ACE PILLS, 1 a lies,
with full directions. sLtrried ladies should Dot
use them.—Sent by mail. -
In alt cases of nervous and spinal afTection,pain
in the hack ind limbs, fatigue-on SI igh t . e - xertion,
-palpitation of heart, hysterits and whites, thoso
pills will erect a cbro when all other means,barj,
failed; and altho' a powerful remedy, do not corn
Lain iron, calomel, antimony. or navtliina hurtful
to the constitution. - Address - DR. TILLER
AS abovp. • . - fdbo*y
.21,Renivolent tnbli lution 'established /1:Y spe
civl lEndowanent,for the Relief of the Sick
and iDistressed, afflicted with Virulent and
.Epi4crn.ic.Diseascs, and especially for t)ie
-Cur'o of Diseases of the,'Sexual -Organs, .
EDICAL ADVICE given . gratis, by the
I Acting Silrgeon, to all who apply by letter,:
with a description of . their condition, (age, men.
pation, IRabits of life, &c.,) and in cases of ix..
p.m° pbverty,medicines tarnished free of chirge.
. Valuable Reports on Sperthatorrhcea;and oth
er Diseises of the Se'sual Organs, sent to the af:
(fluted sealed letter edvelopes, free Of charge.
Address, Dr. J. Skiilin Houghton, Acting Sur
geon, toward Association, Nip. - 2 South,
Yhilad, Pa. By.order ofiho Directois: r[ooB ,
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