Mall Arrangements.. _ . . Posr Off/CE, Mont:oat, Dec; 13 1859. N. Y. City mail, arrives at 7 1.2. p. ea.; closet; at n in. Eastern way mail, (via. D. 1.. & W.R.. IL) ar ri reu 1it. 1 7 1 2 p. m.., closes at 6 a. m. Western mail (Sig ' D. L & W. R.. R. and Gt. Bend,) arrives at 10 1-2 a. m., leaves it 2p. m. Western mail, via.lßinghamton, !gawps Toes. days,Thurs4aya, and Saturdays, mail eloae" at 7 1-2 a. xn.. arrivos, Mondays, Wednesdays, acid Fridays at 3 p.m. • Harford, Qibsim, Jackson: &a., mail, via. Moat trcias Depot, Daily, (except Sundays,) closes at :a p. 02.. arrives at 7 1-2 p. in. i . Southern mail, via, Dimock, Springville, Tunkhannock, &c., leaves endays, Wednes-' days, and Fridays, mail closes it 7 ,1-2 a. in.. a-rivos Tuesday', Thursdays, and Saturdays at 2 co. Fairdale, Campto i n, Towanda, &e., leaves Mondays, ‘Vednesda)s, and Friday% mail closes at 9p. m., arrives Tuesdays, Thunulays,'and Saturdays, at 7 p. In. • Friendsville, Silver Lako, Chocohul, 6.c , daii ly, (except Sundays,) closes at 31-2 p. ar rives at 12 m. I Anburn, Laeeyville, Ste.,Mondaya, mail clo ses at 8 a. m., arrivoarneadays at 5 p. m. Office open from 7a. m. to 9 p. m. Sun. .days from 12'm. to 1 , HENRY J. WEBB; P. M. ( - Imam' H. Vlranii. D. P. M., • IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS. . youtastlEn Ey . D. APPLETON CO, 316 mad 348 primdway, New York. t• HE foll)wing wo 1 rki are sent to subscribers I_ in any part-of the country, (aped, receipt of retail price,) by mail or express, prepaid : The New American Cycloptedla : A popular Diction:4 of General Knowledge. Edits d by Geo. Rtel.tY and CRANES A. DANA, aided by, n'trumerou (select corps of writers :in all branches efci newt, Art, and Literature. This work is being! üblished in about 15 large octavo volumes, eac eontaining 750 two-column - paces. The first ei ht volumes are now•ready, each - containing netiri2,soo Originahrticles. An ,addition. voluMe-, lirbep_uttlished"since in about three .months: --- 1 ...._ _ . Price, in Cloth, 83 , Sheep, 88,50; Half Nor." 8i: Half Russia, 84,50 each: -- - - The New .American Cycloptedia is popular without being superficial, learned but Hot pel 'tiantic, comprehensive but sufficiently 'derailed, tt'ett hoot personal_ pique and party prejud ice-, Irnyli yet accurate. l it is - icomplete.statement of ail that is known upon every important topic within the scope of human - intelligence. Every 1121 . R:wt.:int article in it; has been speeially,written for its pages by men; who are authorities upon the topiesiof which they speak. They are re ' (plired to bring the subject up to the present inotnent : to state just how it stands now. All Iho statistical information is front thelatest re, t-, ports: 'the geographical ,accounts keep pace art the latest explorations; historical matters t.,.ttioe the freshest just views ; the biographical t ”tices not only spell, df the dead, but also of livinz. _lt is a library of itself. -. Ihvidgralcut otthe Debates ot C0n ,....: lleiv a l'orit;ieal History of the United • , 1.-oni the orgatiization of the first Fed i r , r t•-s in 1788 to 1856. Edited and• • i in Hon. THOMAS H. BENTON from the• - ..ii.e.vord,'of Ctingrea.t. The work will li.Sr • -- .1. , •d in 15 rnyal octavo *lames 01'750. 4 e,,h. 1I of whiCh are now ready. An ad mit ~.lume will be published once in three 1 ,• • •-•41. Law Gheq; $3,50; 1411' H .4r Calf. 81,501 each, . A ‘k AV OF PROCURING THE CYCIJOIVE " DIA OR! DEBATE. ~ -,- Form a club of four, aria remit the price of b , or and five 'copies - will be ,sent at the rvn‘ittcr*,• expense or' carriagS"; or for ten sub scriber., eleven copies will be sent at our ex tor turriag . .c. TO. AG,E TS. • .Na other works will so liberally reward thee e rtinns of tiI. , CII,'LA. I As AGENT WAIIITED.:N THIS CPUST,T. Terms madeitnown on-apphes t!on lip the Publisher. APR1L...18.59.—0 a in. tr. • a ALMANACS FOR- 186 0. N E Almanselor every family in Busrea CU , free .cif charge.' Please call or send' and get one. • ABEL TURRELL. - Montrnse, Jan. 1860. PERSONSiwishing to change their business 1 to a ripidly increasing County, kt New Set tlement where hundrMis are going. Where the climate is mild and deli g htful.- See advertise. inenu of lintou3onton i 'Settlement, another eol tan,n. COAL OIL, 'OF the best .4'104 ever offered in this or V nor other market., ' , KEROSENE OR; COAL OIL LAMPS ) t.. embracing the latest improvements: Also, the he.t. qiinlities of CAMPHENE. and BURNENG FLUID, LAMP 0114 and LAMPS, in *Melt to tg k rn them. CANDLES and itieite, and every thing neesSary for Lights, - for sale at tho ye r iety etnre of ABEL TURREL.I.,— norl Montrose. THE HORTICULTURIST FOR 1660. THE lITTEICNTEI VOLUME. begins with thit . ..latiwary Number. TlllB ntsgszine is flubilsbeiii monthly—son. thins 4u psglis—taccompanied by ii•frontis, To all persons alive to the improvement of their gardens. orchards,, or country iseta—to . scientific and practical cultivators of the soil vol:serymen and' commercial gaidoers this Joorni.l, ,giving the - litest disc Varies and im. pro% en 7, rits:experiments and acquisitions in Hor tieLtltiire, and those branzbes-of knowledge prin. reefed with n, will be found invaluable: The publishes therefore take this method of pre. ra•a+ting it in various parts of'tbe Quited Slatosl ufirre - it is not already known, and where, they are-confident, it only needs to be examined, or ,even announced, to be at 01106 ordered It von; tains a • Numerous and Beautiful Illustrations, Plan% for Cottages. Greenhou.sea, &e., the Fig ores of Fruits and Plainsidded to the veina -1 le_ fe“tutft above namtd; combine to rend& tins one of the .c HEAPEST and moat-•ratuable v.-orks on -either side of the Atlantic. Pe' Ntak subscribers will - be furnished with the volumes for 1955, '59, and '69 bound in neat cloth for 810. Tina N 7 --Two Ibiliars per year—Four copies I;.r fix 11011;irik All tut clients to be made, in ,Spt.Ticueri - tumber4 furnished, on . up . rival ton. 54* All hu.joes‘ letters and communications • : i i„.... 4 .(1 to the Proprikorn. C M. SAtON. ISAMER & CO. N0.:3.5 Perk Row, New York. L I. Zi DOC,' TI I E HORSE-110W to USE mad TREAT'tiim iu E. It .t) Le'-I.iarued friip the _following : Pcmf-mticAnimala, . 75 Veterinatlan, . • .50 }ions., - -et 00 • and Physiology .of !•;.. - - = - - - 2 00 and War l )ol., with Colored' 4 00 1 •Ct• luta /lorse-Keepers. 125 , MozaniHorses, - - '1- 00 .17 a int. tiOilleg FOot. b 0 u the Home, ' • 25 s.e.t,, , d'Vtzubie-took (Allen's Edi- TLozi.phou on the Foot of:rink/14 35 Y &m i t nr...spoon er on-the Horse, 1 25,„,. isiik Forr-trisiticrhe of Aimed,* 10 00 • ..,10.-s.-nt by until.. pre psi& on the receipt of_ Catelogas lurnishtd on application. A-:,kird, of AGOICULTILIBAL and iitntrlor, itati_t.. Boors . ..applied by , C.. ,Af. irAXI'ON.BARKER-d. Ag'l Itookreller, and Pub. of The Horticulturist. 1 0 . ] IVo.-25 Park-Itow, New. York. ALL wanting farms its a deligbtfo climate. rich .4,4, and secure from frosts: Bee ad. vertisetueot of Haultoodlort La W, &wale: column. • ' . rf:€4.Z2 7 li: - 12 - tiitelitED - Al ? I T 3 -‘ '.• . • glialybirsite An aperient aka . stomachic preparation of MOIL purified of Oxygen and Carbon by cons. bustiod in Hydragim, of high medical author ' ity and extriordiliary efficacy in cach.of thS following complaints, viz.: DEBtart, NERVOUS -. AFITCTIONS, CIATION, DYSPEPSIA. DIARRHEA, CONSTI PATION. SCEOFULA, &<HIIIIIM, _SCURVY, JAUNDICE. LIVER. COMPLAINTS RIMUILA ITSSI. MERCURIAL CONSEQUENCES INTER MTITERT FEVERS, NEURALCOA, CHRONIC BEADAcHEs, rEmALE VRAEREBS. NESSISUATION. WHITES, CHLOROR3, ete., PEMPLSS ON - THE FACE , ROUGHNESS OF THE OEM, etc. • a; _ The IRON-being absorbed by the blood, and thus circulating through the whole system, .0 part of he.body can escape their truly wondere ful bid:swine. The experience of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron eon 'for a moment be compared with- it Impuritiel of the bleed,-do. pression •of vital energy; polo and otherwise sickly tonlexions indicate iticnecessity in' al. `most every conceivable --ease. In all eases of female.debility (fluor albtus, chlorosis; ets.),_ its effects are delightfully renovating. - Na remedy has eftir been discovered, in the whole history of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects. flood appetite, corn Clete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength • with an unusual disposition for active and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use Ass grand stomachic and general restored it has tio superidr slid no substitute. Pnt dp In neat flat metal-boxes eontatnln 50 Pills, price 50 rent& per Lox; six boxes; 11 50; ,Due dozen boxes:C.l 00. 4F`or sale by Drnaglets•generally. 'Will be tent free to • any address on receipt or the price. All let. tars, orders, etc., should be addiresed to , * 'l ll. B. LOCKE & CO., ,i , General 4 .Agents . . 339 1111.0ADWilly N Y. N.8.=4- The above Is fit&almllO of the label 4 each box. For sate in -Montrose by , )y ABEL;TURRELL. Agent. ~N olsl.llCpt WOI:C.D AS FAIL." - y_, A RESISTLESS REJIEPY. , •.; •.4 . . Nr.,_ 1 • :.., • - 1 Acg,• - .; ~ , ,...7.E.,t. . 61. A • , . , _ HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. ? CIRCULAR TO_THE-SICII. T"E first hospital surgeons and medical pu - liciits of Europe, admit the unparallel d anti-inflammatory and healing properties of this Ointmenti,l governments sanction its use in th it naval snit military services ; and the masses n this coufltry and throughout the world repo e the titmot confidence is its cuvive properti s. It penetrates the sources of inflammation and corru:ption which' 'underlieS the external et i. (knees of dii-ease, and neutralize' the fiery ele ments which feed and exasperate the umlady:' • Itheumatism, Scrofula, 'ErysiPelsa. Thesolltre among. the 'most terrible. and a. - nizing diseases of the muscles, t,he fleshy fib o and the Ain; yet in their worst forms, and when seemingly incurable, they invariably disappehr ander a s'ercevering,applicition:of this soothidg, _healing. antidote to, pain and inflammation. I Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Stiff Joints. In all (taus of Salt Rhe'om, where medical u;- ters, 1o ti tins, and e a every receipt the phsrnMc , pma havOrevcd _useless, the Ointment will ne complishi-s thorough cure. Fever Sores heal quickly 4der its infLience, and its relaxing, cf. feet etpott contracted sinews is truly wenderit.l. I - Discharging Ulcers. "A most remarkable an happy change. Is TirL. duced in the 'appearance of malignant ulcers f. ter a few applications of this Oiamtmt. , Tfie nur rntinding4 redness vanishes, and granules of of bealthk flesh begin to :take the place of the discharged mattes.' This process goes on•me e or less rapidly. Until the or Vice is filled up.wi h sound mitterial, and the nlar radhlally, cured. •, ,',; .AWoza to Mothers. The yOnng are the most frequent suffers frci p ni external ;injttries, and therefore every moth r shonld hive thiti healing preparation constantly at handy; It is an absolute specific for srire breasts,apd quiehly removes the encrusted sor s which sometimes disfigure the heads and 'fac s of - children. ' - • -: Biraift.carLt Facts. This (*talent is upiversally used on board the Atlantic end l'avific whaling fleet as a cure for scorbutic !i affections and as the best possible remedy (4r wouncls'and bruises. 'Large supplies of it ha'. recently been ordered by the Sultan of Turkey for hospital purposes. - • - Both the:tOinknent and Pills should be used in • theAllotring eases: Bunions,; Chapped Hands, Scalds, ° . Burns, Mercurial Eruptions, Sore begs, Chilblain - S, Rheumatism, Sore Breasts,- Fistula, t Ringworm, • .Sore Heads, Gotit, Salt Rheum, - Sore 'throats; Lumbago, Skin Diseases, Sores of all kinds Piles, = Sprains, • Stiff Join t s, 'Beers, Worms of all kinds, Venereal Sores Titter, Swelled Glands. • . • • **Soid a t the Manufactories of Professor it • - Hou.oway, 80. Maiden Lane, New York, and 24 Strand, London, by all respectable Druggists and Dealeri in Medicine throughout the - United States agtj the civilized .world, in pots, at. 2.5 cents. 6:21-2 cents, and 81 each. g , Tirere is a considerable saving by takirig the lurger;sizes. N. B.4Direetions for the zuidanee of patients in - every 4isorder are affixed to each pot. i ce • r_. • • A . _ ULL!LENGTH STEEL of WASHINGTON and EVERETT, incllu ding a view of-Mount Vernon, io the ensraviog of Washington. These splendid- engravings are 'trim odimi paintings by Hicks, and are eirgra ved on the higlicst style of art. Bice, 25:35 intilacs, or six square feet, each. Many interior Pictures are palmed off upon thipublie, as art, but we paid the first artist a high pric!,o to produce first-rate pictures. The MY. Observer says : "these erigravi ge are' enuihe works of art—the likenesses are ad- . cairable.iiiir. Everett's portrhit takes precodence of all othirL" The