11111 GOODS •Ha kiITIAN t' LL bloc: of SILK brOOGS, .12 Fun stock of STAPLE GOODS. Fn4l stock . of FANCY GOODS, _ Fashionable FALL SHAWLS: CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTING.% Blankets. Quilts, Table Lizemete,eta, • LYRE de LANDELL, Fourth - Arch:sits,' Philadelphia. S --Blrwk Wholesale,at low rates. paily,fram New York Auctions. PHlndelphis, Septembrr Sth, 1859. 3m . w LL wunting runts in a delightful climate. r rieh t.oil. and secure from frosts. See ad. ‘ort.isetnent. of HilloCl2o/11.96 Lando in another eolumn. YE S TERDAY . MERE IiOM ARRIVAL OP . Nitv. DELAiNES, Pr att.. 6te Ila Nhawla,Mantillas, Misters, Parasols and Umbrellas, and an immense quantity of other GOOD which will .be P-how n FREE of charge by 11.,,C. TYLER. May 19111, t8SO: 'ABEL Ti3RRELL - rEWELselling RY4barO ins to , nrrtnro•rs. Call and are. • July 21 MAKE THE OLD THINGS NEW! A ' w ARTICLE for sale in So a 'quellanna County only. at the Inoultirofte, Book Store. - A -1111alrogatay-Cloth, -- 2 1 :k 45' and- 484 wide,—:for Tables, Stand*, Bar. Store: and Bar-Counters,llelodeon and Piano Coverer ncrjtED TABLE AND STAIM SraExDs of-va• clone sizes and steles", and all warranted to stand the tot.t of Of boiling water.' hoLcoffee pot.. CM . phene. spirits/ &e., and will neither break tor erza.* in cold of hot weather. Just the arti cle to make 45/d furniture new.- - I AN. BULLARD. - _ . sl.or,troae: Joie itsth, 1859. FRESH ARRIVAL ! undersigned would respectfully an nouns to the public that he has just . re reived a'supply of F MILT GROCERIES, :„....among which may be found the very best - of Sugar, Slolasseg Syrup; ' Tea, `Coffee, acv., at priei.-A to suit the limes , ready pay. Don't ruistske the place, but call at thi) basement of KEN STONE VILOTEL; hare your huciable servant carries on 'a • SALOON & GROCERY BUSINESS,. and where the public may always rely upon havin , * their wants attendedtp with promptness and 0. M. CRANE. " Montrose. April 20th. HEED THIS WARDiING I LOOK OUT FOR IMS! New I - 4::›COClia - A L T HAYDEN BROTHERS' ORIGINAL Orx Price Ready Pay Store, consisting of Dry Goodc, Groceries, Boots a: ishoes,_ Hats d; Caps, Wail Paper, Stone A: Wooden W-alre, Wicrtzr,„,_Lakt, Pabelt4, Optg. Okaws, &c., Vitakee Notions, tar NO EN)) TO:T11Elf:! zu will ocvor find old shelf worn. moth-etten, r , t t cr , or out cf sacte' Goods at Hanna Bros: Look out for Old - Fogies, and buy your Goods whore you'estr SATE 1 ) .8 rEa ctwr. _We hare a I.r , re Atoek of • , GOODS Purchased for CAS", will be sold at pritfes that will frighten the O•i Fogy principles. • _ EV ERTARTICLt WARRANTED as represented. No charge forshowing Goods. HAYDEN BROTHERS. Now - 741 1 ford--Pa, cane, 1859. tm LIND WARRANT FOR rrii}: undersigned of erS for sale a U. S. _L. "LAND WARRANT for 160 acres. For aniediar. enquire of 21 I. G.•rritson at the office f 1110io.rose Democrat, or of me, or address mr at Montroke, Pa. • IRA COLE- Kiihnst 25th, 1859.-3 w. -m.c•muo.. CHEAP GOODS! S.PLENDII) New Chalk Lawrii, Prints. and Gin gh.r.is. at rednesd prints. Also 13 - 1 - 6 of Slicar for one doltar, or 4 2.1 of - Rico. s t ept”:ed _nnti for saleby J. LYONS do SON Moritro , e.Junn 151 h, 1859. • CII.NING• FLUID, White and Cud Fish. I.3oirs Kid S. S. Boots, and more Gaiters train 56 Cis to 51.73--all at TYLER'S. :Ma 19th 1859. - • ' • v. L LBS. OF SUGAR for $l.OO, at 1. - H. C. TYLER'S. June ?oh: 1859. 3,000 ROLLS OF WALL,PArER. 10-DiffDlM SIRES. BORDERING, WINDOW: PAPER &C., &C. A NEW SUPPLY, justlarriied. and for sale 11. cheap. Itv " A. TURRELL Dr, Coggswell's htiTl-PIROGISTIC MIS; a Kury rtire for INFLAMMATORY Dl , Will4Pe of all 1.0., fr , r, .alk , by ABEL TURRELL. Mootrose:lnne 22d. 1/359. SHOES: LARGE 1.,0 f' for men women and children. juL4 received, and for sale ;t the very low rete.,A, J. LYONS, & SUN. , cpS . _ , NOTICE. DI:. E. PATRICK,. JR., would like att,..yi aed , .nre ofnearly ten :pato° appeal 1, the moral eens,hilitlea an very generous pub lie, who hive always manifeeted their-seem of app-erintion of him usetulness by exacting his servivkisyvhcri needed or thought to be needed, bat who hove given no otherevidenee of grati tude or gitod will—particularly in the way a' aid" ma Kossuth would asy—that he now dceires a full and entire settlement of ill yin acronr m , elk° the secoutftsef the late firm of Patrick, & Dimock ; and hf„ wiahes father to Etate; that he desires nothing to he- considered wrong, if, after a few weeks, the said accounts, remaioing unsettled, abo'd tie placed in the hands of a good 'sharp er, !lector, and made to .aacount to him something thtk will buy Oate and Buck. wheat, • Please olive this and take action accor dingiy.—Yours jaa2 T i ILOUIR, fresh ground. Molasses and Su.: gars. cheap. Just rereivi4 and for_usle by July ." J. LYONS ihSQ N. cl RAPE GL OWERS r ean s earry on their be. siness most sueeesafally at Jiantitonton, free fri - s,m frosts._ Some forty Vinyard. net oat the past-sea-.nn : Bee advertisement of Ham rr.c;nt,,n Lands. another column. • • Q UPSRLOR Ureami Coffee in outs. Codfish ..71 . &c_, for sale by J. LYONS & BON,• Jcze Int, 1959. 100 BUSHELS WIIITE WINTER SEED MIT, For sa/e by ,BALUWIN & ALLEN.' Montrose, Anima 15th. 1859. KEDZIE'S RAIN WATER FILTERS. - THE subscribers are agents for the above valuable article, and have on hand and will keep the ddrerent sizes for sale. They will be happy to show the FILTER to their friends and customers, and can easily demonstrate - the value and importance of perfectly purifying Rain Water from all impurities„ and thus making it conducive to health and comfort, with small ex pense and no trouble. Every person- is aware of the superiority of PureSoFtWater tor-Drink ing and Culinory,rurpusea, and also she great difficulty they have heretofore exp. : rimmed in procuring it. These eelebreted FILTERS effect the ohJect veedity and perfectly. Please call and examine them. Evans & ALLEN, No. 2 Odd Fellow's Hall. Binghamton,.Aogust 29th, 1859. _ GOLDTIIIIIBLES.--All sizes. Also; Silyer do., by EVANS & PLATED KNIVES.--A full stock of Taolc and Desert Plated Knives and :Car vers to match, Jtist received by • EVANS & ALLEN. E `• U.RINGS AND BREAST-PINS. The subscribers hive thin day received from the manufactory a fine lot of Lava, Enameled, Jet, Cameo. Gold Stone, and all gold Earl . inga and Pius, in eats and :Jingle, some very fine and rich. EVANS & ALLEN, No. 2 Odd.rellow's Hall. Binghamton, Aug. 29th, 1869. GOLD PENS - = '--A very superior stock of Gold Pens, with and without holders, all size!: and of first quality, by Evitssl i r. ALLEN. 4ICELETS....A large addition to onr stook of Bracelets, viz: Hair Bead, Jet, Garnet, .Band,ld and Plated, Enameled and Engraved, of all sizes and qualities. Just re. ceived by EVANS & ALLEN. OtEMT'S... We have now on hand the - ILI best assortment of Lockets ever offered to our customers from 1 to ti s iAc'es, and from el to 810. EvAss & ALLEN. GOLD SPECTACLES-.-Of every age, and tnriony qualities and prices; by EVASS & ALLEN.; All,ll`, by the Barrel, Sack or Pound, for ~ a le by ABEL TERRELL. TIM PORT AGRICLLTUII.I`I WORKS. Railway or Endless Chain Horse rower for One or Two Horses, Changable Thresher and Separa tor and Thresher and Cleaner YdANUFACTNIFD BY WELLES, BLOOD & CO., /I.theiam, Pct. The Imprtwed Emery Millie Pow ers are equal if nut superior to any End less Chain isomers in the world, and warranted greatly superior to the Wheeler Rack and Pin ion Poo erzi. The Tioga-Point Florae Powers are unequaled for COnt,nience by any other—being adapted to A great variety of uses where Power is needed— as five_ diff . erent degrees of motion are obtained without extra gearing, and also any desirable length and Noh.city ht crank motion* for cross= cat Saying. Purnping and Churning! They ran easily. are strong, durAle, well finished, and made bf — good ntaterlals. • T 1 ,1711 To'itil Thrediers and Sepqrators. They nre ton& Of various size*, and are supe rior to any other manufxture—of which fart jodgen of such machines will be satisfi e d upon o:caution:ton. Fitted to rtn by Hore•e Prayer, Threo - ier and Separator. by Betting from the Power. • Thresher and Cleaner. The 37ioga Point Thresher and Cleaner, and EME ryls Combine I Thresher and Cleaner: these I run easily and thresh and dean fast, without wasting the irs in a Medi is cleaned fit for market, and are warranted to giro entire satiSh.ction. For Sale—Tinga Poi•tt Farming Mills,Por table, Circular awl Cros• Cut ,Saw Mills. Clover Balers, and Farm Grist Mills, all of which are eery auperirr machines. ...., IW — Persona in thin and adjeii-nng . counties a ou:d by all means examine the above mention.- es machines before pnrchasing elniwhere.. - ..No 11. ne will wish to send off several hundred bailee ur agricultural marines,. when BETTER; BLA CK:MS are to be had made near at home. Send -ror Illustriled and Priced Catalogues. H. L.BLO WEBS, agent for Stisqnehannz county, l'ost Office. Montioittt. A uga.t, t6iti.lBsA.—t!. NORMAL - SCHOOL STUDENTS! AND Students of all other schools that wish to procure Books and Stationery it fait PRICES: s ill bear in mind that they can find all the Text Books used it the different schools of the county at the Mont rose Book Store. Pref. Stoddard's series of A ritbmetica, also hie Elementary and University Algebris. Eight sizes Webster's world renowned Die. • tionariea.lncluding the New Pictorial eilitinrref .the Unabridged, &e.., &c. A. N. BULLARD. Montrose, August loth. PERSONS wishing to eidabiish Manufseto ries in a new and thriving glaze where business is good. Sed advertisement of the Hammonton Settlement. ARM LANDS FOR SALE 25 miles .from UN - P hi lad e) phis ~ b y railroad in the State. of N_w Jersey : Soil aMong the best for Agricultural a' fiord loam soil, with a clay bottom. T e bind is a large tract divided into small farms, and huodreds from all parts of the country are now setiling, and building. The crops produced ars( large and can be ueen.grow. ing. The-climate is delightful, and secure from frusta. Terms from $l5 to $2O per acre paya ble Within four, years by installments. To visit the place—Leave Vine Street wharf at Phila delphia at '7:30, a. in.. by railroad for Hammon ton, or address 8.. J Byrnes, by letter. Hammon ton Post Office. Atlantic County New. Jersey. See full advertisement in mother column. ; cSatt I - 1:t1011'61t iii\BA„_ WHOLESALE SALT DEALER, 9101 Wasbingtou-st, (Directly opposite .%Vashington Market.) Vfir ' 4 2 - corl., • QTILL, CONTINUES to offer to th.. city and COUNT RY trade, all ki`da -of FOREIGN Coarse and Fine Sams s tthe fiery lowest figures; 40000 sacks and bags. consisting in part of Ash. ton's celebrated brand for table ..end dairy -use; Jeffrey & Dairy, Marshall's, Ilhownlow's; &c. and 50000 brishels Tar*ll Island, Somme, Co: mesa, St. Übee, Liaben.CsdiCiviea, Nantes, &e, all of which will be sold at bargain prices from vessels, store and storehouses. Any purchaser wishing to selestprom a good assortment will find it to his interest to call. E. PATRICK. IR — N. B.—Fine table salt put up in small bags of different sizes, and constantly on hand in ship. ping order. Also a splendid minis of- Rock. Ground salt, in quart boise, put up and for sale by the qnafitity, in nixes of fire dozen _Neb. New Yotk. April let, 3859.-1 . DEMO'S wishing to change their baldness .1. to a - ripidly increaaing County, a New Set. tiennint where boodrods are going. Where the climate le WU and delightful. - Bee advertise. matt of liatnatontou Settlement, aurstbad amt. Fanning Mills TAKE NOTICE! 0 „. 41 ‘ 16111 ot tat * READY-PAY SYSTEM TT is certain that Gooda can be sold snecesaful. ly in Montrose anc at Susquehanna Depdt FOR lOASI4. • Those doubting this asiertion will do well to iudl at the `totes of - igattelibtrg, Rosenbaum, 4110 where it will be proven that the Merchant in 'telling. his Goods can afford - to sell Cheaper for Cash, and can offerlinducemerits sufficient to make it an objeet to Purchasers, at whatever sacrifice they are obligid to make, to procure the Money to adopt in their Purchases the Casa SWUM. We- have jest reeeiied and are constantly re• coking, a tpfeedid 'assortment of SPRING & SUER 600DS, adapted for this season. and which will not fail to give general satisfaction. They were per purchased under the moat favorable vircumatan ees, and we are enabled and wut. offer and sell at prices far below oilier' that will give and have given ate oserlasting Credit; no matter whether it Is !Dm, Dick, or /lorry. _ T-H-E-BrE-7-0-8-E EXAMINE, COMPARfE AND JUDGE OUR DRY GOODS! An assortment heretofore unequaled by anything over offered in Montrose. Fancy' and St, l aple -Dry Goods! Comprising many new and deaimble ii‘les of (louda unknown in thii market, among which will be fOund, in LADIES' DRESS GOODS, All the novelties of the seaedn, cheap at GTJTTENBERG, ROSEN BAWL & CO'S SHAWLS ! . . .. .. . , New and choice styles of Brocho double and single, Stella,_Plaid, Wool, Tula' •,pnd Mantilla, and a new style of Chonill Shawls, cheap at 6uttenbtrg;losenbaum,l Co's MR* Milt, An assortment alwayit on hand,also Ladies Cloth and Trimming to match, or all shades, cheap at 6ittenbtrg, liosenbaum, EMBROIDERIES! • in this Department vre can offer great induce merits, as they are purchased directly from im porting houses. The assortment comprises French Setts, ,itlceves and Collars, Worked Edgings and Inserting, and a great many more arti cles belong to this line too ,unmerons to men tion; cheap at _ . GCTTENBERq, ROSENBAUM, 1- CO'S Bonnets, Ribbons, , Flowers and Plumes, Wire, Stiff Net ' tings and Frames, at Wholesale and lietail.--eheap at • GUTTENBERO. ROSENIMUM, le CO'S. Domesticc - Goods ! May be found all the different qualities of Prints, Ginghatus, Bleachid Goods, Fine 'Unbleached Muslim, Ticks, Stripes, Denims, Sheeting,2 1-2 fds wide, cheap att , GUTTENIIER(ptOSENBAUId, & CO'S READY MN CLOTHING Asth „ eirrS is one of their BRANCHEs OF flustst.se in New "York City, they certainly have one great advantage over all the rest of Clothiers; they having one Partner steady - 1n New York city to devote all his time to thisparticalar branch of manufacturing. They wi 1 furnish, at any time, a Good Garment at about the same price for which the material can be got. They will warrant their work and a complete fit or no pay. They keep . 4onslantly on hood one of the best stocks of . OVER ANt i l UNDER COATS! Such as Frock, 'Dress, Raglan, and-Sacks YIANTS In dreai Visri t eti cad• Different Styles VESTS! Such as Velvet, rakish Cassimer. and Satin, chest ' . GUTTENBEOG, R ENBAITM,A COIL CLOTHING' MADE TO ORDER, 4; . t the Best X4terial at Owl Bailee Undei Garments FOR LADIES Ail wsu, Ai Fos GEjITLEMEN, such u Bilk, and also lambinsool, cheap of GUTTENBERG. ROSEN 8M:U.1,4 COV ONE WORD . IS SUITICIENTVOR THE 'WISP& TO OUR 1117110=11 FRIIENDS CUSTOMERS, • And In particalail to tho se knonlag thetrelvee lode Ma to also"' will say ow* aunt tnilt. we will sell for B. Pay belealtar, and ail M onazite and Noteis mast be settled without Far ther Notice. We ere tired of writing Denning _Letters and Supporting the Postolliao,aad there by. losing. We twill take all Wads of Grab at. the Highest Dfarbst Price' for Pareast, eta sit Accounts standing over cis Ifeetbs oe oar Book* will be left• for collection unless settled by Note. - • • tguttenbtio,llasntinmut f ic fie Montrone, Pa, April 13th, 1858. • MON - Tit. CO. TOULD zr euull cad iarrrtm - en i solicit the leepect t o °a f DRY: GOODS - this day received, emulating in parlor aa follow* Rich Sleek Moire Antigua Silk Mk. per vard; Foulard Silk, nice style, Bs. per yard a. Rich Plaid Silk, thi very neatest pattertes,los..per yard; Black Silk, 28 inches Wide, from 7a to nu. per yard; splendid Black Silk Shawls from. $8 to $ll, the finest assortment in Snag's Co; new (whim of Gingham, at very low pricier, Aso of Calicoes; largo stock of Denims. Mixtures, Plaids, and Lawns; Printed Shawls from 7r. to $5; Brach* Shawleirom $5 to $25; Collars from cts. to 205; Paraiota from Ba. to SVIa. each; Binnet, a large stock; Ribbons and Flowers; also a new Wank. of Gents Sheri—Congress. Enamelled and Coif Skin; Ladies Congress Gal -1 tem. Kid and Enameled; Mimes Calf and Enam4 ailed Bootie Children Per rid' -Boots, Galles and everything in that tine, They would alioeull attention to the fact that haling an arrangement with one of the largest Importing Houses in New York they willecceive regularly 'New Styles as fast as they appear to New York. and will take the greatest-pains to please all who call and see and wish to purchase. Particular attention paid to procuring fine goods-Q-1n ererp style. "1".11111.421.61. A new lot this day received, and would re spectfully solicit an examination of _the came. Good Tea at 35., city prices, also at 4s. ss. 6s. Os. • • . %VV., VOFFEE-gpii; Rip and Grano& Coffee. SA LERATES.-Janes Pyle's,Babbitt's Med. iciaal, and Evelsior, &c. NAlLkand also a new 'stock of WALL PAPER and WIN DOW PA PER, this ..4ay reeeived:` PARR ING TOOLS of tho most approved patterns. Cfrcoolmerwr, Gold Band. Shaded, Blue Sand, and all the new styles, is-fast as they appear in New York. FLOUR constantly on hand. SALT by the barrel or sack. PATENT IYIEGICINES, GLASS, and everytl.4.7 else eon want. ILIKEN YON JR. & CO. Lawsville Centre, Pa., June Bth, 1859. THE NEW ERA! SPIIMG & SUMMER GOODS at Griat Bargains.--Beady-Pa y aad Small Eras 13.3131:11=1LPLITHT Is now, receiving a full and choice Stock of Spring•and Summer Goods, including n great variety of Rich Prints in new styles, Gingham% Brillianta,Plain and Fancy Lawns,Challis, Robes, Silk Dress Tissues, and Barages,Blaek and Fancy Silks, Poplins, lee.; with a superior assorment of Silk, Broche, Cashmere and Stolid Shawls; Mantillas, Parasols, Rich Ribbons, Bonnets and Flbwers, Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, Summer Stuffs, &c.; with a largo'essortment of other Staple and Fancy Goods, ae usual in Groceries,Creekerv, Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Stoves, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Boots and Shoes, Hats and-Caps, Clocks, 'Carpeting Floor Oil-Cloths, Wall Paper, Painted Window Shades, &c. The entire Stock being large and bought for Cash, will give superior opportunity for ,choice. selections, and, in accordance with the spirit of the limes, will be Sold for Ready Pay,l.o to 25 per cent. below Regular Priem. An examination of the Ooods and Prices will be found profitable to those who wish to'huy. Flour & Salt constantly on - hatid New 51iitord, May 4th, 1859. HEAR YE ! REAR YE! L Ban ?C un sLtd rsio C e o v i e o s, reil ac D e re , v sl ls Sil n k ro s. W as la u r e s for Veils, Reinernids, Cotton Yann„Carpet'Warp, Bard Boxes and Bonnet Bosrds4 a new sup ply of Gaiters. Corn 'Starch and Tapico for puddings. Cheap at H. C. TYLER'S, Mantras°, June' Bth, 1859. G. F. FORDIIAM HAS removed hit; shop across the street, to the building one door below Keeler lit Stoddard's, which he hXs fitted up expressly for a Saddle, Harness and Trunk Shop where-may be found all kinds of Mt...A.1 = 1.1%710 , 315, from the heaviest team, to the li gh test trotting hirness, and a general assorment t trimmings, which will be made up or sold cry low. Carring e Trimmings: A good assortment on hand, which will be sold very low ; all trimming done cheaper than else where.; OAK LEATHER on hand, from which harnessekwill be made and luvetarraytaatea. * * *Customers will please bear in mind that I wish to settle up once it year. Those having unsettled accounts, or notes due, will oblige by-settling or making payment without further delay. G. F. FORDHAM, - ' Feb. 2lth, 1859.1 Montrose, Pa. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA A Benevolent Intlitution,estahlished by spec ial en dowment for the relief of the sick aheidisiressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. rirHE HOWARD Assort►Ttoa,in view of the bw ful destruction of human life caused by Sca" ual diseases, and the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of each diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed-their Con- sulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treat ment of this clews of diseases, in all their forms, and to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, (ORR who apply by letter, with a description of their cob. dition, (age, occupationapAts of life, &c.,) and n cases of extrecolfwVerty',lofttrnish medicines free of charge. It is- needless to add that the Associationscommands the higheit medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most improved modern treatment The Directors of the 'Association, in their An. nun! Report upon the•treatment of_ Sexual Di. noses, for the year ceding January Ist, 1858, express the highest satisfaction with the success which hasattended the labors of the Consulting Surge bit in the cure of Spermatorrlweit, Seminal Weitkoesa, Impotence, Gonorrhreit,G pil lie, the vice-of Onaniem or Self-abuse, Sec., and or der a continuance of the same plan for the en suing year. An admirable Report en Spertuntoritme, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of °nudger, Master. batiop, or Self.abuse, and other diseases of the. Bernet romans, by the Consulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (In a sealed envelope). FREE OF CHARGE, on the receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Other Reports, and Tracts on the nature. and treatment of sexual diseases. diet. &e.. are constantly, being publish ed for gratuitous distribution and will be sent to the afflicted. Noma of the new remedies and methods of treatment discovered during the lag year, an of great value. Address. for. Report. or Treatment, Dr. .1- BILILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, How. ard Association. N 0.2 South Ninth Street, Phil adelphis, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL President. Geo. Pantetviz. Bag. oc 28.1 y . THE HAMMONTON FARMER-A news paper devoted to Litersture and "Arleta. tore, also setting forth full amounts Of the nal settlement of Hammonton, JO New J.WwlYiew he'selmeribed for at only eats per annam.-- Wks* pw stampi for the arenaaL Ad dress editor of Farmer Hammonton, P. O. At lantic Co., New Israel. Those wishing cheap land, of the best qualitt In one albs healthiest and most delightful eirmates in the Union, and where crops are never eat down by the frosts, the terrible swinge of the north, see advertise ment of Hammonton " .11Ei1rRrAti Wanting ekangs 'or mate Health. 800 advartiasmant 116pwastnn. !Ands, another column, _ , NEW THtfl. ilour, Sat tk Trobisiou Store, At XONTIIOIIIIP, OHSSdoor below .I.lltbridgei Dreg Mori, co Public Avieute,. whirrs will be leeed coredeatly oo bend ascend sesortmeet of GROCERIES: Sari as Sugar's, Molasses, Byropsireas,Calfee &o. Also the choicest brands of FAMILY.FLOUR, Meal, Lard. PO - A. Him. Fish, Cold* We solicit a *bare of the public patrousr, and pledge ourselves to do the fair thing, h*tig by each bargain to seams another. BALDWIN & ALLEM. Wm. L. Auxl, Papaw llama. WM. B. SIMPSON, WITCH REFIIIEL Shop Boyd t Webdees new bitilifisp, nese door above Seder ft-Stoddard*. TJAVING worked - for . the past nine rare Li. with the most skillful workmen, he feels confident that he can do the most difficult jobs on short notice. All Work Worraotrdlo 6IH lialltfatiin. W. B. Samson has worked for me. for some time, mid I can recommend him as a eirejul And, skilful workman, competent to •do as good work as can be done in the country. and worthy of confidence. Wk. A. CHAMBERLIN. Towanda Juno lath, 1858. Refers to—Wo7l. Elwell, E. W. Baird, E. G. Montayne, E. 0. Goodrich, B. Kingsbury, Towan. da ; B. S. Bentley, L. Searle, C. D. Lathrop, J. Wittenberg, Montrose. • * * *Jewelry neatly repaired on 'short notice. and on reasonable terms. [June 15th, 1858.—tt fillitHß MUM, _ • IFIHE subscriber having purchased JL refitted and newly furnished the It II ' above well known and popular Hotel, is prepared to accommodate the trav eling pdblic and others with all the attentions and conveniences usually found in find-Assn Houses. No effort will be spared by the Pro prietor and his Assistants to make the Hotel equal in every point to any in the country. The Bar will always be supplied,with the Choicest Liquors. The Stables, connected with this House are large, roomy and convenient,avad careful and attentive Hostlers tre always in charge of them. 1.8. TAB - BELL. Montrose, Hari Bk. 180. KEYSTONE A)itIe e HOTEL, mirtL,E. BATCH, Proprietor THIS now and commodious Hotel situated on Public Avenue, near the CourtHonse„and nearly in the centre Of the business portion of Montrose; is now fu ly completed and furnished, and will be opened on Monday. the 17th day of the present month ,for the accommodation of the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels cons4ent that ho is now, prepared to entertain .guests in a manner - that cannot fall to give glemplete flatisactient. The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no es. pense has been spared to render it equal. If not superior to any similar establishment in this part of the State. It is well supplied with all the recent improvements itisi comforts. and obliging welters will 'always be ieadyto respond to the call of customers. The Stables connected with tbie Busse are - Now aid Convenient. The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron. ago of his old friend?, and the public generally. ILATCH. Bronfrose,Septemberttlat, 1858.' ISERIMER ARRANGEM 71 T. NENV RAI LROA DIIOIITE DELAWARE LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAIL. ROAD.—New sad expeditions. bread gnage route from the Nort and West, via Great fiend aim Scranton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoaiing valleys, through to New York and Philadelphia. On and after Monday, April 11th, 1859, trains will be run as follows: . The Cincinnati Ex. Train bound east en.N. Y & Erie R. R. arrives at Great Bend at 6.10 a. tn. and cdnnects with the EXPRESS Train which leaves Great - Bend - Tor New York and Philadelphia at 8.10 a.m Duo at Montrose, 8.45 ~. .Tunkbannock, ' 9.14 " Factoryville,. . 9.48 "- Scranton, 10.35 " ' Moscow, 11.22 " Stroudsburg, 1.26 p. m. " Water Gap, • 1.39 " Delaw a re,(ls minutes to di n e,) 2.04 " ' Bridgeville, 2.35. " Junction, 3.25 " ;New York, —' 7.15 " - 'Philadelphia, - • 8.15 " Passengers from N. Y.; leave Pier No. 2 North River, at • From Philadetphia,leaveWalisut St. Wharf, at 6.00 " Leave Junction, - ' 10.50 - " Due atßridgeiille, 11.37 " Delaware,(lsmin.todinner),ll.s2 " Water Gap, 12.29 p. m. Stroudsburg, 12.41 " Moscow, -- 2.26 " Scranton, 3.10 " Factoryvillo, 8.58 " ' Tank hannock, - 4:15 4 Montrose. 4.53 " Great Bend. 5.25 " Connecting at Great Bend with the Mail Train, west, at Accommodation Train leaves Seian. ton for Great Bend at 8.10 a. m. Arrive at Great Bend, 1140 f. m. Connecting with the Dunkirk Expres wed at 1 to, the Emigrant Train west at 1.53, and the N. Y. Express., east, at 1 66 p. m. Returning. eaves Great Bend at 9.00 p. m. Due at Scrantim, 6.15 " For the accommodation of way travelem the Southern Thvisioe, a (ipasengerear will be at tached to the Express Freight Trains,leaving- Scrantou, at 4.00 a. Cu. Due at Stroudsburg at 10.05 41 ' • - - Junction at • . 2.20 p. m. Returning, will leave Junction at 8.30 a. m. Due at Stroudsburg' at ' 1.06 4 , Scranton at 2.30.0. m. Passengers to and from New lark change ears at Junction—to and from Philadelphia at Bridgeville. For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkeabarre, take L. & B. ears at Scranton. For Jessup, Arehittild, and Carbondale, take the Stages at Scranton. Tickets sold,and baggage check ed through. JOHN BRISBIN, Sap% Ww..N. Jay as. Gaul Ticket Agent --- Scranton, April fn. 3869. • TEE ON= INITIUMM Of TOIITNANIDI6IIOIIIIBITIr. :oat Published Gratis, the Mk Thaumad. AA PEW Wilda on the Rational Treatment without Morruice, aliof Spermatorrhea or Loral Weak. cess, Nocturnal EmiseloosiGetiltatandNerrOus Debility, Premature Decay of the System, hope tunny and Impediment to Marriage g enerally, • BY B. DE LANEY, M. M. D. The important bet that the many Abney complaints. originating in the iinprodenos and solitude of youth, mafbe easily removed turns. our rim:nos, Is hi lids small tract, clearly do. utonstrated ; and the wok* now and ly sueesasful treatment, as adopted by the An folly explained. by means of whkh sow, one Is eaablod to core maw perfectly and at tie leant possilde seat, thereby avokrug all the Tertised noWLiikof the AIM Beatgratis and post Tree ins sealed envelope,. by remitftjpc_put_paid) two postaga.stamps to Dr . IL DE LANEY. 1111 East la Street. New York City. ,VlllOll6 A and soly 1 for • 7 11. Coins. Try it: Also llioyersibit sod Moo Exterminator, sold by. 5. LYONS di lifQN. June 150, '69: Oast alibi anon anal TIM ORIGINAL GIFT 8008 STORE. . G. W. EVANS &OG. THE VI BROADWAY, 477 THE VIM NEWYORZ. FIFTH YEAR. traumas OSA. YEAR. THE FetHamlet Is a partial list of property which will_ b• given to the patchwork. of Books at thet:thint of sale , worth /kw Gold WatchisZnglialrLever,' Patent Lever and Lopince.lll3o,oo to Isloo,oo Silver Wateltes,Patetit Lever, full jeweled, liontingeases, open Ws and eilinder capement, Gold Lockets, Lame size,four gleans, and two glasses with eprings; large awl small-abut with snap, Cameo, Wasik- Florentine, Painted. Lava, Goldstone, Garnet 'and Coral Seta of. Pius sad Drops, Ladies' Gold Guard Chains, Fancy Neck Chains, Chats. tains, • 5,00 to Crew' Fob and Vest Chains, 10,00 to Bets Cameo,Goldatone,Paint. ed, Moss* Garnet, Onyx, Engraved and Plain Gold Sleeve Battens and Bosom Studs, Gold Pencils,with Penklarge. IneVitim and small, Silver Pitmelho,wittiGold Pens, large, medium and smell size, double and single, ena tension wee, Gents' Heavy Signet Rings, Ladies' Gold Chased and Plain Rine, Gents' Gold BasomPins,Clus terr. with Opal, Scarf Pins, Onyx, Garnet, fitc., 1,60 to Rich Silk Dress Patterns,- 22,00 to Cameo, ht osaio, Coral Garnet, Chased lend Plain Oval Bracelets. - 6,00 to Silver and Gold Thimbles, 60 to Gents' Pen and Pocket Knife, 60 to Pearl and Mom*, Porte. tionneiss, Toothpicks, Watch Keys, • Guard Slkies, 1,50 to dold Crouch small; medium and large. 2.00 Ilb '1,60 Besides other Gifts, comprising a _ large and valuable assortment of miscellaneous articles. varying from t 0,11140. The proprietors of the OLDEST ESTAB LISHED GIFT 1630 K STORE IN THE UN!. TED STATES, for the uninterrupted success which has crowned their earnest efforts to please dining the fast four years, would return their sin cere thanks to the hundreds of thousands who have, its past time, seeti Et to bestow their lib eral patronage upon them; and would further assure them. aid the public generally, that their long experience and established capital warrant throb offering greater inducements than ever, end such as are out of the reich of-any similar esuiblishments in the country; and propose, in this. THE FIFTH YEAR of their location in New York. to introduce, NEW FEATURES, ' STILL GREATER ATTRACTIONS. GIFTS of GREATER VALUE and VARIETY! A still Larger sod Better Seleeted Stock of . POCHEAL Commiesions and inducementa to elute and. to agents who are, willing to. devote their time to oar business; SO that three who desire, can have W Gain AHD Boons WITHOUT* 1i010win..414 We shall endeavor to establiab an agent in every town in the United Staten, **that all who will may henefit by our liberal system of trade. We haws aptlinted 6.15. GIENLIRITIIIOII our duly authorized agent for MONTROSE and vicinity, who will receive and forward all orders with attention and despatch. A NEW AND REVISED CATALOGUE, ready for distribution, containing every desira ble bitok, new or old, now in print; and cc knowledged by librarians and literary men to be the moat complete and beet classified ever is• sued, without an excoption.., 600,000 are now ready to be given away, mailed fret to any address, to all parts of the world. It contains all the works on Art, Science and Nat. L ., Philosophical & Clas. oral History. r - viral Works, Adventures, Travels. V Historical end Ilia. &c., A cel Jettisons, -Agricultural and Do. N Poetical,Theological, mastic Economy, i s Religious, Belles Letters Assays, Low e ll edieal, Mason & • Bibles,(Standard Fictions, Biographies, c Prayer, Hymn and Dictionaries. Glee &woks, Encyclopedias, - i 0 Text Books for Gazetteers, • Schools, dr.c., - &c.; And a thousand varieties of pu bli cat i ons in eve. ry department of literature. We sell as low— and, in many cases, lower than—any other house in the country ; and with vim book of the value of one dollar or more, we present some useful Gift, without extra charge. ILE: EVERY ONE CONSULT IRS OWN INTEREST, d bay at, EVANS' Gift Book Store, examine the prices of books, see the beautiful gifts so freely acattarekamong Oar paroa!, and be satisfied thatlhe on ly economical way of buying, books is at NO. 677 BROADWAY,____ TIE FIST ?LICE TO GET TOIJI WKS AID GIFTS '1.30 a. m. LAFARGE HOTEL. BUILDING, WE GUARANTEE PERFECT BAT. ISFACTION. JUDGE'FOR YOURSELVES. Examine our plan of bisiness. Any ;One can - who will. Observe the daily ;distribution of watches, geld and silver; , vest, chatelabe, and guard chainc brace lets, cameo, mosaic, coral, goldstone, garnet and gold sets of pin and clasps; braeeleta; large, me(Bom aid email Axe; rings, ehased, plain and set with stones, omen, goidatone, coral ; mosaic aid en graved etude and sleeve buttons; scarf piss, erosses, gold peas end pencils; gold pens In sliver and moroeeo eases, and a thousand other articles of use and value. A Gift:with every boOk worth from &I to 8100,00. Sendfor a catalogio . $ It will cost yon nothing, and will be valuable as a book of reference, if oath ling more. Address D.W.EVANS & CO. No 611 Broadway, New-York. -1 1 A i I I N. B.—A WO OF EXPLANATION TO those whO have known us under the style of Evans & Co. -The Business located by as at No. 67'1 Broadway, New York City, is tire oldest establisheli house in the country, and Is known world.tiride as the original "Evans & Co.'s Gift Bookstore." Many bare taken the advao. tagi of oar popularity to advertise ander the ,astnettame, to increase their trade-4e protect the few who may be unacquainted with us, we would Mato that we have no connection with an other (lift Book House—and though many ad vertise udder the name of Evans & Co., the fire) entudi. - toted by D. W. EVANS and J. - H. PRESTON. is the diet mad only concern rightfully using tho osms.'"Rot toprevent all confusion in the future, we ahall,use the style of D. W. EVOB & - and all *sons wrongfully wing the appella tion to Oohed thepoblie, wilt homed* to auf. hr the penalty of the.law. D. W. EVAN S& CO. en Broadway. New York. ap.211. ty.l ; MARRIAGE GOMA A NEW BOOK, BY WILLIAM YOUNG; M. V. The meet eine to courtship, love mirilage with the diseasested dentte*patkatatmeity and o= -; , being lights sad gads" of its jop and sorrows, n hopes fates and dtppointments.' tat all minted people. or theme untemplating w and having he hut impedinmet to mar i ried illm iit red this book: let every young man sad woman . 10 the land read this book. his tail of Platas. and dinoloess emus that every CD. sbonTd know: a, littiolutowledge at drat may •aave a work' of trouble in after lira. used fora cope (enclosing Slista. to DR. Wm. YOUNG, y 416 Pidhidelphia. rrournv-41Thi AND PLAIN , 72 J. Ibr Ode by ABEL 'IIJERELL. Aj - rer's Sarsaparilla A compound reutedy, in which we have la bored :to produce the most dreams' alterative that can be mada It is a coneentrated extract . of Pins flarsapsitils, so combined with other substances of still water alterative power sap fts afford an effective antidote Err iho diseases liamparilla is reputed to cure; It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by' those who suffer flout Streams complain ts, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense terries to this large class_of our afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely this -compound will do it, has been proven by exper iment tar many of She worst cases to be found of the following complaints SCROFULA AND...*FIILDCII Coxruncrs, Severtorrs AND Estorrtvx Dement, Duras, Plums. Drorcuss, Unions, SALT IiRECK. SCALD HUD. SYPIULIS AND STPUILITIC AP. sacrtoxs, blintoustar Diszsar... Duettist., Sze- ZALGIA oa Tto Dourouttecx, Desn.m. Drs- PIZALA AND INDIDESTION kloYarentas, Rasa oa Sr. Armsosis Pins, and indeed the whole • class of complaints arising from Detrital or TED Droop. 12410 to 4000 This compound Win be found a great pro moter of bealth,whea taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which feller in the blood at that season of the year. IIY the time ly expulsion of them many rankling diandex are ruwW, in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, sporothemselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores. through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not wasted re do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the 'vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse it when -von Lind it is ob. strutted and 'sluggish. in the veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for • cleansing the blood. Ket.p the blood healthy, 'and all is- well ;bat with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lautng health. Sooner or later something must — po wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and• deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishuig•these ends. But the weld has bein-tignegiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because, the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because man y preparations. pretending, to be concentrated extracts of it, • contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late 'semi the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of thee have-been hinds upon the rick, for they not only contain littlirlf any, Sarnipa, rills, but often no curative properties whatiev er. Daum, bitter and painful disappointment luis• followed the use of the various extracts of Saniaparfila which flood the market, until the name itself is justlydespised, and has become synonymous with imptwition_and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name franc :the load of obloquy which rests 'ujoan it. And we think tie have • ground for believing' it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete 2,10 eradication from the aysteni, the remcdr 4iould be judiciously taken according to directions 'on the bottle. PBErAIIED Av DR. J. C. AYE It & CO. ' LOWELL, MASS. POWs, All per Bottle I Six Bottles for $5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, lies wan, for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of 'Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues., wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughtiut this section, the need not do mare than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it mat be relied cu-to do for their-relief all it has ever hcen found to do. Ayees' CathrtiC Pills, ron TBE cTrius OF r , stireorss. Jan:edict., Dyspcpsio, Indigestion, Dysentery. Foul Stomach,. Cry ypelas, Mortar/a, J'iks, Rheumatism. Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Lircr Complaint, Dropy, Tatter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Farms, Coed, Neuralgia, as a 'Dinner l'ill,• and for Purifying - the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly , and tisy are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family PhYik b - Price Si tentsler lax; Five boxer for $l.OO. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent pers.:eines, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of diem. The Agents below named fur nish Gratis oer AMERICAN Atnswac in which they ars given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be pat off by unprincipled dialers with other preparations they make more profit on.' Demand-Armee. and take no others.. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are for 4-4 e A. TIICRELL, Montrose,l A.'P. MILLER, & Co., Gibson; J. Hos Fonts, Friendseille; Yonnn S. SMITR, Snmmens; las Scorr.l 4 pringville; HAT DEE Ilsormss. New Milford; J. T. CARLIaLt, GI Bench . E. it. Gao*, Glenwood; W. G. TRA Elt. Dimock; &Tots & Moxter. Harford, find all:Druggists. . frob9 1 y EVANS & WATSON, No 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Have now on hand a large assorteaeut of Fire and Thief Proof Salamander Safes. Alen, lion_Doons for Banka and Storee,lron Shutters, Iron Saab, - all makes of Locke, equal to any made in the United States. Five ! Sofei in one Fire. All come out Right THE SALAISANDER SAVES OP PIIILADSLPMA ' AGAINST TUE-WORLD.. - I EVANS St WATSON Have had the surest demonstration in the following certificate that their manufacture of Salamander Safes has at length fully Warranted the representations which have been made of them as rendering an undoubted security against the terrific element - •• Philadelphia, April 12th, 1856. Messrs, kvsus & Warmx.—Gentlemen: It affords us the highest :satisfaction to stato to you, that owing to the' vent protective qualities of two of the. Salamander Safes -which we purchased of you somemonths since, we saved a l arge portion of our jewelry,and all our books,, papers, 41tc.; exposed to the calamitous fire in Ranstead Place, on the morning` or „the 11th inst.. When wo reflect that these Safes were located In the fourth story of the building - we occupied. and that they subsequently. fell -into a heap of burning ruins, where , the vast concentration of beat caused the brass plates to melt, we cannot but regard the preservation of their valuable con - tints se most convincing proof of the great security afforded by your Safes. We shall take much' pleasure in etkommend ingtliem to men of business AS a mire reliance -against fire.. GEORGE W. SIMMONS & BRO., Jewelers, Who hate purchased aix large Safes-since. April 28, '69-Iy. • GIBSON, Nov. 2A 1848. REREABthere have beep some statements - made by me against RZBSCCL A. ICELLEv. sl i t ir whereas said IL A. Kelley ban commenced a sell against me In the common pleas of Sus. quittanna county for trespass on the case, nor for the - sake of a s et tlement of said snit and pan end quietness I maks the' following ac knowledgments: deal I;regret that I ever said anything about aald.Kelley, and at this time withdraw all chaises against her that I have made and:do - not believe her at thisiime to be sub • girl. - • " D. F. BRUNDAGE. A " OSIEFITtAO FOR $10: A HOMESTAD FOR $100; ilso, 11011Et3TEADWFOR 81000 AND OVER., in a desirable, healthy country. t er AGENTS WANTED! Send fora Pam phlet: Address E. SADDER, LAID AGENT. Pore Rona/. Va. SBogßiadtiera apd Factories can be carried on profitably at Ha. mouton. Sell Adret. tiaeraceet of Momenta. Lands. SALAMANDER SAFES. PHILADELPHIA, with content* in good condition A CARD.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers