fashionable society held up its myriad bands aghast. The daughterof old Chelmsford many a music-teacher! Ay;even Alexander Monteith, received hand and heart, glorious dower for a poor tnin'slife;of Ada Chelmsford. - The - old merchant was nearly beside Fiat self ‘sith rage: Indeed, it was rumored that be was seized with an apoplectic fit in conse quence. The lady's relations cast her off with a sneer and a toss of thelead; her father disowned her, and went so far as to publish -the fact.'.ButAda Was as serene, content and contented as ever. Both - bad the power to earn, and, above all, they were supremely hap py with each other. • Could one have look in upon their pret ty borne, With its polished. furniture, and neatest of-ingrain carpets, and beheld them, so.beautifhl, so . loving, and so industrious, -he must hate possessed the heart of a fiend, (if fiends have hearts,) to put, poison in' the chalice of their joy. But such an one was . fottnd • the lip of scandal repeated asbasely t. • malign lie, and the consequence was the loss of several of their best pupils. This was dis cduraging;but they Worked - on, nobly, brave ly, unconscious that tbe old father bad de termined to secure their ruin 'as an offset to what he deenied his dishonor. , It was a wet and stormy night:. At the door of a second. class hotel; two travelers were set down, one of them, the lady, bear ing in her arms an infant well wrapped up. They passed by the group of men sitting in room that served for a ball, and were shown into a small, mean,-but tidy, parlor, where, Kith a spiritless look, the young wife began unfastening. her bonnet and AIM; " Well, I hope they are satisfied, now they hare fairly driven us away. Thank God, they never knew to what" destitution we had corner' said the young man throwing off his thin cloak and t pacing the floor. "When they persecute you in one city, flee ye to another," murmured Ada, smiling, though the pale lip trembled, as it strove to curve into calmness. "I am not discouraged vet," she said, gathering her voice, "oh, no! I trust in God_toosentirely for that, and be- Here this dreadful trial is not for nothing. 0 have soine money, enough to begin on, • thanks to my—poor old jewels."... "Ada, there is but one thing, only one thing that troubles me; did Ido wrong in urging yon,to marry me! .1-fso, God knows I would do anything to repair the injuty." "You may know how much _wrong you have done, when I tell you now, that had I foreseen all that. bas come, I should have put my band in -Yours just as fearless as I did, and said takeme. " ." God bless you; my noble wife!" sobbed , the young man, falling impulsively on his ; knees, and encircling her with the babe in his arms. - . I "Come, no' sentiment, but supper," cried Ada, - dashing aside her own tear!, and kissing dui brow around which the bright Curls clustered. "I'm hungry, and .it isn't romantic a bit to - be hungry." - Smiling, though a suspicions glitter still marked the path of his tears, Alexander left the room. After giving orders, a circular; glaring in conspicuous letters of - red and black arrested his attention. He took it up, and stood reading the - programme - of a cele bratekoiera that 4veuing to be performed for. the first time. . ".Good music, I suppose," be muttered, im patiently: " Well, it isn't for me; I - can't afford such a luxury." He turned, but at that moment a man stepped towards him. He was a rough, hairy looking fellow, standing very erect,and look ing like a burly, good humored butcher. • "I say, sir=!'' and be put his band famil iarly -on the young man's shoulder, "do you remember me?" " Remember you Assuredly Ido not, sir!" was the reply. -; . Well, do you remember this !" • And he lifted a mass of bushy hair, dis playing an - almost triangular square. - - " Why, yes, I think I do,' replied Alexan- -der, smiling.- "But-you- T pardon me—you look so much altered! You have fleshed up, and your—" s • "'You (mean to sayi look decidedly more like a gentleman than the rascal I was then. 'That's all in ..consequence of a good living, sir-L- - good living, and, a good salary, sir. But I knew you in a moment. You were seedy, then, and—begging your. pardon, also, my, young geutlernau—tbe seeds haven't all die appeared. ' What is it! Doing well, or poor ly l• haven't forgotten your sharing your last dollar with me, nor the advice you gave , gave me. But I,em stopping too, long. Do yen . remain ;here ! Anybody with you! 'Wife and! - child—aba! Well, I'll see yoil to-inorrow;"_ and be thrust his band in his pocket. "Here' are two tickets; I'm principal bass, and, let me whisper h, five thousand the year round. Good-bve—hope I shall, see vow there with your wife—and baby, if it's old enough—on ; I believe, they don't take babies there,es a general thing. Good : night ; I'm off!" I A-laiander stood for a moment bewildered. Was this the man he bad saved from a drunk en fight; then lean, cadaverons; po6r, miser able ! .He Could hardly credit the evidence of • his sen.s. But there 'was the scar of the wo.lnd iie,had bound up himself, when it was fresh. 'A glow.2f hope animated face, heart and stets as he returned to his wife and rela teci the particulars of the interview. sbe saw .the opera tickets, and begged him to go. But be could not. • Ile knew she wasyet . weak -and nervous, arid all ber.entreaties hould not prevail upon to leave her alone, even for the pleasure of listening to the grandest mu sic of the acne.,. - Tbe , next' day, according to appointment, came the stout, appallingly.- hairy, but kindly faced Lassieure. - He met the beautiful Ady in the hale back parlor, and without further ceremony, exclaimed, as he took the extended "By Jove, young man, I don't wonder yon married Ger• And now, come, tell me all a- bout yourself,".he said, when the ceremonies of introduction were passed- • "are you rich ; _ or growing rich -I How is it! Pshavr ! mere teaching ; that's not going to be your TOCa tiOD, is it r . . "That is what 1 am destined for, I believe, I unlesg I s can get a situation somewhere as or gani.t." "I'shaw ! pshaw ! well think of it. And now let's to music,, As you didn't go last night, I'll give you the superb solo that I sang; . that's not to say that the execution was so perb,"—be added, and sitting down to the pi ano, be electrified them .with the Wonderful power and beauty of.his. voice. "I wish you sung," he continued, wheeling rapidly around from the little ,old fashioned instrument, and' lacing Alexander-Monteith. "He does sing," said Ada ,; "I have heard very cOtnietent Critics say that his was a most unusually clear and ringing tenor." • "Ile does sing, does be! tenor, too; that's good. •Look" here ;" he drew a manuscript from his pocket ; '"if you can sing that at - sight, your fortune is made." • _ Alexander standing somewhat timidly near i l r, - the basso, sang the air triumphantly. , Glorious!, magnificent : • Alexander, 6 u art tbigreat !" cried Lassienre. "Fling care to the dogs. Look. here r and balancing himself Upon the rickety atool, his beard and moustache working witb astonishing rapidity as he talked, his right forefinger laid on die palm of his left hand, he thus said:"You see our tenor is • blackguard, and his voice, which is considered extraordipary, does not reach the compass of yours. He gets drunk, too, and once or twice : haa pores .before the public in that state:. That is not thri.woist of his failings, he's a dog! be is everything that's dirty, low and repulsive. Now, if I offer a substitute, he's sure to take. I'm a prime favorite with oueprince of a leader, aid if be could find a voice to match his, be would en gage it in a minute. Courage-my Alexan der! Go to old Boswell, 'Saw biin this morn ing. Stop, I'll take you there. A few less ons from bins will put you right up. .Come! He owes rue sixiy dollars. I'll take it out in your 'notes,' eb I" and the great basso laugh ed till his chest heaved like ajelle: ." So tempting an offer was not to be refused. Alexander ter:treed the eommeodation of the professor, and before two months had. rolled away, was preparing to take his roll among the musical celebiities that comprised . the company. i His first appeanince was a succera. Th e extreme beauty of his countenance and figure rendered him popular on the instant, and his magical voice completedllhe triumph: News -papers were full of praise.; the city rang with his name. The new tenor became& lion, and henceforth gold poured into hits etspty coffers. It did not, bapily, turn his brain, to be thus applauded, ai it might that of a weaker man. He cared not for the applause, for were eyes at htune and a sweet smile waiting for him of m+ worth than all their gilded praise. Neither did they launch out into extrava gance, Alexander and his sweet wife Aa. They took a neat house and made it honk like, saving more than half of the precious earnings that. were to make them 'independ ent yet. _ •My dear, would you like to hear the fam oua.tenor to-night I' asked the•old merchant, Chelniesford, one day, at dinner. 'ls be sometbini very superioi asked the lady. •Oh, immensely 1 Everybody is talking about him ; he is not only an extraordinary singtr, gut a great composer also. Ile is a great man, this Monteith: Monteith I that is the nape of—' 'Yes, yes, I know, no need of refreshing, my memory, the name exactly, lint not the man. They say this one is an Italian refugee of noble - fandly,tand really - a very clever, dud quite a wondeiful fellow. Besides, be is very rich, and lionized immensely. Judge Cosh ing gives a great entertainment' to-morrow in Lis favor. He is getting out a splendid , opera, lam told, hti must be a very busy man. You would like to heaubint, no doubt. 'Oh, verimuch !' said Mrs. Chelmsford. %By the way, Chelmsford,' said Judge Cush. ing, as they were leaving the grand audience room, I have got up-an impromptu dinner for to-morrow. As it isis sodden affair, you will not-take a late invitation amiss. May I hope also to Nava the bonor of Mrs.. Cbelms ford's - company ! Our great tenor is to be there, and his lady will come with him. As I am a poorllvidower, you know I must have a few ladies to entertain M rs. .. Monteith. told she's as splendid a woman as be is man; that her. connections are aristocratic, that she also is a great musical genius, sad assiits her husband in . writing his new opera. May not I count upon Mr. and Mrs. Chelmsford The lady was delighted, Mr. Chelmsford chuckled secretly. It was an invitation to dine with the leading lawyer, the distinguish ed judge, so of course they went. As Mrs.phelmsford entered, several ladies conferred - together,and as she thought looked towards •her in a curiously suspicious nay. Everybody was in raptures with the tenor,the `dear, delightful man,' and Mr,.Chelmsford, who bad never seen the husband of his daugh ter, flourished magnificently on an introdue tion. 'Was overjoyed to make his acquain tance, hoped he liked America, hoped that the climate agreed •with him. Oh! there was nothing too delicate and flattering that be could say to him. But where was Mrs:Monteith 4 he hoped he might be introduced to the lady. There was a singular smile wreathing the proud lips of the handsome Monteith, as he spoke to a lady- near. The smile grew intense as, a moment after, Mrs. Monteith, radiantly beautiful, and•magnifloently attired, was 'pre sented to her own father. There las a bash all through the room. The old.merchant flushed, grew pale, fidgeted, was about to retreat, bat thought better of it, and ended by exclaiming, 'You wicked girl! you've got ahead of your oldfather; this time. Well, I'll acknowledge that you knew best, after all. • Somebody iaid 'three cheers,' 'and- though it was in the fashionable drawing-rooter oran upper ten residence, three cheers were given, upon which Ifni. Chelmsford,-to add a dram atic efkct to the character of the scene, fain ted away. It was - enjoyable and immensely enjoyed, too. Had the, tenor been mottling bat a ten or, most assuredly the viho:ething would have. been voted ridieulowybut he was rich and a musical author; They did not choose to re member that Monteith_hdd been once but a struggling music teacher. Well, the parties became reconciled, after. alashion. Of cows., Ada could never love her step-mother, aid her step-mother never forgave her success, but Ada's csrraige, once a day. stopped before her father's house. And now Alexander Monteith and Ada, his char ming wife, are in Paris, and so is the broad chested, long bearded, honelt and grateful Las.ieure. Alexander is winning laurels that • will not die; andlis wife and her lama); share in his honors: It is a fine contrast, rather perhaps, T should say, a strong one: Alexander Monteith stand ing at the broken steps to seethe effect of his new sign, and the great, celebrity loved and quoted by thousands admireii byall,the world. REMOVAL. G. F. FORDHAIII - Ur AS remoi-ed his shop across the street, to 1.1. the building one door below Keeler do Stoddard's,-which he has fitted up expressly fer a' Saddle, Harness and Trunk Shop, whire-may be found all kinds of from the the beaviest team, to the • lightest trotting harness, and a general easorment of trimmings, - which will be made up or sold very low. • • Carriage 'Trinuidags: A good assortment. on hand, which will'be sold very low; all trimming done cheaper than else where. OAK , LEATHER on hand, frinn which hirnessei will be madband_ warrantee. * * *Customers will please bear in mind"thatl wish to settle up once a year. Those having unsettled accounts, or notes due, will oblige by settling or making payment without farther delay. - G. F. FORDHAX Feb. 24th, 18591 , Montrose, Pa. DR. JOHN, W. COBB, - PIETBICIAN &SURGEON. Montrose, Pa. . Office on PubliC Avenue, oppoeitn flearle's Hefei March I st, 1859.—tt - IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS. rosiisusa DT D...IMETON CO., 016 and NIS Broadway, New York. THE foll`ewing works are sent to subseribers in any part of the country, (upon receipt of retail price.) by mail or express, prepaid: The New American cyclopedia: A popular Dictionary of Deneral Knowledge. Edited by Gto. RIPLEY, and CHAEES A. DAB*, 'aided WS" numerous select corps of writers is all brioches; of Sciences, Art, and Literature. This work ia being published in about 15 large octavo volumes, each containing 750 two-column pages. Vols: 1., IL, 111., IV & V. are now ready, each containing near 2,500 original articles. An additional volume will be published once in about three months. Price, is Cloth, $3 ; Sheep,.s3,so . ; Half Het. $4; Half Russia, $4,50 each. • • The New American Cyc!opiate is popular without being--superficial, learned but not pe dantic, comprehensive -but sufficiently detailed. free from personal_ pique and party prejudice, fresh yet' accurate. It is a complete statement of all that is, known upon cvery important topic within the scope of human intelligence. Every important article in it has been specially written for its pages by men who are authorities upon the topics of which they speak. They are re. quired to- bring the subject up to the present moment; to state just how it stands now. All the statistical information is from' lie lams: re. ports; the , geograpldcal accounts keep - pace with the latest explorations; fftstogleal matters include the freshest just views; the biographical notices not only speak of the dead, but also of the living. It is a library of itself. Abridgment of the Debates of Con gress: Being a Political History of the United States, from the organization of the first Fed dial Congress in 1789 to 1856. Edited and compiled by Hon. THOMAS H. BEszon-from the Official Recprds of Congress. The .work will be complete& in 15 royal octavo volumes 01750 pages each, 11 of which are now ready. An ad ditional volume will be published once in three months. Cioth,•s3; Law Sheep, $3,50; Half Mor., $4; Half Calf, $4,50 each. A WAY OF PROCURING THE CYCLOPS. DIA OR DEBATES. - Form a club of four, and remit the price of four books, l and five copies will bo sent at the remitter's expense for carriage; An - for ten sub. scribers, eleven copies will be sent at our ex• pens() for carriage. _ TO AGENTS. No other tworks will so liberally reward the exertions of Agents. AN AGENT WANTED :N TIM Conlin . . Terms made known on appliea: lion to the Publisher. Army 1459.-0. a m. tE • - SALAMANDER SAFES. EVANS & WATSON, No. 26 SOUTH FOURTH. STREET, . PHILADELPHIA, Hare now on hand a largo assortment of Fire and Thief. Proof Salamander Safes. Also, Iron Doors 'for Banks and Storea,froo Shutters, Iron Sash, all makes of Locks, equal to my made in tho United States. Five Safes in one Fire. All come out Right - with contents in , ood condition. TOE SALAMANDER SAFES OF POILADELPIOA EVANS & WATSON Have had the surest demonstration in the following certificate that their manufacture of Salamanderi Safes has at length fully warranted the representations which have been made of them as rendering an undoubted security against the terrific element t' Philadelphia, April 12th, 1856. Messrs, ,Evois 3e WATFON.-- .- Gentlemen: It affords us the highest satisfaction to state to you, that owing to the very protective qualities 0f...tw0 of , the you Safes .which we purchased of you some months since; we saved a large portion of our jewelry,and all our hooks, papers, &e_, exposed to the calamitous fire in Ranstead Place, on the morning of the 11th inst. ' • When we reflect that these Safes were located in the foirth story of the building we occupied, and that they subsequently fell into a heap of binning ruins, where the vast concentration of heat caused thetrass , plates , to melt, we cannot but regard the preservation of their valuable contents aslmost convincing proat of the great security afforded by your Safes. - We shal) take much pleasure in recommend ing them to men-of business as a sure reliance against fire, GEORGE W.-SIMMONS & BRO., Jetcelers, Who have purchased six large Safes since. April 28', 159-1 y. DFNTAL , NOTICE. IFF or O t it he D pur h po u se loca .of earry ttiolll n mse o l n t D f the DENTAi PRACiiCE 111 its branches. carryin g is now ready to attend to all calls in his profession with promptness, and will endeavor 55 give entire satisfsetion. All operations WARRANTED. OffiCo over Chandler's store. Sept. 15th. 1858.-41 FRESH ARRIVAL ! TfiE undersigned would respectfully art • nounce to the publielhat he has lust re -ceived a supply of • 'GROCERIES among whirl' may be found the very best of Sugar, Molasses; Syrup • Tee, Cope, &c, &c, at prices to suit the times, Tot ready pay. Don't° mistake the place,tint call at the basement of the 14E*WtOSEHOTEL, where your humble servant carries on a general SALOON.& GROCERY BUSINESS, and where the- public may always rely upon Raving their wants attended to with promptness and fidelity. • 0.3 t. CRANE. Montrose„April -20th. KEYSTONE HOTEL, At Montrose, Penn. WM. IL BATCH, Proprietor. HIS tUm and commodious Hotel situated T on Public Avenue, near the Court Honse,and nearly in the centre of the business portion of Montrose, is now tuly completed and furnished, and will be opened on Monday, the 27th day of the present month for the accommodation of the public!.and travelers. The Proprietor feels confident that he is now prepared to entertain guests in manner that cannot fail to give Complete Satisilaction. The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no ex pense h\asibeert spared to render' it equal, if not superior tO any similar establishirient an this part of the State. It is well supplied with all the went impiovements and comforts, and obliging waiters will always be readyto respond to the call of customers. The Stables connected with thin- House are New and Convenient. The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron age of his old friehdr, and the public general'''. NV M. ii:IIATCH. Montrose, September 21at, 1858. H. GAR RATT, WHOLESALE AND • RETAIL DEALER IN FLOUR, BRAIN, SALT, &C, NEW NlVORD.—sale Mani, MITI AVILLI,keep constantly on hand ithe best Y braids of FLOUR—by the Seek or Hun dred Barrels--at the lowest , market prices. Also, SALT—by the Single Barrel or Load. • All orders from Merchants and Dealers will be promptly attended to. •Cash paid for Grain, Wool, Pelts, Hides, an4 - all Farmers' Produce in their season. GARRATT. New Milferd, April 2d',1859. SONDAT 'SCHOOL LIBRARIES funtitied - to bttier by J. LYONS & SON. June let, 1869. NEW GOODS. .1111 , cretrus et .A.ll Bll, NO. 2 ODD nuovar wax, BLIMEADITON, ... ISE: HE subscribers have this 1-week returned from New 0 N_C , '7/1 York with a fall and corn. plete assortment of Gold and Silver Watches , Jewelry, Sil. ver and Plated Ware, Cutlery, 's) TU. and FancyGoods—Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Bracelets, %Vetch, Fob, Vest, Guitritand Neck Chains, Gold, Silver, Steel an d- Plated Spectacles, Fans, Coral Necklaces and Armlets. Ice Pitcheits, Pocket Knives, ISciasors, Gold, Silver, and Steel Thimbles, Sleeve But tons and Studs, Porte Mom:sties, Combs of all kinds, Gold Pencils and Pens, Thremometers. Needles, Spoons, Forks, Sugar Baskets, Salta, Cups, Tea Sets, Waiters, Soup Ladles, Molasses Pitchers, Card 'Baskets, die. &c., to which they would 'reaps:Acuity call the attention of their customers. As their goods were purchased for cash, they are confident their prices cannot fail to be satisfactory, as they determined not to be undersold by any. 'EVANS & ALLEN, No. 2 Odd 'Fellows' Hall. Binghamton, June let, 11359. . ICEINIONIR. SECO. WOULD respectfully solicit the inspection of a new and very rich assortment of .DRY GOODS this day received, consisting in part of as follows: Rich Black Moire Antique Silk 18s. per yard; Foulard Silk, nice style, 65. per yard; IticbVlaid Silk, the very neatest patterns, 103. per' Yard; Black Silk, 28 inches wide,-from Is. to 12s. per yard; splendid Black Silk Shawls from $8 to $ll, the finest assortment in Swig's Co.; nevi invoice of Ginghams, at very low prices; also of Calicoes; large stock of Denims. Mixtures, Plaids, and Lawns; Printed Shawls from Is. to $5; Brocha Shawls from $5 to $25; Collars from 6 ets. to 205.; Parasols from Bs. to 245. each; Bonnet, a large stock; Ribbons and - Flowers also a new invoice of Gents Shoes—Congress, Eliamelled and Calf Skin; Ladies Congress Gai ters, Kid and Enameled; Misses Calf and Enam elled Boots; Children Paiodi Boots, Gaiters and everything in that sine. They would attention to, the fact that having an arrangement with one of tho Largest Importing Houses in New York they will receive regularly New Styles as fast as they appear in New York, and will take the greatest pains to please all who call and see and wish to purchase. Particular attention paid to procuring fine goods—in every style. - A new lot this day received, and would re spettfully solicit an examination of the same Good Tea at 35., city priccs, also at 4s. ss. 6s. 8s GAMS. EOFFEC---Java, Rio and Ground Coffee, SA LERA TIUS.-James Pyle'sjtabbitt's Med icinal, and Ex.xlsior, &c. NAILS . , and also a new stock of WALL PAPER and WIN. DOW PAPER,thia day received. FARR• ING TOOLS of the most approved patterns. Gold Band, Shaded, Woe Band, and all the new styles, as fast as they appear in New'York. FLOUR constantly on hand. SALT by the barrel or sack. PATENT-MEDICINES, GLASS, and evelything else you wort. IL KENYON JR. & CO Lawsville Centre, Pa., June Bth, 1859. THE 8:6611E1 187111312TEM OT YOUTH AND MATURITY Just Publisbed Grath', the 25th Theiwand. afi A FEW Words on the Rational _ .Cl. Treatment without Medicine, of Sp_ermatorrhea or Local Weak. nesa, Nocturnal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of the System, Impo. teucy and Impeditpent to Marriage generally, BY B. DE LAN,EY, X 1.1) The important fact that.the many alarming eo,mplaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youth, map be easily removed. wax- Otri MEDICINE, is in this small tract, clearly de monstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure HIMSELF perfectly and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the ad vertised nostrums of the day, . Sent to any address, gratis and post free ins sealed envblope, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps to Dr. B: DE LANEY, 88 East lat Street, New York City. [fl7yeqp. MARRIAGE GUIDE. A NEW BOOK, BY WILLIAM YOUNG, M 2 D The secret clue to courtship,Jove .:41; 1 11. & marriage with the diseases inci• ::frat dent to youth, maturity and old age; being lights and shades of married - :;:i",seW life, its joys and sorrows, hopes *iiW fears and disappointments. Let all married people, or those contemplating marriage and having the least impediment to married life, read this book. Let every young mound woman in the lana?read this book. It is full of Plates, and discldseitsecreta that every one should know: a little knowledge at first may save a world of trouble in after life. Send for a copy (enclosing 25cts., to - DR. Wm. YOUNG, ap2B y] 416, Philadelphia. TEETH. --- GUM AND PLAIN TEETH ler sale by ADEL TURRELL. THE NEW ERA! SPRING & SOME GOODS, at Great Bargains.--Beady-Pay and Small Pratte mi.mittrt.rtirroxi Inow receiving - a full and Choice Stock of Spring and Sommer Goode., including a great variety of Rich. Prints in now styles, Gm hams, Brilliants,Plain and Fancy Lawns,Challis, Robes, Silk Dress Tissues, and Barages,Black and Fancy Silks, Poplins, &c.; with a superior assortment of Silk, Broche, Cashmere and Stella Shawls; Mantillas { Parasols, Rich Ribbons, Bonnets and Flowers, Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, Summer Stuffs, Ike., with a large assortment of other Staple and Fancy Goods,, as usual in Groceries,Crockery, Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Stoves, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Clocks, Carpeting Floor Oil-Cloths, Wall Paper, Painted Window Shades, &c. The entire Stock.being large and bought for Cash, will give superior opportunity for choice selections, and, in accordance witk the. spirit of the times, will be sold-for Beady Pay, 10 to 23 per amt. below Regular Priem An examination of the Goode and Prices will be Inund,profitablo to those who wish to bay., Flour& Salt constantly on hand. New.Milf,ati, May 4th, 1859. NO'l'lc EL • CZPLIB would'respectfully announce to the . public that he may still be foind at the old stand, fully prepared to attend to the wants of the community. He will keep on hand alood stock of - • 131-ricooerleasi SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, FRUIT, FLOUR and, SALT (I the sack or barrel,) FHB, and all articles foun din First Class Grbeeriea. - He veould rtrticularly call the attention of Farmers and others to the fact that he is constantly receiving fresh supplies of FIRST RATE FLOUR, also good and medium qualities, which will be sold RIGHT, for ready 'pay, in quantities to snit the j)urchkiter. Montrose, Feb. 21st 1859. - HEAR YE! HEAR YE! 111 IFERSOIS. L • B L :34lll.V.T.CoL,oretacnertZsSikre'eligulatri: for Valls, Einnenlda, Cotton Yarn, Carp e t (i Warp, Band Bozet and Bonnet Boards, at new suP. ply of Gaiters. Corn Starch and Topic° for puddings. Cheap at 11. C. TYLER'S. Montrose, June Bth, 1869. ) C#' / 4610 - / . „ 04.0,00. PAYS FOR AFOLL_COUHSE s IRON 'CITY 'COLUGE, the largest, most - estensively^ patronized and . • beaVorganized - 64, , E5C11E42.14,1 00111110.11 IN THE '= • ltll2.l.tecl Eitettenc 357 (stubents attenbing .MARCH, 1E159. Usual time to cow:pie:telt lull-Course from 6 to 10 weeks. Every Student, upon 'graduating, is gtiaranteed to be competent to manage the Books of any Business; and qualified to elan a salary of from $5OO TO - $.1000.. Students enter at any dine—No Vacation— Review at pleasure. Si3Poreanimixus FOR BEST PENNMANSHIP AWARDED IN 1 IS 13 • of Moisten' Sons received at half price. .'.'For Circular and. Specimens of Writing, incluse two letter stamps, and address _ F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa. April 1.0141 80.— t. sep. 9.* VIEW FIRM. Siour;Str4 frTrobisien store, At MONTROSE, Pa., ONE door below J. Ethridge's Drug Store, Itir on Public Avenue, where will be found constantly on hand a general assortment of GROCERIES Such as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Coffee &c., Also the Choicest brands of FAMILY FLOUR , Meal, Lard, Pork, Hams, Fish, Candles &a. We s6licit a share - of the public patronage, and pledge ourselves to do the fair thing, hoping by each bargain to secure another. BALDWIN & ALLEN. ALFREWBALDWIN. . WM. L. ALLEN To 'race TRAVELING AGENTS. WE WANT 50 to 100 YOUNG MEN, with a cash capital of from $5O to $lOOO. each, to purchase our Goodi, consisting of •Watches and Jewelry, and to dispose of them in all the cities and towns throughout tho United States and Canadas. Some persons who purchase of us are making from $5,000 to $lO,OOO per year, sellingat anction,in the various towns & On receipt of tho Cant, we will send by mail to any address, the following articles, as samples of our Goods: , • 6 Fancy Gold Finger Rings assorted, for -$4 6 " h " " better, for 6 6 " Gent's Breastpins, assorted, for 4 6 " .. u better for 6 6 - " Ladies' " M. for 4 6 , I. 411 U better for 6 6larger for 9 I Set. Cameo Pin and Ear Drops, for. - 3 " . for . 5 1 Set Gold•atone Pin and Ear Drops, for 3 I Set Mosaic " ' for 3 I. Set Gold fancy" " for 4 I Set " . " for 3 1 Pair Gold Richly - Chimed Band Bracelets, 6 I"" • " 8 1 " Fancy Cameo Bracelets for - - 8 1 6' Ladies' Fancy Cud' Pins for • 1 6 Sets Gold Gent's Bosom Studs, fancy for 3 6 " ' " " stone set for 6 " Sleeve Buttons, engraved, for - 6 " stone setting, for 9 1 Gold Double Locket, fancy, (snap) for - 1:50 1 " (spring) for 3 6 Gold Vest Hooks, for 3 6 Gold,Fancy Watch Keys, for - - - 3. Large size Gold Pencil Caselor - 1:50 New style French Vest Chain for - 200 better for' 3 s " larger for - 5 Fancy Silver Watch, open face, for '7 " . " Hunting Case for - 10 Fancy Gilt Watch, Hnnting.Caae for - 10 " Gold Watch, open face for - - 20 " - " " better for - 25 Hunting Case for 30 • ---- I " better for - 40 Movenients of 'all the Watches described in this list are WARRANTED PERFECT ; and We wish it distinctly understood that the prices given are our lowest wholesale _prices to the Trade and to Traveling Agents. The retail price would be from 00 to 100 per cent. higher. Write the Name, County, and State, in a plain hand, to prevent mistakes, and on tke receipt_of the money, the Goods will be forwarded by the next mail. STENNETT & GLINES, je23 3m w9l Room No. 6, 429 Broadway, N. Y. WM. B. SIMPSON, WATtll RtPIIKER, Shop. in Boyd & Wetoteri new building, - next doorabove Keger d:Stoddaid's. HAVI&G worked for the past nine years With the most skilful workmen, he feel. confident that he can do the moat difficult jobs on short notice. All Work Warrauta to Give Satisfaction. W. B. Simpson has worked for me for s some time, and I can recommend him as a careful and skilful workman, competent to do as good work ea can be done in the country, and worthy of confidenco. Ww. A. CHAMBERLIN. Towanda June 10th, 1858 Refers - to—Wm. Elwell, E. W. Baird, E. D. Montayne, E. 0. Goodrich, B. Kingsbury, Towan. ria ; B. S. Bentley, L. Searle, C.. D. Lathrop, J. Wittenberg, hlontiose. * * *Jewelry neatly i repaired on short . notice, and on reasonable twins. [June 15th, 1858.-2 E FREE EXHIBITION ! MAY 'BE SEAN DAILY, • IT P. LINES! TAILOR SHOP! from er k a. in. to 10 p. my latest lastiousi Comprising the Greatest:Variety of GENTLEMEN'S' gOSTBIYIE r ever presented to the public. s mh24 ; ° 'FILM subscriber having purchased 1. refitted and newlyfurnished the lib above well known and popular Hotel, is prepared to accommodate the tray eling public and others with all the attentions and conveniences itanally found in first-class Houses. 'No effort will be spared by the Pro prietor -and his Assistante to make the Hotel equal in every point to any in the country. The Bar will always be supplied with the Choicest LiquOrs. The Stables,connected With this. Howie are large, roomy and convenient, and careful and attentive Hostler* areaways in charge of them. • " 3.8. TARBELL. Montrose, May 1111 b, 1858. NEWS . OFFICE. m llE New York City Illustrated Newspapers Megazines, &e., du., for mile et the MONTROSE BOOK STORE, by A.-N. BULLARD. ACHEAP and easy remedy for the Piles sod Corns. Try It. Alto Meyers Rat and Mice Exterminatorr, sold by -J. LYONS Ar, SON. Jane 15tb, '59. ,THE BIOMOSE DEMOCRAT. - PUBLD)BYD.TA6B9DA7B At MONIIIOB2, PA.- onus ON PUBLIC AvEsult, orroBingTll2 P.O. Txims—s2 per annum, or ei 60 in Wu:rim Delinquent' aubjectto charge of $1 60 per year, with interest, Discontinuance' optional with the Pablisher until all arrearages are paid.: Adverthiements inserted at .$1 per/quer" of 12 lines ;-25 cents per square for snub insertion after the first three. One square one year, $B, each additional square, $4. , Job Work of all kinds' executed neatly and promptly. Blanks always on hand. , REMOVAL. •• * Attie & Post, Attorneys at .Law, have LA removed to their - new Otrice, a few . -doors south' of Boyd & Webster's corner. Montrose Oct. 25.-3 m - DB. WM. IA- RICHARDSON, WOULD respectfully tinder his Professional Services to the Inhabitants of , , BILONTROME, and its vicinity. - Office over litulford's.,Store. - Lodgings at the Keystone Hotel. Montrose. Oct. 12th. 1858.--4 LAWRENCE, GRIGGS, & MINI BUKT, MANUFACTURER'S, AND J O BBERS IN HATS, CAPS, AND Fling, 2 , 002D,5. Umbrellas, Parasols, and Ribbons, AND ALL MILLINERY ARTICLES No. 46, COURTLANDT STREET, DAN. H. LAWRENCE,) NEW-YORK. Jas. M. GRIGGS, General Partners,, Jae. A. KINGSBURY, H. C. TYLER. Epees,. Partner. [* HENRY B. MoKEAN, ATORNEY and COUIVSELLORatI e AW. Office in the Union - BlockTowanda, Brad. ford county, Pa. Ear Will attend promptly to all . professional business intrusted to him, in this and adjoining counties. De3'Bl3ff "HOBO. AGAIN," • • CZ TrIOSS„, . OFFICE, over Wilson's Store. LODGINGS; at SEARLE'S HOTEL. Montrose, March 10th, 1858-t WM, W. SMITH; - & CO., Cabinet and Chair Manufactur ers, foot of Main Street. Montrose, Pa. JOHN' GROVES, Fashionable Tailor—Shop near the Baptist Meeting House, on Turnpike Street. , Montrose, Pa. DR. E. W. WELLS HAVING peimanently located in Dandall offers his professional services toll! who may require them. Also, keeps conitantly on hand a full stock of Drugs and Medicines, Pare Wines and Liquors for Medical purposes. , [ap7-6m. • HAYDEN BROTHERS, _ New Milford, Peon's'. , Wholesale dealer in Buttons, Combs Suspenders, Threads, Fancy Goods Watches, Jewelry, Silverand Plated Ware t Cut lery, Fishing Tackle, Cigars, &c. &c. Merchants and pedlars; supplied on libera terms. WM, HAYDEN; TRACY HAYDEN JOHN HAYDEN, GEO. HAYDEN. 1 Ike ROW•TA.C.. Charley Morris with hair and holt, Heir sole heir Of this v a s t areA, • And none to haßass me and haiß; Resolved to warßant ev'ry joR Let's hare a rush, I ' s always herE, You'll find me honest, juSt and faiß. * * *Shop No. 3, Basement of Searle's.Hotel, on Turnpike Street. Dr. B. Smith, SURGEON DENTIST. Residence and of fice opposite the Baptist Church (north side) Montrose. Particular attention *ill be given to inserting teeth on gold and silver plate, and to filling decaying teeth. ABEL TURRELL, MOVTROSE, Pd. Dye in Drugs, Medicines, Chemical,, Dye Stuffs, Glass-ware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jew. elry, Perfumery, &c.—And Agent for all the most popular Patent Medicines. - - DR. R. THAYER, Physician and Surgeon, Montrose, Pa, Office in the Farmer's Store. NOTICE. lilt. 'E. PATRICK, JR., would like after a silence of nearly ten yeare,.to appeal tense moral sensibilities ofasery generous pub lic; who have always manifested their sense of appreciation of his usefulness . by exacting- his sertices when needed or thought to be needed, .but who have given no other evidence of grati tude or good will—particularly in the way of 'substantial aid"' as Kasauth would say—that he now desires it s full and entire settlement of all his accounts, also the accounts of the late firm of Patrick & Dimock ; and he wishes further to state that he desires nothing to be cobsidered wrong, it, after a few weeks, the said accounts, remaining unsettled, sho'd be placed in the hands of a good sharp ecllector, and made to account to him.sainething that will buy Oats and Buck wheat. Please notice this and take action accor dingly.—Yours Truly, jan2 E. PATRICK; JR. STRANGE & MYSTERIOUS!! HAT every intelligent man in this coMmu nityy should not know that a new Arrange ment has been made by WEAVER skATHERTON, AT THE STEAM MILL SHOP, FOR CAIRYING 'ON TTIE. BUSINESS OF Blacksmithing, and Carriage-Ironing Atraarir know`thia to. be a fact but for the benefit of the f ew who do not, we would say that we aro pre . pired toiloany work in our line, which may,b9dottosted to as, in the most durable manner, the most approved atyle E nnd in the shortest possible timo. All our work warranted to give good satisfaction. JAMES M. WEAVER, JEREE L. ATHERTON. Montrose, March let, 1859.-6mtf. - S. - all 11- , M(lrfairl VT. Ia.ADA, WHOLESALE • SALT DEALER. 201 Washington-it, (Directly opposito Washington Market,) 'ow' 71"c•x•lx., • STILL CONTINUES' to o f f er to the city and COUNTRY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN -Coarse and Ijne SALT, at the very lowest figures; 40000 sacks and bags, consisting in part of Ash ton's celebiated brand for table and dairy nee: Jef f rey. & Darcy, Brownlow's, dcc. and 50000 bushels Turks Island, Bonarea, Cu rate; St. Übe , Lisbon, Cadiz,lrina, Nantes, dcc.,, all of which will be sold at bargain prices from yeasela, store and storehouses. ' Any purchaser wishing to select from a,gocid assortment will find it to his interest to call. N. 8.--Fine table salt put up in small bags of different:sizes, and conalantly , on band in ship ping order: Also a splendid article or Rock Ground salt, in quart boxes, pit up and for isle by the quantity, in cases of five:dozen each. Now York;April Ist, 1869.--1 y co.* FORDHAA ANUFACIVELER OF BOOTS & SHOES. .1.V.1 Montrose, Pa. Shop over Tyler's Store, All kinds of work made to order and repairing done neatly. jet flyer's Sarsaparilla A Compound remedy, in which we have la. 'bared to produce the most effectual alterative - that can be made. .It is cancattmted extract of Pars Sareapirilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to affgrd an effective antidOte for the diseases Elersapanila is reputed to chre.. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those, who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which' will aecomplialt their cure must prove •-• of 1)RIllesille . service to this large class of our afflicted fellovi-citizens. How toMpletely thia ,•compotutd, will do it has been proven by e x p o: - . invent on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : Scnoruta AND racaorrnoUS CoRPLATRIV, Entrrruras AND El:arms Dlstss=s, triccnc. ",Plarrsa, BLOTCHES, TIT3IOIIIL SALT RGRVIII,: SCALD MELD, STElliLls AND SYPIIILErIev Ar: racnoss,lianctratit. DisEnsE, DRopsr, NEU RALGIAOR Tic Domonnetrx, Deaturr, Dm- PIMA AND Immoral - um ERysIEELAsp Ikea' on Sr.Atrrnosy's Fox, and indeed the what° class of complaints arising from InrcarrY or rite BLOOD. . - This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel , the Soul humors 'which fester in. the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them, any, rankling disorders: are nipped' in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare the:twelves from , the endurance of foul eruptions and Memos* sores, through which the system will strive to rid itiklf of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural elownels i of the body br an alterative inediei.w. sOesose out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob.. structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, stud your feelings Will tell you when., Even where no particular I.l„i , order is felt,. people ,enjoy - better health, aid live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well;. but with this pabulum .Of life disordered,. there eau be no kiting health; Stionei or later :something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is:disordered or overthrown. , Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much ; the reputation' of accomplishim; these ends. But s the world' has been, egregiously deceived by preparations of it,- partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed ' for it, butt nine became many preparations, pretending to be concentrated (streets of it, contain. hut little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. • '; ' During late years the public have teen led bylarge bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla far one-dollar. Most • of these have beim frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa- • but often no curative properties It-Gar-T -er. Ilentie, bitter and painful disappointment his followed the use of the carioussntracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has Lacme synonymous with irorcsition mid client. Still we call this roinpoundDaparilla, and iiitend to supply such a remedy as shall re'ene the • name from the load of el 1. guy' which rests -ution it. - And we think we haci ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diisases it is intend ed to cure. In order to scenic their complete eradication front the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according, to ditectiouls on • the buttle. DR. J. C. Ai" Elt 4: LowEr,r„ m A SS. • Pilee, $1 per Bottle I SI: Bottles for $5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has 'won for itself such a renown for the•,cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely Unr.ceessary few us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use thioughout this section, we need tint do more than assure the people its quality is kenttin to the hest it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Tills, POH THE max OP Costireness, Jaundice, DYsprpsia," Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul '..stoinuch, El yvplas, headache. Itheeditatism, Eruptions and t.:4-in Diseases, Licer Complaint, Dropsy, 'Fetter, rumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, coat, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and for Petrifying the Bletod. They are sugar-cuatrd, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly. and they are the beat aperient in the world fur all the purposes of a family physic. Price 115 cents per Box; Five boxes for $l.OO. Great numbers of Clergymen. Phesicians, States men, and eminent personages, Save lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our spate here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur - nigh! gratis our AXERICAN ALMANAC in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and and the treatment that should be fol lowed fur their cure. Do not be - put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demandt Armes, and take no others. The sick want thetbest aid there is for them, and they should have it. ' • All our Remedies axe for sale by A. TERIRELL, Montrose; A. P. MILLER, & Ce., Gibson; 3. HOSFORD, Eriendaville; Yousn & . Swim Summers; IRA Scorr, Springville; HAY DEN BROTHERS, New Milford;. J. T. CARLISLE, Great Bend; . E. R. GROW, Glenwood; W. H. THAYER, Dimock; Eittos & MOXLET, Harford, and all Druggists. [mh9-1 y OWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent' nstitution,established by special en doueneni for the relief of the sick and distressed, elided with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. THE HOWARD ASSOCIATION,i a view of the aw ful destruction of human life, caused by Sex ual diseases, and the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate- victims of such diseases by Quacks, several, years ago directed their Con sulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE sor worthy of their name, to opens Dispensary for the treat ment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all who apply by letter, With a description of their con dition, (age, occupation, hibits,of life, &c..) and hi eases of extreme poverty, to furnish medicines free of charge, It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most improved modern treatment. The Directors of the Association, in their An nual Report upon the treatment of Sexual Di seases, for the year ending January Ist, 1858, express the_highest satisfaction with the success which has attended the labors of the Consulting Surgeon in the curealf Spermatorrhcea. Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Gonorrhcea,Gleet,Sy pill is, the vice of Ooanism or Self-abuse, &c., and or d4r a continuance of the same plan for the en suing year. . An admirable Report on -Spermatorrhma, or Seminal.Weaknesa, the vice of Onanism; Mastur bation, or Sell-abuse, and other diseases of the sexual organs, by. the Consulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed envelope), FREE OF CHARGE, on the receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Other Reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of sexual diseases, diet. &c.. are constantly being publish ed for gentuitous distiibution and will be sent to the stfilieted. Some of the new remedies an methods of treatment discovered during the last year, are of great value. Address, for Report or Treatment, Dr. .1 SKI LLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, How ard Associatiori, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Phil adelphia, Pa. By , order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL President; GEO. rAIRCHILD, Secy. oc 28-1 ACARD. .Giosox, Nov. 22d, 1858. WHEREASthere have been some statements made by me against REBECCA A. KELLEY, and whereas said 8.. A. Kelley has commenced a suit against me in tbo commove pleas of Sus. quehanna county fer trespass on the case, now for. the sake of a settlement of said suit and pee and quietness I make the following ac- ItOowledgments: first I regret that 1 ever said anything about said Kelley, and at this lime withdraw all 'charges against her that I have made and do not believe her .at this time to be such t girl. D. F. BRUNDAGE. AHOMESTEAD FOR $10; A HOMESTAD . FOR $100; also, HOMESTEADS FOR $lOOO AND OVER, in a- desirable, healthy country. • sllr AGENTS WANTED! Send for a Pam phlet. Address E. BAUDER, Lsso Actsr, jy2l tf. Pure Roye, Va.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers