. _ Vox- Melo. GRASS SEEDI! SEED POTES: PRINACE T AL O BERT. AND PEACH BLOW. - BALDWIN ICALLEN. 31,20 d, 1859. Administrator's Notice THE undersigned having been legally ap: pointid Administrator of the estate of Thomas Gregory Smith, late of Sumprihanna county, deceased, hereby giv,es notice to . 401 persons who have claims against said estate,to present them duly attested, and all, persons m• debted to the same are required to-matte pas . - ..moot. JOHN CAMPBELL, Administrator. - Montrose, May,,lBth. 1859.-6. r. StERIfFS SAIL BY virtue of sundry writs issued by the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna county, and to me' directed, I will -expose to wile, by public ventliie, at, the Cimrt House,"itt Montrose, on Saturilay, the 4th day of June, 1859,.at ono o'clocg, p. m., the following de scribed piece or pareel of land, to wit: ALL that &edam piece or : parcel of land, situate in the township of CliffordiSusquehanna county, State's:A Periusylventa, bounded and de , scribed as follows, to wit: beginning-at a stake and stones on the voriginal line betivern the • Nicholas Yonng and' ames Trimble tracts near the creek; thence)rolith 44' east, 165 1-.2 perches to a stake and stones on the original corner-of aid tracts; thence 46' east, 176 perches to a stake and stones onWhe original corner rif James Trimble tract; thence north 44' west, 165 1-2 per: chers to a stake and stones in the line of said tracts; thence south 46' west, 176 perches to the place of beginning; containing 182 aSrell and 8 per ches, snore or less, together with; the appurie._ nancea,a dwelling. houses, 2 barnsil corn house, rwagon bourse, and other out houses, 2 orzhards,' and about 149 acres improved. • (Taken in exe , cation at the snit of Stephen St. John vs. Solo- roan Artiold.l.- ALSO—AII that certain 'Piece 'oi. parcel of land_situate in the borough of Dandaff, county and State aforesaid, bounded and described as follow's, to wit: on the north by Henry Pruner, on the.east and south by Thoritas Phinney,‘and on the west by'the'p4blic highway, -containing -1 1-2 metes * of land, with the appurtenances, 1 house, 1 barn, 1 carding machine, and all impror ed (Taken in execution at the suit of S. Hutch ison & Co. vs JOhn W. Wells.] ,ALSO—AII that-certain piece or parcel of land situate-in the tp.of Springville and Auburn, county and State aforesad.and bounded as fol lowa, to wit: on the nosth by lands of i. 11. Hall, on the test by N.P. Loomis' on thesenth by Elizabeth Wells, and_ on the west by Levi Avery and Sidney „Warner, containing 91 acres, with the appurtenances ' 1 honse,,l ~barn, and about 40 acres improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of D. B. Turret! . vs. Itharnar ConradA _ ALSO 2 AII that piece or parcel of land sit uate, lying and being irkthe township of CtifforJ, County and State aforesaid,"bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: on the north by lands of Benjamin Ayres and Wm. Coil, on the- east and south by lands of Charles 11. Campbell. and 'on the west by land ef Th 01113.5 Phinney and - the Crystal l.ckc. containing about 200 acres, be tlly.same', more or less, together with_ the op, purienances, 1 dwelling house, I wagon .house, barn, and other out buildine.s, 1- orchard, and, about, 175 acres improved. [Taken in execution Attila Snit of D. N. Lathrop, to the use. of E. Wells vs. Sylvester Johnsos.j ALSO—AII that ,certain piece or-pares I of land situate -ins the township of Great Bend, county and State aforesaid, bounded and do scribed_as follows, to wit: beginningat a point.; in the southwesterly line of the Great tend & 1 CoehOston turnpike, the .southeast rly side of a largechestnut tree, at the corner of land 'hereto ,me conveyed to the:New York &. Erie 'flail Itcatt Company; thence south 51' and 1.3 rain. west, along the lice of said Rail Road Ccmpanr's land 114 feet, or thereabouts, to a corner thereof: I thence northwesterly along the line of said Rail Road Cimipar,y's land 162 feet, or - thereabouts, to-the northw es terly lire of a locu.st tree with 'lwo trunks, abont . :7 feet from said line ?thence north 15 3-4". east, about 213 feet to the line of I said turnpike road; the northwesterly side of a gate pos4 thence south 27' east, along the line of said turnpike 117 4-2 feet to the place' of be.: gigging; containing six tenths of an acre of land, he the same more or less, with the appurtenances. ode large three story tavern house, known as the 'Bryant !douse," with barns, shods,,stabllng, ice house, &c, attached, and ail in irrtrreel.„ ken in, execution at the suit of SuydatuiSead & Co. vs:A. B. Edwards & Ziba Purchasers will-in all cases be required?. tO . -pay, on the day of sale, ati amount sufficient to cover the costs-of sale, Otherwise, the proPer ty will be.re-sold forthwith:* JOHN YOUNG, Sherif ' Sheriff's Office, Montrose, May 15th, 1859. i_.c•csU. at Thin! , • NICARAGUA. - CONTAINS mines of the precious metals be fore which the gold of California. sinks to Insignificance.. A few months s.f..:t'en aiticied effort anaung them is ample to secure a fortune. Phe has a beautiful climate:and a Soil admits lY sdapte4 to the growth of Cetton, Tobacco; Sugar or„ Corso. As the Key to. opriPacific Nese:Worts, and'isith hesgovernment in a state pf dissolution, Manifest Destiny clearly indicates another star to be aided to our banner. For all the details, with a history of the Filibusters, toe Cass-Yriserri treaty, a new and improved map of the country appropriately colored, and ether matters of interest, read NICARAGIJA:; PAST, PiSSEST .asi) Ftrruni, by Peter P. Stout, En., -late United States Vice Consul." It is a handsome 12mo. volume, and will be sent to your address post-paid, on the receipt of the price (1,25). Ag.euts will find it very popular. - Send tc,, ,JOHVE. POTTER, Publisher, • ..204.17 Sanborn St, Philadelphia, Pa. - May 1V1t0850.-2ro.b DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. • THE Copartnership heretofore, eritPog be- Omen the subscribers, under the. firm of ..'• - Post, Cooieer • is this day dissolved by , mutual consent. Out standing business will by settlod by Wu. Husx : =cc, COOPER. ISAAC L POST, HENRY DRIER: • HCNTTI COOPER. Montrose, Perin.,"April 30th, 859. . • , . COPARTNERSHIP. , rr HE undersigned have this day formed . a 1 Copartnership uuder,the firm and style of CoOper, de , Co, fur the purpose of transacting a Baaxixu Ex- CIIAtpE stn COLLECTION BUSINESS in the Bo rough of Montrose. Wsf. HUNTTING-COOPEIi, HENRY - DRINK ER. • Montiose, Penn., May 2d, 1852. SisLOOK HERE . ! SI A LL ye that want to buy GOODS Azir Fon _173.. CASH, call ay.the Store of I. LYONS & SON; Montrose, where you em get 25-yardel_of Calle° for -; - 111 00, .goodDelalot,for: eJ 00, 10 " Gingham for - ->gi 00, 16 " Sheeting for - 00. 14 lbs. of Boston, Soda or Sweet Crackers for - 81.00, 4" of good Tea for - -7 $1 00, 12 " No. 1 Mackerel for -„ • $1 002 . Ladies' Gaiters for 62 cents;. with a gene s ral assortment of Goods curai. - 11180 Melodeons, Guitars, Violins„ rites, Oitite,i," Sheet Music, dtc. dac. Fresh Fluid just received and for id° If Bay, 1659. .1. LYONS & SON. Notice•••=Rer.. A. 0. Warren will pinata in Alec:arose, next Blindly, at l0:30 a.. ID., mud t‘c,e Brallley &ban! House, at 2.30 JIIBT;CES' Dunning Letters, Warrants, Sublimes, Summonses, Executions, Attactunents, ',Constables' Sales, Deeds, Notes, and other Blanks, always kept on hand at this office. BLANES printesi to order.- "ALL THE YEAR ROUND ." DICKENS NEW WEEI4y... . • . IXT,E, have the pleasure of arinouiacing that .wehava entered into arrangements with CHARLES .DICKENS, for the issue ;of his new publication .cniitldd "-ALL rum YEAR 'Ronan," each week, in New York, simultaneously with its issue in London, plates 'being taken from the Eoglish edition, and forwarded to us suffi ciently in advance of. publication forkthat pur pose. The &rat number - will appear- fn London and New York on Wednesday, Ifay 4th, and will.contain the commencement of anew story by Charles Dickens, to be continued 'from week to week during about eight months. Thus It will be seen that Ameridan readers of "All the Year 'round," will obtain the sto ries- and other contributions of lifri Dicxxas, and the sLaff of writers associated with him,Cm. - bracing as array of distinguished *lent with which no othe publication can compare, several weeks in advance of their reachir:gthialcountry . through ordinary sources, and at - the tame time they are given to the. piiblic in Londeli. We vitt state that this arrangement has sum consummatettby the payment of a large sum of money to Mr. Dickens, yet tho exeraordinary interest which the announcement of the publica tion has excited in literary circles, thelassu ranee • that Mi. Dichens, has given that ho shall devote to it. all his beat energies, and the lippearauco Oa new story from his pen, cannot fail to' cote mond for it at once a large circurctiOn i t , announcement from lifr. ens wilt convey in idea of tho chaiictir. and aims of the work: i • - • A DDRIESS., • Nine : Tears lioasehßld itrvrds are the best • assurance that can be offered to the I public of the spirit and objets of "All the Year Round." transfering myself, and my strongest en prgieh, from the publication that is_ atiout to be - discontinued, to the publication that ill about to be .begun; I have the happiness of taking with me 'that staff of writer'S with whom I have labored, and all the literary and business coroperation that can make my work a pleasure. I In some Important respet!ts, I am .now free gretly-te ad vance on past arrangements. Those I teave, to 'testily for themselves in due course. I r That fusion of the graces of the iniggination with the realities of life, which iY vital to the welfare of any community, and for which I have striven from week to week as honestly as I cowl] during the .last nine years, wilt continue to be striven -for, "all the ,year round."- The v.vekly cams and dutiessbecoine things of the PaSt, merely,to be as,bmed, with an lincreased love for them and brighter hopes sprigging out of them, in 'the Present 'and the Future. • look and plan for it very much widereirele of readers, and cut again for a steadily:expanding circle of readers, in the projects I hope to carry through "all the. year roupd," And 1 feel con fident that th's expectation will be rea ized, if it deiterres realization. II - The task of my new journal is set, and it will steadily try to work the task out. .tit pages shall show to good purpose their mitt°. is-re membered in them, and with how mudh fidelity. and earnestness they tell Tit STRIPY OF OUR LIFER FRONT YEAR T i O YEAR. . • CHARLES DICKENg.- - TERMS: Single Copies by all Newa Dealers, l oft cents. One Copy One Year, per mail, (52 No.) $2,50 One Copy Six 31onths,. per mail, (26 ? , lo.) 1,25 Five Copies One Year, per mail, 10,00 Eleven Copies One Year, per niailj 0,00 and at the same rate for all over. , • bt in also be issued in m'outhlr parts, put op in :eleiant tinted corers, at 20 es - uti each, and by the year on the same terms.as'above. Bark numbers alwqs furnished wh4deaired. Specimens will bo forwarded to any address, post paid,- on receipt of two letter stamps. 1 lERS9IIF .11 , 4 . x ; .Publishing. Adepts, =4I;SIMMI NEW GOODS FOR TIE iSPRING OF 1859! -AT I- YOUNG & SMITH'S' - ' . Suinmersville, Pa. IVE take this opportunity of exercising our thanks to our customers and the public generally for their liberal patronage during the past year, and will add that we shall endeavor to merit a continuance of the alma by famishing 2 . . Cur CO 0 IC) IS in the same way that-we have heretofore done, that is, at the very lowest possible prices. Hav ing just returned from tho C'l T T we would incite the, atteotion of the public to the LARGEiGr AND RODSOME C:I ASSORTMENT I:I.. OF • CIO for the spring trade, comprising almoSt every thing that can be found in a Country; Store, amongst which we will mention the fallowing: A large lot of those Small Figured, Park. and Past Colored Prints al;6 1-4 cents per yard. A lot of those heavy Brown Iluslins always on band: Brown Sheeting and Shirting constantly on hand and for sale at the most reasonable pri ces. A large lot of Merimack, CoehecO, Allen, Sprague, Donnell, and other Prints Spring` Styleer--for sale at the same low prices !at which we have -sold them during the past yeari--Bpring Detains and Challies, very handsome and cheap. Cloths, Cassimers, Satinetts, Jeans, yestings, Ac. °A iiiiod assortment of Bond Strires, Cot:. tonades, Ducks and Linen Drills, for farmers' wear, - Denims, Striped Shirtings, Cheeks, &c. Ready-Made Clothing constantly on hand. . ' • - • Crocke ry and Glass Ware, a l lare as sortment of tho best- quality of.WhitOranite Ware, just received and for sale by the bet or In lots:to suit purchasers.. • I JIM and Caps, Boots and' Shoes in endless variety. • -, I Cedar Ware, Tubs Churns, Trays, Buck ets, Pails, Ladles, &e. Groceries as usual at lowurat r mark. Teas at astonishingly low figures. • Water risn: FISII 2 2 FISII: ! 2. • Mackerel in half barrels, quarter LIB. and, kits, warranted full weight or the money. ieturned. Shad and White Fiab.also on hand. . Salt by the barrel, Baal or bushel. j Panne and Oils of nil lends.. All kinds of PRODUCE taken itterchinge for Goods at the Wiliest market priees.l Wo solicit an examination of otir stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. . . • • YOUNG & S3pTLI April 26th, 1859.-msw6. FRESH ARRIVAL ! rpHE undersigned would respectfally an t nounce to the public that •he .fias ljust-re ceiied a supply of . • GROCERIES„ among which may be found the very best of.: Snot; Molisseg . Sp* Tea; , at prices to.snit the times, for.readv pay. Don't 'mistake the place, but call at the basement of the. .. . - tirro ROVIrAL, where your humble servant carries' on a general . • SALOON I GROCERY BUSINESS, and where the public,aray. . always : rely upon having their wants attended to with pr i F t tg i tness and gdelity. ' 0. 31. C E. . Montrose, April 20th.. ' - Medical Copartaershfg TIES. A.C.BLAKESLED and P,E4RUSii 1/having associated themselves - ,neder the name of Blakesiee & Broth for. Ihn proseen. thin - of the duties of their profession, respect filly offer their ' professional aenicei Ito the "Invalid Public." !. a . f• Office at the residence of Dr. Blakeslee, =dd. o x. way between the villages of Dix it' .and . and Springville. ' "A. C. 1114AK4,§ .. April - -20, 'fb9— Iy. A. 11: BRUSH Gifti THE 07 all' Gifts! Gifts! al IRIGINAL GIFT BOOK I). Mr. EvANs & CO. THE 'I 677 BROADWAY,- 677 THE FIFTH - NEW-YORK. FIFTH YEAR. ESTABLISHED 1854. YEAR. rrHE following is a partial list of •property tvbieb will be given to the purchasers of Books itt the time of sale: worth from Gold Watches;Eoglish Lever, . ••• • 'Patent Lever and Lepines,s3o,oo to $lOO,OO Silver Watchea,Ratent Lever, full jeweled, bootleg eases, open face and cylinder es capement, Gold Lockets, Largo size,four glean% and ' two glasses with springs, large- and • small•aize with snap, .2,50 to Cameo, Mosaic, Florentine, ' Painted, Lava, Golditooe, Garnet and Coral Bcts of , Pins aid Drops, , 45,00 to Ladies' 'Gold Guard Chains, Fancy Neck Chains, Chate laine, •• • 8,00 to Gents' Fob arid Vest dbaine, 10,00 to Sets Cameo,Goldstone,Paint ' ed, Mosii3, Garnet, Onyx, Engraved and Plain Gold Sleeve Buttons and Bosom Studs, :Gold Pencils,withPeus,large, ' medium and small, ± • • Silver Pencils,withGoldPel3P, large, medium ands small size, double and single, ex tenigc cues, Geotan-leavy Signet Ritws, Ladies'- Gold Chased and Plain Rings. .' Gents' Gold 21cisorDPins,Clus. ter, with Opal, Scarf Pins, *Onyx, Garnet, ' 1,50 to Rich Silk Dress Patterns, 22,00 to Cameo, slosaie, Coral Garnet,. Chased and Plain Oval Bracelets, - 5,00 to Silver and Gold Thimbfis, - 50 to Gents' Pen and Pocket Knife, 50 to Pearl and Idoroco Porto . monnaies, Toothpicks, Watch Keys, Guard Slides, Gold Crosses, mall, medium and large, 2,00 to 7,50 Besides other Gilbi,.comprising a large And valuable assortment of miscellaneous articles, varying from $1 to $4O. The proprietors of the OLDEST ESTAB. LISHED GIFT BOOK IN THE UNITED STATES, for the uninterrupted success which has crowned their earnest efforts to please du, ring the last four years, would return their sin- cere thanks to the hundreds of thousands who have, in past time,,seen Et to bestow their lib eral patronage upon them ; and would further assure them, and the public generally: that their Intl experience and established capital warrant them In offering greater inducements than ever, and such as are out 'of the reach of any similar establishment in the eountryLand propose, In this, THE FIFTH YEAR of their location in New York, to introduce • •t $W FEATURES, STILL GREATER ATTRACTIONS, GIFTS of GREATER VALUE and VARIETY, • A sill! Larger and I3ettgr Selected Stock of DOOM. Commissions and inducements to clubs and to agents wh, are YFillitig to devote their time to our business; so that those who desire can have Eir GIFTS AND Boos, WITHOUT MOSEr.jEII We shall endeavor to establish an agent in every town in the United States; so that all Who will may bene4 by our bberal•systeth of 'trade. t Ws 'have appointed A. J. GJERIPITSON Our duly authorized.agent for MONTROSE and vicinity, who will reoeive and forward all orders with akteution and despatch.. . A NEW AND REVISED - t'ATAL I )GEE, ready for distribution, containing every desira ble book, new er old,, now in print; and no. hnnwiedged by librarians and literary wen to be the most complete and best classified ever Is. sued, without an exception. are-now reedy tO be given away, mailed free to any address, to all parts of the world. It contane all the works on Art, Science end Nat, , , P hilosophical & this mai Hietory, " sical Works, Adventures, Travels.' Ir.' Historical and Itlis &c., A cellaneous, Agricultural and De.; N Theological, mastic Economy, ; s Religions, Belles Letters,Essays„! ;Law, Medical, Mason &t.., & • ic, Bibles, • ,:Staridard Fictions, Biographies, c',Niger, Hymn and Dictionaries, Glee Books, Encyclopedias .„ 0 ;Text Books, for Gazetteers, , • Schools, &e., Mid a thousand varieties of - publieationsin eve ry department of literature. We sell as low— find, is many cases, lower,than—any other house in the country ; sod with' every book ot the valie of one dollar °more, we present some useful Gift, without extra charge. • r • r-LET EVERY ONE CONSULT HIS OWN INTEREST, And buy at EYANS' /Gift Book Store, ' ,exa mine the prices of:books , se e the ih....autiral gifts so.freely scattered among, „ ,our patrons, and be satisfied that the on rbAClSly economical way of, buying books is at NO. 677 BROADWAY,: „,! • GET LAFARGE HOTEL ItUtt.DINIG, TOUR IWE GUARANTEE PERFECT BAT. BODES • IStIiCTION. • .• JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. AND Te c Examine our plan of business. Any !one ran who, will, Observe the daily_ 13 'tdiatribntioe orwatebes, gold and silver; IT 'vest, Chatelaine, and guard chains; true- EVINS!lets,..-cameo, mosaic, torn!, goldstone; GIFT ',garnet and gold sets of pin 'and clasps; Bon f,bracclets, large, medium aid emall,size; STOlterinP, chased, plain and set with stones, NO. ',cameo, goldstone , coral ;mosaic and en ' 'graved studs and sleeve buttons; scarf' „„ 67 25, crosses, gold pens and pencils; gold , DEMI u?.pons in silver and morocco cases and a r WAY. 'otholsand other articles of use and value., NEW T A Gift with every boOk worth from 50 YORK_ sets to 81. send fora Catalogue. CITY It will cost you nothing, and will be ?valuable as a boob of reference, if noth ting more: Address D.W.EVANS & CO. . • No 677 Broadway, New-York. Il il 9.' - N. 5.—A WORD OF Eg.PLAraNATION TO those who have known usunder the style of Evans & Co. The Business located by us at No. 677 Broadway, New York City, is tbi °ideal established house is the codntrjr, and is 'known worldwide as the original "Evans & Co.'s Gift Bookstore." Many have taken the advan lege •of our popularity to •advertise under the same name r to increase their trade—and though a house' having neither character or name of its own, can hardly claim ;the confideriee of the community—to protect the few who may be un acquainted with us, we would state that we have connection will; any other Gift Book liodse—drid though many adverthie ender the. name of Evans & Co., the firliveonstitnted by .D. W. EVANS. and PIi,,PRESTON, is the first and only cdnaern rightfully using thq name. Bat to prevent Al Confusion in the future, we shall use-thestyle of - A • D. W. EVANS di, . and all persons Wrongfully using the aPpella t tion to mislead the-pnblic, will be made to suf fer the penalty of the law. D. W. EVANS di.• 677 Broadway, New York ly.] -14.-GARRAI7; WHOLEA4TS: DEALER IN ILO* OAK SALT, &C., BIM XCLIOBD...43aIe Boom, PRATT'S Mogi: WILL keep tonstantly on hand the best brands of FLOUR—by the Sack or DIN- Bred Barrels—aot thejowest market pacer. Also, SALT—by the Slagle Bartel or Loa& -, • ; All ordeta from-Derch{sts and Dialers will bepromptly attended to. * . • * l O Cash..pattfpr. Grain.. Wool, Pelts, Hides, and all Farmers' Produce In their season., •., Wow T 4 K-0 116 "'?? . : 1A n ,.1 81 14 9. GAR ' 11ATT. • 4 • iftsi , STORE. Of r z 4) 4 1 40' READY PAY SYSTEM TT is certain that Goods can be sold successful. ly is 'Montrose and at Stmp°lntone llep ot FOR CASH. 13,00 to Thosol'aubtinithia tossiiition tviUac ireU tocatl ' at the stores of • Suttniberg, llosenbautit .. k where it will be proven -that the Merchant in selling his Goods can ~afford to - -selt Cheaper for Cub, and can offer inducementsaufficient to make it au objeet to Purchasers, at whatever sacrifice they artuotrltgodth.maki, to procure the Money to adopt in their- Purchases, the Casa SYWItI.I. We have just received and are constantly re. coicipg, a splendid assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, 3,50 to adapted for this - sessoncand which will not fail to give general antler:teflon. They welt.' per. grurchased under the moat favorable eircumatan eel, and we are enabled and wax offer and sell at'prices far below others that will give and have given an everlasting Credit; nto matter whether it is Tom, Dick, or Har:y. _ - EXAMINE, COMPARE AND JUDGE OUR DRY GOODS!. An assortment brre,toforti unatituded by anything ever offered in Montrose. • 50 to 2,50 1,50 to .3,50 Fanny and Staple' Dry Goodsl Comprising many new and desirable styles of Gouda unknown in this market, among which will be found, in LADIES' DRESS GOODS, All the , novelties of t.its , season, cheap at GTITENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & CO'S ' SHAWLS ! New and choice styles•of Brodie - double and single, Stella, Plaid, Wait, Wm:, and:Mantilla, and a new style of Chenill Shawls, cheap at itttenberg,:goeubanut, Co's- &Inn MAIL An assortment always on hand, also Ladies' Cloth and Trimming to match, of all shades, cheap at 6utttnbtrg, T%osenbanmot: Co t s. EMBROIDERIES! in this Department we can offer great induce ments, as, they are purchased directly from im porting houses. The-assortinent-compriaes Wrench Setts, Sleeves and Collars; Worked Edgings and Inserting, - and a great Many more aria cies belong to this line too nnnsenons go wen- • lion, cheap at GUTTENBERG, 110SENBAU31, & CO'S Bonnets, Ribbons,Flowers and Plumes, Wire , Stiff Net- ' tinge and Frames, at Wholesale and Retail,—ehesp at I GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, AT qrs. Domestic.eiroods ! May be found aIL the different finalities of Plinth, Gingham's: Blene:hed Goods,f;Fino.Unblettelted lifuslins, Ticks, Stripe; Denims, Sheeting, 2 1-2 fds wide, cheap M GiTITkNBERo, ItOStNBAUIf, & CO'S READY Mall HATIN As this.is ore of their PRINCIPAL BRANCHES OF BUSINESS in Now York City, they certainly have one great advantage over nll the rest of Clothiers; "they having one Partner steady in New York city to devote all his time to this particular branch of manufacturing. They ell furnish, at any time, a Good Garment at about the same price for which the material can be got, • They will warrant their work and a complete fit or no pay, _ . - • They keep instantly on hand one of the tout stocks of s - .1 1. OVER AND UNDER COATS ! Stich as Frock, Dress, Raglan, and Sacks PANTS - /n Grcitt Variety Ad :Different .I.oet gush as, Vel'ait, Mast, CntaL imSr, and Satin, chep at GUTTENBERG, BOSENBAUhf, CO'S CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER; ot the Best Material at Short Notice. Under Garments Fon fa DIES AS WELL AS FOR GENTLE.IiiIq, - such u Silk, and also-Lambswool, elieaii at GITITP.NBEIiG, I OSEN With! 01. CO'S. ONE WORD 410:1040t• 4414[0:110:14:i FRIENDS •• -CUSTOMERS-. And in particular to those humoring themselves indebted tons, we will say ones more that we will sell for Ready Pay hereafter, and. all Ae counts and Notes must be settled, without Fur ther Notice: We areilrod of wiling Dinning Letters and Supporting the PoatOffice,andtboro. by loosing.. We "rift take all, kinds of Grain at the Highestifarket Frites for Pdyment, and all Accounts:!standlsg.nyer •Six Mouths. on dur Books-will be left for' collection tittles' settled ,' • ' (gutteniergliostubaum kC. , •--• ifontrose, Pa., April 13th, 1888. VESTS To °us auluzzotrs NOTICE, TO FARMERS. IWISH to 'tall {ho attention of Partners to am Independen!..T9oth ' • II 0 111 1.1.1.: This Rake. has been used foi thii.pasethres years in this teeny add proved , to.be the Rake and the only . Rake suited to" the rhugh:Oliuntry. Any one, not wishing to take the . atisertion, 'and who wants Rake,:please-try it, and if tint iatisfaetery, return it within three 'days un fnjureilf 4tud take his 'money. • .To' merchaiits and dealers a liberal deduction from retail price of twelve dollars. All - kindri of Grain taken exchange for-Rakes 'at Searle's mill. Mao second .hand Wire Tooth' and Revolving Rakes sold very cheap. All orders promptly attended tc",and Rakes deliared'on short notice. Residence of the sniaseriber,and manufactory, one mile from Montrose, on Snake Creek turn ...,I3HANGY FOOT.. Montrose. April 25, '59---3m INtainimmfalivoaalmraltill a R.-KENTON, JR:, if CI I WOULD respectfully announce to the cid sena of Lswevillo Center and adjoining country that they are prepared to furnish almost everything that is usually 'Called for in a coun try store. Our stock-consists-of- DRY - GOODS! , Viz : Black and plaid Silks, Chills Robes, Lawn Robes, Printed and White Brillanti,-Sarcenet,. Cambries, Dotted Swiss Muslin; Calicoes—the most splendid stock'withouts exception that war ever brought to Susquehanna County.- Palm Leaf Hate— in 20 varieties; Silver Gray; Brown and Farley Leghorn Hats—in every variety; FutoHate. Parasols and Umbrellas—of every , style and price, from Be. to 24 - e. "Embroidered Collars, Under Sleeves,' Ribbons—immense stock. • CROCKERY—In siz different style's— in Tea and Dinner Setts. WALL PAPER—a very huge steer:. All 'kinds of FARMING TOOLS—of the most approved patterns. In fine, a very large stork of everything pertaining to the mereantile business, on the most favora ble terms of any house in the .country. Cash trade especially ,preferred, but all kindsof Coun try Produce taken in eau:henget for Goode, and the highest market pricepaid for same. BOOTS and SHOES form a proininent feature of a very Irge Stock of Goods, and will be found in every style and variety. GROCERIES—a very large stock. DRUGS and MEDICINES, and GLASS. FURNITURE--ruches hairs and Bedsteads— from 18 a. to 86 1 00. Selicifing'a very large hare of trade for the clew 'firm we remain, reapectfolly at the Service public. B. KENYON, JR., dz Lnwsville Centre. Pa., April 1at,1860. O , Z regal Q. ICOO I 0A C L OBB would respectfully announce to the public that tie,. may still be found at. the old stand, fully prepared to attend to the wants of the oomaranity. He will keep on hand a good "clock - - • • iariec)cleasies3 1 SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES - , FRUIT, FLOUR and SALT (by the sack barrel,) FISH, and all irticlos found in First Class Groceries. He would particularly call the attention of Farmers and others to the fact that ho is constantly receiving fresh supplies of FIRST RATE FLOUR, also . good and medium qualitiss, which will be sold RIGHT, for ready pay, in quantitids.to suit the purchaser. Montrose, Feb. 21st 1859, ‘4 4 BUSINESS GOES ON." - SEW. READY PO STORE AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. THE subscriber having. just returned from New York would most respectfully inform lids friends (if be has any) and the pUblie,gener ally, that he is now prepared to scow them with etu foods--ougllt for &UV at the old stand formerly_ occupied by. C. W. Mott, where he sell for READY-PAY at salons that will suit everybody. His stock consists of Choice Family Gioceries, of all kinds, Stone Ware, Wdoden Ware and Brooms, Boots sad Shoes, Ladies Gaiters—for 65 cents, Prints, Heisting, Heavy and Fine, Brown and Bleached Muslims, Linens,.Canton Flannels, Drillings, Towel ling Jacquard Diapei,Ticite,Apron 'Checks, Denims, Striped Skirting, Paritk rad' Veit Trim- ming% Seamless-Bags, Cotton Batts, White and Brown Knitting Cotton, Veil Barege, Gloves and Hosiery—large assortment. Yankee No tions, &c., &e., 3.e. ;HENRY C. Til.,Eft, Montrose, Aril, 1859. '• . s c LADIES who liken splendid article for•th'e Hair please call at TYLEII'S and get a bottle of Burnett's Cocoaine—best and cheapest id use. Also Lubiu's fatracts or the "Handkerchief first quality. NOIICE. THE undersigned having entered into a pert. -nership with Mr. J. W. Tyler; has closed up his old Books and opened new ones for the firm. He is desirous of settling up the old Books as soon as possible, and therefore appeals to all who have unsettled accounts to call and arrange the same without delay. . P. CARPENTER. Hayford, April 4th, 11359.-Bw.* - TO BE HUNG!- EVERY DAY IN_ : THE WEEK !! • • (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) ' Over 2,000 Pieces of Wall Paper! BESIDES Bordering, Window Shades and Window Curtain Fixtures--a large variety. ,For further particulars please call at A. N. Bullard's Book Store, first door north or %title's Hotel, - where you can find also tilarge and superior assortment of Bookkan4 Station. ry. Yankee Notions, &c., &c., &c., all of , which can be had for cash at as low prices as geed& of the same (Plenty 'can be, bought,lor any where in this vicinity; Binghamton, N. Y., not excepted. A. N..BULLAR D. 'Montrose, March Bth, 1859. 1559:. WE ARE BOUND TO GO AHEAD GO . „ SEE TliE LARGE, STOCii. OF NEW GOODS .).aat received at he Original Ono Price and Ready-Roy.Sto:e of HAYDEN - BROTHERS,. . , The People's Agents nro• on blind - with a largo stock of Goods comprising Staple do Fancy Dry Goods, - Hats & Caps,. • 'Boots & Sitoei; Groceries & Provisions, Flour ac Sam ; Yankee Notions, %Vatehes, Jeweiry, - . Wall & Windon; Paper, ;11Voodess * Varei and we have cop thorsarian,4 on ethinge besides. We will say dOSE BUYER S--`••, • : • „, .• lf you want ReiRGAINS J• • • HAYDEN BROTHERS. Now Milford, Pa., llan. 1at,•1859. 3,000 . 20LLS OF lar,Ay,_-Vgra. BORDERING, WINDOW PAPER &C., &C. NEW SUPPLY, just arrived, - and for solo 1 - 1. cheap, by . f • - A.T(IRRELL.- . • • DR: LW. WELTS: ::. HAVINAVING permanently located in Davidoff G offers his professional services te all:who. may reqnfra them. Alio, keeps constantly on hand a fell stock olDrngs and Diedicinell; Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical purposes." • . jap77.6m. , . ,„ 11.31333311Ca1i7:41.1-6.., \- . - • /: • 06 , \ _ .G. F. poigDifin :, •,. \ `-C1 - , - . . . dr r / • .0 ' 1 iIiJAS retnoved hit-shop aerials the strotit, to \ - , LA the' building one door below Keeler &. ' • / • •Stotidard'a f !bleb ho has fitted up eaprosoly fors _.: 0' ' . Saddle, Harness and Trunk - Shop, t t ' ,. . • \ ! , *dlay<toco •- ...witere may be found altitindi7ft ' ' -PAIS \ F I5 lt A -113 LII WV AS .. .E ~ IN THE, jEtAptawmsgs: '7 ~;IRO-iNT CITY COLLEGE! 1 7 :' froth the, heaviest team, to -the lightest trotting the jargest, 'moat extensiirely patronized and harness, sad i geberal assorment of trimmings, . ; \beat organized '• . which will be ma le up or sold vet inw. • . Carria g e , TrirrealiVia „ : - .l ` -': COMMII . OIII.I SCHOOL ... Al' good weortment .13 hand, which will he sold ' .. ,- In Tim • '', tery loW; all trimming done Cheaper than else.. - 13. 3 6.._..- - •iv,\ -4. .1. - iret . 0 ., 'IIB-11 - 0314 - 0/111 . . whem. . ': •, • •`, ''''' • , :Q. ... 357 ~,:tubents, : alitdint bad ' OAK LEATHER on heti, from which harnesses will be *di! and. •„-. f: ,M. A,P:Cii. ,ifit?; ,'' '' , ... 1.+3031 :1!D . 0 to eon:plots tk, turf, course , from 6 - VlV:istarretalateell. ' to 10 weeks, * Eery Student, uOuta graduating.. .'be competent to \ manage the. * * *Customers will pleaselboar idmind thatT digilsranteed to wish settlei up' once a year., Those having Books of any. Bu.iiness, and qualified to earn.k , unsettled decnautil'or latex due, will save coats salaryof from - 1 - by settling or making payment-without further $5OO TO . .$lOOO ,•\ delay. : :,‘ • G. F. FORIfIiA3I, • Students: enter, at any time—No Vamition-. Feb. 24th, 1859.3 - Montrose , Pa. Rothe* at fattiteure. • ' , , .-, \ • 131, 3PrernAtUarekiii \ i FOR BEST PENNMANSHIp AWARDED, IN \ •', :.;: 1 lik .14 13 - r" "-I, - Fly- Alinistirs• Anis receivt:d 4 hid( Mine. -', * * *For Circular and - Spedimethrof Wtiting;\ inclose two letter stamp.. and adcTremi ', 1 '•\ • F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa. \ April .. titb,l 859 Laep.9.* ,. - I . - Co Animus an ,&thers. THE. SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR-SALE 60,000 BARRELS OF THEIR NEW AND IMPROVED POIDRITAI OF THE I. LODI MANUFACTURING 'COMPANY. AT AITUFACTCRED from the night-soil of .01New York city, in iota to soil purchaserk This article (greatly improved within the last three years) has been in the marked for eighteen years, and still defies _competition, as a manure for Corn and .Garden Vegetables, being cheaper, more poit•efful, than.ony whet' ' and at the same time/reef - rem disagreeable cdar. Two barrels, ($3 worth) will manure an acre of corn in the hill, *ill savajwo-thitea in•laber, will cause it to come lip quicker, to grow• faster,ripenearlier; and will bring a larger crop on poor ground than any other fertilizer, and it is also a "pre •Yentiveto-cut worm; also it.does not injure the seed to put iricontact. with it. ' • The LM. CO. point to their long standing reputation, and the large capital (sicto,ooo) in- Nested ite-their business as a guarantee that the article they make.shall always be of such quality as to command a ready • or Price $1.50 per barrel for any, quantity over six ,barre is. . s - VITA Pamphlet, containing every information, mill- be sent [FREE.] to airy one applying for the same. Our address is-- GRIFFING, BROTHERS & Co.,' Warohoise, e 0 Courthaat St . ' NEW YORK-. March IT, - F•REE EXHIBITION!. MAY-BE SEEN DAILY,. LIMES' TAILOR SHOP! a - rom 6 a. m. . tG 10 p. m., Nati.st follions! Comprising the Greatest Variety* . ; GENTLEMEN'S 'COBTUI44I ev'r presented to the public. mhit4 DR. JOHN W. COBB ; PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Viciatrose, Pa. &Ike op Public Avenue, opposite Searleieliotel. iturch. let, 1859.—tf. st) CENTS -• *ILL PAY FOR ONE THOSE BEAUTIFUL 1111100TRESI • With Cum ; Call at ' the ~CAlt ON T All work wan i s nted nit to fade. F \ D. WOOD, Artist. Montrose, April 13th, 1859.--tf. F. WILMOT,. Graduate of the Allopath:c and Homoo rabic Colleges of Medicine, is now per inanently located in Great Betd, OFFICE cornerof Main and Elrzabeth.sts., nearly oppOsito the Methodist church. • ap. 20, 1859. FARIII Bs, Hip Tniss "TIES FARMER'S OWN MEW THE GENES,EETARMER. A MONTHLY pIJRNAL AGRICULTURE AND. HORTICULTURE; (ESTABLI,SIIED IN 1831.1, published for twenty/eight years 1. in one of the &nest svheatand frail sections of America, it his attaibed an unrivalled circula tion, and. has able and experienced correspon dence:it drery State of .the Union and In the Britis4 Provinces.— t • Each volume ionfasns 384 pages, and is pro. fusely illustrated vvithsipensive wood cuts. It is scut to any address for . • FIFTY CENTS,A YEAR -• In order to introduce the FARHER.infe tricts where it has few readers; ive will - bike sit& acriptions to the coming half iolurie (July to December inclitsive) "like folloWing rates : Sin gle subscribers, 25 cents.3,fivecopiea f0r.411, and a copy of our beautifitl,2s.cebt book, the Rural Annual and Anictrifinal Dictionary, pre-paid by mail, -to the person getting up the club; Sixteen copies for 83; and a -Rural Annual and as extra copy of thoYarmor for a year,.or two for the hair volume, to the •person getting,np the club. We also offer a liberal list of CASH PREHILIVIS_, • as a still greater inducement to form clubs.- Full particulars will be forind in Suit paper, end every oue interested in the culture of the - soil- ie invited to send for a copyoind, if pleised with the paper, to actors agent. Specimen copies sent tZUEZ to all applicants. Address JOSEPRHARRIR, • • 'Publisher and Proprietor, May 2d,4859.p. • - . Rochester. N. Y. • • = 1:7 1r THE 'WAMSUTTA PRINTS.. i• They ire the seat Calicomyet offered to the _ Public for the monby., • WnOLEIIALE AGENTS:. - IiEFORESZ ARMSTRONG .& CO, ! a BE,EF_I! BEEF!!" • WHATbfibett Nothing=only that article; iogethet with neeasional Bitsn'of fresh antrivai at. Pinux, • . ' • can be bad in the Basement of Boyd &Webster's Now Building, jest below fhiirle's Hotel. _ ROBERTS do mu- E. B.:llo.tatiis. • GEO. C. HILL. `3l .. ontrisse, March 21st, 1859.—tf. _ • • MEAT mARKETir 0,4 Public Avenue, riectr..Searle's Hotel. IerEEP constantly on hotel rigood supply of 111 , 'MEATS . of all kinds. CASH paid for Boet Cattle,Csles;Sttieep,■nd Lanabs. Also for Elides ell all kltads. . HENBTOOK !hr. HAWLZY. - I: T. waver. .e. ELAWLIT. Montrose, March 3011, 1831—tf. 'STRING!IIIST111100111 HAT eyeiy intelligent win in 66 COMDR pity stould not knew lhat.a . tri.,rirpinge.. twig has beesihads.by g : l :•-• : ? .. v .; . 1 HEAVER & ATHERTON, •., STEAM MILL - SHOP, ' s rps :cal* 1111 V U M . 'ON THE RENS OF 3Blankomithing, • _ - and Carriage-Ir oning, .ndre34,3007 knovi_this49;:be a' fact_ but fur thelenetit of the re, Nn t wLo do tot, wo viould sty thai - wa aro •prepatod to do any work in our line, whieli.mifbe intrusted to us. in the most durar•le manner ,, the nfostapprovea. style, and In the shortesi,possibleAlme. All eur work warranted Oio giye good satisfaction. Jamie M. Wsavatt; JERRE: L ATHERTON. Montrose, March let, 859. cnil f.' • SAEAMANDER SAFES. EVANS at. IVATSON, No. 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILVDELPHM: !, ' ~, • Have . now, on hand a lakge 11.9103 Amain of Flre and Thief Proof Salamand e r &fee. :Also, Iron'Thaora for Banks and'Storel,lrian Sikutteiv, Iron ill Maki* , iSf Imeks, equal to any made In the trailed States. • • Fite Sufes in one Fire. .All come Out Righ t. wit 4 contents in good condition. _THE SALAILANDS.II SAFES OF PHILADELPHIA EVANS at WATSON' Have bad the surest Alinionstration in the following certificate that their manufacture of Salamander Safes has at length fully warranted the representations which have been •Mhdb' of them as rendering en tindoubled securitfagainst the terrific:element • - • - . Philadelphis; Aprir 12th, 18.56.7.'." - Messrs, Evans &.,W4Teoa.—Gentlemen: ft affords ns_ the highest isatischrtion to nate flo yon,. that owing to the . very protective ouglitteti of two .of .tho.• Salamander Safes 'w!iich`'w purchenl4 of yoti some months sinee,*e saved a laige portion of our jewelryiand . ill.Our . hoollii; papers, &c., exposed to they calamitous Elie' id - Ranstead Place, on the morning of the ~11th inst. 1 - • . When wO reflect thSt chew SnlFe wer!slOcated in the fourth story of the buliding'*e 'cb s nOiled: and that thdy sabsequestly fell • into*c ti4irp of: burning ruins, where re vast ftoncetiirat:on of heat caused the brass plates to molt, t we cannot but regard the presorration of • their, "valuable contents as most convincing pivot of the greet setiurlafforded-by yo; Safes. We shall take much 'pleasure in terAiintisend.: ing:thetni,to men of business as a 31111. reliance *genet Ere. • ' • • - GEORGE %,I,.;',SIMMONS & 131t0., Jesrekii; Who have purchased .. six large Saes since. April 28; 'BB—ty. - TEE MIGHTY REALM! World Known arid World Tried . , P .... • '* src.te- ,;. '; -! - ,A - ,t ' 2 ` . • :--.. : 0 . I / 4 : . -.. .... , . , .4.: .; :Tit i • .. 4',.",. t : ,l , s ,;. -...-.::, --!,• T r .; -. • • • , -•-kt . ,:f",' ' --- ...". \ '''. f,' •' ' !-". ifr; , 3 2- ' - ---- • -- ":F. - -: -.. .- . ):ter 4 - .Y. -. • -.s, t I • ' , HOLLOWAY'S OIIUMENT --, 'Tins free admission : o r all NationS;'aii well al 'l_ the verdict of the leading hespitalil of tiro Old as well as the New World, alimip•lttfir •pt3y.t erful remedial Agent as tho - greatest healing preparation ever made known to suffering. man: Its penetrative qualities are more than marvelous; titre' the 'external Orifices of the shin, invisiblete the naked•eye,..it reaches the seakof„the internal disease; and in 'at) eztornsi affeetions tip anti-fn, flaritmatery and healing virtues surpass 'anything else on record; :tad is Nature's great illy. - • Erysipelas, and Salt Rheum . i - r Are two' of the mst common : and •Oraleint' disorders prevalent on this contlnent;-to - these Ointment is especially antagonistic, its " modes operandi"' is first- to eradicate the venom and then complete the cure.. -,..: -- • '"• ' - - Bad lam Old Serwlind triaara; x . -•'' . Cases of many yeara'struulldg, 04 have perti: naciously refusedlo.yield to any giber remedy , . or treatment, halm invariably muriiimbed: to few applbzstionvot thia powerful unguent. , • Eraptiens on thdSkiaL 'Arising front h had Mate or b!o4il of chronic diseim are icadicited, anea elear t thinsparOit surfaco regained by the restorative action of this Ointment. It surpasses many of the cotimetlest and other toilet appliances in its power to dispe! rashes and other;dialloireinento of the fife. •, • • Tilos aratriitulsi ' • %Every foam and feature of thoseproialecratill stubborn . disorders Is eradicated locally' and en tirely by the Dike of this emoliCht.;•warro:fiiman tationa should precede its application. jta ing qualities u ill be found thoro' and invatia>i!b: Both the Ointment itsed in• the following . , • • •R R i h il e g u tt m •oTtir is : 9 •• , • • A tl r r e e s ' o Th f a r li a ktd 4 a . Bone, Chapptnillar.ds Salt Rheum: Spniine, Scalds.'StilfJoint y" Fistula; Gout, Skin nisi:mos, 'fetter, ulecra: - Ltimtiagn i ( Venerial•Sut Srupthts.tior‘ Legs; ' Wounds of I i Piles; 'Sole Breasts, 'f SOre*Heada, •'. 'Er'CAPTIONI-None art: Year Wes. +' the words,'•ifeitozoo, New Ydrk add loilidatt." titio discerniblemt a Weser -park io (wariest* of Air beak Of directions around each pot or box I it may bePlitint)riten byholding the lea/mike light A handsome reward will be gtvon - to any one ren dering such Infuriation as tally lead to the detec-, tion of any part' or. pattleii counterfeiting these medicines ur Vending thoniptnowing them to be spurious. r , • , l it 7 tht tditriutlittories of Prof. lioxxes VAYi 870 'Maiden' Latta, NOW York, Red by ail roi! if t neitable Dui:gists sod Dealera in Bledieliti: throughout the United State!, and the eiviitzed . _world, in pots lt 95 . cetits,68 cents, and - 111 eael;i 7 tir.There - i4,:opideflibl l saving by taking-. the•larger Ozed:'' • •••• for lif•fatiputt In every disorder are a .„ " June 10. 1858. [mlll2m6 Tin TNR. utimrintErs -, itijactbritc , 1/Remedios forr 1310 by. Ant Ttiftt34. n:~~:~.~...:... AGALST THE worti.D.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers