tz. ... .. ....._ ..._ - , ---- _ SINGE & -"ISTHM ~,, US 11 • • -4 ' ja. ~... rti:). - - ABEL . :I.' 1J RRELL „ T HE undo - sir. . t h eF ounderno., go;! , • ned - ' '.44, just treturneid from Nu r, Yorkovith a 'TWAT every inlelligea man intids comma- '. , • -,. •”" r I large and choice variety of Goods, which . HAS °llan C our t s ( „ ounterfeit Detector, d el i - , 1 elks etheoldsnot icuuW that a new arrange- , no Wien to Ails cuntoniens and the public at low ... roan of retiring from this branch of business, has I went has Lien Made bY : , Prices for cash. liiirstock comprises: merged that old established Work't n the' popular -• 1) :1:. 17 G S . • ' WEAVER & ATHERTON Bank Nolo De-tedtoz• or Imlay 4: Biekneil. Ilar. • • .• . . I MEIjICINES, - _ , - ing pu Mished Van rourt'l Detet for since 1839 --- . . . : ::IS - PcIIN T s, ... _ . -.. , .. the undersigned rcluciantly A rts with his 1. , 14 : STEcl.lf 3fILL SIMI',O I . 1. S , :friend: :ma subscribers; but this reluctance is ' ion C.!,tIIT!S lon TI:E rtrslNtSS or _ : ies,ent.s by-the ronViction, thnt in inilar & Bi 4- ' NV I N i)'o Nl' Cr LA- S, S., . , Illacksznithini, • news Muir: Note Reporter Choy will receiv.• a DYE STU:FFS, • w or k that mat c hes I • ' , ' • and Carriage-Irconing..: t 1,• VAN COLTT. 0 I: 0 CERIES. , • i "Dtl - Crtlee. 0 LASS—W A R E , maa3:37 know 111;s t's boa fact , but fur the tr.rietit, of. the few who do I .611subsztl'iptions to IMLAY & BICKNELL'A' C lIOCKERY, . , •noti we would sas'.Plat weare prepared RI do any ' : . Bank Note Reporter Dl I ;I:, It 0R S , ..„ :. work - in our !ine. w.S:ch may btu intrusted to us. ;-: - . CLOCKS, in the nio4 durable manner, the most app'roved I aro pa } able scrupulously -in advmee. - This is the - w A 1., I 2 . I.' Ar E It, -- style,and in the,le time. ' Alipur West Bank-Note l'uleienti"n in the world. For - Wl\ I) 0 Viz PA4' E R , _work warranted toi:he good intisfaetion. . thirty long years it hes maintained an unsullied „.. INO . 0 ... i . ‘N t 1 4 $ ADE S: , I / ' 11. 'AVE'S M. WEAvr.r.. hilni: L. Arnmon i reputation, and er.otiaues to he the myessary` " . - iMontr, , ,,,e. MarArtst, 1859.7.3mM ! companion of all business people over the whole ' FANCY GOO D S , continent'Of Atnerica. MVSICAL UNSTRUMENTS, 1 • - - . NEW DOG POWER I ;-- i TEE COINS OP THE WORLD! ' .1 .1; W E Ti 1: Y , ' ,A. :GREAT IN ATE N'TIO T ".. ; Now in press by Ir., lav & Bicknell, wilt he given . PER. D E, ),,t , - G O O O S , --- t' . . ' ; cratuitonsly to all old and new subscribers. All ' '•lr'ale , lllled Jane 15th , 1.848 by 'Coin(l'hart...s, Gilides.and. Manuals, as tomparod ' II AKI) \V A it, E S T 0 N E \V A Kl. I with this =mar beconsidered wast o Pape!. 41. O. BRUSH. Givat .26.1td, Pa. t- • • TEI 1 M "ERS--„Semi-Monthly, per annum, „„ $],5OW 0 0 ly E N W ATE TXTE recopmend this POWER. to all those ; . Monthly " “ 1,00 BKOO M S, - V T who; hare Churning to do, as being em. ' Single topics at the counter -10 BRUS H E S , inentlY adapted to limir . wan(s , it is simple and l ..- 'laileil 12 'JAPANNED WAIt.E,, •efEcient. requiringl..lsit weight to operate it than I Art.ares,, IMLAY it. DICENEI.L.,. DIRT) CAIGES, '. any other power used fur a similar purpose. It :j,,,, i _ 0 ' , .. 5 .,, , ox 1 „ :. om. 1, , , ,. , 1.0 a. a. I P• 1 - 1 P tOIY Pi .1 ell P is cheap, and at- thc 3 the tittle permanent. Its ! -- - OA NA . LItY SEEL), - consteuction is so 'perfectly adaptiqi to the work!• ET> i s iO liv• a im POCKET KNIV - ES, it heel° do, that it is impossible to getit out of ' - .E. blab 03 ii..V - • .0 • . W. H 11' S -order. • .. • - 1 - UMHRELLAS, :At the Stiscmehanna Connte Agricultural Fair, ' WE ARE- BOUND TO' GO AHEAD ! GUN S 'held at Montrose. Sept. 301 h. ISSS. it appears I, ' . - - , - calm the followino report of the ComMittee on ; GO - , . SEE , , PISTOLS, Farm implen;mnts ' Addison G. British's De 7, Pnw-1' s • A.MUNITION, .er took the rms . : raEmium, Here is what the I, rPHE LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS 1 TUR'PENTINE, Committeersay - s:. _ . i _l_ just received at the Original One Price and CAMPIIENE, "They hive , been much P.lca.sed in-the i-xamin. , B.eadY - Pay Sti lo °l: • BURNING FLUID-, , min a i,j'A,l - ai s on Brush's newly invented Dog l HAYDEN . BROTHEns. . s AL.C 0 II L , - Power foi Chnrning; eombining. as they blieve, I 0 ,-. L I Q U - Ti S , more pcw,;l- - with 1.... s friction, at less expense The People'S Agents - are on hand with ' - ,lhnn any machine thrt has yet come under their a large stock of,Gonds compri,ing stapled,( . ,...or Medic_ it i.nalPrposes only,) observe-ion.. The 4,Se vvjah which it can K. eon- ! Fancy Dry 6 Is, T R I . " SSE S , e,irticted or repaired, Min the' power indefinitely L _ Hats & ' l . SUI'PnIt T E R 8 Caps. . -increased, is. sa feenrumendation that cannot be : Boots & Shoes, : S II OULI)}IR BRACtS, ; extended to the endless eintin or roller-its slat- Groceries & Provisions.' PORTMONNAIES, ' truly a remarkable feature, and a dairy- , . . -flour & Salt. . Yankee Notions, SPECIAC-LES. sum his only to-acquire the_ ordinary ability to 'SILVER & PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, Ste., - rse a saw, trt crake a rasitice-ano" - tenon, and he ' Sir' ate hes, Jewelry. f.; OL . I) PEN S , - has one. of these machines within himself. 'When i ' Wall-& Wiindon• Pala* r. _we consider the drudgery from which a 'farmer's ' Wooden-Warr. 1 STATIONTR.Y. wifstis relieved be these achidvements of skill ; cad we havi• one thousand and one thine-s besides. VIOLIN -STRINGS, BOWS, &v., ,and genins, they cannot avoid feeling grateful ! il-e,rifiacy...lo CL U SE for every effort that may be made tor, such a ! •' . . . ' •• PATENT' MEDICINES, .r. - desirable resnit. They award him the premium i • _ , CALL and SE.F.: .I 2/71 1r0 . n:.11 ,. AR6.-1.1.X.S l''-' Thankful forl lb ' h t telt era! patronage Int q. re ot V.l" - CALEB CAK'4ALT, j . eeived, he hopes to merit a continuance and ~ c Committee. , ABEL CAS,SIDV, , 1 HAYDEN BROTHERS., large ii.:scatie of the same. : The above indorsement Is a sufficient guaran- NOW Milford, Pa., Jan. I,4U:it). ABEL'TURRF.LL. tee that thisinVention is not one of those worth- i s. 1 ,,, Montrto..e Nov,-list I ;asst. less patents lvdt:4-'il hays: gulled the people so ps i ... r% EYSTO RE HOTEL, ---- -- -- - ' • ----•------ --- - tensively. j -At Montrose, 'Penn. - ; -. TO TIIE PUBLIC. • Any one wishing, (.0 rmha.c Loaner cnunt-.., i win, K. TCH, Proprietor. : , SON' F. Merehants • übliah a few lei' prices, or individual right,' can netw be accommodated. ' 'W e invite these whoare interested in improving '; r p.IS new and commodious 11"..-1 situated i..._ or the price iif a t w law priced . articles, as on Public Avenue. near the Court I Vois..arld ' .; in inducement to Perso sto make their pnrchiSes and cheapenine farm implements to give us a i - call and examine - cur- Dug PoWer. We offer; nearly inthe centre,if the baldness portion eft of them. under the presumption that everything such iFtiurementS ti alt thosattv lin engage in this , Mohtrose. is 30ty In ly completedand furnished - ,'l Is equally low._ Without taking sinter in the -business are nu/ only sure to make money them- t ! and will be open-ed on Monday. tha:271.11 day o r, public-papers to enumerate prices, I wish it di..- selves but prove a biessing to every one who ' at 1 the present month for the >corniitodation or' tirwtly undeistobd, that I will sell' Goods as low ; has churning to iiii whom they furnish with ore rtho public-and travelers. The Proprietor feels ' for the quality 'as they can he I bought in any o f. these - tiniesandlabar sayilig Powers. x. 1 confien he is note prepared to entertain St lt that-other ore in this place or county. Baits and -, SNIITH, rd:Ciiticw Sr, SOU +G.• ; guests in a, manner that cannot fail to give Hooks nut used.: Purchasers wiil generally tied ~ i - - r-ja . n.:20,'59.1 ' •• Great Bend, Pa. l Complete Satisfaction. : good qualities of, Articles at TL:3.3ELq.. S, and n Bruns. Niedicines; Paints, Gil., and Dy e Stuffs, .! . ! Tim Hotel and - Furniture are nets-, and no - exe. the 'very best, arid the as - sortnients 611. The A HAPPY' tiEW YEAR TO LL, , pense• has - been spared to render it equal. if,not P ar l e y Goods, Deps.rtment is also. extensive. - , ... ....Jr c:1 1 .-« *** . 'superior to any similar e-dablisliment in this part Also, choice Family Groceries, Cro,,keiy, Wall ''''',", ' of the State. It i«wel l supplied with al 1 t 4.. Paper. Jewelry. Perfumery, &e. In short neatly ';- 1858 is dead and gone, and recent improvements and comforts, and obliging i,.yerythino usually C-pt in country stores. As 1 - 1 - 1859 is Itnt just:begun, ' waiters-will always be ready-to respond to the doll in inasie eiciaiirtmilinis of trade, and halm ,ClO Please call 01 the 'Yfositrocg Hook call of customers. s • more Articles thetr'l can wall in the _ 0 Store and buy n copy of the Arts o f B ea a The ;stables cor•neeted bith'illii House are limits of a, N.:e. iinaper; I shall not attempt it : tv by_Loia Monter- and subscribe for Goder's 1 New and „Convenient. neither aril it be treee , sary, under these cit.. Lady , atooks.t. Slici 0. o . r fey Pett,rson'.. Arthur's, I till a cirlunin with useless re ' The Preneletor reSpectially solicits thefiatron• cumstaneeit', to • Frank.lsslie's. Mr-t- A- s. Stepllen's ' l ' , '"- &css "tinge or has old f7..itak firia - ta Pill)lk ":( :6- e Tilrt . : . - ' 1. "`"""* . " '''''' `"""--- ' ' it^nnin are invited to the liiiii«s el:lb rite's. Harper'sand'the Atlantic • . - , wm . K . HATc-fr: '' call and examinelfor themselves. atsB-.1 - ,00 etseh. • .. i • Montrose. Septsrubes r2lst. 185 S. ' , ABEL TUIVRELL. Call and buy a cop: of I:Ningstone's Travels" - ' Montrese. Noe; 1..5...„ ia,-.g . - .., - . and Exphsratjoris :n south Africa, , it . 3 a copy of : IS.IS. J. DI en Entn.Y.,f, .1111. ; 15,53 ' - -- --;- r- -. RieOliection4 nf a,Life Time by S. G. Goodrich. . N ii_ATil)wATIE • ' ' k - D .I, M _ '' :i..I I E If RI I A ) I, S S I F()R A line sett of Chessnolti, a beautiful .4 um. or a , Porttrilie.aniceyeeka 8ib, , ,„?. ar a Pray._ Book, ... \ . ,-se; tatrachith yOU . 333...ti.ii 15 or 3U sty:...} a copy "---... ilb - lobt einportulll LIG HTSI• i m iNh....ncii,sr s 'Mot:sr:Vernon Lettil. a snperior css 41-. e--;s• , 1 Pocket Knife, a Poi keg Date and Atmm....e, La. emecra-ic.Ff rr., es-s',Triharie,arisi - Juvenile -IN FULL BL ksl. iEI I-. R XING FIX in. CartpltvW, L-unp Oil, ..,. A,_,. i . I iv , Cal . ,“les. •4•.1., rif be. 4. qualities, constantly Alinans - 3;:9,f0r - l ' S,-S9, &v.:S.:co . -and at the same time . -I- l, subscribe FM' - 2 s ll 4i01.d Family P,:per you may THE under's; aned "'fluid take this orin.,Cl li-lon hand, and at prices as en tAr AS THE eIIEAVE,T. nit:. to inform his friends nisi clistittn:.ns i Customer s may rill. upon betting Fluid and choose at .the eery !owns: club prices. , ;that he has reeently made large additions to his I CILIAIPIllellet new and good, as I ~. ii so fast, For further items of exciting news and ing• former extensive stock of At C d I . , they arcs ..:,.Laic. .. ••••‘.. 33•4 an , ata p s , portant events bur and read. the .N. I". ABEL TUIIREI.L. • •• . Ledger' of lan. 9th and 15th. for saiejrit the . " Hardware, Stoves; Stove' Pipe, 1 m , N 4' Sin. . nv. _at.i.. aR. . MOntrase FIonk.SiOTP,I , V A. N. BULLARD. , I Stay° Tr,immings, Zinc,. &e 1 - . •I 1 . Montrose. Jan._ 4th, 1i159. s , • and that Tie is prepared to supply ire wants of = 1.1.ER.A7 A TL'1"...`58.11 . 5, - - : the community in that line at .unusually low , - I BLi 0 1I LVA L SI - PP OR TEI?S. ,•• " ibliff 5.5.C33.1.11 - 1 4 ::: 0 321• prices, Ile flatters hiinsillthSt his facilities for ! ,S'fir 0 I " LD.I.::d L 1e.4 f'ES- Ti-11 . 1 firm 4 t'obb & Rogers is dissolved by 1 manufacturing his own Wares, Stores, dre, give. I UST received sa large assortment of the mutual eimsent. Their antes and aceounts', him a decided - to:vantage over any who par 'eJ above articles. at reduced prices. The most are in the h en , , ,s o r C. Sharman, at the old es- ' chase and transport at a heavy expense their en ; ditlicult cannot fail to be suited in size. quality tablishinent; wlhi is duly settle i tire stuck- ABEL TUKRELL. the same. - Z, COBB, . i lie would say to those who wish to purchase 1 and m P o r n i ter " 2 c ,se. \m'. grab: 15513. ... I . - . • ••• te". B. ROGERS. " STOVES' of any description, STOVE PIPE, or I . =- S . i T11111.311NG1.3. cif-any hind. aail_pay for them, he I TO . 3IUSICIANS. . ' , , , iis pc:pared to g,.ve them great kars;ains-. bur to ! , , - 0 vltTicuL. , c.R:nttention is call d to the 14 4 1-47:" . .irmstr,QM . _ :heap wbo went . to purchase on a year'S credit iI: cho i rs - 5 „,.i,„ 1 ,. i i and then'let Itlran !.wei years mbre, lie had rath- l of Violin, Guitar and B.ISS 7 COBB Would respectfully announce to the would call on_ some one else, es - en if they Viol Strings, somi:of the best qualities in market. Ar-4. public that he why still be-fnand at the t' er the y Also a good-selection of Violins, Bows', Pegs, ' hase to . pay seventy -live r ; cent more than an old stand, Tully prepared tip attend to the wants I Bridges, Tail Pieces, Finger Boards, Ittiain.&c., I article is worth. In ,the line of. . . of the conimunifv.....He will keep on hand a oviad ' `I Acrordeons, Fillies, Fifes, Drum Sticks, Toning . " • SheLfHardware - I Forks, instructien Books" dse. Call in at the stock of . . i . . 4 a r ,ricceorties c - • ' his assortment is the,largest and best selected in I Variety Store of. ABEL TURKEL!. SUGARS, TEAS CIIFFRi,STICES%kFIirIT,FLOUR 1 Susquehatias•County ; purchased as his stock; , i has heen mostly of manufacturers, he is emsbled i _ t il . lE 111,1 ND SIIALL SEE and 'SALT (hr t h y ' sae:: or arre) Fzau, and a . b l amides found in IFIP4 Clads Groreries. ! to offer inducements:to tho.‘e coentry merchants . A LA ED W O E AND NE SUPPLY F rarely found this side of I - He would particularly' call the attention of " who "1" small. bills. t h at h e i s I the big city. We?:an offer special inducements ; I 1. 41 N -'I . PE CTACLES. Ferment -and ethers to the fact, - 11 0 Carpenters and Joiners who are in want of l . , - constantly receiving fres'a supplies of I either Tools or Building. Materials. Black -1 JUST .RECtar VED,. FIRST R kTE FLOUR, i smiths . can find AN VI I-S. -- VICES.. BELLOWS. i _ and....n fact, almost anything in their line, by cal:- ! also good and medium qualities...which will lie 'mg on us, I • . , ' sold nstsyr. /or •ieady pay, in quantities to suit! c , nr, .... k p . 1- , 0 .11 -c AL si t. • the purchaser." • - - i :Our' stock 'of I .Jltintrnse. Feb. illlst 1850. .-' - ' - - i Dry Goods, Groceries , Hoots and . . 1 .1 • . Pg-303-Vr-C."V%1...1-a. ‘: .1 - ii°(- "`• H at s 4nd' CaP'• ran - , . _.- lice Notions. .51;c. tic., ' • G.,. F. P('....f.: 7:41A:31 . . . ; is as largess the times will admit of. They were HAS removed hi. sir-p .cre...s the t - ttreet,- to I purchased at a low figure, and will be sold at I the building. too, il.,,tr beiow Keeler & ' prices to correspond with the.times. Sioddard's, which se has fitted up expressly fey aI; - 'Saddle. Harness and Trunk Shop, : HEADY-DIADE CLOTHING ! - 1 ,v 1„, mi,y be, fotwai ail kinds of. ', We hare just- opened about onit.snd a-half ! ' ; cords of ready-made clothing. Every body says I . 3E: .11.PLIV.10aelieP 7 , -, they are cheap. Some say they ;re rery cheap, from the her.vu_st team, to tit: lightest trotting. land ift number hare ventured to say they are clog , harness, sad a.g ..ner::l ,e.oirneat. of.strimmtog,s, : cheap. Certain it is that a small pile of-money i whic h' will be wade np or sold reivlow. :will buy a large pile of clothing. • , 0=71a 46. t r im m i n- -; , ; we would ;add, in this connection• for the in. I - , 5" . ; - baud, w • o; . :11 will b e so ld 1 formation of all concerned and the "rest v of man- I A-gnon aveortment on a - e th we d o th credi •! very hisr.;'sli trimming done cheaper than' else- ! kMd. at are tire - -N ' syStem; ss'e have sufferedand. enaughs ick ; by f it alread t y, svlogrit. • I . - I and are dote mined to rid onnielves of ,the i K ~ OA LEATHER. , the whole -er tter.” Believing that thn nimble . - . en hatt , l,lrota which harnesses. will be made and ; sixpence is the tree system, vi - e are resotved 'to 752trarr , iisnt. tea. , ! adopt it, are offering our goods s.t prices to I correspond. e. , «Custotti, ; - .rs oill idediss' b'ear• in mind that! i,. ; * * *Produce taken in exchange for Goods. . w i,,t i. t o se ttl e tie , •nre a year. Those having • - - ; •••• J. DICKETBIAN, Jr. , unsettled tieroams. or clue. will Save costs ! N ew :mi l t: or d . ..c,EL. ,9th, i 5 .,,,, „. ! • by settling or taking payment without foither i - delay: - ' G. F. roam Am, - - 1 - Feb. tditlist .539.1. 3lontro4, Pa. ' Moiatroe, I S 5 9 . . •enbi • c,. ~.,, , H. BIT R R.IT T' i Is just receiving a Large Stock of 1 = w , ci or ri --. NEW STOVES ' i R. E. PATRICK, .Ilt., would like i NCI Oven, Lame Oven and Fiat -Top Premium XDIN(i a full. assort:neat of Elevated l.l after a silence of nearly ten years, to appe a l : to the moralsensibilities ofa very genernue pub 1.. w ays manifested their sense of 'cook Stove., - (for wood or coat,) with superior : lie; who have il 1 appreciation of his usefulness 'by exacting his variety of Parlor,. Offiee end Shop, and Store, ; ~,.,,i,,,,,„ whe n needed or thou gh t to be needed, (for wood or coat): also, Stove Pipe, Zinc, Sheet I Iron. Stove Tuh'4.-dte.. &c.. &c. but 'who have - given no other evidence of gnat'. H 6 assortment includes the mostfistsc•r and tode or good w i ll—particnlarly in the way:of 1 •• substintial aid" as Kossuth would say—that Dth : s i 11A" , ,E 157° V 1;*-i n -Innrket • 144. will , b e he no'w desirea a foil and entire settlement of all stun on ••ine MOST FAXGRABLE TERMS..24III to which-he would hiFite the particular; attention of i o hi f s p az ie u k rit & s, also th . e - accounts - of the late firm pea ; and he wishes further to - , CAM! buyers. . New Milford, Nov. 16 ‘ 1-868 - , state that he desires tmthing to be - considered DR. JOHN W. COBB, i • ----„:- • • . ; m0r0n..., if, after a- few .iveeks, - the said accounts, -..-- - isr. 11-Snaith, _ ...1 r s tritearning unsettled, sbo'cl.beplaeed - in the bands PHYSICIAN &MMGEON g 1 Q..- URGEON DENTIST. Residence and. 0f ... , 31.. ... 44036. pa. . ~ 0 fiet9pposita,,, yuptistrhu t ehluorth aide) 1 °tor itlitsg°.Lellalehrinilieert.4°rilliilaerlt:6neeluent. . . - - • - / Montro s e. Particular tate - atoll will .be given I w h EA L Ne tt ie reties this and take action twcor. Office on Public Avenue, opposite Searle 's Hotel. ! .. ,_ to inserting teeth on told and silver plate, and 1 d• „I T y 04,.., T ru ry. t.: flint- .",retv,ripi leek. -- i tart! _ • E. PATRICK. JR. , Executor's Notice I L ITIre,gEAS Lottera 'F..4amentare !Ton the V V eAtzte CIJItDELLIA M. SMITH, late i „r Great ;lend . :ntsnvhip, dcreased. hare been; grarurl v, sol,aeribtr: - all 'persona in ,lehtisi to tht ~ s aA Aril! pirage'make pay., men;. and ha,ang plea.e / pre- . I•Pnt PIMA. WillirMt . ..l , 4;l' to Peter Smith nt.l Great 33er,3.. I'ETZFI'S.IIITH.E.reratar. 'Great I3end, Marrh 17th.__I 8.59 —.-12n-B.* S. V/. 'Pettengill at, Co., A dverticiii - 0 Agent! ! a! 119 Nagiau-st, and 11? State-st, ilostoo, aii.ents I"t4 .111;lerlin Drrnr.erat, and are no inOrized to tontrart for tat ~or lowest rates. CALL AND TRY TO AID TITE_EYE, Nrontroge. Nffv.ilhth. IRSB DR.HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC ftemedies:for sale by ABEL . rinitz au,. ~ . _ ..... t ,, Q ECOND HAND Barrels, ~....(4, 4 1 _ 0 of nearly every description, 4 . 1 _ ‘ f ß ov , s , a r k an b i y i C A he rE pe L r . t r h u nn itt t ß e E w LL ones. Montmte, Nov. 25th, 18,58. ' - T 11110 GRAPHS—A NEW SUPE'I.\ 1.4 Dev. lat. 85S. A. TURRELL. E E A:0 PLAIN TEETH, T fur sale by;' ABEL TURRELL. Mnntruse. February 15t,1859. „ 3,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER. 70 EfERENT STYLES. BORDERING, 1 WINDOW PAPER. &C.,. &C. 4 NEW SOPPLY, just arriri•d. and for sale cheap, hy • A. TURRELL, EW GOODS, in my lineof buliness, 1. 1 1 ing eery ;w.2...1:. ABEL TURRELL March 2.401., !1859. ABEL TURRELL, MONTROSE, PA. Dealer i 4 Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals Dye SLOT.. Glass-ware, Paints, Oils, Varoishea Window Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods. Jew ittry, Perfumery, &c.—And Agent for all the most popular Patent-Medicines. N. H. 'SAYRE & BROTII ERS RECEIVILNG b p a ~rill of Ai l kt,s, `WINTER Gi 0 01!b%. NVHICI I for Caeber Produce eau be bought very lox•. WALL RAPER.. A select ossortmecit just recrive.A. C g ARPETLSO. Barains offered by S. 11.. SAY RFI & BROTHERS up Lows. We invite the attention-of Farmer's to the celebrated Peekskill Piou s !which Irc have added to oar lame' assortment. S. H. SAYRE . & BROTHERS, -Proprietors 01 Eagle Foundry. Montrose. N.N. 290.1858. Mr. STOV STOV STOVES:{: ( - VTR - Stores hare been so thoroty:hly tried to th,) entire saiistliction of all, that they need no re:!ointound trot) us - : _ • S. H. SA Yttr tt! BROM FRS, , W.lll. B. SAIPSON, W it T It fl lEP:ii. LIVE C: • Shop in Boyd d: ' , rapier's IlelP i,uildiny, next door obore Keeler d• Stoddard's. TTAVING worked for the pact mine years II with the most skillful workmen. he feels confident iliac he =a drkthe =ONt difficult jobs on !Mort notice. - All Work Worrantrd lo Give Satisfartiln. W. B. Sranmn: has u•nrke•ti f”r tie , for enmt• j t , me. and f can reennen - end him ny a e.irefuland" Rkiiir,l workman, competent to do um good work i ,o 4 ran ho dons•-in the country, and worths• of . Witt. A. (. 7 Towanda Juno loth• Rrf-r3 to—Wtn. E , wvll, E. W. 11.4,1, E. D. ontnytie. E 0. G..odrieh, B ry, Tow An. : B. S. Hendry. 4'Svarle, C. I). Lathrop, J. Wittenberg, Montrome. :..J.:welry neatly repaired nn , lwrt nntiee, and Iln reasonable terms. 51 h. I KS it O!'ntirr lydu *to cli! 4 1 4 At the Old Stand of Lathrop & Co. LATHROP & De WIT 13EG leave to announce to the 1,0 - .04. iagrn rrol that thew are now opening on.• of the largest STI,i7N of 31EnettaantsF. ever offered in M “11 Comprising Dry Goods, ann.:cries, Ha rd. War•. Crockery:, &v., &e., whielrthey prepo. oe to sell at the LOWF.ST eAstt PRICES. Those are real raelis. We wish to demonst.rnto to the public the davrence betwerti bovitti! Goody for CASH and ON Tint:. LITII & DE wrrr. 310ntr0..., April 26th, 1858 .111 M M ',FOIL D Shawl and Dress Goods Emporium! NEW FUL GOODS Foci ASIA AND PitOMPT SIT NroNTII , 14I'VERS TT AS now in Store, nod i!t making lair?. addi- , Rion; to his Stock of FALL 11.11i1i WINTER GOODS • To kid/ hr would invite the ititention Jf bur- ' n: cmLn in the rno..t ile.irable' varieties "id LADIES' DRESS (;001):•_ , ,,inelmlir, , the New Stt , ,•y of Rich Fall Print-, arol Piai,l in 1),.. Dural PlaY, Aterinos, ;ir T ha Si.lrs ; Peot..he. C:islitnere,Sß and Wool Shawls. RicliftilAon4.' Bonnet., and rel,:ers, Net flood., L4 - fie:Cloths, I liro'adeloti,, I'a.-owl-e n fir, with a tii:l asavrt. inent of other Staple and Fancy Goods, as usiml, OroCerium, Crockery. Hardware, stoves, Iron, Steel, NaiN, Ilats4 'and Caps,' Hoots and Sill 001, • CirrpeillliZ.FlOOr 011 Cloth%. Painted WindowNhades, Wall Paper. 'Cloelt.y . Drug, Oils, Painh t Buffalo atobes, cke..ozc. entire stuck largo and houtql for CASII, wiii give superior opportunity tit §electi.riA. and be ‘“ , 11.1 I. OW LOW F. 4. FP: MIL KS to CAtill AND PROMPT :SA NIoNTIIS BUYERS. Salt & }lout constantly on hang I'L 1858. DENTAL NOTICE, R. A. GIFFORD has located D Montrose 1;4 , the parpnee of carrying' d the Dl:srar. l l ttac - ra - E in atl its branches. !fell s now ready to attend to all calls in his prodes,iii o it li protoptnes• , . and will endeavor to give ent satisftetion. All operation, WARRANTED. Off with Dr. lirnocK. Sept. 150. 18,58.—tt FOR SHIPPING FURS llr HAYDEN IH{OTHERS Net if it ford, Pa.. Jan.•tst, 1839. nt3CRRELL'S jolnsion lJ Nrin: I'ui !k Avenue , where w illD Drub S fu t o a r. nsntantly on hand a general assortment of GROCERIE S: Such as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Cotic Ste, &c., &c. Also the choicest brands of FAMILY FLOUR Meal, Lard, Pork, Hams, Fish, Dipped Candle Timothy, Clover, Field and Garde] d SPEI S• We solicit a share pf the public patronage, an pledg e do the fair thing, hoping b each bargain to secure another.' nALDwix & ALLEN. A Grit ED BALDWIN. L WDS!! - ffl H. J. WEBB'S M NT RO SE. NOV. 30th 18!8 JAMES P LE'S DLETETIO SALERA.TIIS:, : THE BEST article in market. Try it. 80 BUCKSKIN LASHES,—no humbug--A ts each, and no A b l E t ‘ h % e II t : tYboox(' those excellent Candle:; 111 j, ENV inpply of those good TEAS,.at Si per lb. ; the very best le market. MOLASSES, SCHOOL BOOK*, Of every variety titet. is 'teed under the preset 'fiduaitaitratioU. - -rg ------ • - ;• 0 ••,s• IL CLOTH CARPETING : urd'lndeett at -• , "city?' can now boast of an assortaler -4 4 naeqtrgeil heretofore, et very low prices It I . cask . lt. KENYON, Jr. I. 41.. r.!; : .••• Lln s‘ ille Cvlltte. Pa. r' .2,-; FALL 11. SAYRE. & BROTHERS PLOWS! PLO Ws! ! &I*. EU-11 HITT CASH PAID TOILACCO, TitE MONTROSE Dtml3o-§tAT. ITH,LISHED THURSDAYS AT MONTROSE, PA.- OPFICE ON PCDLIC AVENUE, OPPOSITE THE P. O. Ternim.—s2 prr annum:-415 percent. de ducted if retidin advance; !id percent. added to irrearnges. No person receiving a paper oneredlt i;hall be entitled to theVenelit of Any exeippon Jaw es a bar to the collection of hills. The receipt of papers on e s t edit to be idence of an agree ment to the foregoing. Disi.iontin'artnees optional with the Publisher until all nrrearnees arc paid. Advertisements inserted at $1 per square of 200 ems; 11.5 cents per square fur each ir.ertiee after the first,three. Oat! square 1.)ou rear, 61, each additional square, $4. Job Work of ull executed neatly and pturnßfly. Blanks always on hand. REMOVAL. T ittle it Po 4, Attorneys at- Law, have .I._V removed to their new office. a few doors south of Boydtii: Webster's corner. Montrose Oct. 4.!5.:3m IRR. WM. LAWITARDSON. w 9 s Ui r . , D .i : o (• l spe n ei t f t n e l I i! r i : , l;rofeHsiona I nOtivr 11.0 'Ail, r d its I;4:laity. fico,over :11ulford;'s titr re, Lodgings at; the Keystone, Hotel Montrose. Oet. lath, LAWRENLE, LRIGGS; k KINCSBULT, MANUFACTURERS{ AND JIII3P.EWS IN HATS, CA PS, A. A D 1V RS, &Vl-1 aocz.s. Umbrellas, Parasols, and Ribbons, /OM ALI. No. 46, COURTLAND'iI STREET, DO. 11. NEW-YORK. !As. M. Gn loos. General Partners,— itcn. A. KisosnunY, Ty,r,spe.•::,l Partner. r [• HENRY B. MeHEAN; , A rmitNEY and COUNSELLOR at LAW. A Offee in the Unlon Block —ToWanda, iSrady ford county, Pa. r ay- WR I attend promptly to all profe.sional business intrusted to him, in this and agjoint lig e.,unties. rje3'sBl , • "HOME AGAIN," OFFICE, over Wib.on's Store.- LODGINGS, at SEA 110TEIL. Montro.o. Marvh 10th. 13:58. WM. W. SMITH, & CO., Cabinet and Chait Manufactur ers, foot of Main Street.- Montrose. Va. - JOHN GROVEC Frochionable Tailor—Shop near the Bap!ist Mreitn !louse, on Turnpike Street. Montrile, Pa. • - R. THAYER, Plipdcian and Sim:o3ll Montrose Pa. Otbet; in the Farmer's Store. HAYDEN BROtHERS, New 311111ord, Pen Wa. Wild/MIMIC dealer-in Buttons, romlls Suspenders., Threads, Fa nev Goods Watches, Jewelry, Silverind Plated %Vare, Cut lerv,-Fishing Tackle, Cigars, &c. dte. Merchants and pedlars, supplied on terms. HAYOEN, JOHN HAYDEN, TRACY HAYDEN CEO. HAYDEN. - - 7 - DR.,E. F. WILMOT.; Graduate ”t thd ..stropathle and Home°. 'Whit. Colleges of Medicine, is naw per tnanently located in Great Bend l'a. • April 21, JOHN SA,IITTtR, F .0 , 14 0., 0, , , , ,, b1 e;,, Tai,10 s s i ts . )re lThop first doe -- - - ! rIIE suliscriber having purchased refitted and newly furnished tilt „ 1 1 above well known and popular lintel. Ls prepared to accommodate the tray• Ming public and others with all' the attentions knnd conveniences usuhlly found in first-class i /louses. No effort will be spared by the Pro ! prietor and, his Assistants to make the Hotel equal in every point to any in the country. The Bar will always be supplied with tne Choicest Liquors. s The Sitsbles, connected with this House are large; roomy and convenient, and careful and attentive Hinders are Mwaysin charge of them J. St TAI{BELL. Montrose, lifay 13th, 18503. Patent Medicines, &c. • REAR! .AFFI;ICTED, READ ! ! d'll_RArHENsEnr; NlEnicins.—Veg,etable Pills ,Green Mountain Ointment, Sarsaparilla COmpound,'Children's-Panacea, Eye Lotion,Fe. ver and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters, Dysen. try Syrup, Consumptive's Balm, Marshall's Uterine, Cathol icon, Dr.Lblly's Vile Ointment, and Naval of Health. Ayre's Pills and Chem Pectoral, Tanner's German Ointment, TraskW Magnetic Ointment, Holloway's Ointment and Pills, Davis' Pain Killer; Dr. Fitch's. Heart Corrector, Bennett's Root and Plant Pills, Soule's Sovereign Balm, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, Rhode's Fever and Ague Cure. Merchant's - Gargling Oil, AEni• ca Liniment, Camphor, Castor Oil, Paregoric, /does, Picera, Myrrh, Licorice, &c-, &c., &c- A new supply just received, to ho keptitonstant 1y on hand, for tulle by ;. 1. N. BOLLARD. • October:lst. 1858. • ' LOOK AT THIS! THE FAMILY DOCTOR Contains simple remedies easily obtained, for the cure of disease in all forms. It Wks to you - - in plain language, easily understood by plain • Folks; may nt an moment be beyond price in Ii i - ; to services - to you ; contains 308 12mo. pages, nd will be forwarded to your address, postage L I . na on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Every body ithould have it! f Send to JOHN E. POTTER. Publisher, 4 ' No. fili Sansom St.. Philadelphia, Pa. i ' Arras trill find it eery popular., - rs IV ' All INTERESTED HE subscription accounts of the late firm of -:: • McCotamm & GEnnirsna-hbve been placed the hands of Mr. Wtn. Li BLEBE,—he alone be. : -authorised to colleet.rxed give receipts for the I me. Ile designs canvassing the county, and it desirable that all indebted shimdd settle , °ropily, thereby saving (ather trouble' and ex. se to all parties. . J. R. rticCOLLIMI: ,r , A. J. GERRITSON. '.• Montrose, September 2t5t,1858. NEWS OFFICE. HE New York City fl!ostrated Newspapers Mt:wines, &r, &A.., for male at the ONTROSR BOOK STORE, by A. N. BULLARD. A.CRO%TIL,C. - Charley Morris with hair and holt, Heir.sole heir Of this v a st areA, And note to haßass me and haiß, Resolved to. - warßant ev'ry joR. _Let's have a rusba"salWaysherE You'll find nie honest; juSt -end faille 4 ,*Shop NA. a, Basement of ffeurls's Unto!, on °pike .li,!.rtet. AyA. 7-c.. r iSars - aparilla A - compound remedy, in which welutve la bored to produce the most effectual alterative that can be made. /t is a teneentrated extract ,of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative imwer as to afford an effective antidote for the disemies 'Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and thrit one which will accomplish their cure mint prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been prowl by exper iment on many of tile worst cases to be found of the following complaints:— • Sunspots. AND Seaoretoes COMPLAINTS, Eitorrromi AND EIIHPTIVE Dzsasszs,..Xtcarda, PIMPLES, BLOTCHT.S, Tenons, SALT RHEUM, SCALD MAD, SYPHILIS AND 'SYPHILITIC Ai , rzermxs, MEACHHIAL Dts6lsn, Ditorsr, Neu ruaara On Tre'Doutounrux, Draitny, PEPSI& AND INIHOESTION, EItTAITEL&A. ROAM On ST. ANTHONY'S PEE, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from ImPurerm ov • TILE BLOOD. •••. This compound will be, found a great pro moter of health, when , taken in the spring. to expel • the foul humors which, fe.stee, in the blood at that season of the year. By the time- • ly expulsion of `them many iankling,dimrders are pipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will, strive to rid itself, of corruptions' if not assisted to dp this through tliO natural channels of the body by, an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the 'vitiated - blood whenever you find its impurities btirsting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, 'or 'sores ; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when.. Even .where'no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live 'longer, for cleansing the blood. Keeii the blood healthy, and all is weir; but ‘iit:h this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthr - own. • Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, The r*pntation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egr, egiously deeciVed'hy pteparations, of it, pdrtly becuso the drug alone has not all the virtue that is chimed for it, but more because' many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaptuillm, or any _thing else. .During late, years the public have been Mis led by large bottles, pretending., to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most. of these hate been frauds upon the sick', for they not only contain little, if any, Sal:sopa . rills, but often no curative properties whatev er.. }fence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition, and cheat. Still 'we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have grolMil for believing it has virtues which,are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure tlr'cir complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions un the bottle. PREPARED DT ID it • J. C. AVER & COI LoWF.LL, MASS. Price, el per Bottle I Stir Bottles for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself. , such, a renown for the cure of ..err variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has ong been in constant use throughout this section, 'on need not do - reore than assure the people its quality is kept up tia the best it ever has been, and that it may he relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayers Uathartic ron TgE COME 07 Castivences, Jaundice, D.yspcpsia, InSligesKon, Dysentery, Foul Nos:lath. E.rysipelas, Headache, Rheumatism, Eruptions and adn Diseases, Licer Complaint, Dropsy., Fetter, Turners and Sale Rheum, Worms, Cold, Neuralgia, at a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Wood, They are sugar-coated, so that the,toost sensi tise can take them pleasantly, and they arc the best hpericut in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. - i'riee 25 edit., per Eon; Five belies for $1.90. Great numbers of Physicians, States , men, and, eminent personages, hare lent amt . names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the htsertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish irratDi our AMERICAN Atmstrac in which they are pren ; with alsolull descriptions of the abort complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled cleaters with 'other preparations they ,make more profit on. Demand hem's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they thould kayo it. Alt our Remedies are for sale by A. Tunnstt, Montrose: A. P. Mitten. & Co. Gibson; J. Llogionui Friendsville; Yoascir & SMITH, Summer i _fna Scorr, Springville; Dar- DEN BaumEns, iSiew Milford; J. T. Canttst.e. Great • Bend; E. It. Gnow, Glewooti: W. U. Thartn, Dimork; Earou & Monty. Harford, and all Druggists. ftnhß ly YOtTTH AND MANROOD. 4 1-3n p Jun. Published, the 25th tlicustind, mailev) in dsealed envelope., to any •••• I.M. • address, on receipt of three stamps. A medical essay on the physical exhaustion 4' de cay of the framr, causf d by "self-abulke" infection, and the use efutereiery, by R.lCulrerwell, member If the royal college tf surgeons, 4-c. Spertuatorrhera or seminal emissions, genital and nervous debility, in:potency...loss of energy, depression of spirirs,4imidity, diseases of sexual' organs, impediments to marriage, pomp* and effectually cured by the author's novel and suc cessful treatment, by means of ,which the inva lid can regain-pristine health without having re course to dangerous and,expensive medicines. (From the London Lancet.) The hest treatise ever written on a subject of vital importance to all, well worthy the author's excited reputation. Address the publishers, J. C. KLINE . , B. CO., Post Box 4586,,15iew York. • litlyeq.p libag Vrtscuts. THE subscribers would call the attention of their friends to the great variety.of Gold . and Silver' atches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods which they have on hand suitable for the ap proachtngtlolidays, and which they offer at the lorese Cash Prices. ErAss & ALLEN. • No. 2 Odd Fellows' Hall, Bin!hainton, Dec. 17th, PM. GOLD AND SILVER WATCDES.—Open Paco and Hunting. of every style and price. comprising, over fitly different Fettterns, many of their own importation, and warranted time keepers, which cannot fail to suit, by ' F. 170.5,& ALLEA: . . -GOLD CHAINS, Crosses, Keys, Seals, Neek laces, Studs, Thimbles, Spectaeles, Breast pins, Ear-rings. Finger. rings, Sleeve...buttons. Lockets, Bracelets, snaps, Pens, Pencils,Tooth picks. &e., &e., &e., by EVA 0. & A Lian, SMITER. WARE.— Table, Desert and Mali" Forks. Table, Desert, Tea.• Sugar, Cream, Berry, Preserve aml Salt Spoons; Napkin Ring ChiWrens' knives, Forks and Spoons, in sets; Cups; lee Cream, Rre, Butter and Fruit-liaises; Salt Cellars; Card Cases, dte. Ste., by EVAS9 &-ALLFS; DLATED WAVE.—Tea Sets, Tea Pitcher; J. Castors, \Cake and Card Baskets, Pitcher Tray., Salt,, Cupa, Sugar Baskets, Soup and Gravy -Ladles, Forks and Spoons, &c.,..f0r sale by - • - Nyasa &ALLEN: APIEfIMMAIE Boxes, Perfume ardPaney Cases, Coral Bead; do. Necklaces and Alm lets, Shell and India Rubber Combs,-Tea Telescopes, Watch Stands Knives and Fork; Pocket Knives, Seissors,Wl rx. Satin and Amber Beads,' &c., &c., by • 'Etuis & ALLEN. DDIAMONDPINS' AND •FINGER-BING soma very fine, by Etros &ALLEN.. 'DILATED KNIVES .—A Largo Assortment of 1. Table sad Destrt Knives. and Carvers; by: - ' • ! .• •Evall & ALLEN* -. n. 2 Odd Fellows' Ball, • Einghatutoo, ec 7111,1658# - • '-'7 7 ,- - / ,_-)f- - ) ./ • . ' , 4 - 6‘ •.'/- ~,,, lit,ON crri• co:nut:at:ego.. COLLEGE. PITTRELTG,;PA COARTERED 1855. 300 Students attending -January. 1858. Ngelvt:Ls'eci!:`„g,e:.`-.4:7,t7;:stitc%Ttau,getcQ;omuenrg men prepared for . actual duties of the Counting Room. J. C. Satan, - A. M., Prof. of Book-keeping and Scientific Accounts.: . A. T. DoirittErr, Teacher of Arithmetic and Corilmercial Calculation: .1. A. HErnatcx and 'l'. C. Jamss, Teacher of Book:keeping. A. Cows.Ev and W. A. Miittn, Profe: of Penn manship. - 811‘el.k.: AND DO(TBLE ENTRY'BOOF KEEPING, As usod in every departMent of hosin t ss: _ COM MERCM L ARITHMETIC—RAND BU SINESS WRI DETECTING COUNTERFEIT MONEY— ERCANTI LE CORItESPONDENCE— COMMERCIAL ►.nw— Are tatvAtand 01 other subjects necessary for the rtccess and thorevigh'educuticto of a practi cal biHiness. matt. PREMIUMS. . . Drawn all the Vreminrus in Pittsburg for the past timid - years, ohm in .Eastern and Western . Cities, for beet Writing, . NOT ENV; it A V Ep'Oß K . IMPORTANT INFO ATION. lip ii Students enter at any time—N racafion—Time anlimited—fterioe at plena -- =•Grailtiates 'as. silted to obtain sitnations—Tuition for full Com. mereinlCoinse, s3s;oo—Average time 8 to 12 weeks—ttostd, 8240 per week—qtationery, 88,00--- Entire cost, 8,0,00 to-870,00. F 1 rMinbittl's 90118 received at bail price. For Cmd—'Circular—Spectinens of fhasiness and Ornamental Writing, —ine:ose two stamps, and address F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg., Pn. ember 9th. - 18b11.-3m ( I y,eq,*.w WIN 'IrE It AtiltAi YUE.UENT. gry-AaM . W S W' -M 411 7e I \T I ER' R AILROADROUTE.--DELAWAR LACKA%VANNA & WESTERN'RAII,. Ro.ll).—New and expeditious brute) guag.e route from the 'Nort and West. via Great Bend and Sorantaa, and from the Latitawanna and Wyoming valleys, through to New York and Philadelphia. On and after Thursday, January 20th, 1859, trains wil be run as follows: The Night Expects Train bound elision N. Y. & Erie it. It. arrives at Great Bend at 7 3.3 a. in s ., and connett,i with the'EXPRESS Traiti which leaves Great Bead for New York and Philadelphia at 8.00 - a.m. Due at ilnutmse, '8 37 '- 'l'unkharrnnek, 9,18 F'netoryville, 9.43 `. Scienron, 'lO 30 " •• Moston%ll.l7 " • Stromlsar., - 1.1:3 p. rn Water Gap, 125 " Delamrare.(lstninutestodite,) 1 60 - • - 2.20 " Junction, New York, PLO:14101in, P2Sfell ger% crow N. Y., leure Pier No. Y No!-i . 1) River. at Froth Ithiladt:lphia,leave Walnut St, Wharf. at 600 " Leni'e. Junction,l-1.10 r' . . DueatDridgerille, ' 1"2.02 p.,m. -• . Delaware. (k 6 mi c. to dint:1..0,1'2.1 6 " Water Gap, . 1"2.65 " 114ond,bur t „"., • . . ' 108 " Moscow, 3 16 •• 'Scranton, 4.00 \ " Fretoryv,ille,- _ . 4 5:1 " Tnnk i ltAnnock, SII " zguntro.e. 5.58 " Great Tieird. ' 6.35 " rnnnerting at Great lit.hd with the Mail Trpin. west, at '7.10 " Accoromodalkn lenve t Fvrtr. ton for Great Iletni at 8 in a. in. Arrive at Great Deed. 12 35 p. tr. Connecting, with tl.e Etnigrat Train nest at 20. the Dunkirk Expre.s at 4 35, and the N. V. rsrprei‘s,eam, at 3 10 p. rn. • Ftetarnlng., leaves Great'lletid at 315 p tn. Due at S.cinnton, 7.7 p For the accommodation of way.trnvel nn 12e Southern Dlvision.n passenger ear will •be at= taehed to the Express Freight Trains, lent in o- Surantna, at 4.45 a. to. Due at Stroudsburg at 10 20 •• Junction at • 20 p. tn. • Returuing„ will leave Junction tit 345 a. tn. Due at Stroudsburg at '715 '• " Scranton at 285 p. rn. Passengers to and from New York at.d Phil adelphia will chant , e cars at Junction. For Pittston,. Kigig:.ton, and SVilkesharr. ; take L. & B. R. R.. ears at Scranton. For Jessup. Arehtuild; and Carbondale. take the St*Ps nt Snrnnton. "Tickets se)d,and'bv7gnffP eheekraihrnegh JOII halsßlsl, sap% Wm. N. JENKS.Gen'I Ticket Agent Scranton. inn. 18th. 1859 H W R l ;la lt k Ai lAs p )glA TIO N, A &inn.°lent Institution t'slablished by special en down) ent for the relief of the sick anddistressey, afiligted with Virulent and. Epidemic diseases. THE HOWARD AssocrAms,in view of the aw ful destruction of hrtman life, eassed by Sex ual diseases, and the deceptions prat:tined upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago direeted their COD , . suiting SOireOrt,as a elms/Lou ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treat ment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give MEDICO. AII;NICE GRAT/3.1.0 all who apply by letter, with a description of their con dition, (age, °eruption', habits of life, &c..) and in cases of extreme poverty; to furnish medicines free of charge. ft is needless to add that the Association commands the highest medical skill of the ego. and will furnish the most improved modern treatment. The Directors of the Association, in their An nual Report upon the treatment of Sexual Di seases, for the year ending".lanuary Ist, 11358, • express the highest satisfaction with thesnecess which has attended ,the labors of the Consulting Surgeon in the cure of Spermatorrhom. Seminal Weakness. Impotence, Gen orrhces,G leet,Sypi I I is, the vice of Onanism . or Self-abuse, &c., and or der a continuance of the same plan for the-en suing'year. An admirable. Report on Spermatorrhres. or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Mastur bation, or Selt-abuse; and other diseases of the semisl organii,by the Consulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed envelope), FREE -OF CHARGE, on the .roceipt of TWO STAMPS, for postage. Other Reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of sexual diseases, diet. &c.. 00 constantly being publish-. ed for gratuitous. distribution and will - be oats to the afflicted. Soine of the new' remedies and metkods of treatment discovered during the lest year, are of great value. Address, for Report or , Treatment, Dr. .1 SKI WAN HOEGHTON, Aeling Surgeon, flow, and Amiciation, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Phil adelphia. Pa. By order oF the Directors: EZRA D. HEARTWELL President. . Giro. Fiententt.n. See' . oc 28.1 y 101)10 (MMi)ll.O frOMOTIIERS, WIVES & DAUGHTERS. li Dr. &A. LAMONT 'S Periodical Compound. The moat beneficial and auceeasful rEszaLa NEU mat now in.nse or known, for all caries of 'dis ordered, °Detracted or suppressed Menatruation r Lucorrhtea, Female Weakness Ate: Ladies who havo been disappointed in the userof Female Pills Ate , eau ptit the utmost confidence In this Com• pound, t itlrifalliblel In the career all the above named comphviots. It will_be sent by moil to any addreis by enclosing $2 to any authorized agent. • Prepared by R. I. ANDREW Buffalo N. Y. For sale in hlantrose,by tnayl3'sB-ty 1 . - READ, & CO. „ HARD TIMES NO MORE” • A 141" PERSON (Lady or Geriileman.) in !he. Vnited'States possessing p small capital of from . in 417 can enter into an easy and respectable businesi;bir ableh frem $5 to 13110 perdayegnba,reqiized. PO'. pa rtic uls rs: add ress. stamp,) • W. It. ACTON. & CO.. mh3 3m wi 41 North STXTII•st, 3,13 " 7.1 " 8.15 " I 30 a. m
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