From the American Agriculturist. 1 ..-.. . . Cale ndax offlporations for Ainust. . Iwe - ote down sundry-kinds of work to be done du ing the ' mouth, not; so Much to 'afford instruction to Practical men, as to call 'to mind_ the carious operations to be attended to. A glance ucOr - a table like this will 'often sug g est !iodic piece of work that. ight otherwise be forgotten or neglected. Our remarks are Ili Ore especial} adapixii to thz latitude of 38 7 to 45'; but will be equally applicable to points further Norill and South by tnakit",,tinc allowance for each degree . of latitude, that is, later fur the . North, earlier for the South. . . - indieates the feet ;in the tniddk Ittla f the fast the'mon th.—Dnubling. the letters -tints: ir,.o, mm, or it gives particular emphasis to.the period indicated.- 7 9'he two.let ters placed together, as fin or ho,-signities that the work-may be done in either or i n both periods indicated ; ihtti, work marked jot indicates 'that it is to be attended to from the first: to the middle of the tuonthd r • Farm: - Except at: the far north, the cutting of bay and wheat is no;v over - and by som e called, a.'month of leisure; • but the thrifty fanner 1 wild find , quite-enough to _occupy his time.l His butiines is not as pressing as during "hay and harvest," and be may properly enjoy a. little relaxation with his family, and let the .bo*i" fi.hing." But his farm crops •must not be neglected, and now is a favorable op r portunity,to make many imp-cyan - tents upon the,place, to collect and . .compost manures for - -Winter4rain and Suing crops of newt season. penny:saved is two pence earned," should be borne in mind by those Who spend large'sums_annuallv - in the purchase of for eign manures, while the farm ha 4 a "mine". l of muck, or black earth, not yet worked, or it can' be had for a trifle from a neighboring swamp. 'Bairn yards should be examined to sec.j that - no wash finds its way into . the highway or s epon .a neighbor's• farm. Provide shed - ii for .the manure, and alf,* no weeds to go to t Seed. 7 ',about the Yards.. ; Brishe, briers'and weeds along hedges and in; pastures should now be cutor grubbed up. Bushes " whipped" this month will net sprout I readily. Butter and Cheese making, will form a - yry imottatit part of " whien- neatness is an essential iirpfisite. , - : =2 C-abbages--Late ones may Atilt' be planted Out,-/, on ground already free, or soon to be cleared. of early crops. . - • Cattle—See that their grazing lands are •sufficient. Give mitch cows alittle of the Eoilino crop eachday to keep up a zo,ooup _ply of milk, -especially if it. i•for nviiket. Gross the cows and .two-year•old boilers Ourham,. Dev,ou or' Ayrshire ma t„, nd so improve your stock.i- , .Cellars—Keep sweet' and clean and well ventita4ed. • Corn—Keep the fields free.from Weeds, but do not plow or ealtivate so - deep as to injure the root at - this seascn: Early planting_ for forage mar be araduailv cutsand fed. • - Cotton—hltepare baskets, sacks ; giii stands. presses. in the•eatly part or the month, that there be no detention when the pickin . , ; season •eeturimees. at the south, about la middle of the nion:h. Draining—Reclaim swamps, *and double • the value of ivet lands by thorough drainage._ Read the ehapters l hr fernier numbers, and employ the leisdre of this month_ in . following •lenst -the . 7 ,direetions there g iven. Fenc'es—Keep good fepair. Do not invite your cattle to become unruly by lenv• ing a bar damn bete, a tail or boatd off there, and a broken-down snail in another place. As feed becomes short in the pasta:es. the care • apt to examine cosily the l'en(ces which.sepa. rate them from better pickitiff.s. Forests-; , -The'present is a favorable month • to cut-off forest!• ftir the purpose of bringing them under After removing the latg,er wood, s - pirtd anTi burn the brush, m, 1, fur a -crop of ty yt Grain and Granat ies--Threslr early. and, watch and sPeculators at the same' ; time. lot oinitting to "take thepitpersr ...Cleanse granaries and put a little tar in tire crevice., the - offenFive color of ‘‘ltielt i , fl'e • ventli a preventive of the attack of weevils. and other rrn...eets. in the bins. See that every thing is mice And rat proof. • Bay salt and sedge. selecting neap tides ktn order to remove it . without i.teing.. ' Stack upon high grounds . , or give it barn room. Hoeing, should not be neglected as long 'as weeds continue togroWl Hogs—Keep their pen; and. cards well sup plied with manure materials, and Compel them to contribute in part; towards their sup port,, as manufacturers: Store h•rgs may con ulnae- in pasture or orchard, but those . for -early fattening should have a smaller-range and bore feed. Manures—Pay particular attention to their I manufacture, • collectinw from the woods, mud: swrinip-,s,_ ponds and road sides, ever--' thing valuable and compost with -fi-1 and sea-weed. Keep hog and cattle yards cover with muck,' and. collect the - droppings each morning, thowint their; in it heap under cover. Lauda will 'now need manuring for .the.cinp of:Winter gr aip_soon to be put in: Millet—Commence cutting for mulch cows, Sec* the whole crop before the seed hardens, unless the gqiin i ‘i•afi:ed. Mowing Fi e lls—Whenever you bate time clear' from stumps; but,ite - s. and stoner., that tile mowing machine andliorEe-rake find - .no obstuction. It is a--.good lime to cut under ,.brush and..weeds. • - Muck--,Dig in dry weather and -cart ;a. go - codly . supply to „your yards aad stable, not forgetting the inivy,•wlere in addition to the tnanttre.-it - malco.4, it foi-n2 a very good dis- infector. Oats--Complete harvesting, Do not allow them to get too ripe, thUs. iruurin , r,the thaw-for feeding.. 1 : 4 ' Pastures—See that the feed isntricient for grazing -animals." A frequent change, of= ls I,- .gTounds is beneficial. . 'Plow deep fOr Winter grain, , m.ll, manor- I . . Wtag well. -It Is better to plow sward land,/, . even, and harroW it several timeiduring.tlie month previous to sowing. i . ....Potatoes--Tatly_plantings. are now ready Sou market .and jhe ground may receive a 1 crop - of cabbsges,:turnips,,:er be' sown-- tot wrent or rye In the early part of next month. • - l'oWtry—Look to; especially if confined in hOuseaind - Vards. Keep the roosts and nest.s , c,rean; and - ii-troubled with vermin,- dpst .the-1 fowls . 1 . 141 the flour of sulphur. • cuffing-it at the souil l , stintiinc; , Off the Water for a week or ten -days; priyiiinsto:karveitin* ' - -EgS,CiOps---lirep the ground - .free from. sukred I?etween the rows. • ~.1-tye,, r Gelpplete hanTsting bc?Lb Winter and_Sprint tia tie . ties. Sow •sWinter crop,' if or 'early next month, u-slog one • anika-laalf butqlele - to the s acie. - - Seed Wheat, all foul stuff was pulled from the se - ed patch, • it: will only . . be tt; thresh with dads, and sirt. out: the. Final!:shrivelled grains. :Before sowing, it ja , welt, to intik in strong brine whicb will 'float any poor grain and separate oats or chess,- besides preventing . PlaStir - ar s Friae sifted on wb;le wet with the brinW is an ad: ditional benefit—the lime .being a. special remedy for smui- Sheep-z-Protect from dogs by placing bells 1.1 , ,Ai a few 4f the tuck. -Rub a.little -tar upon the . nose to keep away the fly., Give. ; salt, freely. Tanis sometimes spread over a trough and salt scattered upon it. lu eating; the salt they a:near their noses with the tar. Soiling (..;ropS- - --Give cows and other:Stock a portion of the Millet. green corn or . sugar cans sown for fodder, now that._ihe 'feed is getting short. • - ' • Timber-:-This is one of the very best months for cutting timber to last. . Timothy—SOW with rye-and wheat s 11. If sown by itself we prefer the 10th to the .15th Of.the month. In , either case use about . 12 .uartsq of seed per sere. A better seeding and an improved quality Of. bay will be the result Tobaceommence harvesting leaves ha ve ,acq ui red a- mottled, gummy ftp- Pearance and break when doubled over. Turnips may still be sown, g; among corn or potatoes, or after early crops. Flat or cow-horn , varieties should - be uses ire stead of rutabagas for such late tos6tigs. Cultivate. hoe: and thin former plantings: Weeds—Make into compost, or feed to swine instead of raising.for seed, particularly ahout i the manure heap. Thistles may be de stroyed by mowing when in bloom—cutting them 4 few inches from the ground. Wheat—Cut Spring varieties at the north, f, tn. , Prepare gr s ound,at the same time for sowing, ii, or early next month. Nearly,two bushels of seed per -acre 'is about the best use -for broadcast sowing. on or dinary soil, taking one season with another. It is oftener found, too thin than too thick. The Man of many Remedies. . The invalid who takes hold .of the drug list as if it, Were a bill of fare, and is continu ally changing ft om .one item to another, like t - green guest at a hotel dinner, stands a fair chance. of killing -himself before he has ex hausted the calalog,ne of poisons. Some con stitutions will bear this . „kind of "medical treatment" longer than others, but anything short of a case-hardened system, lined with asbestos, and furnished with gutta-percha nerves and steel sinews, must succumb. at last. AVe trust, however, that this plan of trans ferrino• the whole ?no feria medico to the s!omachs of the sick, is nearly obsolete. Half the world alreMy understands that the two inestimable remedies introduced by P ro fesso r Holloway, are sufficient for all internal and external ailments. The other half is fast verging to the same opinion. It is safe to ptedict that the day - is not distant when the ph ar maeorO)ia }sill he, revised down to a very minute volume, which may perchance "grOw small by degrees and benutifully less," until it vanishes altogether. Venerable• errors are not immortal. They must die,and if they are decently buried with -the re , pecit due to old Age, if is the most that can be expected for them. We have our prejlilices, like other folks. pti they Mick to us like barnacles; forming a sort of armor which the sword of truth can• not always readily penetrate. Rtit when we see sores of twenty years standing cured in six week's by HoLLow - AY's ;01STMEN1, and chronic dyspepsia of the most'distrssing kind relieZ-ed in a few days by HoLcowAY's PILLS, (and Nutt these wonders have been accom pli,hel repeatedly- is beyond dispute.) what'" are we to say To deny the efficacy of 1 medies that work such -apparent miracle, would be mere fi: hi! y. We shall not thus stultify- ourselves. The reputation of his F. me di c i ne s a s s l it-ft . : firs for three fourths - of the maladies' of the , human race, is founded i t urrpitable facts, and, facts are as species of antagonists that ue decline meeting in the , fi e ld of vont,rovußy with any kind of theories with %illicit thic yrofession• could furnish ns.l We ha - t - e many friends among the familty, and Tosf•ible some of them may consider thel cute(etlecteil by the use of Prcfessor Iloilo- Othtment an innovation an their rights. If so, it is a trespass which the sick will approve.and which every philanthro- pist —with chose interest it does wit . inteVerel —is sure to coMmend.-211emphig "Appeal.' • NITP•s SOCTIIWORTH. Cot..O!;EL W. CROCK-F,TT CJI ARLES BURDETT; THOMAS DUNN ENGLISH, M. D., HENRY CDAPP;'.iy.N., GEORGE ARNOLD, SAMUEL YOUNG, Mits. ANNA WIIELPLEY, Mn.s VI RC, IN IA VA CG LIN, Mn`. pl. VERNON, . Miss HATTIE CLARE, FINLEY - JOHNSON, Waite only for the GOLDEN PRIzE GOLDEN PRIZE GoLOEN PRIzE - GOLDEN PRIZE GOLDEN PRIzE GOLDEN PRIZE GOLDEN PRIzE GOLDEN PRIZE 'TULE GOILAWEN PRIZE ILLE - STRATED Dean dc . Ratter. :acre . 5..• In Bee THE Rew Yoru_ Weekly tioLDEN . PRIZE is one of the largest and best literary papeii of the day—an haperial Quarto, containing 8 pages, or forty columns, of most inter esting and fascinating.reading - matter,,from 'the pens of the very first uvriters of the day, Elegantly' Illtittrated Every - yeek. Present, wort: from 40 t nts to irj()o Will be given to oath subscriber immediately on receipt of the subscription' m oney. This is pre sented as a memento of friendship, and not: as an inducetnent to obtain-sobseriberii. TERMS One copy one year ea and one present.' Three do three do Fire do 8- five do Ten -an t 5 ten do • Twenty-one do 30 • 21 do The articles t 2 be g,icen away are comprised in the following list : 2 Packages. of Gold containing, $5OO each 5 . idp de • do 200 each . 10 do, do •do • 100 each 10 Patent Leverliunting Watches 100 each 20 Gold Watches - - 75 each 50 do - - each • 100 do - r - - - 50 each 300 Ladies* Gold Wittehcs -" - 15 each . 200fSilver }tenting, Cased Watches 30 ea;h 500'Sflver Watches - 10 to 25 each 1000 Gold Guard, Vest, sod Fob Chains 10 to 30 Gold Lockets,Rracelets, Brooches, Eaf Drops, Breast Pins ' CufrPins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings, ~Shirt Studs, Watch Keys,_Gold and Silver Thim bles, and a variety of other articles, worth from fifty cepts tio 'fifteen dollars each. We-wiil present to every person sending us fifty subscribers, at $2, a Gold Watch worth $4O, to any one sending one-hundred subscribers, at $2, a Gold ;Watch worth $9O. • Each subscriber will also receive a present. . . Immediately pu receipt of the monegythh sub. scriber's ilium will be entered' upon our book ; and the present will be for Warded .within one week by mail or express, post paid. r'-...Add rens all communications to, DEAN di SALTER, Proprietors, , 335 Broadwiy, New Yory [leitwiemoiy - • bne ], 1858. . .. • • ,NOTWITIISTAND' 1.: :. .....--. - .-""'"- 101 "hard times. " A , : ow* , - , .. rell's variety of ; 1 9 . r1 . c.:.: 7 6 : . - good s, keeps srr ' ..- he Is . constant! aecessions, every few days. hie the lowest. • . • - TEE SNEEZING - PUBLIC. Dartera's Celebrated tarrb ~eIN INFALLI-BL • REMEDY. FOR SAL • BY 11-THAYER, Monts , . • ; •B. a TOMP • NS, " Brooklyn Alhn 1. TIIAYER: nittork.l Take. Due Noti . ce ! And govern lonrselvani neitoi'dingly TIIAT IT IS Tilt: WILL AND PLEASURE OP, 6utteliberg;436cnbaunt, QE , R. 1 9 - 10 mulct; public announcement of the fact that 1 they have ante ed into OM -ARRANGE MEM', for the joi t benefit of themselves and the laboring community, as_follotes: . They will receive SPANISH COIN at par, in exchan?ro for all goods purchased at their establislmien from this date; and in 11ad dition theretb PLE of themselves to sell goods from 25 to 30 perleent . cheapir than any other firm. ir. Northern Pennsylvania. There is at the resent time, a largo amount . of Spanish Coin -i circulation in this Tegion; and having seen %nth surprise in the public prints of this county, a notice to the effect, .that such. coin is reduced in . value_ e 4. MONTROSE, Etamion - gz 111. gynoWta 9 dim en ng w nen tne i Thal we are 'n gr,eal need of -money, and as the said Spanish ~,oin is the best silver in the market, we_ a vise all persons in possession of Such epin to ring the same to G UTTENBERG, .1? 0 S VBAUM tt CO., who ail take it at' Its Po mei i'• 'Pallet. We are eonstantl, , reeeiVingllMlESS GOODS of the latest style. and of- tge finest qualities, comprising Fa spl 'Mild assortment of • Shawls, Maidillas, Bunt , and a superb stock of ad.giNSE illa'1117( 431)(0)Mg. to which we invite, he particular nttentionof coun try Milliners. A beautiful assortment of - compris ag Collars,. Sleeves, Linens, Laces, and White . Goods too numerous to men tion. We devote .1 great deal of attention to the READY-MADE CLOTHING business, and have a large Tailoring establish ment connected w th mil- Stores at 31ontrose and Stisquelvinna l!epyt We flatter ourselves that we can lit a man---:be he dwarf or giant, and‘no t matter how jibs apen—in presentable style, prarid , (l always, t at his portmonnaie is stuffed with the "needlu 7 (de fi ned by us to consist of Spanish as well a AMerican coin). * * *Call, and g t your money's worth at•the Store of - BFIGUTTEN 3fortilose, , )lay 18th, 185 I S E , ABEL ItAlaSru,sad tnret.l l : fur CASH, and st over thirty which he oliers - t at low prices for t - 1. 1) •LP W I N I) I► V E G It ( G L A 1; M I NV 1 N 1) \V I N I) (-) •F A N MUSICAL ' J El P E•l4 I) It II A T 0 iv 00 It B JAPA 11, I P AM C A B (Fo.r Medic SUP SHOUL P O R • SILVER & PL 0 And all o PATEN Thankful for ceived, he hop• large 4:crease o Montrose. Del EBEUM For Cash and ' 11.1 r At the Old Otand of Lathrop I Go LAT : '1:1P &..DeWITT BEC: leave • announce , to the public in gen. eral that ley are now opening One of the largest Svx as 4 Maacnasniss ever offered ila Montrote. Co .prising Dry Goods, Groaeriels„, Hard Ware, Cr 4.kery, dze,, are , width tficy prdpose to sell • t the LOWEST CASH PRICES. I Tur lected o. 1, and reception s as low is Those We wish to demonstrate to the public the difference betw en-b4inft GOodiviiir_eaan and ort mt. " • LATHROP & DEWITT. Itiontrose;,A it 26th, 18A. • -IVOOI I , - -WOOL th;it h4ttke ir e w Mitfoia, - ROSENBAUM', & CO I TICE EIII' GIVE,ti U. AT TU_RRELL ned from Ne w York, with a !oleo variety of-Goods, bought elected with much care, from best Houses in New York, I his customers and the public s ! ash. His stock comprises: R IT U S, ICINES., AINTS, OIL S , ONti GLASS, S T OF F S, _ • ICERIE'S., S S'— W A RE, )CKERY, I ROBS, L ICKS, - • . I PAPER. 0 \V' .I' AP E R. •, ' ' 0 1 L S II A DES, ;Y GOODS, INSTRUMENTS, I\V E L_lt V, 1 F LT M E R V, GOODS, . - I, 1) WARE, N E 'W A R E , , )EN WARE, R 0 0 M S , . .. LUSHES, ' N E D \V ARE, 1) c A ()ES, ' , ILY S E E D., 'E KNI V-•E S, ; If 1 I', , .1R E 1.4 A S, ' GUNS, ' ISTOLS, .UNITION, PENTINE, MPHENE, ING FLUID, I C 0 II 0 L , Q.O 0R S, \ n a I Purposes only,) .4355E5,- P 0 P 1 T ER S, ")ER BRACES, MONAIES, C T AUL ES, TED SPOONS, FORKS, &e., LD PENS,• LTIONERt, STRINGS, I4OWS, tir,c., f the most popular I' MEDICINES, heliberal patronage hitherto re.. s to merit a continuance and the same. ABEL TURRELL. Ist 1857: W 1 I S P E aUkil O:4OZS Prompt• Six Month's' Boyers, BURRITT re real Facts. S. IL SAYR.E & BROTHERS ARE NOV 'RECEIVING • . so ply ofAir 4b o. 4 Q: s , V , AND GOOlOl%. A / NTHICII for C u rator Produce can be bou g ht V very low. WALL PAPER. A select assortment just received. S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS. ARPETING. Bargain! offered by ll S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS. PLOWS! PLOW'S!! - D LOWS. We invite the attention of Farmers -1 to the celebrated Peekskille Plows which we have added to our large assortment. * . S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS, Proprietors of Eagle Foundry. Montrose. April 29th, 1858. 18tf., STOVES! STOVES ! ! STOVES ! ! OStoves have been so thoroughly tried kJ to the entire , satisfaction of all, that they need no recommend from us. - S. If. SAYRE & BROTHERS. 00Lfl PEtTTlit ALI TP211.01109 Jr THE HEAD OF, NAVIGATION, A ND examine the choice stock of Spring, tl and S ttttt mer Goods, just opened for Examina . tion and SALE, al rery low figures by C. W. MOTT. Q TELL,A,(l:73Bl ! iiere, and DoLain Shawls at 10 very low prices by C. W. MOTT. HATS and Caps of th_e newest styles, in • great variety_by C. W. MOTT PRINTS in abundance by C. W. MOTT. BRASS Hoops, - Hosiery, Gloveg, Belts. etc., etc., by C. W. MOTT. BROWN and Blue N'lleetina Mid Sh'rtings— Shirtine Stripes, Ticks, Denims, Sommer Stuffs, &e., as low as can be afforded in this market. C. W. 310TT. GROCER I ES, Crockery, Hardware ROCERIES, and various other articles to numerous to . men ti,on.—all - of which shall be sold Cheap for Cash or Ready 'Pay. C:.IV. 51017. Farm for Sale. fII E subscriber offers for sale a Good Farm of 93 acres in Bridgewater, four miles east of Montrose, 70 acres improved. There is on I the premises a large framed Dwelling House, a good framed Barn, an excellent Apple Orchard I One half of the purchase money-will be requiredl down; the balance in annual instilments: • I ELIJAH BROWN. I Bridgewater, August 19th, 1857. 33tf. Still They Come! THE largest steel: of NlEDiems ever before kept in this market may be found at tho 1t will be useless to enumerate. When you wish anything in the 'Patent Medicine line, or otherwise, call at the Farmer's Store. Don't for get the place, d:.ien ;men. It. THAYER. Montrose, March 3il, I$5S. tl, fall ! .4alt GEO. %V. MANN, Wholesale Salt Dealer,— 201 Washington Street, (directly opposite Washington Market,) still continues to offer to the city and cointry trade. all kinds of foreign coarse and fine salt, at the very lowest Agures: 40000 sacks and bap, &insisting hi part of ton's celebrated brand for table and dairy use. Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's, -HrownloW's, &c.: and 50060 bushels Turks Island, llonares, Cu raeoa. St. Mies, Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivica, Nantes, &e., all of which will he sold at bargain prices from vessels, store and storehouses. Any pnreha , ;er wishing to select from n good assortment will find it to hi 3 interest to Ball. N. 8.--L-Fine table salt -put up in small bags of different sizes, and constaivtly on hand in ship. ping order. Also a splendid article of Rock Ground salt, in quart boxes, pill op and .for sal by the quantity, in cases of frve dozen each:. . New York, April Ist, 1858.—1> 5 • It. RENTON • WrOftalit.Dth7tsPeche."a„l-itirlir ; vt a e tt s en p tio to the COIN at PAR in exchange for Goo( at lowest prices, or on notes and accounts, and would respectfully invite attention to his cell -selected stock of DitY go ‘134, consisting in part as follows: tich Black Silks: Brocha, Stella and Cashmer• Shams from 88 to $2O; Rich Ribbons; Bum es, Challis,° Prints, and Robes; Embroidered oilars from 6 1-4 tits. to 20 ct-s.; Parasols, Urn rellas, and Carpet Bags. CROCKERY A HARDWARE. Scythes—an excere assortment, hest in " this city,"—Rakes, liar .orks, Straw Forks, Brass Kettles, &c., i• .• Fine Stock of adios' 'Shoes, Wall Pa per, and d_La ge Assortment of Carpeting,. In fact a Nie• - Stock of RICH GOODS—to be sold at the " * WEST' PIW:Es, rOf • ANISE(' COIN. sc; com: one and all, and • hereafter avoid ail such a- show vou by their practice that they do not • -by others as they wish others to do by the ~ You • will please take notice that no de -f:r offers you Spanish Coin at. 20 tents in c , an , re--1 hey expect to get more. • P. S. There is another class of customers that I wish to say a word to. - Some seem to labor under the impression that I do not need 'any money to conduct my business. It will proba bl:ti, proves fatal mistake to their credit with me, audit* they will' set-themselves to work to pro cure the needful they will be relieved the Tires ence of .that special messenger tihoin no ono cares to see. • • Goods as heretofore will be sold to prompt six months buyers—and those only—on time. All those who have not settled their accounts fur the year past please call and settle the same without delay. 'Yours truly, in trade, May 18th, 1858.] IL KENYON. ..., aev. Joseph E. Iling,A. M., • 4 , ( IPIII/ 1 / 7 0111PiaU.a a ! Pt •0 °'A FIRST CLASS SEMINARY FOR', 4 4 ••4 Ladles and Gentlemen, -Fall term;re . 4.0 on,opens August 19th, 1858. ital l` 50 pays for Board and Tuition in' t A, • 13329 , ct ; Common .English, for term of Fourteenlll -s•e t Weeks. Superb briek buildings, beauti-T. ;fay located on the Railroad, near Sara-i f :l v :toga Springs. Superior facilities for Mu. - Ni,sic, Painting, and French. Studettta re-i 4 ,.mitived at any, time, and charged only fort 14the residue of the term. ki l c° For Catalogues address the.PairmirAt.. i • - - W% Jape • 1858. , Patent Medicines, &c, AFFLICTED READ! GaaPmeatssurr liarncisr a s.--Vegel2bYtt Pills Green' Mountain Ointsient, Sarsaparilla Compound, Children's Panacea, Eye Lotion, Fe ver and Ague Reiriedy, Health Bitters, Dysen. tary Syrup, Consumptive's Ban, - Marshall's . Uterine, Catholicon, Dr. Libby's Pile Ointment, and Manual 'of Health. . , z a kyrea'Pills and Cherry, Pectoral, Tanner's German.Ointrnerit, Trask's Magnetic Ointment., iliiTietirly's Ointment 'and Pills,. Davis' Pain Kitreii;4l)r. Fitch's Heart Corrector, Bennett's Root and Plant Pills, Soule's Sovereign Balm, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, Rhode's Fever and Are Cure, Merchant's Gargling Oil,Arpi. en Liniment; Camphor„ Castor Oil, - ParegOric, Aloes, Picera, Myrib, Licorice, &C., &c., A new supply just received, to be kept constant ly on hand, Toi sale by I. N. BULLARD . ~ I October, Ist 1856. - • I PROFESSOR WOOD'S flair 11.eatorsti-e at , TURREI.I:B. stAn'it Aiw4llrPlG 3 4PriTs• giNEEMME : = • New Rail Road Route, Delaware, Lackautuunadir. W.R.R. NEW and expeditions broad gunge route from the North and West, via Great Bend and Scranton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys, directly through to New York and Philadelphia. On and after Monday, May 17th, 1858, trains will be run. as foljnws: . -The Ci' cinnati Exprete; Train bound east_ on N. Y. &-Erie R. R. ' arrives at areat Bend at 8.15 a. in., and connects with the EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend for New York and Phil'a at • 8.39 a. rn. Due at Montrose, '9.05 " Tunkhannock, - Factoryyille, 10.10 " Scranton, 40.57 " Moscow, -4 1 ,4 3 " Stroudsburg, 1.33 p. m Delaware.(ls tninuteelo dine,) • Bridgeville, Phil. (pass:leave) 2.40 " Junction, 3.30 " New York, 7.15 " PhiladolPhia, 8.20 , " Passengers from N. Y., leave Pier ' No. 2 North River, at From Philadelphia, leave Walnut St, Wharf, at 6.00 " Leave Junction, .10.50 " Dueatßridgeville,(Phil.connection.) ll . 4o " Delaware, (15 min. to dinner),l2.oo m . Stroudsburg, 12.47 p. m . Moscow, 2.30 I' • Sefanton, = 3.15 " Factoryville, 4.05 " Tunkhanneek, 4.25 " Montrose, 5.08 " Great Bend. 5.40 " Connecting at Great Bend with the Mail Train, west, at Accommodation Train leaves Scran ton for Great Bend at • 8.30 a. m . Arrive at Great Bend, - 12 20 p. Connecting with the Dunk-irk Express, west,. at 1.55. and the N. Y. Express, east, at 2.35 p. m. Returning, leaves Great Bend at 2.40 " - one at Scranton, ' 7.10 " For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern D;vlsion, a passenger car will be at. Melted to the-Express Freight Trains, leaving. Scrantnit, at 5.00 a. m. sae at Stroudsburg at 10.15 " ", Junction at 210 p. m. Returning, Will leave Junction at 400 a. m. Due at Stroudsbureat '7.20 " " Scranton at , • 1.50 p. m. Passengers for New York will change cars at Junction. , To and from Philadelphia, via B. D. R. R., leave or take the cars at For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre,take L. & B. R. R.. cars at Scranton. For Jessup.Archbald, and Carbondale, change ears at Greenville. Tickets sold, and baggarre checked throng,: JOHN BRISBIN;Sup't V,i. N. JEXas.Gen'l Ticket Agent May 13th, 143,58, kV" Great Discovery of the Aye. .24 EuronTANT TO TOBACCO CIIEWE'. S. TA IC:GUSTAV LENNIARD'S Taste ester -I.__/ aut . ° Troches,—The Greet Sub. auto for Tobacco. It is a well known and in , ontroverti- Edo fact that the use of tobnceo jst to promoting cause of many of the most severe - MENTAL AND PHYSICAL DISORDERS to which the race of man is : bject,as careful analysis- and long and painfi experience have clearly proven that it. conta'ts certain narcotic & poisonous properties mos dangerous in their ef fects, which by entering the blood derange the functions and operatio • s of the heart, causing ninny to suppose that organ to be diseased. TO B,A CCO' r •c is also the entire nervous system, manifestin_ itself—as all who:have ever nsed the weed w' I testify—in lassitude, nervous irratibility, wa r brash, dy.pepsia, and many other disorder of a similar character. The TASTE I ESTOR.ITIVE TROCIIES aro desig dto counteract these baneful influ ences, an have proved completely successful in a multi de of eases, and wherever used. Being themselves they exert a beneficial effec upon the entire system, restoring the taste wh'•ll has becothe vitiated or destroyed by great it tubtence, completely removing the irritation • nd accompanying, tickling sensation of the throat —which are always consequent upon abstaining from the use of tobacco, and by giving a Wealthy tone to the stomach, invigorate the whole system. Persons who are irretrievably undermining their constitutions and shortening their lives, should ase these troches immediately end throw off the injurious & impiensant habit of chewing tobacco. _These troches or lozenges aretput up in a con venient and portable farm at the low price of .50 cents per box. A liberal discount to the trade. Prepared solely by the undersigned to whom al! orders should he addressed. . - MS. E. BOWERS, Druggist, ap7'sBy) ear. '2d and Race-sts,luta: A PRIZE FOR EVERY BODY ! 1161-pork Zi.drekto Vrts.s. lI.,:aCTOTP.A.TEID EMU NEWIPAYEIL THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY PRESS IS one of the best - literary papers of "the day. A large Quarto containing Twenty Pages, or' sixty Columns; of entertaining matter; and gaudy Illustrated every week, A Gift worth from 50 cents to $lOOO wi!l be sent to each subscriber on the receipt of the sub acription money. One - copy for , one year, and 1 gift .. $2. Three copies, one year, and 3 gifts . 5. Five copies one year, and 5 gifts . . . 8. Ten copies one year, and 10 gifts . Twenty-one copies ono year, and 21 gilts43o. The articles to , be distributed are comprised in the follow:inn' list : • 1 United States Treasunt Note $lOOO. 2 do do do 500 each 5 do do do 200 each -10 do " do do 100 each. 10 Pat. LevAlunrg Cased Watches 100 each. 20 Gold Watches . . - '75 each. 50 do - 60 each. 100 do • - - 50 each. 100 Ladies Gold Watches . 35 each. 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches 30 each. 500 do Watches - $l5 to 25 each. 1000 Geld Gu4rd, Vest and Fob Chaitis 10 to 30. do ~do Pens and Pencils - 5,t0 15 each. Gold Lockets. Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, Cuffs Pins, Sleeve- Buttons, Rings, .Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Thim bles, and a variety of other articles,. worth from. fifty cents to fifteen dollars each. On receipt of the subscription money, the sub scriber's name will•be entered upon - our -books' opposite a number, and the gift corresponding, with that numberwill be forwarded within one• week, by mail or express, post paid.- There is neither humbug nor lottery about the above, as every subscriber ie:sure. of a..POze. of value. We *der to make this liberal diatribe ' lion among them instead of giving a large corn mission to agents, giving to the subseriber Th amount that would go•to the agent, Diu, , many cues a hundred fold- more. tiff' Address ell.:rommunications to • DANIEL ADEE, Publisher, • May 27.—y1.)i 211 Co n Street: New York; 124m3. t CLOTlllN F Cassiiners and Vesting', very de. iambic styles,it pritsts• that cannot. fill le suit. Call •andlie convinced.• _ ' C. W. JE GRA SI'S.ELECTILIC OIL, the .great remedy for ft het:madam, Neuralgia; Lamei fleas, Stiffloinr, Pains,dtc. Also; nearly all of the leading Patin Medicines in market, embracing a retuedy,for'brery disease to whietrilesh is nate ject. Ivor sal4 by -41 UL 'TURRPAL , „ • . „ „.. AATOLFIR Aromatic fihrhiedatn Schnappg,4 'PURR EI,VII y y 7.30 a. m 5.55 " WHO SUBSCRIBES FOR THE CERPS-IN ADVANCE Helmbold's Genuine Preparation; . ,v):, r - ,oyontrost. Pow highly Ccncentra ed";Copikotind Fluid 'Extract , ~.. ~ , PyI34SUED ES WV . TrwnsDA,r ] , .. • - Birk. i., . . . , J. . .• , . . , - - ..AliDitEW J. GERRIT .5 . 0 per annum if p. Pcir .Diseapes if the Bladder, Kianeys,. GraFeZ Term „, anee, (42 . - ..0 . 0 7' l f prod within the year, Drcipsy, ti , eessel,' astrtidions, Seard - • ' Diseasek Piinale CoUtplainti; and all '• if not.mod until the end of the year hs_cription. Advance payment. e Diseases . of Me Skxual Oifans, - . . . and of f ll su iscontinuances o arising from excesses end imprudences in life, o ptional, with. the removing all improper discharges from the bind.- until a l t • tut arrearnges are - paid. der, kidneys, or sexual .Orgaos-, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE,, from whatever cause : ti urea Idve.rtilailgi they may have originitted,Mid no matter of how Ones quare, (10 Hem) 3 weeks or/ long standing,' giving ,liealth and, vigor to the Each stibseclucnt insertion, • frame, and ,blootn to the Pallid.eheek. . One square one year, $B.OO, two TO T H E AITLICTED!! I / i JO Y 'tree squares $16.00, four squY i Business Cards of .151 V. liner Thenres nervous and debilitated' itofferers, , Id 'rernove all the syntlitoihs,ittnong whiCh 'will- he Job Work of all kip s - found indispoSition to exertion, hiss of Power,los•s and promptly. Blanks/ of memciry, difficulty of breathing, general weak- • . Armory Ist, IMO, ness, horror of disease, ,veak, 'nerves, trembling, dreadfuLitorror of death, nightsweats, cold feet, wakefulness,, dimness of vision, languor,oMversal lassitude of the musculOrnystcmoften'enormous appetite, with sypptoms; hot hands,, ' •, drynestfbf the skin, pallid iptions on the faee.pain in the the eyelids,' frequently block the eves, with a temporary :sight;wnnt of ottention,great oks, with horror,9f society.-- :sirable to, such patients than ig they more dread for fear of me of manner,no earnestness, # hurried transition from one , if allowed" togo on—which iiably.removes—anon,followsi .cuity and epileptic fits—in oy` of which the patient may expire. , Who can F . that theie excesses are not frequently folk by those direful diseasei—insanity and con. lion t The records of the insane asylu the melancholy deitlii by eonsutoptio nnJ ple witness to the truth 67 these asser lunatic asylums the most melnnehol! appears. The countenance is actor quite destitute—neither 'mirth or its it. Should a sound of the v rarely articulate. With woeful measurer • Low sullen. sounds hi/ Debi/fly is the most •terr' thousands to untimely ambition of many ncibl by the use of this I N IF A 1. L I ' If you are suffer; tressiog ailments. cure you. Try it lEir Beware tors, who fah Citizens lair fering, mot ing for i edy. fectly to i : y •ed ump , "And ear am• Jr ions. In ,t exhibition t ty sod:len'& grief ever vis occur it is • wan despair grief beguiled." :rble! and has brought aves, thus blasting - the 1. youths. It 'can be cured : LE REMEDY. • r . g with any of the above die. J he Floid,Extract Duchu wilt and he convinced of its efficacy. qumik nostrums and quack (loc i. z•ly boast of abilities and references. w and avoid them, and save long, suf .) ey, and exposure, by lending or cal l . iottie of this popular and specific rem- J allay;*all pain and inflammation, is per fi y Icasant in its. odor, butimmedi ate i its action. HELIWBO.VS - EXTRACT MHO a prep:And directly according to the rules ..ot harmacy' and Chemistry, with the greatest ac curacy and chemical kno,wledge and .cart devo ted in its combination. See, Professor Dewees valuable works on the practice of physic, and most of the late standard works of medicine. pir 100 iOne. hundred dollars will the paid to any physician who can prove that the medicine ever injured a paticOtiand the testimony of thousands can be "proddced to prove that .it does great good. Cases of from one week to 13 years' standing. have been effieted. The mass of C•oluntary testimony' in possession of the Pro pr;etor, vouching its virtues and curative powers, is immense, embracing names well known to Science and Fame. 100,000 Bottles have been sold and not a single lam:ince of failure has been reported! Persorally appeared before me, an Alderman of the City pf Philadelphia, H. T. Helmbeld, Chemist, who being dull- sworn does .say, that his preparation contaius no Narcotic; Merc.ury or injurious Drug. - but is purely Vegetable. H. T. lieltnbold, Sole Mannfaetarer. Sworn and subscribed befort; me this 23d d a y o f Nov - 1854. Wm HIBBARD. Alderman., - • Price 81 per Bottle, or ,six for $5, delivered to any address. accompanied by reliable and res. ponsible certificates from Professors of Medical Collegeit, Clergymen. and others; Prej u tred and sold by 11: I'. lIELNI BOLD, Praetical and Analytical Chemist, No. 52 South lOth:st., below Chestnut, Assem bly Buildings, Philadelphia, Pat' W'Tci . tx. had of all Druggists and Dealers in the , U. S., Canadas, and British Provinces. Beware of Counterfeits. Ask forUelmbold'a —take no•other. Cures guarantied. Sold in Montrose by ABEL TURRELL, Agent. Jan. 20, 'sB.—ly. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PUILADELPIIIA A 80 - ern/cut /n 5610911, established by special endo?cment - for the relief of the sick and dis tressed,allicted with VI! ulen4 Epidemic diseases. TO ALL PERSONS afflicted with Sexual Diseasesi:such as Spernuitotrheea, Seminal Weakness, linisetente,tionorrhms, Gleet,Syphit lis, the Vice of Onanism, or self abuse, Stc.,.&c. The HOWARD Assoctsrtox, in view of the awful destruction of hnman life, caused by Sexm al diseases, and the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases, by Quacks t _severalyears ago directed their Con sulting.Surffeo'S, SS a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name , to open a Dispensary for the treat ment of this} class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give MgpicAr.Abwmg GRATIS, to hil -who apply by letter, with a description of their con. dition, (age,eccupatiom habits of life, &e.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, to furnish medicines free of charge. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest medical skill of the age. and will Tarnish the most improved modern treatment. ThO Directors on a review of the past, feel assured thatllibir 'labors in this sphere or benevo lent effort, have been of great benefit to the afitileted, especially to the young, and they have resolved to de - vote tbemselves', with renewed zeal, to this very important but much despised cause. Just published by the Association, a Report on Spermaterrhcea .or Seminal Weakness, the Vice of Onauism, Masturbation or Self-Abuse, and other discaserbf the sexual !organs, by the Consultin Surgeon, which will be sent by mail (in a Sealed letter enrelope,) FREE OF CHARGE, on the receipt of Two STAMPS for pos. tage.• " - . • AddresS, for Report or Treatment, Dr. George ft.. Calhoun, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Asso ciation, No. 2 SoutlitNinth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. -..8y order of .the Directors. - EZRA D. HARTWELL Presiden.t.. GEORGE FAIRCHILD, Secretary. Oct. 15th, 1857. On tianticuid'nnd HI Premature Decline. .Yu - st PiAlished, Gratis, the 20th. Thousand. AFEW WORDS .on the rational treatment, Without Medicitie, of Spermatorrh ea orl:o-- cal Weakness, NocturpatEmissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Impotency, and impediments to Marriage generally, by IL DE LANEY;M. D. tmpertant fact that the many alarming coruplainti,reriginittitig in the imprudence and solitude of youth, maybeeasily removed WITH OUTAMEDICINE,I4 in this small - tract; clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly succesful4reatmeati. as adopted by the Author, fully explwinecb,hr,tnesns. of which,everyone is 6 111 1 140 (1 . (9, tap). kIiM§EIF perfectly and. at - the least possible Cost, thereby avoi.ilugailthe ad vertised noStintni`orthe dayy. ygentAti'artyliddicififirlitis"and post free in a sealed envelope,. byremitting (post paid)* tiro postage stamp; to Dr7OrtANEY, 85 East 31st street; New York City. Vailillg34'lo 211Liatia411D+ 721 FrOMOTHERS,WIVES & DAUGHTE S. 2.1 Dna& LAMONT'S Periodical Compound. The moist t eneficial and aueeessful FEMALE wan iciaz uow in-use or knowu r .for all eases of 'die. o.rdere.4" - übstruotetur suppressed Menstruation, IneorrbeNt e .fethale . lVeidmeaa,&c. Ladies who have- beet use,of Female Pilla sic; gin put" the utmost conlideifim in . Hits Coln. peund;it fi enie of all the above named complaints. It will be eert to nuraddr* tO arty antha r iz i A Agent. Pitrpara TZ NOREWCfitittllq "Mir; gild by DriTilrOtEAD`&CO,;* a ud' dinggihts gine raTti2 ' - I 3 B.Ty I , 0 7 . HENRY A ribitNglr . an , r Offico,in the i ford cor.nty, l'a. • J Will ati 7 busines4 intro. ern:intim+. 9:1 - 0 ' L Di . MeKEA: COUNSELLO; lion I.lleck—Tow. Fnd pinmptly to all p Yd to him, in this" and '`HOME AGAIN,;' ,Dll7/101 TICE,' oi: . er Wilson's 11 , GENGS, at SEARLE'S I Montrose, March lath, 1858. T. BOYL REPRESENTS A CAPITAL W 5,000,000, For Fire, Marine, Life, and Inland • Office, New Milford, January 18th, 1858'. Dr. H. mith, &So QURGEON DEN.' -ISTS. Reside 0 flee opposite the Baptist Church (' Montrose. "Purticrilar attention will to inserting teeth on gold and silver to filling dec4ing teeth. - January 10th, 1858. WM• W. SMITH, Cabinet -aud Chair Manx' cr., foot of Main Street. Montrose, ABEL TURRELL, MONTRI!t9E, PA . Dealer in Drugg, Nedieineshemicals, Dye Stuffs, Glass-ware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Groderies, Fancy oods,..lew. city, Perfumery, &e.—And Agent for all the most popular Patent Medicines . j JOHN GROVES; Fashionable_ Tailor.—Sboji Baptist Meeting House, on. - ITullai 31 on t rose, Pa. DE. R. -THAYER'; Physician and Surgeon,! I'a. Office in the Farmer's Store. J, D. VAIL, M. a d • Physician and Stirgeon, has perma netly located himself at Brackneyville, Susq'a County', Penn . ri, and will promptli all calls xith which he may be favored. May, 1856—n22. • HAYDEN BROTHEIiS, Ne l v Milford, Penis'.., ";„ p I s t Tri l d i eer d ea ler Threads, i n B , n F t o n .sv , C c o o m ( o l i , \ V Watches, Jewelry, Silvee and Plated Vare, !ere, Fishing Tackle, Cigars, &e: & Merchants and pedlars, supplied on liberal terms. WM, HAYDEN, • TRACY HAYDEN, JOHN HAY DEN, GEO. Hl DEN. 4.• DR. E. P. WILMO flradnate of the Allopath;e Home°. pathic Colleges of Nl,Adicinr. id now per manently located in Great Bend l'a.l April `2l. 1R56 JOHN SAUTTEI4 a shronable Shoo fi rst door r north of the Farmer's Store-. • di Mil ,171 INSURANCE COIIOANY,' N. W. ('orner Seer/Rd and Waln!iit Streets, CAPITAL. $1,250,0(10. This Company sisal Fire Insurance on - Buildings, Goods, Furnitu4s. Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargo and Freight, TO ALL PA ETS OF TUE WOI J ILD. Inland Insurance on Gonda by er:, L a koo, Canals, Railroutis., and Land Cilrriaze, ‘ - to all-Parts of the Union qp- • on the most favora ble terms.• - I I DIRECTORS:' flow.TitosE.FLoßENcE7 I- CHARI.E.s DINGF.E, LIEU.H . ARMSTRONG, THOS. :%!A IDERFIELD; CHAS. A. acanrc.or, En•w -. 1) R. I ti.mnot.n. • GEORGE HELMEoLD, IF. CAR . I.LIBREWSTER., JAiEs E. NEAL, rsANC! LEACH, JR.' THOMAS B. FLORENCE, President. EDWARD R. HELM BOLD, Se ela r y . • - - ~T. BOYLE j A gen tt (Mice, New Ailford, a. January 18th, 1858. • 1 Iy* I j r" 2 t lfful l i -- a e V 11l ' ltkij . / rA I .II FIRE INSURANCE CO., YORK, Pa. Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania cAriirs.L, 300,000 DOL I ARS. Insures against loss or damage by tire, on buil dings, furniture, and merchandise !generally. Rl'. Losses adjusted by arbitrtiOn, where the parties fail to agree. _kg DIRECTORS. . ; • H. A_ Hantz, - John Ludes, H. KrahNer, - I • Fred.jSultzback, William Wallace,l Eli Kindif , , Samuel Dyer, * Tho Mas Gray, David Strickler. President, D. KRABER, President, D. STRICKLER. Secretary. 0. S. BEEBE, Agent, Mot Lose, Pa. February 2d, 1858. ilY*. . • . ; :" : 111111 IVI , O N - T - R.O S E P A. • • •rilHE.subseriber havirik purchased, refitted and newly frnished the flat above well known and poimfacilotel, is prepared to accommodate the trav eling, public and others with all. attentions and Conveniences Venally found in first-class HOUses. No . effort will be. spared-bY the Pro prietor and his Assistants to mate the Hotel equal in:every point, to any in the:c :Vie Bar will always be supp'ied-with the C,tioicept Liquors. connected with 'this 'House are large, roomy and oonyeniengand careful and attentive - Hostlers are always in chdrke of them. . , J. a'TARHELL. Xontrose, Stay 13th, 1858. ‘M , 0 •IL . . Thel,addle: - lihrheier 'end Trunk ! 4 hol , of TONDIDIU RF.SIOV,Eu to tho boildipg re4ntly: ocetz -1 'pied C. C." tiolliateOn Slain : St., ono , door abbi't wherol4 willho happy to wait oti all who nifty FavnAiut with their patron- Jan..2gth, 1858.-te.\ - i - ~ '• , ~. Artist ' s Matcriali. - uolNT§ip.'rpt . )es,,•Brushes4 Tini, Copper and , .S.ilver, Nit,. Glass Slab s s Id Mailers, Lithogtaphs;'&".e., at, gm Store of ' t '': • . ABEI. 1 4 WM-I . - tfofitrotte, Dee. 15th, 185 4 ',': I ' Inid in ed. £12.50 , period lEEE 8 / 1 ) 81.00 I s 812.00, 1.00.. r year. ed neatly land. n eiCcul' ilways on nt LAW. nda, Bud. ofemional adjoiwng .le3'sBtf tore. - OTEL. F' OVER nsnrance ce and of oral aide) be given plate, and 0., factur- near the e Street. Mont rose
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers