..,.: -.-~: ~.r ._.. , • Pcjittlibilia e a, G6OEO - • -• -Ltook passage urone oflpackage-slups 4,at, Tunlocitween -White and New York._- .w4a*oommanded by.es itharp fellow, who -mat iatlimiteed in winking - the , trip Mst-prefitable Arpoatible.: AS 'a- - generallbing, a meaner Itablawafteierprokided in a cheap boardirt - g*- - Piriug_the_pasage,, we were becalmed . one day'on a part. of the coast which _Was 6:eel- . lent fishing:ground . .; IRA the captain, .with *Pre i;lew of sating a slollar,or two; ordered the mat to. -get out their fishing tackle _aid try Alibis luck.- !This was done and a quantity of ,thel finny tribe were soon transferred irons their aqueous abode to the deck Of the ship. The captain enlarged upon the delicacy of fish, and closed by asking, "what-say - yeu*-to a - fish-dinner to-day, ladies and gen -ileum:o Everybody :" 13y' all meant!" Attached to the ship was a negrei cook Centaur- - - • Centaur !"ctied the captain. "Aye, aye, sa ." * -" Cook a mess of fish for the passengers dinner ;' and Wye hear, postpone that goose !" = All t irighei !" ,Cen ur _seemed troubled, and scratched Ids wool vigorously.. " What be mean* by *cooltiog de fish au' postponin" de goose f I ben on iseberal voyages, if not more--been itrbig Lotels -an' little hotels ' man boy„ fur ebefio 'Ong if not longer den dat, an' dis is-the 44:st time I eber Learn oh postponin' atgoose 1. Dere's pickin' a gOose, an' drawits' a. goose,' an' bakin' a goose, - but postpone& a goose-I doe& belieb dat eben Mrs. Glass, de • great ,desc, talk ?bout, eber team ob it. It must be dim, dough. Wd i nder if Jimmy Plkis ober hearn'of it? ; Ho knows elierything.' Just , as Centaur concluded, Jimmy and 'two, others of . the crewl - passed the gallery door and :the bewildered cook.anxionsly in quired of the oracle if he knew "h"iv to: pos. pone a goose V' "De case is dis, ye see: Cap'if says to, me jistsnow, says ,he, 'cock a huge mess ob fish - for de pastengers' dinnner to-day, an' post pone -de goose.' Now, dat is jis wat dis nigger can't ot through his' wool, no how, what postpoom' a goose it ' Oh !"-said, Jimmy, winking at his Com panions ;"that is easy enough, I thought* eierylool knew that.' "I thought so too; an' so say-to myself, . Jimmy bucks'll know." ' " Well, you see," said Jimrity, -looking se rious; "it isn't a common 'way . of cooking a _ goosei, but yen It is served up after fish, at the mobility's din,ers, 'they postpone' it. Now, this is the mode: After drawing the bird, stuff it with a -Mixture - of 'ard-boiled eggs; - chopped flue, onions ditto; apples ditto; his- - cut pounded into-bits, and portions of a fish previously browned on the fire.. Then 'put the goose in - le the pot, boil'it for !all an 'our, placeit in the oven, And bake it for 'alf an 'our; then put it on your spit, roast it-until done, and serve With gravy." Centaurlistened with attention, and noting mpou the tablet of his brain .limmy's direc tlous, started , for the gallery highly - elated. - r Dinner time arrifed, anif Centaur won. hon or by the -style in which...be served 'the - fish. ' I )ish after - dish appeared ; and when every ono'supposed the meal was finished, another dish was placed before the captain, who, - upon removing the cover, to his indigaation, , dia _ covered the goose ! His Wrath was not to be suppressed, and in a passion he shouted— " Send that infernal cook aft." Centaur finned the cabin very good - hu mcredly, having 'tto suspicion of anything wrong, ate was startled by the question— " What do you mean, scoundrel,:by- diso bedience of orders 'I"- • _ "Bayed orders, - ea ; done jest what. you said, sa." . ":Obeyed orders , you , rascal I 'Didn't I tell _ . you to postpone the goose ?", • ••••_ - • "Course you did, sa; and Ldid it." ,`. "Did: what r' bhonted - the captain: "Postponed de gouge; sa, cordin' to direc - . ~ The panetgers saw the joke, and burst:into a laugh- The captain was somewhat molified; and requested Centaur to explain himself. ".Well, sa," said he, "you ordered - me to cook de fish an' postpone de goose: Now, I neber postponed in all my life, an' on course didn't know nothing 'bout it; but JiMmy Ducks 'lighten me on de subjict„ an' I foller • exactly his description. I had trouble enough; don't want to postpone anoder, no hovi." Everybodflaughed - at Centa=ur's explana-. - tion, and even the 'captain smiled. - "Be off, yotiblockhead,". be said" and send Jimmy Ducks here." The'darkey waa - off in a twinklirig,\ and there being some curiosity, as to this new style of cooking, we tried the goose, but • could_, not tell whether we were eating fish, flesh or fowl, Jimmy soon appeared and was compelled to &peat the direction he had giv 'eti the conk, forgivetteswonly being.extended to him on the condition that he should eat • - the whole of the goose-. . ' - "31v heles I" was his exclamation when be bad completed' the- task; !.‘ if that's post-: poned - goose, I vi.lt the cap'n ud_'ave one - postponed every week. The dressin"owsoever, might be warted, so as to be a leetle more palatable." A NICE Porgr nr Law.—l heard this an ecdote from a gentleman long resident , in Philadelphia.. Two Quakers in that place applied to their society, as then do not go to law to decide in tl:e blowing difficulty. A. is uneasy about- a ship that -ought to have Ailived, meets 8., an insurer, and states his wish to have the vessel insured. The matter is agreed upon... A. returns home and receives' a letter informing Lim of the loss of his ship. What shall - be do 1• lje is 'afraid that the" policy is not filled up, atrd should 8.-bear of the matter 544;4 is all over with him, he therefore writes- to B. 'thus: "Friend 8., if thee liagiit 4110 up the policy thee needn't, for I've heard of the ship." "-Oh, oh !" thinks B. to himself, "cunning fellow ;" he wants to do me oat of the premium." So he writes thui:;to A.: "Friend A, thee be'est. too late by half au hour, the policy is filled." A. rubs his lihnds with delight; yet B. refuses to.pay." Well, what is the decision The loss is diz- Tided between them. iirs'WAS lIE DlMD.—The . n4 etas ultra of ludicrous epitnpbs is' to be found on a kaTo Oxfold, N. EL; as'follows:- my friends ; 's • ". 11 more sudden deith you never knew; A I was leading the old mare to drink, .25he kicked and kilted Ain qtack cert . wink?! • ` Sagan Snow:lx - IL—a Po .tr,v to talk-a little eonitooti.sense,' laid:a te-ber-visitor. !• : ,011 I but wouldn't \ tit - at: be Inkier an na -1 Aiiriadvaptage of z you ?" jor A ger:dwell, having engaged a brick- Tayef.to make ( gome repairs in bis cellar, or dered tbeile to be removed before the brick }der commenced his'lrot . k. :: 1 :01.a not sitili • tirtribiriel orale, sir"- iff4:lti inan, i f "L'presume tiat,r„jp9rted; til t . g o t , „e n:mu ; --. "lona think - a 'barrel of - ale i xonkl run at YPsi-aPPISieb: 7 . 1 - 7. -, - - ' so" fir. Smith, don't you think Mr. Skeesicks is a young -man. of parts-1; Dodd wily so, 'MISS Brown *:!iio is part numbskull, Waif knaersici y ...~ (. ~.. .v 4. LOOK it COBB offers #o `; lis pn lice _ at: prices that [Buratto:m. l asortmeut of " - • 0 , C.:11 tia 9 •at.the old.well known eitablishmellortoerlroc cupled by Oliver Crane., ' - Bututcs,TEAVCOFTE, Snags, Fitrrr,FLotru, `and SALT (by the sack or tarrel,) Frau, and-all Articles-found in first elasi groeories: - - The attention ofFARMERS is aoliciMted to a superior quality of GRAIN and Guise SEED which the undersigned has on hand and for sale. CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED, and:good SEED WuE.LT sold at very /ma rates for CARR.. As I mean to merit, 1, hope to_receive, a liberal share of public p.itronage. • • Z. COBB. Montrose, March 3d, 1858. • [3m. ^"~~-'-y-w+,~; . r 11'~}~1/fw~~~M'~Jf4~l~s~5•~1/.lr+r.!l+~+in++t"i' ATTENTION CITIZENS I ! THE undersigned is now prepared to furnish the public with . • Groceries of All at the LOWEST POSSIBLE•EATES. re as ' Sugars, - Syrup, Cofer, Fish, Cheese, • Spkes, Fruit, (Dried and Fiesh,) .Raisins. Figs, Prunes, Candles, Soap of (swig variety, and in fact ALL articles usually found in the best Country (groceries. Butter and Produce of all kinds taken iu exchange for Goeds, at rriarket prices. • *.* Call at his Saloon in the basement of the FRANKLIN Flom, and satisfy yourselves of the truth of the pbove. • F. CROWLEY. Montrose, Feb. I,6th, 18.58.-7tf. Executors' Notice: LETTERS TESTAMENTARY having been dulv issued to the subscribers upon the es tate of Wm. NVells, late of the township of Clif ford, deceasedi—All persons ludebte4 - 1 to said estate are required to make immediate payment, sand -all persons having claims against th e said estate; are requested to preSent the same to us, uly authenticated, forsettleinent. ' JOHN WELLS, . , -S:D. TOMPKINS. • Clifford, Feb. 20th, 1858.--81c6. ' • Medical Gard. llg tendering my services to the inhabitants,of Susquehanna County nun Homeopathk Physician, I deem it my duty to publish the fol. lowing statistics taken from the records of Hos pitals of Europe, which show the marked supe riority of the Homeopathic over the Allopathic methcd of treating diseases. IFTLANMATION OF THE LUFGS. Patients Mortality • 'Admitted Died per ct. Allopathic Hospitals 1134 260 23 Homeopathic 538 28 5 Pleurisy. Allop. 'Hospitals, 101,7 134 13 How. " -- 386 12 3 • Allop. Hosp. • 628 84 13 Horn. " 184 • 8- 4 • Dysentery. Allop. Hosp. , 162 37 22 Um. ." _175 6 3 • Fevers, excluding Typhus. Al top. Hov. 9697 931 - 0 Uoui. " 3062 84 2 Typhus. 9371 1509. 16 1423 219 14 Allop., llosp How. " Cholera Allop. Hosp. :278 .616 50 Horn. -" • 848 - 69 8 All Diseases. Allop. 1f0.p., tot 4, 119630 11791 10 11om. " - " " 32655 1365 4 ..Persons residing at a distance wife wish to consult rue can do an by -letter and receive a - prompt reply. • No charge for consultation. 4. H. THOMAS, M. D. Great Bend, Pa., Feb. 1, '57: rair Office at the 'residence of C. Dimon;Esq. 632 , 50 PAYS for Board and Tuition in Common English, the Term of Fourteen-Wedks, commencing March 18,1858, at the - . FORT EDWARD 'INSTITUTE N. Y. Superb brick linildings, beautifully located on the,Rail Road near Saratoga Springs. Superior [facilities for Music. Painting and French. Stu. dents received at any time,•andcharged only for the residue-of the Term. Diplomas awarded to Ladies :- who graduate, -Send for a.Catalotrue, with full particulars. " Rei. JOSEPH E. KING, A. Y., Pincipal,-Fert Edward. January 13th-, 1858. 2mB. ATTENTION FAMERS! THIS is to certify that the undersigned hare used Manny's Mower with Wood's improve , enmt, the past season, and are fully satisfied that Pisit a good machine,: and we recommend it to the farmers of this County as a profitable and labor-saving machine.! Janaanail MEACEAM, 1 GA. unls, • • JOHN HARERWTON, L GARDNER, M. J. HARRINGTON,. 'T. P. PELINNEY. February 25, 1858. For'roachines apply to the Undersigned - Ag.ent • C. D. LATHROP. Montrose, March lot, 1858. [phi Mt. Register's Notice.. Pusuc NOTICE is hereby given to all per sons concerned ;it the followinr. Estates to Estate of Dani F Lincoln, late of Forest . Lake, dec'e, EzettßiceyAdm'r; Estate of L F Wilmarth, late of Jackson, •dec'd, Orlando Gunnison, Adm'r; _Estate of-J. B Worden, lake of Jackson, dec'd, -11 ; Harris,. and E Tucker, Eatie'rs ;_ • Estate - of Geitree'W Stephens, late of e ?;iew . Slepttetis; Adm'r ; - . • Estate of Fmpcis Quinn, late of Choeonnt, deed,F and T Quinn,Adner; - Final =must -of • T Trowbridge,. Guardian of M Aand .T A Chandler - . That the accountants hafe settled (heir ac. counts in the Register's Gffic, in and for the county of Sainneharma; and that the same will be presented to the JudgeS of the Orphan's Court of said County, on Friday,lbe 16th day . of •Aprir not, for their con on and allowance. CHAKLE N Register. • Register's office, blEtntmse, T :Kb, 1858. , Clover luid- - tiothy Seed.. WitrANTgr , PiißE.. - --Fdr-..te., slink e and - C:'D:"..T.4IIIIIOP , Montrose, Feb, 18, 18 - 58.—ta: . ....1 - bits Ohl( JO , • ' NTOTICE is hereby •giv,on that the firm of 1.11 liawl.sv &.Gtiftm is this dardissolred by mutual consent. i C. P. Ilawrzy, - •.' Gibson, Aug. 37157..'E. E..Gtiii.D. `:The bodks and accolints can be found at the stare formerly occupied by the subscribers. 'All perions having unsetlied acconnti me requested to settle 'the same Almon as possible. • rThe , business willl i be conducted in feture by Ole rindensigied, un ar the firm of C. P. & 0. M. HAWL;T, who a e constantly receiving from Neer York and Philadelphia, the latest styles of Fall and Wint er Dry Goods, Clo thing die:, all of Ivhich 'will, belmld at a very small profit for ready pay. Gibson, Aug. 31st, 1857. C. P. Hawtrs, • 0. M. Havrt.ty., $209 I. 00 WORTHS Of Goods at Panic Prices! U BURRITt, i 4 n'ow receiving large addi 11. tions of NEW' GOODS to his stock that will be sold at price* to suit the times, including a great variety of I Ladies', and(Go a tletnen 9 s Dress Goias, with a full assOrtmut in all departments of his TRADE, sod at pr ies much reduced. and many kinds of Goods morp than 25 per cent. lower than early fall prices. I . lar He would particularly call the attention of cash buyers to his new stock of - CA.RPETITG, BUFFALO ROBES, STOVES, dc„ dc., as large and rich, mad at low down prices. New Milford, Dep. 15th, 1857. NI E W • atn.TrunTrita G 010 - D S!. For Cash!or Ready-Pay. . The subscribers htty just pusehased a New and WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, Consisting of Staple and Fancy D R Y 0 0 'ID S Groceries, Crocker it, Hardware, Boots and Shoes (tcl 4 . c. , Would Offer them for sale at their Store, at low er rates than Goode have been sold in this place for CASH 00801:RICE ; experience having taught us that this ill - the eoly true way bf doing busi nose. I As we have bought our Goods , for Cash du ring the great money 'panic, we hava bought them Low, and will sell them the same. * * *Please &Ivo use call and examine our stock. • I GUILE & BLANDING. Harford, Oct. 126,18,57. - _ -NEW JEWELRY. THE Subscriber!has this day returned from New _York with a large and well selected .tock of JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, which, having beeri purchased-in the present ex tremely depressed state of the market, will be sold at unusually low prices; Among his assort, ment may -be found • i GOLD Chains, Seals, Keys, Pens and Pencils, Earrings„ Breastpins, fingerrings of every style, Bracelets Armlets, Lockets, Snaps, Watch Hooks, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Thimbles, Crosses, Spectacles Slides, &c., &c. • SILVER - Threaded and plain Forks, Spoons, Butter and Fruit Knives, Salt and Preserve Ladles, Card Cases, Cups, Child e ns Setts, Napkinrings,Cha ins Keys, Spectacles Old Thimbles. _ • Also, a large stock of Silver-plated table and dessert Knives, C4vers; Castors, Cake Baskets, Card Receivers, Salts, Tea Setts, Forks; and Spbons, double, trieble and extra plate. Also,Shell and ImitationCombs,Needles,Coral, Pock'et Knives, Scissors, Knives and _ Forks, „let Bracelets, Breastpins and Earrings, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Pearl and Cornelian Sleeve Bble tons, Shawl Pins, Gilt Hair Pins, very rich, Leather Purses, Bags, Clocks plain and alarms, Sewing Birds,&4&c. All of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. ALFRED J. EVANS, No. 2, Odd Fellow's Hall. Binghamton. Dec. I I, 1857. - NOTICE IS IIERIEBY TV IV- A. T ABELI TURRELL H"just ret rued from Ne A York, with a large and c owe variety of Goods, bought for CASH, and sleeted with much care, from over, thirty of th i s best Houses in New York, which he offers too his customers and the pubic at low prices forcash. His stock comprises: DrR, GS , MEDICINES, - PIALINTS, . 'OILS - , WINDOW GLASS, .. DYE, STUFFS, GROCERIES, . G L ALS S—W AR E, CROCKERY, ... MtRRORB, CLOCKS, WALL PAPER, . WINDIOW PAPER, WIN DONT OIL SHADES, FAN ' Y GOODS, MUSICALI INSTRUMENTS, JEAVELRY, PERFUMERY, DRY GOODS, - HARD WARE,, .STONE WARE, WOODEN WARE, ' BROOMS, ~ • BRUSHES, JA-PATNED - W ARE, BIRD CAGES, CANARY SEED, POCKET KNIVES, W H PS, UMBRELLAS, PIGUN - S,• - STOLS, AMMUININTION, TURPENTINE, -- -CArIENE, BURNING FLUID, A 'COHOL, ... LIQU 0 R S, • (ForMedic4nalPurposes omly ) 1 , 1 - TRUSSES, - E ") SUPIPORTERS, SHOUL• ER BRACES, POR MONAIES, SP C T A Cs', E S , SILVER & PLATED SPOOKS, FORKS, &c., G OIL D PENS, STAITIONERY, VIOLIN STRINGS, BOWS, &c., And ail 0 the most popular PATENT MEDICINES, Thankful for thelibera!patronage hitherto re. calved, he hopds to merit a continuance and large increase of,the same. ABEL TURRELL. , Ist urn Montrose, D rm for Sale.. THE stibscrl .er o ff ers for sale a Good Farm of 95 acres in Bridgewater , four miles east 1 of Montrose, 70 acres improved'. There' is on the premises a I rge framed Divelling House, a good framed Ra i in, air exe.effent Apple Orchard One half of the purchase money will be requires down; the baladce in annual instalments. • ELIJAH BROWN. BiidgeWater, l'ingtist* 19th, 1857. 33tf T_TOLLOWA 'S Pills and Ointment, Morse's .11.1.1ndisu So t PAls f and Ayer's Cherry Pee. toral and -Catha tie Pills. Coustau-kly female See, Advertisesi nix in this paper. ABEL TCRRELE. WOODWllrair Reitoraft , e TURRELL S. rOFESI3O .S. lA.:SAYRE & 0 T 111 E ARE N.M. ItEE:IV. ID . T . G siivlaT stin i t/ •to SPRING Ale, s , AN) wblowinvilit GOODS. WHICII for Cash or ?roduce can be bought very low. v iral. PAPER. A select assortment just V V 'received. S. H. SAYtE & BROTHERS. CARPETING. Bargains offered by S. H. SAYtE dr. BROTHERS PLOWS! "LOWS!! PLOWS. We invite tie attention of Farmers to the celebrated hekskille Plows which we have added to our huge assortment. S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS, Proprietors of Eagle Foundry. Montrose, April 29th,1857. , 18tf. STOVES! STOVES !! STOVES !!! OUR Stoves have been sa thoroughly tried to the entire satisfaction of all, that they need no recommend from us. S. IL SAYRE & BROTHERS. • N 11 W FILL AND WINT FR GOODS! It is unnecessary to acknowledge that R: KENYON SELECTS the best style of Goods that are to be found in New York, regardless of the ex pense: He has just received from New York a large assortment of Dry Goods consisting of Rich All Wools Delanes, French Delanes, Su perior Plaid Goods, and Calicoes in endless va riety. His goods cost and are worth 23 per more than the goods usually sold through the country, at the same prices. Kentucky Jeans, Piloted Flannels, Rich Ribbonds from five ets. to five shillings, Brocha Shawls from $7 to $2O. Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, White Goods, Sheetings at low prices. Ladies Winter , Bontoots. Shoes and Gaiters, large assortment. Ho use Carpeting, cheap. Collars, Undersleeves,Brocade Delanes. 28 inch Black Silk for $1 a yard, something un heard of. Debages, Hats, Caps, Crockery. A complete assortment of Gioceries, Brown Sugar, at old prides, 10 eta. per pound. Cull and so., one and all. My reputotian for selling good cheap has not diminished in the least, come akin with your cash and trade with your Ser vant. KENYON. BOOK accounts with customers of over one year's standing must be settled as! need the proceeds. • Wool Sack Shadows not wanted. -.. R. KENYON. Lawsville Centre, Sep. 15. NEW STOVES] _ lit a te Is just receiving alarge stock of NEW STOVES INCLUDING a full assortment of Elevated Oren, Large Oxen and Flat Top Premium Cook Stoves, for Wood or Coal, with a Superior. variety of Porter, (*ea and. Slum Stoies, for Wood or Coal; also, Store Pipe, Zinc, .Sheet Iron, Store Tubes, 4-c., 4-c. Ills assortment wil/inelude the most SELECT and DEstnesch STOVES in market, and will be hold on the most favorable terms, and to which he would invite the particular attention of CASH buyers. Nei , Milford, October, 12th, 1857. W1•••,..,Tw --- . .: - 4 - ••;•0 . . . oisoi , •1.0 iitsi•i sie,.."-. 4, t,'... 0 ' 21 or-olt.'' WI . ii..#••_ JUST A GOING! But not through the hands of the MUTTg WE prefer to dispose of our own goods, therefore GREAT INDItCEMENTS are offered to CASH CUSTOMERS, or on a SHORT caturr, with approved NOTE S . Those who wish to avail themselves of this opportunity, we advise to Call at the Stores of 3utteubtrg, liosentauni,, --- Ar either Montrose, SuSq'a Co., Pa., • Sustra Depot. 91 99 01 Towanda, Bra'd' " " Where we offer, to Suit the Times and avoid Suspension GREAT BARGAINS to purchasers of All Kinds of DRY GOODS and READY MADE CLOTHING, which have been lately purchased under existing Low Prices and sell ing at the same. A SPLENDID STOCK OF' r la s Comprising almost Every hind of DRESS Goons, such as Rich Moire Antique, Black and Fancy Silks, Plain and Printed French Merinos, Shaded and Plain All Wool and Common De Laines; Paramettas, 25 to 30 per cent. Lower than ever, &c., &c. In Domestic Goods, our assortment is complete and Astonishing Low. We also have on hand a heavy Stock of READY MADE ULOTHING Which 141 will Offer 30 per cent. lower than any other establishment in this section. Alio CLOTHING -MADE TO ORDER In the neatest and best manner and Warranted. All kinds of Grain takeli at the Highest Mar ket prices; also Dried Apples and Geese Feath ers. * * *Please call and price our goods and satisfy yourselves of the above facts. GI4TTENBEKG, ROSENBAUM,dt CO. Mont rose. Pa., Noy. 24th, 1857. OLOTlllS,ashimera and Vestings, very d sirable styles, at prices that cannot fail to snit. Call and be convinced. C. W..MaTT. anV Dutituits' INSURANCE COMPANY, N. W. Corner Second , and Walnut Streets, IPat/ELAIDIBM/PaMeso CAPITAL $1,250,000• . • This 'Company ejects Fire Insuranee on Buildings, Goods, Fu . rnitute, (Cc. Marine Insurance on Tessels, Cargo and Freight, - TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Nand' Insurance on Goods by Rivers, Lakes, Canals, Railroads, and Land Carriage, to all Parts of the Union-up. en the most favors- • tits Cems. DIRECTORS: FION.THOEB.FLORENCE, CHARLES DINGEr ir - Gro. H. ARMSTRONG, THOS.MANDERFIELD,• CHAS. A. RUDMAN, EDMeD R. HELMBOLD, GEORGE HELMBOLD , ,F: BREWSTEIr, JAMES E. NEAL, TSA.AC LEACH, JR. . THOMAS B. FTARENCE, President. ' 'EDWARD' R. HELMBQLD, Secretary., T. BOYLE, Agent; 0111Iet, New MlMed.,. Pa. January 18th, 1858. hlCOMPLETEissortment ofGROCERIES at. • & 0.3 C. ITA,wrxfs. 'FARMERS OF PENNSYLAANIAI WIETIENTION. YOU can supply yourselves with Chemical .Manures, WA.NRANTED• FORE. which , been in USE in New Jersey for the past. Seven Years—:they have received the DIPLO3dAS of New Jersey, New York, Delaware, and Penn3yl vania Agricultural Societies, and have been USED by the President of the UNITED STATES. on his Garden and on the Public GroundS at Washington, D. C., 'and by thelollowing Gen tlenien, viz: Z. Locke,Esq ,) A. P. Lather, Clarkshero' New Jersey. , J. L. Reeve's,. Senator Roberts, William Miller, .-of Cape Island, N. J.' _ Charles York, Thos. Mulford. Ksq., Camden,New Jersey, D. Berens, Dr. Knight, Mr. Fiel, Mr. Atkinson, and Levi Johnson, all of New Jersey—they any. it is the CUEAPEST and MOST REILLABLE 211ANUEE NOW IN USE, being permanent' and improving the land by enriching the soil. It is.suited to the various Crops you raisrhCorn, Potatoes, Grass, Wheat, Oats, &c. By enclosing a Check, on any New Jersey or Philadelphia Bank or reference to any good Douse in Philadelphia or in.- exchange for Produce, at fair Market rates here, your orders will be filled and Shipped to you, FREE OF CARTAGE EXPENSE. Ei r "Brery article sold by me is Guaranteed._] Super Phosphate of Lime, - - - 840,00 a Ton. Bone Phosphate, $30,00 " American Fertilizer, • 525,00 "- - Afar A barrel is sufficient for an Acre, of Ground, broad cast. Pure Bone Dost, (500 barrels now ready,) at $5,00 per barrel or 635,00 a ton. • Poudrette, No. I. (500 bat rels now ready,) at 2,00 to $3,00 a barrel. Land Plaster No. 1.-1,000 barrels, $1,50,10 82,00 a Farrel. Pot Ash, 50 barrels. Peruvian, Patagonia and Chilian GUANO. GEORGE A. LEI AU. Proprietor. No. 21 South Fewer Street, Phil's City, Pa. j' Wholesale Dealers allowed a liberal dis count. Pamphlets can be had on application,to my Office, or.ot my Agents. • mh3m. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA A Benevolent Institution, established by special endowment for the relief of the sick and dis. tressed, ajlicted'oith Virulent Epidemic diseases. rpo ALL PERSONS afflicted with Sexual Diseases, such as Spermatorrlar, Seminal Weakness, Impotence,Gonorrhcen, Gleet,Syphi lis, the Vice of Onanism, or self abuse, &c., &c. The Dotes's!) AssoctsTur, in view of the awful destructioti of human life, caused by Sexu al diseases, and the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago dirsikted their Con sulting Surgeon, as a custirrsna ACT worthy of their narn'e, to open a Dispensary for the treat ment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give Mcorcsi. Ape= GRATIS, to All who apply by letter, with a description of their con: dition, (age, occupation, habits of life,,&c.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, to furnish medicines free of charge. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest medical skill of the age. and will furnish the most improved Modern treatment. The Directors on :r review of the past, feel assured that their labors in this sphere of bbnevo lent effort, have been of great benefit to the afflicted,-especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important but much despised cause: Just published by the Association, a Report on ,Spermatorrhcea or Seminal Weakness, the Vice of Onanism, Masturbation or Self-Abuse, and other diseases of the sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, which will be sent by mail (in a sealed letter envelope,) FREE OF CHARGE, OR the receipt of TWO STAMPS for pos tage. Addreks, for Report or Treatment, Dr. George R. Calhoun, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Asso. ciation, N 0.2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By circler of the Directors. EZRA D - . HARTWELL President. GEORGE FAIRCHILD, Secretary. Oct. 15th, 185'7. (l y. Patent Medicines, &c. AFFLICTED READ GRATIIEMIENG MEDICINES.—Vegetablo Pills Green Mountain Ointment,' Sarsaparila Compouild, Children's Panacea, Eyo Lotion, Fe ver and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters, Dysen. tary Syrup, Consumptive's Balm, Marshall's Uterine, Catholicon, Dr. Libby's Pile Ointment, and Manual of Health. Ayres Pin and Cherry Pectorial, Tanner's German Ointment, Trask's Magnetic Ointment, Holloway's Ointment atd Pills, Davis' Pain Killer, Dr. Fitch's Heart Corrector, Bennett's Root and Plank Pills, Soule's Sovereign Balm, Wright's Indianiregetable Pills, Rhode's Fevef and A ugue Cure, Merchant's Gargling Oil, Arni. ca Lineament, Ckmphor, Castor Oil, Paregoric, Aloes, Picera, Myrrh, Licorice, &c., &c., &c. A new supyly just received, to be kept constant ly on hand, for sale by I. N. BULLARD. October, st, 18 6. TiOOD P.Lt@li'llit all AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION! AND examine the choice stock of Spring and Stammer Goods, just opened for Examination and SaLE, at very low figures by ,C. W MOTT: STELLA, Cashmere, and DeLnin•Shawls at very low prices by C. V. MOTT. ET AT S and Caps of the newest style; in AA. great variety by C. W. MOT . PRINTS in abundance by C. W. MOTT BRASS Hoops, Hosiery, Gloves, Belts ete.,ete., by • O. W. MOTT. BROWN nod Blue Sheeting and Sh'rtings.-- Shirting Stripes, Ticks, Denims, Summer Stuffs, &e., &c., as low as can.be afforded in this market. C. W. MOTT. • Groceries !Groceries!! 4good assortment of Groceries comprising Flour, Salt, Fish, Tea, Coffee, Sugur, &., and other articles in the line too numerous to mention, which is offered for sale at low prices, for cash orready pay. Call and examine' my Goods and PRICES before - -purchasing else. where. Montrose, Aug. 10th, 857 The Shoals and Quicksands of Youth. Just Published the 3d Edition ON SPERMATORRHEA OR SEMINAL DISEASE.—A entific Treatise on the treatment and perfect cure of Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, impotency, etc., resulting from vicious habits acquired du i ing the critical passage from Youth to Manhood. By Da. CULVERWELL, • Member cf the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1827, Liceatiate of the Hall (1842 ) and 30 years Resident Practioneer in Lon• don ; Author of the "Guide to Health," "Green Book" "How to be Happy," Memories o "Single cud Married Life," &c. `This small, but highly valuable Treatise, writ ten by a world renowned Physician and Surgeon, points out the only sure and permanent cure for dietbayes resulting from self abuse, and is the only publication of its kind written ma benev olent spirit and by a scientific man. It should be in the band's of all who value their life and health and happiness here and hereafter. Price 12 cents or 4 stamps, at the receipt of which it will be sent post free, and well secured, by Dr..Cll. KLINE, No:, 240 Ist Avenue, Boa 4586; New York:' . , Ran. 28th, 1858,--tc... T_IROCERNES, Crockery, Hardware and Ur - veer other artieteito apmereas to meo tion,—aks% which shall lie 'old Cheap for Cash or Ready Pay. C. W. DIOTI. AYER'S . • CHERRY d PECTORAL, `j 6 FOR TUX RAPID CUIcEOF e 'OM , • - • Colds, Coughs, _Au& _ • Bourselieu. • -4 • Bantnm,-Matin,l o th Dee, ISM • -• Da:J. C.Arta: Ido not hesitate toiny. " • the belt remedy I have ever round -' • - Intliensa, and the 1: concomitant *impounds Oold,l* par . Caesar TsurentAk. Its constant me in - - - My practice and roy family for the last • - • ten years his shown it to posseessupe. • rid virtues for the treatment of these , • .- complaints. EBE.N KNWIIT, IL D. - - A. B: KOBTLIY, Dri., of Byrn, N.Y., aches: "/ have mod your Pnitoitar. myself and in my family ever skies you invented and believe it the tent medidne kr its Purim* ever put out. With a bad cold I should sooner pay twenty Ore dollars for a bottlo than do without it, or take any other remedy." . . Croup, _Whooping Cough, Indicate.. Bralltdmio, Kum.; Feb. 7, Bewrm Area: I will thsestilly entity your Prams. is the best remedy we pewees for the cure of Whooping Obugh, Croup, and the chart diseases of children. We of your fraternio In the South appreciate your skill, and commend ;our medicine to our people. • /DRAM OONIELTS, M. D. AMOS LEE, Esq.; Mommas?, ta.,wrltes, 3d Jan.,1866:* "I had a tedkine Influenza; which confined me In doors ex weeks; took many medicines withouCrellef; Sadly. tried your Psoronst by the advice of our clergyman.: The Ant dose relieved the soreness In my thrust and lunge; lea than.one hilt the bottle made, me completely well.. Your medicines are the cheapest as well as the best we an buy, and we esteem you, Doctor, and your rem*. dies, u the poor-mares friend? Asthma or Phthistm mid Bronchitis. WAIT MAMMINTIM, Pc., Yeb. 4,1856. Sat: Your CSELIM PSOTOVAL Is performing marvellous cures In thiir ou.' It has relieved - several from alarm ing syMplome of consumption, and is now curing a man who has labored under an affection of the lungs for the last tiatryo" ars. . - HENRY I. PARKS, Merchant. Ac A. RAMSAY, M.D., Amur, Mormon CR., rows, writes, Sept. 6,1865: "During my practice of many years I bays found nothing . equal to your Cana! PICTOIRAt for giving sass and roller to consumptive patients, or curing such is are curable? ll .. a:might add Tolman of evidence, but the mat con ethUng proof of the virtues of this remedy is found halts . ~.. effects upon trial. Consuneption. -..._ Probably no one remedy has aver been known which - cured so :way and inch dangerens cases as this. 'Some no human aid an reach; but even to than theCrensg Putout affords relief and comfort. ierron Hoax, Nan You On, March 5,1556 Toccoa Alga, Loath: I feel It a duty and a pleasure to Inform you what your,thmaar Pietas'. ham done for •my wife. She bad been for months laboring under the dangenana symptoms of Consumption, from which no aid we could procure gave her much relief. She was steadily • tailing, mtil Dr. Strong. of this city, where we have come for advice, ?ecommeuded a trial. of your medicine. We '' bless his kindness, as we do your skill, forehe has rem!. ered from that day. She issiot yet as strong as abe used to be, but la free from her cough, and cells herself wall Yours with gratitude and r ORLANDO SlIVi, or Smszevuut— . Caromptiees, do not despair till yon have tried ATRICI CAZRET PICTOIAL. It is made by one of the best medical chemists in the world and ite cum all and us bespeak the high merits of Its virtual.— • Ledger. . Ayer's Catharti Pills. , TFill sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been taxed their utmdet to produce this best, moat perfect purgative which is known to man. - Innumerable proofs are shown that these Prue have virtues which - anitpase in excellence the ordinary medicinal; end that they win un precedentedli upon the esteem of all men. They are safe and-pleasant to take, but powerful to care. Their pone. - truing properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its trtINISt purify the blood, - and expel &mac. They purge out the foul humors which breed and giow distemper, stimulate sluggish or diver.' .-- dead organs into their natural action, and impart healthy tone with' strength to the whole system.- Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, le t also formidable and dangerous diseases that have bedaub the beat of human 'skill While they produce powerful effects, theYare at the same time, in diminished doses, the ' safest and best physic that can be employed for: children. . Being engar-coated, they are pleasant to take; and Laing purely vegetable, are free from any risk of harm. Cures , hare been made which surpass belief were they not sub. stantlated by tuelinf such exalted position and character as to forbid the satilrion of untruth. Many amines! clergymen and physicians hare lent their names to cord.. fy to the public the reliability of my remedies, while oth• ere have sent me the assurance of their convietkm that my Preparations contribute immensely to the relief of my afflicted, sulfering.fellow-men .. The Agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Alumnae, containing girections for their use and . certificates of their cures, of the ccmplaints :— Coetivonese.tiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism, .Dropsy, lleartbnrn Headache arising from a. foul Stanch, Neu. sea. Indightion, Morbid Inaction of the Dowels and Pain arising therefrom. Flatulency, Lose of Appetite, all Ulcer. mai and Cutneons Diseases which require an eraenent Medicine,.Scrofula or King's Evil. They also, by purify ing the blOod and stimulating the ayinem, mire many ruplaiqta which It would not be supposed they could . ce reach. such as-Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia; and Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the Liver and Rid neys„ (lout, and other kindred complaints arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Do not be put •oli by unprincipled dealers with some other pill they make more profit on. Ask for Al Ws PILLS, and take nothing else. No other they can" give you compares with' this in its intrinsic value or curative pwers. The sick want the beet aid- there is for them, and they should have it. Prepared by Di. L AI ER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Fuca 23 Ors. ea Box. Fin Bova roa $l. SOLD BY ABEI. TURRELL, Montrose, And by Dealers in MEDICINES everywhere. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. aValiimMlTS"lnt New Rail Road Route, Delaware,Lackawanna. W.R.R. NEW and expeditions broad page route from the North and West, via Great Bend anct Scranton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys, directly through to New York and Philadelphia. ' 4)n and after Monday, Jan. 18th, 1858, trains will be run as follows: The Night Express Traib bound east on N. Y: & Erie R. R. arrives nt Great Bend at 4.00 a. m., and connects with the EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend-for New York abdPhiladelphia at 8.30 a. m. Dueiat Montrose, 9.07 " Tunkbannock, 9.50 " Factoryvillo, • • 10.13 " Scranton, 10. " • Stroudsburg, 1.38 p. Delaware,(ls minutes to dine,) 2.10 " Bridgeville, Phil. pass'Acave 2.40, " Junction, 3.30, " New York, '7.10, " Philadelphia, 8.20, Passengers from N._ Y., leave Pier No. 2 North River, at From Philadelphia, leave Walnut St, Wharf, at 6.00 ,Leave Junction, 10.55, " Dueatßridgeville,(Phil.corrneetion.)ll.4s, "" Delaware, (lb min. to dinner), 12.00 m, _ Stroudsburg,' 12.47, p. m. Scranton, 3.35, " Factoryville, , 4.27 " Tunkhanock, 4.48 " Montrose, 5.35," " Great Bend. 6.10, " Connecting at Great Bend With the Dunkirk Express, west, at Accommodation Train leaves Saran • ton for Great Bend at - 7.20 a. m . Arrive at Great Bend, 12 25 p. m Connecting with the Emigrant Train ,west, on - the N. Y. & - E. Rai) Road. • Returning, leaves Great Bend at 1.25 p, m. Due at Scranton, 6.10. " For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division, a passenger car will be at tached to the Express FreightTrains,leaving- Sernatoo, at . • 5.00 a. m. Due at Stroudsburg at - • 10.20 " Junction at - -' • - 2.10 p. m. Returning, will leave Junction at 5. a. m. Due at Stroudsburg at • 8,35 " Scranton at ' 2.50, p. m. ' Passengers from New York will change cars at Junction. To and from Philadelphia, via . B. D: R. R., leave or take ears at Bridgeville. For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre,take L. dz. B. It. R., cars pA Scranton. "Per Josaup,Archbald, and Carbondale, change cars at Greenville. Tickets sold, and baggage checked through. • JOHN BRISBIN,Sup't. Wag. N..JENts,Gen'l Ticket Agent. S. S. MOTT . ,Atrow Gooosn H5..41'.. WEBB'S. -,4ION2TROSE,:4PRIL, aorh. 1857. Airy office to-my nein resilience nearly oppo- Mt site the-Presbyterian Church, on Turnpike Street The public are invited to eall and exam ine specie:fens of tlie various styles of Plugging and Plate which I am daffy executing.— No gas. sing, "any more," friends,the . vo* speaks for itself. C. D. VlNGlL,Resident Dentist.. Montrose, Pa, Sept:. 1847. ' I 30, a. in 7,15 It Removed, (§,tisiiite:g!ir:tto,r a . ',k;, -.2i,ot4pst...lltrit 11111LTSUED EVZST T s tittllSDA BY ANDREW J. GEREITSON.- , Terms.--41.50 per anturii if ( paid in ad. value, $2.00 if paid within r the year' 0r52.50 if not paid until the and of the year or period of subscription. Advance payment elicited. Discontinnances optional with thcf- Publisher until all arrearages are paid. , .flutes of One square, (12 lines,) 8 weeks or less; $l.OO Each subsequent insertion,.::-'. I • 25 One square one year, $B.OO, two sq'rs $12.00,, three squares $16.00, four squares - $20.00. Dasiness Cards icifsix- lines $3.00 iper year. 'Job Work of all. , kinds executed neatly and promptly. always on fraud. ; - January' tat, 1857. 1 T. B . OYL REPRESENTS A CAPITAL . 44410001000, For Fire, Marine, Life, and Inland, Office, New Milford, J4nuary 18th, 1858. Smith, & Soh, SURGEON DENTISTS. Residbnmand fice opposite the Baptist Churchl(north side) Montroee. Particular attention aril be given to inserting teeth on gold and silver plate, and to filling decaying teettr. _ January 10th, 1858. 1. _ NEWTON & McOOLIME - . Atarneri and Counsellor at Law. Office on Public Avenue over H. J. Webb's Store. - N. NEwroti. • J. B. B cCom.um. WM. W. SMITH, CO., cabinet and Cliair Manufactur ers, foot of Main Street. Moatros., Pa. ABEL TURRELL, M 0 NTi/ OS Dealer in Drugs, Medicinet4 Cheniicals, Dye Stuffs, Glass-ware, Paints, Oils, VarnishO, Window; Glass, GrOOries, Fancy Goods, Jew elry, Perfumery, dte.—And Agent for all the most popular Patent Medicines. • JOHN GROVES, Fashionable Tallor—Wrop near the Baptist Meeting 4puie„on Turnpike Street. Montrose, Pa: DR. R• THAYE c , Physician and Surgeon, Montrose, Pa. Office in the Farmer's Store. i FRANKLIN FRASER, Attorney 'and Counsellor at It Montrose, Pa:, will attend faithfully to all busi ness entrusted to him in . the County of Snag's. Conveyancing and .writing of all hinds will be done neatly, and cbsrges moderate. IHe will also attend to prosecution of claims of soldiers, their widows and heirs. against -the $.. Govern ment, for Bounty Land, Pensions, &c. d• D. VAIL, M. D., "Physician and Snrgeoni, has perms netly located himself at traelneyville, Srisq'a County, Penn's, and will proniptly (attend to all calls with which he mai be favored, . May, 1856 7 -n22. • HAYDEN BROTHERS, - . New Milford, Penala.. Wholesale dealer in Buttuns, Comb s , Suspenders, Threads, ' Fancy Goods, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plat 4 Ware; Cut lery, Fishing Tackle,Cigars, &c. Merchants and ,p edlars, stipplik on liberal terms. %Nil, HAYDEN, TRACY HAYDEN, JOHN HAYDEN, GEO. HAYDEN. 4yl DR. E. F. WILDS I T,. raduate of the - Allopathic ,and - Homo pathicc Colleges of Medicine,l, is now per manently located 'in Great Bend Pa. April Ist. 1856. JOHN SAUTTER , Fashionable Tailor. Shop first door north orthe Farmer's Store. • NlEll§' EißT@2s FIRE ,INSURANCE CO., YORK, Pa. Chartered by--the State of Pinnsylvaniet. CAPITAL, 30 0.000 ISOLLAUS. Insures against loss or damage by fire, on buil dings, furniture, and merchandise generally. lair" Losses adjusted by arbitiation, where the parties fail to agree. DißEcrcms • - H. A. Hantz, I John Landes, H. Kraber, Fred. Sul,toack, William Wallace,' Eli 1 Kieft, Samuel Dyer, Thomas Gray, David Strickler. H. KR ABER, President, D. STRICKLER. Secretary.l . 0. S. BEEBE, Agent, Montroso,Va. February 2d, 1858. I [IY*; panufatint-tre 'l l suruitte Co. Charter. Perpetual. Grant l ed by the State of Pennsylvania. , ,• CAPITAL $500.000• Fire, Marine andluland Transpor tation. AARON S. Lippiscorr,President. Wm. A. RHODES, ViCO Pres't. ALFRED WEEKS, Septet/try. DIRECTORS., Aaron S. Lipincott, Charles Wise, Wm. A. Rhodes, - Alfred Weeks, - Wm. Thomas, J. Rinaldo Sank, WM. Neal, John P. Simmons ; Charles J. Field, James P.. Sniith. Office No. 10 Merchant's .ExeliMige, Para. A. N. BULLARD, Agent, Montrose, Pa. • - 20v1. '11:11111IN • 4, 1 MONTROSE PA. • THE subicriber having purchased, refitted and newlsi furnished the - II" • above well- known and 13opular Hotel, is s is prepared to accommodate tho trav eling publie and others with allthe attentions and conveniences usually , found in first-efass Houses. No effort' will be spared by the-Pro' prietor and . his Assistants to make the Hotel equal in every point to an country: ; The Bar will always be . lied with the Choicest Liquors \ The Stables connected with 'this Itouse arelarge, roomy and convenient, and Oran! and attentive Hctstlers are alweys in charge of them. _ • J. S. TAktI3ELL. Montrose, May 13th, 1867. REMOVAL. The Saddle, TOERDand-TikinkE Shop or Z IB'itEUOVED to the buiMing recently °mi pied C. C. Hollister, on Main St., -one door above S. S. Mott's, where hebEt, happy to wait on alt who may favor him wilt their patron age. hn.l,oth, 1858.—te. • .Artist e Materials.. • - pAINTS in Tubes, Brushes, Tin, Copper aid Silver Foil, Glass Slatua ;and Mailers, Liihokpiphs, at'the Store of AIBL TURRELL. Dee. 15th,1857: • FlLAtit . o - by Vie Load or Barrel, 14 DICkERMAN & GAIIRSVP• New Milford; June lotlieLB37+ rrat , OF OVER Insurance.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers