The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 18, 1857, Image 4

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0 - • --
A printer's devil,tras pierced in the heart
With-the charms of *little' Mier;
Qt.toth L 1 to the las.% " Ley - de:is, ere Fe' pan, - as seal nue-love witit
Ths ma;dsti-Teplio as the imp she-eyed,
WhSiS yoli .. has4 ssialytriad
No, no, Tll not,4ibitbe devil !" -
leara'rolled atom?, and the sweet little lass
Beeittat , fin ohi-sorrowfut:initid;
Sias )ives queen4-iias rich—but alas:
heauty has all decayed. _
Orieerti v e 4 lttey . met, aud-•the old maid tiled.
go'reoull hdr.fottner. issue,
But te gully smiled and only replied,
"Tile - devil now wouldn't. itipef 'you r
Ilse following is an extract from the recent
aildiess of-Gov:"Wiseil
kbfie the Mechanic's
Institute at Itichmoti4kVa:---
And s c ience, asfion*Jiny; trathematick
- cbeinittry, natural philcophy and the fuse
3rts,_tnt die anti plating. and at chittl:- tt: re.
'lnd all the ordinary arts cf, peace and war,
tkp2utielit uTc:n niech:tnie: arts lot
- thctir utensils and•nrins. • Fuiton• was a me
,c'natnc., He- not only' litoght tlie secret to
his country of applying steam, and the art
to a Norris of tviaining the victory of peace-,
but inven:ei.l, 'too, the rno-A dangerous engine
or %var., lie took the torpedo .to England,
and as a trial iof Llew up.tlie tlig Duro
tits in tie presence of the Beard of 13:iti4
(Cheers.) When the fatorable
,wes znacle to-Ills, .Pitt, be said, " Wily
zbould England aid America in teaching how
:oduirend her cat againtit the thitisli navy."
Aral Franklin tca d tauf:baaie and he
:au;ght lii> c3untry how to Ca un
der bolts tient - Jupiter, atd t colthow to ap
tha.tight tiing to the •• tolNdo," so that
;tow a bing.e mechanic can sit on the bubk
of any tiger or roadstead, by tba of a
galvanic pit not larger than a hat crown, and
tc:uch of a rope of wires, coune;ting
" torpeiloes," eentl Ft a nkli a's dentin:
=nark to - Falirnarine tna i litzines %%Lich vrou'id
glow the ‘rli6le Britit:l) navy our of ‘i'.;t:er....•
And tke scold once known, Tnechniztn has
not stopped at applyinz gaircui-tu ned elec.
trieity r iO the.arts of war ; •but the
4-Morse has Lunde iron nerves fur two. -worlds,
and the conttnerkts and the sea., to setd
telligettee to the. uttermost_ points of the
nadir, he a fluid as quick and sentient as
tba which flows through organized beings
from the brain corere,d by any pia-mater.
And the learned prefessiOni—thenlog3‘,lart•
and medi,:ine—are eqtmlly deprndent 'upon
the mechanic nits 4•And their perfe:otion,
'Where would nil have been but for the inceli
nr.ism of priittirg,?.. Zit the wngues-of 'men
and angel conld not enumerate the innu
merable dependencies. They are iLtinite is
variety and connection.
The objects nr the In , titute; is to exalt tbe
dignity of mechanic labor. Who shall de
.;pise the arts upo'h which,t7,ll el,e is depend
eat? 'What civilinrion shall despise a labor
ono° every civilization depen46l
- shalt tread upon the arts by ultich men
are fed and clothed, and housed and trans
ported, and. is ralie'd to refinement of. an eli
ration in the moral scale ti Lich cannot, be
reached bat by physical improvements 1—
Morse was a lialig.r.ic,Ful.tou svasa mechanic
,Franklin trAS a mechanic, fir Christopher
Wren was a meehanie, -Newton NV:IS a nte-
Tbe triumphs of tue.ehauics are the
triuniplis of mankind. (Cheers.) A German
oblonan once, on a ri,lt to Italy, being a
man-of the world and pleasure, spent most
, of ht* time at the theatres, where be was
trnuebarinoyea - at the detlsioaConstantly cast
upon. his country for her Doetian temprament
'ln turn`he proposed an entertainment for the
. 1
Italian. lla procured a large dilapidated
-house,and the'. whole scene presented was
-one of the streets of Itomo. The time vas
Jvstlefo're the dawn of day, a weary
traQler as-is appear in the desolate
street, ste.lopg - where he might. find - shelter
•and . aceoinciAation. Be - could find no inbah:
itants awake. Be threw bia;self down .upon
:a piazza and Waited fur light and the_ inhab
itants to rise. Whilit be was - sleeping,' the
: ghost of Cicero was'made to appear, and ap
jircari the stranger, who awoke t :trose, toJk
itatt.a:wateli, the horometer or that day, to
see the time of nigbt. :Thet f.. ,g hOst eti as sour-
Prised, and Asked what it vials The: stray.-
" 7 ' r explained it was a meehanioal in4trumem
to: mclisure time: " WOrdeiful," said
ghost. " Wlto invented that." The, : Ger- 1
titans," Said -the stranger. -- Ne%t be tool: out
do ilil3BllL.o to see when day would 1nea... 1 .
,and the MID rise. " What is that ?" said the 1
ghost. The stranger expbsined the. art of I
- prictingfand the calculations . of
-the calendar.." Wondetrul,.mOst tynndelcul:'
sdid the 44 and who invented that i"
The (lumens," said the Autazer.
time 'the day begun to peep, and the stran2erl
hieing impatient to be taken in from the street
ale betit'the doors in vain, and at last 'drew a t
pistol and fired it off; to arouse the .slugp,,:isb
sleepers. ' , The ghost started affrighted, and
asked," What - is that .?" A pistol and' gun : :
powder were explained.. "More wonderful
said •the ghost. " And -who invented
Tl 4 e m n s," said the stranger.
"Great - encl.wonderful people! And whilst
- they have . been jpromressing all 'these
what:have my peOple been doing in the een
turiessineel was upon . earth ?" Just - then
one of the ltizzaroni of Borne appeared', . and
the stranger said, "There is a sjieeimen
thy oonntryrnen." Day broke, and the ghost
- vanished. • GerinanYlad invented printing.'
the horometer and - gunpowder: Rome had
=been sleeping to &cap- and . destik,. in her
- dreamy droweiness over — past • greatness, and
the : condition of her lntearout frightend away
the giinst of Cieero. And,my fZllow 'citizens
have — we'donit. all - Wach the ghosts Of depart
ed'aiiessted 'pattinits'irotil&tapeet ores in.
the gresteschievoieuts Of.AYSTeaI sOinciand
nnechattle;artgl:—: • .
h4er:StMlt 21ipo*tiotitte trOitt : lhe - frrse
- man id' the South, and the forettiost of the
Doxion 4 , iL aiu haresutned there.,sviß
Iletopts to cast, odium and rids= • *
.eule on the F.. 'of Aiitir The first
- Men end,the first families of^ the Seidl ate
just the reverse of what tbey base been- tep-,
resented by many of the-Northern presses:—
But therevil 01e4fs of miprepmentatioe 'MSS
only tmesliorr, and the steady and resistless
,pregress of Troth must,alwaysereutualltdis•
iipate the mista - ..0f error. -
JUD 0 E i Patistiwom. .who recently :Resigned
his judicial . office : in* Utah, and has busied
himself .with.wr4ing letters exposing the inn.
-moralities Orldit'lifermbn nequaintanetia, 'is
thustaken to task by the . oqtrake
Plitinclettier.'"The Plaindeider -savi .. that • at
'the time of his appointme n t-Mr. Drummond
was n. resident - of Oqu Aka. And if his pri;
rate.history,were written, it Would- unfold . a
'earcerof as cruel and inhuman treatment to
na . could be fotind in the annals of
infamous Ini'sbands. ! I nt) pres.i in this place
well knew his petfidy, hut out -of regard to
the feelings of 'family remained silent.—
After,Drummond's resignation and 'return to
the Stlites he seemed to-evince no =desire to,
see. his family. *When it' . was announced
through the press that . he was in Clikage,
Mrs. Drumrriftni proceeded thither to seek an
intery* . w wail him ; and althoUgh he stop
ped at'the same hotel, and remained one
night while he was there, he tnnt;ged to
sereenisim.elf from her sight,and rest morn
ing me :1 11114 got aboard the train and came
this . place, and took' two of his - children
away with him. 1114'v:ice remained a- week
in Chig i 'ago, seekingin - rain for her faithless
lial.haftil, and then returned home, only to
have a more bitter pang added to her Almost
brol:eti lteart- - - - -to find that her children had
been spitited Rimy, she imew not where."
Cor:r~yrr or Cor'n'y..-111 a Village, not a
thou.acd miles from this city", there lives a
quiet, nuol:trusive-young lawyer. A modest
1,,110w is (merit is always modes%)
taut Le knows hisrig-itts„" and knoring,flares
maintain them." liike a great many others,
Le is '• following, the practice," and antici
pateb "a glorious time," when he' overtakes
it. In some small cases, he made his aPpear
anee.bcfore ,he august dignifary,an Alabama
Justice of the Peace. " His Honor" evident
lv lost faith in M at fitst sight; for
one after another his cases "collapsed'
under the "stunning" charge delivered by
the Court.
The law and testimony were alike unavail
ing. cases were l bound i to go.—
At last himan nature couldlbear no more.—
lising from his seat delivered himself
in his usual slow and measured manner:
" The Glatt can fine me five dollars!"
For vdtitt, arr. said the JUS
tici?; solatm hat, surptisett.
For contempt of Court," coolly rtjoined
" I atn not aware, Mr: 1
.kr-r.." said the
Coati, "of your - ilaving been guilty of any
thing that might be considered contempt."
" I know your honor is not aware of 4, I 's :t i t !
but I do entertain a profound
contempt for ibis Court."
AsEenoTE.—We believe we have "got
bold of" an original aneedote - that seas nev
Iser printed - befOre: A student in one of oar
t't,tate colligeA, was ehar • ged by the Faculty,
with h y aritig; a barrel of ale deposited in his
iri)om—contrary, of couese 4 to rule and..usaze.
1 Ile reeeived a suintnotis to appear before the
President, who said: -, • .
. .
"Sir ; I am informed that you bare a bar
rel fif 41e. in4O r ;own."
• Ytls, Si rte'
" uttat explanation earl colt maker
"Why the fact if:, Sir_, my physician advis
ed me to try a little ale each d:iy, as a tonic.;
and not wishing to stop at the rarieitis plac
es mbete the beverage is retailed;l concluded
to have a barrel in my ioom.1!
"Indeed. And Vinve you derived any ben
,Ekt from the use of it ?"
" Ali, yes Sir. When the barrel was first
taken to my room, two days since, I could
feßreelr lift it. NoW I can carry it with the
r-reatest ease."
Tut: Caors.—An intelligent planter in the
neig!,borlrood of - Union Springs, Macon COll n
-1-y—one orthe best cotton growing region 4
that State—in t letter to Lis ecrninibsion
house in Cohtrubu:!, (Geo.) dated April 27th,
" 2do4t tho pla.uters in this neighborhooi
hare ploughed up their cotton and planted
over, and the second planting is just-consiog
up. .The crop is three weeks later than..usu
l'.iezttly,crybody has ploughed up their
e , ):n and tcrited over. Wheat is somewhat
injured; but not sei loasiv " - •
Qurrn.a juke - Itnppetted to one <f theDoe
tili..craft some time ago.. Re ordered some
very powerful medicine for a skit boy, and
the father not liking the appearance of it
furred it doWn the cat's throat. When : the
do c to r called an and inquired if the pow
der had eared the boy the father replied:
*.:tio, w didn't give it to biro." •
" Good hPareo 1" Eaid the doctor, tis the
child !iving r
Yes but the cat ain't—we gave it to her."
1 The &Jam' sloped. .
GZ . N. Washington seldom indulged in ti
joke or a sareasm, but when he did he al
ways made a decided hit. It is related that
lie was pre-ent in Congress during the debate
on the establishment on'-the Federal army,
when a member offered a resolution, limiting
the arms' to three thousand men,upos which
Washington suggested to a member an
amendment, providing that no enemy :should
ever invade the country, with more Meta two
thousand eadiers. The laughter which en
-sued smothered the resolution.
s tar Do not live is ' dirk ( q00!IIII. Light
fades the carpet, but it feeds
. Else flower: No
living auitnal or vegetable eau enjoy health
in darkness. • Light is alutostsuttec6lntry as
air s and a-Wolin tan is - almost - preferable,
even as atnatter orbeady;i64 , lsickly pale
ness of ample:ion. ' •
4 , t,OkaoF !r le", !mating that :helaid
sung fromif 4e1404,„"Ye5,
_Pai4.siattandsr, '! I A .seee-soate—of •
Dozily fit, 4*-Oatititeit 'fief ;isiii4l•l' Oat
liivatitte trviill7
1617 Afiefost !
_ .4ND
trAVING dm - ermined to4krig.e nor ill:me of
basioese,itse offer for mat: our entim IttoEk of
e x 0 csc4sclp
Binghamton, April
t7r We wi4 it to be distinctly tinder
sbpod, that our sales Rill Delaade for
JIM' All penton4 'having open accounts at:
our books are-requested to call and settle im
wediatelv. •
J UT - Accounts not settled by the "Igt of Nftry
wilt he put into•other hau& fur collection..
1 11,1%.R1NW KU M,
st Z.JA .1-1
S •••orr2 7, r-- , -,- rr s ir t 7 , 771
U13,,S FU,t,' I,l\ d.% \ • 17,1-. `..7
- a l liniV7 - 1
irs inn "V* mricrl: ql
/410 =NS
You have now a splendid opportunity to
supply yourselves with everything in the
shove live, at ..New York• cost..
Is em„,4li 41,
We have a very lame assortment of Car
phtees Tools of the best quality i .w.hich ae
will4ol at Cost.
We base a complete assortment , of Coop
er's Tvols; going at Cwt. ,
Locks, Latches, Knobs, Blind Tfimtnings,
Butts, Screws, dtc,, &c., going at COst.
Y 0 likanaElVGll,3v
Desirous of Purchasing their spring stock,
snob another opportunity will never,,presen(
itself. Our entire• stools of Iron and 'Steel
will be sold at Oust.
lgrThose deArotts of selecting from a
complete-stock will call eaily.
- '7:Mifit : -.A7 : ,iximiliON,
iC0444 k 4104-
51 Court-stroot.
P. & K.
4PUEMBERG EDlClNES.—Vrgetable Pills
'Omen Mountain Ointment, Scrap rill
Compound; Children's Panacea, Eye Lotion. Fe
ver and Ague Remedy, ilealth Bitters, Dysen
tary Syrup, Consumptive's' . Bat AiarAiatra
Uterine, CathoPeon, Dr. Libby'a Pile Ointment,
and Manual-of Health.
Ayres Pills — and Cherry Pectoris), 'ranner's
German Ointment, Trask's Magnetic Ointment,
Holloway's Ointment and Pill 4;
,Davis' 'Pain
Killer, Dr. Pitch's Heart Corrector, Bennett's
Root and Plant Pills, Soule's Sovereign Balm,
Wright's Indian Vggehble 1911 s, Rhode's Fever
and Anne Cure,Merchant's Gar , ling Oil, AIM,
ca Lineatnent, aniiiher, Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Aloes, Pieera, Myrrh, Licorice, &e, &c., &e.
A new Supyly just rece;wed, to be.kept constant..
ly on hand, for . sale by 1. N. BLILLA RD.
October, Ist, 1856. 7.-
Rhode's Fever and Ague Cure,
laR Antidote to Malaria: for the pre ven tion
and rare of Fever and Ati,ve, or Cnill I.'•er,
Dumb Am.r.ue, and other Intvrruittent and Re
mittant Fevers; also otilintis Vey6s. Byrom
partied by Typhoid Fever, Yellow Fever, Ship
and JAI Fever, General Debility, Night SCYeats,
and all othi , r fortns of diseaSe which have a cm
mon origiti in
Eqnnily evrtnin as a prevyntative or cure
For sate by the urofersi2tiocl:authfiriZolagoat
for the Proprietor, Jas. 41. Ilitode),, Providence,
1th0de.146t..11. 1. N. BULLARD..
Nlontro , e, May 1.4 t, IStag.
F A R M.E R'S!
$l5 will purchaso one of the best
CORN stiELLFiRs and .5..E..1 , A1iA:T0u5
Ever' Inveatcd.
undersivicd is niAv pre! area In furnish
to - FARMERS, 31 j; lers ot her; t he woad
renott ned Excelsior Corn Siteitt..r—t he wonder
( lithe times—ltim! the Lest. most do rattle. I,nd
easiest running Sheller now in atranit l d
to shell more corn in tt shorter space of time,
than any other kam Line, entirely eleanit)g the
ear, from end to end, without crushing either
corn or cob.
The litellines are constructed with twin
crank.. and pulp for a Lett. so that two persons
can turn theta; ur attach a belt in' notion liv
any pi,Vcer. The atic,itint. 0r - ptivn,
mills, is solicited, as the lincitibeS ;Iry wonder
fully ,rlapted to any kind ;" , fpniver. They are
, 'er) turns-d. rncl whun 'oleo in cintint: a
small lJoy van turn thetas they ;:re ea; , :1111,• of
hhuirS" erne per mintoel very F.:trer
ihould have a-. they sarc..thidr cult, in
100 than one
'They. are on eshiiiirom at Seath.'s 11.1,1,
Savre',s Fourdry, Eh's 31:11• in Brookl‘n. and L •,throps Lahe :VOL:. IA nett. t hot can he seen
in operatien al at tint.... A7l 4, rtrg rs a•hvessed
td tht eir.dersi;xed, will receiye fella - Nit atter—
firm. Machines shipped at a distance sr;il war
ranted to operate. -D. D. 5E,A111.E.
A: SPerir*.s /10d.
3lontrose,Deverrter. t lib. 1855.
CERTIFICATE. e" —... .
THIS is to certify. that I have k , xamir.ed ar.d
used one of the above ;She'll-N. for .sale by 1).
1). SEAnt.E,and u idlest:at ingiy f•rontiunce it, one
of thebest, most durable and easiest runnitv*
Strellcrs .tler introduced ibto this county. It
will sh e ll more corn in a sh.,rter time than any
1 other Ntaeh me. and is always ready for.service.
I. most heartily anti frcelv recommend them Co
the Farmers of Susq's Cour.ty, :Is i Ilt . cheapest
and best Sheller. rate in use. I hero ow in
operation in my milt .1 I do .1., ‘‘l. ill needs
only to ba seen to rt.i. , ' , .qlllllelia i . .. , :.!1 Call . z,nd
see it. A3IIII ELY •
Ilrookiva. Dee - ettl,rr 11th. I 556. 511 f.
Burning Fluid and Camphene.
FREaII supply. just rooei , ed. :Ind for
et miles. old enoUfzli.l.b2 enou li
:.nd hardecotian to stout! in .oitunior t irn
by • 1. N. 13121.1.A1i
lutio Mb:. 1 c.!;t3.
NEW TOPOC:I7, 2g,ti" -
• Stisquelidnzla Ccnnty.
11 7 ;i 1 i, '' „f el !... ,"; 1 1 1: , 7. 1 11 : 61 " 1 * n
t r 0 11 i;r71 . ;:. t ( . l ' P s ' 1 /
1: • ; i t
ericoorafzetnent be ziveit,) said taitp si:ovF in, :01
the 1:08c14, with their rinOes.:-:il1 :Sitreiftio: in
their proper ith all I.akes.
and l'oetis, with their Elaine!". showini , their 10.
ca li o n :aid shape. 'ft,- 'moues ut pioperty
holders arc to be ins . erted in their p repo., ' , Lae..
es—it willto silo:. the liwation ,;111 Ceur,-h.
CA , ; -- s4O lOO l I ',uses. ;70ore•ii, hills of all
kinds, nbin 2 erirreet Tal k of Ilia; noes front
one Post eilleo to another thrioritiont the
County. Sidd mail is 10 le '.n t,t an
inch a r i l) on,A vig1:111 to the toile, :rd tiii br de
livered to h•;:itiscribers, tabs, d ::rd niennt,d at
the exeetailiv,iy low price or i 3.5. 0 11 per vOPv !
• LEW ) &
Noe. 1' & 19, Maine st..
ITAVING just returm d front New York. with
I_ a eomplete i!ssortment of g.neds for the
r 4 l;ring Trite:t. e.q1,1 , 1111:1 in pan :o
Dry G00d.., Groverie, Crockery,
• Third war!, Ilcols Sltdes,
Clocks,ook Glasses,
11:LIthrella4. l'a.
' per, Undies' Zioit
nelc, &c.
A fine stark of PA NA.11;1. S 7sRA 11% and
1,11. E, A F 7'S, zil-,41 many other arti
cles too numerous to mention s :lot:lcl invite the :
esfierh.l attention of en'h buyers to rn
-nation of u bleb Le khowii freely
117111 siold as cheap :is they sell Lmeds this
site of New York._ Thankful for ;he patron.
aze that has been Let•tomed upon bim the past
year. he l,p;:i by een,tant attention to the want.:
of afi, o suit all who may call. flint
my customers wiil not forget that a settlement
of neeoums is due me once - p e:•r. I t enlain
their servant, KE::YON.
Look and Read! •
T ILE uncier,,igned.Alt•rchant at Ditnoek roar
Corners, has lately discovered that for
ready pay he eniisell moreGoods.and make more
nioriey at one-half the usu:.l profits put upon
Country Goods. Convq.tently I can sell Goods
from live to ten pereent. lower than nay other
establishment in section. But do not take
zny,l.voad for it. Call and !toe for yourselves.
Briug.a little Cash or some kind of Country
produce, and toty your Goods at a price unpar.
alleled in the history of Mercantile trade.- My
,stock is large and well selected,.end I am re
ceiving •
every week. Ify Terms ofSale are READY Pay.
It will certainly be for your interest to call and
see me before purchasing elsewhere. ' -
Flour and-Salt kept constantly on hand.
Minna. Jan. 13th, 1857, ..
[SvccEssor. TO A. & E. BaLDwrs.l
Manufacturer of Saddles, Harnesses, and
Trunk and 'carriage Trimmer,.
NvouLD invite all who are want of any
v article ever kept at a Harness shop to give
him ri esti.
harnesses made of the best Oak Tanned
Leathers- on short notice. .
He has on hand * good assortment of Carriage
Trimmings which he offers on the moat ea.son •
- title terms. Carriage Trimming done with neat.
nese nod dispatch.
11pp:tiring done nn short notice.
ANAL 1. P.. and 3, Raiment Searle's Hotel
Montrose, Nov. 281 h, 1856
ZPERSONS desirous of paying me money. on
debt of any description, can do so by leas...
n g their lsyment with Post, Cooper d.; Co.,
Linkers .11"otrobe, to my credit, whose receipts
will be allowed from their date. •
- C. L WARD:
April 18tb;1836. . tf.
DOCKET ENIVES,A hull* asPortreent of
.4, the beet in akarketott TURRELVS.
.. • •
''- • ': The Cheap , o•
I ENE undersigned would restfully itifornl_ -
the inhabitants of Bingitanan 1
n.nnd vicinity, ,
I that he hais reeentlY put'ehased efEdward Wiest
I Ms large and ' Well I , eh - , , eteri - meek of-, - .. '..
. - DRY - GOODSt-: . ...
which be has rquet'4from,:taFaj F etto 1310 ell
to :No. 93Gourt-st., tine doer above the.Atner4
can Hotel.. '
• ThiS entire stock has bperi purchased cuni.iti: i -
efably below New York eostomongli so to %tiar. I •
ram, him in saying. thidhe.will'sr.ll GOods cheap
or than can be boughtat any other More in town.
VW?, ~. qi.4.4....,. "I
• wig/ vti Zeis' # iivii4o, - ;\ W .sk i id
Summer Goods, -To the-above - stuck has just
-been added a largo invoice of Silting and Sum.
mer Goi , ds of the latest .styles, which will be
closed out at great- ly.rgains. . . ,
The stoek:eottsists in part of the following,
goods, viz; Fine Lawns. fast eolors, from 9 to
IS ets per yard; C.:licoes, Anteriean and Entfli-h,
1 front -1 1 0 II ets. per yard; 51eritiMei; :u4 Co.
el/f•Cll Prinjs, at 11 ets.; Blenehed•and Sheetinl;s 1
urn) Shirtine front 4-ets. to 24, fill pi.r y ard;
lit-mut-4 Jeans. fr on Is. 24. (id. per e.arti-; 1
1 L:Alies' lim.e,- from 6d: to 3's. GI. ' per pair;
r ;Ginhattoi, from 10 Os. to 23 cts. per yore:; De 1
iLa;nes from 10 et s. to 3s. per yard. Also a I..rge 1
V• :44 of Linens. Quilts - lint! Couterpains, Cartains
I and Draperies. Shawls, Gloves. Table Covers, 1
1401;,.. S.:e..s.l7,inborcieries, &e. &C; ' 1
priers. T . , 'Trunks, Valises and I; trrs, of idi sizes and 1
p - ;
1 trY - Don't fort-t the nnrnhr....l6 Conrt street, 1
1 I Door east ot• the Amer:car, !lute!, but eat: and i
• .
bee before ITt:..‘,ntsing e.sen Dere. •
- I
H. C..GODWIN. - i
1 13inOlanlpton, April Sl, 1836. - 1
i -
• J.
. 1
ox 7 I ,
i r i
; f il
' i
i . '
1 I:
Every sp:ndl.s ofQxtoritir irritation .')s quiellil
redired he the antiluilammatory liCtilln 01 this I
Ointment. A:prry
... Enurrtoxs, such .ay SALT 1
Illir.1.7:11, Et.vso - ri in
.ts, Trrn,. I.l2tati - pn.m, ;
ScAto HEAD. NF.TTLE RAsn, ScArnrs, (or I
hen) *Vo ..die out. :/) ro•nrn no more, under its_'
application. 11,4 ital experience in all parts of i
ithe world proves its ,infallibilitp in diseases of
ItEMOV &LI 1 :ha sidn. the indscle, the joluts and - the elands.
i- - Ulcers, tioe - d.Tumors.
.11 0,, ar 1 ,
7...1/10reuu XS T:f141,1 SI I ATE V:iy 1 The effect of this. unch.alled txternal remeav
; ; up:ott Scrofula; and other Vitilitnt &cads and
" 72A15ST " NI:YT 1.41(;11 TO Till ' Al:slEns ' - "" *.l.E i . I sa t e:, hi 1111131110. Illirae131011V: It firSt (114.0//lrgi s
r § 1 11 E utolvrsiqued havin2 iMnov,d lii-:b t
' "'• the th;tso.l tvisieit - pr,idu CPS I,Uppuriitif , h and I
1 I s r""' " I 'lic Avi'F'ire I : ; MAIN tiTItEET, I proud ilet•h-anid thus the cures which its healing' i
in aim:it r: l ec'viitr a st i!, l •,did : ,..;,,, r ; mem .„r i
; proiMrties atterwald... eon:l:tutu are gate as well
.13110.1-1/C1.0 . 1.115. C:1SSI:111::1:ES, I as permanent
Xi:STI%GS, ,S.-i...., ' • • 1
Which be 1: itn:pnr.-ii in cut and nliz , . , . to or
- l• Wounds, BII2I,SeS. Burns, and
der, Sr n s't Ir
,tilzil tN:tirl. t . I.lil 'to ;quit ail tt MI 1 - • . .-.. SelliAS. •.
limy favor lrim with tueir ett-dont. Tloo•n. tekh• ; in irises of the fraettire of i 114' hones,injittics
ing th e :r %v..; !,; done itra new/. and &ow/ te man- 1 eansed by stinim expb:sions. TinvisEs, IlurNs, /
air. will turd it to - their inter, st to bite me .1 i Sil.l L.L.CAt rtiilr...3m.yrts....t. Srtrtscsf .. . or the ISIZZTAS I
cal!. • i atid ttotil:*;ictioll of tiro s;I:( i lks, it Li etty:4+Veti:
• J. S.IUTTEIZ.TaiItir-- • I, and wartbic ri'Ttailinotidcd by the faculty. , 'Fills
Mon:err:se,' N,.v. '27, 1 Strif; --491 t. I in I ryellotts reMedv 11:55 ht.tql introi.lllced' hy its
---i in,,..entar iu por,titt iut., nil. the leading 11,,s4litals
Clover & T:.motily Sced , of 1 . ,:zr0p , :, and tin householdshpuid be
t. t...te. 1.
iIT7 Oi
Jr. trnt-tityrT..
- _
, ••
New Milrotd, :11arel: ltt. 1857. . 'Undeniable Testimony. .. ..
• Th, , q.olleal Stn of . 1.1: Frenit.and.l 7 ,naliol
Ashton -Salts • i Artni.l; 1:1 lb.:. ('rill:Pa I:::Tt• (,;11e1:11) , sigrcrl
, i their ap•:roval of I).ok:ways' Ointment. as tbo
707, I)..iry anti T:41,'...- n.,, , . j:i 4 t. rem:v.-ea a thi ;;;;;n e re iwo t .,h.,..„.i m r fo r sql-re eut ,- , stalpi, and
" rer s " le 1) .Y• the ea r l 1,4 ' 1 ' ,..1er i'''"" d • h V ; ' , lra , liot woumi , ... It is olli..:- used by OTC: • sat.
. • I. N. litft.', - -I')
Ii -' - •
• -
"-eons ot the. Allied Navies.. .
_.• -:
7tino 901. 1
1r) rll . ll. %toil; lin,. Shoes,
Diztui Childrons Ciai[ers (Inc' 3t
4 t ; t l l HAWES from $l.OO tai S I 0:‘,41 as
Large Gilt Frnm l d llirr, rs,
GOLD and Silver SZpt.rtfveie , z...a hew lot just
ertthpri,ing :I'll gee. i•V •
A.9;.',11 , 1 18th. iSr:ti.l A. J. .EVAVS.
NEDY,S Pis(q.v, t"r s . te
Ia . • Air TIZ
. AYER'S .
. • ft, ?
... . .
. ,
PFG 0RA1,," , . . s , i\
•, ,
: '.
}..... tin: r...v.,:r) cent: liF \....--fil ,
toft3s. toilqllQ, asul - i r.,-..- 4 -_-
illon.r , iettess.• . t1t..4
rp:,,,,..,.:,..t14,.,1 :00 ,
, 1 , ,. ' l / 4 , 1 %
, 15;5.
• •
11ft. J. , : d, L: 1,' , . and 1),, t.
i:. , r too-my sr.)
I:, I ..t r, I 1.. x.) e • los S 1:,: 1 f , l ..-S
C ,,, i.11,1, ilt,tritrEr.... I !it ,e,a..1. an I t,:e
run, ,17iii.Ct3,4 tt a C. , :,:. fo P ,- •:r • -'•
Cu. 11.:t 1 . 1:r61....t.- rts 1.,:t . - ATIt ii•o in
. _
;,.rtieo fut.: funt!!' 1,,r Vv. I,t
t , •7l . ,‘,tra ,- .l:,,tctt it to t.w,x, , ,04
‘itt4O,c tits trontment of tit. p.c. 0..:-.4M"
kifiT. M. L.
A, 11;31, WaI,EY, )2q... rTIO.A. N. Y., writes: "1 hare
n.^l Pycn.4:u. tin.l iti• to family elier 'ince
ist‘..:;!rwi it, 4(1.1 tito t,.i ined. , , Lie fir 1:1!1
purp<eue erer cat Gut. With a had cobs I Pip - int:l Annex
pay tie euty fire drama f•T & I.tottie than 'it, or,.
tAkt nny vfltnr renieily."
Croup,_Wklooping Coach, Inflatnra.
Intrrtatt Area: I crill clir • ifolly certify your P.:',l - )2AL
It the beet remedy ne r.r the cure of iilnot,ing
c.eo.p. and its.. , hest chi! ken. Wcl of
na1....-arry In the F..oth your ski:l. and
coannetliocr midlcine to our
11111A31 CONI.O.IN, It. D.
Allos T.EP., Ffn..Varrr.Ttcr.
1 brul a tedioin7lndtp.:.7.a...lo..'h Tagil:T.l nit in doors
aix wtr'.;..l; totox mitts medicines with•elt relief: finally'
trt , P.:.:frnr.u. by the ad.'“ c ottr c:er, , yl:l2ttl.
The itrrt tiose tLe socer.oss in tit) titockat and
longs: hm than one half the Ir.:tile made. Inn c.:"Mpleteis
well. Voar medicine* ate the *a writ as the best
we ran Lay. and we a•Sti•elli stni, Detix, ancl sour rem&
na the poor matt') fiond."
Asthma or ; Phtbisic, and Bronchitis.
rrurr .MANoik. , :r.P., P - rob. 4, tIS,V
813: Ylllll . AL 16 l'rrrt!1"1114.14,317t1 : 1 , 11311.1
tnrt•l 111 till! I:111 avv(l . 3l fr••nt
jitA Pyrillit.ll)l.ll 1311.3tutioRrt, et•.d hI OlriMg . a 316.11
6611,1 ha+ htls)ted txmlet k 7) Con of r:11
last lot Or BE:atY h. 3:vrehailt.
. . .
A`lt At75 ,. .t.:1*. P..; A ttliA", Movanx Cu..;
writ! 0. •• cars
I lo , :ve rapt 1l to. ymir 41:11:orT
alt.tJtc..,f :to cont.,; tratients, Ur a.:rlUg
su , h. a, :IN , ot-alA',.."
\Ye , might. 4,:.1 Totonlef of eri:l,ntr, Lot the , rohtt ron
p.n..: of the lirtnee of title retutiy Is , f,.lnd iu It 3
efrfvcio ti; on trial. „
• Consnmption. -
rr , ,1..1,13. no o, 11.111033, IMP eier hern Ll,ovrri
t t mny nlyd Bush dange•rons,:ri:ke-%!ii.4 thiA 'Foals
uo TY7.l7h; hIIT.E.YeI: to t uo the CneßkT `•
l'gc - ronAL airqr,lq , lier and comfort... _ •
/knot Y,e x CITTI Marcia. 1556
Th+Proa I 11,...1 it- a ,inty and n .pfcannre
iLform you what yl.ll. CLIC:TP.I 1..1.(.1,4111. had ,! , me for
my wire. fillet rt.....ntitc , ithorit4; milt.t. the
11 , 0* .rllll4 wyrtipt.ans,t rrort. wlti-lh tt sthi
rce could 111 , cl:re I:tice tier match rcro.r. is unix stvitAttly
mall Ur. Sarong_ t :11,r city. tirtirrp sr. i,nvoconie
or 1.,;a ir.. reeNdi:factlthvi a trial 0.1'.,yea..7 ra.,:jdne.
blo , F. his iiirdlV a+ we it" .I,llr I. ftTr bg.s rer*or•
tlmt day. stmitg. ;L. she i1d4.11
L. I.r. i. Irony. he r
g!antnd4 and rerard.
an.vonieir,s. do not 4.:Npeir till von have tried AY ti'sCurear Pt.-:eest. It is mad , by ele f the medleal_
chemist.. in the world. and its curt e.vJI !mud to , be , Valt
the high Mums of ite %irtues.— 2'4 ' Lealar.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills, -
a:knees of Chemistry and Mredichr have be. 731
I. taxed their uttnoBt. In t.rodoce this hest, molt pet Ceti
pura.ttive a Lich u kneomto math innumerable prods
are .hoe. ;I that th, se Pius have virtues which sunsets in
eirenence the ordinary nt,lirities. and that they win nri.
upon the tetreru °c all men. Th-y arc safe
and to oak.. but powct ful to cwt.: Their 1.4.11(..
tratin;.T pp:pert:es A! !Mutate the vital activ ithe of the body,
remove the ohstrmtions .of its organs. purify the blood,
and erciad They pnrceout the fonlhoiners which
breed and ,rear stituidote alinzgish or dirwr•
dery d erealls into their natural a,•L'on, and impart healthy
tunraith strength to the whole sy•letn. Nut only do
they cure the every-e.ay of er(..ry body. hut
ale formhtsble sod dangerous ,dieeases that have-11 ed
boot of skill.. While they produce temerful
erects. they are at the WU, time, In tlimitArlted doses, the
safest and best physic that can be employed for children.
Brim; angar-coated, they ars pletvaut to take; and befog
purely vegetaldes are free firm any risk of harm. Cures
have been made a bleb. surpass belief were they m 4 stile
stautisted by men of such exalted volition and character
a, to forbid the sumicioct of untruth. ;tinny ctoinent
clergymen and physicians have lent their I.l:Ulki : A to On ti.
Cy to the pnbitethe reliability of my remedive, while oth
ers have seat me the assuratox of their conviction that
'my Preparations corittibute Immense!) to the relief (tiny
staferinz fellow-men.
ink, Agent below ruined is niemed to furnish gratis my
American Almanac, containing iiirectkust far their nti and
certificates of their mires, of the complainta :
Costiveness. liallous Conitilaintsc Ithermatimo,
Hawthorn. Headache arising from a foul t• totnach, Nau
sea. I tolimetion, illorbid Inaction of the. Bowels and Pain
arLiug thcrernsii, Vlsinieney, Lose of Appetite: all tlicer-4 - - ,
oua and Cutaneous Distmass which require an eracntat
Pcnifida or Nine* Evil. They - alio, by pin
Mg the blood and stimulating the system, care wank
complaints which It would not he Pollnow.' they - road
reach, such asZteaftiets. Partial Dlindriem, Neuralgia and
herrous Itritnl.illet, Denurgetrientkof the Liver and Kid:
ways. Hoot. and other kindre.l tinne.niuts larking from &
lots Mate of the hotly or obstruCtkin of its functions.
Do toot lie rut
.0' by uuytiniitileil dealers with some
other Oil they make more profit on. AA for A . tral
Pas, and tale nothing flee. No Other 0117 can giro
Yon compares viith this in its Intrinsicialus - ur tomtit&
mixers. She gist want the bat aid awry is fur them,
and they 'tumid have it..
Prepared by Dr. Jr. C. AYER, " -
Practical and Analytical Cliamist. Lowell, Mix
Pans 23 ca. era Box. Yrs Bons ros $l.
• ,
ABEL TERRELL.' Montrose,
And by DenlOrs in NEDlCnren everrhere.
ziniNonsti, 31zsi., Erb. 7. Ige3
THEIV CI It L D. 111111A14113101LIS!
" _ .
. _ .
1 I
.41Sfirt:•VIT- 4.Nki,„J a s
44' 67 ,i ',':q,YrftiOlfi• ..q. - -).
,ter ~-• ~-- v V 4"• " c if't : V
- L i t i ,--:-
. - I „IF, ..• -T , , -, 9 .1 , .:7-r-- - --:..ris: ~ i fiii- i i - -- - .-
t osk7A,i, 1i.7,,,;-. , ': - .7;,' , ,',,- ,, kx:,...:_! . . , f ., i•r-v-f i' 7, 1
-- :::: 1., , ,.4.4..4..-•:::- ~..,,,- -.......:-:-.--t. t -,..1,,-,. ; ,, , ~,,
noLLowlYs , fTMENT•
The Great Counter Itritanth
puE virtue cr the
,diease -ufte.n reaps_ it 3 the. internal organs thiough the
pores of the skin. This penetration Ointment,
melting under the hand as is , tubbed in, is
absorhed through- the J-atne. channels; and,
'reaching the Mont of int:animation. prum . pt i? and
inyuriahlystibdues it, whethrr !vented in the
kidneys, the liver. the lungs, or'. any other 'hi,-
pOrtant organ, irpetietrAtt-s the to the
interior. through the eowntltss ihntforn •
tooniente with the skin ne summer rain passes
into ihe fevered ealth;diffesing its ebol and re
" •
Skin disea,ses and Glandialar
-• Swellings.' •
• -
119 M Mc OThh»ra I and Pills s7.toithl I.e used
flk Me folluzziv ctree :
I Bunions, . . Sore I.:r_rs,
1 Burns:. ' ' Sore Breasts,
1 Chapped Ifands, Sore . ffeads,
I o'HW:tins,' -Sore Tiironts,
Fi.tu la, Sprains. '
Clout, Still Joints,
1 Loinhaan,. ",-- - Salt-ftheurn,',
11ereurial _eruptions, S'ealds,
l'ileQ, S'iin •Diz , eases,
1 Jlt .
~,,lenfrvati., • tri, ' l'elter,
. S‘velleil (lianas. ' 'Venereal Sores,
l Sores of all kind.. , • NVounds of liit/dz.
&lid at tio; Manufactories of Peef e sQor
I Iloi,LowAy . SO li;tiOe , t 1 ar.e . New Vor'lt. and
' 4 t Strand. London, by all respectab o.
lo Drn.
.1 .iiso an d 'Dealt , rs in Medietne'lhrottp.hout\ the:
t linit'si Statesznd the civilized world, in ilotg,
f at :25 vents. 0:1. 1-2 cents. and: $1 each.
t :-•- t r Tilete i. a considerable saving by ta
ihi n a th , Irrzvr siZes. , •
. ..
I ~,. N. 1;.-1)irectious for the , guidanee ?if patients
tni evory disorder are flixett to each lioN..
1 fie '2. n 4 tl
lIOrSE 1117173)13R'S DEPOT l'ol2 N!,-S
: .11.11....P0R D.
7111 - .:1'01.1.N 4 GARRETT are gi'..iar2
L attention to the improvement con
teeqdaled in this minty the..6snlng reason,
and now r a helping hand, b}• hecpir g
st antiv for sale a large quantity of Window Siedi
aml Glass, Door, Nails. Paints and Oils.
and a rompl.•tr assortment of Builder's Hard
tVare, &Lt. Thosn going to put op hotises in
the spring will tiad it for their inti•rest to give
us a call. \V can furnish everythinz pm want.
; ;; , ,d at themanumetuntig prit!f;',
'N:tv:M I unl, Peb Bth, 1856.
Attination rarracrel--Plow Points
OF almost every pattern and hind now In 1”; e:
11,!sc. No, t2lt 113:ntehiey Plows :end Corn
had 'tit any time of day anduntil
to r.4...1,zek at. n'ozia, in enthangiY for Cash, 04i
Iron, Grain.-Ers. or . a.ny kind. o f Reaily.Pnv,. o f
May Fit. 18561 • l. N. I;ULLiiItD.
• . Take klotrce. •
Q 'ZD SC.iIOOLS furnit-116:1 - ivithLrnarribs
Is" f .itircrc n! siz..”4 at New 1...rk retail jliice
Cr,ll at th t ('dice. •
IA 'l7 13.11 - 01.14 . .9 • . aI I. the Popular
• . Montrose, Pit. ; ;
MMUnitiOn* r
-I.3ll%;::li,rii•>rlCZl,6l:"L"Ls.ll((ir.Clun"f(tlN.,F.iu„str it e i r rt u n n
s flow Fin , k s, * (3 Revt,hers.Pi.4.;is.&e.,
At the Store A!f - ABEL TERRELL. •
.I.t:ntt.rnse..oet.. 15i h, 1556.
Tiothy Seed. -
0 warrauted pure. For ;.:11E. by •
Ifontrose. ilnuAry 20th, van.
TEL' Jewe?ry, Perurnrry, - 1 7 ,:0cy
Grewerfe. s l'aintß, this, Drags;;llat6rials fur
Light*, iie. , just reveived
Od. Bth t 056
riIt3RKS Island Suit. by the szteiL bsrrel or
lb, by.
N0v.12,--1856 •
A Prosont to Ivory. Body
Who purchases an Ambrotype between this ern4
the,first June.
IDINDING it nectistdry tn,rthe atnnsiqemble
num of tilts " opedfor d riitg he. tlyit two
months, I hare-chosen thid•-plau to incie:ise my
busintssi, trusting that my elforts plenso my
-eu;tomerS will be so-Kell apketiated 00,1,
slid)! luso t - lothinft by the eperti - tion.
Theyc pres.fmts von - simt - OPCold L.lettetg, from
$3,00 to $10,00; Boot - , froin 50 ets, ;
Ambrottlms from_ $l,OO t(i - $2,00, uti,l Litho
gpphf4 from 12 .1.2 lets. to sls 0. ,
-ITwo 4undred.of theise, - rirertit oeeri;$100,00,
will b e given to the purchasers of 200 rases be
leettA V.I. the purpose.
r-irThare are no tickets acidennsegneotly
no - waiiinQ for a "prize dr4whir,:t . hnt each one
gels his yresent with his liki nesa•
So. now. toy food people; nntli,# nn •aelny,,
For April sail May il , llFl4 . lwWjrlly
rainy or shining,' 'we don'tearn a.
For do take -ioOd4.4ctuiii` 'allsortsOf
' cie'atber. - - • - -
5: .046 41 1 11- r
. Sky 1 1 ,VTI,or in- the Brick 4tieltrilivoi 4044_
al' Read's. -
Moqtrose, Arra MI, •
Ole *graittrost
TEILIIS,.•=St,3t)- c abl, iis t i d
within rils - inonths i and . $
of the yens.. .N6 -Paper tliscnolinn!
renti4es - ara Algid, except - the '
Pubiieliera. : "..% -en al ID tudeatienn•c!
offiC,c, t i , clesure, attkritign:'inn
tci thelniligs,,Nontr4c.-
Ritte4 di, ildverth
One tAna re (I lines . orl9s4A yr
Ertel' subselpturt insertLoli,
One r yi.lN tlir'e meripie, -
t)ne square six .inorthr;, - :‘,
Bil:iliwps Card 4, lour. lesa
Onemigtoh eo:naso,one yeur,... •
YeArty ndveriißcf , " will be)lei l ,
bugint•Ns in ieltirit ihey.kto erga
coneidtleci as K•iahingfri eriptint
nnless lii•erzpceitil, di
diieuritinuonee.or t fie tAnnte...
lon WO RK.'
MT•The. publishers
Printing 'materials 2 . lar t ie ant) su
merit, zyt Yob Type,-are rrow.prop
Jou Wonx in a manner nnSu Toss
tion oenotry, anti on reasobable
ofe'very deseiipticin
If on Izenci nr litinted to oilier.-
`Atisints -, Pi . t . t:::' , 1 . ..0q,
Pll)''Aciand; Eurim
Depot, l'enrOn:
• 31; 11.• C. VAIL,
,Wlll- I SMITE,
. Cabhtet land Chair Ha
ers,,copt of Main Btr.t.t.t. 7.114iut rot+
AmET, - TuraELL,
• De:sler. in Drug , , 3ledicined
Dvt) tituff; , , oi,
Vind(;w GrocErirs, F.LrICy
tf I l!erfunivrv,-&t.l.—A n .Ag;-sit:
pflpuliir I!;:terit
r:V4I3 Orin ior—S.
Bapt,L;t....llkyting Lioube, ur. Tun
31,if0r05,7., Pd.
Denier in Stores,'i'.in,4..";:pp..
Iron V1 7 4trt...; 1,.. - r4urhvilk., near ALO
!.. • - A:LATHROP,
f in . Relidy-31;icie Clo:hi
Caps. Boats and Shoes, Dry Good.;
oppsite.Seartt?.s Hot
C. D. I..Arnr.or.r.aa jib. .
; P._NV. 11.11-t-x, '!„1.
'•: -R ! • 'MATE
MspielftLl an 4 Stirgeoll!
Oriit:e Farmer'
Allorstey: a!i(! Cormsello
ntrosp, Pa. '
ei ill attend
ness entrusted to him in 1 . ..! , :rt eimnt
Conveyauriil! xvritittg of all L . .
_done netitly, and t':;l3rges - jnotlerate.
:Mena to'pri*leettliutt 6S sr
widows and heirs,- arn.infit the Lx.,
(nem, for' 'Bounty Land, Pei4.-ins, &1
May be round •at all - IturirA at the 6
oecupit:d l.y :r. Richards, Esq.,
Court lloase.-1853-13.:.
i - -IT C..TYLER,i'
- Intameted witlil,Ai; - . :,ti
1 - Importer alld De . nlerifilfit
1 Cutlery, Carri9.qe
• 1.:V0.' 215 Pthil'Stree
, Where his :31ervantiie frierid!i„'in - this
I Couritles, are . l: - -I. 'y invilvit and tAR
r lit-heti to van r.i:d parelit., -...— •
Zr -E. - PARSONS. -
Whiles:l,le zlind - Di
Cabinet ••'stead;
Stands, Chairs. &c.
No': 9 Washington st., ningbanito
- Warsji,riiini up stairs.
J. D. VAIL, M. D.:
ys Ea IN nEI a Sti rgt , ost;
nety forTztpd hinw•it at ilritekneyvi
County. Penn'a, and will proniptly ut
calls r.itb tAbkli may be favored.
nty, 1856—nt12. - • ,
..3 . :;s2ice cif •gile Peace, Co'
.I) , Ats, Es..e.utur of floods, tan
OfaiLe*, Wy6iniiigt!ciunty;-
.31nV 9. I . . . •
1 51.A. , A1k1. 3 22 LI N. D I II
• .
_&11:0 • -
.3.1 - 6Ptruse,* Pc
- °- DV U.BREW
Ati.'sizes and description?, in an
I made tiot order, , or- furl. clad on the sb
lA7ll4ill4mtie Button!
I - If V - Su-Tandem. Thrtnds, Fanei
Viatches. - .16n - etry, Sitvernuu Plaied4
tern. Fishing Tarlde,-Cipitt, 43ze , aft`;
Slerehants and petilars; '1- itcpplied
ternaA". , •
WM. !IA YDE!si. -
Graditnie of_thelop:able. mi.
pilthie Colleges of Ntectivioe, is
tultn - i'otty located-in Great .Band Pa. - .
April Ist- - -
r a lastionabie 7 ailer, Shop
.1' itorth of the Parmeezt Store.-. '
larron s .121%13 DEAf.EIIII
GizAss, EARTH&
- 1;001‘.11 1 1G-G - tiA - Sit
N 3:). 76 Warron-str
cAri.nwELL, IiENItIr S. Ki
% 110.1 Y 4/
NV. A. . • tat,
THE SU bAuriber having ussocinted_hit
the above house in the Crockery trade
various hratwhei.ivould simply stay t
Rasp Hotel - and 12oarding Meuse. Keel
Sus . qapharina add adjoinipg counties, t
stock is otte , of thelArgest of :the kind
York. Their assortment is large and
Their go..ilit are orgond nuslity, entre
terns. Their prices as lour as the trod
-tr. erilli`rafereree to'profil. sad that h
zraterul to all who' may' thirik proper
him a cull - IIENRY lil. Kt
New York, Jam 15t.185T.- -- .:. •- - •
. .
A complete af.s4rtment or Boutle
4:1- -- ::od - Dretiti"trititinli. ..&o.
• - , ,
CtTAFFORD' Mir a Tar;
3. S - TunAin
111 S 'f r 100 k At ihe Ribbima arm.
- E
01MiNG nY '
;Mee, 32,00 i f
,50 al , the end
d until MI at.
• ram) ( . 4 th e
thoecte4l.% jtji
t be d i r ectedh r , „
" !A:L.I a.
r lg., •
• - t,tty
• 10,00
' 1810
ticted. to (L,
_ed ;,- :an} :Iw
o ad vt r4i tiii.
ections ftif 't
r)lx . pt a3s§ort.
cfo l•execu:a
thils 6e t ,
ept eott,stati,
Sueq' a
A. if Brt
. Pit.
fur all tf:e
pear 11:;)
pike Street.
and Sheet
- Great - Bend
ILts ana
• e.
IL, .
to busi.
• or 81.1',4) . :1.
tirtllittl the
A.w it :re and
and (quip,
tier, in
, 'rabies,
le, Su
lectnr of
On t ,,
quantity .
' 6 l , rtest no-
~: c mur,
are, Cut -
1 4,YDENi
1116 W per!
first door
. S.
B ei( with
in Mira
, pent.. in
L, their
itti Hew
eke pat
eon of ,
le, very
to give