Bffi==lMM= 2 ='"u • . ' . :,• • - - . • •' ~„ I , ... , • , . . :-• • . • e; • • 411 1 P • ?W . _ • ;. . , . . . , , / 6 . °1111184 * • , '. • • , . - , 11P , -‘l4llllllFr . • •' • , cCottain Garitson, groottors. stitrt tottrt. DUCKING THE SCHOOL mAsrEn. • pARODY 01 TIIeUURUL OF SIF. /OM 3IOOUE. Not a souud was beard sa v e achool-bey's . _ As, the roster raq. carr i ed, 1, ; T o s mole in the ice ilte4dy Where the frozciletreaul .4pried.: We ducked him there . abneft daylight; < Tlte lee with an 6 , , , a sin Though bid been a cold rainy night, eeli4 rain stilt was dropping. • . - No! in sheet nor in shroud cre-tvOnntl •Tint he la); like - a mast-et taking his reio, With the sehool.boys all around hint. )fany and load were the words he snit, But we spoke net a word Of sorroc4 for, is the master's face We Tei;d, 'net lie would apt treat oit the Inetrow. We thought an.we cragged hiu3 along on the ice And our dernands.for a treat repeated, That rather then have .been served ho twice, At once we Would have treated. And'inany pesharat will Make:fun and deride; And bzl,iiKl hia'back nOraid him But how eou4 ho - helpit, when they had hint • tied, • And on the cold ic6 hail When he said he would treat we all rettrnea, For it was late in The : merning ; And we hoped tie it4 , stifi leartea, Would prove to each teather a warning. With shouts Of triumph we nti want's. back— With the master wet std (kipping,. - • Aid though his looks . were.dark4ind 'Ark, • Not ono of u4g,ot a wiiiptiing: •• • " aso . THE FLOWER The trailing. :trim] te , , or ma% tio.wer, row abutiaantly in the riciuity of I'hyntooth, • and was the first flower that greet-ed. the after their fearful winter. s . .. . . • - / Sad ICylityae . r ! y..anted ; by: Winter. strtrs., And nursed by. Winter nale4, ' - With petals of - ,iie. Felecte'd. spa,rs; ', And leave" of frozen sails ! • , • What had she in hose dreary hours, Wilhin her ice-Tin:Tie , ' bar, - lii common Arith t-ho wiid w, , 0,] flowers, • The first eweet•stniles of May ? • Yet, "kal ba p►aisefl !" the Pilgrims said, Who faW the blossotns peer : bore the brown le:eres, drr• and dead, I' Behald our ihayfioiver here:" . - -:. " God wills it ; here oar test shall be, Our years if wandering _ For its the Mavflowe'r of the SiK: spread her ,s,mils notnore:' , . . . . 01; ! sacred flower Ofjaitli and b0y...- 1 . As sweetly Doti as then Ye bla..inl on runny a birchen . slope, In many a pine-chat glen. Behind the sea-u-alr's rugged lerisztli, Unchanged, your ' , Like lore tehind the tunnly ~t.teagth Of the...brave hearg of old. lireSo the fathers r-sons, Their.sttritty hi. ours, And out s' the love that 'OTernisi's - Its Roeky strength with sower_,' The Pilvies wild and wintry It shadoy, to,* 72,4 grans ; ... The 11m - towel...pi' korrnf bav • 'Oar 'reedoca'a . ..mruggling caut.e. But wanner sons era long.uliall bling To liftt the frozen 1 , ; And through dead tearer hop!, Tklng Afresh the floWnn . of cod!! tgis(cliaitbo . ., : From the Kxlieke4-borker, Plpirzizxne. WIDOW , LEED 0.317 S LAST ,Cahn and deep ptace in Thi<` sr id.lwr. • Tbese learei I.llavre , .hlen 10. the (d 1 ; • And in .ne heart; if.gaim ,- if sitly .calm, t; depair.' • . .. . . . . Cahn on the - R , :nt, ;and •silvee.slett And ivaves list•-scvliy.lllerri.i.4rei•in rest, And 4eitl vaini inAiritt • notle 'brag; . WLitif lielly 'tiut•Viiii . i.lare bitaving 'deep. . - • TENNY6O.r. : , . . It evenin,g—* iieiutiful antuttraeve*. ing. The red letivea vet danced,: njoieing the - mild ait ; the,vellow trunshine - yet gildeii the hill top.tand-the soft..rduttlows of ta4l . ight were creeping bileutly up: the ‘itiley,, an the gentle slidout Lietloin ',vita her clald in` her - , *tuts, wended her wity - 41inneivarcL She-.srab tired, fur bite had toiled -all day in farmer, \Votes .ki tchrn, and though it. was Sup sd ay evening', ho d not been Paid fir;her, latter: The kindr - heartiA liOti-eniaid . ' - at farmer Wood's had' urged her tat.-weitforlier *appror hnt she <weld not Stay. iShe Lad no eye Co the glory of that October subset, as - -t-he ed weartiv on, her - tired aunt scarcely :able to hold the little joyous emit:tire that latighed and crowed, and ever nod anon peered into lier bonnet, IFl,in hia twreet-toned mum*. roamnial”. She thought ottly of her expect, ant little (mei, and the sue nna of_oltiaining bread fir thew to I:04 over 5tr0,d4.... , ,A,y she .feared the village, she elect - tied in:Y.-while" wliethersto enter it or Pitse ion ; but viAitot of ha lon«ily, ra:iting children, rose - tip &fore her In iin agututi on, And *he stepiteil; itt:r) is 0 , untied a impute to t wens if . in , prsPert - A l l,-1. then lukktviing buroitak. ou like etas who bait netvothitnnelf,to.,a,.,llo.o49, rotolution l shi:tnineti -stiewt and was atans - itatoling 'fault:int! the <lnuit* the bitketke shop, : " Toe baker e iSae- 11 4 , nostOr40 oak but it Watt 11 Cit , itilliOtrUtli hist the,*idow!e..ple,at' lingt,tonoittn.t.3o4l9o#Z. expresainta, as !the, falteringly trust her' : &it- a tog tif „bAlia4 tavpotl 41,4 i.: 214 :man handedlter?*-)041.0P0. - wse About to Aim*. lin,pognotopouviluea' • . • • • a glamte id the willtny's . finslied face and cm-, harrastetl manner, . deterred him. Wiih scarcely audible thanks she concealed the loaf tinder her tattered shawl,and drawing her babe closer `to her bosom, hastened home. • " Mother's come! mother's-come," cried: a o r conplivof you , eager voices, asirlie entered tliogatc, sell her seven year-old Robert and 'hislittle.Pist r ctime ronnintr, to meet 1'0r..--- They.s‘ere pretty children. The little Mary inherited her Nlother's mild : blue eyes mid delicate itompleiion„ an-I the boy his ft - libel's handsenie fuett nisfl Ltut:est boast, eyl.?S • l'eta children, for. they . were :locum otnesi to Jrci lig :left alone, for the widtAir webt oni,. t o %Noll; daily, -and the tligh.t • A always . 'weltittit: that Ifitoug-lit their mother's loveil •leiti ti.— They -had a thou-and things to ask mid tell, rchich fell enhendt.4l this.i4ne on the car of the I , ml inveheri--11Milret *lre i taßtiricti cely en s% coca nein' yea and'no, es - oceakide miuired. tihe gave the loaf te itobt , rt, rind takiii t z lit ;le Mars's hvnd, they'emered the bonze tegether. Th e tat.l e wa‘ already see 4 imt by the expect ant honsekeepers,.bnt them wlts nothing on , it that cotta he construed into anything eat able,. savr a cupof tnolases end "some t.— The mother-cut a slice of bread for :each the h , tif famished children, and sat • tnkly' try, "nursing the youngest while they - ate' . for she.lind no heart to vat herself. She «ns - very sorrawfal a she looked at these tlepe!r.d ent being., end thargld cf her ,t4i:ing .strength, and sionlin g her eyes w'tir her hand the teats - stole silottly dOwn her pale, patient face, and fell among the bright curls of i the .unroaiteions head pillowed t .. p`NiCefeliy oa het bosom. Slie had I,een sorely atliiitte4.--. The 114413nd of tier vontl, ltad brcn strielien down by afalling beant save:a sicic child that had been the burry end panie -.- froin a burning held- Mr. The child .was saved but he %t ho petill ed his life for ir, the strong -brave-hk..arted had perished. Tl:e fruit of thit; eldeSt her pride of heart, the 'noble 1,6 v Whose every movement•and expression beenso many - similes of his buried father,was a wanderer she knew not %hi ther. " Years after the :boy had left her, Robert Leedom (111110 Until to see her in her loneliness, and 7ured to tel her at leng:h how he lov her from the time LiSeV had plai-ed together at seho, - )1. end- how he had :remained single for her sake', anti ...aloe back to'the same old -port that he might h•,'at he agaia : the smite air that .she hreaticed, and besought her to let Lim sustain and shield her, to comfort her in sickness and _sorrow, she •gladdened the honest sailors heart, lycatiscr,linz to Leconte. mice. . wonder the y ,- ;ting suitor lose, her. she was so•nuAt in her habits ; se, gentle and to irld er ions ; and her cairn. sw ee ttfaZ• e h,;k• errs shone ever with "the beauty that dwelt in tier soul." Site had learned to :love her secowi hushanl, and had ,out him thr e e fa;l,- children, ashen the sail. ,l - , Trstamo,. th:it the n'allant .; , essel l•,•:= had ~ .;c reeked on 11 . fe . dat . it emits eels: near Abes- .. .1 comb, and in his -Izenerotts effort , : to sate I otberi., Robert I.eedotyt Alas le-t. -lit:?,- , .-. !rid I been it "widow the second . tuneC.:lly 1 , 4 • 7 1 / 4 7 , i111:.".•, andnow,as the thorgl,t of.h r 4::er 1 iw.bility tO Plill.';1:, .1.;.'.1' 1,L111(::le-S Citi;:in?v, , even in the , -nmtrici• fink t '', n•I s:•tw •n:ll,r,ther ; . ' orosneet'hol.,re hor whiellei-er way li'oked,anii , : 4:new t-hot the coid, dtcary , Alt:or, , Alt-i c.,:ctin : , 1'......;• iy tin, her heartfeiieci ht/r u":,.:1'.,.,a;:,,.' : 1 she could n' - ily • lie woud'ering Et... ! ones trial by e'v l ir .earinfr, art they conhl 1 think of, to at: .er p htlemion but in vain. , Impressed by their mother's tnourttful mood, titer ate their bread zdtnust .in silence ; and witen - tbev had titti*hed, she mos:3 ntechani , ettlly, and Inyinc her babe in its cradl e , per I them to bed. : She heard them say th , •ir 1 parer-, and bt.;Se theta , g,0r.4 right, and G.,i ': bless. th-ein„ earofttily ii;d tenth:A ly :is usur.l. J . 11 '1 1 1 1 that .ub.11::: , .1., si.:lideA- tone, th:o Ic:nlertates from n Le-,rt tvitheut le,p, : S:: e i ! , Ontimied.lateeling at th e ir bedi.ide long, aft ,r 1 sheriola prayed with them, :::,:l. we're. • ' bitterly ;it_ welit,lbat then?. ty: , ...1,•..f1ty1 nf: - ; cle . .to 142 C nail ,'l') It Ililt.trii:lnl ;J,. ! .:.,:e:5. rlo I-A•irf , z I&e? to =',..1,-.'.."1., a.s . the cry fre. ro :, •r 1 ( , ve.thuld , ..-riod, de-puiLz tia . bt-art, .• .I-; God, it t l : ' 1f; + ', '•• •1 . I I W ..2 .,:y i1a...-, 1 at,ii ,-.r,i:z,..?.:1 iii '' ; .:N i..i:t Tip- ,17 ur V.,....P::. ,i7l-yli:.::. VI. .:k . Vs":' 1.31:1.. 7.11. r. 110 , ,:,-.. 1. !tie , nnc?...nse'int:s llead- - -, of 0 , ,... - .. , ~, , ,Ail. t2r. 1,1! t!r:,'.. , 1...5t or' ',lir 1.•,: - ! , ..1::,, v....!,„,.. v::: , .1;!•, - r fir w.: . -,' ' of 1 Li on. r ag o ny, Nn pit!, itiz:e . re ~.14 I ..-....,1-• t :41..zi.,E; , 1i.,. , ,1: 4 -',.1. :.- - tru,•l:: 19::..—.ii I c”: 1; i only I The rye that never slumte..l,;:;,r •• :-.•,, , ,e:.,, tv: ; .-. i i-„,:e... , ,, ,i,,,e ; r , c.':‘,. t,, (-1.: , n. , ,, Lop- e s t-ill: 111'.!, I th er e, th e loving I,!.s.,thi'Ll lris ^;a d, "1 , 4::y 1„1:: ::- w.•:.:,1 he 1n , , , 1e.'11 I,is it- - :.-r.--..!wa, I, " , ,%%•!il- he ifatlier to:the fa:betie--,” was a1..1,':1 I.A; li";.:ly ;I:"-• f:1•'"?-: , • 1 Ille t. P.::-OY, raid I .(10 I . ller,e'ver.i.: , wn, T1v.... 114 .1 1 ,01,,, knE.,, , , , -it. ? „,1 , .)..... In ! iiks.! • t•-; c ah,ai, .7' E 11C:1 ' t - : -..:• . :",i"n , . I et-nt-. i the'power of-the spir;t Caine the b:elsc , l :I , ;tt-; tre::;.{ in). 1.!:;tt ..f ~s e.:;; liy iir:iising (Le Irance.„in :Inswerto her .1 , ..--paiting cr:,-, .. 1 : ,e;;-y, gt;.:l-..1 ,f his r'.dir , g, arp.l., : ti e 5 1 .0'21 v,i:l, Iwill - neVerle.ave thi A -4 ns::- f.,7-alce thee ;'• :tor l RI:it:L. 11•2 fLatiap'.: hi, 4,-;,, ,, -.. Then I . trete,: t her stet] grew calm, :di her 611 trunfing f, , ti ill :,.114r, .7. 4.:g.;: I, .1,1i•1 ..., :. i:Y L !... Wa" , I:giCsir. 4 :t,` re t err nt.ll, n lid .14ht• al c.)::e fror:l he knee's 'i-n ' --.l.ed I.iln if he W‘fuld h e -.0 . 1i:(1 as to te-J -t 4-. r . 11 ti 1 j f , y; j ct. i iii•• 1 1 .1:it the • 1 the Te!ril is- . n %e:y ; itoi 11 W 1 " 1 ' r l' i' ''''' r ' e ' - r - ,a .:-!''' n" i: :V;P-., :;--.. tyleniant.lielpin tine of trot.l.!e:" Site .teed 1 mme 4:1•4 -, _ t. and -Le (:onld inAn - r.-e 1 down the tittle worn.l!>ihis. froth the m-i n il., ; iiittl . s,., twielt 1..).:•':e:, than I. Tiii.'.. to - nelll-d i : 1 4 aSiu :IS ,ne tend or, 11-0- 0 1,gh th e elosrng chap i his pr , ..t e art : ! ire c , tll:e:V.zl.l . ; , 0 runner ‘`.,-4, I ter of sq.!. J ,. ..41111, all ei•dre,siott 01pi. , :m..e in.A.T.,: r.I ,Ti lite pi... 5, Sztil , :k ;11::13,:x . W;i3' we w 4. .1! t 8 .r) t i n bi e u the I , enee o :4t : i,,i..:‘ e lh tinkjet;.:in,li; , ," 1 3:: f ul l .'-peed, • our gu;,:e• tie i, -ot ertta , c tis . -- t , e -t-re .„ tttlednt s i lv nn '.'eet face. 3. ) k 1:"g i ila:i v.fty - up the tit.-qtti"ain . t% here we had the' . 11;blereve:Jently barl;. , !!e tuck soon: 11 1 , 1 1- 1 .1 ,1opp : 1 ;A t . 11,. z 11, 1 n i i7 a ir e ,, at 1,,,,, t t i . „,, 1 - iii11,,,, ,, fr , ..inl her ttslict,awl 1 , q1.1 7 .1 the ele'ar tune 1 „1:tiles 1, , ,in where we I.:;;.1' krt. Ii; in. . fi vr of • ouuded thirelith the tiillt , ,e , s eri.ilartnki:ig of ~ (ilne•relipt:,.l.4;e:3lB- in till, v.ell the !Sale eOttsge : awl •' 1.1i3w firnt a fonmia-11,nt,A . f. ikatf-it-al . - Uw..l.:e„ tee tromated •agaiti lii-ilri i 'leel; - :i 4 lleti 1"e-lied froth lordly organ, I ! tn.] to.l.l..itl)olit two ''V.l:ei farther, in n var .' and eeltOedtiirottgls -- ,vaulted dome, :never a..-I tow leih!e lei'll otter roeks of 1.1% . 3 and mecii:led inote .aeeeptably to Him_ who ..!tats l :liroatil I ri• 1"18 - -4(,% . totlic:' ha ., e of the Cure on the ' , Teat white throne. ' i . 1.11,:te ue..1 , -1: our I:l/t , (...4 and prertred fur ' tile . • : ': . . ~ 13utio . ber eyes7beside the All-see:rig lia•1 a-cent. The. 'steep: t.ids eof •the Cone •were been lot:king' in throttor4 ,thulow, ease:tient at ,•01 mi:li snow, an i 5t.411 ling at its base it the lonely hufhtii-er, /Lod now the sweet' buikel altlit>st. a !natter a impossibility to ,r- k of no -t c h .i e . ' a l .. .to ti l le • ~..I, 3 o l o n r n i. .t vi l ib r e e :- I t t- n i t i ie o r w r upv t d I° } lies ' crawl up it. however, crowds of self-shale' pen . e l d -1 1 i z t t. crOides ,fit )0(1 . I.}t, re,:id• to :i4ist tis:an , f We anti PlAr befOre her A 'weari•travel.sfaine , l 1 - dhl not liesitnte to inolertske it.' . We wished man, who ,snail only fora cip,t ‘ of bread-Bnd `!lie po,s : hle ascend , wlthout a-silt:lnce Lot i ti.,it)' of Watir. - The:Wit:l6W gr;incEi d ut the guldez -itltleatin rNI r trot,. .m ., so 4eter bit u lii,,,t,. Atli lay: : o n theliglite . ,.and then,at„ 1 Titioa to I+l . ll , i;1 13ci!vitg i'Ole;i!i, th-.t tie Were: the--ilifliiirg"elilldrgn anti liesilata,pot , a mu , fairly: foti:ekl ti, employ'tliet.n. They eon , _ .. . 1 tnent ;.there - wai„something, in; the tone - . of -scantly-i got u our way - awl: Ahp k:4114 the!! 1. 16 strariger'S viriee that, came ''gratefuliy . 16 it - .tshier strap; at uN over their slititirders soon* her4oul att a Ismaili tifspiing.over violetA.ancl l con7ine,..) - ,ciith•uttheiraid W 130; not to bc-de- . 1-slie i 6 ilght .' 9t tir Oat' lieltlt7eit 1)c.) ; iiskintt I 9ftiNed . 0/,'ARirit., , ,,.„llJetr straiis • irt .r with one Ifor - ,4;ll:itits. in - senile dista' cit Bind nod ?Ise has - - i ltand and e . .,areftllY- ii , in,i, our Iv:itking.stia 1 lened to phice a Chair ,tititr., tin eh hint_ ilie ; wjtli the. other,.. we .slowli , :an-1 laboriously. .1 - i •''- :•11; -4 , :if -: il• 1 .I l• . toi, , - -. - ti t2 ,,,t,, n ,, to 111th w o Lnitse i itto Hon -14,me , 0 , o n,r n le one 1. ‘l5lll le uen v , on . the •e- at th where pi? lief thel k tett !wherever. it! ..IbJe; , ,Besqleft i desolAte '464 .si'liiite,;".. foi, lief t3l:l#l.aug. 1 , :the gni+. _sibo ware .: iing.ittg:i . tli we , each . ati 4 Ili ilifit ll4l il :4 1 1 ,Y I , o li pi'ettliiiiit iti(rtker ; 1 .7 - ,Ptn(4lter one-nu fro* behind IttliJ , i w ;en I :;:ije4. - the'rsitiilitii - ititee;:t.ii .b4.4ieit't'Ottes' ;tad - - ik . jee..Of 1.64 . fell, ihe other ' 61 . '6 iriii.l.6nnd - AO . p 14 1 " 'it iig_ fi ; yrryk-:*4l,,,tlr .. iii'igs c.!4iiot. , Anti - At-atn . --, ~,o)lowAdt. , : es.slitttle, AA : was,. ore . rno‘t.. ion : , ~..11 zip tile: beii ino llenit'Orlier lien' lint • "-i-0n.., findial by -qui_...eliit itltte . • e! It 9Pi party . A . 4 .- ' '. l4 ii -. 6 4 n, 1 11 ,7 11 C' '' q, 1 : * ,_‘ . ... ''7 , t ' 431115 : :' :# 1 4!P; 1 0 1 :",. - 4 , ,4.0 - :67viPpi,, -- ' , -„4e4. . ,t , i, - ,rh . ' 1j) . ,, 114 . ..lii : e'eitst . y1 I.'iritile. ite . ctitclaitrio,.l.; . I 'l hilt . 4 .,' ;IV itioiher, :tellows,t,nggi!ig . ;,44, hrot 4 .,tw9; o,lllrg.Acifpne / ic T6O Aitif i"; . tt)1 : ii - iii ' ; . 'i iiii .. e .'' We " )i ? ti) iliii;' : ": liing yet % - t;rl - -. ) , ' , iiVaii 4 ' .. - t. ilviitatice . • t ,10 .1'9, 4 .44: 1 0te0 - co, #44 - .l*A tTolt;'tietift,ftl*ft i }boat; lit lit!, w:o?!COPlOff,,t!'Pe J 'in -rg'llktlitlt V I .*!:er.lN3,e(l .. f :R i ' - ' 01 ': - , 41 ! . e j i,ItitA, * :: • :?rifY:! - O"Por;'13te,'!,1111;IPIt t : 1 4,,;0; !O i ,';"n i13. 0 1 i,°4* 44 - (1 .: 3 9 it . ' rtliiiitl - 03-MObeil j'atiijOkilirr...tiivitt,ilit • 4#llip* *.,111 . cOtie, Wir.fiatki i iCitiiiisl4 " ;otti told , - ` 6644.11 (iri1e - r , dr;ii , 4'ilitlttiei .. iiitt'Ai;ii'llt - iiii - 4. .4iiii 4 4ll‘4l . 's f i e g 'i ln - P li n To4l 4ltl&eifiliic'er'*' 1 7 . l l Pilitt4 .fi'4klit - Witiiiiiiiiiii it '44 6 4iii -- a, il<a. 7 tri — ni ;a4• . hid' '•biiiiitiiii'al'oll -`!''ilit' ~.... S '___..,. .1 6 6 ALL EQUAL nr.FIDIZ. GOD Aril) : 'd L. :.comsTri:EvrioN-,; , ?...„,r am - 6 , Etztotit . an; • 111, oltrose, cialfstiulari - na Caluttu, Triall4, 1357. _ LETTER- AVILOAD. . nr "E. S. NATI% A. Vi%C.Ctio -I(ll.Vitl9. U. STEAM Ft:IC:ATE SetS4:4CI.IIA.!CNA. NAPI.aS, Itaty, Feb. 23d,1850. • t . DEAR §111:—,If . I eontinue writing to you FpasaioilVealry, as I have teen doiiig of into, fearyou trill semi form an ttufAvoro4e DLit ion ,or lay clutritnyr for le;;;,lalitx,iis wilting, if. inde..:4l it is ea ta.ezuly entittJy.ruine:i. by the SpeciMeni I havegiven you. iloweter,! trill ugly make the matter.worse, £0 you rill. p!easr fu!get for the motneliz that I' mu r.ot the most patiet ea) emicspoitricat in:the wOlid.' Whilo I iell.yotr Of r. delif.:htful - exemsion . .l fat. days ;Igo. Ve.uries. It. ttit.i . intOrerate evAtisioa, toui v.itai,e4 - uent.epon ari Iva} of an,uno:to,i;:c.:.l tinusuaily 44stoe. 11. 1 .1.ue•n...e. of the chcoing v:e • jutt received, hum file::.:, far . .o . er the..,sea, ut.t eiite-priSe too titilieuli for us to brulertal;:e, an.l the ascent of Vcsirvius. ttould be but child's piny fur as. • L. uns 11 Fenuychly , -- aoi_ c10n..1 oliscu el the 41Y.Litt.: 2 , 14 N.,ture ariye.l is her nu:st iiTopitigus trail) lAnvi9g the ship at one I'. M., \‘e 1.111.'.el at the Iminarulate nud perstrttiea %v.-40.y ,on 14 JJiu to . givv - us a pit-snge : his vei.ii;:e, to 11 , wc . te'.r: a htrsr.v. We y sundry 1.-resou;s c,f t u t,, ; : c . CA./ HUG to 1 1 :11-S cnrringe the road; %NI:7: 1: h he did to our infinite t-alit l f.,ction. Ar:irt-d on the :1; nn3 volcanic tufa 1 ver at-tctilaueinn,-%'ve icfi. .r carriage and mounted 110-,e,; lust'sutuestrt'lng walk,ng sticks to, ‘11:.:n renc:e.Ll d! Gme. 'lle winding, reiHtliue toa.i, from 11',::sibit Op to the lleimitag;. , , is au ex- Cr:/cut (Mt!, ~invotlAy grr.dvd and pavod ti e t.;re.tor pr.:t of tina ay,‘viLli ti,e i,:irtitru‘.•.l lava x\ isich ti:e nos, r,•.:o , 2:ift:nt in 'Broad +Nay, Nev.' York. It war. a ca:J:tal . pinve for tacing, and we took ad vantage of it ir: a 'rnoint.nt: It teas hr. ex citing 'night-I .3 :lee us, tlt:it the fur of our pally mlio Were mein:, for 0ne1m , 111.13 unc(itt q,:el:l:e wivet. , ...ion to 11:::t of nipusc— fro!:;', gl.l;kle to ol not. yet. oveltakt.n 14, (AL' 11,•avy our 01.7 t atilt it I,urrah. ae wire of; 1;k: tt c.; ma.l ti:tn, or .z.i:ozs . ca ilvrsmh c; very much ti.e ' saute. w;:t. :Ile road—it erwc - tp , , v,e tu:e %lung til the gentle :3 , cent the nl IVp, betAl wav • tivr ci..:‘. , ved 1:1 a flov•iti4 ri:i•er . l.:S ;C , .: CLIC 21.1iX•,11111; nOt;tl:tn, 1 urg,:,l 1,.)y :3 s;:11 speed, tali. LIIe. a....e:vite:ttne nen.; '06.. ing :ttleaded ni.!i %%:i; Tler. (IGi;ig I,L:sc I ea _sll.: , :t tNecl 1.).,e;1 -c‘er I L. , ;I c . t.rulions v;‘,1:1,!. Lu 111:= a:ic;er.l 1);:liz,g-tLfl. it:- ot:r,g 1 :1s!e1 1,:: In co:tx:Lg my et,'N . :111 , ,) 1111. tk ad :I,2sttin , tLe t!:e . patty i • :1%e741!. ii, ta(:ltig., rtte sl36v • 1:.• I 3.(i.; 1 ,4 roici LC tl , ....:llifir; (qlre got I,tts - '.c fru:n notl:in g ; . ever gq 911 vqls v i mina). tt,2: • to to !10, at - id Le af•1..1 1/ ::e.4 Vi;iS to I4' d 0 When ; tti.••l t LI - to %% rlline :IQ a Fa r tr..,!;2 1-715 ;Le llstr,k, ; k : tky iZ •.• - =MEM in Ca'a :we coull .nnt nmke them utidetutand I our Freticb. Then anima oar guide from -Re sina",--next on the, list were our eleven . pulleti audpu4lo2l , , aud - _finally, - came two refresh ment Lanier's, racking the parts- in all .nuts- her uieeteen Ferson . ..4 Aq we i n;f l nnic i e no brognin about the nlicc to he paid fur the Fersices of our new gUidieit,'. I expected -they would fieetie.ns, but was a little surprised when at rived at the summit of the mountain they demanded a d'oll4r . .each for whit they had done. This -for -lets than ;101315 after we ittin . to coniprolni,le the. nutter,w'e - Were - bed to 'e - otife,s3 - - Vcit : lv.-e.e now s.!gn(l'• on-ilia; - vorv.'in - 1.1 r.iit bf Ve-uYin , --idiiveriftf,'' to be 'fun\ • but w !lea cii!,.7itetr7;2lating the -n.,:te.i.iieesst 410;;;;;nii,n fr:Aitt".l',:j..altn..l. - .:it at :our the. , illi;...arje'tieyotii.l .00ld 1.'41' 1 ,111v Si(' the of Isellia I'rut:iii-. alai alb th.r t‘Asn 3 about the harbor from. our l o i t v position loi)kei . : rdirta7kialily. anti in fact, evert thing ap; , e-irel. rept c,ent c•ri hi P. nl ii ' iattue. •On the opismte side, and far as the uve could raelt . ; leifty and inow-capped - trmatains rote . up before viz., with green and fertild Ya Iys I.eteeen ;hero, contrasting pleasuatly with the- barren. and Cie mountain% them sdves i.resen.ed. But we did net stop Lang to gaze. en this view, for the •Csafer ca; gremlin. , beneath-n:4, and we were tots anc ieus to see its hlienoinenn to admit. i,f (WV 1 , 4) Y - C101:1`:. - wr.s somethin" , a .. pa:n ul;ere ich we ha,l . . to riS5 s-. r, lierole arrlved at the brink of evatir. -This plain was filled with deep aml fti, , ,ifeq, a hi, it our garde be s e I.e_ us tlif , t, and we disre qariling his entreaties, F-.2red:eu,i.,,l, down into their Ll2t( keaed depth-, he seeming neatly will with affi - ight—evidently itsuigin iiig the hreservir,g all cur lite.. to In ve devoived tnit4 upon. When we hail satisfied onr eturioqity on that side,' wliete there was iaileetl nothing to to seen but the miter nod •sinolce, we foimwed him.around ta the %lied ward si.!e, svlieie nt . last We has a v:ew of 11. e Liztive dcAil , !v ,Siltp:V•gin . 7, our most stitt.:;O:l;f! StnnEtti: in a -ear row r atfkw:tr, we had on 11ID glisten lug•!.Jew v • •1- "" "1.4 1 0 , ,•• •tia. the Ceu', siduir.:.. Unolten • siiver in the. temligh: t:::.aing the .tee-` 5i.1.2 of the nir.un t.iin for huHdre is of below us, Iooi: So near and dar,[, , eious that .1 , 0 could •es rele, while i-tanding, alio‘e it; fi.2r weiLl have s e nt 12 sr:ding licaiiiimg intoat.etlier i a a re short , pair`,. of tirni. The ..nee rf 11.2 ir.diie..of the ,itater, ieveiy conecktioit I had cre... f,rm... , t1 of the The nbvss. 1 t-.2tr.fir.::: the . Carr ;7 r 1.. o ; i e • lip WP.:: SC= of_l;trnirg Slp.!•r. flee of tine min.h c. ae , to al again in the deptliq -1201.3 .tv'nielt they cane. e‘n th e ~.un.:ll C . ; teen (lily? Avi.i to t•Neel . .e.l, 17e i for -o•ir 11:• - + 'dziott3 22.1,2t1* of a -refie-hment earlier, We. sFr;,ng over time ;•. s•de rad down IV:: went plangirmg deep intol the (do:ids et' sulphur and %meow • 1 1 stews, Twat our ;; 1.. ; -,. e ; 'fly:re_ -was no• - .- a partFcdo. mim;:oe---:.!I nir -e:ith ; sin.. :e so 'den =sm that we con:dl-Intdlv breral:o. .in tats monmea:s Ice uete.stancliug m.,a the i tie-11 lava, as farkrlewn in the orite.r as it pes;d.di: . .to and cloke by the hake of ;te i.e.' cormorwhlt.!l r:32 r:sing up in the cent - re (.•.; tho Clis new cone the -rouke haralit,g 4: 1 41 7 ...; ti :t: to time a ;lash of 1:7„lit. imumung it r:: - mere hirg•.mr u-ual to time almost lava irmd. ser_h!enly - I it. the•se - p'oce; dio•tole a: -rol-ect f-11-st our very feet, aryl for eadm stm. , :ze-sive there via:, a g.-rarvi as we were Lois-ll' einpl.oy - c.,1 in i,ce , in•o:hemn. yees•em . ye a, ineams.r..l. - •es of a‘m . feel the hivn'nner atz; feet inovinz Willi the acd it regniri•ci some care to k:mip unt i f ti.c.: wny (-4 - the imieeef, It idle- we were grot:ping - mound there, a sudden chmtnc-•• of the-uin:l cirove O m! sede.imkuiv droZli U)I) tine, we COli f ia • net m-te: even thc'e who It ere nearest uk, :mad the sulphurous fames so milht-tcd our lmmig that. w e•almo-t stranfghm:l.,\and ail cent theuced to cemigh . tielently. Each one made a "Iti-lm !et out of the place. calling -eat; to lac' friends to kekp together for there u-ar- great; danger of stutubliimg down in time ;tis , nies ence - devrti and' alone, the unfortun a t e indirl.d ua l w a s . .rui ever. Such a stimina -I.l:nas we - Tnade thritLmilt astmes up the side of iho;eTater—it was a sight lung to he;re menilmered. .We ail succeeded in - getting out safely. lAt - ormr beats neze - claeked and-burned hair and eves filled vtith asiles, arid our strongly inusregnitted saint sulphur. Then ti2e rt-fmekinent carriers reaped a beriOit. tVe ate all time.egn.s-thatlad heetiliniiing- in' The hot vapor of a little; crevice on the veiy triuk—we drank- all their wine, and appro priated geticially till their limited stock. in an unprece , :emed short space - of time. Then we "or under the of a ,ock where we rOunied . our overcoats, etc., and soon were preparedTer the descen!. This was not spell au eal feat; es it might appear to some. NO ashes Were there to imixide too rapid pro7,Tess,' and the suow:_was" frozen d tlmia it Was slippery amt:glmisi on itastirrace. The IttirioSi'&-re wea r necessary lit pit:vent:its fintri - tnaking a firing' leap of 1200 feet to.the boitom; and . finally down. .1.--went flat on .trry Lack arid. made. a • regular sled of rayself—tgraduatiug•tr.v speed beautifully, by tliwging tny Ime isiotathesnow. almar.t.i. as, is,t - Asible. eompariioni were nearly - Cobitilsta . with laughter "at' this novel mode' Cleseenl,. Vnt' did: not7Tindtirtake to imitate the es: mask, fealin,,,er the tOriseltietitiett. would' he set "ind would: re 7, coin tilt tltt it- . 'fo si n r*.triiiedih4 be. ibe'eAsitst - ittllf • - •At .. 1114' , AtriOrdel . - iinteix I;s*.tht. Oeinji Yte-ier - thec;prolealtio 'of. tiAV •vt oar h tee% -atitrttd. V" • '11'914 lhiirtickvpittr; bright..moonlight na4a more desolate yet torn:natio sietie than that which' we - weris thOu pawing 'through,' could Feral-els be . 13;:rfure- wa,reatthed the-llermitzgerour read for about n qu4rter oh a mile was soft with r.shes, rtr.d . there one.. of. our pr.rty Was violently' throsin front Lis' borne by I ..tie'stirrapzirr . ip On one side. off' his saddle breaking . , " Be was notrneeli hurt. liowercr; although considerably !beaked by .111 s unexpeetect descent.., /L:nothor-ut our par-. soon.,,r,ftor- 7 •horse bnt lie csea- . -p , d With ontv - ri few, sii,•"• . lfrbruiies t . . , :Whicil; did net 'itfridi 'in fair: re tit` his' doing rimple . justice tb the • miripor o,e , got. atthe Beroalt Aft.r our . supper wu startbi on in-tine, ts, „tut g. no far, hero • another•uf our paity rfirmai , edto•fa - ll ri:7.6.}.Y;5.441.1Y.A 0444TTY.H. . FUrprie nee' to tt'e , one Whe did" • • not: MI grant . ~ -1 • • • not lano.lier s he p,• 'bat. ire finally coir;eil cle•nrierating• lot° the Very' depths to incl. C.Ehesoberest 1 1 °" 0 ;in•tIlo 124 tttl:' of ,morril and soi:Sirl ittrpurity. .I.t high es, awl. ride. him • cio. 4',Jl this ro;%utilt - i6ti, foriniorality, 'l,Onesty_ kePt f ` l6i'lP)r f e• nntl depariett—' no -mm n--kriowt several !sees ' -)n ni.e ofwhichitis fleet 'whirlia '."- - dons - 7 4 not See;.in tint ar , s had 'enribled me to" - core :out. •alreral, spectacle which Massachusetts presents to,dar ; wirich fretsre r)i gratifying to Ino.r; When we •-•••the correcting power 0ffn .... -mizlitier.t .atu 7 d rezirbed lltt'sin!t AgsiDi - (11)60, 6- ,P• ice than--ridiipdosation of re:Pr - obi' founl . our ;mOdd Jelin awaiting c a, and the frOla high 'Heaven- Whiel. it' would' •he cell ' shaking, be, gave us" for . the next .five far fife citiltensof that,State`lo regard. 7 " ltlas a:01!9.: the bitch, jotted: our' ‘'erS: ton Os' until r‘eltu , etts site fitsf nF those.' half Our juir.t's were shaken oat of • good I Stags , v idtd i _h ave Initatifestecha,bii,roteAl and wolicirtz order,• ' • ' • fl . tplernnt. spit it t r o . w anis - the., citizens- of - the At'RriN l, . Wore once more n 1)031 *( 1,1110 South,.and ehri lit tre_ 'clecitirenve that ba t s slain %veil pler,-;ed with our excursion, bUt feet- id k en pl:i c e chi Slari; Statei iibit ii could;. , i" g th i lt : n • " for Po.ter" teas Iliefotili!le to by any - possibilitr, • to the frjui-y -a".Y wi°t:itF c crer .W . t'ente-( 1-- ntifl soon" of.that portion of our Confetlerac'y,--- has been wereintim - toms Of :Morpheus, dreaming of inngtaied - and ruisrepre.- -, entcti'-. • by. tile great vokattio otoPdon°; Majority of the there', and ,tuade i0..44- imzumerahle. Thns e n d e d ins' arsit ex‘niraiw . ..ilume a sTriatness Wa.s'far front- pOS to • Veitivirts, :Inc! • if you part as tessie , -, for thee, solo of 'gratif:,ing,'an I.t tigoed 3y- Tie: :ray illy tle'ciPtion of i. as_ I inter4e.hateed•:f:the S'- 1 44 1 thow‘ np' m e"'itYl .5114 be Perfectly' the honors of dr:very, and to exhibit tq.) 'the. ' • - World the superior. u.orelity of New Erg-. R...!Apectfti!ly yours, - • See t?0%% - ; r:i.ict uoaer_-pia we , ieetir ed. to; be the burthen of -th - e ir scngs. The .SeOth iv is black=Witiveorrtiptien, d , .;bartaherr nail Fill ; .. Masat.ilittsetts wat'pnre•end spoitess-as the white . robed.•angels-• of .hesrea.• : There liras no debauchery there impurity., Her ministers were :the .eitth:idi: .. meat iyerr good grs , 'è and' virtue' .;" her . nr,ople hired :t Eft Of"...z'ettlenos And 'peaco,'t - and- rsrl theirwars were pleaksnt: ways:- :press claimed- ail the ktfectiori, which -genu. ine modesty ,would.pertnit, and- her .I:arlin-' -oarnesand Eankses were S::ll.C2Milli • bevonL icompare, the..aslles of Webster deep within - the totnb. of 14.:a . ,111143, • the. feet of , tnanv rs~ trare3ler 'from abroad -.turn.] front theirit.urr.qving -,to - tread tiro- sis,ered-1 ;41;occ, anti p;any.'a :ear twisters liis Loa gave thong!l ,Ever'ett .lireA, and t.lion'Fail.l4 in'thebrlratiful . inehidy of his %rd.:ads - n.4 the listen to •bis the a F:aber - of his Country;' though. the.Mem or,v of liancoek is cheristert: .by 'every orker it ho lops •A. ne, o.„--„na try Jr:: rearlo,g„, —yet, tuMal:i.tachu * ,:etts,...ei•e,l3Urliragante titid" . - ntoks rirc as far 3 : 1-ove NYt.bster or Er-. crett John anticec'/, as; th.:stars in hear en are rt,!t ore the clads_ in-the •',The trial:of Rallc4:11 - •iS - .still -• ft.csh In are 1:3-2mory .. .of ;s,:,a.t.i..e.cpgr:lesl hi s ecnvraegation histened.t6 _dm that lihieh a fury of his cenntii - nten Watild riot ilti-',.requit 'hint-Of the erirnsu—and alc k evat - him. - - as their .spirittraladriser: . ere the 111.11 of the court ioom: vf.2.,cll ; ',llis,,,,,gar i llents t is .niso roembered. , The repent. Nvit.rpoisirin f , to . I,lal.saelin.etts i-,i114;ei. ; 'are not „forg,Otterr,Onil now Ire have the trial Of anOther minister for ndnite r.r, • td: ri i voroe rasa, crowing out of the-Ooburtrand.llalton• aitair,.irherebv yoppg. •Stlrarner.i,4t• What. a ..6ckeking: ppe ei,(.l 51y0...qL4C1111.1 . 5C1P.; , moralise .. IVI3O , say; repeat} that_ theilaand of thigh - :act' pOwetthan tifinan'ittiiOtApon 11114 peo pte—act mi riiiteri'og; sr._ rebuke.wb i oh ' they,rart.--. not.clisrerard It N sc,:lo:'n that UDC meets. with a more touehircr r , e'tra • iir• tetsreuee to the brute - eleattou, thati' the f.liowirs, whioli is - quoted (corn r,u I i 1. ;u-c;rk • • Abt , ut forty years a!tne a .youn7 Peal . rrna, takol in it:;ay; ii•iy,nt.ii-donieqii : atcci in the. kit , .:lien of it gentleman Whose !Invite wrts cateci on the st:t sl:ore. gu . rx familihr with •tbe servantP., and -nt tnek d W ate liouJe and farrli;y; it play - eti wit;: the elli;dret:, came at his mnsterls on:1. and as o:d :Han (I,l4eribeil 2 it was n. ‘for.d si• - ; a c:•; ; ;, ft i ns a kitten.' Daily We.:l7, one to flsli, not after providing own- wants; brotight in- a F.aluton or a trout to his niacter. • t'.‹ll- , lat in the semraer.ivtts to 'hail: - in :1,1 san t atrTin the. winter, to lie before the C.:r to e ti a r.t - that time formed theregaier pends:re:-of , nn . Irislt kitchen., Rr four years the seal fins, wheum nfortnnate, iy, to that country the crippauna kin. - lof Of tho g•;:ter 41:v jaLls fa;allv•—attacke.l sarn• - .4 Cat tle-belon—ing to the talliter ct the • Some others inreeted, and the , u ,,A. grcar y 1, clifinging.thata to dryer A " wise t.vonviti" wan censaited, nod this hag assured the Credulous owner that the mitorg enwS was caused-by his k.3ening an unclean beast about .his la:rraless • and seal. It tra;"4. Le inuAle . ar,-ty with inmietliately A Or the. crip:4ll:l win continn :Mil the clia,m.s b t::ta Lid tO,avert ' - the snperSti tiola4 man cortsented•to.the hag's proposal..; the :teal *as not on board boat. : and-zirried out Ltoyonkl .C . 7lear Island and. there .coiumit t I it tb the deep, to inans.,-e far hi in t•-e!f t he i•;:st Ite'epold. I.lte boa . t. r.. drite.l--the. retire' to fest. anti, next' th:o:uintr;:3 F'er vent arralzened 11. r inricter to say.' the cpietiy.t:cepinc i,t tlie:oven.• ,The paer ; ; LL . I I ov e r ti Wat carne back.., o the beloved thron;4ll of en" vvlnadw . , I.;ok pr.s.-esion of his favorhe testing place. • N-::tt inorning*another - cow was - reported to he unwell. The seal tatts;ttievr be removed. vvas leaving - Wczaport o uLI" her re:or 12 LOlnq i anti the mister under took to d%ny real, and not lint him off tiii , lie I , :id- ,- rotio leae.nes lwrend Luni 13-tftln•. It was done. 'A - da 2 ,v and 'a -The second evening crosecl: The,riertaist was raking•the ttie. for the night nLeu.sotiaething scratched at tite,door—it was. of courr:o the hOuse deg---she orened•it and. in . : ca:Utti the "IL in cig:r We:well *With. his rough and Unusual' Toy; .his delight to fild.' himself at himself . before the e glowing etnllers on the hearb; he fell ;:/sleep. T:43 tna,tor of the 116..1os:114 npro . i!.Led of hip - eitexpeet nnt.l itnweleoncie .Tn thii 'ex igency the belddfori wai Awakened - and eon -She :trete(' that it. was. always tin`, lucky to ki.l r. sea); J.):4tr .wggested -.that. the allintsl should • deptived of sight, :and.a . thitd time Narried out to sea. • To: this hell thO re:tltires who owned - the - house.rionsanted; and the,: seen- . tionate and eanficling . etEature cruelly rol.bed of sitrh t. for ; which be hatLresigued JOS natit , eeletnent. ..Next morning, in agony, the mutilated st=•al wits'embarked, ta ken ontside . elear lei' . :thei 'last time conimitted - to . the waves. • . A %vee,: I - lasiod over and things -heentne worse- instead of better. '," 'MO ; eat tie ' of this truculent wretch died fast, and .: thn- ' infernal .cild - hug; gareli al the .- pleasurable - tidi ngii, that. ber s att,S were. us.ele4s, .and that the (le- - - strUCti co iisitatiops upon Ititi'cattle exceeded. Ler st 4 l iind s car(;. On Ore' 6i'glith 'night' af ter the iolit had 'been devoted to the Atlentie; it biter tremendously. In the. pans& a ~t he e tor ni It wal VI ng : npisa Itt• tines, woa ~beard ne 1 4e doer- The t 4 serYa w)tq $ l 4 l , in Ontliitch-, en ohncluded - that: (his :6040 had Cone to : Wain' therm- of appinaohlig death, `altd..Eitiied thel rlieadelly the bed icovaringit;..' . . , sl' l, :q ~-: =NVilen. -t het inclining - bristev. Alitz II dew nwtts _ r ipea s ed, eartl: the aeil-wase.thereffying l a the, t§r4 04 3 , .§P a pt4 f eiu,s , l,.!VntflitiPek4 . , give Am titne,t. o 9ursealt PreCl4o, l ~Pt. Rain' 01.Oe Of tiarbitriiiiii,' ‘' /307p4aelit Van*, its 4 my cousin,' the fitiglii 'ifilt. iirobilay4fi+lr, of F you the trontilte k—d rher'skelettyn or the cin - iiinmpe.iiiiimol-rrf0r,"«4 1 .1644v-iit- i i v ,inti h frenx.;:tutpge,r,„peipg.magletilte4-Aptitk ... li oss"tO prqoure jtii ottibilmt — ii.fOort . led Yria4 MIR' hIII, it thict:ililt Ociriiiiit iiiiirciiinnelOblietkro 4 Art , par* ,tllle, .3,Vlt. ; THE 2'.4.31E.5E4L. 1R1:. 4 U STORY. J. . =MMff= tratersHof thisiohntnaudeed: The deteetab 3 e '))4g. 7 .lchn'. l lgd rigf l4sl o?c'e4. gkektiOtfenSire.44a/ f , *43 within a kEtaigla,4aPgoa f9r its r r de!ing • tliiiifegititnatirnirskink - cifler'datight er: ilb . vbted bathe` ste:d'--rinray ;,stleOp - • rotted,' cat tle Alieke nod' "'lighted ,ives:the,soro. Of44.verll- children,' r ione - 4e 3 4 l eAPAtixri4 . l: ll ,!ld k4"3 " 11 4/'"P r P - - prietor sur.viv.edevervthing Ite leirid or sated and thiserlttle. '4liere k 'not' one 'stone ofthat ideunied build'iMg stands another.. :The prOpeity Lass passed. to a family of a diff,trent nzlve, and the; se 'ries of,ino , - - lainAcalarnity whicii pursued, all "ebnee7n4 iu isci./onlantie 'at '" 4 " • ' ' E.. D., ' A Mistr.;tr.. ok - 41 Gay City . 114 CAluivlng-: , scldresles,torte - sa,,the doit- • , qlier r),-. P, of that eitv but s.irt-'icas - tiot favored - by her parents, ned en to make prii.:ate . nppoietmit4 ;'her ' One of thes4'eventtifited funnily enough. e:ft - s-to f':ome,to the,,housa:„ail „wait outsil]e, until ;lic weief.tufr.ed otT, :and then 6lie would quietly let' him 'Vac evenitig eatni?, aad Ii s t theilgt4 her partints never 's - Put' • aftei :the doetorsou t.fitenigittenp f and EasaSlippeii.l into the Ciu:ls - jiarler ;And the thi4ing. all the others had gone bed,llighted - a lairrii," +Althea off .1 the gas; and 'Went: uti Stairs to lied: Itut isliilo rho itas'stsndipt :iii-the - hall Of the stairs, she' heard- 'gentle: thesloor: Feari n g 1 4 11 4 eiti4„l4. o . out her - only . thoughtful) detyn,in "11)4 hall, and deseended floor ils she thtew -- area the &Obi, in inslie . d -7 - Ed., end-'set-zing lief.. • in :his •nims,begatrsnrell a siege -Of :vented :her front calling . out. for . Poor, Ea. di11... not di cover error he ~ad called:II - Cr 'las rl i e ':'bout ':6O npOnlitsi brow n : 1)145915-: ie . called tur itnpiertibent tilxln , ybe-.lled fretn' the house, 4 . #* gre-atly4mrinect:As _ _ L s- - . liftS -atigtr. Wh.eilmr and 'per'sbteiie* won the motherAo his 'fa ier: is iiot- Suited, het - Ed, ned:Rotsa 'learned - shortly - .ailer,teariril,‘ 'nth .eotilent.of the cerl 4 1) . 4 love , n4ailii.4',, AgeA: wil,l4,e;itrds,..e,tl;t4deal'Often ; changes the itleiz„ 1.5 . :0T...,e...vERY , i'ikeziEr:' ' At 'the Ttiviatt 'Avla,tii at ftlieti t YLlw York tifer'Aiiii: Dix the well Iciiinie tihilittthkiptstr- bad; p 21 8 ,44. thro - tithan'insane r tritV maaetons or a cluld t ei: call6d;tergetiteri bytthe , QA . ooP--, '. •Girlfre`WA) o wa,.. Oe.l , isc l .:i. 01 0 ,111 -we :M\ with tho,iti,rt'f . . - -,.. •-' : - ' I' Akt);—` "I'llit . wisWiiliii; the plihiiiih6, ` p i - s lov ...--:.,.t ::, , .1. `-'lVii.V—llNtrhiii=hoi vhiliatbropisitrl- ' .4, 1 Laar...Piti,4aititwipia.knirliokariiik* *pi 1 .4904 lt.weVe* 1 !?? 0, -#4NctIg*i.Iffii''Ff i I I PfOl' s - 1 17 , :; ,,, , r., ' :' i,,>l - - ..,: .~: . 1 - 1 ' l A ‘ 1 iTre.r,*l l ,, 1 / 4 1-i11i 1 f1,1 44 ,,t 4if .14 *fstl2ol pyilatiturtia4-- -," , - --. ii , z , , - , -1,- w i a .iztpto , !qt...., 1 1 - 1: - .:re It'Atr. ~, :1, - 044F1.V ill )60 tiiiiii fil4tatege7Miitiiiti4 kact a10ptd,.,40 . .5&C144:4 - ttoarnitei s tin .' f il i gilai*ir An,- rfeii• ccOient-...-Dp 1 ,11 4, li'sarikrilb : . st *' 4%4* ,ZIA-t... 10 iliittemAv, --• • . Abiti.o***.**44iit , sigifttputs-wl-1.... ~ ,: .,-.Akiz)-44 trlchel„,-.1, i 3E?F*l•Afft mJ' i-e -. I : - , ~),„;:r.-k 1 , 10--0A 0 :4- .1.4 MNIPOIIMIM EWE ..:.:,.-ibli.- - IT ~~t~irii , , DE irDR6I4 or* . :llit. r - i9-.efe4y)44:A4ti ' ; spiled milk. . , -._. --- !There is no dettger .111'44411 'llie2 t it - of Loy. : 4e.,412,4 vy.tio - Bayerls a tiiirere r ign remed for it lifatili ttP,ttiii . seut - Ant-Gek It t hifeiteisliii -ta`4ibit 'the ei..,irifi Nultli4l4l l / 1 4thi - k t o e*s tise:stit•ther s4e .4 ipe „1 . _curl, • - !there aukotiiiititg - marrAA torrew l 1 4 13 4,,fr0nt:GA" 3 ?0, 3 144a - Mill . atelps ofjaign,ittrnrf t . i . !id,p . o - . Aily 7 tratilful 4xiiiiiiai46-1 'must be good i bet weliught ' , fief rite, it, =tit ittree '•atel 'prreisive, ;, N r r.O 1 -• br addirwiNk vatgao I . liollll4llng tliinae,eiioszl 4 . 1 . 1 1 - pliSeezi, that.:we shit4:bget:l.P . , ) 3' I-the 14:.a'onef=. ',` cojiLF , ntf.irurt. charautey That liresenceHiliat ori'shotird tk.fteit As it :lakes .dindfona.l9 diamond, so there-nre:Ptqlks tlse7. w 0314 .4 4 * tiontset we lore. it its-A; 4 oF4itive Eel sretl:o4,6l(itive4 hi , welti inote the-i Rove 'out 'we aro Oflotheiss. I, Lit Gliant,r.lfr,ar t etif it the tifectitig:o) I Pars, iliette - rreny well uudtanding,ii, id, I.r. tiishing tu kip pL-r: cup':atitl when - ite'ihpuill` see: gftaigtaace,t l'tfachtritu --- Ile . - _,B satis'fitetioi.' 'After theltai gritr.dcou said:to bitti i -,f yodalwaysapplatitl,atfit. JP body eLie„ wifen kitey aro.,pra good t4ao I . sag 44MA - lap ter io ' tile tiamPan; ' - ''T of die mistake ,- tliat - tlat' Moreau - raitde,' .whei. itt. th attended..l CommerlcolOaPt - a . itstvittil . EO-4tit arnou 1&n &5a:,., - tlic aTiths,o - r 1 row----to-rpotivw.'' Itepeil with E,tifilisli,zthe :French -, o , wns it poetical. tribute, and r eloed 4r., with a .inent . iOy to t'l.Preou.:7-t0.1.14,eam;" . :50 tha phrase Occurie`tr, he ros l e Ili( slrg,eis„ to the ingaite mitt Who sapleb tliiioonehtl'a Z-F: 'Juke did • - IT . I Pi eve tau. RMETMO ati' objective erste.' 1.- 21, 0 u-so = _Beertuge, ba' 4l depte4 1 9_ scriidea that iic.bas. betm v_ear..l.l BITIMI Don't . - , ~ I:unpin off oithOut pa. ar 7 f.. ou t4o Cf , )3(1. 1 . . , :.•... ' - What-is: a.tecujo-11cY9. .: 1 ..-_, , ':4'94. cf-91 1 ecLiAiii ; .(trip,iions,i - 2. T eotlitqetian...#., .).7ter'eriliylq'e'd. - -I. , i:tilifij.=. tiemitic' . . "..-' '' 7 .-';',' '' '... ---.. 'l hvit'a:Yiglitgo-t,:iiei... shoo:if - 1g paper w11444it,734, ADOLPH --- US G *TS fjzlkniii il _ ' , De.qr st; I will:Liild,th accostlitlC4lint.. - eteci witli ivy,- in noroe_;sol4 44,...isral0 .4: Afaik _-. tsv ft , pit din iYrookAtionn4 ing - eir l er:3tgmb-::-.,` .biy klottotn / ;ine - e-5 4 . - .tutl4 ).14 - ling 4.tileetatt&-`,. ling strain,: 1 Dii•e';iiiive,:fo ‘4, 41i4AIltiiiiV-c . „. : . ; ino - ,pliere is:retinl, , nt'Otieiii ltide VPIVYttilAk% '':: tha§:, thit triitkec the iyer, •langtii:4l*-11144ii_ benii. (liiisolpe in- the.'litAL4 Ar,ll,;_ctp l l,!?,Ler-- -- , - the y° th,e,4":llo.ty ntptnin4FiepbsPi.! . l:o, n Pe- ,- , leu , e.f‘ik4?s o 3 ': I6 sfY....TY-t1 . 01 011 V. *V* `': i t , melody : --illi)re lbe tioyintditers tinit!..l44tit ~ iii etlk-rinl ipnee ii.arbli no htqlktif, twit - . Lit- t : _. I wilr plitnt !lied iviarden,' ficicoolo ,Lir4 ; I:ei . ., cullefkrroin tati r jrV's:' ll oßkikis9l l i l ifr - 1. ;nest tinl.s. , audsinglilw, ino - nse. t ,_.•. 1 - : ..;,14' • ‘.tDolphy, dear, ens `PI:gO---liir'*s..,, patch 54- i r. 6tieinieters 10d: oyi,inisa•-ittittcrin nice pielifo."-'':- -.. j•' - '"-tk 0 -_-<7-f . - •j. _, t-47 ,"I it4ie c ou t nt ". : 40Na 0a .;4, it,,...T,''. , 1: i -. m liv'tti 4 ,: - . Ow men wii - iie'tCi ifit_4:, r tdits=4l4 ciirisli'fkiii ibeeld't seldom the' Tar i t , did tex.- - Alen:or. grtganr - !,niflYineAisi '- ' Jo/quit4 are Ipti ,11,stitiko' sol ply the. Plac, 4 44nntnneW- - .1-.nfillifeist.:' i-oritei.''2i. citit . l . 6lfiet,' - fOiftWer'stottteit . ", "tti r'exNetftit 'etrotta7teekitt4a 411eat1.i.dit444 7 - -- iii",ct ix mistaken ,-: by Atte.4ll4rffinlitAior:., ?rant - pf-lore,,- ~,- ___.., —:- --,..-.',. ~.c.=;,;.47 'r r''' .....,......,..... ..„:".. 1,.. .7 . .... - --... -.. :"Will you taktiothis - ..Ati - usitt:' , .to - - imi_ltitut--1, tvedtl4d wifi?"> fv.letiati.ll. ikuivAlititioti_a-:' a vouplit";AtheYstcmilAp.44 ~ ,j1,,if) , ,.., - . , : - 44,.. , --- : \YA - gylireYoPPM P.tAlii - Irmlnt i . - baud to o!k inisueli a t i tioit iiitAtiitAirj- ,:'-' pcs'ri;ii thinkrii_Waifeh ' .1 11 461 ) :=Ikk4att- - ..,=,....• -to go to, tho Liar Itoite_koil kciiii_t4tili _ ,_`./111144're.,i -from the' quiltin , frolko it'l l tiro'V 4%; -,,tati,roo4 tq 'mite 1710,- i.,- ,Pliv.-0 I Po,';', : lrilifis,' , - -and ,dont l !.xf9o4.ce 3lo •, ' -.' - - ~...;, ' --' -,''-,.:...-- t -- .., ..., c,,... - -,• ,--_±--„. ,--,'' '111114 :;17 , 1%:,•': ,-..- : 7 407;r:4444 H.Rigkit - 1 4 1 : 44; . 1- ' 7114::: . , ycki ietto* " .71!_c: Yes my dear. 7, -4 thillekinoL: d0.431:011: 040.1,0 t ti hottiaii.• - -" 121221 j rityi t vier, - 1, ?it*. - 17 01.1 1 .ttlir-43' I 4 1, 'I,T, - ;; ; ;;:‘ , tbU4".ll.i, - rr V 1411, ' ' Apitilail..— m ~, e ,_"5 4" --,-, titittA f iniel . gri 1 WOW fWhilirA_ lis r: . .12-:lea ribiU t- - CO .1 , '--•14,..%iii ':''''. '--:: PMM ICI POI.s...L., I* 4 7 't rh*' re'AWAS.Spe - Wle td=cota4t ~.. - lot e on I'l-47 1 /' ilf t Al i t * xyti:• - --, - for any+iiiiilo 4 "- ttacta - zAhßpoilt i I. 4) 1 30.ft5te , 4141.- r ,' 1 . .b.T -AifelTl-, , : ihriY. - olf Aar - 4 4+4 , ..r. tiancmottriti4-- -4 , , 04sittY4 Paty: : 1te4;77,40144 - - . 0 - 3fileiiiiitinvio. ;vir,1,..1. ; I N : 4 4l.. ,.. r itilirrii4 ;.. . 1- :11:iP .; t :':! l4 , ll , f u r 1 . - ;; ' ilia. , thi, - *I- if - 14iiitife•-,llie Gil:Ric.' (*omit ,country;,, =.441‘ - 4 - ....PagQ)00c„0 :. ~. tjlo ' iiallepts. - -: Ipti - w*E - Ci:ittort-, - qt. aiiiii!titicw- --- •,.: I t o the. -.pia* . - . e tg_l,4 name. -;`4,A, ,-- , 0 . e# , .04 0 4 -----,-- - bosciit'io - :iliki-, nieht 0f:16i44,i,-- =NEM tuai IgniTil2=te • '.f ";'" „„ °sin g , Eitztir -=,~ e;~ IO ttle • itsa. ~id"r_' Y ':-..:-..': .L r .?' . -,-:iii.':.,a :,;. • ity*llins: v$7:::: , i t 's . 0:40 1 ,*104.,- - - iitititilielliti: :-. cite ouriestaki24.o ~,=:; .:: ~~. :¢ ~:, ~' tea's ~~; ..
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