"Plan the BibOunton _Den ioimt; A t prit kith: SPLENDID IN oninst—We Wive before %Weed thednew• re ereclad - brA. ;Knowlton, Es4, - idjoiiting, Sank of dlinghamtnn,-to be 1.1.3 41iiittpied al.:01 S war m Steie biliesirs, PhYte aekhowitimL* it iippriiibes eljuipletion it desems more Mg more the!., praises dist have i bosh beidowia int it; Ind Is lundoithtedly in he F eitY/e. finiehnrdippoititmenti,thittuidel store of , - the Southern Tien..` ‘ Messrs. P. lit: - ., K. are now , patting is theirs*k, one larger and; more corn. plete'thadhai hevifore been kept in this place. . ; embracktg all ti departments , of ;.,Hardware. BallderiFitilattin Materials; Gas Future NAcc , " &e. - iiir.Slaok ne, an experienced and ready itt ie workman, atipermtends the gas Pitting , dppsrt- I vent. , Look ire Ili Pliktennd Knowltons . -, ... oalsi isjoics fittots t NOT tit iknoblon. for the Book :Auetion has . -4.A--gorte r tiWti4easer bear it in mind that - nem books as well hei,olci can be bought Cheap at the . Montrose BOok Store in th* Post' - Office s one door north of SfisMe'iknotel.' Just,leall end yea' ein.fuid Books bt all- prieesi from A one.ceat. ;,primer to a 810 Bible, and among them you .rani 'find Birk's Works, Howl', also, EkPedi tit" tu-liPstl,thri Hunter's Feast, White Chief, ( Scalp Hunters, three highly interesting Books by CapL Marne Reid, Gerard the giant Lion Killer, tne Spsitow:grais Papers,' Widow Bow' * Anttpslieri, ht ;Bondage and Freedom ' Life on ".:the Road, Sali n for the So ' c'iall and Solitary, Roi" seiClait„ :Till Hoods 'Writings in carious form's; ;A new lot school and blank "books and Stationary ! , Yankee Notioni &a': 'Mk, 'a *Of OUlie tip lop ! . .Gass Liwnps ISei here.; Any lose_ making a bill of Ire-dollars and over. stone I time shall have one dollars worth thiawn ip extra.-.or $lO worth, shall have extra.l _Call Salmi conrineed.l. _ . • iliOntroie; Ah ,6,1856. i • tit. to l'arzneis. n*yr VOelOt'Line trona Montrose. Comm 4tioti Mer;kiinis, ;, Erie Build- • VIA the better accommodation for the farm -era,of Sasquehanta County, We-have--eon eluded to receive freight eVery day in the week, (Sundays excepted) at ttui storo[of M. S.• Wit ion 4.Setc_who will attend to shipping the lamella Nov !York, and the return bills be paid_ in'easli at their kore. • . : CaPt. Wickham is their:salesman, whose long experience on the N. Y.litz, E. IL IL, flatters himself. thatjustice will, he done to his patrons With theAlx)ve arrangement, we invite the farm. int"to glve u$ JUS'r'IlS DILL `lliontrime, An C. B. AIPXSTRONG. g.10,1866.--6d. • Bird b4ges! Bird' gager 1511111YE'E di DiOWLTON havej ust received . a huge selected assonmont of !BIRDCAGES. • 'combining- many of tho k¢iost e.egant designs and beautiful fuiish.; combining ,durability with lightness and, airiness ofityle. F'rom .55.6 d, to sio, each, drinting And sped mini included. I PHYP,E.& B2i:OWLTON.‘ . 51, Efourtst.; Binghariton. - • • 4.IIIf.ERS large lot of • - • Hoes, Rakes, • -. • . Spades, ShOveli, ' • crass-110ks, • - Cradiei, articles'for tilling and bk , a tifp. • PHYFE & KA' I WLTO:si'S,' \.Y... I, • • , find and =tip outer lag the eartti v ai Binihamtbn i TO THE I'LADIES, TATE are vie ermined to'suit the Ladies, has. V Vitig thei}.eomfortjin view,lwe lately pro- Curedof the importers, 4 large assortment :FANCY GOODS, • _ which mnstieertainly please even the most fas tidions taste. 1. I : I_ We have !a inc stock lot" Hair, Nail and To - cid' Brushes ccituOising many ele, , ;int styles. Of tombs' . 'we have aniextensive variety,inelti '4ling_many Rubber, Iron and li.orn. ; hav%'hOde,maciy other Fancy Articles, too numerous jto mention. Call and examine oar Fancy Goods. _ PHYFE & KNOWLTON; 51 Court St: I • Ware.* ay stoei I VE r 'PHYFr. dr. KNOWLTON& Bingthsento4. • . To Sportsmen. -. Fishirw Tackle ! zlusl Bilks ! Pistols! . PHYFE &KNOWLTON have now on hand splendid lot of Fishing Tackle, compris. in „ nod% from Os 641, to 1$ tO eac t i4 Lines, from &As., ti4ss, eac Reels, from SLSO td.sß anal, and an assort ment of artirteial Bait, 'never before equalled in this vicinity, e, Gi ass, Leath er, India aubher, Minnows, Gutta. Perrha, Grass Hoppers, Shrimp, Spinning Bait, &c., &c. Vat ent.spoonit to avoid catching grass while halting. Patent, Spring Hoekttlfor Pickerel' or Pike.— Mora.iitilogera, or Yankee Doodle Hoolts, a new and hiproved node of catchingfts h. • Whar3 *good stoek or Guns, Riflek Re. raisin* Single and doiable :barrel ad Pistols, Pow. • del, Shot. Water ProOf and•=other caps, Hunting Horn* Turkey calla, ;Powder Flasks, Nudges Gime Baga, Temperance Bottles, dr t .r., R4.,•dte.H in 'fact we have every article-cif. Sporting ap. paraina. Hooks, for ;outline fishing by the hun dred tbonsmad.- Pt YFE & KNOWLTON. Conn at., 'Binghamton. . - . Ll - 11 slb --- 1 ! TO 2‘4.E LADIES ,OF' BINGHAM'- , TON AND VICINITY. Pleats read if it it short and of impartarsie ! to er o 7-; 111 ;usat 4reePer• • - - BILE FAR BROTHERS yAVLBOe' eived their spring supply. of house Goods. -We can now offer sevekteantlful styles of Crockery. One of them a nevi and elegant Spring.rattetn of White En amelled; Ware.' Our Goods 4re All a No.=l in quality,,ito seconds 'er odd lota, but complete netts and can alwayi, be matched if broken or snot* vented. for vee rs to corns,:. All the caro m* Ware% OWN& TEA WABE, SIX splendid styles obviate and decorated, very low. • rrGLASS WARE. soilptete: sod unbounded variety always on ITA. TRAY& of our own importation. Fifteen Cligant patterns, far snrpassiN in rich-- nisi, fi nishand duralaility, the I, &Roman article usaillf sold, at, , *low prices, and by fat the • livioet)ted. toisteempleta lot ever offered- in • th e 4 patis;from to 115 Per. sett ozif fonr. • Agar ,A UCTION .6rltEA2' ;BAB ' 2VS _ Balsa Zartsift-Carnices,--Bands, Iloohs, 1 & 1 :4" **ices that:defycempelitiori. - Twenty direr.- ..1.14.431es °ribose} elegant Bird Cagas,from 'lb eet4s to 'BlO ear t h. 34 different patterns of suPeriee Ornuttedj. Clocks, from ill to 425 eaeli. Clods. and Jewelry riceitirre ! , Plated"traitors, Cake Baskets, S ne, YorkitNapkitt Abr. du. 200 Mtes . KagielWYctrkiul..Pittlerianips, ..11a1111anr ing*nparftritazinia-and-Tin Ware. •:47Z DIVARS GENWRALL T. 24%04A ll - - iron Mantieeces and Grates:„ imitraf general' Houle Building and House FiraWring establiehment. 1 - • lareall and see !sit out4fCRYSTALP.4I - doors oast of partal. Ipfe'll*r.Goodi are not is repteseitted - our ptiessfitiloli.alit` town; - and ywitre - not tees. wo.ialeaso Johl bor.. - BROMERS, Igiagimina.totiildareh. 1866.'' t , I) ' Yte geXSOWLTON, Strel4% lor A pbe , vioils ..ti Rf,bilintesic4tweroiaruiliell fePPV 7 I exlitfra* sad Am* 7prite _nt. - , !raTs . auselturffishil:aia-Ffney t,. . -: - * ii,,o'• .itisimit... *-, it r ,4;!:: -4 ,2 ! ' ' '•'' ''-- ' - *' '"- AGRICELTRAL waa Anta, l 4 - Pat , liAlltirAMll#34:WlTOttiLling in sztaiLlizAu . , • • • - Circular and Cro - as , Cut Saw Milts. Emery's Cider Mills. .FeedCutteo, Corn Sheller*, Corn and seed Plasters. .Beymour's Grain Drills and Broad Cast Sewers. -.ltotolving H orse Rakes. Dog Powers.. Clow's Grain - Cradles. .Eetch, Reaper* acid Mraiiiis - Ciiintdited. Magic Corn and Cob Mills. Exielsjor FAnvizig Mills. Cultivator's. lAtheiand Rubber" Belt. ings, 'Meat Cutters, Apple Pearea, Refrigers. tors, Pgovision Sites, +Sic, Extras furnished for repairing Emery rind Whefiler'ernsehines. . One ExCelaior Fanning Drilla are 'second to none made in the Union. - • Descriptive Catalogues, Price 'Lists and Circu lars of all machines, &c.,-sold by:us, sent gratis and postap - prepsici,to applicants. 4 Send us your I) ame and address.- A. N. BULLARD. H. L. BLOWERS, of Franklin, Agexit. Post Office irddresN, llootrese,Pa. Rhode's Fever and Ague Cure, An t dote to Malaria: for the prevention O and cure of Fever and Ague, or Chill Fe; ver; Dumb - Ague, and other Intermittent , and' Remittent Fevers; also of Billions . Fevers, ac companied by . Typhoid Fever, Yellow Fever, Strip' and Jail Fever, °General Debility, Night - . Sweats, and all:other forms of disease which have a common origin in • MALARIA OR MIASMA. Equally certain as a preventive or cure. For sale by the undersigned,authorized agent for the Proprietor, Is. A. Rhodes, Providence, R. I. • • I. N. BULLARD; Brontrose, 3by 1, 1856. Oig snob terms that secures the right °revery nation to - the navigation ofthe Danube,and be it known to the people - . of Susquehanna County, and the' reSt of the world, that they wily find it to their adraittag,O, to COitre to the Temp -erance Saloon and Grocery in ,Main St , Mont.' rose, Pa., (the only TemPerance saloonin Mont rose) to get Pies, such ott• are pies, Cakei,T. Cheese, Crackers,: Sardines, 'pickled Oysters, Clams, Cucumbers,. Ice Cream, Oranges, Pine -Apples, Candy, and Segars, Nuts • &c. Small Beer, Ice cool Lemonade, - and. Sods - Water to' eat and.drUtk: At the same plaeols a good as sortment of Groceries and 'Provisions, with new supplies every week frOm• New -York,. such as Tea, choice-kinds, from' 2s. 9c., to 65.. per lb. :Sugar now at 9 eta: Best Coffee. I I I.2Cts:, crushed, Pulverized add granulated at Is. per lb: Molasses 3i. 6d. per Gallon; best Syrup at fis. 6d. -per gal: -Pork, Smoked Ham, and Shonl. derti. dried. Beef :clam; Cod, MaCkerel.- White and Blue Fish, CheeSe,'Crackers, Lard, Tallow, Sterine patent and • Sperm Candles, a - Variety of Bar'Sor.ps., Shaving do: best in _use, Oiffee Rice, and Tobacco, plug and . 4 frifis cut,- Chewing and smoktfig,d6. in tin foil:- • Fire Crackers and Fire ' Works. Matches, all kinds...dried Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Figs,from Is. to Its. fid. per lb, • Prnees, Zantee Currents,- Citron, Fig paste, Se- L ', o for puddings, Spices all: kinds, Ground itfustard. do. French Soap Powder, Babbitts-Sal retains, do. and Washing Soda, Crea Tarter, and Super Carb Soda Tartaric Acid, ""Licorice, do. root, Fancy Candy and Gum Drops, : fresh N. Y., Cassia buds, Caniryseed,Nttroegs, Cloves Bruma and Chalkolate, Lot-- blatk- and- Scotch snuff, Basins, from is. to IS. 611: per lb,Suttattee seedless Rasins,starah (pearl) Coin stareb. Patent Nutmeg Graters,and Clothe's pins,'Sweet and Castor Oil in betties. Raymond's Lees. and :Wriglats Pills, Salts, Roil Brimstone, Sulphur, • Gum Camphor, , Vinegar Chpice•lot of Catsup, .Pickles,. Pepper - Sauce, RasPbery SYrup,flavOring extracts, Hair 011s,to' •embelish and prevent from fallitig -off or _turning ,greV: Herring by. ibe._,Box, White Wash, Scrub end Shoe brusheS, Stove 'and boot . Blacking.. Garden seeds, slate and lead pencils, Aie band; les, Brooms, Tooth Ache Ointment, an almost sure cure,for burns ; Sprains; Bruises, &c. Res, sian'Linament, good for man or -beast. Horse lledieine, together with a large assortment of Children's• Toys, selected with: groat care-for - both girls and . bisyS, among-which are • small pads and Dori. and Cattle on wheels and rockers, small Tea - Setts, Thimbles, Cornelian Rings, Tops,Clarionettes, Aceorde on; liarmoninons,• Har ps; and - tunny - noxious things, Ladies Baskets and SeWitig Birds, Sack Salt for family' use, Corn - Meal, also - Flour, kept constantly on hand,'; by the pound, sack or -bu ret!. TRIM Clams, Orangei and' Lemmt, Pine Apples, &e., Some Eggs, Botter,Potatoes, Beans, &e.; taken in exchange.. The above Goods are for sale for cash or ready pay. Thanktnl• for .pait favors, I hope by strict attention to,buiine4 and small profits to gain a larger share of pstronag,e,, and thereby an Be nintnaly benefited, all orders with the ready vriil be plomptly attended to. • S. S. MOTT. Temperance Salhon, Groeery and Provision Store in Main St., Montrose, Pa., May 20, 1856. TOGA TOM" • HOSTII4TIES : CEASED, " Peace Declared' Burning Fluid and Camphene. FRESH supply, just received, and for sale ZIL. cheap, also, candles, old enough., hig en ough and hard.enough to stand alone, in sum mer time, by I. N. BULLARD. June 9,1856; Starnicca Rail Road 1 1 1! 'WILLIAM TREMAIN C0., - are on hand V V with the largest, hest, and cheapest stock of general merchandise in town. Consisting of Axes. Alston, and Afspice. Brooms, Boots and Bedsteads. Clocks, Calicoes and Clothing. - Denims, Drags, and Dpo? Handles. .Erreelops, Edging; and. Epsom Salts. Flour, Flannels, and Fith.Hooks. Groceriaii, and Giroblets. Bats. Hams, and Hand-saws. - Ink, Indigo, and imperial : Babies (dream.). Jugs, Jaconcts, anti, Jewsharps. &tires, Knobs, and Kentucky Jeans. . Locks, Lamps and Looking Glasses. Matches, Mutlins and Molasses. Nutmegs, Nankeen.',andliotions. ' Oils, OichOwa and OFeridls. • Pork, Pills sod Powder.: • Queensware, Quill 44 and4nart.enps. • Rubbers, Raisins and Itat.trapa, . Sbeei,'Shirts and Sipa: ' - ° I• Tobacco, Tea and . Trace_Chain' . - Umbrellas, Undershirts and Union Etats. Veils, Vinegar and Vitild• - Whips; Walletslind Wash-hosels. . Xtrs Superfine Flame, - York_Xottonades an d Youth's Hats. _ And many other sittelee • ilrbleVtbeive sellintat 'tier,' smallKuno: Oh. cost prices. "anal! profits" Mid fak destines the motto for the Summer of 64.;. _Give ns z call amithat th e *ruttier enr tomeettomt.l '• • ' *: , wts,,,TltEm.4l(ei_co. tutegigirsis-Pgi.,V4716, Come and . -rot xim;nirs yes. In awl irm_buy one 1 1 .44o)larvvPrth ; of , :the mlessiitilaa7,44 I,pdo, nuitunittGo* jot ***Mpg at the aleasitbagOr 40re at IXinoek foureer, zees, "Uri sAlinest,voribody periow to bay: *tit Goods:- Flow imadyligt kept *bray* as i Wit-ii.llLititiL , May 3 13.111* ' .14 ' (APICItATII try their pineeifnl; l influence on the internal 'viscera to purity thi blood and stimu late it into beaithy action. They reinirre ,the ' obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver and other , organsof the body, and, by redefine their irregular action to health, conectorhesever they exist, such derangements as, are the , first causes of _disease. An =tenpins trial of their virtue*, by Professors, Physicians, and Patients, has shown cures of dan gerous diseases almost beyond belief, were they not substantiate/ by persons of such exalted position and character alto lotted thesuspicion of untruth. - Their sr:Tecate' are published in in, Amnion Almanac, which the' Agents below named are, pleased to furnish free to. all inquiring % Annexed we give Directions for their use in the ueomplaints irhielt they tune been found to cure. Fos Cosnivninuts.-sTake , one or two Pills, or rich quanfity as togently move , the bowels. Coir - - tininess is frequently the aggravating cause of BAtats, and the cure or one complaint is the cure of both. No' , pers on can feel will while under a costive „habit of body. Brume 4, should be, as It can be, promptly relieved. , row which is sometimes the cause of Coseiretiess, and always uncomfortable, take mild doses from one to fctur -.40 stimulate the stomach and liver into healthy action.' They will do it, and the heartburn, bedsrberit, and soulburti of dyspepsia will npidly disappear. When it has gone, don't forget what cured you. I For a Pout Bromsett, of Dfoi4id liniefirm of the Bootle, which produce% general jdepression or the spirit' and bad health, take from four toe Aht Pills at first, and smaller doses afterwards, un til activity and strength is restored to the system. Fon NLIATOOSSIMS;SICK HRADACIrE, NAUSEA. Pain in the Stomach, Back, or Side, take from four to eight pills on going to bed. If they do not epee— ate sufficiently, take more the Twat day until they _do— Them comats mil hoineept out -fromthe system. Don't these and their kindred die-. orders because yo stomeeh ii foul. • Poi Beneruts, ERYSIPELAS, and all Diseases ° of the Shin, take the Pills freely and frequently, to -keep the bevels epem-The- emptier: will goner. - ally soon begin to diminish and disappear. lilany dreadful ulcers and sores have been healed up by the purging and purifying effect of these Pals, and some disgusting a which seemed to saturate the whole gystem have completely yielded to their influence, leaving the sufferer.-'u perfect health. Patients I your duty to society forbids that you should parade yourself around ithe 'world covered with pimples, blotches ulcers, eskea, and all or any of the uncleandims's-. es. of the skin, because your system wants eleaissint. To PUMPS' ant Btoon, they are the best meth tine ever discovered. They should be taken freely and frequently, and the'nepurities which sow tha seeds of iricunible diseases will be swept out of the eystem likichaff before the wind By this property they do as 'much good in preveng sickness as by the remarkable cures which they are making every where. „„ Liven COMPLAINT. JAIINDIOS, and all Bilious 'Afjections arise from some derangement—either ' "torpidity, congestion, or obstructions of the Liver. - , Torpidity and cong estion vitiate the bileand reader it mat for digestion. This is disastrous to the health, and - the constitution is frequently under mined by no , other cause. Indigestion is the symp tom. Obstruction of OW duct which empties the Lilo into the stomach causes the bile to overflow into the blood. Thin produces Jaundice, with a long and dangerous train of evils. Costiveness, or situ:saute!) , costiveness, and diarrhrea, prevails '. Feverish symptoms, languor, low Feints, weariness, restlessness, and melancholy, with sometimes in k ability to sleep, and sometimes' ' great drowsiness; sometimes there is severe pain in the side ; the skin and the white of the eyes become a greenish yellow; the stomach acid; the bowels tore to the touch; the whole system irritable, with a tendency to fever. which may turn to lam fever, bilious colic, bilious dinrrhms, dysentery, At. A. medium dose of three or four Pills; taken at night, followed it, two or three in the morning, and repeated a few dais, will remove the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to suffer such pains when you can cure them for 2.5 cents. RH SUMATIAN..GOVT, and as ftifienimatory Fe errs are rapidly eared by the purifying effects of these Pills upon the blood and the stimulus which they afford to do vital -principle of Life. For these and all kindred evnplunts they should be taken in mile &nos, to move the bowels gently, but freely. As a Dry Neu Pitt, this is hoth agreeable and useful. No nu can be made more pleasant to take, and certainly none has been made mere effectual to the purpose !or which a dinner pill is employed. PREPARED RY DR. J. C. AYER, & CO., Practieta and Analrtieal Chemists LOWELL, MASS., AND SOLD R ABIIL TURRELL. Y. 1.111 --....,r i eIIESALANIANDERSAFES t 1 of Philadelphia against the I P,-;;Iii a•erld.—Eraus it._ li'alsou; N 0.26 (r *'oath ,Fourth street, Philadelphia. .!:,•-•'•••-_,...., i have had the stire.‘t dernongtratiou __, -.. z • • ••" -. in the fonowi4 Certificates, that their manusarture of Salamander Safei has at length fully warranted the repiesentations which have been tnade of them, as ! rendering rat mil doubted security against the terrific element: - PPALAD ELPHIA, April 12, 1856. Mrssits. Brass 4. - W.iTiox::--Gerits af fords us the highest sa.tisfaetion to 'state to you that owing to the very protective qualities of two of the Salamander Safes which - we.,, purchased of you some few months since, we saved a large portion of our Jewelry, Books, Papers', st.c., ex posed to the calamitous fire in- Ranstead Place. on the morning of the 11th init. When we reflect that thew( Safes were ion:- ted in the fourth story of the builctint , wo OCCU• pied, and that they fell subsequently into a heap - of burning ruins, - ta here the vast concentration of heat caused the brass plates to melt, we can not but regard the preservation of the valnable contents as most convincing proof of the great security afforded by your Safes. We shall take much pleasure in recommend ing.them to men of business as a sure reliance against fire. Gtonor. W. Siatoss d. Ban. • PHILADELPHIA, April 12, 1856. 31v.ssns. Evsas & Wsrso..t-1 have to offer you my testimony in favor of the great security afforded to my entire stock of Jewelry; books, papers, &c.. d'uring the recent disastrous confla gration in Banstead place, frOm the fact that the same, were contained in two of the Salamander Safes manufactured by tiou. Having fallen from the fifth story of the Arti san Building, where they were previously placed and exposed to a vast heat for a long time the preservation of the valuable deposits seemed, to, every:one who witnessed the opening and interi or examination, a matter of profound astonish ment._ . TO all who may require,a.perfect protection f r o m the mirages of fire; I'shall not hesitate to recommend the rise of your Safes, as 1 consider they bare posir'iindergone the' most trying test: • .. ~ , . N. E. MORGA.S. PEILLLDET,PIit4 April:l4, /838. ' lizsst.s. Evicts dz. IVATson-.—Gentlemen—No doubt yost mill be deeplfgratified to leant the, good conditirn in which I discuvered_ my book, policy of Insurance, • certiGeates of stork, mid ,other valuable documents, When on Friday last I opened the Safe made by, your firm, 7Wittriny knowledge of its great exposures both - to the intensity, of the heat from so hot fire as that which destroyed ;the. Artisan Build ing, as she front the force of the fall from its former elevated position in the third story, I could entertain but slender hopes prior to its in terior invection„ that the contents which I once so highly prized would ever be Of any service to' me, but as these fears are now hapyily. removed, 1 feel it only' due to say to you that Lean hence forth recommend , the use of ' your Bares to. all •who'nuly wish to. feels Confidence in the, per fact arcurity iyhich such meansproYides against so frigkifisl an el,enetit.: _ haw .Gessirr.r., Bookt;irids:r. ciiiiti n tlf on Baud, Patent Pow* and Thief Proof Loch, foltanks; 'Stara dco. , - • j ., April 24; 18 , 50.441y1.. • . Whip;by the Mion - risoitas eto. to au*, ; ' • PIiVFE6•: _ _ XTRA. frOt* - 1 i=9'to 6do fins ft!ll.Atiatiit2 BtOr.ft -17 " 1 17.aos k t r A L , P r 2 ,l etkrl, l ** e r ..40 34 1 4 717 - lY itt a l 4l - - ; TAHIst 9, NA 2 • LIAM*. • •:TSit;;L.-vit. Hardware and Goods House ruinushing . - • ' !PIUS to A progressive age. _No one doubts lit,;"or it they did, a glance at the manifold writes on vtlii , ch the lightning whizzes with. Im4 OeWsi world soon convince ! • 'leek: ay the rushing ears would 'add More emphasis to the last and Wise tonelualon, New proofii,pre sent thentselvea each day; each day we are more anxious to - • " Catch the living manners as as they rise," torn them to our own account, and tali ? in ne much; cash . • ; t. Now a days people are averse to dealing at t,ld i fashioned Stores--those established from len to twenty yeare aao. Their proprietors having he 4 come thoroughly imbued with the highipriee principle, (or rather laek.ot principle,) nee on= wilting to loWer their .demands to a settle :more in aceordance with the times we live in, Vesolved to keep pace with the progressive spirit of the age, we have opened our new and spactous Store, No. fol, Court St., with_ lt very, largo assortment of Hardware, House Funds lug, , and Fancy Goods,'Which we offer whojettale eel r et a il, at the lowest prices, for eash , or appreved, credit. - PIIYFE & KNOWLTON , 51,Court 4,l3iighatutoo,-Ni Y. No'advise Count r y Merchants to visit us,! They will find it advantageous. LOOk HERE ! ABEL TaRRELL HAS just-received from Now York,; a fall and desk:11)10 mock of NEW GOODS, 4? - t) Comprising s fi rst rate assortment of. rugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Medical Itlstru tenti, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, China, Gish and Ear.' then ‘Vare,.(a good variety of Crockery,) Brk:- aunia Ware, Japanned-and Planished Tin; Ware, Silier and all other kinds of.Spoons.lSilvec Forks, Rutter Knives, &e. Alt Lamps. A good variety of Wood • and Gilt, Frame Mitt. rors. Wall and Window Paper. Stationery Stone and Wooden Ware. Brushes. Ifroomi. Family Groceriei. Lamp Oilsf -- Camptiene.— Burning Fluid. Tallow Stesrin and Spermaceti Candles, Ilide and other Whips. Varnishes. Window Glass, &c. ''A first rate variety ' •ofiew.. ()try, and Fancy Goods. Gold, and . Silver Spec. caries. -Gold Pens. Violins, Flutes, Fifes, M.' eordeons, Violin and Veoliticello Strinas; &c..—, The largest assortment of 'Pocket Knives in Susq. Co., and the best- quality in 31arket. Shot Guns, Pistols, (single and Double. -Bar01,) Rd. vol vets, &e. In short. the Physician, thnlnvalid,the illoult4-- keeper, the Farmer, the Mechanic, the.Manufae turer, the Professional MAN the Gentletrian. the Lady, the Rich and the Poor, the Young ind Old, theqleautiful and the Ugly, the Gay hnd the nkshionable, and all the rest of the peoPle,will find something to supply their every day wants at Turrell's. • Store in the new Brick Block--Priee'R)ow:H Qualities gnod—Call and see. ABEL TERBELL.i Montrnse, Marilh 6, 1356. .;, arThey are all going to Turrell's 4FA Books That Are BOokft. For sale at the Montrose - Book Store In the . Post Office. JUST RECEIV4V,', • 3faeaular's History of England.' Ilary and Correspondence of Amos Ltrrence. Filson of Welteverdon in the East-Indian Archepelago, by Capt. Gibson. Forest Tragedy and other Tales by ,Grace Greenwood. • The Bush Boys, by Capt. Mayne Reid. !; The Great Red Dragon. • • The Prince of the House of-David. Good Time Coming. Christine or Woman's Trials and Triuni,phs. • The Oaynx Ring.' Man of War Life. • The Old Homestead. . • 3 Woodhill or the Ways of Providence.' D'Aubigne's History of the Reformation. Family Irestaments.with Psalms and Nut 6. Pocket do • end_ Bibles. •_1 Catholic' Prayer Books. Yankee Notions, ricil say That the Montrose Book :§tore is the place to get Books andNetions cheap Well what if thry do say- so: you can't tell rli4ther they. say the truth or tof unless you try4-bot never mind I feel very thankful . -for past f4vors and hope to therita continuation of patronage, by strict attention to the wants ;of...he. public and by keeping on i hand a good assortment of Books and Stationary at "Live and Let Live" prices... • • . N. BULLARD. Montrose, April 2,1856, Low Prices Triumphant. , GEORGE W. SEYMOUR . & CO.; aie now receiyinz a magnificent Stock ef;Spring and Summer Goods, Se.leeted with great care and with special regard to `the tiLstes and wants of this community. consisting of a ehoiee varie ty of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and embroider: ies, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Ilats, Caps, and straw Goods, Crockery, Ilantware and Cutlery, &c. Which we will sell for prompt .pay,.at lower price's thin any other establishnient in this County. n 127,1)11,1 we would say, that they have not been forgotten, and that in the way of Dress Goods, we have culled for their use the choicest gems in the market! Drop in and see us, and we will 'take pleasure in showing you the nicest and cheapest stock of Goods you ever saw in this Place. Harford, May 8, 1856. Ind %Vim!, 41 1 't PHYFF:& KNOWLTONS, Binghamton. . • New Goods Arriving daily,. by Express, at HoPbottorn, Penn'a. HE subscribers 'are now opening a large JL and well selected stock of new Goods.— Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Ready Made Clothing, Boots and Shies of all sizes and stiles, Flour, Corn Meal, Salt" &e, &c. All or which they will sell as cheap as can be bought elsewhere in tho County, in exchange for Lumber, Shingles, Produce of kinds, Woolen Socks, for cash approved credit. • Two shillings per pair paid for gopd Socks. Sixteen cts. per doz. for Eggs. ;, Twenty eta. per - lb. for Butter. .; •- • BELL & 'TINGLEY. Hopbottout. April 240E156. . Better Late than Never. New Goods at the Upsaaville liouge. T HE subscriber is happy to Wrenn friends tad patrons that he has lust ?mired 'a cholce lot of Goods, direct froth New York,con. slating, in part, of Dry Goods,Oroceries, Crocks ery, Hardware, Stoneware, Fish, Nails, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, fkinnets, Umbrellas, .Wall 'Paper, - Window Shades, Ready.made Clothing, Yankee o Notions, 'hie. &c., which he , will sell as cheap for ready pay, especially for cash as cart bebought at *ny other establish. went in thoconnty. Tbat ilk to say that be will .not be heat by anYbraging ; • • JEWS OR GEFTILES. He also wishes to , say a Word to his customs,* and others. In relation to '.the way 'some mean folks dry their business/ If they- - have socks, Cabbages, or Turnips or, ;anything else anus. werable that. they wiab lollispose of- they will take theta - toll - 0 store in (their own town and fairly or ImAirly force the faerchant to buy then!, and it they have inoney . td pay . for .Gol l t li tey will go to Binghamton orl some other Vend ft:and then leper) around haw mu they can buy Gola3s away from tie- 'thy'. art ,at hcime.4 All Imre to oaf t ac r euitonfers - is .. - coeue to me 'with your and if I have any; 9oeidsg - ,lnu i sallstlfthWitito you - Tagus 'firfictly mato& vpiciral;;ltaitsilms. • Great Cane for Itejoicirkg. Peace anions the Natleeks OE the 0141 W0r1d...... - D . W DRY GOODS and Clothing falling; have already reached a mark below all reasona ble •expectatiOns; and to provelhis fact Call' at the store of GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM di Ca,rat the east etid of the new Brick:Bleck. Seeing isbelieving, and seelbrltittr selves. Como along without 'delaY, Procrattimi; Lion you know, is in all calms dangerOus.. We will offer.yun rare bargains, not offered else where in northern Pennsylvania. We can and will undersell all . ,our competitors. :We have advantage's in haying, - and manufacture our own Clothing, of which we have a splendid assort. meat, from n little boy's :jacket and breeches to the finest Dress. Coats and .Pants, for gentleinen of Ali sizes. Our assortment of Fancy and Do mestie,Day Goods can not be surpassed by any 'other establishment in the country. One of our firm is constantly in the:elty, and is ,sending al most daily, Goode of thelatest and most fashion able style. Ont.. stock ,hf Bonnets and Bonnet trimhigs is complete. GENTLENIENS HATS, lots of them... Also a splendid lot of Maatillas. • Montrose . , April 22', 1856. GOOD Broad Cloth Caro; for 3 *billings a piece at BELL & TINGLEY. New Store! New Goode! WLEY & GUILD won Id.respectfolly in. Dr livite the attention of the citizens of Gibson andf vicinity to their very large's:ea of Filland winter Goods, which they Brent* reeeivieg 'are now selling at very Low Prices. Coniist ing.in Purl 'of Dry .Gocd;=. Groceries, Hardware, Crockrey,, Paints, Oils, Ready made Clothing. Boots, .& Shoes, &c. 'They are - prepSred to ex hibit to the people of Gibson one of the largest Stocks of Ready made Clothing ever oircred._ in this market which they -are bound to sell cheap as,the cheapest. In addition to their . Stoclethey are now receiving a large Stock of Cooeking and Parlor Stoves, Tin Ware., 4e. So call and. see if you do not bUy, no charge for showing 'goods. HAWLEY. 4- GUILD. . Gibson, Oct. 19111. r 1 N. B. 'All kinds of Country produce taken exchange for goods, at market prices. • 44—tf. ffii3OK - 01ic117,/, Carpotings, Oil Moths. LOOKING GLASSES. AND GLASS WARE: " At the Crockery and House Furnieht:tv'Es- tablishment of J. H. DEPEU, Cheaper than any other in Bing. hausion. " FOUR DOORS EAST OF THE AMERICAN HOTEL IWOULD call the attention of Housekeepers and the public to my spring" importation of wares, for their elegance of style and beauty of fiaiih, far surpas4ng anything before exhibited, and having the largest assortment -in store, can replenish old .setts and furnish entire new ones of all the new shapes, at a loss price than any other House in this county.- The attention of new Housekeepers Is partic ularly called to my stock as embracing all the minutim. both useful and ornamental, of House furnishing Goods, for a - complete outfit—and being thus heavi;y engaged in this exclusive branch, direr great advantages to.purchasers,- CROCKERY AND CHINA DEPARTMENT embraces the largest variety ever offered before in this section, ofall the different kinds. . . . GfASS WARE of every needed Prtiele. Carpetin,gs and Oil Cloths. • This branch occupies the second floor of our establi%lunent. nearly 100 feet in depth, well stocked with Velvet, Drussols, Three-Ply and ingrain Carpelings, Rugs, Mats, Window Shades and Table Covers, which are offered atu small advance from cost. • Live Geo'e Feathers always on hand. Looking Glasses, Gilt, Mahogany; Ornamental and Oval Glasses, in great variety. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, cons:sting of Wood and -Willow Ware, Plated Goods, Britannia and Japanned Ware_ef every description, Tea Boat& - in various styles, Table Cutlery; Feather Dusters; Fluid, Oil and Sokr tainp.i, Bird Cages, also fancy Baskets, Reticules . . Satebels. &e. &e. ar To all or which we invite your attention and volicit sour trade. J. IL DE PEU. Binghamton, April 20, 1856. No Use in Fife-ing-- rpilArs so—as long as Phyfe & KnowlOn keep such a splendid assortment of • CARPENTERS TOOLS, bs they now have in store, and which is brdll hands, rival HardwareS included, acknowledged to bethe BEST AND, CHEAPEST, eveioffered to the citizens of Broome, Susque hanna, or; nny other county. . . We can furnish as good an outfit. of tools an Hill, Wood or Seymour, of New York city, .and at Prieeint least 25 per cent. lower than . either. ALL TOOLS SOLD DV L'S WHICH DO NOT PROVE .AD REPRESENTED WILL BE EXCHANGED OR THE MOSEY REF - ENDED. . PRATE & KNOWLTON.' Hardware, Howse Fornishin and Fancy Goods Establishment, .51, Court St., Bingham ton, N. Y., adjoining Bank of Bin2iiamton. MABLE and Poeket Cutlery, a great variety, I_ at rery low prices, at • PATENT MEDICINE AGENCY. ABEL TURRELL, Montrose, Pa., - DRUGGIST, AND AGENTS FOR ALL THE POPULAR 2AVIIII -- ti EIDItUO2' OF THE DAY. Consignments Constcintly .Received. New hoods at Wobble JUST opened by the subscriber n full assort merit of Spring and Sumner Goods, which will be sold cheap, Cheaper than ever. - • Gip) us a call. You cannot fail to be suited or, quality, ~quantity, and terms. Every thing fsually found in a variety store. - . H. d Webb, . • TS now, receiving his new Spring Goals,whieh 1, he offers.at his usual low prices. Montrose. March 11, 1856. Douse Builders Depot for Masque haunvi County, at Nets , Milford. - I`%ICIKERIIAN & GARRETT are giving es t./ pedal attention to the iminoirement con templated in this County the comeing season. and now offer a helping hand, by' keeping 'eon. Aptly for-sale a large quantity of Window sash and glass. Blinds, Doors, Nails. Paints and Oils, ands complete assortment Of boildoes Hard Ware, &e. Those going to• put up Houses in the Spring will 'find it for their interest to give us a call. We ean furnish every thing you wantand at the very lowest manufacturing pri ces. . DICKERMAN & GARRATT. New Milford,. Feb.B. 1856; The _Cheap Stop, Ea, 28 Ign:11? - giinilk - T, andersignetlyonid - respectfully inform 1 the inhabitants of Binghamton-and . vjeinity, that, 4htts recent! it purchased of &Wird Priest 'gains aid weil selected stock (if • triaelt &Atm removed from 1.4 Fayette Block to Ws.' de court street. on• door, above the ,ttmerieno !Jolt!. ' This entire'atOcleheik been Patti Mood coned - Arsfity fiteloyi . New York - coot, Armagh as ,to Trrarrant Mai ti 'oavioglhat he wiltisell Goods Oteapjithaii can biboughfiA4 A-4 PUYFE & KNOWLTON'S. DRY GOODS, NEW SPRING AND Bummer Good% to the above stock has just been added a large Invoice of Spring-and Summer Goods 'of the latest styles, *Web will bo closed out at great bargains. .- . TheAtock'consists In dart of the following. GoodL. viz; Fine Lawns. rust color's, from 9 to 18c. r yard; Calicoes, Ameiican and English, trout .to I le..‘ Per yard; 'iferritnack' and' Cu eheco , tints; et 11 e .; Bleached anti - Brown Shoe-, tinge' rul Shirtintni. from .10. to 25.6 d. perlard ; Kentn ky Jearas, from Is. Be. to 2i. 6d. per y'rd; Ladieti! Hose, from 6 1.4 e. to 3s. 6d.- per paiil Gingham, from I Oe. to 23e. per yard; Bc Leine.; from lOc. to 3s. per yard. Also a large - lot - of Liner*. Quilts and Counterpains, Curtains and Drapekis, Shawls, Gloves, Table Covers, Silks, Sacost Embroideries, &e. &e. • . ' Trani:a, Valices and Bags, of all . sizes and pri. or Don't forget thevnumber,2B Court street, I Door cast of the American Ilptel, hut tall and see before purchasing elsewhere. - I • - . • 11. C. GODWIN. Binghamton, April 3d,1856." , Attention at Home. TALE UNDMISIGNED would respect. fully•inform the citiiens of Dimock and the surrounding country, that he has Opened a store 'nt Dirnock four corners,' ti here he intends keeping ionstnntly on hand a good and well t.se leeted assorithent of Dry Goods„Grocerien, Hard Ware, Crockery, and all kinds of Merchandise, usually kept irr a country store, which he will sell as low, if_ not lower, than anyother establish ment Northern Pennsylvania, Montrose not excepted. Gentlemen nod Ladies give me 'a call. and examine my stock of Goods, and my price,. Yell will say° at least some miles tray. el and perhaps from ten to fifteen cents on ev ery dollar you pay on:. A good assortment of Ready Made,clothing kept constantly on hand; •Al kinds of County produce taken in exchange for Goods at the l‘farket price. WM . . H. THAYER. MO net. Jan. 15, 1 356 —YI. NEW GOODS CHEEP -AT C. if. • MOTT'S. • TUS . Treceived a lot o: New Goods, such 'as Do CP Daines, De Rages, Pararnettas, Persian, Al paca 4 Gingham!, :tlerinos. Pnnts, and Shawls, in tacit a general assortment. or Dry Goods which will he sold low W i ktsiTED—Socks ‘ Egge, Datter,Lard,Cheese, Flannel. &a., any quantity 'll exchange tor Goods at caiih prices.. W. MOTT. Mnntrose,Sopt. 1855 e - - .W. Singleton • CAN 'now be found 4t, his npw - stand on the corner-of Turnpike and Chestnut Sta., -n few dours cast of Post's store, where he, 4ectually repairs with dispatch; Watches,' Clocks, Guns, Jewelry, and every descript ion of Machinery._ - Wheel cutting, Gumand Watch materials supplied to the.trade. • • Attention Farmers . • --Plow Points OF almost every pattern and kind now in uso also, No. 62, R. _L. Thatehley Plown and Corn Plows, may he.had at any time of day,and until 10, o'clock at night,in exeltange for Cash. old Iron, Grain, Eggs, or any kind ofready pay, of . 1. N. BULLARD. Montrose, May 1, 1856. Refrigerators. - TUST received . a largo lAA. prices ranging .frotn $5,50 to $1:1,00. • ; . PHYFE & KNOWLTON .I4ghaintou N. Y. • • . • , . 1 Cash for Wool. .- 1, TCKERNI AN &GA RRATC *ill pay the highe;sl market price for all the Wool in Sus uehanna County, deliver'ed at their store. New Milford, Jute 16,1836. - . IDIARASOLS anti Fans, new styles and ehtwiee varieties, at . G. W. S. & CO'S. , pr. adios, a large assort. ment at . • K&OWLTONS. • ' NOTICE. - D,UBLIC notice is hereby given' that S. A. 1 I Woodruff is receiving a new lot of Stoves andlwares of all 'kinds usually kept in the Stove andlin line of business, among which may he flund el better assortment of stoves, heaoi' , r. lar gerand more durable than ever -before. offered in this county , all the proof you need will .be just to call and examine for yourselves. AIL , stoves warranted in'every respect. .. Kept constantly on hand, an extensive assort, 'went of Tin, ware, made out of the best.enaterik ]s (which is offered for sale as cheap as can be bought in . any market, also on hand . Lead Pipe, ail sizes, Chain and gearing for Chain Pinups, (stern Pumps, all sizes, Brass and Porcelain, kettles all sizes, Jippaned ware, all kinds. • Jobinc , dono'on short -nOtice and in good or der. All. Goods in the be :sold cheap for cash or approved crediU • 8. A. IVOODRUFF Montrose, March 20, 1856. i • a MAD* HE subscriber is now receiving his second general purchase of 'GOODS this Spring, wh ch,renders his assortment very . Cesimble and rk complete; By strict' attention to business and bylfair dealing, he hopes to merit a liberal share. ofipublic patronage. To those friends who ha -o yielded to him their preferences, and kindly sustained him by their. patronage, ;with the in 7 te'flan of aiding him in regainining• in part the he vy loss recently sustained by tire, ho tenders 1 hi. sincere thanksovith the 'assurance that their ineerests shall bemlatiglly promoted. I s . ABEL TURRELL. • ' . lontroi e, April 240856. • • Notice. • - DERSONS desirous-of paying. me money, On . debt of any cleseription,ean do so by leaving their, payment with Post; Cooper & Co.; Ban. kers, Montrose, to my credit, whose receipts will, be- allowed from' their date. • C. L. WARD. ;April 18, 1856.---tt. t mat Exhibition in §pringville- • ell REM`, AND RARE E2OIIBITIGN OF klir FOREIGN. AND DOMESTIC GOODS; oti almost every style and quality,such as. will . be sure to please and accommodate all classes of peoples-from the child in the cradle to the. old and decrepit. These goods are bought on the most favorable terms, and will be sold according.. Please give ow a.aall and we will-try to sup ply all your wants in the line of GOODS ever kept in a country store. You need not go to New York for any thing you Want, because - we have them fresh fronithe city. _SCOTT, JOHNSON, & CO. ' Springville, Pa., May 8,1855. • . . New Goods.Cheapior Cash. . . •w. ISIOTThas just received another lot of New Goodi. Inch as . Challis, Itargo Do ns,De Degts, Giict,he mai Collars, Etabroidery. Was, &c., ace. wmclr US OFFERS AP WIRY LOP, P TEES. SUMMER SHAIY LS, - a new lot just ceived...beantiful patterns at 'very low prices, a o CRAPE and BLACK SILK - SHA WLS slow gi the'lowesi. .. sI es Tntie 1 8. Minn! extra Ma- for .ale at $8 per bbi. , lfis. 6d. ,itne faarth at • .' S S MOTT'S liontrgae, lane 4,1858: • To tho Citizens of Montrose, AND FIXTURE& Phy re " &Knowlton ant at all tiro** ready to in: .ert Gas Pipt or.now Images, ha a work« alantike. inanners:aid at low pricer', Thay btotait. of . efitirittelifirk Petideatig, Nrtahlo - , lifacketa, Glass GTobvs, 'Farley Paper Sharlic,".. - " Mr., , liku:katorlN .who. , finpariptetids the:wark w u " 46d‘ ° 31 ' 4 PlPetietica. ,thisi. in--1414w: YorkYork4gd,ffrooklo.:::"Ordeiallolleittd«, • - •4- ?Wirt4VICNOWIdt.v. Itioghanios, - • Dontroit genothit. PUBLIMED minr;TIMBEI4.I: agffiquoGam _ t . t' 4 COLL Bi s el3ll (k'' GERMS , . „ ...., leEsens-41,aceast itokireetis24olf not pilaw iiiiin sispontbiilind s2oso;ialliiiitil of theyoar. No paperdiscontinuedyntiTimini#. ges ate paid, +adept:iv - the .oktiou ofib&Pi listiers:All eommitnintions.connie4iiii„lo4ll* offit;e 3 to insure • attent iononuskbeslirscielk tit/ • Enrroarriaentrote, Susiinolianno. 4up:tyligi. - - • Rate, of , 4 One'sqiilre (12:Imes or less) 8 itteertices:sl;to &felt •mibsequent insertion,; One. square three months, • ~_3,60.Q One - square six montits;.•: 4,00 Business Cards, four Sines or•les*, „ _•)1,1;10 Yearly advertisements, not over 4 'l l 4uaitex.; 7100 One cniuinn. one yiar, ' 88,00 Yearly advertisers:will be restricted . business in whietic they nre engiged ills, catinidered an wishing .:to continue r.dvertisiiii, un legs they t:ha it give epeeial 'directional! fort diseontinnanee of the same. • • Eir The p ab lish ere. having added lath - eh:AO Printing materials!: ; large and superid,i,tneOtt. inent of Job Type, are now prepared to ekcietit.- Jab Work in a-manner unsurpassed tbls iee ti_on of country, and on reisonabl terms; Blanks ofeverysiescription: kep eqnstaiitly• on hand or printed.to order. ?fl:lofit:iio':.:::lit.:OtOt:'' VAIL & 8111J11DA.1574 PIITSICIANS AND SURGEONS,. /39114!ty Derll, It.. B. C. VAIL, BRVAIIIPT HOUSE, t' Great Send; Depot, Pa. Abritiow "Ai /OST, Proprietor. - Wm. W. • • - :; 1 . cablnet and Chair ManOlactareis, toot Midi Street s Mont rogr,Pa. • 'Dr. R. &WITS, • , Surgeon Dentist,,Maitrose, will be at- Searle's Hotel,Monilays satin:tem:lays of each week. 1/5,y; ABEL TIURRELLOIosToo*UIPA - : Dealer in Dra gs , - idedieines;,citethiettli,ko Stuffs, Glasi.ware 4 ,Puints.dila, Varniates, WIS dow Gloms, Gioceties; - Fan:iy Perfumery, dzo:;4--and Agintfor ail of the,moat popular Patent 3.(edieines. 1011111 GROVES. Fashionablirailior—Sluip under Searles Hotel, Main Street,Montrose. Pa. • • -• 'JOHN - COLSTEN DEALER IX Stoves; Tia, - Co„....x_t‘nd' Sheet If . 0 AV, re,Lcodersville,near Grearßind D'pot.:-13 A. Lathrop, . • DEALER in Ready-Made Clothing,- Ba% and Caps. Boots and Shoes, Dry" Goods, arStore opposite Searle's Hotel, SontiOie, C. D. Lantz p, and • k •"' • J. P.' W. RILEY, ` Wit " • Dtaiitlaol, Dr. R. THAYER. 110HYSICIAN. nail Surgeon Montrone 1. Office in the Farmer's.Sfore. FRANIC/IN FRASEIti ArrearrEru.su CtiIiSSELLOR 8T LdW~.]klbntrOfO Pa., will attend faithfully to trusted to him in the county of Stligtithiiiiik. Cimveya cing 'and writing done nea y, and charge Inederate.• also attest to the prosecution pfclattnsetialo diers,their.widows andhejrs,againsithel.l,l 4 i, government, for Dounty.Land, -Pensions, &e. May , be found at all h,ohrs at the Officel'ottnerly ,N.O pida br d. T. itictrarti, - Vstp,al!rill ar_thw ; • N..C. TYLER . • Interested with .1. - 14. Runt, • IMPORTED AND DEALER i n lISTAIViPe and t i nt : • • No. 15 Pearl Street; HIV; - Where his. Mercantile friends, in this and' OtAii'' cOunties,sre kindly invited,a.ndearnes*solichi. •edtto call and purehise.. • - - .T. IL Parsons, , - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER itt Cabinet Ware, Sofas,:Bedsteads,„Tabtes, Stoll? Chairs, do. • . No: 9 Washington street. • • • Binghatnton,N:Y.,;,,: Or Coffin Wars-Room up amino.- •- • ' J. D. VAIL; .111: D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon has permanently located himself at Bracknerllle, Sprq'ei County, Penn'-a, and will promptly • attend to Olt calls with wbieh he may be favored. May, 1856.-622. , • • A, Pickett, itwrtcr. Or rut . PEACE, , Collector of Debts, Executor' of Deeds, Willa, Contracts, &c. Qr. flee, Laceyville, Wyoming county; Pa, May 9, 1856; . _ sAsu, BLIND, DOOR, . etsass DEPOT, ON entsrstrii • 3iloutrose, Peunott,.. • BY D. BREW Al) silts and .deseriptions, in anyjbontity, made to order, or furniohed on the shortesit no tice. HAYDEN BROTHERS, New Milford, Peelle*. AXTBOLESALE 'Dealers 'in Jetta'. V V Combs; Suspenders, Threads,- Tseey- - - Goods, Watches, Jewelry; Silver out Piaci Ware, Cutlery, FielinirTacklet, Cigars,. dtc., ke..• ' Merchants and Peddlers supplied on Jibira! t e VH. HAYDEN, TRACY. HAYDEN; JOHN HAYDEN ; - GEO: HAYDEN.' , • RADVATE of the Alloiatl . do led Her tneopathic Colleges sof Medic ine; is nor penosnently locatid is Great Bend Pa.. April Ist, 18 . 06: , ; Mitt' SAVITER; - - VASIIIONABLE TAILOR. Shop over thy Store of C. W. Mott, near f l r •, H. S.'-:KNAPP, .E. CA 11.L111iVELL 80" import. erA orChitio, lliar und'Eirtbiro Wani:Noo6 Wuuon Street,'Neor York: • • -A- , GOOD lisii4tilini)f.Piiiiirii DA! lisLoili,i, 4 - 1.-:.a1ip.ri034, - at , :::-. ~ -.%G. W,,,fkits_cfrii;',.::. p9RCELpN anii_p•Anite, Chita St , , W.:141VP7. -Take -Notice. *- - • - SLINDAY --CHOOLS foto:Melt- with Libra ; ries etiiifteritnt sins nt. Now, York rehlii pr4;08., ~Cajt ar, t4e Post Office. • May.. I, 185 a. . - • • • ~ • ot. New_ - DICKFRMANS 81,-GARRA - 8 , rritiE anbscribere'wefild:respeet boraral A:OYr goad ‘_pt ople-of Slii444)m,rist' nftw *Oninit ran - nit : wititer.Go6 4 l4, oirsiOkily laiite4str tractive ell of Whieh,winzitei is 1d .f0," eigr : or topitraye4 eteditßilEMPtf OAP .VEC'iffithought , si 4 4 1 othei: eatotlltitmest the -l AputitiYlll ll4l ; lot what we Nay. Vermeer's* si - D!CK 3 AN koArtitATrP , -- New 301iffirti, sift. 18041804,- J 0.13 WORK: A. IL B=no . lgt. E. V. WILMOT, =ll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers