.his obligatinns - to the Republicans by going in for the colored race, and -in like matpaer 11J would redeeF l his faith to the: Know ibthings by proscribing, all foreign born and citizens from' office. I cane no other reasonable version. But there are other phases of this -fusion . which I find it difficult. te !selve,.' For instance:, 1 cannot understand liow these Abolitionism, 'whose sympathies. Mire been so excited for the : poor Afriean.and for. his promotion on grounds of .. hunianitV and liberality, can so readily fraternize with a p ar ty:whose avowed purpose is to proiveribe white citizens, and tiegrade them to a position little abOve that of the- blacks. I had sup posed that when the benighant feeling of benevolence got possession of the human heart, it iwoild be broad enough to cover:the w hite aslwell.as the black race. And then ; again, how can the Republicans, with ;any httw of l istncerityidenuance the -repeal of 411 e. Idissourilline,, because of their reverence 'fur compacts and good faith,and then make cOM-_ mon cause with a midnight dynasty, whose av owed purpose k to break compacts, to4lis regard the Constitution and laws, and violate the faith of our fathers, for the purpose' of . s ubyertitikt, rights and privilege,s conferred.up en the foreign born •an'd Catholic citizens These are things - which I de not •understaiirl, nor do 1 believe that when Solomon -said "there IS nothing new under the sun," : he had any reference to a fusion like', this. But what is almost. as incredible is that in the faceOf this startling picture, some of%the Republican presses have the boldness to claim the•Gertitan vote for Mr.,Fremont;and if it be• true t` that coming events ca 4 their sliad Y oWs before,".lwe may look out for 4nother. addition of the fa i rce of- 1852, with the• foreign hOtn. citizen on the stage.: But the attempt can not rise:above a farce. Surely our natural ized citizens are not to be deceived •again,.. as they mraFt surely will be, if they rely upon any protection het that • furnished by the Constitution and the laws and a - Democratic whninisfration, Correspondent of 'The Detroit Free Press. . - WESTFISLD, N. 17; July - 5, 1856, - . RAISING OP run ATLANTIC'S BAFC.—Ac cording to protnise, I' send you n Statement of thelfactS in . relation, to _!the raising of the Atlantic's safe. 'The Atlantic was sunk - by eollisihn with the propellar Oeensburgh in in 1852,'three miles ot: Long POitit, in 170 feet. 4 vwater, We arrived' an the" ground on thelSth of Juno; spent one- day sounding the wtcek and gating our vessel moored ; on the 19th made the first;di%:e.; land e d n o . en 'hei. upper deck, near her quartet.- At the eighthtlive I was opposite Ethe stateroom that - containtid the safe. The rest of the time,un til the 15th, I. was bu.v in.,• breaking *in. the windOw - and casing. There , was no door opening out upon' the,:guards. On the fir, teenth dirt°, I got a line , fast to , thti ring in the lid, bet found the hole toosmall tb allow the safe,bi come out. The, sixteenth, I *took a saw with me and sawed'through' [the casing of the window ; tried :to brealcit out,' - but eMildinot. On the - 17th,Made aline fast to the casing,and it was broken out by the crew of the vessel. from above.' - On he, 18th, 1 made My line fast to one of the end rings,and it wa s ; hauled up. It is needless ,to say that all stories of seeing a "beau:ire] lady,' Sze:, are false:as it was dark at eieditV feet,and all the, wrk-- - tione 'there - wasidt out.. The op- I , Ira t t's used' witi a Wells & G , ,wan air pump. from Boston, with one manuilictured Land I Owned by M. Quig-ley. The ar)nbr was a , FrepliinFs iblaimi, i i - (x - 1 - 1 - ITintoti rubb e r one, and riot pr,Oteeted by The (tposition . papers have already Leggin eoppe., as stated. .1 suffered nn ineonven tO bowery noisy upon the subject of Fre- ielice-'from the pressure except in faro Or three moat's 'Military services. His adventures instanees,.when my head-piece seemed te be :thiong the passes. of the west are confidently filled With bright electiic sparks.-4--br. in (ch.: otTered as a set-off to the, long line' of eminent VClAds l ,"sa w stars." WWI that - oceured, I public action - s- which have made . Mr. .811- 1 iminediakly gave - the signal and ,:.aint, up. - elianan what he is. Let nobody imagine for ' 1 . E. -P. .I.ImiaiNGION. - ._. a in( - ,ment that we intend to dispute Erei - I ,-------.41.-.c..._,...., . Its Ex-President. Vane Buren. closes a Mon'ts claims to greatness. We admit thAi cheerfully. We do not hesitate to assert that long Fetter reviewing the P.‘-'1" questions lie slept,in the open air more nights,..perhaps, of the day with thefollOwing . signithamt par agraph. We commend it to public attefi ilian any , other man, Kit Carson excepte4.of • .Whom the public haS yet heard. His acititke- e i6 n• 1 -' . . -.• ' -- inents in the maiterof eating mule's meat ".q. Buchanan, in his ~ ,letter of aocept and drinking dirty . water are also quite aston-1 ;Ince, 'Ptltr lees himr?-eit . to - the PeOP I O, - “silonld isliing. -- . 1.1e - has shat denial )—killed bear--,-the 111)111hr:11ton - Of the Cony e ntion be ratified tanked Iridianand done a variety :of other I by thr people, that all . 11 '4" l>"`" -r and intla• thin , s, fll- which nobody gives him gr ,„ c t e ,: i - ence constitutionally posc6sed I , }-I , }-the Exeen , ct'edit than we - ;. do. We have 'always felt ;th - e i shall ne exerted, in a firm but coneilia pde-ised to think that be has been so well' re - rt"rY lent, duringthe ' Finkle term be shall Wattled for every• thing he did, llis - 1 4,„„,,,,,,,1ietnam in office, to restmOlie saute harmony in securing the handsomest estate in Califtr- i among the sister Stares %let prevailed he, 111 - a. ins:ea.! of exciting rmy envy._ In,onr bO,I - to ty: j , tst reward f 9 r hi; eT•ir 1, ^kti%iCt ' .7.r (11 ,..1 V. Whim wn, s.eat - to the .Senate„ dia'nt even lainent. thai, ae distil edthe system of re.wanimi w i t h erivi c (nee. We emir • foE . .:CL! w'hat., he woohltio, • What he did, we woift 11:.11•; itwolll,l . ..seem a little shal. 4 .y,.pel4Aryz. state . .lat 114. did • no:hing at :40:1, fait prn civndv, Tlnit unb!us:ii.og thf. Gh,he:has, hciweve!,alreadf . Lail:en:less of his official ; • A ad: are•a,ked to 'maize him Pres:. Ilere Our gratitude FteasSi : rn steps and4.As—“what 'claims has this man to'this great nfflee Wlrit is thert.., in the nature of t,tior.of his life, in hiF,aetions, to fit him a-1)146-1 -,vherein, above all other places, a l.tyetares-, -m'an-hip is called for by the' ;I'4l mast he had, if the country is .to be set:girt , . 9 : The Fremont organs kindly answer tite;e fil thi questions for us: - Their champion.' they. tell us, has gonelur days withOu i t..„victuahs , — . . • 1:e has lived on the floh of the mutes--.le,hat , washed this diet down witii - clhty ditch rev Ir Arid so, they tell us, he is .the Man for the times. .With all admiration for the-ze aaievernents of the Colonchthey strike us as inLlicatingrather, tine teeth and a-glod :ion, than stiy very enlarged scopecif itel 1-34. G . entlemen can be picked no al; over the counirv—we know of several --onr;:elyes' ; . nblieing fellows, who, for some trifling, cot` )e such as an estate in Carfj.rnia, Pi - esidency, or' any thing of . that sort, c . a. mule 'flesh for any given .period which the Repu dOctprs may- prescriLe. Not that we mean to insinuate that thC , fe gentle- Men are to do any thing else consideration of 'the reward. It would be altogetherunrea so4able to expect any excessive development of brain . 6orri persons whose teeth an i digcs i tivc orga s rs work so han-lsomelv I ' Few men ire greatiin alkhings. Ea h laminary h,ts i:s 4 , here, and only shines fitly therein. All, although '.ittr gratitude to Colonel taittly very large, we do not wish to see a gniat nation make it-self little, that it may . makea Wile man great. But not great—We will not say•that. We would not merely be eOme ludicrously absurd ourselees; ,but Frt , - mont hitnself would be intolerably' miserable were W e to crown him with the' office. Ile - i%7uld!feet, from the hour - he entered the IVbite' House. the unfitness of the wreath for gas brow. i Should :inv. great einergenev oc-_ cur, threatening the public safety, as the as pect oft.helpolitical -heavens just now seems to indicate that 'Were wilh, a.miserable weak--, ness wouldipossess him . ; the 'want capaci tr. the want of experience,- the -want of any thing like 'a statesman's life, would mate hip iMportance tgoapparent to be hid. He would then feel, perhaps 7 —the nation' at any rate whaki . feel-t—hoW little there is in the genius which fits a. man to guide bands of trappers through w&tern passes, to fit him fiir the vat duty of leading ) a great nation through the straits of a great, crises.—Harrisburg Crisis. The Illyst ► s ittld' 4° 'H - oreorar of the • , Deep. A diver from 13titralo, in connection with a c)nipany, has at' last succeeded in recovering Vie safe of the American .Express Co., ivhich has been lying in the sunken steamer Atian , tic for Che - last four or.. 6ve'years... In the 'of flue he found the.- safe, and was enabled to ,move it with ease, and took. it upon deck,, where the•gra,opling irons were fastened. on. - and the prize - brought safely Ito the Upon opening the .safe, it diplayed its con tent., inA-Perfeet state or preservation: There . e As 'safe 2 . 65000. in gold, $3500 in bills of the Go'vernrnent Stock Bank ; and a large • amount of-hills on other hanks', amounting, in, all to abkitit.”6,ooo...;Tho papers were un injured, eteept that they smelled very strong; ly of dc:eayed human - bodies, as if :they had' laid so maiiy ft years in a coffin with lbei r own er. . pf course all th-is.money goes to the per ions intere-4 e d i fl the wonderful adventure. The I.letroit 'Advertiser athis the following ..tothe.above. news,.: Which is a rare piece -of inforn:lation Tor icitintific men and sexton s :---, "rhe diver was protected by copper, 'armor . and was tinder water .40 miutttes, during which time he bad- sofne strange. adventures./ The upper deck of the Steamer lies .160 'feet under ; Jrater and far below where there isoiny current or r inotion.r 'Every thin is therefore exactly first went down. When the di. • Yer alighted upon ;the deck, he was saluted by a beautiful lady, whose. .lothing•was well arranged, her hair - elegantly diessed.. As he approached - hei the itiotiokottbe i.rttter.eitua ed- anloscPiation of 'her head As it gracefUlly bowing to. She was standing erect,with one hand grasping the rigging. Around lay , the•bedies of several others', as if Sleeping.-- Childien holding their friend . by the hand and niothets with their babes in their arias, were there: In the cabin'the furnitute was still untouched by decay, and to '4ll appear; •ance had just been arranged by some careful aitd.tasteful hand." tore the apple of discord, ip the form of sl.lre• Tv-agitation, Itad : Lieeti ens into their tnidse. " fie kncms that the pledge can be redeemed but i n one way, :Ind tha l t is byi t..eeking to the 'bona. fide settlers of theiTerritory, if mattets should he. allowe , lin remain m,s they . note .stand, the full, free anti praetical enjoy ment idf the tights intendea to be grunted -to thou' I , y the I 3 rgnnic ct; :Aincluding tlytt. of free tffia t ze, and no one gill understand bet ter than he-that ti,,thing sttort Of sub4tatice• of thor,e, right would aniw r r the purpose Or snti:N the exvited 'arid vif;ilrint ?scrutiny of -, ... - . those wt l o, will wzia.lieveryz-tep that i.. taken in ale r t - II:LI:Eli'. I Jou l ols were at one time tiuowrtt out—l know lir ! : Ni hat quarier rer , ard to the power cif the Executive to 'rive this- ,secnri:v ; tent ,ntrairs now iu. pro ,gress ;bow that these.clotitts. if iey . ever ex isted; ,tiave Leon disoehed., The iconstituti,m tnAe.ft it. Ole express duty oT theFederai,r4- ticutiO:,.to . ,(!.,e that. "the laws we 'faitiitall3- ek ecutoran,.: he is • ,clothed with powers aa equati.y to its performanec‘:l Will Mr: Buchanan, if Oct: e• redeem his .dr"- ? I -beF pledgC .tetive he trip, and Kill el - lee:folk , support 'tit." Ex-Govertkor Job a Bigler. Ator has heen 0-ottirr the ] rounds of the paper, that !this gentlemen had been notifid bv the San F'lanei,Eo Corninittee, that- lie must not return tilt C.thlbritia. Thule i not la word of truth' the. story. The Penn.itylranian o f Wedne:;day hist thus dis- . l . . the faorteatton : W(t, are authorized ht hilrrelf to prLlnount:e the statement fal , e! and ! Goy. !Bigler haq bre.n ab4nt•sinne the siii.of April, and has 11tdel no Connection, whatever, in the troubleS! in Sitn Franei-eo. The absurdity of the vliOle ;IMO- is rendered the more tranTaient front. the 'fact, lhat sey . and! his !associates, have etier been the most:bitter and Mtsc:rupulOuseni!Mies of Gov. Bigler.. The paper of iOich, •be publislid wa.;, filled witl the ffilde , t tahuse id that erni- - - rnit gentleipan. A New i l`ork•iptiper says : : -- We are - in : form ! d . thritilv-re is no founda tion fir. the report publi3hed in •:San'Francis co leti.J.r, the ex-Governor ilitzleti!htui been to - fineo,ed not, to !et urn to tealiNquia. There is indeed no reason for such!! r , quest, and hence its al,Aurditv. . Surveyor A.oi - Jrre...pontiebt speaks in ~ the•strongeq terms of :11ajor JAI] . 114iw4, ofli . ranklin in corinexion Atith the nomination, for Survey or Geileral, in, place ,t„f• titnothr• who declines the nonlinatior. • !Major • Rowe l is utiruestiol_ably ":a deserving, : man and ii sound Demw-rat, and s . ilifriTld lie he nnnina• fed an:d elected will 'fill :=l.la ‘..friei, with ability and fideliry. He 6 in ev!erY, respe . i.tt well fled for the stationoild is a gen'tieman of it -re; proat`,l . l a e moral eha ter. 1 I . ' Col; NN'illiarn T. Alleiander, of Clarion county, will also be. sCrong-ly - ifiged for the nomination. .The 0014 is a eler fellow, nnil it first-rate Democrat--(::otimietent and deserv--; ing—who has strong i;laikus upon the party. —Laneasterian.- • • 'Making a Great liFaut Of Mtn. At the rate Mr. Fremont's friends are go ing on, they will makebirn out the greatest matithe world'ever before the fall elec tion. Ile will have discovered continents ; have actually been CIT• the tip- end of the NorthiPole; 'nailed the American flier to the planets, Satan ; annexed the Aurora Borealis ; explored the bottom Of the oceans; flogged 'every Indian and Mexican lon qe continent; eipended more money, than any one e1:46 ; besides being the greatest: genera!, • man of science, botanist, and ;orator :that ever' lived. All this the Black: Reptiblican party will Make him out before 'the first of November, provided he will pay f for it. Considering, therefere s lthe 'great respect we have forthe Colonel, we are:sorry he has Men into the hrin;ls , of the philistines, for they Htill. pltiek him clean. before ,they . ere done with:hiin.. We :can 'rnakd no betterll- . lustration of his- positiOu ithan !by supposing. him to be the real:anti get uine . Twolly horse," who hits been over-dri r ven ion the plains, till helms dropped 'down frdm :fatigue,- and 'no sooner is he'down thap his- es are pecked out by turkey-buzzards, and' ten minutes at terwardS; 106 bones left +hife!:and bare, to hleach.in ,the eye; or, if this simileis - bette,r s. to a-piece old :cheese, dropped on the ground, a nd on the iustei3t attacked by a thousand: of black anti, leach straggling; to - 1 ; —! carry o it-Ttece. That Mariposa grant is the bait, Atid we rather suspect that - there is already a pretty heavy drain upon .it ; and be fore its lord is eleeted,,may be pretty well ea ten up byllie.btackants - that have already got the.scent of it ; atid,when it :is gone, we shall see . boiv the vermin will' scatter for the first fresh piece thatlany one else may throwp Hew Greely and his cohorts of black ants are chuckling oier their luck. If-any one don't believe it, let them'ack George Law. The opposition are strange ft.liows—they are unfathomable—we have tried the :earl on them, bu• cannot touch bottom. They accuse Mr.'l3trottarraN in one breath of being a F,....dralilt,'and in the next declare him to bea rank, radical, Jacobinicat Dem ocrat., Before hisnatnination they dedlared that be would be ••i:ljected by the ',ineirintiti Can. coition, bee:Mile his, morality., was too pure and his stateMensliip too"enlarged to suit the party lender 4: Now and tell us his morali ty que.ssioriablq attl-116tatesruanship .no great blitilre-s T Ley supported him Li fore he .was tniae the standard bearer , of the party beenuselthey . believed hiri to be anti-slavery—now they oppose him because ; they allege, he is pro slavery.- • • At one time they eulogised hini 'as a safe, conservAtive man—now they den . ounce him :ts - a ramanOrotis filibuster, -Ayho would swal low Cuba at a single gulph . and . annex ;all Gmtral un • Such is the character of the opposition.— It iltryitt : t to the temper to treat such a shtif fling mend:it:4ms set of hypocrites with orfis nary courtesy. nputrr OF REPUBLICANS.M.—Tite: Plouph keepsie Teleyroph c hatter a I3lack Repli h I can Cierg6nan of that plan n with uttering the fullos%ing reprehen,Able f-entimmt: . p . roy daily that this accursed (Mon 'may be diesolvcd, even if . blood have to ~pi![." • • Thi!; is the secret prayer of the whole pais tv, -anti the grand object they have'itt sic v. fie•not deceived by their hypocritical profes sions! - iIIr.ATE ,ELECTICIS.-011 the .first Monday, 4th ,of Atnzust, elections will be held in the Stites of.lientuckv, Attan Az, Texas, Missou ri, atidlowa ; ;Lod on the first. TlMrsday,.oth of Augu4t, ln.North!Carolina 'and Tennes , e. On September 201, in Vermont and california, and September Sdi,,in Maine. On the • first . of October,l7l.ll,in Georgia and Flor ida, anal' on the 2.d Tuesday, 14th of October, in Pennsylvania, Ohio add Indian. • . ..• Teacher's Institutes. . There will be Teacher's Town Institutes held as 101 l ws : • - Apdhu•un—Tuesday July 29th, at. - 9 o'clock jA. M. at tlui . Schou! boa se lielow Bei): be's. Juls. 30th, .at•-9 o',;:lock! A. M. at the; Setwor house !war br. Cut nell's. , , •Rnsii—Thursday Jtilv 31st, tti 0 u'eli.jekA. . ili.iLt.itle. •el,:o.)1 llott;e, pear Granzer's. Ditevtor.. and :friends will ''pli:.:vie see tli'at All the Tr :::hers are , f)resent:' The:pul.lie are i.o.itell to :Meta. - - B. F. TEWKSBURY, .c!..),, Silit't„ AU persons interested in the Town Clod:me re!pectinlly invited to net at 'F.-B. Clondler's t.lore, on Friday evening, the 18th of Jaiy, at 7 - and tali.; half o'-el.;r1;.; zglkaatau... At Eitnira, N. Y.. July '4th. by Rev S. Mini- Son. }:aims It, STF.r.r.rNs, Montruse, and 111 - 1)- IA LYNDER:\IAN, of -Nel% tun, N. J. • Extra Cheap Dry Goods! \VO immenso and 'attructice stocks of un - JL nt.w Goods at • . LORD & TAYLOR'S, iherefore,.!l . Rich Oress Silks,t3hAwlsi,"Mantiilas,DeLaines, Alpacas,:e4,buts, Dcl3 , :iges, VlAllies, Tissues. Clingharns, French, Engli,h and4inerican Prints, Linens, Flannels, Doniest ies,'H,,ivry, Embroiderics,Liices, Ribbous,Trith rninzs, Cloths, Cassinieres, Vestings,&c. Also, ut the •• (11?.AND" STREET STORE. Rich Gilt Corniees, Vv.'indow B:indels, Curtain Naterill., Tapestry - , Veivk and low. Oil Cloth -4, Rugs, S L . , :=jl - ''S E, , CI AI, INVTATION TO CALL_RiI Parties about to vigit New York are request ed to c.tal I.lt..tvre pnrelne-ing elsewhere, and will find thdse.the.largest cheapest and'most destra ;bie stocks : of Dry Qooris in the city. • 255, 257, 259 & 261 GRAND ST. Lnd net niztnberF.t, 47 & 49 (.;. , ITIIARINE ST.. N. Y. July 16, 1856.=-3m. ..Buriiet's'PA.tent Impro*ed • SELF 5EA1.17%.: CAN. This is 'the .cpxt, , r fruit Can in market made t'nt;rely of TIN ,All others are sealed by means of IZatl St:f errs. hie!' disco/or the fruit. By means of a Rubber Ring,, the sealing is made so pert: cg, ly Air Tight that the mo..t ejtre . less persok!eannot make a failure in "seating' this Can. A channel being arranged around the top, Wax can be used (if desired,) in ::,dd:tiort to the Rubber' Ring. tunnels are necessary in filling these Cans. .The opening is so large that a fultsized Pe .eli esm lie admitted ; or the hand inserted to wash -out. the . Can. • 'l:very Canis perfectly tested %V ht . ! TI 111„ta....- . • L-t e 'r Thiii Can is the cheapest in marketenn sidering theltsdvantages it has Walt ALL ottICF: Cain. _Orders filled promptly; by J. & C. BERMAN, Ageuts for the Patentee, 601 Broadway, N.Y.i . PRICE LIST. Quart Cans,', , per doz.. . $2,50 Half - " • 3,50 G.dlon Cans„ - • - " • - 4.50' Wrenches, - " -• • '75 Tops, corn plt4e, for sale.by the Dozen or Gross. DiSettunt to-the trade. • July 16.,=.3m. T HE undersigned an qtuditor appointed by the Orphan's. Court of Susquehanna Coun ty. to :make :distribution of the proCeeds of the s,alei of real eState.of Hen= Stoddard, dee'd,wili atiend to the duties of eaid appointment at his offiee, in Montrostcon Safurday, the Milt day of August next.'at I O'clock P. M., at whjeh time and place all persons baring claims fresent them, or be debared from coming in upon said fuod. FRANKLIN . FRASER;Auditor. 'July 11, 1856.-4 w. • DISSOLUTION. Tco -partnership heretofore existiicr. under tho firm of McMillan & Parlc is :this duy dissolved by mutual consent. . • ~ The notes and accounts • are in thehands of James McMillan fir -collection.. . JAM.ES : ASAPARK. . July 7,1846. * XTOTICE is hereby. given to persons 1.1 di mend* against the Estate of Ebenezer Gate, late of Saver Lake township, in Sesq'a Co.. dee'd, that the same must be' preventecl.to The undersigned for arrangement; and all persona indebted to said Pilate are required ter make mediate settlement. • JAMES GAME, ANSEL - GAIGE. June 19, 1856.—w6. Executors. • Strange Feltown. Notice. Per order of Ceimni lice Auditor's Notico. Executor's Notice. HARDWARE,, MESE PUR- NISHING - AND, FANCY GOODS. • ililiti4l3 - 3avanuti ;l Of Susqnehannal and Noiglboring Couitiea. : 1 1 ~TTE would respect f ully do lieit your “tten lino to our lafrge stock of the above tneritioned Goods, now in-store and in course of reception. For tnany,+years the trado of one cfL l the largest portions ofi the Empire State • hay; been retained by a tnnpopOly, which has nt given away before the rush of enterprise. Posse/ming uneguitfed facilities , for huying.,ll and - having direct communication with the most; extensive Mannfactoriiis in the United States,l, we say, withont exaggeration, that we 'can end' ; will sell, either wholesale or •retall, at prices lower than ever ofP•reo before west . Of N. Y.; • City. , 1 - • - While nothing has been omitted in trio Hard. ware lino, we have giVen particular attention to the House.Furni-hing branch of our busitiesS;', and have on hand a stuck .well worthy .the in spection of Pottse Keepers. • Of Pane'', .G.Hods we . Pave i,tlto a large awrt-i !tient, which , having beep selected with especial i reference to the waot4, of our customers , we!l think will please those fn need of articlosin this tine.- • • • .1 Ia enntlusinn, we wonou sly that our Goods' are new, of the first quality, ,and that we; hopo,by strict attention to business, and a con• l'stant anticlegtiOn of wishes of our patrons.: to oerit'even an increase of tho . confidence .1i• I ) ready.reposed in n 4. • YFE 4 KisiOWLTONT, Hardware, House Furnishing' and Fancy Goods; Eatablishment, bl golirt St., Bingham • ton, N. Y., najosinina• Bank of • Bin , rtidtriton. • i N. B. WO . II3VP very! large stock of Woadl eu and Willow Ware, .ifits and Rot2:4, Britannia! NVare, Fancy Bird Cages, &c. Sp. , rtingl alvaratus ofei•ery including-Fkliing! Tit eklek in all ks varietiq, Guns, .R.ltles, Pistols,!: Gun Materiiils, dtc. i f - From the Binghamton I Democrat;, April 10th. SpL E NDI D ImPrti)VEI4NT.-4•We bare before; noticed the new store crectect by A.,..Knowtton,l Esq., adjoinim , the Banl4 of Binghamton, to btu occupied as a'HardwareiStore by Messrs. Phyft & Knowlton. 'As it approaeltes completion it deserves more . add more the: praises that havl been bestowed on it. and is undoubtedly in its style, finish and appointMents the model store of the_Southern Tier. MO . ssrs. P. & -K. are noW putting in their stock, tle later and more cornt plete than has heretofore: been kept'iti this place; embracing all the departments of • Hardware, Builders Finishing Matt}rials..ts Fixtures, &c.I. &e. Mr. Blackstone, an experienced and reedy workman,maperintends;the Gas ,hitting depart.! ment. Look is at Phy:te & Knowlton's. Hardware and House Furnishing Geode.. , . , . , THIS is'a progresNive age. No one doubt it; (aril', they did, a glance at the manifold wires on which the Jightninz; whizzes with im portant new.i, woubt man copvince . ; a look at the rushing cap . ; would add more emplio f sis l( 1 1 ) the last and wise cotnelosion. New proofs prey sent themselcs eaoll day - cash daywe dr.: mutt anxious to l' . . • 1 "Catch the liTingsmanners - as they rise,'' i turn them to our :owa nel . OUnt, add take in as i mach cash. as possible. - . Nowla days peofile are averse to dealing at old fashioned Steres i i--thos'e established •from ten tai twenty years n 7,0. ' Their proprieta;rs having I n i. 'come tharow , lo imbued with the high price principle, (or rather lack of princiPle.) are urj. willing to lowerftheir demands tacit scale 'more in accordance with the times we lire in. resolved to,leep pace with the prol.Trcssivie spirit of the Ilge.:. we have opened our new . and spacious Store,; No. 51, Ctiurt• St:, with a veil) ; largeThssortinont.uf . ._ .. • Hardwaie, House Furnishing, and Fancy Googis, which we tifl"tfr.wholeenle.•er at the 14west'prieeR; for cash or approydd credit. • PIIITE &KNOWLTON, 5 , Coo'rt 11,1 ghlout.on, N. Y.! We adyise ebuetryrSerehants.to viii us. They wiil firoli it ailv.intagenui?' • FARMERS -'\7 ILA, full a large lot of , i Hoeg, Rakes, 1 . Spades, Sthovefs,'‘ - I • Gra',.. ,- ;-Ifoo'• - S 7 I -1 • ... ~. 1 - - , Craditis, and many nt.hpr ac4irles for.tillinc , and beitutify inir the eatth,;at 1 1 4,11'FE & .KNOWLTON'Si, Binghamtnh,ll._ Y . . ' '' ' •. • I __. ---'— TQ :THE LANES; • , 1 1 iTE are di•termin4 to 'suit the Ladiqs, hal, : Y. sing thiir comfort in view, 'we lat.tly prb cured a the iinporter:s, a large assortment of 1 - • i FANCy G(XpS, , .. 1 which must tiertainly.please e'en the imost fas • tidious tr:ste.; ' I 1 1 We hare al fine stock of Milt.; Nailmi Tooth Brushes e . (iniprising, many . elegant styles. Of combs we have an extensive varn.t y, ioelk ding many ofilndia Rubber,' Iron 'and: Horn. J We have. deride, man` other. F.lneY Articlg,s. too numerous to mention.., Call and exam* our Fancy Glods. .._....' _ - •______l___ 1 - IPIIIFE & 51 C'utirt It.. • . . , ißefripiratots.. .1 JUST recer -Ix7i4e lot.„.zit. pricer .from:ss. )0, to $1 NI YEE &KNOWIL'rON. .13inAarntob N. Y. Bird .tages! Bird Cageg. !!. pIYFE &;KNOWI,TON, 4avo jusi r.:ceivd,d a large abd well eclectecl - ntowrinient of BIRDCAGES, epinblninlrjapny of the most elegarlt tic44,Tris dad bt-autjtut fint6h ; combining dnr.tli i ility 'with lighincAm and iririness of stvle4 From hs 6d, t') '6l 0, each, dritikiog and 1.?,;(1 eup4 included. i PHYFP., & KNOWLTON. ! 51, Court It.,.l3inghanaftn. Colintry Merchants; Flurnishinir IV I fi kt i n i w n G uv snt Yf rie I'l 1 YFE; & ItNONYLTONS. Binghtunto . To Sportsmen. • . • Fishing Tack i le!-- Guns! I?ijles . !.,Pistolti? • TOWYPE&IiNOWI.TON li,tve now on .hano lot'of Fkhing . Tackle, ing I Rock from In l 6d, to 'slo each. • 1 I.ines, from l ;f3c,:ts.. to 85, each. • 1 I Reels, froml 8140 to 86 each, and an assorti ment•of artificial Bait. never before .klualled iii this vicinity, i Olnding Frogs. Miee, Glass, Loath er, India Rnobirr , Minnows,Gutta Perch, Gras Hoppers, Shriinp, SPioning 13 it, &c, Pat ent spoons to . 4vold . catching grnks while balling. Patent Springillooka for PiCkerel or Pike.-* Soebdologers,!or YnaTe Doodle ILoks, a nets' and improved anode of catching Bill. W have a ,f,Ocii stock'of Guns, Rifles, Rei f . volving, single, and double.barrelad Pistols, Ilona; der, Shot; Water Proof and other caps, Huntini Horns,. Turkey calls • cte Powder Flamktl, Pouches,. Game .Bags,:Temperance Bottles, &e.. &c., &e. • 1 , • . . In' fact we have every article of Sporting AP pal-n.028. . Hooks, for outline fishinz by the hum- Ared thousand:l PIIYFE & KNOWLTON. .5t Conrt sit.( Binghamton. DETICI3I.O`, , for . ...7(lito;, large asilort. IA) . merit at iiIIYFE KNOWLTONS. To the Citizens of Montrose. rt AS FITTING AND. FI.XIfURES. Phyfe & Knowjton . are at all times ready to in sert Gas Pipe n old or new litmaim, in a work man like mann r..and at low prices. ! They have .fine assortment of ChandelierS, Pendent.% Portjtble," Brackets, Glass. Globes, an# -Faney Paper lihades. • ' Mr. Blaekstene,.. who superintends tho,work has had nineh+xperienes In this line, itt New York and Brociklyn. Orders solicited. PHYFE & KNOWLTON. i . Binghamton TIOCi A PO IVT AGIOCUINURAL lIIRKS. R. M. WELLES & C 0 Atli( P- A; . HORSE POWERS, THRESHERS AND . I ; SEPARATORS. 11 , Tlirei.,hers and Winnowers conibiii4 . CLOVER HULLERS . I . Cirtulor i and Cross Cut Saw Mills. ,1 Eurerfs Cider Milli+. Feed Cutters, Corn Shellera:Corn and seed Planters. Se i rour's Grain "rills and Broad Cast Sowers. evolving 11er:14 - Rakes. Dog Poi.6,rs. Clow's' Grain Cradlea.l Reich urn's Mow'srs. Reapers and fowers`Conibiried. Magic Corn and Cob Mills. EzeolsiorlFanning Mills. Cultivators. Loather . and Rubber: Belt. logs, Meat Cutters, Apple Peare.s. Refrigera tors, Provision Safes, dr.c._. ~ .. Extras furnished for repairing . EtnerY and Wheeler'smaehlues. t . Our Exeeleiior Fanning Mills area . con 4. ' to rr.ine made, iu the Union.• I i Descriptive Catalogues, Price Lists andlCireu. has of all machines, &c., sold by us, eat; emirs and -pOstage prepsid, to all applicants. Send us your name and-address. l - , - fL L.!:Bf..OWERS, of .Franklin, Age s. .Poet `Office nOcire.sA,.Montrose; Pa.. LITOPGRAPHS, Artist's Paints a d 'Brush. es,. at • . TURRELL'S. • 10ne,•1856. - I .• I • • .1 FEBII extra Flohr for saie at $8 per bbl., las. 6i one fourth bbl., at S. S. MOTT'S. 51.ant,rose, June 4,1856 • , Ashton. Salt, FOR -Dairy and Table use, just received and for sale by the Sack, Bushel or. Found, by t 4. N. BULLARD. June 9, 1856.• I Cash for Wool. HE' highest price, in cash, will bel paid for Woo by H. BUIHOTT. New LNlllfOrd, June 23, 1856. - ►, 1 ' - , ; Wanted. I rpWo doien fat Turkeys by the fiat -L also; fat. Chickens, at • 5.3: T'S: Ntorronse,lPa. Auditor's Notice• T 1 Ht subscriber, appointed to re-audit the me counts of Caleb Carmalt:Ex'r ofj the Will. of Lydia Thninson &c., and also.to replirtl a dis. trihntion rif the funds in said CarMait'h hands as Ex 'r and Trustee &c., will attend theretoi at his otlice ir. Montrose, on Monday, the 25th !day of July next4.at one o'clock Ir. - M. - ,,, at which time all. persons interested can attend if.they' think i proper or: be debarred &e.. - - • I WM, J. TUItRELL, Au itor. July 1, 18.56.-28w4. , ' A GIGQ'I'2 A.LIGHT Everiy Dity Mints %omethi . rILPiYMN & BA4S'S self gene Lumps; giving the clearest and to ful light of :inv thing yet' discovered qualed:l:97 • Any thing else in eedno /amps'are, si constructed that you ge id l z:L.s4 lighti from the common burn and three times the amount of light quantity of Fluid. *For male by the at the Montrose Post Office. • , , 1 • . A. N. bU Jun 6 18, 1856. " 1 N. I. Tnd ulual Class Fluid Lam to a ga , -34. 13faner. - NEW Llort.Dit.l fully Chaser; the L ;31Ni:fess vi; s:rirt ;attent! of Public, p. (11e4, Brit; le4 Citrrriai will 6t n'eatl ternisi ADITERTISrIitti 13[, airr.ti &i.CO., wool }forth the public thatitliey interest in the it•.idlej an t A. &. E„,Baldwin.l !!Inn to. business to reeeiv tronage, Conv,tantly on. Ilarnoss, ‘Vhips, Trunki 'Ye Trinunings in all 'of ita done to order on • • Basement Shop No FORDIIAM SMIT Jan I, 1813 . MEM I ire ! Fire ! Fire ! L.rsiinea is ageit for th .0 .conipanies,..:the rep .civeny, and honor:ible do i flown to the. public. /OMING MUTUAL I 82,200,000. and L insnrar which; for '4.! been 'long k' LY. Thii Parr.' C:tpit.3l 820' gagol! err Union iniurance of: I,oou, secured by BOnds Staie u&1 at Ilarrkbargqiin'ilt liatuitl ['Tali.' Capital s3su,odd; ' Applicants ran. receive polij or any of, th above companies. BILLINGS STR6I.: 3Lty 12, 1856. rangig, Nl . optrose WOOD' ,N, Willow and TiniWn • . & KNOW 13in;gh~mt ips by etis to $5,6t. at i - PHUT & KNOW I F , r )M Ezaz ritannia 'Ware 7 large sleek ' (VERY Bilvhdrnt o Vso in Fife-ing• rpliArsigo—ns kink nu Phyfe!& ; Knowlton 1. keep such a splendid ossortinene l or CARPENTERS TOOLS;1 us they now have in store, and whiedi hands, rival ILlrdwares included, 'acktiowledged to be.' the . , BEST AND CHEAPEST, I " ever offered to the citizens or, Broome, ousque hanna, or nny other county. • • 1• i We can furnish as . good an outfit or tOols as Hill,.Wood or Seymour, of New York city, and it prices at least 25 per cent. lower thhn either. ALL TOriLS SOLD BY OS WHICH DO ipT !PROVE AS REPRESENTED WILL BE EXCHANDED OB THE HONEY REFUNDED. F PHYFE & KNOW,LTON. • Hardware, House Furnishing and! nm!Hoods Establishment, 51, Court Se., Bingham ! ton, N. Y., adjoining Bank of Binghamton. rrABLE and Pocket Cutlery, et! great variety, 1 at very /ma pOees. at • . ! • 1 1 11 Yr& & KNOWLTON'§. And A still they Conte.i IVEW Book every week. Old Santa Claus is 11 round yet and will be 'till after 'New l Years, so please prepare for him bycalling at the . Post office; where you cab get new, enlertaluing and useful books, cheap. The Hinters' Feast, or Converiatlens arqund the Camp Fire; Kate Weston or ti Will lan& to Do, Ten Years among the , Mail Bags, Family Pastimes or home made Happy, Life on the road Or Claude Duval &e., - Peter Parleys' new Delver.. sal History and gift books, Mrs. LeslieS, - Crowen and Bales New Cook books etc., and toaAq oth. ,ers I 'dant mention here, but can ehow - them to you if you will call, and' sell them loiv for the Ready.. • r. - ULLARD. Montrose Dee. 26, 1855. - • Cash for W 001.,. 1, 1. . ICKERMAN di GARRATT [ will pay the D highest market price for all the Wool In tilus4uehanna County, delivered at their store. • New Milford, Yuba 16,1856. ' . g drew. tin g,1 1 ,34 stbeanti nni3 uu& motes the irplend- Muhl, a leis oteriber ti- re.speet- • have imr-- I arness is L. t nie.toy 'fir share lati, i. tBzd : br- p anehes ea4onable - , ' .47 Cat i " followipg takion .of • ling, Nave APITAI., thetilj'a. and Mort• :stock and I e, af - TONS, I :TOYS TONS MITE 4 KNOW S ta` boa /I Ittia - ditt . - - , Till it til T .aulanvial. WvgrituA* IT'REMAIN decd :; are on hind' Y with the hugest, best„ and cheapestetock of general merehandise in twee.. 'Of:insisting of large, timid Axes ; .Al and Alspice. = Brooms, ' Seduteudi , - • C l ocks, Cal oes and Clothing. Denims, Dr gs, and Door Handles. . - Envelops, & sing, and Epsom Salts. . _ .... ' . Flours Flannel& and Fishlifooks. '. :-. Masa i Groceries, and Ginablets. - 1 • Hats. Ham. l aud Mid: Bmm Lk, indiguond Imperial Bahl" (dresses.) Jug& JaconuUi, and Jewsharps. , itt is Knives, K Ira, and Kentucky Jeans, ` . • Locks, Law and Looking Glasses. - Matches, M Iles and Molasses. Nutmegs,.. ankeen, and Notions. ' ' I Oils, Oxim eend Overalls. Pork, Pills 'd Powder. "7 • ' Queenswa Quills, and Ql3.lfrt-cups. Rubbers, sins and Rat.t+iips. ',_ • Shoes, S i iiir and Sepr. Tobacco, T and Trace Chains. Umbrella& nder-shirts and Union Hats, . • Vella, Vine r and Vitro!. I.Vhips,. WO fits abd Wash.lnis.' tra Super6ne Flour. p: , - yrk, Cott° 'ades and Youth's Hats. &And man other Articles which they are selling at are , smell advance on coif- prices. "Small profita' and fair dealing is the molt,' tor the Summer ia! i'56.. :Give us a r.:111 and tost, the truth of our attertiona. . , -1 i - W.IL TREIIAIN 6z. CG. Lanesboro,ra., May 26, 123 C.• .. ' , Better tate than Never. New GO°at the Upsonvl E lle s., dill • . change : , M. BE subsc be: Ls happy to i nform his friends and patro s that be has just received a choice lot of odds, direct from New York, con silting, in pa of Dry, Goods. Groceries, • Crock: Cry, Ilardwari Stoneware, Fish, Nails. Boets -and Sitees; Haand Caps, Bonnets, Umbrellas; Wall - ;Paper,l Window Shades, Ready-made rtit Clothing, Yarikeit Notions, tke. lifee., which he will sell as. cheep for ready pay, eqpecially far - CaNh a l / 2 can -Ifel bought at any other establish ment in the county. - That is to say that he will, not be beat bl u any braging .. _ • • JE. VS OR. GENTILES. t ' lie also wishes to say a word to his cstomelp. and others. in relation to the way 'some mean, folks do their' bUsiness. , if. they -have socks,- Cabbages, or Turnips or, anythin,f elso 11.0.1133; werable that they wish to dispose of they will take- them to l. the store in their oWII.-10Wri and fairly or unfatri/ylorce the merchant to buy them, and . it they hitie money to pay for Goods, they will go to Bin hamtam or some other place .to spend it, and then report . around tam much cheaper they can buy Goods :IV* from home than they can at home, All I have to any to such customers is time to mo with Your cash and if I hare'any Goods yoit want, 1 can and tout sell them to yon at prices perfectly astonish ing. I J. L. MERRIMAN. 'l lypsonville, ?tiny 10,1856. ',.. , - come -and - See'. EGwrk-pve cents in cash n iii blVir ope dollars worth of the splendid stork oT spring and stuutner Goods just receiving at the cheap Cash and barter store at .Ditnock four curi ners, where 'analyst everybody. goes now. to Lai, the' Goodsj Flou r and Salt kept always on hand. • • 11. ,TIM VEIL Ditnock,lifly 23, 056, • foot. E. Thq.3ier, I(1 EKES this method of saying to his. friends ..L, and c*3tbmerti that he has again resumed the practice of Medieine at his old St.ind in-Mon; trose, where' h may be foutid at all times unless professionally mployed. Fle,Would aay . tothose owing him on Id accounts that he,will deduct 35 per cent. on; a 1 accounts paid before the first of April itext,o if any poor ; like -raYself,) • I: will deduct fifty: Montrose, . , Atiiival of the Africa. . • - 1:7, T HAVE_ OA day . received,.por Steamship l Afri ca, anothe invoice of those unrivalled PAT: ENT LEVE WATCHES: .MY stock is now complete in.e ery description of Case . , Open taco ;Ind./hinting:, old ,and Silver, and linvite the attention of a I persons in want' :of a first. class Watch, as by importing my own .Watehes di rect I can Sell to, my customers :at aelowest New York wholesale prices. •) ... ' . . - ALFRED J.' EV Ns, - 1;6. . No. 2 03c1 Fellows' Hall: EE RE Juno 4; 185 • - . Jebberit Wanted. . ..:.t . liE underaigned will lot by contract to elehr i 15 acresof land, from whielr. the lumber and fire wo has been taken., od l i -Also the Cut ting of one m ion feet of hemlock logs, and the peaiing of th bark from the same. Also ^the cutting and auling, or Ow cutting alone, 4.f 2000 cords o Rail Road wood. .- . . The above ork to be done this season, and will be parcel d out to suit, any One....wishM47, to don part of t o .Iy. For further particulars, please apply to the undersigned nt. thil work. 3 1.2 miles uP . thr Plank R.iad ;rout Elaticna; Claware Co., N. Y. - ..• ' .`;Ten good- men wanted to drive teams-and work. ' in a sate mill, to whi:ll- gool wages will be: paid. Early application .Snlicited.; Post thrice addreser-=-Hancoek, 1),i1, Co;. N. V. -1 . . ... ! . - -- - :-...1'. ',,,;...: ..0..B.:011IFFIS. May I, T 856. , •:cOr -D. P; DemerestlVC4;: Farmera•,to your.lnteritst.. A Tare th:ant+ from- 12 to 28' ur-30 per mit. on your eareslinc!nt. . . . . • ~ THE totbse ;her is prep tied to furnish Thresh. - ing Mach nes and various other Agrieultur. atimplements, not .to be Surpassed by any in thin couutry,f mit the well known 'and long es tablished 31ant i faetory of.WheeleOlellick & Co. Albany, N. Y. There are:but a few .:farmers in this county, but "what ran realise the above per cent. or more, as thp horse power can be applied in sawing wood,in log or otherwise,: churning, cutting stalks,lstraw, and hay &c., and various other uses tno:nutnerons to mention. For sev ernl rea-sonit l an make Wan . object for Wow) wishing to ,Putlchase, to call upon meanti"have their orders 'filPed. I have the freight-so nrrnng. ed that the transportation is.bnt a Mere trifle.— Ali implementit warranted to be and to perform as recommended, (see larg&h•lnd bills.) I can also furnish mschinery from other Manufactors if desired. : Na w is your time o send, • ordersand your machines will be is readiness at harvest. Dim ock, Su TIME CHANGED 2Egg , Dcfavrarin, Lackawanna & W. R.lf ir SU3.IIIR ARRANGEMENT! 4 6 r i N and a or Monday, May.l9th, 1856, the _is./ Mail - P senger Train , . will depart.from. Scranton at 1035 a. in. Due at_Great Bend -at 1.45' p. m. connecting with the Dunkirk and Buffalo Express East, on the N. Y." & E. _R ft: Passengers tal l ing this train will arrive in But. fide it p. M., and in New,,Yikrk at p. m. • Returning, Will leave Gre - at Bend at 310 p.rn.; duo at Serantt tn at 6.00. p. . ' • . The .F . 'reig t Accommodation Train, with passenger ear attached, will 'leave Scranton at In 12.45 p. .; anneal'', with the Mail Train west, and the Night Eipresi Trains both east t and west. .P ngers taking this train and' the Night Express East , will . arrive in New York at a. tn.; by ' kinitthe Tight - Express West, 111 ;e will arrive in p unlii ik . iii m., or by taking the-Mail Tra* • vieciii;' will arrive it Dunkirk Returning, ill leave Great tend at, 7a. M. and arrive at =ton -12,06 p.'in. Passengers. fo r. IWilkesbarre; Pittston, Car bondale, Phil elphia, (via thoCablivissai Will iamsport and Eriiinii -Rending Railroad, via Tamaqua.) unit_ utocW4.- all intermediate Plates, Will Wilret elaarlitage coaches in reid.- $ d r at at, Senultaii'on the• arrival of the Pena. enger and - A‘nommodatiert , Traink to epnvey them to the 4 tro :plume Those eboosing pd. vats conveyances will find the best of how and eiiriages 'oravett ciesaription, at reasonable chars, ready to order. • • . • . - P; . It Di 3 rTraartl 80 0 . . 1' MT 19; lill4ll, - - , • SatiorinU Efroenton, 20,1855-9tf . E. T. TIFFANY. q. Co:, - Pa., May 21, 1856. • HOZ 4 . * : CEASED; . . • Peace Dectiated I - _, , ONtiocb: tenticth at secures the attitliti itatiottiothe norigittion of the Pitatibionif be it known to the peoples - of eciciathanns County. .end the rest of the world, that thy *lli audit to their advantage to "come fir the amp. - *ranee Saloon and Grocery In 'Main St',Montz rose; Pt (the only_Teniperance *don* in Mott:. rose) to get Pies, such ,as are pitts;_Galtelli Cheese, Craeltere, • Sardinia, :pickled Wits* Clams, Cucumbers, lee Creamy Oranges . Pine - Apples, end Seger. , Nu ts ata____, — Blair Beer, Ice cool Lemonade. and Soda Water N . ' eat 'and drink. At the same Edited: ii a vied - et. sortmeut of Otoctiriet& and Proyisions, with:riew":4 supplies every week from New York, each sta.: Tea,cheice kinds, from as. 9c., to ' 65., per 1b.. : Sugar nova at - 9 •• ctr. • Best Coffee; :11 I.2cts.; -: crushed, Pnivericed and Granulated at is. per. lb. Molasses 3s. 6d. per Gallon; best Syrup at 61.6 d. per gal. Pork, Smoked Muni and Shoal- den. dried, Beef Run. Cod. - Mactertil:White' - and Blue Fish, Cheese, Crackers, liird; Tallowi - Sterine patent and-Sperm Candler, it . t.a:lett-4f liar Soaps, Shaving do. best Itt.nse, COffeeticev - and Tobatx.o, plug and tine ent. - Chekving, and - smoktng.do. in tin foil. Fire Crockett and Fire ' Works. Matelles, all kinds. dried Peaches;; ; Plums, Cherries, Figs., &int la. to le.:6d. per,lb., - Prunes, ?antes Correnti,CitrOti, ..Fig pas te,, Se- - go for puddings, Spices all kinds - , " do: Ground If ustard, do. French Soap PoWder; Babbitts Slal;. : mratus, do. and Washing Soda; 'Cream Torters-, and Super C - Arb Sods Tartaric. Acid, - Liaorice;`'' do..rtiot, Fancy Candy. •and Gam- Drops, loth : Irons N. Y., CASSia• buds, Caaary seed, Nutmegs , : Cloves &c., Cocoa, Brom* and.ChalkolotOi Dm*. .- lards, black -and Scotch - snuff, Bastes, from - ls. to la. 6d. per- lb, Suttanee seedlessßasins,ititich ) .; - - (pearl) Corn starch; Patent Nutmeg; Graters,aitd, s : Clothe's pins; Sweet and Castor Oil in bottler; Raytnond's , Leei. and WriOts Pills, - Salts, Roll brimstone, Sulphur, GUM • Camphor, Vinegar - Choice lot of Catsup, Pickles,- Pepper Sauce,. itZoi)bery-Sy ru f l / 4 flavoring extracts;Mair.Oilip - embelish And prevent from' falling offer turning g,re, herring by the Box, ' • Wash, Scrub - and* Shoe brushes, Stove- and be Blacking,. Garden seeds, slate and leadpencils, saluted. - ' Wint-e. l4\ lea, Broome, Tooth Ache Ointment; en - almost' sure cure for burns, Sprains, "•Braises; ire. , Rai- - Alan Linament, good. for MAII or beat: '.. Horse . • Medicine, together • with a large ' assortment of I Children's Toys, • selected with - great care ,fer I ..p.th girls - and boys, among , which are small.. padS and Atilt/et . % I - tersest, Dogs. ' and Cattle 'e t a . wheels and rockers. !Mill Tea Seta, Thinibles, - ICornelian Rings, Tops, Clariotiettes, Accortie- on, Harrrionicons,' Karin, an d ; m an y , curious thinga, Ladies Baskets and SeWing ; Birde..Sack Salt for family use, Corn Meal, also Flour, kept I constantly on hand; by the pound; sack or bar,' rail. ' • TyyttrA -a - Em s ,. - Clams, Oranges and Lemons, Pine - ''Apples, Some Eggs, Butter, Potatoes, Beans; &c., taken ' in exchange. The aboie Goods are for sale. for . cash or rady.pay. , - • l'hankful for past favors, I , hope by..strlet. attention to. business and small profita to -gain a - larger share -of patronage, and thereby, a)l•be" mats* benefited, all' orders with-.the ready will beiproMptly- attended to.' Tenwerance Saloon, Grocery aria Provision' Store in Main St., Montrose, Pa:; May. 20,1111564 CLEAR THE TRACK. WPADI 1D34134112,1216 N . the pirt of SISIMONS & MERRIMAN; O Gooiigainst those, old codger's ~.f, s econd 441 d high - Prices, Friends, Count - oaten," and all'. . - (which includes 'everybody,) 15f . ,0. "have just received a splendid stork of SPring and Saw , ' nier Goods, at our store,on PUBLIC AVENUE . ; first ado,' above the Post - Office.. Which-, we are , determined to sell for - • L . • - Rl'l. DY -- Yr -- : .7 a "leetle" cheaper' than can. be botight Ibis :market. Onr stock .Comprisesa complete a:wort- - mei:A of tbe latest styles- and. best .qualities - of Goods, from the coarsest Brogans, to the finett_ Congress Siik Listing Gaiters for the Ladies. - MI N i'reneh Calf Boots, the best : in town.—,. • The best assortment of Ladies Gaiters_ ever in= . troduct;di into this market, • MEII.O.IA • • in great variety. • Findings a general asitortment. • Also'Sole Leather, Upper Leather, - Calf , Skins, .Kip Skins, Patent Leather,-Bronzed Morocco. Cu rases Morocco, Boot . Morocco„ Linings, - kinds. • . All kind of work made to . order,and:repairing done "neatly. • Thankful for put- favors, we hope litirdeal= ing to merit a continuanne of tile 'same= Call and see us before, puyetissitio elsewhere. SIMMONS & 31ERRIMAN, , MontrOse, May 26,1856. ° Now Arrantement at Gio - gitry's-' .. HARD TV A.R E STORE! . GREGORY & JU, DSON-, having formed. a eapartnership . ,for, the : purpose of con'dueting the Hardware busingis iri all its Various- hranches, would respectfully, in: form the people of Susquehanna count* the, they are now opening 'at'aregory's Old Stand,. opposite the'Exchange Hotel,l doorsliont Canal, Binghamton, N: Y., the largest, - ehespost, an 3 beststock of Hardware ever offered in Bing= tnadeiwrningements to iMport their English Goods and Purchasetheir, , Auserseart resat from Inanuf4citarers, they ems , tuul , will sell CHEAPER. than .any_ - other lestablishment its tows t„.-' Their Brack' iwnOw very, extensive,, and those wishing to purchase are invited to,'Call., The following are a portion ofitheir leading' str- tieles,',viz:—:Tablo knives and! forks, Tea do.;- carvers, forksi and steels, pen sad pocket=knives, , bread and butcher do., hiy and; straw do.",' sors; shoats, and: razors, britanata !tea and.eoffee ' pots, silver and britannia tea •strid -table .apoons; silver plated, brass, and iron caCtileatickis, ;Bout - fers and trays, solar lamps, lard, arid; sitspended lamps, mantle-piece ornaments', brass and iron' andirens,sltovels aid tongs, Sze. - - LoOkingthasses, and looking glass plates, to-_ gether with's general assortment-of housekeep: ng articles. . - ' _ • • HOUSE TRIMMINGS,: ' : . .onsisting of locks, latches , butts, scre ws, brad nails; bolts, patent window springs, blind fasten. ings, shutter screws, and fastenings,. &c. , A general assortment of tools for _Carpmaters and. Joiner& Cabinet and Wagon Makers, Masons and blacksmiths, censisting , of PlaneS; =WS; bun mere, hatchets, axes, adzes, - chisels" augers, auger bitts rind hollow angers. anvils, Bellowit, vices, patent drill machines. sledges, stone hammers, brick and - filastering trowels„cross-cat, mill and cimular saws - •‘. - "A splendid assortment of Saddle andllarnessi makers tools and trimmings. FARMING TOOLS, - consiathig shovels, spades, forksiakes;seythet, grain cradles, lines, pick axes, iron bars; _grind Mart, Agents for the sale of .Whittetnere, Squires & Co's Agricultural toolsouchtna hay andetraw cutters, corn shelters, dm „. • 004) and upper leather, Morocco 111341 shoe trimmingvi: with a general assortment of &Atop, Wendell wire; willow Studies, - wagons,,.'ehaira and basket* or descriptions. Bar iron andltteel, iron axles end steel springs.. . tnalleshle_castinge. coach lace and trimmings-of all kin* paints, le, nab, glass, puttyolio4 of which - will be sold at the lowest, Wee., fluze..: . 'call and examine the stock for y00411%1; - • . Binghiiniton, Starch, I, 1855. _ THE . ..30W01171,1 HE aobseribeienita . received . alarge nia 1 meat of Goods t o Which he would ;van the attention -of hia friende, - eoushitieg °revel style of Breastpins, Ear Rings, Finger Blum. Cote peml„ Fipielooloo, Rings, Erealai.4.o..; Alio, a:large:stocked' Cleats of a great variety of flattens and prie v aii.ri 131411 r, Ca - WE% aid Plated Ganda, of every-.' '..4 4 i'Verit largest_gak_ofGold. and Silver WalebOic vfirtiltr moat lipproired Maker*, mid of the - llama •!tfmintr titlytikiti will be sold at the learisifel4i.W--' COIL - • Aurt. 4 o ,W.. 41 6 11. - P1(k'2.j.0 , 1 4 1, rellutve June'!ii Evitrrrn 12 t 4404 per . ivNnT* MOTS`
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers