The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 10, 1856, Image 3

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    . .
a ctors refusing to go on without their . money.
Walincl:lt , , which - wr i ts opened by 10. Stu
srt, a stesseePind Dioul3OUrcieautt us. - iiiami,:.
ger,;zhas been Abierg a good business. I 'Agnes
itebertson, the "Fair} Star,", as she' has been
'christened by the admirers, is the attraction.
TheinoveltrhaS been a play. called the Phan ,
torn , Written by Bouicicault himself.. : It it
founded'on the : horrilde superstition of the
vampire, and is as : shailowy and ghOstlike as
can well be' imagined: 1 It is,, An in : -
tensely interesting piece, and .hai created. a
f a vorable impression upon the audiences.—
Miss Robertson is a moat charming little. we-,
man; her equal in, the parts 'she essays, has
never appeared here. Tit e new establishment
is called the Sunireer Garden', though the
".Gtirden" part of the Story is a mere catch.
) 1
, iattura Keen and Burton have notlet
'coMprotnised i eir :difficulty, and Burton .
will undoubtedly tlke 'posz , ession in. Septetn
her, and Laura wiii 'to try her
•foi tunes elsewhere, 1 - . .,. ~.:.
4 ille greatest novelty we have idis a ' Miss
traina,Stanley at Nib'..p . 's Garden.. She gives
a veirpectiliar entertainment called- "The
Seven Ages .of Wpman," in the course of
, rltich she gives imitations of about fifty
. ferentaaractef. Sbe. speaks .and sings 'in
French, Spanish;Ge:rninn, Turkish -and hal
,ian,..lttid plays the piano and guitar, and clan
_ lees 'dmir.ii s hly,so that she SOCIOS to -I,)e ft whole
d'rarriatic coiniiany, in herself. The thin; is
novel and unique and will no 'doubt have a
' '
fine •tieeess.. .
Othet will' ) . i . tions are doing. well,. al though
the - hot weather. las driven mnltitu — des . out of:
< !• •
' -
flown. •
1 •
31r. Buchanan on' the War of 1S -
The Washington Uniorkplibli,lbes the .fol
lowing letter, (heretofore unpublished) from
Mr. 13nelianan,to the Hon. George W:Jones,
of Tennessee, elicited by 'a call fr o m
that'gentleman_ for information 'on that sub
ject,:whiclieffee,tually seta at rest the aecusa
lion ;against Mr. B.; on'account of his alleged
oppcisition'to the last War :
"WASHINGTON, April 23, iS47,
iii DE.4I: Sia :-I have this
, . -
ceived your letter of the.lsth inst., and has
ten return an answer. .
In one respeco have been fortunate as a
. public man. 13, , political enemies are oblig
ed to go back . morohan thirty years,..totind
plausabie charges against me. •
'ln 1814,'when a very young man; (being
this da y fifty-sir years of age,) 'nude my
- spedch - before a meeting of my fellow :citizens
of tancosier'. • The object of this speech was
to tirge upon them the duty of volunteering
their services in defetice cif their'Mvaded.coun
.t.r4 A volunteer company' was raised upon
the; spot, ht which I wits. the Srrst. I believe,
to enter, my name as a private, WC:forth
with p r o t .e,,led to flaitittore, and seisviol un-
Cis, were lionolahly
. - . - 410,±tober 1514, 1 Was elected a meMber
(tithe PennsylVania Legislature; anal in that
btirly give my Support to ev,ery iscasnre cal
cubited in my opinion, to aid the conntry .
agt4st the common enemy.
Ip 1S15; after penes had been concluded,
I did express opinions in relation to the cause
and conduct of the war, which 1 very soon,
afrerwai•ds‘. regretted and re.calle 1. Since
that period 1 have been ten Tears a inenil?::r .
of the lionsepf Representatives, ant! :in; equal
time in the Senate. acting a part on
great Iv etig - n. My political eitemies,finding
nothing assailable . throngliont this long, public,
career, now 1:6:ort-I - ta4; to-my voUtliful yea Ta.
for expregsion to injure my pofitittal charac
ter:, The brave and 'generous citizens of Ten
nessee! to 'whatever - political pal ty they may
belOng will agree that this is a 'hard measure
.of justice; audit is -still harder, that, fOr.
'this reason, they should condemn , the Presi
de'nt, for having, voluntarily - offered the a -
in his cabinet. •
. .
Inever deemed it proper, At any perior of
thy life,:whilk. the country was 'acf ually en
gaged in a foreign war with a foreign. , enetny
to utter a Sentiment which could -.interfere
with ;its succe...sful prosecution. Whilst -Me
War- with Great Britain
_Nias Taginz, f' should.
hare, deetneti•it little better than
the arm of the Gov'Crnment
whiff dealing blows against the enettiy.• Af
. ter peace was, conCluded i _the case was then
ditrerent. My enettiies cannot pointy to an
expression uttered by me; during. the,. contin
uance of the war, which was not favk:tably to
its rigorous protecutiOn.
Fipm your friend, very respectfully;
•• -SioNrrlem.4i• SIGNS.—Not a .solitart 'Fre
mont Ritifieation I .4.leeting has, as far as we
know, been held in l'ennsylvania' since
nomination: *
;Nearly:a - weak elapsed after.he rras put in
nomination, before his corporal's guard of
supporters in Philadelphia, could nia , 4er star
,to burn. an onnee of
powder in honor of .havin g succeeded in out
, • witting the friends of Judge Me Lean.
!ta.l4ls - bz.ft not at the least—ther : o is not
1 • a paper in .the great , eity. , of Philndel
y a
that' cipenlnd heartily uip
. sotts • the
*hicb his name is apfien,hl). e
41/Mii;,'a an is the only one which has
'the ! kaping that way- 7 -a1,,1- I.llal reL
• sp, - 4 4 a id e jotirodi seetnii to have a great in any
qualms and painful ini , givings
to. 'the propriety of cowing out in his
. .
?lbw Thnictmous,—Col. Henry S taro.,
of Indiana, President of the ll , :publicau Na
tiothilkonvention, in a part of insiaddress on
takii: the chair, slid :
- I had some difficult
AI itllow 7 ci ozens, _ ,ty in
. Inditi'r your pfaee of meeting, but when 1
sawd l l'e national flag kvaving iu front of this
1141111 knew it was hem, for. we are the only
party.; over wilkh tl, , e, banner of our country
11.4 s arneunts almost to political i
tny4 - What! a party which is scebino to
draW a geo..raphical line in its political ; or
to array North-against 'Soyta,auu
lili.i - are.:4sures, if successful: must termillate.
in , h'disoltition of Vic -Union, “ .1
ty which the banner, of.- the
waves I" 'They must be traitom, fanatics, or
foors.wiro beliere .it. .
More Calutnnies. ' _
A Abort time Sine.e - -.the American Organ , a.
l}-Y - JW-Nothing paper published in. , Washing-
Loa ciity,,gave Gin:elation to 4'story that den
•Ator Itsc,ilrr au had declared publicly: that
Mr,:73ti.tsA.N would not .carry the State of
. Pe'rillsY)vltria. Of course we . do not believe I
One :1v.. - >rtl etthis butias the parazray4i has .
VO i ri extensively puhlished, - • we,'. ihinkNttiat
Se4toy Ilrodhevl vices it to his position -
a Senator Of Pennsylvania hurl a tnember
041 Democratic - party, to contradict it.
More recently ;he Orp•art- hat,pnblishecl ilia
- C3liOwing7y4iclr we beg leave to prougunccfa .
tnto- aritniti , v,ated fal.sehood : • -•-•
t r ; flow Mr. BLICpANAN LI:Fr THE J1064‘ , :.-7-.1.
_•Verif , ! . rabl,Otizeu of Washington (Mr. A.) re-
Itit/0 10 . 4 m on leiitCalmy the following inci
dent in Mr. B.uctianan s -career. Mr. A.; in*
'year }Rat, - was: Ow. bead of a -.._-6rtg pf
drip enipenters, who went &OM Kennsinp;ton
near Philadel phit4 to Erie; fok •tha-purpose•_ of
Connnodnit Terre' Let. On their
Way to Erie they passed through Harrisburg
where, the Legislature of . Polinsy - I.% ; iinia was,
.theOtt session, of.. which , 4atues,.! Bachanan
was a member.. The Leoislature invited • the
carpenters to attend' its sessi And . received
them ; standin. I;t:it 'Buchan n was so bitter
1Y etipw.ed to tli(, War - that . be 10'641 to.' par
-1 ticipitte'in this mark of re•-peaet- id these :pat=
tiotie mechanics . , and lett. the House, in • dm
gust No cotnnient -is necessary .on the
I•aboxe. E% ery nweitainic in the country will
ma k e his own comment on t•ZIt the 'polls.—
irasbiniton...-Inicrieun Organ.
1 We 'have three reasons for pronouncing
thiS-story false :
Ist, Insterolof opposing toe war, of 1,912,
Mi,„liuttlianan supported it..l
2‘l. •Il+,served it tour of II
Ba'4' . ituore, as .a private in
company, duting,the
lie •was not a memb.u.
sure in 181:3,winiqi it is al
1 carpentes•invited that hod‘t
Led stquilium. BccuAx;
ed 'to the li..gistature until 1
Every ' honest, man , - whetheri mechanic,
manitfacturer, merchant fartner or profession
al, will utakedtis!comment-on such - bare=faced
calumnies as arc published in -the Organ.
• __-_ l7 --....-.....k.....-1 1 -------:- •
WHO IS FIUSAIO . NT!--N great man, -no
doubt, at least iiis friends would .It ave us
think so. As a hunter and trapper, he ac
.pared quite a reputation,• yut in no other
point does he . c.cel. This Lieutenant
-is ,iot known, even for any !Military exploit.,
and only known as boinn-aiftocky - Motintain
trapper. —'
1 .'. .
This Lieutenant, hecausevo , HIS COllltilatar .
in'. not shoce':isfulty even,.aniall;corps in the
West, was-lweVetted a ColOila—iltlii (611 he
-lr,!Q;ait life by b..!inv; eaurt-m.;rtWed and dis
niis4llllmn the arthy >',r illvihekrdination.-÷
One of earliest exploits in social life, was
• I. , , i
. to. run away \vit.) at:u maty Senator Ben
•ton's - ,laa - 411te . t; ---agailt- s t th, eon ant of heth,l n4ther—and hi - eailiest e'ipb.iit
in public lifeileij to his belt,
2 ; cOurtntartialed
be officers of-the U. ti..,Arm , y, -on the testiMo
tict pf as liigk a,minded matt asi ever Jived,
Oen. Eminin) and to his beiti : :e convicted of
m'subordinatin. This yotqtg tnan, taws in
subordinate both fin social 4nd public life, is
selectedover.the head of stiqth a - , JU r i,..i and
Statesman as Judge MeLeim. :to head the
purest party...of the i - Ii . war, 'mat- tqwn
fifteen . States (lour Uniou 11---mill we' ar e in- I
Vited to confide to him, we.) has . not beon 1
able to govern hims - elf al a nan er as a snl-. 1
diet, the Chief Ma : *istra.y. or . 1111rtv•one i
States of our. Union, 'We lid_ not think the I
thing possible L—but all Allings , nro pos , ible
for New York Sewardism, %Own it can /Wee./ 1
candjdates.-- . -Nb. Trawsp-44. - : ' 1
~., 1
- Two YorNo tkrqrs !ti=tantax 'MlL' LIZICI
RAILIIOA . I).—A painful accident' , occured on
the Erie Railroad, near the . sloa'tSl,nr7 station, 1
about thirty-six miles fro in jersey city, on
Friday evening about six o'c l iock . It appears 1
that three young g,iris,. 1, - e leen : twelve and
fifteen years of afire, , i,iine , l tespeetivel
. 3 : A , !1:- 1
er, Wilson and Merritt, iverti. walking on the i
track, when they obsetved ! the freigbt train
corniog towaads them, an I le , y iiiumediatelv
crossed over to the•other Hek..4ll . en the pas-
sender train from the west,.!whioi haft come I
up.unobserved, bore down !upon them, and !
the only warnine• they had wag the shrill pn-
g,ine whis4o,which notifi,:d t hem lof their Jan- .1
ger when it was t-ir) hite. The eowcatcher
.struck all thrcT of the girls,andlonc.of them l
•Miss Catharine.E. Wil,,n. wars! instantlt kil
led: her skull was fr.t !.t. , fri•l', - aii I :. one of her
arms ti. t rn off;_.,..M.i-..s.....k:keilwas ;cut through !
the mildle of the holy, and died ii a couple'
of hours: Miss Merritt was tlif'siwn. IA the i
track, and Was cut. severely! ribont the head. I
Her recovery is . despaiied !of.. 'The grcattist
. . •
excitement in reference:to tk matter prevail- - 1
ed in the aeighborlic:oa, anq the 'engineer 1
was 1
- -
sever-elf blamed for not giving more warning
'when he saw the girls. Ail inquest was held !
on the bodies. on Saturday i tberning.,• and a !
verdict was rendered ' inculpating; the engineerl
of the, passenger train, the ;complaint being
.that he did -1 - tot stop the, sped of•the;train.—
. 11 was rumpled that lie gavel hitOelf tip to the
authorities tvitlout waitingito tie arrested:—
Herald. -- i . . .
.. .
Lr' The folloiving is a Wier sketch of Mr.
Buchanan's Public life:—Mr. BM:A:matt was
bOrn in Franklin county, 'lPenasylvania, on
the - 11 . 1 flt of April, 1731. tie tiaras eleCte to
the Penn:ylvania Ltgislature in 1814 and
lt l- 1.1,.. •In - 1::t 2a. he was sent tai c;ongress,.
where. he continued for : twelje years. In .1831
he wAs sent as'Minister to Russia b. General He "returned llotite in 1834, and
was immediately elected to ':the united States
Senate, where lie remained ! 1 i . iitil 1842. Af
terwards he.was appointed Becretary of - State
- by President:Polk, which he held tor four
years: and soon n ter•the ticeeision ,of Mr.
Pierce to the 'Pr idetvly, he. was sent.ns Min
ister to Englitni , froni whoice he - returned a
few weeks ago.
, Religio Nolic 4
Rer. Dr. 'Henderson, of3riwar)c i . N. - .1., wil
preach at the Episcopal Church ,in Montr o se,
on Suiviay,..July 13,.1856:
At Tlarford, on the: 23d inst. lor the Rev.
Mr. Miner, ITAitnvio BAnNEs te Miss ELIZA-
Poliun. both ; - -
^• By the same at Ilatford l i kni the 3d ;list.,
IMr dottsso% COI:NNL;ta.L., ';of iNtivr Milford,
r /
To Sportsmen. ~..
Fishing Tcickle ! Guns! Brilxs .f - 'jstoly !
1101111YFE & KNOWLTON - have ' ow.on hand
.1 ' o splendid lot of Fishing T le, compris;
iri , r': • . .
:Lod-. fc'‘uri Is-Gd, to $lO eaeft / .
Li..1..5, from 3cts.. to $5; Atli. '
/ . !.•
• keels: from .51..50 to:s esch, and an assort
ment of artificial Bait, •ver before equalled in
this t'icinity.includin , 4 ro,gs. Mice, G lass, Lea th.
'er, Tedia Rubber, Ilenows,Gutta Perchn, Grass
Hoppers, Shrimp, pinning Bait, &e., &e. Pat
ent, spoons to.av i old'catching"grass while balling.
Patent:Spring/Hooks for Pickerel or Pike.—.
SocsdalogeyS. or Yankee'liodlo Hooks, a new
and impro , t‘ed mode of catching fil h.
W ly(ve a god stock of Gnns. Rifles. Re.
volvityo.„ sitylle and dtyuble barrelxl Pistols, Pow.
; di.t,-Shot, Water Proof and other caps, Iluntiag
1 ------ ----- - -------.-2,--------• ; I irns, Ti:trkey . calls,- 0 Powder Flasks,
D,ISSOVOMO N. : - • ' "ouches, Game Bags, Temperance' Bottles, &c.
'Vie co-partnership beretorWro existing mule , &c.. 4t..; ' . .
.1 The firm Of McMillan & 'ark is this..:dfly 1 In tact we have erery article of Sporting ap
diolved by mutual consent-I 7 1 paratut4. !leeks, fo; outline lviltinv, bv.the bud-
The notes_ and accounts :4. In tbo lmrfds Qf kdred thousand. • PEIYFE 4.KNOWLTON
Jarnes.gclaillan.tor collection: i- • •-:-/ ; . i -51 Conrt,st. l. . Biagliaatton, _
' L. .' : JANIES Mc.'.4 LAN,
. . , .• , ASA ?-Alt
. . 1
Springville, July 7,1856: r - .! ‘. -
: • -/
:` , l In South liridgsater on the nt.:he
r,3=idenco 9f, und by thu IK..antipAir 1
Fu.A.N*Cvs .114,tx anti Illi,SlLAnnprr C DUTCH
or ail of.l.;ridg'wate,r
.r • D a telt l •
• --a 0
on the , first itiq 41'3. s . orittit
TIA-x.rmt in the Glst year •of" ‘ bet 4. age.. Sister
gaxter Was - a 'bright and, shini-nglight in the
M. E.:Church; of which she hail b.een a coti
sistent and- . ex'einplavy member ffn about - 1 8
tears, being al-ways in her place in the prayer
meeting, in the class meetilig as well as in
the congregation,worhhipitiLl God and:encour
aging her brethren and sistlrs to activity in
their Christian duties. I3,it she rests from
Ler irebors and works_ tvill 'follow her.
. ; .
. • -
Adtatitistratoe ' 'otice. .
x-roTicK it hereby giV • to f!ekoris hp.ving
detnands;ugainst Eisiate •ofi/aniel Ab
bot, late of hash town - ip, deed.; that the Same
mast b -prcol6ted the un)lersigned' for Ar
ran:rem:at, anfl sl persons leitlebted to.said• Es.
tats are reiLuiresl/tO make . immediate .settlement.
31JIAA11. APBOTT,.Attufx.
RAO, .14 , r ;7, 185(3..* •
• A IS jUiV 4UPPLY,,of -Grbeeries, Drugs,
aints,.lolls, Glass, Materials for lights,
71:DftgE1 , 11$.
Tan . 10 1 - Bg+6
1•• , .
Of Susquehanna and Neighboring
YIITE wotild respectfully selieit your atten-
Y tien'to our large !itoek - of the' above
mentioned Goods, now in store and in.course.of
reception. For many years the trade of 'one of
the-largeut portions of the Empire State has
been retained by a monopoly. which has• at last
given away before the rush' of enterprise. •
. Possmsing unequalled facilities; for buying,
and'haYing, direct eommunientien with the most
extensive Manufactories in the United States,
Wei'say, withmit exnggeration, that we can and
will sell, either' wholesale or retail, nt prices
lower -than' ever offered before west of N. Y.
tilitatr duty sf
E finipi,u,N';;
i - n on.
While nothing has keen omitted in the Hard ,
ware line, we hare givim particular attention to
the house Forni•.hing branch 6f our business,
and-have on' hand a stock well worthy the in
spect isn of II louse- Keepers.
Of Fancy Goods we t Nave also a large assort
ment, which, haring Leen raelceted with especial
reference t, - the wants of our customers, we
think will Tense those in need of articles in' this
line. . ~ . •
. .
In eoneinsinn, we would say that our Goods
are new, arid of the first quality, and that'we
hope, by strict attention to business, and a can
stant anticipation of the wishes of our patrons,
to merit even an increase of the eenfidence al
ready repoSed in us. : • . ‘
llardware,lllnuse Furnishing nud Fancy Goods
Of the Legi:(l , 2-
I,Age4 Ow. ; .ship.
arpl weriveeeit.-
s wa•4 il;it elect
• 14, a
f. ' ( ler Pi2rry's
Establishment, 51 Court St., Bingham
6n, N. V, adjoining Bank of
Binghamton. •
N. B. We have a very lark clock of Wodd•
en and Willow Ware, Mats and Rugs, Britannia
Vare, Fan 4 Bird Cages, ik.c.ri." l fr Sporting
apparatus it'every'des:ription, including FiNhing.
Tacklo in all its varieties, Guns, Wiles, Pistols,
Gun Mattlials, &c. •
Binghamton Democrat, April loth.
Sm.E:crUttmtovr.u . r.NT•-•-•We have before
'noticed the new slore ereely.l by A. Knowlton,
.Esq., adjoining the Bank of • Bimrhamton, to-he
yeeiipied.:k a Hardware Store by :Nlessr's. P•lt Fe
& linnwlt;t7a. As it aj)pritaelleF, eolnpletifirl
deserves More and more.the praises that have
been L. ai aed on it, and k undoubtedly. in its
style. fink!), and appointtnen ts• /ha model store of
the Southern Tier. MOsSrs. P. & K are now
putting id theirstock, one larger and more ram
plete thattl, has heretofore been kept in this Once,
embraeing Ill.:. departments - of Hardware,
Builder's rinisb . :.4 . Matctials, Gas Fixtures,'&c.,
&v. 31r.lill.lek:tone. an experienced and 'ready.
workman;'superintends the Ga.; Pitting depart
tnent. ',look in at Phyte & Knowlton's.
Hardwaro and House Furnishing
Goods. -
pre,..7,r,„„ivo aq~. 1n one douLts
it:or if t!trt• did, a glance at the manifold
wire.; on At the lightning. iidlizz,k with im•
1) ,- )rtant news, would soon eourinve ; look nt
the rustiin. , ears •won!d .add snore etnidia , is to
the lastpld wise eoneln.ion. proof ! : 'pre
ct•Tll I IlemA,..lvez: cavil div e.l4:h Jay tt•i• are more
turn Itiein to oar or:h N - connt, and tuk6 in as
mucilva,Ch possililP.
No,w.a:tinvs people are ai•er,ce to dealing at t+bi
faghinri4,3 . 6 .:ltoreg—thew e,t.:lllisticki from ten to
%verl }'ears azo. Their proprietors having be
come til,oron;y s hly imiote.l with" the high price
principie, (or rattiest- Inch ot . prinelptc.) arc on
lott-or their demands to a scale more
in at'xtli:ti:thoe with the liniP4 we live in.
I:l...solved to keep' pace with 'the lvta,grcssive
Nlirit 61' the aze, iim'e opened our new nod
mpact,Ats "tore,' No. 51,'Cottrt. St., with h
large atisorttnent of. •
Hardware, House Furnishing,
.2n.1 Fnoey !Goods, which we otrer %Omitale or
ret:iil, IA the lowest ptiveN, for cash or 4,oprovol
• 51, ("pnrt N. V.
We eoutitry mereliants to Visit u
TJley frill find it adruntngrons,
it " vi - ILL and g el4,t of
11fies. 13.81;c4, •
. ,
._ Cr:idlcs,
and hjany (Alter article's fnr • tilling and beantify.
ing the earth, :it I'll ITI.1'&
tz.llitnzinuntron, N: V.
• -
• .
are determined to suit the Ladies, liar.
!I ing their comfort in view. we lateiy pro
cured of the importers, a luige asiortment of..
which must certainly pleaste:even the must
ti i on , : taste.
-We have a fine stock of and Tooth
Bru•aies - comprising many elegant. styles. ,
Otemnbs we.h:ive an extensive variety, ineln
din many of India Rubber, Iron and Iforn.
h-ave, be,ide, many other Fancy Articles,
too numerous to mention. Call and examine
our ?aney Goods:
ir UST received a la,ge lot, at prices ranging
e.,/ 'from $5.50 to $12.00. •
Irmgliapton N. Y.
Bird Cages! Bird Cages!!
D)IITE & KNOWINON have just received
a large and well sclented assurtmont.of
l'eorn))ining many of the. most elegant. designs
• and beautiful finish ; combining durability with
lightness and airiness of stviz. From. 5s (id, to
$l6; each, drinking and geed cups included.
51; Court st., Binghamton.
Country Merchants,
WILL find hardware, House Furnishing
and .Fancy Goods at New York Prices,
ILITICULES, for Ladies,. a -largo asisort
ment nt
. - .
.._ Toth° Citizens enktontrose. -
& Knowlton are at all times ready to in.
, ert Gas Pipe in 'old ot . new bouses,,in a work.
Man like manner, and nt tow prices.
They have a flue akesortmnt of Chandelier',
Penitents, Portable, Brackets, Glass Globes, and
Taney. Paper Shades. i.
, .11r. Blackstone,. who _superintends the work
has had much experience -iir this line, in New
York and Brooklyn. Orders solicited;
Binghamton, ,
.. ,
"C'h the living.inanntirk ;is they ri‘e:
5 t Court Si
• •R. ; 11. WEXALES ac C 0 , ,• I
j'a:, - • •,
,111Alit7FAcTritrirts. wroLtskti: AND Ili. TAIL brir.-i
, • MIS tC •
EMERY'S Agi) wiitELF.lrs 31mr. ROADrI
• Tbresliet end Winh; , wers-emphined.
Circular and qro , -.1 Cut Saw )1 - 014. E mery ' s !
Cider Mills. reed Cutters, Corn Sheller Cornl
and seed Plan ers..t Sevmour's Grain Drills midi
Broad Cast S4wers. • Revolving Horse Babes.!
Dog Powers. Clew's Grain Cradle's. Ketell-1
um s Mowers.' Reapers and Mowers Combined.!
Magic . Corn add Cob Mills. ll'velsior Fanning!
Mills. Cultititors. Leather and Rubber Belt-I
ings, Meat Cutters, Apple Peare.s. Refrigera-I
tors, Provisior.i, Sales, &c.
Extras fiirn)ihed for repairing 'Emery rind,
Wheeler's manhines.
Our. 'Duelsibr. Fanning 'Mills are second to
none made in the Union. I
Descriptive ! catalo g ues, Price Lists and Circu-1
tars of all machines &c., sold by us, sent g,ratii
and postage kepaid. to all applicants. Seml
your name and addroiK.
. ,
11. L. BLOWERS, of Franklin, Agent. Posti
Office address,lMontroie, Pa,
LITIIOGRO'IIS, Artist's faints and lirtish,i‘
es, at • tURREI.I,'S
June, 185 G. t
• -
VRESII extra Flour for sale. at StS per . bbl.,
1' 16s. 6d. Aln.. fourth bbl., at •
• -
S. S. MOTT'S.- .
• . •
Montrose. J4ne 4. 1836. •
Ashton Salt,
. F OR
or D
s:1 :1 1 12 b l 111
5ank, , ( 11 ,.. 0 just
the d
Jute 9, 185:).
• •
in.catih, 1
l ' I
- 11 . . 1 13 UI L L .' i'Vr i *
New Milfor4, itini T t 23, 1.856.
Wanto.d. _
WO <bay() TorkeyA by tli; fi rst 6f July;
1. • :114(.! fat chieins,.nt. S. S. MOTT'S.'
Montruse,l 3 ll: ;. • .
A4ditor!s Notice
f r u E appointed
,to re-audit the :le i
_1 eountd ofiCaleb C4trulalt i I.4'r or the AV il
of Lydia Th(aliht.ll &e., 31.50 r , port dis,
tribution.a fund- . 4 s.:ti,t CannAlt",l !mods a.
Ex'r aral Trustiee will attend 111‘ reto at.he
( Ak e ir; on Mon , l;iy. the 2301 any ot
July next. at ope - o'el,wk V. M., at winch time
all persons inttre, , o.vd t•Tri 'attend if they thiplt
proper, or be diAtrretl &c.
WM, J. TWIRELL. Aro3it or.
ly 1, 1556
• !•11,11C, ars : ,
Every Da liritagm %oniething
ri LAYTON IIMLY'S gas i t
Larnivq, gibing the clearest and nto<
ful light of :trill thing yet tlisco‘'ereti and itne':.
qualed itf: nn};, thing else in econotny=as the
/amps' aro tm clinstruct4 that you splencli:
id gags light frOn the 'common burning Fluid!,
and three timei the amount of light from a lesit
quantity of Fluid. For sale by the sut.eribq
at the 'Meares t Post Office. . • 1 -
A. N. 1
June 18.1858. • 1
N. B. Tl u•lual Glass Fluid ' 'Lumps changed
to a gags Burner. ,
vt 11.1 . )ITAM; SMITH & wuuld re•Teet . -
. fully ilif_po tli•e , public that.they hnve purl
eiiNt..d the. inttirwt in the ';a ddl e
n on Barnes;
n A
u.inoss •of A. C. We- luz Ly
strict, nttentpri to Ini , int?;o3 to reeeive•onr ,hare
of Public patreuinge, Constantly on hand, Snd
tiles, Bridles, liarness. Whip.i,"Trunt;s.
4.c. CaTrriage Ir,rimmitigs in nil of its.branches
will be neatly !done to -order on reason4bl6-
..• ,
Slniff'sNO. ,
,Montrusc, Jim. 1., Inf;.
Latest iTelegraphic News. 1
outt line isinow in g,not: rep.nir and operak :
ing stth:Aststilly. 3-to. , sa , ,Tes sent to • nni
part of the Unqed Stakes - with qi s p a t c h.
Montrose Tai.graph ' •
Juty i, 1856. z
' Str4yed or Stolen'
FII.OII the piemises of tha sobscriber, on 016
37th of ;lupe last, a middle, sized cow, of n
dark red color, nhout eight
. or rani. years old.-4-
whoever will nitwit said cow to the subscriber,
or give information where' she way *be fuund,
will be,liberall)l rewarded..
• • I - .' ,JOIIN AUSTIN. i
Bridgewater,lJune 30, 1856.--w3* I
. Fire! Firel Fire !
TILE undersigned is agent for the followint.. ,
insuran:o I companies,. the - reputation ,q
whieh, for solcdtcy, and.hOnorable dealing, hav .
been long knoWn to the public,'
• .
- 82 200000.
, .
The Farnieek Union Insurance-of Athens, T 4.
Capital $200,00, Secured by Donds•and Mort-
gages. 1 1:
State Mutual atafarrishurg, on the stock and
Mutual plan. Capital $350,000. • '
r-tt" Applicants ran. receive policies in eithei-,
or any r of the asove vompanies. . . 'I.
Montros6, Mlly 12.,' 18.56. ° i
I v iT0 . 01)17,1,
*Binghamton . * -
Whi*s by the Million!
ets• 85;00, at
• ' •• !
Binghamton.;. -. • ' f.
4 •
Britannia Ware. -
A vErty Old; ;,t. .
4 -1 NU
A Corn Sheller. •'
i vr only 85400, - M'
1114. :mil i:ioss - Cut Saws, at'
51, Court sti Binghamton. !
No XTSO iu Fife-ing• •
riIIIAT'S s+-ns long us I'llyfe'& KnowltOn
..I, keep such a splendid ss.;ortnient of I
CAIO ) ,FINTgitS TOOLS, - -.. I
us they - now 'fp:ye in PLore, mid. which is by ,: , 111
hands, rival llntdwarns igolhded, 'Oclinoirtetifincl
to be t:to • ..1 . ;
1;S ; 1! AND C I AP EST,
(Wei offered to pc citizeus of Broorna, Siisque
hanna,or.nny other county... -
We c:inlorniifi
.99 gooitan outfit of tools as
Hilt, Wood or f t eyntour, of New York city, and
at priees aj leiel 25 per, neut. tower than either.
' ALL TOOLS solim ET US WHICH, DO SOD pri.oiiE
mosey nr.rttintim
• —• •1 PHYFE & .KNOWISON:
flardivAre, Bonk, Furnishing. and: Fancy Goode
EstablishtOnt, 61, Court Se., Bingham -1
ton; N Y., adjoining -Bank of .
tt Binerhatntort
ti 4 toeliet . Cutlery,. a
1_ at very leivipiices., at
• - •Reis & E.Nowvrovs..l
,: , .
' Starrucca' Rail Roadvt
i ~
Tt - ] 11 :. - 1 , V . AA' til P 7 4,. 1
W"att i t. hieTl.RtrgE,,,ltAre:,. ii c r T e .,, , tr n o pc! ;t i n t
s li t a n d
of general merehnndise in town. , coneisting of
Axes.,! Anma, . and •Alspire. I . -..
Brow 9, Bouts and Bedsteads. ' !
. Clock... calicoes s and Clothing. 1
' Denin , Drugs, and Door jlandlelt. :. '•
Etiveropg, ..,(lizing,, - andEp.iotri Salts.
FI our,Flanuels, and' Fish-Ifouks., , -
Glass, GrOceries,.infi:Gimblots. -• :
Ilats.dlants; and iland:s:kws. • • •'-
Ink. Indigcs, and .Babjes (dresses.)
Jugs..laeonets, and Jewsharps. • .
Knives, Knobs, and lierOttekv Jeans.
. ' hoekS, tamps and Looking 'Glasses.
Matches, NI lISIitIS and Molnsses.
Nuttneu,s,Nankeen. and Notions.
..Oil l t„ f kturws and Overalk. I
Porl:Jiill4 and Powder.
Que-ens Ware. Quills. and Iluartet
• Rubbers, It aisinzi and Rat.traps.
Shoes, Shirts and Sugar.
• Tobacco, 'res. and Trace Chains.
' Umbrella...;!, U-nder-shirts and Uni;
Veils, Vinegar Mad -Vitrol.
Whip:4, %NI:allots and Wash bowls
Xtra: Superfine Flour. - .
• ' Yortt,C.ottonades and Youth's-fists,
Z. And Many other articles which i t hey 'aro
se:ling.-at a very small advance on cost prices.
"Small profits" mid fair dealing is the.tiotto for
the Suener: of '56.- Give us a call andltest the.
truth or our 'assertions..• •
• • • ,
• TREllliN 4t. CO.
Lanesborn, Pa., May 26, 1856:
Nett , Goods at the Upionyille Ex.
chat • Irie -
• , „
•FPHh subscriber is happy toinfoi / titho i
' 1 and patrons that he has . just reheic - ed,a
-choice: lot of Goods, direct from New Y rk, con:
sistintr;, in part, of Dry Goods,Groceric. Crock
ery, ilartiware, Stoneware ; Fish; . Nail. , Boots
-and Shoos,: lilts and Cap 9, Bonnets!, Ur i nbrellas,
Wall Paper, Window Shades, Ready-tnatle
Clothing, Yankee Notions, &e. &jc., iticit he
;Will sell as,Cheap for ready pay, .especially for
cash - a4. can be bought at any oth!r ..!_vablisli
merit in the county. That is to-say Out!. he will
,not be heat by any braging `'‘
Ile nlso wishes to say a word t o 1
and others, in relation• to tho way
' folli do their business. if they
Cahhai.Tes, or 'Turnips or anythin , ,
. .
werabte. that they wish to di.pose of they Will
take them to the store in their own
. town . anti
f,;:irtyorunfoirry forte the merchant: to Inty them;
MA it; they have money ,to forlGoOds, they
will gO to ,Binghamton or some other place to.
sp:mti] it, anti then report nrounti Much
cheaPer they can buy Goods away front home
than they can at home, - All I have Lo my to
!melt tinstomers. is come to me with votir ens)]
and if,l have any Goods you want, 1 and
trill sell them to yen at prices perfectly astonish
ing:. , " • -J. L. 101111LMAN
,' Come and See.;
viGHTY-FIVE cents in cash .ill bust one
I_4 ,foliarl 'worth of the splendid Stork of
spring and. summer Goods just redeivina, at the
eheap . ensb and baiter store st"Ditnoelt]four cur
ners. where almost everybody po l l nov to - buy
their Godds. Flour and Salt kept al,ways. on
hlnd. . I • .
Dimoek :Niny 23, -1856. •
Doct. R. Thayer
T ' ON' method of saving to his friends - ,
-and Chstomers that - he has again] resumed
the practice of Atedicine:at his old f:tand in Mon,
trose, wherE he may he found at all•timies unless
professionally employed. lie woad say to those
owim . , him on old accounts thathe jleduct=23
per rent. on all account paid hefore the first of
April inext,(or if any poor like will
deduct fifty!.
Montrose, Feb. 20. 1855 2 9 a ! -
" - .
DBOok every week. Old Santa Clius is
..L.ll round yet and will be 'till after New Years,
so p!era , e p:repare for'him br calling at tlitt Post
otlit-e, where yon 43an get •new, entertaining And
usr•ful bool;s; eh ea p. •
The-liunters' Feast- or C, l onversationi around
the Camp Fire, Kate Weston or to!Will and to
Do, '171,•n Years among the Mail Family
Pastimes or home made Happy, Life on' the road
or Clatide Doval•&e.. Peter ParleyslneW Unirer.
sal IlistorY and gift hooks,-Mrs. Leidies; Crowen
and lin!es New Cookbooks etc., and. many oat:,
ers I rant :mention here, but can 'stlot%l •thein
von if con'yrill-eall, and tiietti (ow for the
Weafty. . ,
A. N. 131.1 L AD.
Montrosit Dec. 20, 1355.- •
, .
. ' •
. . . .. .
.. '' . Cash. foroot.. _ - -
Dv:N.:poi - AN& GMtii...ATT 1 win pay t4ii .
Itig,hest ntarliet priee for allltlielWntil, in
Susquehanna County, delivered at tliiiT tstofe. ,
New Milford, June 16,1850. . I 1 •
1 ,
Arri Val of tho' Africa ; - -
nAVE:this day received . , per steamsjiip AM
': ea, another invoice -4' those. unrivalled PAT:
F:N•P LEVER WATCIIES. 31y ittock is now
complete in every description of Case,Qpen taco
and Hunting, Gold -arid tuA I ihilte the
attention of all persons in want of a first class
Watch, as! by
_importing my own Watches di
rect I can sell to my customers at the lowest
New Y ork:wholesale prices. I
. . ALFRED .1.. EY I
• ‘•
June 4, '1856. No. 2 Odd Fellows' U 11. ,
Better Late than N
Up inncill~~~ 3tny 10, 185 G
Altd still theyCosiic.
Executor's Notice. •
XTOTICE lit hereby given to- persod i s having
11 'demands against the Estate 'of gbonezer
Gaie hate of Silver Lake township, i ;l i n ansq's
Co., dee'd, that the same must, be! presented to
the undersigned for arrangement, and :1,11 persons
indebted to said Estate are required iu[make im
mediate settleinent:-;... :
- • . ' ANSEL PAIGE.
June 19, 1856.—vv6. • !Executors.
• • -- •
JobbQrs Wanted.•
pITE updersi g ne will let by contract to clear
75 acres of land, from which the lumber
fire wood hay been taken.. which. the
ting of . one million feet of hemlock logs, and the
pealing of the bark from- the same. Also 'the.
cutting and hauling, or the cutting alone, a
:Io6o,cords of Rail Road-wood. 1
The abOve work to be dono thiS - seson, and
tVIII tie Parceled out to stilt any ono nrish:ng to
do a,partiof it .
lor further particulars
pteasu apply to the- undersigned) at the work;
3 1-3!milos up the Plank.'Ruad from Ilarle . o4,
Delaware ' j ,
Ten good. men wanted to -drive tcams and
work in a saw mill, to which gold Wages- will .
he ' Early application solicitcid. Post
°nice address—Hancock, Dol. Co:, N.Y..
May I, 1856. for.D. P.Demlerest & Co.
Farmers to your luttirO st.
di rare chance to make from 12 fo;2 - 5 or 30
ixr rent. on yoqr investmr4
r il l: subseriber,is preplied f l iriihih. Thr e sh:
ing machines:lnd various other Agricultur
al implements, not to be surpassed ' r bi any in
this country, from the well knowii anti tong ea.
tabliShed Manufactory of %VheolorMellick & Co.
Albany, N. V. Thero are but n fi‘v farmers in
this county; but what can realise the labor° pet
cent: or more, as the horsepower ;can bo applied
in sawing wood, ig log or otherieihe,i churning,
cutting stalks, straw, and hay dye., and various
other uses too numerous to ment r ian.) For sev
eral reasons l ean 11140 Itlei object. for those
wishing to. purchase, to sail upon me and have
their orders Ailed. 1 have the fringhtlaccarrang
ed flint the transportation is but Sr.lmere
All implements warranted to be and to perform
as recommended, (sec targu band bilis.) inn
also lurnish machinery from other, Manufactors
if desired. Now is your time o imintordera mid
your machines will. tea ininuoliness at[luirvest.`
pinock, Saari. Co., Pa.,Nay . 2 *
nr from -
itA Flo§ f t 841
r.4;1111., for iale. irt : S, .
•. .
Delftware, Lacktturstu n a dc W. Rm.
and after Monday;May /Wl,' 7959,41 m
, St . all PaSsenger Train - . will . depirt - from.'
Scranton at.10.35.a.m. Due at Great Bend at
1.45 - p. in - Connecting with the °Dunkirk and
Buffalo Expresi East, on the N. Y. &E. It R.
Passengers taking this train will arrive inltuf:
fain at p. mi., and in New York at - p. - to,
'Returning, will- leave Great Bend at 3 10 pri.,
due nt Seranto. •at 6.00 p.-m. , • . •
The Freigh Acenmuitidation Train, with
passenger car a Lathed, will leave Seraidon at -
12.45 - p. m.; nnecting with the - Mail Train'
l i
west, .and the- fight Express ,Trains both east •
and West. Pa. !c ., wagers taking this train and the
. Night ExpresSl .ast, wilt arrive in New Vorit at
f t. itn.; by taking tbe.Fight Express West,
will arrive in - unkirk at . au, or .by • takinn it
the Mail Train west, will arr4o 'at Dunkirk
iteturning,ill leave Great Rend at 7 a. m .
and arrive at ' ranton 12.05. p. rm.
Passengers or Wilkesbatre, Pittston, Car.
butulale, Phila elphit, (via thin Catawissa, NVill
'ininsport and . (Erie and Rending. Railroad, %la
Tamaqua.) and Easton and all intermediate
pikes, will find first clads stage coaches in read;
inesa,nt Scranton, on the arrival of the .Pass•
enger•and AcAiotamodation Trains •to 'covey
them to,the above places. Those i•hoosing Rri.
vate conavyances will • find the best of tiorqr.,
and carriages of ove' description, at rit mutable
charges, ready to order. '
- , ! D. H. DOTTERER, SuP't.
• , .
Superintendent's Office, • - .
• Scranton, !Alas. 19, 1856.
1 .
O fiat%
ON the part
against t
Goods and high
and all, (which
just received a
mer Goods, At4l
first'door abOw
det?rmined to
market. Onr
ment of the la
GootlA, from ti
Congress Si ik
MENS Frenc
The .best n9so
trodneed into
is eilstonreils
sod* mean
hatio socks,
el(te tinafts-
,in great varlet,'
Also Sole Lea
Kip Skins, P:
Ciirasoa Mot,
MI kind of
'done neattv.
- -
Thankful f,)
ino to merit a
Call and se,
u, O.EASED .
, :
' ea. Declared. , -. . '
ON such t _:ms that secures the right ofcvery
kJ,. nation t the navigation of the Danube,ari;l
- it known io the people of ; Susquehanna
"County, and t ie rest of the world, that they will ,
find it to thei advantage to come to the Tenip•,'
cranes Saloon and Grocery in Main St, Mont..'
rose, Pa., (the only,Temperanee saloon•in M out.
rose),to get Pies, such as are pies,. Cakes,
i Cheese,. Crat.kers, Sardities,. lik-kted Oysters, I
Claris, Caen a. Ice Cream. Oranges, Pine'
Apples, Cand', and- Segars, .N &.....,
.;Guts &:5... Smiled
Beer, Ice cI.-Lemonade, and Soda Water to-1
- eat and drink• At the same .place is a gi'kod as- , 1
sorttnent oGroceries and Priivisions,.withrneWl,
'Supplies ever' week ,from - . - New . l'ork,, satll . ll4l
'Tea, cholee kinds, 'froth ''2S. 6,...,• . .t0 'GS, 'Perib..l
1 Sugar now -at. b 'eta. - '-Best. Coffee ll' 1.:2(g5.:
eittsh;.d,. Ptilverized and Granulated at. Is. per.
lb, - M.olasseS 3s. Gd. per. Gil lon,:-best Scrub-at:
ss. Gd. per:pl, - Piiik, Smoked. liam,land Shout -:
tiers, dried, Beef -Ham, .Ciot, 'Nlaelrerel. - .White..
s and Bluerish,•Cheese, Critekers,..liaril,..Tallte,.
Stcrine patr and Sperm Candles, a 'variety: of
Bar Soaps, Slaving do- !scat in Use, Coffee.llice,
• and Tobareo plug tirid.:llne ' ii.ut, Chewing and
smoking, do. :tie foil. Fire Craekers and Fire M: • het, all 'kinds.. dried •Peaches, •
.Pltims.'Clte ' e;,, , l'igs‘fretn -
,Is„ tit" Is. Gd. per 1b.,.
Prunes, Zan ti„P'iitrrents; Citron; Fi„4r..pasle, Sa
gafor pndiii gs . ,..SPlee all. kinds, J. GrOttild' . .
Mustard, do. ' reneltSwp Powder, Babbitti Sat-
rcrattut; dit. a d. Washing Soda,=',Cream. Tarter,.
and -Super C. rh Soda l'artarie. Acid; Licorice, i
de. root, Fan •y• Candy ana.duin Drops,.. fresh - I
from N: Y., *assia buds, Canary seed, Nntinegs.
.Cleves,&.e.,-°colt, BrOma and Ciftlkolate, .1.0 r
ilards, hi:wk. nd Scot `f !Sang, Yin'sins f frorit IS?,
to Is. Gd. per lb; Sattaheeseedlessßnsina; starch'
(pearl) Corn tart!. Patent Nutmeg Grater,,and .
• Clothe's pins Sweet anti:Castor Oil in ~ b ottles; -1
Itaymerid's .es, and ‘Vrights Pills, Salts; Roll JJ
L I .
Brimstone, 'ulphtir, - Gtint CamPhori 'yinegar* - 1
Choice lot o Catsup, PickletF, PepPer".Sattee,
Auspbery'Syup, flavefing extrtzetS, !fair OPS,trt
etnbelish and prevent from filling off or teriiing i
• grey, Herrin by Ow B W
ox, White ash, Scrub
and . Shoe br s
i ii
hes, Stove and boot Rige.lrino r
.oarden seed'., slat% .art'dieni rimelte;:Ake hand.;
les, Browns, ooth..gehe Otatineint, an 'thinrist 's
'sure cure fo burni,SPrains, BruiSeS, dic.:.Rns.
/dart' Line rrie t, good . for man okbeast. fierse
Medieirre, to ethei With a large assortment Of,'
iChildferfs7 Yi, siileetiitt - With - great care for'
[ hittrgiffS a d 'hot - -; aniong. Which - are' small
pads 'and Itt kets,ltorsot, Dit,,tr: ash- Qatari' oh.
wheels and kers, small Tea' Selts,- 1 77:1mlilo,.
.born Bair RI gfi.i, Top - ', clarrihettes, •ACeotsio
an, traiinioni ens, tares,' ni,nti' 'many entiotta
things: Ladie Baskets and Sevliig . rfird?,' Sock
Salt for rani y use, Corn' Meal, also FlOur„liept •
constantly o frand, by , the'pound, sack or hair
reit. ' : . _ ~ , . , . ~-,, .
' Y t .7.2 An :an/VD' •
Claris, Gran 'es and Lotions, Pine , Apples, , Ste.,
Some eggs, titter, PottitOeit, Bemis, Ste., taken
in exchange. ',The aboie.ifoods are for,witle for•
cash or read) Pay,' • I . r . • , ~ - .•
Thankful or tetst faYors, I: hope by strict,
attention to usiness . and tairalt profits to gain a
larger share - of patronage, anti thereby all be
mlttualy he efited i all - Orders. with the, ready
will be prow Iy attended to.. ' . . , • .
. . . . I S. S. MOTT.
ot Saloon. Grocery and Precision
St., Montrose, 4'a., May :10, 1856.
Store in Mai
AT aSi
1.1.1.• form
would respel
turned from
of all kinds
which liosvil
cash or read
choice lot of
rumors. Look Here.
1T11.)N, having purchased the , stock
Qtly owned by C. C. Wright, . he .
~t fully announce ' to the eiti2ens of
Oa vicinity; that he has just 'te
le city : With a new and .f:tii
, f choice Sking and Sinuier . Giods
sell at hlipierrdentell o%y prices fur
pay. Piease Call And. ACC. HIS
' Dry Goods., fur bath:.l..adiee,anii
Gentlemens wear f Foreign and Dotneitie
. .
ufacture. La ies Bonnet, Gents Legborn 'Hats,.
Canada do.. -'hip do. Crockery, Groceries of all
hard, and hol ow 'Were: , Drugs and lictlicin‘.. - '
Iron and N; ifs and Fish, besides all- . -otherarti-
cies usually kent'in :i eountry store. HO will
keori COnata tly on band,a full supply . - of Side
and uulier . ather. - 'Wanted any •quantity -of-
Pelts, Demo :and Calf ' . Skins and Ilvdes; for
which the hi heat' market- price. will .4epitid.,--,
All kinds of armor's' Produce will be received ,
in 'exchange- for Goods it market pril:es. . _
PicaietalilAndmsetniti6 ( 01 0 4,*.Y.. 0 :thttr
old stand of C. c: )Vrights.-, - - --. :::„-- '
, :, t ': IT, C. SUTTON , !. •
Middletown, -Susq. gp.;Pa: ..1 . - ... ' ",- - •
tai a n
In thn Brin'
`'(; mg an
ing, unless
away with
•A' maltit
&ei: .1 04 ip
tol tars per
\ THE TRall.
lose old eiidgerN us:'•enn(l rate
Frie - nds,
• Countrytnen,
inelodes .everyb , ;tly.) tve bare
flplenaid ate.* nl . Spring• S u rn
tour store on lIIPLIC
thel ost 5111C1%. 1t . .1 we are
Sell-for - ,
per than enn '6O bough in in this
tnek comprisys3eemiitt-te.assort.
•st -;tyles and boat (in tlitip.%
e coarsest,Brogarpc to the fimst
Listing. Gaiter-4 for the 1.-olis.
Calf Boots; the best in t0wn..1. 7
tmont of I,adies Gaiters. ever in' ,
his market.
WEN 4, A .%1110 VAS,
Findings r a general a.vortintint.
her.. Upper . Leather. Calf Skin;:.
ent Leather. Br(!nt.",ql
eco; Boot 11foroteo: Linineg, all
vork.Made to oraeranl•repliring,
past 'rayon:, we bop by fair deal
continuance of the same . . ' •
us before ..purelminf , elsewtiere.
fay 26; 1856. •
Picture' Market.
MOVED (mai Odd Felloyea to
oxy LlGujr ROOMS. :*
over Benttey and Bead*:
I ' ace.. Calling': will .kast you notlf• - •
I On huy, and thellJ lo 9 4 l 6l "tc. : -.E*
orn than "value teet:Oed."
de of thoree" iltaea • Gokt-toeketa
~ irrlart ifistrogt - , .... _
_ . . _ .-•-
.....--. ,„;--..—._.. of, pluladoilduti vomit thel,
world.L.':=Riliiiiili 'Willson, No.;ge
' . *oath. Fourth street",,PhiladelPhiC, ..',
. '-'-'"--- 1 -ha . v• had thitestrtesk demonstratimi•i-,
. . in following Certihcates, : that
their manufacture of„ Salamander "Sates has at .
length fuily . warranted the:represelitations which
have. been made ,or them, as renderirik4tn.un-
doubted security against the' terrific element.: .
- _ Putr..Anr.i.rma, April 12, 1856...
14 ESS P.%. EXANS, & WATSOA : 1 - - -GCCIP:I - f... 41 AV,
ford'S us the highest satisfaCtion to ithWt.d. you: ,
that owing to the very protective qualitieltof two; -
o' the Salamander Safes %villas *e pett.'"•,:hated or
yon 'some few months since, we saved ~ a .la* . i. = s
portion of our Jewelry, : Rooks, Vaper4ltri.,.'ese: -.
posed to the calamitous tfre In „Ifanstead Inacrii. .
on the - Morning of the llth inst, T .
•Wheli we reflect that . theme- Safes..Wers leak
teti in"the fourth story oftho bnitchntr, Vglt oecn ! ... ;
pied, and .that they fell -subskuntirtnto sitettps r ,
6f burning ruins, where the. vast, concentration,
of heat enured the brass plates to Inelt,sie mint;
not_ but ierard the preservation of the
,sll,ltiabfri ;
enn . tenti: Inost ionvineing proof. of the great
security !'afforded by your Safes. • . 2 , 1
We shlall, tete Much
.pleasure is recomnieitcl-, :
in . gthent to men of business as a . sure'
agat4t GiONGE W. SIMONS it: SRO.
I'nttsur.tenis,April.l2:; ;.• :
;\ gsus.; • Pic sq Wil'rsos. - -Ihate:tri..offie::
v(tl3' My - testimony in favor of the:grentriectirityj.
ittraliedio% my entire stock of Jewelry,' Woks,'
during the recent disastrous con9n7:
gretion it Run tend place, from the fact .
Inthe..yreiecontained in two of the Saltimandif:-.`
&fps n4ttraetured by you.. • ,.. • .
fatten fionitbo:filtb story of file" Anti
.an Building., where they trorepreviousV-pmecw-,
and eximied tn . a vast heat for a long time, th4c: -
preservation of the vntuable denosits, seemed
'every unit who witneSsed the.oftning.and
or eittnitlatiun, a. matter. profo.und,eatunisl2-..
meat.• -
To all tybh mly,' require -perfect rptioteCtiopl::
.from ti! .ctoktnes fire,,l 'Stall not ''besitatii
freommeiiti the, use of your Safes, as I consider , :
they Itiv'etnow•underg,one the Inost. , trying test'.
essn4, EvAN: SL.WAts'ala—GehiletheiNO.,
donbt votliwil I be .deeply gratilleckto leath_
eo4tifm in Whiehl •diioveied` ;itiy 'L—k oon - T .
policy .of -4u.kurance, certificates
_Of stock, and
otller vo tab! e (loco men ts, when F_ t I
thin. Safi' made by . vo • .
• With ay knowledge 0? 1111 great -exposure,, •
boths.f . ;; tlie intensity of the heat fr-owsp .-hot
-fire ns thao which destroyed- the Aitisau
lag, . ;4O front the forec.of the,tall froulite •
I' ,\ Yruier elt - Nalcd position in the third . ' - story, - 1:.•
c. 4.1.01 len t4p.ltin tut slender hopes print to itelp
terio'rxinspeittlon, that the catitents-whiekVonee
•so highly irized would-ever be of any.lwiiiieCto'.
-me. but\sa.these fears are now happily tetruiveldl'
1 - feel ita4y de to sartnymithut cap hence,' .
fortli.reclmend the -use :of
.who y . 4 feel a ..corifidenca in the pOr.-
reet_soeuriff Wlieir such - means - prOviden
an frightfull ao element. - • - .•
T• _ .
C4nstantiy rte tiarid; * Pitbitt PoWder end Thief
Proottock.3, roe I.2lol i i \ S,.litores
• :April 2,1, ISip.- . -1 7yl. ' . •-• ;• (,
New Arrangement at Gregory-. a
• • having.forcneka the; -
purpose of conducting tl2 , Papl*a..*lntiness itr
all its variou,s. branches, would \ resPeafillY'bri,
form the people of Susquehanna county gya.
thei ftre now opening.
,Gregorit's Old Stand
opposite the Exchangelliotei,l`difrom ate
Binglra . mtOn, !hit:limes cheapclll;.
tn.i best: stock of ll.trdWare ever offered g , 4 Bin
Timatd,n. r . . • • .;-
- mmtinz made arrangements to import\ their
GRuds and, Rurcitaset, their Ameriein
rert from manta faCtitreis;lbey ean •ivill 'lgor
CILEAPER thati any other establisbmentlp ,
towal Their stock. is nol t v very extensive; ands,:-
Aro s se wishing th ptirehdie"&liiiited call.— \
low i n are a 1)434U:4-bit , theltle
viz:—Table knivg4 toirks, Tea '
earners, forltis tad :aid
_pocket knives;-
'bread-L.lnd butcher do.; hiiy and ..straw do
gors, sho4ris l .andrazossbritannio ken me _coffee ,
pots, !laver and'biltanita tea - rifil -s taVeltuii3en4,
siluec plated;br:' , ,ss, gnat,;
fers and trays, solar lamps, lord, and . , susriendicl
lampk,rnantl.-pieee °moments; 'brass and irbe
andirons shoves and: tongs,-&c:', : - • -
LooltingGlasses; and looking glass.plates,
gether with a general assortment- of hotisekeni
ng articles. •
.o:lsis-tin - 0.. of hicks, latebes, screws, • liiad
nails, Volts, patent window swings, blind fai,ten,
inds, shAtter.,!:crpws l and fastgr4r.tzsone„ - , '
A general . assortment' or:154510
dad 4ine r s. CabinFt and Wagon' St4liitl442ligoils•
and ,biacksmiths,,e2nsisting of planes,y.sasrs;lrtici
hatch et.S;' . 3.XT!!I: afeii..chiseli,logivsy l tinker;
"bitt4 and hollow angers, anvils,. Bellows,:ficeil,!
patent drill machines, ii4'Mt,fos;;Stmie.harnmers, /
brick and plastering trowels, - crossAut;' - mill
circular saws.:•.
A_splendid assortment or Saddle and
makers tooli and tritufairtgs.,
. .
T°. o 4 B * ' "• 2 ;.•
1 ..
consisting of shools, spades, forks,
grain eradles,hois; k'y . ft, zgrtiOl.
sto,aps, &e. •
L. • •••4 -
fiNso, Agents'for — the s ame a Arktetiiii,
Squires & Co's t
.Agrieulturallolno2pNh aisso4l
straw,eutters, ,: :
.5:(.31,3 - and upper leatfier'e4tioitctoo ci e
trimmings, with a general . anVir.fdlqu!, of Endiq..:
`Wooden ware,.'wittoVf eridde . p.wiiguzuhi aims`
rind.baskets of nli.desefiptions..t-- 21
• 'Bar iron and titeeJ,ltlmlix!egfiu4llteelltrititeg.
011eablo castings,. coach Jaen an 4
all kinds, gaints l o,ifs;inell;.gr*,l4442,&c.*
'of which will e.eaa at the kwestlitee.=l,loic,
car and,:qtog,k"for ynuOilvjs.• ' • .
Bing,immtoi; Mara 1; 1355.
- Great Cause for , A , e3cneing.
Pe:a . ce arnoug,
- vox GOODS and Clothing a fig, and Ail"...
XI already ioaelied m niarkbloi:ell - osilinni ,- : -
Ixio. expectations;dita'te Prsaie'thie ACV esti sit'
th sto re ,of 6 EJTTENBERG, -ROSENBAUM:
& CO:, at the east cutter thsp - tuiffe:litici:Bliek:
Sc;eing heliering; ,s 4-;. anct . -sae far
selves. Coifferioni;:with'out dzilify,"preent.stina7'.
Om you know, is in ailAsseadanpro u s.:my.,
will offer you rare bargains, WA offeired::"else.
where in_ northern : P•eknV)Yeilri.,,,,
wilt-undersell`all Mitt etititbtiti , We -pave
advantages'in btiltgtatantandittnreptri - osin
Clothing,'of-Whielil 'have'
meet,. from a •little boyl;' , ,jitelnit4itt tireaChes -to
the finest Dress Coats.and-VintaLior rtio(imen
of all sizei. Otirastottrnent of;', ntaelluld
mestisDty Goods can mot be surpassedLbi- any,
ether establishment in the country... One of our
firm is.constantlfin the city, and is, sandintaV:
mist daily, Goods' of tholatat and most fashiini:
able style. Our stock of .Bennetti Sad •Bonnef•
trimlritra is complete. GENTLEMENS
lots arthem. Also a splendid lot ofMaatillW,
- Montrose, April. 49,'1856. •
Je:welry! Jeweltyll
T'Eonbscriber has received o,l4rgipt awry.
detie . Of Gonda' to whiCh - hnwinitil;i4lr the_
iittention of his friends, consisting of iivert kyle.
of Breastpins, Ear Rings,- Finger Rhigsi-,_-Cold.
Ch n i ns, Draceiet..Arralets; PintilaPeStitcl94;
Rings, Seals, 4c. Also,-a largb a oak of Clear
of a great variety of pattrns and prices.
Wizy!, and Plated Goodsocev_o r lllo t -,, A: l Sert
largo stook of Gold and Stlve-Wataliek - otth?
niost approved Inak evi l and ft' the ftriest Ididittv
All'of whichwiltlic;lstdatitt•thniloilestassit'prt
N0..1 Odd Follows' Hall,-
Bitgharnton, Juno 7; 1856%
Burning, ..Fluitand thunphote-
VREsit siti44,lnit 444 ii•l4 444 , 14t00t
cheap, also, cantheni - n 1 4A 0 ; 1 01111lit' .- -,,W‘fa•
ouch and , had outniiikiFt utAut.uhatili ilik l 4 l 2
Met time. - bY 1.14;:11014SP
00D Brolvtel6tti i tkl6l"'irtsikilthien
Ur -
piece; at'BELlielr TINMS-Ve