. . a ctors refusing to go on without their . money. Walincl:lt , , which - wr i ts opened by 10. Stu srt, a stesseePind Dioul3OUrcieautt us. - iiiami,:. ger,;zhas been Abierg a good business. I 'Agnes itebertson, the "Fair} Star,", as she' has been 'christened by the admirers, is the attraction. TheinoveltrhaS been a play. called the Phan , torn , Written by Bouicicault himself.. : It it founded'on the : horrilde superstition of the vampire, and is as : shailowy and ghOstlike as can well be' imagined: 1 It is, howet.er, An in : - tensely interesting piece, and .hai created. a f a vorable impression upon the audiences.— Miss Robertson is a moat charming little. we-, man; her equal in, the parts 'she essays, has never appeared here. Tit e new establishment is called the Sunireer Garden', though the ".Gtirden" part of the Story is a mere catch. ) 1 , iattura Keen and Burton have notlet 'coMprotnised i eir :difficulty, and Burton . will undoubtedly tlke 'posz , ession in. Septetn her, and Laura wiii e.lc.ompelled 'to try her •foi tunes elsewhere, 1 - . .,. ~.:. 4 ille greatest novelty we have idis a ' Miss traina,Stanley at Nib'..p . 's Garden.. She gives a veirpectiliar entertainment called- "The . Seven Ages .of Wpman," in the course of , rltich she gives imitations of about fifty . ferentaaractef. Sbe. speaks .and sings 'in French, Spanish;Ge:rninn, Turkish -and hal ,ian,..lttid plays the piano and guitar, and clan _ lees 'dmir.ii s hly,so that she SOCIOS to -I,)e ft whole d'rarriatic coiniiany, in herself. The thin; is - novel and unique and will no 'doubt have a ' ' fine •tieeess.. . _.... • Othet will' ) . i . tions are doing. well,. al though the - hot weather. las driven mnltitu — des . out of: < !• • ' - flown. • 1 • 31r. Buchanan on' the War of 1S - The Washington Uniorkplibli,lbes the .fol lowing letter, (heretofore unpublished) from Mr. 13nelianan,to the Hon. George W:Jones, of Tennessee, elicited by 'a call fr o m that'gentleman_ for information 'on that sub ject,:whiclieffee,tually seta at rest the aecusa lion ;against Mr. B.; on'account of his alleged oppcisition'to the last War : "WASHINGTON, April 23, iS47, iii DE.4I: Sia :-I have this ,mument.re . - ceived your letter of the.lsth inst., and has ten return an answer. . In one respeco have been fortunate as a . public man. 13, , political enemies are oblig ed to go back . morohan thirty years,..totind plausabie charges against me. • 'ln 1814,'when a very young man; (being this da y fifty-sir years of age,) 'nude my - spedch - before a meeting of my fellow :citizens of tancosier'. • The object of this speech was to tirge upon them the duty of volunteering their services in defetice cif their'Mvaded.coun .t.r4 A volunteer company' was raised upon the; spot, ht which I wits. the Srrst. I believe, to enter, my name as a private, WC:forth with p r o t .e,,led to flaitittore, and seisviol un- Cis, were lionolahly . - . - 410,±tober 1514, 1 Was elected a meMber (tithe PennsylVania Legislature; anal in that btirly give my Support to ev,ery iscasnre cal cubited in my opinion, to aid the conntry . agt4st the common enemy. Ip 1S15; after penes had been concluded, I did express opinions in relation to the cause and conduct of the war, which 1 very soon, afrerwai•ds‘. regretted and re.calle 1. Since that period 1 have been ten Tears a inenil?::r . of the lionsepf Representatives, ant! :in; equal time in the Senate. acting a part on great Iv etig - n. My political eitemies,finding nothing assailable . throngliont this long, public, career, now 1:6:ort-I - ta4; to-my voUtliful yea Ta. for expregsion to injure my pofitittal charac ter:, The brave and 'generous citizens of Ten nessee! to 'whatever - political pal ty they may belOng will agree that this is a 'hard measure .of justice; audit is -still harder, that, fOr. 'this reason, they should condemn , the Presi de'nt, for having, voluntarily - offered the a - s.cat in his cabinet. • . . Inever deemed it proper, At any perior of thy life,:whilk. the country was 'acf ually en gaged in a foreign war with a foreign. , enetny to utter a Sentiment which could -.interfere with ;its succe...sful prosecution. Whilst -Me War- with Great Britain _Nias Taginz, f' should. hare, deetneti•it little better than the arm of the Gov'Crnment whiff dealing blows against the enettiy.• Af . ter peace was, conCluded i _the case was then ditrerent. My enettiies cannot pointy to an expression uttered by me; during. the,. contin uance of the war, which was not favk:tably to its rigorous protecutiOn. Fipm your friend, very respectfully; JAMES I lit NAN. •• -SioNrrlem.4i• SIGNS.—Not a .solitart 'Fre mont Ritifieation I .4.leeting has, as far as we know, been held in l'ennsylvania' since nomination: * ;Nearly:a - weak elapsed after.he rras put in nomination, before his corporal's guard of supporters in Philadelphia, could nia , 4er star fieien(courage'enOUgh ,to burn. an onnee of powder in honor of .havin g succeeded in out , • witting the friends of Judge Me Lean. !ta.l4ls - bz.ft not at the least—ther : o is not r 1 • a paper in .the great , eity. , of Philndel y a that' cipenlnd heartily uip . sotts • the *hicb his name is apfien,hl). e 41/Mii;,'a an is the only one which has 'the ! kaping that way- 7 -a1,,1- I.llal reL • sp, - 4 4 a id e jotirodi seetnii to have a great in any qualms and painful ini , givings to. 'the propriety of cowing out in his . . ?lbw Thnictmous,—Col. Henry S taro., of Indiana, President of the ll , :publicau Na tiothilkonvention, in a part of insiaddress on takii: the chair, slid : - I had some difficult AI itllow 7 ci ozens, _ ,ty in . . Inditi'r your pfaee of meeting, but when 1 sawd l l'e national flag kvaving iu front of this 1141111 knew it was hem, for. we are the only party.; over wilkh tl, , e, banner of our country 11.4 s arneunts almost to political i tny4 - What! a party which is scebino to draW a geo..raphical line in its political ; or to array North-against 'Soyta,auu lili.i - are.:4sures, if successful: must termillate. in , h'disoltition of Vic -Union, “ .1 -Ile ty which the banner, of.- the waves I" 'They must be traitom, fanatics, or foors.wiro beliere .it. . More Calutnnies. ' _ A Abort time Sine.e - -.the American Organ , a. l}-Y - JW-Nothing paper published in. , Washing- Loa ciity,,gave Gin:elation to 4'story that den •Ator Itsc,ilrr au had declared publicly: that Mr,:73ti.tsA.N would not .carry the State of . Pe'rillsY)vltria. Of course we . do not believe I One :1v.. - >rtl etthis butias the parazray4i has . VO i ri extensively puhlished, - • we,'. ihinkNttiat Se4toy Ilrodhevl vices it to his position - a Senator Of Pennsylvania hurl a tnember 041 Democratic - party, to contradict it. More recently ;he Orp•art- hat,pnblishecl ilia - C3liOwing7y4iclr we beg leave to prougunccfa . tnto- aritniti , v,ated fal.sehood : • -•-• t r ; flow Mr. BLICpANAN LI:Fr THE J1064‘ , :.-7-.1. _•Verif , ! . rabl,Otizeu of Washington (Mr. A.) re- Itit/0 10 . 4 m on leiitCalmy the following inci dent in Mr. B.uctianan s -career. Mr. A.; in* 'year }Rat, - was: Ow. bead of a -.._-6rtg pf :• drip enipenters, who went &OM Kennsinp;ton near Philadel phit4 to Erie; fok •tha-purpose•_ of Connnodnit Terre' Let. On their Way to Erie they passed through Harrisburg where, the Legislature of . Polinsy - I.% ; iinia was, .theOtt session, of.. which , 4atues,.! Bachanan was a member.. The Leoislature invited • the carpenters to attend' its sessi And . received them ; standin. I;t:it 'Buchan n was so bitter 1Y etipw.ed to tli(, War - that . be 10'641 to.' par -1 ticipitte'in this mark of re•-peaet- id these :pat= tiotie mechanics . , and lett. the House, in • dm gust No cotnnient -is necessary .on the I•aboxe. E% ery nweitainic in the country will ma k e his own comment on t•ZIt the 'polls.— irasbiniton...-Inicrieun Organ. 1 We 'have three reasons for pronouncing thiS-story false : Ist, Insterolof opposing toe war, of 1,912, Mi,„liuttlianan supported it..l 2‘l. •Il+,served it tour of II Ba'4' . ituore, as .a private in company, duting,the lie •was not a memb.u. sure in 181:3,winiqi it is al 1 carpentes•invited that hod‘t Led stquilium. BccuAx; ed 'to the li..gistature until 1 victory. ~ Every ' honest, man , - whetheri mechanic, manitfacturer, merchant fartner or profession al, will utakedtis!comment-on such - bare=faced calumnies as arc published in -the Organ. • __-_ l7 --....-.....k.....-1 1 -------:- • WHO IS FIUSAIO . NT!--N great man, -no doubt, at least iiis friends would .It ave us think so. As a hunter and trapper, he ac .pared quite a reputation,• yut in no other point does he . c.cel. This Lieutenant -is ,iot known, even for any !Military exploit., and only known as boinn-aiftocky - Motintain trapper. —' 1 .'. . This Lieutenant, hecausevo , HIS COllltilatar . in'. not shoce':isfulty even,.aniall;corps in the West, was-lweVetted a ColOila—iltlii (611 he -lr,!Q;ait life by b..!inv; eaurt-m.;rtWed and dis niis4llllmn the arthy >',r illvihekrdination.-÷ One of earliest exploits in social life, was • I. , , i ~.. . to. run away \vit.) at:u maty Senator Ben -. •ton's - ,laa - 411te . t; ---agailt- s t th, eon ant of heth fathcr.an,l n4ther—and hi - eailiest e'ipb.iit in public lifeileij to his belt, 2 ; cOurtntartialed be officers of-the U. ti..,Arm , y, -on the testiMo tict pf as liigk a,minded matt asi ever Jived, Oen. Eminin) and to his beiti : :e convicted of m'subordinatin. This yotqtg tnan, taws in subordinate both fin social 4nd public life, is selectedover.the head of stiqth a - , JU r i,..i and Statesman as Judge MeLeim. :to head the purest party...of the i - Ii . war, 'mat- tqwn fifteen . States (lour Uniou 11---mill we' ar e in- I Vited to confide to him, we.) has . not beon 1 able to govern hims - elf al a nan er as a snl-. 1 diet, the Chief Ma : *istra.y. or . 1111rtv•one i States of our. Union, 'We lid_ not think the I thing possible L—but all Allings , nro pos , ible for New York Sewardism, %Own it can /Wee./ 1 . candjdates.-- . -Nb. Trawsp-44. - : ' 1 ~., 1 - Two YorNo tkrqrs !ti=tantax 'MlL' LIZICI RAILIIOA . I).—A painful accident' , occured on the Erie Railroad, near the . sloa'tSl,nr7 station, 1 about thirty-six miles fro in jersey city, on Friday evening about six o'c l iock . It appears 1 .. that three young g,iris,. 1, - e leen : twelve and fifteen years of afire, , i,iine , l tespeetivel . 3 : A , !1:- 1 er, Wilson and Merritt, iverti. walking on the i track, when they obsetved ! the freigbt train corniog towaads them, an I le , y iiiumediatelv crossed over to the•other Hek..4ll . en the pas- sender train from the west,.!whioi haft come I up.unobserved, bore down !upon them, and ! the only warnine• they had wag the shrill pn- g,ine whis4o,which notifi,:d t hem lof their Jan- .1 ger when it was t-ir) hite. The eowcatcher .struck all thrcT of the girls,andlonc.of them l •Miss Catharine.E. Wil,,n. wars! instantlt kil led: her skull was fr.t !.t. , fri•l', - aii I :. one of her arms ti. t rn off;_.,..M.i-..s.....k:keilwas ;cut through ! the mildle of the holy, and died ii a couple' of hours: Miss Merritt was tlif'siwn. IA the i track, and Was cut. severely! ribont the head. I Her recovery is . despaiied !of.. 'The grcattist . . • excitement in reference:to tk matter prevail- - 1 ed in the aeighborlic:oa, anq the 'engineer 1 was 1 - - sever-elf blamed for not giving more warning 'when he saw the girls. Ail inquest was held ! on the bodies. on Saturday i tberning.,• and a ! verdict was rendered ' inculpating; the engineerl of the, passenger train, the ;complaint being .that he did -1 - tot stop the, sped of•the;train.— . 11 was rumpled that lie gavel hitOelf tip to the authorities tvitlout waitingito tie arrested:— Herald. -- i . . . .. . Lr' The folloiving is a Wier sketch of Mr. Buchanan's Public life:—Mr. BM:A:matt was bOrn in Franklin county, 'lPenasylvania, on the - 11 . 1 flt of April, 1731. tie tiaras eleCte to the Penn:ylvania Ltgislature in 1814 and lt l- 1.1,.. •In - 1::t 2a. he was sent tai c;ongress,. where. he continued for : twelje years. In .1831 he wAs sent as'Minister to Russia b. General Jacks.cm. He "returned llotite in 1834, and was immediately elected to ':the united States Senate, where lie remained ! 1 i . iitil 1842. Af terwards he.was appointed Becretary of - State - by President:Polk, which he held tor four years: and soon n ter•the ticeeision ,of Mr. Pierce to the 'Pr idetvly, he. was sent.ns Min ister to Englitni , froni whoice he - returned a few weeks ago. , Religio Nolic 4 Rer. Dr. 'Henderson, of3riwar)c i . N. - .1., wil preach at the Episcopal Church ,in Montr o se, on Suiviay,..July 13,.1856: At Tlarford, on the: 23d inst. lor the Rev. Mr. Miner, ITAitnvio BAnNEs te Miss ELIZA- Poliun. both ; - - ^• By the same at Ilatford l i kni the 3d ;list., IMr dottsso% COI:NNL;ta.L., ';of iNtivr Milford, of!Franklin. .at Itngbamton r / To Sportsmen. ~.. Fishing Tcickle ! Guns! Brilxs .f - 'jstoly ! 1101111YFE & KNOWLTON - have ' ow.on hand .1 ' o splendid lot of Fishing T le, compris; iri , r': • . . :Lod-. fc'‘uri Is-Gd, to $lO eaeft / . Li..1..5, from 3cts.. to $5; Atli. ' / . !.• • keels: from .51..50 to:s esch, and an assort ment of artificial Bait, •ver before equalled in this t'icinity.includin , 4 ro,gs. Mice, G lass, Lea th. 'er, Tedia Rubber, Ilenows,Gutta Perchn, Grass Hoppers, Shrimp, pinning Bait, &e., &e. Pat ent, spoons to.av i old'catching"grass while balling. Patent:Spring/Hooks for Pickerel or Pike.—. SocsdalogeyS. or Yankee'liodlo Hooks, a new and impro , t‘ed mode of catching fil h. W ly(ve a god stock of Gnns. Rifles. Re. volvityo.„ sitylle and dtyuble barrelxl Pistols, Pow. ; di.t,-Shot, Water Proof and other caps, Iluntiag 1 ------ ----- - -------.-2,--------• ; I irns, Ti:trkey . calls,- 0 Powder Flasks, D,ISSOVOMO N. : - • ' "ouches, Game Bags, Temperance' Bottles, &c. 'Vie co-partnership beretorWro existing mule , &c.. 4t..; ' . . .1 The firm Of McMillan & 'ark is this..:dfly 1 In tact we have erery article of Sporting ap diolved by mutual consent-I 7 1 paratut4. !leeks, fo; outline lviltinv, bv.the bud- The notes_ and accounts :4. In tbo lmrfds Qf kdred thousand. • PEIYFE 4.KNOWLTON Jarnes.gclaillan.tor collection: i- • •-:-/ ; . i -51 Conrt,st. l. . Biagliaatton, _ ' L. .' : JANIES Mc.'.4 LAN, . . , .• , ASA ?-Alt . . 1 Springville, July 7,1856: r - .! ‘. - : • -/ :` , l In South liridgsater on the nt.:he r,3=idenco 9f, und by thu IK..antipAir 1 Fu.A.N*Cvs .114,tx anti Illi,SlLAnnprr C DUTCH or ail of.l.;ridg'wate,r • .r • D a telt l • • --a 0 on the , first itiq 41'3. s . orittit TIA-x.rmt in the Glst year •of" ‘ bet 4. age.. Sister gaxter Was - a 'bright and, shini-nglight in the M. E.:Church; of which she hail b.een a coti sistent and- . ex'einplavy member ffn about - 1 8 tears, being al-ways in her place in the prayer meeting, in the class meetilig as well as in the congregation,worhhipitiLl God and:encour aging her brethren and sistlrs to activity in their Christian duties. I3,it she rests from Ler irebors and works_ tvill 'follow her. . ; . . • - Adtatitistratoe ' 'otice. . x-roTicK it hereby giV • to f!ekoris hp.ving detnands;ugainst Eisiate •ofi/aniel Ab bot, late of hash town - ip, deed.; that the Same mast b -prcol6ted the un)lersigned' for Ar ran:rem:at, anfl sl persons leitlebted to.said• Es. tats are reiLuiresl/tO make . immediate .settlement. 31JIAA11. APBOTT,.Attufx. RAO, .14 , r ;7, 185(3..* • • A IS jUiV 4UPPLY,,of -Grbeeries, Drugs, aints,.lolls, Glass, Materials for lights, 71:DftgE1 , 11$. Tan . 10 1 - Bg+6 1•• , . HARDWARE, HOUSE PUlt- NISHING AND FANCY GOODS. Vitrs lITIRAVNAtE 9 N Of Susquehanna and Neighboring Cciunties. YIITE wotild respectfully selieit your atten- Y tien'to our large !itoek - of the' above mentioned Goods, now in store and in.course.of reception. For many years the trade of 'one of the-largeut portions of the Empire State has been retained by a monopoly. which has• at last • given away before the rush' of enterprise. • : . Possmsing unequalled facilities; for buying, and'haYing, direct eommunientien with the most extensive Manufactories in the United States, Wei'say, withmit exnggeration, that we can and will sell, either' wholesale or retail, nt prices lower -than' ever offered before west of N. Y. City. , tilitatr duty sf E finipi,u,N';; i - n on. While nothing has keen omitted in the Hard , ware line, we hare givim particular attention to the house Forni•.hing branch 6f our business, and-have on' hand a stock well worthy the in spect isn of II louse- Keepers. Of Fancy Goods we t Nave also a large assort ment, which, haring Leen raelceted with especial reference t, - the wants of our customers, we think will Tense those in need of articles in' this line. . ~ . • . . In eoneinsinn, we would say that our Goods are new, arid of the first quality, and that'we hope, by strict attention to business, and a can stant anticipation of the wishes of our patrons, to merit even an increase of the eenfidence al ready repoSed in us. : • . ‘ ; PHYFE: & KNOWLTON, llardware,lllnuse Furnishing nud Fancy Goods Of the Legi:(l , 2- I,Age4 Ow. ; .ship. arpl weriveeeit.- s wa•4 il;it elect • 14, a f. ' ( ler Pi2rry's Establishment, 51 Court St., Bingham 6n, N. V, adjoining Bank of Binghamton. • N. B. We have a very lark clock of Wodd• en and Willow Ware, Mats and Rugs, Britannia Vare, Fan 4 Bird Cages, ik.c.ri." l fr Sporting apparatus it'every'des:ription, including FiNhing. Tacklo in all its varieties, Guns, Wiles, Pistols, Gun Mattlials, &c. • Binghamton Democrat, April loth. Sm.E:crUttmtovr.u . r.NT•-•-•We have before 'noticed the new slore ereely.l by A. Knowlton, .Esq., adjoining the Bank of • Bimrhamton, to-he yeeiipied.:k a Hardware Store by :Nlessr's. P•lt Fe & linnwlt;t7a. As it aj)pritaelleF, eolnpletifirl deserves More and more.the praises that have been L. ai aed on it, and k undoubtedly. in its style. fink!), and appointtnen ts• /ha model store of the Southern Tier. MOsSrs. P. & K are now putting id theirstock, one larger and more ram plete thattl, has heretofore been kept in this Once, embraeing Ill.:. departments - of Hardware, Builder's rinisb . :.4 . Matctials, Gas Fixtures,'&c., &v. 31r.lill.lek:tone. an experienced and 'ready. workman;'superintends the Ga.; Pitting depart tnent. ',look in at Phyte & Knowlton's. Hardwaro and House Furnishing Goods. - pre,..7,r,„„ivo aq~. 1n one douLts it:or if t!trt• did, a glance at the manifold wire.; on At the lightning. iidlizz,k with im• 1) ,- )rtant news, would soon eourinve ; look nt the rustiin. , ears •won!d .add snore etnidia , is to the lastpld wise eoneln.ion. proof ! : 'pre ct•Tll I IlemA,..lvez: cavil div e.l4:h Jay tt•i• are more to turn Itiein to oar or:h N - connt, and tuk6 in as mucilva,Ch possililP. No,w.a:tinvs people are ai•er,ce to dealing at t+bi faghinri4,3 . 6 .:ltoreg—thew e,t.:lllisticki from ten to %verl }'ears azo. Their proprietors having be come til,oron;y s hly imiote.l with" the high price principie, (or rattiest- Inch ot . prinelptc.) arc on lott-or their demands to a scale more in at'xtli:ti:thoe with the liniP4 we live in. I:l...solved to keep' pace with 'the lvta,grcssive Nlirit 61' the aze, iim'e opened our new nod mpact,Ats "tore,' No. 51,'Cottrt. St., with h large atisorttnent of. • Hardware, House Furnishing, .2n.1 Fnoey !Goods, which we otrer %Omitale or ret:iil, IA the lowest ptiveN, for cash or 4,oprovol & KNOWLTON% • 51, ("pnrt N. V. We eoutitry mereliants to Visit u TJley frill find it adruntngrons, FARMERS •. it " vi - ILL and i.ir g el4,t of 11fies. 13.81;c4, • Spnrles, . , Sick!eft, ._ Cr:idlcs, and hjany (Alter article's fnr • tilling and beantify. ing the earth, :it I'll ITI.1'& tz.llitnzinuntron, N: V. • - • . .1 TO THE LADIES. are determined to suit the Ladies, liar. !I ing their comfort in view. we lateiy pro cured of the importers, a luige asiortment of.. • FANCY GOODS, which must certainly pleaste:even the must ti i on , : taste. -We have a fine stock of and Tooth Bru•aies - comprising many elegant. styles. , Otemnbs we.h:ive an extensive variety, ineln din many of India Rubber, Iron and Iforn. h-ave, be,ide, many other Fancy Articles, too numerous to mention. Call and examine our ?aney Goods: • Refrigerators. ir UST received a la,ge lot, at prices ranging e.,/ 'from $5.50 to $12.00. • • I'IIYPE & KNOWLTON. Irmgliapton N. Y. • Bird Cages! Bird Cages!! D)IITE & KNOWINON have just received a large and well sclented assurtmont.of • • DIEM CAGES, • l'eorn))ining many of the. most elegant. designs • and beautiful finish ; combining durability with lightness and airiness of stviz. From. 5s (id, to $l6; each, drinking and geed cups included. • :: PI IYFE & KNOWLTON. 51; Court st., Binghamton. Country Merchants, WILL find hardware, House Furnishing and .Fancy Goods at New York Prices, ILITICULES, for Ladies,. a -largo asisort ment nt . - . .._ Toth° Citizens enktontrose. - CAS AS FITTING AND FIXTURES. .p6 s ,r e & Knowlton are at all times ready to in. , ert Gas Pipe in 'old ot . new bouses,,in a work. Man like manner, and nt tow prices. They have a flue akesortmnt of Chandelier', Penitents, Portable, Brackets, Glass Globes, and Taney. Paper Shades. i. , .11r. Blackstone,. who _superintends the work has had much experience -iir this line, in New York and Brooklyn. Orders solicited; F.'HYFE 'Sr, KNOWLTON. Binghamton, , , .. , "C'h the living.inanntirk ;is they ri‘e: PHYFE & KNOWIITON, 5 t Court Si !'HYPE & KNOWLTONS PH YEE & ICNOWLTONS TIOOA POINT • WORKS,' • •R. ; 11. WEXALES ac C 0 , ,• I j'a:, - • •, ,111Alit7FAcTritrirts. wroLtskti: AND Ili. TAIL brir.-i , • MIS tC • , EMERY'S Agi) wiitELF.lrs 31mr. ROADrI HORSE VTVERS. THREsIIERS AND I SEPARATORS. - • • k • Tbresliet end Winh; , wers-emphined. 'CLOVER HULLERS ii Circular and qro , -.1 Cut Saw )1 - 014. E mery ' s ! Cider Mills. reed Cutters, Corn Sheller Cornl and seed Plan ers..t Sevmour's Grain Drills midi Broad Cast S4wers. • Revolving Horse Babes.! Dog Powers. Clew's Grain Cradle's. Ketell-1 um s Mowers.' Reapers and Mowers Combined.! Magic . Corn add Cob Mills. ll'velsior Fanning! Mills. Cultititors. Leather and Rubber Belt-I ings, Meat Cutters, Apple Peare.s. Refrigera-I tors, Provisior.i, Sales, &c. Extras fiirn)ihed for repairing 'Emery rind, Wheeler's manhines. Our. 'Duelsibr. Fanning 'Mills are second to none made in the Union. I Descriptive ! catalo g ues, Price Lists and Circu-1 tars of all machines &c., sold by us, sent g,ratii and postage kepaid. to all applicants. Seml your name and addroiK. . , 11. L. BLOWERS, of Franklin, Agent. Posti Office address,lMontroie, Pa, LITIIOGRO'IIS, Artist's faints and lirtish,i‘ es, at • tURREI.I,'S June, 185 G. t • - VRESII extra Flour for sale. at StS per . bbl., 1' 16s. 6d. Aln.. fourth bbl., at • • - S. S. MOTT'S.- . • . • Montrose. J4ne 4. 1836. • Ashton Salt, . F OR or D s:1 :1 1 12 b l 111 5ank, , ( 11 ,.. 0 just orr the d Jute 9, 185:). gashfor • • in.catih, 1 l ' I - 11 . . 1 13 UI L L .' i'Vr i * New Milfor4, itini T t 23, 1.856. Wanto.d. _ WO