Ac. Bite:Witt= 442,eitter - Of -Accept . IttlICC. To.l:s6.lSTitt, 1,11110 la t . I SZie, - ',l,l4lienitl -Convention of thtt .detti ocrinic party .svitich aSS3tlibla 'At Chtoirinati on the first - lloticlay :in, June, unanimously n ominated: youats . tv . candidate for the °thee of Presider) t , tri . the I.lnited . litotes. -. • have been direoted by the- ennveution to convey to you this intelligence, mdi to qtnityou,,in their ,Rou t ', to ,a 0 ,,-. e pt t h, l illation for the- oxalic(' tritst which the: chief I natzistracy, of the Union The Qour"ontioq,,foundin:;, , their action - upon:the .6r:de-honored prinetiilic . 4 Of :lite ..I.; A u , party, - 11trt'eiOnnounced. thei' r -- -yi e s in - relation to:the the ptiblie mind ;'rinil; while oali c ring to the truths of the past, ":Ave - Manifested the policy of site present, in d of res,lll I ions, 'which we invoke rourAttention. The' Cotivetitten feel ',..assit in tornierint - r *to YOn'lliie'.'Sigfint proof - of tier : - respect" and. .esteetti'.4l..entr countrymen, that th . cy •• truly reflect tho the people 7''of the . United States. entertain .of four eminent. cha racter and distinguished .- - pubtio- They cherish a profound.col t yleti , :A i. that. ye r 'elevation to the first- ollice'-tin the republic **ill give it kt...bral . ;uorantee to the - co u n try 'that tiita'princiPle of, the constitution t`ill lie asserted. arid maintained.; 'that the •itublie be:established ; that the tumults pffaction aaih be, stillcd- . ; that our.lornestic - int' ustry. willhotirbdi . ;•tliat our airs=Nitlbe cOnd net ed rine h 'and firtinvis as to assure tire .:.perity of the 1-K:epic:rot home, wh'le the itiiej . „- ests And honor.of titlicroutry are ‘yisely' lute -'intlexibly-thalutoincil in ourintereou , e with other nasionp, eTeeially, that your your pub bile - esperie.nce and the - confi . dence of yoor cotnit'rViMin will enable yon'to give effeet to. denforratie :prinitiplo , :, sous to rend - er ni11.4 , 4;1- luble the strong bonds of TrifitnaLinteril:q anti' national, glory which unite. our Con-f0i111';10,* and securer the .prosperity. of our pe,Tle.-. While wi!, °fret to . the..-conntry'our .sincere c onfitrasulations upon the fOrtutmte auspices: th e futuiv.; sr? tender to von,. periotally, the , a, , oratices - of th 4, respectnn,l ,e. , ,tei;ul - of your ftllok eitiiens, ; 7 • 0•• " • W. A.-RICH Z.IISON, —l - IAIIIZN 7 111111; Alni, I • • • -; . ,W. 1 •• 3. \Ch . , - _ • •A, 1114)11V.1"," ; • • • L. Ai • • JOITN • • , • • lion- ANAN. I ••• • , isno , :auale*, merory: WHEA . II.A , N,D, 15.311 GENTLItE.N hatd the.:tionor to *n(+:cu.-Avis reeeipt of . ,yourf com - tim tii cation of the 13th'iii,that,.informiivg me otlioinlir mr nomination I.)eMneriopit NatioaNl' Corivwio* reeentWliehl. at die deni , .dr.u.ic ett6-lilate for' the cf res Jen: ‘'f. the. United iF•tateg. :1 - attempt . express,' tle grateft'il fe,elin s is wLielt I enter;:til, toe'n,rds Illy tieU/Qt;ratie f...i10W tens for having :loomed nlc vottiry the higheit-potitieal honor: on earth—au hon= rEnchtt the people : of -po . other , eountry have the ;power to besto‘V - . - Doopiy eetisil f fe of the Nast - and varied responsibihty tat:ach ed t:o theistation, espc:oially at '1 present crisis in ourafF4lrs, 1 ha've refrai.ns. . . . , ed from gpokint - c the . .notottiaion• either by word or 'doe b. .No.v thatit Its Soenit offered :y the. dein(peratio party, 1 . .' 6...AT1 iikiritii -dir tiletic. i n lily ,-):ti n :ibi ~ .i ties, but' wit.llll li u rn- . . 1 „,1e trust flint in the er...,.fit of my ekectroa I- mar h e "enabled. to disejuvrge .I.lty - such a manner s allay • iloinestio, strife,. preserve p.-. l .nee and friet i Aship with foreign La.: and:iron - not e tile; best interCisis of . tbe , republic • -• , , c.e.']; eerf sl. - Iv - tar that I ficeierit in the_ same the resolutions constituting the Ciiples* the Convendon.f- To this platform I intend to eZnfitieniy , elf through , - Jut th e , e4nvass; Ueliering 'that have right, as 'candidate; r ofl the ,d...tmocritic - - I . ;artv,.by r-iltswering interrOgntoric , -, to pr e ...t.,- ent new and different issues q.iefore the pc:)- , • .It will ;riot-4,e exp2gted;l t! in th • answer- I should s'..pecialty tefur to the sabjeet of eael • of the resOlutions . •;•aildshall therefore tton, . lifvsi•tf to-the two . - now Ina-it inentiv before the people. . the first pl le I e,or3litlly c: - -ntet!i• in the stin l tint.nik tril;lVSSed by tit.; Cunveli ... lion on the .of civil and religiu-ls ertr.. party lotinded on Fell gi kl 6 "po litical intolerance towards one class of Atner lean citizens, whether -born in our own' or .' foreif.-,niand, can: long continue to e.:sisit in , • this country. We are : al : l et-pLal - before God • and the bOnstituti. - ?n ;'and the dark spirit'of lespotisra' : and bigtlrY which would. create otious iirstiotts ittfong our fellow citizenki u iii be,sp'f.,7Rll y rebuked - by' a free- - 1 li;tlitened 'public opinion. • The agitation on the question tit ch.:nit:stk. i t.lavery has toolong distraetcd. and : divide.] • the, people' Ot.'this Galion and alienated their l toleetitnis from each other- • .agitation has assunied many forms siniai its commence- -1 nynh but. noiv it stns to be directed chief il the, ; and judging from its - presevit .elt a rq , :: ter - I:IL:411c • we T h a ys , saf e . l,-- an-. / Licrpate thrtt appro4ehing . The reeent lezislation .•;"-pectitig slar.ery, "a.i . it 2:a„, 1.e.-ntfrom the ori`ginal arid purefountain of legititnak p I:ol,vci.r, the will of the Inaprify, promi , es e-re long, fo..alirty the :tdciri- . - - -zer..nrs 1!Xeit.97 , : , 11t. • This ltigistation is fount]- : •etlup• - in•princitties as ancient . as Thew_ iiseif, and in :-..iteeorclatipe thent,,, •l , at Eitnitlftleiclare4 that the ,i)eople-of a Tar hke;those of,at State shall tfe-ehles ft_r titemsetres. wie,thi.u.rslarcry Shall or shall not sat t within their .": The Nebraska li."*nsrts 'act • does no more LI: at , give the force Of law to this eletrietary n , :ineiole:ofself-gOriirnrnent, - tleclatino• it to • he true in -Witil l .lntimeatiing,:of. tai net not to legislate slavier . T.into any Territory or. State, nor 'lO exclii,le. it .theiNdroni; but. to people ;thereof - _1) , ..-pt ., A.Htly free to qui - ,ind.r.'egulate qteir 'ciornestic utiCnis tl.dir own Way, subject only to consti ietion of the United States-7 This ,principle will surely .. .not be ,ont..foverted by if _profeising devOtiim. to 13"4*.ders,11w rain sn•.l . 1 1Itisory woufd any lother'4 4 ixtoipie pr9-e in praetzt: c it] reg:trci to apparatit frOin the fact adnuitted;by - after -a Tei: r riturr shall hitirci•.e" ateri3d--the - Uni on and Lconto a State, no • mingitufiOnal puirer -would then exist which could prevent ;in either.u'.r.dit.liintr or estal y, 4; t,;:,0 t.? Is ti. ° T - w 'll aid• tint uld it be for the e...uutry , if. .1116 ion 4.: imia, I.)'h4i•• pr od; tt74 {l"; ,nas to a RV.11.2 finati being, it- has ei th e Sr,i.ut e of-frreat . kkad.da.U:ger"....ius 6 4 1' f: . , • . " • 1 'l• est.rantretl-one portion.of has rrrti EC"' ti 10; 11 :+ti-eXifliAtitzi?. • Td thy,l it: ill; l)roducsii the -I 4 6 're. 'Preigb: nild 11 'that 6:t r. . all'' ',!;,(nif6,l 6 rnev is in cinustatit because aekoiyleafroWer tinq ; r •-twli-ys comma:it& re-15ent ''atnoue .fiat?: as. antr are ittnin .leratnstut • just aegies - slon tnd in favor of the -inaintain i• 1 ante oflionoral4-„.rge1„..„, ,, • . .••.- • Ma i= - 4e - not titiaskin "of. l ,the democratic - party,. now -tlie. 4 :ll l y,.ls,l lol ._ivt ins; censervative.partv •••of .the conntry, -ere long to overthrow -all- sectiOnail piirtites,' and restol.o the friendship, and mutual tidentie, winch thO'goed - old time, auteng the differ:ai treetubers thei - tonfed,e- . raev- • its'cleiraefer is strititliy.natietral, -, .ana as•;erts 'no Priti.orie; fOr 111'6 , guid 7 ' .. rin , :•.e.of the f , d...ral !.toro..rnliio4"l",•llioi is not ! adOrted and siistainml•by tts iponliers in each Sand every Slate., this - reason it is &en.- w here the same det.i.:rat;ited foe- of all goo= ! gra phi c al tades, ,i•o insich . so jtwir , d rothied radirtr of his•il:,ttntry. Front its _ very nature it mem. surely, •exi'•,t so long aS2there, is t constittition . rmilt Union to pre-• sere:. • A. conviction of these Etritths as in 7vncedinany of tilt: purest,ilte• ablest and 11iO4 indtPrtie nr Pnr Opponents; "110 • Itavd , differed from us in ;times gene by f lip on old and ex - ii net party issues-, to 'to our ranks aril devote. thet*•iilves with us . to the cense of the donstitution l and the Uni . on. ;Under these circuniqtances I mog, cheer fully pledge myself, .ihould th4' nomination of the Convetitiort be ratified by the people, that .11 the power- and .influence ,onslitutiontlitY possessed_ by the Exceutiye . sbnll be okerted in . li : firtrt- OtmcilintolT spirit during- thea sin :;!e term I'shall remain , in ellioe, tto restore the same harmony atni:4lg Alhi Sister . States which prevailed I;i6ire this tipple of . discord in the form of slavery agitation, bait 'wen members ( ot rho family :11mi:tin:front interniedling. with the ,'one-erns 4r. each other,. and eoidially unite, On the, basis of. pet feet ecinality among tininiselves, inipromoting the national obje c t s of common iiicerest to all :Ind the. good w 3rk will be instantly- at .- ,• ed.• • ii reg•aid to our fr'ireign . :poqcv, to which -rod itii.iaf!referrel in i.7our 4,11.11t.0 1111p . 05 , ./ble 44 , ally hutuan foiCk.ll,Ml: ctlgeto po,=4ire' rilltis in relvanee, regulate:- . %llo.•vontlapt of a:flAture aaalinisL .; lration in e%i , :enefes which . my - Arise -in various in , : , ver ith I p..)Wers. The felleral 1 tft.tteces..::ty excrvlse n sonn , li kii , (m.tion ill . internal qtte,tionk As they may but' under the Aliei respon-ibility w i i j :: l t fl . 1!.; nnr=t, a1t1. 1 44): leel to the people or tite ctnted Stfatt:s and the judge t"tnent of pn:tteritv. Yckti therefete cwe It1:3 for r,•.q. irlt!) particulars whilst T hortstilv with vi , n in th'e ,gen -eIA; e.entinieut,,tbat our foreign naa . r.3 0n72.11- ilw coaducte,l with r-.11...h wi-41ont dui lilt - mess 1 I. , as to assure the proQptr:ity. of ,i11..t pople at I i liotE:J, i.vitikt thy intere , ts atal-III:mor . of our , / I eoitntry are; whtiv but inil,;xil.;le maintaine,l :,', a. 1 .;1-..4.• Our tlirei:!•11 14.1 icy ougltt ever to Le i :. biTh,. , ,rupott the pli"r.cip4.s or (foing . jur,fice to .; ::::i•ofttibu,i, at,:l re4uirios• jar:life- from Oieno! , i in relartt; and frotn..thil;pcinct:ple . l iiittli nay : 1 .„ ~ . , 1 '•- • I , .' er tt.2.aart. .. - f 51 . '1 , ,1.1 - d 1 ly.t pla,:q4iq the I•lxefttive cliafr, 1 'IT-thall urt.l., o - bust eertionit to cultivate; 1. pe; . e.e ap.l'frictvlshil w'itlt all lifitiONs. I)C•lie,v: . 't 1 inl , -'4llitt. to bc,our higlaist polic!‘• atLfour most 1 1 - 's'• ! 1 r . „ , , trirp!rative ,t ,, lv • but. at the.s3Ule tune t snail 1 - . „ 1 i never lo t. that in .ease the 'necessitV shonia i !r -, . . :artse which 1 do n'ot now apprehend . , our ,m| i tional rights an,l pationil hunt:lr fiktr:t tai pre- 1, • 1 ser Ti v-e.I at all hazaras antl at any sacrifice. j . I 1 rmly cottvinced that a special Iliovidencol - t i rroi'e.rus the affairs of nations. i LO, ii:-; 1 titn- 1 ~-. bly impl . or, - ; liis,coutinu , 2 , -Mosiing UPON our , conntrY,'and that he may av'brt from us the puiti lament sycjitstly (I,sert'o f')t• being dis: ez9ovin7 ptivil : 4es above :111-flations,unoil sucil 4 eoli ,tit.fitit',f) 4n.1 snchh Uni9n•ns !vivo never : loecri tuna; i)coplei • Yon r.s,. ver- Iy re,pee.A.4 4 l_*,. JAMT-S I;UPtIANA.N.. ADV.ICE T:„) Youx,; 1,...L9tEi.4--- 7 Nevd - t be nfr•titl , .of tllnibing. • Ae.e..2pt -no present - of value front tn,d. Avoi.l of.earriacv , .. It ni , ll,•st nn.l mo,lerat. , : in not !,,:*ten , s•ven in public. Aiß , et i I )on't talk loud. Never d. J. in scandal., "1 'find salute IVo wi:11 . inen, but not fainiliar4 13 not ai r way:, iaughip ! , and talking.- Be dis c rest. f4a.)fiz,:a not all n, , n to be in ii.we with TOIL , . . t • , I t11:11. shoo` . l3z. on . your part. Spc,lk do! your mud WY all oo,rksionz. Scw - su Hot, ';., to lkNtr. iinproper • • •- convorsations. ad'ornsititt ue,.as bash fulness ornaments ttentity,;, Vi harmonizes with a just. sense of cliltrlniter,,av -moderation Itarti , stnizes wit - It:justice. digui 7 ty of character, a simplicity etiTninces great ness. !,.It v . It merit :the - ,flame ch!lnni \thick candor adds to re.atneissi or heart."--4. What, is modesty. 1., it not a slense of .excel lence so deep and true thatitlittiobservanee - of duty . appears a natural thing I tls it 7 not so sincere a desire for what is excellent, , that. what is wanting. is . Ifttleii ;Lan what is already obtalaud -Is it . itot so hire a love for what is 4110.111 fit it forgets thOi - re Ward reserved f9t merit iti the approba tion pf • r, , 'We, itapp - ef; to nU ;flat . Ayres Chttrry Pectoral AN good 10edielrivs, had proetalio it igteautt4.l wo an iitlow it. We tttmfidently - believeltilere is a v4st ati:oUnt of'rolief intto far our, sflicted fittittv meo wrapped up - in thetto prePar- aiionsauti. wo shall freely se our little inile- erica in matte thvT.ll those. who 'need -Son.d.ljprintc:t. nariord Ua~atrr its'. . . While we vaiae the Pubhe Exhibitions at 'the Ie•lo..0-4 the year, 'as Means l of gold, both to !itti.. dents and - community,. vet,,lhvving : t buildin ! ~niTie.lently lark to aceomntodattt, _tile anditory, land the expense of preparink; aeenmodation4; so great, that foe the present v l ear, no arrangements Aril I be made for a Pa hi ic Exhibition. Junc, 16, 1856. 1 By the Faelilty. t - Tnejitruinal meeting. of ithe 'trustees is on i Tue,day, July 4t, at 3 n'efok 1 3 . M., at the lu. stituti6n. . • . .. c eltelikratiou of . tile ',i of argil y' i3i I • - .3"aplisipts. i • . . . . ~ There.viiiLl);.. acelebratien of,the above nam ed davi nt .inek.-stiloruers; at whieli time the Rev.. Geo. P. Li '.lot will deliver an Oration.. Tire ; peeple , Ji*J3el;son•etenil a hearty invira. - lion tcklie eitivins of nAjoiiiing Towns, to unite ti:ith thein in retideritg.rne:;norlble the 000 A I -rib il.:ly of American Inilependelee. ° : - . , ,' l'3ev6ral other' speakers - are - c*pekd . to ,ad dress the people. { ' i Good. music .will be g in attendance—a - dinner will:be, erVed—al,sti, ife, Works in the evening. . 1 • -Be drder ot Committee'. • Cash for Wool. rpHo, highest price,-in er4, will be paid for Wool by IL BURRITr. New, Ititfind, Jane tt 3, 155 G. Wanted. AWO dozen flit Turkeys ) y flip first of also feChiekeusi at S. S. MOTT'S.' Mtn4rose, - • - • iXtRA Flour from 7 , 1-t1 to 18 dollars per •J.J.4 blil.;Tor sale At. 8a S. MOVP.S. ' NIT SUPPLY; of Groitetles, Drugg, Pitin , Oils, Gtais; umtoriilia'for lights ; I' • ;J m. 1 10,1856. . 7 - 1 . 71_00p.& ad 00411 Ci . pki for .)3V1 4 1,k • • • • AGRINITURAh R. 1L WELLES & Atheivg,, Va., EZETTOA:CriiAtEIMV:Rott - SALR AND ITETAIT!DrAL- MINKS E.N ERVIS•AND WHEELER'S . RAIL ROAD I ' ORSE POWERS; THRESHERS AND ..'„SEPARATORS. I . ..1 Threshers and Winnowers entribinetL • - - .' - ' CLOVER HULLERS. Cirpiltir and Cros Cut Saw atilt.. Einety's Cit4er- Mills. Feed Cutters, Corn Shel lets, Corn an. seed Pintitqs;...Sevinour's Grain Drills and Brad Cast Sowers: 'fteVolVing Morse Rakes. Do Powers; Clow's Grain • Cradles. Keteb.. um s Mowers. 'Reattorri and' Mower's Combined. blt4ic Corn and Cob Excelsior Panning .Cultivatoria. Leather and.aubbe.r , Belt- ingst Meat Cutters,.Applo Peare.s: 'Refrigera tors, Provision Safus,-&e. Extras furnished for. repairing Emory and Wheeler's machines. . Our ,Exeelsinr -.Fanning. 31ills aro second to none =de in tlie.l.ltdon. • ... • bescriptive Cataloguei, Trios Lists rani Ciren , tars of all tnachine,.&e., sold by us,-scot gratis anilpostage all applicants. Send us, yoar 'name and addres.s. 131.4)WERS, of Franklin, Agent. Post Otfip; addross, Moiltrose,Pti 2 , 4). THE . LIP IES OF'.lll X Mirk • 1 - TOX AND VICIXI TY. Iltase read it, it is short„anil c!f,iiu?trtance Ito ever!! House .161-per. - SiIIIEPA.RD - BROTIIERS 11.1 AVE received ti;vir spi - inIT supply of hilive - c n i n i,.,hi ng . c om. 4, W, . c " now „G r seYon I•v:mti In I styies of Crockery. One °cilium a nt”k• and elegant Sprin%,.l. l 4ttorn of ‘Vitito Ea aiaillicil Ware . . Oar uro,t, are all a No. I in qaality. no .-toads or odd -lots, but completer.vtti.s, anti can alway. be in:gybed if broken Cr -maxi, wanted. for yvars; to corm-. -. Ail - the coot inini \%'aie:l, CIIINA TEN WHIM, si`x splvndid it . lc, of \ollie-rind decorated, v(. - ry low. GLASS WARE: a complete and unbounded - variety always On Tk:A TRAYS of our aura inipc , rtatieu. - Fifteen idegr.nt patzerng, far. surpas.sin- . 1 in rieli ne'ss. finish and durability,. the. Aineriean artiele uswilly sold, at as low prices,' and by far the large... and "most complete lot ever e - Gred in J parts; from $3 to $l5 per sett of four. AUCTIOr! ORE IT' BAR GAL ITS 11 • Brats Curtain Cigniees, Band's, Hooks; Se.; ntiirkes competition. Twenty differ ent, sty3e3 of those eleg: , nt 11`.1 - 1 Caere, frym k.nts to' RIO each. 31 ditiore c nt pstterns 'of ; superior ,vArranted Cordis. fromf.,•%•:l to . ;$2.5 e:0 1, • W;;lt'iles,,Cloclts nod Jewelry p:iired...Plated Castors, Csk. 8:111:09. Sp , koilS, .N:tpkin Rings, tte.. &c. tlti9 . l)ozen N.ttiyes And 'Forks. Ptalor latnps,, Ilati !Lang , 13:itunnia. and Tin \Vare. . HARP WARE GE,VIER.ILLY. llitrludized Iron 31nntle Pioc.e.a.and Qratos.. &re., in fact a general linage 'Building.. and • Douse estaidi.hment. and see asst onr -(.7itysTAr, PAL_ 10-;," two doors oast ot.:the If our Goods are. not nfrrepresente'ti, our prkes as low as ip"town, and yoU :ire not trer.- tcti;well, please do'n't SILENIARD lII:OTHERS. Illinghamton, liari.l4 1856 • • - . Cash for Wool. & (I.lilitArl.7 PAY t h e liiiti"ti l :itiinark , :t price for•:iil the ‘Voor Co:lnty, tktiyereq nt ttivi r more. • Nt•w :vlilford, Jane 16,1856. - f r„ Arrival of the Africa. f iTAVE this (lay rereirod, pe nn r ,tea , iiiii Atli . 41:1. anoll;!r involoo of tlne.c uariralled i'AT.. r.I.EVEIt WATCIIES. My stock, is now E .-1 11 0 0 A. in' eery .ileseriptiou Oik , n face at rtihinting. Gold and Silver, and I invite the al l tention of all persons in wont. of :t lirstela-cs Wati•li, as by importing' my own Walaes di ri:fet I elm tell to my I.4uhtetners - at the .N,r.v .ITurk ichoLsaii . 2, - prices; '',. . ALPItED J. EV NS, • Jui:, -1, 1556.. • No. 3 aiti Fellows' llall. Exel.tl4l)r's ,115)1.11.e. Xr()TICT.:,s hereby given to person R,having: th-ntantig ag.tinst - the .I;state of .Ebonezer late' of Silver Lake town:hip, in Suaq'a deed, that the same must he preentetl to Oa and ersignell for aPilangentept, anti alli)eni , ont4 itidebted to said Estate arc required to tuake fin rnt,diate ettleln en t. 1 • " • JAMES GAIGE, I • • ANSEI, GAIGEI',I ; 1 June 19, 1 . 856.—vt - 6.. Excebtors. j . . .•,. . Doa. R. haver AKES This method of saying to his friends •I.l_ and customers that he has .again resume:4 the praOiee of Medicine at his old stand in Mor troqer‘ihere he.m4y 1,143 . found atall times unless profw,sionally employed. Ile would'say to those oviiig him on old nceounts.That he will deduct-25 per cent: on alf accounts paid before the first of .A.Oril n'es:t. (ot if any poor .like m+•-elf,) I Will dediwt fifty. - . . Ilmntro , :e Feb - ')0 1855-:9tf . 1 MEW Book every - Week. Old Santa Clansis round yet and will be 'till.after New Years, o please prepare for hiM by calling at . the Post Office, where coacan. get new, entertaining and . usoful -', The liunters Fe;,,st, or'Conv . ersationsaropnd the Camp Fire,"Kate Weston or to Will :ad to Do, Ten.Ye:irs aiuong the Nail Bags, Family P,a , dimei or hOme made H . UppY, Life on the read r Claude Dui•al &e.;Peter Parleys' new Univer ,,a., liNtory and gift bookk„ CroWen and lia!es New Cook books-.ete.,.and many oth ets, I cant mention here, but ezin bow: the4l to von if von will eall; and sell them low for, the 1 eadio . , . A. N. BULLARD. • MontrOse Pee, g 4 ,-1855. VIGHTY-FlVE'Cents in cash will bui . rine dollars worth of, the •aplenclid attrek, of 3urnmer (midi: just receiving at the clienp'eash.and barter store at Ditneek foureor. ners,.where.almost ev.erybQrly goes new fo'buy t4eir Goods. Flung and Salt kept always on band. . ,tiVJI. I . TIIAYER Dinine 'May 23;185G. • •TITAS REMOVED from Odd Fellow's Hall to hi.:;•new - • SKY LI,OHT.ROONIS, liaitliii.Brick Block, over Bentley and Road's.' •I -Come arid see. Calling' , will cost you neth 14oiolowyou buy, and then you are sureto..go Away. with more tim•"ralne received." . '• -- 1 A multitude of choice oases, Gold Lockets, Reeder is .Indicted for Treason ::"!! A 'NI) Congress has passed 'a . new . Bounty . i'l . Land livw ,soldiers,.their widows, or minors v • - whose clalins:havo been_ susperuied- can. eery nitiny, of ttiesti,nOw 616 in their warrants by up ; plying to nie.. llfany• • good claims are. lost rtbroligli ignorance orwent Of attention. 'I now , ibite the law direct (rout Washington, and 4611 Ini!,happy to serve my friends by sending in new __-,---- cb4its or _perfecting- old Ones. libiiii# -''' *a . free. " -- '''.f ' . - ' 1 L. F. FITCIL INGLEY. ''' • - 110ntroS0,- Vat , 21',1856..---21104..- TIOGA. POINT WORKS. .AOttstill (bey Come: thilne and See. r • •r• • • :1 ' 7 4r Vl> : : 4 [IA 25 7 1 "Picture Market, lIAIMVAVIOUSEITIt - -* NI4HiNG A 4 F.Akii*ODS. 119 Tila InSusquohamitt arql Neiglkboring Counties-. '- • • . . WE wi4ttl.rtip . is 4 . t? tiny FOlO, yotir ,iitten .tioti to olir - ratite ittiNek of the:. above mentioned tioods„notilj..u,stpru and in toutle of reception; -For mauy . f,..years.. the trade of one o f the large6tportidns . State..has been retaihed lby'a mePopily,Wiliell has at last •given Possessimy, imequalfisl facilitie4 for buyiriLT, and having direet ci)rniktinic;atior. 'With the twist extension :11:topfactori4s ins the libited States, wo say, without ilxagttration, that we call and will sell, either WhOloale or'rt4.:lll; at prices lower. than ever, ottercif before WeSt of N. Y. City.' • While nothiMy, haS.l.i , en'etaltted in•the . 11,,ard ware tine, we have giqn particular attentiOn to the House . Furitishingisraricli cf Oar business, and have on hand'vrellr worthy the spection ilouso.n. , eCirers. of Fancy Cm4l3 yin ?have also a-large . :issort merit, which, having.behn R . vlected with especial reference to OratL6l: . .Of our Mistomers;,we think will pleasetheftl i ia peed of articles in : this . • into. Imeonclusion,wewo'uld say..that our Ooods are Pew, and ofllo - lift gonlity, and that we helm, by strict attention to bitsinesB, and a con stan,t anticipation of ter. Wishes of our patrons. to merit even an incrtase of the confidence al . ready renosed in s to. ! • • • • ''- . I'IIYFNLAM . NOWI:I7ON, • Ifardw:tre, !louse Fut fishing nod Fancy floods Establi , h ment, 51 . ootirC St., Tlittghiitn- ~ „ , urn, ,„ frrIIIITIg Dirt: of • - N. 8 . ..W1; have alert- large stock',of Wood en and 'Willnw AVart, Afats Itutzs, Britannia m ae, F anc y Bi r d Cage, apparntus o f every lo;4:rivtion, including Fistling 'Paekto in all is vilrietie3, - Guns,. ltillca, I'lstols, Gun. 'Nluteri:lls, Prktm the Ilhirrhamton Deinoctht, April 10th.. 81 , 1.. r.,. too ittfri;uvitz..ExT.—W? 11M11 befOrl! lit-. 1 tho new item . • erected. by' A. Knowlton, 11;s1., adjoining tbe Itaiiit Ilin7linniton, to; be , We 11 Pied 4 I 101.1Wi1n... phyr o &..KnoWittm. it appronelft:e completion It dt:F.erveg more Ituttreort.4lho that have 'wen I:t. , towed IT it, , atati . ls . ooo - ntotetily in its style, finish hrtilappointipen;n Ike model store or ,the Sonthern :.'l%l4Etirti. P. & K. are now putting in tlteiiiiitt4,,otte.targer and more . roin jlots has liorefatite I)een enthrne;twz ell. the (refOrtmentg . o 'Hardwnre; IluaderN Ft: ng Matericils, Gtts t rut:, .&e., Mr. lilt! istont4.-*te experienced and tend% vocrlamm, stipriAtoas'tho P Inca. ln ItYte & -Knotvlton's. Hardwarb and house Furnishing oods. -• . dipragivssive age. No one doubts it: 'or if thity.d4l.-a gi.ince at the_tuntiq'old -wires ua . the ,lightning whizzes : witlf itu portitnt m 3; would soqn cottrico:e ; a It.olc, .at the rushing 4iirs :would n.dd more etupha6is to the la:et:mid SviSe cOnclion. NCNV pre t 4 pro. sent therulielket3 each day ; each play we arc snore anxious tn. - •"Ca:chalio living niannors as they rise," turn them t 4 vur -own account, and tako in as inneli,cal.h Now :t dayi , p;:ople :::r.::.averAe to de•tlin , . at old fashioned :qeres—those e-tAlished froni ten to twenty yearli 8-.6. ThelrProprietins having be crone thoroagav inthued with the high prie principle, (14- rallier lack of principle) are un willing to Itiwer their_ dentand to a scale titgre in;pecordanNywitq tbnlttne• - ; we live' in. '•- ' l'eSolved. l , to. keep pace with the progressive spirit of theflage, We have opened one new and spacious Sti)re, No. 51,-Court St., with a very lar , e assorinent of • . • • , `kHardNiaroOlouse Furnlshing,: • 1 and Fancy kj . wds, whi;qi we offer whole sale or retail, at tWlosicr.t prkel, for ea.4;11 or-approved° eretlit. i . I•PH VIE & KNOWLTON, _ f _54 . C.-oart - tit., hiqghaniton,:sl.. Y. . ...- Z-17 - \ -1 07ad vie.ece;.trit.ry merchants to visit us: They v.iill:; nd it adval*o.9tts.. . .: FARNERfs • iva.4llll,i lar4v. lot lA'. ltal;(; , t, " SittiOANct, Cratlli.F; and nmny ptiler articles for erring -anti beautify ! irig tilt; earth, at .I'IIYFE al. KNI)WIL'I`ON'S . , Ili!tgliailton, TO THE LADIES., \ E i l s v u ie l 11.3v pro- cured of the iMpurters t n large as.ort!itent of • i•A:ACI GOOD, which snot certainly. ptealto even the most fas tidious We les a tine stock i',l" hair, Nail and Tooth BrnidnA' c!omprising•tnany elegant etyle,s. • OI? citml' We have' an extensive variety, inelti. dinq, mangy-of India Rubber, Iron and 1.10rn.• We &a.O, beside, mane other Artiele.=, too durpoions tnepuun: C.dl and examine our Fane24.: Goods. PIINTM-&"KNOWLTON, 51 Cotirt St - : r.,lt4rigviAtors. elu§T large lot, at ivieos. 'ranging • fronqss,so to 812,00." - - •TEIYFV. & KNOWLTON. Binglivitari N.Y. - - cages:l3lrdCagps 11-2 priVIT Sz:KNOWLTON have just received a largO and- well se'iteeted aKi - sortment of r= BI cAGES, eotubinitt many orthe most elegant &Signs and bean Ali combining durability with lightness Brill airiness of style. .I.`ruru ets Gd, to slo;eachiglrinkin& rind ared enps included. - KNOWLTON. * • 51; Coiirt st., Biughaul ton. Country Morchnnts, - 171/11:AL find flarriwrire, Furnishing; V V, .41 Fancy - Go.vis at New York Price;, a.P(IIVE & KNOWLTON. ' Bingl*lon ' . I U . YET, & KNOWLTON are Agents for a rtuailkr of Slannfaeturers,and will supply The Tradi vu easy.terws, Sad - at, a low ' !irk.° at their Ifarilwari, Haase. Furnishing and Fancy Cooas Egablishuient, 51 Court Street.. kBI and Poeic«.t. Cutlr.ry, a grist. var i ety, T ' at t 44 1 • '• ct at - - - • - - i ry OM priet , t, . Pll‘ FE &KNOWLTON'S: . ,- . . , t 4 ILIGKIT: A • .r.very 111)ruk Tiring% :4 °rambling New. CLAY TON S . :. DAILY'S self generating. trASS Lamps. cicare4.t and most sbc!tuti. fat light any thing yet discovered anti une qualed 'O3l any thing else in economy—as . the iamps are 1.3 a constructed that you gets splenda li'ett'from the - common burning Fluid, an thice - I.itnes the amount of lightfrota it less quantity Fluid. For sale by the subscriber at the 3foiftroS4 - Post (Mite. • A: N. BULLARD. June 18i 1856. - N. R. TlO nada! Glass Fluid Lumps changed to g g a gs Ouruer. - :; • . NE)r-,AD . VEVNISEPttENTS. • • 16 1 191tDktAll, r3.31.1TH & aid Test ect -12 fell . ? inform the pablie that they have pur chased the iinterest in the saddle and Harness flusine4Bl, - It. A. 4.4 z. lialdtvia.- We lope by strid r.ttelt!n, to businces•to receive our. share (,r Public getronago,t'enstantly : - ott hand, Sad d res, farness ; Whips; Trittiks. _Val ices, cfc-:,rrriake Trimmings in sill°Sß'S - bran - thee 'be done •to order_ on ~reasonable Shop NA 2, ,:•44...arh , 6 Ba4r•ineitt. • k'ORDHAM SMITH 4 , . CO. Montrasi Jan. 1,18 b ti. : . ..,,, 4i,-,,,,,- •., _ To r:Spicitismoz,..-,;,; I:. , .•,, -.:..,- ( rtaik7 Tackl e . 7::Of,:ii.s7-;:llifie,i;,7 Tiitott'l P' il' Fri, 5.7; KNOWI,TOWhivo iiiral on hand i •' a:splOadidlot of Fiabing - Tiekin; ctitapris. • • fetlX Ott OIS to eadh. frhnt 3C.tit., to 85,'each.y Iteels. from $1;50 to ed each, and sin-as sort.: Ot of rirtitleial:Bitt,'neVer!`oeferer amitintled iti t I:14 1 v ty., incruditig Pr lig 6:0 1 i0, h Ro bb or, .11innows, Cittta Portia, Grass' lioppen3, Shrimp, Spinning 4r.c... cot spoon,. to avotd catching grass while hailing.: .I',4l.,t!ot . Spring Hooks fur Pickerel, oil Sout.tiologors., l'auk . ee riooale 1i(46, A new and itnpreved itioaeof - 1 _ Ny hare ge N I atop!: of Gutte,.. - 41fics. volvio„tr, uiwzlo and double barrel. d Pig.ti.l4Pow .3ell Shot, I'l.ra ter Proof and other elips,i hunting Horns,. Turkey calls,. - ,"4-c. Powdell - Pleaki4 'l'ettches, Gaul.) Bagti,`.Teluperance Bottles t dt.e. , I - In fact .we have every-artic le of , sporting .patitna. r - koks, for outline fislking.hy I ttse hun dred tlious:md. PEIYFE •` ' " .r); Conn st.; . - No Usti inTifee, .r1111,11;$:40--ns long asy 11. JUL keep , such a spien4idruSsortinent, }if CATEWENTEAS TOOLS, 1 .. ss 'they now have in store; and which is by all lianas,- rival Hardwires inclutlea, seknowlecitred . BEST ANIICHEAI'EST; ever Offered- to On: citizens or Broome 1 Sus(ine banns, or other county. ' • • We ran fur:ll,4ll'ns hood en billfit..'efitocilS as of Ne - York:city , 'and Lit prices ai ionst-35 per 'cent: lower 'lle* . either. .A1.1. - Toor.s SOLD BY US WHICH D 6 llCit )'DOVE lIErIZINpITED WILL DI. rnveli.t*GEn nr.rusne-n. " PEI YPE: S, KNOWLTON, hard warp, llonse'Furnishitig 'and' Fan 4 Good 2'FlitabliMonent, 51, Court. St.; Birth-um- _- , ton, N. V., adjoininn.-Bnit • - • • . Binghamton. . EI'ICI.II.;ES, for ladies, a largt assort :ni en t • • _ PEIVFE &-KNOWLTONS • - To the Citizons of Monties . e. • •- ei 'AS FITTING AN!) PIXTUILESI 'PhyTo VIT linoMton iire :it all times read} to in. sert. Gas Pipe in (Ad nr nc.u• houses, it a work: manlike Manner, and at'lovi4)rieus. t They hai-e a fine assortment of Ch:Milelier's, P. , adeats,•Vorfable, Brackets, Glass GlqbeN . ,:ttiti Shade .s. :lb.. Blackstone, who superintends the'y'lork lind nineh experie'nee in this' iinel,•iii•New Vork 'amt . Brooklyn:' Orders solicited. • , N - 1111,' & IcNOWIitON. Binghamton. • • ••. , Nv oolyrls, and "_Fin 1 1 1IY &It NQSVLTONS,. Wrwhavnton - • Whips , by the Million z T.I7IZOM 25 ets. to $5.00, nt PHVEE& KNOWLTON'S ilinghatittbp.- Britannia . . Wate. largo .stritkal: • I •!, - I , IIYFE & KNOWLTON& Bingham ton. • ' Now Corn Shellol.l' • • A T only $5,00, at • ' PIIYFII A i.N.CoVV.I..TON'S... . ' . . Crns.s Cut Snwm, ! & KNOWLTON'S 51; Court at.; ilingliatyltoo: Sheriff • virtue •of writs of fi .fa.;.ecu. cr. iigsued hut of tho Court of eommon Pleas" of uskpie: comity and to trio' directed, I wlll QXPOS‘ to shit) by public conduce stfthcreourt /louseJD Motifroso, •!On. Saturday the -21st - dal of June next, at 1 Week P. M. • . ALSO, All that certain piece or par4.l of land 4itudto and•beingin the township•ofSprinvill6. in the -, comity or Susquehanna,.and bounded-and tiesCriiied as fellows to . wit; On the mirth by land in po.sliessinu of Simon Green, on .the.east and South ,by land owned by PardMi Flitt; and int the. west by ate Wilkesbarro and BridgeWa. ter .titrrlpi he road, containing.orm half an acre of more br less., with ribs apPurtenanctis one . 114,1 all improred.: . • • 't ken in exe cu tion at th 6 suit of Doan & l~ Mite vt.:. 0. S. Tracy.., . • ~ • P. P., HOLLISTER, Sheriff's 05ve, :Montrose, May -20, 185 . 6. . The:thieve saluis hereby, - adjourned to Satan. day . the 2.801 day of June inst., at ,1 o'clock P.M: flOLLISTER,§horitt. : St!critr. OtFtee, Moutroso,: - * 'Juno 2; 1856. • ••• • Fire :_ Fire r. Fire I nadeisigned is agent for,, the following, •I_ Ansiiran:e. • compaide's, the .reputation of whieli, for solvendy, and honorable dealing, live, been . . long-.known to the public. THE 1.417C0:11ING CAPITAL, ' . $4,2Q0,000. ; , . Th 4 Farmer's Union Insurance of Athens, Pa. Capita! $200,000, secured by Apds nd 3fort gage's. • •, • • I State 3futual at Ilarrisburg, on the stock and -Mutual plan: :Capital 8350,000. • - ApPlieants tan receive poikiesm either, oratiy of the above companies. ' • -• ' . BILLINGS' ,STRCPrir 4gcnt. .31ontrose, May 12, 1856. - Farriers your Interept. A rare dig:itce to make from 12 to 25 or 30 ' lsar cent,son yotir investment.l FIVE snbseriber is prepared to furnishTh rest tug machines; and various other Agricultur al impltariesits, not to be •suiressed by any-in this counter', from the well: known' and long es tablished, Itimilfactery df.Wheeler,liellltlc & Co. Albany, Y. There are but a feWo farmers in this eounty,„but. what can realise the Above per; cent: or mere, us the horse power can tio applied in sawing Wood, iu • log-or otherwise, churning, euttieg stalks', straw,' and hay &c., ani:l various other. usos do numerous to mention. J For sev .eral 1 4 eason.4 I can make: it' an 'object iror those wisliiug to purchase, to 'call npon::Tneland have their ! orders' . filled. h have the freight„so awing cd that the transportation is brit a mere trifle: 7 — All iinplements warranted to be and th l perfeim na recommended, (see large hand bills;) I can .also liirnish:lnachinery from other malinfactors if desired. ; Now ie your time o Elena drders and youfjustehiries will be in readiness at liniveit. • E. T. - TIFFANY. Sum. Co., Pa., May 210856. , Low. Priope Tritimphapit. -et FORGE W. SEYMOUR & CO: are now receiving a magnificent Stock ;Of Spring and.Summdr Goods, selected', with great - care and With special regard to the to te.s - and wants of this community, consisting of a thqieci c.arie ty of Dry Goods, Fancy GpCids arid 'enabroider. and Soes, Groceries, Rats, 'Paps, and Straw Goods, Crockery,Hardware and Cntlefy, &c. ; Which w© sell - fOr prop pay, at lowe'r prices than, any other ,establiihment ie this County. • 9?@ 411114010 • we would Kay, that theyhave not been torgotton, and 6at the . way of 'Drees- Giiads'ilwe have culled Or their use the .choicpst:setnc in' tho market; Drop in and see us, atewelwill take pleasore in showing youths nicebt and cheapest stock of Goods you evor saw in this place. Burford, slay 8, 1846. . AGOOD assortment of Pattern Dr ss.Lawns, ,Ml 'niece, at:: - ,VV. S. eft- CO's. . . AltAlSOPand Fns;itew - styles ;tad choice arie.t.ies,at CQ'S. 4 t id " A 1411G4 stock of CookeryNVarer G' ~. O' "'N and Gisui china s %V C o'o a4•' - - ' TIMM VIM . GED. usa SUMMEit - AKRA,NGEMENTI . if - NN end nlter*, May 19th, /850.)Iiie '3 Mail kasseagor Tretri: - .erifhlepart Ntu &totem, etle3.s ".i . L. M. ' DuwatVitnitt . Bea :at I.4l647o,Pniinottini'with__Wa'-`,Attlikirle..*d Bursjo - EapteasTEitat; on the N...Ari - ',"*R.A. Paliegere taking, thiktrahaVtir litiVoita-Atif: fa -1 9* 7 '' • -. o:;fir.','ttad in sew • •York - at- • On. RPlArning:„*.ii I .leare Great Bend at 3jo OM, duci at Beintorrat 8.0.0. p. o;'''' Th*,,,,r„ F e. te i t ' Itfal:mrnedition ; - -Tribi, 4.11 Paiinenge carattlettnif, 4111 '.leive , &onto* at 14:415 p. m.; tionnectini with - thiitail - Train wdat, and Oa :Night Eipra* !Fmrah both 'wit and'ivett:: Passenger taking thia train - and the Night ExpresatEast, wilt arrive in Nene Torirlat n. nt.; by taking the Fight • Express ;Kest, willaritsm in - Dunkirk rit 3; rits . ,or by. w ' kipg theltaii-Tsairt- est,- . Wili arrive . at - . Di ' k tl \as at • [Cm; -•- . -t - • • -•''• ' • - - Beta - mint , will learn:Great Bend rit .1 - a. ito. and arrive at 4dran tint '121.04 fi t ini. . . . ~,..- ; Peasengera, Or _Williesberfe,- ,FitiitOn; f ar. bondalo, Philadelphia,: (via thit CatiWisiai 'Will. lani4oort ' and 'Erie and Reading - ft4iliOnifi:. -- 'O4 Tiirnaitna.) and," Easton ! . Alia . a . ll .interiaediate places, will-find first elasal atagieniehei.in_ raid inns at Scranton; on the_ arrival of the Pass. ginger and Accommtidation Trainif tii" - eortvey. thew to the above gages. ,Tbosie ; :aliectsinipti. vat°. conveyance:l' w ill . -lint! tbe _ best, oCharses and carriag,cs or ove!y descilystion,atTencon4le charges, 'ready to order. '- ' a--- - :`-"-:?-, -: _• .- • ''A 13. DOTTERER, Sup!t. Superiittemient,'; Office, - - . - Sentntony May 19, 1856. - • -. •• ', _ . _ • CLEAR 'THE TRACK.: • - • . • - x'442IIECTLAUSBILIk: ON the part of SISISIONS & igaiost thosc„ °ld • coiTger's 44 secotid, rate Goodi•and,high Prices. _ Friends,. Countrymen, and ali t (which includes everybody,) baie just received a splendid stock of Spring and Sum mer Goods,:at.our storo on VLIDLICAVENUV, first door afilove . tlie Net Office. Which wo are deterininEd to sell, for . - • - . R E ADI p A , tt, "leotle" cheaper than can be bet:t i ght in this market.' Onr stock comprises a - complete assert merit of the latest styles - anq best qualitietof Goo4lB,:frilin the coarsest-Brogans, to the:6 - 11 - st Congress Si,ik Listing,,Gaiters for the . Ladies. NIENS_ French Cult ;Boots," .the best - jictesvn.:. Tjfe beit.astortmeut . or Ltulitti ea). teift .. .9ftl in troduced into this nia.rket. . . • CII.IILADIEVEIIIIS, 'MILOIa-W -in great variety. Findings it-generaymtsortamnt. A lso Sole Leather, Upper` - L - Nithey,±Calf Patent Leather, trcinielt,3l4rOcee, Clintsoa :Morocco,: J3toot.Moruccc Linings,in Muds.. - • - • • All kind of Work Mudd .tO 'order Fand te.Paritir , done neat!y, - . Thankfulfor past favors, we ho by faitdeal ing to merit a continuance of the 54m;34, ;, 'Call and weeus before purvhasiOg elsewhere. . SIMMONS - I MERRIMAN... MoUtrnie, N:4-26,1456. Books Thst Are Books. • Fur sale at the Moutroie .4 l ookl - Steire4d,the. Post Office: ; •-- . _ JUST.RECEIV.ED, • - .• - .'lie Englsndi . . -• Dlaty snit Correspondenee of AinoS Lawrence. Ptison of Welteverdon in the East Indian Arehepelago, by Capt. Gibson. . -• • • Forest Tragedy and othet Tales by Grace Greentiood. - . - - The. Eu.4li Itovt;ht Caitt.:3l:trie'Reid s The Great tio'd•Dragon. The Prince of the tionie of David; - - `good Tithe, Coming. _ ' - • Qlirlatin . e or Woman's Trials • and Ticidcdpk4. Tlie,Onynx Dingy.. ' Man Of. War Life.. • - • The did _ Homestead . .. • ' ••• • • VitOOdElll ot.the IiVaIS of Providenee.'.' .- ,,, TY.kabigne't, Triatoiy of. the Refopnotion , l Family Toitatnents with Psalins2and tiotes.! "°PoeUt do • - and Bibles. Catholie - Prnyer Bookk.", Yankee Notions, &e., &v. .Theli say That_thet/i3lontroso- ,Book Store is the place to act Boolut.andNotions cheap. 'Well what do say so you cant teil wh4her they say the truth 9r . inot Mess . son tiy-...p , v,rt never viinal.feci- very thitnkfut.Toi past taio.. and hope-to - nerit a - continuation of - patronage, brntrict attention to.tho wants of the lauldiel and hy,keeping on - hand a good 'assottinent'ef Books and Stationary at "Live -aint'Let -Live" prices. - A. N. BULLARD. - • - .IStontrose;Aprit:4lBs6; Starrticca • Rail - ! ! ! 'WILLIAM TREMAIN Ja . CO., aTo_pii - hata TT with the largest, Best, and cheapest stgai. or general mqrchandise in toikti; Coitsistitig of Axes: Ail Peen, :and Alspice. ' - Brooms, ili - ots sad tedsteadi. Clocks, Calicoe§ had 'Clothing. 1 Denims, Drugs, arid Door Ilaudles. Envelops, Edging, and Epiorn Salts. Flour, Flannels, and Fish-Hooks: Groceries,Glass, and Glinblets. Hats. Hams, an Hand.saws. Ink s lndigo, and Imperial Bableittlie.sieS.-Y .-- Jugs, J.acoriets, and Jeivisharo. ' Knives, - Knobs, and Kentucky Teanq. ' - Locks, Lainps and LoOking • Glies:Sei:' lkfatches, - MuslibS 04.-moingsois. =Nutmegs Nifikeeny'and WptionS., ' Oils, OsboWs and Overall.T. • . Pork, Pills and Powder. Quoensware, Quills, and Quart.cups. "•:". Rubbers, Raisins and Rat-traps: Shoes, Shirts and s Sugar. - Tobacco, Tea. and 'Trace- Chains. , : Umbrellas,-Pnder-shiits and Union - Hats:.: L Veils, Vinegar and . Vitro'. Whips, Wallets and Wish-bowls. _ . Xtra Soperlino•Flour. , York, Cottonades and Youth's fists.. • , Z. And many other articles.whieh - they aro selling at a very small Advance ott cost prices. "Small profits" and fair dealing is the motto for the Summer of '56. Give Us a call awl test :The truth of our assertions. , • , • • WM. rtli,EMAlrkr&: OC Lanesboro,Pa., May t 6, 1666. * . Better Late than Never. Near Goods at the Upsonville Et. change.' subscriber is happy to, inrorm his frieuds JL and patrons that he has just received yhoice lot of Goods direct from New YOrk, pen; sisting, in part, of Dry, 'Goods, Groceries,"Creelt ery, Hardware, Stoneware, Fish, "Nails, 'Boots and Shoes, fiats and Car, Bonnets, Wall Paper, Window 'Shades; Reedy -made Clothing, Yankee Notionh; dt.c." &c:,_ which ho sofas seas cheap tor ready pay, ispecially for cash as can bo bought .at any other • Otablikh , ment in the county. l'hat is to say that he mill not, be beat by any, brigiu‘, , ,_ ' - JEWAPIL:GtNtIVEL Ile also wishes to aity u . wordsto his custpineia and others. in relation to the wafsome mewl folks do their badness; It...ther haveaoelts; Cabbages, or Turnips Ur' anything eke unans. werabk tinit they wish dispose.of they .will. take them to the store in - their own and fairy or unfair/3r tors© the merchant to bay, theta, and it they have money' tp psy for • Goods, they wilt gla. to Binghamton or ,• some other. place .:to spend it, and then report around bow, path cheaper they can buy -Goods away. fromberao than . they.csn at home, All I. have:lo4oy to such customers is. some to. me with yoUr cash and if I have any Goods Jou went, 1- ; airs„end. will sell them at pneeelierfeetly astonish. iug. • . bIERRJUANi ' Upsonvilledilay -10,1836. • .; Notice. pEasion deeiroue of paylovote toottigi-.oe• debt of :my desetiptien, do 00 bylosving their perment with Poet, 4c Cooper - „Coi r ibin. - beim'. Montrose to toy credit - , whose reeeltste, viii bwolkowod s front their due - 18, ' . , , OS TIES . - CEASED, Pea9e.:Doclarpci) -ev IN sqig - ,,'' "Ailt sectiiiii" OW rigt - ' filtiy iiij li riii . eon fir :Ai iarlgatiOn bf tiiallianbe,the be, it ketoitii,.s9.,-th.'l o oo9l 4 l= 44 : : 116 11"_„„. ecipety,Aua Bap mak or thrrtli,"Pri4 4 Pat 1 4*.fliur . find it to !belt aaraiitage'46.:'ebiiiiile-tlieCTerip erneeeSalioti- suit Groclirj% filtaliftt - 11110htt 16616, PAL; 1 . 4,64 only Temperanvisidosiiin Midi rose), to. get' Plipi . such as are ltitro , Cakft.v . Chi* . "Cl4airTs-rgiraideil - -, ital.& PieWsr` Clieis:eqapeilzrers, - ..i4i,.: - C:reaut,„ OratigtO Pintr Aill4e§,x o ,4 lo 4,Y l gad:44 4 krni_Nn,,.. ,la ' drd..i ` :'_t al l : : _ - . ._ Beer, tea ceot ' Lentensde r :74n4 •:poas -7 - . Avazer - Ito'- eat and dilW.' At the same placiebi a,good Ms% sortie - m:lf of Vrtlietleiiind - Pioiliienit; irititititir sUppl ielreveryhteeltclfreui -NeteYorr!ilittieWit - Tea, choke - km' de, ;irem ga: emi-lo'Sr. - .; : pst ib n .1 Sugar ow ...At lt,etc:i •.iiest - -Chiles-0 14•2ets.i . - erudilea,PPlvirizea and Oninvisiti44 l ...44ir; , tit 14, - 544 . 05 gs 3s.AL,perGallourLogiSyrapAt 4544. par gal:: . Plirk§inolied . HaPii AO 8 4 0.1 . -- + •airti,' - atied -- , - r- ' gAit; . Cad; .3faekeret 'White Ilia Olite'FlskCiiiese;Cribkiie;l*(o llll o* .Sterinelititent anif - Stieint Candles; if yriktett At- - 'Bar 'Soaps; Braider de. beat .:164tatf citlk~t and-Tobaieco, : and fitit - cutirehroingetradl •, • a , enteluag,du. ilk in SIM-f . ..ANrseCrodiirli Phil ' Works. .- ~,ea,";`iiii., : 4 1ciads.,. ,410411 . Futility Mime, eheriria f fige i fteta -la.- to -I * -64 .-#0. 1141 ' " - ri.ane%l f .tanteettnrr. PRY; Citre - h,Zfr'.l` ' gO for Knit 4151 . ea1i ,alt - lci a', "den ,GtOlatiit:. - 4fistard, 4.. uelititaiPiiideri_tablVt ir l., avatue, do, , and Witaitiat' , lso4 ..t.;renv. F. ' - and Super Cab Sodt...-Tartario• ,Aticl,gefJ*itid ,',:,` do: plot, Fancy candY • -and:Genf DrOPl . l.,frith's" - from N. Y., Coo* buds, Canary,toed,ll6l4ei Cluvei&b., Coto/414'0A1 and ,Quilkolate; l 4 l P- - ilardv, black and Se . -ntnli-Jonit TtiaiFits., from , .44--_ s to ls: Gd: per lb,`,Suttatietiseeitheistald4;atireli' ,(pearl) Vero Stareh, - Pattqt NdireeeWstertroh* - - . .:' a - Gletliele'pina s lli.eet:anitCaitor ',Oil Ili: - Volties,- • . - Raymond's LeeiLlitel Wrights Pill4 - Ssilts; ROW'. ; Slimatone, SulPhar, - -Sete Campho; Vinegar' Choice lot , er.Catsup, :Pickle% Polnket Sauget ltaspbery Syrup, flavorintextmcteri Hair-' Oilktti - e tubelish- and precut!, from falling offor tanning ores,. Herrin°. by. the Bmc,..Whito Wash; Saar_ :tufSiicie tiriiahre,,.Btove : and:: iin ° ol Inaititiniri, Garden - seeds - , slater'end Via& Penellii; . A.t* . turtel.; les, Brooms, 'footh Ache Oiattietet, art almost ` sure eurelor bares; SpraitA Bruises, itte. Ibis. - Sian LieltiMmt. good . fur tio4t or beast:- -Worse 3lixlieine, together with. -a largo nseuottnent of Children's Toys;_ iteleeted - .•OL,itil• great Ore- for ' - • both .girls, and boys,..ardeng i* which...are spoil., pailspailsan,4 Baskets;idorses,2l./egs, and,lattre., . t wheels and ioek erli;guial I Tea:, Mk TA, ,Itinittli; Carnelian -Ri n gs ; Tord, Clartekettes; .- - - mcca , :. - on, Ihrmotdcons, - Hart* cmi many mittoPts' : things, Ladies Baskets and Searing- girds, aser Bait for famili use, Corn Meal, also Flour, kept constantly on band, by the pound, sack or tor, fell! . - -,,,, . - , .-.-; ,-: ...,, „ ,•,-';`, L, Clams, - Oranges - mid Lateens, rufie'''Applelri ir•O:4" Some Eggs, , flatterr, Poiatou, -Beau, dre., takeu in exchange. The shore:Goods are:for safe for caah or ready pay. flit. _. _, •• - - .• - - -.• r' _,- Thankful _:past favors . , 1- ho pe • b y Mild attention to busitfts4 c u p small itrafitato 'gain li larger share of:tiatrminge, and thereby.,,all , Bo- InutualY benefited, All orders:U.lW "the ' rear - will be gromptly attended to. _ - -'- -- ' _ Temperance:Saloon, Grocery and Preiision ' ~ Store in gain St„ hiontrose, Pa.,_,lstay-20, 1866: ' Attention. 'Pariners. .Loo L ire A i r §UTTONi havicg purchased the stook, fOrmerly - wined by C. C. ..Wright, ,he would t'c'efie:6l,fttily iiiiiiounce to tho',,eitiztips of- Middletown zttid - riertiitY,4hat he has jest re turned fr - om the - city with a tiisr - an 4 fdll Supply of all kinds of chclice - Spzitigauditummer Goode' which he tarprpedentai tow. pricei fur •• cash or ready pay. .Pleaso call . /MC see. choice, lot of Dry: Goode ? for bOth : Watd_ Gentlettiens *ear, of Foreign and Domestic man— _ ufacturp, aenis-Leghorti-gats,. Canada'do:; Chip do: Crockeiy;GroceriesOrall hard and'hellow , Ware. .Diags Iron slid Fisikbesides all . other - aritv../ - den usually kept a:natistry store. Atf Wilt keep constantly. on:.: hand. a full atipply.• of fkiler and ;upper Leather:=„Waniod : any quantity ; ot_ Peil l s.Pc.aeon Wu: : and which th e :iii price 'l4 l /E,1**1 2 0:77, Alt orFarconis Produce li - l41•6 reeeli* - in exchange for Goode at Market priC6l. , f; • Plisse evil 'and 4sainine for yonrseliet.,lttiltii -1 old Stand of CC.Ayrights. - - • - • • • _ zA tsurruN.:` , - Aliddietown,;;Susq.-CO., Pa. . . 07001ry!!, ririgg : lealaieriber..baeiee,etved .1" . WO: amtert_ cagiit.Of _Good's - tevhlekt- he -would * ball -tab . atAitipo ,46111iii,:triiids; .. c,tiligiitIng of eVeryriitOel ofTh..e'astpini; Car - . Niae,.. flif„,ffer Ring", Cog: Chalaii;:trair A rail ete;'Pens; .Speetitalbik :Rings,"Seals,Ae. • Also, a - Large tacit 'brace:tar - . of a great , vane worpatteros 4.1 d, *tees: ' Silver Ware, ;tett PlateCLGOodsi: o f .imbrjr. kind : h-iet~r largo stwlrcf, end tlat, most' approved mak ers,endiir the roost .11011tit. - ,r Al I Otwhich will he . sohf: at the lowest Piet • e. 4.4. • • • -'"ALFREDT T EVAN& Odd . Feito.iie'.llall, .4icghaaatim, ! Too 7, . 1856. .. - • Department -of einititto4 Schoohr: ofPonnelrlyania. liattaisstrite; Jane 24,: 1858: lo • the schaa - Aiiectiirect- Sicaptik t in* . tiounty.; - - Garftkmis: DtreiOrn • of a usaieiltY. School , Etistriatein Sniquehannit' ing their desire to -.increase the . Salary,- Or cetnyty Superintendent to said •Cottitty"4l ieteiro , - resfieettitity regneated to tneetin,Conventica:alv the Court Hnuse,. In Alopttiiie; Glikiatni4atthi• 2 8 th (14of I BU I at. ne in t et set tendon; 'rot 'the pur pose abete_,arateci,a)**litt te 'the torte's of the 'eight aection'ortlikto3llklf-0..5.. meat to-the School;Lair; 'aripioled' the Bth , Of May, 1€185.• Vert Itta*Onlit Yours; • *. , - GICEIRTAINe-, • . Supt eteozenott:Seloolit;:- PluilLttn 0110 , EItF.SII suOly,,juai• rocavedouia'.forsaikl also t optiles - ,. old tintiich,. ou,gh 'hard slabd - 44orie;. in • Inor time, by fi' BIT Inne-9;'18561`" • - • • - Fashionn,bleldillinorr an Makingttlia;rfote ISS.EDWARDS,IreceritIy from ztervorteni: in Conn* anti Atlas Coughlan. eit liarforti• would respectfully inform. the citizen*: ottibeir,- viciniti, that they are nog+_piepavgdtoll? tOt . ' everybody. in the - meat' fashlonabli„, sty!. •IP kinds of Milline ry,Diess trakinti Cutting:tg.; ting, - Blenehing; Trlining,Treisang,U,en -notlec Onv facllitiis being anah - .ls - to'vtaibili• us ta-give our easterners new Goads, int Matt fashions. et all *iota. We4tiel .cCilideiti that me shall be able tt9Apase. - SbupoveriinPatoW ef bbuntan, Edwarde Co; . - Jena 3. 1856.-23m4,„ - - • - '' tblwri-Wanted, ~, :,- 9 ' ntrinkWereat r.iing nriderAigned:wil A ___l:lo4 br b r u 00 . 16 , 66; - 1 . 10 acres of • Iftinatxt W !L i n tbsitni,. ;and tire .. wood 'ltisl*it o r s t em e too t - iild a - stia thot .--' ting of one iiilli'li feet m thei.siiiii. 'Aro - to: - , vitdinfot"the bnrk ro ~.6 , , _ ~ __ ~...i , -tufting _and • ha ulinli _l:o_r, t.! 0 - taig at o / 1101 4H ,T 2000 cords of Rail wood. .I:l•l°t:,ll67thi. siastotiit' '1 ;. The sbaso wo rkcia to kilt 40.F.oiin irinahlit.- ' A;4311-1:.1-*pxPrrotryeleitti;15,!'irt6itleoratt,, ‘-,- -li. 3 l l ease -2 miles nrclhe r. _ ! .. ! idt:, li.!iiii, fr o.."- .. ! Dea*.to. 00., N. Y.- it i vi o , d r iii i ,- wee ad - - Ten good men Wag , . _ i_. __,_, win. a saw . ll°l' 46;51 14111-=27Vagt: be paid .-.- Early , sPpliffitlink ` Africet.Osare.BBli44l - -` A 0 11.-dalrilo6 '''- - Iftiyi" 18p0 . :''''?fArt, !l ii . * -Deal ern ..,.. . .- --,.-, . - Ve4ilatiiinti.,._ . 1"--01P0.40 11.12 :' . .f.TtIAMIL:',8...::1,: ."..k4 04:4:-:'.:.:":- -:--:;....:;',....:_.:,..:-.;-,,,..:,.:,...,-;.,.:::;:'.;1:--.2.:-.',., : , :thi1ie.a..§50.,.11- . - : .i.'" ... -...- . . . , :tißEsumixt f a,:fic t ur. for WO : oit 40 40 ~b131,- , : 168 N. ono lowt10)111,;14t,---- 15:.4',.. - -.' , ..',v: - :.Z:'; . s ,-.....':
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers