. . . . ~ . . r,,443313inu„,:., 1' -I 1 . NEW MILFORD *. • - - 'By' • : 111 . a's.on - Vnelev - E,..-ii in Di rn dek, on 'the ., a awl -15i'.Dress',Goods . '..trii. p - otinni . , I . . 13 fast.; Witui‘ils ' Ninvettir'' of Aubtirtt ' - • -- Poi; PAL 18,5.. . ' ' , 1 - ~ Suqiiuell;antbi,'. - Co' la Mi%s . ll uuticr U. Co AL ; tir BURRITT wnu Id infinity his friends and of Mt hoping*, Wyoming. co., . . "i -. 1.-1. a tbe Public- thzit. he,h3,s rimo y in *taro lind '1) At. -the .Parsonnze, on - The 4th'inst.; in ; i•lit•!•ci•iyin,ig, a tun af.sortment ot . Fall arid Winter inelt,o'mg, a ; great v.ericis -'of Rich Falb 13,reokkin, Byt.R„ev..foli It , T.,. , Staple?"Ntr: -01i--' F l inty '`"ls t .i t -- ; +.._.., ANr, of Fon, ,, k i nt i m, _ ..., , I lin.lle_w te•tyles,, Ilain aud.Fatwy ! D4l I.gin!is 4 .r. a-I,Yr I s -._ , ..kitAil- p •,,,.i an d. F a: „. v .u,,h ,i r Clot im,,Plitin and , Pl:dd 3 - 0 . - E•rlminNill. of Gil"on' - • :. 1 - .N -thine., Paremettas,,-.De Bars and Poplins; l - ------- - - --• - r - - - ----- - :-- - - - f7.-r:- - T-L- - ...."- --- ---•- -- --D. k-:,- Rich - Gito.:ll-.,111,4. in Emil Styles; Black 4` ~,, . • . 01 , Ilr, Azle, Plain rind F.tittev Silkm": Wool. 8r 0 eh,.., e,,„,. ~..r , ... Crape. and snit • Slia•whi:• Rich Rib: In St.i.:intoti,Snu.l:tv'tll, , ,, 14111, in - A., IttAt- :.1,,,,,i., lopoets . .and rinivers; Ladies ..:'laths- and cant:? CA '"• 41 - 1 ;•c-E... trite of L ti. Bahoork, : Vetv'et Ter Clnaks' and '.11 , ,nt - lias - ,.• Broadch'uh4 ' formerly uf. _ litidg.iwater, - in the 21st. sz - ear Of Ca.••:dmi re, - '&•e., &e.: will: a large ii4iortinene o f her age.. • - . . staple :,u.l Valley Ganda as' u-ttal, inctudi .7 iff ,.. _ . / ... 11112132/NSlrvgamigarwa wm , winamwerzsr _ . ___ ...... L ... . :,.........' . 11:14 - ire. Cr , ;ekerv. Iron and Steel, Paints. Oilo,. ' ----'"-- Boots - r :: Guardian•Salb a Real Estate, - . .., 0 `hoes, II• 11 . - ' , clock. -Ratralo Robes. C:.11 - 11 . o , " . !..!iiz, .4-e., teal' a new assiirtment iofStuvwd TULIANA 'BELL ,n - ziardian 'of - the !ifiiior and 1r: inning:4..of' thr 10 , ..t. qual ity,' being made jti ;Children 'of NVortlit' - ' Beth' !lite .of Leupx . te A,,. ns si t -, , •,.ii i ,- em iviti. i .,, x i 10...,z , to iiolii . i . . s . ztie . 013 • I v ..rot, .. , .:cprk , . , sly for lIIS rof/ . .107.1 . 1 Triad(' and wilt s a t ur d„ ) , th e • .1 9 1. 1, 4 i: . 1). • 4 :qioN ember ne'''x't. :il:ti :'I la• ••••!eld at the to west figure or :i t LITTLE LW ,. Ell bu. Cash. produce, - or a pp rover) retlit. her th l / 4 7cIling house in Lei:ox at 'mu; o'clock the afternoon, in pursuance of an Order .'of the :: I , ; N o ' -13 ; , -- .‘ l • l' " l ,, l ' ; ', "- . 1 , " unt " l ". " ' el ' the 13iphante,•Court of Susgtiolumnli eminty f‘lrtli:.t ' •-''''''' ''''''i," oathPut' to be paid. -Float' hair part of all !hat ecr- .:: " t : ,, : „. ti i Silt eons: nue ano. .. llilford.- Oatober, 1855. 11- ta tl in rP p l 76 6 :!e th :f ti l n and ili Vluit e in said tOwnship, Con-. 1 twining fifty aCrestiouaded uti the north by lauds -- 4 77 7 ' . '' Life of Washington: . of Burin i . ). Clarl;;;On th e eas t - 1 .) :,- ..!,„ 5in . 0. ,,. on • .. Arving" .. the; tit utif by . t u d . „ 4 .- of lopho..4ll,•nimnin, and Will hr completed in Three i lraniisnme •8 mo. Oil the - ,vst, belonging to th e voltones—lllnFtrated with Postr.Airs and. Plans, estate' ,of Prat-lei Chandler, jc.. deed.l - Alsi, the at '''''-''.. l " P,% - rvo.,l"me. , interest of the said Minor children in' the milli- . or this ni . ography of the r`Alttr.tt of his corm vidtt4 'bag part of a - cerinin other tract situate•in .try there is but our: opinion.. 4 is the most corn saidJownship,.tontaining one hundred . and tWo plete over booted, and by the on of one of the acres, being lots ;I'o. 7,and 8 on John Boyles : Greatest Writers of thAte., lEvery family In drafieuf.resnrVey of the •!.1;,,i 1u b, ) ,„ ) , I ,v anwic ,: tho larnil.honid 'posset ,- ..s ackl every' ueNon ftir•lands in, said towhship, and ab,o :ht. uudivi. '"`"". refl it " •. ' ' " ' deg half-part of ten acres: lying On • the south . Aig. - aN are w...11b.ci to cell this :tint several ,ith , pa? Tut tot 14, 4 4, or s!,i(i dtat't fif resit rver . . The er imp.: , rsant -W , :r l .::, 'l' e r:r4 are liberal..A.a s.aid hst two4,ieces ab,,Ve -(b. , :ciibeci!, were ' pu r _ : drcz ,. s. C. T: EVANS, 18 Gdsev building,' New chased of A..l': Trom l ) l 44l,ge bY ounlract and tin- .Y„rl,-; or (7, 11. SCINVEN, 19 n ist 4th-st., Cin der which they are now - held, ' and On n hick i " ll ' t '' (-)ii ' - '* : . there is a balarree due of' ahont fou l ? hundred CvPios soot fr'ee of postage, on receipt or price, dollars and subject to which thee will lie sold.. i ' c''' t:lo, /855-11 ' 13 Terms of sale will be :mole ilnown on the (La nf:sale, • . JULIAN.-1 BELL, . Guardian ceflhe 'Minor Children of Woitliv Bell Oct.• 17.1855---43w4 Administrators' Notice. xrroT,lca is lit.t-Av friven that. Lfdter.;: Testa- Itnentilry 1113: , 41-41W eit:tt.. -of G:rrad• Stone dee'd, inked Mi(l3:l , town hay,. ()eon grantedTti - the to said es s tati• ne ht-tsby to tn:Att. imme diate it iypcnt, and thowe. having anyslaints att on said est7lo. to !resent thorn duly rilti , steil for siettlemontJ,. Th.. Note , : and nert;i:rit , . will hi. found in the haft,li.of B. Gliddeti iet Friend , %ille. GLIDDEN. -. j . rB * Middletown, 0.. t. 1555--13rai :MASONIC WALL. littifvtd. A- GEN'TS w:intetl in twt.-q town n , i,f 1 - 1.. in tite lirilled States, to so!I tine I,:no!iful . picture of the Gra 1, vid 37,.00 In - tire NEW MASONIC HALL This pliitels sellin ; 2:rery t ; ,. • adininition of :di. fur' the ~anti hi.ic;i;v with whieh• the Sratua?y, Prercs Pairi•iiiz mid PI! i 7":' ~ . , . Are repri.-..4ented, and ;II:- orti , ti•• - bc.:l3; :Irv? har molly of the colc)rti. Sixe of EAU-. 2'2 X ; , .B. . - Price. '6.3,09. , 139okf , iellt•rs. PiettirA! i..l.ing take - afzerieies for it, will 141,ift-- a(l , ? ress, for tor. ther information, L. N.TOSENTHAL.. • .43m3 r, . . farm for Sale. .1 1 11r.•...ubsvr',bi.E.13,1rvz.nly.tv to snore' to tte wi•_•st. )..)111r.))1 ., ...r , 14) . ....t {Hibbs von.ine. oh 'Tne.,day 1;;kt. SON) lost., the foiloxit), , p-„ ; ,..r., v.-, .to . .wit: T . :,-• r,rili, ,in ~ , , ii.••l bc 1.,,,,v r,..,;des. ~it- ' e , : ,,-, i.•:1 thow , .:iiti=i.,7 cr,—':; !T.:id fciur milts : Trot)) 'Mori:lr .0.0. if ild. , 'v.:, ;. o ‘-o.:1 1'r..ii70.. house — =lad b•ffill a t;')). , l - . ..-pzii.,-4 14 l'ott r. &c.. :ogrl von- ..L.RUICES--Ladir3s and Gc-nts,Trav tain,z „bo u t Ni.xt."--fiv, -,,,,. - ..w., I 1):,:r ‘.4 . . - 1. . .. elin , =l3t , s and Valis 's, &a. ' ' . zoiiri-1111.Vd;n , frgli-eS 1 tV:4) “-: r, o!ircnit: kw , 4 .0 *.,,r., c..kurioN.- ~ ~,, e i:i.,.., c.ttS, I pfi'r :hr.•‘• ivo:lr, o'd , texis., -I' A I ',',',' z "",:lt'''• ", ": ' P l ;',• • •:\"."'",n 4 i : .' U., 1....r500.- t.:" . :.0 v. )))ti.ol, 4 a. , .."...1i0;t porolos , .iii.7 co\r,i,:i two years of I ~ , : ,i i. , , , ... 1 v..a ,.. 1 . m..z. 1 ~3, .r . ....,. i_ ril•-1 t,t . .,-p 4..435t:1t.';': l'll a ••nn. a. vory 1.,t-r4 ~k. . ~..!.. ~,,,,,..!„.wiiii Dick • to l'. I) Esoi -1 lu:::!wr tvon - .)r),-1 , he: !torso e•••:::.. , , 1 `, (I . 11 1.,;.. ": - `"" 1 "1" " t t'''' ''''''`' ( ;'''''ih t i''''ii ".'" "fl . ' l,l *- 1 hr""k I - 4 .1 1 4 1 4.) , or tlivre:d”olts—d,itv,i S..pt • 401 liArus.:,•-•..111(.4 1 :: rp.r....: , “..1 .- of ;1.,v :. 11 ; t 4 o,rn . f.,,ido'r. '''. ""....." Lk ' I'dc'":'• - if...ii's.Lf , :irlie Vtra , l(•lii,-I t ts .. I- 4 7)5. r).• 113, - .1....tt 04 ..1.1 u.st.. ....Al I,- .4.. ti ,d- . :dz.) 1 atilt],:i f)lraling tool:-. .. wil;) t•;,- ..)'xii.. 1.0- 1 ... J l it theil ...!,11-,....•:1f r j,.!..ri '1110.44' ro4firtivritn itD, . IR.1_11" . PECKi/OW. . . , TEr.735... - --,:-S.2lvi 0,....il col th e. flrm. %Own j.,,... • • \ • 11',-),•k• Y.. •to Int-His:l 11.,,:t orlee4 vcli:A 4,4\.- : I,'"1-"vi1:',' tie-t•' '2, I ': . O-• itiw 3 session is, triv(•:l—t h.! holont- in voar . ll- pile. r.";.q.klili""' : - ' NEL -4 0N & i'lllET. i ---- -7.-- - - ----- ntenl.4 in 1, 2 3:4. e.n.i 5 orars-.. On 'por,,c;r:;ll ' ''' L''''' 'l : " l r)::t. 1(1- I c:.):-.. property for all snTro4 uoih.-;:;•,..5. t 0n ; ,i): avvr thot ornount-a•credit (if-si • x mon - lp, ix ifl . li • of ern on npproved not‘ , R . - Iticri,‘ in) a DowNER . - lessor). Oct.: 21. 1855-1%.2 . : Of Rcal ,iii.l Personal Estatt- 171 .Aartion— IVatchos, Clocks, Guns, &C. . i i A Rare Chance for Parrliaxirs! ! • Ai ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~, i -..,,,..... qn., , , , ... : , , ...r 1.,.,..„ - ,, made arrancetniints to ; r , liiiitz,.i,i , iiio ,iiio, :nu !, i,,,,, n , s, w i ii eff, r i sr , _ he ii,d •141 h,.iw the \:•ws:•trk pri.,-..... at. • salt- at 'Venda, on t lre to eni;F,s, on, -- • • .' ' VENDUE! . SINGLETON'S. • : , - 1 ,10: :4 - , • 0 ••• 1 1 I Q.- - rr'4!l F. subst'rilNer will - offer it public 5.:d.' , .. ::-.! '' ' '-'' • '•• •'•• --)-) 7 -41 , . Tat - :,:h.12 . 1 thi—_.3,l 'ley of 6 . 1 . ,/,. , j 1 , 7, i uxt, . - 1 . r:OnVii , •lle;l)4 at Ifl_"d ,cit A. Nt.. the foilowitgr. de . _ 1 his re5.ni.n ,. .44 - • in liarimd, cri FLid: v the - - .G. W. SEYDIOUR & 00., , )4cribed r..al aryl p,ilsolial osiato, to 0 - it : . . . ~ iliti bir , ,,.. 1 6.4. a-.iortment or Piantnt, Melodeons, 23th of Nowtrnher notit. 0.4 f• , llowiti•Tllr-,p ) ,-Iv . . _ - . -His (aria. of 110 ~ei,i: or th , iri•-ii,oulv of octorl i A. CARD. ..1 mn 4.ai 1:1,;:rulli:snt.::::nd Muileal Mer(iilandise .: cone cater. 1 bi•eeciin2 mar-..... 1 ()no h• 1 44. winzon: ' i ii r "J'''' t r ' ee i vi n•-ith"it Fa:a and IVilavr S!"ek . hind. i , ita,ite in I . r.ii,i;l:o tow:; , 11::). Si:rio.,•lo,\,lia. ' ' • :kin ,!• ; ti - 1.1-, f , 1 - `4'• r 1 . • 4,4 14. ..i....-.. ._.4.t 1.. e... Piatms from 1 Itw., Intrsto wagon, 1 cloti•-r, I.d•.uld i . ~.1,4,0,. 1 - ..: ..1,.•.1 (..; ~....144, whiztn tin• 4: • ft.:el - cowl:km - th e y , c„u1,,%. l'eml'a ot - ti .• - ,rike (.'Per k o• d tend i ng p" , TE &"\o" - I•ToN -o"'' go"s"e.. i.:''. ... II -r -it 'Yin it t I iit every varlety.oe .tyk:, I runt 'the plain. neat anti „ ir .?' " . ,90i.tfoly c,iitile - iltii ‘ ni t i( l ) ) ; t 4 . ..f .lit ir l i er ;r i c i i i i , ... t 4;t r q e s . i T . l '• LL - '.: - '•---, -1-- 1 : - ", 1 "." - " , L' u nPri'ing 0• 1 " e ., - seta. doubl& harir ; S4.l ••in'rie harness anti :: va. - "r'' '...T .- ri:l.rf.r ; S .10 it . ri.TL,t, .1•4•,J,0w Fii.u/iEs m. (-,,, M„„ if „;... I, the ,` , „. 111 - ni . - ,no, :ph. three miles , rielv of firming rnd dairy ut..nsi,s. Ifiel,-,7,-:ie,,. any 4'.. 41 tii41:11.-nt in this se•,:tion.. :Our slot k is - ' ' I - : eriii, eii and beim: ni.:.iiy increased by - arrivals from.; - IFOIII the tOrmnr pia tar . 1 - WI wl , :eh pre v ,. ) .,.„ (y - l i ve ' lit a . larql , 1.. , ! ,, 0rttf1;.11t. , It: If 5u...-.:itam ',f 1. 1, i, I: . arts, in Walnut or Rose !)•r ' I it 1 t household furniture; 1 doo: churn ir ,r 4 achlrierm a 1 !'s 1 - ,. .r 11 1 , 1t'1 , ' as 3••• g'enerally, f mud - in conntrV acres uhder . fmod improl7ernent and - hisvia ,- thereon Tot el hay and straw, c•lrn in the ear, with ttiher ; S''*l-.• ; . ilarf,ird Sept.., l'i . .3Zi:i. a Ir..tne d , reliitic hons,.. Imo, *lO-4:35„ 4-0,. a' good oio-1.ille4:111t. tin:ski,'" to One T ons:int! Thslhirs.- ditye.rent mat, , ohiclures. , 111 , v_Ir.,_.r p" . , r. ,1 - ,,..,,,d •,.. a .; wend C..i 4 4.••••• fro . O1:8I30, t.0P...".!0ti. to those of the ••.4 . • thrifty yetrog orch ar d of oritt.t.d fruit, and welt-. Prict”"l , ..vvcr it, 4 tiiii,,o tor Wiltrit arilrlch of the .artre'.•...-..toa num•,•roust . ) mention. S'Alo to - eotn- , . ._ i ii i LT . c . P.d . 'A ,,,, ortrperit of Crockery and ClaNa , scoured W:iii liVliter spring am ; s t rt ., :tm ,. .. , :tillt.qiiii;iiv have been ~M.red . during f lu. live) \o bon-e in th:). Irniyn c:in compete, with - the - above in the number, variety anti celebrity of its mente it.lo o'clock A. :kl - . Ail sums less than . ~--- five dyllarscish. dYwn,.fic, all siimi over Rs.nine "`" . ‘'nr? ' nt . - ": ' - '(..;•. - 11'. - S„ . 6: C., ' ~' ..xi50.,, 1 , o:her trioce udioinitiz the ahlve„ vim.. tia4)l s'emi's; they are t•n-aiiii.,id 14) mak,. finite a re -_ -- ; . tnining the 5:.)3115 outilher of acres. and on which . ducti.n fr;on their foitner yen - 1 - easy:tilde lie. in-Ito:news, nor in the - r . ..1. - .frt - rn , ...11/ I.4tc prices at months credit, With g,oed.s.werty, will be given - - . which ti , ' old if desired. - : there art about I 5 rierrs newly cleared and which :it ,'..-- - -•••• h.-- . --..•., ....r.sico anti wh ie.. ..11:111( . :S, 0141 . ..• o'ail t.VII find mototry trade in- ; .tey are 5,01,1 it( Ic,iii.: :mil nay si4 stmwtts :111...fri:.e,c i . t s s m u .i o . 3 w r i . , 7 , % .t .r i li e t i o nn wr . avanti , rye and which will be :41iiciii•nettts sup-ri"r to' those of N. Y. agents, 1 IionACL % .7 ATEF.S' MoDEF.S 'IMPROVED PIASn.S, ' Binotranton AO , . 14. 11555. -- . - I with or, without iron Frames, possessinghri their Also:one other Piece adjoining tile above, and' 7 i improvement of over striMN and action, a length ; -• ': Bat • •G.W. S. 44,..Cce. ••-l'i coutaining•s ar:ievior da-1.-alaintF,oo which there is -r : . Will Fish Bite ?- - : 'or scale, power.and• compass of tone equal to Auction Sale. ;• - - , - 14. good water wiwer, and on wliidli a tannery re. ' T ''''' w"' l' can "A'; the , fishing - apparatus ' th e Grae,i piano. united with the beauty and du. I,4CK and Brocade Dresw Silk.% fur 5 and 6 ! sense stood, hat whieh has b..et: deFtroyed bs fire 1 THE sub-zeriber will offtr .4i. pub Tie venduein 1 y . oyo., ~.._. sxnow,ton. 3 ....00N ens. o• taOITILV Pi structure of the !square Piano. They Franklin, on Sat d rday, Oet.. V W g A. C 0 ,2, 7 1; ,, ..,i, 10 A . ', 131:.31iilings per yard, 111.. J ..s. ..'. S . - . i Tear it'r must of the " (5 . ro "nd•l'i°"4 3.. c.• without 1 Chena s n id o i ll ) ri n ;;;: r . ...'t Il L' iiw 1;4 just. A rvevived t .b.: l ; .--a l e j ' ' l n . st_i:prontionced . by the Pres'ssand the first M. the following property: 1 yearl.in,r hailer, ••' ' - - ti- --, injury . atsaa 300 or 400 cords of bark which wilt be • T , '.f• ' 1 ' 1 i ~...xpres,...• ‘,....:L0 a:,...3 eN..lnitio tlitir Irlr:_fc a--sr.rts ; moths! - Masters to bet qnal to thntie 6r any oth if , De Laing, of the Intest Styles. nt . - ' 7 u t s ,„,„id . :. hcig.s. 4 sheep. a new p-iir of 1.).:1) s!, : i - „ihs, 1 tic() • 'i v_ \. - ' i merit. Hooks, Lrwe.Ri , ....k, p„1, , ,A. Sell , . Arti- } G• wS & Co. _ l f Also vibe foilica•itte• articles.of perspital propertyi er ,snot :!serer. They-are bui/t of the bestand IlOrs.e Wltf..r,on. pion di. harrow, and other ,'‘:lmiii.g . ; - ! fi.. 4 •11 Batt &t.• PIIIiFE& KNOWLI'ON. ----- ; will) ournertals articles 00t. mentiolltA will be gold. - I' • ' • I most - theromth s.easoned material, and gunrans it:Opts, also household furniture consisting of bed , ' Ac I.IELRORS !kir Ove.i.aputaine's Balm It o era , .. -N. B. It is Curr e ntly r010t:rt...,1 . that Fish. in ie e d to stand thc action itf every i•limate. This . • • titleads, chairs, &e. 11.fi of :,a:id il-iwers, :ilia l'iirfoin •ry at - ' One ,assn of world oz hors.-s, rninber •vacen and , this stelion of country, Wiil. not bi: eau . alit with 1 n,,,,,„ h,„ the 1.301 e .'l ,, ..?ncy of T. Gilbert &Co.'s TER:Us OF SALt .- 7 -All sutns undr . $6. east: I ' "Cs. IV. S. St..' Co. ' harness. i two herr,. plo a i lr • a- v a e . I o n ,. burs.. ''other T:iekli than ilia:. told at the above estal.i. (.00,red Prernium Pianos; with or without the . . • • • -1 . s 1, down ; all surna,over St i, six, months credit can i ' -,- ' ototn• and Itarimrs. I no r horsy !orolwr wagon, 2 i lishinent,. 1 . be given, with appro - ved seeuritv. ' ; - i• Britilr!latWon. AIIJ.• 11-1' 1 55- harness 1 . , Brown s, and Jacob Chieliering's, nnd other riqs- NATHAN BURCHEL. - • ' on t ' ii-a 4i.! . ., iasl.. .1 1).-p,,,:it a.) .tc . „ (.11 the .tiv,i. !IV a farmine. utp t i,...1 1 4. iiir-li i rloi tz plriurzhs, 1 ton Pi :nos,' Gilbert's Boudoir . Pianos, and ele , , Oct. 15,1855-43w1* •• ' triens S.vi: - ,. - s3,o?•it Wall S''ret.l N. r i , tiM pron. &ca. 4.15., a vetese t y of haoseti,4l furnitat4 incio- ! - • Fall .and Winter,Goods. • I pint instrotneet for small roe .. • . eves 4 ‘ro.t,i ~,, it „1„, r 1...,,,,„ -Ns,, ~,,.,,..r w i ll ~,,,..-__ ding beds, 11-dilaz, chairs tal.des. hurt //US. mores, i - 1 14 s TELSON &. PRIEST have now-in ' , titre - ai Enid') instrument 'onaranteed to rtivii satisfhe . • , LAST CALL • . or i l y illioa i t ,, 1 ,,,,,,,, :i at ,3.t. ~ , i _i i ir.- I p.tir wu . kitu: oxen, 1 pair matched :2 : ~' • • torn it to the -Wink, l'Orflpi..it! as,ortioent of de , irable tirs• Goods ! lion or purelia-m'iniinev refunded. Second hand 1 woo. respect wilt D. ..0 all those .indebtPrlj s a ..f. l a.p,,i P i i.4: 011i.. k il, sha;:" he liber a lly" re. I " . .... 3r n. "• '-'er". t"id 2 "W r' • • -• Isll if :lii:.. or - the ores= ;aid colflitiZ No:oa.o. ! Pianos at Great Bar , Y7iins, constanth , in stare to the old Firm of 8.. R. LA . TAROP &CO ! sord.A. ft i,4 if no ii:4l: to mil; p 'rson tHat tit.: r cais or 5.4.1.:::,-(3a.• fourth part of the pur- !, - . winch thee- citier.h;r a:tie al vices Vial the dos- prie,.s ri , in 5.;,..30 to iiI•10. ' • I charm L l oo-y for the lands fon le- ttiti down. the bal- ~ b .. - .... „.. . _ I , „,. . ~,. ~, , ~ ~_ v , That their notes Mid accounts inu,a, be -smiled ; . :041)44erilkii..• 1 - ‘ 1 :11:13 4..11 ROBERTSON: . r i ouce :ri ior.loul anoual i-intnainetitii with annual ; . itilftS savant tact to apett.t_ tat . ?sot, .i,,,t n t 301 .-,„ D. kV /1. 1% . Smith's .Leio -on nr befot'e th e first of Jaen:try noxt, If scot 1 SO , ifa ft -po.' O.A. -ilit 1955 -411.5t: - , - . „. , " ' • 1 ine-rest rin the wiin?.. sum reortiol n o , oopili . d to h.- 1 Lich",:i . Drems (food". • cieori4.(tottod to the equal tornricransi•nti to tvnicrt wish tosave-cost, call upon me at fJit! Sinre of • --- • ' -71 secUred tie flotril and Mortgagee:frets the det di a 1.,. ' Black Groy di' li h it , e from I, t „ $-3 !we . v al- , I was recently awarded the First Premium, ht the I. L. Post & Co,-, witliout further uetice. . • 1 Saar AM:ord Store Eniroartura , • - National Fair, Washington, D. C. 1 nee_ from . , given - Platt tr•pi• r ,lair volored silks 3s; 61! . . ... s . gad_... , • . ••• '•• - 1)..k.. •LATAROP. •• . ' . IN FLI:I., BLAST, , , FOr Persntoil prop.rty, all .515 to $315:1. Double Link ntelodeoh4, S• 200, soMs lees than - I SS Ito ~.,-;4'1.50. Merin-. Paratneita's. Alpacas Rini.. Montrose; October IC; 1853.--13wPr ' ; ~/...- sTovEs 6,:a: for s tie at Die ke‘rm :ins., rii..,,sh. fur ail sans ,•;/./././iille' 85 Fil 1110111i1/± . credit : :h. ' n• - (;.,Fur,},.. ivy. I it, •,:; Di 11 ,-.1 , -. -, Ws,ter' Ifelodeon.. Ptiperior instru.', 0 z i0 ,.... ; r 0r,; 310 ., , . .... .:1:.. , ... o• . ''" '''' • .. . , 1 . 1 4„, 4 v.-11:11,- ziv,-n tot,- secured by notes with ai roc .d : 1.,:i0. ,,,. 1 - b.b.1 ,,, 5. ii ,,.. i ,, r‘ .. & , , 1,... ' f ,, r ,, :,eb. E! ,,, 1 meats in tune, I.nivii and durability nr make.- CAITT/ON. . . i 111 4 ♦ _.) P & (.3.:111•3!:s. We are Ur iecerpt of '; !,merest st .eh of ..tovei t yver t.fTer,•if , n Northern 1 . ""orit:1 - afl.? l.l iller'sl:4' !Toot the equal temperament.) • 3felodeuns of . . B.G. GRoV ER ' lish and resat: Glitgll3El.4 :iv! Pri:its, the la.ti .11THEREAS my . Wire 31 - 14 • Li his left DIY . Ited i N. consistieg arc,, , ki7;z, Parlor and s size phtte ; Oct . L. i t" 3, , - r al ollier styles and snakes. . . • - , ~. . • frien.4e to 3.... . , It:* I it and; hict::rd without ..a.ov just. (muse or. .prov-1 botlf. •for W.s ! d and Gra,. 2osi. o -toll als..rioieet 1 ---, . ! 31artin's Guitars. Brown's Harps, Flows, . to ocation, I therefore forbid .al . l persons barb , lrinsr. lOf lar , er sizl - as for Chitrelle.s.i.aral Siores. i Executo.rs' Notice. Emlrrqirlf rie.t arel Castes • . , , lins. and mitsical instruments of ail ~ .. . t sindS: A .. , Coll .r., fror; c,,. ;„ 1.1 4,,11 , irs l'utitreila s atm 1 , 1 or Litlatirc,r her on my 'art. ,,, unt. as.l will iyy Wl' i • W.,uld call , plc.:it-tear atti•lition to th e JefTer. 7-4" ETTERS *l`t,..taroonlary !lean the . rstate i,t ~ ~„,' , . , „. ..• -, , I. oi , count to , cltools, tenetters;ehufehes and 1 - debts of- he: euntrac-tin2 aftc.r ails flute, '- • 1 soot:! Elevated' oven the !mist rerfr•il awl .ii,..iv. : I ..4 Wr;:d i c Green. d,,',1, Inte of. Fraoklio I-)ll '''' r u. '"''''' r '''l" l '• ' I h " p r '''''' - ''-' '''''"' 9" I- .i tderizv men. The trade ii.upplied an !he most ' , . , , 1 liherid terms. . --1 . ton from le to 30 Linen from tie to 913 , .. . WILIAAn ROBERTSON. ; ie . ,.4t ',to% c. in. niarl,el A meter our v.r.ietv of i township. All persens ititictited to Kidd estate . . . . ..„ ' '._ - • Suttqueltanna .I . )ep,:t Pt..9oetelter 5tit..1855 . ---13w3 1, t 0.,; oveas wool.l tooatioti the•Ceipire Staie int. I are requested to ninke iminetli,ite payment, innd : _limb-niter, (;gala, '-, 1 :Music :-..One .f the largest :end hest seleci : • 4 -1 • - priever as It 000• Von' bo-0.-V. f\fi.:4•4i anti i,, n”rt',-et , 11 0 ..., 11.,1;17g ki r IIi:.fICIS ,4 . 1 1: pre...•;--.: th e m duly MueiL Zimi. and.care hi- been Liken ins e!..-ct- ied Catalogues (,t musie now published, compris•-• • • . ' NOTICE. . ~:, ~ • i . fitil-sis and sup.-rtiner,. Farmars of ,a- , ool.liii. , i..ttesl..d rer :-..iiktv.. nt. . • • in! , 1i,......, ever ...., (id - lividt f., firuf. and we ri...i• I ing• mane of the choice and most impular airs of Ts hereby git-en to'aii persona intenisted in the' Go. yi:ll;liave ,:dieen - in' iii..'finiiii of itzeltasitist r • Rl7 I•I'S" TUTTLE. I confident Ina ,ter assortment, enthracimr limy ; tjle' tin:. : ;:rnordztheiti are f,mild the universally .fund arrising' from Abe sheriff's - sale of the 1 li-litsiives :pd light • frlth i minz ;ITA p.,yinit as 1- :. • ‘VM. GREEN. .. , fah, i , - ond lextare ~r 1:11 , ,.1,1' (11•-1 , /!1",. arse only ill 1 p•.pular prOdUetions of Thii:nas Baker. .. rod estate of kdirt-4Brioanf. to present their ' much is you oughi to for 114.;.avy p:_atesaml lie..vy -, - Fraid:lia.•Sepi.lB.lBss-33w3 Ex' e ..„ ' ' dress goods hut Elihroillet Mr; will meet with 1 • .11usie sent by mail It, :111 marts of the country , claims before the sulisicriber et his ofiieti in Mon- • tritrouiilms. . . r i ------ 7 .-------- '--:------ general apprAm.ll,ll. A p.ist p dd. - .relit and .personol ,attention ltose v oin,,Friday lhel 7 ittil dsy i.t . N...v, n......xt'zit one We le mitinel ate Mir wa - n• fiirt:iture and ••• , -1! : I - Sepytoerrengad !-• ham to all or4lers jet.t.iv r il -Ity . mail. • Sittisfae -1 tire: P' e gat iiittlee.l in evert; iti`stance. _ MIMI and o'elitelt P. M. ••• of bo- debared than voming in them ai tnanatactortid pri.•es. let timse :OD. pq ! 1 . •.) , el/'I br for.‘. tfill. friet.ds, tine and all - Melodeons for rep:. anti rent illowed on ; ptir upon said funi3.:, • .a. talkers profit co!np,t,.witlt os if t hey eatt,-.I . Ag e d 01 , - youthfol, te.-..at et. sina;l - - wilt ItTehrtriLL. Auditor.• J o :„(ii ag / I,, :te :.s ; 1 . 0; 0 on .41orl Oolioe. • I •I , cillso Pi:inns and tnetodeinni for sale on Month - ' 1 Ot: I sth, I 85,5:-;-.4-3 , k-4. -.- ..•- -I • 'I)ICKP;AVAN & GARR ATT.. L ' IL, ly p tyments. Second hand Plaines ttilien in ex- A .'I,V ltilfoi7d. ( - Y-.1. tth, ,1)%5. • ' ,•Itatige; flir new.' ', • - o - . 3.10.. .Te4tinonni.l frwn Prnie.fsars and . °pintos we that he • -'''. •' - : NIIIW IGOODS , 'id l'la. • - - • .. . of -the/ Press. - .:' . 1 • rarer-r SP!'s - rplik, 44ithierih.i. is In e•.' 1 Alleli,, - • flonAcr. WATeus, Esq., 333 Broadway: .- 1 ' ell lig" ri ' .B " I - '6, , ,,d5 ,- ; is ti•,: ii,• . .ie,.t. Pt. . - •1).1-ar Sir-Ilating - exl,mined your Pi.mnPn ' tlfi 4 he tu - ovisiens I inert 'The 00.1' Muck,. . .. . , I frout setentthe and. appromiate tests, I ant Ina- April-14. 1853. • 1 ., h is 'Ali ,* Ciethic , LEN HEIM. ,''. .f ar! st,ii i i ,: Ll9l:t 4 ; hied to . forro a satistlietory judgmentl' of tht-ir iv 3: , -._ Go:toting. :Merits, and it: is ,witle pleasure that lean til ~. it( my Casa. , of them as:among' the Illost , celebrate(' and dot. . I. • proved inakes of the. (lay. I - For power, brilliantoi and rieltimss of. t+tte hgelltatitS, .4.!asticity . 'l,f plioli, :tell lelititty tif finish, they Willi not QutTer itt'eiintparison With those °t' any other manufactorer and those desirous (.1 - • obtaining a really_ gmid: Piano Fortc.--one that will pipve i i an eqttiva letit•for their sienna;will - flnd .undt 'al F one - 41)))m beautiful:instruments. - • - 1 ., i . 1 • i. _ . • T i ft.ollAS BAKgR , , :,.... - ~. I,R ; A. M. u.oler Of 4 ,1:1 - lien'it 'Band and mdal4al i Dire:ict!W,anil'Con•lac,for•at 'Nfilytoia Garden: : 1. . , • •: • for poa,v( l r, - hti !thing and: richness of. tanei . , a,latitjejty of totiel), elegance and ,dnrablOy i: at ..' •niako:llinimitt In atlyanetfor any fitikit f!iines in,. , i ii h e e ni U e n , :i iii te a d ii. S . ,t ai :i e t. i. e 7 :. a t}: t i . n i th .;..r . o lin re e s ii ii t l ,.. ef 6 th , nft . e o flie (ei -...k .-•_ i ~.,.. ; . , i e HENRY DAILY. • HarrOM, Nov, 20, 1555-43 :-4* i .• • Slig , l-14,. ' r Silk, Thib.. , t, )1,. , rin0, and Ca,dn n ere %%kit ' weel or ~i 11; frinLl:e: Ao , ertcan. French awl 11 , Sl:r/VW Pi:11(1, 10:1' :111.1 ...xis .re B r e c h t ., St e ll a , PrinteitCaAiniere and Terlicri Nfinwls. • . - NOTICE. . . • fjoit.) , k4 . lping Gooths, •• , . . , , j Rese am/ Whitney litaiiket.olail sixes. Grey The subscriber heretic 1ri".4114 notice that he : •-"•' - : NIIIW GOODS. • • , .• .1 . . -- . noel Plaid Horse B ankets. .11atsailles, Imperial „ . slinil „npply to the e.eurt of . gaarter Sys- ' • . : / , • ', T lik sill,i,ril) ris in eoifstont receipt of V./. I' - New Goods.Ch.oap for Cash-. . , ond Alletidalo,Qnilte. Barnsley arid Irisr.. Linen , ions.at. the , next tftan for,T:lict-n , i e to *ell tignom : , -. C ! ! . :i p ,..-,fix, in is -fir litu: . of iirt.‘ . .itte ' ,..'. ncart: e'vt.rt i .l Ci NV. ;110 . 1•Th k.t•jo,tt.rry,••it.tli non, , ttu, r Int 'of t Stivetin,.te. Pillow ease Cotteno }mums lAni.no of all at hie-store in liod_prv.re.i., unch-r ihp provisi,,ni.. 4 ~ • '.Npw 13..‘dis, suet, :.% t: filliilA..B.Vre De : 1. 1 / 4 1.411.., Murk, - Elia pi , r • an!l 13irdoeye :row.clint.r,, of the AetttfAigenible AliFirfiv l ed April 14. 1855. 11"'ek.... 1.147! Pl'il'l ' ''.4-(H1:ii4(1 i'' '' ' 114.4.1r1ink."t 1." I ' l l lf ..,,,2 . , !„... . :: ''' l ; ,- .1,. ;R . I,Extilt,-1:4 . .' 1 4 . 1)(/133 ,'. "lid's l ' l `l`Y.'t"' l of go" (1 . . ( 1 11 'd. 11 Y: 1 .1 '• 1 :, 1 .: 11 t)*_ ! Di-• 1 ;: . '.1t4 ,- -.{;invriatzw , ;. Colt .r, , ,,Erot,r..icti. rs .„ 1 Enstazisk Cle.rec N:lpkin. &e. Lodersvitfe, O c t 2 j;• 1 555 . _.. 4 . 3 , ,,,,.. 3. . .. • • , ht•Of..li e1 .... /nAi..;IS os u.tn i. t , ,,r . '_,, ". , ; L.,.101 , 114 ; SZe.,..&o2VViiirti !fr. °FIT : Rs AT'Vkiiy Low 1. - • - ... floy..t rod ireits irectr. . . -. I - -- -- . • - -.....4..:......„....:.........._._ _____• -*. • • -,'„ Ortr,Z , , 11..41 , 4110A, PV.I. S. I )jig, ~ • ..; P R ICES, Sl7 II Iff:it S/1.4 IVhS,:i• new if t iii,t, I', 'l'‘i l ectis. (.7o; tonadcs. SA . - s• •• - • 1101.itt....,41et.in urey,• ' . : . I)vp.!ittott.,. Oro- ••ries, ' ! . ,...i vi ,d,.....:6 ( . 7 1 w ir.,,l p :I N ." „i I ,, r y .l ow pricey,. ! m ac k nnd r:/at•V Cossitnere4,-kreoeh Doetkin' opadastiiiri.- • - •- " -, . . ~.. ~... . . .. • I . .., r anor.:troulA JO' etry - -', :Os . . ("RA 1' .4' ar/ . B I..tc II: -811.1i. , .•5'11.4. tift f ti..i Oita Brinuielutlt. -'' . • L Rosi , n'hatantl - )zbt.et4t4-aiTSi e .l,o,,,i will; I; 1:‘, ! ••-: . - , - 1,i,,',.r,;,,,, ry * . A }'; .• : " ..- I dig 1•s a : i I le thi f . ,-. ' . . . ~ , 1 .11 „1 /(IT por , .toct.,tind,c-r tht, , rtwet . Itorrnt): , ner. stn re , a t it,,, !.4,, , ,,- ;., - ir ~N 1 .1, - , • - - .1 ~ ,1'.."-te * .1 - 1 - • " `,-. •• ' -•- ' • , •: - (' W ItOTT. IVittenlt'ertr &Alm. All ~Note's o;tcl ,Accounte. t,f • .-., ;"‘ T , - -"'" A II! ' I, ''l n i n :r ' firtt l ',l,;; ( ; i• - ' "' ' . - ' . ' the old Grin, osibes. c . of .1.,' Ro , -cr,ll::iim attn. to- :. 4.1,ntr , ,..,..." 3-n0.1.1 R 55... -• • . '. . . . . , .. - , .. • - • I. foutt4leut the4;l4:lStortd. and we horl f .JFoi oil e'ilt ,- ' • ''' ••"---- . . see the necessity. of. settlinsr them tkiiiiient - Srii. 7-. '. - - • NEW:49O a -. EfEAPi ther.noovi:.:: • ,- .•, - L ItIiSENIIII7M. • , i - ' - - 'A? 0.'117 . I fo tr .5'.., ' - : • i E Viii - r.rENl3Flfi.£•;,.*•'" ' • ~.. • irti-i 7' r( .l 4.i.rori . i . lot 0.. i 4 i • • • • ' • J. VVI7ENBERCT: ; , - - -,•• -,•• . ' • ''w !• 11 h.r.. gt3rh a • 1)..: - I • r, fontrose.o.tt. 1 5 .1855-437. V -I '...- 1 !'• •'''•" :: ' 7 ' l '-ji I:7 " igrs4!)''l2."Pal"4l"*l'4". --rer '''''''' -4c _..-_ ~..H....:.,-..___________:;,....—,..,.........- ..:-... f..0ur. , 7.- ~I ,' , i ; ~ .40, • .1.w:4 4 , -...:rti11.. nod f.:1 ! ,,,A4; ! ." , . L. FINE I,.01". or ..-- - i - in , r '.' ' ''' i -g"' 4 . 481 uMooPi*Ti.,of, I 'l. • GP.d. ,40,1 mi , • %In to im3d, 4,w. 1 ', :,', -''-" 1 ' ' 'UONDON • Twiirtbotil,lo Ritrti.l - - , GunA. Single i,• . - WANT rEI):2 socks. 1•: P. Rot ipr, t.4r4.,t'zi ) " .- ':' - 4c l n'..4 l dPXt;f4 ri4e 11 : 41 0.*. tor iviretf . 'i T.Tiairnel . 'Act i; t iiii ii‘entitylm ezeloinie - -fo r Goi4; •••!. . }.. •• ' - .i.! -.. A- L:AlliltOP.S . r,cch,..•t..,. at emit, pricer. --. -_- i ; C. W. - MOTT: Itti 1 . . ...-. • -i . -: . - --.• ~ i - ~., - I- , i . „ . • - Mosifrovi. 50p1.18554 • :4 - . .... „ '''•i...-.,C . , i. , I ' ' . ~ _ ....,.....,: - ',,,. EIRE! FIRE ! FIRE!! n0kk , r,;• , !.0:1 beon apiminted nn aLvont :FTATt: FIRE INSURANCE CO)i PAN V. of narfistinrg Pa. Said comp:Ty LA I a capital .8500,000! .. . • ' - . It. i•;•ns ,:a.. 7 .,. anll eft..ap a ll ,, illpany as any in tIo• State ;aid itlszfres on the Sioel: lttid niatual !watt. - .1.111,LIN(;:s7 STROUD. Agent. ' . ?loot i - os. - ().tt.' 9, 1 5T.15.--1 1 tf . .. . W.e... the ittui(•si , ned hereby srate tlittt we* hay,• done business :vitii the atiore eonipany. and We .:re arc: !..;.:ti:411...c.1 Iliza it is .b,th ...titatiti dier.p.— In our 4. , xpeheoce ~ , , ,e hare never known any-as , sessot . ..:lts on a premium note. - i' i P.. )1: 'Xi;liions. ... • 'Xrn..le's , 4up. 1). D. 14:11ti(!r. . F. B. (7,lllA:cr. Oz .nd., El.qid , r(.. - E. B. (.7ilzoit.. - • NEW GOODS . • At onbot,tom Station - . nr.• rev:-Ivin !of Dry 04,1,,Gi •, I nrl.. v.. 1! Of Whiol • Wil I i • :: Si the .If-.,1. 130,4,1 iuirl Sho-si;it 1,4 p.ri et.s, titiAily.. BELL &. TINGLEY. Ci‘alt Cap: C,r 3 .s!i! , • :, NCI :,t 111.11.1.. TING ALT 4,3 tiry bbl. 82..0(3. by thy I. 2 ad *1.94. at 13E1.1, TLNGLEV'S. . • ( - ' 1 REATilariely of .R•iady I:td(.. Cluttiit i g : .11111 the Ci>lar.zack:s Pleas. - • . : - T et,tzip at - B. & T: , 4 ~ i ; rir•AKtf ~, , :io” th,-.T th, flu .. v ilriQii - 2.l . ri•in th, ! - - '—" — 1 - j. ' f the Real tn•lrtt. of ENititt •fleri,i.n. .. 8.: ', - :• r il4, 1 , 1 11 ,! ! c,,,...-. ,• 1 git....• 1 tirticie at 7..!y1., all . :•, 1 i . , : i . I u•.‘ oi• fit.t:i•lilit.i ..!initti , lii- prf 'per etetlitiirs . •-7 1 li!•;• 1 •••tt•itn. ()A. 1, 1855. B. & T- • 1-iv N. Ni• - •.e . t-q. at iii,•iitii...- in .11,ntrosi.. on . t•- ; •,t : ! • 1 r ..c.,v, ~.•,, •;;„ I clod( itr' - 111,1 , E ! ilitAte•-•! n•tiii--:" ii.,::!4•e k!. ill lit. paid for :ill,. ,:', C - ' 1 1'.‘,.1 t: ''' . . --.i 9 '-‘.:;,_ • • ••, t , - • ` 2z i.;:qd- „r p rw 1 11 ,.,. i n ~: 0 . . 11 „ T i. ,„ f f , r ~,, ,„ 1 , I ••4,.. Iti•rivion.. .tir per ,. !it , ti.l.i,ila‘t : on intvr. e.;,..h - i. : ,i,i•c„ r • .r 4 i ,3 i) : ,i, : . i1," 1 „. r - at : •• i. •- 0 1!! -ai , •l find itei• r•••itie , te•l to ••••pi•i••:•r and ilt•!•1;••11 tn.-Oet 4th: 1x•55. r•re: ,; II & . 1, , , ; ~.' t- ilie:r elaini, or 1, - 0r....•r !,,• :1:-)eirred there, •• i t ,• - • ••i.i. "!:. Nr.W roN, Audit, r. • . '31..1-.tr , .1., (10. I. 1855 --10 , A 4 , )0110ELA IN, :I..Grzinite ;Chian, at • G. W. S. S Co . . --- .- . . Ito icei -Extra. - - .:. 1 - - - ! M If OTIVE .- -" 7 _''. I - NaittrArrangernuntizt . Gregtinet %ll ' 'Notes fled pet,minA-can . be found at• the ! rpci!biisbla By public sale on the 23d of . Oct. l . HARDWARE: STOI4 t . '::: ' 4.1' l' nit' stand, and I trust that Of will see the . l 1 next, at 10 a... at., a fa.un of 70 acres situat- i ( - I 'W; GREGORY' W.-JUDSON SMITH, necessity of settling theta without ferthernotice. ! ed in Silver Lake townsiiip,'Susetea cenntysnd [ ur,„, having, nirmed . a . co•Partnarstrip - :Or the. - - J. Of Cli E RMAN, Jr: [ State of Pa., of which 35 acres of arible pasture 1 - purpose iilitcadiiiting the lialit*ltieitfinitii itt. - „I and meadow land fs in . A good' state;of'caltiail .. l.all its Varian's' bralieltes,..Wiluid reapecunitylii.) . I Lion well watered, with u lame frame llon.e and Lforin. the people - , •of Stisriiichanna eeenty that I . • .. T ' ' . Copartriershlp.- . . frame Barn and a good orehurd. - SaidAirm !nat . :they are ROW ()petting at Gregoiy_'s Old Stand, ; THE underiii.;ned have this- d;t . . :0040(.inte( i . a d,e,,irattle loc*tion on the old Chenango turn- I _opposite the Exchange llntel,.:l . dooris:frotik ,the: 1 pike. 0 mites front Binghamton, 11 from Mont...! Canal;Binginuaton, N.: Y . ,,': the . latgest, l ( ,efieripest, i under the..tirm of Diekerman & (Lira tar i rose. -3 from a C:ttliolie Church,.one mile . from the•-•poirP.,,;‘,. of transactin•T the mercantile Busi two other diderent churches, and I-mile-front a l !mutton. .' • • I - • I i :Ind best to of ll:vdwarweret.otko.din Bing-I •- 1 ness at the old stand of J.. Dirk, Jr. - t '.l: DECK ERM AN Jr. . 1 Grist Mill and saw mill, said prnpertV will "be Hating made .srr..ngements: to -10 P.° 11 . th °./ . - -. HORATIO G.kItRATT. . i s o ld on , reasonable.teran s half th c purchase moss 1 . English Goods and purchase their American di. . iey on band, - and the oth e r h a lf in two itektalments I lrect from mannfacturers, they eart , mirk will 'sell New Milford. Aug: 18, 185,5. one' - -in 13 months and the other in tnlo yews.. t CHEAP ER- tba suns _ m otl.'..tr establis 'hment in _ -... 1 .ls.i to be sold on the saute day by publi c . town: Their stock is now ,very exten sive, and r•ver.due forready cash only, 3 mileh cows, 2 those ivishing to purchase are Invit e d to enll-•.:•. yefaling - steers, 3 ca!ves, 3t) skeep,. a 1 horse The following are. a pOrtion - of their f - ,..ading,• ar- ' I wagon :mil hantess, and-Many other articles too titles, viz i--Tabld Ini - res and ftirks, 'i l tea do:, 'numerous to mention. I.' , r f ur th e r information, earners forks and steels, pen and P,:cket ktil... - es, and ! application to be machi on the premises to the bread butelt‘.4 dn., hay and! straw do:, I- proprietor.. • • ' FEREMIAII DOOVAN. sons; shears, and razors, britannia ten and coffee I i Silver Lake. Sept. t26.1855-•-tou 3* ' i pots, silver and britannia lea and table! spoons; I . len. ! strayed or Sto - silver plated,' brass. and iron eandlestieks, soul: j . term and trays, Solar lamtis, lard, and suspended 4.0 n or about the 23d inst. from. th e rastoro of latnp.mantie-picee ornaments, brass and iron ' the subscriber. in-the - township of Cliffiird, Siisq. andirons, shovels and toncrs, &.c.. • .. i Co., a young mare, the mare is fire _years old:—• . Looking Glasses, and looking glass plates, to. 1 Aleint . ls hands high, °la cream c olo r , black tether with a general assortment of housekeep. 1 ovine and tail, with a strip on th e back clt e nd, i i nz , trt id„ . - - • _. i ing from inane to - tail, a stnalt spot of itittite hnir HOLTSE MMINGS, t on tbe furl, shoulder caused. by heir. , * gal it'd liy- conzistino. of locks, latehes, butts„ screws', .brad the saddle, ana having ;i round bulieli on the gam- i nail s , bolts, patent...window altrin,g•s, blind fasten- i tile joint of the 4.rtf leg. Said mare also has dark i Tas -or brown legs with a tuft of long black • hair A ffenerAl assortment of tools for Carpenters arowinlr'from the feterloek joints, has no whito -and Joiners. Cabinet and Wagon Makers, Masons . • feet. An person giving any information COrl-L a . md biackstniths,censistino of planes, sitv:s;hant. 1-verhing sold 'mare to David Ref K.1)1111flaiT SIN- triers, hatchets. axes, adzes, k•hiselmourrors auger I 1 fine/lawn '1::,,, Pa ,L. Scone, Esq , Montrose, Pa , Lat, iti.d hollow • angers. rftils,' Bellows, vices, or David - Davis. Leraysville Bradford,.or bring:- patent drill machines. sledge stone hamtners, iti in,* licr to any of the above named places will b r i c k .and plast e ring trowels, cross-c a t; t, - mill and w be liberally roar•icil.. i • circular saws.. _ :..splendid assortment of Saddle and Harness makers' tools and trinuttinos. , • • .. "FARMING TOOLS,- _ consisting of shovels, spades, forks,rahes,seythe's, orain Cradles, hoes, pick axes, iron bars, grind stories; &e. - . Also, lo!ents for e,e sale of %).”'iit...L•more. :•!;loires & Co'-. A , 7rielOttintl ,,,, l.:,sll,-! - .:1•4 plow~, -hay and straw cutters, cart shellers. :Ye. ~ . Sole and • tipper leatio r, • morocco and sime trimming., with a . :general assot talent of iindit,g4. Wooden ware, willow cradlos, wagons. •ehairs and baskets of all descriptions. • • Bar iron and steel,iroteaxlCS andsteet springs i. malleable castings. coach lace „and trimmings et ; all kinds, paints, oils, sash. gbiSs, putty, &e., all i - of which will ho.s,,lii at the lowest rate!. i. Please - ! call and examine - the stock for yourselves. ! - Binglianitor.. March, I. 185::. ' • A ng: 29,-95w6 Claoke filopded Stock. rptiE slilv.eriber will offer for tittle at public Vent . ie, at his rvsiilence, elms wpf,t,of SttioniersV ills, otr Thurstllv the 18th day of Oct. Thirteen Head of choice 1/eyon Cows and young stock, one very extra Devon Ball. Sale to corn'. in'Cnce at. 1 o'clock. Six months 'credit on :IP proved Note... GEO. liAltltISON. Nlilford, Sept. 16, 1955-38w3* • • To Dairymbn. utrra wanted. The highest 'market pri -111 ee4 will be p:lid in cash for good Dairy But. ter, by Juno 2.6 th, 1855 Administrator's Notice. VOTICEsis herbv given that !Ater; Icstu -1.11 mentary upon the estate of }loos Donli;tle dee'4. late ~f Thomson tp.. ,linvo 'Veen gran. tegito the - sub.criber; Ali persons indebted to . est.ite :,re rettnested to make immediate nlytto.rit. and those iti*incr taints upon Koid tate to present Onto door attosttql for sktlernent.. .NEltrotimi PARii;4-I.‘lufr. Thrunson. Sept. 18,15.55-38w6. • Portsinonth Latvns. - - vEw Ritivrn4 retnilin - 7 fi•r• nne i II shilling a yarn • NELSON ct PRIEST. Moil:911111ton, :tun*. 4 ,2 O. patent Apple Pa rers. r X 111: subscrihers are Agents for the Nale" of the above nrtiehl, n large supply- of whiei. tiwv just "ri.....ph-1-41.. ! liri•ct from their mann -1-;e1 C , kailtry ntCr. altts iiNdied at whole tale prices. • PIIVFE & KNOLTON Birw:himitc,p, Sept. 1:4 16'55. rre.ift Arrival of New Good. at DICKFipIANS S. GARRATYS . rill In , nl) , 4...riliiirs wpoki roilitutroliv infirm • ow~,twpnth:il thvy are now opening Ih t iir stock of F:111 mid ‘Viiiter (.;oods hog! :tml ut- Ir.trtiveforcash . or :Ippr..vt•tl ci, lil vheap.:r t•: ;n e:1:1 honOit any ol!ier•t•stahii,h,lent in ;b4..,(111t1ty , 7t D;CIi'EFOIAN (;.1111LVII";%;'. \,:.w I b.r.). ti. Lkr clwap 11000 worth, 1L1..:t4! :rt - DICKER:I/AN & GARRATTSJ ri.:v•3l . illred, stilt. 18:h. 1655. 31..1TED (b•z. ,tri"re lilatcd rveeived by A. J. EVANS. ••r. PUBLIC SALE (it 11 , 4 No'ernall) Th OM F(•ll , ows' Half pirtee to ',tail • Tf, tour picture% drone top (a 11: . . Jtuu jar . i i I) 1 } I , W it 'in t] 1141 u -hill Nbirt ill , * ~•:ir.i wi In. ffrom.• 13, IP. t''' /', 64, t - ott ,, rl • ri:iriciel, 11,: 1 3. :inij_Nniito .-, Flawit , l. slripe.4 ••Ilirling,-iprou c.hecliai Tiekin g .'•3ol..'i r i D :rairos. Drj,ll4„;:kt;: ' • —.l • . ' , . .. . I- I N. ik. V, trO4itrt In.Altqin . llint_tl ik •-v Ani.tip‘ink, ; ! tirirply / nri.illso:',,i f . pl'ict: rc?prierri, bliviivi fileir • ",!: ilotirt4th*,.l ! ikil t ii..iii i s..ill'ti iiiit.e. - Aitti iflarki n , E Nl4ligns of t • tt 444 Ito:jell, lit d i-foio• villontion nh o i.p *C,o*t.— _,. I%g4 , 44rA l t!re ,i.ir iroori;i 44 1 be wrreet a ail ii) , ' . . NEW .000DS: • • - '.• , ~,,..,,r i T a 9 , .... fit they are repremate . and ciao t- . . . - .. ‘2 , l§_ , r; limy 'itly anon - nbtaiqln - 4. of 'us . a pet ••t r . ' 1. , . IV&TIR i.o.tbniV ;rrre iV in7',i nil* : ''. ,.._F i i it ai'llit4'..* : l3! . Tio."(: . :vi : tiii: ,r; ;) * 6 ' 4 e0:11 b c '. p fl U t r::' L.I- IP pl v. of , GOOPS, which:will. ber-sol • l'''''-' 1 ! '',-.' : I : 'Wes . ' af .3bilik York Cal' '' '' '' - ' - for eaSh.• :._ -s,-..,: . •i- -.:. !.. . - - -.',.?•'''' . -:;'g' ' .., -,.-.•••••• •. . . --,t - , ' L.' • - i i-'l7--•_, .2 - ---.4.- " , -7^ •-•-. :',, NguOiNIE , IntrEsr, • ~- - •,,,-; -- - :44 31 11tstoll ii - o r. - . RD -. ' - • DAR.ASOLS--I.4:ty,t C. W. MOTT'S. Pin , . 13 y‘NKE E . Al *itif)ll.i .1f eyyrF . - : W • 8, S. U. & D. SAiltE , , Terrible Accident, 11 - APPENED !I) 3 1r. (;r0.,, i day:— e had boliuht suit Or re:liiy-MadtA 60111 L'S at the :Store. and toe tir"t tlay'R.. wearing . the ZlC .Cilkilt oveurred.. First, idtdrapt hb4 coat-tail by the men. foree of specitie gravity. giving. to tm rortnnate man ale appertict , of a h-idly trimmed eraft;with the flying jib in the stern, and.on !.t(optng, 'over to piek up the remnant, the dos•l: fut e „..„,,t t , took 1 4:.,—the f o untains of th'o ErLoat deep were broken tip—Green's pants were stmdered i'mtn ankle to whist, and Green himself ,iel•inoil to I. Tha only w.tv to such dcp•liwahleneeident; to patronize a skillful tal l..r.w•.ho make= up work with a. determini. tion that it sh.:ll.not only tit i,ertly. but Wt.;:t well. Green lmvs at the clothing store bee.t use he think!, he can ~e t hi. o'varing a tittle cheaper. !It all br4kaliility the pants that ler"t4l him so tr.eacherously it.d rtssed thrott:ii fever hospi. : t ti. het-n front a cholera_ patient. carried . home e;oht nizhts in theweek,qt - ,1 slmtter. :!rht fi n ,r, ‘ • 1,!,,,, x 1md an 1 .. , arried by ..an I..r.olelito::n for a niarkr , .t in the countr y Tak:: poor-Gre..n 4 s- mi.:lilt. and to t3it,,r,hop chi.li.l , :rnvnt or s,,,rie's if v,•ii hr. 0 ,, n, as u.ual. and all wo r _ .TOl N GittiV ES. liwaro-4.. .27 15.5 5 ESTRAY gri AME into nhotit Int! :2oth of 31:4- nne 2 years 4:id grit - Kits Siver. at;otit orw Frierals vi;to ~ti the Ow( ***** torrvikv. The owner is to qtleste to prove pr“perty. pay e!tarto, and t;:ki• it away. .39A 3" 1/ANIEIi,NIFRPH V. • New Spring Goods. T BI7ItrtITT wifil 1 :r.notitwe to 113.4 friemis pul•lielhat hi i, t.t.w (I.tmi:l :1%.11.1 , 1-aaLlv Srl.;Nr; St-m -71cr. GOODS, ,%•:(o.lvl ,t. lint, fr..li..lcts to per y.:f : Okia Prit.ll jt ~••:. il; -.nd Fa , t•F i);•••.••• Ti.,U,•.t. Pd.10:1;•-. C v!).1 P: ti ,I; t 1 v.ith a fart, : %rtrit•ty , tt !.t.ip!t. ant? i.t;t• rF D GQODS, Iron and N:dl.. ;M./ C;lrpViing, 'Val; p.l;;tr. latintra Wir'tlow di... Floor Clotht. (I..ek-. ;!ro'Ci &C.: 'S.: itt short. tile largv.t isjp.i if piles rich and ria.np Clo‘t(i,.. too tlft:ovron ,, to tin•hti9n, 1)31 just th, Ipurvh!:.4.... d.il fif which %vitt 1 , „.I{l at thr most r,•ifac - 111 ptiro: trrt, tn, , •t ttip);4 tor cash: exrhat,gt:, -N. B.- Snit aioi Flour cottlantly ar hand._ I\,. w Milrord, 11.• t• 5. 1553. I Tho Manhattan Fire Ins.- Co. - <1 jice - A r c,. 38 Wall- Stri-ct. • C.‘PITAL, • Llsitre 4 Imildiri , N,ll,:re.cmildise:Filrtiqure,Ves- I ; 4(1. in Port :sod iln-ir C;irgoe-, aria other Proper : Cy. titi'n . ;;;;•it 1;;•,s or flinit:iii• I.v . Dinr.c.Tou-z.—Nathaniel 1 ielitinis, Satnui4 F. ; Mott. Pot, r fl. :ii•honok. 'Win:- F. Mott,. Eillkin M;;11 - r.P. Wm. NV. Nia.!nn. R L. 1., , ,r;1.1%;ii-.• flarron. 11. Nev. in , . :I,r. if. T.tdi)r. :1%,-;. - .; (7..1! ( "<, Thu.. VV. P.;.2.irhalf. Itielmrd Potor•C;;;Tr.• 'Henry Lyman Prni,on, Jultn a Cnswell. NATIIAN]I 1. RICIIARDS, Pres. Ptrr ; saf,LSON & PnItST, Agents,' Bing hamton, N. V... Clear the Track /12 1 ant in a !rent !awry.. .‘Vhv what% the 1 'Plotter nnly Bullard over r.er. :.t tho y7;:t reveiveil .by . Rack EN:pre-:, a nkv-1.4 11)ok; ami 1 ...me before they any all 2t,‘Tl-t, ,•!:. he has )lary Lytut.,n, The n rath. an,) Free4l,,m,(Dou,r. l'e•i"th 11. , ,u1',4• choice workn iri t-• 3 1 : .1. A:v.. 4r1 ,, e13..0k, n vari ety-0t:,%1 t* I ‘\...ri!i%r 1'.41:,r•re1 , q) , ., ot i:,.• ard e!e.ap 114- i:F.AbY. IP. 1 ~ictu Bork ANiertiscmcut..;. ; The • great Piano, 311,1tide . on and rAtablishm en t HQR AC E WA T E RS. :;.:3 Bee, r i tray, X , . Fo rk. `i :: t 1 ,..1 4 .w. 4 1.fbitriP . eiticrilorfAHNNIA.gliff-an4-I*.t molodental t ;the, baslisdep r -rollinz, ink woo ions ; Ili& middle`•part is `.tie fi %and'itytiipaiiistic, an d 'passes the towor eiriigitig;, is e.- or uniting : _tinisotind4itesch totie. In* de gtee -'tutt Faiely . lieltiketed: , =.lfEstir C. Wattoit. :- •'-----: . I '' .':- 1 ~ For OV.rei of tone, depth of 1 luiss; 10401111 M-1 Icy of. treb:e, togc.thcr with ~1 accuracy! if • touch;' they`are etpia.l tt",etiq,rnakilitiltitictjusintid•With anilil, toffitlial fy recommed them" e: those wishing Ito tinichase.-- , V. C.::Tayr.ott. ' . :' - '-' ---- ':_r- - - • • , Our friends will find at lir. Wateist . stern the yery beikassertenent of music and {. of piano* to i be le mad - hrthe-United - States;- sodve - urte""" ~ 1 southern and western: friends- to 'give him a call .1 whenever they; go, -to -NeW York .— Graham's 1 Magazine. We consider them worthy of spiAVitttehticni f froM the rekonant . and exteepingly•- musical tone: which Mr: ‘Vatersrhass . umitedtid in attaining.— N.,..3' . ...Muxicai WorZi. lt,.Timer.. :_ - • „ - .., • 1 .: 'Llio Horace Waters- pianos are' , of, isnflorioi tone and elegant, finish.--ili.. Y. Christian Inqui rer. , . .. , Nothing at the State Fair Jisylayed greater ei eellenecf in any department th:m-the-Piarto Porte mmaufactured by Horace Waters, of this city.— . ..„ _. . . CHURCHMAN. Horace Waters' Piano Fortes are of.full,'rieli, and even tone, and powerful. : —X. - Y.',Musieal Review. .. '- ' ,-. , ,‘ .• - , , The Editor of the Strvlnnah Rept:Wigan, Si. et:lnn:di, Ga., speaking of the Piano- Fort bs kept I by Messrs. •J. W.llorrell.& Co;.of that . city, says-; • _ - "l i .'will . bo - seeti that their stock comprises in-. strunients of every grade of excelience„front the . well known manufacturing establishments of. t- AnivlClering & Son; ilonwe Waters: It. Waives ter, Nimhs and Clark, and Bacon and Riven. It well. be supposed, that in so- large a epL . lection -there would 'be some very fine.instrn merits: But, there is ono Which, for beauty tit -. . finish and richness and brilliancy of tone, equals, - if it does not excel,' anything of-the- kind - we . have -ever seen: .It is from the establishment of- Horace Waters. Being constructed-of the best: and most thoroughly seasoned material, and up. on improved principles, it is capable oftesliting thi aetinn el every climate, and of . standing it ierer time in.tune. - The keys are 'of pearl,' and the recess for •the - finger-board • is .inlaid with pearl, the legs are most elaborately • carved, and the%-. hole instrument finished up in a style of great excellence and beantv.- And 'yet its chief - merit lies in the power brilliancy, and richness of its tones, and the elasticity of itt touch." : - . "A THOUs AND DOLLAR PIANO. —We paid q visit the other dayto the music store of Mr. Hor ace Waters, 333 Broakwiy,lon purp4se to see 'a specimen of his pianos,jUst manufactured at him. np-town ,establishMent, of whieh tve.'had -heard - a good deal of boasting..-.li.may not be general ly-known that Mr. Waters has , been established in this city hut a little while, having set up in a • small wav some six years ago us agent for a 'Boston firth, and gone on by dint of industry and enterprise, till ho has become one .of the most prominent Music' publishers and dealers in the country. ' His musical instruments -are . well known for their supsrior quality, • though' they !scareely surpass in tidiness, volum e of tone and delicacy of touch some - instruntents of More obi . scare' makers wide,' we have seen ; ys:t, oven: in these prime respects, Waters' best pianos and melodeons chalkine eompariSort Witlithn fi nest male anywhere in ` the country-though hose of 1 Chickt.ring; Gilbert and others are mate fornotts, - The particular piano we went to see, 'though. is .certainly a superb afiltir. It- is characterized ' b - ci great kiness and softness of . ttme„ .and :re markable expressive poker: while its`.externals , are trot:lily noteworty ; it has a TOSeVed Case, (.I,: , tr 3 ntly !illiiiii ,otr, mi,,tt.,r,ir pearl. and care: cal in various cabinet thligns; altogethergot op with every care of finish. Othei pianos we heord in the -:ame roorn, of equally fine.kone-T,thesame• ela.s of instruments, n fact., except the et....se--of-;' renal fir a fraetion of the cost of thk very ete.."l hint 0e. , .!. Perpons wishing fin. ipstrtnints . .Of I this k:rol, whether at 001119 st econonlical or ex- I I trav,agant prie. will-be lit:ely to he stirred ilt then .wari:,. , -,11,111 of I for.lee Igaters,-/fornet joierndri. - A Ttftxa (4. nr: AT:T ii'. -- WP- had the pleasure,. a day or two since. of inspecting a magnitieent Arneriean piano, at the spacious Ware-room" of Horace Wafers, whose reputation is established all everthe l t eountry aP.. one of the- Inl:st success ful and extepsive . dealyrs, and one - of tie best makers of tip piano, this sid e of the . Atlantic— . iristrotm'mt in- question, was one of his own manfacturel . : - a seven. octavo, carved rose-wood ca , •eSinlaid with varions eolored7rnother-of:pearj with keys of the same matt Hid, and ei her, . ._, alto; ' siiinlro , and Sounding as ti:e- Illlght,tßtl of 30iiIe sky-lark -in g seraph, in piano.: form.- .A. m ore ex -1 quisite•piece of workmanship we do not remetn. her to have seen, and the elegance of its exterior i was the least of its merits. In . tone, it was . I equal- to a grand-action, and we doubt if Erard, I or any other European celebrity, eonicl , Praduce I a more superb voiced instrument. 11r-IWaters , 1 has expitritnented in stringing his piUnot-f—intro i clueing a decided improvement—until he seems to have struck the fountain depths, of soand,from 1 the most delicate to the most sonorous ti'm ~:es. This patient:lr piano,. wit's valued at." 81,000, bat Iwe examined and listened to several, at prices ranging doWn tai quarter that sum, all equal, in , tone, as in nil the instruments of-his--own mau -1 ufitottire. Mr. Waiters uses the same saner - Mr: i " moyernents.,7 so that, while the rien can have Itheir muse-in a luxurious cans - the -poorer ran: have just as. good music in a ease salted to their '.. N. BULLARD . mean - F. • Mr. Water: commenced in this city- as agent for the sale of Gilbere,s - (Itoston) pianos a little_ over six years ag6felling but one or two a week now he is selling trrith 25 to 30 pianos and me. lodians of'sC'hieb httlf.a.doxen of TheTpit. antis per.tweek are Manufactured bv- hiniself. in this and tWo per week in . 7Boston by a manufactarer who wax for eleven years one" of the Head workmen in Chickeriog's establishment • sihile the balance tire tnade t up of the mana:ie. tures of Gilbert, Chit:kering ilaliet $ Sz. Custom, and Woodward & CroWn, of Boston, and GO:et of the best. makers in the country- . • l• We examined specimens :role I these : ,.m a , kers, but neither saw nor' heard anYllfing quite , e qual to those of Mr. Waters, own manufacture —either in quantity and volume of tone-Or ele- gance of finish. Still, as " many people - have its many tastes," Mr. W. holds himself prepared serve anY and every,enstonier, with any desired 1 . :mike; F;oolish or . Preach action, And With or without Xolian Or other attaehrdent. Musicand musical instrument dealers, teachers, composers, land the press in all sections of the. Union, have united in pronouncing. Mr. Waters'piarnis second to none other, of American, or European - - make. As to W. does not allow himself to Ibe undersold-in fair, open trade. ' His Molodiani --.of which he keeps alarge Stock—range-from $4O to $150; and his pianos carry ~ to . thet ' from $l5O to $l,OOO. It •Itsearsely possible nit, the dealer, or the buyer of n single instra,ment,l .not to satisfy himself at 314. ;Waters' .oepot.: -In connection with-this _ branch of-the :trade, .1 Mr. Water s . is one the most extensive. Publish - en, of music imtho!tinion, He keeps atstendy s.vttrk eight preSses, and his popular nnisic, by t.lte-most t eminent cornpose is flying`everywk e r e i cast throughont We land . We 1)0..t0e. of Boston, said to -be -4;elarglst seller in Out Unped States, tu r n s ( ,fr au2re .41 142( 4 s raters j•or better music, than F.lorace ' Waters. When Mr. W. commenced in this City, hti:%Gas told I bk c•mtperavp that he had better "mode oh'? us the 1 pianos oared wero "tip go;" but florae° be ink pretty stubborn New Englander, concluded' I.be wouldn't "move•on" the way his rivals - meant I,at least, until he tried the market; and his Ctilf cluifictonotv, after_six,years. trinl , . dnriti g :which. 1. be hits been compelled tct enlarge his premises 1 several flutes,ls- that' he swill "Annvo-. on," "and 1 „keep Moving on until he-is-abre•to> sell too in strumentsa weeksinstma 0f...30,'4mh make at ) tenet 3:a of the 100 hinissit t - Wa: tees success is mainly} to be attritreted to hie ernl pa renago of the press, There is scarcely paperin the of arty respectability, into I which, his advertisen3ents have-not -found - - their way. By no otheetneunCemild <ftrs in so short ti timehaVo arisen -16 his prsent • late recilietiOd'oitirie7e*Ait iniuriultind:inktrutnenta his also largely increased his tra!de;'.llo:.tneans if making_snd soling theSaperit+.artieleiatithe ,loWest price,, will latfet 4t.to. , asttro .on that cempetition,willlag:in i the i }Tar' it is: ikerth ,eny on tt's tsene—bilyer No. AO *midway, .(his;depoti)'and: 140 softie of his things of : beauty..for-- , :!*,A.tkittg.sti.44toty . ; P,ecsops a, a:daa!anes.. wiabiotoirtiehlitio *4 , by forwardi g their - orders,,,have their aittili-as tistpplied astlYntiitt iterealial7 . ly ratitit I NEW - YORIC4I)- FRAM VISSCIq,R itz 8 .- 91,:i Gant,* MUT , , _ t : Rouse. Apgemes Dui,l4ingi-soi !, , l- ,1.-, and 348-Broaduriy,, , ;4;: V 1 .- - ri-',". 3AGS. AND IVAGIOWII, -- - NovEs 5x110a74.1, Fr. OLD 9141`,--118W-40416f • : Haveit'ottistiintly , - bikid; in - d_biazitibitah 'order, _ - • • Bast. tor Vicrat, vate*t Hams W9lrla also &i t6e - 4tteTntiotiof Conitil chants, tii-thir•assortnient or - -;- Seaniloiss & Fariters'ilags.!'.- - ;:L'; :.• ..tif L Z.l? B DaAgned` and! printed to or4.er i 'exprOnly cargo*, 3 Our taciiii-14are to,otxt , to 20,000 bag,* ik;r - duys, - Ahw - ItuPwt r os P" GUYS_ -13.4.G1 4 .*NP and. variy.us Tivini;-004:, Liiinen'and Cotton, of, w 1 1 the are ri - Aetv,W' continual . • - •' • Fairban I/sex:Plat fOrin and; • Coinidisi , '• deal, , FAIRBANKS_ dr.. en. !Jaye spaci . ou; Waietiiiitse:at 189 Broudway„ • 'tihere tlitiT offer, it *ll'o the most 'complete assorthientof : "prates, to he fogridin tfie united Ststtea ,. idoi* :;- the_ articles - efrerred will be fiiimiti - upiviirdi of seventy differeht modifications of FAIRBANKS' Scra.E.s, Also a great oirietv,of elers',Drum,rist's Grocers, ~sad. other scales.—•. Spring Balances. Patent Beams, Weers - Weights' and 'Measures; &-e.,_4sze. . : HAY and COAL SCALES set in and ~ p4rt ot:: , : the eountev by experienced' workmen. " ' Orders Iciy mail or tithd*ise wilt eeteive - iitteat .* ... tiun. . : - , • , . , -...- • . - - - FAIRIiANKSAL Pittutway' N. Ye; it 12m6' . - ' ' - • CHARLES E. FOGG, riHAMBER FURNITURE, Bedsteads, tresses, Washstands, Enameled - 8014 Loutt%. • ges, Chairs, Pillows, Counterpanes, Rte., : 448 Pearl st., N. Y. betAireyn 19in6 Mudisoti and Chatham 4t. New and Valuable Distovery. Dr: gam's Aromatic luvigorati n g Spirit. • - - This delicious beverhge, is superior to all-tn.,- a vigora"inv, Cordials, Schnapps ; Nervines, 4e.; in use; - for the' , cure of Dispepsia,' Nervotietfeali, Heartburn, Drowsiness, Kidney COMplaint, 5E01.' 4 , ancholy, Delirium Tremens, Inteinilierpnee,:&e.4, - .-1. as it will havigorate .r.nd strengtho,,bnt : wiltr.ot intoxicate or stupefy. ' Persons who - .have 'become .. habilanted- to the excessive,iise of Tobaceo,,Qpiurn and Splritgougl7. tag uors, will find speedy 'land peiManent from the desire 'to use, these destroying. agents, , by taking' a bottle-or two Of t his Delitionii•Med4 . .: l -, cal Beverage. . Weak and Sickly Familie.svill find DT. Ham's • furfgorallng, Spirit a quick. and sure:eure: for all female difficulties-, it, being a Regenerator Ttii well as a Strengthener Of.the HuTrion'Systern. Each complaint that-tho.Aretnale•inviguratireCordiet. calculuted-to Cure'. is named .on the -*Toppi'' . aceorlpiaying each bottle, and - full directions for-, use NT also minutely given. ' - - - • Prii-e - St per bottle. - Prepared by Dr. -Ham. Principal 011ice;NO.1 Liberty Striet, York, were wholesala-isrdersahould-beaddiessed'.• - For sale .by .Druf.mist ,thronglicut this . .'Uriited • States. - Soli b.,- A. Tiirrell, Church-A Seat, Gieat bend. . • AVroileht Iron Pi icy Fox • - Water.(Steiztn and Gas. Janice 6. • Co., . - Vm 79' Alin Stres;t, • factor, r. a)4 dealeri in-lErought Iron • Thirti;L;ri different, sizes constantik' on ..hatiit, with `Cocks, Elbows, Tees, .IM4 variety - of Eitiiig4 ffir sa - m e. AshCri-fesSieorti-' - t.;auges. Whiities - ,- Oil Cups:, &-e. Heaterie - for: Steam Erigioei l ili;lteam,and-.Force PumpOloiler Tujereand 'Soap Colls,„ Plates and Screwing- - 31acbines. Buildings: WiTirtn. et' by Steam and Lighlect.by" G'as. . -All -,ordero 11. - n- repairs, and coutry orders reeeire proiupt at. i .J. 0. M. & Co. beg., to rail the attention ,of •-: 1 oy;mei.s of factories, hotels, iSze:;.to thir superior t li atiGvneri:iing - Apparatus . , nuw . in rise. litthe - :` Sc.- Nicholas Hotel, New ' York; Marielreitef,s' Conn., Great "Barrington, Mass., Roekvillf.ri-Ponr4 . and_ varithis other parts of Alm' coontry: - 2443 m. -_,• _ 1 Largest- and C.heopest - Stoi-ko f Dry , GoOsts in _ - . 1 - - V . "Y . i.' '.---- • .. i . _.. .. 2 err or : ' lj ARTIE& who , a.re.about to: vtait the eityi ar}-,,- - . ..invited to Lord S. Taylor's itnecens.. e 4!,... . tablishment,•2ss% 257, 259,', Grand'S_Treel; etirtiiii_i • Chrystie street, or at their o.herstore,tein ilutti.:.3 .Inire,•4l. , end 49 Catharine - ,streit;lt'bothbt rritiefki moms may be found at all times, mostrattraetive .Storks of Fashisiyable . 811kis; Stiatils, Oititillaa. , Dress Goods; FlimitrAS;Plorresttes,.Liaeti( i - Husie,- .- ry, Gloves, Laces. Erubraideries, antiTeri.ry other,-t defcrititiOriol,seakonabit;ti - oida; alto Carpetingri, 't Oil Cloths, it o! Druageti,' . 44 In irrest.sariety. to all Of 'which. addit iond. . ar6. - cOnatintly.. tiling . made from foreign - markets' ltid - rturPotr'snies, , ,... and. Ourehnsiii g- or.: the most - adit itfageiMir tetitis - .'..''• 'We are enabloi :, to'sell - at;Sneh , reitiatitrible - low - 1 prices as to oiler! , to oar elastomers grater ladaco--, I mentsibati aver, . " - ..j..• . .4, 25:.•6fit. f" - - : - •. - - . . ~ ... . . ..: . ROSIERY - - ~ • - i Exclueivety for -C'fisk ..- - • .: I. E. IL BROIVIN & .. Co :.:, 34 ...Litieity-st.:,- tiro ~ . 4 ' • doors . below the Post Office; .14:'17..; Im..:j porters L a - rid - Jobbers of ..Men's, WOrnen's. antil Children's llosiery - . Glires,rand Laeett,Silk. , 3le- 11 rind ;add Cotton 'Shirts . and Drawers ; Woolen f 'Yarn, Suspf.nders, Silk and .Cott4O. Ilandker;....4 chiefs . , and Cravats; Silk,. Lisle.ThreturiCattOti: , ali, Woolen Gloves and 3littensolidltlltho va.- - - ` Het ins of C9ods in Allis lint}}.- .-. . - ... ~ '• -'. Being e.teusivelinpotterd, and !elle buyers iktY . i . nuetton, dealers-will find 4 iZ greatly.. to their .ca. .: .vantrite to examine our - st k.- . - - -. ... 413m3- -,, ....,. Brnvght hometd the Dior of the 241illii) .AL WONDERFUL': isectrery hastreeent Leen made F. 1 - 1 Dr. Curti*, of this city, in the treatment or Conelni M T Mon, Asthma and all diseases of the Lung. .3Te *. Dr. Curtia" ilygeena or Inhaling irMlcall,TaPref°er HI i ' a s /41 • Syrup." Witlithis new , method Dr. C. bar reatoted many anlizeed one's to perfect health"; as an'eridenee ofuhiel he , has Innumerable cell itleiitm Speaking of the treatment,. a physician remark F It le evident t that iribitting-4on punt- ly breathing ate agreeable,• healing 'vapor; the medicinal-' properties tun rt tome in'direct emit aet with •the the Ktinje Pr - the axial cavity of the lungs.eml thus escape the raanyand varied change= , p trpon them eaten introduced lot. 1 .thP stmnach, sad anhit , eted- to the process of d1ge01012, 7 - The Ifyireatia sfo r sale t the, drantatetbrooktbont the . .,t; r.outtry, . . New rori : tiyietitttto Tao. The rrillatcFr is trot n the, brealt 'tinder the linen . 10:11T.7, nut the least throat. enienrc—tho Ikea t, of the body tettit sufficient tel rraporate the I - thindreds CASEtt of CURE:Stilts, the - fdlosing might t be named. One, Pacause.of Itygetva bap toted Eta of the 4 ; ASTItItt A of rlx. years- standing. = Jos:F. Keegberry, P.: ..bl.'elDienraerton. Ph. T r am cored of the ASTHMA o riCiy ears standing by " Or. - -_V ;Curt.W . Ilygea . - . itirguret ttni. Mrs.,Panl of Nis.. b atatuntondSt_-, fr. T., was eared alit • revere ease of-fironchetis by thP•Hyreana., : s •-, 7.1 E. My sister ha been.euted. Of a DLST II7 ffigING:COCCIff .cirJ -tFftelor:il years F tending. and decided tobe urable .°4' it‘ltystelan a. She was cored u PY"itre ; plena: . (ioubertaf. Rich' Medd. Prto .- 8 4111 by qt,RTIS Ic ifir" n014) °114 &1' 5 11 Al 7 I "--e l),,Chambers 17.•;•,;.4 Package* sent freeb..bzprees tit* a n y' part , of the United '1 putter for Ten DoLlartn... .-.• I , - - - R. n•••-eurtis' **cosi it rbrit-..o,la4DiAtand• PENT INE A itTIPLIC,,,sII afe.hime, tatlots .or • I 'rile and EutIRIOrS eoatiterfellin-4 •the-U% - oi you would FrgiSON• • 87 . 14 1 — Viumb cerFor Sale by Abel Tnriell Dritatit btaut-roil.- Pa • RATS, ' CAPS; Cornerlof Peon-and= ChOhom TT G„ - _l;tAsK 4 4: (bite ‘.4affei.,ty.'l(',Ofill'i:s::: ktlevs*itztei)id 4tankdu thik'eppier-of:4 l'entl -and Chibuim Stroto al 1(64 Fli, iileitt ot tip§ as'enO Be . 1**4:111, ,tko z ty, "nlid Atjfkiir*dst igllt9quikte deft Pea BeitViirg;jfi grrit'fivriety *4. yaw* BilloViimbrellals, Bilk k ginghallf, And 40'44:41 4l tlnanntincturfile_ '7,frec t -3801 S =ll. • iISERA — 1 ; urge; 04 aryl ver pTka; V lit ---7 1 - spoons,-Ladles t Nopkip Iliojtos-410tottstfin-- ished Anil for sale , by = I-• - • • A:l•Etirkt*.t.' - (i'ofiltlokitts of all weight* , txd paiW3i4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers