, %„,,e ost pcutorrat. , IRCITLiTIOS IN ..-o.ll.4lllEnl„erifillr4.: VIE LARGEST g:11 CIIA' .E & ALVIN DATA Eurrolis. hytrxd 9 ,t v itaiii.,""4l, 1,11111: IT.IOIIITOACi . I- • - • . • i : E.MOVAL! ... .1 : - "Democrar Office Removed- \ • To the West 4side of PUblie Avenue,- Werth - of Searl's Hot l, l and next - door to Ethridge'b z !" •- . Store, up stmts.. . . . . Blanks It Li!an!ts.!! Blass4o tt - • We have OOlind allilenaitliiisoitteent of Blank Deeds, Mortgages, BoniiN other w ‘ e Oiter for sale oal ; easonilite . leryns. -- . Those; in;want : Hill fint i i it. tO'tkeir i ad . Fautige .10 ',call at our office on West aide Public Avenue, Noftlt of Se4rle,'S Site dooito the Post Office. .N biaska Free. The elect! i n fur Delegate to Congress' in Nebraska .11 s , maul tea in 'tire election of gs Ghttlin,lvh ran ai thU candidate opposed tothe inslite ion of slavery in that Turrito . 1 I' .___.......,........ - - . . ..- •••7•••-t--7- 7 . --•-....--.....-.411. 7 ---^—,-- , . tgreicide. . ~, Cnaatirs,;,, zeta., .r , ,...iding_.-n , few miles south -of oflto, rose: " - committed".suicide last. Friday night_. y,hatlging himself,with a cord, which was,su.4ended over his - bedifor the purr pose - of aklithim to - raise himself, he 'being. eonfinel . by su,dettess.' A piling:man, his soh we learn wig ,iric . pino: in the same 1:own, and . - was not aWakl ned. . When found his body was nearly otrthe-bed, and 'life was.. extinct. , • ~ J "Elio% INothipg-Defqat. ~ - _ • At the .- Stat . election .last. tied ',the • Xikew. Nothings carried t large-m ajdrity'. in the city . .., -of 'Pi ttsburg: •.. lln tint :same • city list. week . the. issue was • imade . direct fer . Mayor - and other _ city -,:officers,-, hetwe'eu • the Knowi. - Nothing,s_atid .4ti linow-Notbin . v, • and -the . result was thatitheWholeAnti Kniir-Nothing . ticket was elec_Led s hyiarge , . majo cieiff This, • shows the Order' to be greatly on _the wan; where independent and -patriotic men have ad ehanee to reilt.ipini its'enormities. . i • Pr_l3allqu' bas been receiv nna much impr ernry matter ar peetations. Pictorial, foritlerly Gleason!s xi with this' change, of title, , evcA 'in - , ippearanee. The lit tid• omit viri , vs • exceed • fdl ex- M. DALLOC7 i , Esq., the new ' - olved to make au illustrated . mall ba a' et*lit .to_the whole is $.3 a year, or f'ir s4 . lie will fat .1114,F41.7 of our Union, lof the cheapest and 'best fle,r iw of., . Ballot!, Boston, Mass. - propnetor, is r „journal which s country. Tkir / send the Pictorl, one year t —two riodieal Ave km ress' 'Ai. A' , -...:_ , Lll, man and not PotEfor the in:inner of- y our trill-mph; the great vicfOries of view N oth- weiNliip on earth', and if you worship in siteli irvgs in the elections, :04 gi re lie character= a fotili WO will load You Clown. - With illf;:n1r Of the rnt.n they - elect:? !!,-.Why do they.. not i and disgrace,-L.Yon shall' nit be permitted tO , • , tell their reade:stliat in . i , lil?sto week lteforti offer. your pra‘'er's to. Ow Potl of ziations.! in - lasz,—that Boston - where 'ititi- lavery sentr. the •-- ' fth , I •rule ••d ‘ - -L -pi v osc vi by a.: g , ,as j l-IP, 1 1 meat h as . rtill wild rci,r, tst'et, v -fife ye:irs t --the Von on earth I We appe.d' tO vrety eli t t . i,:- ' Know NOtilllg _ c ? r,".vr eleeied. ihe notorious;th i n Heart, of whatever denomination lie in:LV , 1 1 - kidnapper, Smith, ftir ninyOr ? [Why do they i. be and aslt-, can k-o . ti ,it uncoti,:erned at the , not tell their reff4eri, tliatlp tow, l Nothingzstri stiides of sue!) all Oath-bout - II ptiwer ? Bird -I ha: (hint - tie:zed eYentlie - " 4014411101 of - 1),,,,, , :: 1- i - •••• -f- • .(,- •I ,- - . y .?,..you ..pay piste the ~.i.do•lt.:faith, can .I 1 ton,7.till-tlic,y are willing, fedi... , 34/C( i tieeeney• you encourage or upliold n secret polititi:il ,_ I anti virtue by 'elet•ating rf'. s l a y .o honed ; i1) tire- or , atfization*, Which pre.nnir-s to dra‘ , r , .-li,don hi:The:it - Office in . fh ,, ir ~csifr ? : hi do -not. into its creed. ana enflame. set:t against r'ect . '-' - .- b r they give, some of these facts. i 'ste:id of s'itp!-.' - I(cruel'wron ' • , •C.ln•l diz , rttcefui Statutes -,L . .. 1 pressing them careftilly,, anti t :isieinli•ug the Can you rib't r•ee hurt the sanie - pli - ncipte that I public as to the 'leal•desix,n of i he 'Order I - ..... thus.insuila and tramples - upon :he ri , litsl of But we ii ill * inakelantglittr 3tr , rtatii...;li on th e Catholic, ins .i f :w i t h th e smi t? ri g i e ' l ll lll • l ', i this subje:-:t.• It 'read'stlins,"; I :. r • -; and oroscrille'voti ? Can coo Writ see tlittt I ' H -. cl. • i .'• The . .kincriCanorgauzzatioriAls not.zi local, wheri you pe:rmi . unprincipled i - ind 'rvekl!.ss i institution, it exten4..east, we 4, north - and, - political demagogues to sieze upon your prt.j• i sOuth,.an ENTIIt.E,II4I.:PIAVON OF EV ! udiceitgainst C'atliolie. to t'oist thernselveiiiito EIIVTIIING LIKEt:AI3OLITION was necest. . . , . I•sary to preserve - iti 16%i:ill:tit rand unit Y.- power, the, sanzeinen,• tvhen it znay seine . our . , TL 01:0ANIZATION,TifEtiEFOLE.1:3 A- thcir purpuses, mity and will turji niwni •y ; GUAIIANTEETO SOUTI - IF.R.V FItIENDSi t . faith, and appeal to the prejudices which °ill , . : . ; tn., e catev.. er the parties Of thi :tri th may er denominations ihave aftainst .you, to train.. do, the I.lnt.riotistu 0f! ... 413e 4 .,Ma55ts kur ws Mr pic . tizrOaVonr religious riridits and priyilen'es. nistmetion betweenN rtli tind South.' 1 : - , -.? ;.. .. •'' ~•. '" : ! , • , . , g . 1 I. : I Once atinitt, the right, in.,any political Harty i ' ll'e now le:tve coninurnity to; r tiridge wlictli . t i t,. . ) proscribe and :. insult men on account! (.4 . i er this R_ rirz!birrean paper can bcp..liodest in.:it 1 I -i•, • their. religions belief, and the last barrier , professions, odis.it - a thin)-, ;got Fry try . - ainbi , . .-' 1 - has - '• i , wine 11 ,any sect l agszir.st being troo,.eir tionspoliticians, for the pttiyesd ,)i mislead- • 7 • ' , . . . 1 Gown by one stilt stronger, is removed. All ing the voter . . s of, tlio,county, Is to the reali denominations of Christians,' then, should .be !•questions before theni, in 4 - rtler Ito ' ; . • . place m ° i . ' i s.tariled at this bold and flagrant:violation ; of fin office and p=ower ? 1 The - rf.salplitor orthe j co i lstitution ' m arid religious right 3. . They. ps.per i,elontrs to. the:Fnow Not!iings in this.! . . .-, , ,- -.• • of I- ! - • ' , - •: must see in it the a i place, and the , paper-comes ' i out - ' tad' defends I which may tratnrle them in the dust,—whicli Ithe Qrder,--Anoting from its pier s as the I • .• . •. shall make theta .Pn exile and an outlaw tip- . true extainent. of ifs doctrintS. Ind - vet con- I - .. f - 1; • • ..1 on t 1 lo nee of the earth. • . ceasing . its - free - - "t. oil - r - tilefs l i ProfvEttlug i Look. 0: Christizin ,i, to the history of Ito be a free soiler hini s elf, th e fi e t,', that, those i England during the sixalintli century. -There same papers rejoice thattheylite prostrated i, i•o t t, will see to what this mixiiq or reli , zi l 9n 1 the tree sell sentiment of the Nerth. -• Come i and politics tendi. That . unhappy country • I frein whom if may, 'i.e shy that -4 4114;h profesS• - ! , for more than 4::1:e ilun l / 2 44 - 41 yc•ars,,ivas one 1 / 2 1 . ions, - and •suoT l / 2 cow, net .. can. oe Icalle.d' tiotli i great - battle field; on' which Catholics and ,int; else, in plain Ebglish, 'than, Itl and fla.-I Protestants struggled forthetirastery. Some-- . - - I grant driplic,ity,-,-nn ,uhrent i iill4_ , attempt - . tot times one seertind sometimes the .other was • to ! - ! • - Titat Is it. , • - - ye Izonet men, and le. d dieiri into 'an ;in the ascendant, 'rind each in turn resorted - d.-- -ce.i We heard of hremark,:made the ckthi.;rda:v, trr,_ ,- rani7ation Which,. 5..,a11 rd i . dienriof their Ito 'every excess_ of 'perse. Cution. and violerice. by one who hascalled himself a • Dem.ocr i nt.. P rii;ei P ie 'S as verYrma!nY mq ini thii county. i - The streets of London at times run..with in. : , 1 - t in the"rist,- - -but; whose principles' have . bee. , bare been robbed, of their -noley. !, 111 - onestl vocent blood,: while from the Tower, the raek,,l coniefuse d intOtVt'hini, ninger-drivin ,, - Knosv `i men of Susquehanna"! you wlrcs•letre your !the prisons and ;the martyr-fires.. day and I s Tothint , ism - wilifth. I the -- ~ . ,AV...fi secret outentirely, . t In - I n.cilile . '•,- see to if. v;e11 - thfitE . vbn Maintain •- , , .., .1 . 1. , :! - -i night was heard tpe prays of Catholics•or ~ : of Protestents, dyiug fur their fitith.. Aral it 1 and coroborates ,nitrch which we have Said ', thorn' ,the past- weeks:. I The remark was soniethinfr i - I3ut zig-,ain. ! •In the •Idebate l ti ....r ir; Co ntr res. .. - k - is worthy of* remark too that those Who car-:', , . , like • . his „ciiti must . be put ~ .1 0,%11,....4,; 1, hi. .., t. week, , Is t r.s o e . 7 . (4 , , 1 ,4,;4, 140,. ~, 1- n _ lx - , pis • lied on these blooilj per..4rent.ie ns - and excess- ; to . G.- 1d ; , ~,- r c it i •:i , aria s i t t ,_, es. like the brutal' , Jetfreys, were men who pror i ;abuses - Mceitrose_so•.” - '- - ! M - IL .I , ' b ' o . 1 0 in ', s auce, •' 5 .t- • 1 r •! I ,r.. , , N o tb ii ,, isni„ , fatted God at everybreath and hated all re-, • Now this ruin is a prop --, rts-. , holder inl that - •-, be rejoice(' that. linow . • • Montrose,. f and variously- connected . With the , had hung .th•• free:soil fliziatleisin oftlit:North i ilginn froth their very scrips. But re/igi°ll4 i "Town tfarnily,''-k-by platting the senile to . io LI a gallo•Nsi higher than tat,thOf llaznan l'`'? prtjutlictl.K, there :is here, atiordedthem mate-! theiniif ia no other way. But here, is t h e i Ana vet here in . the f, wil i no . t N i i ri( , t, ,, i i - i rial with which •fil inflame. thepopular inititl, l t, I secret: Tlie. - 4 - gentlemen•feelseen r e, since the ,I established a paper; rAr,_.,,, owned and co:1;1 amid Limos acquire. t VolitiYal Ph"" ' . I ' 6 ' l /'°wi! r• county bnilditig4„nre,ilicilly being bulit.liere, ; reeled by Members - , of the' Order, kjoicing.l A , n4l- ' v/1 ? fi'o blind , chat lie cannot see, Iliat .p ! if .../. . • ~ .-: fins spirit is perttutteo to grow up in .this the county being pine into debt; -- suine ' with Mr. Sol!er• in its triumphs, and yet or- 1.. - . r. t. , _ i . .*20,900 - toll -- Tray-,''' for them;--,-and "(;!mt!..e. 1 r l / 2 5gatipit! to Itself to :" i . control slid .. di .. reet . the , 1 country . , that very stxm,• sect will be raised,, ff lnst Proti;;;iant'will'licartne d -arrains tl must be Irtit down s " fOi as 104 as be is here *, pr,(,-,:le'Of this CCM /AV . , iii the true frith' of op- against sect, .-- C -..- • • ' all eur, schema. ,o„.,„' s ,„,,,, randizinu , smirimik , es at .4 , , o4uon • - , , , , „ ,_•_:,_ :‘. -- ;, What Catholic, and itholic against Protestnn, t SIZIN Cry :grat:l l llZeint....lll. , , or each fired vial reofll ,- •e for past lvrontts, and l i .1,'7. 4 1 the expense of.tite people .of the county -will ginterpv,tation - *.iill lieneittni n put'tipoza the.,l •b . .-- , i I each intent- on (ntuie peirkeutions*TlOr tite r ! be exposed. •"Cha.sei Must .be .put-detvn,'! ~notices' - which prompt riten . 0 such_Conducti '' i -I mastery ? , Indeed this is u terrible clay for 1 this is the "fellow. feelit - V - r•:thit Makes' its so !Can - titer believe their) /I. l l ineSt when they I la 1-- - . . , .• this Republic - - ..Wil hell - e that just so cer-,I wondrous kind,"anddissoliesola . pais,. its:26s I make suA:L pri..re:4") - 4);i:a.u . d..i4t:the : . saiae time' • 1.• •• - 1• - •_1 - tam as tots princep,dis intact to co•od,s2 I bringing them•rilltogether . i n emeltuterlitia§od emtsraee ? n Order whose. proudest boast of ree .. r - ta in , will- a: Very - . fety.k 4-Fhrkittleb-s neon ovei-j, to.eonrol the politics of the county audAtiusl victory is, thati - it his -aided , tire_ spa •a •power . 4 : - • ,1 throw of• all civil nod teli e Tietts freedom in I plaesl.l4emse lveVp.l- , OWer, : - .. Well,,geinleinen i t of-the South, to fetter he _Manly lititbs of rite these • st:i i es, -• u - hep ll i?:3ll,. - ti , vpmbip , a , ,,: . !;e i we-44e 'pan ..Will' hate a good . tiaasS -pu.ttirigi -- .,,tortli, and - rendez - id it ! " - ' r ,ti'o - wirless .t.divs*rt in; '.* * - * * * - --- - •••'' ,- -•-., --.. I ..-- . 1,, .- -,li.pheues - otily .. - with the - bazard of his life. Who us down, AntriVe," ire certain we --Shall by • thf ~; ~zationtilifyi . aritl; i LS, „iiights. 1 '-.. , •• ,' • - I ~ , . . . '-•• ' .: - !i• ...- -• •r. --- .' •.: j . •••..:',: • • .., .rt. . . ! Can contemplate - ~p=low things without trernb-' w . ity now SziksCfilkers.„bae • come in ' for . the I • .." Wlitinr„ t4e.G.p s- •wisti_ to, , tte.sl4py . they. .. -.- . .. ''..,1 , .. • . - .1-=•: - . - . - ~• • - . t - - - - ~ ~ - •• • •t -.. . ~• 1-., ,•MO' for his rehgton anti his, country ; and. I)a4ocr at: - - :,i' -: , -.1- - ': - --T; : : - ' 1 firg stake lu".' 1 ! ) 'an : -, - t ." I P, I flnil y, L ' what toed! man! iiihere amorio' uQ .. 2ivlidwilf: }'4440 iii.- .- ' ' -.: .- ~ -fire artist say,-it•See - ma,as - th - gli ihai-gato ha 4 .! -' - - - • .-1 1 - — t : - .., not touwathouitl-.Startled' by s :!'.l, -: th:nnt - li-.1 , .. , .-...... , ...' , ' - ''' 1 : ii i! '-'C;f .... : 1 13 , , it :4 14 :.4 . tt ,kl ie . 4 , 4 / f raud : ! ' bolt, ..and rebuke' ibis, 'fell- fell - spirit Of,politiell. ii.y nr ., it is ll s e tat iv er.i . s izi- J e s i me„s " n firen -dthti l li- Lal:'ll Etiq a : -S ru e l :e. k i le-d-ibe & -f - t P ii , ... : 1 retar) ._ - o f tlio j uTob , llre.*4l!s•-.Tr , e'asu .. ry. '' Ills 1 - - in ... -1 / 1 , 4 . t • P c , ) , 7tntl . -11; :b e. t : ' e . i tl/ r!..- -4 , T . :-1- o . ' , 0, 1 1-" • • I,• s-t. ,. 14e-. -I ` t;i 7l si,tibition i f which s.l.4tica !l! '' rto gtatified at the!' propertyJa - oncisl*liiii.o2*giat - ,eity, l6 . t. , i‘d , ritsK 44 alt their ,past _lves I C'f- 4 4f4! 1 0 4 1teneY - exiAiie:ipf ti;e.reli'giti, of tihriat ? ' - ! ' .- / ' 1. : at Al t o! ! tor; '_:_.! -,:-. -=!, ! . ' , i," - - -_-;!!'_. - e:,-! , - :' ,- a- .--; -, - - !!_ f • .: ~.:14 and "waiot - e.f!prinepie..that: tbey.inigirt ieihibt:L• .'" * Nit it ' ii - said.tliit Cailiedies 'aim 'at •pc , .:, • . .' i - -t:• . ... - :' -- ', -- . - . 7.- - - . - 1 - .' • ' -1 '' 7. : - ': ''''' '.. ' . 'Y.; • .- I 1... . . '::: .• : I ' q • i ' _ • .- - ! , . our;Frie.nds: I cOnuMmieationl3 " from the .+ , .,!lnd this .are ftkily avcrdiv reo f . ..the — present 'crisis; and the motives of those %lift) raT able ZEE 174)portal Ity Clthol .toweti'dedii)ring to' heirroi their princi plea, have teen lieceived and crowded .Out of this paper. ''They wiirappear next. week.-- , We hope 'mu' fiiends:will rit.mentherusoften- A Wor 4 l inOri : The pasi year- we have made no , ell'aryo ini:rease ottrliti, li:-enue it cl r -as as latge as we desired. . But thp. time . ha's now .ebrite, 1.-Iten it is important that the peopleshoulataye Denioeratie truth. - We therefore hope - oltir friends, all over the, county, will take some pains to send in new subscri bers. :We will - end the paper free to any one who will se id tis six good sultstrif,ers.-- . -- - - and Will 'contriv.p seine way to 'get our cdi tion-worked.-. I - : - Democrati County - Contention. Next. Tuesda .e,venimr, the I)emocrats, in `accordance with usual custom will held' their County Convent'lon at •the Court' to elect Detentes' the state Coni - entlon We trust oire,frieilds will eo:ne, together in the apirit of*armonv,—and that thair pro ceedings.will-,triumpliantly refute tlie' -stale and silly cry that ,the " Dem . ocratie ',Arty is dead." - The p l eople . are already asking a deliverance frond. the power of those who are endeavoring to hny and sell. them for person al advnittage,. and are looking to the Democ-, racy for rescue. f„-ets, then not be disappointed. - :111hintatzity in the !pi*. -. We have received a copy of a Book,' hear ing the above title,frorn the pen ()flier. E. H. CHAPIN% It js.epilt Of . : the hapPiet strokes of that most wdudiatilly . eloquent man: We opened it at the preflice ? , but could riot-and did not leave it till we-came to the "Finis."' For sale by A. - Is7, 'Bullard, at the - Post Office; - .who by the watt has lots of nice 'things crt i that line, Let o' • I r.. -i The..t.efitiNii•an,-th Know l'lothing organ of this place, in its tinxiet'v to d efend theof ..,--,.., • . ,•...,„ t • .1' .4,-...-: .., i• q IT At*PSIIOR it* rung?, lux- Oignatioiliintl• 41atiiii ilat !Aek*tes rilmr. 1 IhiliAnterreitti Orgal - pulir -' -ii . *:Matilri , i. ton as 14,Astttral:-Aglit `- oh ' W54f7;1111., ing Orderiio kove!•that'the Q ! er'does net i • • - ! . p.osert e-Lneu on m..eount of their religious faith: • ~ • - .1! * 1 • i . ! i ' i- ' - 1 ' - W. are very glad , t te Repubttean hal hdot)- ted the' Oryitn' nsorthodo'x .on the ..principles of Know 'Ni)thingisitt,'•for we have Rune es-. tracts limn thatgamepapti whitzli we earnest- . Iy ask the. public- to read. ' - ".Williard il. Sov:ird and his; allies are i 1j•„"H ow , -we - trist 7 'imnoten t: fer -- ni iseh i et — Th - American . party has in ,this 'Single . year, - .1y I its. conse rvative Inflitenee;• done' more. or tfr. intgerv a iinji tor she it:Tnion,l ilion.hao . 'been dolt!?: 1 in the last twenty Years; snrinq nr.cl earritinii the . ' pa I eiotie: (Irak s V the eiciiin party in 1854, - whose lalxits 'mid heen ..nigot-ed--727ough't by . the..blundering ::foies of this: ad ministraticin.: It is our firm belief that".boik Berdonisna 1:101.4 '..Serardism a re nor crushed?. I • : -- .i:: ... ~ 4 : ' . ! Now-this Relmtlitan •chiiiiis, ft, lx. the cs . - pe(+l . l organ of thi;l antilslavtly. extensiOnlSls of thiscOunty, lir:A i :yet we fiiid it defending, Knew Nothing4oi.trineA,,from the. same Pitr i t • per that elairits!!the: Know, Nothing . partyias . thetotent !enginO ..!whii.:ll! ha 4. Prostrated the free soil sentitnent.'of 'the' ;North, by' Prostiti ! ting its leading men,--the pillars of its faith! 1 - j If that' paper, thrßepntlii•4 -I tn, is _honest itiiits I pretended indigfiation at ' the aggressions; of Idle ,S:otith, why does-it -it .not, then it • quekes i' . 11 i from the Org . 4lt on the!sabject of.Knoir Neill ling doetrines,',Blo flu+ qie: Other,ride of f l int I .ppge, and - let, its reatles.krtioW tbati thi4 saine . 1. o're:sr; boasts Of haviogl et tislied L'lnt Al o- ttree: soil sentiment 'of the *North ? - W i li'v. f that i f , - ir • ' paper is honest:,' and dOes jiot intend 4) mis.:. i • lead the people of this .county on this subjee't. i rdoe , it not give theist 'these! facts; and like ev . V ery earnest and lionesi free soil paper in the • ., . country', like the.Nl:mon:ll Era, the Evening Post, the'Tribitne and others;--why we i... 4, i ,10,..ic. not coinesout r ond do.nollthie-tia:; aboriii i. finable, 7irder,•-this!instrument of sontliern pro- i pagatidct to crush-Mit, thenanly.s4ntinierit of i the N•orth,ar:d bind ;1,4111 iftiit inithe mann - , 1 - • , ides k" , f the. stave ',ow e'r Why, if. the Editors of the Republican are *one' st iti their,preten, I, (led :Inti-slaverysentirtiOnt,'do -they' evert and ! defend Ki:Ow Not Id tigiitn,;when' i f they know imil/thing there Ives, tii i y )itio‘i- _that not on -1 ly the tire - :3,hitt all thlif.pnblie men of the •;;• • !! ' !! 1 North, who-oppose thepsitensile n of slaveit ', tci-free territory, are in!httling with this or- . der, as the sworn, ..,eer4 aild . iiMplaeaLle foe of their prineiples -- V43,..1d0. pot these Edi-• tors, if lioness in their freeioilitim, and reall•;,i -.f desirous of serving it beyond alft'other i•onsid. i.erations, wheti they' putide_ with an air of t . themselves 4Ore thetc:Oild it;;ill,t.lei - i. -: nat . pi abandon 'to Wilt iiiilliiiitticitil vir• it 0;1# '‘ 1( ; 1 r,5' , ..-.lr.iii ' -••-- .' t-- 141k14114. ..; The ii.:kn'owNititin4 loo!llg or go ', OP: l6 l"blieqn! " . hiii:l he '. l qt. el:'. ,der „. , :._ der proselibe i s '6n...ipi. theifWgittusl4f, ,--.3..'We i tpike 1t fur ranted then thht even thail paper wouldaid i iiit it a wrong! to do. so.l We have metier iriaid.Much about this artit•Ae'af the "Kin . .. 1 othinmerkid • , for we Ita'velfelt a more thrjet i I . ll •-- ' • • -. ' h - 1 -: - ' ' - flnteret n its po§ak:) . n on i e s awry (pleb tion. ' A eircunistance toolit place, itowver, in the Now ; York•Le.islature last wt ekov tichf _... s compoSid of a majority 'Ofliticnt-Nothl nrl; ybiekgoes;futtiler..to_Altn.wl.W4ther they ' i p fp._ seril?e utep,.on:a‘count,of their religion, litaitt nit the Aveltitations of theiti l Editoraltere or . - • • • elsewhere: . --' i --• ' ; - l It has been at custom : in ' that • StAte„a.'s in this,.fofft, be . .Spg' itker of the Itiouse' .tO:invite. the Clergymen .Of the diffeicut denotninationx, - t i ench. in turn to ;open the. session ofi(le II Otist ilwitit prayer evey morning. 'No distinctionS I have lierenSfore teem Made,i--,the . (_!atholie • - • Laying • - -' ' -- ' • .! . Clern•i•lnan been iiiyitedlwith:theter:t. 1' '-'" - • , But; last week, : it . Resolution was passed in I thabbOdy.r'orberftliuir the - Speaker to ihvite I Jahy' C .I;tholic to "OtNeia te at .the. mOrniv 1 ser- . ! {'rice! ' Here is 'the overt - act of the Otder, cainst the doehtratibns of . the Editor Of! the 1 • 1 :' iißepubliothn, which shows . :most c'miclusiVely' thht.be either 14ant to deeeii'e the puhli l v by i . , hIS Stattntletits, or that lie. does not know the li • ' i nature and .Oblirations 4 the Oath r t .1 • • I . i f .ttu., i fi, * ii took-in the -liitow Nothing •Lodge in t.ltio ' hit' 1 . I;: 11 ;Nce are no apologist ter the Oillsoliek' to l r !igiofi: : - ,N:ot tit ' ull, hut 'this we - .4o:say, litt i.in this country any man has the same rltritt ill° believe- in it 4 doctrines -and •practicti its I.- I i 1 , , ! Mit tl, cunt fie *ifilt; to tit' Vreshyterintt..ll.lo,ll; i I ,:odisn or,anything .else. Ilere - eVery ttian miry I : . wOr..4tip - god as lie pleases: It' is one of 11ni , , , e - • - 1 - 1 - I:Sacteti cut Ai 1114011 ft! and - national right 4 for whicli our fathers fought in the lt'volution,- Land 10144 V -they - secured by the C.onstituirn„ of the eotintry to theitipo , teritv : . Tint tlviorc 1 . of ourgovernment ditiards all distinctiohr, in religious faith. It leaves to all the samorighis rind the same-privileges, and virtually sayk u) till,"go preach the (34e1 to ei'ery ercattt l re,”- Lillis leavin , truth flee to comb:it. error.l It 1 trusts to the ititeilll:otee of' the people to judge for thernstilves 'what is error, and tlatt trusts to their sense of moral tinth ss ti and mood- - .., ne etnbrace that which their cou , :ci,n.. - tells fileni is not : :: It leaves man an 4, iveniloe tO his l Go,l for "tile reetitude of-,psis life isms candifet. -But hew, in the itoon-dm- lio'hY of the nineteenth century, comes up a- power which says in ettect. von shall be ank‘Vcrtil.4e Id ---' "' • . ._ . . .dominance inth .initintry and-should ;the) t ,bwintbe powe the will put PrptestnEol-,nl under theii.& % it. This cry. is ntised by, t. he ~ ;:iiiltren tofift` .:c4 ., :. - -401ii:iirle 4:ittiniu .. the PriktAtiO 2' lid,!riiil . iii‘ I;4' ' ein to '''-' 4. . - ltltiii '';. • ••, • • o . tlielean , , ute.... tuNpi to great-,..sogat„- it4oievtlia pralirtiliiiiiice cit:tie".oltlil ti r. olie religion over all other 2ei:ts in this eoun try, is imp6.sible.. Bet this pri'it:4.niption of C,:ttholics,_ !Men 10teuld rellet!t, • iA , doin t ,4 , to them .the carne wIrono• Which you suppos6 they - .ierdiiivo , • u.. V mav do towi• olt thus make four selves the a ,, rei:er, and 1 place them in the ~, right. You make youPtelves act tinted. 4-. the 'iviiik telt:4kt tivhi4;ll.43u 'fear may frk;nte tinie n'etuate their. You ewiiinit- - th o 4, 8111 6, itnutnit tons sin whieh:voir fear they' may eetn mit. 1 ..-i ...-J . ' - • I •I . . . . , . ..: :The -.l ) il4ri:ir.i: mifin•landed on ' Plitnoth 1 IlOek were driv.tin to. this wililertaiss World . I .)eit:; lll e• . t.llPtycoOld,tiot worship • Goa asithi,v pittast.A...Albout:the sarne. tine Lord 11nIti t iteri.,. landed tti Nlarviiiatl with Illsl iv lehand 1 - yr Catholic itbitoWers,,.who welt.' 'driven ihete. Ifor the s'ttuie Censoti nu& ti - oth diiiiinis - . at i, i ou'e . o JO:trail That any man should worship , !,,God atnoug them , two - n. 41 0 ,4 to: the ditttntes t of, conscience. I. Here was' planted, the . ..kerml lof 11 . 44 1ig:01i ft l i edoirt in; /164' etintitry. and nOw 'eatne , 4l2p la power' which :f.,....:As ..ts polit I . . - • . i I icil'aggr.minzetueut:bv., rail:hit; sent .4i,tpiinst .• . •. 1 • , sect, oy trampling; upoti the roust' s.acred• pi?- liiical Mid -religious rights, tegiirdless 4.4 . 11,1• direftdc - onst2 - itiences ivhii•ll - nit Ilist4y tciaeli • . • ; e a wi ll surely f o ll ow i ll ' ii:itrai a . !Wli a L 4 il li i.i... tian,patriot tan look upon it ultinoveill It leas already : began tOdevelep - its strifei and I bitterness a tifon:! L'r'otestentg. f i:eill§elve , '!, A. feW•days3l..,r•o, it literary h"O('IrfN I.: iil el , ii b ii i• • cut itivittf: Henry - Mail te.eritet.. aild t.".. IL -, • I Chapin, ' two.. of the mot distinguished- di ; 1 - vales in this eiotantry to lecturein a Ciiiireli I ' • no' literary - sulljevis.. , These melt . helMigt to • •„ ,differ cut- detionitiiarii . ms,_ . tizalthe frienls of i Iteeel•er dll'iclatiiil that eliapiu , !iouljno en ; ter their plar•a of, worship. Mr.Gil:lou ',:eoti , • Hopiently tleclincd ttliii lily-it:llion-, I.,•tit Jr. [leech-et- wetit :mil 'deliveri.••l a leetut u bit j/ ig: :011 b Wit•ll an Oii; ; l:AiNa'.!ai'l! ' or hi- hurtling. -tongue, nod ttie 'enure his audience, i•!n . lf et l, the , ieveter he ipplied the belt.. Tlii.• i 4 jo•-•t• r.lnit prorerir iOn - of . aii...:relii.rion-i sect ivill do. and in tivo yenrs time, unie-slc.now....)toth ingi-niis erni•lil hi the lithl, every Claire Ii 'in this 'initiot. Will he in ile4illy perseetition agnitist the otleir. We appeal to. Clirtialt null, null involi•.. them.!ns they li:•ve.thei:e ho ly telioliou, awl! value-their freeilont to enjoy " with :to or llnd:t 4 01011 4:id, " totl;ri:ki as W.O.:!1111.111 31/ a crush alda 1) thi's insidious ri;wer wide!' is :timing at their o%'4thtow. N4i man w ill b e converted front error by firosetii)tion an.l penweution. ; I' hat only nurke; hint . stronger:iii his faith,,f‘ir he then feels that he is a ntart Let . us tre.it . a ll t no i a',...`brothe . m.-, as children of one c;oln nnil it' he ,be in crv , i then we may reel:tili, hin;, for I.e will f.;el that we k!are his soul. i3at persecut ! ..; trample ttp.,n biro and his r;;:tikts ‘se bttoi r than 1):, anil hi heart is'dii'ven - far liont us. to grope in error.tin‘l- Clitis!lan 111,0•titne 1,U4 c•otti.:.‘ fur you to Alike fOr your i anal . your " Pior 111.1,‘ caa en.:ei (11.1: bvlter T T Y ~ ilan 21.!1:1 the h:,.. (3.!fid s ." From Iflarrisburr,., - L:n4 tv,'•ek ire ann:inn,..4l in n the .rgarrizeion of the 117v.1.1.! of -the eleeil , Ql of If. K. - 5;rt.n . ...,b Whig. Si. : waker. We Lad vu:a then hut ',N I ,- pen:l it . - For - Ilozry K. Si,-ong, 117!"ig au-1 hiror • Soil A vt . v. adtit\ Beigmtres-ef. Beak 13 , ..wm1:11, •; • • '•, 11:iladelpliia, Cumming, of sornel set, Douulds - on, EvNt4.r, Fear4ot:, Fletelwr, Forster, Fun-t. Franklin, Frey, (43, Ckvinuer.,Haines, Harrison, Herr, tio.l!tiotii Holcomb, Hubb , , King, Kirkpalrit:k. Krt.ktiv. Lane, Laporte, I.,ATllliol'. Lindyritian. Lott, Lowe, Alt.C.'llnunt, McConnell; Madtlork, - . Gill, Menet.. Mu ris, Norris( , u, Taliner. Penuvini •ker. Heese. Ito. , ss, Pnttt r, Slwarer, of Allegheny. Smith 4.lllair. Smith of S'ted. Stewart, S unleva Waterltonse, ‘Vedtiell, Wiehershain. -Witmer, \Yowl:anti Zieceler-76. Far Richardson L. irright,.(Dcmocrat)- Messrs. Baker, Bush, Carlisle, Christ i Crtilp.., Dougherty, Diturlin!r„ Edirier, Fridley, "fry, lade" ; Stockriale a tui Thonipson-- . - 18. .. Mess . rsr..Wrighi - and Vt.; kes vqted for Clir.s. Frailer; Dew. - • . . Mi.. Strong vote.] for R. 13. 11eCoomb.c.=. .Ikle.s..irs. Crawford and, North did notlvnte Mr. Strnag was the Itittow-Nothitig.-enittii • r ditte, and has tetetofort? been a pro-Slayery Fiihijore' Whig.' . how completely .have the A'ziti-Nebraska Oleo of this Diitridt been sold 1. , y; Kno r i stu • • We are certain bur renders wih! shqte bnr ,• - astonishinent and tncArtiticaion, tlittti 'they see: among thoSe who vokd-f6r. Stroirg, their - i own Representatiye, Mr. Lathrop." Had ;we been. told it by an. angel 'front Heaven; we could not have. believili it, such 4ts onr c'On tidenee in, and 'warm pemittal* acid politi=l -attachment to him. Iltit so it isj "Nomina " ' • ted.and sippoi tett by the Detnoera i tic putty of! in'gond • faith,he haw re4ni t heir ! getierons ennfidonee in hi - , , integriti , ,3! A d their labors in 'his behalf, by going int( the Leg is- i lature and opeuly joining the wOrst ftemoeratic ptinciples-and cite 01111 , 1: .e -.dot.. • We 1 ba-c. no beirt - t - 0 a.nani,:nt ';,n stall a !- - • • - ; picture of deception. and . wyoug., and there- i fore learcAlr. Lathrop to account in some I was-, if h.i . .eati,'for thiS•iinlOokklAr .I.yetra: . val 1 gfiii;•fric . nds, and . thy Confidence bf an. Un -linspecting pepple. ':Nteauwhile, ,we =hall tin lLlre into the atter fully,,andia dite:.titue gii-e, the- public the result of our inveßtigtation. ,, t: • The Senitte . did-not.' organize' till -hist:Fri.:l dais, when Wm. M. tit - of I3erks Was,: elected,Spealicr' ; l4 by' 1,-utii.oe mi.: p. r4),;.--: . Mr. MeisterDo is , a n' (i;.rat of , tile- stri I 4 Ciest sc 'II :oo , I,— .. `a n)ost . :. Ay ortly-Ta . tid : ei'ce - Ile !It innn 7 , election reflects peat .ereiiit' upon ilia , ! Senate, and gives an earnest, assurance 'that there.is One btanch Jar g#YernMetit which ire- mains .uneont-intinated , with the wild:4nd profligate Corruption of the day. - • . Ur. Avast-qi - tnr;,,.filir.ahlnot - te (iverine.V,A: becau•s.i hi, course has Ishown him to..l.;ea4;ftiit,;:.(farli;,ilir..,;iiiii7tii.,;:tg' Ini.:3''o(ilil446llier.. h iia;eit - ILe ; On eartii, Ir Cii.,,:fiti;;;, l 7 re da e - i ru i fv;,II W.,,, :,ill not bend to ,the la • :2 . 4 2 :: .40i,.. r .,*7-" . • to proitrate tlit, .Nortiliern - ' press .wWi Strfrf ,i r . ' ,,g f i ' t,:e . . , , .11.01trAidin *that thepenrotratie [lnv' Ertfe l 4 - 01,;„ ratio plytY Of th,LS / couittry is;. • .•- .. t s ..'•• . 1.. , v ; it t . - --- , • - e•:' , .'.. - :.'• - - : .;.. . , 0,00,:.. o : , t tv..)%x4LIN t *„ ..hour. He t o ~: , ,t.,lijr , .re statal,op 'by th seittiment„ of at:: : tlea. hiotr .:4l ,,r mere; •.• - ... • • l i e pl 4 7410/114.. - 1 , 1 - 00L , or Tort:#1 , ; :„ .:,.:t ri i it '..AsWAtst , sontliern,:_il .. i- , ,: . .......,,, .•.4•.,,,, -• '•• ur - • ty ii - ::tiev vred, for.whe . doei not err t'But . i ~1n ilk 1 411i4ts,*an itoe 'li,a-witli, link distinriiisli . - ,,i ti : ' , *w 1 cork Tetlittnt- ; - * ..,' . Er . r - ; i• , --•- -: . i.. 1 : - l '' 1 '-':' ''' . :'•• ''-''' I'4- 't the I; ,:•--m il i , i !tot ataantegiity sti lA tidiii A L ).,,,A ltand IT and coin tat ~ a --:,:nfS :att,..lt4Whed 41111 nll4. 41441011 ~or ibis na- : :1 , .'. -. • •;-‘• .. .c--4: -,•-: 4. -4' -` .l .••\ - ...g. " : 4" I •; - • i • ''',.. •• ,1 : • '. - ._,,,Lis ._ t-. -4 , - ..,,,!:,-. '• • .-. . ':ncennot i% i ,- is own ••,Ltrotest outs,. iv!, ,ry • a ~ t1:411, Mitt Jt , „,._.,' Ili ~. y. 4 11:19et !: . a vo ilk tr yb et attertio _ ~ ii brat not one single AVlti ;••• Cinii .eiitiCiil which tiominatedliullocC - alluel'iWii - -: 1 .poti e IdoWs'4l - t.. the - li •"1.1•V of . - pr '' ' -** •••44:4•;ci.- 'reat•and glowinglilitoy Which , I put loin ui en the, ticket for Canal CominiS 1 the prit5.•,..... itsthan. •direetton. e.ei_. o .. , this government has placed upon the records i sioner, for-ihe p4posO or having kis ,w e ll- , I lowing from n late i i n in h e r of that , paper, :. of.Tline, lots been written by anv other party 1 . 1 • i .. , eartic4 repntittion to aid the election. of.: the . ~. rhe,_Tri built. - and (lie Know- .Yothi» gt. i thou the ttenroerae.y. - - Ei -- e - ry -- ..iiiii - inefii - ure , .• ticket, ,?All our reader's are aw a r e ,fi o w'. l le . To lhe .E4litor•pf th e ' 4 s,iew,.y o rk Tobnue. • i Whieh has n. elarracter and . shape to the .. was tienti4-hoW l , 1 m . r. p u n ou k did n0t.110,4 _ Sur .-: In your artieleof This nitrtiino•-1 pa- i i ~.4. ;Liari. . Republic:, .• i,u nab that tht • „,- .. c.. ..des my _ this: .teas._ been drought': h / , , 3 ~.., • .i fate ti, trade min, on;•-to salis r iaee and . 11 1 . :::-.1 ings threaten to isAn.i.;:n edict rei.iniring,eaeli -°uti•'!""""- -1 F1.- • su'thw,..taal and phinej Upon the' I grace!, lifiiil with loilly; .•4i7:,t.ititli - V.Otes in the i member. to keep 'clear i.f the Ttibtine. No,W - e,.: . 11 t e1i,4110 - ./4/4! ' - ' 4 'l' ll ..j4 l 2}'))tell - prt*iti l tie tiar c .• 1 State, in in.;ler .g hat lie might obtain the 1 1 , h ave it . froto go-al ituthority that . it resole- tY!' . -This e ;numt - betlei?lefl• - 4 7thiotigh good ...,, __ I•linow-IN . .oiiiiiz vOte_ for hiniselr. But now t.' '•' -. 1in,7 61 7rt . i' .l lit-, Tan tifitrililtr - ri lifkEr - Perl‘r - Writtettre te ' r. .. . .... , 1 .., ._ • ,-.-: --,- :.i,. ',-, .triourty•tionat - effcrt:•'-fliiive:catv ititintritte ' • •:• ' - t '-'„ . Li o -, '' . 1 i ' Inippe»s that lfr..ll..) s tir,io - tells 'an influence • • -. .. L . i • _,• ,_.,, - : it ,. • ~ , ' DePietile• til, •L' . l i tt..t ( tlkalkof titeir' 1 - ...- • i .,,. i i wi l d ; w o 'a , prvoirrviint.o , ron. times Tither , t,i . i , rii , 4 t ~ • ~,I, t tte.fi.eintte, w hitch - will ;00 - tr:ro l that fliti.lV l ) .l l„ ii , ty ,1, 4 y i jib yt mA k t i .labi tu ,i o , 4 ,4,3l, oe, , Ac,t4t.: i enuntry ..g . i .)-,, blue tj 1. er •.,dan ge i,,, 1 niiii- lie , linslialtleannother.evidence of his-iii. Ikd asi ilie itewsi.apr he Sh:dtread * ,l7 o iir s ,i It. has- liat-I - thehenrts mf.the.peupte.on...whid, , 1., • .. , ~ AN 01.0 slntsl) : l'itile:ni for - stiporgliir-rt. his rilways * stood (".• •rr robilit v to'flaise- f 'of‘his hal:- plitilit' - q. , r-] - - 1 ( t l i l :.: 1- 1: e,.4,,jki iio l t i i ..,, r ,,*j t‘ i . '„.l l i,i to4 - --i f i di i,,, i ..,• wcf were •, 1 11:e l d .) . .2i .1V f . 1 r . t.: (>l . ' . t }RI: ~ 'l .# (. - • ,:. 41 '''°:e 1 firmly 4. l. l,4fifer 4 triffe: . s:lo Vi l iheir' iliterest4,:. 1 . •,' • : 71, •, ' • • -"-'' I• tstated- ; but nu i-artti•le referred to:Avitswritten,l p i • nr ~t i e ut., „: . ,,r ,..llmitti„ ;,. _,,:_;, ___,...,• 0il . kl -,' •= • -r - r' 13 "" . • 9 " -. ' .4 f l' L I nd.and t 4s vffiiil " 411 d- l 's ii*ill6 lion! . 1! ' lL ' ilgilt 141..- alai tir ' n- ' ; 'PP" '64(i7il ' ' f ' fir ' - Ica '_ edition I vrtitt ' y, alai frOm Ithe.fye of the people. .131 q, 1 e i,,l ll . t i av , s ti a.,,, 411 4 .; of,, gout*: s , Pesse...,iivp•••• , - ,-..-•. „ ~.:; ~, ,1,;.... ~,.; ..,.,,, . .:-.`',-.. r ent .duini , .khe Int. turned hi;' b:n upont no t Ireticall:V:of - ait , s•dhttl!ivti; * Only : - -ii-i t n - sii rilii [ :./i/ 41 tds4- %.,: 11 4 1 1 1 ,. , ,, , ,i-T , ,LPI.t,M, I :f - TJT . !'t, , IOtI - an4, ylie . ti „ :lli.,d . I p - r i tteit l i li i .oV his - l ife . 1.1- e ,- .;i t ,[ . .,, ,:ii we it was gi v(iti - ' se ' the , pi.r1 , 110 . .-,2 4 ;:iPnifF. •• -I Se tell; the rigittatf; , ,,A.ut#tietnr,eitig eas - o n . aiiil-lih-iffeinii(t.u• 4 t:inaliitaitied !fi l e ' ' ' - it '« l t*-- 1 . '; 1..• - -.- • '• - 1 -‘' •;- 1 - -* II r i *er 's - Of ii - *-il , I rilte * kith - o!*(4te * into' the i the seas' ' shunn that oe va 1 . 1,1).e. talent p ::e.coni,ary, u•e• f .., , 1 " • i''' - 1 - ;', ` 2 ", , ,, ~.i , 1 , . 'i.(,... ,-- ....i; - ..-;;;-; ,r..;-.; - . -. C- K*tioW-Not Ling todgesfoinilliUp .! of itlit - teal struggle off4abp-r ~;.Its.:,.4ll`atal'.Unetinit.-t,r,fi.. tla•v are, tO tiiosel great Priuciplo:s.4.liiyiland•i 1 Ee l i, t i oa , ..4.,.„,16-iti,_ now A ssa il e d , ..'whieh.- wei .,.:;•e%%:;itil We tie' tiol . w tit e for. Tbey _ are :too i diet wi!li,. - ittilltlr •andl . pri V i t4 - I,e, and .4ttled t , ,• i l• first proehnined.tfv•the- world on •the -4 t 11.14ai '.l-&.1'1./.l,,ie' 4 : .t ... 4 :' ';'1 / 1 . ,1 . r., ` - ' ''i i . . 'es l 4 . 'l"- .." , ' ' ' '. !' " .. i; -" ' .'.i l l 'i . )- t ' .: l t'' :i fi - Y. 1. ! . t". I "" i " t eit ' "li l i .' 6ll4tlinehiis g lv ' t ' ' " iltilli ttinilih lof Jiilv '' I 'i i 76', - wlien ' our - titherS '. laid i belt. the tahlto . 11 : 1110tis. 0" 'l,llrjekisilil " kiili e. , , that in ektttll4lY,?.crt'Tl-11iat9tail--pittsonality.4.thitt has 1 live; lipoii l the - 111t ! arrfo ihVir - Lelialf,and ni i .;l othe;:ehiss*Ofsineer(l4'hiid - lietie,t ineit: 'both I iist.'eniiiii4.o'6'..'44l'.:iVei-.4:filtd•:tqadei::iiir'rights• l i pt.:lied ;() t i lt; . 0,4 of ittittio fur st i t., : osst,.. . -- i - , 1 \4 hug lull „ Ifen . ii)e.: . rt‘zp.;, , who - line . frb,:eji.,:se- re5pe .... aitaL.,,ri 1f 3 . T . e,y . 0..1114 ,;,. .i4 . 4, 1 „,...,•,,, - , ,,4 „ ' ttfuile4 , 7 ! w e . d i, i ‘ ii - et rei.eiva the- , A r ui . s . l ,, t i l l .1 4 e - 1 dui:eil into then) in : iiipes • ; tlftit" . th... , y . - tirtglit 1 a ,, th ey .-i r i r "l e .r of.rn d , ttip , , ll, l o b e.r. _ . y t , lFolitd.. • - : ; ,a' 1 14,4 .pager 4f. fl it, impo.r, wto _ iii typo, mid . vo l . i f serve , itireirlittineiplesj rite' appeal. Can'. yon ! liti cat i oa *:• io •:o:,q - iloff;• 3 l l fi t f- 11 mi et :t et t' t h e - .-- : . •- ' - il .sithtnit that . the.shaeltels of a ;:hiveisli despot- 1 sovereiii'ut* ntgl,poWet•of.. the..Fp:feud gun !sl (1 room rOl- it•this week. -ti 1_,.: • .1- . -,-;•,,:• .•. r . ~, _l= ':' * - ' '--- :-.-. . - t - -" - - • 1 ...... ___ . -......4 c0 ,-. 4 p--,,-:-.--- -. ' ' ' '. I ' l fl-rn Anil . con trtil your at - its • w ill.. - 'l% 11l you .st itation,,..,,,,l4,„griipp : K.with,,thecunceutrated 1 ,Z4r A ,reti,t lemon of - mi.lotilued ''VeracitY 1 gi - ve.ilothiiertititte• teiii I{;;wt:..ftlfat.":•teeri.4 iu ins 1 thOn e y-..pmi;er Ot *lift-Auiiiiv-Iy-:_ifilieiiiifyrni---'-eor: i !. iliti mil , : ifs Alia t a ' person •In . 1111 s. villap, - e, 11l : realleSS•_sfritles - for'doini if:ttion; iti "trainplei'in•Pliii•';''the Tot* ifitaliff:br Itnitd r ov -, unniiiiing . the intej t . . 4" of tin. Rei)a - hiic:in,.. o/ios. ' ll tVke.i.)- i- pan, the' C.,.ir.:ti nit' ie ii ert lie:e'en n t rY . tin.ll4-cis- 1 nIN a; i he% rig',. lilts of the',....,eii,ra,;;:• : ,oe4rinini •( isiir, i.ffer t il a .few days seines, to..itit him tk:tyi! tr u fe the tif.4 ty 'of s illd• pit '.• Not dit`ti fig •to lila! : CenStiint.loll'nud:-.4lebtruelriut 0t.0.-,,rttpre- tlini. 'Pa perl9rati*, if Ito wou ld diseoniinnOt4 4 ;:onie'Oillt 'tr4, Chi! 11 . 411t.0t d'av ' h.:elf, it truf 'dis- 1 sentailv4 :of tli - Oiieiii)rieD:ind laid tllo3,MOMter . .. i ~ ~ „ . . ...., i , - • n,,,,,y tat. , ;';;,;' tow hie is was reitl-: . ivfl woo 1 i•il its' plini•ipi:-: before : an iitt,.ligeir•- ii;...oph!, I.low, i .-- OitipOV,..r 1'e . 5 . ..; tit , :iti.4,lVet - Itis.linttinay . . • dkdaii i ,„r i,,,,,,t,„: Nl',, lurie lie,trd of Sitriil:r lit Menus to ....vtg the tn.t.:k ! Ft Ili,. toillife:stivi 1 has keit eire t .4lighf -f a1i1t.44611 11- iiiiiFtlitiiiiph ' r ; . .. ~-, -... i . ,1... -, . :_:•:. •:1,•----1.,:l .... ~, ..,-..,-; instanc e s all over the comity; ti a•r e .they intl. I prevent all discus,ioti, t lint Ole: iii - yillir/lr Y I•k 01 :. 4 3•416411.111y:4)Kr i. r - vr 7 , 1 1.1. 4 --ude l l byAd... , 1 ,, , , , iml'. , ‘ l'i • 7 , irl entleurlili:4l to - rihn.tili shut. /illt.)‘v •.settlintr • left' t 4,1: fall'n prey tO , thelf l traltorons ( I , , !'slg" , 1 Biii..; - t. , :vitoct; bv.lllnfrison . nnif: - ininten,t4 Tay: /4 . 0 _1 3 v,,ry .slleet ‘ . :Wil 11:lye I also: lenrri.-1. I . II pOctlllo.. - . perpettlity- of this free . governiffent .1 1,„. - , , 1 it:‘!44: . 0 , ,-;iih., 4:: '•• ,o ,ile 4 , b7 .11., ' s i ci , :::f ? '•:f p ' c iii . , i- ir ' ~,,... t he , • Heft SOnle gentlemen 'ot - ibia 110 - rringlit i hi• 1 4 1.. t Ali.!•tla;re s is 'enringlt in.rtii!stliii.!ll,4 to ein 41 \ 1 •i „ re " li g o n t e. a th e z - Ar ner ia mi pe o p i e, li ie irto re _ r iis e ,.l i ti o'n e v for the ptirpose:' , •of paying 'for 1 . (lOwif tits liberty of the prer•l:;iiti , l - .:Jo „' Ili `!,,t:itt.• I . \ o t: •1 0 . r i o ' ,i rat i r , rrtit ,f r ' i .,4 ail i iot .. i u t io..f . i dittisate 1 . ~ , . . . 1 : 11 - . 4' -ts ' I I (164 iii`i‘jl(` .4 bv•lierlid •O:itlis • \:' • .. • • the paper, inal , etalitig to iterolis l olo. IY-91 1 .,,:it ', 1 ' 0 'Me.; -nue' , t-,• • - .A. . • • • thentriromla.party, wlnck_hirs,.been...trfett for ..not take and pny for.it Ult.:m.(4;e -•- • I.ti : ', tout tle With ittligtinti6U therheek ilt . eVery - : eve :* satir,...ten - r:;:- iindlbnittcF tiltbrakiw 'kit trust: . 1 .fi,,•:,..*fi.,* • . W.° hilN• ill) r friends or ditrere uparts'of tli'r 1 •AmeriCan fr"eeinitti.. 'No sia;Ji despotiSni • Over 1 . 1. 4 . -.N..,„,,,,,,,, i t t e, . v 0 1i , ,,N33,, ,, ,„„,.,,.., is eiyullt V atilt' take : . 1 &)te of 't iese, -ffets; and i the•ciVil and religious right:••••••' of ' - 'inn ,--,-over ir r a i,.'o_it'i s _ d,,,i as i ve -i t is. tlin . ,•.:tog_ of the ... . ~1 . , . ~ . . act ae,•olt,lPll f 4lV, If the tinier has .I'ollle- iyil•• the itlyalilablertglit. of free ilistiti4:thili 1) . - . tilel detimg•6l:,Yiti,toi)i.tfie.ignotittiO4iitthe'thiialllV ,) ' , 111 , 14ey aroii oatti-luoim... I l e, le I .i, .i ti-• •• r. tf , lkr oivan or .••-•4 i•Nisl" tit iiti - willt. tForld • •''. t• --1 - \. "'„ i ''' -•,• i f t - i ir t,„:!•-i i - - ta - -- ti e 'b'''''T r il a ' f ij t ' y mit,..,e.- ~, 1,_.‘., _i . .11,...._.• _ i ; 11. .•. ~, 1 , -- _ Sate in po,lti c a . sov i .., e „ .. , 1 I •:• . . , .. coutrok toe, acitcns, voUscion'es, and rill-,ris l here: - Thew - iS• not ft sovereign 0n..., fr . ;••-threne te l 4„ t h e „„ s uit ..., 4.o „da y ,, ; „ar. : .' . .e veti b eer t i - .. . __. . . . _ .. . - . . _.. . , thiA Reim hlie, K.N- A tit t.' IN that i!t to make dciAperate effort to re ,, ain= our. Cynstituaomil t:11:1 I;cr-onal Etc one,lw.. shall ,no I.K!, intimidated tiri.sztrray. ii We thank.Goil that ‘re . and not pct : , c.) 'debased that we ditie ni;,,t utter otti eatlvietiou9,---that we dare Tiotkaud up an+ ikfervi tho'.; , !! great doetrine , ; or civil nasj ieli t felons lit,i4tly,:iv,hich • onr lather's fUtight tb - maintain tbroug.l) all that. lung s: u l ,ant) bloo.ly peri Od of :•eveti -yents,lfroin - I.exingtol) lte } ` t~r l ito'i - PooraS ‘ve.nre, the, oat secret eorn.hiVe, that plots its deeds of dark. no-,s at .the If.aidaig-ht irOar, backed t 1) by, -all ;Le tion • eylontroNe.gityletuen have, or" eVeil expe h ct to l ive, will not :intimidate us froni t MIT duty, orfrom the - utterrtnro of our . coal • ' I . Netimticitis leonvieto}ns. lye : shall - plead aloud for the Gral•iziv.i,in rights of -oar fell,‘ , 1 • , iialt, atat iwatn •ttlein aipit.:••it thoz-e, whct •Ayould iir:vohvei•ottr - , free and lutppy f•oantr-ti. in all tl‘e blIoi;c1v and 1 . 14:hilt:I exees , • of reli4 iliw, war. •!, \\ 11:111 . 1)1iWe on elves 'upon! • he A-ar 111I II i"I1:ri-.,•rii."Iii I...iber . ‘uol labor ti! the I preserve it.ll.om the destw.raiiOni'oi o ...vtistaq oirliiratty:44l.,) tvottlil preKtrate - it in .the: Anil lia r ' this wort: We e!tipt.e.t, all .- got , di In v !' win 1,4 !ill u-. We' expect 4ll;it: thef i,Vill i , ., ltiov that heiis a dui-we:l,l;l4J i'ri!ry blond.. - ;i - .i : i • - I, I — . -1-- , --iiiat!•-iisi— 7--- 7 1 l l rawritilioq. ri-:\';sl)i I ti i4g organ last iveet: aenti‘edi t ti ... Aintricans 4 " that is urea - Ll:erg l icrr; nail threatens to ruin the ' e ins p:ipei..untes.: we /14. 1 5.i , t. I . I t inot .beli ed :irty . InelFiber iof that' {h. • 1 1'e.have dii i eti,, , :ed its !sin sl Ind tiolillv; :Ind shall NU:lslam. to;. • 4 b . lieve theU; wrong; and. eale • ril ttliroy oar civil, tad 'religOus. imil I d provoliethe rel ,z iiid...ou , iaitalice.i, i r to a flame'. "of, Wriieetitton , : attoi we believe further • to:l, that Ills& trolleit-liv• 1.,01d, had then,. IWIlo;'. • . • sviAell and eynel : energle,-: to p i ,i4.:ntitnent of the o NOrth• - oh ; the thl, , .- .. - e exttit-ion of the. rtamt 'llion citi INC;riot, MOE Is abusiit )f their Ord Aitatiou of t have DEMMEEM ripkis fully to=o,forw ate:2 to ore MEM= f the Rents! rife.. And rder is enn ii-reci nil its! IMMM Iv:strop of ti :la vevy ieviDg, that orals have silo, when t oses, will 41 1 We ask tit .ead that th i etleet that terufelie %velt 4iscust; it be-I ,Whic4 , .._.; wen serf need itito organizatioe,!l hey eunie.to nudemtand its: - iittrj l from it.. 83 froma pestilence. i! le. fret then of •thiA county to t 4, I • - ;seat in the . Republican,' acid " thent L . enjanaittS froth it tuembeTtof which tram in .suL•tatice - t 6, the; .otintry; that went buin..nik.a.n. .ce'ret power, Ire=s of the unions free( "Om, alnl which tuts its freedom f dkettssio& aunianteeil hy the' cOnStitlttion4 ...- I - - - I—this iiii‘rer i says- to, the,. iirits;s' ,"" yeti .sluilli bot. : he free: t - . 4) d i , 4eus F ; - itte.as' tire's of guiernineng Itltti politiclail prificiitles, -and it' you 'do it i l. rani onr'seclet Lodgv.rootns- we will . `issue ` i an Eclitft : - flint- 'Flan ' crush von to 'atoms ".I Wlc i t . an . a..i. - itl Engine of tyinnny is . lieri.,,-i a tyrannY w•itich :,tri.liei at the Ebert); of, tile: tre. , ..s,—a ,leletimi not-even hitting- it par) ; tijel in that .!)f the Czar of ItusAia ; - think oti ,t freemen OfiSn ,, ineltatina:—retlect that irete n - our. mizist.lexists a - siicret iolitical - : punter( Molted toge:hir,4 horrid .0at11., : . and plot-r„ ling„ in . the.nlifinighj, Which strikes at _coati liberty of-religions lielief, takes' to itself that' abOtitinarlle l tilly, -the 'slave / pclwer,- Midi theni iss its . defiant armat iltil. libert3, - ' - of specclll ~.tl peas::; 'hie boldne.s.s.oe'stielt I _treason i,q • - - Imparalleled. it,nny coutitty,44xl it,is no`wott-1. 1 - lei. that. Jailis from' the .bettolt are:beginning! / 34 o scetietile'.;tTrrni.att , l clittri,„te . Crianit' Ju . ritil hat ;di . such i i men stiiitilil . be::iiiiiiild:' ' - But onrslntit. the.Onls - pater Wiiich tills" Oder nita . to, strike, •Thitt,re.:triesq:ilnil ;tutor -4 utitable org,ii cif Ireodorn;:t Ire:,NotionaiXia," apt' t tilt' ilil. iiiii* iitrilftt • - iiidiicilliis!'iubl 'eri iiiti; I; 1 i t.i' '!'ev 0 i iit' 'itiOuViind, heCt.itie - he as stood .111,innA exposed the *iv - 'k :4t4' ,l' /J 9 1 ! i wldelt tilde, Itui - Csollila. to tweet-the blew hick. the' Nbet h'-w.ii fli - initg. st.tiauthera. rig, 7 rem ion ; 'oriiia:nthei iwOrdi, tlie 'ANT'. it''-'llb*r . . . • ' i ' • ... . Enrcpe- Ihreats' in flit.' face' • of his peopb..,-L,not' one A•: ho "woula not be' iiiiven Iron :his throne should li e 41 0 so, llOnes.t 4 men free mini Auferienn - eiti- . zeir-L! :Inui-icari Pate iols7 as: you log e our c( - ,tintry•ana devot lir his deil ! iDetetll l o Do/ eigu. 1V! berw . ve. it the }ioet: Y iniigr .who Maid,—" Death lov6i; sentiment which: wts_ t hare . often. adtiniteci for tOreible exiirei,itin..of what: all must atifl, twit ~r eat truth. •; .; - . ; - We . belie,-e . it. was t! - )e:trreat French. .phil - - i o , .opher,ati . (l phy s i"ettogi , t, ll'ossE.it7,- it ho.ex ! . . pet nnet4l upon the..singniar etli.et of eled, !. tiiehy 'Upon . the nowt:: of :i dead ; luau, until ite. eotivitu: . ociilittiqf .that he vonl.l . -ra.ie the Lltueltelife again„.thiougit its. agoley.. Il e .; aittnailt• snec.3eilett 41,r;ti . sittg. it. !ittliject- neon , - .- • ' f . hip ti.et, and making. hint Walkatiiint the phtt.!..: t, -in- "his evei in :Cline frelizy relliti.ii."-- ' he : (I:roe:fled ,pltilos. 9 l)l,ter 'etasn.J.l - his hands in ;in. il . • ~• .. •,, „ . ,-..., -: s k - zr, t exstauv. 01.'1. atm ~exentitneur f -:-." 5..:e., ' my ; • i ri-ti, nplt . is- eutuplete; the uge _of tnitarks - 11:18 ,1 , .., . . • • , l e t at ne,•l. the ,tettals• r t ukti.r . to , lif e ; he witik,i 4 'hip liti.e.A:ii . e-ain.!:": ll3tit,':ilit'i: 'air ' ilie: -- i;itiliso- i_pt.iets..: finie,he - t °pried ' the ciii•rent of etee-. , i t tieity,, - und On: 4en'o, ttud ',s',t--iirt4nett, potps4. : felt Iheavily .to:the tieutti.:,-...:, ~,-.:-: - - ..,...; ....: .-:-.• I ~johilftzophersi ' . ; hat ilaviblV - : - ietiiititcl'. - ..U - s - -tif'ille . :(lis'tittfitifiiited Fir; n teN• I dl~ it thin r of 1.110 r`a,vru ill; :and call; i.ii• tlav;alt:atb . oi pce4 INettlpariiii%fts:cerulitCAen: theY tut: eurth the that it losiiphise•b pun itA . eii , ti.se.4, arid .thetie.oiitqui•Te:.theini:6l;:i.Oltai- . it is th e ir •io ti;;4tiU,, lIU perhaps; its Ihe satue.„.biiLly, but the; same - .bod y it; n clifferi.nt - fur m.-' . Ohl political .phrtiei are dead. We - are grave- lv told.' . : Let as si:e:•• it Mill: he trite, 'that,] , • one Of tne old politteal parties - 01.the conittry,t JA (.103(4 but it .ii "nac true of..the ..other. - ,: Iris' true that the. old Whig Party is . i.lead,deit it• i..: 'pita - true of die Detnoera•tie• party. :11;0 Whig parr 'Y' Made It. , ".htg - final:n:lly lutider Ge0,......6ri', : and received s.:ie.bati.ove.rwlielm.l ing.teliuke from the Atnericnii people .; that it.:i. has tait !thrice attempted to• put itself-fiirWard.t . I aM a ilisti ri et olgatlivilioii. lts.doet ri , nes. were i,) coniplete . l3, i4tored,- 7 the ,tritiiiiol of the. Ovitioi:racv and ,its er.,iverninenttd.: . i) i pliey. was 1 &). overp, oweting-, that... 'nothing,. rkuiliting4 .for f IV higery:to , hang itilaith.itponi Coivia.stn.:ll--..' iiatit' r -.with ' iiititi doiotria tiV the thtv; ••that c. stioidit. tinder a ditteientgtiii.e,,..l:,riyit it power a ti' ,1 foi::e. r' 17.0.,.iiii it i. ,, ttuii. 1 . 6 NV hi ',.. part; ,_ . ty is dead, ..Id , entbpaitnent- fell when...BEN-1 In! CL . . - Y bowed in the artns Ofdeath. ,-, WhiJej lie liv'ed . , he gavii.it '•fotte and' iir•inietability v forlielilatiled it On . priOAPies;'wrongithOughl they Were,.attd-struggied: witit . thtt kteart oc,,a , matt. to give then' siu.'et..+... • . •13'it t, -tkiti-..Wilig: party•Saerifired• linsttr Ciir Otl- !titi. , /that- of , , . expeiNtleyonid - Whi4t, jfe. ‘i'll'A dead , they' forr:• ; pit hl. l . virtue.; :klict ;kb,:intioaiiA Ids li:Uitiiii:.4:4; tt., furifltter .02 Fl]l]ge. :gocks t . • Trey .wcttcsi,....perit li]k)11 - uttet.. , l4,-.-ra lid : to..uh tni it ..i t, - --disignstol.. • tlre'stober sen 4 "(If •thtt' . ••ptYiple'"withliitilititry -,-: • ex - pet:lli" ti e C.. t Tli . et. 11•ii:t4fle 't.:otitteiti•e' - ?:i . •t he 1 niase4; a liil r 11:t - "letfiji:;il ye. re. 9 1 ;0•044;]iyn.A.' 4 .1 I Nuw, .SC:i tte.refl, Clisniutut'-altd_ti e skroy .( 4,l their lenders am seeki4gJalliatitteAf*itit,:whaa! 'ever dngno, - nO•inatter ittiik fattil tti'the:rinjee rtfY 'df ''t lid, go .. eiiiiii4ii4Oiti.4l'.''iiiiiiiVA:,idc, .. ..,. , , .•-,-..: 'r....:,• - -- , .: - lit: .- -atlil - s Pr ill gi PT' , ' l * (i 111 0 4 / - P C T: f,- i f o l ll: t l ie. 4li,Mi l iff I -body of ; their .111110;'; •;z , .. ",:,,..: ~, :i; ~-•;-: •,',lt i But how stanch:the Deraneitttio pai#4 deiti' '<fee tirdleht, The 'hitt !wrest frehi`Vt r --; nothing, i)i t b iitddlis J 403 Nif , grtgv and 1 initheitigrillioft he tiines' —nothi ntetti 11164 die'tit , ittibetiAtotf , 44liiei) , 44 ''''fibtli l ut in 'the _ e eve v ins ,-- , ..14.4 ;, n ( .4°4 ,g 1 "1 4.1g 4 . 1 , 8 : 11 .!*,14 1 . 1 11iir'N 4 _mo in dbei , boastettgleit or s rii.lOtLititatheftal _ , i ts truj.Ls and prnciples , .ttre..ttrtpresn4,ttpßfa , the litt;rtsof the .peoplehowever thel74-4tatiy hare. bee!) '163 a*ity by.tii . qtart , Tes'ortheltatir the inint troicriS ot.,the!..norucut.Ktfita past biAtcry . hag been ~ ..gltirions:And/lte achieve-. \ meths great, Oh- be resplen dent with' lt.has• wrin the • tit A tit,St.ort ktiti tt win u.rit42 6(6E8 ill let tets - gt4itlg h.iid cannot diet /It will, blets -the det , iitll 7 .tif 1i.v.4 . 71tS1 perpetuate: the sir-- rind ,equali:ty of than. And . " in4rsater. - rieed, r:7 - he changeful "4ll4 Ii;t:/eOa'st. dOwilfwfth . : ;: i ttetOtt i ;;;Akut it wilt its..' - ;If 411 iri'tO`'thOig-tieirif those great ,prineiplt.w c ,ofvivil and tel igiOus fret‘dinn,Which trativorn..l-to the new - World by . the ,Mayflower, s asz , ,erti..d. in Ahe Declaration, .and ihtaldislic4:l) . i IteeyOltition: 'The of j fai lat rehgiou !,.Torseention ,, are. 1 ighted. Tal I prer the Knipn..iis - Op torch of a tn the lut 1,1 ds .of nitr riuoVeittneu. once. rap :Wijd ',grow discord and rerolistion in its .traip,:and_it wi,ll work the'r.anae . results here ,Onlet.srtaynd by powe!fni arm. , 2; liininteg-' r . 4v. of oar itiNt I! t.i9U. are 'threat ened,- . ....`ther Jou-it;and,4l4ll t.4,.,pr,e*:rveti.,''l.- 7 .a . ntf :already the ~r ea ; heart of the ti onlis .tnr to the - Detuotootie. party for.,,ivs.-salvition._ ..44 - such . 'a o'.‘Pl.ji!.( 4 l4es::, are ' irkode,..to lice , the latrti-isjisrrcri tcrrise I 'r o be. LiernoOratiZ.:, iartri,n. - )t dead. :It tt is . atrongnr : Oath ,snrriees, are .itou r of, peril:is k .9:ponthetentiOn, and.ih4 Demo. , resP l 4e it from, 4•111e!-i9a---..-*1-yleoPle ,ofthi:whf4e, LTnion ~- trill 7 yot.„ jiye in grcatep glory_tind prosgise than . epcfi; , , tt the hope! of that;:toitn„,)yyo,,,.tielieres _ liettoinratie :: party, fpr;iwttaro l will 'lke 19:,k for the, power that t.hy,ingynpose -.to- our !listrnetnii r tionp t It the s.lllli)ed pojiiv.,l;o#9le4 alt e.4)tittoilA, di reefed sratii:*) its Qf glittm4ePT nrni ,1/ finally till len, ,:t..Pen,„*Q.1,2,41 we that. , . n t,liut, n u Oxtred, itki.:.Altis • Reim-Vic tic _ wg w i die ?.1 heti: 1,,t shajl-4j e, 4 t ,.na j k istsi t y ;T ilt] it pOb l z, . it I . l,,pcMply , woe .:tc„ =arm ‘l. (comgmic 91 : 7 -F l 4- - Dentocrli .g:pity iccuctw re'.. InatiOts appetkrAnce:, ,, l perused,iwtirst nuuyLer and nA l 4;o o *‘'s w!ii.144 1 1 1 9hged: po.pting siuklyAtillo mutli; .4e 44antitod In the I t enlvrpri,se ,wlll 1. 4 1 - . : - - -::t .*.' -, . „.5- .. ~,.f.ll- m v coal. it - 4e ete-*/ oatrose ,Pemoci - et. is .1t Itztil4.. :1. five ~soll, ,Papefr.--tbe : 1 4PY 41 ; 0 4 4, eettai bil ; * eltoxptteit. of: Fre3 , - Ist Al sentitnentkop net, r,ki 'as ; 4felt lige*t the pglitieal sloctrines. of! ,the Pentocrot , What then hasi; tIRly plp t tO•disguise .tbitobject t ilat- hafk„ lindnqd ite'-..(the-:401th.. !teen/ 'o°' otion , ned'nllPol l 9. .:',, nine:, rig, 09iffr— It will never do for them to come'Ont,foink rly!nntl •&.ty:or-the rititidn- %that • is, 'true, d 1 whack - oyery-dlsceining, man; itat4o,- iin lb t wit, [ thtietha.R.epatiitva is Voc,,tip , by , iv.set of la witty otitenSeelcata; itshb luircrati..hdpe, .of nueoefe .unlms AO eau lead otf-livottintt of the„.l)nninernti-ciflliii otaintjt, in& tnitntltent - into ttil alliance ...islith .the W big patly.ii.l'his thaw: have 4oitin filr antic and fotlhlt - loWn" 1 asl,l:firinlii behertn ~ . ..1 have.toci titneft.etinfi , denetriu••tlie•.Detnoecatic. !frectrilellintinC ::this , t4tatrity, to :believe they arekpiott; inxsliut i their Iles.** - thir plain,. palfiableilasitnits:lt hat lutist i folloW an tillianttc)iltertiiss, - . , - t',4-. ""-- ' ~ I am "it.radicalTtiesciler.,l•ltatobaof :the first itt.this enuntyttiuttiltook., , o tioldiliWded statxt upont;the Fteesttile'idatinno; -, , ,fy Ardor li is not cooled; 'llcherisitihoso.prindiplospoic - •'..,:: ' 1.-- ~.!' ' 4..cpea;
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